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⛥Mensaje de los Ángeles en Luna Nueva⛥😇 Recientemente decidí que voy a retomar este perfil así que: Hoy voy a comenzar a retomar las dinámicas en este perfil, con los Ángeles.
En esta oportunidad los Ángeles nos hablarán de una característica que debemos desarrollar o mantener y el secreto para entenderla. Así que en este instante desliza la imagen y elige: 1.- Péndulo de cuarzo rosado. 2.- Pendulo de Jade. 3.- Pendulo de Aventurina Roja. Confía en tu intuición, tu elección siempre será la correcta. Para conocer la interpretación dale like, sigueme o rebloguea, no soy demasiado exigente. xD 😇En una horas podrías recibir tu respuesta.😇
#tarot#tarotinteractivo#tarotcard#tarotcommunity#tarotreaders#tarotenespañol#tarotonline#tarotoracle#angelsoraclecards#tarotvenezuela#tarotespaña#tarotmexico#tarotecuador#tarotista#tarologa#tarotofinstagram#tarotcolombia#tarot colombia#tarot mexico#tarot españa#tarot venezuela#tarot ecuador#tarot peru#tarotperu#tarotchile#tarot chile#tarotbolivia#tarot bolivia#tarotparatodos#tarot para todos
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20200405。Daydream 白日夢。無心插柳的突發奇想,就是創意的開端。 =========================== What should I know it today ? 今天我該知道什麼? Daydream: You will more easily hear and receive our messages if you daydream regularly. Relax and open your mind to receiving, without directing your thoughts. Just notice any feelings, visions, or ideas as if you were watching a movie. This is the seat of creativity. 如果您經常作白日夢,您會比較容易聆聽與接收到我們的訊息。放鬆,敞開心胸的接受,無須控制您��意念。只要留意任何的感覺、畫面或是念頭,就像在觀賞一部電影。這就是創意所在。 =========================== The Angels sent you this card cos they wish you to be open and receptive to new ideas. It's important for you to engage in daydreaming now as a way to receive inspiration and wonderful ideas. Don't try to make anything happen. Just follow that trail of your thoughts naturally, as they flow into new ways of looking at things. Write your ideas in a special journal and ask your angels for guidance on which action steps to take to enact these dreams. Take action without delay where you're guided. 天使為您捎來這張牌,因為祂們希望您對新的想法能夠敞開與接受。目前作白日夢對您很重要,它是一種接收靈感與好點子的方法。不要強求事情的發生,只要自然地順著您思緒的軌跡,它們會導向對事情的新看法。將想法紀錄在一本特殊的筆記簿中,並請您的天使指引您要採取什麼行動來實現這些夢想。刻不容緩採取您受指示的行動。 =========================== Additional meanings for this card : Be open to new possibilities. Allow yourself to dream big. Give yourself permission to relax and let go. Try something new that you've always wanted to do. Brainstorm with yourself or others for new ideas. 接受新的機會,讓自己作遠大的夢想。允許自己放鬆與放手,去做您一直想要的新嘗試,與自己或他人腦力激盪、激發新的點子。 =========================== #angelsoraclecards #whatshouldiknow #today #daydreame #白日夢 (在 Southampton) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-lMOVggSuJ/?igshid=11ali9ghj453y
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Message for the day #angelmessages #angelicmessages #angels #dailyguidance #dailyguidancefromyourangels #oraclecards #messagefortheday #angelsoraclecards #timetogo
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フラワーリリックオラクルカード☆1/21~今週の花とセルフリーデ ィング #フラワーリリックオラクルカード 今週1/21からの花はフリージア💕 花のテーマ 「Gather Happy Moments-幸せと感じる瞬間を沢山集めて分かち合って」 花詩(花のリリック) 「ありったけの ありがとうを集めて贈ろう あなたの喜ぶ顔が私にとって一番の贈り物」 花言葉-感謝、親愛の情、純潔、あどけなさ、憧れ、感受性💐 💐 💐 左から1,2枚は「#トラディショナルタロット」で皇帝の逆位置とカップ5、 3枚目は「セイント&エンジェルオラクルカード」でストレスマネージメント、 4枚目が自作オラクルカードのフリージア。 トラディショナルタロットというネーミング通り、伝統的なウェイト版に準拠しています。が、 たまに「運命の輪」など異なる絵柄も。 どこかスタイリッシュさを感じるイラストですね。 「#日本神話タロット」のフルデッキも所持しているので、和と洋の世界観でその日の感覚で使い分けられたらと。 裏面は正逆分からない仕様です。 今週は物事必要以上に心配しすぎて、マイナス面ばかりが見えてしまわないように、 イライラが募ったりしないよう気を付けて、どっしり構えて過ごしなさいと言うことかな。 「残り物に福あり」で、なるべく楽観的に捉えるのが良さそう。 ストレスマネージメントのカードもストレスを溜め込まないように見守ってくれる守護天使。 トラも尾長鶏(?)も和やかに天使に寄り添っていて、とても癒される絵柄です。 強きも弱きも共に手を携えて。 寧ろむやみやたらに動かず、成るに任せていれば悪いようにはならないよ、良い方向へ向かうよ、ということでしょうか。 フリージアも小さな歓びを探す意識でいれば、感謝したい出来事が身の回りに溢れていることに気付けて、 穏やかな一週間を過ごせそう✨ #オラクルカード #フラワーセラピー #タロットカード #ガーデニング #花言葉 #タロット占い #誕生花 #リーディング #フリージア #薔薇 #Saints&AngelsOracleCards #パワーストーン #歌詞 #リリック #ポエトリー https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs5dlweFm0A/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=l7kvmfbd7lhv
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Published on Jan 18, 2015
The more that you are your real genuine self this week, the better your relationships, career, and finances will go. Love and honor yourself, and don't try to hide your quirks or uniqueness. Especially important is to listen to and follow your inner guidance, which is urging you to take positive action that may seem unconventional . . . but which is an answer to your prayer.
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20200404。Creative Project 創新計畫。心中已有的藍圖,可以試著規劃,衍生另一道生機。 =========================== What should I know it today ? 今天我該知道什麼? Creative Project: Your soul longs to express itself creative ways. We're guiding you to infuse artistry and creativity into your life. Creative expression makes you feel alive and excited, and reignited passion toward your life. 您的靈魂渴望以創新的方式展現自己,我們會指引你將藝術氣息與創意注入你的生命,展現創意會讓您感到活躍煥發,並點燃您對生命的熱情。 =========================== This card says that you need more avenues for creative expression. The angels are guiding you to look for such outlets at work and at home. For example, write, play music, make crafts, paint, sew, or redecorate. It doesn't matter whether your artistry is market ready. What's important is that you allow your inner artist to enjoy freedom of expression. 這張牌告訴你,你需要更多的展現創意管道。天使指引您在工作上或家庭中找到這樣的出口。舉例來說,寫作、演奏音樂、製作工藝品、繪畫、縫紉或是重新裝潢布置。您的作品是否能夠符合市場需求並不重要。重點在於你允許自己內在的藝術家能享受表現的自由。 =========================== Additional meanings for this card : Work on a meaningful project that you've been procrastinating about. Enroll in a creative class such as photography or dance. Your life purpose and a meaningful career will come to you through creative ways that are unimaginable right now, so don't worry about how or what your life purpose is. Just follow the path before you. 開始一個您在拖延的有意義計畫.參加一個與創意有關的課程,比方說攝影或舞蹈.您的人生使命與具有意義的事業,會以當下無法想像的創新方式展開,所以不要擔心您的人生使命為何。就順著前方的道路。 =========================== #angelsoraclecards #whatshouldiknow #today #creativeproject #創新計畫(在 Southampton) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-ikb7xH9d9/?igshid=f2kl77aavnvs
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20200403。Creative Project 創新計畫。想到什麼,就立即寫下紀錄,那些都是自己內心想執行的創意。 =========================== What should I know it today ? 今天我該知道什麼? Creative Project: Your soul longs to express itself creative ways. We’re guiding you to infuse artistry and creativity into your life. Creative expression makes you feel alive and excited, and reignited passion toward your life. 您的靈魂渴望以創新的方式展現自己,我們會指引你將藝術氣息與創意注入你的生命,展現創意會讓您感到活躍煥發,並點燃您對生命的熱情。 =========================== This card says that you need more avenues for creative expression. The angels are guiding you to look for such outlets at work and at home. For example, write, play music, make crafts, paint, sew, or redecorate. It doesn’t matter whether your artistry is market ready. What’s important is that you allow your inner artist to enjoy freedom of expression. 這張牌告訴你,你需要更多的展現創意管道。天使指引您在工作上或家庭中找到這樣的出口。舉例來說,寫作、演奏音樂、製作工藝品、繪畫、縫紉或是重新裝潢布置。您的作品是否能夠符合市場需求並不重要。重點在於你允許自己內在的藝術家能享受表現的自由。 =========================== Additional meanings for this card : Work on a meaningful project that you’ve been procrastinating about. Enroll in a creative class such as photography or dance. Your life purpose and a meaningful career will come to you through creative ways that are unimaginable right now, so don’t worry about how or what your life purpose is. Just follow the path before you. 開始一個您在拖延的有意義計畫.參加一個與創意有關的課程,比方說攝影或舞蹈.您的人生使命與具有意義的事業,會以當下無法想像的創新方式展開,所以不要擔心您的人生使命為何。就順著前方的道路。 =========================== #angelsoraclecards #whatshouldiknow #today #creativeproject #創新計畫(在 Southampton) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-gBOJznFqR/?igshid=1rdu6njtl0qee
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20200402。Focus on Service 專心服務。就讓自己專心作自己想作的事吧。其他別想太多,一切順其自然。 =========================== What should I know it today ? 今天我該知道什麼? Focus on Service : Your soul desires only to joyfully serve, and to swin in a constant stream of bliss. This stream continuously feeds you everything you need. Put your entire focus upon staying in this stream of giving and receiving in every situation, and in all that you do. 您的靈魂只渴望快樂地服務,沉浸在源源不絕的狂喜中。這樣的流動持續滿足您所有的需求。在每個狀況與您的所有作為中,都全神貫注地維持在施與受的流動。 =========================== This card comes to you because you've been worried about your life's mission. Perhaps you've felt insecure about whether you'll make enough money, be successful, or be well received by others. Instead of concerns about what you'll receive or other people's reactions, focus solely upon how you can serve. Use your natural talents, passions, and interests to help others or some vital cause. Then, through the Law of Attraction, you'll receive all of the support you'll need. 這張牌會出現在你身邊,是因為您在煩惱自己的人生使命。或許您擔憂自己是否能夠賺錢、成功,或被別人接受。不要考慮自己的收穫或他人的反應,重心只放在您要如何貢獻。運用您的天賦、熱情與喜好來服務他人或一些重要的理念。然後,透過相吸的定律,您會得到您所有需要的援助。 =========================== Additional meanings for this card : Release money worried to God and the angels · Be receptive to inner Divine guidance and follow it without hesitation · If you get nervous, focus on service. 將金錢方面的顧慮交託給神或天使。接受內在的指引,並毫不遲疑地遵從。如果您開始緊張,就專心於服務。 =========================== #angelsoraclecards #whatshouldiknow #today #focusonservice #專心服務 (在 Southampton) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-dc4YNHbXR/?igshid=188ovc4bnconi
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Using Daily Guidance from Your Angels Oracle Cards. By: Doreen Virtue. For what 😇The Collective😇 needs to know right now. #oracleguidance #oraclereader #tarotreadersofinstagram #oraclecommunity #tarotforlife #oraclesofinstagram #tarotcommunity #oracledeck #oraclemessages #oraclecardloversofinstagram #oraclecardreadersofinstagram #oraclewisdom #oracleguidance #oraclecardoftheday #oracletarot #oracle #tarot #taroteverydamnday #tarotofinstagram #oracleofinstagram #oraclereader #dailyguidance #thecollective #oraclecardreadersofinstagram #oraclecards #dailyguidancefromyourangelsoraclecards #angelsoraclecards #angel #guidance #angelicguidance #ask (at Dania Beach, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIGH9AanKzp/?igshid=xb3zcymwww3x
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Using Daily Guidance from Your Angels Oracle Cards. By: Doreen Virtue. For what 😇The Collective😇 needs to know right now. #oracleguidance #oraclereader #tarotreadersofinstagram #oraclecommunity #tarotforlife #oraclesofinstagram #tarotcommunity #oracledeck #oraclemessages #oraclecardloversofinstagram #oraclecardreadersofinstagram #oraclewisdom #oracleguidance #oraclecardoftheday #oracletarot #oracle #tarot #taroteverydamnday #tarotofinstagram #oracleofinstagram #oraclereader #dailyguidance #thecollective #oraclecardreadersofinstagram #oraclecards #dailyguidancefromyourangelsoraclecards #angelsoraclecards #angel #guidance #angelicguidance #perfecttiming (at Dania Beach, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CH2mURmH6dW/?igshid=1k5cnb4nlsls3
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Using Daily Guidance from Your Angels Oracle Cards. By: Doreen Virtue. For what 😇The Collective😇 needs to know right now. #oracleguidance #oraclereader #tarotreadersofinstagram #oraclecommunity #tarotforlife #oraclesofinstagram #tarotcommunity #oracledeck #oraclemessages #oraclecardloversofinstagram #oraclecardreadersofinstagram #oraclewisdom #oracleguidance #oraclecardoftheday #oracletarot #oracle #tarot #taroteverydamnday #tarotofinstagram #oracleofinstagram #oraclereader #dailyguidance #thecollective #oraclecardreadersofinstagram #oraclecards #dailyguidancefromyourangelsoraclecards #angelsoraclecards #angel #guidance #angelicguidance #behonest (at Dania Beach, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHxb5W1HxuA/?igshid=11030ryoq4zct
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Using Daily Guidance from your ANGELS Oracle Cards by: Doreen Virtue. For what 🦋The Collective🦋 needs to know right now. #oracleguidance #oraclereader #tarotreadersofinstagram #oraclecommunity #tarotforlife #oraclesofinstagram #tarotcommunity #oracledeck #oraclemessages #oraclecardloversofinstagram #oraclecardreadersofinstagram #oraclewisdom #oracleguidance #oraclecardoftheday #oracletarot #oracle #tarot #taroteverydamnday #tarotofinstagram #oracleofinstagram #oraclereader #dailyoraclecard #dailyoraclereading #dailyoracle #thecollective #oraclecardreadersofinstagram #oraclecards #spiritualmessages #dailyguidancefromyourangels #angelsoraclecards #angelicguidance #blessing #disguise (at Dania Beach, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEOsvMjH9RW/?igshid=kd4thdmlh30e
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Using Daily Guidance from your ANGELS Oracle Cards by: Doreen Virtue. For what 🦋The Collective🦋 needs to know right now. #oracleguidance #oraclereader #tarotreadersofinstagram #oraclecommunity #tarotforlife #oraclesofinstagram #tarotcommunity #oracledeck #oraclemessages #oraclecardloversofinstagram #oraclecardreadersofinstagram #oraclewisdom #oracleguidance #oraclecardoftheday #oracletarot #oracle #tarot #taroteverydamnday #tarotofinstagram #oracleofinstagram #oraclereader #dailyoraclecard #dailyoraclereading #dailyoracle #thecollective #oraclecardreadersofinstagram #oraclecards #spiritualmessages #dailyguidancefromyourangels #angelsoraclecards #angelicguidance #giving #recieving (at Dania Beach, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEEnC6bH4Dr/?igshid=108iinqwre262
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Using Angel Meditations (Affirmations&Meditations) by: Sonia Cafe and Neide Innecco. For what 🕊The Collective🕊 needs to know right now. #oracleguidance #oraclereader #tarotreadersofinstagram #oraclecommunity #tarotforlife #oraclesofinstagram #tarotcommunity #oracledeck #oraclemessages #oraclecardloversofinstagram #oraclecardreadersofinstagram #oraclewisdom #oracleguidance #oraclecardoftheday #oracletarot #oracle #tarot #taroteverydamnday #tarotofinstagram #oracleofinstagram #oraclereader #dailyoraclecard #dailyoraclereading #dailyoracle #thecollective #oraclecardreadersofinstagram #oraclecards #angelsoraclecards #angelicguidance #angelmeditations #affirmations #meditations #affirmationsandmeditations (at Dania Beach, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDoIf7Tn1xm/?igshid=1p0kuqgf27fc4
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Using Daily Guidance from your ANGELS Oracle Cards by: Doreen Virtue. For what 🦋The Collective🦋 needs to know right now. #oracleguidance #oraclereader #tarotreadersofinstagram #oraclecommunity #tarotforlife #oraclesofinstagram #tarotcommunity #oracledeck #oraclemessages #oraclecardloversofinstagram #oraclecardreadersofinstagram #oraclewisdom #oracleguidance #oraclecardoftheday #oracletarot #oracle #tarot #taroteverydamnday #tarotofinstagram #oracleofinstagram #oraclereader #dailyoraclecard #dailyoraclereading #dailyoracle #thecollective #oraclecardreadersofinstagram #oraclecards #spiritualmessages #oracleawareness #angelsoraclecards #angelicguidance #realationshipgoals #realationship (at Dania Beach, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDoHeq_H6LW/?igshid=6h7kxn5agjac
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