#anon im sorry for the delay but when i tell u i started this 3 other times...
haarrrys · 2 years
Hey could you do another Harry and his daughter blurb. Like Harry being clingy to her and being affectionate?
of course i can! it’s a little short but i hope u enjoy ~
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your my baby say it to me
w.c - 300+
🏷️ tags - dad!harry , singledad!harry , mitchrowland , dad!harry x amani, and of course, fluff.
summary - harry being a *little* clingy towards his daughter when he’s supposed to be getting ready
pairing - singledad!harry & daughter!amani 🍪🥛
more harry & amani
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“harry, shows starting soon, you really gotta get your suit on man.” mitch sighed, rolling his eyes at his friend, who has his almost one year old daughter in a makeshift swaddle (although she’s getting to old for it). harry was supposed to be getting ready ten minutes ago— but of course once amani awoke from her nap he couldn’t help but coo at her puffy face, and show no hesitation to cuddle her when she cried for him.
long forgotten was the pink suit he was supposed to be wearing.
“can’t, she wants to cuddle with her dada, right mani?” harry said, kissing his daughters cheeks, and earning a little nod from her, though harry knows she doesn’t understand what he said. he also knows jeff will have his head once he finds out he still hasn’t gotten ready, but he can’t make himself care no matter how hard he tries. post-nap time is one of his most favorite things, his daughter wakes up clingy and cuddly and harry loves it. he gives her all the cuddles she could want, and anyone who tries to tear them apart during this time is most likely to fail.
mitch knows this, so he accepts his defeat and finds a nearby concession stand to occupy himself.
once harry and his daughter are alone again, he smiles at her, sitting her up in his lap. “mani?” he says, getting her attention. the little one looks up at him and smiles around her dummy. “i love you,” he coos, tickling her tummy. amani copies him, attempting to say it back but it comes out as incoherent blubbering.
“oh my— baby, did you just tell me you love me? you love dada?” harry gasps, searching for his phone if she says it again. he’s sure he would look crazy to anyone else, but his baby finds it endearing.
it’s only until sarah enters the room and forcefully pulls amani away from him and lets jeff coerce him into his suit that he finally gets ready.
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ps- to all the lovely anons who sent in requests, im working on them! i don’t have much time to do them but i try to do what i can :) sorry for delays <3
as always , requests are open! ty for reading 📖 ☕️
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hsika92 · 11 months
rhea, i'm going to tell you “fuck you” in the most affectionate way because you wrote something that destroyed me but somehow made me so happy. i cried the last three episodes of stravin' darlin' and i thought the mcd tag was for [REDACTED] but i never imagined it was for [REDACTED] and now i can't stop crying.
okay first i want to say thank you so so so much for writing that beautiful ff. second i want to tell you that you're an amazing writer, you wrote something that made me feel like i was watching some kind of coming age movie and i loved every second. and third i have a doubt. when mary gave the bracelet to barty and told him that evan's bad luck was ending, she meant that because he was dying, right? and what would have happened if barty hadn't given the bracelet to evan? how different would the ending have been?
again thank you for stravin' darlin'. that ff will always have a place among my favorite ff xxx!
gahh you finished it okay…i’m sorry. but fun fact 4 u it was actually supposed to be the other way around! i had that ending planned for the longest time until i didnt. (i think i remember asking @neaverse to pick who dies bc it’s her fic anyway)
and coming of age movies/books are always my favs so this means everything to me u have no idea i’ll go bawllll.
now 2 answer your questions! 1 i’m gonna be so honest with u i have no fucking clue i just woke up and my brain isn’t braining but i do also remember rambling to nea about it so it’s probably buried somewhere in our chat. but! i do like your version a lot sooo if anybody cares anon is right! anon is smart!
and GOD hmmm. how different the ending would’ve been…i have a lot to say so i’ll ramble under the cut yeah?
starting this off by saying that i’m a v superstitious person so i have thought abt this a lot while writing it and hm.
i think barty giving evan the bracelet was kinda? delaying the inevitable? (evan dying. he was always meant to die first) so if barty hadn’t given him the bracelet, nothing bad would’ve even happened to him. he wouldn’t have died. (the he in question is barty. he doomed himself by giving evan the bracelet.)
i like to believe that if he hadn’t given evan the bracelet, he would’ve died when he got shot. that’s actually kinda the symbolism of the bracelet breaking. yknow with jade bracelets how they break when they ‘serve their purpose’ aka just ward off enough negative energy? it’s the same with evan’s bracelet, it protected him when he got shot! that’s why he didn’t die! and that’s why it broke! because (🥁🥁🥁) it served its purpose!
sooo the ending would’ve probably looked like barty killing himself to be with evan. or maybe he didn’t. i honestly don’t know this guy’s brain is so difficult sometimes. but i dont think he would’ve been able to live without evan sooo…do with that what you will!
lastly tysm for ur asks theyve seriously made me so so happy and so so giddy i love talking abt sd and u showing love to her (and me! im not happy with the writing of her at all so u complimenting me on that is so <3) i hope u had a lovely lovely week because you’re such a lovely person ty again<33
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pippytmi · 2 years
I really love what you wrote for prompt #5 for supercorp , if you are still accepting them how about #10 for a fake dating clebrities? Love your work!
While Lillian Luthor is being arrested in front of every new station in the country (and fucking TMZ, of course), Lena is facing an equally humiliating form of punishment: a business meeting.
“You can’t be serious.” Lena looks right at Jack when she says it—he may be her manager, but he’s always been her friend first, and she needs that side of him now.
Jack merely shifts uncomfortably in his chair. “Lena, you know we wouldn’t ask if I didn’t think it was right,” he says quietly.
Abruptly, Lena turns to Sam for her opinion. Sam gives her an emotionless shrug in response, takes another long drag of her cigarette that no one will dare tell her off for smoking. The stuffy old man beside her has no qualms in showing his disgust, mouth twisted into a sneer, and Lena almost longs for the days where Lillian would waltz in and fire anyone who she didn’t like the look of.
(Almost, because Lena could never be so cruel, and besides—that is why she’s in this mess, halfway to agreeing to date Kara Danvers).
“You want me,” Lena repeats, still in utter disbelief, “to date…her.”
Kara Danvers, the honest-the-God childhood star turned America sweetheart sitting across the table, glances up as if startled—she has been texting on her phone for quite some time, and at the sight of Lena, kind of flushes red. She has not been able to keep eye contact with Lena for more than two seconds, as if Lena is decidedly beneath her, and Lena hates her right away.
“Just for a few months,” Winn Schott chimes in, taking on the mantle of another equally overbearing manager. “And not for real, obviously.”
“Oh, obviously,” Lena all-but-mocks, and Sam has to hide a laugh behind a fake cough.
“Lena.” Jack is rarely solemn, but with the serious expression he’s donning now, he looks older than he is. “I hate to say it, but this is damage control at this point. The tabloids are going to go crazy over you because of your mother, but we can shift some of that attention towards a relationship if we play our cards right. You know unlikely Hollywood couples sell papers—maybe even more than a scandal does.”
Lena swallows thickly, suddenly feeling like a little kid all over again, fingertips grasping for a hand that briskly pulls away every time she’s close. “I don’t want her controlling my life,” she says. “Let them run as many stories as they want, Jack. I don’t care anymore.”
On her right, Sam wordlessly holds out her cigarette, and Lena accepts a drag if only to stave off the stupid, burning tears that threaten to bubble over. On her left, Jess places a gentle hand on her wrist, and Lena shuts her eyes because now she really is in danger of crying.
“You know I don't want you to go through that, Lena…”
And with the taste of smoke heavy on her tongue, the burn in her chest slowly easing, Lena opens her eyes. This time, she pointedly makes eye contact with Kara Danvers. “And what do you get out of this?” she asks.
Kara blinks back at her, tell-tale pinkness forming on her cheeks. “I—well, nothing. I just offered to help,” she says, as if it’s as easy as that. This woman won an Emmy when she was twenty-one, but she is an awful liar.
Lena turns back to Jack. “What was your pitch?” she demands. “Clearly you had an idea how they'd spin this on her end.”
Jack sighs. “Come on Lena, it just makes sense,” he says. “All we want are headlines—good ones for you, good ones for her. With the Oscars coming up, any extra press is good press for Kara, and it will turn the tides on your story. It’s the best solution we can think of.”
Kara nervously adjusts her glasses—ones Lena cannot remember her ever wearing in public—and she does not smile.
“Fine,” Lena says. “Fine. I’ll do it.” And she does not wait around for the outcome of her announcement, merely stalks out into the hall to suck in a much-needed breath of fresh air.
Seconds after the conference door clicks shut, Lena hears it groan with the effort of re-opening, and she huffs in frustration.
“Jess, I don’t need a pep talk right now,” she says without looking back, already forming an escape route in mind: first the elevator, then a Lyft, and then a bar. Any bar.
“Oh, I…I’m not…”
Lena has to pause just to exhale. “Well fuck me,” she mutters. “What else do they need?”
Kara Danvers stares, bewildered, right back. “Nothing, I just,” a pause, “wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“Right.” Lena shifts, back against the wall, for a better vantage point to scrutinize her new girlfriend from head to toe. “Is that you asking, or your manager?”
“Me?” It comes out posed as a question, and for all of her faults, Kara appears sheepish. “I’m sorry. You know, for the record. I know I must seem like an insensitive asshole for agreeing to this.”
“As long as you’re aware of it.” But as much as she hates to admit it, Lena’s anger has begun to thaw; she can’t blame Jack for this, really, and she can’t even blame Kara Danvers’ management team for jumping at the opportunity when she knows her own team would have done the same. In retrospect, the only thing she hates is that it was a surprise—she’s had a few too many of those lately. “God, no, I’m sorry. I don’t mean that.”
“You sure?” And as Kara smiles, it strikes Lena that this is a rare sight; this is not the picture-perfect Hollywood smile, it is decidedly softer, genuinely nicer than Lena deserves.
Lena sighs, and her whole chest seems to ache with the effort. “You’re not an asshole,” she says. Admits. “I might be, for overreacting. It’s just…” She pauses, can’t seem to find the word for what this is, until: “Acting. They’re just asking us to act.”
“But not for a paycheck,” Kara points out, while Lena does not resist the urge to give a dry, curt laugh in response.
“Sure we are—in some way or other.” Lena goes quiet, and Kara looks at her, with eyes that are blue and curious but ultimately understanding. “Why did you really agree to this?”
“Will you call me an asshole again if I tell you?”
“Probably,” Lena says—can’t resist smiling back—and Kara bites her lip but goes on.
“I don’t think I was on the list of options, originally. My sister mentioned that your team approached one of her exes, and she was telling me about it…” Kara trails off. “Anyway, Maggie said the word was getting around that no one could really commit to the agreement, so…I offered.”
It feels strange, after the truth is revealed, that Lena can’t decide if she should be offended. “Wait,” she says. “They wanted me to fake date Maggie Sawyer? That's even worse than you.”
“That's what you're taking from this?”
“Well, obviously,” Lena mutters. “It would be such a cliché for me to date Maggie, she's like—every gay girl in Hollywood’s first relationship.”
Kara tilts her head and considers this. “She was my sister's first gay relationship, actually.”
“Not to mention no one would believe it, she's not really my type,” Lena adds. Pauses. “Come to think of it, you and I might be in trouble. You're not exactly the type I go for either.”
“Wow, okay,” Kara laughs, but not in a manner that seems hurt, just amused. “I'll try not to take offense to that.”
“Not in a bad way.” Lena watches as Kara moves to mirror her stance, back against the opposite wall, as if to appraise her right back. “You're the kind of girl I would take home to my parents, but unfortunately, I'm in my rebellious phase. I only date anyone they won't approve of.”
Kara smiles again. “So would your parents like me?”
“Maybe not,” Lena relents. “My mother likely won't add me to her visitor list so I can ask, but I imagine she would hate you for being blonde alone.”
“Darn,” Kara says, “foiled by DNA.”
Well who knew—Kara Danvers is charming. The worst part is, Lena can't figure out if Kara is even trying to be. “My dad might like you though,” Lena says decidedly. “I'm pretty sure he's a fan of that…what was it…war movie you were in.”
“Why do I feel like you weren't a fan?”
“Probably because I wasn't,” Lena says unapologetically. “We might as well be honest with each other now, since we're going to be together 24/7 for the foreseeable future.”
“That sounds fair,” Kara agrees, shoves her hands in her pockets in a way that Lena can only categorize as nervously. “And also in the spirit of fairness, you know…if you don't want me to do this, I'll pull out. Anytime.”
Lena crosses her arms and considers this offer very carefully. “So you just told me you gallantly saved my ass when no one else could,” she says, “and now you're saying you want to dump me?”
Kara's mouth falls open. “Um…”
And her panicked look is enough to make Lena crack; maybe Kara Danvers is not as stuck-up as she thought. “Kidding,” Lena takes pity on her. “Despite what the tabloids think, I have a sense of humor sometimes.”
“Oh,” Kara laughs, just soft enough to convey relief, and she shyly rubs the back of her neck with one hand. “I just mean, I know you don't want to do this at all, but if it's me you have a problem with—”
“Ten minutes ago I would have taken you up on that,” Lena says, delighted by the way Kara seems to stiffen, “but I think I’ll keep you, Kara Danvers. Even if it’s only for a few months.”
Slowly, Kara begins to smile again. “Because I’m not your type?”
“Exactly—unless you get a few tattoos and flip off the paparazzi within the next hour.”
“I’ll work on that,” Kara promises, and Lena can’t figure out if the flirting is intentional too, but she decides she likes it, so the world must be ending if the prospect of dating good girl Kara Danvers just might end up being fun.
(And also, for the record...Kara very much is Lena's type).
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jungwnies · 2 years
my dearest, my loveliest, my most talented and only maeby baby hi!! ^^
sorry i've been mia, last week my mom went on a business trip and cause she didn’t want me alone at home and my sister ordering an uber alone at 9pm i spent a couple of days with her at uni!
my sister is a (visual) arts major (also her school is hUGE) so i was able to see a lot of cute stuff and learn a lil bit of info (i learned about printers in one class and hey! actually very interesting, of course I did not retain any information but believe me it was fun and interesting ^^)
i also managed to experiment a little bit with my air dry clay projects and just made a lil bowl and a cup which even tho it was my first time they turned out so cute 🥺 (also my sister found out that they do a little flea market situation at her school like every month and she said that i could go there and try to sell some of my stuff! let’s hope I sell well! 🤞🏻)
on a not so happy note, after like almost 5 months without it, in two weeks im having a therapy session 😖, i dont remember if I’ve mentioned this before but ya girl used to go to therapy since like 2018 but this year i had to stop due to financial difficulties and for some time now i've been dealing with some… stuff that im pretty sure need a lil bit of guidance so i just scheduled by session with my therapist (kinda sad tho, doing it without my mom knowing but ya gotta to what you gotta do), hopefully it’s just a small bump and i can go back on track unu
(also you’ve heard avatar is going back on theaters for like a week ahhhh like the highlight of the month so far hahaha)
are u back in school? how’s it going? i know it’s easier said than done but pls don’t stress and you know it: take your breaks, chill, drink water, eat your meals and snacks, listen to some tunes and try to do something that you love! (one of my goals for when before the year is over is to read at least two physical books again! do you have any goals you are still aiming to accomplish? ^^)
sending so much love to exactly wherever you are ring know 💗💗💗🍪(i was eating a cookie just now so you get one as well)
love you maeby baby <3
take care, im always rooting for you! (^∇^)
- 🧸anon
omg ofc never feel obligated to message me often, just seeing your emoji pop up on my notifications is enough even if it’s not all the time. it’s always so heartwarming when you come into my inbox 💕
i think it’s cool that’s your sister is a visual arts major, a lot of my friends went to the school of performing and visual arts and i was the one who went to the school of arts and sciences 😂 university was fun before i actually had to start taking classes, but it’s not that bad and it’s kind of fun on some days.
also i hope that your air dry clay items sell well wherever you desire to sell them 👏👏 they seem so cute i want one now 👉👈
i completely understand financial problems and stopping something because of them, but i’m really happy to hear that you’re going back because that means you’re acknowledging that thoughts and behaviors you have (it’s always good to be aware of your emotions) so i’m really proud of you for going, even if you didn’t tell your mom. even if it’s a small bump, everyone deserves a chance to talk about it right? 💗
(i’m super excited for the new avatar to come out, im anxious waiting for it LOL)
school on the other hand for me has been going really well so far, i am an ESL major, and i minor in psychology so it’s really fun especially at my school. my main goals are being able to balance social media (tumblr) and my personal life :) i really enjoy writing here so i hate when i face any delays but of course that’s normal for any writer on here.
sending you lots of love and care where you are as well mwa mwa 💕💕💞
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hobidreams · 2 years
How are you feeling? How was the procedure? I hope every went well and that you're recovering just fine and better!! Big hug until you're feeling okay!! 💟💟
From one proposal (may I say: advance congratulations!!aheheh omg can't wait for you guys i mean no pressure but omg!! Happy for you huhu! 🥳💕🎉) to these 3 couples'. LET'S TALK ABOUT THE FINALE & THESE PEOPLE👀👀😆
OMGG ahahahaha that Arthur photoooo i thought it was fanmade! IT WAS REAL? He does look like Wataru 😆😆
Yes hahaha at that point i was used to his goatee too 😆
Loool also i mean, well if people are entertained...why not i guess 😆 My sister watches the US one (idk why she doesn't watch the Japan one but she said she glimpse every now and then bc her husband watched the Japan version too haha) and she really did say it's hot trash and yes she likes watching these reality shows 😂
No worries!! I really hope you're taking all your time to heal and take the time to focus & take care of yourself! ❤ It's good to hear you're feeling better! Continue to take time for yourself until you feel fully strong!
Use this ask to post, to avoid spoilers? Thanks hehe
I wanna know your intial reactionsss and thouughtsss-- What do you think about the finale?? I want to know what you got to say 'cause we HAVE TO TALK ABOUT THIS-- SPILL 'EM DEETS, SIS 👀👀😆 LET'S TALK ABOUT IT
HI BABY im so sorry for the delay in answering this!!!! i just havent had the time to sit down and really type and YOU DESERVE A PROPER ANSWER 💕💕💕 the procedure was super small hahaha that word makes it sound more serious than it was but im mostly(?) okay??? maybe???? i thought the side effects had faded but then they just kind of came back recently so idk. it’s why i haven’t been online as much nor been at my computer AT ALL. which is why i couldnt type up my response to this and have been trying to add a bit every day :(((( thank you so so so much for your patience; ur the best 💞
the rest of your asks are under the cut so to all non waffle anon people, PLEASE AVOID IF U DONT WANT LIB JP SPOILERS 💖
Raiiin!! 💟
Omggg that's so cute 🥺🥺 it's actually very practical?? I LOVE that YOU CAN PICK OUT THE RING YOU WANT💖💖-- i think that should be done more often! 😂
YES exactly omg, i think doing this would avoid all the issues of having to pretend like you like the style or smth when its really not ur tastes. some ppl think it spoils the surprise but as someone who is very picky, i dont agree 🤣 we picked out the ring we wanted! just waiting on the people to give us a quote and then we’ll hopefully start getting it made!!! 💖
Awwwwh, gosh that's so sweet 🥺 now you get to look forward to that time of your life!! Ooh such a happy feeling 🥺 I could just imagine what you're younger self would look like, so cute! and with the right person, person you love awwwh!! 🥺💖 ugh you guys make me want to fall in love!!! 😂💕
Looking forward to hearing the story!!👀💕
I'M SO EXCITED FOR YOU TO BE SUPRISED by whatever he plans!! I'm sure it'll be wonderful!! 💟💟💟
Alright let's talk about things!
With the Terrace House--EXACTLY!! 💯
I think that's all we need, really!!
Seriously, if Love is Blind or any reality show really-- have this type of format, with various hosts watching & reacting at the real time with us (viewers)--I'd watch it. Haha. They have to be real and funny haha
It really helps that the hosts are genuine as they are and with their reactions too! They're funny too haha. Which i think makes the show more effective.
Ugh yes! Could you imagine seeing a host reaction with a LIB scene? It'll be soo funny because it's so relatable! 😆
Oh tell me about it!! Everything's better when you watch it with a friend!! I love love that!! 🥺💕 esp when you get to be as blunt and say whatever you want to cause you're with a friend and you're so comfortable with them. You can just laugh and cry and shout at the tv/show together--it's always a good time!! 👌💟 haha. Aww me too! You can chat with anything to me/us about things!! 😂💟💟
i think esp with a show that has such a diff culture but is translated for an english-speaking audience, i think it would've been awesome to have a cultural guide of sorts? or at least some translator's notes LOL i love fan translations of anime for that exact reason. i really want to know more about what kind of conventions are happening in JP that might change the reactions of the contestants.
I did send 1 ask before! Sorry about that huhu. I'm gonna send the follow-ups-- I wasn't able to bc life got in the way haha ahuhu but I will send it a few minutes after this!! And it's okay, you have nothing to apologize! I actually excited that i actually type all things on my note app so it'll be ready to send haha. So WE WILL DEF TALK ABOUT IT yes gurl we will. 👀😂 Haha.
Sorry for the hold-up and thank you for waiting for me 🥺 will send the asks in a few!
Also, congrats again?? We'll look forward hearing the proposal story, soo excited for you omgggg!!! 💟💟🎉
NO WORRIES i was just worried they got eaten up by tumblr!!! but i got them safely 💞
Alright, let's talk about the show 👀👀😆 buckle up bc this is gonna be looooonger 😅😂 hope you don't mind.
Sorry, It took me time to send this ask-- life kind of got in the way 😥😅 but let's talk now! I CAN'T WAIT TO READ YOUR THOUGHTS, REACTIONS (no matter how long) cause I WANNA KNOW THEEEEMM omggg!! SPILL 'EM, SIS LET IT ALL OUT hahaha 👀👀😆💕
I recapped the ep 10 & 11 for refresher on what happened haha. I almost forgot some details haha:
Ep 10:
• Ryotaro meeting Motomi's father/family
It went well?? I was suprised! I kind of understand where her dad's coming from. Besides being strict/traditional person (I also can relate bc you know, asian parents haha)-- i figured maybe he's strict bc he's protective of Motomi since she got married before and all? Anyway, it's a good thing we get to know them and their side.
I feel so happy & relieved for Ryotaro (and Motomi) in this aww. Good job, well done good boi Ryotaro! I'm so happy for them huhu 🥺💕
Her dad approving of Ryotaro!! And also the dad is so cute when he was making small talks, like with men & their hair? Hahaha that was such a sweet moment.
Also I really liked what Motomi's mom said about complementing each other and making the other cry--that its okay to cry bc various things will happen and that it's important to support each other. I thought that's such a simple, realistic advice for love. Idk that's just a sweet thing to say, for me. Wbu?
I DIED WITH THESE PARENTS. theyre SOOOO supportive (or at least the mom was right off the bat) and i was a little afraid bc the sister looked kind of upset or unhappy but then i was glad to see she warmed up by the end of the lunch. the dad was less traditional than i thought, but also omg SO direct. i was scared hahaha. but i understand why he would be afraid of the ‘punk’ vibe that Ryotaro had before, with the cultural stigma and all, but im glad he changed his mind once he saw how happy Ryotaro made Motomi 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 surprisingly progressive for how traditional they were hyping him up to be haha maybe for the drama. 
• Wataru & Midori work out scene
Gurl, i was taken aback when Midori mentioned he lost like 6 /7 kilos. Idk why that put me off hahaha. Because of the past ep when there'san impression that Wataru sort of struggled a bit at that workout. I've always thought that I hope Wataru enthustiactically agreed/was willing to join her in working out, haha. But also, I'm not sure cause maybe it's the translations so I may not fully got what's being said cause I don't know Japanese. Am i the only one? Pls tell me, i'm genuinely asking bc I might just took some things differently haha. There's def nothing wrong with encouraging a partner to workout together for the intention of being better health-wise or overall as a person, totally get it and its normal. And I'm also not saying Midori is a bad person, not at all. I just hope Wataru likes it and he's not pressured/forced into doing it. Which is not right? Also seems like Midori is respecting him with boundaries so that's good. It looks like they're enjoying it anyway so haha, also the way they talk to each other is so natural haha. 😆
What do you think about this? Or am i just overthinking things? Haha 😂👀
OMG i was SO confused. like wasn’t it just a few weeks? 6/7 KILOS ???? even if that was pounds id be like bruh thats a lot but KILOS? nah there’s no what that was done in a healthy way 😅😅😅 so i dont really agree with that extreme dieting. but she also said in one of her q&a videos on youtube that everyone lost weight during the show bc of the stresses of being on camera all the time and making decisions etc. so it could be that? idk if that 6/7 kilos is overall since the start of the show or just in those few weeks. if its the latter then .. oof. 
i totally see where you’re coming from!!! i also kind of have the mindset that working out or being active isn’t just something we should do because we enjoy it. i consider it like brushing my teeth, you know? i don’t loooove doing it but i do it bc it’s good for my health. and i dont think Midori is pressuring him into something thats super intense? and Wataru seems to agree that he could be more active in his life so i hope that they’re just pushing each other to be their best selves. im also pushing my bf to do yoga and walks with me to improve his health bc hes always complaining about being sore but sits on his ass for most hours of the day lmaoooo
• Shuntaro & Ayano went to the arcade
I felt like nothing really got resolved haha. I feel like there are things unsaid but maybe the show didn't included it. I also thought at that point, i can see they're def not ready to get married to each other haha. I genuinely think they don't know each other a lot yet enough to spend their life together. What do you think?
Do you think Shuntaro kept her art?👀 haha jk i think he did because seems like a nice & mature person haha but idk haha.
THESE TWO ARE A MESS LMAO. seriously, i would be fed up with Ayano’s communication style WEEKS ago lmao.... more on my thoughts w this couple in the next section tho
• Kaoru & Misaki talking (things like about what he said about her trauma/dad)
I was just so baffled how so casual & unaware by almost anything about what he' saying or in their relationship 😂 oh we just know that Kaoru was planning on how to say to him there will be no wedding and how to break-up haha. I kept thinking like, are they really still considering (esp Misaki) getting married?? I'm too harsh im sorry but like? Is it just me? Haha 😅
LITERALLY how is he still functioning irl when hes this clueless lmao. the shit he said about her father and how she should just “move on” like ????? NO???? shes sharing her trauma with u like... anyway im glad they broke up LMAO i dont like Kaoru that much but she deserves better
• Motomi meeting Ryotaro's parents!!
They're so cuuute!! They're so funny esp his dad! Haha! Also, at first the dad looks strict-- i kinda thought that he should've "switched looks" with Motomi's dad as Ryotaro's dad looks a bit strict but is really warm and Motomi's dad looks warm but is strict. Idk haha does that make sense? Haha Anyway
They're so easy to talk to and so sweet. That moment when he's told their love story 😆🥺😆 this is just such a sweet moment and i think Motomi fit just right with them. This is just all over such a funny, feel good and sweet moment ❤ it's so refreshing to watch hahaha
OMG I LOOOOOOVE RYOTARO’S PARENTS hahaahah they were so so welcoming and so adorable. i think they could really tell just how head over heels their son was 😭😭 we love supportive families. i was smiling the whole time with how cute they all were to each other 😭💖
• Ayano Shuntaro going to his home
Shuntaro's family is so rich and elegant?? Hahaha that garden?? I thought it was like they went into a private/national park 😆 that cave?? When he said he used to just climb and play around there like, what?? That's so cool?? And That house, with a forrest BESIDE the house?? So fancy??? Hahaha. I thought they're gonna meet Shuntaro's parents? Also i wondered how their conversation went with Shuntaro's brother 👀👀 haha
holy shit yeah, Shuntaro is RICH rich lol!!! i couldn’t rly tell before i saw the house but damnnnn. his house is a tourist destination i believe! someone on reddit found the website. a lot of ppl on reddit were saying Ayano was gold digging after that scene but meh i dont rly agree. i think she has her own money (at least seeing her wardrobe lmao) but anyway i can see how he has that ~wealthy~ vibe haha
• Bachelor/bachelorette party:
What do think about this?
I don't think there's much to talk about the guys' party haha (Ryotaro's so sweet what he said about Motomi when he was doing darts)
LMAO MISAKI’S SELF INSULTS. that was the best part for me hahaha i was like, at least hes self aware. also im glad the guys got to be friends lmao at least something good came out of it. i’ll talk more about their dynamics in the final ep discussion hahaah
The girls' party
It's soo good to see all of them again! I'm so happy to see Priya and Nana too hahaha. When the girls took turns telling how things are going with each of their relationships--
- Kaoru looks so vulnerable and serious at the time.
this is where i like Kaoru the most tbh hahaah with the girls. 
- Midori-- god this girl. Hahaa. The things she really has to say is "Wataru lost weight", im like gurl really? Hahaha! Nothing serious but just an interesting thing to say first hahaha just i think she's also just trying to lighten things up. It's good that she's actually honest (and consistent too haha) about her feelings, I appreciate that, at least.
yeah i really appreciate her dynamic with the other girls tbh! i feel like she really brings up the mood for everyone, you know? like a lot of ppl feel more reserved but shes ~open~ and plays off Priya really well!! maybe becaues theyve both lived abroad?
• Kaoru Misaki break-up
Is it just me or did Misaki looked like he genuinely suprised/sad about their break-up?? Like he's really not aware about things not going well with them? Haha. Well, we've seen this coming. I don't think Kaoru is upset/sad at all haha, she looked like she's expecting it anyway.
omg yes this was so weird to me LMAO. he was so sad but its like dude why didnt u do better. pls. i was so done with his shit at this point that i was like “ok whatever” HAHAHA not even phazed. i think she knew she wasnt gonna marry this guy from early on, and prob just wanted more air time 🤣
• Midori & Wataru talks about the wedding
Omgg what do you think? This is such a click-baity drama haha. Made me think that, "maybe Midori just isn't into marriage, in general?" since she's been so independent since but idk haha. What do you think?
omgggg yeah i feel like the editing was crafty here. someone (I CANT RMB WHO IT WAS!! i think it was Midori or it might have been Minami actually) said in an instagram post that a lot of stuff was taken out of context or edited out to make things seem more intense. so i feel like i wanna give Midori the benefit of the doubt? i do agree that she kinda has that ‘lived abroad before’ feeling of being more independant hahaha
• Ryotaro fixing Motomi's hair moment again huhu so cute haha
UGH I DIED HERE OMG i would love this kinda domestic moment!!!
• After watching the final ep--looking back at this Ayano-Shuntaro preview interview before the wedding--It's interesting, huh??? 👀👀 knowing what happened and what Ayano said. Hahaha. What do you think? 👀😂
this was totally bait HAHAHA i was so shocked to see her in the wedding dress. i was like NOOOOO WAYYYYYYY IT’S GONNA BE DISASTER!
Ep 11, Finale:
• Ayano-Shuntaro
Umm, OH MY GOD? 👀👀
I can say i wasn't suprised they didn't end up getting married but..the way they ended things?? It's interesting 👀 ahaha!
Surprised they made it to the actual wedding day! 😆
Did Shuntaro have planned that before the wedding or could he have changed his mind just at that day or last minute??oh my god? Haha i mean, good to know because he seems so mature with what he decided.
omggggg okay i feel like he couldnt go thru with it last minute. like i feel like he was still unsure up to it but then once he got there and changed he was like ... nah LOL. 
I also felt Ayano being nervous but weirdly like sure? It seems like she's made up her mind. She looks a bit suprised when Shuntaro walked in?? Did she expect she's the one to end things but never expect for Shuntaro to end it??omg haha
I predicted she's gonna reject him anyway 😆 but when and what moment?? Omg idk! Was she planning to say no at the altar?? Whaat?? Do you see her saying yes, at all? How about you, what do you think?? 👀👀 the dramaaa!😆
i actually wasnt surprised that the couples broke up before getting to the altar. i feel like that was definitely more emphasized in the US version. but someone on reddit speculated that it would be super rude to get all your family and friends there just for there to be no wedding LMAO WHICH IS TRUE!!!! 
so i honestly think she was gonna go through with it and maybe break up after???? or at least play it cool in front of the cameras???? idk but she DEFINITELY seemed surprised by Shuntaro’s apeparance.
Also, she seemed relieved about it (and maybe Shuntaro was the one who ended it? 👀 Haha) and as he said, Shuntaro was a bit
They really have to get their suit and wedding dress on (I meaan, better than being rejected right at the altar right?) just before that confrontation 😆 THE DRAMA hahaha
I mean, at least they get to wear fancy clothes and they look nice when they ended things 😆
I kind of felt bad for Shuntaro in the end aw. Did he said he expected to at least Ayano resisted or ask him to talk more? But instead, she let go so fast haha. Aw man. Hope he finds good match for him.
AFDSLJKASDF OK PPL WERE TOTALLY DEBATING OVER THIS MOMENT ON REDDIT and im still undecided as to which side im on!!!! some ppl were like “oh hes so immature. like he wanted her to beg for him” but then other ppl were saying that “he’s just upset.” i feel like im leaning towards the latter side and being more empathetic with him??? like YOU SPENT ALL THIS TIME TOGETHER!! of COURSE he would’ve expected her to be a little more sad about it. that seems natural!!! he was obviously sad that it didn’t work out. but instead she was like lol bye. honestly that whole conversation was a MESS. 
And Ayano telling her friends the wedding is cancelled omgg loool haha. So awkward for them??haha.
I think its for the better for both parties, right? Age gap def was a factor (not that it's a bad thing cause sometimes people still work, sometimes they don't). Ayano didn't seem to totally in love with Shuntaro. Shuntaro seemed like he would like to get to know Ayano much more but always felt she's a bit closed off and that they're relationship didn't get deeper? I'm not sure. What are your thoughts?
What do you think of these two and the whole drama?? 👀👀 haha!
a lot of ppl were really bashing on Shuntaro online for the whole “she left me for two days thing,” which seemed to color his whole perception of her for the rest of their time living together. i can’t really make a definitive judgement without knowing the whole story, but she did admit that all she told him was ‘i have to take care of my dog.’ i can understand how he got that impression from her, that she was trying to escape him from the beginning. if she had explained at the dog had an illness, he would’ve been like “oh okay that makes sense.” so it just seems really frustrating to communicate with her. and so that rift between them just kept growing and growing.
anyway im glad they didnt get married HAHA. i think they really just werent suited for each other and i hope they can find others. i wasn’t rly happy with her when she was being weirded out by his taking photos (it’s his hobby!!!! ugh like nanako and the potatoes all over again) but he also could’ve tried to communicate his feelings better from the beginning. UGH. hahah
• Motomi-Ryotaro
Same location with Ayano-Shuntaro?? Why?? Do you think it was supposed to be the same?or we just didn't got the chance to see Ayano/Shuntaro's?
Motomi gets to wear her first wedding dress!! 🥺 she looks so lovely!! She deserve it and deserve to feel beautiful on her day! (I hope they get to have a real real in life wedding ceremony tho!) 💕 her mom is so funny pls, when she asked Motomi if she brushed her teeth, like yes mom of course 😂 and the "not so bad, in the right clothes", so cute hahaha! Motomi with her family's dynamic is so cute and nice. Haha
💯💯💯💯💯 YES AGREEEEE i was grinning so hard when they came on!!!
Her dad is there and he's smiling!! That's wonderful, thank god!! 😂 and he gets to walk her down the aisle 🥺
Cute moment with Ryotaro & his parents too haha, he looks such a good boi in all white suit haha. Also, When Ryotaro said, "there's no way she's a no-show right?" 😩🥺 like dude, she likes you a lot, trust!! Haha
I wasn't familiar with how the contestant were introduce so the revealing of whether or not the groom/bride is present at the wedding through behind the curtain is kind of nerve wracking! Haha but oh thank god haha.
I WAS SO CONFUSED AT FIRST i was like why is there english?? but evidently western-style weddings are quite popular in Japan rn? so you can find work easily as a white person doing weddings LMAO. 
I mean, this is just what we expect, right?This is perfect 💕 This is just what we want to see always, two people who like and love each other. They're just so right for each other and flow so naturally and so easy. I love that both families are there and friends too.
Ryotaro's vow is short and sweet. Motomi, my god-- SHE GOT US THERE. The PAUS IS SO INTENSE AND LONG?? SHE DID TOOK HER TIME Hahaha! I stopped breathing for a minute! like gurl don't scare us like that! 😆 oh, she knows how to do suspense and how to do drama for a show hahaha! which i just realized, reminiscent of her reply to Ryotaro's proposal in the pod!! When i thought she'd say no but really just listed off things about her and will Ryotaro take her then she also asked if he wants to marry her 🥺 istg-- these two are like fanfic troupe couple but realistic and real people 😆
im absolutely certain they edited the pause to be way longer than it was HAHAHA but omg yes it was so so so sweet 😭😭😭 like i was so scared they wouldnt make it at first when she saw his hair but THE WAY THEY OVERCAME IT ALL TO BE HAPPY AHHHHHHHHH
Its so funny and cute when Ryotaro was nervous whether she'd say yes, like of course dude she will!! Aw 🥺 haha
okay but like i get it hahaha. some things are scary even when u know what the answer will be 🤣 my bf says he’s nervous about (eventually) proposing even tho im gonna say yes. but omg so cute how much Ryotaro fretted!!!
They are like the epitome of (idk but from what I saw haha) "love is easier when its with the right person", like awww. They make me want to fall in love too 😂
yesss omg relationships take work but the love between y’all should always just flow smoothly and well. i see too many things online where ppl are fighting all the time but still wanting to be together. like noooo, it should be like 95% easy and good haha. 
Overall this is just so cute and so sweet and happy-- we expected it and i was just so happy watching them. Makes me think its sooo insane and fascinating that couples really do find love and get married for real with these kind of shows!! 😂💕
I stalked their IGs (I'm sure/i think you did too? 👀😂) and Motomi posted!!! They got married on Jan. 11 this year huhu!!! So happy for them also that they got to have a real, non show, legit wedding ceremony!! ugh so happy for them 🥺💖
What do you think about these two? 👀
you said it all my friend!!! Motomi’s pics were soooo cute and i love how everyone latched onto Pupu LMAO i rly love all the pupu + Ryotaro pics hahaha. overall i just felt so satisfied watching these two fall for each other and they were definitely the best couple of the show. 
• Midori-Wataru
👀👀👀 think this THE couple we've been waiting for!!! This is what the people watch the show for, the suspense and the drama!! 😆
I felt like I held my breath from the moment they entered the place-- well, specifically, by just watching Midori get ready up to them in the altar together. Like,MY GOD THIS IS SO INTENSE 😂😂 they really did save them for last hahaha
I thought it would end up badly but then, if they're the last couple-- it is supposed to be happy ending? Really, i'm just so confused with Midori up to the very last minute as much as how she looks so confused/hesistant in this show 😆
i mean OFC hahaah gotta end with a bang!! but omg yes i was honestly kinda afraid she would leave him at the altar... like holy shit i didnt wanna watch that happen 🤣 so im glad it didnt
Quite impressed that Wataru has a lot of faith with Midori's answer huh. Wow, that's the kind of person you want! Haha or sort of have a lot of trust with whatever Midori decides on, is it? What do you think?
it made me wonder what kind of conversations they had off camera!!! 👀 bc like all we saw was her hesitation and asking him like “what would you do if i said no” right?? maybe Wataru was certain that he’s a catch 🤣🤣 im certain he knew something we didnt!!
With Midori's confessionals, really did make me think that maybe marriage isn't a big thing to her (at least not yet). Maybe she's just not that type of person who's into marriage so much. So maybe that's what makes her hesistant. Idk. What do you think?
that’s a fair assessment tbh. i feel like she was gonna be ok whether or not she ended up marrying someone in the end. like it wasnt the end all be all goal. having a good match seemed to be the most important! i admire that :’)))) 
I think it's good that she's thinking about things cause you do have to be sure about who you're going to marry (so sometimes doubts can be good too? Makes you think, whether or not you/the other person is the one you're unsure of). She seems like the type of person to make completely sure she makes the right decision esp since her life is on it too! Haha. So i get the parents saying they trust her with what she decided.
The place is different and I think, prettier than the other 2? Why is that? Haha. But then the earlier is an open air and it felt lighter so haha. Anyways
I AGREE it’s definitely prettier because there was just too much grass outside i think LOL but i read that the couples got to choose where they got married :) idk if i’ll have a church wedding but it’s definitely a gorgeous location!! what do you want? i dont rly want an outdoor one either tho LMAOOOO im allergic to grass and pollen 🤣🤣
Mori and Misaki as their guests looool hahaha 😂 so cute. Bros with Wataru for sure haha. I wish we could've seen other contestants with Ryotaro-Motomi's wedding too! But that probably happened that their real-real wedding huh? Haha
pls i was so happy when i saw Mori LOL i was like BROOOOOO
JEEZUS Midori's answer to "how you felt when you saw each other"-- she was like, "i can't find the right words but I'm so happy you've come this far with me" like whaaaaat duality, SUSPENSE MUCH OMG 😆😆 ITS SO INTENSE HAHAHA i can't-- stg i was covering my eyes at the moment bracing whatever 😆
In fairness to Wataru, he didn't looked nervous, THE TRUST! 😆 well im glad they have that kind of trust
THE PAUSE IS MUCH MORE INTENSE with this one hahaha. Midori finally said yes! I am surprised and felt soo relieved!! Ahaha! Were you surprised? What was your reaction??👀👀😂
OKAYYYYY I WAS SO HAPPY HAHAHA. i was like 80% sure she would marry him bc damn you’re already up there 🤣 and with the encouragement of her mom like... she knew she had a good man who was willing to do a lot for her. but that 20% had me worried hahaha. i think i would understand if ultimately she was like ‘im just not attracted to him’ which is important, but it’s not the most important thing for me. and i think her mom helped her see that in the end.
I really hope none's feelings were forced tho haha of anyone.
And plus they really do seem so good and natural together!! It's just sometimes what Midori says contradicts with what we see on her reactions when she's with Wataru, which is I think she likes him a lot too!
SERIOUSLY they were always touching each other!! i was like GIRL WDYM YOU DONT LIKE HIM LMAO. 
Like, THANK GOD THIS TWO WORKED OUT THINGS together (THANK GOD, MIDORI! I reallly hope she's suuuure!! 😆 CONGRATS hahahaha)!! They both said yes! 😆😆💕 So happy for them too! (I'm just biased with Ryotaro-Motomi 😆 ahehe)
And aw, they did the thing when they first saw each other which was Wataru picking up Midori and kissed her aww!
Midori also posted on IG!! Aww good fkr them, finally!! 😆💕
What do you think with these two???👀👀 the most awaited couple hahaha!
(Will continue this for additional thoughts on the wrap up of the show haha)
TELL ME all your thoughts-- CAN'T WAIT TK HEAR THEM! 💟
ALLLLL THE LUPIN PICS!!!! im so happy to see Wataru and Lupin together and that theyre all so happy 😭💕 im really glad they ended up together. esp with all her insta lives, they seem really good and solid :’)))))))))) all the drama can finally end hahah
The wedding montages are so cute!
• Idk if you noticed but have you seen Motomi's dad throwing flower petals for the newly wed couple?? So cute 😩😆
yes i was obsessed with this. Motomi’s dad is so cute despite all the scariness she initially said hahaha
• The cake eating loool haha cute and classic haha
• omggg Ryotaro & Motomi introducing each other as husband and wife 😭🥺 i caaaaan't! My heart huhu 🥺😭💕😆 so cuuuuuuute! It felt sooo real omg hahaha
• Wataru and Midori classic throwing back jokes to each other hahaha. I CAN'T WITH MIDORI when she said "make me sign in my sleep" about making it official like GURL! 😆 i can't believe how ballsy and blunt she is to make jokes like that ahahaha
im a SUCKER for that first intro as officially married partners ALWAYS. 
yess omg Wataru is such a jokester but Midori matches his energy so well!!!
Interview with the hosts:
• Each couple looked so styliiiish!! Love itt! 💕
• Look at that Midori with her boots, so pretty, i really like her style too haha
• RYOTARO & MOTOMI COLORED HAIR COUPLE!!!!! Her hair fits her sooo well, so pretty! Finally Blonde Ryotaro's back (not that i didn't like him with black hair)! Most prob Ryotaro did her hair too!!! 😭🥺💕 I CAN'T WITH THEM-- TOO ADORABLE!!!
• Overall, Ryotaro and Motomi are just ADORABLE AND ENDEARING uggh 😭🥺 thank god they found each other😩💟💟
AHHHHH I SCREAMED WHEN I SAW HER HAIR!!!! IT LOOKS SO GOOD ON HER and the greater metaphor of it all like IM SQUEALING. TRULY THE PERFECT CIRCLE TO COMPLETE THEIR STORY 😭😭😭😭😭 i really did like Ryotaro’s black hair more than the blonde (mayb because during the show his roots had grown out so it reminded me too much of Backstreet Boys’ frosted tips HAHA) but he goos good either way 😎😎
• Midori and Wataru didn't really changed cause I think that's how they've always been which is sooo good. It seem like Midori chose her words a bit careful now haha. Its good to hear her POV about her decision of saying yes haha. Having reservations up to the day before your wedding day? Oh my god that was so close 😂 thank god for the two of them! Hahaha
• So maybe it's marriage, in general-- that Midori's really skeptic about haha. Which I now totally get why haha.
yesss i think she grew a lot through the process and Wataru has made her more mature. he’s like 8 years older than her right? but i always felt like he was pretty “wise.” though tbh when he was with Priya, i kinda found him too show-offy and didn’t like him for a while hahaha but anyway i think they’re really making each other grow. 
I also think the hosts did a fairly good job asking them qs and being funny haha. I wish they could've been in the show more or interact with the contestant or smth, even just reacting/commentary cause i think they can pull that off pretty well (sort of like Terrace House-esque commentators haha) but anyways haha. Maybe its the show's format which im not familiar of haha.
What do you think about the interview? 👀
the interview as a whole was sooooo cute! seriously it made me miss the hosts so much bc their sense of humor was A+. i feel like the hosts were there more in LIB USA season 1 ... or maybe im just remembering wrong. anyway, i would totally watch a director’s cut with the hosts talking about the entire show LOL! 
it was a really nice touch to do the interview with the couples and to see them be happy. i always love it when a manga series does like “where are they ten years later” thing so i LOVED this even tho it wasnt nearly that long of a time haha. but it was good to have something that was free of drama, you know?
The whole "What/how are they doing now"-- with the former contestants is just a bit awkward? Only because you just remember how were they when they were with their partners before, you know? (Looking at Mori and Minami 👀 really wish both of them well 😩 huhu). Is this segment really a part of the show's format or only Japan have this?
ummmm i can’t remember! but i feel like it’s not uncommon in reality shows to do it? 🤔 im kinda glad they did tho. i think it made some people seem more likeable, like we were seeing them out of their element and in times of stress so maybe they weren’t totally themselves.
They didn't interview Nana 😥she was with Minami!! (Or maybe she refused? Huhu)
ACTUALLY interestingly enough, Minami is apparently REALLY good friends with Mizuki and Misaki! it was on her instagram q&a, when someone asked her who she’s closest w from the show. i thought it’d be some of the women but nope! i didnt see them hitting it off as friends whatsoever haha their personalities seem pretty different 🤣 
Misaki involved with the UN? Alright werk!
OK WHERE WAS THIS MISAKI WHEN KAORU NEEDED A PARTNER HAHAHA i was happy to see that he’s at least functional on his own and pretty damn good at his job but why is he so forgetful off the clock??? 🤣
Also, good for Priya and Mizuki! They're both doing pretty well esp in career?? Haha (saw Priya's IG story the other day that she's with Kaoru and i think they're at Misuki's store, supporting his business!)
yes omg the pudding LOL I hope Mizuki thought things through this time and that his shop succeeds lmao. but i bet it got a lot of press from the LIB release so maybe that’ll help. they must’ve ended things on pretty good terms tho, if she’s helping out?? that surprised me bc it felt more dramatic than that. or maybe theyre able to be friends bc romance is completely off the table now.
Look at Shuntaro just enjoy life! Good for him! Haha
Shuntaro x male contestants is the best ending 🤣🤣🤣 yeah i thought it was interesting of them to throw in such an older contestant, when the median age of the women was like 35. it’s such a huge gap!
Ryotaro & Motomi being domestic by eating lunch together and picking up rings!!! Midori & Wataru as well!! Awwwh 💖💖 I love that the show ended with them trying out the rings! 💕
YES I KNOW 😭😭😭 i was also rly interested in the fact that it seems common to have smaller rings in Japan? i ended up doing some research about it and it seems that a small, practical stone is popular whereas here in western society, it’s all about the bling lmao. i like JP’s way of doing it way better. i feel like there is too much pressure here around weddings. at least in terms of needing a huuuuuge bash with a huge ring to properly prove your love to each other or some bs. ive heard of ppl going into debt for a wedding too, which i think is crazy asfkljadfs SORRY THAT WAS SUCH A TANGENT LMAO i just feel strongly about this 🤣
I really like this Love is Blind Japan, enjoyed watching it a lot! hehehe thank you for posting about this!! I get to watch it! Haha 💟
im SO SO SO SO HAPPY AND BLESSED that you watched it with me and that we got to talk about it together 😭😭😭 you are the BEST and im so happy you enjoyed it as much as i did! i saw online that they’re already doing auditions for season 2 so 👀 i hope we can watch it again then too!!!
Sooo, what are your thoughts? Reactions? Additional infos or gossip you've heard/read about the cast or show? Hehehe LET'S TALK!! I'm so excited what you think about all of these!!! Can't wait! 👀👀💟💟
OKOK ive been on reddit a lot and they post all the insta posts that the contestants post!! most of them have been pupu or lupin (super cute hehe) but like .... this one really worried me, about Minami’s deleted IG reel. i can totally understand how she might have come off way too aggressive or rude because of the editing, even though i believe she and Mori ended things on good terms. just thinking about what happened in Terrace House with the cyberbullying... i’m super worried about her and i hope that she isn’t getting too much hate coming her way! i was also afraid of Midori getting some rude comments afdsljksadf. like at the end of the day we’re only seeing these ppl for a few months and not their whole lives. there’s a lot about them that we don’t know so i cant even fathom wanting to send a stranger rude msgs. ugh asfdlkjasfd i hope theyre all doing well. 
on the lighter side, ive felt really happy seeing more pics of our favorite couple 🥺😭 such a crazy way to meet and i am just overwhelmed that it all worked out and was great. just take my whole heart pls omg. also the fact that most of the candidates seemed to at least make 1-2 friends, even if they didn’t find a lifelong partner. that’s really great bc they all have this super unique experience to bond over. sighhhhhh this was just such a wholesome ride compared to the US version. i actually watched a clip of Shake and Deepti’s wedding ceremony and then read an article about the drama that went on and i was like DAMN lmao that’s actually insane. have you read about them? 🤣 i dont wanna say too much and spoil you if you havent!!!
anyway--i look forward to your response if you wanna discuss further!! <3
also... on a honest side note, which im putting down here because im sure only you (+ a few other ppl, if that) will read this far down LOL. thank you again for your patience. ive felt so bad about not being able to get this reply out to you in a decent time frame. the truth is, ive been really struggling with being online and on social media in the past little while, especially with all the news and the daily bombardment of just people being awful to each other online. compounded with my headaches/eye strain it’s all just been a lot to process so i’ve been away from my laptop and away from a lot of my usual haunts. i didnt post it online on my profile bc i didnt wanna seem like a drama queen so ive just been doing myself and my life. so thank you for waiting for me and i appreciate you SO SO much 😭💖 i hope you’re taking care and that you had a great March ❤️ and that April will be even better for you ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 
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cherrykyeoms · 7 years
Your Nerd; Renjun
request : yo i know you are kinda nervous in ur writing and probably skeptical about how it turns out but.. dont worry,, its lovely and enjoyable:>> CAN I REQUEST FOR A RENJUN FLUFF where hes like a nerd that helps u in homework cus your his tablemate omg tats so cute okay abt sth liddat BYE KEKKEKEKEKE a/n : well hello anon! sorry for the delay in posting this up; ive had some troubles and many school events to organise, i apologise ;-; anyways, i hope its okay!! im sorry if i didnt actually emphasise on the nerd part iM SO SORRY ;-; anyways, thank you for requesting!! 💕🐳 genre : fluff, nerd!Renjun ————————• You sank further into your seat, finding a comfortable position before closing your eyes. It has been eight hours of school with two more to go. The sounds of someone trudging in and placing their bag on the seat beside you was heard. Knowing who it was without even opening your eyes, you began making inhumane noises whilst complaining about how your brain was filled with too much information after math class on trigonometry. "Renjun how the hell are you not dead yet? Theres like two more hours of having to absorb information i swear i-" you stopped your words right there when you saw Renjun fishing out a container filled with food and a cup of chocolate frappe. "I knew you would complain again so i told my mom to cook for you food as well so we can study and do homework together! Anyways its our free period now, its lesson for the Econs students," he said slinging on your bag over his before you could protest, ready to head off to the cafeteria's study area. You could only blush in embarrassment as the both of you walked away from the classroom. It was these simple things that this little nerd by the name Huang Renjun did to make you fall for him hard after being seatmates for three years. You never told him or even anyone about it; simply to avoid embarrassment, rejection and the loss of friendship. ********** "Hnfff why do they need to make life harder by combining mensuration with trigonometry and Pythagoras' Theorem and congruency when they could be four separate questions," you groaned in disapproval as you flipped on to the next page of the math homework Renjun had brought over to your house. Being sick definitely let you skip school with a valid reason but that only means a whole lot to catch up on afterwards. Just your luck that Renjun knew your address and actually offered to stay with you and teach you the lessons taught in class. "Well you'd better start doing it; its actually not that difficult I'd say," Renjun said as he took a tray from the dressing table beside your bed, "stay put and finish this question and the question afterwards. I'm going down to heat your porridge and bring your medicine. Oh, triangle PQR is congruent to triangle XYR by the way!" He then went down to the kitchen while humming. You made a grim face as you stared back at the printed questions on the papers in front of you. "If i could get smarter at every time i smile at the thought of that snaggle toothed boy, I'd probably already have a doctorate in mathematics and rocket science," the pencil in your hand dropped onto your leg as you muttered under your breath. You sat there on your bed, drifting off to wonderland as you flipped through the other pages. Suddenly a page filled with post-its and coloured ink caught your attention. You frowned as you thought about what Renjun could have doodled on your paper as he had always done before; moomin, random objects in your pencil case or maybe even a sponge he found in the art room. Careful to not let any of the post-its to fall off, you gently lifted the stapled papers and flipped to that page. Your eyes were being greeted by your favourite colours being used to write your name in cursive and post-its with his handwriting on around it. Words in capital letters screamed "READ HERE FIRST" as you eyed the details of the neat calligraphy of your name. "1. heyyyyyyy idek how to start this but first of thank you for existing and taking notice of me five years back when we werent seatmates yet hehe," the first post it above your name melted your heart as you continued on to the next one. "2. also can i just say that your eyes are just!! so!! pretty!! so is your smile, i want to see that toothy grin you give me everyday!" you covered you mouth and grinned as you read the last sentence. "3. you must be wondering why the sudden sweet messages and especially on your homework welp anyways im a nerd so sticky notes it is :P" You giggled upon reading the third post-it. Ah, why is he so cute? you thought to yourself. "4. Trust me, you're really beautiful. Dont let others tell you otherwise because if they do, tell them to catch my fists ;) And yes, i just did call call you beautiful because you are, from the inside out, everything about you is beautiful. I love you so much i get carried away sometimes thinking about you." Your eyes instinctively widened in surprise as you did a double-take on the last sentence. "5. Yes, you read that right. Even after your cute little double takes when ur shooketh™ hehe :)) And yes i love you more then just how our platonic friendship is, i love you more than just as a friend. So now look up ;)" You looked up in confusion to see Renjun sitting at the edge of your bed with your porridge and a few roses in hand. "Be my girlfriend?" a pink-cheeked Renjun said as you nodded, tearing up a little and he embraced you. You felt complete and in place in his arms. He looked down and kissed your forehead; an immediate instinct he felt the need to comply to. "Yah, you're such a nerd its too cute i swear," you said as you looked up, remaining in that position. "At least im your nerd now," he smirked, cupping your heated face.
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memedokies · 7 years
(almost) every anon ask since fall 2016
if u havent noticed i am BAD at answering asks so here’s a Big Dump of most of the asks i’ve gotten in the past few months
ps; i’ve excluded pokemon suggestions bc i plan on getting to them at some point
Hihihi!!! What brushes do you use in fire alpaca??  i dont do much in firealpaca (esp not lately lol) but when i did use it a lot i just used the fill bucket and the standard/default brush to fill in gaps n such lol! i dont really draw in it, i used flash/adobe animate for the lineart and just fill in color in firealpaca :3
when did you start animating?   uhh when i was around 11 or 12 when i started digital art i guess? i just used photoshop for the longest time then got flash when i was like 15 or so
 How did you get flash?  i got the creative cloud dealie, its technically required for my school :—-0 
 hello!! what are you majoring in in vcu?? im thinking about going there for college  im in communication arts! omg cool lmk if u come here ill tell u where to get the best bubble tea
 how many fps do you use for your wiggly animations? i work at 24 fps in flash on twos but just end up using photoshop’s 0 second frame delay/ “no delay”?
 Hey love your animations! What do you animate with?  adobe animate 2017! (previously flash) 
You mentioned a YouTube channel but I can’t seem to find a link to it? Do you post processes on there? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCovvoZxlQjFaIA7A3w_94Zw theres not much atm but i plan on posting a lot more, including process/speedpaints! 
i really like your art style gosh darn!!! everythings so fluid and stylized and nice aaa (also ur animations are goals) do u have any tips for someone still developing their artstyle????  WAH TYSM!!!!! compile art you already like and incorporate aspects from their styles into yours, BUT dont limit urself to one style! if u like something then try it out! do straight up copies (as PRACTICE, DONT CLAIM IT as your own ofc) of stuff you like to see how they work and what you’re clicking with. spending time on fundamentals is MEGA helpful so keep going back to that too! USE REFERENCES!!! draw …from ur soul…what makes u ..FEEL good
 how do you make that burn effect on your lineart? it makes it your pieces look sharper and even more interesting, it’s super cool!!  when i used to use flash for lineart and firealpaca for coloring a lot, setting the lineart layer on BURN with the coloring layer seeping a lil past the lineart would get this effect automatically 
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(like on the whiskers. u can see it gets a brighter brown(?) and the warmer yellow on the ears)
but since then i’ve been using sai+photoshop more so i just do it manually! i’ll use this funny pic of me and my cat as an example lol
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^i select the lineart/everything i want the funky color around
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^slam that INCREMENT button a couple times
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^make a new layer under the lineart
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^fill that puppo with ur preferred color! something brighter works best, or even straight up white
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that’ll give you something like this
then i open it in photoshop
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and i mess with the pink line layer’s blending mode..color burn usually does the trick but depending on the Look you’re going for, saturation, multiply and overlay have some similar effects that look cool. 
i also usually get rid of the outermost edge of pink line that’s visible around the lineart, just so it looks a little cleaner? to do that you just select around your lineart, increment/expand selection, and delete/erase in the selection of the pink line layer
uhh yeah! lmk if anyone needs clarification on this, i have some other #TIPS on makin ur art look crusty and funky so…lemme know if you’re interested :—3
What do you use to animate? And, a more specific question, how do you make transparent animated gifs? adobe animate 2017! (previously flash) i export my animation from flash as a png sequence then open it in photoshop, where the background will be transparent and save it as a gif from there nyaaa
if anyone needs more clarification lmk and i’ll make a proper walkthrough :-0
 Hello!! Ur art is rlly pretty and so inspirational and nice to look at!! 💗💗 I was wonderin’ if ya had any tips on choosing shapes for characters? Like, when you draw shapes for a certain character, it looks rlly like it fits with the character’s personality n stuff!! ( e.g: Your Love Live! drawings!! The characters look so good in your style.) I’ve always admired how u did that n was hoping for some tips maybe?? Anyways, have a good day!!💛💖💟💜💝💞💖 HOOGA!! TYSM!!! and YEA you basically guessed it, i mainly just think about the character’s personality and translate that into a shape or Pheeling… 
especially for anime characters i look at the Very Subtle differences in the character’s original design..or possibly canon implications…for example kotori has slightly different eyes (it also says on her wiki page she has soft droopy eyes!) so i make sure to incorporate that Detãile
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 anime wiki pages that have details like that is nice, for love live they have cute lil “charm points” which is really cool n helpful! listening to how a character is described in their world can give clues to what differentiates them which you can make more clear in your design
taking into account each characters context is good too, what they do/hobby/personality and how that could affect their appearance/posture/attitude
 YEAH its really fun to figure out certain characteristics and make it evident in their appearance! or. idk thats just what i do lol. hopefully this helps!
Have you ever seen the anime jojos bizarre adventure? alas i have not..i have some friends whom are into it so i’ll prob end up watching it sometime lol
sorry if this is obvious but!! are you the creator of Fork and Knife: Food Fighters?? your gif of fork is super cute btw!! yes i am!! wah tysm!!
Hey my little sister found your animation on an online art gallery and she really loved it! omg cool, thanks so much!!
Your style is so lovely!! OHG thanks!
your blog is so precious i love it a lot! your art is so cute too ^u^ waa thanks!!
Your art and animations art really cool! Keep up the good work! You are amazing!! aahg thank you!! :’333
 your art is fuckening amazing hh broe…tysm
 Oh my gee, I used to follow you on Deviant Art, and now here I am, finding you on accident. You’re still as talented as ever. =w= b hUIOpugh deviantart, my homeland..my origin.. thank you!!!
- O mg I love your art! 💕💕💕 thank you!! heart emojis!!! 💖💖💖
- your art and animations give me so much inspiration, thank you! everything about your style is so fun and it cheers me up omg this validates my top tier goal in life, im so glad!! thank you SO much!
Your style is so charming and adorable ;__; thank you!!
ur art is so gross in the best way possible this is the biggest compliment ive gotten thank u so much. i love making gross squishy awful drawings
 your art style is very cute ! 🌱 oohg thanks!! thanks for the little sprout emoji, i love her
GOOD ART!!!! good art good art good art EVERYWHERE I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! OHHGG THANK YUO
how do ya draw such cutely its driving me nuts Nuts NUTS !!! I LOVE SPARKLES AND BRIGHT COLORS AND FUNNY ANIMALS..its my lifeblood..thank u.. 
You’re a really rad artist! I’m Glad there’s some cool artists that are local! Have a good time at VCU! oh wow thanks!! 
Ur shapes r so good thanks i LOVE a nice wholesome shape!
I rlly like ur art style my dude thanks!! 
hi! just wanted to let u know that you’re wonderful and i wish u well in everything u do this is making me bVERY HAPPY THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
 Im love You!! IM L OVE YIOU
that meowth boy is so good. i love him as he is my son THANK YUO i too, love meowth a Lot
 I love how your art is basically lines and curves, it’s very cute oo thanks! 
i love your art style so much!! it’s so zesty? i cant think of a better word to describe but its like. zesty & refreshing & rly rly cool !!! THATS A BEAUTIFUL ADJECTIVE I LOVE IT thank u so much!!!
You seem like you would watch Osomatsu-san. I could see you drawin dem bois in you hella rad art style. osomatsu was the wildest ride of my life. tho i dont think i could physically be able to sit down and draw them seriously ever… 
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 Pls make more angry cat comics theyr so halarious plllls 👀 more are on the way!!!!!!
Have you done a meet the artist i sketched one when the meme was still poppin..is it too late lol? maybe i’ll still do it
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nardaviel · 8 years
tell us about kinatsuen
:DDD ty anon! sorry for the delay
1. Who texts more often?
en but they’re usually just weird things he’s thinking about at the time. atsushi texts most often with information or questions that are relevant to their lives. kin-chan rarely initiates texting although he’ll respond if someone else texts him
2. Who is better with kids?
atsushi!! en likes them but they’re exhausting and kin-chan often doesn’t know how to deal with them
3. Who tops/bottoms?
en tops. kin-chan bottoms. atsushi is a switch. sometimes en or kinshirou will do the opposite role but tbh not often
4. How do they eat ice cream? What’s their favorite flavors?
they all get ice cream in a cup. atsushi thinks cones are nice but more trouble than they’re worth, en just thinks they’re a pain especially if you eat slowly, and kin-chan thinks it’s gross how sometimes the ice cream melts over your hand. i think atsushi would adore ice cream with chili in it but i don’t think they have things like that in japan (am i wrong though????? idk) so instead he gets chocolate, or any unusual flavors if they sound interesting. en likes vanilla ice cream with weird toppings, especially manjuu if thats an option like in the game :D kinchan likes green tea ice cream. it doesnt taste like green tea but he still thinks it tastes good
5. Do they go on dates? What are they like?
i dont think they go out on specially designated dates very often. for special occasions maybe like kinchans birthday. he probably wants to go to a fancy restaurant for his birthday dates so those are full of en feeling kind of uncomfortable and out of place, until kinchan catches on and starts getting them private rooms so en doesnt feel judged. … they go out sometimes to do stuff i think? and those are de facto dates even though they werent planned that way, like.. they act cute and in love bc theyre too in love to do otherwise
6. Do they stargaze? Expand.
yes, they go stargazing. but en falls asleep quickly tbh and sometimes he cba to go at all so often its just kinatsu. when its kinatsu, it is sickeningly sweet. i still think that atsushi is the one whos really into astronomy and kinchan just enjoys spending time with atsushi in a romantic setting. there is lots of cuddling. …when en is there, though, he like .. makes up new constellations and speculates about the mysteries of space, &c &c. so its not as tooth-rotting but everyone still has a good time
7. Who’s the laziest?
8. Who complains more?
en tbh but kinchan has his moments as well
9. Who wakes up earlier?
kinchan! atsushi wakes up early too but not kinchan-level early. en .. yeah
10. What do they smell when they smell amortentia?
en: fresh laundry (= clean sheets), the smell of something sweet baking, kin-chan’s soap lololatsushi: curry, green tea bc he associates it with kin-chan, that kind of autumny smell u know when the leaves are falling and its starting to get coolkin-chan: the smell of tea ceremony which may or may not include more smells than just green tea idk, the sweet curry atchan makes him, a faint hint of paint bc en is an artist but too much paint smell is unpleasant
11. Who sets the other’s ringtone to something loud and obnoxious behind their back?
LMAO if anyone would do this, en would, but i’m not convinced. possibly kin-chan sets the alarm on en’s phone to something unbearable on a day when en has to get up early
12. Who uses chopsticks/Can either of them use chopsticks?
they’re all japanese so
13. When they can’t sleep what do they do?
kinchan tries to lie there in silence with his eyes closed the way u r meant to do. sometimes that gets results. if it doesn’t, he probably gets up and reads in a different room. atsushi does the same, except when he lies there quietly he’s less likely than kinchan to cuddle up to whoever’s next to him bc he doesn’t want to wake them up. en … ????????????????????? ??????? if he couldn’t sleep he wouldn’t know what to do with himself so he’d just lie there until it happened
14. Who’s clumsier?
probably atsushi. none of them really strike me as super clumsy but i think kinchan is graceful. whereas atsushi can be kind of awkward sometimes im sorry bby
15. Who would hold the umbrella in the rain?
en is the tallest. he’d try to make atsushi do it but atsushi would be like “just hold the umbralla en-chan omg” so he’d do it. he’d whine about it tho. also it’d have to be a big umbrella to fit all of them under it
16. What do they argue about most?
making en do the chores. kin-chan being a snob. those can be kind of rough bc kin-chan is a bit of a classist dick u know so sometimes he unintentionally hurts en’s feelings and then the resultant argument gets kind of messy. kinshirou and en also have frequent arguments about art but they aren’t as emotionally charged
17. Which one is a secret snuggler?
kin-chan. en is an open snuggler. and out and proud snuggler
18. Which one offers their jacket to the other when they complain they feel cold?
atsushi, but kin-chan won’t take it. u keep urself warm, atchan!! en often says the same thing but if he’s really cold he’ll accept it a;ljsdf
19. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
atsushi. en remembers their favorites &c but not every single thing at every restaurant. kin-chan also remembers i think but he doesn’t let on, he just enjoys the feeling he gets when he’s right. it’s warm and fuzzy and also slightly triumphant lmao
20. Who reaches for the other one’s hand while driving?
en … tbh … kin-chan and atsushi are more conscious of road safety!!!! ..but sometimes if the road is straight they take en’s hand when he reaches out lmao
21. Who gets the window seat?
en. he wants to zzz. a couple of times early on kin-chan said no i want the window seat i want to watch the scenery but en was so annoying about not being able to zzz as easily that he just let him take it after that
22. Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it say?)
ok this meme really is just like a bunch of questions from other memes all stitched together. this question confirms it. atsushi leaves the notes. they’re cute little cheerful things for kin-chan but they are an extra way for him to nag en-chan. also occasionally en leaves obnoxious things in kin-chan’s lunch if they’ve been arguing or he’s been teasing kin-chan and then kin-chan is mad all afternoon :D
23. Who wakes up first?
24. Who falls asleep while watching a movie?
all these questions about sleeping and waking up like are they even necessary here
25. Who’s prone to wearing socks indoors (or to sleep)?
my first thought was that maybe kin-chan has bad circulation, but he’s an archer… idk if that would help the circulation in his feet, but in any case i’ve changed my mind about that hc altogether. so probably atsushi if anyone
26. Who has bigger cravings?
…. en and kin-chan. possibly kin-chan feels it the most if he goes without tea but like en needs his manjuu ;;
27. Who reminds the other to put on sunscreen before going to the beach (or pool)?
atchan. kin-chan might tell en but he has faith in atsushi’s ability to remember for himself. (atsushi reminds everyone tho including kin-chan)
28. Who carries all the important documents while traveling?
29. Who sneaks in cookies in the shopping cart?
en a;sljkdf
30. Who cooks at 2 in the morning?
n .. o one. i was going to say this sounds like smth en would do but then i was like… why tf would en be awake at 2am…
31. Who gets extremely competitive playing Mario Kart?
…ok so here’s an image for u. en and atsushi are getting intense over mario kart and kin-chan comes in and kind of shakes his head at them but then en invites him to join in and won’t take no for an answer so kin-chan is like ugh fine. but he doesn’t really put any effort into it at first except then he comes in 12th place in the first race whereas en and atsushi come in 1st and 2nd and it is an insult to his pride so he’s like… ok. let’s do this. and en and atsushi are startled! but in the other races he makes it up to like ……….8th place maybe. …which still isn’t good enough for him but he chooses to be disgusted w/ the game rather than w/ himself
32. Who takes longer getting ready?
probably kin-chan? idk i don’t think en or atsushi put unusual effort into getting dressed/getting dressed up. kin-chan might take a little extra time to make sure he looks 100% classy and put together but even he’s not gonna spend an hour or even half an hour getting ready
33. Who likes doing the dishes?
???????????????? none of them. atsushi ends up doing them most often but that doesn’t mean he enjoys it
34. Who points at a dog when they see it?
… no one, but en is the one who says “ah a dog”. but! kin-chan is the one whose face quietly lights up the brightest at the sight of the cute animal. ..as long as it doesn’t get to close bc dogs are slobbery and undignified
35. Who’s prone to road rage?
…kin-chan. why can’t all these imbeciles follow basic traffic laws D
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craicthatniall · 7 years
Hi Kellie, I've been following you for a while and I've only noticed here and there about your weight loss journey, but the last picture you posted shows how hard you've been working towards it. You should definitely be proud of your progress!! Go you!! I just wanted to ask you a few questions if you don't mind. - What helped you maintain a healthy diet? - What foods would you stay away from? - Did you completely quit all fast food and unhealthy snacks like chips? PT.1
PT.2 - How long did it take you to be at your goal weight? Which was 20lbs less I believe? - Would you exercise at your local gym or just did regular workouts that don't require much machinery? If you have any more helpful tips I would gladly appreciate them. Also, sorry if these questions are too much I've just always wanted to lose weight but I never maintain a healthy diet and exercise. Seeing your progress motivated me a lot more to stop procrastinating and finally get to it. Thank you!
hey anon! i do apologize for the delay! i was on vacation and wanted to be home when i answered. ive been v busy lol. thank you! im very proud of myself i never thought in a million years it would be possible for me. i did basically cut back on all snacks. i havent eaten fast food in years so i didnt really have to worry about that. i used to snack on pretzels but now i snack on like fruit or carrots. i do treat myself occasionally or else i would go insane haha. i eat a salad everyday for lunch. and all i drink is water now. i realized that i was drinking so much in liquid calories. it saves me money too lol. i will admit i dont have the best diet and im trying to find some tips to make it more balanced so thats all i can really tell you about that.
i started the gym on april 9 and started weighing myself on april 19. so its been about 4 months. my starting weight was 165 lbs. im at about 125 lbs right now which was my goal weight. im kinda stuck right now for some reason but i think im going to try to lose another 5-10 pounds. i went to a local gym 3-5 days a week. mostly 4 days. i always did an hour on the treadmill. starting off easy at the beginning and now i do lots of inclines and run for about 23 minutes of it. about 2-3 weeks ago i started a dumbbell ab workout which seems to be working pretty well! some helpful tips would be tracking your progress. it was always more motivation when i saw the weight i was losing. i also told people about it and talked about it on twitter cause then i wouldnt be as likely to stop what i was doing cause other people knew. your questions didnt bother me at all! like i said ive just been busy! haha
i hope all of this helps you! you’re very welcome ! and im glad what im doing is helping someone else! feel free to come back to me at any time! i can give u my workouts as well if u want them! ALSO u dont need to message me on anon. id lvoe to talk to you off anon (: goodluck with everything
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