sleiphros · 1 year
What is the best seasonal fruit and why
i'll admit, i am not knowledgeable on what fruits become ripe in which seasons, so i *did* look it up
i'm gonna go with lemons: they're used in a wide variety of recipes, the rind is great for both using it as lemon zest as well as garnish for a nice boozy beverage, lemonade is delicious... oranges would be close for similar reasons, but i think lemon is more versatile overall
citrus is just Good, y'know?
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Why are you using those pronouns for the walrus? if you don't know its sex just use they. don't ascribe it pronouns just because you feel like it. -an nb
You know, it's funny. 70K+ notes on that post, and the number of people who have complained about the pronoun joke is literally a handful. Fewer than 10 of you.
By contrast, the number of NB folx who have expressly told me, in reblogs, tags or DMs, that they loved it and it made them feel seen and oddly validated - even though it's a jokey post about a walrus - is dozens upon dozens upon dozens.
Meanwhile, those who have complained have been, very nearly unilaterally, Nazis. Not hyperbolic Nazis, either - literal white power shrieking unwashed Hitler-fapping Nazis, who hate queer people so much that they entirely missed the point of the pronoun joke in that post in order to whine about it. They literally chose to believe that it wasn't a joke, that I was genuinely worried what a walrus would feel about being misgendered, so they could cast me as an sjw straw man and whinge and jizz at each other sentences like "ImAgInE tHiNkInG a WaLrUs CaReS aBoUt GeNdEr", because they wanted to be angry.
One of them said we shouldn't use pronouns for a walrus. Like... at all. Wally was up to Wally's old tricks again in the Isles of Scilly when Wally tried to pull Wally's hefty bulk up onto another boat, even though Wally should know better from the time Wally did this in Tenby.
Other than you (potentially, given that you sent this on anon and so could well be a Nazi pretending to be NB for all we know) there has only been one NB person who messaged me about it. And they weren't complaining about the pronouns. They had read me explaining after the neopronoun entry (which was, incidentally, the point where anyone suddenly Cared about the whole thing, make of that what you will) that it was a joke, and they had misunderstood and thought I was saying neopronouns were a joke. Once I explained, they were like "Oh, cool, as you were then" and that was that.
All of which I explain for a few reasons:
Firstly, the tone you've gone for with this ask is of a Manager lecturing their staff for doing something wrong. You're ordering me to use pronouns that you personally like and prefer. You've just assumed why I used them - your initial question is rapidly undermined by that snotty little "Don't ascribe it pronouns just because you feel like it." And then you've signed it off with "-an nb" to try and stamp down that you are in charge here, and your word is law.
In short, you are assuming an authority you don't have.
It's certainly true that I'm cis. If this were the only message I received on this, I would be thinking very hard about it. But your one voice vs the dozens and dozens and dozens of NB voices telling me the opposite doesn't carry the final say, I'm afraid. Literally yesterday, I had another from someone who uses neopronouns expressing their delight and validation on seeing them used on a famous Tumblr post. That's not a one-off.
Secondly, I am not wholly convinced you truly are NB, and are not another Nazi in disguise. They're the only people otherwise who have felt the need to explain to me that with animals we use the pronouns they/them, which is distinctly the sign of someone who doesn't know what they're talking about in the field of pronouns, because no we don't. We use it/its.
But, you know what? I don't know. Maybe you are. Certainly you chose the path of aggression with this ask, so maybe you went on anon for that reason, to avoid accountability, rather than because you are secretly a basement-dwelling edgelord who wanks to pictures of border camps. So in that vein, let me do something for you that you did not do for me, and I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
You asked why I did it. Let me explain.
When the walrus first turned up on a Pembrokeshire beach, way back when, no one could tell his sex. He was still thin from winter, plus he's an adolescent, so his tusks aren't full yet. And no one wanted to get close enough to check.
Two main Welsh newspapers covered Wally's early adventures (and continue to do so) - the Western Telegraph, and Wales Online. Both of them took a scattergun approach to pronouns in them days. Whichever journalist was writing would choose their faves - we started with it/its, moved on to he/him, and then she/her when some people decided the tusks were too small. Then experts said Wally was male, and the Wales Online article that explained it stuck to she/her anyway.
So it became an early joke - I oscillated between the three. And people reading the post - NB folx, not me - started to tag it with variants of "I love this genderqueer walrus". That really took off, and so the joke got extended. I started using literally every pronoun system I could think of, because that was the joke - that Wally himself, in spite of being a walrus, was genderqueer, and therefore also oscillated, and people reading it enjoyed the chance to see their pronouns getting a shout out.
And everyone 100% understood that joke and were fine with it RIGHT UP UNTIL the instant I used neopronouns, and Then Came The Nazis.
Even so, they've been a vanishingly small minority. Over 70K notes, and fewer than 10 of them. For the most part, people get it, because it's pretty straightforward.
In any case - assuming you're genuine - I am sorry that it bothers you, seeing it. But please don't presume to order me on this subject when you are literally the ONLY person among many to have this problem. In general, in fact, you will probably find you get what you want out of life a lot more, if you take a less patronising tone with strangers when asking, and you'll certainly be a lot happier if you can learn to give the benefit of the doubt and ask nicely to find out if your rage is justified before unleashing it, rather than just assuming everyone in the world who does something you don't like is being Intentionally Shitty.
If you want to discuss this more - if there are nuances to your objection that I haven't discussed here - feel free to shoot me a private message. I will happily keep the discussion private, providing you keep it respectful. But I'm afraid I won't answer another anonymous ask like this.
Best of luck to you, and have a great week.
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lost-your-memory · 4 years
that cinderella supercorp au was really fun, do u have any other aus for supercorp?
I have MANY AUs ideas for Supercorp, like it’s a whole LIST on a google doc somewhere, but I’m really hesitant about actually writing for this fandom. Hence the half-thought bullet-points fic you got for the Cinderella AU 
Thanks for asking though! 
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dragongirltitties · 6 years
So you admit now you're a scalie?
yes what part of “found legally scalie in discord furry court” is so complicated
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abelinajt · 7 years
you don't gotta be sad! you'll get there when you'll get there. And then it will be great! We're all still gonna be there when you update, whenever that is, because your writing is awesome! In the mean time you just take care of yourself :)
Thanks, Nonny
I don’t have much of a choice about being sad or not, but I wholeheartedly appreciate the kind words and vote of confidence. Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to send me this little note because little notes can mean so much.
You’re beautiful and never let anyone tell you otherwise.
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You asked me a rather interesting question, so I ask one in return! What is Dan's -Fire-? What drives him? What is his passion? What fuels it? And what would he be without that spark of flame?- Amasheri
The fire caught its rhythm once true night fell, coaxed and cajoled from dry tinder and damp wood as dusk faded to a silver-dappled dark. Delayed by the afternoon’s drizzle, he’d not gotten their camp in order til well-past supper. Settling instead for a kettle over the flames, he sprinkled a few herbs and thistle into the pot to wait while it boiled, listening while his poor pooch rummaged beyond the shadows of clearing’s edge. Nosing around in a desultory search for trails that might lead to dinner, the beast was at least distracted from its rumbling belly by all the scents unleashed of sodden loam. Chances were, he’d have to settle for the last of their dried venison… not exactly a hardship for his canine companion, though a dog still growing into its paws deserved a better diet.
By now, Dan should have been gazing beyond the dance of amber hues on darkened trees, sipping his campfire-brewed tea on a full belly, reading tales other than his own writ upon stars above. Histories and tragedies, heroes and mythologies… stories to share, one day, with the children he’d lost. The family he’d never had.
He should’ve had a head in his lap half-again the size of his own, shaggy hound wrinkling its nose between snores whenever Dan’s absent strokes trailed off, nudging the man like a glutton while sleeping through it all.
But if what should have been -were-, he’d not be wandering the wilderness alone.
If what could have been, -had- been, he would never be so lost.
If what was, still -was-, he wouldn’t be yearning.
Searching, for that spark.
((Thanks for the anonymask, @laceandlongshots ! A little shorter on the answer this time, but it cost me a lot more thought. Putting me to work here!))
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power-of-barian · 6 years
Lifts anonymask away from her face, “Um, surprise! ...?"
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“Knew..it was you...”
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“Ah so the stranger was... Agena...” now he had the realization she said she like liked him.
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nightmare3614 · 7 years
which brand has your toothbrush?
After comparing all the toothbrushes in the store I came to the conclusion that the eurodont has the best price-performance ratio, so it was obviously the best choice.
Okay not really, it was the cheapest one I could find.
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coulromancy · 6 years
whomstEVER the fuck is throwing shade at my bunfriend is boutta catch a 20 piece mcfuckin hands with a side of knuckle fries. you coward. ye tepid slug. thou noxious rampallian. you are signing yourself UP for a season pass to Trash Clown Smack Down™ brought to you by Scrubway®, you pungent yellow-kettled toadstool. drop the anonymask and meet me in the ring, luchaDORK (ง •̀_•́)ง
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Well ONE OF YOU had the courage to be honest
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gebranntgebrannt · 7 years
top 5 webcomics
1) Stand Still Stay Silent (I got my avatar pic from there)
2) Hark, a vagrant
3) Any illustrated short-story series by Emily Carroll.
4) Check, Please!
5) Sakana
Special mentions: TJ and Amal (NSFW), Oglaf (hilariously NSFW), Rice Boy, Sarah’s Scribbles, Illustrated Internet, The Pigeon Gazette, and Johnny Wander. :)
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lost-your-memory · 5 years
Hi! ive been going through your ao3 page and i recently read Safe and Sound. I just want to say how much I love it. It's beautifully written and you are so talented. I really hope you upload part 2 soon.
Hey there! Thank you so much for this kind message, I had completely forgotten about that little fic! I’ve read it again yesterday and I think I found some inspiration for part 2, stay tuned! I’m so glad to know people still go through my works! I know I’m not the most active writer out there but I’ll try and do better.Kudos, dear anon! 
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dragongirltitties · 6 years
scalie on main
we’ve gone over this @deadram brought me before furry court and found me guilty of scalie its the law now
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farmersmarkethawaii · 7 years
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ANONYMASK SOLD OUT ONLINE. The only place that still has it in stock is Hilo @brokenhardened art gallery. #outlawifgotta #manaroad #justlaunch #letumfly #farmersmarkethawaii #maskon #brokenhardened #hypebeast #hypebeastjp (at Oahu)
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joenobody-blog1 · 6 years
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Throwback from @v.kashofficial 's Project anonymask. Custom job for Brag . . . #anon #anonymous #projectanonymask #vkash #brag #art #artist #custom #vermont #boston #yellow #comic #vforvendetta #guyfawkes #colorfull #batman #mask #plastic #paint #graff #graffiti #neocanvas #throwback #sxsw #vandal https://www.instagram.com/p/BmkzEpzBvvL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xe2tk519y5r6
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abelinajt · 7 years
I finally wanted to leave you a review on chapter 31, but now the archive isn't working anymore, I can't comment, and the site won't even load again. I'll check it out again in a little bit, but then I'll be off to bed. So it might have to wait until tomorrow. I just wanted to let you know because it's been a while and I wanted to get some good going your way!
Ahhhh I’m so behind on replying, it’s embarrassing. What’s not embarrassing is all your lovely words! I got the review - I’m not sure if you posted the same one twice or not but I did get one just prior to this ask. Thank you for dropping by!
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