#tarot venezuela
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sun33pao · 7 months ago
Ayer fue 5 de agosto y como las tarotistas relevelaron por medio de las cartas, una dictadura cayó pero no fue la de Venezuela, sin embargo quiero creer que seguimos nosotros, si otros pudieron nosotros igual, todavia hay fé.
Hasta el final.
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tresmanciasconsultancy · 1 year ago
End of month with the Caribbean country: I Ching, Tarot & Astrology forecasts from 12.27.23 to 03.27.24:
Marseille Tarot
Social life: The Sun (19) + 3 of cups + The Lovers (6)
Economics & Development: King of cups (reversed) + 3 of rods + Queen of rods (reversed)
I Ching's advice
Lü Treading (10) complemented by Chen Arousing (51)
Main astral vibes:
lunar karma: Aries & Libra
transits in Aquarius
eclipse of Moon
Do you know someone living in the zone? Do you have interests related to the area? Share the readings! They're open to the public and you may send questions and comments openly.
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tresmancias · 8 months ago
Pronósticos con I Ching, Tarot & Astrología del 27.06 al 27.09.24:
Tarot egipcio
Sociedad: Consumación (48) + Desconsuelo (35) + El Carro (7, invertido)
Economía & Desarrollo: Aprendizaje (65, invertido) + Desconsuelo (35) + Innovación (34, invertido)
Consejos del I Ching
Sun La Disminución (41) & K'uei El Antagonismo (38)
Vibra astral más importante:
Marte & Urano en Tauro
Marte & Júpiter en Géminis
Nodo Norte de la Luna & Neptuno
Para lecturas privadas, solicitar aquí.
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lecturasporhaly · 1 year ago
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Energías para Escorpio del 19 al 25 febrero 🪬
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231025 · 2 months ago
are bts' future spouses foreigners? ✷
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... because of the lack of content in the past days and weeks sorry i wanna talk about a very hot topic in the community: i will talk about were the fs might be coming from/what "vibe of nationality" they're giving off based on the past tarot & intuitive readings i've done. let's go~
• the only ones that give me strong korean vibes are seokjin's (probably from a traditional and more or less wealthy korean family) and hoseok's fs (from a normal middle class korean family). both typical korean facial features/skin tones and natural dark/black hair (but both color their hair in lighter colors, seokjin's in brownish tones and hobi's in more unnatural light colors)
• there is also a high likeability for yoongi's fs to be korean but they give me general east asian vibes, so they could also be chinese! or taiwanese but maybe living in korea! OR a korean who travels a lot and is more "internationally involved" (like having foreign family members etc). also east asian appearance, very fair skin, dark blackish hair, dark brown/black eyes
• i lowkey think namjoon's fs is asian or at least has such an ethinicity (because of their appearance) - maybe like singaporean or indian (etc) but it feels like they were raised in an english speaking country with colder weather and serious people - specifically the uk!! or maybe ireland. they surely have a lot of experiences with being abroad and/or with traveling! dark brownish hair (probably with bangs) + dark brownish/blackish eyes + natural warmer skin tone
• i find jimin's fs really interesting/surprising! they are very likely a foreigner. i strongly get a feeling that they could be slavic or just be from any of the balkans countries or like south/east european countries - ex. romania, albania, serbia, italy or turkey. also, i think that they'll already be involved with south korea somehow - like being able to speak korean, having studied in korea or just living there already. they have this slavic beauty look, naturally darker hair and darker eyes, lighter skin color but a warm skin tone (ex. olive), non asian facial features, piercing eyes, full lips
• for taehyung's, i also believe they're a foreigner. like jimin's also probably european but more so from one of the western or central european countries - specifically those that are known for their history with wars and are labeled as wealthy countries like france!, england, germany and austria. they really give off european chic vibes. they're probably from a (upper) middle class family. Brownish or dark blonde hair, normal to fair skin, green/brown/blue eyes
• and last but not least jungkook's fs: funnily enough his fs is the most difficult to define - the energy is not very clear. they are also foreigner, for sure. but from the vibes, there are three possibilities - west asian (arabic), south asian or maybe latin american - which is very broad (i know) but the following countries stick out to me: ecuador, colombia, venezuela, and saudi arabia, armenia, yemen, azerbaijan, and india. they have natural brownish/black hair, dark brown/black eyes and darker/tanned skin. they seem to have a strict/conservative family (strong cultural influence)
i hope you guys liked this :) i'll try to do more readings in the future but i'm still quite busy atm
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abyss-seer · 3 months ago
Hello, may I ask what Jungkook of BTS and Rosé think of each other?
These reads are for entertainment purposes so take it with a grain of salt 🧂
****Viewer Discretion is Advised****
Tarot Readings are meant for entertainment purposes only, take them as a second opinion only. The purpose of these readings is to bring insights into a person's life, hence only take the guidance with your own free will. Tarot Reader is/will not be held responsible for the viewer's actions. Viewer Discretion is strictly advised and to be adhered to while watching tarot readings for themselves.
Individuals seeking mental, emotional, or psychological attention are advised to seek mental healthcare professionals, or the National Health Care Helplines of their respective countries and consider the opinions, resources, and guidance of these professionals as their first priority and the tarot reader's words as a friendly opinion or as a friendly advice.
Jungkook' side
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I channeled Taylor Swift's "Trouble". He sees her as a walking trouble 😵‍💫 or idk found her chaotic at first sight. He doesn't despise her but more like she's a walking talking anxiety spike that can get him into career troubles. He feels deeply troubled by the rumours. He's scared of her in one retrospect, let me state it like that. He see's her as a creative and passionate individual to work with and would love to work with her but he might doubt this happening highly likely any sooner as he seems to be scared of his legacy crashing down. He might see her as someone too bold and confident for his career security 🤭
( his perspective is funny, ngl)
Rosé Side
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She thinks they are/were good collaborative business partners and have the potential to become that. Her energy tried to make it very clear with lovers in reverse that she is very much looking forward to collaborating with him as an artist and they are platonic friends. They could be good friends. But it seems like there are too many rumours with ace of swords in reverse and high priestess in reverse. I also channeled "talkative spouse" someone's (could be a third party ) spouse could be causing a rift in this friendship 😞 or it could be their spouse (the fanbase) that could drag this friendship to a point of no return. Overall she's happy to be in good terms as a business partner and like minded artist. I was channeling something about "Lele Pons" and stumbled upon an article of her going to meet ups with Shakira for working on a music video. I think ideas seem to spur around like minded people. "Venezuela" could be of importance.
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aloysiavirgata · 1 year ago
For all of the anons who have asked for more in The Fisher King universe, here you go. New chapter below, main fic linked.
A man takes a woman and she disappears. It’s an old story.
The media will tell you she’s pretty, always. Sometimes she is and sometimes she isn’t, but she’s given the grace in her tragedy.
Dana is, though. In the way of Celtic priestesses and Roman goddesses and Renaissance women so achingly beautiful they were allowed to let their hair flow like corn. Like gold. Like rivers.
She has cheekbones like granite hillsides in winter.
Like Persephone in spring.
“She’s dead,” says the Captain. Says Margaret. Says Bill. Charlie calls with non-committal love from from Venezuela. Charlie calls with non-committal love from Norway.
If she’s alive she’s raped. She’s tortured, she’s broken But Catholics love the sanctified dead.
“She’s alive,” says Melissa, over an uncut celadon nested in a swirl of tarot cards..
Tara looks away in disgust. In fear.
Duane Barry was Mulder’s own particular monster, his brother in arms and paranoia.
An empty place in him wants to welcome Barry, wants him to fill the lacuna of Samantha. He imagines smoothing neatly over him, like spackling drywall.
But Barry takes Dana and, that, Mulder cannot forgive. He wants to hurt Barry for a long time in a way that they discuss in hushed awed voices after battlefield frenzies. He wants all of Barry’s insides on the outside, twitching and wet.
He gathers Dana’s animals to him, brings them into his home. He strokes their fur in his bed, he loves their angled predators’ faces that, like his, have eyes at the front of their heads.
Mulder fucks a suspect with the mindless short term satisfaction of scratching a mosquito bite until it bleeds. He hates himself and god, it’s good, the hating. He fucks her below the pagan sun and the Captain’s god and dares the universe to punish him. It’s a ripped hangnail, it’s his tongue against a toothache, it’s boxer briefs against a hardon at his desk.
He suffers with relish and, like most of the Scullys, he believes that his suffering will provoke tenderness from the universe. He bites the golden cross like an X-ray plate.
He wonders if anyone can see inside him at all.
He claps Bill on the back at the airport. He kisses Tara’s silky cheek, smells her knockoff Chanel #5.
Bill looks at him like a boy at Christmas, like Mulder’s the Grownup and can promise him everything.
“I love my sister,”. Bill says, as though it’s a shibboleth.
“So do I,” Mulder replies.
It’s the first time he talks about someone else’s sister and means it.
She turns up at the hospital like a message in a bottle. She is soft and pale and bloated and alive. He kisses her cheek like a Torah. He kisses her cheek like the earth of his true homeland.
Mulder holds a vigil for her as though she’s bound to Yggdrasil. Nine days and nine nights and perhaps she’s gained all knowledge. Perhaps she understands the runes.
Or maybe he does - who is the sacrifice and who is the sacrificed? Odin, spear-pierced, died for himself like Dana’s own god.
Melissa holds her sister’s hand. She holds his hand too, at the same time, her mass of red hair like ivy in the fall. She murmurs nothingness to the cold white stone of the moon.
“The moon is female,” Melissa confides to him at 2 AM over cheap wine and shrimp fried rice. “She’s the spiritual mother-guardian off all women.”
He says that he agrees, because it’s as true as any other fucking thing.
Margaret’s gaze is the sky before a shuttle launch, the Captain’s handshake the last thing you feel before your soul is ferried across the Acheron and the Styx.
Odin gave up his eye for the deep knowledge. Mulder would give up his eye for surety of her safety. He’ll give up both for what he brought to her. He understands why people suffer for communion with their gods now.
He understands why they surrendered hearts to bleed down the stones. He understands that prayers are a way to articulate fear.
Dana opens her eyes like a Marian apparition.
“Mulder?” she says, frowning.
He feels her voice the way magnets feel true north. “Hi,” he breathes, after days of planning the perfect response for this moment.
She blinks. “Did I fall asleep?” she mumbles. “Where are we? What happened?”
He kisses her knuckles, the delicate papyrus inside of her blue-tinted wrist. He marvels at the engineering of her thumb.
“You took a nap,” he says, rather breathless. Rather choked.
“Mmmm,” Dana says. She laces her fingers through his, she curls onto her side. She takes in the hospital room, frowning.
Then she seems to remember. “Ohhhh,” she whispers, eyes wide. “Am I okay?”
He nods. “Nothing serious.”
Mulder watches her breathing, watches her come back to life. He’ll press the call button in a moment, will alert the cavalry. He will make the Appropriate Telephone Calls.
Through the open blinds he sees the moon peer in. He says a prayer of thanks to its blank silver face, just in case Melissa is right.
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imrosalynangel · 1 year ago
Tw mention of the f slur and silly nsfw art!
I present you: my sona 😏
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SO, Hanako is a mixed Venezuelan/japanese girl, she has been in the nankatsu school since elementary, usually drawing, writing or doing all kinds of weeb, friki stuff. She was a pretty average individual 'til the shutetsu boys were transfered, her whole world change since that!
Hanako got a silent and shy crush on Hajime Taki, but she couldn't grow so close to him 'cause of being a girl (and not having access to the team football practices), SO she ended making up a BIG ASS LIE to be with her crush, she made herself an alterego called Hanato, a self claimed "brother" who practiced football and was really really good at it (Hanako didn't do any sports lol 😭)
Hanato visited after classes and when the team was practicing, SUSPICIOUSLY when Hanako was already home 🙄. Hanato's fame with football in Venezuela would cause a bit of a stir among the boys, more importantly, in Taki; who became very close with Hanato (and with Hanako via chat messages and occasional friend dates, all by Hanato's lectures about his "sister" lol) Even developing somewhat confusing feelings towards him, due to his somewhat androgynous beauty and the way he sold himself as a master.
This triggered Taki wanting to be trained by Hanato, insisting very much to him, to the point he couldn't resist more and ask him directly to train him out.
This encounter obviously got Hanako REALLY nervous, so much that she ended up accidentally revealing her identity to Taki.
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-Real girly voice- WHAAAAAT???!!! NO DON'T!!! I'LL SUCK YOURS FIRST, YOU SILLY F*G!!!
This obviously let Taki very confused, but after talking things a bit this little secret became mutual between then, being used as a excuse for getting together more often and for Hanako entering to watch private practices of the team. This persisted for two years, then at 18 years old Hanato "had to go back to Venezuela for proffesional football training", this also lend space for Hanako and Taki to make their one year relationship public!
Oh and also the whole Hanato thing made Hanako realize that she was genderqueer 😭
You still here?
Oh and their first time was in one of the schools bathroom/showers. Taki also liked both ways since he knew about the lie, SO he had no problem in letting her top!
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- H-hey... When you said you got "many plans" for our two years aniversary I didn't think being fucked by my other 'skin' was one of them...
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Now onto some big thing!! I was drawing all my ocs onto a lineup, here's a wip!
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There they are!! Hanako and Yui! (The short haired girl)
Yui is an oc!! She's a girl interested in tarot and gossiping!! She owns a gossip blog and also knows a lot of witchcraft and such. She's kinda fancy, like Rarity! She's also friends with Hanako and Masao Tachibana's girlfriend! But that's a history for another post.
I'll say goodbye for now! Please have this silly meme in order tho thank you for reading this! ^w^
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nj-stone · 7 months ago
Revealing Light -Tarot, Astrology & Spirituality - Trump's end? The campaign leak, Russia/Ukraine, Venezuela & Musk in trouble https://youtu.be/85x82i5mPh8?si=OWlGgCqGJyIwxIlT via @YouTube
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letmeoutofthebasementt · 9 months ago
the fact that A LOT of people are asking tarot readers if San fs is really turkish because probably twenty percent of other readers ‘’said it’s’💀 I feel like someday there’ll be a gc about this hahha. nothing against the topic but i think is too much now, i don’t think we need to ask you guys to use your energies solely for that question over and over again as a lot said THE WORLD IS FREAKING HUGE
I think we’re forgetting tarot shouldn’t be one hundred percent accurate, I bet if the Turkish thing doesn’t end up being true a lot of people will turn against the readers because they really highly believed in something that depends a lot of energies
Exactly! Like tarot is energy based. Thats like me saying a FS is from Cambodia and not Venezuela because I got the energies all mixed up
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insidiousxhopes · 9 months ago
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☆゚.*・ ◞ tommy martinez / male / venezuela/ he/him ——— is that samuel lockwood on bourbon street ? the 28 year old WEREWOLF/WITCH who stay in the bayou ? i heard their BIOLOGICAL PARENTS are tyler lockwood and IRIS SANCHEZ (OUTSIDE MARRIAGE) . they are notoriously known for being strong and helpful but also broody and promiscuous. which is probably why they are considered the wanderer around town. i wonder if they had their tarot cards reading, yet? either way, the cards on the table will reveal their fate soon enough
𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄: samuel matthew lockwood
𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄: sammy, sam
𝐀𝐆𝐄: 28
𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄: february 21
𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍: mystic falls
𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐍𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓: chaotic good
𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: death, trauma,
samuel was born to iris sanchez and tyler lockwood during a short lived affair between the two shortly after liv died.
shortly after his birth, his mom left him on tylers doorstep and abandoned the boy fearful of her parents discovery that she made her witch line impure by having a child with a werewolf. .
he was pretty good growing up with his dad as an only child close to him until he met Gabriela.
he was soon refering to gabriela as momma hearing other kids refer to their moms as such.
he was soon joined by two sister and their family was complete.
Tyler instilled in Sammy the need to protect his sisters.
when he was going through a rough patch, he started participating in an underground fight club.
during a fight with a particular antagonist of Sammy's he lost control and ended up triggering his wolf gene when a punch made the other male hit his head on the metal side of the ring and killed him.
after confiding in tyler, he left town for some time for things to calm down and to avoid his family seeing him suffer with his first full moon.
nine months later he returned to town.
he found himself in the arms of nikolas mikaelson who was struggling with his grief.
he has discovered feelings for nikolas, but his eye has been turned by the arrival of andrew salvatore too.
⭒ he has no interest in finding his birth mother to him gabriela is his mom.
⭒he loves art
parents: tyler lockwood (father ), gabriela lockwood ( adopted mother ), iris sanchez (biological mother)
siblings: maddison lockwood (younger adopted sister), kaya lockwood ( younger half sister )
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vidente-tarotista-gratis · 2 years ago
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#tarot #madrid #reiki #barcelona #venezuela #magia #abundancia #miami #chakras #zaragoza #newyork #namaste #coach #colombia #emprendedores #curacao #amorpropio #reus #marbella #elche #buenavibra #motivacion #tarragona #australia #yosoyexitoso #salou #gava #radiestesia #brasil #panama
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tresmanciasconsultancy · 8 months ago
I Ching, Tarot & Astrology forecasts from 06.27 to 09.27.24:
Egyptian Tarot
Social life: Completion (48) + Despair (35) + The Chariot (7, reversed)
Economics & Development: Learning (65, reversed) + Despair (35) + Innovation (34, reversed)
I Ching's advice
Sun Decrease (41) & K'uei Polarizing (38)
Main astral vibes:
Mars & Uranus in Taurus
Mars & Jupiter in Gemini
Moon's North Node & Neptune
For private readings, send a request here.
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tresmancias · 11 months ago
Pronósticos en substack.com del 27.03 al 27.06.24:
Tarot acuariano:
Sociedad: 10 de oros (invertido) + 9 de oros (invertido) + 7 de oros
Economía & Desarrollo: 5 de oros + Caballero de oros (invertido) + El Carro (7)
Consejos del I Ching
Meng El Joven Aprendiz (4) & Heng La Duración (32)
Vibra astral más importante:
Piscis a largo plazo
Aries: inicios kármicos
Géminis: para mover las piezas y jugar las chances
Para lecturas privadas y suscripción mensual a oráculos, solicitar aquí.
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lecturasporhaly · 1 year ago
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Energías para Leo del 19 al 25 febrero 🪬
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bklynmusicnerd · 2 years ago
Not much to comment on today but:
- Laura is the only one I trust in that rescue squad to take down Victor. Valentin can stay cause WSB and Cassadine but I would've replaced Tarot Drew and Curtis with Taggert and Robert. Laura is gonna be carrying this group on her back while she she's shooting goons.
- It would've been nice to include a moment of Molly being relieved to finally get some answers to the pain she was enduring with her endometriosis diagnosis, along with her disappointment about potential infertility. Although it's clear they want to rush to Molly not being able to carry so the surrogacy conversation can start.
- Trina'a fan base is growing because Valentin can't stop complimenting Trina. First resourceful, now brave and he's right on both counts.
- Portia saying she'd rather Trina be a coward and safe is pretty much exactly what I'd expect of her. A mother who is terrified for her daughter because she doesn't understand her.
- Anna lying to Portia about Trina not being at risk of death with Victor was a sweet scene. Anna knew that Portia, as a scared mother, didn't really want the truth, she just wanted someone to tell her a lie that she could cling to.
- Grand opening and grand closing on "Ethan". He had potential in the scenes I saw with Holly but a dye job is needed. Blond "Ethan" just feels wrong.
- I'm so thankful Tracy is back. Her snark is needed because this current iteration of the Quartermaines is always so saccharine. It's a disgrace. At least Ned won't be the only one actually acting like a Quartermaine.
- So we went from Venezuela to Greenland? Yeah I expect most of this adventure to go down in the underground bunker and that's fine lol.
- I appreciate Holly busting up this pedestrian Robert and Diane banter because Robert seems to have forgotten who he is. He should be hauling ass to save the world, not...whatever the hell he was doing.
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