anoneiricphilosopher · 10 months
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I'm making a difference in the world :)
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if god decrees we are damned to hell then we will slay god and build heaven anew from his bones
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Bravery is not the lack of fear, but the willingness to act despite being afraid. One may appear brave if they simply are not afraid, but it is what they do when they finally experience fear of a needed act that truly determines their bravery.
Tolerance is not the lack of discomfort, but the willingness to accept others despite your discomfort. One may appear tolerant if they simply are comfortable with a wider range of people, but it is what they do when they finally experience discomfort with a person doing no harm that truly determines their tolerance.
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The day you give up on yourself, you give up on everyone who loves you. Never stop trying to be a better you.
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I think maybe a large part of what I want from a partner is someone to be able to take over my brain / decisions and just tell me what to think. Tell me what the right action to take is. Not because I don't want the responsibility (though that would be nice), but because I don't trust myself to make the correct decisions. I've made the wrong ones again and again, and eventually I start to see the pattern. I've tried to correct for it, but sometimes that just seems to make it worse.
I don't think that's fair to put on someone. I think most people would agree that it's not healthy to depend on someone like that, for either party. And I would never want to force that onto anyone. ...but if I found someone who wanted that... I don't think I'd much care how unhealthy it was. I'd just be happy to finally feel in good hands. Because mine don't seem to qualify.
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i want to like, apologize for being like this. but would that just make it worse? is that the appropriate response? or just another trick of my brain seeking sympathy? because i'm pretty sure the result of apologizing would be them telling me i shouldn't be sorry / apologize for being like this. which would be comforting, maybe, but i don't think it would be true
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i hate that, in the time it takes to address one line of worry/sadness, my brain is fast enough to have developed 3 more in parallel threads. it's like a hydra, except it keeps growing even if you don't cut anything. bluh.
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i really wish my brain was not like this. can we just have a good thing? without immediately somehow tying in new ways to be sad?? just this once???
...i mean probably not, because that's kinda how life works i guess, everything has at least a little sad, but it would be really nice if my brain stopped using that little sad to try and jumpstart a spiral of more sadness!
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communication is terrible because sometimes being honest directly conflicts with creating a desirable outcome even if you genuinely just want everyone involved to be happy
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random thought: someone pre-transition getting isekai'd into the pokemon universe, registering as a trainer, and having the lovely non-judgemental gender affirmation of being asked "are you a boy, or a girl?" in the process, with no one commenting on the person's choice beyond noting it down on their trainer's ID.
ironically, being nonbinary, this scenario would be a bit more awkward for me personally! XD
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So I was reading a Star Wars fic and the character (an imperial commander) made the *brilliant* decision to add shield generators to all his TIE fighters to improve their survivability...
...and this is just the stupidest thing I'd read. Like, first off, even assuming this is helpful, you can't just slap new core components on the outside of a ship like nothing. Whatever engineer they forced to do that was crying. The TIE fighter is quite compact, literally stripped down to its barest components, so just connecting the wiring is going to be a helluva job, and opening the hull to run the connections is going to create a glaring weakpoint that could probably be damaged just by shrapnel or blasters the second those shields go down. The shields themselves will be incredibly weak because the TIE fighters do not have anything in the way of spare reactor power, and any power they do get will be taken directly from engines and weapons - the only two advantages the TIE has.
TIEs are faster and more agile than pretty much any rebel fighter except maybe the A-wing, which itself is outclassed by the TIE interceptor. Their weapons are enough to usually destroy a rebel fighter in a single on-target salvo, or at least cripple their fighting ability and force a withdrawal.
The rebel fighters' shields do not keep the vehicle in the fight longer in most cases - they merely sometimes give a chance to retreat. Watch the original trilogy if you don't believe me. Though, to be fair, this could be contradicted in other sources, I myself will be holding the original trilogy as the key source.
Shields can be useful, but rarely will they determine the outcome of a dogfight. They can even hinder pilots who put too much faith in them. TIEs are already some of the most effective fighters out there in terms of actually winning battles, despite their higher rates of fatality rather than limping away. Also, TIE pilots could eject to be recovered after the battle, being equipped with a full vacuum suit (a side benefit of the TIE lacking life support).
In short, the best way to modify a TIE fighter to make it more effective in combat? Build on its strengths. Which is exactly what the TIE interceptor did, and why the interceptors were intended as the fighters' replacement.
If you want a TIE fighter with shields and hyperdrives and whatnot, TIE defenders were developed eventually. They were useful for long-range deployments without dedicated hangars on hand, but the significant increase in costs combined with the lower maneuverability meant that they were outright worse than TIE interceptors as complements for stations and star destroyers.
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She ponder the Orb
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