#angular cheilitis
babymoraguinha · 10 months
What Is Angular Cheilitis?
Are you curious about what Angular Cheilitis is?
This common condition causes cracking and soreness at the corners of your mouth, and can be quite uncomfortable. It occurs when the skin around your lips becomes inflamed and irritated, leading to painful splits and sores.
While the exact cause of Angular Cheilitis can vary, factors such as dryness, fungal or bacterial infections, and nutritional deficiencies can contribute to its development.
If you're experiencing symptoms like redness, swelling, or persistent pain, it's important to seek a proper diagnosis from a healthcare professional. Thankfully, there are treatment options available to help alleviate your discomfort and promote healing.
By understanding this condition and taking preventive measures, you can effectively manage Angular Cheilitis and keep your smile healthy.
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Causes of Angular Cheilitis
To understand the causes of Angular Cheilitis, you should consider factors such as poor oral hygiene and constant moisture in the corners of your mouth.
Poor oral hygiene, including not brushing or flossing regularly, can lead to the buildup of bacteria and fungi in your mouth. When combined with constant moisture, such as saliva pooling in the corners of your mouth, it creates an ideal environment for the growth of microorganisms. This can result in inflammation and cracking of the skin at the corners of your mouth, leading to Angular Cheilitis.
Additionally, certain underlying medical conditions, such as vitamin deficiencies, weakened immune system, or ill-fitting dentures, can make you more susceptible to developing this condition.
Symptoms of Angular Cheilitis
Experiencing pain and redness at the corners of your mouth is a common symptom of Angular Cheilitis. This condition can cause discomfort and make it difficult to eat or speak.
In addition to pain and redness, you may also notice dryness, cracking, or scaling of the skin at the corners of your mouth. The affected area may become swollen or develop small ulcers. Angular Cheilitis can also cause itching or a burning sensation.
In some cases, the condition may cause the corners of your mouth to become crusty or crusty. If left untreated, it can lead to further complications such as bacterial or fungal infections.
If you experience any of these symptoms, it's important to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Diagnosis of Angular Cheilitis
If you frequently experience pain and redness at the corners of your mouth, a healthcare professional can diagnose Angular Cheilitis. The diagnosis of Angular Cheilitis typically involves a physical examination of the affected area. The healthcare professional will carefully inspect the corners of your mouth for any signs of redness, swelling, or cracks. They may also ask you about your medical history and any underlying conditions that may be contributing to the development of Angular Cheilitis. In some cases, a swab of the affected area may be taken to rule out any potential infections.
It's important to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis as other conditions, such as cold sores or fungal infections, can cause similar symptoms.
Treatment Options for Angular Cheilitis
Explore treatment options for Angular Cheilitis to alleviate symptoms and promote healing.
When it comes to treating Angular Cheilitis, there are several options available. One of the most common treatments is the use of topical creams or ointments that contain antifungal or antibacterial agents. These can help to eliminate any underlying infection and reduce inflammation.
In addition, using a moisturizing lip balm or petroleum jelly can help to keep the affected area hydrated and prevent further cracking or dryness.
Another treatment option is the use of over-the-counter antifungal or hydrocortisone creams. These can help to reduce inflammation and promote healing.
If the condition is severe or persistent, your healthcare provider may prescribe stronger medications or recommend other treatments such as oral antifungal medications or phototherapy.
It's important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the best treatment plan for your specific case of Angular Cheilitis.
Prevention and Self-Care for Angular Cheilitis
To prevent and care for angular cheilitis, there are several steps you can take.
First and foremost, maintaining proper oral hygiene is crucial. This involves brushing your teeth at least twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Don't forget to clean your tongue as well, as bacteria can accumulate there.
In addition to brushing, flossing daily is also essential. This helps remove food particles that may get trapped between your teeth, which can contribute to angular cheilitis.
Another important step is to avoid licking your lips excessively. This can worsen the condition, so it's best to resist the urge. Instead, use a lip balm to keep your lips moisturized and prevent dryness.
Staying hydrated is also key. Be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your body and lips hydrated.
Furthermore, maintaining a balanced diet is beneficial for your overall health and can support your immune system. Include foods rich in vitamins and minerals to help strengthen your body's defenses against angular cheilitis.
If you wear dentures, it's essential to ensure they fit properly. Ill-fitting dentures can contribute to the development of angular cheilitis, so make sure to have them adjusted if necessary. Regularly cleaning your dentures is also important to prevent infection.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Angular Cheilitis Contagious?
Yes, angular cheilitis can be contagious. It's caused by a fungal or bacterial infection. It can spread through direct contact, such as sharing utensils or kissing.
Can Angular Cheilitis Be Caused by Nutritional Deficiencies?
Yes, nutritional deficiencies can cause angular cheilitis.
Lack of certain vitamins and minerals can weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to infections like angular cheilitis.
Are There Any Natural Remedies for Treating Angular Cheilitis?
There are natural remedies for treating angular cheilitis. Try applying petroleum jelly or coconut oil to the affected area. You can also make a paste with honey and turmeric to help heal the cracks.
Can Angular Cheilitis Cause Complications if Left Untreated?
If left untreated, angular cheilitis can cause complications such as:
Difficulty eating
It's important to seek proper treatment to prevent further problems and ensure a speedy recovery.
Is Angular Cheilitis More Common in Certain Age Groups or Populations?
Angular cheilitis is a condition that can affect people of all ages. However, it is more common in certain populations, such as the elderly and those with weakened immune systems. It is important to seek treatment for angular cheilitis in order to prevent complications.
In conclusion, angular cheilitis is a common condition characterized by inflammation and cracking at the corners of the mouth.
It can be caused by a variety of factors, including fungal or bacterial infections, nutritional deficiencies, and excessive moisture.
The symptoms of angular cheilitis can be uncomfortable and unsightly, but with proper diagnosis and treatment, it can be effectively managed.
Prevention measures, such as keeping the area clean and dry, can also help to minimize the risk of developing angular cheilitis.
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swetey291 · 2 years
For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.-Audrey Hepburn
To get Youth Full Lip Replenished Please Click Here
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afniel · 2 years
Well, I still get horrifically motion sick.
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pwurrz · 1 year
i love when my body has reoccurring problems with no clear cause and therefore no clear solution!! super cool thanks guys!!!
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o-p-p-h · 10 months
How To Heal Cracked Lip Corners Fast At Home
Are cracked lip corners causing you discomfort and embarrassment?
You're not alone! It's estimated that over 10 million people worldwide experience cracked lip corners at some point in their lives.
But don't worry, there's good news! You can easily learn how to heal cracked lip corners fast at home with the right instructions. In this guide, we'll walk you through simple steps to treat and prevent cracked lip corners.
By identifying the cause, keeping the area clean and moisturized, and using natural remedies, you'll be able to soothe and heal those painful cracks in no time.
Plus, we'll share some healthy habits to prevent future occurrences.
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Key Takeaways
Identify the cause of cracked lip corners by examining daily habits and hygiene practices.
Keep the affected area clean and moisturized by gently washing with mild soap, patting dry, and using lip balms or ointments with petroleum jelly or beeswax.
Use natural remedies such as DIY lip balm with coconut oil, beeswax, and essential oils to soothe and heal cracked lip corners.
Adopt healthy habits like staying hydrated, using lip balm with SPF, avoiding lip licking, and incorporating a healthy diet to prevent recurrence.
Identify the Cause of Cracked Lip Corners
To identify the cause of cracked lip corners, you should examine your daily habits and hygiene practices. Common symptoms of cracked lip corners include redness, dryness, swelling, and the appearance of small cracks or fissures at the corners of your mouth. These symptoms can be uncomfortable and may even cause pain or bleeding.
Effective treatment options for cracked lip corners involve addressing the underlying cause and providing relief from the symptoms. One common cause of cracked lip corners is a condition called angular cheilitis, which is often caused by a fungal or bacterial infection. Other potential causes include nutritional deficiencies, dehydration, allergic reactions, and excessive licking or biting of the lips.
By maintaining good oral hygiene, such as regularly brushing and flossing your teeth, you can reduce the risk of infection and promote healing. Additionally, applying a protective lip balm or ointment to keep the area moisturized can help alleviate dryness and prevent further cracking.
If the symptoms persist or worsen, it's important to seek medical advice for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Remember, taking care of your lips and addressing the root cause of cracked lip corners is key to finding relief and promoting healing.
Keep the Affected Area Clean and Moisturized
To keep the affected area clean and moisturized, you should follow a few simple steps at home. First and foremost, practice good hygiene by gently washing the affected area with a mild soap and warm water. Be sure to pat the area dry with a clean towel, avoiding any rubbing that may further irritate the cracked corners of your lips.
To prevent further cracking and promote healing, it's essential to keep the affected area moisturized. Look for lip balms or ointments containing ingredients like petroleum jelly or beeswax, as these help to create a protective barrier and lock in moisture. Apply the chosen product to the cracked corners of your lips several times a day, especially after meals and before going to bed.
In addition to lip balms, there are a few other preventive measures you can take. Avoid licking your lips, as saliva can further dry out the skin and worsen the cracking. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated, as dehydration can contribute to dryness and cracking.
It is also important to choose products that are specifically formulated for sensitive skin or lips. Look for lip balms that are fragrance-free, hypoallergenic, and dermatologist tested. This will help minimize the risk of further irritation and ensure that you're using products that are gentle on your skin.
Use Natural Remedies to Soothe and Heal Cracked Lip Corners
You can soothe and heal cracked lip corners using natural remedies. These remedies not only provide relief but also have healing properties that promote the repair of damaged skin.
One effective natural remedy is a DIY lip balm made with nourishing ingredients. To make your own DIY lip balm, start by melting two tablespoons of coconut oil in a microwave-safe bowl. Once melted, add one tablespoon of beeswax pellets and stir until fully combined. Next, add a few drops of essential oil, such as lavender or chamomile, for added soothing properties. Pour the mixture into small lip balm containers and allow it to cool and solidify.
Coconut oil and beeswax are both known for their moisturizing and protective properties. They help to lock in moisture and create a barrier against further damage. Essential oils like lavender and chamomile have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce redness and inflammation.
Apply this DIY lip balm to your cracked lip corners several times a day, especially before bed. The natural ingredients will nourish and soothe the skin, promoting healing and preventing further cracking.
Remember to keep your lips moisturized throughout the day by drinking plenty of water and using a natural lip balm without any harsh chemicals or fragrances. With consistent use, you'll soon notice your cracked lip corners healing and becoming smooth and healthy again.
Adopt Healthy Habits to Prevent Recurrence of Cracked Lip Corners
Maintain healthy habits to prevent cracked lip corners from recurring. Preventive measures and lifestyle changes can help ensure that your lips stay smooth and free from painful cracks.
First and foremost, it's important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Dehydration can contribute to dryness and cracking of the lips.
Additionally, make sure to protect your lips from harsh weather conditions by using lip balm with SPF when you're outside. This will shield your lips from harmful UV rays and prevent them from becoming dry and chapped.
Furthermore, avoid licking your lips as saliva can actually worsen dryness and lead to cracking. Instead, apply a hydrating lip balm regularly to keep your lips moisturized.
Lastly, incorporate a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals, including foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These foods can nourish your lips from within and promote overall skin health.
Seek Professional Help if Home Remedies Don't Work
If your efforts to heal cracked lip corners at home have been unsuccessful, it may be time to seek professional help. While home remedies can often provide relief, some cases may require the expertise of a dermatologist. If you experience persistent or severe cracking of the lip corners that doesn't improve with self-care measures, it's advisable to consult a dermatologist.
A dermatologist specializes in diagnosing and treating skin conditions, including lip problems. They can assess the severity of your cracked lip corners, identify any underlying causes, and provide appropriate treatment options. They may prescribe medicated creams or ointments to help heal the cracks and reduce inflammation. In some cases, they may recommend additional tests to rule out any underlying medical conditions that may be contributing to the problem.
It is also important to establish a proper lip care routine to prevent the recurrence of cracked lip corners. This includes keeping your lips well-moisturized using lip balms or creams, avoiding excessive licking or biting of the lips, and protecting them from harsh environmental factors such as cold weather or excessive sun exposure. Maintaining good oral hygiene and staying hydrated can also contribute to the overall health of your lips.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Long Does It Usually Take for Cracked Lip Corners to Heal?
On average, cracked lip corners can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks to heal. There are effective home remedies that can speed up the healing process and provide relief.
Can Dry Weather or Certain Climates Contribute to the Development of Cracked Lip Corners?
Dry weather and certain climates can contribute to cracked lip corners. To prevent this, use lip balm regularly to keep your lips moisturized. Look for products with ingredients like beeswax or shea butter for extra hydration.
Are There Any Specific Foods or Drinks That Should Be Avoided to Prevent Cracked Lip Corners?
To prevent cracked lip corners, it's important to know what foods and drinks to avoid. Certain acidic foods like citrus fruits and spicy foods can irritate the skin. Stay hydrated and limit alcohol consumption.
Is It Normal for Cracked Lip Corners to Bleed or Become Infected?
Bleeding lips and infected corners are not normal and require attention. It's essential to identify the underlying cause and seek appropriate treatment to promote healing and prevent further complications.
Can Excessive Licking of the Lips Worsen Cracked Lip Corners?
Excessive lip licking can worsen cracked lip corners by further drying out the skin and causing irritation. To prevent this, try applying a moisturizing lip balm regularly and avoid licking your lips.
In conclusion, healing cracked lip corners at home can be achieved by:
Identifying the cause
Keeping the affected area clean and moisturized
Using natural remedies
Adopting healthy habits
It's important to address the underlying issue and maintain proper lip care to prevent recurrence. If home remedies don't provide relief, seeking professional help is recommended.
By following these steps, you can effectively treat cracked lip corners and promote overall lip health.
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rackartyg · 10 months
i wish i only got typical anaemia symptoms from iron deficiency so i wouldn't have to take supplements, because hot take but anaemia is kind of sexy the same way tuberculosis is kind of sexy
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cheapshrimpysheep · 1 year
No Kisses - Demon Brothers
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SUMMARY: After tasting a Solomon's dish, your lips got infected. It's nothing serious, but it's contagious. So you decide not to kiss anyone until your lips heal. How do they react to the wait?
CHARACTERS: Demon Brothers (Lucifer; Mammon; Leviathan; Satan; Asmodeus; Beelzebub & Belphegor)
TAGS: Fluf; GN Reader; Kissing
WORD COUNT: An average of 280 words per character.
COMMENTS: I finally thought of something to write with the Obey Me! characters! Recently I got angular cheilitis. My lips are very dry. Nothing too serious, but that's what gave me the idea to write this.
I hope you enjoy. ;)
P.S.: Here’s the version with the Side Characters: No Kisses - Side Characters
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CONTEXT: You couldn't get rid of tasting Solomon's new dish. He looked so proud and happy about it. And it didn't look as... deadly as the others. It was salty, but not too bad. The problem came later, your lips became drier than usual and small cuts formed on them. He was worried and apologized profusely.
The doctor told you it was nothing serious and gave you an ointment to put on your lips. But what you had was contagious through kissing. So you decide not to kiss anyone until your lips are completely healed.
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Lucifer understands and appreciates your thoughtfulness. He also mentions something about making Solomon pay for it. He hides his sadness at not being able to kiss you for a week or more very well.
Protective as he is, he can be a little annoying as he always reminds you to put on the ointment. He will cook for you. He will make foods that don't require you to open your mouth too much so you don't force the now fragile elasticity of your lips. He'll probably also offer to put the ointment on your lips himself. And he’ll tell you not to worry because he will be very careful not to get infected.
He will still kiss you on the cheek or forehead. And be very sad to remember that he can't kiss your lips too. But of course, he doesn't show that.
If you sleep together, he'll look at your lips while you're sleeping. The only time his face will show what he truly feels about the situation. A mixture of sadness for not being able to kiss you and for seeing your beautiful lips dry and cut. And anger at Solomon for doing that to you.
When you are sure that your lips are healed and you tell him so, he will move closer and lift your chin to get a better look at your lips. He takes off his glove to run his thumb over your lips and check that they are healthy.
He will smile and not waste any more time to kiss you. Starts off affectionate but quickly escalates to a longing kiss. When your lips part he says: “I missed you. Now we can make up for the lost time.”
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Super Sulky! Mammon can't hide for nothing how upset he is about that situation. He'll constantly bad-mouthing and curse Solomon until your lips heal.
You can still let him kiss your cheeks. But he'll forget about your infected lips and you'll have to be the one to stop him from kissing them. You’ll cover his mouth and see his eyes pouting. He'll sulk, mumble more curses at Solomon and hug you even tighter. Like a child hugging his teddy bear for consolation.
When he sees your face of discomfort while eating, he´ll offer to cook something else for you or cut your food into even smaller pieces. What do you mean it's like he's treating you like a child? He just want to help! Don't think that of him. That wasn't his intention!
If you sleep together, he'll look at your dry, cut lips while you're sleeping and pout. He is sad for you because you are the one with the lips like that and if a kiss from him could transfer all your pain to him, he would kiss you without thinking twice. Why did you taste Solomon's food? You big dummy...
When you are sure that your lips are healed and you tell him so: “Really? Are you sure?” and he will laugh happily. “Good! That's great! But no eatin’ Solomon’s food again, ya ear me?” You thank him for taking care of you and he'll blush a little. “Well, ya better be! Do you know how hard it was to resist to kiss you?... Well, no need for that now right? Come here~”
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OH! THE TRAGEDY!!! Why? Why you and not him? If there were lips that should be cursed, it was his, not yours! Not your wonderful ones! ... Levi... chill... It's not like this is permanent. Please calm him down.
He will offer to cook for you. Making sure he cooks and cuts the food so as not to strain your now-fragile lips too much. Don't be surprised if he takes this opportunity to make themed foods. He'll probably even offer to feed you. (I'm remembering one of the first lessons from the original game)
He's always been the type to hesitate to kiss your lips, so this part wasn't so bad for him. But you not being able to kiss even one of his cheeks? He was sure he was being punished. At least you could still hug each other.
If you sleep together, and he's already past the face of being freaked out about that, he'll look at your lips while you're sleeping. Lips so wonderful and loving, now so dry and cut. It was blasphemy. And worse, it hurts you. You didn't deserve that. If only he could do something. But no, he was useless as usual...
When you are sure that your lips are healed and you tell him so: “Are you really sure? Do not rush the healing process.” To show him you're confident your lips are back to normal, you shower him with kisses and thank him for all the caring. His face turns completely red while he says he didn't do anything. You better shut him up with a kiss before he starts saying that he actually thought he was useless.
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Satan is so pissed at Solomon! That bastard! Doing something like this to you. His anger is only tempered by the fact that he knows Solomon would never do this to you on purpose.
He'll read every possible book about anything related to your infection. He wants to gather all the information possible to take the best care of you. He’ll study the components of the ointment the doctor gave you if he has to. Our if he thinks he has to.
He will also offer to cook for you. He will look for the best recipes to comfort your sore lips. And he'll ask you if it's good and if it doesn't hurt your lips.
If you sleep together, he'll look at your lips while you're sleeping. He's more worried about you, about the possible pain you might be feeling, than about the fact that he can't feel your kiss for so long. Of course he's sad about it too, but he knows it's only temporary. Your lips were so good for him, and now they are like this, dry and cut. The anger for Solomon comes back when he thinks about it.
He will still kiss your cheeks and forehead even if you can't reciprocate. But then he'll remember something he read in a book once: a kiss where people don't use their lips, but their nose, and you can do that. But not in front of his brothers!
When you are sure that your lips are healed and you tell him so, he might already know that too. After all, he had been studying about the infection and had some idea of when your lips could be healed. You give him one of those nose kisses, thanking him for taking care of you. “Well, if you want to thank me... you can now thank me in a better way again.”
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Another Desperate One! What a Tragedy! How can Asmo survive without your kisses? He literally puts one hand to his chest and the back of the other to his forehead when he hears your decision not to kiss anyone.
He knows the doctor gave you an ointment, but even so, he looks for any and all products that might also help your lips. And he'll take care of the rest of you too. Paint your nails, comb your hair, give you new clothes to try on. In an attempt to divert your attention from your lips and show how wonderful you are despite that.
Your lips are hurt, it's not just any food that can touch them. So maybe he'll cook for you, or order food that he thinks won't put too much strain on your lips. And he will take the opportunity to order aesthetic foods to photograph and publish on Devilgram.
Since he can still kiss you but you can't reciprocate, he'll kiss you in double. You will feel his arms around you slightly desperate for more than just hugs. And every now and then he will also say out loud how in need of your kisses he feels. Out of all seven, he's probably the one who shows it the most.
If you sleep together, he'll look at your dry, cut lips while you're sleeping. He's so sad. He doesn't blame Solomon for his cooking, or you for tasting it. he himself sometimes gives in to Solomon's requests. So, he just looks at you like a sad puppy.
When you are sure that your lips are healed and you tell him so, he's over the moon! He will fill you with kisses until he reaches your lips. If you let him, he will show you how much he missed them.
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Beel is sad and he doesn't hide it. He looks at you like a sad puppy. No food in any of the three worlds can make up for the lack of your lips on his. But now that he thinks about it, does it hurt you when you open your mouth too wide? Oh! That's awful! He needs to take care of you and make you happy while your lips don't heal.
He can try to cook for you, but he'll have to control himself not to eat it or the ingredients before even start cooking. And if he does, he'll feel so bad! And will probably offer you his food. If the food is too big, he’ll cut it for you. With even more control not to eat it because he's already disappointed in himself for having already done it once.
He will still kiss your cheeks and forehead. And if you get excited, you'll forget about your infected lips and try to kiss them. You'll need to be the one stopping him. He will look at you sadly and apologize for forgetting.
If you sleep together, he'll look at your lips while you're sleeping. Sad puppy eyes again. Ask the Avatar of Gluttony not to taste the lips of the person he loves the most? He could just walk away from you, out of sight out of mind. But he would never leave you when you need him. So he just needs to hang in there.
When you are sure that your lips are healed and you tell him so, he’s like a trained dog that has been waiting for the owner to give the permission signal to eat his treat. He wants to kiss you so bad, but he'll only shower you with kisses while hugging you if you let him.
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Belphie is the hardest to keep away from your lips. Because he couldn't give less of a crap. He doesn't care if his lips get infected too, he just wants your comfy lips on his. Belphie, NO!
He's too lazy to cook. If it's up to him, he prefers to order food. Or rather: just sleep together. Sleep helps to heal, and while you sleep you don't feel hungry. But if he sees you cooking, he might offer to help you.
He will keep hugging you, cuddle you, sleeping with you, kissing your cheeks, etc. Unlike others who, if they bring their lips closer to yours it's because they forgot about your infection, he will try to kiss you even knowing that. I mean, if he gets infected too, then there would be no need to not kiss each other. You'll need to be the one stopping him, for his own good.
If you sleep together, he'll look at your lips while you're sleeping. Again: he doesn't care how your lips look, he wants to kiss them. If you were assertive when you said you didn't want to infect him, he will respect that. Upset, but will respect that. If you weren't assertive enough, and left room to show that you wouldn't mind if he kissed you, he'll kiss you while you sleep. “If he gets infected too, then there would be no need to not kiss each other.”
When you are sure that your lips are healed and you tell him so, he’ll be like: "Finally! Will you let me kiss you now?"
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If you would like to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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bacchant-of-dionysus · 10 months
Some thoughts on the concept and importance of faith
When I was praying today I was as honest with Dionysus as I’ve ever been. I told him exactly how I felt - that I felt like a failure, that I was unworthy of him and that I was utterly exhausted. I’ve been caring for my partner who is in the depths of autistic burnout and it’s been utterly draining. My skin has broken out, my jaw is tense, I have angular cheilitis (those cracks that form at the side of your mouth from stress), I’m nauseous, sleeping four 12-16 hours a night and still tired, my shoulders and back are aching and I’ve been neglecting my worship. I’ve barely recovered from my own bout of autistic burnout. I’m not out of the woods and I’m already martyring myself again in the name of love. It’s strange. I don’t do it out of a desire for praise or reward - I don’t even think my partner truly recognises how much effort I put in and how much of myself I give to her well-being. It’s not obligation either. The closest word for it is somewhere between love and duty.
Today I lay down by his shrine and closed my eyes. It felt like I was giving in entirely, placing all my faith in him. I know he watches out for me. I have so much faith. It is what keeps me going. Faith in my partner’s recovery, faith in my god, faith in my own strength and resilience. It took a certain level of hardship and desperation for my faith to be forged to its true potential. I never valued faith like I do now. I wear faith like armour around my heart. It reinforces my bones. Faith drives me to get out of bed each morning and try again. I may be sensitive. I may be thin skinned. I may cry a lot. But through faith I am resilient and unbreakable. I refuse to give up on her. I refuse to give up on myself. And I refuse to give up on my god.
When the world seems hopeless, the only thing left is faith. Not even religious faith, but faith in yourself, your loved ones, humanity, the universe etc.
So, if you take anything from this post, may it strengthen your faith. Faith drives courage, perseverance and resilience. It drives compassion, innovation and unflinching love.
At first, it is something you must remind yourself to have. ‘Remember, most people are kind.’ ‘Remember, she loves you.’ ‘Remember, this will pass.’ And then, one day, it is ingrained in how you think. ‘I will be okay because people are kind, I am loved and this will pass.’
The gods love you. Have faith in that.
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joesalw · 1 month
Broo idk if anyone else has realized, but I came across 2 videos on my tiktok....why does TS always have her mouth wide open on stage??💀
Kinda wish she gets angular cheilitis 🌚🌚🌚
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injuryprompts · 1 year
Injury Prompt #1140
Angular cheilitis
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April 2020 vs May 2023
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Take a look at my legs.
I want the ones on the left. There I did Rachael Attard's Lean Legs 1 program. I did restrict calories, walk a lot, do 3x resistance training pikate style circuits a week and running 20-30 minutes a week. I don't like restricting and counting calories and I don't like running. But I slimmed down following Rachael's programs in the past without doing these 2. So I'll think of something.
I did a lot of HIIT for the past 10 months. I dealt with a lot of nutritional deficiencies which left me with cravings and feeling off. I started taking a daily vegan multivitamin and a magnesium supplement which helped me feel a lot better healthwise (smooth hair, healthy skin, sturdy nails, way less cravings for junk and sugar, eczema and angular cheilitis disappeared, and no more dry mouth). There are probably other benefits that I didn't even notice. But I am happy overall. 😊
I'm going to eat healthy and continue supplementing in order to avoid cravings. I'm going to stick to Rachael's programs so I can slim my legs again. So I'll walk a lot (I pace a lot at work and have 2 dogs so those help), and do some of her resistance and HIIT workouts. Her program works very well as seen on the picture on the left. It's also not super challenging (not easy but I've done harder workouts) and each workout is around half an hour long.
It can happen.
Do not reblog.
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girl4pay · 1 year
this might not be useful at all but i literally had the same thing with things tasting off lately and turns out i have a vitamin deficiency causing weird tastes in my mouth ! can be connected 2 angular cheilitis. just wanted 2 pass on in case useful x
omg that sucks! my sister actually reminded me that the thing i had reheated was from like days ago and i had forgotten so probably i just need to start labelling leftovers rip. hope you’re doing ok love
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incandacence · 1 year
i think it is so funny that i have been dealing with angular cheilitis for like half a year at this point and when i tried going to a dermatologist about it months ago they were just like "yeah that happens when it gets cold darling" (this started last year before it started getting cold) "here let me prescribe u some hydrocortisone ointment" and it did not work so here i am essentially self medding using an over the counter anti-fungal cream and. it is working. doctors are so fucking incompetent and ultimately unnecessary for a lot of this shit this medical system is so fucking stupid and useless i am going to
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bloodyke · 2 years
FINALLY got the rash and angular cheilitis (lips splitting open at the corners) caused by my extreme dry skin to go away.... its been two weeks
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cheapshrimpysheep · 1 year
No Kisses - Side Characters
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SUMMARY: After tasting a Solomon's dish, your lips got infected. It's nothing serious, but it's contagious. So you decide not to kiss anyone until your lips heal. How do they react to the wait?
CHARACTERS: Side Characters [Diavolo; Barbatos; Luke (platonic); Simeon & Solomon]
TAGS: Fluf; GN Reader; Kissing
WORD COUNT: An average of 300 words per character.
COMMENTS: I finally thought of something to write with the Obey Me! characters! Recently I got angular cheilitis. My lips are very dry. Nothing too serious, but that's what gave me the idea to write this.
I hope you enjoy. ;)
P.S.: Here's the version with the Brother: No Kisses - Demon Brothers
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CONTEXT: You couldn't get rid of tasting Solomon's new dish. He looked so proud and happy about it. And it didn't look as... deadly as the others. It was salty, but not too bad. The problem came later, your lips became drier than usual and small cuts formed on them. He was worried and apologized profusely.
The doctor told you it was nothing serious and gave you an ointment to put on your lips. But what you had was contagious through kissing. So you decide not to kiss anyone until your lips are completely healed.
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Diavolo gets very worried about you. But after knowing that it's nothing too serious, he's more relieved. When you tell him about not kissing anyone, he completely understands and admires your thoughtfulness.
He still considers using his magic to heal you, but since Solomon's food is involved, he doesn't know if his magic could unintentionally make your infection worse. So he'll just be patient and remind you to follow the doctor's directions.
He will ask Barbatos to cook for you. His butler will cook and cut the ingredients so as not to strain the poor elasticity of your lips. So that it doesn't hurt when you eat.
Although you can’t kiss him, he’ll still kiss you on the cheeks and forehead. Maybe even more than usual. Even though he knows his kisses won't heal you, they might help you feel better.
If you sleep together, he'll look at your lips while you're sleeping. He doesn't show it when you're awake, he's very good at hiding it. But he is very sad. Not only because he can't kiss you, but also because it's hurting you. He doesn't like feeling helpless, but he has no way of knowing if his magic will heal you or make it worse. He'll just be patient.
When you are sure that your lips are healed and you tell him so, he’s so happy for you! He's so glad that you feel well again. You kiss his cheek to thank him for the concern and care. He caresses your cheek, looking at your beautiful healthy lips. “I'm so glad for you, my dear. Will you allow me to celebrate with a longing kiss?”
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Barbatos gets very worried about you. And even after knowing that it's nothing very serious, he continues to worry about you because you still have a lip infection. The same way he would take care of his young master, he will take care of you. You’ll feel like a new member of royalty that he will take care of.
Of course he will cook for you! Not that you can't cook for yourself, but mainly speaking of Devildom ingredients, he is more knowledgeable about them. And even he can even know ingredients that ease the possible pain of your lips. He will take care of you.
Being protective of the people he cares about, he will be attentive and remind you to put on the ointment the doctor prescribed for you, like an alarm clock. Maybe even go so far as to buy a second one if you forget yours or don't have it with you at the moment. Better safe than sorry.
He was never the type to give kisses. Or at least not as much as the other men you know at the Devildom. And he won't give you any while you're healing. It wouldn't be fair to give you a kiss that you can't return. He likes it better when you reciprocate them.
If you sleep together, he'll look at your dry, cut lips while you're sleeping. And remembering all the reasons why he doesn't like Solomon. Luckily it's nothing serious. Lucky for you and for him. Because if something serious had happened to you and it was his fault, Barbatos would make sure he paid for it, one way or another, even with their pact.
When you are sure that your lips are healed and you tell him so: “Ah, yes. Right on time. That's wonderful.” He’ll say “Time for what, you're asking? Oh, for us to try out the new Demonus that just arrived for us. You will join me, I believe.” He smiles.
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Oh No! You're sick?! What did Solomon do? He can't do this to you! And you have to be more careful! Luke will be your caregiver! You can't even smile tasting his sweets anymore. This is horrible! He will be your caregiver! Your guard dog! He probably imagined himself as a St. Bernard Rescue Dog. But maybe you imagine a Chihuahua with that same little barrel around his neck that he can't carry because it's the same size as the dog.
He won't admit that he's going to miss the kisses on the cheek you give him when you think he's cute. NEVER! Okay, maybe if your sad about the situation with your lips.
He will learn to make sweets that won't hurt your lips. And always looking at you a little worried, seeing if you make a face that shows that your lips hurt when you eat. If you don't, he will be very happy that you managed to eat without felling pain. If you do, Simeon will have to help you calm Luke down and say it's not his fault.
He will ask you every day how you are feeling. If your lips are healing. If the ointment really works. Do not forget to apply the ointment. And be careful when eating, your lips can hurt you if you're not careful.
When you are sure that your lips are healed and you tell him so, YAY! He’s so happy that you’re feeling well again. He was so sweet to you, and he's being so sweet now. Your caregiver deserves those kisses on the cheek that he so wants to hide that he likes.
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Simeon doesn't show how worried about you he is at first. He just shows the relief of hearing that it's nothing too serious. He will always see the bright side. Don't worry, it will pass. And he will always be ready to comfort you when your lips hurt.
Of course he will cook for you! he already loves to do it on a normal day. He is so skilled that not only does his cooking not hurt your lips, it also seems to comfort and help them heal as much as the ointment. How was that possible?
Although you can’t kiss him, he’ll still kiss you on the cheeks and forehead. He doesn't care that you can't reciprocate, he doesn't kiss you for that. He kisses you because he wants give you affection. Angels give without expecting to receive. Being kissed by you again is just an wonderful gift.
If you sleep together, he'll look at your dry, cut lips while you're sleeping. Since you aren't seeing him, he lets his smile fade. No one likes to see the person they love sick, even if it's not something that serious. He will caress your cheek, being careful not to wake you up.
When you are sure that your lips are healed and you tell him so, he's so glad! He saw that you were getting better, so he knew it would only be a matter of time before your lips were fully healed. Like I said, he doesn't give expecting something in return. But he'll be over the moon if the first person you want to kiss is him. He missed your kisses so much.
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Luckily it's nothing serious, but Solomon knows it's still his fault. Would you be allergic to any ingredients he used? Would you know you were allergic? Was there anything he could do to heal you faster? And redeem himself?
You and/or the doctor warn him NOT TO DO ANYTHING! He is confused and sad that he cannot help. Can he at least cook for you? Sorry Solomon but NO! So what can he do for you? Um... what if he does other things for you? Like, I don't know, a butler?
If you tell Barbatos about this, he'll be delighted to see it front row. Would you like him to give Solomon some kind of intensive training? After all, it's going to take some time for your lips to heal, right?
He will still kiss you on the cheek and forehead. Maybe even more than usual. After all, you don't let him cook for you or try to heal you with magic. He wants to help you cook. He promises to follow what you tell him to do. Seriously, he promises. If you still refuse his help, he'll hug you from behind and rest his chin on your shoulder while you cook, continuing to promise that he'll just follow your instructions and ask you to let him help.
If you sleep together, he'll look at your lips while you're sleeping. When you're awake, you see him always smiling or making puppy eyes for you to let him help you cook. But like this, when you don't see him, his smile fades. And he'll caress your cheek, being careful not to wake you up. It's his fault, and his punishment is to be without your kisses.
When you are sure that your lips are healed and you tell him so, he'll hug you while saying he is glad. Then he'll place his hands on your cheeks, look you in your eyes and say: “Now, will you let me show you how much I'm sorry? And how much I missed your kisses?”
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If you would like to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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canwehavehextonite · 1 month
does anyone here know how to never have angular cheilitis ever again for the rest of ur life? asking for a friend
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