#annabeth would be ranting about something important to her
demigods-posts · 9 months
headcanon that percy absolutely adored when annabeth was taller than him. and it's not that he's attracted to her less now that he outgrew her. but he just misses when she towered over him. misses looking up at her whenever she teased him for being a seaweed brain. misses whenever she'd bark orders at her team during 'capture the flag' and she'd just be a skyscraper of pure power. misses whenever they'd hug and she'd just completely engulf him.
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thebaronsilver · 2 months
First of the bat, let me say this as a disclaimer. I love the og Percy Jackson series. Secondly, my fav character is Nico and then the Percy from the og series.
Do you know why I make this distinction? Because, Heroes of Olympus ruined Percy's basic characteristics.
Just think, this is the percy who was bullied in almost every school he attended (except, maybe, Goode). Even, camp half blood,till he came back from the first quest. This is the guy with so strong a sense of loyalty that he was willing to get into trouble with the teachers for Grover when they studied together, was willingly an outcast because he would rather be friends with the one guy everyone picked on and thus be bullied himself. He was pretty excited to have a brother once he got over the whole Cyclops thing, too. This is the same guy who spent all his free time looking for a runaway kid who said he hated him. Maybe it was out of misplaced guilt. Maybe it was due to the fact this guy big brothered everyone he could get away with. (Atleast, I felt like that.)
While we're on that issue. Was Nico right to blame Percy for Bianca's death? Absolutely, not. But he was also a grieving ten year old who just lost his only family (even though she had, in a way, already left him behind. But that's an entirely different rant on the Hunters as an institutions. Bianca was also a child, remember.). And considering that Nico changed his tune once he found the truth out and even helped Percy and the camp willingly afterwards, I like to think he more than made up for that mistake.
There's even a part where Percy refuses to burden Nico with the prophesy and claims it for himself. Considering that till then he was trying not to even think about it, I believe we can easily claim that Nico was in some ways important to Percy. Maybe not in the same way his Mom, Annabeth Or Grover was to him, but still an important person.
Then we have in the last Olympian, Percy using Nico as an example why Children of Hades shouldn't be treated as Pariahs. Because if not for him and the reinforcements his powers brought (not even counting the three whole deities he brought along) the casualties would have been higher. (It was Hades who locked Percy up. He even confirms that Nico hadn't had a clue. Nico in turn broke him out and got himself in trouble. Then in a turn of events, Percy starts to blame Nico for something that wasn't in his control. A reversal of roles so to speak. I had thought that it had been momentary anger on Percy's part, but apparently considering all the references to how Nico betrayed him in the HoO, it wasn't. He'd pushed it aside momentarily, it seems.)
Percy was not to blame for what happened to Nico in the original series. Life isn't fair and it just happened to be extra unfair to Nico. Even then Percy went out of his way to look after the kid, to make sure he had a safe space.
This is the Percy who I liked. The Son of Neptune only emphasised this. Even without his memories, he took Hazel and to a lesser extent Frank under his wings. He actually recognised Nico in a vague way. Not just Annabeth (which is something else I have beef with. What about his mother? Why didn't he remember Sally till a lot later and even then he didn't let her know he was safe till a lot later?)
Then comes the Mark of Athena. He apparently told so many horror stories to the 7 that there was a debate on whether or not they should save a 13 year old demigod, the brother to one of them, from a preventable death. This wasn't like the Titan war were demigods could be the enemy. Then why was there even a debate? It's like all that loyalty disappeared. This is the guy that was once bullied at every school he's attended. Doesn't he know the impact of telling tales when people aren't there to defend themselves? To tell the whole story? Then House of Hades. Every single person in that ship thought that Nico was spooky, creepy whatever and all that poor kid was doing was exist. He made himself scarce, barely spoke unless necessary and even then they were like ew, creepy. It's like Percy's personal loyalty became loyalty to just Annabeth. Fuck whatever happens to anyone else. It upsets me.
The later books ruined Percy as a character. And I will stand by this.
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rewritingcanon · 5 months
victoire weasley headcannons NOW pleaseee
looks almost the exact same as her mum and has her mum’s personality (with a little bit of bill fused into her)
she has the oldest daughter mentality where she always needs to be StressedTM over something. even when she has nothing going on in life she will create an issue to be worried over. when she was younger this was hard for her to emotionally handle but she has gotten better at pretending she is sane over the years
this also led her to do med school. idk healer vic is something so personal for me. idk what exactly she’d be doing but i know it would be in the big buck areas. a dermatologist or a optometrist or a surgeon or something. she’s smart as hell.
very particular about presenting a good image for her family. she was the oldest weasley in the new generation and so she knew she had to present herself in a certain way, and she never thought she minded until she was suddenly 18 and having an identity crisis
furthermore, the rita skeeter incident with her and teddy nearly killed her. shes been through some traumatic shit but that was crossing the line
gets into so many fights with dominique because both of them are polar opposites and are jealous of each other for completely different reasons. dominique wishes she can fit into the mould like victoire so easily does, victoire wishes she could be as free and uncaring as dominique is. both don’t understand each other
HOWEVER victoire and dominique are the ultimate soulmates. it doesn’t matter how much they fight, they’re very close. dominique rants to her and sends her memes victoire can’t understand and victoire will still pay for dom’s meals when theyre out bcuz it doesn’t matter how old dominique is, she is still her little sister. and victoire retains every last piece of dom’s friendship group drama, and stalks them all on social media silently judging the shit out of them
no seriously victoire and dominique are The Siblings like the most important relationship in each others lives i could write essays on my hcs for their dynamic. ask me about headcanons for them specifically and i will go into LOTS of detail
anyways. victoire loves journalling in sparkly ink from wizard smiggle. is the type to write “heart diseases” in glittery pink aesthetic cursive.
she absolutely rocked the 2010s. probably had a minecraft streaming channel with teddy.
i have also made a huge amount of tedoire headcanons here so i will keep this post relatively free of them hehe
every song MARINA ever sings is about victoire tbh
she’s a ravenclaw to me, which made her a little insecure because everyone sort of assumed weasley = gryffindor, so she had to change her brand a little bit and establish herself as a delacour so people would lay off her. it helps that shes as insanely pretty as her mother
sucks ass at quidditch but no one will ever know because she graciously avoided flying at all costs (she can do enough to pass the compulsory flying classes but that is IT)
loves legally blond the movie
cosplays as annabeth chase for every fucking halloween party because she literally only has one costume and refuses to buy more
bisexual but she didnt know until she started dating teddy and liked them just as much when they would metamorph into a girl. then she started connecting all the dots… that one traumatising breakup with that friend who ditched her for their bf…. how all her fav songs are wlw songs… why she likes gina gershon from bound so much…
dressed like gwen stacy in the amazing spiderman movies. long socks. polished black high heels with straps. brown woollen vests and cream coloured shirts with frills. pink lip gloss. ALWAYS in headband season. very fem academia.
very outwardly polite and nice to other people but always retains a sense of distance. she wants to be close to people but she doesn’t know how to build those connections— she’s very scared of being hurt or betrayed so she sticks with people she’s already known before her walls went up.
used to be a little dictator when her, dom, and louis played games around shell cottage. she would make all the rules and be very strict about following it all. dom and louis were useless at games without her, because they couldnt make rules where there were stakes and it wasn’t fun without them. yknow, older sibling shenanigans.
pretended to be supportive but cried for three hours silently in her dorm when both dom and louis and ALL OF HER COUSINS were sorted into NOT ravenclaw
always mained princess peach in mario bros games and would get genuinely pissed when someone took her instead
reads booktok books… sorry… shes a STEM girlie…
secretly has a big appetite towards meat.. definitely not inherited from her dad… definitely not haha (she went vegetarian for nine months to try and stop herself and it literally almost killed her she was hangry all the time)
can speak french fluently and better than her siblings can
has like five beauxbatons penpals excluding the maternal cousins
this isn’t even all of them but i will leave her here for now. i LOVE VICTOIRE so so so much dawg..
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kamiko1234 · 4 months
Alrighty, I just got to the point of Chapter 13 after they talked to Luke and BOY DO I HAVE THOUGHTS. So , can we talk about how straight up unserious Percy is ? Like you NOTICE that this is a kid. Buddy is out on a mission to basically save the world, going around telling Medusa he and his friends are orphans having been left behind by a circus and sightseeing XD Say what you want but that kid is funny af. Love that for him. The whole Medusa thing was CREPPY tho, like- Grover fr just found what basically is his dead uncle's corpse ???????? That's honestly fucked up. (The Uncle Ferdinand jokes were funny as hell tho) I do hold firm onto the believethat the gods are sort of dicks tho. Like, honestly ? I'm surprised there wasn't a half blood revolution yet ! Those poor children are treated HORRIBLY by their parents ! Not to mention that they also gotta deal with all sorts of monsters just because they are the kids of that one specific god. Ngl if I was a demigod I'd be ready to straight up overthrow the gods. Or atleast sue them for all the child neglect they did. Like, damn there seems to be little to no resentment against the gods on the side of the kids besides Percy. How'd that happen ? Does Camp Halfblood just have really good therapists to deal with all that trauma and to keep the kids from going , idk, crazy ? Or do they just flood them with propaganda ???? Idk, just seems a bit weird to me how everyone seems to like the gods when so far most couldn't care less so far OR are doing the bare minimum. The only thing more surprising to me than the fact that no one hates the gods, is how surprisingly well I can get on with the first-person POV ? Like, I JUST realized that. It's just THAT good. Normally I don't rly like first-person , but honestly this is the biggest expection so far ! Percy's POV is just hilarious. Kinda nervous about his dreams tho, idk what to make of them.......... But also, OMFG GROVER WAS THE GUY WHO BROUGHT ANNABETH. Damn does every character have trauma here ? Poor lad. On the topic of Grover tho, that whole backstory with Pan gives me BIG tingels for my traitor theories. When he went on his little rant about humanity and how they ruined nature, he very clearly called Percy human. He sees Percy as part of a group he seemingly dislikes to atleast some degree.
Grover also has a sort of legacy he thinks he needs to fullfill ? With many (if not all) members of his family having been seekers. Like, what if Pan IS actually dead ? Or atleast in the underworld, and that is why no seeker has ever returned ? Maybe Hades manages to get Grover to betray Percy by offering him Pan ? It is Grover's dream while also being very important to his entier species. It looks like a good motivation for me. Otherwise I rly like the backstory for Grover we have so far. The author did a great job in fleshing him out tbh. He really went from a droky comic-relieve sort of guy to something..... honestly depressing. I really wonder what happened to Pan. But I do think he's most likely dead or somewhere in the underworld, with Hades being the big bad it would think. ANNABETH GOT A HINT TOO THO, during the Luke talk he did mention that you'd have to be invisible to get the Master Bolt. And the Athena Cabin already picked the side against Poseidon when the camp started to splitt. The motivation for her would still stay the same ofcourse, her godly parent. Personally I do still favor Annabeth as traitor, but it could simply be that I just had the theory about her for longer. Honestly both have solid bases for it and I'd be interesting either way. I'm about halfway done now, so I doubt a thrid character will be introduced now to be the traitor. If a new character IS introduced tho, they'd props be the prime suspect for me. But also, thank you Luke for being one of the MOST reliable character in the story so far. Anytime you show off smth good happens for me (either entertainment or more hints for my theory). BUT ALSO HIM CALLING ANNABETH HIS LITTLE SISTER ? ALKQOPÜREINA THAT'S SO CUTE LIKE ????? ugh ngl now I sort of hope it ISN'T Annabeth bc her betraying them would BREAK Luke's heart T-T. Just let them be happy, please. That's all I ask. Let my fav big bro be happy. Please.
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autism-alley · 7 months
now that the show is over, i’m slowly revisiting things that are less fundamentally dysfunctional and more symptoms of the overall problems. one of those is hephaestus. the way his disability is so… reduced is. almost incredible. like, they started off on the right foot casting a disabled man, i appreciate that, but the way they utilize hephaestus’ disability, or rather don’t, leaves a lot of room to be desired.
first off, allow me to be annoying by saying he is not there in the book—but i don’t think the decision to add him is inherently a poor choice. it could work.
in the lightning thief, the way the kids get out of his trap is through annabeth’s intelligence in an action-packed scene. in the show, i was alright with the fact they changed the trap—foolishly assuming they were going to actually make something different of equal craftsmanship—but the end result is one of many instances of sacrifice way too early in the series, and an utterly underwhelming solution to that sacrifice—annabeth literally just asks hephaestus to free percy and. he does? i thought she was going to figure out how to reverse the throne’s trap; while she’s not a child of hephaestus, you’d think a child of athena with a passion for architecture would have some understanding of mechanics. it would have been different from the book, maybe not the best approach, but still emotionally satisfying. but alright, we’re… making an emotional appeal to hephaestus. putting aside my feelings about her rant of what exactly it is that makes percy different and worth freeing, why is the show’s hephaestus… so generally underwhelming?
my man was tossed from the fucking heavens by a parent—in pjo it’s hera—they could have visually used that to show hephaestus, like annabeth, does not want to repeat his mother’s cold and selfish ways. but he’s just. alright, first just look at these two guys.
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before we get to the meat and potatoes, tell me which of these two guys look like they’ve spent a millennia in a workshop? the guy covered in grease and sweat, dressed in a stain-littered apron, tool belt at his side, muscle built for lifting heavy parts and swinging a hammer century after century? or the man with a neatly brushed, trimmed, washed beard and head of hair, clean hands, remarkably unstained sweater and flannel, crisp, new overalls, and academic-looking glasses? which looks to you like the embodiment of blacksmiths and the flame of the forge? yeah. but that can all be lumped in with my other wardrobe complains of the show, now we get to the section of this post where i would like to tread lightly.
i want to start by saying not all disability is visual, or even overtly visual, but hephaestus’ is and that visual is important to his character and the story. as a disabled person, i love that they cast a disabled actor, but based on how it was handled in the show, i had no idea this man was disabled. i thought he was an able bodied actor, and i am so sorry i came to that conclusion, but i really see no other one i could have come to based purely on what was in the show itself. i had to google who timothy omundson is to know he’s disabled and with what disability (he suffered a stroke that left him paralyzed on his left side in 2017 and has been in recovery ever since—godspeed my man, i hope it helps where it can). i am so glad it was a disabled actor and not an able bodied one, but he’s still not hephaestus. while obviously no mortal has fallen from the heavens, i think they could have made it work, but a man who’s had a stroke and a man who’s had his body crushed are not the same. i am not here to belittle this man’s experiences or say one is more severe, i am saying they are different, and not interchangeable.
regardless, a disability that is visual is no less than one that is invisible and timothy omundson’s paralysis is visual, but it was hidden. it was NOT clear to the audience timothy omundson is paralyzed, or that he is disabled at all. the gods can appear however they choose, but it’s a point that hephaestus generally does not, or his disability is implied to be such a hindrance on him, no matter how he chooses to appear, he cannot escape his disability, how glaringly visible it is. his body itself is a story of how the gods betray each other, how they literally eat each other alive and are so hypocritical about it. think of how impactful the visual of hephaestus is—has a parent ever rejected your existence so violently, your divine body is broken and disfigured for all eternity? it is a brutal establishment of the godly norm as ruthless, cruel, and petty abuse. and the show, for all its talk of how the gods are awful, just did not highlight his disability and its origins it at all.
again, i think including hephaestus in this scene could have worked, but not how the show went about it. imagine. annabeth, desperately fiddling with the throne’s inner workings, makes her emotional appeal to hephaestus. he’s partly obscured by shadow as he stands, watching from afar on the balcony, but we see a gnarled hand grasp the railing. annabeth, still pulling back the machine’s inner workings, tearfully describes how her mother punished her for embarrassing her. as she does, we receive a few close up shots of hephaestus, still leaving him mostly in the dark, but providing peeks at his disfigurements, and a hesitant but pained look in his eyes tells us he is reliving painful memories—a conflicted bead of sweat runs down the side of his face. it wouldn’t cost any more run time to use these shots while annabeth makes her plea to him, and the disability is in the spotlight, the parallel between athena/hera and annabeth/hephaestus is clear as a younger, more hopeful version of this emotionally broken man begs him to help her be different than both their mothers.
free my friend, she says. and for a moment, he just shakes. he opens his mouth, and annabeth—and the audience—lean forward to hear his reply. but then his face crumples with regret and resentment. he is still apart of the same wheel that crushes everyone in their path—if he, a god, could not escape, why would a demigod? why should a demigod?
no, the god of the hammer tells annabeth, you cannot escape.
annabeth, in her hubris, replies, maybe you can’t—and we cut to her hands, tearing away a gear to reveal a switch—realization flashes across her face, and she grasps the trap’s mechanical release. percy is free, and hephaestus, in his misplaced anger, unleashes more of his creations (mechanical spiders!!) after them, mirroring the book as the kids use quick-thinking to escape waterland.
it’s not perfect, but that would work. instead, they finally show a god rather than just talking about them and it’s so underwhelming. and yes, this hephaestus carries a cane, clearly the potential to show front his disability was there, but you cannot throw me table scraps and tell me my frustration at not receiving the feast i was promised is unfounded. it’s laughable. most of the time it’s on screen it’s not in use and there isn’t even reference in the show as to why he carries a cane. casual viewers unfamiliar with the books or greek mythology might mistakenly assume this is just how this god chose to present himself and he doesn’t need this cane, and not that disability is at the core of who this divine figure is. it is NOT clear to the audience this is a disabled character played by a disabled actor. it is, indefensibly, a watered down depiction. what in the book needed to be ‘fixed’ with hephaestus—? this is a disabled god, you dare not give him to me in all his disabled complexity? you dare not show him as he is?
one of the most insulting things you can do to a disabled person is reduce our disability and the show has done it to the greek god of disability, with such a cheap payoff. if they did not want to be true to hephaestus, to his actor, they should not have shown him at all, and maybe—i don’t know, stuck to the book whose narrative makes sense in this scene?
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goblinwithartsupplies · 9 months
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Book spoilers!!!
This article rubs me the wrong way. It’s intentionally vague and focused around Annabeth “liking” someone other than Percy.
Spoilers below
Book readers know of course it’s about Annabeth’s crush on Luke. But the article frames it like Annabeth is “complicating the love story for her and Percy. She’s a kid. Who has a crush on her much older friend/brother figure.
While I’m happy they’re dropping the plotline the article makes it seem like Annabeth liking Luke was something that was focused on. It’s barely mentioned. It’s never treated like it’s something that would actually happen in the books.
The books make it clear that Annabeth having the crush isn’t bad but Luke shouldn’t reciprocate.
While in the final book there is the whole “did you love me?” Thing most of the younger readers went with the platonic. I intentionally read it as familial, because while Luke is the villain he’s not shown to genuinely be interested in Annabeth in a romantic way. He did try to use her crush to his advantage to manipulate her into joining him.
Luke has no romantic interest. And I think that’s thematically important. He’s the oldest. No other demigods we meet in this series is his age.
That’s a major motivation for him. He is socially isolated from others his age. He is a whole ass adult he’s 19.
He survived longer than most demigod. He’s the oldest demigod we see in the entire series, including heroes of Olympus and even trials of Apollo. He’s the oldest named demigod we get in the mainline series who didn’t have some magical get out of jail, free card. He’s outlasted all his peers. He has probably seen lot of friends die or just not come back from the school year. It’s entirely possible that he had a healthy, romantic relationship at one point, and he had to watch that person die.
It’s implied in the books that he wasn’t allowed to or couldn’t leave camp half blood. if he was allowed to leave, he didn’t have anything to go back to. He mother is insane and unable to recognize him as an adult. Luke’s mother sees him as Hermes not her son.
Anyway, just turned into a delusional rant about how Luke has no healthy relationships.
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ganeshkfp · 5 months
and yeah! your thoughts? (sorry i know this is a lot to dump on you but i saw you reply to my post :D)
OMG HI!!!!
Missing fight scenes actually makes sense since they are older and more capable of taking down monsters. Also this was supposed to be more like a crack book, where they just hang out as teenagers, without more trauma XD
I agree on that old age thing, it was kind of cheesy? But still, made me smile. And tear up 👉👈 They are my kids, thinking of them getting old-
About Grover, I think it would link with the other books because on Read Riordan we know Grover is very sad because he thinks they gonna leave him- I think in next books Percy and Annabeth would realize this and show him that he is wrong :) In toa they left for college all together, Grovar was with them. I think like he would be left alone at Hecate's house since both of them would be in school and maybe we would see his feelings- They are all just guesses tho XD
Other than that, their dynamics were everything! I mean there was almost nothing serious about it and I laughed at every page. Percy's pov are everything and I MISSED it sooo much! The titles too! The new characters are very good too, minor gods( Hebe, Iris, that Lake god, GANYMADE) their were amazing! Them turning to 8 years old babies by Hebe! Omg I LOVED IT. Humor and fluff was everything. And my fav scene: Athena catching Percy XD Like I lost it! It was sooo good. Her helping her future son in law, finally accept him because her love for her daughter :) Love them. Zeus's Llama story... Well, lets say I kinda missed them too XD And of course, Sally, Paul, Annabeth, Percy acting as a family. Annabeth and Paul's interactions were adorable! Grover banging in for tofu was also hilarious lmao. And he was sad there because it was their last summer :( Sally and Annabeth being close, Sally giving THE NEWS. Baby Estelle is on the way! Percy's reaction, also being sad because he would miss many of her early life :(
I only had one problem with the book: Lack of physical decriptions. I didn't really understand the reason because like in every book we had at least one page of Percy gushing over Annabeth, talking about her gray eyes etc. Grover and the gods same too. I mean, this made me a little sad because I really wanted to know what they look like, I am into imagining while reading. I mean, Rick changing the descriptions with the show ones or something? Don't get me wrong I adore the show and the cast but I really think they should have their own canon timelines ❤
Other than that, I can easily say it was now my fav pjo book. I mean I teared up with happiness, nostalgia I felt... I love OG trio more than anything 🥲 I can't wait for the next book-
Thank you so much for the dump, it made me soooo happy ^^ I never miss a change to discuss my fav books with the fans ❤
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doevademe · 2 years
Prompt: I have always loved the idea that both Percy and Nico come to the same person to rant about how much they pine for each other but they can’t be together be they are dumbasses, and it’s always Jason due to him typically being their third of their trio, but do want to know who I think would be funnier? Frank, who is Nico’s sister’s boyfriend and who is distantly related to Percy. I can see them both going to frank because 1) Frank is just an overall sweet guy who will you can kinda just talk to with having any snappy comments in return (you know characters like Annabeth, Leo and Jason would absolutely make fun of the both of them) and 2) frank is lowkey a pushover and would absolutely not be able to stand up to Percy and Nico using him as an emotional bucket to dump into. Frank is over here suffering just wondering how he got roped into this mess of a relationship.
Frank Zhang often wondered what had landed him in this position.
Maybe he was too nice, maybe he needed to practice saying 'no' once in a while, maybe he had been unlucky enough.
His bet was on him making a dumb comment once after walking in on something he shouldn't have.
It had been early in the morning and he had been going on his way to the senate, when he saw Percy's back as he leaned against someone suggestively.
Now, he knew it wasn't Annabeth, as they had broken up a while ago, but the way Percy covered the other person with his body was a little too intimate for the public street, at least in his opinion.
"Please don't do that in public," he had said before noticing, and Percy jumped to separate himself from... his future brother-in-law, Nico di Angelo.
"We weren't doing anything!" Percy had shouted, face red. "Just... talking about breakfast!"
Nico nodded quickly, as red as Percy.
Frank nodded carefully, fully prepared to move on and try to forget this ever happened, unaware that he had signed his death sentence.
"And he just... doesn't notice!" Percy said, frustrated. "I have tried everything, telling him he looks nice, invinting him to dinner, I even touched his ass!"
Frank looked around, hoping no one in the bistro had heard his friend/distant uncle, but was disappointed when he caught a few people looking at them discreetly.
"Just... he'll never see me as anything but a friend," he said, sulking.
"You know, you could be direct with him," he tried. "Just tell him how you feel."
Percy looked at him as if he had gone crazy.
"Are you insane? What if he doesn't feel the same?" Percy said. Frank was vaguely aware that his cofee with milk had gone cold a while ago. "It will ruin our friendship! I rather have Nico as a friend that not have him at all!"
Frank groaned. This was a test, maybe by his father to see if he would finally kill his nemesis. But Frank didn't have it in him to be that ruthless, and Percy was one of his closest friends...
"If only there was a way to know what he thought about me," he lamented, making the Praetor bite his tongue.
Yeah, if only someone could tell him that Nico felt the same... someone who hadn't been sworn to secrecy.
He had had to brush up his mythology trivia after he hadn't remembered what swearing by the Styx meant twice.
"Well, I need to get to class." Percy sighed and finished his cold cofee in one quick gulp. "Thanks for listening, Frank, you're the best."
The son of Mars gave a feeble smile and waved him off.
He paid for his part of the bill and went towards the fields of Mars, where he bumped into Nico.
"Frank," he greeted, face inescrutable like always. "Nice seeing you today."
"Uh, same," he said lamely. "I'm actually on my way to oversee some training drills so..."
"Are you free for lunch?" Nico asked, looking like he didn't care. Frank paled, but nodded after Nico stared at him intensely. "Great, the usual place, then?"
Hazel had been overjoyed over him spending more time with Nico. Having the most important men in her life be friends was everything to her.
If she knew why they hung out so much however... maybe she'd feel some pity for him.
"I just... can't understand him," Nico said, groaning into his pasta. Frank counted his blessings that at least Nico was much quieter. "Like, he touched me... inappropriately, yesterday, but after I asked he just said his hand slipped."
When Percy had chosen him as his confidante, he had said it was because they were friends, and since Percy had helped him get together with Hazel, so Frank felt as if he owed him.
Nico, though? He had been blunt and honest. He had just said, "you saw, please help me," and Frank was still very intimidated by the son of Hades to say no.
"And at this point, maybe he's telling the truth!" Nico exclaimed. "Maybe it's all in my head! I mean, Percy has always been a very touchy person, it... it could mean nothing..."
"Maybe you are the one that needs to be forward?" he tried for the second time that day. "Don't tell him what you feel, just say how it comes off as and confront him."
"What if he denies it?" Nico asked. "I... I couldn't take the rejection... At least like this, I can pretend that he likes me like I like him."
Frank busied himself with his steak to not comment. Nico sighed again and took a sip of his wine.
"I don't say this often but, thank you for listening," Nico said earnestly. "You're a good friend, Frank."
Frank gritted his teeth as he gave a forced smile.
"Anytime, Nico."
It wasn't like he could say no.
"Also," Frank said loudly to the Legion. Hazel raised an eyebrow, that was all they had discussed for their daily activities. "Any children or Legacies of Mercury or Hermes should speak with me before dinner. Dismissed."
The Legion saluted and marched.
"What was that about?" Hazel asked curiously.
"I need someone capable of forging handwriting," he said.
Now Hazel was really worried.
"You're not getting into anything dangerous, are you?"
"Huh? No! Don't worry!" he reassured her quickly. "It's the opposite, I'm getting out of a messy situation."
Hazel looked at her boyfriend's expression and relaxed a little.
"Is it one of those situations you could get out of if you just said 'no'?" She asked knowingly. Frank stayed silent. "Oh, Frank..."
"It will be better for everyone, not just me," he said. "Hopefully."
And hazel could only pray he was right.
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notcryingtoday · 5 days
not-so-quick rant about the percy jackson's adaptation by disney
● SLOW THE FUCK DOWN. the show was going wayyy too fast. first episode was rushed as hell. we barely saw the camp half-blood. we barely felt the fucking hell that the hermes's cabin is, or how lonely percy feels in his own. those are important elements if we want to explain why percy and we, as an audience, can understand luke.
● uuuugh i know they change the fact that the trio knows when they are in front of monsters because it would be realist for them to know since they're like, educated about this (especially annabeth) but really it ruins the fun. realism actually spoils the fun most of the time in stories (people believe it's important because they mix it up with plausible/consistency).
● i really like the actors for the main trio, they felt like the characters. i also might even like those designs more (i love fanarts) probably because the change of skin/hair colors adds contrasts.
● annabeth was written too badass and not enough angry. in the books she's very emotional and sometimes even petty. she's flawed, much more than in the show. she kinda went through a "hermione granger-ification" (hermione being a realist character in the books and then becoming very perfect later in the movies).
● however, it wasn't too bad here. she has different flaws. feels like the same character with a different font tbh.
● same for grover and percy. really they have the vibes... but they're definitely not the characters i've read about. i liked the changes in grover (OMG HIS CONVERSATION WITH ARES I WAS HOOKED) the most and for him, it was actually a huge plus.
● i hated sally. like. a lot. i don't know why but something was off about her.
● luke was a shitty character. because the story was moving too fast we didn't have the time to actually get to know him and to grow attached to him. it's a pity knowing he's one of the most important character in the whole series.
● when i first saw hephaestus i was like "what the hell did they do when the casted that fine men" and i'm gonna be honest, i really didn't like it. i get what they were doing later, by giving him a more scientist aspect which makes sense but it wasn't my cup of tea. turns out he's actually disabled (like hephaestus) and he's paralyzed in his left arm, hand and leg. so yeah. kinda cool from rick who actually really gave a shit with his casting
● i don't really like the casting for clarisse (kinda wished she was butch) but loved her acting.
● the episode where they split up (grover staying with ares, and annabeth/percy going to look for his stuff) was the best one. the BEST one.
● ares is my favorite character from the show. he was spot on. perfect. maybe even better than in the books from what i've remembered.
● so yeah, kinda cool show ?? i hope there will be a season 2 because i won't expect from this show to be as good as the book series when the books had five of them to make a place in my heart while it had only eight episodes.
● i hope there will be more episodes however. please, take your time. i think everyone will agree on this (or at least most people) : we'd rather have less scenes from the books but have more time to appreciate them. cut some stuff. they only did it for crusty and it worked just fine !
● let clarisse be dirty. yeah, she'll always look so fucking damn pretty (LOOK AT THE ACTRESS WTF) but let her be dirty.
● stop writing luke so bland. he's the villain. one of the most tragic ever. he's so important.
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percabeth4life · 3 years
How do you think Mr. D viewed Percy? Like, Percy clearly irritates the fuck out of him, and he’s threatened to kill Percy on at least one occasion, but also, he lets Percy live when he’s done far worse for far less (Chrysaor and the dolphins come to mind).
Honestly I think Mr. D tried to distance himself from all the campers. Like he just genuinely doesn’t want to be close to them because he knows, he knows how much caring will hurt. So he just... he’s an ass. He refuses to get their names right, he snarks, he insults, he ignores. He does everything he can to make sure they hate him so he doesn’t feel bad for distancing himself.
He’s protecting himself. They’re mortal, if he cares he’s gonna hurt. He knows how short mortal lives are, he used to be one (almost, never quite mortal, but he remembers when his blood ran red instead of gold).
He won’t hurt them though. They’re under his protection no matter how willing that protection is. They are safe under his care (mostly).
In a way his threats to Percy in book one were offered in mercy. He genuinely was saying “you will not like being a hero, you can go on this quest or you can live in peace in the sea”. He was giving Percy an out from the world he would be facing. It wasn’t a nice out, but it was an out.
And in book 2 he was definitely annoyed. Like Percy absolutely annoyed him over the course of the quest and maybe Poseidon was a smug ass on Olympus and maybe Zeus was pissed off about Percy and ranting and maybe Mr. D is insulted by the Medusa action (I feel like he’d find it more funny than anything, he’s a force of chaos after all) but yeah he’s kinda low key annoyed with Percy.
And in a way yeah that is perfectly in character. Theseus hurt his wife, hurt her a lot. So like... yeah he’s wary of this other Poseidon kid. He may have offered him an out last year but now he’s a hero, and ugh heroes are always so smug, so annoying, so cruel.
But when book three comes along... he was ready to throw Percy off the building. This kid had left the camp twice now without permission. He was gonna sneak off on another quest and take all the glory (though last time he let Clarisse keep the glory but everyone knew that Percy and Annabeth helped and really is he gonna let this kid do it again for something this important?).
Except... Percy wasn’t on the quest for the quest. Mr. D could see it, could see the anger in the kids eyes. He wasn’t on this quest for the quest, couldn’t care less for that mess. He was going for Annabeth. He wanted to save his friend (and Mr. D remembers a girl he found abandoned. He remembers the child of Poseidon he hated for it, he remembers her being alone and abandoned). This child refuses to leave the girl alone. This child is going to find her. He will save her.
And Mr. D let him go because there, there Mr. D noticed something other than a glory seeking hero. He saw Percy as someone trying to save a friend.
And then even though Mr. D has gone out of his way to make Percy hate him. Even though the two don’t get along at all. Percy still bends himself to effectively begging for help. Help he doesn’t expect to get. And Mr. D helps.
Percy is not a glory seeking hero. He is a child that will save his friends.
I think at the start Mr. D didn’t really like him, he’s a child of Poseidon and keeps going on quests, but I think book 3 is where Mr. D went “this kid... he’s not the same as the others”.
They may not get along, but Mr. D respects Percy. He sees that Percy cares for people. Percy is loyal to his friends first, Percy cares about his home, Percy cares about strangers. Percy isn’t only loyal to his friends as figures, he’s loyal to their ideals. He wants them to be happy. And Mr. D sees that and goes “yeah, he’s alright”.
In book 4 he clearly is chill with Percy, and in book 5 asks Percy to watch over his kid because he knows that Percy will.
He can respect Percy because Percy isn’t a glory seeking hero, he’s someone that cares.
So yeah, that’s what I think Mr. D thinks of Percy.
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katrinaprobrien · 2 years
Thoughts On: Percy Jackson and the Olympians The Lightning Thief
I decided I wanted to share my thoughts on books as I read them. I think it might be fun for me, and if someone finds their next read through my blog, that would be cool!
Spoiler warning
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
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This book followed 12-year-old Percy Jackson, a demi-god or Half-Blood, son of Poseidon, as he learned all the Greek gods, goddesses, and monsters were real, and they were all going to try to kill him. Percy met Grover, a satyr, and Annabeth, daughter of Athena. The three of them went on a quest to recover Zeus' stolen lightning bolt and return it to him, before the summer solstice. If they are not successful in returning the weapon to Zeus by the deadline, in ten days, he and Poseidon would go to war.
There was much left out of the movie, pretty much all of act two was changed. Everything with "Persephone's pearls" was changed. Which, Persephone would not have been in the Underworld because she would have been in Olympus with her mother because it was spring. Like I said, the summer solstice was the deadline. In the book, a Nereid gave Percy the pearls, who was sent by Poseidon.
The movie left out everything with Ares. I can't remember if the movie mentioned Kronus, and how Luke was working for him, but I don't think it did. How can you not mention the main antagonist in the first movie?
Also, Percy was given a prophecy! And went on a quest! With permission! In the movie, the three of them sneaked out of camp. The quest was the whole plot, and they take out the prophecy, what started the quest. Why? There was no mention of the prophecy at all, which was so important because Percy thinks back to it often.
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Another difference between the book and movie I wanted to touch on, Percy left his mom in the Underworld. Grover didn't stay behind so she could leave. Percy realized neither Annabeth or Grover would betray him, the prophecy told him one of his friends would betray him. Percy realized they were his true friends. The reason why Percy went on the quest was to save his mom. For a 12-year-old to do this, especially a 12-year -old that only had his mom, I thought this moment was beautiful and heroic.
My favourite moment was when Percy shipped the head of Medusa to the Olympians. He was angry at the gods, because he felt like he was being used, so he packed up the head and mailed it off. It was hilarious.
Percy being used by the gods was a recurrence he hated. The whole quest for the stolen lightning bolt. Then, Ares tried to get Percy to get a shield he forgot while he was on a date with Aphrodite, and there was a trap set by Hephaestus. Then we discover Hades' Helm of Darkness was also stolen, by the same person that stole the lightning bolt. All the gods Percy met, including Poseidon, were trying to use him for something.
This is something Percy is probably going to have to deal with throughout the series.
I really enjoyed this book. I thought it was an easy read, and for someone with ADHD, it kept my attention throughout the whole book, not something that happens often. I'm excited to continue with the series, rant more about the terrible adaptations, and see where Percy and his friends go.
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Thanks so much for reading! Give my blog a follow and my Instagram for updates on my debute. Stay tuned for more posts on books, writing, and whatever else I decide I want to post about!
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catdadeddie · 2 years
I need to rant ! And I saw that you posted about Percy Jackson so imma do it here really quick lol. The moment I saw the girl who was playing Annabeth I got so freaked for her. Because people are insane and already I’m seeing bullshit about her being black. There are some people who are so upset about it and then saying it’s not racism lol I saw one girl say that she’d be perfect for Hazel but not Annabeth. I told her why Hazel tho? They’re not at that story and she won the role for Annabeth and they said because she looks more like how Hazel was described and I said ok but they casted her out of all the girls that auditioned because she acted as the best Annabeth so like ??? And they could not see that their logic was supremely flawed lol that tv show is about to be soo good. I got faith cause Rick is actually involved. I’ve read all the books and I could give a flying fuck what someone looks like as long as they act like the character. I saw people freaking out cause walker had blonde hair! As if that was the most important thing not that he could be a sarcastic little shit but that he had blonde hair. I can’t 😒
I'm super late to answering this. But yeah I also knew people would lose their shit about it. Which is bullshit. People being upset about a character not looking like the book in general is annoying but especially when the books are 17 years old. Like in those years, things are going to be more accepted and things have progressed.
I'm glad Rick spoke out about it all though and that Alexandria said something too.
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thehopeofitalll · 3 years
you've been stressed out lately (yeah, me too)
read it on ao3!!
Percy wakes up with a dull throbbing in his head. It’s how he wakes up most of the time these days. He gazes at the stars above him, the faint snores of his friends nearby creating a cozy atmosphere.
He shifts to his side with a grunt, beginning to close his eyes to try and doze off when he notices a silhouette in front of him.
He sits up straight and squints. “...Annabeth?”
She jumps, clearly startled. Turning around to see him, she says, “Oh good, you’re awake too.” Even in the darkness, he could feel Annabeth roll her eyes.
“What are you doing?” He asks, scooting towards where she sat, on the soft grass.
“Couldn’t sleep, so...I was just sitting here and thinking,” she replies, glancing at him for a second.
“Yeah...quest stuff, you know?” Annabeth shrugs.
Percy knew how rare it was to have peaceful conversations with her. Lately, all the times they talked ended up in a fight. He hesitates briefly, not wanting this talk to end up with them storming away from each other again.
“Wise Girl…” he begins, noticing the way her eyes soften at the nickname as she stares at the stars (and him gazing at her), and desperately trying to ignore the familiar knot in his stomach. “I know you. And I know you aren’t just thinking about the quest.”
She takes in a sharp breath. “I’m...scared.”
Percy could think of a million words to describe Annabeth Chase: she was smart, wise, annoyingly right most of the time, and one of the bravest people he’d ever seen.
But scared? He’d never thought of her like that.
“Scared of what?” he asks.
“I...never mind, it’s nothing,” she mumbles, turning away from him. “Go back to sleep, Percy. You don’t need to hear me ramble in the middle of the night.”
“Yeah, well, maybe I do,” he says, placing his hand on her shoulder, gently forcing her to look at him. “Annabeth, you can tell me anything. Even the most stupid things you think about.”
“I just feel so useless,” she says, her fingers pulling at the grass they’re sitting on. “A huge war is coming on our way, and I can’t do anything to stop it.”
“Annabeth, that isn’t your fault,” he replies. “You strategize and lead quests that make us win. You are helping, even if you can’t stop the war.”
She sighs. Percy doesn’t know what she does. He doesn’t know about how Luke had come to her, unarmed. If she’d just done something, anything, they wouldn’t be facing Kronos now.
The prophecy that kills Percy wouldn’t be coming true.
“Hey…” he continues, his voice barely a whisper. “You aren’t blaming yourself right?”
“Yeah, no, I’m fine,” she answers. “A bit...worried, I guess.”
“Worried about who?”
Annabeth meets his eyes. “You.”
Percy’s eyes widen, as if he hadn’t expected that answer. Annabeth was suddenly very aware of his hand still resting on her shoulder, brushing against her neck.
The moment felt far too intimate, considering the way they’d nearly strangled each other the past few months. And maybe , she thinks, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
“And...this war, Luke, and the campers and everyone, of course,” she hastily adds.
“Yeah, Luke,” Percy mutters, his hand leaving her shoulder. Annabeth missed the warmth almost immediately.
“We don’t know what’s going to happen in the upcoming battles,” she says. “Any of us could die.”
“I know,” Percy says, lying down on the grass.
Annabeth glances at him, before lying down beside him. “We could die.”
“I know,” he simply repeats.
He said it with such ease, as if he was prepared. It pained Annabeth to know that he would actually die, according to the quest.
She didn’t know who she was mad at this point.
She hated herself, hated him and the rest of the world. She hated the Fates for making her fall for him, despite knowing that he was a dead man walking.
Annabeth thought she was numb to pain. She was used to seeing important people in her life leave. Her father, no matter how much they tried to reconcile, was still distant. Her mother was a Greek goddess, whom she could never contact even if she wanted to.
She lost Thalia when she was seven. She spent years walking to the pine tree, sitting down and recounting whatever happened as if Thalia could hear.
Now, Thalia was back. But she was still so far away, a Hunter of Artemis.
She lost Luke. Lost him when she decided to waste her chance to save him when he came to see her. She still hoped, hopes , but somewhere deep down she knew he was doomed.
And now, Annabeth was slowly losing Percy. She was tired of chasing him, and trying to reach out only to realize that she’d lost him since the day they met. All because of some stupid prophecy.
Percy doesn’t deserve to die, she thinks, as the familiar sinking feeling starts. He needs to live.
“I’m so tired, Percy,” she says. “Everything feels so hopeless. It’s like there’s this darkness around us that we can never escape.”
“I know.”
She pauses, choosing her next words carefully. “I’m also tired of fighting. With you,” she continues. “I miss us.”
“I hate this too,” he replies. “I don’t want to fight with you. I just want to go back to being friends.”
Annabeth ignores the twinge of disappointment she felt. She didn’t want to be just friends, and she wishes she could tell him that, but she pushes the urge away.
“Gods, I’m so stupid,” she mumbles, softly laughing. “Talking about all this when we have to continue our quest tomorrow.”
He smiles. “I don’t think it’s stupid. Maybe talking about your feelings helps?”
“Really cheesy, Seaweed Brain,” she says, his smile mirroring on her face.
“Well Rachel’s cheesy all the time, I think I’ve been spending too much time with her,” Percy says, grinning.
And there it was. One of the reasons why she kept pushing Percy away, even if she wanted to spend time with him. It hurt, knowing that he was with Rachel way more than he’d been with her for months now.
He slightly tenses up, and Annabeth wonders if he was bracing himself for a fight, since it’s all they ever do.
“Yeah, you have,” she replies, hoping that he doesn’t notice the bitter undertone to her seemingly well remark.
(And he doesn’t because he’s so oblivious, she sometimes wonders how she ever fell in love with him.)
“But maybe you are right,” Annabeth continues. “I do feel strangely a little bit calmer after that rant.”
“Aha! Who’s the wise one now?”
“Still me,” she says, smirking as she bumps his shoulder playfully. “Also, thanks. You could’ve gone back to sleep, instead of sitting here with me.”
“Nah, I probably couldn’t have slept. I’d have just stared at nothing till either the sun rises or I get tired and fall asleep.”
“I’m trying to say a nice thing, Percy!”
“Of course,” he says, trying hard not to grin. “Continue.”
She takes a deep breath. “What I’m saying is that...it means a lot to me, that you sat here, listened to my ramblings and didn’t judge me.”
“I’ve never judged you,” he says, shrugging.
“Twelve year old Percy would disagree,” she says.
“Hey! Twelve year old Percy was the most respectful boy you’d ever see!” Percy exclaims.
“Sure,” she says, rolling her eyes. “Just...thank you. For everything.”
“Anytime, Wise Girl. And…” he begins. “There’s always going to be some things that you can’t control.”
“Ugh, I hate those kinds of things.”
He smiles softly. “I know. But you can’t blame yourself for how those things went down, you can’t try to control them either. And even though you’ve never told me about it, I have a gut feeling that you worry about things like that a lot.”
“Wow,” Annabeth says, impressed. “That was really wise.”
“So, who’s the wise one now? ” he asks.
She shakes her head and laughed. “It’s still me. But you are getting closer.”
“And that’s a victory as far as I’m concerned.”
She rolls her eyes again. “Of course it is, you dork,” she mumbles, feeling the most peaceful she has in months.
She watches the stars twinkle as they settle into a comfortable silence. She turns, finding Percy’s nose an inch away from hers. He’s closing his eyes, and she thanks all the gods he doesn’t see her ears rapidly turning pink.
She almost thinks he’s fallen asleep, but then his hand falls on hers, and he gives it a slight squeeze.
Annabeth smiles, and squeezes his hand three times. I love you. She doubts she’ll ever say it to him, but for now she doesn’t mind just talking with him for hours.
something gave you the nerve to touch my hand, it’s nice to have a friend.
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annabethy · 4 years
under the mistletoe, watching the fire glow day 10: pen pal
Character A and Character B both sign up for a Christmas Pen Pal project to exchange post cards,, percabeth. not just letters I promise
Hi! My name’s A, and I’m eight years old. Well, my name isn’t actually A, but I don’t know you yet so I can’t tell you my real name. I don’t know your name, and you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.
I don’t know why I’m doing this whole pen pal thing. I just thought it would be fun, but I don’t really know what to expect either. I guess I should tell you a little bit about myself.
My favorite color is grey, like my eyes. I like to read a lot too. I don’t have many friends, but that’s just because I don’t like talking to people. They start to talk, and it makes me feel like I want to hit them, so I prefer to just be by myself. I wouldn’t mind being your friend, though. I don’t have to hear you talk.
Hope I get your response soon! Goodbye until then!
Love, A.
Dear A,
I guess you can call me P then. I’m eight years old too, so that’s cool! We’re practically best friends already. I’m doing the pen pal thing because my teacher says I should practice writing. I’m not very good at writing, but I promiss prommis promise I’ll get better for you!
I like to swim. The water is cold where I live, but I still go in anyways. My mom says I’ll get hypothermia, but I do it anyways because it’s fun. I wonder if you like the water too? You’re crazy if you don’t, but it’s okay. I’ll be your friend anyways. I have one friend, but I don’t really like them very much. They’re mean to me a lot. You seem much nicer.
I’m so excited to get to talk to you!
From P :)
Hey, P! It’s been a couple of months since we spoke. I’ve missed my mystery-stranger-pen-pal-person. Hope you’re doing well.
Honestly, not much has happened with me. It’s the end of sixth grade, thank god. I actually hate all of my teachers. Especially the history one. She makes something that could be so interesting so dull, and it’s upsetting. There’s so much to tell about the past, and she’s ruining it. I’d consider saying something to her, but you know how it is.
I’ll just complain to you instead ;)
I remember you said you were applying to the swim team, and I think that’s so exciting! I know the try-outs passed, so let me know if you got in! (and if you didn’t, don’t worry about it. You don’t need to explain it to me if you don’t want to.)
Anyways, eagerly awaiting your response (but not that eagerly. It’ll be a couple of weeks, if not more.)
Love, A.
A! I’m insulted that you would think I didn’t make it onto the swim team. I am one with the fish. I am living my dream of swimming around the water like a turtle. It’s been pretty fun actually, except for when I ran into a wall and nearly bust my head open months ago. We don’t like to speak of that moment.
And yes, your history teacher is absolutely bizzare bizarre. I’m not the best with grades and spelling (clearly. I mean, look at my spelling of “bizarre”) but history is one of my better subjects, surprisingly. I think that it’s because the past is so important. My mom always likes to tell me that without the past, we wouldn’t learn for the future, so I try to pay attention to that class. I’m sorry you don’t like it :(
I really missed talking to you too. I don’t even know your name (cue frown), but I feel like I’ve known you my entire life. A person I can talk to when there’s no one else.
You’re my best friend (though I do love the term “mystery-stranger-pen-pal person).
Sincerely, P.
P! Get ready for my rant because I’m about to go off, and you’re going to listen.
People always say that you lose friends sophomore year. I didn’t think that was true. BOY, was I wrong. I’ve lost, like, twenty friends. I thought I’d be more upset about it, but honestly, I’m relieved. They always made me feel excluded, and without them, I’m not going home near tears every day.
I did meet a guy. His name is Luke, and he’s a junior. We’re not dating, but I wouldn’t mind it if we did. Not that I think it’ll ever happen because I’m too focused on school, but it would be nice to at least be friends. He’s really nice.
Also! The last letter was two months ago (?) and you said your school placed second in the state competition! Does that mean you’re going to nationals?
If you are, I am so proud of you. You seriously have to let me know how that goes.
Until next time.
Love, A.
A, my love!
As your best friend, I am obligated to say that you must not let the man be an obstacle to your schoolwork. I say this because I want you to do well. (Also because I’m in love with you)
Really though, I’m happy for you. I hope everything works out and you’re happy. That’s all that matters.
As for the sophomore thing, I felt that. I’ve never had all that many friends, but a lot of them changed. Change isn’t a bad thing I guess, but I wasn’t willing to stick around for them destroying themselves, so I didn’t. I’m always here if you need me.
(And I did place at states! Nationals was actually a few weeks ago! I didn’t place there, but I apparently got pretty close, which is awesome)
Love, P.
A! It’s been a while. I haven’t heard from you since October, and I just wanted to make sure you’re okay. Is that weird? I don’t know you but I’m checking in?
Oh well. I just really missed you. Not much has happened. Just wanted to say hi. Hope all is well.
Love, P.
A! Babes! Where are you? I’ve sent a few letters but haven’t gotten any responses. You’re kind of scaring me haha. Is it something I said?
I totally get if you don’t want to do this anymore, but just let me know please? I’m checking the mail every day and I keep getting more and more worried, so… Just let me know, please.
I miss you.
Love, P.
Dear A,
You never responded to any of my last letter. I get the feeling you’re not going to respond anymore, so I guess this is my last letter.
I graduated. Finally. It was a struggle, but I managed to bring my grades up. I even got accepted to a pretty good school. It’s not Ivy League, like I’m sure you got into. You’ve always been so smart.
I’m going to school in New York. I don’t think I’ve ever told you that in any of the 126 letters we’ve sent. I counted.
Anyways, I just really miss you. I hope you’re okay, and I really wish you the best.
My name’s Percy by the way.
Love, Percy.
Percy jumps as his girlfriend wraps her arms around his shoulder and nips at his ear. He turns and gives her a playful look.
“You want to take me to the ground?” he asks.
Annabeth rolls her eyes, sliding her hand into his. She feels really warm, even in the cold air outside of Rockefeller Center. “I’m not that heavy.”
“What if I told you you’re wrong?”
“You would get no more kisses for today.”
“Oh, we can’t have that.” Percy’s arms slide to wrap around her waist and tug her closer to his. She doesn’t resist, hugging him back. Percy nudges her jaw with his nose until she turns her face up so he can kiss her. “You’re not heavy at all. Super light, actually.”
She hums, kissing him again. “Good answer.”
Percy laughs, letting him detangle himself from her. His hand goes back to hers, and they begin walking around the plaza, taking in the beautiful decorations. It’s really pretty outside. He’s always had a thing for Christmas and its sparkling lights. He loves the smell of the pine trees and the feel of the light snowflakes against his face.
Annabeth swings her hands between them, and he thinks she looks so cute with her hair down in the cold and nose turned red that he can’t help but kiss her on the cheek.
Percy catches sight of a large sign at a random booth sitting along the edge of one of the buildings. It’s decorated horribly in the most adorable way — no doubt done by children. It’s what it reads that really makes him doubletake.
He just barely manages to make out the words, Christmas Pen Pal Exchange.
It makes his heart ache. He hasn’t heard from A since sophomore year of high school when he was sixteen. He’s twenty-three now. He can’t believe it’s this close to ten years since he heard from her.
He misses her so much. It’s not that he necessarily needed her because he has Annabeth, and he wouldn’t trade that for the world. He’s in love with Annabeth. He thinks he’s going to marry her someday.
A helped him get through difficult times. He wishes he could at least know that she was okay, or why she stopped talking to him. He doesn’t care why it happened anymore. He just wants to know, and to tell her things he was always too scared to say.
Annabeth bumps his shoulder as they pass the booth. “You okay?”
Percy swallows the small lump in his throat that formed. “I’m okay.”
“You sure? You look like you’re about to cry.”
A part of Percy doesn’t want to tell her. He wants to keep it to himself because he has for so long. What he and A had was different.
The other part, and the bigger part, does want to tell Annabeth. He loves her and wants her to know every piece of him. Annabeth is Percy’s best friend now, and there’s no reason for him to keep something like this for her.
“It’s just.” Percy pauses, looking over his shoulder at the booth. “I did one of those when I was young.”
He expects her to tease him, so he’s surprised when she says, “I did too.”
Percy looks at her. “You did?”
“Yeah. I was eight, I think.”
Percy breaks into a smile. “So you were that kid with no friends in elementary.”
“Okay, mister, you wrote them too.”
“That’s how I know you were a loser back then. I was too.”
“A match made in heaven,” she says, wrapping herself in his arms to block the wind that’s begun to blow harder. “Do you still talk to them?”
“Not anymore,” he admits. “We just stopped talking.”
“Aw. Why?”
Percy breathes deeply. “I’m honestly not sure. She just stopped talking to me.”
“What an ass,” Annabeth says.
“Right?” Percy laughs slightly. “I miss her, to be honest. Is that weird? I just used to talk to her all the time, and then — nothing.”
“It’s not weird at all,” she tells him, snuggling her face into the crook of his neck. “I miss mine too.”
“Why’d you stop talking?”
“I moved here. I lost their address, and I got a new one. It just didn’t work after that.” She smiles, thinking of a fond memory. “They used to call me their best friend. The only one I had.”
Percy turns his nose up. “Well now you have me, so forget that guy. No man dares hurt my baby.”
“If I ever meet them, promise to beat their ass.”
“I’ll do my best,” he promises.
“What was their name?” she asks. “Of your pen pal?”
“I never found out,” he says. “She didn’t tell me her name. Only that it started with an A, so I called myself P, and we just kind of went on like that.”
The atmosphere suddenly turns cold as Annabeth stiffens in his arms.
“What is it?” he asks.
“You called yourself P? And the other person was A?”
Percy thinks to confirm before saying, “Yes. Why?”
“Did this person also meet a guy named Luke?”
Percy pulls away slightly. “How did you know that?”
“And you told them about your love for history at one point?” Percy suddenly feels lightheaded. “Annabeth…”
Annabeth’s lower lip trembled, and when she speaks, it comes out cracked. “I’m A.”
It hits him like a train, and Percy suddenly can’t breathe. His mouth opens for air, but his lungs fail him. His mind races, he doesn’t know what to say, and he feels like he’s going to pass out, and… “Oh my god,” is all he manages.
“You’re A.”
Tears are falling from her eyes, and he doesn’t know how to feel. He doesn’t feel anything at all at first. It’s a weight off his chest, and he’s finally able to take a wrangled breath as it settles inside him. He feels something dripping down his face and realizes it’s tears.
He feels like he should be mad, but he’s not. He can’t be mad at Annabeth because he loves her so much, and he knows what happened, and it’s not her fault, and it’s not his either, and he’s in love with her.
Percy tugs her close. He doesn’t kiss her because right now, this is him seeing A again. His face is in his neck, and he can hear her sobs, and he’s sure his are just as bad. He pulls away, and he lets himself kiss her this time.
“I missed you so much,” he whispers into the kiss. He can taste the tears falling, but he pays it no attention. “I missed you, and I love you so much.”
“I’m sorry,” is what she says.
“Don’t,” he says, pulling away sharply. His voice is wobbly. “This is not your fault.”
Annabeth whimpers. “It feels like it.”
“It doesn’t matter. We found each other, and that’s all that matters, okay?” He wipes the tears from her face gently and kisses her forehead. “We found each other.”
“A twisted way of fate.”
Percy lets out a wet laugh. “It is, but it’s okay.”
“I love you,” she whispers.
There’s so much he wants to say back, but he would never have enough time to say it. “I love you too, mystery-stranger-pen-pal-person,” he whispers. He stays like that, her wrapped in his arms, and he doesn’t know how much time passes like this.
He kisses her, but this time it is as more than her boyfriend.
They are P and A.
Percy and Annabeth.
They are best friends and lovers in one.
He’s going to marry her. His best friend.
Percy and Annabeth.
P and A.
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Thalia and Annabeth
Annabeth used to consider Thalia as her hero because Thalia was older and super badass
Now she has a lot of respect for Thalia but sees her more as family
They grew up together and really do consider eachother sisters
They fight like sisters too
Thalia used to brush Annabeth’s hair when they were on the streets with Luke and it would always calm Annabeth down
Thalia still sometimes brushes her hair and Annabeth still loves it
Even though her hair is curly and it’s impossible
When Thalia is upset Annabeth is usually one of the only people who can cheer her up
Annabeth usually makes a joke about something or just sits with Thalia in silence
Thalia feels like Annabeth is one of the only people that really get how to comfort her
Thalia listens to Annabeth’s rants about drama in her life or just architecture stuff
Thalia doesn’t really get it but she still tries to understand bc she knows it’s important to Annabeth
Annabeth listens to Thalia about the hunt
Thalia tried to get Annabeth to join for a while until she realized how much Annabeth and Percy couldn’t be apart
But Annabeth still goes on missions with the hunt sometimes
She gets close with every one of the hunters and Artemis really respects her
Thalia is SO PROUD
They both have a small bracelet on their left hands
They touch it subconsciously when they’re nervous before a battle
It reminds them of eachother
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Tower of Nero Spoilers/Rant!! (Part 7)
Okay...in this post I think I’d better cover the things I liked and disliked about the last book. Before I start with that I just have to say it’s an overall amazing book and is definitely going to be the best thing about 2020!! Y’all should read the book. Moving on.....
Things I just loved about the book
 I absolutely adored the Solangelo content in this book. That goes without saying.
The book also has some amazing callbacks to the original Percy Jackson series, which needless to say was AMAZING!! We see the Grey Sisters and the Chariot of Damnation again. We see Rachel hit an enemy monster in the with...a blue plastic hairbrush.
I love how Uncle Rick has written the book so that it is still full of humor, while also addressing very serious changes in Apollo’s character.
It was incredible to see so much character development in the characters that have an actual role in the book. We get to see exactly how much Apollo, Meg, Nico, Will and Rachel have grown since we first met them.
A lot of characters we previously hated have been redeemed.  We may not exactly like them now, but we certainly understand them a little better. I know many people were psyched to see Mr. D giving Nico therapy and advice on his mental health, but the last scene which has Mr. D in it is even more precious. Apollo regains his godhood and visits Camp once more, there he offers words of consolation to Mr. D because he’d detested his mortal form for the six months he was stuck in it and he can understand Mr. D’s pain because he’s been cursed to stay in this form for a whole hundred years. His bitterness may not have been warranted but at least now it’s understandable.
Now another divine being we hate with all the fiery passion of a thousand suns is...Hera. Hera has only two scenes in the entire book, but both of them are extremely important. In the first, Hera seems to have been crying for some unknown reason and  she chides the other Olympians for talking about Apollo as if he’s already dead. In the second she’s seen mourning Jason’s death, this gives us an impression that she may not be totally heartless. In the same scene she is also seen defending Apollo to Zeus. Apollo says that he may never love his stepmother but now he can see things from her point of view. He can understand her pain. She doesn’t live an easy life, given the fact she’s married to Zeus. This helps in her character redemption (sort of).
In this point you’ll have to excuse me for some of my slightly unconventional views. I think Rick Riordan is sending out a very important message to children of this day and age. The male protagonist and his female counterpart can certainly love each other and still feel absolutely no romantic attraction towards each other. It is very nice to see that authors are highlighting the fact that there are many kinds of love. 
The last thing I loved is the very emotional last line, which wrapped the entire 15 book story arch pretty well. The last line consisted of just 9 very simple words but had something of a lasting effect. In the last line Apollo says, “Call on me. I will be there for you.”
Things I didn’t love too much about the book 
No Annabeth action!! Annabeth does have a short cameo scene in the end of the book, but she doesn’t actually do anything to affect the storyline of the book.
Meg doesn’t get to meet her mom in the ultimate adventure of The Trials Of Apollo. We do know that she wants to meet her mom, because she asks about her in The Burning Maze, but unfortunately she doesn’t. She might, in the future but I guess we won’t know anytime soon.
It was also kind of sad that readers didn’t get to see a final “endgame” moment because that would have been great. It would have made us ecstatic to see the Demigods of Prophecy, Lavinia, Grover, Calypso, The Waystation Women, Rachel, Nico and Will in one final epic battle. But the cameo scenes where we get to see all of them is great too.
 We don’t get a Solangelo kiss. I know...that’s sad. The only gay kiss we see is between Apollo and Commodus (yikes!), but on the bright side we do get a hint at a Solangelo stand-alone book. So there’s that!!
That’s it!! Do read the book if you haven’t yet.
P.S.: Please feel free to text me in my inbox if you’d like to discuss anything in the whole wide world. I’d absolutely love that!! It could be book related or anything else. You could do an Ask too. And a big thank you to everyone for the support for my last few posts.
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