#anna word vomited for 500 words lldjgsjdgnlakf
False Positive [Chapter 5]
Rating: M Words: 2451 Pairing: Kristanna Summary: When things don’t go according to plan and Anna finds herself alone and pregnant, she looks to her sister’s best friend, Kristoff, and almost makes a huge mistake.
[Chapter Index]
Where To Read: [AO3]
Notes: Kristoff? Ignoring his own feelings in favor of making sure someone else (Anna) is okay? It’s more likely than you think! 
anyway i should probably just credit Jilly as a cowriter at this point. Assume she’s helped me with every chapter lmao. A blessing.
God damn it. God. Damn. It.
Kristoff was pretty sure he was angrier than he had ever been before in his entire life. Nothing on earth could have prepared him for this. How could one of the most important people in his life - one of the only people he trusted - try to trick him like this? How could she do that? 
No, he felt more than anger. He felt betrayed. He felt like everything had shattered around him. He felt a dull ache in his chest, and then something he couldn’t place, something begging him to go back and wrap her up in his arms and work on a solution together… but then there was the anger again.
Why didn’t she just talk to him? 
He might have been willing to help. He might have been able to do something to help. But she acted impulsively, acted without thinking, without worrying about how this would affect him.
Just like she always did when she was scared.
God she was probably so scared…
Kristoff let a sigh escape his lungs and wiped at his face. That didn’t excuse this. Nothing would ever excuse this. Anna was never going to learn how her actions can hurt others if he just forgave her every single time she messed up. No, she needed to see that there were consequences for her bad decisions. She needed to grow up.
All of this was her own doing. She was stupid for dating Hans in the first place, right? He was twenty-three when he met her. She was seventeen. And she stuck around after years of being mistreated and kept on a leash. What stupid girl —
Sven barked and pulled forward on the harness, forcing Kristoff’s thoughts off of their current trajectory.
No. Kristoff scolded himself for even so much as thinking that about Anna. She wasn’t stupid. Hans was predatory. He met a girl who loved harder than anyone he ever knew, who was alone and desperate for someone to love her again, and took advantage of her. Then he got her pregnant, and after years of leading her on decided that wasn’t what he wanted. No wonder she made such a poor decision. 
He didn't know what to do. He wanted to help, but not like that. He wanted to make her feel better, but he was still hurt. He wanted to forget all this shit ever happened and comfort her like he used to when she and Elsa had bad days, when she’d stay the night and he’d make her popcorn and they’d watch a movie and she’d fall asleep against his shoulder and…
“Sven?” Kristoff smiled when his dog looked up at him as he continued trotting happily along the sidewalk. “What would you do?”
Well, Kristoff could clearly hear the dumb voice he’d always been doing for Sven in his head. I’d make sure she was okay.
“You would, huh?”
She’s probably really upset.
“So am I.”
But you don’t have to face a life changing decision right now.
He nodded and smiled awkwardly at the stranger who walked by, listening to him converse with his dog. With a quick roll of his eyes, he tugged on the leash to get Sven to stop walking before moving to an unoccupied bench. Sven laid his head in Kristoff’s lap and looked up at him with sad eyes.
Anna cares about you. And trusts you. Maybe it was the wrong decision, but she wanted it to be you.
“But she almost tricked me into thinking my life was going to be changing, too.”
She’s Anna. She wouldn’t have gone through with it. She would have come clean before it went too far.
“How do you know?”
You know it, too.
Kristoff felt some tension easing from his shoulders as he scratched the mutt’s ear. Sven was right, after all. 
He fondly remembered the time after they had first met, and she was just twelve, watching him and Elsa play video games. He was kind of annoyed by her and her incessant questions about it but he tried his best to just ignore her. She just wanted to play, but Elsa kept telling her no, and he stayed quiet.
They had run to get a snack, and when they came back they found Anna whistling innocently on the couch, and a bright red Game Over screen flashing on the TV.
“Anna!” Elsa had shouted, groaning in frustration. “What did you do?!”
Anna threw her hands down and scowled, insisting that she hadn’t touched anything. Their frustration was quickly turning into anger, and Kristoff had done his best to calm the situation. 
“Hey, we probably… just didn’t pause it right. It’s fine. We weren’t too far in.”
Elsa had let out another frustrated groan before leaving and slamming the bathroom door, and Kristoff knew just to give her some time to calm down. With a sigh, he turned to the television and reset the game, doing his best to ignore Anna sitting behind him.
“... I’m sorry,” she mumbled, tapping his shoulder. 
“Huh?” He turned to look at her, and saw her blue eyes filled with tears. 
“Elsa just doesn’t let me play with her because I’m not very good… and I just really wanted to try it… I’m sorry I didn’t know what to do.”
She was sorry she didn’t know what to do.
That was just the first of many years of Anna apologizing for every little thing that went wrong. Once she spilled water on him and apologized like she had killed his parents. Another time, she ate the last piece of cheesecake, not knowing he was saving it for later, and bought him three full sized cakes to make up for it. Last year, during one of the rare times he actually spent any time around Hans, Anna had apologized for his behavior after Hans had gotten drunk enough to try and punch Kristoff in the mouth.
She owned up to everything, didn’t she? Even things that weren’t her fault. Even things she had no control over. Of course she wasn’t going to go through with it.
“Why are you always right?”
Sven just started panting, his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth and what looked like a smile stretching his lips.
Kristoff had been gone for almost two hours, and Anna couldn’t help but try to find any way to relieve all of her anxious energy. She had tidied up their mess from the night before, made his bed, hung up some clothes he had left in his clean pile, made some coffee, wiped down his empty fridge, and, most of all, just paced around in circles hoping he’d be back soon. 
How could she have been so stupid? They say hindsight is twenty-twenty, but she was starting to feel like she had spent the last twenty-four hours completely blind. It was as if some sort of storm of Bad Decisions had swept her up and blown her every which way. No wonder Kristoff was so angry with her. She’d be pretty angry if she were him, too. 
God, and all he asked her to do was leave, and she couldn’t even do that correctly.
With a sigh, and a pretty good idea that he was trying to stay out until she left, Anna started to gather up her belongings. She didn’t know if just taking his clothing home was the right move, but she really didn’t want to squeeze back into her dress. Worst case, she supposed, was she could wash his clothing and have Elsa bring it back to him, since she assumed he wanted nothing to do with her from this point onward.
She folded her dress, slipped on her heels knowing she only had to wear them for the short walk down to her car, and started looking for her purse and keys when she heard the latch of the door open right before she had a ninety pound dog jumping up at her. “Oh, whoa, okay, hi!” She laughed, trying to keep her balance as Sven’s front paws rested on her shoulders. “Good to see you, too.”
Kristoff walked in behind him, hanging up his leash and toeing off his shoes. When Anna laid eyes on him, she felt them filling with tears again. “Really good to see you.”
He didn’t speak, just continued putting his stuff away and ignoring Anna’s gaze.
“I…” Anna watched Kristoff’s shoulders tense, unable to stop her mouth from scrunching to one side in thought as she lowered Sven’s paws back to the floor. “I was just about to go…”
“Why?” He dropped his keys on the small table by his door and turned to face her. “You wanted to talk, right?” He could see her whole body shaking, whether it was relief or anxiety or something else, he couldn’t tell, but it was starting to make him feel bad. He wanted to ease the tension. “Those heels look good with the shorts. Real high fashion.”
Anna sniffled once before letting out a wet breath, definitely full of tears that hadn’t fallen yet. “Yeah,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper as a smile pulled at her lips. “I thought I could pitch it to a designer. Really… Blow them away.”
Both of them released small, breathy laughter, thankful that there was a tiny semblance of normal falling back between them. Anna took a step closer to him, stepping back out of her heels, waiting patiently for a sign that he was okay. “I’m … I’m so, so sorry, Kris.”
He took in a deep breath before releasing it with a loud groan. “I know, Anna. I know you are.”
“But I-“
“Don’t, all right? It’s…” He paused for a minute. He was going to say it was fine, but it absolutely was not. “It is what it is.”
Anna nodded and stood still, waiting.
Kristoff looked at her, eyes red and smudged with old makeup, hands straight at her sides, as if she was holding back from running up to him and throwing her arms around him, and the tension drained from his shoulders. “Come on. Let’s talk.”
Dropping down onto the couch, Kristoff waited patiently for her to sit beside him. A soft fondness crept over him as she picked up a pillow, sat down next to him with her legs crossed, turned to face him and held the pillow tightly between her arms. He knew she did this when she was trying to restrain herself and he almost felt bad. Almost. Okay, maybe a little bit.
“So…” He started, scratching at the back of his neck. “Explain?”
Anna took a deep breath in before releasing it slow and steady through round lips. “Okay…” Pressing her lips together, she turned her eyes downward and tapped her fingers together. “Thought I might be pregnant. Told Hans, in a way I thought was pretty cute, he got mad, told me I had to get rid of it or leave, so I left, because like, I’ve always wanted to be a mom, and then he called and called and called, but basically it all boiled down to him calling me dumb and childish and incapable and other things I don’t really want to think about.” 
She paused to take a deep breath and Kristoff just nodded, knowing she had much more to say before it would be a conversation. 
“So I went to the doctor and found out for sure and that was right before I came home yesterday, and I was just so, so scared of being alone because like, genuinely, maybe Hans is right, you know? Maybe I am just a dumb kid who can’t do anything right, like I’m probably going to just mess this kid up so much okay? So much. I mean, look at me, and I had two perfectly pleasant parents. What kid stands a chance with me as their mom and no one else?
“And then you were just… god, you’re so wonderful, Kristoff, has anyone ever told you that? You’re just so kind and caring and you always have been, you’ve always treated me so well, and I got to thinking like, hah, what if we were meant to be, but I just didn’t see it? And I know that’s dumb, that’s so stupid, I’m sorry, you’re like a brother to me -“
Kristoff felt a weird, sharp pain in his chest.
“- so like of course that wasn’t right, but I just thought, you’re the most amazing person I’ve ever, ever known, and I was thinking like, you would be the best dad, just the best, and if this was how well you treated me as just the annoying little sister of your best friend, right? Imagine how well you’d treat me if you ever like, loved me… so I just… I had this weird idealized fantasy in my head of us, doing that, and then, even if it was backwards, maybe you’d love me someday, and maybe we’d just have a family and …”
She wiped at her cheeks, adjusting her legs so her knees were under her chin, the pillow still trapped between her chest and her thighs. 
“It was so, so stupid. I know. I know that. I even knew it when I was trying to do it. But the way you looked at me last night, I… I snapped back to reality.” Her eyes finally rose up to meet his. “I’m sorry, Kris. And I understand if…” she hiccupped before biting her lower lip. “I understand if you don’t want anything to do with me now. I really do.”
Nodding slowly, Kristoff felt his face contorted with a bit of confusion. “Okay…” he started, blowing out a long breath. “A lot to unpack there.” 
Anna let out yet another hollow laugh. “Yeah… yeah.”
Kristoff turned on the couch, lifting up his leg to make it easier to face her. “Okay, listen.” He watched her nod and prop her chin on the pillow. “I… I’m pretty upset, okay? Like… I don’t think I’ve ever been this mad at anyone before.” Her face dropped, but he leaned forward to press his hand against her knee. “But… you mean a lot to me, and I know you, and I know you didn’t mean any harm.”
Well, he hoped she didn’t.
Her hand clasped over his, and his walls dropped just a fraction.
“So…” He looked up at her, hope and adoration radiating from her in waves, and did his best to tamp down his own frustration, thankful it was already starting to dissipate. “I’m here for you, whatever you need.”
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