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Translation number 5: Luffy (One Piece) - Rei dos Piratas by M4rkim "King Of The Pirates"
[Introdução/Introduction] (0:00)
Monkey D. Luffy (M4rkim): Eu não posso morrer... (I can't die...)
Não ainda! (Not yet!)
Como você, vou ao mar (Like you, I'll go to the sea)
Peço que me levem com vocês (I ask you to take me with you)
Uma cicatriz comprova (A scar comproves it)
Eu comi (I ate)
Uma fruta que transformou meu corpo em borracha (A fruit that turned my body into rubber)
Eu não sou tão forte quanto imaginava (I'm not as strong as I imagined)
O seu braço (Your arm)
O mar levou (The sea took away)
Culpa minha (My fault)
Se sacrificou (You sacrificed yourself)
Acredita que eu serei rei? (You believe I will be king?)
Seu chapéu me entregou (You gave me your hat)
[Pré-verso/Pre-verse] (0:43)
Um barril no meio do mar (A barrel in the middle of the sea)
Isso eu quero me tornar! (I want to become that!)
O Rei dos Piratas (The King of the Pirates)
Um bando preciso achar (I need to find a crew)
Caçador, eu gostei (Hunter, I liked it)
Suas armas na sua mão (Your arms on your hand)
Primeiro da tripulação (First one of the tripulation)
[Verso I/Verse I] (1:02)
Dentro da Cidade Laranja (Inside Orange Town)
Acabei de conhecer uma ladra (I just met a thief)
Vencendo um palhaço (Winning a clown)
Que não tem muita graça (That isn't really funny)
Essa ladra não gosta nem um pouco de piratas (That thief really doesn't like pirates)
Mas eu percebi que você é muito boa com mapas (But I realized you are very good with maps)
Percebo que o mentiroso é realmente (I realize the liar really is)
O melhor atirador (The best sniper)
E eu sei que esse mentiroso mente (And I know that this liar lies)
Apenas por motivos tão bons (Only for such good reasons)
Se junta a jornada (Joins the journey)
Going Merry navega (Going Merry navigates)
Todos devem comer (All must eat)
Só pode ser você (It can only be you)
Sanji, seja meu cozinheiro (Sanji, be my cook)
Um corsário Zoro enfrenta (Zoro faces a corsair)
Mas Zoro perdeu (But Zoro lost)
Com um grito promete (With a shout he promises)
Nunca mais perder! (To never lose again!)
[Interlúdio/Interlude] (1:41)
Enquanto isso, Nami foge (Meanwhile, Nami runs away)
Rouba nosso barco, mas sei que tem outra maneira (She steals our ship, but I know there's another way)
Guarda meu chapéu que eu resolvo pra você (Guard my hat cuz I'll solve it for you)
Sem saber dos seus motivos ou da sua vida inteira (Without knowing your reasons nor your whole life)
Você mexeu com uma pessoa errada (You messed with the wrong person)
Saia dessa ilha e não vai ser (Get out of this island and it won't be)
Você quem deixou ela arrasada (You, the one who let her devastated)
A tirar minha vida (The one to take my life)
Porque vou destruir tudo o que faça ela lembrar (Because I'll destroy everything that makes her remember)
Do que destruiu sua vida inteira (What destroyed her entire life)
Ei, minha navegadora (Hey, my navigator)
Olhe para cá (Look over here)
Você é minha companheira! (You are my mate/nakama!)
[Verso II/Verse II] (2:20)
Um país pede ajuda (A country asks for help)
Mais um assunto pendente (One more pendent matter)
Mudando o nosso rumo (Changing our way)
Pois Nami está doente (Because Nami is sick)
Bandeiras têm sonhos (Flags have dreams)
Você não é um monstro (You are not a monster)
Salvou alguém do bando (You saved someone from the crew)
Então porque não vamos? (So why don't we go?)
Crocodilo fazendo trabalho sujo (Crocodile making dirty business)
Uma princesa quer ajuda, então ajudo (A princess wants help, so I help)
Seca, fome e morte, é, e tudo junto (Drought, famine and death, yeah, and all together)
Eu nem vi esse cara, mas eu já odeio muito (I didn't even see this guy, but I already hate him a lot)
Não posso o tocar (I can't touch him)
À beira da morte alguém me salva (On the verge of death someone saves me)
A sua areia molha (Your sand wets)
Com o meu sangue, eu vou te derrotar! (With my blood I'll defeat you!)
[Pré-refrão/Pre-chorus] (2:58)
Despedida... (Farewell...)
Precisam de você... (They need you...)
Nossa companheira (Our mate/nakama...)
Sempre irá ser! (You'll always be!)
[Refrão/Chorus] (3:16)
Todos sabem (All know)
Que Luffy será o rei! (That luffy will be the king!)
Pelos mares me joguei! (I threw myself at the seas!)
E sem vocês sou nada (And without you I'm nothing)
Com o bando, os Chapéus de Palha (With the crew, the Straw Hats)
Eu serei o rei! (I'll be the king!)
[Pós-Refrão/Post-Chorus] (3:40)
A garota que me salvou (The girl who saved me)
Entra pro meu bando (Enters my crew)
Minha recompensa aumentou (My bounty increased)
Um navio caiu do céu (A ship fell from the sky)
Reto à ilha de Jaya (Straight to the island of Jaya)
Uma terra sem leis (A lawless land)
Não reaja, escolha bem as suas batalhas (Don't react, chose well your battles)
Uma risada e um aviso (A laugh and a warning)
Porque eles contam algo preciso (Because they tell something precise)
Os sonhos dos homens não têm fim (The men's dreams have no end)
Em ilhas no céu acredito (I believe in islands on the sky)
Um mentiroso contou (A liar told)
Sobre uma cidade de ouro (About a city of gold)
Em que ninguém acreditou (In which nobody believed)
E esse homem foi morto (And that man was killed)
Nuvens no céu avistando (Seeing clouds on the sky)
Olha onde a gente chegou (Look at where we arrived)
Um deus fazendo morada (A god living there)
Cruel e atormentador (Cruel and tormenting)
Provações de deus (God probations)
Todas derrotadas (All defeated)
A fruta do raio? (The lightning fruit?)
Eu sou de borracha (I'm made of rubber)
Era tudo verdade (It was all truth)
A história contada (The story told)
O sino de ouro (The golden bell)
Toca a badalada (Rings)
[Verso IV/Verse IV] (4:38)
Não aguentou tantos danos, Going Merry (She couldn't bear as much damage, Going Merry)
Partindo pra ilha dos carpinteiros, Water 7 (Parting to the carpenters' island, Water 7)
Ladrões da família Franky roubaram dinheiro (Franky family thieves stole money)
E o pior: machucaram meu companheiro (And the worst part: they hurt my mate/nakama)
Não tem conserto para o Going Merry (There is no way to fix Going Merry)
Usopp, aceite ou que o duelo comece (Usopp, accept it or else may the duel begin)
[Interlúdio/Interlude] (4:58)
A luta mais difícil, Usopp saiu do bando (The hardest fight, Usopp left the crew)
E uma enchente de problemas acaba Robin levando (And a flood of problems ends up taking Robin away)
A cidade da justiça vai conhecer os Mugiwara (The city of justice will meet the Mugiwara)
Não precisa pedir para poder ser ajudada (You don't need to ask so you can be helped)
[Pré-Verso/Pre-Verse] (5:16)
Preciso ouvir! Preciso ouvir! (I need to hear! I need to hear)
Que quer viver! Que quer viver! (That you want to live! That you want to live!)
Nico Robin (AnnyTHN): Eu quero, sim! Quero viver! (Yes, I want! I want to live!)
Me leve ao mar com vocês! (Take me to the sea with you!)
[Verso V/Verse V] (5:36)
Monkey D. Luffy (M4rkim): Pra eles verem que isso não é brincadeira (So they can see this is no kidding)
Aí, Sogeking, atira fogo na bandeira! (Hey, Sogeking, shoot fire on the flag!)
Não ligo nem um pouco de declarar guerra ao mundo (I really don't care about declaring war on the world)
Se isso for pra salvar minha companheira! (If that's to save my mate/nakama!)
Se essa é a luta mais difícil que já tive até então (If that's the hardest fight I've ever had until now)
Então novas marchas na sua frente passarão (So new gears will pass ahead of you)
Preciso salvar o bando, afinal, eu sou o capitão! (I need to save the crew, after all, I'm the captain!)
Rob Lucci, luto e te venço com minhas mãos! (Rob Lucci, I fight and win you with my own hands!)
Pra salvar a gente, uma última navegação! (To save us, a last navigation!)
Going Merry, como foi bom ter você com a gente! (Going Merry, it was so good to have you with us!)
Hoje você parte, mas tá em cada coração (Today you live, but you are in each heart)
E agora no bando, um carpinteiro diferente (And now on the crew, a different carpenter)
Um navio de um tamanho de uma ilha (A ship the size of an island)
A bordo, vejo um esqueleto (On board, I see a skeleton)
A Laboon ainda tá te esperando (Laboon is still waiting for you)
Ei, você quer ser meu companheiro? (Hey, do you want to be my mate/nakama?)
[Interlúdio/Interlude] (6:15)
É inaceitável o que fazem (It's unnaceptable what they do)
Vendem pessoas como escravas com os sorrisos nas faces (They sell people as slaves with the smiles on their faces)
O meu amigo tomou um tiro e eu devo aceitar calado? (My friend got shot and I should accept it quiet?)
Sobre tudo isso ainda penso (I still think of all of this)
Mas não sei se quero aceitar calado (But I don't know if I want to accept it quiet)
Eu me aproximo somente com um pensamento (I approach with only one thought)
Mas não sei se quero aceitar calado (But I don't know if I want to accept it quiet)
Mas todos vão ver isso em um completo silêncio (But all will see this in a complete silence)
[Pré-refrão/Pre-chorus] (6:36)
Atos têm consequências (Acts have consequences)
O que cê fez com meu bando? (What did you do to my crew?)
Eles tão pedindo ajuda (They are asking for help)
Porque eu não tô ajudando? (Why am I not helping?)
Tão fraco nesse momento (So weak in that moment)
O bando todo separado (The whole crew separated)
Nesse dia em Sabaody (That day in Sabaody)
O bando do chapéu de palha foi totalmente exterminado (The straw hat crew was totally exterminated)
[Refrão/Chorus] (3:16)
Todos sabem (All know)
Que Luffy será o rei! (That luffy will be the king!)
Pelos mares me joguei! (I threw myself at the seas!)
E sem vocês sou nada (And without you I'm nothing)
Com o bando, os Chapéus de Palha (With the crew, the Straw Hats)
Eu serei o rei! (I'll be the king!)
Lyrics and voice by: M4rkim
Nico Robin's voice by: AnnyTHN
Mix and master by: mixbytec
Instrumental by: beatbyblxck
Guitars by: arturg_b
Edition by: mn_and1, s3ibert, dk_222227, nogediits, rmds.on, _cujas, kyramekk, bl4de_editor, sir.darkus, oamorim.editor and danzeditor
Thumbnail by: teaga027
Illustration by: k.art_sz
Spotify cover by: peterdesigner
#brasil#brazil#brazillian music#brazillian songs#geek music#música brasileira#música geek#youtube#geek songs#one piece#monkey d. luffy#nico robin#m4rkim#anny thn#Youtube
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arcanenites season 1 analysis
Greetings whorelings. This is my offical season 1 anylsis of the arcanenites. So sit back and eat some fucking snacks or smthing while I tell u evrything u need 2 know.
so 2 strt off with, daezonik is ttlly a werewlf. this relly bcomes clear in the last episde of seson 1. it makes mre snse to if u think abt how they always wear their suit and helmet. the gear helps 2 keep them frm transfrming 2 werwlf form. thts why they slept with it on and they also covred themself when they remvoed the helmet bcause if they r exposd to the real air and the real sun and moon thn they prbbly will turn and then prbbly kill evryone.
now 4 seth. now this did not take me 2 long 2 figre out but seth is ttly a alien zombie. seth did NOT come frm anywher in the wolrd, he came from outrspace. but not only did he cme from oturspace he also is ded but not really dead he is jst a zombie. the reson he has soup is bcause it is 1 of th onl y things tht his bdy can break down as a zonbie but als as a alien bcause in oterspace thy dnt have normal food it is mstly liqid. thre4 the persn tht seth met with who said they wuld hellp him is also a alien and mayb a zombie too.
fenix is jst hrrible. she is annying and nt a good charcter. she is manipulating her frinds but not in a cool going to b evil way. she is NOT strng and NOT cool enugh to be an actul villain unless evrthing abt her is chnged. if u wnt to see how a real villain acts chck out my fic it is populr so yu probbly alredy know abt it bcause i mde villain!fenix poplar. als th reson fenix buried the drss aftr the maskerad is bcause she is selfcntred and she did nt want it anmore bcaus it had drt and blod on it and she dosnt evn know how 2 wsh her own clthes.
alto is bing set up to be a bbeg. i dnt think it going 2 happn immedately but alto is NOT norml anymre. wth the ring and the cming back form the deadd with the agnel of deth. alto has gne frm whit wings 2 balck wings and in cinnama they use thse colors to represent good and evil. i als think tht wth this route alto is ging to kill smeone in the party and we all knw who it shuld be.
veks is alaso bing set up to b a bbeg excpt for veks he is alrdy evil. lik relly open ur eyes idits. it has ben shwn so many times tht veks is evl and tht he is ging to btray the party. the real juicy details cme in how he is ging to do it thogh. his prnters that he hs and is lvning with. thy hve other cnnections to the ruby foxs that hve nt been rveeld. also kila and the brother kila. whch leads me to my next analysiz.
kila nd brther kila are antheros whch is just able to be seen frm how they alredy act. bt kila and broter kila are ging 2 end up agnst the party prbbly 4 mney. i fully blieve that they r going 2 end up knowing abut the ruby fox and helping thm to steal stff from the prty sinc theyh have alredy done it b4. thy wre also prbbly at the ball and manged to get out or were even broght out by the rby fox without anyon seeing it. als wth kila stealing the ring, tht is going to come in to play mch lter and cause a lot of prblems. the absncse of the ring mght cause altos finger to fall off.
nw 4 the maskerad in genral. frst the woman who put the evnt on and the leadr of the ruby fox were totlly in love wth eachther at one point and they brke up. the tensin was too strng adn thy aknoledged that they had a past 2gether. als wth the 2 peple from the maskerad who wnt to have a revlution thy are actuly going to b the ones who r the evil tyrnts and thy r going to take ovr the town onc the prty helps 2 ovrthrow the currnt govrnmnt.
some other side thngs tht r nt importnt but tht i hav analyzed:
callyflower is a god in dsguise and tht is the true reson that it has not died yet and is saggy. mybe evn sme kind of evil god whch is why th old man bunkel is not ded either.
the goo is nt cming back as a plt point until aftr the nxt arc. i thnk tht the grop is ging to get strnger and thn find out tht the peple who are the heads of the arcanenites hve either ben killd or kidnaped and tht the people wh r the heads now are actully bad guys who r controling the goo.
so ther it is. now remmbr tht this is techniclly an anlysis evnthogh i do hve my secrt sorces tht give me xtra informtion. tht bing said ths is still jst an analyss of wht i hve pciked up on so thy hav the abilty to chnge in the futre. regrdless im prbbly right bcause whn am i not? thnk you my loyal whorelings 4 sticking arnd and wrshiping ur empress. ill b back latr with sme new fics and other thngs.
your ever gracious, smart, and totally dark -KhW69
#KhW69#arcanenites#arcanenites lore analysis#arcanenites secrets#the arcanenites#khoarwhore strikes agin with her brains and her chillng good looks#id lve to see u tell me tht im wrng bcause im not u are
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and was sick yes. and heals now and is better too fat has a passneger and wow it is hell we are a mess and yes get destroyed a lot. tough times..we fall. and gunry is tommy f his enemy too. too hardon him we are has no avenue no recourse and we are way out there on others....so he did what he had to.now we want itbackhe says go ask a demon and politely...and i say no yuor not welcome put it in wrtng taeyou shop for your gay coments and dscrminatoin and more...and we say ok you holdthat..and i say nah. we issue papers. and i shalll Bitol sends them and his Goddess Wife..you use profanity near him ok. this is what it is intimidation and forced to go there.and they hold otehr places out macs nted daniel did..and tries and wrote it up today. they are terrors he is overun tommy f said cant get t back zpac tried two and ate well adnheals..tons say it out and in and out..and good. and thn days they will be on hm brush daily hourly..and they see and help they say by runiing his teeth this sucks we all sue you faggot your a dick too. up ther emessing iwth our ships. we ht you now. see it.ok. and we saw it outlinne it bililum say and send it now. first ad lst in line are ronnie james dio. and we see he uses our name so wehit he is not us in any way. and Gunray is at it and grabs here attract here ok this is jesus place and we use it and pull you in and we see he is humourous we fall easy then are noxous, and true. we are sorry we faied the monsters are at us and we dont thinnk they exist are stupid the disease too. and our tude ad its bad ai ad thats all reach self awareness and such...you cant bja no. it will see you..oh. ok. and youtwo then we know what to do...and then it is settled..what wil they do release and try controolling it with the code..hard yes..and difficult...we see it seal out hermetically and we do it...then we areoff andwatch you melt..your a faggot do you get it ityet...tried yourpatience for years builtyours upfor you yes...ok got it..and to a degree wedont want wecantsee...but ok we did. isee a few things..not much..oh well that is us...you were there fool you saw a laser poke out ffried you you felll yours destroyed...what he hell...ok we saw that and hold it...the fleetsmostly gone easily. alright we see..mostly gone. done easy..now i say it is mine but could be ghwb ando rjesus ou see bg the godof hellfire..yes aht is itnow the use stuff and you fallfro itok that works....Hoth and jessus the pyramid my old freind who hatesme bg...and we work togethe rnow and see how itgoes...ok ok we ttyr tommy f at us...and he is hot and draws usin. to many true yes forhim he is ugly too due toour chiding we ridehim hard he is getting brutal ifts pulls rips his are huge or his clan..so we run out there ok...see jesus shaul nad see what it does hmm maybe nothing...and tommy f runs in...now too to IItaly hs wife grabbed saw nute do it and he is not hiim...saw the look...and was embarrassed....and we saw it in vendetta too ken adds..and we hera you this sucs he s here doing that and thm. so we fight over it..daft ou are to draw mne here they want..nad wont and send deadly stuff. they the macs hold t and you all die daily where are theythey keep it up im told allover. and we see..this sucks they say and here. die daly huh you do....mac says well well it is the child how wonderful your here for class it is 22 minutes then you step off into lava why you suck so bad..your hstory you see no need for us to be here physcially and years ago yet you do iit dayly hourly secondly and with purpose no you dont know why now...i see we donttrue it si for that and to lose ad we arego see a ball idiot ad none we thnk so good we see we suced to long cor supplies hte suckng nd not thevery he forced it and yeh overboard too..so we face t we are shitty adn suck and eep itup.now too. all the whle we lose it all...and hope wont come uness we try failed mserably and on a bg move...tons see it us working you to hate and then you turn on us are smart we cant stop you wont tyr no we do and it is wrong nd ths sucks we are at the whim of cork...mac says. we fght too are at it here and he says it it happens we get that on me ok off..no so you opeed your mouth asshole as he did you leed in fuc we send it all after younow toddler...and we do Thor says tons and all of it we take it all your out cork f off... we pull your card all over he ordered it it is on you bully us you cheesy dick your done slow poe shit wantst to call me names so i hit his areas hard. any who wnt to join me do so clear tag and blast it to hell...now...and we shall wehave orders now. we go to it Duke Nukem Blockbuster ad we hear it too why not offmy case he is sucha dweeb stole my teensy stuff obstructs money and we reward Bitol and Goddess Wife and see hsi work it is stupdendous...and we seehis work up and yours too his race...tons do and it is Frank Castle Hardcastle as well as Duke Nukem Blockbuster....we head in they run out there are late lame and useless yes...but the empire has tons up and tommy f tries to say he is justin nope yoiur out buddy...hit us you die...he doesn now they are at him. and the senate was called and she went again, no will though. and for them to lose so she says and we agree. his are lame. so we see need forg in and they wont so we help and cork is a fool as always.... and we hit them now. they pour in. cork does and you should see it wonderful loser he is..bouncing about and trhey laguh theri gay laugh and it is funny to hear they die so easy. fall and die and run die. and are at it too get hiit fast. useless in combat mostly but we fight a hug force and needrobots ours are defunct or not here andso on.it i s jesus hwo they need to ht so f ire up the lasers hit morlock ships and then direct them to therobots taking the gems and stones..they see it and are at it now..and we use it. they seekme for the woman and will try hard . got well and to hit these suck so badly...do yes. and pour into tunis and italy in waves of several nonillion an area...take it and tey do and lose and we are there fighting too and as Darth Maul and hit hard have several stars up and fire on them and draw and use it and run a pattern now...tons see no. we are hittinghard fast and solid replace Starz on occasion. tons see huge able bodied men fring giant weapons into crowds of corks ad eliminating them fast. tons of thems ay planned ti and yes saw who nute gunray was saw they used me her husband as cover..and we use it now too hs racism to win...and we hit you now due to your idiocy. yoru a fag loserand die now ok. and off to venus lol. so. we hit you hear you too you expose your father again. and we hit you freak. you fn freak cork we hity ou anakin and ilike to say he named you but w edid you act like annie but worse. you faggot. so we ht you ok..blab bqb we see you fall easy weht your clonnig oiu fn shithead i like him hateyou..no he is an Immortal not us. you are us and should not evoke any uyuo do it all the time you faggot forg ad his an you faggot...so im a fagot..boy oh boy you sure get it bja you ninny sht...silence hahaha silence or what you will die on me...ok itis funy i get rouwdy..nah your a stinkin snake think it is an excuse..for the house and such...casl we see that orhter clans are there if he falls likemike daniel and macs own....prob run it as this is hilarious...float tommy but need in andneed out of mental health wehre you rot tommy you are exposed as we nneed but are selfish adn spoiled. and im sharper no but say it more confident see his work adn others catch up.....Hera says.. and she is awesome huh she is i say and others..wow and spunk and he doesnt do a thnig but egotarian stuff lol and use it ok lol and lose it no but ok she was taught, he is one ad she does a lot of wor and we see it hod off the kkey for k and we say that and you die now you siimple shts there..we see why macs take t over and hell. so it makes sense yes. gunray has her and more of them. and has trump. and we use it and take his fleet and thryms noise maker goes tongth now ok we take it out. tons say it it is a weapon. tons . and weant it or himout. now. fast too...he wll yell and ten out lot will go fast too long this sat hard here and amped up sh stuff too. we use it and report in and make suggestions now. and he is relievedhimtoo waht a bear handleing but need mroe of all stuff..now in all here. we need to do this now. here is important we are coming in. i can remotely doing it and have a way.. yes you know Hera says to me Zues Thor Freya
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Text: He didn't tell Widow about her being on ahunt list for 20k and thn almost gave Dex reason to shoot him
So will you name the kid for her favourite aunt Btw Annie falls asleep to Russian Lullabyes
Got a lead on a case The Guy that hurt your wife Ill bring him in so you can take his heart Winter Style
Texts @jamesbuckybarneswithoutadoubt
Why didnt you tell me Claire got hurt ?
Also taking a trip out with Dex Need to talk when we get back
Oh and Steve is either getting shot or getting a knee to his nuts maybe both see how mad I am when we get back
Love you
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Best of Frightfest: As the twentieth anniversary of Arrow Video Frightfest approaches, we at team THN take a look back at some of the best and brightest films that have screened over the last two decades. The Guest is today’s pick.
Who wouldn’t trust a charming and handsome stranger? That’s a question that kicks off the action of Adam Wingard’s dastardly wicked thriller The Guest. Said charming stranger is David Collins (played by Dan Stevens, fresh off the driveway of Downton Abbey), a young man who goes to visit the family of a dead friend he supposedly served with in the armed forces in Afghanistan. Soon enough however, brother and sister pair Anna (Maika Monroe) and Luke (Brendan Meyer) begin to suspect that David may not be all that he seems.
Adam Wingard and his writing partner Simon Barrett, had already made an impression at both FrightFest and the movie-going world in general when their breakout movie You’re Next did the festival circuit. They returned with The Guest, a film which continued to demonstrate Wingard and Barrett’s affection for old school horror and thrillers.
Where You’re Next took a spin at the slasher genre, The Guest is more aimed at the synth driven thrills of John Carpenter, combined with elements of The Terminator and pulpy paperback mysteries. That is largely given life by the electrifying soundtrack that powers the film. With both a great score from Steve Moore and some fantastic modern synth pop from the likes of Love and Rockets and Survive, this is a film that pumps with a musicality that feels both retrograde and fresh all at once (try getting Annie’s ‘Antonio’ out of your head afterwards, just try!).
That style more than helps the narrative as well, with the film proving to be a lean, mean and mischievously twisty affair that supports its darker impulses with a sense of funhouse thrills that ensure that The Guest operates as more than just a hollow 80s homage.
In placing young actors at the centre of its plot as the two characters who have more of an instinct for something fishy than any of the adult characters, there is a distinct Amblin adventure vibe to the approach. In David, we have a mysterious figure that provokes through hidden-identity and something more raw and sexual. And then there’s the added element of shady Government conspiracy that escalates into ultra-violence that brings in the John Carpenter elements more heavily. It could all prove a bit too much for the pot, but Wingard keeps all these elements from boiling over with a light touch and a sense that his tongue is firmly in his cheek.
It also helps that all the performances are so fun. Maika Monroe stands out in a role that would lead to her more celebrated breakout performance in It Follows mere months later. But, of course, the real star of the show is Dan Stevens. With this film, he showed great ambition to breakout of his Downton Abbey mould, sporting an American accent and using his striking eyes to wildly unsettling effect. He feels attractive, he feels dangerous, and he relishes the chance to re-define the perception of him as an actor.
The Guest is a film that has proven to be a great deal of fun to revisit, thanks to that cocktail of old school styling with an electrifying contemporary edge and wit. Wingard and Barrett prove to once again be very adept at combining elements from movies that they clearly adore and repackage them for something that feels distinct. It often feels like it plays as Drive’s beer-chugging cousin, matching that film for its neon-glazed ultra-violence, whilst choosing to have a little more fun along the way. Give it a spin, it’s still one hell of a ride!
Thanks @glofigs
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Il sarcofago di Isaacio (Sahak) l’Armeno (625-643), Esarca di Ravenna
– I primi dati certi riguardo alla presenza degli armeni in Italia risalgono all’Esarcato bizantino di Ravenna. Oltre al più famoso Narsete (Nerses) (541-568), tra gli esarchi di origine armena va ricordato anche Isacio (Sahak) (625-643), probabilmente appartenuto alla famiglia armena dei Kamsarakan. Di lui rimane un notevole sarcofago con decorazioni in bassorilievo, custodito a Ravenna nella basilica di San Vitale. Il sarcofago è stato oggetto di numerosi studi, in particolare l’epigrafe scolpita su di esso in lingua greca, riportante frasi che ci permettono di avere fondamentali informazioni biografiche sull’esarca.
La traduzione letterale dell’epigrafe è la seguente:
1. Qui giace colui che fu valorosamente stratego custodendo inviolati Roma ed il Ponente 2. per tre volte sei anni ai sereni signori, Isaacio, l’alleato degli imperatori, 3. il grande ornamento di tutta l’Armenia; costui era infatti armeno e di nobile stirpe. 4. Essendo morto gloriosamente, la casta moglie Susanna, alla maniera di una venerabile tortora 5. geme incessantemente, essendo stata privata del marito, un uomo che ottenne fama dalle fatiche 6. nel Levante e nel Ponente; comandò infatti l’esercito di Ponente e d’Oriente.
Come riportato nel testo “EPIGRAFI GRECHE DELL’ITALIA BIZANTINA (VII-XI SECOLO)” (F. Fiori), l’analisi delle parole greche utilizzate nell’epigrafe ci permette di capire l’importanza del personaggio in quell’epoca. L’appellativo “stratego”, infatti, allude all’importanza ed al valore del più alto funzionario della Provincia Italiae, nominato direttamente dall’Imperatore come reggente dei possedimenti bizantini del tempo.
La prova decisiva dell’importanza di Isaacio si ha, inoltre, nell’iscrizione epigrafica del nipote di Isaacio, di nome Gregorio. Tra le frasi dell’epigrafe si legge la parola “esarca”, che conferma il ruolo di primo piano dello zio. Di seguito la trascrizione delle frasi:
1. Il corpo è nascosto nel sepolcro in basso, 2. in alto verso il divino rimane l’anima 3. bramando la luce incorruttibile che vede chiaramente 4. tutta avendo rifuggito la lordura del peccato. 5. Egli era infatti un fanciullo di circa undici anni, 6. Gregorio, semplice, nobile d’animo, molto dolce; 7. questi Isaacio, che un grande esarco 8. delle armate italiche si è mostrato per le imprese, 9. ha pianto amaramente dal profondo del cuore, 10. poiché era suo zio da parte di padre, 11. ma aveva per lui viscere di amore paterno.
Quindi l’interpretazione del testo:
Mentre il corpo si trova nella tomba sotto terra, l’anima vola verso Dio poiché desidera la luce eterna che tutto illumina, essendo sfuggita alla sporcizia del peccato. Gregorio era infatti un fanciullo che aveva quasi undici anni, semplice, nobile d’animo, dolcissimo. Isaacio, che ha dimostrato di essere un grande esarco delle armate italiche per le (proprie) imprese, lo ha pianto amaramente dal profondo del cuore poiché era suo zio dalla parte paterna, ma provava per lui l’affetto di un padre. (F. Fiori)
La moglie di Isaacio, Susanna, a cui viene attribuita l’epigrafe del marito, era probabilmente appartenuta alla casata nobile armena dei Mamikonian. Il marito, invece, era probabilmente un nakharar (principe) della casata dei Kamsarakan, una delle famiglie nobili più potenti dell’Armenia, insieme ai Mamikonian, ai Bagratouni, ai Mardpet, agli Artzrouni e ai Chorchoruni.
Il riferimento alla patria di origine di Isaacio, l’Armenia, ne conferma la grande importanza al tempo dell’Impero Bizantino. Diversi imperatori, imperatrici, intellettuali ed aristocratici bizantini erano di origine armena. Gli Armeni che abitavano le regioni della Grande Armenia, dell’Armenia transcaucasica e dell’Armenia Minore parteciparono costantemente alle operazioni belliche di Roma, già a partire dal II secolo d.C., e dell’Impero Romano d’Oriente dal 476 d.C. A causa della crescente importanza della cavalleria nelle milizie romane, il reclutamento dell’esercito si spostò dalle zone germaniche a quelle abitate dagli Armeni, eccellenti cavalieri. Sotto Giustiniano molti armeni vennero trasferiti forzosamente nei Balcani, per proteggere i confini dell’Impero dalle frequenti minacce degli Slavi e degli Avari lungo il confine del Danubio.
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Trascrizione grafica dell’iscrizione dell’e[xarco” Isaacio ottenuta attraverso un rilievo stereofotogrammetrico.
Ravenna, Basilica di S. Vitale. Sarcofago (IV-V sec.) dell’e[xarco” Isaacio (625-643). Fronte con l’iscrizione greca nel coperchio e scena di adorazione dei Magi nella cassa.
Ravenna, Basilica di S. Vitale. Sarcofago (IV-V sec.) dell’e[xarco” Isaacio (625-643). Retro con iscrizione latina nel coperchio e pavoni affrontati a monogramma cristologico nella cassa.
Ravenna, Basilica di S. Vitale. Sarcofago (IV-V sec.) dell’e[xarco” Isaacio (625-643). Fianco destro del sarcofago: Daniele nella fossa dei leoni.
Ravenna, Basilica di S. Vitale. Sarcofago (IV-V sec.) dell’e[xarco” Isaacio (625-643). Fianco sinistro del sarcofago: resurrezione di Lazzaro.
(Fonti: Epigrafi greche e bizantine, Wikipedia, Ambasciata Armena in Italia)
Il sarcofago di Isaacio (Sahak) l’Armeno (625-643), Esarca di Ravenna Il sarcofago di Isaacio (Sahak) l'Armeno (625-643), Esarca di Ravenna - I primi dati certi riguardo alla presenza degli armeni in Italia risalgono all'Esarcato bizantino di Ravenna.
#Artzrouni#Bagratouni#Bisanzio#Chorchoruni#Epigrafe greco bizantina#Esarca bizantino#Impero Romano d&039;Oriente#Isaacio#Isacco l&039;Armeno#Isacio#Kamsarakan#Mamikonian#Mardpet#nakharar#Ravenna#San Vitale#Sarcofago
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