#anne lester idv
strawberryvera · 2 months
annie and edgar x gn reader head cannons!
cw: none!!
a/n: I haven’t written in forever, so I’m sorry I’m my writing comes off awkward!! I’m currently writing this at 1am, so my brain is kinda turned off so sorry if I make a sentence that litteraly just sounds like me yapping… nonetheless hope you enjoy!!
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- Annie was always such a sweetheart, and that never changed when she got with you! She loves Valentine’s Day, and she loves giving gifts! Expect to be given quite a few things by her.
- right when you woke up that morning, annie made sure to give you your gifts, the gifts consisted of a handmade teddy bear she gave you, and a small box of chocolates. She was particularly ecstatic about giving you the teddy bear, as toys were always the thing that bought her the most joy even at her lowest points, and she really hopes she can share that joy with you!
- cuddles on that day! Lots of them. She’s an affectionate person when it comes to you, and she makes sure to let you know that she wants today to be about you two. She will give you tons of hugs and forehead kisses :3 !!
- she also made you guys small matching wooden heart keychains! each of you got a half, and when you put it together, it forms a little wooden heart, how cute!
- you guys spent the day in annies workspace, you both sat down and made each other small wood carved toys about the size of your normal sea shell. With a bit of help from your dear annie, you made her a small wooden carved teddy bear, and a duck, and annie made you your favorite animal!
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- the arrogant and cold painter you where introduced to with your first interaction compared to how he is with you now, it’s almost so different to how he treats you now..I mean it’s still kinda there, but he tries his best to set that aside, especially today.
- he loves giving you his artwork as small gifts, he does it quite frequently actually. It was a portrait of you that he gave you on valentines, you can tell he spent extra time on this one to perfect it. Portraits and just drawing people in general aren’t necessarily his strong suit, so he was a bit nervous giving you it, but overall happy and content when he saw that you absolutely adored it.
- you very much loved the painting he gave you, and you made sure he knew. He loves receiving praise on his work, so you gave him lots of compliments and praises on the artwork, even if it boosted his ego a bit.
- he’s not very good at showing affection, let alone physical affection, but he tries, and he really did try today. He made sure to remind you that he loves you a lot verbally today, and made sure to give you lots of hugs today as well.
- you spent your day with edgar in the manor garden, where he painted you. He has painted you here before, but he did everything so that he could make it extra special, especially for the day it was.
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dohtollen · 4 months
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anne lester doodle🧜‍♀️
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bobabees · 2 years
Part 1: “Oh! I Think That I Found Myself A Cheerleader!”
A/N: i don’t want to risk losing all my work so KDJKSNS—this will be split into multiple parts for each character i plan to write for! i hope you all like it!!
Summary: it’s been a month since the arrival of the cheerleader, and there have been a flurry of emotions and discussions amongst the other survivors ever since. the cheerleader, despite their quite deadly circumstances, tries to adjust into this new environment and to cheer and support their fellow survivors to the best of their ability!
CW: mentions of gore, might be a little ooc, i’m not sure KEBDNNS o(╥﹏╥)o
Genre: slight angst + fluff
Anne Lester x GN Cheerleader Survivor
Word Count: 2,328 words
“Y/N!—be careful,” Anne had let out a soft laughed as she watched them flinch at the sounds of the cipher before quickly readjusting their stance and narrowing their eyes at the keys, “at the rate you’re going, you’ll get us caught. Remember, don’t rush.” She lightly instructed as her eyes followed the way their fingers reluctantly pressed into the keys, the slow yet harsh clicking against the cipher as the dials turned, the electrical pole that looked over them shook with each movement.
“I’m sorry I just—it can be a lil’ tough sometimes,” They gave a sheepish smile, looking up at Anne who, in response, pointed a gaze back down at the cipher, as if gesturing them to focus. “Tryna get used to ‘em and all,” They huffed a bit, causing the toy merchant to let out another laugh as she tried to decode the cipher with them. “I wanna go fast and get this over with but—I also don’t wanna screw up and make some noise and have Antonio come after us—what a mess that’ll be.” They groaned, their right eye twitched ever so slightly at the memory of him chasing after them earlier. “I barely escaped if it weren’t for Ganji—man, he’s really good with that bat, y’know? I’m pretty sure he’s saved me like—a hundred times! And I’ve only been here for a month!” They exasperated “A month, and I can’t get the hang of this kiting thing-“
“You’ll get used to it, trust me, it’s easier over time.”
“For you!” They blurted out with a grin as they adjusted one of the spinning dials and hit the cipher, “I mean, you’re a complete natural at that, honestly, sometimes I think you’re totally cheating.” They joked lightly as they glanced at the open spaces, checking if Antonio was anywhere near them.
“You flatter me, Y/N,” Anne shook her head in response, her lips twitching upwards in a slightly prideful smile “But I’m not as good as you think, there are others much better at kiting than I,” Her last words faltered when she heard a sharp laugh from them, feeling them nudge their elbow against her arm clumsily as an attempt to focus on both the cipher and her. “Y/N!”
“Oh, don’t be like that! You’re incredible with this stuff—Sure, there’s loads of good kiters n’ all, but between you and me?” They comically leaned their head closer to Anne, an excited whisper slipping through their proud grin, “I’d say you’re one of the best! I mean, come on! Have you seen the way you kite?” They questioned, Anne knitting here eyebrows in response, she never saw it as anything special—what she said was true, at least, she believed it was—there were much better kiters than her.
But before she could even question their words, they continued on with their ramble “The way you move, quickly navigating through each and every path—how you take full advantage of your surroundings—oh, and how you ready your catapult so quickly and launch into the air? And hold yourself up for that long?” They breathed out, stars practically shimmering in their eyes, unable to take notice of the way Anne’s cheeks began to turn a pale pink. “That takes a whole lotta skill, seriously, and you put in a lot of effort in what you do! Anyone can tell! You literally kited the Will Brothers!—the Will Brothers!—for like—15 minutes total!” They nearly shivered at their words, shaking their head at the memory of their first time encountering the Will Brothers, as fascinating as their skills were, which of course they complimented, they would be lying if they said they hadn’t been scared out of their wits. “I mean, how can you not be considered one of the best?” They chortled, their eyes glued on the set of keys instead of the increasingly flustered woman next to them.
It wasn’t until the cipher shook violently for a moment and sparked, did they flinch and finally tore their gaze away from the cipher and taking notice of Anne who had similarly flinched by the sudden spark. “Oh jeez—I’m sorry, I wasn’t-“
“No no, it’s fine—it was my fault, actually,” Anne cleared her throat, cheeks now a rosy pink as she shifted her gaze to one of the openings, catching a glimpse of the abnormally tall hunter glance their direction and begin to make his way. “I think you should go, I’ll finish this one.”
“Are you sure? I-I didn’t say anything wrong, did I?” They stammered slightly, hand reaching out to place a comforting grip on her wrist but had pulled away immediately when Anne’s eyes swiftly took notice of their movements, but soon settled on them, softening at their words. “Anne?”
“No, you didn’t say anything wrong—I just—Antonio’s close,” Anne muttered as she began to decode, finishing up the last few bits, as she said she would. Chuckling the moment they began to whip their head around frantically to see the hunter before tensing the moment they saw him nearing their location. “Please, don’t worry, I’ll be fine. You, on the other hand, need to go off and do another cipher, I believe Emil is decoding just west from here.” Anne recalled.
They fidgeted in place slightly, a nervous smile plastered on their face as they looked back at Antonio, cringing under eerie smile before turning to Anne, who had a more comforting smile. “Well—if you say so! You know way more than me so—“ they fumbled with their words as they gave a more optimistic grin “I mean you can handle yourself just fine, you’re that cool after all! And—well, you’re really experienced—with this stuff!-“ They rambled a bit, somehow sounding as if they were very much reassuring themselves instead of simply complimenting the toy merchant. “Just—holler my name if you need me, okay? I’ve got your back!” They beamed as they placed a hand on her shoulder, a gentle squeeze given as they moved away, “I believe in you!! You got this right in the bag!” They waved before running off quickly. “Take care!”
“I will!” She called out, a flustered grin on her face forming as she popped the ciphered and gave Antonio a challenging glare—she didn’t know what went over her, to challenge a hunter when he was this close—was it because of their encouraging words? Their ramble that came from pure adoration? Either way, she felt a fire in her chest, one that didn’t dim before the presence of the hunter but rather, fuelled her mind and energy as she sprinted off to steer him away from the cipher they had gone to.
‘I’m not going to make it!—‘ Anne gritted her teeth, her eyes wincing in pain as stray tears slipped down her cheeks, hair sticking to her forehead that was coated sweat, her hand clutching to her side, feeling the warmth blossom with each step she took, sinking into her clothes and making the side of her corset a much darker shade of red. She could hear the ominous humming and tugging of strings that followed, a sharp noise piercing the tense air as a crimson note formed in front of her, followed by an amused laugh.
Her breathing hitched as she turned a harsh left into the dilapidated church, stumbling in her steps as she heard his shoes clicking quickly behind her. The toy merchant eyeing an unused pallet and made her way to it, a quiet whimper leaving her lips as she had passed through out, ducking to avoid Antonio’s bow before pulling down the pallet in front of him, deterring his movements and making him curse in response. Taking this opportunity, she had quickly wobbled her way to the front left side of the church and vaulting over the window before turning a right.
“The exit gate is opened!” Anne gasped, hearing their voice familiar echo through the air like a melody one would simply hear walking by the sidewalk, a sense of relief knowing they would be able to make it out as she began to make her way towards the exit gate. She could hear Antonio curse under his breath as he struggled to vault over the window with his tall stature before continuing his pursuit.
It felt like an eternity, constantly crisscrossing past the walls and vaults, using the unbroken and unused pallets available, which weren’t many—and having close calls with Antonio’s bow or his music notes. She was nearing exhaustion, the thought of just collapsing and letting him drag her to a rocket chair began to sound much more pleasant as time went on. However—something stopped her as she caught a glimpse of them waiting anxiously by the exit gate through the gaps of the walls.
The moment their eyes had locked into each other, she watched as they hollered her name “Anne!-“
“What are you still doing here?! Go!—We’ll still win!” She choked out as she vaulted once more, her heart beating faster as Antonio’s bow sharply brushed against her forearm, he had missed her by an inch. Frustration bubbling in her chest when she noticed they hadn’t moved from their spot, “Y/N, just go!-“
“I’m not leaving you! I don’t care if we’ll win, it’s not right!” They retorted, restraining themselves from running to her as their right leg quivered under their weight, the clumsily wrapped wound burning as they took a step forward. “Your catapult! You have one left, right?”
“I won’t make it!-“
“You will! I know you will!—please!” They pleaded, their eyes sparkling with the same determination and firmness that shone when they had rambled on about her earlier in the match. “I know you can do it! You can! It’s the last stretch, you can do it! You’re Anne Lester!” They cheered, their throat aching but they had ignored it, too focused on the scene before them with Anne creating some distance. “Come on! You got this! I know you do!”
Anne cursed under her breath, her heart pounding, and it was no longer because of Antonio who trailed behind her, but because of their words. She risked a glance back, seeing him break down a pallet that had been in his way, quickly, she pulled out her catapult and placed it on the ground, preparing it before reluctantly becoming aware of her wound at her side and her increasing exhaustion. Their words echoed in their mind as she took a firm step on her catapult before launching herself in the air, a frustrated ‘no!’ came from Antonio as he stretched bow out, the strings cutting her ankle as she stretched her wooden wings in the air, a quiet cry leaving her as her ankle stung.
The cold air flooding through her wounds and sinking into her as she held an iron grip on the handle, blood staining the soft pastel colours as she watched them cheer loudly. “Yes!—yes yes yes! Go Anne! You can do this! Just a little bit more!” They hollered, a weak smile gracing her face as she slowly glided over the walls. Maybe she was going to make it—she was close—so close—she felt her fingers slipping from the handle gradually, panicked eyes glancing at what was happening before looking back at them, who similarly began to realise what was about to happen. “J-Just hang on a bit longer! I know you can!—just—“ They stopped, seeing the oncoming musical note before moving quickly to their right, hissing at the burning sensation on their leg.
“Y/N, just go!-“
“No! I’m waiting for you! Now, come on!” They yelled back, hearing Antonio grow closer, anxiously glancing at both the hunter and Anne, who was thankfully closer to the ground. Just a bit more!—Just a few more seconds! They could hear the laboured gasps from Anne—until finally, her hands had given in to the weight and pressure and had let go of the handle.
“Anne!-“ They shrieked before rushing over, stretching their arms and ignoring the pain as they caught Anne in their arms. Stumbling back, their body threatening to give in and let them fall due to the sudden weight thrown on them, their leg screaming a bright red as their shoes dug into the dirt. “You’re okay! You did it—!!“ they blurted out as their arms tightened around her waist, feeling her frame lean against them heavily as she groaned in response. They forced themselves through the pain, adjusting their grip on Anne quickly to carry her in a bridal style before running to the exit gate, sparing a glance back at Antonio who was startled by the wooden wings that collapsed in front of him and felt the wind blow it in his direction, watching him swat it away harshly in annoyance.
“Good match, Antonio! See you later!” Normally, they would have given a more sincere compliment to Antonio by now before leaving the match, just like they had done with the previous hunters—but their attention was more onto Anne, who struggled to stay awake. They unconsciously held her tighter as they let out a heave, “You did amazing—seriously! I’m so proud of you—I told you, you’re one of the best!—“ they blurted out, attempting to distract Anne from her pain before feeling Anne’s arm weakly pat their shoulder. “It’s okay! We—We’ll go to Emily and have you patched up, okay? I got you—I got your back-“
The gesture, which was mistaken as a sign to hurry up, was filled with nothing but gratefulness and returning adoration to the cheerleader, an exhausted yet jubilant smile formed on her lips as she found herself slowly agreeing to their words of praise.
Maybe she was one of the best, after all.
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nightwonder7 · 6 months
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"How is your head as dense as your body?"
Duo hunter shenanigans.
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t0bey · 1 year
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ALL 42 SURVIVORS!!!!!!!!!! ❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜🩷
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chawawanya · 6 months
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slowly but surely...
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kowaixt · 24 days
i actually can't draw anything normal atm, so it's just random stuff (´TωT`)
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jaxsterrapp · 2 months
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game 3 be like /hj
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goocasden2 · 2 years
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funny animal post
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lambdollies · 5 days
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Anne i anne anin annaie
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slothpile · 3 months
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hopped the miiverse bandwagon going on at twitter with game 3 group
i thought it'd be cute if they were doing the in-game 'Agree' emote for these 👉👈
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skyephobic · 3 months
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will you marry me
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thefireworkguy · 3 months
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hello! I'm back at posting art. Small doodle of these 3!
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akuma-tenshi · 10 months
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i went through way too much effort to find this post tbh
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nightwonder7 · 9 months
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Utterly oblivious. Kinda a "sequal" to this.
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t0bey · 6 months
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Its been like a year since this meme was relevant but this is my truth
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