#animation? well done. Score? fantastic. Voice acting? Great. Plot/writing? ...no comment... Easter Eggs? shit. -2/10. Lloyd and Koko? love
ninjamelissajulien · 8 months
you know what- fuck it. TLNM!Lloyd had no reason to apologize to anyone (except possibly koko but thats because he was under so much stress that he didn't see how much of a supporter she was to him). Garmadon was absent in Lloyd's life, even though he somehow had Lloyds phone number (?). Garmadon both verdantly and inadvertently caused so much pain in Lloyds life, even betraying him and leaving him and the other ninja to die in a crumbling temple.
Don't even get me started on the other "ninja". Lloyd canonically built all of their mechs. Lloyd was doing everything he could to not only keep himself sane in a world where everyone hated him, but to undo all of Garmadon's destruction. They should've clearly known how much stress Lloyd was constantly under- with the final straws being told he has no elemental power *in a world where elemental power exists*, and was shown this weapon that could end the constant battle for good.
Lloyd was pushed to the brink; being publicly mocked (multiple times) by Garmadon and his army, constantly being mocked, bullied, and punished by his peers/teachers/society around him. And the fact that yeah, Lloyd using the weapon destroyed their mechs and brought Meowthra to the city was not the best thing- THEY FUCKING ABANDONED HIM. BOTH LITERALLY AND VERBALLY. ARE YOU SERIOUS?! "We hate you." "Youre not our friend anymore" you motherfuckers NEVER APOLOGIZED TO HIM. HE WAS FEELING GUILTY ENOUGH.
God i hate that. The fact that out of 17+ seasons, mini movies, books, etc- the REAL Ninjas still stuck by each other. Yeah, they've had their moments of fighting, separation, anger, but never to the point of abandoning family. I don't think, even in season 3/4, Jay ever told Cole that he hated him or that they weren't friends anymore. Cole was more hurt at the sudden change in Jay's behavior towards him than anything (to which, did anyone ever tell Cole what really happened?). Cole didn't want to be around Jay in S4 because of the harassment, not that he didn't care for him anymore. When the time came, the team got back together for Zane. For Nya. For Lloyd.
TLNM!Lloyd had every right to become a villain. Everyone (minus Koko because she's an angel and we're so lucky to have her around) should've apologized TO LLOYD!!!! Even Wu for showing Lloyd all of those weapons that he would never get to use (Because why the fuck would you show a mentally/physically/emotionally stressed/abused 16 year old hero with unresolved trauma weapons that would finish the fight.) He's a child. I'd be surprised if TLNM!Lloyd's hair didn't turn white by 26.
Anyways everyone in TLNM (again, minus Koko) should've apologized to Lloyd rather than blame Lloyd for everything. Lloyd and Koko did nothing wrong and I will murder and die on this hill.
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