#annúminas my beloved!!!!!!!
dunadaan · 11 days
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Men Erain, Evendim - The Lord of the Rings Online
         Men Erain, or "Way of Kings", is found along the south-eastern shores of Lake Evendim, leading into Annúminas. At each side of the worn road lies the tombs of ancient High Kings, and a few other ruined structures. At the mountain a few estates remain, memories of when the Kingdom of Arnor eclipsed, a history hallowed by the Dúnedain.
        For many long years these tombs remained undisturbed, but after the fall of the North-kingdom to the Witch-king of Angmar, tomb-robbers and thieves came into the lands of Evendim. It is unknown if any of the treasures buried with the kings still remain, but the Rangers of the North have long maintained their vigil over the tombs.
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elfroot-and-laurels · 1 month
Stargazing kiss from the writing prompts?
Iah I thank you for this chance to write about my fave minor npc from a 15+ year old game.
                “The men of Annúminas will sing songs of your beauty.” Tadan’s murmured compliment floated up into the darkness of the sky, too fast for Duventoliel to catch it and take hold, to lodge it in her mind and memorize every last turn of his tongue. With dew-wet hair, she rose from the ground, sitting so that she might look upon Tadan’s face.                 “They will do no such thing,” Duventoliel chided, lacing her fingers through Tadan’s where he sat next to her. “For they will have far better tales of which to sing.” Gently, the man slid closer to her, not caring about the damp grass beneath them.                 “What better tale is there,” Tadan began, and Duventoliel could not help but lose herself in his eyes, black as the night sky in the dark. “Than that of love?” His breath fanned hot over her cheeks, and there was naught else to do but surrender as his lips met hers beneath the stars.                 “If love is the subject of which your brethren wish to sing,” Duventoliel said when at last she had the air to speak, “perhaps they might look to the hymns of Varda and Manwë.” Above, the stars glowed, as though pleased their Lady had been mentioned. Tadan simply smiled and shook his head. “The Lay of Leithian, then, for it is of the very beginning of the Dúnedain.” Once more did Tadan dissent, his smile growing. “Then what of the tale of your own kinsman and king, and his beloved Evenstar?”                 “All pale in comparison to you, just as the stars above cannot hope to hold my attention when you are near.” It was Duventoliel’s chance, now, to shake her head.                 “You speak too freely, Tadan the Dúnadan. It will ever bring you grief.” Smiling still, Tadan cupped her face in his hands, leaning over her so that the only stars she saw were in his eyes.                 “But not tonight.” And he kissed her once more.
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laigaming · 2 years
My LotRO Characters
Because I haven’t made a post assembling them all yet.  So meet the team!
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Elf hunter, my main and darling, started in 2010 and still going strong.  Born 600 years before the War of the Ring in Rivendell, her parents’ death at the hands of goblins drove her to always help the Free Peoples as much as she could, along with her deep love of Middle-earth and all its wonders.  Her hobbies include learning new languages, trying every alcohol ever made, and throwing herself off cliffs to find new places on the map.
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Shieldmaiden of Rohan aka Mortal Woman Guardian, my secondary main and my tribute to my favorite kingdom of Men.  An ordinary farmer living with her family in Rohan, she went west when an old friend of her father’s, the Ranger Amdir, asked for aid and she went in his stead and quickly found herself tangled up in the War of the Ring, particularly the affairs of Rangers and anything affecting her beloved homeland.
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Elf Rune-keeper, favors lightning.  Born in Brithombar six thousand years ago, she fled the fall of Beleriand with her sister and made it to Lothlórien, which became her beloved home.  She studied rune-craft under many masters, but only when her sister’s granddaughter, Lailúva, persuaded her did she finally get involved in the War.  Her main goal is to protect her precious homeland and she has little tolerance for Mortals, but there is a good heart under there somewhere.
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Mortal Woman Champion, hailing from Minas Tirith.  Born of an illicit affair between an archivist and a knight, she grew up with a foot in both worlds, pursuing scholarly matters along with serving the White City by taking up arms when needed.  Her studies led her to discover that Isildur’s Heir yet lived, and she rode west to try and aid him in protecting Gondor and restoring it to its former glory.
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Mortal Woman Warden, a citizen of Harad.  When her tribe refused to submit to Sauron they were slaughtered; she escaped and found herself in Gondor, land of her hated enemies.  A kind Ranger of Ithilien provided her with food and shelter, and from there she was able to journey to Eriador, where she quickly found herself caught in the affairs of Rangers and Wizards and more.
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Mortal Woman Captain, born and raised in the Dale-lands.  Her mother was a simple herbalist who found and rescued an injured Ranger far abroad; the affair that followed resulted in Rouann, unknown to her father who left to return home.  After her mother’s death from illness, she headed west to try and find her father, but soon found herself heading east again.  She has a strong connection to the Dwarves, having Erebor as a neighbor, and is quick to assist in Dwarven affairs when asked.  She disdains criminals, but still develops a soft spot for a certain burglar.
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Mortal Man and Burglar of the Men of Arnor.  Thoronnir was orphaned then raised in Evendim by his kin, the Wardens of Annúminas, but soon fell in with brigands and the Blackwolds.  In Archet, Aragorn gave him a choice: seek redemption with the Dúnedain or be regarded as an enemy and no more henceforth.  Thoronnir chose to turn his path back to aiding his people and working against the enemy, although he remained notorious for sticky fingers.  Part of his motivation for shaping up was when he fell for the beautiful red-headed Captain who pursued him longer and more thoroughly than any law-man ever had before.
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Hobbit Minstrel of the Fallohides.  Snapdragan was a fairly ordinary Shire resident, fond of food, drink, and good cheer.  Crossing paths with a certain Baggins and company on the wrong night got her involved in more than she meant, but she is always glad to lift the spirits of her friends.  She has a knack for attracting various woodland creatures, and storing more food than should be possible in a saddlebag.
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Dwarf Rune-keeper, born in the Blue Mountains to Erebor refugees.  Odd for a dwarf, he preferred books and runes over the forge and gemstones, but nevertheless put his interests to good use.  His parents returned to a reclaimed Erebor but he stayed in Ered Luin, the home he knew, and helped protect and reclaim it from the Dourhands.  From there he found himself involved more and more in the War of the Ring.
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High-elf Lore-master, spent most of the First Age in Doriath.  She loves all living things but has a special affinity for animals.  She prefers to wander and explore, doing her own thing, and it was a complete accident she made it out of Beleriand before its destruction.  She quite likes Radagast and her priorities are usually similar, focusing less on the big War things and more on being an Elf hippy.  She is kind and helpful when called upon but even other Elves think she’s a bit of a weirdo.  She doesn’t mind, though.
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High Elf Captain but technically supposed to be a regular Elf, I just wanted to play with High Elf more.  Born and raised in Rivendell, she is one of its high-ranking guards and takes its protection seriously.  She rarely leaves, but when she does can be seen on Ascardal, her night-black horse.  Because she is based on a childhood OC, she is also romantically involved with Elrohir, but things are mostly on hold so they can both focus on serving and protecting the Elves of Rivendell and all Free Folk during the War.
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Female Stout-axe Brawler, born a slave in Mordor and then escaped.  I wanted to try a Stout-axe and Brawler and if you follow my art blog, you know I’m salty over losing a certain favorite character because of the actress’ behavior, and a character born to punch?  Let’s name her after Cara Dune.  Like her namesake, she has bitterness over the hardships she’s endured, but there’s a good heart there and given the chance, she rises to the occasion to join the good guys in fighting the bad ones.
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