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oopsalltes · 1 year ago
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buncha anhys featuring their revamped design, as well as some shitty 3d paint seminars on how their design works
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priestly-prince · 9 months ago
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Commission of my brother's latest D&D character, Yr Anhrefn the fairy druid.
Commissions still open, but my working time is a little slow right now.
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aescheretalks · 2 years ago
Nid oes gennym hawl ar ddim byd,
Ond ar yr hen ddaear wyw;
A honno sy'n anhrefn i gyd
Yng nghanol gogoniant Duw
We have no claim on anything save
This old earth's withered façade,
And the things that come apart in chaos
Amid the glory of God.
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dyfynnu-cymru · 2 years ago
Anhrefn Snub TV Interview.avi
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linguario · 2 years ago
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🇿🇦🇳🇦 5️⃣1️⃣ 51 Afrιkᥲ́ᥲᥒs - ᥲfrιkᥲᥲᥒs - Afrιkᥲᥲᥒos om voor te gee om uit die #verlede op te staan, kan as 'n #resultaat die beste van #chaos gee 🇰🇷 5️⃣2️⃣ 52 Corᥱᥲᥒo - hᥲᥒgᥙgᥱo - Korᥱᥲᥒ #과거에서 부활하는 척 하는 것은 #결과 #혼돈의 최선을 결과로 줄 수 있습니다 🇦🇱 🇽🇰 5️⃣3️⃣ 53 Aᥣbᥲᥒᥱ́s - Shqιρᥱ̈ - Aᥣbᥲᥒιᥲᥒ pretendimi për t'u ringjallur nga e #kaluara mund të japë si #rezultat më të mirën e #kaosit 🇸🇪 5️⃣4️⃣ 54 Sᥙᥱᥴo - svᥱᥒskᥲ - Sᥕᥱdιsh Att låtsas #återuppstå från det #förflutna kan ge som ett resultat det bästa av #kaos 🇹🇭 5️⃣5️⃣ 55 Tᥲιᥣᥲᥒdᥱ́s - ภาษาไทย - Thᥲι ทำท่าจะฟื้นคืนชีพจาก #อดีต ให้ได้เป็น #ผลลัพธ์ ที่สุดของ #ความโกลาหล 🇹🇷 5️⃣6️⃣ 56 Tᥙrᥴo - tᥙ̈rkᥴ̧ᥱ - Tᥙrkιsh #geçmişten diriltiyormuş gibi yapmak #sonuç olarak #kaosun en iyisini verebilir 🇺🇦 5️⃣7⃣ 57 Uᥴrᥲᥒιᥲᥒo - украї́нська - Uᥴrᥲιᥒιᥲᥒ прикидаючись , що воскресає з #минулого, може дати в результаті #результат найкраще з #хаосу 🇻🇳 5️⃣8️⃣ 58 Vιᥱtᥒᥲmιtᥲ - Vιệt - Vιᥱtᥒᥲmᥱsᥱ #giả vờ hồi sinh từ #quá khứ có thể cho như một #kết quả tốt nhất của #chaos 🇲🇰 5️⃣9️⃣ 59 Cᥲtᥲᥣᥲ́ᥒ - ᥴᥲtᥲᥣᥲ̀ - Cᥲtᥲᥣᥲᥒ Fingir ressuscitar del #passat pot donar com a #resultat el millor del #caos 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 6️⃣0️⃣ 60 Gᥲᥣᥱs - Cყmrᥙ - Wᥲᥣᥱs gall #smalio atgyfodi o’r #gorffennol roi’r gorau o #anhrefn o ganlyniad (en Włocławek) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoQ81bDteNf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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urbanenemy · 3 years ago
ANHREFN - Be Nesa '89
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december-rains · 4 years ago
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[ID: A pencil drawing of blue aarapod with diamond markings lurking on the end of a tree branch. End ID]
i might need help caring for this little one- all xe seems to want is chaos, which is great, but also i’m not sure what xe eats
@aaravosanswers​ help?
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twymyn99 · 5 years ago
Album version of “Defaid” by Anhrefn, punk band from Bangor. One of their more aggressive tracks, off their 1987 debut Defaid, Skateboards a Wellies
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gwaredwr · 6 years ago
// ooc - tag dump
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meddwlyngymraeg · 2 years ago
Lyrics and translation of Cân i Gymry, from a friend of David's in 2012:
Gradd da yn y Gymraeg Ar y Volvo bathodyn Tafod y Ddraig Hoff o fynychu pwyllgorau blinedig Am ddyfodol yr iaith yn enwedig, Meistrioli iaith lleifrifol fel hobi Platiau dwyiethog i helpu y gyrru Agwedd cwbl addas Ar gyfer cynllun cartre Syth mas o set 'Dinas'. Wastod yn mynd i Lydaw Beth yn mynd i Ffrainc, Wastod yn mynd i Wlad y Basg Byth yn mynd i Sbaen. Fin nos yn mynychu bwytai Wedi dydd ar y prosessydd geiriau, Mewn swydd sy'n talu'r morgais I'ch gwyneb person cwbl cwrtais, O'r ysgol feithrin i Brifysgol Cymru Tocyn oes ar y tren grefi, Byddai'n well da fi fod yn jynci Na bod mor wyrdd a phoster Plaid Cymru. Darnau gosod yr Wyl Gerdd Dant A holl broblemau'r ddau o blant, Gweri telyn Llinos Wyn, A phroblem acne Llwarch Glyn, Heb anghofio codi stwr Am straen angeuol job y gwr- Mae'n gorfod gweithio un tan tri Yn gynhyrchydd BBC, Llosgwch eich tafodau Ar eich panedau piwritanaidd, Collwch eich dynoliaeth Mewn economeg academaidd. Ewch cyfeillion sy'n enwogion Gyd o'r Seri Rhyddion, Trafodwch tapiau corau meibion A'r eitemau sydd ar 'Hel Straeon' Rhifau cynulleidfa'r oedfa A pha liw lenni'r lolfa, Tiwtoriad preifat i helpu'r plant Neuadd Dewi Sant, Digon o wyliau i gynnal lliw haul Digon wrth Brydeinig i swnio fel Sig Heil (x2) Meistroli iaith lleifrifol fel hobi Dweud fod Cymru'n cael ei orthrymu, Cawsoch radd da yn y Cymraeg (x4) Ar y Volvo bathodyn Tafod Y Ddraig Gradd da yn y Cymraeg (x3) Cymraeg (x6) Gradd da yn y Gymraeg Ar y Volvo.
A good degree in Welsh On the Volvo a Tafod Y Ddraig sticker, Fond of attending tiresome committee meetings About the future of the language in particular, Mastering a minority language as a hobby Bilingual plates to help the driving, A perfectly appropriate attitude For a home plan straight out of the 'Dinas' St. Always going to Brittany, Never going to France, Always going to the Basque country Never going to Spain. At night going to restaurants After a day on the word processor, in a job that pays your mortgage To your face a perfectly courteous person From nursery scholl to the University of Wales A lifetime ticket on the gravy train, I would rather be a junkie Than be as green as a Plaid Cymru poster. The set texts of the Cerdd Dant Festival And all the problems of the two children, Llinos Wyn's harp lessons And Llwyarch Clyn's acne problem. Not forgetting to raise a fuss About the deadly strain of the husband's job, He has to work from one to three As a BBC producer. Burn your tongues On your puritanical cups of tea Lose your humanity in academic economics. Name your friends who are famous All of them freemasons, Discuss male voice choir tapes And the items that are on 'Hel Straeon' The numbers in the congregation And what colour should the lounge curtains be, Private tutors to help the children, St. David's Hall. Enough holidays to maintain a suntan. Anti British enough to sound like Sieg Heil (x2) Mastering a minority language as a hobby Saying that Wales is being oppressed, Even thouh your cars have Tafod Y Ddraig stickers You had a good degree in Welsh (x4) On the Volvo a Tafod Y Ddraig sticker, Good degree in Welsh (x3) Welsh (x6) Good degree in Welsh On the Volvo.
Hi hello I saw the other ask about Welsh music - do you know of any Welsh stuff that's got a more rocky/gothy bent to it? I've been getting mad into Gene Loves Jezebel lately but all their actual stuff seems to be in English from what I've seen so far T_T
I really must stress that I'm not good at music and that really does extend hard into What Genre Is This, but I shall give this my best shot and shall advise you keep an eye on the notes to see what other suggestions people throw into the ring.
Y Bandana. I fucking love them anyway, and they're a fascinatingly versatile band, but a lot of their music is pretty rocky. In fact I'm pretty sure their softest song is Cân y Tân, which they deliberately wrote to be a bit more accessible for when they needed a softer song (its chorus is still pretty rocky). Otherwise I think they fit the bill very well. Um... ooh, recommendations... Geiban is one of their most popular songs, Siwgwr Candi Mêl is a particularly rocky offering... there's a lot, I think.
Fairly new, but the Night School are a bilingual band with a growing catalogue of Welsh music. Their best is Edrych i'r Dyfodol. It's very 70s rock, I think. They are Very New, so most of their very limited stuff is still in English, but they are writing more (also two of them were housemates of a friend of mine and one is currently his boss, because Wales is tiny).
Breichiau Hir have some rocky stuff? Can't think of any big examples offhand though, I only discovered them the other day because I went to a Night School gig and they were headlining.
Hmm... maybe Yws Gwynedd? For the most part their stuff is more indie, and certainly not gothy. They're very sunshine. But the odd song I think plays with a bit of a rockier sound, so you might find something in there. Start with Sebona Fi, it's the gold standard anyway (and one of the most popular Welsh lang songs of all time, it's an absolute cultural lynchpin - they closed the Eisteddfod this year, and they finished on Sebona Fi and we all went FERAL).
Softer rock/slightly more indie - Goleuadau Llundain, by Daniel Llwyd a Mir Pinc. It's a fucking tune.
Annoyingly I am coming up short on female or female-led artists for rock. Hopefully someone else can think of some and recommend! The best I can think of is Cymru, USA by Meinir Gwilym, which I don't think is quite right, but eh, give it a whirl. Maybe it'll work. I think Band Pres Llarregub are more bluesy than rock.
I'm afraid I don't know genres well enough to even guess at gothy stuff I'm sorry. I only know the genres my synaesthesia gives me, like "Is this music Dry" or "Is this music Sunbeams", both of which make perfect sense to me and then non-synaesthetes look at me like "Are you having a stroke"
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oopsalltes · 2 years ago
drawing on paint 3d with only my mouse!
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emotoothtiger · 2 years ago
ANHREFN - 'Defaid (Sheep)' - John Peel Session 22/7/1986
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divine-relics-au · 3 years ago
Bydd y tad bedd a chrewyr Bywyd yn dawnsio law yn llaw â thynged ofnadwy.
Yr Un Sy'n Adnabod Pawb Yn Colli Ei Chalon I'r Ymgnawdoliad O Anhrefn, Dilynwyr Torredig Yn Gorfodi Ei Llaw Yn Y Cyfarfod Diwethaf.
Bydd y bastard anghofiedig yn creu diwedd y Rhosyn, ei frad yn cael ei chofio am byth gan y rhai sy'n malio ei wybod.
Let's see whom predicts the future first.
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romanlightman001 · 4 years ago
Anhrefn With Margi Clarke - "Clutter From The Gutter" and "Croeso I Gymru"
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evolstak · 5 years ago
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ANHREFN DEFAID, SKATEBOARDS A WELLIES LP WORKERS PLAYTIME PLAY LP 1 #LifeOfVinylEnthusiasm https://www.instagram.com/p/B9aKfmhjCTJ4zhNfDvmoVaRKNWbvmrbQXCSseI0/?igshid=1a6sn7zmb9ka2
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ib2se · 7 years ago
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B:sides ~ weLLsh  
The B:sides-Playlist 2017-10-30 @ Radio Vättervåg 98,5 Mhz
This week: weLLsh
1. 'B:zväng' TextMix & reading af MrZ Komposition & Produktion af SkåneJokke Lütz [0:41]
THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO WELSH FOLK compiled by Cerys Matthews ~ albumrelease 27th October 2017 [ EUCD2744 ] ~ 2. Nansi Richards: Pwt ar y Bys (A Little Something for the Fingers) (trad., arr. Nansi Richards) From ‘Brenhines y Delyn/Queen of the Welsh Harp’ - Nansi Richards We kick off with a recording of the original Queen of the Harp, Nansi Richards, playing a traditional tune recorded in the twilight of her life. Nansi must have been some character. Like Jimi Hendrix, she played tricks with her instruments, playing harp with her back turned, or 2 at a time. Born in Oswestry in 1888, she went on to study at the Guildhall School of Music, London, and toured America. A huge figure in Welsh folk, she taught triple harp to Llio Rhydderch, as well as Dafydd and Gwyndaf from Ar Log, all of whom feature in this collection. ℗ 1959, Sain (Recordiau) Cyf licensed [2:15] 3. Robin Huw Bowen: Gypsy Waltzes (trad., arr. Robin Huw Bowen) From ‘Y Ffordd i Aberystwyth/The Road to Aberystwyth’ - Robin Huw Bowen Robin Huw Bowen is the world’s leading exponent of our national instrument, the triple harp. Interestingly, the tradition of playing this harp with three rows of strings and no pedals is alive and well today, only thanks to a family of Roma travellers led by Abram Wood, whose descendants would play harp for Queen Victoria. Enjoy the strength and muscularity of Robin on this track. He says, “Two wonderful Victorian swingers from the inimitable playing of Eldra Jarman. I had snatches of the first tune from Eldra while she was still alive, and then the second tune from a recording made of her by Professor Peter Crossley- Holland. Then I had the complete version of the first tune from an old BBC programme about Eldra… in St Ffagan’s Museum.” Robin is the only full-time professional Welsh harpist specializing solely in the Welsh triple harp, and his influence on the world of Welsh folk music and harping has been far-reaching. ℗ 2007, Sain (Recordiau) Cyf licensed [3:36] 4. Crasdant: Pibddawns Trefynwy (Monmouth Hornpipe) (trad., arr. Robin Huw Bowen/Andy McLauchlin/Stephen P. Rees/Huw Williams) From ‘Dwndwr/The Great Noise’ - Crasdant The harp reigns supreme in Welsh folk music, so here’s another, and again with Robin but joined this time by Stephen Rees, Andy McLauchlin, and the whistles and the stepping sound of clog dancer Huw Williams as Crasdant. For me this is the Welsh folk tune where one might regress to being a child, dressed head to toe in scratchy Welsh flannel learning folk dance steps. ℗ 2005, Sain (Recordiau) Cyf licensed to ARC Music Productions International Ltd. Published by Cyhoeddiadau Sain [3:53] 5. Phil Tanner: The Gower Reel (trad.) From ‘The Gower Nightingale’ – Phil Tanner Phil Tanner is one South Glamorgan’s greatest traditional folk singers. He was originally from Llangenith in the Gower Peninsula, South Wales, where he had sung all his life, however he wasn’t recorded until he was in his seventies. He became renowned locally as “the Gower Nightingale” and recorded for the likes of Columbia and the BBC. He passed away in February 1950 and was remembered in a BBC Radio 4 tribute by Wynford Vaughan-Thomas who referred to him as, “the voice of the sanest, happiest, kindest eccentric I ever knew”. ℗ 2003, Veteran Tapes licensed to ARC Music Productions International Ltd. Published by Veteran Tapes www.veteran.co.uk [3:35] 6. Calan: Rhif Wyth (Rhif 8 - No. 8) (trad., arr. Calan) From ‘Bling’ – Calan Calan bring together the remarkable talents of 5 young musicians giving a fresh and vibrant sound to traditional Welsh music. With a contemporary and lively approach, they breathe new life into the old traditions through their sparkling melodies, foot tapping tunes and spirited and energetic performances of Welsh step dancing. ℗ 2008, Sain (Recordiau) Cyf licens [2:44] 7. Cayo Evans: Men of Harlech (trad., arr. Cayo Evans) From ‘Marching Songs of The Free Wales Army’ – Cayo Evans Cayo was conscripted into the British Army aged 18, and served actively in Malaya. This experience, coupled with his fascination with politics, inspired by a Polish man who taught him at Millfield, embittered him towards the British Government and their manhandling of Wales. He was said to be radicalised after the drowning of a Welsh village to build Tryweryn reservoir (see Meic Stevens’ bio – CD1, track 2) and formed the Free Wales Army, whose dalliances with explosives and other public order offenses ended up with him serving a 13-month prison sentence. This track of the very famous marching song Men of Harlech has Cayo introducing then playing the accordion, and was released in 2008 on Anhrefn Records, Anhrefn being one of the pioneering bands singing Welsh language music across Europe in the punk era. ℗ 2008, Anhrefn Records licensed to [1:36] 8. Cowbois Rhos Botwnnog: Didl-Dei (Aled Wyn Hughes/Iwan Glyn Hughes/Dafydd Rhys Hughes, arr. Cowbois Rhos Botwnnog) ‘Didl-Dei’ appears on Cowbois Rhos Botwnnog’s album ‘Dawn y Trychfilod’ on the Sbrigyn Ymborth label. www.sbrigynymborth.com Cowbois Rhos Botwnnog are a folk band consisting of three brothers, Aled, Dafydd, and Iwan Hughes from Rhos Botwnnog, the Llyn Peninsula, and accompanying musicians and singers. They experiment with country, folk and rock music. Most of their lyrics are in Welsh. This example is a tiny but wonderfully whimsical interlude from this band worth checking out live and on record. ℗ 2007, Cyhoeddiadau Sbrigyn Ymborth licensed to ARC Music Productions International Ltd. Published by Cyhoeddiadau Sbrigyn Ymborth [0:26] 9. Cass Meurig and Nial Cain: Tair Meillionen (trad., arr. Cass Meurig/Nial Cain) From ‘Deuawd’ – Cass Meurig and Nial Cain Cass plays the fiddle and crwth, that medieval bowed lyre with gut strings and droney sound. She grew up in the north of England playing tunes and singing with her parents and sisters. Over the last few years she has played internationally and recorded with Welsh bands Pigyn Clust and Fernhill. Here she plays alongside Nial Cain, on guitar, who grew up in Deiniolen, in the slate quarrying heartland of North Wales. With a rich history of playing with folk and ceilidh bands, he played in many of Tyneside’s barn dance bands including the Borderers where he was taught fiddle by leader Forster Charlton, a living link to the pre-folk revival tradition. Ten years ago he moved back to North Wales and found his interest in the Welsh folk music tradition rekindled. ℗ 2008, Fflach Cyfyngedig licensed to ARC Music Productions International Ltd. Published by Cyhoeddiadau Mwldan Publications [2:43] 10. Llio Rhydderch: Dafydd y Garreg Wen (David of the White Rock) (trad., arr. Llio Rhydderch) From ‘Melangell’ – Llio Rhydderch Another intuitive musician who can make me burst into tears, such is the poignancy of her playing. Here Llio plays Dafyd y Garreg Wen, first published in 1784 by Edward Jones, the king’s harpist. Edward was the first to claim that the Dafydd in the title was a Caernarvonshire harpist who wrote the tune on his death bed (although there are some whispers that allude to a Scottish or even Russian origin. We’ll never know!). Llio Rhydderch is a traditional Welsh harper, a creative artist who is recognised as a most innovative and influential exponent of the Welsh triple garp. Llio is descended from the ancient Welsh harpers in an unbroken direct line which extends back many centuries. Through her, this unique line lives on and she is pivotal in its preservation as she passes on this ancient art to the next generation, teaching them to play traditional airs by ear, to be able to write variations before returning to the original melody. ℗ 2001, Fflach Cyfyngedig licensed to ARC Music Productions International Ltd. Published by Cyhoeddiadau Mwldan Publications [2:20] 11. Catrin Finch and Seckou Keita: Ceffylau (Horses) (Catrin Finch/Seckou Keita) From ‘Clychau Dibon’ – Catrin Finch and Seckou Keita (A Theatr Mwldan/Astar Artes co-production) Catrin is a fearless and natural performer and rare in that she is totally at home across genres: classical, jazz, folk and world music. Catrin has won accolades the world over for her virtuosic performances with some of the world’s finest orchestras. She has also worked with Malian kora player Toumani Diabaté, and Colombian band Cimarrón, and switches from Bach’s Goldberg Variations to traditional folk or Colombian joropo music with ease and aplomb. Seckou Keita, from the Casamance area of Senegal, was born into the world-famous royal Keita and griot Cissokho families, and has played with his uncle Solo Cissokho and Guinean master djembe player Mamady Keita, in addition to appearing with both Salif Keita and Youssou N’Dour, and more recently alongside Paul Weller, Damon Albarn and Julia Holter on the Africa Express presents The Orchestra of Syrian Musicians tour. I love how these two great players share with us their joy in bringing their far-off traditions together in such a beautiful collision. ℗ 2013, Catrin Finch/Seckou Keita/Theatr Mwldan/Astar Artes licensed to ARC Music Productions International Ltd. Published by Catrin Finch & Seckou Keita [5:17] 12. Elinor Bennett: Pant Corlan yr Ŵyn (trad., arr. Elinor Bennett) From ‘Y Delyn Gymreig/The Welsh Harp’ – Elinor Bennett Elinor Bennett is one of Wales’ most distinguished musicians, and has travelled extensively giving concerts, recitals and masterclasses. She is regarded as one of Britain’s most influential harp teachers, who, by the by, also taught Catrin the harp. Eagle eared listeners might also recognise her playing, as she was the harpist who played with us on Bulimic Beats on Catatonia’s Equally Cursed and Blessed. This is another firm favourite on the Welsh folk dance floor, a useful tune to wave those handkerchiefs to thank your adoring audience as you make the final circle and leave the stage. ℗ 1985, Sain (Recordiau) Cyf licensed to ARC Music Productions International Ltd. Published by Cyhoeddiadau Sain [2:33] 13. DnA (Delyth and Angharad Jenkins): Glyn Tawe (trad., arr. Delyth and Angharad Jenkins) From ‘Adnabod’ – DnA - Delyth and Angharad Jenkins Traditional and new Welsh music on the harp and fiddle. DnA by name, DnA by nature: music is in the very DNA of this hugely talented mother-and-daughter duo from Wales, both of whom enjoy international reputations not only as soloists but as members of such bands as Calan, Adran D, Aberjaber and Cromlech. Whether they’re vamping up a traditional oldie or minting something entirely new, there’s a timeless beauty to these intimate and irresistible conversations between harp and fiddle. ℗ 2013, Fflach Cyfyngedig licensed to ARC Music Productions International Ltd. Published by Cyhoeddiadau Mwldan Publications [4:22] 14. Jamie Smith’s MABON: Croeso Ioan (Jamie Smith, arr. Jamie Smith’s MABON) From ‘The Space Between’ – Jamie Smith’s MABON Jamie Smith’s MABON is an InterCeltic band; composer-accordionist Jamie was taken every year by his folk-dancing parents to the mighty Festival Interceltique in Brittany, surrounding him from an early age with music from the Celtic regions and beyond. He accompanied Welsh dancers at just five years old. Joining him here are Oli, a Welsh fiddler with Balkan flair; Paul, a guitarist from Wales who’s more Manx than plenty of people born on the Isle of Man; Matt, a bluegrassloving bass player from Carmarthen; and Iolo, a drummer from the Welsh woods with a passion for world music and jazz. They’ve played WOMAD, WOMEX, Shetland, Rainforest World Music Festival (Borneo), Fairport’s Cropredy Convention, Hebcelt, Celtic Connections, and the massive Festival Interceltique de Lorient. ℗ 2015, Easy on the Records licensed to ARC Music Productions International Ltd. Published by James Joughin AKA Jamie Smith [3:14]
15. 'Rome' from In The Midst Of Chaos There Is Stillness-CDn af Fleur de Lis [5:08] 16. 'In The Well' from Conquer Me-CDn af Namur [2:46] 17. 'In The Street' from Night Drops af Indian Wells [3:36] 18. 'All Was Well' from Live at Victoriateatern af Wintergatan [4:27] 1 jingle incl tune from Kmag #107 af Loopmasters Samples & 2 jingles from B:sides on Spotify DAGENS SYNAXARIUM This weeks BibleVers: "For your ways are in full view of the Lord, and he examines all your paths. The evil deeds of the wicked ensnare them; the cords of their sins hold them fast. For lack of discipline they will die, led astray by their own great folly." ~ Proverbs 5:21-23 Drink Espresso - God bless U! /MrZ :)
www.ib2.se Soli Deo Gloria
  All Pix: MrZ ~ Wättern.se
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