ophilosoraptoro · 6 months
The Kids Who Hacked The CIA
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divulgadormisterios · 5 years
Mundo oculto
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commanderxanon · 6 years
Economic Community of Central African States #Tangodown https://t.co/L2GdKvDdWE #Anonymous#AnonSec#OpGabon Hacked by #v3kt0r @OpGabon https://t.co/UGmVBn7ANc … pic.twitter.com/q8ReHxCECI https://t.co/4LLYhlrrC5
— Anonymous🐾🎗️ 🏴 (@YourAnonRise) August 14, 2018
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Anonyme Freigabe NASA Dokumente, die etwas Unglaublich machen
Anonyme Freigabe NASA Dokumente, die etwas Unglaublich machen
Anonymous hat Informationen ausgegeben, die sie behaupten, von NASA-Servern zu stammen und zeigen Beweise für ein umfangreiches Drone-Wetter-Modifikationsprogramm, das beweist, dass Chemtrails existieren.
Anonsec veröffentlichte ein Papier, das eine detaillierte Darstellung ihres Hacks enthielt, sowie die Analyse der N4SA-Daten, die sie erholten.
Die Daten zeigen Informationen über die…
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(via Night Wings III Release Their Full Video – A Tribute To Anonymous Hackers and The MMM)
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drip-fed · 9 years
NASA Hacked by AnonSec, Data Released
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welp, Glenn research center seems to have been one of the targets.
Anonsec, you are on my fucking shit list. May the fleas of one thousand camels infest your armpits.
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skyovereuropeldkde · 9 years
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Anonymous have leaked information that they claim originate from NASA servers, showing evidence of an extensive drone weather modification program that prove that Chemtrails exist.
Anonsec released a paper that contained a detailed account of their hack, as well as analysis of the NASA data they recovered.
The data reveals information about NASA’s connection to weather modification research in a log of a DC-8 jetliner, which was conducting a flight in accordance with their “Alternative-Fuel Effects on Contrails and Cruise EmiSSions” project.
More Information: HERE
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tecnogeekies-blog · 9 years
La NASA ha sido hackeada
La NASA ha sido hackeada
AnonSec, un grupo de hackers, revela información sobre la NASA
AnonSec afirma que ha hackeado, junto con Anonymous, a la NASA. Llevaban meses dentro de la red extrayendo información. Un total de 276 Gb de datos obtenidos de algunos registros de vuelo, algunos números de teléfono de los trabajadores y el lugar en donde residen, etc…
También parece ser que han hackeado un dron Global Hawk…
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aw-oken · 9 years
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So they can manipulate the weather
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homlett-veille · 9 years
Des membres du groupe AnonSec ont mis en ligne un dump de 250 GB contenant les noms, adresses emails et numéros de téléphone de 2414 employés de la NASA, ainsi que 2143 plans de vol et 631 vidéos capturées à partir des drones, avions et radars de l'agence spatiale américaine.
Pirates informatique ET pirates de l'air.
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ogdarth · 9 years
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AnonSec Infiltrates NASA's Systems
AnonSec Infiltrates NASA’s Systems
NASA has been the subject of a recent breach revealing flight data by the hacker group AnonSec.
The hack group also claims to have gained control of a $222 million drone and attempted to crash it. “The hack included employee personal details, flight logs and video footage collected from unmanned and manned aircraft…” [ Read more here ]
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irreplaceable-spark · 9 years
Members of the AnonSec hacking group have released more than 276GB of data after allegedly spending months inside NASA’s internal network.
Once again, government security of sensitive data is questionable and outdated. Seems like a new hack story is being uncovered every few months. You would think after the latest breach from China that the government would have mandated an upgrade to all cyber security systems, but apparently not. 
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aw-oken · 9 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWFdDEOW1Y8)
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