#animal ranting at 9am
nukenai · 1 year
I don't have a ton of friends in animal circles bc I have so many nasty little opinions like. Most higher level equine sports are abusive (ESPECIALLY western ones, and I say this as a western rider), I think several dog breeds (AND CAT BREEDS) should be abolished and it should be illegal to breed them, I think spider ball pythons should be eradicated and it should be illegal to breed the (same w enigma leopard geckos), and I think people should have to have licenses to own any animals and there should be actual legal housing requirements, as well as people being actually held accountable for animal neglect and abuse instead of just paying a fine and getting told "well, don't do that". I also think it should be illegal to own large parrots.
But unfortunately all of that can only be accomplished with legislation, the boring answer, and Americans are so far up their own asses about muh freedumb and think they should be able to own whatever living creatures they want and treat them however they like.
The problem with banning species is that people will own them illegally anyways, and it's literally always the animal that suffers the most. Shit sucks. The most I can really do is spread awareness and be an ethical animal keeper myself.
I am a staunch supporter of ethical captive breeding of exotic species, as it heavily reduces demand for poached animals... as well as non-poached wild caught ones. Captive bred animals are just healthier. But some animals just don't breed well in captivity. Luckily, there are always people working on those difficult species that are usually WC (tokay geckos, hermit crabs).
But I still think there are animals that should not be kept by regular people outside of accredited facilities (venomous reptiles, large parrots, exotic predator species... yes this includes foxes you fucks AND YES FENNECS TOO THEY ARE NOT DOGS AND DON'T BELING IN YOUR FUCKING HOUSE)
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forbidding-souda · 2 years
Alright since requests are open how bout Kyoko and Sonia with an S/O that's like Tsumugi? Hope you have a good day!
Kyoko Kirigiri and Sonia Nevermind with a S/O that's like Tsumugi Shirogane
hey guys what's up I posted isn't that insane??!??!?!
my friends boyfriend released his new album and it's punk music you guys should check it out it's called quiet reading time!
update on uni uhhh this math final is not the move LMFAO it's literally in a month and i'm just sitting here like damn.... lololol. anyway i also got switched dorms bc my dormmate was homophobic LOL! this dormmate oh my god he is perfect, I love him SO MUCH! but he's dropping out at the end of the semester so i'm gonna die tbh i'll miss him... I hope they don't room me with another nobody. me and my husband are doing good!! we had like a month long confuffle where we were mad at each other but it's chill now it's fine we are very very good. he stayed awake for me today so we could get starbucks together :> this means the world to me because he works all night so he always sleeps at 9am (srs... that exact time) and my class gets out at 9:45 and he STAYED and waited outside my class too... I love him so so much. knock on wood.
^ aaaaa and he's learning asl it's so cute i love him so much >.> he's actually sleeping rn and I left to grocery shop and go back to my dorm LOL.... let's see his mood when he wakes up. I left last night too BUT IT'S NOT HIM I JUST CAN'T SLEEP AND I FIND NO AMUSEMENT IN LAYING THERE WHILE HE SNORES IT'S SO ANNOYING.
-Mod Souda
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Kyoko Kirigiri
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✯ There's a form of love when it comes to having a girlfriend who doesn't show much of her emotions. Her eyes don't light up when she sees you in costume, but she shows her appreciation by keeping you in her gaze, her eyes never leaving you even when you are doing something as casual as scrolling through your phone.
✯ Sometimes she will be dressing for work as you dress in your costumes for a con (a beautiful juxtapose) and she will offer the smallest of critiques.
✯ "You need to brush the back of that wig."
✯ Sometimes she'll go to cons with you and just act as your bodyguard (in the humorous sense but also in the genuine sense, she keeps her eyes on you and people who invade your boundaries in days in which you do end up wearing some of your costumes in public like that).
✯ She is very protective over you, and in an alternative universe in which she speaks like teenagers these days, I imagine she will constantly say a sharp "damn that's crazy but who asked" to people.
✯ She's a good listener! When you go on rants she'll pay attention, and when you make niche references she'll ask you to explain.
✯ She still is entirely independent and doesn't like when you ask about her work. Her ability to change the subject and get you to talk about your interests is peak.
✯ Or when you say some "I'm just plain", she'll always hit you with the "Obviously you're not", which gets you a little ruffled.
✯ Whenever you make her blush, no matter how far into the relationship you are, it still makes you flustered. It's satisfying to know she likes you that much, that someone as stoic as her can find you desirable.
✯ ^ You like letting your perverted side out a bit because of that.
✯ She likes holidays that surround gifts because you are the easiest person to go shopping for.
✯ Her job is a topic that cannot be discussed at the dinner table, you can easily very freaked out at some of the things she sees on a day-to-day basis... so dinner table talk surrounds your interests >:).
✯ You can ask her to put on the cosplays you create so you can see them on another person but she will say no LOL (but you can ask).
✯ She looks at you with a small smile sometimes, which to you means a lot... it's a lot of expression for somebody who is good at hiding.
Sonia Nevermind
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✯ She has so much interest in anime and manga, and she gets so excited when she sees you making costumes for it.
✯ She wants to know all about your interests and why you like them. Listening to you talk is the best part of your day.
✯ She hates when you call yourself plain! She thinks you're the most interesting person on this planet. No literally, you are beyond unique and she admires your capabilities more than anything (his seems like a pretty obvious thing to say anyway).
✯ Her status in the hierarchy means that she has people to satisfy her every command, meaning that any material you need, you can get. She can even gift you really expensive fabric/stable wires/long-lasting glitter/anything you need, no matter what expense (and if you prefer one specific brand, even if it's 'cheap', she's not going to force you to use something else).
✯ She was raised with a lot of people always around, so when she gets the solo time with you, it makes her feel a lot less princess-like, and it makes her feel like a normal teenage girl. She likes to study in the corner while you sew (studying - it's so fun, especially when she gets to say things like "I'm studying!").
✯ Being around you while you work is her own personal love language.
✯ You wear a lot of layers, and so does she! If she gets cold, even though she might have a servant on hand for that, you can still lend her your jacket :> (else a jacket you make... perhaps you have even made one for this specific occasion too... and perhaps she will never know that it's a reference to your favorite media).
✯ She is more academic-brained than creative-brained so creative processes are very interesting to her, especially ones that require style and clothing.
✯ Sometimes she'll talk to her seamstresses about things clothing-wise and they are always like 'oooh you know about that!!! that's so cool!!!'.
✯ She can often mimic your perverted jokes, and return the energy back to you.
✯ ^ But whenever you get dressed she'll turn around, even if you don't mind.
✯ She will love to try on your cosplays. You can use her as a model any day!
✯ When it comes to costumes with bows and glitter, she loves looking at them! She'd always loved when her servants tied her bow for her. Bows are her favorite accessory, and she falls in love every time she sees you tie one.
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foomoosworld · 7 months
Stars Too Far
CHAPTER 13 - Good Luck, Kid
Pairing; Mandalorian X fem reader
A/N Welp... the medical shit just keeps on a comin'. Unrelated to the last medical stuff so.... win? Nah. Not in capitalism! I got a sliver of something in my iris that I had to have both my eyes frozen and have it pulled out with a far too intimidating pair of sharp tweezers. Goodbye $200. that was my food money for the month. This is because every walk in clinic in my area was full up and not accepting clients by 9am. I'm convinced we will truly just die in the street soon. Not from eye slivers. I know that is a pretty petty problem in the landscape of medical issues but I can't get a family doctor, I can't see a walk in clinic... there is no third door to choose from. This is the worst gameshow I was ever forced to play. Sorry... ranting. My point is that I got to come home and write this and it made me feel good to create a world where people take care of each other more than our current world.
Love your community. Those are the ones that will help you when shit hits the fan.
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Din strode into the musty library.  His tattered cape fluttering behind him, casting long shadows through the brilliant daylight flowing through the door frame making an imposing white frame along the dusty floor.
He stopped just beyond the door, cautiously calling out, “Dr. Sofac?”
He heard a rustling behind a stack of books and a long, pale head like a slug peeked out from beyond the towers of novels.
“Mandalorain?”  Sofac questioned, meekly.
“Yes.”  Din said, moving forward to greet him.
The tower of books toppled over as Dr. Sofac jumped like a scared animal then carefully stepped around the mass of books on the floor.
“Is she here?”  He asked, on edge, rubbing his hands together in excitement.
Din raised a hand to try to quell his excitement.
“She is.”  Din stated as he approached the Ithorian cautiously.  “We need to know that no one will ever know we were here.”
Dr. Sofac nodded eagerly, “Of course!  Of course!  I just want to meet the last Luc in the universe!”
Din nodded then walked back to the door and motioned for you to come in.  You slowly and suspiciously stepped into the library, eyes scanning every surface, with unease.  Mayeld walked in behind you with his blaster drawn and aiming directly at Dr. Sofac.
Dr. Sofac raised an eyebrow at you as he crept forward.  Your cloaked figure hid any sign that you may not be human or pregnant.  He approached you and reached for your stomach beneath your cloak and you jolted back, looking to Din for reassurance.  Din nodded his approval of Dr. Sofac.
“He’s safe.”  Din reassured you.
You still sneered awkwardly as he protracted his long neck and inspected you with wide eyes and gasping breath.
“Can you remove your cloak?” Dr. Sofac requested.  You look to Din and he nods that you should comply.  You slide off your hooded cloak to reveal your pregnant belly and a tight tunic with pants and combat boots.
“May I?” Dr. Sofac asks as he grasps the back of your shirt and angles to pull it up but not without your permission.  You look suspiciously at Din and ask,
“He’s a real Doctor, right?”
“Yes.” Din emotionlessly says,”You can trust him.”  
“Then why does he want to see my back and not my stomach?  I thought we were here for my pregnancy?”  You jeer as Dr. Sofac still holds the back of your tunic.  Din shrugs, as baffled as you are.
“He’s a good doctor.  Trust him.”  Din concludes.
You nod at Sofac that he can pull up the back of your shirt and your bare back is exposed to the musty air of the library.  
“Intriguing…” he mumbles to himself then excitedly looks up to Din and waves a hand to motion for him to approach you.  Din steps next to you and your back suddenly lights up and flashes purple  light through four thick stripes across your back then dies down, fading to look just like regular skin again.  The doctor drops the back of your shirt and jumps, clapping his hands trying to control his unbearable excitement.
“It’s a Luc!”  He exclaims hopping.
“Half Luc.” You tiredly correct him.
“And it’s bonded!”  He shouts as he takes a few dancing and failing steps back still trying to cover his mouth from crying out his excitement.
“First, could we not call me an ‘it’ - and second, bonded to what?”  You raise a confused eyebrow, slightly disgusted at how much of an object you currently feel like.
“To a Mandalorian!”  He twirls around a support pole of the building and knocks over another stack of books in his excitement.
“My father was a Mandalorain as well…. so … not a huge surprise there…Everyone ends up dating their dad, right?”  You state confused as you watch him.  “No offense.”  You add glancing up to Din who merely shrugs nonjudgmentally.
“And you’re pregnant!  With a Mandalorian/Luc child!  This is history breaking!  This may be a first!”  Sofac says tossing random papers into the air with excitement.
“Not really.  Because I exist.” You lean into Din and whisper to him, “Is he on cocaine?  Cause I’d really like some if he is.  I mean… I can’t because, you know… baby, but… can you score that for later?”
“He’s not on drugs.”  Din says far too loud as he stands up and approaches Dr. Sofac, “I need to know what we’re looking at for this birth.  I know Mandalorains have a messy birth history, hence the need for Foundlings to keep up with our population, but I know nothing about Lucs.  Can you do a physical and make sure she’s okay?  Or if she needs anything?”
Dr. Sofac nods.  
“Of course!”  He grabs a hospital gown and offers it to you.  “Madam, If you wouldn’t mind changing into that and we’ll do some tests.”
You shift your eyes from Dr. Sofac to Din and it’s Din’s solemn nod that makes you sigh, take the gown, change into it and let Sofac lead you into a small exam room off of the library.
You’re in the exam room for over an hour.  When you come out you’re in your regular clothes and Sofac is trailing slowly behind you.
“You should get some air.  Good for the baby.”  Dr. Sofac says to you, patting your shoulder.
“Yeah… that’s code for ‘the men need to talk’.  I’m not stupid.”  You say.  But Mayfeld reaches an arm around you and jokes, “Big, bad feral warrior scared of a doctor?”
You punch his arm.  “Right now, anyone in a lab coat is on my radar as a possible threat.”  You snap.  Mayfeld nods his head in agreement,
“Probably smart.” He states simply and leads you outside.
Dr. Sofac sits at a large sturdy wood table and angles a palm for Din to sit down.  At first Dr. Sofac, apprehensively wrings his hands while his eyes dart around.  He can’t seem to find the right words to begin the conversation.  Din loses his patience and decides to spout the first words.
“Is she okay?  Is our baby okay?”  He grunts.
“Well… It’s complicated…” Sofac trails off.  He shifts back and forth not sure how to begin the conversation.
“It’s not that complicated.  How is she doing and how long until she gives birth?” Din grits through a clenched jaw.
“Mandalorians are notorious for breech births…” Dr. Sofac begins, his eyes flicking up to Din and understanding by the tilt of his helmet he doesn’t understand what that is. “The baby comes out backwards.  Ass first, meeting the world.  It often kills the mother and the child.”
Din lowered his voice, intrigued, “Continue…”  Din pushed.
“And Lucs have a low birth rate due to disease and the mother dies from hemorrhaging more often than I’d like to admit…”
Din nods at him.
“Lucs have a six month birth cycle,  But because this baby is over half Mandalorian, the best bet is for it to be birthed in the waters of Mandalor.  That has had the best success rate for Mandalorain births.  But, right now, the child is breech.  However, I don’t know if she’s going to have a Luc pregnancy cycle of six months or a human cycle of nine months.  If it’s human, this can be normal.  If this is Luc, this could kill her. I… I don’t know what to do… I can’t turn a baby too early.”
“Can I send for you if she goes into labour?”  Din asks.
“Of course!”
“Do you know the gender of the child?”
“I do.”
“Are you worried?”
Dr. Sofac straightens his spine and shakes his head slowly,
“No one is an amalgamation of their past.  They move forward in light.”  Dr. Sofac reaches his hand out and clenches Din’s hand to which he quickly retracts it.  “Get her to the waters of Mandalor.  She may have your baby any day now or it may be a few months.  But it will be complicated if it’s soon and you will need medical help from myself and friends that can be sure this stays silent.”
“Are you a friend that will stay silent?”  Din reiterates his words from his first entrance and cocks his helmet to the side.
“I’m here for science.  I am always on the side of a being living and procreating.  Especially a species we thought was extinct and know almost nothing about.  But your bald friend there… you can’t trust him.  Everyone will turn against you with the price on your child’s head…”
“The price on my child’s head?  Din questions.
“Here is a list of all the bounty hunters that are currently looking for you and your mate-”  He brings up a holopad and scrolls through what seems like and endless list of names and exorbitant prices to find the two of you. “Your friend, Mayfeld, is on this list.”
Din stands up from the table.
“Thank you.”  He nods at Dr. Sofac and turns to leave, then turns as if just remembering something.  “How did you know she’s bonded to me?”
“Her stripes flash purple when you approach her.  It’s a passive function.  She can’t control it. So if she’s trying to hide, don’t walk up to her.”
Din hesitates in the doorway and asks, “Do you think we need to hide?”
“Mandalorian… I have no doubt that any pirate, criminal or war lord would cut that child out of her stomach and bronze it, merely, for a trophy and forgo the bounty… Hide.”
Din looks out into the blinding daylight through the dark doorway of the library and feels his heart leap in his chest then sink with sadness.  He steps outside to his fate to find you, your child and Mayfeld.
A loud clang rang out and you jumped up with your arms excitedly outstretched in victory as an old metal piece of equipment you had thrown from 30 feet away clanged loudly into a garbage can.
“Dank Ferrik!”  Mayfeld exclaimed angrily.  He begrudgingly passed you a handful of credits.
“What are you two doing?”  Din asked, annoyed.  You happily held up the pouch of credits and said,
“Puttin’ our kid through college! This loser can’t aim for shit even using decommissioned imperial tracking pods!  I thought you knew about Imperial technology!” You laughed happily as you opened the sack of credits that Mayfeld had bet.
Din looked from you and Mayfeld to the decommissioned tracking pods you were picking out of a large pile and trying to toss into the garbage cans against the library wall.  He abruptly grabbed the crook of your arm and angled you to look into his visor.
“You’re going to get us all killed if you keep directing attention to us!”  He growled.  You were so surprised you dropped the sack of credits.
“O-okay….”  You trail off, confused.
“Let’s go.”  Din demands with a jolt of your arm to bring you along.  You stumble and suddenly get scared.  This was unlike how Din has ever acted towards you.
Mayfeld grabs the credit sack off the ground.
“Finders Keepers.”  He laughs in the background as he trails behind you and Din.
“Are we okay?”  You lower your voice and ask Din with an air of concern.
“Get on the ship.”  Din orders quietly as he gruffly pushes you up the ramp to the Razor Crest.  You stumble and look back to Mayfeld with scared and unsure, wide eyes.  Mayfeld immediately picks up on this.
“Hey, be gentle, Mando.  She’s pregnant…”
Din whirls around and thunders at Mayfeld, “You think I don’t know that?!?” 
Mayfeld raises his hands submissively.
“What’s going on here?”  Mayfeld asks, confused.
“We’re getting out of here.  You’re staying here.”  Din sternly demands.
Mayfeld tried to hide his expression of surprise and sadness but knew he was doing a poor job of it.  He stood at the bottom of the ramp of the Razor Crest while Din entered the ship.  The ramp pulled up as did the landing gear and the ship took off into the air leaving Mayfeld behind.  He looked up, arms finally flopping to his side as the Razor Crest disappeared into the atmosphere.
“Good Luck, kid.”  He whispered as he watched the ship slip into neverending space.
You put your hand up to the small window to the right of the co-pilot’s chair and see Mayfeld, confused, disappearing into the distance as the Razor Crest takes off without him.
“What are you doing?!?”  You frantically demand.  “Why are you leaving Mayfeld behind?”
“You don’t even like him.”  Din nonchalantly reasons as he pushes buttons and pulls throttle handles.  You stand in front of him in the captain's chair with your arms crossed.
“Turn this maker-foresaken, ship around and get Mayfeld!”  You order.
Din angles to look around you left and right and when you step to block his vision he sighs.
“I was told we can’t trust him.”  Din says exasperated.
“By who?”  You challenge.
“The doctor.”
“What the hell does that crackpot know?” You rage.
Din pauses and drops his helmet to his chest with a sigh.  He grabs your hand and walks you next to his Captain’s Chair as he pushes some buttons and brings up a long list of bright blue names and prices.  He scrolls down through thousands of them.
“This is the bounty ledger.  These are all of the people looking for us to kidnap our child and the price each will be paid to find us.”
Your eyes grow wide as he quickly zings through the never ending list and sees the prices go up and up.
“Well… is Mayfeld on it?”
Din puts his arms around you and pulls you in between his thighs as he sits in the Captain’s chair.  He shakes his head, “Yes.”  Then continues, “He works for himself.  He could easily flip on us and take our child or kill us.”
You look away, “Mayfeld wouldn’t do that.”  You whisper with a broken voice, trying to hide your emotions from Din.
“Did you take the credit bag from him?”  Din asks.
“No.  I dropped it and he picked it up.”
“Good.  He could have slipped a tracking device into it.”
You step back from Din, understanding his concern but feeling sick to leave a friend stranded.
“I think I need some sleep.”  You meekly manage to strangle out..
Din nods as he takes the controls of the ship.
“We’ll be in hyperspace soon so I’ll come and join you.  It’s five days to Mandalor.”
“Five days.” You nod, still wrecked from emotion.
“Just… don’t go into labor before then.”  Din says.  You can hear he tried to put a smile on the statement but all you felt was worry and insecurity.
“I’m going to bed.”  You mumble, holding your pregnant belly, then turning and disappearing into the darkness of the cargo hold. 
You flop down with an awkward grunt onto your makeshift bed and feel a sharp pain jab into your side.  You reach to it and pull out an old decommissioned imperial tracking device.  One of the ones you and Mayfeld had been tossing at the trash cans.  You smile at it with an air of sadness, feeling the loss of your friendship.  
Then a red light on it suddenly jumps to life.
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nebuvoid · 2 years
i cant tell if its my latest trial meds or my bullshit post christmas crap emotional state but ive been sleeping like a god damn animal. its pissing me off. i woke up at 2am rested. by 4am i was like cmon no this is crap im gonna be so tired later so i tried going back to sleep. i did. from then on i kept waking up but was groggy enough to fall asleep again everytime. at that point it was sleepy me controlling me so i didnt want to get up either. until 1pm when the postman rang my doorbell.
i was planning on getting up in the morning around 9am like a normal person. but no cant fucking have that. this is the second med trial. this shit takes ages. ill likely try another after this. which will take ages again. im not. asking for anything im just ranting my frustration out.
being chronically ill is tiring in countless ways.
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nightcall99 · 7 months
Notes from 17.3.24
HS is gone again. I feel very tired. Outside of my regular routine, I think I'm agoraphobic or something.
Why are we both having dreams to do with bathrooms?
Here's some life ranting:
The 3D guilt things are coming back again. AL is going overseas soon and she casually let it slide that her 4 birds are going to be left at home by themselves for 2.5 weeks and that her mum wants her to ask another one of our co-workers, TC, to look after them. But I'm closer to her than he is, and instead of asking me directly, she dropped a hint like this to guilt me into offering to look after them. I said what she wanted me to say but my heart clearly wasn't in it. I don't want to. I just don't. Maybe I might have been open to it if she asked me more directly and given me more time to mentally prepare for it but not like this. Not 5 days before you leave. (And even then, I still don't want to). She said she'll just leave a mound of food for them and set up a camera and if they die, they die. And then I said, give me the keys to your house, I'll look in on them every few days. You'll have to tell me what to do though. And she changed the subject. Like wtf? Am I an animal abuser if I don't insist insistently on looking after them? I can't deal with this anymore. Why do I make up these scenarios.
To be honest I'm kind of relieved that she's going away for a bit. She can be very exhausting. I never know if we're actually friends or if it's a keep-your-friends-close-and-your-enemies-closer type situation. Sometimes in my life I think that if you peer in close enough, it's actually like that with everyone. Is that just the nature of human relationships? Are you supposed to feel a little hatred every now and then from someone, and you to them? I've always felt this my whole life. Everything is so low-vibe. I'm low vibe. I can't help it.
I don't know what I'm doing. The other day TC tried to convince me to give him my money for him to invest. I don't know much about money but I know used-car salesman tactics when I see them. He said, Think of me as a bank. You get interest from the bank every month don't you? I said, No, I never mix friendship with money. I don't think that he expected me to say that. Firstly, I said, do not talk to me about this crap at 9am in the morning. He IGNORED, and kept going even though I AGAIN SAID, STOP, ask me later when the caffeine has kicked in. And then he was like, I know you're paranoid Kath, so we'll sign a statutory declaration so you can rest assured I won't run away with your money. ????? We both know stat decs are not legally binding. After, he kept going on about bitcoin and tried that angle, saying like you and me and put in money blah blah this could happen. STFU. He has started undermining me in other ways lately, too many to count, and somehow I'm still nice to him. I tell myself I'm doing it to survive. That it doesn't matter anyway. The big boss came in and he was bootlicking like you wouldn't believe. Being amongst the energy of it make me sick. Somehow we thought that striking others down in order to get ahead was fun. I hate this game.
I don't know what I'm doing. There's an 18 year old shop girl who I think is flirting with me, and I think I'm flirting back. Am I that bored? Is this legal? My intern continues to fart all over the place. I spray lavender spray here and there but he doesn't get the hint. I took him aside briefly today to tell him his voice is too loud and everyone and their mum can hear his conversation regarding very sensitive matters with the patient, and he was picking his nose the whole time. I can't. Is this real? Still though, I am starting to feel really bad about not being more attentive to his academic progression. I honestly just ignore him most of the time, outside of being polite. Well, barely that.
Everyday, nothing changes. My perspective on the world is like night and day, depending on the energy. But still, nothing changes.
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spoontoof · 1 year
may 30th, 2023 3:59pm
i should probably start updating this more.
like, i have no idea why i basically abandoned this blog. it's advertised as my website on my other socials (except for link tree) and i just abandoned it fro no particular reason! i should probably talk about productions and my overall life.
"a mask of my own face" and "touch-tone telephone" are two songs that i've talked about before that i really wanna make into music videos, but, life is getting in the way, so I haven't been able to get much work done on those cartoons. that's the bad news, but the good news is that the school year is ending soon, so i'll have alot more time to work on my creative projects. but uh oh! more bad news. i have to go to summer school for about three weeks in july (monday-friday). this is completely my choice, and, more good news, i only have to go in for 3 hours from 8-11am, and i do virtually nothing for those first three hours, so i'll still have alot of time. now, you may be asking "but bro! why are you willingly going to summer school if you hate the american education system, as you have gone into rants about it in the past, taking one hellish class?" well, for starters, the class is hella easy, so, easy points for graduation lmao, but also, if i take this three week class, (i was originally assigned this class for next year) i won't have to take this class for the rest of the school year. this means i will have one less period to go to, so, i'll either have a 2-9, or a 3-10. basically, after i'm done with this class, i'll be randomly assigned to go into school at the normal time (8am) and leave early (2:25pm), or i'll have to go in later then usual (9am) and come out at the normal time (3pm). i am basically praying that i'll have 8am-2:25pm because that'll give me less work=more me time=more time to actually make things for you guys. but, i'm okay with anything. it still means less work=more time for animating. jesus christ! that was a long paragraph to write, and it's 4:14pm now! damn, it took me exactly 15 minutes to write this post! ok, well i have work to do now, and i'll post something interesting tomorrow. byes.
i can move chairs with my mind.
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flowesona · 4 years
guess how much i love you - soft yandere! seokjin x reader
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This is part of the MFEEU canon, written by the amazing and talented @worldwidemochiguy​. I hope I can do it justice :)
“What’s wrong, little Yoona?” Jin crouched down to see Yoona. She was sulking in the corner, having pushed away all of her pseudo-siblings until one of them finally resorted to asking Jin for help. Jin always had a way to make Yoona smile, yet even now as he pinched her cheek and gave her buckets of attention he could barely get a sniffle out of her.
Finally she gave some kind of reaction to him. As he continued to try to coax her into smiling, she finally pointed at something as the cause of her woes. Jin followed where her finger was pointing to the sofa, where Hanuel and Jihae were cuddled together with their Nintendo switches engaged in visiting each other’s towns in animal crossing.
“Why does Hanuel-eonni treat Jihae differently to me?” She whimpered. Her godfather smiled, turning her gently to face him.
“That’s because they’re in love. One day, you’re going to find someone you love like that.” 
“Really?” Yoona was looking at Jin as if he was some kind of prophet, enlightening her on the path to true happiness.
“Yes. You know that when I met aunty (Y/N) it was love at first sight?”
“Of course, Yoona. Of course, it wasn’t easy, but love never is.” Seeing how his discussion with Yoona had pacified her qualms slightly, he had an idea to make her happy.
“How about I tell you the story of how I met aunty (Y/N)? Should we find your Shooky and have a storytime?” He offered.
“I’m not a kid anymore!” Yoona had pouted, but eagerly climbed onto his lap with her round plushie in tow ready for his highly anticipated storytimes.
“N-no, stop!” Jin raised his head at the sound of the melodic voice. His focus switched from the seven takeaway coffee cups he was trying to balance to the source of the glorious sound. And it was love at first sight.
She was near perfect. Her skin glowed, her eyes were filled with an otherworldly mirth and her sweater hugged her body in just the right way. The only part of her that was marred was her arm, to which some unattractive boy clung. Not a hair on his body held any appeal, yet the girl seemed infatuated, giggling at every word he said as they waited for their order.
“(Y/N)? A cappuccino with a double espresso shot?” So that was her name? Jin watched as she took her coffee with a sleep-deprived grin. And he knew he had to have her.
He whipped out his phone and dialed Taehyung’s number quickly, still glancing at the couple as they waited for the vermin’s drink.
“I need your help.” He said quickly. “Fuck, she’s leaving.”
Taehyung quickly caught on.
“Follow her. See if she’s going home. Do you have her name?” Taehyung’s voice was background noise as Jin followed (Y/N) out of the shop. Snow was starting to drift down, sticking to his hair and dampening his clothes but in that moment his appearance was the least of his worries.
As he told Taehyung her name, her appearance, and the university he presumed she attended due to her sweatshirt being emblazoned with the name of a nearby establishment. 
“I found her. We’ll have all her details in a few hours. Come back to the offices and we’ll sort this all out, alright?”
It was only when he hung up his phone he realised that half of the various hot drinks he’d volunteered to bring back for everyone - planning to secretly use the outing as a opportunity to spike their beloved drinks with salt - had spilt onto the ground in his haste. But he couldn’t care less about his colleagues when fate had granted him a much greater design.
“We understand you applied for the assistant role last week?”
(Y/N) was hidden in the back of the university library, trying desperately to keep her voice down whilst attempting to quell the situation.
“As I said, you’ve got the wrong person. If you’ll excuse me…” 
“You are (L/N) (Y/N), correct? We have all your details on record.”
She didn’t respond.
“Well, if you want the position then come to our offices by 11AM tomorrow in business casual.”
The phone call ended, leaving (Y/N) with all sorts of unnerved feelings. 
Those feelings intensified as she stood outside the offices the next day in a simple blouse and trousers. Whilst the strange circumstances surrounding the offer were nothing to be ignored, she’d looked up the company name to find they were a reputable business, and their staff pay was nothing to sniff at. As a student barely able to afford a coffee in the morning, could she really afford to look a gift horse in the mouth?
The job was truly a blessing upon her life. Reasonable hours that perfectly coincided with her university lectures, decent pay and fellow employees who seemed to respect her.
She didn’t know why, of course. How could she know of the stranger pulling the strings behind the scene to get her into his arms?
“Sorry, could you drop this off with Kim Seokjin? He’s on the top floor. You can borrow my keycard to get there.” One of her colleagues asked, pressing a manila folder into her hand along with the keycard needed.
Her heart was pounding as she scanned the keycard to enter the new level of offices. Never before had she been around such high up executives, who could have her fired in a second if they so pleased.
(Y/N) approached the first man she saw.
“Excuse me, do you know where Mr Kim is?” She asked timidly.
“You’re speaking to him, darling.” He responded, turning to face her. (Y/N) resisted the urge to blush when she made eye contact with him, as he excluded an aura of attractiveness and wealth she could never compete with.
“Oh, right. This is for you, sir.” She handed over the folder, trying not to die from the embarrassment.
“Wait a second.” She felt a presence next to her. Standing by her shoulder was another man. To put it simply, he was gorgeous. From his clear golden skin to his sharp features, it was as if an ancient statue had been breathed into life.
“That was meant for Kim Seokjin, right? That’s me.” 
As if the situation could get any worse.
“Kim is a common surname, darling.” The former man commented as he passed the folder to the real Seokjin.
Noting the look of anguish on her face, Seokjin took one of her hands into his own.
“You’re new here, right? Don’t worry, it’s an easy mistake to make.” He offered her a warm smile.
“Thank you. I should go…” (Y/N) gently tried to pry her hand out of his hoping to end the whole interaction as soon as possible.
“Here, my card.” Seokjin pressed a rectangular business card into her hands, emblazoned with his name and number in stunning cursive. “Call me, and I’ll take you out for dinner sometime. As an apology.”
(Y/N) nodded, and he finally released her. 
The business card lay buried in her purse for days afterwards. She couldn’t bear to face him again to be reminded of her embarrassment. But her interia was only serving to anger Jin.
“It’s been three weeks, Jin-hyung.” Taehyung said cooly. “Maybe it’s time to try again.”
His office had become a second home for Jin, who would spend around an hour each day ranting and raving to his boss, who just took it all on board with a knowing grin every time.
“How?” Jin muttered. “How do I get her to talk to me?”
“If there’s a will, there’s a way.” Taehyung responded, tempted to return to his mountain of work but also not wanting to leave Jin to wallow in doubt.
Jin just kept pacing.
“You could give her a promotion? Or maybe you could turn up at her university and sit on a lecture or two. That way you’d have an excuse to see her when you like.” Taehyung pressed. “You’ve still got some holiday hours this year to spare.”
Jin didn’t reply, but his decision was already made.
(Y/N) was ready to go back to sleep. No number of espresso shots could cure her banging headache, as her hangover weighed down her body as if she was carrying a ten pound barbell on her back.
She didn’t noticed how someone new had slipped into the seat next to her in the lecture theatre. All that occupied her mind at 9am was the desire for sleep. The double life of being a student and office worker was wearing on her hard, and she was contemplating on handing in her notice. The only thing that kept her from so was the tantalising paychecks and the haunting beauty of Seokjin, the memory of whom which had remained in some unused part of her brain.
The professor had a droning voice. The monotone syllables were practically a lullaby, and surely resting her head for a few minutes wouldn’t hurt? Not when she was at the back of the theatre and was practically unnoticeable.
Jin smiled as he observed (Y/N) slowly drifted into a deep sleep. The poor lamb had overworked herself. If only she knew of how he wanted to make sure she would never lift a finger again. He’d bided his time, months of casual stalking building up the the moment he’d finally decided to sit next to her, and how fortune had smiled upon his to give him the chance to admire her without being ‘creepy’.
Her deep sleep remained uninterrupted as people started to leave the lecture theatre, and a daring plan started to form in Jin’s mind. It was dangerous to just take her in the middle of the crowd, but it wasn’t like anyone else was particularly attentive at 10am and besides, anyone who asked questions could be paid off without a worry.
Gently he scooped (Y/N) up under his arm. She didn’t stir, as he gently guided her to the exit amidst the groups of other lethargic students. Navigating the crowd with a sleeping girl attached to him wasn’t easy, but Jin managed to make it out of the building and into his car without her waking up. It warmed his heart to see her head loll against the soft leather of his car interior as he indicated for the driver to start the engine.
Halfway to their destination, (Y/N)’s eyes starting to peel open.
“Mmmm... where am I?” The confused words stumbled out of her mouth as (Y/N) rubbed at her eyes.
“We’re going home.” Jin responded simply.
“Home? Wait... why are you here? Aren’t you... you’re one of the bosses from work?” The gears in (Y/N)’s brain we’re starting to turn.
“Well... yes. We can call this a promotion, I guess?”
The warmth of his smile, the smooth feeling of the leather car interior against her back and the steady beat of her heart all worked to convince (Y/N) that she was alright. It wasn’t conventional, but the adoration in Jin’s eyes was like a dream.
Unfortunately, a serious event plagued their ‘honeymoon’ period.
On Tuesday morning, as Jin gently woke her up with a cup of coffee, he noticed something was wrong. Her face was hot to the touch, and she could barely open her eyes.
Evidently, the cold weather and her busy schedule had taken a toll on her health. For the day she was stuck in bed, Jin dabbing at her forehead with a wet cloth and feeding her spoonfuls of broth.
“(Y/N)? How do you feel, my love?” Jin posited as she was nestled up half paying attention to the TV he’d brought into their room.
Through her drowsy drawl, he could barely make out what she was trying to say.
“Why are you… so nice? No one has ever loved me, not like you do. It’s not normal, to have your boss slash kidnapper treat you better than your exes. I don’t know why I’m not fighting you like any sensible human should.”
Seeing tears start to well up, Jin wiped at her eyes, wanting to shush her but simultaneously wanting her to continue praising him.
“I’ve never had a boyfriend who cares for me like you do… this isn’t right. I must be dreaming.”
Jin gave her a soft smile, his heart drumming loudly in his chest.
“This is reality.This is love. And I love you all the way to the moon and back.”
Before he could go on to tell her of what lengths he would go to show her his love, she’d fallen asleep. 
He wanted nothing more than to stay by her side for the rest of the day, but the vibration of his phone in his pocket reminded him that he still had a job to do. He left the bedroom before answering it, closing the door with as soft of a click as possible.
“How’s it going, lover boy?”
“Shut it, Jimin.”
“You see, love triumphs all. When you love someone, you should stop at nothing to make them love you back.” Jin concluded. Yoona had been hooked onto his every word, Jihae and Hanuel long gone both from the room and from her mind.
“Yoona? Yoona, we have to go!” At the call of her father the young girl clambered out of her godfather’s hold.
“Do you feel better now?” Jin asked. She nodded happily.
“Will you tell me more stories next time?” 
“Yoona!” Yoongi finally found her next to her godfather. 
“Go find Mommy, she’s got your jacket.” Yoona nodded happily, rushing off leaving only the two colleagues.
“You’ve gone soft, hyung.” Yoongi commented.
“Show a bit more respect for your elders.” Jin snarked back, but he couldn’t hide his happy glow.
“Sure thing. Pass on my regards to your wife.” Yoongi said before turning on his heel to find his own family.
Now that he was all alone, Jin pulled out his phone to send a quick message.
‘Be home soon, love.’
(Y/N) responded about ten seconds with a gif of two dogs hugging, to which Jin chuckled.
‘I love you. All the way to the moon and back.’
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pixelwisp-archive · 3 years
Hi Ori! Can I ask you your favorite selfship and as many headcanons as you want about you two?
Khooshaaaaaa thank you sm for feeding my hyperfixation on Makki 😩🖤 I’m probably gonna get very carried away with this LMAO I’m so sorry
-His contact name: ✨Fuckass💕✨
-My contact name: Stinky💛
- Pet names: Babe, Baby, nerd (affectionate), he’s also prone to saying dramatic shit to be dinkus like ‘how is the light of my life doing today’
-We have a fake engagement ring so we can fake public proposals for free shit shdfjsjdjd
- He def has a second TikTok account that he doesn’t tell me about and it isn’t until his series of “things my girlfriend cried about this week” comes up on my fyp that I find it LMAO
- in response, I start making those ‘guessing my bf’s replies’ and he gets lowkey so triggered lmao (literally just this )
-if he has thirst traps (which he totally does) I send them to Mattsun and Iwa and they stitch it copying him and making fun and theirs always goes fucking viral lol
- He buys flowers all the time but he purposefully picks out the ugliest he can find and he’ll made a joke like “they reminded me of you babe, heinous 💖” but in actuality he buys the ugly ones because he knows no one else will and he lowkey wants them to feel loved before they eventually die 🥺
- I said this before in an ask to someone once but we are the CEO’s of making fun of Iwaizumi for being such a gym rat lmao please whenever he so much as mentions it we recite the student athlete copypasta
- Stop Grinding?😂 The Grind Never Stops💯 No Breaks😈 We Stay Dream Chasing💪I don't get a break ✊ I'll be out here grinding 😈 Imma be chasing dreams while you're lounging 💯 the only thing i'm chasing🏃🏽😈is my dreams💭✊🏽keep grinding 💯RIP grandma👵🏼Romans 8:1🙏🏼busy?😂 you don't know🤔 what busy is 🏃🏽fam👐🏻 i won't🙅🏻ever stop my grind💯nothing gets handed to me 🙄🙅🏻‍♂️ I work for everything I got ‼️but we ain't done yet 💯😈👀 Nap?😂 I don't know that word😴 while you taking Z's 💤 I'm making W's🙌🏆U snooze you lose😤🤘can kill my ambition💯😈🙏🏻 i will never stop grinding🙏🏻even when im dead sleep is for the weak😴💯 U mean my TEAM⁉️ONE eats, we ALL eat🍽We out here grindin' together💪😤 THAT'S family💯😈
- also either one of us could start a vine and the other will finish it no matter where we are. 
- Me, from the kitchen: Road work ahead?
- Makki, from the other side of the apartment: uh yeah, I sure hope it does
-Makki, brushing his teeth: Two bros chillin in the hot tub
-Me, in the shower: Five feet apart cause they’re not gay 😌✨
- we like have passionate debates but we rarely actually fight??? Like it def happens but it’s usually over something stupid lmao
-  If we ever DO get into an argument, If I’m in the wrong I will literally crumble almost immediately. I will prob leave the room angry and in like a half hour I’ll scamper back out pathetically and the second he so much as looks my way I’ll just start crying and apologizing because The guilt eats me alive lmao.
-  If he’s in the wrong, there will prob be a short silent treatment as he lowkey stews in his guilt and I’m too upset to talk to him, but then he shoots me a link to a Spotify playlist he made from the other room 
- It would literally be something like this
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- and I would forgive him on the spot lmao stop he’s so fucking stupid I love him
-  Tbh I hate the fact that Furudate didn’t give him a job so I hc that he does some sort of freelance work - either IT/web dev, video editing, or even a private tutor (or maybe he’s an overachiever and does all 3 💅 can’t stop him)
- He is such a gossip whore and even though I pretend I’m ~above~ drama I fucking live for the tea so the two of us are absolute menaces having gossip sessions after work like
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- Anime marathons, snuggled on the couch, doesn’t get bothered when I wanna pause to discuss like every 5 minutes because I’m ADHD and a certified mess
- He has a Sixth Sense when it comes to me having a bad day (no dumbass you’ve just been ranting in the gc since 9am) so he always has dinner and a little pamper session planned on those days and tbh I WILL cry on the spot (I’m a crier if you couldn’t tell fklasdf;jasd)
- him, constantly: I love you biiiiitch, I ain’t never gonna stop lovin you, biiitch
- HE IS SO GOOD WITH KIDS and tbh I’m normally on board with the dink lifestyle but he would make the baby fever so bad jfc
-ok this is getting ridiculous I’ll stop now I just love him a whole lot 😩🖤
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kiissme · 3 years
So, I closed last night, i have the day off, but because I closed, I fell asleep late and then also woke up late, like 9am. had breakfast at 10am and bullshit bullshit bc brain not coherent for anything but not it’s 1pm, and guess what, i have a 4am shift tomorrow. which leads me five hours?? rn?? to be awake and that will be occupied by shower and dinner....we’ll call it a dinner and maybe gift wrapping bc haven’t done that yet. and this is just one of the reasons I hate my job and it’s nonsense scheduling. and my next day off is christmas eve which i asked off bc family is like, “WE NEVER SEE YOU! REMEMBER WE LOVE YOU! SPEND TIME WITH US! DON’T FORGET US!” Mind you i saw them all recently and the only conversation they thought strike up with me was, “How’s work? Is it busy?” so slightly resentful like what ya’ll miss exactly? but anyway just a rant to say i hate my job with the yo-yo scheduling that kinda gives me time off but not really and resentful i had three days off and all i did was two queued replies like..... i’m gonna attempt at least five queued replies since after the one currently in my queue publishes, it’s all pics. merry christmas ya filthy animals i guess.
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airdropababy · 3 years
A Guide To The Wayward Guide Podcast: Chapter 5
Previous Chapter Guides: Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 Chapter length: ~16 minutes Release Dates:
Podcast: November 13th, 2020
YouTube: January 8th, 2021
Who Do We Hear From? Established Characters: Odie, Ags, Aubrey, Olivia, Riley, Vern, Helen, Jeremiah, Barney, Rita, Sybilus, Jewel, Donny, Truman, Ellis, and The Mayor
Guest Voices: None this week! Episode Transcript Link: Chapter 5 Placement in Continuity: Takes place mostly at the town election, between Artemis being chased in the beginning of Episode 5 and when she wakes up the next morning in the same episode.
Chapter Breakdown: Intro: Opens with Paul doing the intro again, this time imitating Artemis before finally saying “Psych! It’s me, Paul!”. She interrupts to have him explain why he’s taking the lead on this episode. They explain that Artemis tripped and fell the night before the town council election and was out of commission for the town election. She hit her head, skinned her knee, ruined her jeans, and broke the digital recorder when she fell. After the Theme Song: All about the election. Starts with a clip of Artemis getting Odie's take on the election the day before, then goes into Paul's coverage from town hall from 3:45 AM to 9AM on Election Day. Madison is no where to be seen and Riley talks about Madison shooting at a big dog the night before. Truman wins the seat and immediately calls for a vote for Miner Mole to start drilling.
Artemis interviewed Odie Dodie the day before the election, just after Madison entered the election.
Odie confirms there has never been so much campaign material before.
It seems everyone intends to vote in person from a lack of mail-in ballots, according to Odie.
Paul’s morning coverage goes into all the eccentric rules Connor Creek has for their local elections. Paul speaks with:
Ags provides most of the exposition about the town election rules
Olivia is looking for Riley to get her keys to open both of their stores and notes she and Riley don’t see eye-to-eye on the issues.
Vern comments on how the early election days help make it so the shopkeepers can still tend to their businesses for the most part.
Barney rants about how he expects business to be booming for him because elections get people interested in history.
Jeremiah chimes in, trying to relate elections to religion.
Donny thinks he’s speed dating.
Jewel has dressed up like an adult man to vote while underage and is caught by Aubrey.
Madison is nowhere to be seen and Paul notes that if she wasn’t on the ballot, you wouldn’t know she was running at all. While Truman was making a show just shy of active campaigning at a voting site. Then Paul covers the caucusing that Connor Creek does- which is not about WHO they vote for but HOW they vote. Around 6:30 AM, before the caucusing finished, Helen called Rita away from the council with “a situation”. The actual voting took roughly 30 minutes. Paul finds Riley and interviews her:
She has a massive hangover but still came
She dismissively remembers Madison shooting at a “big dog” or wild animal the previous night
Truman wins the council seat:
She gives her speech about wishing her father could see her entrusted with the town’s future, mentioned “the way forward is together”
She calls immediately for a vote to ease regulations to allow Miner Mole to start drilling. It passes.
The whole election was over before 9 AM, when Ags was looking for the mysteriously absent Odie to deliver the paper as soon as it’s printed with the results.
Artemis admits that her fall the night before and the incident Madison and Riley had with a “big dog” were the same event. And that as rumors spread at the election, “werewolf mania” had set into the town by the time she woke up the next day. Next Time: Ellis narrates his own investigation: The Ellis Files.
What Do We Learn About Connor Creek?
Odie was not seen alive on Election Day.
This is the first time the podcast has fully acknowledged that The Mayor is a dog.
The Mayor has been in her role for a decade, despite those with dog allergies campaigning hard for the roadside kitten.
The Mayor was re-elected and changed her stance on climate control.
Ags seems to be the one making sure everyone sticks to the rules.
Donny considered Paul a match when he thought they were speed dating.
Donny kisses with his eyes open.
Rita mentions a precedent for Henry raiding her formaldehyde to get buzzed.
98% of eligible voters showed up for the election in person.
The Connor Creek Constitutional Charter (or C4 as Ags calls it) has some really weird rules for elections:
They start at 3:45 AM
The Mayor gives opening remarks
They caucus on odd issues including but not limited to:
Ink color
Paper or plastic ballots
Voting oldest to youngest
Playing music during voting
Use of “I voted” stickers or pins
Voting with your dominant hand or non-dominant.
The political parties in Connor Creek:
The Conservatitve Conservation Party of Connor Creek (Represented by Olivia with 14 delegates)
The Liberal Use of Federal Filibuster Party of Connor Creek (Represented by Vern with 16 delegates)
The EggCeptional Independent Party of Connor Creek (Represented by Barney with 1 delegate. He is within his rights)
Sheriff Reynolds victory t-shirts were printed in the time between her stepping into the election and losing.
When Sybilus struggled to announce the results through his stutter, Aubrey patronizingly took over for him.
What Do We Learn About Artemis and Paul?
Paul sends in a tape for SNL every year and never hears back.
Artemis confirms her fondness for the same inspirational quotes twitter account from Episode 5.
No pun name introduction for Paul this week, as he just pretended to be Artemis instead.
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nukenai · 3 years
Horseback riding is not inherently unethical or cruel (and neither are bits), and people who claim that are morons who don't know anything. BUT I also wish horse people would stop justifying it using only the misinformation that "if a horse didn't want to be ridden, it would just throw the rider right off!" it almost deliberately misunderstands animal behavior to a shocking degree.
Also, a horse throwing a rider off does NOT automatically indicate that they don't want to be ridden. I feel like if you claim the first thing, it'll lead to "riding is abusive" dorks to immediately assume the latter.
For example, when Rogue threw me, she was not trying to get me off her back to stop being ridden. If that was the case, she wouldn't have stopped dead the second I left the saddle. She would have took off out of the arena to return to her paddock if she hated being ridden so much! Because "throwing rider to stop being ridden" implies she's miserable and hates being worked which is not the case.
Anyways... people who don't know anything about horses stop talking about horses as if you understand them challenge. Trust me, I've seen horses who throw their riders because they don't want to be ridden, lmfao, but 90% of the time it's some other reason. And that reason can literally just be "they got too excited and bucked without thinking about it, because they're animals who aren't capable of using complicated logic like we are".
And also for the record, I can sense when my horses don't want to be ridden based on their behavior. But exercise and training are important to these animals. So sometimes I ride them anyways (kind of like how a kid has to do chores or eat well even if they don't want to). I don't ride intensely or for very long, but it's important to teach animals that they need to behave and respect you when you ask them to do things (no, not with aggressive force or intimidation. That's a whole other topic and something many animal owners in general are guilty of)
Anyways sorry to rant about horses at 9am I'm just sick of like, internet vegans calling me an animal abuser for sitting on an animal that was selectively bred for that purpose for thousands of years lmfao
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what-the-fuck-khr · 3 years
I woke up at 9am with no reason to and it’s 9:30 now so I feel like being a little bit mean bc I need to get this vent off my chest but what the fuck is y’all’s issue with Kpop stan Twitter actually and I don’t believe for a second it’s “oh I just don’t like them they’re all awful” shut the fuck up shut the fuck up!!!!
like I’ll sit on here and, wearily, express my experiences with stan Twitter and y’all will take it as a chance and excuse to start shitting on Kpop stan Twitter instead and I’m like ??? for fucking what??? what do you gain???? and it’s like, where the fuck do you think I get these stories outta my ass lmao??? I’m from Kpop stan Twitter you jerkoff shut up!!!!
like the way y’all will generalise Kpop stans is fucking ridiculous like do you want me to sit here and believe anime Twitter isn’t the damn same huh??? it’s full of fucking freaks too, and you know it, but bc it’s anime and that’s what you like y’all are complicit in the awful shit they do (and to Kpop stans too actually) and it’s fucking whack I am Tired
like I’ll sit here like “yo wtf listen to the shit I read on Twitter” and someone will come in with a whole paragraph on how Kpop stans killed their fucking dog and how they’re terrible, awful people like Janet they’re fucking 10 usually can you calm down and now suddenly I have to try an defend those weird ass outliers because y’all don’t know how to fucking act
like surprise!!! local khr blog owner what-the-fuck-khr has a Kpop stan Twitter and not an anime one!! bc 1) I like Kpop 2) most Kpop stans aren’t fucking freaks I promise you lol 3) anime Twitter is full of just as many freaks if not fucking more and I’d actually rather die than be apart of it!!! fun fact!! so y’all are like “exactly lol Kpop stans should all die they’re cancer” or some outdated take like that and I’m here like so what the fuck am I meant to do then??? die???? lol? anyway that’s it that’s my rant I’m tired just wanted to get that off my fucking chest jesus christ
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xiaolindude · 4 years
okay so my sister and her fiance and their four year old came to live with me and my mum and dad for a while because they were struggling financially and couldn’t afford higher rent
it’s been going on for like 3 years now (and instead of saving for a house like they were supposed to they’ve gone on holidays and started planning a fucking wedding go figure) and obvs my mum has passed away in that time so now it’s me, my sister, her fiance, my nephew and dad. dad is retired and my sister doesn’t work AND her kid is at school. so she barely has to look after him and has no side hustles or hobbies or friends basically. so she just sits and does nothing all day. GENUINELY. and she’ll freely admit to how lazy she is and that she loves doing nothing. meanwhile her fiance works away all week, comes home, does the cooking for her and deals with the kid. dad doesn’t do a lot but he does help me with some business stuff and helps look after the animals so he’s off the hook.
as for me, i work all fucking day long, sometimes literally from 9am to 11pm (like yesterday) with barely a break. i’m running two businesses (hi that’s a LOT of fucking work), looking after all my animals and i’m also having to do literally all the house chores?!?! like how should that be my responsibility? i’m all for pitching in and everyone doing their bit, cleaning up after themselves and then sharing around the rest. that’d be awesome, i’m not trying to completely shirk responsibility here. but when i’m the BUSIEST member of this household, why should i, alongside everything else, have to tidy up after FOUR PEOPLE other than myself, clean the entire house and cook? why should i have to do all of that?! and why should i have to clean up after her kid because she can’t be fucked to do it herself?!!? why should i never have gotten a fucking break after working so hard at uni and finishing education?!! i never got a break.
and it’s meaning i have very little time to do anything social or pursue any hobbies outside of work because as soon as i stop with business stuff/commissions for the day, there’s a million chores that need doing and it just does not stop. i don’t have time to think half the time
and it’s not just about the mess, though the mess itself does bother me and makes my anxiety worse and takes up a huge chunk of my time. but what’s worse is what it represents - a lack of respect for me and my time, and a total disregard for my feelings. and that shit hurts. everyone in this family sees and acknowledges how hard i work and how often i work myself into the damn ground and how my mh is already affecting me pretty severely anyway and yet this shit continues to happen and i’m left with the conclusion that they just... don’t care? fuck, y’all.
and it’s been going on for literal  y e a r s. and i’m getting pretty fucking sick of it
end of rant.
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jodywegner · 5 years
A bad day. (I just need to rant into the abyss of the internet)
I’ve never actually left work early for a bad day before. But I felt that today if I didn’t, I’d end up embarrassing myself and ruining all of my relationships with my coworkers or better yet end up in the HR office. It was just an accumulation of a few too many small things that have been building up for months while I’m emotionally vulnerable.
I also know that none of my coworkers will ever see this post. But even if they do, I doubt they were aware of my feelings. The worst part is that nothing is really anyone’s fault. There’s no bad guy, and that makes it all the more frustrating, and that finally came to a head today. Because I can’t chew people out for doing nothing wrong. Sorry for the long post. Lotta resentments getting bottled up.
So context. 1. My grandfather has been in declining health for a while now. This isn’t very upsetting for me. He’s in his mid 90s and lived a full life. We were all provided for and everything is taken care of. For me, it feels more like a natural thing that is now finally happening. My aunt and my father have been fighting for years over different things, but my grandfather’s declining health has definitely rekindled the flames of war. 2. I work in TV animation production, and my goal is to become a storyboard artist. I’ve made that goal clear. I’ve asked for tests but I can never get any. I’ve asked for feedback and no one has given me any. The shining star of this was my boss giving me 5 long minutes of not quite saying “it’s not good enough.” I figured he was busy and didn’t want to hurt my feelings. He did say that if he hadn’t hired our then current revisionist, he’d love to have me start as one. Since then, he’s hired 4 more revisionists who have come and gone for different reasons. 3. I don’t think I draw that fucking bad. I’ve been told my artists I work with “why don’t you have an art job yet?” which the answer is “because no one will fucking give me one when I ask and you guys aren’t in a position to.” (they mean it as a compliment but it just really keeps bringing me down whenever I fail) And there are a lot of people my age getting art jobs while I’m not and yah I’m not that old but it’s very stressful and discouraging regardless of logic and optimism. 4. My intern this last semester showed my boss a sample board and got extensive notes and feedback and was offered freelance revision work even though she’s still a junior in college. She’s 3 years younger than me and was here for 2 months. My boss literally walked into my office then started talking to her in the adjacent cube over the wall about how good she is and the upcoming freelance revisionist work. And I have to sit there quietly and pretend it’s not killing me. 5. I’m lactose intolerant. 6. I guess I’ve been suffering from job related depression for the above reasons. Nothing major, I’m not suicidal, but I’m definitely very unhappy and going to work is definitely not a fun or even neutral experience anymore. It’s hard because the correct answer to my problem is “git gud’ and we all know how NOT FUCKING HELPFUL that is. Today 1. I get a text from my parents at 6 am telling me that my grandfather has passed away. We went over yesterday to say our goodbyes expecting him to pass either today or tomorrow. We left at around 8pm and asked my aunt to call us when he passed and that we’d come over. So my parents find out that he passed away at 6 am today. From a third party that isn’t even FUCKING RELATED TO US. Apparently my grandfather had passed away 10 minutes after we left yesterday, and she decided not to let us know. We had to find out through some other person offering my father his condolences. 2. Well the two coworkers I am closest with were late for miscellaneous reasons so I kinda had to keep #1 bottled up for 2 hours. 3. When things happen, I bluster and storm for the first hour before calming down and becoming rational. So I’m sitting at my desk all morning trying my best to keep my shit together because I’m absolutely fuming and was (forbid) by my mother to retaliate. She’s not wrong but there’s a lotta stress and emotions here. (3.5. Although I was directly forbid retaliation, I still went ahead and planned it anyways because it was a mildly constructive use of my stress. DM me if you want to know how to ruin someone’s entire week and never get caught.) 4. I took some Lactaid 30 minutes before I decided to finish my leftover mac n cheese from the fancy food truck yesterday as breakfast. Yah the Lactaid didn’t work at all for some ungodly reason... It’s 9am and I’m in a lot of pain both physically and emotionally now.... 5. So one of my favored coworkers finally beats traffic and gets in so I go to talk to her about all of this. I immediately get cry-y. Which blah blah blah crying is part of grieving but I can do that later. It’s not great when I’m at work because crying opens up the floodgate of emotions and the near impossible task of re-wrangling them under control is now daunting. Emotional fortitude -50. And people just kinda didn’t notice that I was crying and upset and not very quietly recounting this horrible morning story. They kinda walked right by. Not a single person other than that one coworker (and my other favored one who came in a bit later) offered me any condolences or asked about how I was doing of if I was ok. It’d be one thing if that happened and no one was around and I regained my composure. BUT I DIDN’T. 6. That fucking intern (who’s a nice person but god I wish they’d stop existing in my life. It’s fucking petty but today is really the worst day for it so fuck it I’m saying it.) is coming in for a big storyboard meeting between all the board artists, revisionists, and supervisors. So I had to see her and pretend to smile and be pleasant and supportive while I’m emotionally compromised, grieving, pissed, and now petty and jealous all over again. So I get that out of the way and I sit back down and get to work. 7. The other coworker I like to talk to comes in. She was a former intern who also wants to be a board artist so we try to help each other in our endeavors together. She’s an optimist. She says that she’s going to ask if she can sit in on the meeting and asks if I’d like to come along. Bless her outgoing-ness that I struggle with. But as much as I’d like to... that’s a room full of people who either forgot that I want to be a board artist, don’t care, or are straight up ignoring me about it and keep doing and saying all of these unintentionally hurtful things to and near me. Also that fucking intern is there. Also I’m pissed. Also I’m emotionally distraught. So I declined her offer. Even if I could get something good out of that meeting, I’m pretty sure I would have just had a breakdown in the corner. So I didn’t want to embarrass myself like that or make people feel uncomfortable for doing their normal business. 8. So by this point I’m sure I’m going to be snippy or mean or start crying in front of people, so my goal was to finish my most important task and leave at noon. I finish, I grab my bag to leave. As I do, they all get out of their storyboard meeting and bluster past me because they are now late for seeing the storyboard trainee program final presentations. GREAT. 9. Another production coworker of mine comments on how its important for them to go in case they see anyone they’d like to hire as a revisionist. I fianlly hit FUCKIT and say “IM GOING HOME.” And so I go to walk to the elevators. 10. I chose the wrong time to walk to the elevators because everyone in that meeting is waiting at the elevators to go look at the storyboard trainee presentations and scope out the new talent. They’re in too much of a busy mind to notice that I’m about to cry and am probably glaring with white knuckles as I clutch my bag. Luckily for me the elevator is full and I have an excuse to take the next one and not theirs. A part of me wished that they would say “come on in! i’m sure you can fit!” But... stuff like that never happens with them. No one goes out of their way to include me in things. So... whatever. Maybe I’m just being negative trying to find the bad in every little thing, but this is a rant so I’m going to do just that because fuck the consequences of people liking me and thinking I know how to adult properly. 11. I’m driving home and get a message from my coworker (glanced at a long red dont arrest me pls wait till tomorrow) saying that the intern asked if I had sent her intern evaluation to her school yet. I did. A few weeks ago. This isn’t really a bad thing it’s just that I was finally fucking free and just about to not have any reason to keep it together but then BAM. Intern shows up in my life again. Right after I though it was all over. A little god damn poke. Now So I managed to drive home without crashing into buildings or furiously honking and I am now just holding my cat and typing this. I’m pretty sure none of my coworkers will ever see this. A part of me wishes they would and that maybe they’d care, because I really don’t want to have to start a conversation specifically about all of this with them.    Who the hell starts a conversation with: “By the way boss, can you please stop discussing giving the intern freelance work when I’m within earshot let alone in my god damn 6′x8′ cube?” “Hey boss, remember when I asked you for feedback and got none? Why does the intern get your full attention when you are even busier?” “Hey boss, why have you hired 4 more revisionists when you said that’d you’d love to have me as one? Did you forget? Were you just lying to me because you didn’t know how to give me feedback? Did you even care about what you say to me?” “Hey intern, I understand you are excited and this is a great opportunity for you, but can you please read the room at least a little because I want to cry every single time?” “Hey everyone, I want to be a board artist remember? REMEMBER?” ”Hey everyone... I’m an artist too.” “Hey everyone, can anyone just give me a little help?” ”Hey everyone, if I keep my purse stocked with your allergy medications, pain killers, band aids, digestive relief, girly goods and keep good snacks around and remember your schedules and try to make your jobs easier and serve as your primary IT person...will you remember that I’m here?” “Hey everyone, do you all dislike me or do you all just not care enough to notice me?” They’re all good people, but it’s not stuff that I really know how to say just out of the blue. So today... I just couldn’t stand being even in my own cube anymore. I’m not an outgoing entrepreneurial person who bugs people everyday trying to sell themselves as an artist. I’m someone who tells you my intentions, and asks for help, and then believes people when they tell me sorry they’re busy, that they wish they could help, that they’d love to have me if only not for “x”. No one is entitled to give me a job or help me. But... I don’t get why I’m the only one who gets nothing for a response when I do ask. If they were busy, that’d be fine. But since then things have gotten busier, and my boss personally worked through multiple iterations of my intern’s practice board with her. A good piece of advice I got was that your first 5 tests are awful...but I can’t even get anyone to give me my first one. I’m told to work hard and “git gud”. But it feels like I’m just bashing my head against a brick wall, and no one even acknowledges the effort. It feels like if I decide to stop doing that because I’m about to have a breakdown, I’ll be looked down on as a quitter and not passionate enough. I have passion, but all of this is 100% killing it, and I don’t want to hate art. I really don’t. But I’m starting to. It’s hard for me to enjoy it when now it’s only done to seek attention and approval that I’ll never get from these people. Today would have been difficult still, but not unbearable if not for that. My grandfather’s death isn’t a tragedy for me. He was in pain for a long time and he definitely made the most of his life. The tragedy is that despite all of this, my aunt decided that my family didn’t deserve to know that our grandfather, my father’s father (who lives literally 5 minutes away by car), had passed. I’m definitely not looking forward to the memorial service for my grandfather. Not because the death is hard to deal with but because all of the family there is. Would love to make life terrible for my aunt. Would love to be just as petty. I have so many colorful things to say and do. But ultimately none of that matters. It’s just death. Nothing changes it or adds a new flavor to it. So all of that anger and hurt just kinda snowballed today. And to top it all off as I’m typing this some asshole is beating a dog somewhere in the neighborhood and the dog is screaming and yelping. (called the police so hopefully they find them) Thanks for reading this long negative rant. I hope it helps anyone who is feeling similarly frustrated, because I dont have someone around who’s breaking down quite like I am so this is all I have. Shooting it into the internet in a passive aggressive attempt and chance that maybe someone who needs to read it will. Positive news: I watered my plants with the extra time. I hugged my cat. I will be returning with art for Mermay.
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bucky-at-bedtime · 6 years
Buddy Pt. 3
Summary: Bucky tries to save a dog when it is involved in a car accident, only to discover his cute neighbour is a veterinarian. A series of meet-cutes occur and with the help of a certain dog, the two end up tangled together.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Vet!Reader
Warnings: None!
A/n: Chapter 3 - featuring ma boi Sam Wilson. Pls Reblog guys!
Let me know what you think!! if you wanna be tagged just send an ask x
Words: 1900
Part 2//Masterlist
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The next day, Bucky arrived at the clinic at 9am, newly-acquired blue leash and soft leather collar in hand, his overgrown hair tied back into a bun, and a seemingly new denim jacket pulled over his shoulders.
You greeted him at the door, smiling warmly when he handed you another latte, already sipping on his own.
“You ready?” you asked him, already unlocking the door and reaching over to switch on the lights.
He nodded, trying to hold back the grin that wanted to stretch across his face. “Yeah, I’m ready.”
The two of you walked through the clinic, making a beeline towards the room where the dog had been sleeping. When you opened the door, he was already up, limping as quickly as he could towards you and Bucky, who crouched down, affectionately scratching the dog’s head.
“Hey, you ready to go home, bud?” He whispered, wrapping the collar around his neck.
“Let’s get you sorted with some paperwork and then you can take him back to your apartment,” you stated, filing through some drawers and pulling out the things you needed. “Have you thought about a name?”
He looked up at you, surprise flickered through his blue eyes. He shook his head, “I didn’t even realise I’d get to name him.”
“Well, we don’t know what his name would have been before,” you explained, filling out the information you already knew. “He’d probably be scared by that name anyway.”
“Right.” He was sitting on the ground now, the dog panting happily between his knees. Bucky looked down tracing his fingers gently across his back before his eyes flickered back up to you. “What about Buddy?” He asked. When the name escaped his lips, the dog twisted his head around, stretching up to lick Bucky’s jaw. A smile tugged at his lips.
“I think that’s a great idea,” you chuckled, “He seems to respond pretty well to it already.”
“You think that’s a good idea Bud?” He murmured into the dog’s furry neck, subsequently getting attacked by licks.
You filled out the name on the form; ‘Buddy Barnes’  and then stood up, allowing Bucky to be alone with his new friend as you went to photocopy the forms.
A few moments later you re-entered the room, laughing when you saw Bucky lying on his back, Buddy draped across his entire torso.
“You two are cute,” you chuckled, filing away a copy of the papers as Bucky maneuvered out from underneath the dog, brushing off his jeans.
“You think I’m cute?” He smirked.
“I think that dog makes you cute,” you sassed, despite the blush you could feel rising on your neck.
He chuckled, moving to stand beside you and gently nudging you with his elbow. “Guess I’ll have to keep him around then.”
You glanced up to find that smirk hadn’t left his lips and shook your head, unable to stop the grin from spreading across your cheeks. For a moment, you found it impossible to tear your eyes away from his, noticing how similar they were to Buddy’s. The pale blue, almost grey iris’ flashed with joy and the corners of his eyes crinkled as he smiled. With a shake of your head, you managed to look away, staring back down at the papers.
“Let’s go, my first patient is gonna be here in 20 minutes and you need to get this little guy home.” You stepped back from the bench, reaching for a cabinet and pulling out a few bottles of medication. “Just some stuff for the pain - put this in his food every morning and night, and this one is just once a day.”
Bucky took the medication from you, attaching the leash to Buddy’s new collar. You walked out to the car park with them, walking at Buddy’s pace.
“I’m probably gonna call you,” he stated, “I don’t know the first thing about taking care of a dog.”
“Well, good thing your neighbour is a vet,” you chuckled. “You can drop by anytime, Buck.”
He nodded, gently lifting Buddy in the passenger seat of his car which was covered in a mountain of blankets.
“Look, I wanted to say thank you–”
“James, you don’t have t–”
“No, I want to. I don’t know how I would've handled it if you weren’t here the other night - if he– if he’d died, I–” He cut himself off, letting out a quiet sigh and running a hand through his hair. “Just, thank you.”
“It’s not a problem,” you smiled, placing a hand on his shoulder. His own non-bionic hand lifted to cover yours and you felt a shiver run down your spine at the warmth. “It’s always nice to get to know your neighbours.” you chuckled.
A laugh rumbled through his chest and he stepped away, walking around to the other side of the car and greeting the animal inside with an affectionate pat.
“I’ll see you soon!” he said, before closing the door.
With that, he was off, pulling away from the clinic with a smile on his face as you watched the car drive away. It was only seconds later that a car door slammed behind you, and your head whipped around in confusion.
Emily was sauntering towards you, a cheeky smile on her face.
“How long have you been there?” you asked, shocked by her sudden appearance.
“About 10 minutes - I was planning on getting some reading done before my shift,” she lifted a textbook to show you, “but that exchange was far more interesting.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” you confirmed, turning on your heel and walking back towards the clinic.
“Oh, don’t play dumb - that little shoulder touch? His hand on yours? God, you both personified the heart-eyes emoji,” she sassed, following quickly after you.
“Ok, you have no idea what you’re talking about.” You tried to wipe the smile off your face, still facing away from her.
“Oh my god, you like him,” she mumbled.
“No, I don’t - I was just helping him out - he had an injured dog, I’m a vet.”
“You’re seriously not gonna admit it.”
“There’s nothing to admit!” You looked over at her standing behind the reception desk a smirk still plastered on her face as she held up her hands in surrender.
“Whatever you say,” she chuckled.
You sighed, storming back into one of the examination rooms to prepare for your first patient - a regular. The owner had 3 pugs - Basil, Lulu, and Reggie - and they were always getting into trouble. You knew as soon as they arrived because you could hear the cacophonous parade of paws on the tiled floor as they all bolted through the door, excitedly jumping up and down at your feet.
Needless to say, you managed to suppress the thoughts of your neighbour for the remainder of your shift.
A Week Passes
“Hey, Terminator, you coming or what?” Sam was standing in Bucky’s kitchen, pulling a box of leftover pizza from the fridge and helping himself to a slice.
“Yeah, just gotta feed Buddy,” Bucky murmured, strolling into the lounge room. “Did you see where he we–” Bucky stopped short when he caught sight of the open door, his eyes flickering over to Sam, filled with panic. “You left the door open.”
Am slowly turned to look at the open door, mouth open in mid-bite panic. “Shit,” he mumbled.
Bucky immediately burst into action, speeding towards the door and looking down the hall. “I swear to god, Wilson, I have had this dog for a week. I thought it was going well - he warmed up to me, stopped peeing inside, he’s taking his meds, moving better - and you show up, and suddenly I’ve misplaced him.” he ranted, speeding a few steps ahead of Sam, who was still holding a slice of pizza and had started calling out Buddy’s name. “What am I gonna tell y/n? She’s gonna hate me.”
“Dude, chill out, we’ll find your dog,” Sam groaned, looking behind him to the other end of the hall, only to bump straight into a frozen Bucky.
They had just rounded a corner, and Bucky saw something that made him come to an abrupt halt. Sam turned his attention to what Bucky was looking at and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Buddy, his paws resting on the legs of a crouched woman in medical scrubs.
“Y/n,” Bucky breathed, the name was filled with relief and surprise, and Sam immediately raised an eyebrow. He’d heard about you, the neighbour who saved Buddy and convinced Bucky to adopt him, but he hadn’t heard Bucky say your name like that. He watched his friend rush forward, falling onto his knees as his dog jumped excitedly from her to him.
“I see you’re doing a good job of keeping an eye on him,” she chuckled, scratching the dog’s back.
“That idiot left the door open,” Bucky grumbled, pointing back at Sam. “I left the room for one second an–”
“It’s okay, James,” she chuckled, standing up and brushing off her legs. “He was sitting outside my door, apparently wanted to see me. I’m Y/n, by the way.” she stuck a hand out for Sam to shake and he smiled, introducing himself.
“Cyborg over there has mentioned you once or twice,” he smiled, noticing how her eyes flickered down to her shoes, a blush rising on her neck. He felt Bucky’s elbow press into his side and shot him a cheeky wink.  “Thanks for convincing him to get Buddy, he’s been far less grumpy for the past week - but maybe that’s not the dog.” Sam slyly questioned, raising a cheeky eyebrow.
“AlrIGHt that’s enough, we’ll leave you alone, sorry about Buddy,” he rushed out, grabbing Sam’s shoulder and trying to pull him away from you.
You chuckled lightly at this, shaking off Sam’s remark.
Sam didn’t seem to be having any of it though - he wrestled his way out of Bucky’s grip and turned back to you. “You look like you’ve just finished a shift, you should come out with us! We were gonna go to the Mexican place around the corner - we can eat outside, we’ll bring Buddy, it’ll be great.”
“Yeah, I just got off work, but I couldn’t intrude–”
“No! You wouldn’t be intruding, come on, it’ll be fun.” Sam tried to convince. “Music, food, a few drinks.”
Sam watched as your eyes travelled over to Bucky, a silent question in them. Generally, you wouldn’t just randomly go out for dinner with a group of people you hardly know, let alone superheroes, but you were so hungry, and the thought of having to cook when you got inside made you want to die. Finally, you turned back to Sam, “Just let me get changed.”
Sam cheered in support as hse unlocked her door and disappeared inside, only to be greeted with a punch to the shoulder when the door closed behind her.
“What the hell was that, punk?” Bucky asked, staring anxiously at the door.
“Ok, I just did you a favour - you should see the way she was looking at you, not to mention the way you were looking at her - It’s like a goddamn middle-school disco up in here.”
“I’m going to kill you. Go get Buddy’s leash.”
“You aren’t denying it!” Sam whisper-yelled, turning back towards Bucky’s apartment. “You’re in love!”
If Bucky had something to throw at the back of Sam’s retreating head, he would have.
Part Four
Permanent Tags: @srgtsprout @redstarstan @just-add-butter @wildefire @dewy-biitch @emilia-dawn @comfortablenihilist @averyrogers83 @kittykat101ary @chameerah @obliviousocietea @vodkasindream @ciarawriitesmarvel @lauxeyson @mylovelymarvel @breezy1415 @xxashy999xx @moroiboy @miniwroetofreezymd @feelmyroarrrr @ellaisbutteredtoast @barnesbuucky @black-shad0w-w0lf @shelteredheart @fridolf-arach @missavengeer @winters-beauty @burningthroughmybones @theglowstickofdestiny @gotov-otvechat @o0justyouraveragefangirl0o @silverbvcky @petals-sunwards @stormbreaver @movie-dates-and-choccy-shakes
Tags for Bucky: @cryobucky17 @ailynalonso15 @ria132love @stan-by-me @jitterbuck @loricameback @sebbystangirl @justawildmarebearmcrbvbfob @rodkrake @benedictcumbirbatch @imshalida @ablogbypeteparker @xi-i-i-whatsyouremergency @impalatobakerstreet @freelittlearcher @2s0uls @spaniardseattleite @have-aheart @nerdgirljen
Tags for ‘Buddy’: @ablogbypeteparker @justmesadgirl @janeyboo @beezyg @buffy-morgendorffer-01 @wowkenobi @me-a-hopeless-romantic @mymourningtea @winchester- gospels-67 @bishopl @wrdro @jenpalmer @fronckie @littlemsrantsalot @guir16
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rytheanon · 2 years
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So I have been trying to get my life in order, mainly because I’ve been having some trouble sleeping, at first it was like until 4am no big deal, then it started going longer it was up to 6am and last night I didn’t go to bed until 8-9am with having to go to work at 1:30pm. Granted I like seeing everyone when they are awake around that time and talking because time zones suck, but I’m kinda scared by how long I can stay up and not be tired but the moment my focus breaks I realize how late it actually is and I get anxiety by how many hours I have left till work to sleep. I do take medicine for this but it hasn’t been working to the point I might need to talk to my doctor because even on the pill if I’m focused on something or on a thought tangent it basically ignores the effects.
Anyways that’s only one of the many things I want to get my life back in order, the other thing is my room. I’m pretty sure you’ve guys seen glimpses of it through the pictures I’ve taken of other things. Well to be honest it’s a mess, a mess that I somehow can navigate through without tripping and killing myself over. At this point it’s probably better for me to just take everything out and start fresh. Hell I don’t even know what all I had! There’s probably stuff here from when I moved back home five years ago! There are anime magazines I haven’t even read that are stuffed everywhere, I have fragrances from 3-4 years ago I got on a whim, I don’t even know where my diploma is from college! It’s that bad and the more I put it off the more messier it gets!
I need help or maybe one of my friends to come over and talk to me via video or something to keep me on task. Anyways rant over sorry if this bothers you all….
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