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jyunism · 1 year ago
istg if i need to write an essay for bm tmr im gonna end it all
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bantennews · 1 year ago
Ganggu Ketertiban, Satpol PP Kota Tangerang Tertibkan 8 Anjal dan Gepeng
TANGERANG – Guna memberikan kenyamanan dan ketertiban umum, Pemkot Tangerang melalui Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja (Satpol PP) melaksanakan penertiban dan pembinaan anak jalanan (anjal), gelandangan, dan pengemis (gepeng) yang mengganggu ketentraman, ketertiban umum dan perlindungan masyarakat. Tak hanya melalui patroli rutin, penertiban anjal dan gepeng juga dapat diinformasikan oleh masyarakat…
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erainspirasi · 1 year ago
Bahas Anjal, Budi Hastuti Minta Pembinaan Maksimalkan Sosialisasi Perda
ERAINSPIRASI.COM, MAKASSAR – Anggota DPRD Makassar, Budi Hastuti menggelar Sosialisasi Penyebarluasan Peraturan Daerah (Perda) Nomor 2 Tahun 2008 tentang Pembinaan Anak Jalanan Gelandangan, Pengemis, dan Pengamen, di Hotel Royal Bay, Jalan Sultan Hasanuddin, Senin (10/7/2023). Pada kesempatan ini, Legislator dari Fraksi Gerindra ini meminta pembinaan terhadap anak jalanan (anjal) dan gelandangan…
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brokenhardies · 2 years ago
also in my head im imagining maria being played by either; erika ishii, laura bailey, or... the real wild card pick... liam o'brien
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ceritamelayuboleh · 2 months ago
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PT 1: Pertemuan dengan Oklinfia
Tanganku mengocok laju, batangku yang tegang kian berdenyut-denyut. Dihadapan ku terpampar gambar wanita kegemaran ku, seorang pemberi pengaruh media sosial dari tanah Seberang. Susuk badannya yang ramping dan berpakaian ketat bermain-main di minda ku. Tudungnya yang berhenti tepat diatas dadanya yang mantap mengghairahkan aku. Mukanya yang begitu ayu dan menggoda menyebabkan ku makin hampir untuk memancut. Aku tidak berhenti mengocok, di dalam minda ku hanya si dia, Oklinfia, berlegar-legar menayang tubuhnya kepada ku. Batangku kian berdenyut-denyut lebih laju sehingga aku memancut, nafasku tersekat-sekat menikmati perasaan lega memancut. Air mani ku menitik mengalir di skrin komputer riba ku tepat di muka Oklinfia.
Aku membersihkan dan menutup komputer riba ku serta pergi mandi wajib. Selepas habis membersihkan diri ku, aku mengambil Keputusan untuk keluar makan. Aku meminta izin kepada ibu ayahku dan beredar ke sebuah restoran Indonesia kegemaranku. Sambil-sambil makan aku suka melihat persekitaran dan karenah-karenah orang sekeliling.
Alangkah terkejutnya aku apabila melihat Oklinfia memasuki restoran tersebut. Tujuannya adalah untuk membuat konten tentang restoran tersebut. Mataku menatap Oklinfia tanpa berkelip, wajahnya dan tubuhnya lebih cantik dari konten videonya. Berpakaian seluar Panjang yoga ketat, dengan baju yang menonjolkan dadanya serta tudung singkat yang sedikit sebanyak memaparkan lehernya, Oklinfia membuat pesanan sambil merakam dirinya.
Ternganga aku melihat Oklinfia, aku perasan batangku mula menegang sedikit demi sedikit. Dengan cepat aku beredar ke tandas. Aku mula melancap, di minda ku hanya ada bayangan terbaru Oklinfia. Aku melancap dengan angan-angan yang aku dapat mencium dan merasa Oklinfia, aku terbayang rengekan keseronokannya ketika aku menjilat dan menghisap jus cipapnya. Kali ini aku tidak bertahan lama, tak sampai 5 minit aku sudah pancut.
Seperti biasa, aku membersihkan diri aku dan keluar dari tandas. Aku dapat melihat Oklinfia sedang menikmati makanannya sambil merakam video. Reaksi mukanya amat mengghairahkan buat aku. Jantungku berdegup-degup melihat Oklinfia berada dihadapan ku. Aku menunggu sehingga Oklinfia habis merakam dan bertemu dengannya.
“Hi! Minta maaf menganggu ya, saya peminat setia awak, semoga awak seronok di sini,” aku ucapkan dengan penuh gementar. Selepas bercakap, Oklinfia memaparkan senyuman kepadaku, bibirnya yang dihiasi gincu bibir merah gelap tersemat dalam minda ku. Aku pun beredar dari situ selepas bertemu dengannya. Semalaman aku tidak dapat tidur dan hanya berfikir tentang Oklinfia, sehinggakan aku melancap beberapa kali pada keseluruhan malam tersebut.
Keesokan harinya seperti biasa aku meluangkan masa ku di bilik aku. Aku melancap sekali lagi dan Bersiap sedia untuk gim. Kebiasaan aku pada hari Ahad adalah untuk bersenam di gim sebelum memaparkan hasil senaman ku di sekolah pada hari Isnin. Seperti biasa aku memberitahu ibu bapa ku dan beredar ke gim.
Aku pun bersenam seperti biasa, aku membuat beberapa regangan badan,berlari di treadmill, mengangkat berat dan menggunakan basikal. Sambil-sambil aku bersenam mataku tetiba terpaku di pintu masuk gim. Rupa-rupanya, Oklinfia datang memasuki gim. Terbeliak mataku tidak percaya akan kehadirannya. Oklinfia memakai tudung yang singkat paras leher, baju kemeja T yang ketat dan seluar yoga kelabu. Pakaiannya memeluk tubuh badannya dengan erat dan menampak keseluruhan lekak lekuk tubuhnya. Hanya dengan melihat Oklinfia, batangku mula menegang dengan sendirinya.Akibat dari tidak memakai seluar dalam, batangku jelas kelihatan menegang di khalayak umum.
Aku bergerak ke sudut gim yang terlindung dan memerhati Oklinfia. Aku berpura-pura bersenam sambil mencuri-curi lihat gerak geri senaman Oklinfia. Tubuhnya sungguh mengghiurkan apabila Oklinfia berlari, buah dadanya seperti melantun-lantun mengikut irama lariannya. Semasa mencangkung, punggungnya yang anjal jelas kelihatan, makin mencangkung makin jelas keanjalan punggungnya. Air peluhnya mula membasahi pakainnya dan menampakkan sedikit sebanyak kepadatan tubuhnya yang menggoda.
Tetiba, Oklinfia menghilang dari pandangan ku. Aku cuba mencuri-curi mencari dimana dia berada, tapi aku tidak melihatnya. Aku pun berhenti bersenam dan mula Bersiap sedia untuk pulang kerumah.
“Kamu ni mengekori saya ya? Dari semalam hingga hari ni saya sudah Nampak kamu,” kata Oklinfia dalam pelat campurannya. Aku terkejut disapa Oklinfia dari belakang ku. Aku menafikan serta merta dan menyatakan bahawa aku penduduk kondo dan aku sering bersenam disini. Oklinfia pada awalnya tidak berpuas hati dengan jawapan ku sehingga aku menunjukkan kad kondo aku.
“Minta maaf ya, saya ingat kamu ni lelaki-lelaki yang suka ikut perempuan,” katanya tertawa melihat aku gementar
“Panggil saya Fia, awak?” tanya Oklinfia sambil menghulur tangannya yang berpeluh.
“Saya H.. Helmi,” jawab aku dengan gementar sambil berjabat tangan. Tangannya lembut seperti tepung, sungguh enak untuk disentuh.
“Janganlah terlalu gementar u. Saya ni biasa-biasa saja,” kata Oklinfia sambil gelak kecil. Aku hanya mengangguk-angguk dan tersipu-sipu malu. Aku terkejut kerana aku terlihat batang aku telah menegang sepenuhnya. Aku terus menutup kawasan kangkangan ku dengan tangan ku.
“Selamat berkenalan, alang-alang kita sudah berkenalan, apa kata kita bertukar nombor telefon. Kamu ok kan kalau saya membuat konten dengan kamu bila perlu? Saya menyewa di sini untuk dua minggu ini” Tanya Oklinfia. Aku mengangguk setuju dan memberi nombor telefon bimbit aku. Di minda aku, aku tidak mahu Oklinfia melihat batangku yang mula berdenyut dan menegang. Selepas beramah mesra dengan Oklinfia, aku bergegas pulang ke rumah.
Keseluruhan baki hari aku luangkan dengan melancap di bilik ku. Aku tidak keluar makan malam pun, aku memberi alasan aku kurang sihat kepada ibu bapa ku dan meneruskan aktiviti lancapan aku sehingga aku letih dan tidur. Tubuh badan dan rupa menggoda Oklinfia terngiang-ngiang sehingga dalam mimpi ku.
Keesokan harinya aku pergi balik ke sekolah seperti biasa. Aku berasa sungguh seronok kerana Oklinfia menetap di kondo yang aku pun duduk menetap. Aku berharap untuk berjumpa dengan Oklinfia lagi dan dapat merapatinya. Aku berfikir apa yang aku perlu mesej untuk bertegur sapa dengannya.
“Hi, apa khabar kamu. Boleh tak bawak saya keluar jalan-jalan cari makan malam ini,” masuk mesej dari Oklinfia. Terketar-ketar tangan aku menjawab mesejnya. Aku tidak percaya peluang yang aku dapat. Dengan segera aku bersiap sedia dan bertemu dengan Oklinfia. Kami ke pasar malam berdekatan, sambil-sambil berjalan kami beramah mesra. Oklinfia ni memang peramah dan senang untuk bersembang. Aku pulak lebih senyap dan hanya jawab sepatah-sepatah, namun begitu kami berdua dapat keluar dan membeli makanan untuk Oklinfia. Sambil itu jugak, dia merakam perjalanannya dan makanannya untuk konten di media sosial.
Benda yang sama berlaku pada hari-hari seterusnya, Cuma Oklinfia makin rapat dengan ku. Pada hari kedua, Oklinfia mula menyentuh tangan ku dan memimpin ku kesana kemari. Tangannya amat lembut dan membuatkan ku berasa ghairah. Walaupun aku malu, aku tidak menolak sentuhannya, malah tersenyum gembira.Setiap hari selepas kami keluar aku akan pulang dan melancap sepuas hati aku. Setiap kali aku melihat tubuh Oklinfia, aku akan berasa ghairah dan batangku akan menegang, aku terpaksa menyembunyikan tegangan batang setiap kali aku keluar dengannya .Kami dah bagaikan pasangan kekasih muda apabila hujung minggu menjelma.
“Helmiiiii, esok kamu boleh luang masa dengan saya tak? Saya nak ajak kamu ke pusat bandar dan malamnya mukbang dengan saya di rumah. Boleh tak?” tanya Oklinfia dengan manja pada hari Jumaat selepas kami membeli makan malam. Aku dengan segera bersetuju dengan jemputannya.
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jake-g-lockley · 1 year ago
Ok, My Precious (Javier Peña x reader)
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A/N: Get it? Ok Kanmani? @lil-stark asked for a desi fic ages ago and here it is :”)
Warnings: Men can be a little dumb bless their hearts, a little bit of smut, a tiny panic attack and crying other than that, soft fluffy javi <3
Word Count: 1.7k
Javi watched as you bopped your head to your music, singing to its catchy rhythm. You were working on an assignment, occasionally looking to the left of your laptop to write something on your notepad. You were absolutely obsessed with this song, singing it over and over again, even singing the ad libs.
En Rojaa Neeya
En Uyire Neeya
En Anjalli Neeya
Geetaanjalli Neeya
Javi loved the way your eyes would light up when you managed to get something right and how your eyebrows crinkled together when you didn't get the answers you needed. He tilted his head and continued to stare unabashedly.
En Kadalil Alai Paayum
Oar Mouna Raagam Needhane
Kaatruveliyidai Ellaam Naam
Iruvar Parandhu Sellathane
Javi leaned against the door frame and watched your lips move as angelic words tumbled out of them. He sighed softly and looked at you dreamily, his safe little haven away from the atrocities of his work. You were wearing one of his baggy tshirts and your fluffy slippers, hair twisted into a bun and a turmeric face mask on your face. 
Javi shifted to cross his legs and you finally noticed him at the door, your eyes widening as your hands come up to shield your face from him.
“Eek, Javi! Don’t look at me!” you squealed, pressing your hands to your face, smudging the mask all over the place. 
Javier laughed, “See mi preciosa, look at the mess you've made.”
He walks to your shared bathroom and comes out a few minutes later with a wet towel. He pulls a chair out beside you and drags your chair towards him so that you are situated between his thighs. He gently pulls your hand away from your face and places them upturned on his lap and begins to wipe your face.
You stare up at his handsome face as he gently rubs the turmeric away from your skin. When he was done with your face, he moved to your hands, kissing each fingertip as he cleaned them with the towel. He pulled you close for a hug when he was finally done, placing a feathery kiss onto your hairline and placing the stained towel aside.
Your heart swells with love and happiness as you snuggle close, your fingers gripping onto Javi’s shirt, your cheek pressed into his exposed skin where his buttons were opened as you felt the soft beat of his heart
“Te amo, roja.” Javi whispers, your heart fluttering with the tamil nickname. 
“Te amo, raja.” You whispered back. 
A message bloops on your laptop, bursting you and Javi’s little bubble and you sigh, sitting up straighter. 
“Go on baby, do your work, I’ll fix you something to eat.” Javi smiles softly at you, kissing your cheek before getting up and taking the towel with him. 
A few minutes later Javi returned, holding a bowl of fruit, a fork and a book. You smiled happily as he began to feed you fruit as he read his book, keeping you company as you softly hummed your favourite song while you worked.
You kissed him softly when you were done with the fruit, making him hum at the sweet taste of juice on your lips. 
He held your hand, playing with your ring as you continued working. The little white gold and diamond ring sparkled in the late evening light and he moved his hand around, making the light refract from it and bounce around the room. The ring was a gift from your mom for your 21st birthday and you never took it off and Javi loved playing with it. 
Javi kissed your finger and gently nibbled at your finger making you hiss slightly. He shifted closer to you, kissing your palm and your wrist, gently sinking his teeth into your skin, a sign that you wouldn’t be doing much work for the rest of the night. 
Still you ignored him and stared hard at your laptop, your free hand clutching your mouse tightly.
“Relax, amor, let me take care of you.” Javi’s lips grazed your ear as you sighed. 
You cave, melting into Javi’s touch as he curled his arm under your legs and lifted you up, carrying you to the bedroom, making you giggle softly into his neck. 
Javi always wakes up before you in the morning. He sat up and stared at your sleeping figure, his eyes tracing your curves as they noted the love marks that he had carved throughout the night. Your hand was draped over your tummy, your red nails another reminder of the delicious marks that littered his back.
His eyes stopped at your ring again, the one that sat perfectly at the base of your middle finger. He began to imagine how it would be like to slip on another ring beside the current one. You’d definitely make a beautiful bride and an even more beautiful wife. He suddenly couldn't help but think that your name was written with his in the stars and he had the inexplicable urge to solidify it
You sighed in your sleep and turned around, and Javi leaned down to kiss your shoulder, shaking off his thoughts. He got out of bed when suddenly a nagging voice popped up in his head, urging him to grab your ring.
He frowned and shook his head
“Not steal it, idiot. To get her ring size.” the voice hissed again and his eyes widened
Javi gently dropped to his elbows and eyed your fingers. Before he could stop himself, his own fingers met yours and began to pull the ring from your finger. 
“Oh boy, we’re really doing this.” Javi thought as he gently placed your hand back onto the bed.
“Yes we are, doofus.” his mind voice spoke to him again. “Now run before she wakes up.”
You literally couldn't stop bawling your eyes out. You did not only wake up to the fact that Javier had disappeared and gone to work, but your favourite ring was missing. You've had the ring on your finger for about  ten years. It was one of the only things keeping you close to your mother who lives thousands of miles away. You sunk onto the floor after literally turning the entire house upside down, your hands clutched to your heart. 
You fell asleep curled up on the floor in exhaustion and woke up to an alarmed Javier kneeling in front of you.
“Sweetheart, what happened?” his soothing voice only made you want to cry again as he pulled you into a tight hug. 
“My ring…” your voice falters as you begin to sob into Javi’s shirt.
Javier’s eyes widened and guilt immediately rushed around him. He internally face palmed as he subtly felt his pocket for your ring. Instead of pulling it out immediately, he jumped into action, pulling your hand to eye level as if to inspect it. 
“Alright, calm down, breathe, it must be here somewhere, mi preciosa.” Javi whispered through your sobs and gently pulled you up with him. 
“Let's start with the bed, yea?” 
Javier sneakily pulled the ring out of his pocket as you frantically tossed the pillows.
“AHA! I FOUND IT!” Javier shouted and you immediately give yourself whiplash when you looked up at him. 
“Oh thank god!” you jumped onto the bed and threw your arms around Javier’s neck and he subtly breathed a sigh of relief.
“You worked yourself up too much, baby, come on now, let me run you a bath.” Javier said softly as he slipped the ring back onto your finger. 
“Thank you, Javi, I love you.” you sighed , wrapping your arms around his body. 
“That was close,” the grating voice whispered in Javier’s head.
“Shut up.”
It had been three months since Javi bought your ring. Every morning he would look at your ring, before shaking his head slightly and putting it back in his hiding spot. It wasn’t like you had anything wrong with you, he just wanted to find the perfect timing. 
Then one day it just clicked. 
It had been a long night for him, and he was exhausted the second he got home. His ears perked at the music that was playing the minute he put his hand on the doorknob. He threw the door open and his eye caught you spinning around, your arms thrown up as an upbeat song played in the background. You turned to look at him, running up to him to pull his bag away from him and he immediately snaked his arm around your waist to dance with you. Music consumed the both of you and Javier immediately forgot about his horrible day.
It was at that moment where he felt like his life without you would probably mean that he would have to live a horrible one alone. You let go of his arms and danced on your own, throwing your head back as he watched your eyes flutter close. 
He didn’t know how he ended up on one knee, the box ready in his hands as he looked up at you. 
Your music stopped and you huffed, stalking over to your laptop. 
“Baby, did we pay the Spotify bill-” you started to say when you noticed what Javier was doing. 
Your mouth dropped open as a soft gasp escaped your lungs. Javier felt so vulnerable in that few minutes, his mind racing as you both stared at each other.
“Marry me, kanmani.” Javier felt the words tumble out of his mouth in one breath. 
You know the moment you look at someone and your whole life with them flashes before your unfocused eyes? That was exactly what was happening to you. Birthdays, first days of school, graduations and anniversaries popped up in front of you as you found yourself living  a dream. 
You closed the distance between the both of you in a flash, wrapping your arms around his neck as one of your hands slid up his curls.
“Oh god, Javi.” you whispered as tears seeped out your eyes. “Yes, I will!” 
A choked sob escaped Javier’s mouth as he breathed a sigh of relief. He pressed his forehead to yours as he took your hand in his, slipping the ring onto your finger. Both of your tear drops mingle onto your hand and you pull away slightly to look at Javier’s beautiful brown eyes. You were positive you saw your whole world in his eyes as he pulled you close for a bruising kiss. 
“You okay, kanmani?” “I’m your kanmani hmm?” you giggle, pressing your nose to his. “Always and forever, en kanmani.”
Taglist: @wolfbook87 @nyotamalfoy @minigirl87 @alexxavicry @bloodredwolfsbane @euphoricosmo @celiaswife @swiggy-needs-mental-help @ryebreadsworld @your-voice-is-mellifluous @lil-stark @absolutelybloodyhopeless @mintpurplemnm @bubblezuku @cookielovesbook-akie @mandoloriancookie @magic-schoolbusdropout @anonymously35 @nerdreader @lucreziazaninelli @milly-louisex @marylovesdilfs 
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cloudberryalf · 1 year ago
can not believe, i think i can make AUGUST RECAP 🌟✌️
this month, actually my month, i dont expect will be kind of busy, especially on weekend ✨👍🫡 (on positive way ofc)
the first week spend well with friends on billa's apart / staycation, for the next week i came home bcs my dad told me to. for the third week, i've planned it for rest actually, but came out my friend visit me, bcs she need companion in hard time also little bit refresh and holiday for her. Thanks to alya for the sort escape agenda wkwk.
BUT THE HIGHLITH IS THE FOURTH WEEK ✨💕🌟 i still cant believe, i can watch the concert from one of my recent fav band on one of my ultimate fav place 😊😭🥹 also on my birthday spend well with my friends on zoo 🍀✨🫶
This also as appreciation noted post for all the blessing and lovely people around me. Especially for "rangkaian 26-27 agustus 2023" Thanks to pian for accompany me, to actually accomplished one of my bucket list for my dream concert i want to attend. And for my friends, anjal billa umi ojinta my fellows to always bring joy and my bright smile back bcs their absurd/random action. Ofc myy lovelyy doveyyy parentsss familyyyy all 🌟💕🫶
Happy birthday girll, berryyyy 🍓🍓 to mee hihiiii 🤭🍓✌️💕 2️⃣6️⃣ lit af 🫢🫶🔥
I hope for those lovely people, also came charm and luck for them 🍀🍀🍀🍀 and for sure blessing, also always sorrounded by kind and lovely people too, just as like them 💕
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jake-g-lockley · 2 years ago
Ill bring my dogs over and we can make it a play date 🥰
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(please blame @pleasurebutton)
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bantennews · 1 year ago
Satpol PP Kota Tangerang Tertibkan Gepeng dan Anjal
TANGERANG – Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja (Satpol PP) Kota Tangerang terus melaksanakan penertiban dan pembinaan anak jalanan (Anjal), gelandangan, dan pengemis (Gepeng) yang mengganggu ketentraman, ketertiban umum dan perlindungan masyarakat di Kota Tangerang. Giat ini sesuai dengan penegakan Peraturan Daerah (Perda) Nomor 5 tahun 2012 Tentang Pembinaan Anak Jalanan, Gelandangan, Pengemis, dan…
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ingatlah · 2 months ago
Terima Pengaduan Lewat Layanan LAI ADO TU, Kecamatan Lubeg Lakukan Penertiban Anjal
INGATLAH.COM – Pemerintah Kecamatan Lubuk Begalung (Lubeg) terus memperkuat upaya dalam menjaga ketertiban umum, termasuk penanganan anak jalanan (Anjal) yang sering menimbulkan keresahan. Dalam kejadian terbaru, Senin malam (21/10/2024) lalu, seorang Anjal yang mabuk lem dan mengamuk di persimpangan lampu merah Simpang Lubeg, segera diamankan setelah dilaporkan oleh masyarakat melalui layanan…
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sumbarlivetv · 2 months ago
Anjal dan Gepeng Marak diKota Payakumbuh
Irwan SuwandiKepala Dinsos Payakumbuh Payakumbuh, Sumbarlivetv  — sejumlah gelandangan dan pengemis (gepeng) di Kota Payakumbuh melonjak. Dari Hari ke hari terus bertambah yang sebagian besar gepeng yang terjaring merupakan warga luar daerah Kota Payakumbuh. Kepala Dinsos Irwan Suwandi mengatakan ada peningkatan jumlah pengemis di Kota Payakumbuh “Secara kasat mata jumlahnya meningkat. Contohnya…
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mmc2023 · 3 months ago
OPS Sat Pol PP Tertibkan Anjal, Pengemis Dan ODGJ
Mmcnews, Lahat, Sumsel : Rabu 05-Juni 2024 Untuk Pencegahan Gangguan Ketentraman dan Ketertiban Umum melalui Deteksi Dini dan Cegah Dini Pembinaan dan penyuluhan pelaksanaan Patroli dan Pengawalan terhadap menjamur nya Anak Jalanan, Pengemis dan Orang Dalam Gangguan Jiwa (ODGJ) sekira pukul 10.00 wib hingga 12.30 / Selesai Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja dan Damkar Kabupaten telah melaksanakan Giat…
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444namesplus · 3 months ago
Abastory Abele Abelfga Aberge Aberi Abhūta Abianinn Abiares Abnove Abrac Abran Abras Abrax Abrel Abruflast Abyzons Acomard Aconow Aconzuzuz Acord Acorda Acork Acorphet Adaecang Adswor Aedim Aelim Aeshaul Aeviax Agaam Agaanin Agaddon Agadimah Agard Agenne Agger Agomalino Agono Agonzou Ahria Ahriarra Ahrinion Aillas Aimar Akavy Akenborym Alaacros Alaili Alano Aldecas Alder Alderel Alderemya Aldhasim Aldhory Alepard Aletecas Alettog Alhooka Alilf Alillyon Allas Allavial Allowanel Allyon Alven Alvon Amaliurg Amampon Amare Amars Amaym Amdus Amindani Amitar Ammor Amoden Amogge Amonshen Ampos Anabiesh Anabif Ancers Anchet Anchonos Ancith Ancuth Andales Andechri Ander Andhas Andim Andros Aneblil Anelen Anggi Aniaurg Aninna Anjall Anjalthas Anock Anosadai Anover Anoweih Antar Antsal Antswor Antuccub Anzoama Anzweir Aphurith Apocorg Apolo Arampo Aramta Arcar Arcasbow Ardögath Arelitte Aritsam Armeje Armejes Armurge Arosiman Arraii Arras Arscyth Asabno Asbeth Aspras Asprufla Aspruna Asprus Assalias Assattwem Assbeth Assbow Assia Assiass Assiont Assya Astanshel Astaraxet Astlenne Astleorg Astoc Astog Astorg Astos Astrog Asuclaap Attel Attle Attlefi Attraamy Attrihem Attwed Attweirta Attwen Attwenge Azagamya Azage Azelpha Azimal Azuzu Azwemoll Azwen Azwerus
Baach Baalavata Baamta Babillorg Babolanin Bacriaum Bacron Badorndre Badreau Badya Baeles Bakab Bakasagan Bakava Bakee Baken Bakenbor Bakileán Balaant Balas Balasith Balast Baletu Ballasta Balowan Balphith Balth Bancim Bancimora Bandethin Baneblub Banemuer Banin Banocell Banshen Bants Baphous Bapikee Baraii Barasion Baraur Barbat Barel Bareres Barhemur Bariare Barra Barravres Barre Barson Baryff Basada Basander Bastleán Basurg Batchin Bathim Bathima Bayende Bayenem Baymorg Bayne Baynex Bayol Bayotan Beadd Beadon Bealoch Behans Behau Behax Behel Beheth Belema Belereiel Belevas Beleviau Belhaure Belhou Beliboti Belith Bella Belphip Berax Berberim Beres Bereydaje Bergen Berias Beril Berni Bersbeen Berun Berusya Bethara Betola Bezbeha Bezberes Bhūtago Bhūtavias Biaurvoon Biell Bifrakkum Bifrida Blamal Blanda Blasto Blavit Blinkin Bluce Boadenna Boamalaum Bodagory Bodamarra Bodeihen Boder Bodeus Bodeusya Bodra Bodrosion Bolava Bolde Bollwhine Booka Borcas Borog Boron Bowing Brechos Brelerna Brella Bremigg Bresh Brest Breth Briat Briax Britestos Britzi Bruta Bueri Bukasab Bunre Burac Buradrog Buravat Burban Burmilloc Burog Burtervo Busal Bushes Busiman Busya Caell Caello Caelzeld Caervoors Caevin Caevo Caimorym Caivilis Calabel Calassya Candalkas Cange Cangevis Canne Caravia Caravre Carbancub Carbet Carch Caremigh Carim Carmit Carno Carobar Caronzwan Carsongen Carta Cartage Caruna Casage Casalka Caseurvo Casiale Casseir Cayene Caynel Celeorog Chante Chavigort Chiont Chomorg Chorta Chouloron Choutbuzu Chunres Cifer Ciferge Ciferhes Cifraage Cifrigon Cifur Cimarinn Cinchrith Cininne Cinnam Cinow Claamdus Clabillon Clacrim Claii Clang Clarbar Clasbord Clast Clastaffi Claur Clauramat Clavereka Clucitaff Cludnos Comer Compont Composs Coraxe Cordim Corel Corffir Craim Cravy Crefiel Creihen Crenborta Crept Cresias Cresion Creun Criat Crime Crinovee Criste Crits Crius Crogginge Cross Cubukobar Curill Cutbolon
Daelde Daell Daemonzou Daera Daeruin Daeveles Daevigiel Daevo Dagol Dagolamer Daigra Dairtago Dajjallu Dallibou Damar Damonock Danasaka Danjalock Darasat Darmita Darne Darono Davac Decaym Dechard Demah Dempolli Demurg Denabre Dennabiar Derax Deresh Dereus Deridow Dethies Deuta Deuthen Deven Devith Devon Dileán Dilicorn Dilin Dilis Dillerus Dorch Dorgor Dorhemorg Dornian Dorst Dorta Drandra Drass Dratcht Drath Draviliax Drogo Druge Druin Drunabrun Drusiax Druta Dudge Dudnol Dudnose Dunaball Dunreus Dyffies Dyffrax Dyforg Dzoam Dzongg Dzoun Dzouneus Dzous Dzousit Dzoutbun Dârers Dâres Ebolano Eburd Eburg Ebusken Ebuzuzuzu Eigge Eigino Eihar Eihedd Eihel Elefi Elilis Ellarna Ellis Ellorta Elloun Ellsu Ellwhinge Estars Estoskee Estoskena Exethald Exezag Eyseirt Eyswerge Fanex Fangehee Fangerit Fanniss Fantis Fantissak Farsoyn Fengda Fenlamya Fielavel Flaan Flaigh Flamar Flanife Flant Flanzuz Flast Flasu Flavacht Foammota Foare Foarn Focans Focayneus Foces Forabakas Forch Forff Forfurt Forge Foria Forinnis Forius Forninne Foroggion Forota Forym Fugerias Furaim Furama Furff Furge Furgen Furmurt Furne Furnove Furta Furtbor Gaagakku Gaarrah Gaddon Gakartart Gakim Gakshym Galber Gallavis Galth Gamer Gammorg Gamta Ganich Garnoti Garotgre Gathymory Gattweme Gheune Ghomer Ghora Ghorcanow Ghord Ghorshax Gladdord Glaim Glasta Glasur Glavac Gleaur Glech Glechen Glechu Glegaka Glephall Gletes Gleth Glevinki Glevitre Glyol Glyon Glyorasu Glyothya Glysen Gomeih Gompus Gonti Goramdus Gorda Gorgontu Goronzu Gorsth Grakard Grakaviax Gramalas Grath Graver Greadd Grecur Griau Grida Grihe Grihen Griken Gring Gritan Grith Grits Grius Grivite Guack Gualen Guall Guandalil Guandha Guandre Guano Guarch Guard Guaym Guaymo Guayn Guayon Guayord Gulecar Gulvana Gushya Gusit Gusoinn Guson Gusoyon Gweigor Gwemurgo Gwemy Gwendigra Gynvan
Habakvel Haeli Haemor Haerht Hagerge Hagornd Hagort Hakell Hakku Hakvel Halasta Halkabrer Hamaurg Hanabnold Handech Hangsprun Haniono Harasa Hares Harine Harmiusim Hasagorn Hassbern Hastal Hauchulsu Haven Havike Hendanna Henge Hocan Hocara Holega Holeán Holli Holoces Holor Houlasurg Houth Iferaas Ifereyda Ifraii Ifris Ifrivian Inder Ingraas Ininfurg Ipeaum Ipelf Ipelhas Ipender Ipoch Jeadael Jealdecha Jealili Jeaurfurg Jikeen Jiken Jinda Jingakee Jinna Jinti Jinur Kabezbeha Kabies Kacer Kaelegies Kaelf Kaellsurg Kaemota Kaevelin Kaevo Kagaan Kagarht Kagarog Kaggie Kagionin Kagon Kagonta Kagor Kagornion Kagos Karel Katan Kavacrog Kavigor Kavromorg Keraii Keraxet Kerbath Keria Keriax Killil Kimaer Kindhaur Kinfrake Kingras Kinna Kinne Kluccul Kluchon Klucif Klucim Knola Knolo Knolow Knoseith Knoves Knowan Kobadant Kobande Kokas Koksworne Kradreis Krainnol Kravantra Krobadra Kroskel Kumbham Kumbhar Kumbhūta Langevin Langor Langosal Lanocal Leath Lechegi Lefied Lefielin Legaas Lemiusion Leornin Lerainnis Leshaki Leteres Lethria Letia Leves Levitres Leyalder Leyazwan Leydagg Leydago Leyde Leydemo Leyder Liast Liaurt Lichurbar Lilfgala Lillocera Linnon Lissad Listlegio Litemya Litisal Litreyda Littwen Liurak Locas Loces Lowan Luchion Lucla Luclas Luczan Lyrian Lyrih Lyriharra Lyrilin Lyrimervo Lyritzi Macht Maech Maeleva Maellocan Malaas Malas Malavallo Malboon Maleyda Malis Malist Malistog Malits Mallasta Mallomar Mallorn Maloce Malouta Malth Manakavy Mania Mantremog Manzuzu Marath Marbac Marbatos Marbel Marberid Marcha Marcubus Mardange Mardow Marelias Mareyde Mareza Maridar Marith Maron Maros Marreza Martard Marus Masad Massy Masya Matan Mayeqono Maymon Mayne Maynemya Mayolder Mayolders Mealas Meart Meaucz Meaurax Mejes Melenneus Mellock Mellyota Mephe Merair Meriard Methis Migon Mirtancub Moderim Modrog Molam Molas Molau Moldevas Mollock Monge Moniane Moniferg Moninos Monsh Monta Monzoar Morabol Morno Morog Muera Muiginis Muigriken Muinn Muinnel Muinow Muistavy Muisthe Muras Murau Muraxas Murbera Murefiell Muriti Murmepai Muroce Murontif
Naaphalis Nabeth Nabie Nasago Nasalete Neuna Neutbus Neuth Neuthene Nilin Nilis Nilleme Nilluccub Ninggen Novebul Novel Novelia Novelphar Novis Onzwenge Oravia Orcassem Ordord Orinfros Orith Orithim Orsolem Orsoyne Ortbus Ortswor Oryffrius Osken Oxenlas Oxezbel Oxezet Paimacrog Palarmurn Palastes Paligge Palithu Pallu Parimacz Parraapon Parrat Pazuzuzu Pazwarel Pealias Pelias Penakkum Penge Perrawen Persh Pesias Pharbar Phasath Phasyak Phosh Pikentu Pithim Pithus Pittles Pittlet Pocerit Pocon Polan Poldhous Ponin Ponthym Poreal Poritra Posak Posakas Posenfurd Poshel Posheus Poshmalvo Posia Prosihabi Pruggi Pruiggi Prune Pulchu Pulephene Pulevonth Pulou Pulsurno Quachan Quaritel Rachu Rachulo Raddorn Raddorth Rahaelius Rahakven Rahromal Rakab Rakabar Rakenebue Rakim Rakku Rakswen Ramdus Ramta Randha Rasia Ravac Ravade Ravat Ravesih Raviat Ravre Ravreka Razaggam Razagge Razephork Razet Razimaym Redigh Redmal Repazetum Reria Rhulsu Rhunemo Rhymolde Rieddont Rielissim Rielius Ringe Rivee Riven Riverin Riviassen Rivigh Rivigi Rivili Rocans Rocel Rocher Rogon Rogordori Rositaff Rosits Rowen Rowerivel Rozronth Rozronts Rozros Rozrosith Ruace Ruantif Ruayet Ruflas Ruggedim Ruigh Runeuta Rusan Sabeha Sabia Sabyzon Sadaje Sadan Sadech Sadya Sadyal Sagart Sagen Saggerau Sakee Sakent Sakveri Salas Saline Sallou Sallsu Samdus Sarchweie Sarmasu Satolasu Scaing Scalin Scallion Scard Scastel Scayn Schaar Schassale Schurtan Schwedbra Scythen Scytheus Seirtborn Semerg Sempus Sengda Senta Shaas Shanovin Sharn Sharon Sharos Shempus Shendemor Shene Shion Shorong Shurge Shymon Shysword Siaur Slefies Sleydago Sliara Slicomard Smarsprun Soingda Solacel Soviar Spaililia Spainfrax Spaza Spelf Spruis Staniax Sterias Stygg Stygge Styggents Suacharon Suachava Sualevigo Sucht Surack Suradage Suraim Surajjall Suraweir Surbath Surfurta Surge Suriat Surosad Surossyas Survont Tagindan Talphorn Tanderi Tanzwer Tarun Tegan Tegara Tegiaurg Tegie Thules Thulsurg Thura Thurdanna Tigras Tolameit Tolet Tophal Tophun Toyorock Trech Trefar Trefariur Trethis Treus Triaros Trihaurg Tritsadya Trock Tronin Trons Trosak Troskeen Tucifri Tuczag Tyffies Ukabhau Ukabie Ukabif Ukath Ukavreal Ukobal Ukobapul Union Uppel Uppelhaur Uppell Vachimor Vachou Vackswor Vales Valomete Vanda Vantis Vaphius Vaphus Vaposhya Varich Vaseus Vathis Vattwemy Vebolock Vedbrugge Veder Vedge Velharcan Velion Venex Vennin Viaule Viaumbhax Vidge Vidor Vidoron Vigie Vikilloce Vikinio Visha Vitinki Vizim Vizimas Vizimat Vizin Volanzu Voler Volon Warmeje Wederugen Wemon Wenex Whibori Whius Whiusiar Wineunex Wingswor Winian Winine Xapie Xenamius Xenge Xethim Xetter Xezancim Xezbeheth Yendraim Yenfra Yenfras Yengeher Yeqont Yettwenel Zagoni Zagorg Zantu Zavach Zavachax Zavat Zavellap Zaverai Zavinn Zavith Zavros Zazept Zeblichus Zeburgen Zimept Zimiusoyn Zinchwedd Zureih Zurmue Zurta
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erainspirasi · 4 months ago
Andi Astiah Tekankan Anjal dan Gepeng, Jangan Beri Peluang Turun di Jalan
ERAINSPIRASICOM, MAKASSAR — Ekonomi keluarga bukan menjadi dasar melakukan pemakluman untuk menjadikan anak-anak tetap dijalanan, tapi tetap harus menjadi tanggung jawab orang tuanya. Hal ini disampaikan, Anggota DPRD Makassar, Hj Andi Astiah saat menggelar kegiatan Sosialisasi Perda Nomor 2 Tahun 2008 Tentang Pembinaan Anak Jalanan, Gelandangan, Pengurus, dan Pengamen di Kota Makassar yang…
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lintasbatasindonesia · 5 months ago
Walikota Jakarta Timur Merespon Cepat Maraknya Anjal Di Lamer Pasar rebo
Jakarta Timur – Maraknya eksploitasi anak di kawasan Lampu Merah Pasar Rebo Jakarta Timur pada malam pukul 19.00 wib – hingga dini hari sangat meresahkan baik warga sekitar maupun pengguna jalan. Kegiatan yang hampir berlangsung setiap hari ini Viral di media online, tanpa memikirkan kenyamanan pengguna jalan, Senin 5 Agustus 2024.   Seperti pemberitaan sebelumnya, yang dilansir Inlink.co.id,…
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prajyot11 · 6 months ago
Exploring the Culinary Delights of Giri Manjas: A Mangalorean Gem
Mangalore, a vibrant coastal city in the southwestern state of Karnataka, India, is renowned for its rich cultural heritage and diverse culinary landscape. Among its many gastronomic treasures, Giri Manjas Mangalore stands out as a beloved destination for seafood enthusiasts. Nestled in the heart of Mangalore, this humble eatery has earned a stellar reputation for serving authentic Mangalorean cuisine, particularly its delectable fish preparations.
A Glimpse into Giri Manjas' Legacy
Giri Manjas is more than just a restaurant; it is a legacy that has been nurtured and cherished over the years. Founded by Giriappa Shetty in the early 1980s, this eatery started as a small establishment with a focus on delivering fresh, high-quality seafood dishes. Today, it continues to uphold the same values, attracting locals and tourists alike with its promise of delicious, authentic food.
The Ambiance: Simple and Homely
Stepping into Giri Manjas is like stepping into a friend's home. The ambiance is simple and unpretentious, reflecting the core values of Mangalorean hospitality. Wooden benches and tables, a modest setup, and the aroma of freshly cooked seafood create an inviting atmosphere. The walls are adorned with photographs and memorabilia that narrate the story of the restaurant's journey through the decades.
The Culinary Experience: A Feast for the Senses
The real magic of Giri Manjas lies in its food. The menu, though not extensive, is thoughtfully curated to highlight the best of Mangalorean cuisine. Here are some of the must-try dishes that have made Giri Manjas a culinary landmark:
Anjal Fry (Kingfish Fry): This dish epitomizes Mangalorean flavors. Freshly caught kingfish is marinated in a blend of traditional spices and then shallow-fried to perfection. The result is a crispy exterior with a tender, flavorful interior that leaves a lasting impression on the palate.
Prawn Ghee Roast: A quintessential Mangalorean dish, the Prawn Ghee Roast at Giri Manjas is a crowd favorite. Succulent prawns are cooked in a rich masala made from red chilies, ghee, and aromatic spices, creating a dish that is both spicy and indulgent.
Fish Curry: No visit to Giri Manjas is complete without tasting their fish curry. Made with freshly ground coconut, tamarind, and a medley of spices, this curry is a harmonious blend of tangy and spicy flavors. It pairs perfectly with a serving of steamed rice.
Neer Dosa: To accompany the rich curries and fries, Neer Dosa is a staple. These thin, lacy rice crepes are soft and delicate, providing the perfect foil to the bold flavors of the seafood dishes.
The Secret Behind the Flavor
The secret to Giri Manjas' exceptional food lies in its commitment to quality and authenticity. The seafood is sourced daily from local markets, ensuring freshness. The spices are carefully selected and ground in-house, and the recipes have been handed down through generations, preserving their traditional essence.
A Culinary Pilgrimage
For those seeking an authentic Mangalorean dining experience, Giri Manjas is a culinary pilgrimage. Its unassuming charm, coupled with the unparalleled flavors of its seafood dishes, offers a glimpse into the rich culinary heritage of Mangalore. Whether you are a local or a visitor, a meal at Giri Manjas promises to be a memorable and delightful experience.
In the bustling streets of Mangalore, Giri Manjas continues to shine as a beacon of tradition and taste, inviting all who enter to savor the flavors of the coast and the warmth of its hospitality.
For More Info:
Maachli Sindhudurg
Udupi Jain Temple
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