angielynnlove · 10 years
This is my acapella cover of Sam Smith's "I'm Not the Only One". I hope you enjoy :).
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angelmedium · 10 years
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╰☆╮Daily Card!╰☆╮ 
The first step to healing what hurts is to accept we are resistant.  This may be proper sleep, meditation, contentment, serenity, peace, forgiveness, drinking water, breaking a habit...the list is endless.  
Accept that you instinctively resist things that are good for you.
Then love, bless and accept your instinct for doing a job, playing a role and attempting to protect you as best as it can.
Next comes intuition.  Your intuition will help you discover what you are truly resisting, underneath the layers of your conscious discomfort.  This may be self-love, accountability, productivity, relaxation and comfort, being single, being loved...the list is endless.
It is easy when our body hurts, heart aches or mind races to give in to the dislike of our body, heart, mind or people who affect it.
Love heals.
Stop a moment and thank your body for carrying you through this life, for doing the best it can and give it a healthy dose of love with your thoughts and mind.  Prove to your body you care by following through with action...drink the glass of water, go for a walk, lay down and just breathe for a few minutes, etc.
Thank your mind for being so darn smart!  Compliment it.  Love it.  Prove to your mind with action.  Sit, close your eyes and watch the thoughts fire around.  Your mind appreciates the attention and settles down.
Thank your heart for being so loving and caring.  Your heart loves to play the game, "I love you more, no, I love you more..." just like a child does.  Your heart loves love and playing.  Be your heart's best friend.
This segmentation of Self may seem silly, I know.  But it heals.
<3 Love always heals.  <3
Namaste & Blessings!
<3 Angie Lynn 
#brightpathways #angielynn #angelsanswer #dailycard #angels #angelmedium #acceptance #healing #archangelraphael
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"Torn apart inside"
And the tears are streaming down my pale cheeks I watch you walk away and I wonder what happened to the "I promise". And I sit there and wonder why I thought for one second that there was a possible chance that anyone would ever actually care about me the way they I could care about them...
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angelmedium · 10 years
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╰☆╮Daily Card!╰☆╮ 
Nurture versus Nature...why do we try to separate?
Nurture your nature.
Allow nature to nurture.
Namaste & Blessings!
<3 Angie Lynn 
#brightpathways #angielynn #angelsanswer #dailycard #angels #angelmedium #community #treeoflife 
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angelmedium · 10 years
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╰☆╮Daily Card!╰☆╮ 
When feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders it is SO HARD to be playful, fun, romantic, joyful...trust me I've been there!
If you've been around the spiritual community for awhile you have been seen this message time and again...be grateful for what you do have so that by the Law of Attraction more good comes to you.  If you've felt like giving your computer screen the middle finger...well, I've been there too!
But it's true.  Very true.  Gratitude brings you more good.
Now to clarify, I'm not a 100% Law of Attraction fan, because I know there are pieces missing.  I also know that sometimes it's just gonna suck cuz that's life and in that suckiness is the opportunity to heal and learn.  But it doesn't have to be SO hard.  In the midst of major hardships there can still be joyful moments, brief respites in the struggle to stabilize.
Look for the beautiful breaks and moments of pleasure.  Allow them to fill your cup.  Carry the moments in your back pocket as reminders that there is good, you are safe and happiness does exist.  Be grateful for moments of peace and pleasure.  You will be okay.  You are okay.
Here's a simple 5 minute exercise I do to get my root chakra activated and the energy flowing through all of my body.  Super simple and quick!  (Please only do if you are physically able!!)  It doesn't matter how pretty you look doing it, because your body is beautiful!!  You should feel like a sexy goddess stripper, tho.  (Or sexy god stripper.) ;-)
1) Stand Up!
2) Stomp Your Feet!
3) Keep stomping and rotate and wiggle your hips like a belly dancer...fun right?!  Make sure your feet are hip width apart and you are fully connecting your feet.  Imagine a burst of energy when you stomp going in and coming back up from the ground.
4) Switch rotation direction!  (Keep stomping!)
5) Activate your chest in the rotation, typically making an S with your spine as the hips go the opposite of your shoulders and your shoulders take turns going up to your ears.
6) Now switch from side to side to front and back.  Stick your chest out with shoulders back and then tuck the chest under your shoulders in a rolling motion.
7) Now just stomp and dance how ever feels good and keeps the energy flowing!
8) As you feel ready, slowly add your head by rolling it around the spine as if you're drawing a circle around your body.
9) Switch directions!
10) Now go in reverse to settle and ground...stop rotating the head...then the chest...then the hips...until you're simply standing and stomping your feet.
11) Then stop!  Take a deep breath in through your nose...fill your lungs...hold...and slowly exhale out your mouth.
Your body is your friend, not your enemy, not your needy companion that won't go away.  Activate your love for your body, activate your energy and gratitude by starting with beautiful YOU!
Namaste & Blessings!
<3 Angie Lynn 
#brightpathways #angielynn #angelsanswer #dailycard #angels #angelmedium #gratitude #rootchakra #energize #exercise
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angelmedium · 10 years
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╰☆╮Daily Card!╰☆╮ 
Ahem!  That whole change thing...they weren't exaggerating!
<3 Bloom bravely, blessed being! <3
Namaste & Blessings!
<3 Angie Lynn 
#brightpathways #angielynn #angelsanswer #dailycard #angels #angelmedium #celebratechange #bloom #bebrave
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angelmedium · 10 years
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╰☆╮Daily Card!╰☆╮ 
I have one word for today's card...wow!  This message is as much for me as it is for you.  Let's join hands and allow our faith be larger than our fear.  Change is in the air!
Namaste & Blessings!
<3 Angie Lynn 
#brightpathways #angielynn #angelsanswer #dailycard #angels #angelmedium #celebratechange #changeyourperspective
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angelmedium · 10 years
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╰☆╮Daily Card!╰☆╮ 
Today's card is from the first deck I owned, the classic Rider-Waite Tarot Deck designed by Pamela Colman Smith.  This deck has a bad rep for being dark, scary or even "evil."  Naturally, I couldn't disagree more.  ;-)
This deck, like many traditional tarot decks, is honest of the realities of life.  Sometimes it is glorious!  Sometimes it sucks.  To pretend we can have an all good all the time life is wishful, delusional thinking.  What fun would that be?  What lessons of growth in empathy, compassion, forgiveness, healing and love would we learn if it was always just peachy?
When I first used this deck it was all Devil, Tower, Death...all the scary cards.  But do you know what?  Without my world falling apart (tower) and without all of my self-limiting beliefs (devil) exposed I never would have evolved as a spiritual person to where I am now (death).  I do not regret a single choice in my life since I started using the tarot decks.  Not one.  I do not bemoan a single tragic even that has befallen my path.  Not one.  Why?  From it all I have learned glorious lessons I otherwise would not have.
Cards are just cards and life is just life.  Let go of the fear.  Embrace it all...the blessings and the challenges...and keep on keepin' on.  The truth and the light will always shine through when the storm settles.
Namaste & Blessings!
<3 Angie Lynn 
#brightpathways #angielynn #angelsanswer #dailycard #angels #angelmedium #doforyou
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angielynnlove · 11 years
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angielynnlove · 11 years
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angielynnlove · 11 years
Sorry for the ticking :p lol
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angielynnlove · 11 years
My short cover of Gone, Gone, Gone by Phillip Phllips :)
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