#anon i am breathing so heavily rn im actually unwell /pos
shalomniscient · 6 months
milk anon again!! not a thirst but a small bait for your overwhelmed mind to feed on.
it's quite a common occurrence for babies to refuse to come out of the womb even though it's been over nine months already. it's not really dangerous or anything, yet there are several ways to help your little one finally leave it's tiny (not that tiny already tbh) apartment: the first one is obviously exercising! a bit of stretching might assist in speeding up the cervical dilatation. this way little bun will realise it's time to hurry up and leave already.
and the second one is *drums* fucking! lots of fucking. like LOTS. please do not hit anyone's cervixes it hurts as hell actually especially if there's a baby inside but in general lots of sex disturbs the baby and usually they start hustling, now ready to come out. moreover, the more mommy cums, the faster baby makes up its mind!
i'm pretty sure arle's known this already or she's done some research before and in case your baby doesn't come out the day it should she won't drag you to the hospital immediately or call for the professional nurses and nannies help. nahh she knows a better way to fix this situation...
cw. pregnant sex
milk. milk. are you in my walls. how are you dragging kinks ive never told a SOUL about into the light kicking and screaming like this. HOW.
im screaming into my pillow actually. she’d go so slow but you would literally be so sensitive it wouldn’t even take that much to have you writhing squirming on the bed, or as best you can, heavy with child—her child—as you are. she’d be caressing your swollen belly with the gentlest hands, cooing to both you and the baby as she languidly fucks into you……….. I NEED SEDATION LIKE HORSE TRANQUILIZER SEDATION DJDHDKLSND
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