#anna barie
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Where's the former charm of the thrush's trills? Where's the remembered music of far off rills? The elfin dance of dead daffodils?
Their grace is fled. Could Demeter care— Faint for Persephone's floating hair- That flowers of Enna were strange and fair?
For cold and dark as a candle blown, Bare as a nest when the birds are flown, Are spring and summer to hearts alone.
"Thou Away, The Very Birds Are Mute" by Anna Bunston De Bary
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L’Italia ha approvato la legge che rende disponibile l’assistenza sanitaria anche ai senza fissa dimora.
Il provvedimento colma un vuoto di tutela che si pone in contrasto con gli articoli 3 e 32 della Costituzione e con i princìpi ispiratori della legge istitutiva del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale, in base ai quali l’assistenza sanitaria andrebbe garantita a tutti coloro che risiedono o dimorano “nel territorio della Repubblica, senza distinzione di condizioni individuali o sociali”. I senza dimora attualmente sono nell’impossibilità di essere iscritti al Servizio sanitario nazionale e di scegliersi un medico di medicina generale. La nuova legge e il programma sperimentale mirano ad “assicurare progressivamente il diritto all’assistenza sanitaria” ai senza dimora e per consentirgli di iscriversi nelle liste degli assistiti delle aziende sanitarie locali, di scegliersi un medico, di accedere ai LEA (le prestazioni incluse nei Livelli Essenziali di Assistenza).
“La norma recepisce la richiesta, avanzata anche con la nostra Carta civica della salute globale, di garantire l’assistenza sanitaria di base ai più fragili e agli invisibili, svincolandola dalla residenza anagrafica. Un esempio importante anche di quello che istituzioni, organizzazioni civiche e singoli cittadini possono fare insieme per migliorare le politiche pubbliche del nostro Paese e renderle sempre più vicine ai bisogni delle persone, a partire dai più fragili”, commenta Anna Lisa Mandorino, Segretaria generale di Cittadinanzattiva. Secondo le rilevazioni e gli indirizzi dell’ISTAT, il provvedimento sarà avviato inizialmente in 14 città metropolitane: Bari, Bologna, Cagliari, Catania, Firenze, Genova, Messina, Milano, Napoli, Palermo, Reggio Calabria, Roma, Torino e Venezia.
Fonte: Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri; Cittadinanzattiva; immagine di Mart Production
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Help me find someone
Cross Guild enjoyers help
I've got a vague memory of reading several fics with mention of a very large fruitwani swimming around the coast of Karai Bari to act as the first line of defence potentially named Anna or something similar but I cannot seem to find it
#bananawani#fruitwani#cross guild#sir crocodile#buggy#mihawk#cross guild polycule#one piece#fanfic#help
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apologies for the angst- but if any of your sanjis were to die early, who would it be, how would it happen, and what would be the reactions of his family?
Probably Donquixote!Sanji in all honesty. He would be so set on saving his nakama and coced out he probably wouldn't even notice. He would realize after it happened that he was a lost cause to save so he would convince Chopper and Law to focus on the others. He probably leaves his snuff container, the last of cigarettes and a tie and smiles at Robin and asks her to get word to Doffy before collapsing.
The crew is upset and screaming and crying and then having to find the Donquixote family to tell them? Fuck dude. Law and Luffy think they're going to have to fight again when they find Doflamingo on some island. He's just staring out at the clear blue sky and ocean.
"So he died, huh?" Doflamingo would ask without even looking at them. "I shouldn't be surprised, everyone around me does. Usually at my hand though." And Law and Luffy are upset but Jinbei walks forward and offers the items to his fellow former warlord who takes them.
Jinbei stays next to Doffy as they look out and Jinbei tells him stories about Sanji. Doffy doesn't respond just gripping the items tight without breaking them.
"I tried to beat the sacrifice out of him and it never worked! No matter what I did he always felt indebted to me and he died that way too! I'll kill them all!" Doflamingo would yell and the clouds have started to roll in so he leaves and Luffy and Law and the rest of the crew are actually kind of shocked.
"Losing a child will be the worst thing to happen to any parent." Jinbei explains.
"Should we tell Crocodile next?" Robin asks and Jinbei shakes his head.
"It will be a shock for him, but it's best he hears it from Doflamingo, even if Sanji terrorized him in the meetings he was probably closest to Doffy." Jinbei says as they head to the sunny.
And when Doffy lands on Karai Bari? It's late, he's tired and he finds Anna and pets her and when crocodile strolls up Doffy just shows him the tie and Crocodile sighs and sits with him. Crocodile doesn't cry but he'll never tell anyone if Doflamingo does.
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Bow Down: Women in Art
Shahidha Bari on Mary Moser and Angelica Kauffman
This episode of Jennifer Higgie’s podcast series about women in art, Bow Down, features the cultural historian, radio presenter and author of Dressed: The Secret Life of Clothes , Shahida Bari. She discusses the life and times of the two women founders of London’s Royal Academy, the trail-blazing 18th-century artists Angelica Kauffman and Mary Moser. There are many other episodes of Bow Down, although most focus on modern and contemporary artists.
LISTEN HERE : https://www.athenaartfoundation.org/listen/bow-down-shahidha-bari-on-mary-moser-and-angelica-kauffman
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If someone were to accuse you of being a psy-op, what would they accuse you of?
I would be accused—I sometimes even am accused—of running the opposite of the psyop I'm actually running. This is because, in true psyop fashion, I sometimes used to openly claim to be running the opposite psyop of the one I actually was/am running. I've even darkly hinted that it's worse than you think, just to throw you off the track, but also to keep you coming back for more. (Deep lore: how would someone with crazy eyes, red yarn, pushpins, and a corkboard get from me to Michael Aquino in two steps? I revealed the answer once, only once, behind Katherine Dee's paywall, on my first ever podcast appearance, during which Kat and I correctly predicted in 2021 that the dissident right would become the next iteration of neoconservatism, years before a straight line could be drawn from BAP through Anna K. to Bari Weiss.) I could say more, but then it wouldn't be a psyop, would it? If you're desperate for a clue as to what's really going on here, though I hate to direct you behind another paywall, please see, speaking of deep lore, my commentary on P. B. Shelley's esoteric reading of the literary canon in the Invisible College episode "Lost Angel of a Ruined Paradise."
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L.A. live debate with Bari Weiss, Sarah Haider, Grimes, Anna Khachiyan, and Louise Perry - Q/ Has the sexual revolution failed?
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Elenco vincitori
Concorso di Poesie, Filastrocche, Racconti e Fiabe
“Libera la fantasia” 5^ Edizione
A) Sezione Poesie e Filastrocche a tema fantasy
“Carmelo, il sedano fragola, Penelope la ragna e Riccardo, il riccio bugiardo” filastrocche inedite di Cecilia Turino – Frattaminore (NA)
“ Amore su petali di rosa” raccolta edita di poesie di Barbara Baka – Carapelle (FG)
“C’erano una volta sette nani” filastrocca inedita di Danila Pesce – Savona (SV)
Menzione Speciale a:
“Poesie, Filastrocche, Raccontini per grandi e piccini” libro edito di filastrocche e racconti brevi di Rita Giovanna Cavicchi – Castiglione dei Pepoli (BO)
Segnalazione di merito a:
“ Nonna e Paura” filastrocca inedita di Valerio Falgari – Curno (BG)
“Dimora fiabesca” raccolta edita di poesie di Maria Cristina Biasoli – Molinella (RO)
B) Poesie e Filastrocche a tema libero
“Ricomincio da t(r)e” raccolta di poesie in fase di pubblicazione di Mario Tommasini – Roma (RM)
“Alla periferia del vento” poesia inedita di Stefano Baldinu – S. Pietro in Casale (BO)
“Per voi” poesia inedita di Christian Testa – Villanterio (PV)
Menzione Speciale a:
“Filastroccando – Poesie e filastrocche di Nonnogino” raccolta inedita di poesie e filastrocche di Luigino De Francesco – Torino (TO)
Segnalazione di merito a:
“Unni a biddizza cunforta (Dove la bellezza consola)” poesia in dialetto siciliano tradotta in italiano di Lucia Zappalà - Istrana (TV)
Premi Speciali
Premio Assoluto della Critica a:
“Note dimenticate nella notte” raccolta poetica inedita di Francesco Ambrosio - Frattamaggiore (NA)
Premio Speciale Miglior Giovane Autore a:
“Unica salvezza” poesia inedita di Serena Cola – Meldola (FC)
Premio Speciale per l’Operato Socio – Culturale a:
Angelo Canino, scrittore (Acri – CS) distintosi per quanto costruito artisticamente e culturalmente negli anni, vincendo tantissimi premi letterari e aderendo in varie manifestazioni di spessore. Poesia scelta come migliore dalla Giuria: “ Ppe cchilli terri (Per quei terreni)” opera inedita in dialetto calabrese tradotta in italiano.
Premio Speciale della Giuria a:
Lucia Barabino, scrittrice (San Francesco al Campo – TO) per la sua
straordinaria capacità creativa e la sua estrema bravura mista a sensibilità nello scrivere testi per grandi e piccini. Testo scelto come migliore dalla Giuria: “L’albero nel bosco” filastrocca inedita.
“Kerstonville, segreti di contea” romanzo inedito di Silvia Turello – Siderno (RC)
C) Sezione Racconti e Fiabe a tema fantasy
“Sara e i mille mila” fiaba edita di Gabriele Missaglia – Dizzasco (CO)
“Ascoltate la biblioteca” racconto inedito di Gabriele Andreani – Pesaro (PU)
“Agata delle farfalle” fiaba inedita di Clara Guareschi – Varallo (VC)
Menzione speciale a:
“Misha l’orsetto magico” fiaba inedita di Giovanni Saia – La Spezia (SP)
Segnalazione di merito a:
“Diario di un tirannosauro vegetariano” racconto fantasy inedito di Gabriele Di Fazio – Marino (RM)
D) Sezione Racconti e Romanzi a tema libero
“La rosa sott’acqua – Storia di una vita negata” racconto inedito di Cristina Manzo – Lecce (LE)
“La rosa bianca di Izmir – Oltre il velo della paura ” romanzo edito di Anna D’Auria – Gragnano (NA)
“Raggio di luce” romanzo edito di Matteo Molino – Milano (MI)
Menzione speciale a:
“Augustus Darius” romanzo inedito di Angelo Dario Garziano – Mazzarino (CL)
Segnalazione di merito a:
“La ragazza e il cavaliere” romanzo inedito di Cristina Mora – Luserna San Giovanni (TO)
Premio Finalisti
“Cassandra e Isabeau” racconto inedito di Alessandra Peretti – Amandola (FM)
“L’arte di Howth (Tratto da una storia vera)” racconto inedito di Anna Ferriero – Torre del Greco (NA)
“Le avventure di Rapetta” raccolta inedita di racconti di Paola Ercole – Roma (RM)
“Il marziano Baffi Blu” filastrocca inedita di Barbara Barducco – Rivarossa (TO)
“La mia follia” monologo teatrale inedito di Rodolfo Andrei – Roma (RM)
“Il peso della solitudine” raccolta poetica di Roberta Matassa – Bari (BA)
“Anche l’ospedale è bello...se si muta in un castello” filastrocca inedita di Sergio Giovannetti – Vinci (FI)
“Il brutto anatroccolo (Favola rap) favola inedita in versi di Veruska Vertuani – Aprilia (LT)
“Era notte a Roma” racconto edito di Laura Marcucci – Roma (RM)
“La strega presuntuosa” filastrocca inedita di Caterina Giannini – Roma (RM)
“Immensa” racconto inedito di Chiara Mari – Losanna Svizzera (VD)
“Il Natale delle fiabe” filastrocca inedita di Patrizia Birtolo – Giussano (MB)
#associazione luce dell'arte#scrittori#dr.ssa carmela gabriele#luce dell'arte edizioni#concorsi letterari#narrativa#poesia#romanzi#libri#concorso libera la fantasia
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100 Songs in Italian from the 70s
100 Songs in Italian from the 70s 100 Songs in Italian from the 70s, including: Adriano Celentano - Chi Non Lavora Non Fa L'amore, Domenico Modugno - La lontananza, Lucio Battisti – Anna, Massimo Ranieri - Sogno d'amore, Mina – Insieme, Nicola di Bari - La Prima Cosa Bella and many more!!! Subscribe to our channel to see more of our content! 1. 1970 Adriano Celentano - Chi Non Lavora Non Fa L'amore 2. 1970 Domenico Modugno - La lontananza 3. 1970 Lucio Battisti - Anna 4. 1970 Massimo Ranieri - Sogno d'amore 5. 1970 Mina - Insieme 6. 1970 Nicola di Bari - La Prima Cosa Bella 7. 1970 Nino Manfredi - Tanto pè cantà 8. 1970 Orietta Berti - Fin che la barca va 9. 1970 Ornella Vanoni - L'appuntamento 10. 1970 Raffaella Carrà - Ma che musica maestro 11. 1970 Renato Dei Profeti - Lady Barbara 12. 1970 Sergio Endrigo - L'Arca di Noè 13. 1971 Bruno Lauzi - Amore Caro, Amore Bello 14. 1971 Equipe 84 - Casa Mia 15. 1971 Formula 3 - Eppur mi son scordato di te 16. 1971 Iva Zanicchi - Un fiume amaro 17. 1971 Lucio Battisti - Pensieri E Parole 18. 1971 Lucio Dalla - 4/3/1943 19. 1971 Mina - Amor mio 20. 1971 Nicola Di Bari - Il Cuore È Uno Zingaro 21. 1971 Nuovi Angeli - Donna felicità 22. 1971 Pooh - Tanta Voglia Di Lei 23. 1971 Raffaella Carrà - Chissa Chi Sei 24. 1972 Adriano Celentano - Un albero di trenta piani 25. 1972 Delirium - Jesahel 26. 1972 Gianni Nazzaro - Quanto È Bella Lei 27. 1972 I Dik Dik - Viaggio di un poeta 28. 1972 I Nomadi - Io Vagabondo 29. 1972 Loretta Goggi - Vieni via con me 30. 1972 Lucio Battisti - I giardini di marzo 31. 1972 Mia Martini - Piccolo Uomo 32. 1972 Mina - Grande, grande, grande 33. 1972 Mina & Alberto Lupo - Parole Parole 34. 1972 Pooh - Pensiero 35. 1973 Claudio Baglioni - Questo Piccolo Grande Amore 36. 1973 Gabriella Ferri - Sempre 37. 1973 I Camaleonti - Perchè Ti Amo 38. 1973 Lucio Battisti - Il Mio Canto Libero 39. 1973 Marcella Bella - Io domani 40. 1973 Massimo Ranieri - Erba Di Casa Mia 41. 1973 Mina - Eccomi 42. 1973 Patty Pravo - Pazza idea 43. 1973 Peppino Di Capri - Un grande amore e niente piu 44. 1973 Pooh - Io E Te Per Altri Giorni 45. 1974 Adriano Celentano - Bellissima 46. 1974 Claudio Baglioni - E Tu 47. 1974 Drupi - Piccola E Fragile 48. 1974 Gianni Bella - Più ci penso 49. 1974 Gigliola Cinquetti - Alle Porte Del Sole 50. 1974 I Cugini di Campagna - Anima mia 51. 1974 I Nuovi Angeli - Anna da dimenticare 52. 1974 Marcella Bella - Nessuno mai 53. 1974 Riccardo Cocciante - Bella senz'anima 54. 1975 Claudia Mori - Buonasera Dottore 55. 1975 Claudio Baglioni - Sabato Pomeriggio 56. 1975 Domenico Modugno - Piange il telefono 57. 1975 Drupi - Sereno è 58. 1975 Homo Sapiens – Tornerai tornerò 59. 1975 I Santo California - Tornerò 60. 1975 Mal - Parlami d’amore Mariù 61. 1975 Mina - L'importante è finire 62. 1975 Wess e Dori Ghezzi - Un Corpo e Un Anima 63. 1976 Adriano Celentano - Svalutation 64. 1976 Daniel Sentacruz Ensemble - Linda Bella Linda 65. 1976 Gianni Bella - Non Si Può Morire Dentro 66. 1976 Gianni Morandi - Sei Forte Papà 67. 1976 Lucio Battisti - Ancora Tu 68. 1976 Oliver Onions - Sandokan 69. 1976 Pooh - Linda 70. 1976 Riccardo Cocciante - Margherita 71. 1977 Angelo Branduardi - Alla Fiera Dell´Est 72. 1977 Claudio Baglioni - Solo 73. 1977 Collage - Tu Mi Rubi L' Anima 74. 1977 Daniela Goggi - Oba-ba-lu-ba 75. 1977 Homo Sapiens - Bella da morire 76. 1977 Matia Bazar - Solo tu 77. 1977 Oliver Onions - Orzowei 78. 1977 Umberto Balsamo - Angelo Azzurro 79. 1977 Umberto Tozzi - Ti Amo 80. 1978 Adriano Celentano - Ti avrò 81. 1978 Alan Sorrenti - Figli Delle Stelle 82. 1978 Anna Oxa - Un'emozione da poco 83. 1978 Antonello Venditti - Sotto Il Segno Dei Pesci 84. 1978 Elisabetta Viviani - Heidi 85. 1978 Lucio Battisti - Una Donna Per Amico 86. 1978 Patty Pravo - Pensiero Stupendo 87. 1978 Renato Zero - Il Triangolo 88. 1978 Rino Gaetano - Gianna 89. 1978 Umberto Tozzi - Tu 90. 1979 Adriano Celentano - Soli 91. 1979 Adriano Pappalardo - Ricominciamo 92. 1979 Alan Sorrenti - Tu Sei L'Unica Donna Per Me 93. 1979 Antonello Venditti - Buona domenica 94. 1979 Julio Iglesias - Se Tornassi 95. 1979 New Trolls - Quella carezza della sera 96. 1979 Pippo Franco - Mi Scappa La Pipì Papà 97. 1979 Pooh - Io Sono Vivo 98. 1979 Pupo - Forse 99. 1979 Renato Zero - Il Carrozzone 100. 1979 Umberto Tozzi - Gloria Related Hashtags #hitsof1970 #hitsof1970to1979 #hitsof1970s #hitsof1970songs #hitsof1970uk #hitsof1970australia #hitsofthe1970sand1980s #kannadahitsof1970 #bollywoodhitsof1970 #hitsof1969and1970 #tophitsofthe1970sbillboard #pophitsofthe1970s #hitsof1970sinmusic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xETfkIyeu0
#80S Greatest Hits#Songs Of 1980S#Old Songs#80S Songs#80S Music Hits#80S Hits#80S Songs Playlist#Grea
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RIP Tony Bennett
Tony Bennett, who has died aged 96, made a high art out of being the very best kind of saloon-bar singer – not only in the good-humoured optimism of his big, expansive sound, or his passionate gratitude for life’s lucky breaks and glimpsed beauties, but also in an unquenchable appetite for sharing good songs, whether with 10 people or 10,000.
Frank Sinatra used to call Bennett “the best singer in the business”, an accolade that would frequently turn up in the younger man’s publicity, though a more forthright tribute from the same source (“that kid’s got four sets of balls”) generally did not. Bennett’s artistry and power to stir the heart were qualities a world away from the cliched perception of the Vegas crooner in a tuxedo. During the rock-dominated 1960s and 70s, Bennett was easy to caricature. You only had to pretend to loosen a tie, casually throw an imaginary microphone from hand to hand, and exhale “the loveliness of Paris” in tones somewhere between Sinatra’s and the club style of Vic Reeves.
Closer listening to Bennett’s smoky baritone revealed a different story. His performances often sounded like thanksgivings – for the breaks he’d had, and for his conviction that the good in the world outstripped the bad. This curiously worldly innocence was at the core of his enduring appeal. Bennett’s records (including Because of You and a version of the country singer Hank Williams’s Cold, Cold Heart) topped the charts in 1951 before the arrival of rock’n’roll. His most celebrated later hits included his signature song, I Left My Heart in San Francisco, The Good Life (both 1962) and Who Can I Turn To? (1964). Bennett won 19 Grammy awards and was estimated to have sold more than 50m records worldwide.
https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/hT5VOnaGRSU?start=2&wmode=opaque&feature=oembed&start=2Tony Bennett performing I Left My Heart in San Francisco on the Ed Sullivan Show in 1964. YouTube
He was also an accomplished painter and produced a book of his visual art, What My Heart Has Seen (1996). His autobiography, published in 1998, was entitled The Good Life – Bennett knew only too well how ambiguous a notion that could be, having narrowly survived a cocaine overdose and fought off bankruptcy during his troubled middle years. He raised millions of dollars for charities and publicly associated himself with liberal causes. In an interview with the singer in 2002, Simon Hattenstone wrote in the Guardian that Bennett had “done all the classic showbiz stuff, snorted coke with the best of ’em, made out with the younger women, broken bread with the mafia – and somehow come out with his innocence, his idealism, intact”.
Born Anthony Dominick Benedetto in the Astoria district of Queens, New York, he was the son of John, a grocer from southern Italy, and Anna (nee Suraci), a seamstress. His father died when Bennett was 10 and Anna worked all hours to support her three children. Watching her struggle, Bennett made up his mind to be successful enough for his mother’s trials to end. His Uncle Dick, a tap dancer, provided an early glimpse of showbusiness, and Bennett was passionate about both singing and painting by the time he attended the School of Industrial Art (now the High School of Art and Design) in Manhattan.

After demobilisation, Bennett took vocal classes in the bel canto style at the American Theatre Wing school (a teacher there suggested he try imitating the phrasing of jazz instrumentalists) and he began singing in nightclubs from 1946 under the stage name of Joe Bari. The comedian Bob Hope hired him in 1949, but, disliking the stage name, told him: “We’ll call you Tony Bennett.”
Bennett worked in New York at the Paramount theatre in Hope’s popular show, which soon needed police barricades to hold back the singer’s teenage fans. When he married Patricia Beech in 1952, crowds of young women showed up outside the ceremony, dressed as if in mourning.
Bennett became one of the biggest vocal draws in the US, with three No 1 hits – Because of You, Cold, Cold Heart (both 1951) and Rags to Riches (1953). His single Stranger in Paradise, from the Broadway musical Kismet, brought him a No 1 in the UK in 1955 but the arrival of rock’n’roll made it Bennett’s first and last Top 10 single in the UK, and he had only one more in the US, when In the Middle of an Island reached No 9 in 1957.
Bennett needed to adapt. Unlike Sinatra or Bing Crosby, he had not worked with the swing big-bands, a learning curve alongside expert instrumentalists that could sharpen technique and fill a singer with fresh ideas. But in 1957 he began a long working relationship with the London-born jazz pianist and arranger Ralph Sharon, who edged him toward a jazzier repertoire. Bennett’s 1957 album The Beat of My Heart was made with help from the jazz musicians Herbie Mann, Art Blakey and Jo Jones among others; it was followed by Basie Swings, Bennett Sings (1958) and In Person! (1959) with Count Basie’s big band.

Along with many other singers of his kind, Bennett found that his sales went into steady decline. He tried an unsuccessful detour into acting before, in 1969, the Columbia Records boss Clive Davis persuaded him to make an album of 60s pop hits including the Beatles’ Eleanor Rigby. The cover art portrayed him in flares and a psychedelic tie, and Bennett was so intimidated by his unsuitability for material he was not yet ready to appreciate that he threw up during the recordings. He later said it reminded him of his mother being forced to make cheap dresses for money.
Bennett left Columbia and worked for smaller jazz labels during the next decade. He performed with the big bands of Woody Herman, Buddy Rich and Duke Ellington, and in 1975 made a duo album for the Fantasy label with one of modern jazz’s most lyrical pianists, Bill Evans. What might have seemed like an unlikely partnership between the cerebral Evans and the heart-on-sleeve popular performer worked remarkably well, with Bennett’s account of Evans’ famous Waltz for Debby revealing an inspired grasp of the art of jazz-inflected vocal interpretation and interplay. Two years later, the pair reconvened for Together Again on Bennett’s own shortlived Improv label.

In the 90s he paid tributes to Sinatra and Fred Astaire, on the albums Perfectly Frank and Steppin’ Out, respectively, and also recorded homages to Billie Holiday (Tony Bennett on Holiday) and Duke Ellington (Bennett Sings Ellington: Hot and Cool). Through his work with kd lang and Elvis Costello on MTV, he reconnected with a young audience. He even played at Glastonbury in 1998, with the organisers laying out a path of hay bales so he wouldn’t get his silk suit muddy on the way to the stage.
On Playin’ With My Friends: Bennett Sings the Blues (2001), he recorded a memorable series of duets with lang, Ray Charles, Sheryl Crow, Billy Joel, Diana Krall, BB King, Bonnie Raitt and Stevie Wonder.
For his 80th birthday in 2006, Bennett released Duets: An American Classic, featuring performances with Paul McCartney, Elton John, Barbra Streisand and Bono, and five years later came Duets II, with another glitzy cast including Aretha Franklin, Lady Gaga – and Amy Winehouse, with whom he shared a memorable Body and Soul in March 2011.

In 2012, his book of philosophical musings, Life Is a Gift, was published. The 2014 album Tony Bennett & Lady Gaga: Cheek to Cheek was another Billboard chart-topper, and the following year he won a Grammy for a tribute album to Jerome Kern.
The Empire State Building was specially illuminated for Bennett’s 90th birthday in 2016 – and that year Stevie Wonder, Bob Dylan, Lady Gaga and more performed on an NBC primetime special, Tony Bennett Celebrates 90: The Best Is Yet to Come. The Butler Institute of American Art in Ohio (where Bennett’s Homage to Hockney is part of a permanent collection) presented its Two Painters exhibition, showing Bennett’s Tuscan landscapes, still lifes and portraits alongside watercolourist Charles Reid’s work. In November 2017, the Library of Congress made him the first non-composer to win the Gershwin prize.
Bennett worked into his later years – because a new audience was there for him, and because the money funded his charitable work, including the Frank Sinatra School of the Arts, which he had founded in 2001. He painted every day for as long as he was able. “You paint with nature out in the field and you realise how magnificent being alive is,” Bennett enthused to Hattenstone in 2002. “Most people just walk past it. I used to walk past it. Each day now, because of my age, I just look at it and cherish it. If people could only grasp how wonderful it is to be part of this.” A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s in 2016 did not dim this view, with Bennett stating on Twitter: “Life is a gift – even with Alzheimer’s.”
His final live performances were with Lady Gaga in 2021, at Radio City Music Hall, New York.
Bennett’s first two marriages ended in divorce. In 2007 he married Susan Crow, who survives him, as do his sons, and two daughters, Joanna and Antonia, from his second marriage.
Tony Bennett (Anthony Dominick Benedetto), singer, born 3 August 1926; died 21 July 2023
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mod, mwfc?
jessie mei li, devon terrell, dev patel, james norton, jung je-won, cengiz coşkun, idris elba, eysteinn sigudarson, arnas federavicius, djimon hounsou, andy on, ben barnes, vincent regan, peter capaldi, oscar isaac, gustaf skarsgard, sam heughan, clive standen, jordan patrick smith, paapa essiedu, travis fimmel, kingsley ben-adir, jeff bridges, david schuetter, adrian lester, kuang tian, howard charles, santiago cabrera, ewan mitchell, luke pasqualino, sam retford, henry cavill, park hae-joon, hakim kae-kazeem, zach mcgowan, rufus sewell, alexander dreymon, aishwarya rai, akwaeke emezi, alec butler, alex blue davis, amanda hale, amita suman, amiyah scott, anna popplewell, anne hathaway, annie segarra, angelica ross, asia kate dillon, asli orcan, astrid berges-frisbey, baris alpaykut, brian michael smith, candis cayne, david corenswet, david gyasi, elcin sangu, elisa lachowski, elliot fletcher, eva dedova, fan bing bing, farah zeynep abdullah, freddie fox, freida pinto, gemma chan, gong li, gregg chillin, hailie sahar, hari nef, heida reed, helen mccrory, howard charles, indira varma, hugo speer, janice wu, jay chou, joanne whalley, kaitlyn alexander, laith ashley, lashana lynch, lea seydoux, leo wu, liniker, li qin, liu yifei, lucy liu, luke arnold, madeleine madden, mahesh jadu, maria doyle kennedy, medalion rahimi, michelle hendley, mikkel folsgaard, nicky endres, nico tortorella, nicola coughlan, nicole maines, olly alexander, parisa fitz henley, patti harrison, pedro pascal, peter gadiot, remy hii, richard armitage, rose leslie, ruth wilson, sam claflin, santiago cabrera, ser anzoategui, tamla kari, ushan cakir, wang kai, yamatso yu, yang yang, yuliya aug, yuliya snigir, zhang ting.
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Did you watch the debate on sexual revolution that Anna and grimes did? It was hosted by Bari Weiss 💀💀 but really exemplifies the whole idea of irony/anti-woke not holding up well when you’re discussing actual IDEAS
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EVENTI/BARI/ ARTE PUGLIA D’AMARE QUOTIDIANOComunicati/Cresy Caradonna NANETTE Presso Hobby ARTE espone le sue opere ANNA MOSAICO in arte Nanette Stralci:“Una Nanette fuori dal suo secolo, calata in un universo immemore trapunto di presagi”. Si è tentati di indagare sull’anima vibrante di luce dell’artista che sembra ritrovare nelle sue opere la proiezione più disarmante dell’Eros muliebre come…

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This road Blaliu can not travel beiladni Blaliu. Their wings are so small that larger bodies cannot lift them off the ground. According to the Truth of the Word, the Beast is blali'u, the Beast makes no effort to do what Man considers impossible. the kilogram is black. the kilogram is black. the kilogram is black. the kilogram is black. Oh, gorraaapi daimaa! Let's change things up a bit. Infertility is coming! Coffee tour around the city! God! Wait a minute. Akam? - Where are you? - From meat? - What time is it now? - Which I can't accept. Amuma is not a child. She uses the Omegaverse scale. Your father paid for the curry. I'm sorry, I'm glad it's finished. Sena is a powerful builder. Overall she got a report card, a B. We are proud of that. Bad! I have a job here. - Hair in the mattress. - Man! Against Anna! - Until we meet again! Found 118,000: I will be resurrected! Barry, I told you, stay away from home! -Akem Jirto Adem. - The role of Girto Bari. - Hair straightening spray? -her baby. Goya Devil, enmity. I never thought I could do it. Three-day primary school, Three-day secondary school. Above the garden. Three days at college. I was happy that I had time to walk around the bird's nest. She became different again. -The role of Girto Bari. Artie, what's going on? Mira Harito Itai Dagama. -Have you heard of Franika? - Are there any funerals? - Lucky Hin Biko. Everyone knows that if you bite someone, you will die. Don't confuse it with proteins. Interesting. I thought maybe she had simply lost her way. I love the way theater fits into our lives. That's why we don't need rest. Oh my god, that's so creative... considering the circumstances. - Tul Adem There is nothing better than you. - What! - Kenisa - Gaha! Akam! Students, teachers and bees, welcome to Dean's Omegaverse. Congratulations to Jin Face Ouchi... ...9:1
#day 3#of posting part of the bee movie script after running it through google translate a bunch of times
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Ghost-Note - Mustard n'Onions - they've been teasing the new album for months and it is finally out today; may be the jazz-funk album of the year
Since 2014, drummer/bandleader Robert Sput Searight and percussionist Nate Werth have led an incredible collective of musicians brought together as a groove-based funk, hip-hop and jazz group which has amassed a global audience. With Mustard n’Onions -- the follow-up to 2018’s critically acclaimed Swagism -- the band brings the funk to new levels with an album of originals featuring bassist MonoNeon (Prince), keyboardist Dominique Xavier Taplin (Toto), saxophonist/arranger Sylvester “Sly5thave'' Onyejiaka and more alongside special guest keyboardist and legend Bernard Wright. Band Members: Robert Sput Searight - drums, keys Nate Werth - percussion MonoNeon - bass, rhythm guitar Peter Knudsen - guitar Dominique Xavier Taplin - keys Vaughn “VKeys” Henry - keys Sylvester “Sly5thave” Onyejiaka - bari sax, tenor sax Mike Jelani Brooks - tenor sax Jonathan Mones - alto sax, flute Danny Wytanis - trombone String Section: Sylvester “Sly5thave” Onyejiaka - conductor, arranger Carlos Roberto Gándara García - violin I Israel Torres Araiza - violin II Anna Arnal Ferrer - viola Salomón Guerrero Alarcón - cello
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Do you think you'll ever write a full-blast 'difficult' work — something in total contradistinction to Major Arcana where you give (very generously and successgully) so much to the — something for the professors to chew on (not that they would even bother these days) — the kind of book that makes you struggle with it, even question if you can, though it rewards you if you do? Do you have a Sound and the Fury or a Ulysses in you, if not a Finnegans Wake?
(Subquestion: do you think you have an avant-garde idea that would necessitate being expressed in a book like that?)
Thanks, great question! I don't know. I wouldn't do a re-tread of psychological modernism, not for the length of a book anyway, though Major Arcana does have stream-of-consciousness passages here and there. (And a not-entirely-linear structure requiring some assembly by the reader.)
If I did something that formally radical in a novel—though I guess what I'm about to propose has also been done, by Delany, M. John Harrison, Anna Kavan, and others I'm sure—it might be more like a science fiction narrative that was violently anti-world-building, where the nature of the imagined society and technology was occluded for the reader rather than overtly explained or even subtly implied. The novel always comes to me as a melodrama, though, a pageant.
I am more tempted toward difficult poetry, or prose-poetry, on the Pound and Eliot model, a type of ideogrammatic composition that confronts the reader with a collage or montage of allusions (of an almost private but also far-reachingly public significance) they have both to decode and to arrange intelligibly. I am especially attracted to such a way of writing about politics. I've experimented on here and in some of the Substack footnotes with this kind of thing. For example, I imagine some readers found this to be a difficult passage:
An anon asked me: “If someone were to accuse you of being a psyop, what would they accuse you of?” I wrote: I would be accused—I sometimes even am accused—of running the opposite of the psyop I’m actually running. This is because, in true psyop fashion, I sometimes used to openly claim to be running the opposite psyop of the one I actually was/am running. I’ve even darkly hinted that it’s worse than you think, just to throw you off the track, but also to keep you coming back for more. (Deep lore: how would someone with crazy eyes, red yarn, pushpins, and a corkboard get from me to Michael Aquino in two steps? I revealed the answer once, only once, behind Katherine Dee’s paywall, on my first ever podcast appearance, during which Kat and I correctly predicted in 2021 that the dissident right would become the next iteration of neoconservatism, years before a straight line could be drawn from BAP through Anna K. to Bari Weiss.) I could say more, but then it wouldn’t be a psyop, would it?
Of course it would be helpful to be as erudite as a modernist poet, would be helpful to have read all The Cantos, would be helpful to have begun to study Chinese. But such a style in prose is what attracted people to the late Jameson as well, and to "theory" in general. This is a type of difficulty I think I could achieve and also think might be salutary for readers to encounter. And yet sometimes it seems like it would be too easy to write that way. Why not just take the extra step of explaining oneself?
I am not one of those writers who is at war with the language, who feels a need to deform language radically or to invent new languages. My "experiments" tend to take place "above" the language level, as it were, on the level of genre and narrative and archetype. To make an (imperfect) analogy to the order of scientific knowledge, Joyce was a physicist while I am a chemist or maybe a biologist. But never say never—we'll see!
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