#animal crossing chabwick
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strawberrysherb · 1 year ago
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Villagers who have joined Starfleet (so far)
All the uniform designs were made by me! ✨
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avalondesigns · 2 years ago
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Chabwick’s cool-as-ice chill zone🐧🧊
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nutmeg-arts · 3 months ago
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more animal crossing doodles for the timeline 🩵🧡
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quirk-nova · 6 months ago
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“Live, laugh, lasagna.”
Chabwick (Animal Crossing) aesthetic board
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isle-lesbos · 11 months ago
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Chabwick’s Smokehouse!
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animalcrossing-qtpie · 8 months ago
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animalcrossingshowdown · 2 years ago
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This is round 2 of determining the most popular villager. The one with the most votes will move on.
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acvillagerdeathmatch · 2 years ago
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snowytiger · 11 months ago
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drawing lazy villagers #2
yeah {default}
Posted using PostyBirb
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luxraydyne · 1 year ago
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Arkaig HHP Log #260 - Chabwick's Smokehouse
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k66-official · 2 years ago
so, how are the not-cursed doing? btw how do you eat thru ur mask, dororo?
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Almost tempted to put one of those amulets on for science, but I have a little good sense in me. If it breaks when the curse is over, I won't have anything left to study.
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lavender-crossing · 2 years ago
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lightboundpunkz · 1 year ago
the elegang’s ACNH islands
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i’m putting everyone’s gameplay styles and island details under the cut
elsie: 3 star island, blue airport, native fruit is apples. wants only the most interesting villager designs. currently dating coco, but their emotional support villager is stinky, who they named their cat after. their island aesthetic is cozy and pink, a little disorganized but still cute (trying so hard to get a 4 star island)
searra: 3 star island, orange airport, native fruit is peaches. wants cute villagers, doesn’t really care about personalities so long as she vibes with the character. chabwick randomly moved onto the island and he wanted to get rid of him, but eventually she got attached. island aesthetic is nonexistent ksjdkffk he tries to make things look good but doesn’t put that much effort in so
jessica: 3 star island, blue airport, native fruit is oranges. tried getting only aquatic themed villagers but eventually gave up on the game altogether lmao, spent several months looking for aquatic villagers before burning herself out. curly is her worst nightmare but he won’t leave. her island aesthetic is “mermaids in atlantis”. that’s what she calls it. seashell DIY stuff, blue things, stuff like that
aidan: 4 star island, yellow airport, native fruit is pears. wants only the grittiest villagers, but this is animal crossing, so theyre hard to come by. only has bluebear because she was xyr friends favorite villager, and when that friend died aidan vowed to have bluebear in every animal crossing game xe ever plays. also tipper is because he adores cows. his island aesthetic is super halloween themed, and he uses custom designs to add gore
keith: 2 star island, green airport, native fruit is cherries. doggie island <3 jitters was one of his starters that he couldn’t part with. his island aesthetic is. um. whatever sparks joy. its so cluttered but at least he’s happy
selene: 5 star island, blue airport, native fruit is peaches. selene is a hardcore crosser. she needs the cutest villagers and they have to be diverse personalities. the only duplicates allowed are sisterly, normal, smug, and cranky, and even then there can only be two. she also cant have two of the same species. also no jocks. ever. her island aesthetic is greek mythology, lots of statues and aesthetic paths and stuff. she’s worked very hard on her island and her five stars are well earned. also i know greek mythology is canon to the element trials and not mythology cos it’s real but. shut up kajdjfkf
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clowncalvary · 10 months ago
Reviewing Every Animal Crossing New Horizons Villager (Because I Have Fallen Down The Rabbit Hole) Part 3
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Bruce: Oh? Bam's cooler older brother? For that he gets a pass. 350 Bells.
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Bubbles: Nope. No one is topping Biff apparently. 10 Bells.
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Buck: Why is this horse covered in puke? Who did this to him? 0 Bells.
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Bud: We could have had a cute lion, but you chose an ugly color pattern with a soul patch. 0 Bells.
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Bunnie: Kind of spooky looking, but in a cute way? I can not describe that while I like them, I do not want them on my island? 300 Bells.
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Butch: I assume that there are no cool looking dogs in this game, just real dogs being dogs. I am going to throw a tennis ball for this one, kind of my fave so far. 300 Bells.
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Buzz: U G L Y. 0 Bells.
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Cally: I'm going to have to start making Trash Tier its own thing because this is getting ridiculous, I honestly thought I would enjoy more of these than I am :( 0 Bells.
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Camofrog: 0 Bells. I'm from the midwest, I do not have to explain.
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Canberra: Oh? Even more ugly? Hate this dude. 0 Bells.
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Carmen: Old Betty Boop cartoon ripped straight into animal crossing. 10 Bells.
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Caroline: The savior of the squirrels has arrived :0 This design is so charming with the color mix and the cute expression! 500 Bells.
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Carrie: This is a kangaroo with eyeshadow. No, seriously, what person risked their life to put makeup on a wild animal? 10 Bells.
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Cashmere: ._. This is a sheep? Not a frog wearing a wig? 0 Bells.
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Celia: Stop. Making. Eagles. You. Can. Not. Make. Me. Like. Them!!!! 0 Bells.
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Cephalobot: Okay, I giggled, I do love a good smug robot. He is going right up there with Hal (Homestuck, not 2001) 400 Bells.
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Cesar: Either put him down or put me down. I do not want to live in a town where this guy exists too. -500 Bells.
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Chabwick: Not too bad! Pretty cute, but also very plain. 200 Bells.
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Chadder: sigh What do you want me to say? It's another ugly mouse villager and I am distressed about it. 0 Bells.
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Chai: Mmhm. 0 Bells.
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Charlise: Bad Bear. Like, why did we make the bear this kind of green and give them bad hair? Be ashamed of yourselves. 0 Bells.
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Chelsea: I imagine that this is what the embodiment of spring is supposed to look like. Absolutely darling I would not mind following her into the forest and having a picnic! 1236 Bells!
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Cheri: I really want to hate her, but I can't even find it in myself to do so. She isn't terrible and that is something that I am just going to have to accept! 50 Bells.
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Cherry: YES! Now THIS is what I was talking about with the dog villagers! She is a delight and she is rocking it! I am loving getting to see her! Would not be upset if she ended up on my island later! 700 Bells.
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Chester: Panda? I think? Either way, much like the actual animal I am not that fond of him. 10 Bells.
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Chevre: She looks like a lil eldritch goat and I really like her vibes :0 As long as I don't wake up with her standing over in me in the night then she is good in my book! 600 Bells.
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Chief: This wolf is gay. You can not change my mind. I love this lil gay wolf that looks like he should be at the country club. Him and Tom Nook go golfing, you know they do! 400 Bells.
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Chops: He looks like he should be royalty in France. This is not a good thing, and in fact it is making me itch for a certain decapitating device…. 10 Bells.
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Chow: Oh! An ugly Panda! 0 Bells.
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heartnosekid · 8 months ago
Hi!! Do you mind if I have a Chabwick from Animal Crossing board? With ice cream preferably.
Ty for answering!
hey!! i can absolutely do that!! here ya go~ i hope it’s what you wanted!!
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dannypageoflight · 1 year ago
Animal Crossing amiibo cards for Sale
I've made a number of amiibo card trading and, later on, selling posts in the past. After I brought my number of needed amiibo cards down to nine and the most recent trading/selling post stopped gaining notice for some time, I bought the final handful individually on eBay. Now I still have a bunch of duplicate amiibo cards left over from the first four series, the Welcome amiibo series, and the New Horizons fifth series. So...so many from the New Horizons fifth series.
Since I have pretty much all the cards I want now, I have nothing left to trade for, so this is exclusively a selling post. (Unless maybe you have a spare Japanese promo "CP" card for Isabelle or K.K. you're willing to trade off, because I'll take 'em for collection purposes, but I am not desperate enough to spend over a hundred bucks to a couple of scalpers.)
Most of the duplicates I have are North American versions (they are labeled with two alternate name translations and their birthday formatted as MM/DD), and the occasional European versions of the cards that end up in my duplicate piles are labeled as such in the list below (they are labeled with four alternate name translations and their birthday formatted as DD/MM). I will sell anywhere between 1 to 6 cards at a time, and the price I am asking for is 1 dollar per card plus 64 cents to the total. If I’m mailing outside of the United States, that’s 1 dollar extra.
Below the cut is a list of all the duplicates I have to sell. I will update the post to remove whichever cards get sold the day they get shipped. Feel free to IM me to discuss shipping and PayPal information if you wish to buy. (Or trade if you have one of those "CP" cards.)
[Last update: February 4, 2025]
Series 1-5
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(002) Tom Nook [European Version] - (008) Timmy [x2] - (014) Luna [x2] (015) Tortimer - (017) Lottie [ European Version] - (026) Renée (031) Sheldon - (036) Alli - (041) Quillson
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(046) Winnie - (053) Limberg - (054) Deena (060) Samson - (085) Pancetti [x3] - (090) Axel (112) Don - (118) Poncho - (122) Lucha [x2]
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(132) Vladimir [Euro Ver] - (142) Peck - (149) Broccolo [Euro Ver] (154) Rhonda [x2] - (158) Timbra - (184) Anicotti (185) Chops - (186) Charlise - (207) Mabel [Euro Ver]
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(210) Cyrus - (211) Grams [x3] - (216) Franklin (217) Jingle [Euro Ver] - (219) Anchovy [Euro Ver] - (221) Kody (223) Del - (231) Elvis [x2] - (235) Spork
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(246) Eloise - (256) Diva - (260) Tammi (262) Blanche - (275) Hamlet - (275) Astrid [x2] (304) Phineas [Euro Ver] - (313) Pavé [Euro Ver] - (316) Zipper [x2]
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(339) Frita - (343) Anabelle - (347) Tammy [x2] (349) Lucy - (353) Elise [x2] - (368) Chow [x2] (369) Sylvia - (372) Doc [x2] - (373) Pompom [Euro Ver]
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(379) Nibbles - (381) Gloria - (390) O’Hare (409) Sable [Euro Ver] - (411) K.K. - (418) Gulliver (425) Sherb [x4] - (426) Megan [x2] - (427) Dom [x4]
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(428) Audie [x5] - (429) Cyd [x3] - (430) Judy [x7] (432) Reneigh [x8] - (433) Sasha [x3] - (435) Tiansheng [x5] (437) Marlo [x4] - (438) Petri - (439) Cephalobot [x4]
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(440) Quinn [x9] - (441) Chabwick [x3] - (442) Zoe [x3] (443) Ace [x7] - (444) Rio [x7] - (445) Frett [x4] (446) Azalea [x6] - (447) Roswell [x3] - (448) Faith [x5]
Welcome amiibo
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