loveruined · 8 years
❝ I look and feel like absolute shit. ❞
          it’s true. she can vouch for one of those things. not the feelings, because nobody ever really knows how the great dean winchester feels, but she knows that he looks like shit. he looks like he hasn’t slept in days or showered in just as long. normally, she’d tug him inside and fix him up. today? after what he’s told her? she’s really, really struggling to give a fuck.
          jane knows that they were never going to be one of the great love stories, but she didn’t know just how far out of his way dean was prepared to go to avoid it from happening. the drinking and the drugs feel like an occupational hazard, and she’s prepared to forgive those. the girls... if she doesn’t hear about them, she can pretend they’re not real. she’s always been good at blocking things out and pretending.
         how does she go about blocking out the fact that her boyfriend is having a BABY with some groupie whore?
        if the timing were different, jane could have learned to forgive. maybe they could have gone out as some weird, messed-up family, ryan and max holding onto her hands, some anonymous baby strapped to his chest. even if it is his own damn fault, it’s unfortunate for dean that this comes along while she’s still riding the wave of their loss. it feels like some kind of sick joke. dean winchester will be a father, but only to one kid, and not to hers. jane can’t help but think he’ll be happier this way, anyway. it keeps crossing her mind that maybe he didn’t want this with her after all, and her loss was actually a blessing for him. 
          and yet here he is, saying that he feels like shit? she wants to say oh, honey. try being me.
                      “---yeah, you look awful.”
        over the past few days, she’s cried and avoided every call or text anyone has tried to send her. her curtains have stayed shut, because she knows there are always cameras just beyond the gates waiting to capture her image. if she looks off, even for a second, they’ll play the same old song of the heartbroken jane wyndham, alone, tragic, oh-so-stupid and oh-so-sad. and yet now none of that seems to matter. now, she has absolutely no qualms about letting dean stay on her damn doorstep so he can suffer.
        her forehead crinkles and she lifts her focus from the floor, eyes fixing on his. “look, I... I don’t know even why you’re here,” she says, arms folded as she leans against the door frame. “and this is gonna sound selfish, okay? real selfish, but I just... I don’t care. I can’t. see, I don’t know if you realised, ‘cause, y’know, you left for rehab first chance you got, but I lost a kid. our kid. and that hurt. I don’t expect you to GET it, ‘cause I know you didn’t want it in the first place, but-- it hurt me. and you weren’t really here. and now, suddenly, you... you’re fine. you lose one kid, you get a replacement. you get a replacement through FUCKING someone else, dean. you see how that sounds? our baby dies, and the first thing you do is fuck someone. and you come here talking about how you feel like shit? y’know who else probably feels like shit? that poor girl you just HAD to stick your condomless dick into. I’ll bet she’s feeling rough right now. last thing anybody wants is to be having a kid with someone who is totally emotionally unavailable. I mean, what’s happening now is hard for me, but THAT prospect is so fucking TRAGIC that it almost makes me grateful.
       --so if you’re here looking for sympathy, honey, i suggest you get the FUCK off my porch.”
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kimbcll-blog · 8 years
for @animacorruptibilis.
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    “scholarships aren’t passed out like candy, dean.” he’s frustrated, and he has every right to be. he rescheduled a conference call to come to the game tonight, and for what? so that he could watch him fail?
     thomas sighs out through his nose, grip on the wheel tightening as the car sets off. “after your performance tonight, you wouldn’t even be picked for a community college team.”
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stayedgentle · 8 years
The end of #Wyndchester?
Following some cryptic tweets posted on Saturday, fans of Dean Winchester (The Four Horsemen) and singer/actress Jay Wyndham were left wondering where the couple stood, but early this morning it was confirmed that they have separated.
An anonymous source close to the couple says that the breakup itself took place at the Oregon home of Jane’s ex-husband Dylan Massett (Valente), where Jane is currently visiting their children. According to reports Dean left Warped Tour early following an altercation in a Williamsburg bar with actor Steve Rogers, and our source tells us that his first destination was Oregon to break things off. “It was ugly,” says our source. “He was aggressive from the start and it was clear that he wanted the break up more than she did... Jane handled it well but she was very obviously heartbroken, especially when he confessed to sleeping with somebody else”. Dean’s fidelity is questioned frequently but most memorably in the case of his brief whirlwind with the late Eliza Kardel.
       This report is completely different to what Jane and Dean themselves have said. 
The couple, who have been photographed looking cozy together since Dean’s gig last Halloween, announced their own version of their split via Twitter. Jane stated that it “wasn’t messy” and Dean said that it was “mutual”, before telling off his fans for their response to the news. “You are not justified in sending her hate...  She's still a human”, he tweeted, proving the touching description Jane gave of the nature of their on-again, off-again relationship: “We will always care about each other”. 
Which version of the story do you believe? Tweet using #WyndchesterSplit to let us know what you think!
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ofpetrovafire · 9 years
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       ❛   i promise i’m a better lab partner than i am a driver.
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stayedgentle · 8 years
This interview took place a week ago in Jane Wyndham’s apartment in Oregon. Physically exhausted yet somehow still full of energy, she made coffee for the Vogue team, dressed casually in a gray American Apparel t-shirt dress and black tennis shoes. “There’s no point in dressing up,” the mother-of-two explained, “When one of the boys is just going to spill something on me anyway.” The ‘boys’ are Max and Ryan, her 13 month old twins from her marriage with Dylan Massett (Valente), who live here in Oregon with their grandmother after the events of last year.  Jane herself currently lives in Las Vegas with her boyfriend Dean Winchester (The Four Horsemen), and uses this as a place to “crash” while she is visiting her sons.
The Starring Role EP reveals a Jane Wyndham in transition, evolving as an artist. Lyrically, there is a new wisdom and an edge. Did this EP feel like a risk to you? Not really. I’ve always just written about what felt right at the time. This EP might have seemed like a risk, but it’s just the way my feelings and my situation had changed. It’s definitely more honest than the others, I think. This is the first time I’ve ever opened up about everything. So that was a risk. Starring Role turned out to kind of be a half hour of me just me baring my soul. I was terrified that everyone would hate me for it, actually. I thought they’d hear how desperate I really was and they’d think I was insane, but it turned out to be something that a lot of people could relate to, which is nice.
So we all know it’s about Dean Winchester, but tell us: What’s changed since you wrote these songs? Oh, god. We grew up. We got used to each other. I think when I wrote this stuff – you know, the first song – I was expecting way too much. That’s basically what the whole EP is about. Me expecting too much of him. But I think I had to get all that frustration out before we could get to the point that we’re at now, so... What’s changed is that I’m more realistic, and we’re better together for it.
Would you say that you’re doing better now than in your other relationships? You and Dylan Massett, for example? Listen, I’m not going to sit here and say anything bad about Dylan just because things ended between us. We just weren’t compatible in the long term. He’s a talented guy, and we’ve got two beautiful boys, but some things just don’t work out. That’s it.
Is it harder for you as an artist to open up in your songwriting today now that the world seems obsessed with every detail of your personal life?
 Kind of. I mean, people are going to read whatever they want into your music, no matter what you actually say. And I think that the fact that people know all those details is why my music isn’t interpreted the way it should be sometimes. Sometimes people think they already know everything, so they don’t actually listen.
How do you take the bold step of evolving as an artist, while continuing to honor fans that have been with you from the beginning? It’s hard. I mean, you’ve got to think about it. Fans that have followed me since the beginning know me for my work with The Skrulls, and that’s a completely different feel from the music I want to make for myself. It’s difficult, because I used to just play the guitar [in The Skrulls] and obviously there’s a lack of that on the Starring Role EP. 7/4/13 was different because it was pretty acoustic so I had the opportunity to show people that I’m still me, but I think I want to move away from that kind of vibe. I was working on something with Dean just the other day that’s pretty much all violins.
Would you agree that Dean Winchester has a big say in your music? Is most of your art collaborative? I know who he is, we don’t have to keep using his full name! And not really. He’s amazingly helpful when we do work together, but I wouldn’t say he has a ‘big say’. He takes my ideas and he helps me work into them, but they’re still completely my own creations. He’s just very good at helping me transcribe exactly what’s in my head into real music, and he’s a perfectionist like me, so everything turns out exactly as I imagine it when it’s the two of us.
Which of your songs have been things you’ve worked on together? Nothing that’s been released yet. I was making music for years before I started dating Dean, so everything is the product of my own work. The only reason we come together on things now is because we’re always around each other, so he’s there when I have ideas. 
Would you say that he inspires you? Of course he does. Ask anybody if their boyfriend inspires them, they’re going to say yes... Dean is a really impressive guy. 
Jane and Dean can be found on various dates of the Warped Tour, listed here.
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cxptisanarchive · 9 years
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ofpetrovafire · 9 years
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moodboard | animacorruptibilis.
↳ elena gilbert + dean winchester.
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( sms : michael ) + nutella is of the devil.  + did that work?
[ text message ; the one ] No. [ text message ; the one ] That’s my brother you’re talking about Dean.
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            ( sms : unknown )                           + I’m sorry, who is this?
[text : ???] uhh, zoe? [text : ???] i’m guessing this is /not/ landon?
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pulledfromhellarchive · 10 years
[text] Apparently I taped knives to my hands and made everyone call me wolverine
texts from last night! meme
[ text ]; And then there was me. [ text ]; I was just calling you an idiot.
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bluejcyarchive · 10 years
Send a ✿ to my inbox and my muse will fill this out about yours!
A thought about them that they’d never share: I don’t think there’s anything much that she wouldn’t share with him besides the fact that she spends 10000000000% of her time worried about him (but he probably already knows that)First impression of them: well idk because the first time she ever heard his music she was like ‘oh yeah this guy seems cool’ and then she met him and she just kinda. breathed heavily and shook for a minute or two. so i guess her first impression was awe???? Favorite thing about them: this might sound weird but probably how nervous he gets around paparazzi?? because it’s cute and then he holds her hand and she likes being needed tbhLeast favorite thing about them: he’s always sad and putting himself down and also won’t love her backHopes for their future relationship: THAT HE’LL LOVE HER BACK
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virxbonus · 10 years
❝ That is a terrible, terrible idea. ❞ - actually from conserventte but that sideblog grind
'captain america: the winter soldier' starter prompts
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   ‘Yeah, well-- I don’t see   any other way. Do you?   -- I didn’t think so, pal.’
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