#angie the oa
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year ago
What I've Been Working On: 20/1/24
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Rose Red - Sheriff Graham Humbert x Reader - Graham has never really forgotten you.
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Scar Tissue - Jesse Boone x Reader (feat: Marty Deeks) - Jesse realises things aren't quite what they seem when Marty Deeks makes an appearance.
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The Deal Part Five: Different - Will Trent x Reader - Will compares your relationship to the one he had with Angie.
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Downtime - Clinton Skye x Reader - Clinton calls you in the aftermath of a case that hits a little too close to home.
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All That Glitters - Part Two: History - OA Zidan x Reader (feat: Scott Forrester) - You don't expect to see Scott when you step off a plane in Croatia.
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Letting Go - Will Trent x Reader - Will realises it's finally time to let go of Angie.
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9.20.23 Wednesday
4:39 am
Just got back from the floor of Iqor and I received this txt of Uncle DD...
I'm having headache...Whew! I feel that I have a hang-over... Whew!
What a text from Uncle DD, super plastics... It is already one month.
Well, I'm helping a friend and I want this to put on a blind item... I'm not plastic and I was never plastics...
But this is a different issue here in my family.
I just had have the feeling that someone in my wave from 468 was linking on Uncle DD that's why he reacted that way on me...
I'm not stupid,I'm not insensitive and I'm not a child but I still have a child-like in me coz I'm a good person...
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5:39 am
I still have windblow trap...
Before resting,my point is probably that Uncle DD is linking with a friend, I just started helping a friend since yesterday and it will be until Friday coz the salary will be there on Sunday .
Why Uncle DD suddenly reacting negatively???
I'm not plastic...I told a friend that she needs to recover until she can have her salary...
10:23 am
Uncle DD will start to fix their new house beside here and it seems fake for pointing out his nose...
I can't understand his behaviour angels...
This Uncle DD is fake for telling us not to get a food...huh?
This Uncle Jun is also weird he is withdrawing... The same old pattern...
10:42 am
Uncle DD planned to cut the electric breaker on the part of my room and RV coz if RV will go back here will be no electric there. The bad thing is,I will not have electric in my room as well...
I can't resist or compete them coz I can't pay for our entire electric here, I'm not yet a regular employee...
This biological mother is fake on me as well, for putting me down... Suggesting that I should be on a healthcare field... What am I gonna do? I need money now and they are not helping me these days... That Maco my half-sister is earning 100k monthly on a healthcare call center field.
Bunches of plastics family members and relatives...
11:12 noon
Uncle DD gave money for rice...Thank God!
1:23 pm
I need a massage shit... My right leg and foot is having cramps and it is turning inward... I know some nerve misalignment...
My pelvic and my entire S-Bones are still aching...
4:34 pm
My black heart ring is missing...Uncle DD and Aunt Karen went here awhile ago and I put itnon the living table but there is no cctv... hmm...
Where is it???
5:28 pm
I can buy my own ring hahaha 500 pesoses... I need to work hard...
My rebel act...
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Where is my black heart ring??? Return it to me..
Or my biological mother got my black heart ring that I put on the living room table.
That black hear ring is only 200! This new ring is 500 pesoses angels...
10:19 pm
I feel bad and I wasn't able to do call coz Coach John transferred us on 2nd row or middle row that I already set-up my system on the 3rd row...
There are so many negative things today... I feel bullshit...Some coaches are plastics...
Coach Melai is not included here....
I had a mild clashed on Coach John,Coach Gian and Coach Vangie coz of I did my test call on the csa that actual person will answer....
Coach Melai told me that last sept. 17 I had 6 ghost call without interaction so I will have a hearing for this...
I know Coach Gian didn't like me even the small but terrible Vangie or Angie and even Coach Kevin... We are still on trainings but hired but the system of handling people is weird and very oa here in Iqor or all call center...
If I can't make it on Monday, I mean the hearing... I will need a back-up going to Manila... CONVERGYS probably...
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444namesplus · 2 years ago
A Aa Aab Aaspes Aba Abbirond Ad Ada Adi Adinndo Ae Aekor Ag Agasant Agibger Agniol Ai Aiat Aingspi Ak Akel Akimp Akist Akog Akonk Al Alepamb Am Amao Amb Amba Ambango Ambka Ambosto Ambtemna Amntolo Amo Amongap Amp Ampik Ampinta Ampkonke Ampo Amra Anadal Anais Anaro And Andenk Anding Andskao Ang Angi Angki Angobmpi Angoend Ank Ankdar Ankespge Ankkeamp Ankndatik Anko Anneag Anskilo Ant Anta Antedpesp Anteop Antgo Antsenas Ao Aod Aoink Aola Aregen Arngeo Aro Ase Aseant Asint Ask Askad Askeo Asker Asko Askosp Asmonkad Asobim Asp Aspa Aspboke Aspenkas Aspilnkomp Aspina Aspip Astelmo Astindntib Astood Astot At Atant Atesk Atonk Atost Attabted Av Avkaed Avod Avvav Ba Bang Bankem Bao Be Beendmpeg Bembirne Bemp Bempange Beotmap Besk Besknkaspsta Bestntadob Bi Bid Bideda Bile Bimi Bogskebe Bonga Boobes Bos Bospoli Bovia Da Daggemp Dail Daint Dampeeng Daogo Dato De Deatpar Debamp Desksko Di Diant Dibspa Dikngo Dimki Divndi Do Doai Dont Dostet E Ea Eal Eandi Eang Easgin Eata Eb Ebato Ebent Ebint Ebmbo Ebonda Ee Eei Eep Eestnge Eg Egask Ege Egkitsko Egolob Ei Eido Eimp Eip Eiski Elnkaspest Em Emb Embemint Emommpint Empa Empabri Emposp Empstai En End Endaap Endi Endrandond Engao Engapgi Enggosmpisk Engibronk Engompstal Engor Enkongast Ent Entek Eo Eolak Eoo Eorsind Eoskank Ep Epe Eplie Epnkertiv Epntomi Eravind Esk Eskak Eskoing Eso Esonk Espaspast Espelo Espo Est Estang Etim Etint Etonkmpon Ev Evio Evmbimp Ga Gaad Gaast Gae Gangov Gasda Ge Gembsiik Gereng Geska Gestembo Gi Gia Gienti Gikedgo Gios Go Gogesa Goii Goir Gomb Goskesk Gospo Gosto I Ia Iaamp Iam Ianbi Ianod Iap Iasp Iba Ibterint Id Idapbos Ie Iedesp Ieor Iesk Iespo Ietle Ieve Ig Ige Igenk Igii Igo Iin Iingo Iink Iir Ik Ikedo Ikempmi Ikgont Ildelskonk Ilind Ilinknep Ilo Im Imair Imb Imbat Impinkstob Impiski Impla Impstaski In Ina Inddaknki Inde Indiob Indo Indont Indrae Inet Ing Ingosk Inkend Inkodek Inkongo Inkosasp Inkota Insoi Int Intinneb Ioend Iomp Ioo Iovmpen Ip Ipimmpint Ipop Ir Iskbindemp Iskepit Iskio Iskmbem Iskmpestnda Iso Isob Isp Ist Istagremp Istileg Istind Istmaa It Iti Itmbind Itsosp Itspi Iva Ivi Kalep Kava Kavopnkab Kem Kembspeste Kentndi Keskoso Kimoop Kiovi Kisk Kistbe Ko Koap Kob Kog Kol Koltait Kong La Las Lav Le Leaki Ledast Lenkel Lente Lesk Lesker Lesp Lia Lint Lisiob Lispempo Lit Livi Loekdim Loeo Lokaint Lomnda Lomp Loro Loskasak Losto Lovsi Mada Made Mamp
Mangontiv Maspabap Mba Mbaamb Mband Mbar Mbasknela Mbasp Mbavin Mbek Mbeng Mbengsav Mbentvorland Mbeor Mbesteeng Mbiae Mbikobink Mbinkamb Mbip Mbit Mbitampab Mboampo Mbok Mbol Mbon Mboostmov Mboskampnga Me Medi Meg Mel Membsti Menkdemp Mi Miaal Miagi Midilo Mimbink Miminke Mindonmbosk Mio Miosk Miskon Mo Moorno Moosi Mostno Mpa Mpagrond Mpanda Mpaperot Mpapvis Mpeimp Mpendampi Mpenkrepi Mpepampe Mping Mpintespla Mpipgengeng Mpisspon Mpistdadiv Mpiv Mpond Mpopo Mpor Mpospsospeg Mpovastpa Nandveomb Nangnankkend Nao Naskom Nast Nda Ndaitar Ndant Ndaoset Ndapki Ndaskang Ndatispngis Nde Ndedgimp Ndemi Ndep Nderiiv Ndet Ndimpa Ndinkstisk Ndir Ndiske Nditnka Ndo Ndolspakask Ndotskov Ne Nedasto Nelombnti Netstaspnda Nga Ngaenda Ngandent Ngankosk Ngankoska Ngasa Ngavmpondo Nge Ngei Ngeib Ngempesk Ngempoge Ngengintngev Ngenkod Ngevovo Ngib Ngimpsko Ngo Ngol Ngolembnkab Ni Nia Nid Nimbek Nindo Ninkavo Nisktabskeg Nkaaba Nkadenglink Nkadoast Nkag Nkal Nkandist Nkaspe Nkast Nkendibske Nkenosa Nkesk Nkidovi Nkiebdid Nkikngaank Nkimampasp Nkimp Nkiombo Nko Nkob Nkonkind Nkost Nong Notvod Nta Ntaa Ntaaspngi Ntaenk Ntaispo Ntamp Ntang Ntaoe Ntatontik Ntav Ntavopig Nte Ntee Ntekvem Ntend Ntesk Nteteap Ntisp Nto Ntoal Ntomp Ntondpei Ntor Ntosk O Oa Oaasp Oai Oask Obaa Obe Odtiend Oemb Oenk Og Ogirent Ognki Oi Oier Oigni Oiil Oinkint Oint Ok Oka Okao Okaont Oki Okmped Okot Okva Ol Olli Olnge Olntisnti Olo Olon Om Omampam Omb Ombal Ombe Ombi Ombomp Omeo Omp Ompa Ompon Omresta Onarop Ondaned Onde Ondenko Ondmba Oneil Ong Ongenda Ongskaank Onk Onkaas Onki Onskeong Ontgask Ontospnda Ontva Oo Ooa Ooga Opdomp Opnkii Oppig Opvi Or Oresp Orneo Osa Osig Osip Osk Oske Osknto Oskongat Oskrest Oso Osp Ospimp Osta Ostai Osterte Ostmespar Osttestvi Ot Otent Oti Otoop Otroant Ovngev Padaov Pas Paspmbaob Pe Peel Peest Peingak Peit Pelasik Petagesp Pi Pie Piinta Piintasp Pintomb Pirskommbint Pisanisk Pisie Pispi Pistommpes Po Poatstest Podste Pomba Pombie Pomposk Pon Por Ra Raao Rana Rant Rasi Raspevek Rea Reegimp Rer Resvo Ribi Rida Rimbega Rimpsto Ringingil Rintnke Ro Rodisp Roib Rolava Rosnkiil Sa Saask Sambaos Sao Sap Sapom Sastpani Satikamp Se Sedi Seka Sepmposk Si Simem Simpdase Simvob Sind Sipask Skaeo Skailig Skand Skant Skasipot Skast Ske Skedomppe Skeintest Skekimmant Skendveng Skengago Skenk Skeok Skeosta Skerrosesk Ski Skia Skimboink Skindamp Skipi Skistle Skomoo Skondeand Skosp Soting Spa Spab Spambvespo Spangnkaom Spappove Spasongint Spasti Spatntestas Spe Speaimb Sper Speraspomp Spes Spesksto Speso Spialog Spiank Spili Spindi Spogina Sponggad Sposis Sposk Sposkno Sta Staar Stamist Stane Staskand Ste Stebemb Stebmpomenk Sted Stenk Stenka Stenkengspes Stentntar Stertot Stespmbai Stevmbevi Sti Stie Stii Stimbskomb Stinkpebind Stiri Stiro Stisog Stist Stiv Stivoskke Sto Stona Stonae Tan Tango Tantendpo Taoa Tarsto Te Tegonk Teia Temb Teva Tinton Tiv Toai Tol Tololo Tomb Tompand Totop Va Vael Vap Ve Veipneg Vend Vi Vib Viembem Viisk Viv Voeri Voiesk Vonta Voppont
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finsterhund · 2 years ago
Getting my medicine was a nightmare they didn't know what they were doing and it took forever and I had go book another appointment with my doctor anyways even though they faxed my doctor to refill prescriptions before
Stupid I hate it but at least I was at my doctors office so I went in there and didn't have to struggle over the phone so now I have emergency 2 weeks meds until then but it took them forever to get it ready and I am very hungry and tired and want to go back to bed and it's time overdue for Scott's morning wallkies and I still want to kill and maim I am angy want violence.
The bloodwork people want to phase out the accessible way I've been booking my appointments so you have to fucking phone appointment and I fucking hate it people barely understand me talking face to face fuck you. But they still let me do it. So I have them book it six months in advance. Fucking hate how I have to do bloodwork until I die. Fuck.
Hate this. Want to live in the woods but need meds and bloodwork.
Angry. Would stop meds if stopping meds didn't makeceverytjing so much worse. Enemies with everything want to kill but unable to. Meds make me easier to ignore negative stimuli and not be consumed wanting to kill my enemies even though they deserve it I can't do it so all I do is seethe and it's better to ignore it but can't ignore it if not medicine.
My roommate made me spend money so bank is negative can't buy anything until get paid big mad.
Have to have bath and do laundry but I don't want to.
Wish meds were imstant but they are not. Why do they make me do bloodwork before I wake up I booked the next one at a reasonable hour.
Need to go to the vet and get Scott more nexguard butvmy bank is negativrvneed to wait until I get paid again.
When I took Scott for walk the failed delivery Canada post slip was in the mailbox even though they delivered a package to the house before we left I am so mad they just delivered one but not the other.
One week five days on Wednesday also new episode of the bad batch very excited Cody was in the last one I like commander Cody
The cunt who stole my art blocked me when I told him off. They always fucking do that. Deviantart makes it impossible to actually report these shitheads. Just more things pissing me the fuck off.
I want to fly int oa fit of rage. I want to fly into a fit of rage so badly. I want these people everyone involved to suffer.
Psotives I think of positive.s:
Fishy sent me money just now whjen I was writing this. Thank you love you good happy no bank problem. So that is saved
also I am on my meds now so hopefully I will have calm down time eventuallty
I have weed gummy but I have no clue if taking it will calm me down or if I will just became psychotic rage but high on weed gummy.
Scott gave me lots of kisses. He may not be able to be service dog but there are benefits for me rewarding him for Cazza’s commands just to have repetition and familiar comfort routine in my life because he does them sometimes.
most of my enemies are older than me so if I am lucky I will outlive them when they die
retribution will happen eventually
star wars
heart of darkness
crying dog toy with a pocket in the ear
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diodellet · 2 months ago
took me a bit of time to catch up with everyth before the event ended but ive got my reax to book 5 compiled here! (cut to dio crying over her piddly thaumarks savings and her missed days grinding funiture materials)
"you know what you boys are? sore losers" pot meet kettle 🥴 (ouhuhuhu... grim....gino.... my heart....)
"claimin' stuff you can't prove" thats called manifestation 😇💅
ouh dear... kalim u hardheaded dude.... there was little to no hope in talking things out
lmao ace being oa, ngl im for it (if only to see ernesto getting angy 😇)
HELP NOT THE BOTH OF EM RUNNING AWAY ("wheres your pride" "if i had any of that, i wouldnt have spent all that time buttering you twerps up" he has a point right there)
Oh hey is that his magic
how interesting. now kalim's the only one left standing.
makes people a smidgen more optimistic,,, or agreeable rather?
once he starts calling it a silver tongue, then that makes it less,,,, effective methinks,,,
"even the weakest spells can shine when you know how to use 'em just right." tbhh,,, babygirl's gotta point
but like it means nothing when ur up against a dude who's surprisingly got strong emotional/mental resistance(++already plenty optimistic for a cast of 20ish people,,,)
("these guys are like precious baby brothers to me" kuya kalim momints???)
"guess rich preppie kids can afford to be wholesome" OOHHHH,,,
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the strongest wave of deja vu jus hit girliepop
(ouh the way ortho and ace are collapsed behind kalim,,,, my heart. "kalim you dont have to defend us" STFU ACE TRAPPOLA😭😭)
sidenote: love ernesto's :/ sprite,,,, i love it so much,,, hes so babygirl i want to throttle him out of love
OH NO,,,, chief i dont think i like this retcon,,,,,
(chief ion like this curveball)
im.,,,,at a loss for words hatdog
ok i mightve overhyped that final part too much🤧 that's on me for having expectations ig 🤧🤧 i wouldve appreciated a more nuanced resolution, esp with the themes of class differences but oh well, thats what fanfic is for i guess.
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angiethewitch · 2 years ago
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im watching the OA again and I made this. it's me. im girls
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mintmentos · 3 years ago
In part i, french saw Homer in the mirror. In part ii, Buck saw rachel. If we had got all of the parts, who else would they have seen?
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andydwyer · 6 years ago
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But we need you right now so we can help OA. Okay? We can’t move without you. And we won’t. Ever.
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moxyphinx · 6 years ago
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Phyllis Smith as BBA in The OA: Part II
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homeries · 5 years ago
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The OA: Part II (2019) | Mirror Mirror - 2x06
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admireforever · 5 years ago
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The OA (s02e06)
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jesse-mills · 5 years ago
more headcanons but this time everything's in a 7/11 (convenience store au)
Jesse has chronic pain from a mixture of hypermobility and undiagnosed fibro. luckily it isn't too bad, but fuck if it doesn't make getting out of bed hurt. and walking, and standing, and sitting, and...everything. quite an unpleasant surprise to wake up to.
for some goddamn reason all the snakes in the town swarm to him like moths to a flame. he's happy about it because he loves them, but French freaks the first time he opens a cabinet behind the counter to see a tangle of snakes. (Jesse doesn't want them to freeze in the winter and also he wants to take care of them)
on that note, OA and Homer know exactly what to get him for his birthday: giant albino boa constrictor who Jesse absolutely dotes on. she's a sweetheart and is especially fond of wrapping around his arms and neck like a scarf. (this is slightly in exchange for less snake storage in the convenience store)
Jesse was still kind of a loner in this dimension but he was a bit more easy-going-- Ali stepped up a lot better to teach him how to take care of himself, and even though he still smokes, he never has quite as bad of a drug problem. good for him.
French is a nerd ass loser I make the rules now and I say he gets 1 worse glasses 2 cystic acne scars and 3 more social anxiety
he is not a loser because of these things he simply never joined teams and never really fit in as well so he just was that one nerdy kid in class who always answered questions correctly but had like maybe 5 friends by osmosis and stared at cute boys in the hallway on accident
Steve used to bully him but Jesse started actually passive aggressively getting him to be nicer in like junior year so while he never really Apologized to French he mainly avoided him so he wouldn't have to confront his mistakes
so when French gets hired at the weird convenience store and he's abruptly greeted by both his 3 year crush and his former bully who seems to be acting very nice all of the sudden he is. como se dice. Unsettled
Buck was one of French's only friends in high school and they grew fairly close over time. Buck works at Homer's bakery with Angie and always tries to bring a muffin for French when they hang out.
Buck's already very intuitive, so he Knows something funky is up when Homer disappears for like 2 days then comes back refusing to take off the gloves he wears while baking and acting very odd but he likes his job and he cares about Homer so he doesn't pry, just offers to help more hours until he's back on his feet.
he also is close with Rachel already-- she taught choir at the high school for a little while before retiring at the end of his junior year, and they bonded through those years. when he got to reconnect with her at the bakery he was thrilled (though even more suspicious when she started acting odd).
Angie in this dimension has a slightly different background-- her parents aren't as well off so she chose to work at the bakery to raise college money independently. shes still a spitfire though, and Steve fell hard for her senior year after she managed to (accidentally) burn the school's sin couch during an assembly
shes really passionate about baking but also things like leatherwork and sewing. she binds books, makes leather jackets (when she can afford the material), studs clothing, etc. a lot more punk than grunge here.
she gets together with Buck fairly often and helps him get around tough familial stuff. at this point, whenever something rough happens, he goes to her place and just stays the night.
Angie also surprisingly made a really good impression on Renata the first time they met, and much to her surprise, Renata started bringing her things from tours. don't tell anyone, but Renata's writing a song about the punk girl down the block who feels like a niece.
BBA in this dimension is still a teacher at the school, though she's planning on retiring soon. since the fabric of this reality is thinner than normal, her psychic abilities are more prevalent-- she's quick to pick up when things change, quick to notice when people seem to become completely different.
she always liked Jesse as a student, and worried about him; now, she gets to see him because he works the night shift at the convenience store. now, they're friends, and she picks up very quickly when Jesse jumps to this dimension.
OA is set on becoming her friend again, and BBA's more than happy about it; even though she works while OA is on shift, she's always pleased when she stops by the bakery and sees OA with Homer saying hello. some part of her knows they were friends even though she has no memory of meeting her before OA jumped, and she trusts that instinct.
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alvaroricos · 6 years ago
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thingsarentgood · 6 years ago
Random thought, but what on earth did Steve tell Angie for her to be ride or die with all the OA stuff/movements/other dimensions? Like how did she not just assume her boyfriend and a bunch of other random students were in a cult like the media did? And if she did just think it was some kind of weird religious thing, why was she so down?
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butter-cups-posts · 6 years ago
So seems like HAP really was succeed in taking OA to one dimension where she loves him. Also, one where he can make her doubt of herself - i think that since she is an actress in that reality, he will make her think that she is mixing real life with the story they were working on.
But it looks like Steve travel there with they. And i trust him to trust OA, and help her to won't lose faith in herself.
I'm way to sad about Jesse. But I saw it coming. No one really saw him. No one noticed how messed up he was after the shooting. Everyone was going through their on problems, but it was more than that. Jesse was always the piece that disappear on the back unnoticed. (That remind me a little of Peter from marauders of Harry Potter, because no one pay enough attention to him, but things end up bad in different ways)
Buck was perfect as always. He's an angel and must be protected from the world. If i start talk about everything i love about him this post will never end.
Steve was amazing, I'm proud of the person he become. I love him soo much now. His faith in OA means a lot to me.
Loved the way Alfonso came out. It was really nice. But he need to stop doubt so much of everyting. I hope his doubt won't show again. I also felt here the parallel between he and Homer - both doubt OA during most of the season.
BBA was amazing.
Loved that Angie was with them all the time. She's amazing.
The octopus and the tree scenes we're beautiful. I loved that. Realism is overrated.
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end-of-the-world-optimist · 6 years ago
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