#anna bonpensiero
woozapooza · 10 months
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I feel like this has reaction image potential
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badass-at-fandoming · 3 years
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Vampire: the Masquerade - San Andreas Nights
Played: April 14, 2019 - March, 14, 2021; April 1921 - July 1999
"Everything you just said to me was upsetting."
Long time followers might remember me chatting about a mega-long Vampire chronicle, San Andreas Nights. Shockingly, we finished our tale in March. For fun, I thought I'd make a short wrap up post. Feel free to ask me particulars, but below is a general overview about characters and the state we left the world in.
Player Character Fates:
Enzo Bonpensiero - dragged to hell
Archie Bonpensiero - killed by were-bears
Cassandra Bonpensiero - LA Anarch Noddist, private domain, 6th Gen Samedi
Anna Bonpensiero - LA Anarch Baron, 10th Gen Brujah
Nathan Bonpensiero - LA Prince, 4th Gen Malkavian
Lupita Knight - killed by Grove Street hunters
Wally the Walrus - LA Anarch Baron, 9th Gen Nosferatu
Gangrel Pete - killed by were-bears
Shoto the Silent - Bodyguard to Lucien LaCroix, 8th Gen Brujah
Tony Bagels - LA Anarch Baron, 6th Gen Gangrel
The State of the World:
Gehenna: Well. That happened.
Camarilla: gone! The Cult of Mithras, including LaCroix, Divia, Mithras, Marcus Vitel, Enzo, Nathan, Gratiano de Veronese, and Fiorenza Savona, successfully manipulated Gehenna to utterly decimate the Camarilla. The Inner Circle is dead; Karsh is dead.
The Convention of New York: a convention is going to meet in New York and all Kindred are invited, no matter allegiance, to establish a new organization.
Sabbat and Anarchs: So there are like...nominally Sabbat and Anarch, but they're lacking the Camarilla to define themselves against.
Los Angeles: Still standing. The political situation in LA is temporary until the LA Kindred decide if they want to join whatever organization is birthed in New York. As of now, we have Barons like the Anarchs, set universal rules, and the Barons form a council who elects a "Prince" to deal with big attacks (sorta like a Sheriff).
the Baali: On Lazarus' orders, the Baali tried to release a massive disease-filled eyeball demon in Northern Canada, as a ploy to create chaos and decimate Kindred numbers. Ex-Justicar Xavier formed a Gather of Gangrel, including Tony Bagels, Ramona, and Lazlo, to tell the Baali to Stop That. And they did! With a little help from napalm lol
The Wall of Flesh: not actually the Tzimsce Eldest, but the Eye of Hazimel warped by Sascha Vykos, on orders from LaCroix. In the chaos, Divia was able to eat Nikolai the Tremere, Lodin, and other dedicated Camarilla elite.
Nosferatu: Fulfilling the Nosferatu's greatest fear, Baba Yaga rose and went on a rampage from Russia to Germany. Wally, Roland, and Nosferatu himself (!!!) led the charge to defeat her and were met with great success.
The Week of Nightmares: happened! Zapathasura rose and, fulfilling the Prophecy of the Broken Soldier, Nathan, Dracula, and Nick Knight fought him. After an intense battle, Dracula realized that they had to "heal" the Solider by becoming one. Dracula diablerized Nick, and Nathan used Mouth of Madness to convince Dracula that Nathan was the true Soldier. Dracula flesh-crafted his own heart out of his chest and offered it to Nathan. Wielding the Sword of Troile, Nathan destroyed Zapathasura. This, unfortunately, triggered a kill-frenzy for the Ravnos Clan. Very few managed to survive, but the Clan does still live.
The Plan for the Dead: The Giovanni attempted to make a permanent open portal to the Shadowlands. Unbeknowst to them, Lazarus and Enzo had tampered with the golden scarab essential to the ritual. Instead, a portal opened directly to Cappadocius, who pushed Augustus Giovanni into hell. As an after-shock of this botched ritual, necromancers everywhere had ghosts attack them and attempt to also drag them to hell. Most, like Enzo, succumbed. This massive loss of necromancers will trigger the formation of the Hecata Clan.
The Tremere: In a bid to rid themselves of their Clan Curse, Timmy the Evil summoned the founders of the Clan and performed a spell. This spell made Tremere resistant to blood bonds and unable to form them, but also dragged Timmy and the founders to hell. Oops.
Divia of Rome: Went into the Abyss in order to diablerize the Lasombra Antediluvian
Followers of Set: They awakened Set and invited him to bring hell to Earth. He, however, said he was already in hell and made it just how he likes it, so why not join him in Duat? Set forced all of his blood to kill themselves and join him in Duat.
Malkav's Dream: After receiving a distress signal via Anatole, Cassandra, Anna, and Smiling Jack raced to rescue Beckett, Matilda, Afifa the Last Daughter of Eve, and her child in Cairo. Nathan and Cassandra both received dreams from Camilla Banes, the only surviving member of the Camarilla Inner Circle, during which she instructed them to meet her at the Sphinx with the Last Daughter. When they arrived, Camilla identified Matilda as the true Last Daughter and led them to a very out-of-place English cottage full of Malkavian Elders. The Malkavians joined together to create a global mass illusion that all the disasters of the previous month were man-made and/or natural disasters; thus, restoring Masquerade. The ritual was sealed with Matilda's blood.
Our DM described this Gehenna as a soft reboot of the Vampire world, and damn, he wasn't kidding! So many twists, so many turns; many a tear, many a triumph. I wasn't expecting Cassandra to survive, but, bless her and keep her, she did.
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badass-at-fandoming · 4 years
Sascha Vykos approaches your character and demands they hand over a rare book they have to deliver to somebody else. What does your OC do?
Answering the call from @robotslenderman as a little treat
Okay, so this kinda sorta happened in San Andreas Nights, so I can say that the Bonpensieros, collectively, would diablerize Sascha Vykos and keep the book. So that’s a super horrifying thought. But individually...
Our Ventrue Enzo Bonpensiero would give Sascha the book and try to extract some sort of favor and/or dignitas from the situation. Like, maybe a minor boon from Vykos, or he would tell others that he squared off with Vykos and survived, which sounds suitably impressive.
Our Tremere characters, Archie Bonpensiero and Chakaia, have already copied the book and hand over the original to Vykos. The book has some sort of booby-trap curse on it. They get the hell out of dodge, but Vykos attacks the LA Chantry in revenge. Archie, Chakaia, and the elderly Wise Old Owl are the only Tremere who survive, and Divia face-palms because this is like, the fifth time the Tremere have managed to blow themselves up. 😂 😂 😂
Cassandra would try to negotiate, like her Dad, or ask if she can copy it first. When Vykos says no, she would hand it over because she values her life.  😂 “I’ll find out from the Cobweb later,” she mumbles, as she activates Celerity and Obfuscate to GTFO.
As for her former ghouls...Sergio was killed for defying Sabbat/Nazis/werewolves, so they’d try fight off Vykos and run away, but die. Zelde would be like “how did you get in my room???” but hand over the book, because Dr. Carter, like the Tremere, has likely made a copy and/or already gotten the information he needs from it.
Anna Bonpensiero, our Brujah, would try to fight off Vykos down to the last hit point, decide it’s not worth it, drop the book, and run.
Everyone would expect Nathan Bonpensiero and Vykos to fight, but they would come to some sort of agreement for joint book custody. Because Nathan can be polite and fair when he chooses! 😂
Our Gangrel Pete and Tony Bagels would drop the book and run. “What did we need that book for anyway??” “I don’t know, man, but I’m not dying for it!!”
Finally: the Nosferatu. Wally the Walrus and Lupita Knight would Obfuscate away, or disappear in a flurry of shadow tentacles. And it would work!
If this question had been posed earlier in the Chronicle, I think there would be a lot more deaths. 😂 But here we are, and the only people more powerful than the Bonpensieros are the antediluvians. I am not kidding.
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badass-at-fandoming · 3 years
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Despite everything, it's still you.
@cthylla-rlyeh tagged me to use pic crew to make some OCs, so I thought this would be a good opportunity to make a sneak peek of a larger post detailing everyone's fates. My tabletop group recently finished a two-year long chronicle, San Andreas Nights. It was intense, tearful, and we somehow managed to not destroy the world. Anna (left), Nathan (middle), and Cassandra (right) were the last Bonpensieros standing.
Picrew link here. It's a "secret" one, so if that link doesn't work, you can find another on the artist's twitter.
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badass-at-fandoming · 4 years
Chapter 7 explodes on the scene!
Bonpensiero Bloodlines Remix by MissingTriforce
Chapter 7: A Tower Full of Light
Fandom: Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines
Pairing: M/F, M/M, F/F, Cuthbert Beckett/Original Malkavian Characters, Cuthbert Beckett/Mercurio
Rating: Explicit - Graphic Depictions of Violence
Fic Tags: Stealth Crossover, Alternate Universe - Buffy The Vampire Slayer Fusion, Canon Rewrite, Behind the Scenes, Canon Typical Violence, Mental Health Issues, Vampire Politics, Malkavian Madness, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship, Polyamory, Kissing, Vampire Sex, Cuddling & Snuggling
Chapter CW: Biting, Injury, Mental Health Issues, Blood, Blood Sharing, Immolation
Summary: After decades away, Beckett is invited to Los Angeles, by a formal, crisp letter from Prince Sebastian LaCroix and his Seneschal Enzo Bonpensiero. They want him to examine this Anarkaran sarcophagus that has the global Kindred community both terrified and enthralled. Beckett’s as eager to debunk Gehenna rumblings as he is to re-visit old contacts and investigate new lines of Thin-Blooded inquiry. And maybe, even, go romancing.
Part 5 of A Kinder Universe series
Want to go back to the start? The universe becomes kinder here.
Want to know more about the Bonpensieros? Watch our adventures here.
Want to read more of my work? Check out Moonrise, my queer werewolf game! Reads like Hozier x Vampire: the Masquerade with lesbians, bi folks, pansexual enbies, and aro lesbian Scarlet Pimpernel. No, really.
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badass-at-fandoming · 4 years
Chapter 8 is the soft(?) epilogue for the loves
Bonpensiero Bloodlines Remix by MissingTriforce
Chapter 8: Epilogue
Fandom: Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines
Pairing: M/F, M/M, F/F, Cuthbert Beckett/Original Malkavian Characters, Cuthbert Beckett/Mercurio
Rating: Explicit - Graphic Depictions of Violence
Fic Tags: Stealth Crossover, Alternate Universe - Buffy The Vampire Slayer Fusion, Canon Rewrite, Behind the Scenes, Canon Typical Violence, Mental Health Issues, Vampire Politics, Malkavian Madness, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship, Polyamory, Kissing, Vampire Sex, Cuddling & Snuggling
Chapter CW: slight body horror/grossness, I once again commit accent crimes upon Mercurio’s New Yorker tang
Summary: After decades away, Beckett is invited to Los Angeles, by a formal, crisp letter from Prince Sebastian LaCroix and his Seneschal Enzo Bonpensiero. They want him to examine this Anarkaran sarcophagus that has the global Kindred community both terrified and enthralled. Beckett’s as eager to debunk Gehenna rumblings as he is to re-visit old contacts and investigate new lines of Thin-Blooded inquiry. And maybe, even, go romancing.
Part 5 of A Kinder Universe series
Want to go back to the start? The universe becomes kinder here.
Want to know more about the Bonpensieros? Watch our adventures here.
Want to read more of my work? Check out Moonrise, my queer werewolf game! Reads like Hozier x Vampire: the Masquerade with lesbians, bi folks, pansexual enbies, and aro lesbian Scarlet Pimpernel. No, really.
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badass-at-fandoming · 5 years
I’ve been talking about my friends and I’s Vampire: the Masquerade campaign a lot, to the point I think I should explain it. And what better to explain than the video of our GM absolutely losing his goddamn marbles about the insanity we collectively unleashed.
Enjoy Diablerie for Dummies, folks!
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badass-at-fandoming · 5 years
Chapter 4 is Dracula time! My deepest apologies that the Bonpensieros’ visit to Dracula visit is so different from canon. If it’s any consolation, our DM was also shocked, disappointed, and deeply alarmed.
Bad Idea by MissingTriforce
Fandom: Vampire: The Masquerade; World of Darkness
Pairing: M/F; Cuthbert Beckett/Original Malkavian Character
Rating: Explicit, Graphic depictions of violence
Chapter Tags: PWP (Porn without plot), Porn with feelings, Oral sex, Blood, Blood Sharing, Blood Bonds, Blood & Gore
CW: sex, Nazis (mention), blood, gore, body horror
Summary: When Beckett began his quest to unearth the Eye of Ravnos before the Nazis could, he didn’t expect to be led to the Bonpensieros, one of LA’s most influential coteries. He didn’t expect Cassandra, with her musical beauty and swirling prophecies of Caine. And he definitely didn’t expect to bite and bond to her. Bad idea, for sure
Cassandra sings this song from The Man from U.N.C.L.E., as a treat.
If you like my writing, you can buy my original work here!
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badass-at-fandoming · 5 years
Chapter 5 is where the shit, as the kiddos say, hits the fan.
Bad Idea by MissingTriforce
Fandom: Vampire: The Masquerade; World of Darkness
Pairing: M/F; Cuthbert Beckett/Original Malkavian Character
Rating: Explicit, Graphic depictions of violence
Chapter Tags: Blood & Gore
CW: Nazis, murder, blood, cannibalism, mayhem
Summary: When Beckett began his quest to unearth the Eye of Ravnos before the Nazis could, he didn’t expect to be led to the Bonpensieros, one of LA’s most influential coteries. He didn’t expect Cassandra, with her musical beauty and swirling prophecies of Caine. And he definitely didn’t expect to bite and bond to her. Bad idea, for sure
If you like my writing, you can buy my original queer femme werewolf game here for $1.99!
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badass-at-fandoming · 4 years
I've read the Gehenna Sourcebook and I honestly didn't think it was all that harrowing. XD. Wormwood is my favorite scenario because some of the vampires get a chance at a happy ending rather than just getting screwed by God.
I have an overactive imagination sometimes, haha. I haven’t read the complete Time of Judgement - Gehenna sourcebook. I was doing some character prep for Cassandra, who is a Prophet of Gehenna, and needed to read about Kaymakli. I didn’t have the time to read the whole thing, so I read the Nightshade scenario and skimmed about.
While reading Nightshade, I imagined the Bonpensieros and the Memory-Seekers going through the story, and it felt harrowing to me, especially the final confrontation with the remaining antediluvians. Lucita, Aristotle, and Okulos are long ash. Cassandra sobbing and clutching the toddler Saulot to her chest, not wanting to give him up. Anatole succumbing to Malkav, and Beckett begging him to choose another Malkavian, any other Malkavian besides his lovers. Enzo trying to cut deals to the last, even as they kill him. Archie in placid acceptance that this is the end, sure he will die with dignity, doing his best to help others accept fate. Nathan and Anna, heavy with power, but even their simmering rage and awful strength are not enough. And then they’re dust, and Sergio and Zelde are alone in the ruins of atrocity.
What actually happened in game is we visited Kaymakli, killed Okulos (thus preventing any scenario wherein he works to further Gehenna to spite Beckett), diablerized 34238224285809809 Cappadocians, argued about puzzles for 3 hours, and retrieved the Sword of Troile and Scroll of Truth. Nathan was happy.
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badass-at-fandoming · 4 years
OC Biography Meme
I was tagged by @cthylla-rlyeh​! This doll maker was brought to my attention recently, so I’ve been taking mini-breaks from work to play character dress up. They only have bodies which have been traditionally viewed as female, and only one body type, buuuuuut I’ll take what I can get.
I tag @missn11​ @robotslenderman​ @memento-more-tea​ and @nightingaletrash​, if they’d like to do this one :D
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The Basics
Full Name: Cassandra Bonpensiero
Nickname(s): Cassie (but only her wife Zelde calls her that!)
Birth Date: ??? 1880, sired April 25, 1921
Nationality: Italian American
Organization/Group: Mnemosyne
Former Affiliates: Camarilla - Bonpensiero coterie
Family & Friends
Father: Enzo Bonpensiero
Mother: Maria Bonpensiero
Sibling(s): Archie Bonpensiero
Other Relatives: deceased sister, her niece Anna, her nephew Nathan
Spouse(s): Sancha Garcia, Sergio Tessaro, Zelde Rothenberg, Cuthbert Beckett
Children: Elena Garcia (informally adopted); Zelde is her childe
Height: 6ft
Weight: ~190lbs (idk how weight works sorry)
Hair Color: White-blonde
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Skin Color: White/olive
Scar(s): no ...physical scars
Tattoo(s): nope
Piercing(s): classic ear piercings
Notable Features: Rarely still - she’s always fluttering about or talking with her hands
Random Fact: She was a medium even before she was Embraced! I see your Necromancy ability and I raise you being polite and asking nicely
Bonus Vampire Stats: 7th Gen Malkavian, Obfuscate & Dementation come more easily to her than Auspex
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