storytowrite · 1 month
|Crossing the line| ~ Lee Felix
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Paring: Lee Felix x reader
Genre: little angsry but smut
Word count: 5675
Warnings: 18+; nonprotection; blood
You and Felix have always had your secrets, little secrets that required a bond between you. You knew things about each other that even your closest ones had no idea about. However, this one secret that you hid from him seemed too big to reveal. You were friends since the sandbox, but for some time Felix began to awaken feelings in you that you feared the most. You weren't sure if it was just a momentary infatuation or maybe something deeper. 
 Finally, the day of your birthday came, you loved celebrating it, because Felix always invited you to your secret, charming place that only you knew about and prepared a handmade cake. It was the same today, in the morning you got an invitation from Felix. You quickly went to get ready, put on your favorite white, airy dress and did light make-up. This was the day when you were going to confess your feelings to Felix, you couldn't keep it to yourself anymore. When you were ready, you went to the lake in the middle of the forest, covered by huge willows. Every step along the sandy path brought back waves of childhood memories. This place was your shelter from the world, a refuge where you could be yourself, and all your worries would disappear.  
When you got there, your heart was beating like crazy with excitement. You uncovered the lush willow leaves with your hand and your heart froze when, apart from Felix, you saw another person next to him. It was a beautiful, petite girl with light hair waving in the wind and eyes shining like sapphires. Her smile was wide and full of warmth.  
"Happy birthday Y/n. I'm so glad we can spend this special day together again." Felix said, approaching you, with a big smile on his face, a smile that was reserved only for you and for special occasions.  
You managed to force a fake smile on your face, although deep down you were hiding a huge disappointment. The unknown girl approached Felix and intertwined their fingers together. You couldn't hide the fact that you noticed it right away and knew what was coming.  
"Oh Y/n I'm sorry it's so sudden, but I wanted you to meet as soon as possible. This is Eva, my girlfriend."  
His words were like a punch to the heart for you. You felt like your heart was breaking into millions of pieces. At first, you were frozen, you couldn't gather your thoughts. However, when the whole situation hit you, you couldn't hold back your tears. 
 "How could you...?" Your voice was shaking, and tears were running down your cheeks, leaving a wet trail behind them.  
"Y/n, what's wrong? I hoped you'd be happy." Felix looked at you confused.  "This was our place." You whispered, unable to bear the pain any longer. "Only ours."  
Before Felix could answer anything, you turned around and started running forward, tears running faster and faster down your cheeks. 
 "Y/n wait!" Felix called after you, but you couldn't, didn't want to hear.
You ran through the forest until your legs started to hurt and your lungs burned from the effort. Finally, you stopped, hoping that Felix had run after you and would hug you, apologize and explain everything. You stood there looking at the exit from the forest, your heart pounding. You waited with hope, but time flew by and Felix didn't come. With each passing moment, hope diminished until it finally disappeared completely when you realized that the boy wouldn't show up. Desperate and broken, you decided to go home.
Walking through the crowded streets, you felt your heart bleeding. You wondered if you hadn't waited too long to confess your feelings to Felix and now you wouldn't have a chance. You wondered if you would be able to forget about him, if you would learn to live with the thought that Felix wouldn't be yours, or maybe it would completely destroy you.
When you reached your apartment, you locked yourself in your room, threw yourself on the bed and stared at the ceiling. Thoughts were still swirling in your head, and your heart ached like never before. You were angry at yourself, you were angry at Felix, and you were angry at this new girl.
Since you got home, your phone had been ringing non-stop, but you didn't have the strength or desire to answer it at this moment. You knew it was your friends calling you to wish you a happy birthday. Even though it was your birthday, during which Felix did everything to make you feel special, this time you felt lonelier than ever.
Finally, after hours spent crying and the constantly ringing phone, you decided to answer it when you noticed Binnie's name on the screen. His cheerful voice sounded through the receiver, but as soon as he heard your tears, he immediately stopped joking.
"Y/n what's going on?" He asked worriedly.
"Nothing, just...it doesn't matter." You said, choking on your tears.
"Don't worry. I'm on my way to your place, so you can complain to me." Changbin replied, not waiting for your protests.
Literally after a few minutes you heard the doorbell. You slowly dragged yourself out of bed and walked up to the door. As it turned out, Changbin and Chan were standing in front of the door, whom you reluctantly let in. The sight of your tearful and swollen face made the boys freeze.
"What happened, our sun?" Chan asked, sitting down next to you on the couch and taking your hand in his.
You took a deep breath and told them about Felix and his girlfriend, about how he took her to your special place. Both of them were surprised by your words, they had no idea that Felix had a girlfriend.
"Lix didn't say anything about any girl, and we've never seen him with any other girl than you." Changbin said, looking at Chan in disbelief.
"We know Felix very well, and you know him very well too, and you know that he wouldn't do anything to hurt you. I think there's something more here, something none of us know about." Chan added, stroking your hand. Both boys did their best to comfort you and not let you think about the whole situation. You were in their arms the whole time, which gave you an extra sense of security and warmth that you needed so much right now. After long talks, when they were sure that you were already in a better mental state, they said goodbye to you and went back to their place.
You closed the door behind them and all the negative feelings you didn't want to show them came back. You turned towards the mirror that hung by the door and noticed the pendant that Felix had given you long ago as a symbol of your eternal friendship around your neck. You looked at it for a moment and then in a surge of emotion, you ripped it off your neck, bursting into even more tears.
For the rest of the day and the whole night you cried, you couldn't get the image of that girl intertwining her arms with Felix out of your head. Finally, flooded with tears, you cry yourself to sleep, holding the broken pendant in your hand, which has now lost its importance to you.
You never liked drama, but after the last action with Felix you decided to cut yourself off from the world for a while and organize your thoughts. Although you knew that such a withdrawal was not good for you, you had no other choice. Felix called you several times, but every time you rejected his calls. You also saw his messages in which he asked you to meet up, but you didn't answer them. You were hurt by what he did and you needed time to heal your wounds.
Finally, on his birthday, Minho invited all his friends to a restaurant. You really didn't want to go because you knew Felix would be there too, but your conscience wouldn't let you ignore the invitation. You dressed nicely, femininely, slightly sexy and went to the restaurant.
When you entered, you saw Felix with his new girlfriend. Your heart beat faster, and the old wounds started bleeding again. However, you decided not to make a scene and put on a happy mask. You greeted everyone gathered, skillfully avoiding Felix and Eva, with whom you didn't even want to exchange a word.
Felix was of course surprised by your cold attitude. He was sad, but he didn't want to show it.
"Hi Y/n, I wrote and called you but you didn't answer. Did something happen?" Felix asked worriedly, approaching you.
You just rolled your eyes and joined Seungmin and Hyunjin's conversation. You did everything you could to have the best time at Minho's birthday. You laughed, talked to others, but you could still feel Felix's eyes on you, who wasn't the smiling, cheerful boy he always was today.
After the conversations, everyone decided to sit down to eat, which was just arriving at the table. Unfortunately for you, the only empty seat that was left was opposite Felix and Eve. You reluctantly took your seat and you all started eating. Unfortunately for you, when you raised your head, you made eye contact with Eva. Seeing your look, the girl smiled maliciously and without taking her eyes off you, as if she was watching your reaction, she kissed Felix.
Everyone at the table, including Felix, was shocked by what had just happened. You felt like someone had ripped your heart out of your chest, and tears quickly welled up in your eyes. Not wanting to give Eva the satisfaction, you ran out of the restaurant before tears could run down your cheeks. Han immediately followed you. He found you on a bench next to the restaurant. You were curled up in a ball and crying, shaking with the overwhelming emotions that were boiling in your heart.
"What happened Y/n?" He asked gently, sitting down next to you.
"Felix..." You started, choking on your tears. "I love him, Han. I've loved him for a long time, but he found someone else. She...she did it on purpose to hurt me."
Han put his arm around you, rubbing small circles on your shoulder.
"I don't know what to say Y/n. Felix surprised us all, and Eva came out of nowhere. We've never heard of her or seen her before. The only thing I'm sure of is that Felix definitely cares about you. He doesn't stop talking about you when he's with us. I have a feeling that Eva is just a passing infatuation that will disappear quickly. You don't have to worry, let alone waste the best moment of your life because of him." His words gave you some comfort, you needed just that kind of support. "Now, chin up and let's go back to the restaurant to have some more fun." He wiped your tears and helped you get up from the bench.
In better spirits, you went back to the restaurant where everyone was waiting for you. The first thing you noticed was that Eva wasn't at the table. Felix, seeing you, jumped up from his chair and approached you, holding out his hand.
"Y/N, we need to talk." He started, but you pushed his hand away and went to the bathroom without a word.
You locked yourself in the stall, trying to calm down a bit. You leaned against the stall door, trying to take a deep breath. You knew you would have to deal with all this, but you needed a moment to gather your strength.
However, through the thin door you heard a phone call that caught your attention. Felix's girlfriend's voice was clearly audible. Apparently Eva didn't realize that you were right next to her.
"No, honey, don't worry. I have him wrapped around my finger. He's so naive." She said with an ironic smile. "I'm only with Felix for the money, that's obvious. The only thing that bothers me is his friend. She's so stupid and Felix keeps talking about her. I'm sick of her and I have to get rid of her somehow. "
You froze, holding your breath, not wanting to reveal that you were in the cabin. Your heart was pounding with anger.
"Yeah, of course no one guesses. It's only a matter of time before I get what I want and then I disappear." Eva continued.
Fury raged inside you. When the conversation ended, you ran out of the bathroom, unable to contain your anger. Eva stood in front of you with her phone in her hand, surprised by your sudden appearance.
"You bitch, what did you just say!?" You screamed, feeling the rage filling you from the inside. "Who do you think you are to talk about Felix like that!?"
Eva smiled maliciously "And what are you jealous of that I have him all to myself and you can only look? "
You couldn't stand her contempt any longer. You threw yourself at her, pulling her arms and hair. Eva defended herself, screaming and pulling you. Your struggle led you back to the restaurant, where everyone was shocked to see you in such situation.
The boys, including Felix, immediately jumped up from their chairs and tried to calm the whole situation down.
"Stop it!" Felix shouted, pushing you away from Eva.
Unfortunately, you lost your balance and hit your head on the sharp edge of the table. The pain was sudden and piercing. You felt warm blood running down your temple. Lix paled, seeing what had happened. He wanted to go over to help you, but Eva stopped him, holding his arm.
"I'm so scared Lix, she threw herself at me. She's probably jealous." Eva made herself the victim.
"Of course it's all my fault. Let your little lady tell you that she's using you for your money." Your words shocked everyone.
“Don't listen to her, honey, she wants to divide us.” Eva pulled his gaze away from you.
You looked at Lix, expecting him to break down, to take your side. But he hesitated, letting Eva dictate the moves. Disappointed and hurt, you gathered your strength to get up.
“Let him believe his girl, not his best friend.” You left through clenched teeth, looking him straight in the eye.
You turned around and headed towards the door, ignoring the pain and blood that was flooding your eye. However, after taking a few steps, you felt dizzy and almost fell to the ground, but at the last moment Jeongin caught you and sat you down on the couch.
Immediately, 7 of your friends gathered around you. The only thing missing was Felix, whom you noticed Eva drag out of the restaurant, although he really wanted to check on you. You were afraid that you had lost not only your friend but also your faith in what connected you.
You were in tatters for a few days. Every morning you wake up slowly, and you, with heavy eyelids and aversion to the world, lay in your bed, not having the strength to even do the simplest things. A barely noticeable light fell through the window, which barely cut through the thick curtains, reminding you of the existence of the outside world, which you wanted nothing to do with. If it weren't for Minho and Chan's home-cooked meals that the boys brought, you probably wouldn't eat anything. Every day someone else visited you to check on you, but none of these meetings brought you relief.
On the third day, Hyunjin came, bringing news that shook you to the core. He looked at you with sympathy, sitting on the edge of your bed.
"He broke up with Eva." He said quietly. "He caught her cheating on him and he feels really bad that he didn't believe you earlier. He really wants to apologize to you."
These words brought you some relief, because you finally didn't have to worry about that horrible girl, but at the same time you felt anger and disappointment. You didn't want to see Felix. Not after what he did to you.
For the next four days you didn't answer his phone, and even when he came to your door to apologize, you didn't open it. You pretended you weren't there, hiding under the blanket, listening to his pleading words.
"Please, open the door. Let's talk for at least 5 minutes. I beg you, I need to see your face. I'm sorry, I really am. I realized how much I hurt you. Please, give me a chance to fix this. You're so fucking important to me and I can't stand the thought of losing you." His voice trembled and you felt tears welling up in your eyes, but you couldn't bring yourself to let him in. There was turmoil in your heart, a mixture of anger, regret and sadness.
One day, when Seungmin came to your place with dinner, he brought Felix's brownie, which he forbade anyone from touching because it was for you.
"He made it especially for you." Seungmin said, placing the plate on the kitchen table. "He almost killed us when we tried to even try a piece."
Unable to stop yourself, you tasted a piece of cake, which immediately melted in your mouth. Your taste buds were going crazy from the strong taste of chocolate. The taste was amazing as always, and your pleasant memories of making brownies with Felix came back. Even for a split second, a smile found its way to yours.
The whole week, the boys had been telling you something about how much this whole situation had affected Felix, but you pretended not to listen. You knew it had affected you too. It wasn't until the seventh day that Han came. His face was serious, his eyes full of concern.
"Felix looks awful." He said, sitting down across from you. "We're really worried about him. We're afraid he'll do something to himself. He knows he screwed up completely, but he wants to fix it and begs for another chance."
His words broke through your wall of indifference. Your heart clenched with pain at the thought of Felix doing something to himself. Despite everything, you still cared about him.
"What do I do, Han?" You asked, feeling tears welling up in your eyes. "That idiot could really do something to himself. Fuck, Han, why is it so hard?"
“I know Y/n that it's not easy, but he's really hurting. He knows that there's a small chance that you'll forgive him, but agree to meet with him. At least for 5 minutes.” Han replied quietly.
After much persuasion and internal struggle, you agreed. As soon as Han left, you pulled out your phone and opened a chat with Felix. You looked at the keyboard for a long time before you decided to write.
“Let's meet at my place tomorrow evening.” That's all you managed to write, that's all you could think of.
You spent the night in suspense, unable to sleep, thinking about what to say, how to behave when you meet again.
The next day, Felix came to you, just like you told him. When you opened the door, you saw a gigantic bouquet of a hundred roses and a box of chocolates. Only then did you notice Felix, who didn't look too good. His skin was pale, and there were dark bags under his eyes. Without a word, he fell to his knees and began begging for forgiveness.
“I'm sorry, I'm an idiot.” His voice trembled and his eyes filled with tears. “I made the biggest mistake of my life. I can't lose you, you're the most important person in the world to me. I can't stand being without you, I'd rather die than think that you won't be with me.”
His words hit you straight in the heart. You felt a wave of emotions go through your body - anger, sadness, longing, but most of all love. You knelt down next to him, your hands gently touching his face, and your thumbs wiping away his tears.
“Felix... “ You started quietly, looking deep into his eyes. “I can't imagine life without you either.”
His eyes lit up, as if he had finally found hope.
“Thank you.” He whispered, taking your hands. “I promise I'll never let you down again.”
You hugged him tightly, feeling his warmth fill your heart. For a moment you stayed silent, savoring the closeness that both of you missed so much. Finally, you pulled away from each other and sat down on the couch. You immediately started talking to each other about everything and nothing. It wasn't until a few hours later that Felix dropped the subject of the conversation.
"Maybe we should order something to eat?" Felix suggested.
"Yeah, that's a good idea." You agreed. "And maybe some alcohol?"
Felix smiled broadly, nodding to your idea.
"Yeah, we definitely need alcohol."
You ordered your favorite food and a lot of alcohol, which disappeared pretty quickly. With each next glass, you laughed louder and louder, forgetting for a moment about the problems that were tormenting you. You felt the bond between you, which was so strong before, rekindled.
"Do you remember the first time we met after moving in at that coffee shop on the corner?" Felix asked, his eyes shining with memories.
"How could I forget?" You replied with a smile. "You were so clumsy that you spilled coffee on my new coat."
“And instead of getting mad, you started laughing.” He added. “That’s when I knew you were special.”
You talked for a long time, immersing yourself in memories and plans for the future. The alcohol made the conversation more open, but the topic of Eva still remained untouched.
"Felix..." You started, interrupting your laughter. "We need to talk about Eva."
The silence that fell was thick and heavy. Felix lowered his gaze, and his face became sad again.
"I know." He said quietly. "But not tonight, please. Give me one more night to enjoy you without this burden."
You realized that you both needed this moment of peace. You hugged him tightly, and he hugged you back. You stayed like that for a moment, when your heart started beating faster. You don't know if it was because of the alcohol or what, but you felt a huge urge to get even closer to him.
You raised your gaze and looked at his sweet lips, his freckles emphasizing his cheekbones, his shiny eyes and his lips again. You unconsciously bit your lips and lifted yourself up on your hands. Before you knew it, you connected your lips in a short kiss. However, as quickly as you connected them, you separated them.
“Omg… I'm sorry, I don't know what got into me… No…” However, Felix didn't let you finish and connected your lips again, but this time the kiss was more passionate.
All your deeply hidden emotions exploded at that moment. You threw your arms around his neck and completely surrendered to the kisses. Every touch was a desperate cry, every moment full of deep longing. Your hands wandered over your bodies, looking for confirmation that it was all real, that what you felt was not just a dream.
Felix buried his fingers in your hair, pulling you even closer. You sat astride him, eliminating unnecessary distance. The boy kissed you passionately, as if every second was the last. His lips were hot, and his breathing heavy, as your kisses became more and more intense, deeper. You responded with equal passion, forgetting about everything except this moment.
Time ceased to exist, the world outside of you disappeared. There were only you, your desire, your love, which now exploded with the force of a hurricane. The kisses were wild and untamed, full of feelings accumulated over the years. Your bodies trembled, your hearts beat in one, feverish rhythm.
When you finally broke away from each other, you were both out of breath, your faces burning. In Felix's eyes you saw the reflection of your own emotions - love, desire, and something more, something that made her heart beat even faster.
Felix grabbed your buttocks and lifted you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist and started placing small kisses on his neck. Lix couldn't control himself and before he could reach the bedroom, he leaned your back against the wall in the hallway. Now he took the initiative and slid your shirt off your shoulder, revealing your collarbone.
His lips quickly found their way to your bare skin, leaving more and more red marks on it. Every movement of his gave you great pleasure, a pleasure you had never felt before. You felt yourself slowly getting wet, and arousal was starting to replace other emotions. You wanted him, you wanted closeness.
"Felix..." You whispered straight into his ear, biting his earlobe.
Felix knew perfectly well what you meant. You didn't have to say anything, your movements said everything. Felix, connecting your lips again in a French kiss, led you to the bedroom, where he gently laid you on the bed. You watched him carefully as he slowly took off his shirt, and then his pants, leaving only in his boxers. A visible bulge was visible through his panties.
Unable to hide fact that you enjoy what you were seeing, you bit your lip, you felt a wave of heat flooding your body, creating a raspberry blush on your face. You also took off your shirt and pants, also remaining in only your underwear. You were glad you wore a set this time.
Seeing your breasts surrounded by the thin material of your bra, he smiled gently and immediately climbed onto the bed as well. His knee was between your legs, gently pressing on your crotch. The first moan of pleasure escaped your lips, which turned Felix on even more.
The boy leaned over you and slowly placed kisses on your body, starting from your neck and going lower and lower. Wet traces trailed down your breasts, all the way to the elastic of your thong. Goosebumps ran through your body when you felt his tongue return under your panties. However, it was only when his mouth was on your thighs that you felt that you were about to go crazy, you needed him inside you.
You threw your arms around his neck again and pulled him closer to you.
"More..." You whispered, demanding closeness.
Felix immediately went into action and with one hand unfastened your bra. Your breasts immediately fell out of it, revealing your erect nipples. A moment later you were also stripped of your panties. Felix also pulled down his boxers, revealing his firmly erect penis. The sight of his penis made you lick your lips unconsciously and throw yourself at him.
Now you towered over him, but it didn't bother him, on the contrary, he directed you towards himself, so that now you were sitting astride him. His hard penis was under your pussy. Feeling his throbbing penis, you started moving your hips, perfectly taking advantage of how wet you were at that moment. His penis slid perfectly between your folds, giving you a huge amount of pleasure. You could hardly stop yourself from screaming out loud.
Your head was going crazy with emotions, you were in a trance, and your heart was pounding like crazy.
"Y/n do you have a condom?" He asked in his low voice.
However, you nodded your head. You haven't had a boyfriend for so long that you didn't need condoms. The corner of Felix's mouth lifted.
"Do you want to try without protection?" You sensed hope in his voice that you would agree.
You were surprised by his proposal, but you were so excited that you didn't want to stop now and you agreed. Felix, having your permission, immediately directed his penis to your hole and lifted his hips, slid into you. He immediately hit your sweet spot, which sent pleasant shivers through your body.
You matched your pace of movement with your heavy breaths. His penis entered and exited you, teasing your walls. Your eyes rolled back from the amount of pleasure that filled your body. The feeling of it filling up more and more flooded your body. You wanted more and more.
You sped up your movements, feeling that you were about to come and you guessed that Felix must feel the same way too, because he also started moving his hips, going even deeper.
“Y/n I'm about to come.” He grabbed your hips, stopping your movements.
“Cum inside. I'm so close.” You said, letting yourself get carried away by the emotions.
Felix didn't hesitate again and sped up his movements, you sped up yours as well and you moved at an equal pace, giving you both immense pleasure. A few movements later you felt a wave of pleasure flood your body. You shook and tensed with a force you had never experienced before. Orgasm flooded your entire body, you dug your fingers into his chest, trying to control your body.
“Y/n your walls are closing in on me. Ugh…Y/n.” That was all he managed to say before he shot inside you.
You felt the warm liquid filling you from the inside. The boy held you tightly so that you wouldn’t get up from him until he finished his wonderful orgasm. Only after a moment, when the power of your fulfillment decreased a bit, did you collapse on him, exhausted. He was also breathing loudly, barely catching his breath. You stayed like that for a while before Lix pulled out of you, and you felt his cum flowing out of you.
“That was wonderful Y/n.” The boy said, kissing you tenderly on the forehead.
You smiled at the boy and snuggled tightly into his chest. You lay there for a while longer, cuddling, when sleepiness finally hit you. You decided to take a bath and tidied up the bed, so that you could go to dreamland together.
The morning light gently poured through the curtains, putting warm reflections on your intertwined hands. The awakening was gentle, as if reality wanted to give you a moment to get used to your new state. Your heart was beating calmly but intensely, as if every cell in your body was repeating one word: love. Felix lay next to you, his face relaxed, as if the previous night had washed away all his worries. You looked at him for a long moment, memorizing every feature, every detail, as if you had never had the opportunity to look at him like this before. It was a feeling full of relief, but also uncertainty. Wasn't what happened last night just a dream?
You carefully pulled away so as not to disturb his sleep, but Felix stirred and opened his eyes. Your gazes met - his warm, brown eyes were full of tenderness you hadn't noticed before.
"Hello." He whispered, and you sensed uncertainty in his voice, as if he still didn't quite believe you were here.
"Hello...Felix I have to tell you something...I love you." You pulled yourself together as quickly as possible, wanting to throw those words out.
Felix looked at you intensely, as if he wanted to pick out every note of truth from your confession.
"I love you too." He said quietly. "And for a long time."
Your heart began to beat faster. What you heard sounded like a dream come true, but at the same time it reminded you of the pain you had gone through.
"Why didn't you say anything?" You asked, trying to understand his silence.
Felix sighed deeply, as if he was preparing for a difficult confession.
"I was afraid... I was afraid that if I confessed my feelings to you, everything we had would be ruined. Our friendship was everything to me, and the risk of losing it... was too great. That's why... I found myself a girlfriend to forget about you. But... it didn't work. I couldn't stop thinking about you, not even for a moment."
You felt a pang in your heart at the mention of Eva. You remembered how Felix had distanced himself from you, and his relationship with her had felt like a sudden blow that you were supposed to survive alone.
"Eva manipulated me." He admitted, his voice quiet and full of regret. "I was an idiot to believe her. She made me into a toy, and I... I was too blinded to notice. But... there's not a day that goes by that I don't think of you, that I don't regret letting her affect me like that."
You looked at him for a moment, feeling a mixture of anger and sympathy.
“Indeed, you were an idiot.” You finally said, and Felix winced slightly. “But... you were my idiot.” A spark of hope appeared in his eyes.
“And now?” he asked carefully, as if every word could reawaken old wounds. “Will you be... my girlfriend now?”
You thought for a moment, but you knew that your heart had already made up its mind.
“Yes, Felix. I want to be your girlfriend.” The smile that appeared on his face was like the rising sun after a long, stormy night. He took your hand and squeezed it gently, as if to reassure himself that this was all real.
“We’ll start over.” He said in a confident voice. “I’ll do anything to rebuild what was between us. You deserve to be happy, and I want to be the one to make you happy.”
You looked at him, feeling the weight of past mistakes starting to lift. You were on the threshold of a new stage, ready to experience each day together. What was broken began to heal, and your relationship had the chance to become stronger than ever before.
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luitroon · 5 months
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Silly doodle :(
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coastal-gt · 6 months
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When Tori and Darius finally have angsry sex in shadow princess (zodiac academy book 4)
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calowlmitygoddess · 4 months
OBSESSED with this cutscene in the eden storyline where Ryne and Gaia are having their gay angsry conversation and the wol is just fucking doing SQUATS behind them
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zalrb · 1 year
I don’t want to rewatch this episode.
2. Yo, Whitey waits how long to punish the team for starting to the season with a brawl? In FNL, Smash talks shit on local TV and Coach WAKES THE TEAM UP at like 11 and has them do suicides in the rain.
3. Oh Dan pissing in the pool.
4. Aww, Haley waiting so she can bump into Nathan is so high school. They’re cute when I don’t remember their story. Like I said, I like together Naley but not buildup Naley.
5. “But next time you want to talk, don’t pretend to run into me” oh Nathan, you couldn’t just pretend? Boys are horrible.
6. “Don’t sleep on your music, Hales, it’s a big part of who you are.” “Yeah... so are you.” Aww, but you did abandon him, though.
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8. Rachel dissing Brooke’s clothes is funny because you all have the same shitty clothes because of OTH’s nonexistent budget.
9.  “Alright, Paris and Nicole’ THESE REFERENCES. OMG I LOVE IT.
10. “If I wanted to watch cheerleaders fighting, I would watch pay-per-view” oh, gross.
11. The fantasy boy draft is funny because the boys have absolutely no say as if a cheerleader is a cheerleader is a cheerleader to them.
12. “Roe Roe Roe your vote. That’s cute!” It’s corny.
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he was so in love with her, everyone shut up.
14. Peyton is allergic to loyalty to Brooke I swear to god.
16. Chris, why are you HERE?
17. Skills fills me with so much rage.
18. Oh my god, this scene needs to be over.
20. Peyton: *continues to angsry draw* at least she has few lines this episode.
21. “That is if you can catch your breath” Your son is dying, Dan.
22. Chris and his striped shirt.
23. “Did you get a look at the first election polls? It’s almost like I’m running unopposed.” HA that’s actually funny.
24. “And it’s something I care about!” Lucas, you don’t give a fuck about basketball.
26. I can’t watch the draft pick I am forwarding through.
28. Me: What does the wall say this time?
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29. It always bothered me that students work out after hours in school. They kick you out at 6!
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fire-eyed-raven · 2 years
It has been more than 10 years and I still love Madara Uchiha and Hashimada so much T_T
Like really I'm in fandom (in and out) for more than 10 years now. I first read Naruto when I was 11yo as my first manga ever and I'm 26 now. And I still get periodically obsessed at least with Madara. Founders era Madara. Because, honestly? I can't care less about 4th shinobi world war arc less xD
Hashimada is kind of my comfort pairing, I guess. Hashimada AUs and headcanons live in my head rent free. :P Fluffy ones as well as angsry ones.
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kabarbanyuwangi · 3 months
Tim SAR Evakuasi Dua Pendaki Tersesat di Gunung Adeng, Bali
Banyuwangi Minggu, 23 Juni 2024 18:02 WIB Dua orang pendaki tersesat di Gunung Adeng, Desa Angsri, Kecamatan Baturiti, Tabanan, Bali, Minggu, 23 Juni 2024. Identitas mereka masing-masing Ivan, 22 tahun dan Mettew, 22 tahun, mereka tercatat sebagai tinggal di Panjer, Denpasar, Bali. Keduanya berhasil dievakuasi dengan selamat. Kepala Kantor Pencarian dan Pertolongan Denpasar (Basarnas Bali),…
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gameonlinepulsa · 4 years
Ada yang HOBI main slot tapi kalah terus..?? Yuk main di AMAZON4D. Situs slot PRAGMATIC resmi INDONESIA agen dari PAY4D yang berlisensi.. Berlisensi??? sudah jelas aman dan terpercaya. Tidak perlu takut tidak dibayar..  Cuzzz langsung saja kunjungi situs nya LINK : www.amazon4d1.com WA : 081216093381
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whump-and-tea · 4 years
The caretaker’s been seating in the waiting area of the emergency room for six hours now.   Their eyes hurt, and their wrists are on fire from when they’d unconsciously scratched; a nervous habit that never really faded over the years.
They’d gotten the call that morning.
After three long weeks, the whumpee had been found. Inside an abandoned house, chained to the ceiling, they’d been told.
They hadn’t seen them before entering surgery, but they’d overheard the nurses talking about the poor kid who’d been abducted and had arrived in such a poor condition, blood loss and cold being almost too much for their already weak body. That it would be a miracle if they did survive.
Oh God.
The whumpee was finally safe, finally there, just behind a closed door, and they couldn’t do anything to help them. Nothing but sit and pray to whatever deity was listening.
Help them, please. I’d do anything.
The caretaker had tried to be strong, to be enough to protect the whumpee - tiny, fragile Whumpee who would never hurt anybody in their life - but it was never enough. Whatever they did was never enough. They always made a mistake, and now it had almost gotten the whumpee killed.They were useless, and it was tearing them appart.
A nurse came out of the door then, stern-looking and grim. Their heart rate spiked, and everything narrowed to the red haired woman who could bring world-ending news for them.
The caretaker almost screamed in frustration when the nurse walked past them to speak to a woman that had been sitting quietly, three seats apart.
They didn’t hear a word.
The whumpee had to survive. They had to get better to hate the caretaker and make them pay for being too weak, for not being enough. The whumpee had to get better to punch the caretaker in the face and tell them that they never wanted to see them again.
The whumpee had to survive, they had to.
Because the caretaker didn’t know what they would do if they didn't.
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m00nfr3ak · 5 years
I’m gonna make some angsty shit
Spicy Bis
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darlin-collins · 2 years
My lovely ppl
So i wrote this in doll's blog
(to which it wasn't angsty hours and ended up just there)
And i wanna angsry hours sooo can we have them? <3
So what i came up with is
Teen Darlin and Milo!
Mio cant shift or do magic yet at the time but Darlin can
His parents were out if town for a gig and milo stayed with ash
One time he was hanging out with tank and a werewolf from another pack attacked them
And Darlin fought them
And by the time Milo got help , Darlin was like... A little not dead but they were like a lot dead...
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cr0g-0 · 2 years
Sorry- i am-
Angsry sighing
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violetnotez · 4 years
Yo shindo relationship headcannons but he uses his quirk to make reader think that their phone is going off. He finds it hilarious. Reader does not.
HC: Shindo Yo as a S/O
Omg nobody held me back so I did Shindo Yo Boyfriend HC sorry not sorry 😏
Pairing: Shindo Yo x reader
just fluffy ideas of how this boy would be as an s/o
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I honestly think he’s a total flirt-LIKE LOOK HOW PRETTY HE IS
but he’s like different about it
hes not straight flirty, like “oh you look hot, did it hurt when you fell from heaven?” ew
No, hes more sentimental and observant
He’ll greet every morning with the biggest smile and always giving you a compliment
“Wow babe you look amazing! Did you change your hair? It looks great!”
“Love the new lipgloss you got- it really suits you!”
“Whoa youre wearing a green shirt...did you do that just for me?”
This boy prides himself on PDA
once you start dating he is EXTREMELY touching immeditaely
Holding your hand, ksses on your cheeks, hugging you from behind
He THRIVES on touches
If hes dating someone, theyre his one and only- so why not let everyone else know that?
If your not for that, thats cool, he’ll hold back a little-after pouting about it, seriously, he loves being close to his s/o
The first time he sees you in one of shirts, this boy is GOING TO MELTTTTTT
He has no shirts anymore- and its not even because YOU took it
He was just so obsessive with seeing you in his clothes, he just gifts it to you
He try to be slick about it, like leaving them in your room and “pretending” he left them
Would be super sad tho if you try to bring them back
He is a classic romantic
Like on your first date, he brought you a whole ass bouquet of roses
Your dates are usually pretty generic- the movies, a nice restaurant, maybe a cute ice cream shop and a walk on the beach....
He doesn't really try to overthink or go crazy with dates
He is the CUTEST in a gray hoodie
This boy is pretty-and he KNOWS it
He’ll do every f* boy thing that’ll make your heart swoon-like run his hand through his hair, give you side eye looks, his tongue poking out of his mouth-
He defintiely will use this to his advantage
He would never cheat on you, but, he will pretend to indulge in other girl’s hitting on him, trying to act “innocent” like he didnt know
(Honestly watch out though girls are gonna be trying to get with him left and right)
Like if youre arguing with him a little and he sees a girl checking him out, he’ll try and make you jealous (he has a wierd thing for seeing you angsry he thinks its kinda hot)
And he neverrrr takes arguments seriously. Like at all.
Once he gets more comfortable in the relationship, he will  be a totalllll prankster
He has a pretty good quirk for it
Like he’ll make you think there are earthquakes just to see you all frazzled
and he will totally play along to see how long he can make you think there really was an earthquake
Or if your taking too long to get ready he’ll make the floor rumble so you stumble
Usually ends with you yelling at him for almost ruining your eyeliner and him laughing
(we finally get to the original request Jesus Christ)
He would definitely try to make you think your phone is going off just to have an excuse to touch your rear
Cause if you put your phone in your back pocket, all hes gotta do is lightly touch it and send a small vibration...
It honestly was sad how long it took you to figure out it was him
He was trying to hold back chuckles the whole time, your face so confused when you kept bringing your phone to your face and seeing no alerts
Until he got carried away and touched your ass-
when you were holding your phone in your hand
You tensed up, stopping in your tracks as you gave him a wierd look
“Wait Yo-”
And then realization struck you-it was him
You cheeks got red, a gasp slipping your mouth, as you tried to swat his chest
“Ahh cmon babe dont be bitter!” 
honestly he found it just super funny, chuckling as he instantly grabed your hand before it collided with his chest
 he kisses your digits, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on the side
“Ya know, you look cute when you blush-”
“Dont change the subject Yo, you just touched my ASS IN PUBLIC-”
(Sorry if these were short, I’m working on the Disney Choose Your Adventure rn so my usual fic posts will be a little shorter!)
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I've always felt I was best as writing like...angsry character examinations and powerful mutual moral arcs of two characters that influence each other deeply but I think I my calling might actually be extremely goofy but not at all crack fics
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eldritch-araneae · 4 years
But hey! I still in angsty mood for Bee, so send me any angsry asks sfdgfhg Idk, I wanna ramble but I cant just starr rambling sgdgfg
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6 and 29 for the dialogue ask game? Not for the fandom memes lol. And only if you want to!!
Of course I can and thanks for the ask. Because you didn't specify if you wanted Parkner or Irondad, I went with Parkner with some (angsry) Irondad sprinkled in to counter my last drabble. And since the last one was so fluffy, I went the other direction with this one.
6. "You have to leave right now."
29. "I'm not going anywhere."
Peter glances at his phone one more time, but ultimately decides not to say goodbye. Or at least, not anymore than he already has, though Harley won't know that Peter is… gone until he wakes up in the morning and sees the note Peter taped to the front door.
The message is simple. Borderline douchey.
I'm sorry to end things like this. I love you. 
No explanation, but Harley would have stopped him if he had explained and Peter couldn't --- can't afford for anything to go wrong.
It's too tempting to have his phone on, so Peter turns it off, then puts it in his back pocket. He shouldn't need it anymore anyways, not if Ross keeps his word.
Peter shoves his hands in his sweater pockets, unsure if the cold wrapped around him is because of the chilling night or because of what he is about to do --- what he has to do.
"A field, really? That's where you went?"
Peter's heart seizes in his chest and he whips around, shock and horror crawling over his skin.
Harley looks about as angry as Peter is horrified as he marches across the grass, straight for Peter. 
Peter can barely breathe.
"I don't think I have to tell you how pissed I am right now, Parker," Harley snaps but Peter's brain is short-circuiting because this can't be happening no no no.
"Are you just going to stand there and--- hey, you have no right---"
Peter's heart is pounding as he grabs Harley's arm and drags him towards the forest outlining the field, trying to be as gentle as the situation allows.
"Peter, let me go!" Harley yells angrily, and something snaps in Peter's chest: a whip of fear of what will happen if Harley gets too close, sees too much.
Peter stops as soon as they are just inside the cover of the forest, and Harley jerks his arm out of Peter's grasp. His face is red and disbelieving. 
Peter shakes his head panickedly and takes a few frantic, stumbling steps backward. "Harley, you have to leave right now."
"What? No, you don't get to break up with me and then just---"
"You don't understand," Peter snaps, desperately hoping he can get Harley to leave before the jet arrives. "You can't be here. Ross will---"
"Ross? What does he have to do with---" Fear settles over Harley's face. "Peter, what did you do?"
Peter opens his mouth to answer, but then he hears it. The low, almost imperceptible groan of the engine of an approaching jet. Peter's running out of time. 
"It doesn't matter," Peter mumbles. "All that matters is you're not here to see it."
"I'm not going anywhere," Harley retorts, voice jagged. 
Peter swallows back rising anger. It's not Harley's fault. It's Peter's --- for not being more careful. For letting himself get followed, or tracked most likely.
"They were going to kill you," Peter rushes out. It's a path Peter doesn't want to take, but Harley isn't listening, isn't understanding, so Peter has no choice but to explain. "They were watching you, they--- they had pictures of you --- surveillance of you in the apartment---"
"Who did?"
"Ross," Peter says quickly, gripping Harley's hand. "He gave me an ultimatum. Hand myself over to him---"
"Peter, no---"
"Or you die," Peter finishes. "They were going to kill you and it was you or me." Tears burn his eyes: tears of resolve and also grief for everything --- everyone he's leaving behind. "So I chose me."
Harley sputters for words. Peter can hear the jet getting closer. 
"I won't let you do this," Harley says, but his voice is shaking.
He knows he can't stop Peter if he tried.
"And I won't let you die," Peter whispers, pulling Harley closer to him so their foreheads touch. "Ross doesn't like loose ends. If his men see you, they'll know that you know. They'll kill you." 
"We can leave," Harley counters. "Run away---"
Peter shakes his head, pulling away even when Harley tries to hold his hand tighter. "They will find us. It's Ross, Harley. Not just some bad guy with a misplaced vendetta."
"We can---"
"I love you, Harley," Peter says, forcefully. He is leaving. "And I'm sorry."
"Peter, wait---"
Harley never saw Peter activate his web shooters as they were talking. Peter had planned on breaking them when the jet arrived but as it turned out, he'd need them one more time.
Peter fires at Harley's chest, binding him against the tree. By the time the webs dissolve, Peter will be long gone. Ross will be happy.
Harley will be safe.
Peter resists the urge to clamp his hands over his ears to drown out the sound of Harley screaming himself hoarse behind him. He keeps his face neutral and his gait normal as he approaches the descending jet. 
It's designed to be stealthy, with reflective panels that shift to be replaced by plain steel ones as soon as it lands. Visible when landed, but not in the sky. And somewhere inside, Ross's men and a miserable fate await. 
Peter tears his webshooters off and leaves them behind in the plush grass. Ross told him to leave all of his tech behind, citing Tony's potential ability to track Peter down as the reason why. 
Peter agreed easily enough because he couldn't allow for Tony to find him and put everyone back in danger. Not when all Peter has to do is hand himself over to keep Ross from breathing down Tony's neck or slashing Harley's.
A ramp lowers before the propellers even have a chance to slow. Peter walks up it, bracing himself for what is waiting for him as the door slides open.
"You're a real idiot, kid," a familiar voice says when the door closes behind him. "A heroic idiot, but an idiot all the same."
Lights come up. Peter's eyes widen when he sees Tony --- in the Iron Man suit --- standing in front of him. The faceplate of the suit is retracted so Peter can see the icy anger burning in Tony's eyes.
Beside him are Natasha, Sam Wilson, and Steve Rogers. They're bruised and bloodied, clearly having fought someone recently, but Peter doesn't see any fallen foes and he really doesn't understand what is going on. 
Had they... hijacked the jet?
"Mr. Stark, what--- why are you here?"
Tony saunters forward, and he manages to look pissed and relieved at the same time. "We wouldn't be here at all --- saving your hide --- if Harley hadn't called me when he found your note. Classy, by the way."
Peter ignores the last comment. He has more important things to figure out, like where Ross is.
"What about---"
"Ross?" Natasha finishes, tilting her head. "He's being put behind bars as we speak."
"Wha--- how? Nobody was supposed to know---"
"We'll talk about that later," Tony cuts in, a bite to his tone that screams how angry and disappointed he is with Peter. "For now, we're going home. But not before you go retrieve your boyfriend from wherever you undoubtedly stuck him. Capische?"
Peter is so stunned that all he manages is a quiet, "Okay," almost unwilling to believe that things could have ended this easily. That Tony had managed to swoop in and save the day in time. "Yeah, okay."
Tony's gaze burns a whole through Peter's back as he heads back down the ramp, starting in the direction where he stuck Harley (who Peter won't blame for hating him if it comes down to it.) 
As guilt and regret curdles in his stomach, Peter wonders if he really was being heroic by taking Ross' deal, or just plain stupid. 
Thinking about it kind of makes him want to cry.
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