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Anjouan couple from the Nosy Be island, Madagascar
French vintage postcard, mailed in 1906 to Brest, France
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birdstudies · 1 month
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July 27, 2024 - Anjouan White-eye (Zosterops anjuanensis) Found on the island of Anjouan (Nzwani) in the Comoros, these white-eyes live in forests and other wooded areas. Foraging in trees and shrubs in loose flocks, they probably eat insects, seeds, fruit, and nectar, like other white-eye species. They build cup-shaped nests from fine grass, small twigs, and other materials in shrubs and trees. Females probably lay clutches of two eggs.
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alonglistofbirds · 2 years
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[267/10,977] Anjouan Scops Owl - Otus capnodes
Order: Strigiformes (owls) Family: Strigidae (true owls) Genus: Otus (scops owls)
Photo credit: Alan Van Norman via Macaulay Library
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Civilians and Comorian soldiers celebrate the successful capture of the island of Anjouan from renegade military officer Mohamed Bacar after an African Union-backed invasion and heavy fighting.
Coverage by France 24
Time unknown, 2008/03/25
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mxnsterbabe · 1 year
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Male Owl Fae/Female Reader SFW Wordcount: 3,332 Commissions | Ko-fi | Masterlist
You start a new job at the Reader's Garden, a twenty-four hour library with a secret resident. As you get to know Anjouan, you can't help but fall for him.
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You stepped into the Reader's Garden twenty-four hour library, nervous and excited for your first night shift. The towering shelves and musty smell of old books filled the air, creating an atmosphere of mystery and wonder. Rumours of supernatural beings inhabiting the library had always surrounded the place, but you dismissed them as mere stories meant to keep people entertained.
The clock struck nine as a friendly colleague greeted you with a warm smile; she was a beautiful elven woman with thick black curls and a bright smile.
"I'm Nousha," she said kindly, "want a tour of the Reader's Garden?"
You beamed right back. "You bet."
Nousha led you through the labyrinth of bookshelves, pointing out the different sections and areas you'd be responsible for. Her voice echoed softly in the vast space as she explained the library's layout and rules.
As you walked, you couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching you. You glanced around the dimly lit crevices and caught glimpses of shadows shifting in the corners of your vision. Your heart raced, but you reminded yourself that it was just your imagination and focused on Nousha's words.
Finally, Nousha brought you to the back of the library, where a dusty old door creaked open to reveal a hidden, ancient section. "This area is rarely visited," she murmured, "but you'll need to check on it occasionally. We have a couple of regulars who could disappear in here for hours." She paused, brows furrowed. "Some say this part of the library is haunted, but I've never seen anything myself."
You chuckled nervously, trying to brush off the eerie feeling that settled in your chest. You knew it was just a job, and there was nothing to be afraid of. The two of you spent a few more minutes exploring the older section, with its rows of leather-bound books and cobwebs hanging from the ceiling.
After your tour, Nousha wished you luck and left you alone in the silent library. "That's pretty much it," she admitted with a smile. "If you need anything, I'm just a phone call away. Sorry to leave you on your own for the first shift, but we're so understaffed..." she trailed off with an apologetic wince.
Honestly, the peace and quiet was half the reason you chose this job to begin with. You offered a smile and replied, "it's no problem, honestly. Get home safe, Nousha, and thanks for the tour."
Nousha left with a wave and a kindly grin, leaving you alone in the cavernous library foyer. The shadows seemed to grow longer, and the air felt colder as the night deepened. You took a deep breath, steadying yourself, and turned to the stacks of books that needed put away.
It was well past midnight when you first heard it – a soft rustle, like the flutter of wings, followed by the faintest whisper. You froze, listening intently, but the sound didn't come again. You brushed it off as the wind or the creaking of old wood and continued your work.
But as the night wore on, the whispers grew more persistent, and you couldn't ignore them any longer. With your heart pounding, you followed the sounds, which led you to the dusty old door Nousha had shown you earlier. You hesitated, hand on the doorknob, wondering if you should venture into the ancient, secluded section. Curiosity got the better of you, and you pushed the door open with a long creak.
As you stepped into the ancient part of the library, the whispers grew louder, and you felt the tickle of a gaze watching you from... somewhere. You searched the dark corners, shining your flashlight into the shadows, until you finally spotted a figure perched on one of the shelves. Your heart skipped a beat as you realized it wasn't a human, or even an elf or orc – he was clearly fae, with large, luminous eyes and a cloak of feathers draped over his shoulders.
You offered a gentle smile, hoping to convey peaceful intentions. The fae's eyes seemed to search your face for any signs of deceit or danger. His features were a blend of human and owl, with a sharp, angular face and large, expressive eyes framed by an array of intricate feathers. His white wings, a magnificent sight to behold, spanned several feet, their tips touching the bookshelves on either side of him. He was like nothing you had ever seen before, leaving you breathless.
Fae were uncommon enough in Oceanhall town, but someone as magnificent as this was even rarer. Standing face-to-face with this strange owl fae, you couldn't help but feel a sense of awe wash over you.
His eyes narrowed as he continued to study you, head tilted to one side. You could tell he was skittish and unsure of how to react to your presence. You decided to break the silence, hoping to ease his concerns.
"Hi," you whispered softly, keeping your voice low and gentle. "I didn't mean to startle you."
His wings twitched again, and he tilted his head to one side, as if contemplating your words. You took another step back, giving him more space, and noticed that he seemed to relax, if only slightly.
You tried to come up with something else to say, something that might help bridge the gap between you. "I've always loved this library," you continued, your voice filled with sincerity. "There's something magical about it. It's why I wanted to work here. Well, that and the fact the night shift is always quiet. Who comes to a library at one o'clock anyway?"
He seemed to consider your words for a moment, his eyes flicking between you and the books that surrounded him. It was clear that he, too, felt a deep connection to this place. Just as you thought he might respond, a sudden noise from elsewhere in the library made him tense up.
He looked around nervously, and you could see the fear in his eyes. He was afraid of being discovered, of being forced to leave the sanctuary he had found within the library. Before you could say anything more, he spread his magnificent wings and took off across the cavernous library, disappearing into the shadows like a phantom.
You stood there for a moment, your heart pounding in your chest, trying to process what had just happened. The encounter had been so brief, so unexpected, and yet it still left you reeling.
As you turned to leave the ancient section of the library, your mind raced with questions. Who was he? Why had he chosen this library as his refuge? And, most importantly, would you ever see him again?
The next day, as the sun cast its golden rays through the library windows, you found yourself unable to shake the memory of your encounter with the owl fae. Your mind was consumed with thoughts of him, and you felt an inexplicable need to learn more about his presence in the library. With a mixture of curiosity and trepidation, you approached Nousha, who was busy sorting through a cart of books.
"Hey, Nousha," you began hesitantly, "I wanted to ask you something. Do you know anything about an owl fae living here in the library?"
Nousha looked at you, a puzzled expression on her face. "An owl fae? I've never heard of such a creature in our library. We have a few fae regulars, but they don't live here?"
You hesitated for a moment, wondering if you should share the details of your encounter. "Well, last night, during my shift, I saw something... unusual. Maybe I imagined it."
You knew you hadn't, of course, but if Nousha didn't know then maybe it wasn't sensible to tell her too much. You thought of the fear that flashed across the fae's face when you first saw him, and sympathy twisted your heart.
Nousha's eyes widened in surprise. "I've been working here for years, and I've never seen anything unusual. Maybe he's just a shy visitor who usually stays hidden."
You nodded, considering her words. "Yeah, maybe... if you see anything weird, can you let me know?"
"Sure, of course."
You thanked Nousha for her help and went back to your work, but the mystery of the fae continued to gnaw at you. If no one else had seen him, then perhaps he had a reason for remaining hidden. Was he in danger, or was he simply distrustful?
As the day wore on, you couldn't help but let your eyes wander to the dusty old door that led to the ancient section. You knew that the chances of seeing the owl fae again during the day were slim, but you couldn't help but hope that you might catch a glimpse of him.
When your shift ended, you lingered in the library, reading up on fae lore and legends in the hopes of finding some information about owl fae. The books offered a wealth of knowledge on various fae species, but there was no mention of any creature resembling the one you had encountered.
As the night unfolded, you discreetly searched for the elusive creature, hoping to catch a glimpse of him among the towering bookshelves. After what felt like hours of fruitless searching, you found yourself back at the entrance to the ancient section. Taking a deep breath, you pushed open the dusty old door and stepped inside, your heart pounding with anticipation.
You moved quietly through the dimly lit room, your eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of the owl fae. Then, you spotted him – perched on one of the highest shelves, his wings tucked neatly around him as he peered down at you with curiosity and caution.
Determined to coax him into conversation, you approached him slowly, speaking in a soft and gentle tone. "Hello again," you said. "I've been hoping to see you. Are you all right in here?"
The owl fae tilted his head, considering your words. After a moment, he hesitantly replied, his voice barely audible, "What do you want with me?"
You paused, searching for the right words. "I'm curious," you admitted, "and I want to understand why you're here, in the Reader's Garden. I promise, I won't harm you or expose your secret."
He seemed to ponder your promise before finally speaking again. "My name is Anjouan," he said softly, "and this library... it's my sanctuary. It's the one place where I feel safe."
As Anjouan spoke, you could hear the vulnerability in his voice, and you felt a sense of protectiveness towards him. "I think I understand," you said, "I promise, I won't tell anyone you're here."
Anjouan's eyes shimmered with gratitude, and for the first time, you saw a hint of warmth in his gaze. "Thank you," he whispered.
You offered a smile, inching towards where he perched high above you. Although a part of you didn't want to scare him off again, the larger part of you wanted to get closer. "Do you mind if I stay a while?" you asked.
He spread one enormous wing as if beckoning you closer. "Yes, please do."
The two of you sat together in the dimly lit ancient section of the library, surrounded by the comforting scent of old books and the hushed whispers of stories long forgotten.
As the night wore on, you and Anjouan spoke about everything and nothing – the books you loved, the worlds you dreamed of, the little things that made life worth living. The more you learned about Anjouan, the more enchanted you became by his gentle nature and the wisdom that seemed to flow from him like the ink on the pages he cherished.
You noticed a change in Anjouan as well, a few minutes at a time. After a while he shifted closer to you, bent low to meet your gaze despite his towering height.
"I want you to know how grateful I am to have found you," he murmured, making you shiver. "For so long, I've been hiding here, isolated from the rest of the town. I know that my kind are more accepted now, but when I first went into hiding... anyway, you've shown me that maybe I don't have to hide anymore."
You felt your heart swell with affection for the tender-hearted man before you. "Anjouan," you replied, reaching out to gently touch his feathered arm, "I'm grateful too.."
Anjouan's eyes softened as he leaned into your touch, clearly moved by your words. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as you waved gentle fingers through his soft feathers.
As the night drew to a close and the first rays of dawn began to filter through the library's windows, you knew that your time with Anjouan had to come to an end for now. But as you said your goodbyes and returned to the foyer, you already felt a pang of reluctance at having to leave him.
Over the following weeks, you saw Anjouan more and more. When you weren't dealing with the odd nightly regular, you spent countless hours together in the library exploring the hidden nooks and crannies of the Reader's Garden. As the days turned into nights, the library became a haven where you could leave the worries of the world behind and immerse yourself in the magic of each other's company.
One morning before your shift ended, you decided to surprise Anjouan with an early breakfast. You had noticed that he was often so absorbed in his reading that he would forget to eat, and you wanted to make sure he was taking care of himself. It didn't occur to you that he didn't actually need to. So, with a steaming thermos of tea and a basket filled with an assortment of pastries and fruit, you made your way to the ancient section, where you knew Anjouan would be waiting.
As you entered the room, Anjouan looked up from the book he was reading, his eyes lighting up with surprise and delight as he saw what you had brought. "Evelyn, what's all this?" he asked, a touch of wonder in his voice.
"I thought we could share breakfast together," you replied with a smile, setting the basket and thermos down on a nearby table. "I wanted to make sure you were taking care of yourself."
Anjouan's eyes shimmered with amusement as he looked at the spread you had prepared. "Thank you," he said softly, his voice gentle. "No one has ever done something like this for me before."
You reached out to squeeze his hand gently, your fingers brushing against the soft cream feathers that adorned his arms. "You're important to me, Anjouan," you said earnestly, "and I want you to know that you're not alone anymore. I'm here for you."
Anjouan looked into your eyes, and for a moment, it felt as though the rest of the world ceased to exist. All that mattered was the sparkle in his eyes, the gentle flush of his cheeks where the feathers were thinner.
Slowly, Anjouan leaned in towards you, his breath warm and sweet as it mingled with your own. Your heart raced in anticipation, and as his lips finally met yours, it felt as though time itself had stopped,.
The kiss was tender and sweet, leaving you breathless with giddiness. As you pulled apart, your eyes locked with Anjouan's, and you could see the warmth reflected in his gaze.
"Thank you," he whispered, his voice barely audible, "for showing me that there is still love and kindness in this world. You've shown me more in our short time together than decades of hiding here."
His voice was soft like the rustle of leaves, his large eyes glittering - but the moment was cut short when you heard footsteps approaching. Nousha entered the dimly lit room, her eyes widening in shock as they fell upon Anjouan.
Her gaze darted from Anjouan to you as if questioning her own sanity. Her face paled, her lips trembling in disbelief. You could see the panic rising within her, her breaths shallow and rapid.
In an instant, she turned heel and darted from the room. Her heart raced, her fear almost palpable. You knew that you had to act quickly to calm her down before she ran off and alerted the whole library.
You rushed to Nousha's side, gripping her arm gently, yet firmly enough to halt her escape. Her eyes were wide, searching yours for answers.
"Nousha, wait," you pleaded, your voice low and soothing. "It's okay. He's a friend."
You gestured to Anjouan, who tilted his head, observing the scene with quiet curiosity. Nousha's gaze returned to him, her body trembling as she struggled to comprehend the extraordinary creature before her.
Seeing her continued distress, you guided her to a nearby chair, urging her to sit down. She complied, her legs wobbling beneath her.
"Take deep breaths," you advised, demonstrating the action. "Anjouan is not here to harm anyone. He's been living in the library for a long time, and he hasn't caused you trouble yet."
As Nousha attempted to steady her breathing, you shot a reassuring smile towards Anjouan. He nodded, understanding the need for patience. Although his gaze shone with hesitancy, he didn't try to disappear.
Gradually, Nousha's breathing returned to normal, and her body began to relax. She continued to watch Anjouan, curiosity now replacing her initial fear.
"Really?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper. "He's... friendly?"
You nodded, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Yeah, I promise. Would you like to meet him?"
With a cautious nod, Nousha agreed, and you led her closer to Anjouan. As she took her first tentative steps towards him, you felt a sense of pride in her bravery.
Anjouan ducked his head, and Nousha hesitantly shook his outstretched hand. Bit by bit, they both began to relax.
"See?" you offered kindly, "he's no different to any other fae."
"Yeah," she murmured; and although she was still pale, she didn't look nearly as distraught. "Sorry I freaked out."
After Nousha's initial introduction to Anjouan, she decided it was time for her to leave. Maybe she was still processing everything that had happened. With a shaky smile and a whispered promise to keep the secret, she exited the ancient section of the library, leaving you alone with Anjouan again.
As the door closed behind her, you felt a sense of quiet intimacy return to the room. The soft amber light filtering through the dusty windows cast a warm glow over the countless tomes and scrolls surrounding you.
Anjouan's eyes met yours, and his angular features creased into a soft smile. You moved closer to him, your footsteps barely audible against the worn wooden floor. His feathers shimmered in the dim light, and his gaze held a gentle warmth that made your heart swell.
You reached out a tentative hand, and Anjouan leaned into your touch, allowing you to stroke his soft feathers. His eyes closed, and a contented sigh escaped his beak. In that moment, you felt as though you shared a bond that transcended the barriers between your worlds, a connection built on trust, respect, and mutual curiosity.
You sat down on the floor beside him, your back resting against a bookshelf; and Anjouan nestled close to you, his warmth and presence enveloping you like a comforting embrace. The silence between you was comfortable, punctuated only by the occasional rustle of a page turning or the distant footsteps of library patrons.
As you sat there with Anjouan, you felt a profound sense of belonging, as if you had found a hidden sanctuary within the walls of the library. It was a place where you could be yourself, free from the judgment and expectations of the outside world.
You shared a smile with Anjouan, his eyes filled with gratitude and affection. In the soft, hushed atmosphere of the ancient library, you leaned in for another kiss.
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council-of-beetroot · 15 days
What do i think about when a country is mentioned or what do I associate it with
Algeria - Sahara desert
Angola - thumb pianos, Luanda being an incredibly expensive place to live
Benin - dahomey, voodoo
Botswana - diamonds and the fact that it has been called the success story of Africa
Burkina Faso - Ouagadougou formerly called upper volta.
Burundi - drums used during a revolution there. Gorillas
Cabo Verde - the shape of the country is like a ring of islands all around another island
Cameroon - soccer, limnically active lakes
Central African Republic - the French language
Chad - Lake Chad, Taureg People particularly the blue headscarves
Comoros - Anjouan Moheli and Grand Comore. Has had lots of coups
Congo DRC - my sister is into epidemiology so she talks about it a lot.
Congo - across a river from Brazzaville is Kinsasha
Cote d'Ivoire - Chocolate and the flag is the reverse of ireland
Djibouti - Lake Assal
Egypt - the pyramids
Equatorial Guinea - Spanish speaking, usually the country I use to explain why GDP per capita can be skewed.
Eritrea - architecture influenced by italy
Eswatini - I once got it confused with Switzerland, there's a holiday called Incwala
Ethiopia - a book I read a kid called "children just like me" also pizza hut, weddings, raw beef.
Gabon - oil and the fact that they have places called ogooue
Gambia - the shape and Yaya Jammeh
Ghana - also soccer, Elmina Castle
Guinea - One of the countries my sister knows a lot about
Guinea-Bissau - hippos
Kenya - Jeff
Lesotho - mountains
Liberia - my sister does a great impression of the I'm Liberian meme. Ebola, Ebola in town, don't touch your friend
Libya - Gaddafi, Has a much better flag now. A transit point in human smuggling.
Madagascar - vanilla
Malawi - perch
Mali - Houses built out of mud, west African Islamic architecture.
Mauritania - slavery, I watched a lot of videos during quarantine about modern day slavery.
Mauritius - hinduism
Morocco - markets and tangines
Mozambique - Cabo Delgado
Namibia - San People
Niger - The coup, the orange dot on the flag
Nigeria - Boko Haram
Rwanda - Rwandan Genocide
Sao Tome and Principe - water access for some reason
Senegal - I think this one YouTuber I watch is from there
Seychelles - Hetalia
Sierra Leone - Civil War
Somalia - it's shaped like a music note
South Africa - Vuvuzelas
South Sudan - Francis Bok
Sudan - There are more pyramids here than in Egypt
Tanzania - zanzibar
Togo - for here or Togo meme. I'm sorry Togo I know nothing about you
Tunisia - Arab spring
Uganda - Mr. Moseby
Zambia - the shape of the country reminds me of a fetus. There is also some really cool waterfalls I think, not sure.
Zimbabwe - Mugabe
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leaubellon · 1 year
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Sao Tome Scops-owl
Karthala Scops-owl
Anjouan Scops-owl
Seychelles Scops-owl
African Scops-owl
Pemba Scops-owl
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iseo58 · 2 years
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Comorian bride in a traditional attire. Anjouan, Comoros.©Touhfa
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sadlynotthevoid · 2 years
On a non-phandom-related note:
After watching a post about birds' names I googled some of them to know what they look like and––
Jason todd is a sunbird. I mean every form of him is a kind of sunbird.
Red hood Jason? Crimson Sunbird. It looks exactly like him but... birb.
Star Sapphire Jason? Amethyst Sunbird (this actually started with it). It's black with bright pink in some parts. It's beautiful.
Green or Blue lantern Jason? Anjouan Sunbird. It works for either of them. Really. I'm not saying this because I can't decide if it's more green or blue. Nope.
There's a red, green and yellow called Lovely Sunbird and I think I'm gonna cry.
There's also one that doesn't fit the colours schemes but it's called Príncipe Sunbird, which means prince in Spanish and that's neat.
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bouoas · 2 years
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Anjouan, Comoros
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ipoptheworld · 2 months
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Cette illustration engravée de Mutsamudu, sur l'ile d'Anjouan, datant de 1855, montre les premiers temps de la découverte de l'archipel par les explorateurs européens et francais, en particulier.
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uraharafiles · 3 months
file : interesting creatures #2 : endangered birds (list)
abbot's booby abbot's starling aberdare cistocola abyssinian longclaw aceh pheasant african white-backed vulture african black oystercatcher african gray parrot african green broadbill african penguin african skimmer agulhas long-billed lark akekee akepa akiapola'au akikiki ala shan redstart alagoas antwren alagoas curassow alagoas foliage-gleaner alagoas tyrannulet alatroa grebe albert's lyrebird albertine owlet aldabra brush warbler aldabra drongo algerian nuthatch allpahuayo antbird altamira yellowthroat amami jay amani sunbird amazonian parrotlet amber mountain rock thrush ambon yellow white-eye amsterdam albatross anambra waxbill ancient antwren andaman crake andaman cuckoo-dove andaman drongo andaman hawk-owl andaman scops-owl andaman serpent eagle andaman treepie andaman wood pigeon andaman woodpecker andean condor andean flamingo angolan cave-chat anianiau anjouan island sparrowhawk anjoan scops-owl ankober serin annobon white-eye antioquia bristle-tyrant antipodean albatross antipodes green parakeet apo myna apo sunbird apolinar's marsh wren appert's tetraka apurimac spinetail aquatic warbler arabian grosbeak arabian woodpecker araripe manakin araucaria tit-spinetail archbold's bowerbird archer's lark ascension frigatebird ash's lark ash-breasted tit-tyrant ash-throated antwren ashy antwren ashy storm-petrel ashy thrush ashy-breasted flycatcher ashy-headed laughingthrush asian dowitcher asian golden weaver (why does it sound like a spider) asian green broadbill atitlan grebe atiu swiftlet atlantic petrel atlantic royal flycatcher atlantic yellow-nosed albatross atoll fruit-dove atoll starling auckland islands rail auckland islands shag auckland islands teal auduoin's gull austen's brown hornbill austral rail australasian bittern australian bustard azores bullfinch azores wood pigeon azure jay azure-breasted pitta azure-rumped tanager azure-shouldered tanager
sources earthsendangered.com [link]
send an ask if you want more info, or if you've got more to share! please use this post as a source if you post or use information you found on it!
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lboogie1906 · 3 months
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President Ahmed Abdallah (June 12, 1919 - November 26, 1989) was born at Dimoni on the island of Anjouan in the Comoro archipelago.
Little is known of his family or upbringing. He became involved in politics in the 1940s. He was the President of the islands’ general council (1949-53) and was the Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies. He sat in the French Senate as a representative from Comoros (1959-73).
In 1974 three islands voted for independence from France, while Mayotte voted to remain under French rule. The French National Assembly had stipulated that each island should decide its fate. He, as chairman of the Chamber of Deputies, argued that the voters of all islands should decide on a common future. When the island of Mayotte voted against independence, he responded by declaring the Comoro Islands independent on July 6, 1976, while the French kept control of Mayotte. He was only in power a few weeks after a coup led by a French mercenary, Bob Denard, overthrew his government on August 3, 1975. Siad Mohamed Djohar was installed as President.
On May 13, 1978, Denard led another successful coup that brought him back into power. A new constitution was written and he was elected President. He was an autocratic leader but many believe Denard held real power as he was commander of the Presidential Guard.
He proclaimed the Comoros a one-party state. His party, the Comorian Union for Progress, became the only legal party. In the 1984 election for president, he was the only candidate on the ballot. He survived three coup attempts but was assassinated during a fourth successful coup led by Siad Mohamed Djohar, the half-brother of Ali Soilith, a former coup leader and president. It is believed that mercenary Bob Denard helped engineer this coup when he tried to dismiss him as Commander of the Presidential Guard. Djohar took control of the government and abolished the one-party state. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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alonglistofbirds · 2 years
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[268/10,977] Anjouan Sunbird - Cinnyris comorensis
Order: Passeriformes Suborder: Passeri Superfamily: Passeroidea Family: Nectariniidae (sunbirds and spiderhunters)
Photo credit: Kasper R. Berg via Macaulay Library
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drytechengi · 4 months
Exporter of Spray Dryer in Comoros
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Drytech Engineering Systems is an Exporter of Spray Dryer in Comoros. We are a Spray Dryer Manufacturer in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Drytech Engineering System is a Manufacturer, Supplier, and Exporter of Flash Dryers, Spray Dryers, Spin Flash Dryers, Fluid Bed Dryers, Evaporator Dryers, Rotary Valves, Rotary Atomizers, Hot Air Generators, Centrifugal Blowers, and Dust Collector Systems. We provide premium quality Spray Dryers in India that meet international standards. We manufacture and supply various types of Spray Dryers tailored to customer requirements. Spray dryers work by separating the solute as a solid and the solvent as a vapor from a liquid stream. The solid is typically collected in a drum or cyclone. Spray Dryer Working Process: The spray drying process involves atomizing a solution, slurry, or emulsion containing one or more desired components into droplets. These droplets are then subjected to rapid evaporation by hot air at a specific temperature and pressure, resulting in the formation of solid powder. 1: Atomization 2: Droplet Drying 3: Powder Collection Spray dryers are broadly classified into two types based on the method of atomization. These are: Nozzle Spray Dryers Rotary Atomiser Spray Dryers Features: High aspirator rate that reduces the product's remaining moisture When controlling the temperature and other parameters properly, you produce excellent results. Minimum maintenance needed to ensure a long working life Long-term dependability guaranteed Spray dryers are continuous drying methods that enable faster production. You can maintain and manage product quality during the drying process. Drytech Engineering Systems is Exporter of Spray Dryer in Comoros and including locations like Grande Comore, Anjouan, Mohéli, Nkourani, Gnatranga-Moiou, Sambia, Comoros, Moroni, Madjeoueni, Ndzaouze, Fomboni, Domoni, Mutsamudu, Adda-Doueni, Ouani, Oussivo, Saandani, Hadjambou, Ndrouani, Mdé-Sahani, Samba-Kouni, Chindini, Mitsamiouli, Djoiezi. For detailed information and inquiries, please feel free to contact us. Read the full article
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mxnsterbabe · 2 years
Kind of annoying you can only have the poll open for a day or week with no in between, but oh well 😅
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