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I’ll give it to someone special.
~WHAM! “Last Christmas”
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Sooo, I’ve been watching “New Girl” on Netflix for the last couple days to fill up time before I go to work. And my favorite ship from this show actually reminds me a lot of Hiccanna, so it gave me the idea of Hiccanna being childhood friends that end up being roommates all while hopefully pining after each other. Now, considering that I am bored and I don’t want to keep this au to myself, I thought it would be fun to vent it out for now. However, if you don’t love these dorks like I do, you’re fine to continue your scrolling, it’s completely fine.
Hiccup and Anna both have exes that haven’t treated them the best, but they also thought they never had a chance with each other (ie Astrid, Hans)
Those moments whenever one person is coming home from a bad date with someone and the other already has their comfort snacks all ready to go
Hiccup trying not to lose his mind whenever Anna comes out of the shower, but is also respectful of her space bc he a good boi
Mavis is Anna’s best girl friend and she’s constantly telling her that Hiccup is totally into her but Anna constantly retorts with “No, no way! He’s my best friend and knows every embarrassing thing about me, why would he like me?”
Anna is also finishing out college and is a teacher-in-training, so sometimes Hiccup will be the one to lecture her to try and get her ADHD self to stay on top of her schoolwork. And if she is too far behind, he’ll pull an all-nighter to help her get caught up
Jack and Nod, who happens to be Hiccup’s main guy friends, are constantly just pulled along for the ride as they watch Hiccup always talk about Anna when they are able to get him to go out on a guys night
Anna once gets stood up for a date with someone so she ends up texting Hiccup to come pick her up (since Anna doesn’t have a license and cannot be trusted to drive). Hiccup, who could’ve had a serious conversation about his future, ended the conversation and took her out to an arcade to cheer her up
Now they are definitely more of a slow burn here, since this is based off a sitcom and we all know how they love to draw out those plotlines but they do get together 3/4 of the ways through the story. I don’t know how yet
Elsa is a famous Broadway singer in New York so whenever she comes to visit Anna, she does take up a lot of unwanted spotlight. One time while they were out to lunch, an Elsa fan had the gall to call Anna the “lame sister”. And when Hiccup heard, he was furious. Anna had to talk him down before he made a decision he’ll regret 
At some point, Hiccup and Anna do get into a big fight about their relationship, which leaves Anna having to get a ride from Mavis to work (she works at a cafe on days she doesn’t have school or teaching). This leads to Hiccup showing up to apologize. Which doesn’t take a lot since Anna felt pretty guilty already so they had a fun night together
Imagine one night, they’re watching a movie together on the couch and Anna falls asleep on his shoulder. And even with she was snoring and drooling, Hiccup still looked at her like she’s a sunset, except she’s more beautiful than any sunset he’s ever seen
That’s kind of all I got for now. I might add on more in the future, but we’ll see. This was fun! And let me know of your thoughts!
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Girl Imma make your day :P
All of the Christmas asks for Hiccanna!
Oh boy, this will be a doozy! Well, I will try!
who spends hours putting up lights only to get tangled in them and storm off?
Hmm, I'm not sure if I'm being honest. But I'll say Anna, considering her tendency for impatience and clumsiness. And then she gets even more annoyed when Hiccup is able to untangle them so easily.
who accidentally eats a whole box of christmas chocolates in one sitting?
Anna 100%. Does the line "Stuff some chocolate in my face!" mean nothing to ya XD That and I have also done that, so relate to that Anna
who insists on watching the cheesey hallmark christmas movies?
Gotta say, I can see them both wanting to together. Sure, Anna is the cheesy romantic but Hiccup would find some enjoyment in it, minus his occassional nitpicks.
who insists on playing nothing but michael buble in the few days running up to christmas?
Hiccup, I can just picture him just singing along to his music in the car. I'm sure he wouldn't be too crazy for the commercialism that goes along with the holiday, but he likes the slow oldsy sound of Michael's voice.
who gets their presents wrapped at the mall so the other can't go snooping
Hiccup would have to. Anna is a curious girl and her excitement causes her to get snoopy without intending to.
who insists on making snow angels?
Anna the snowlover loves doing it, then ends up pulling a conscious Hiccup into it for some fun.
who put christmas outfits on all the pets?
Depends on which pet it is. Anna would be the dog lover and put them in ugly sweaters while Toothless would love the simple looks but nothing hardcore. So Anna would do it, while Hiccup would only do it with the animal's permission.
Do they go to family’s or have a quiet day in?
Usually they would spend it with family and the rest of their kingdom/tribe. Since they are public figures, as well Anna is an extrovert. But they wouldn't argue with spending it with just the two of them, like getting snowed in because something happened with Elsa or Jack.
who insists on wearing matching ugly christmas jumpers?
Hear me out: Hiccup would. He would need to find the one with the right pun or designs on them before he brings them home for Anna. And Anna being Anna, she certainly isn't about to say no now is she?
Who waits up until midnight to give the other their present?
Anna would just get too impatient to wait until the next morning. When they first start dating, Hiccup isn't used to it but by the time they become betrothed, Hiccup started staying up with her.
Who insists on hand-made presents only one year?
I feel like Hiccup would want to spend one year just making her the most amazing present he can come up with. While Anna isn't as crafty as Hiccup (or Elsa for that matter), she does pull together something to give to him. After that first holiday, they decide to do homemade presents every other year.
Who puts mistletoe on every door frame?
They both would, they are addicted to kissing each other. might even include some usage of it in their bedroom, ignore me!
Who gets too drunk at the work christmas party and has to be picked up at 9:15pm?
Hiccup always has his ringer turned on for when that time eventually comes for one of Anna's coworkers calling him from her phone because she drank too much eggnog or some spiked hot chocolate that no one told her about.
who gets angry and almost tells kids that santa isnt real?
Neither! No matter how frustrated they might be during the holidays, they'd never ruined their children's immersions. Cousin Snotlout however...Cues Anna chasing a screaming Snotlout around Berk.
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{you’re here!!}
Yes, there are not my best edits and I apologize for that. In the last part, just pretend that Hiccup is crouching down, it took me a long time to make it.
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{so in love}
Yet another Race to the Edge Hiccanna edit and it’s adorable! And I still can’t believe how large their height difference really is.
For those of you who don’t know, Hiccup is literally 6’1 while Anna is about 5’6 I think? I dunno, height differences are super confusing for me.
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{pure fear}
This edit was a pain to make. And I’m still not 100% happy with it. It’s so hard to make Anna look sick but I did my hardest. But I can definitely see Hiccup being in absolute terror about the possibility of losing Anna.
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{an almost kiss}
So, perhaps I was watching Race to the Edge today and thought that it worked for my babies. Hypothetically, say that Anna has a frozen heart and is running low on time, but then suddenly! They get interrupted just as they’re about to kiss!
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Hey everybody! I’m just letting you all know that I’ve started a Hiccanna Discord server, that way the tiny army of shippers we have can join together 💜
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{shut up meanie}
I’ll be honest, this edit was more for me than anyone else. Based off a future roleplay of mine, Anna is a guardian angel and Hiccup a chaos devil. And a big part of their dynamic is that Hiccup LOVES to tease her, which makes Anna grumpy (although she secretly loves it). The color of her aura reflects her emotions, with magenta meaning flustered. And her wings are covering Hiccup from her sight so that she’s not tempted to look at him.
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1, 2, 9, and 10 for Hiccanna!
1. Coffee shop au: Who’s the barista, and who frequents in the coffee shop?
Barista!Hiccup and Coffee Frequent!Anna! She would totally come in the most during the autumn for warm drinks like hot chocolate (this is Anna after all) and pumpkin spice drinks, along with any sweet pastry they have. As for Hiccup, he’d probably awkwardly flirt with her at first. But Anna starts to gain feelings for him when he starts to memorize her order. Gahhh, They’re so precious!
2. High school/college au: Who’s the straight-A student and who’s the backrow slacker?
So easy 😂 Hiccup is clearly the straight-A student while Anna is unintentionally the backrow slacker. Here’s the thing, I headcanon my girl having ADHD so she has a tendency to get very distracted and lost in her daydreams so it makes it harder for her to focus, as well as how long it takes for her to do the work. I’m an absolute sucker for a character tutoring their love interest (and this is a part of two aus of mine) so this works perfectly for them!
9. Pirate au: Who is the pirate? Who is the member of the royal family who did not sign up for this?
Oh the irony of this question 😂 For the most of you who don’t know, I actually have a fanfic where Hiccup is a pirate and Anna is a princess being forced to have trials for her hand in marriage. However, at night she’s considered to be a “vixen”, which means that she sneaks out at night all the time to go to pubs or hook up with people, being much more rebellious. Hiccup is the only one that she feels like she can be herself with, that she isn’t playing a part just finding new parts of herself she didn’t know were there.
10. Childhood best friends au: Which one was super obviously in love with the other the whole time? Who was oblivious until they were older?
I know the easy one is obviously in love!Hiccup and oblivious!Anna, which I would do and it is in character for them both. BUT! What if Anna was the one that was very obvious about her feelings? Think about it, Hiccup also can’t read social queues at times and has a tendency to be so wrapped up in his work that he doesn’t notice things around him. So he wouldn’t notice how often Anna would stumble over her words around him specifically, or how she looks at him, or even how she tries to impress him. Might be something I should play around with.
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{annoyed girlfriend}
I love to imagine that Anna tends to get very pouty or annoyed when Hiccup goes into workaholic mode, just wanting some attention from her beloved.
On Insta, this is in black and white. You guys are lucky you get this version.
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{fondness while being oblivious}
This idea was inspired specifically from one of my favorite Renga screencaps (aka my profile picture), since I’m a sucker for someone looking at their oblivious significant other with the most fond look imaginable. I’m a sap okay, leave me alone.
(I had already posted this on Instagram but Hiccanna deserves more in its tag here)
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{where it all began}
Anna had been told a lot of good things about this movie, especially about how the actor playing the main character does the role. So, she borrows the DVD from her best friend, Mavis Adams, and sat down to watch it while Elsa and her parents were out. But as she’s watching, she can’t help but feel particularly invested in the main character. ‘Why do I feel this invested in him?’ She thought to herself. Then, the scene started. And Anna’s heart was changed forever.
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{becoming leaders}
Finally an edit that’s not on my Instagram! It’s not my favorite edit I’ve ever done but I love how it looks for the most part. You could read this as platonic or romantic, but we all know where I stand.
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{hiccanna wedding}
I made this for a collab I’m doing with a close friend of mine. Not too shabby if I say so myself.
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{trying to save each other}
I haven’t edited Hiccanna angst in awhile so here’s them fighting a blizzard just to try and get to each other.
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