queermania · 8 months
I was reading some of your posts (and those of others saying similar things) about being harassed over opinions about a silly little characters in a silly little show and although I'm not one of those people, I'm so so sorry that keeps happening to you! It sounds truly terrifying and people need to really chill out because none of this is serious and NOTHING ever warrants harassment or inducing medical/mental health issues in others.
I do hope you keep posting your opinions anyway because even if I don't agree with 100% of it 100% of the time, I like seeing different perspectives and yours in particular make me think more deeply about things (and/or they're entertaining).
(You don't have to publish this or anything but I just wanted you to know that for however many hateful anons you might get, I am SURE there are plenty more who can and do engage respectfully. So please keep doing what you do!)
thank you so much. this is a really sweet message and i appreciate it so much.
and yeah! i don't mind seeing opinions i disagree with. i "argue" with my friends over the show all the time. there are just so many people in this fandom who don't seem capable of saying, "i don't agree with that" and then moving on (or even just making their own posts about the subject on their own blog which would also be a perfectly reasonable and respectful thing to do). they purposefully pick fights and then go all shocked pikachu when the response is met in kind.
and their behavior ranges anywhere from reblogging posts with annoying tags to actual criminal activity. and regardless of what they've done or how i respond, i'm always the one that gets called a bully??? it's laughable.
but sorry for ranting at you about that. that's not your fault. you're very lovely and this message was very lovely and i'm giving you a metaphorical smooch on the cheek. i hope that whenever the next day starts for you, it is a magnificent one from start to finish <3
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uh-ohspaghettio · 2 months
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@lavenderleahy @angelkissesdean
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lavenderleahy · 2 months
Won't Turn Back | Dean, Cas, Benny
This is my very first amv. I'm extraordinarily proud of it, and I hope you enjoy it. You can watch it on youtube if you'd like.
I want to give a shoutout to @nostalgicbones for helping me get started on my amv journey and hyping me up every step of the way.
@angelkissesdean @blanketforcas @hermioneindisguise were also part of the hype team. y'all are the best. 💜💜
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ididit-allofit-foryou · 3 months
happy pride, bitches!
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(another version of this one & tag list below the cut!)
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(tag list--please let me know if you want to be added or removed!)
@notreallyaroad @cosmic0ak @adeliadrawstuff @cas-as-in-ass @thegayangeldeservedbetter @jensen-frackles @radiostranger @angelkissesdean n @alfalfapie @unholyasshole @youre-only-gay-once @catboymishacollins @shyshitter @diamond-order @beanmom @babyblue-mind @hollyspn @uh-ohspaghettio o @wolfstarisswag @gayfallenangel @cas-dyke @blrblob @squirrelsarecool l @asphyxiatedredherring @salchat t @yrfemmehusband @iknowtheendnatural @wishful-seeker-art @letmeblued @pink-enby-in-distress @colinthrobinson @hitori-alouette @justafictionlover @scarlettmichkat @heres-to-evil-skanks @torturedpoetdean @doctorprofessorsong g @november5th @deanhisnippleisout @floral-cas @dykekingofhell @spnjohnlocked @harryshousevevo @thiscastielhasflown @dailydestieldose @fredzina @dusenkasab @one-more-offbeat-anthem @justgayangelthingz
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destiel-wings · 10 months
Dean & Cas || Say yes to heaven
I finally posted my destiel fanvid!! 😍🥳
I was listening to this song more than a month ago and I thought it was absolutely perfect for Dean & Cas, and I went on youtube to search for a vid and got basically zero results (criminal, if you ask me), so I took matters into my own hands and made the one I wanted to watch.
I had a vision for the mood and feel of this vid, and in some way, a storytelling that I was trying to convey through the scenes and the song. Tell me what you think, I hope you like it as much as I do 💙
☆ watch it on YouTube
(I'm sorry for the delay, but I've had to render the video multiple times because youtube kept cutting its quality 😖)
Let me know if you want to be added to a permanent tag list for my future vids (or just subscribe to my YouTube channel so you'll see when I post new ones).
taglist under the cut:
people who asked to be tagged 💕
@castrotophic @butch--dean @cevansbaby-dove @wise-writer-girl @angelkissesdean @vendettasfanfictioning @cocohufflepuffs @antasarra @huggybearsunshine @winged-horrors
people who liked my post about this vid (i hope the tag is appreciated 💕)
@nyxietigs @markofcastiel @too-busy-for-this @maiagaia @eonblueinmay @rileyh20 @jeherion @envydean @sashalovescas @alo-20 @mcrrina @johnlockifconvenient @i-made-this-for-school @thisisacatperson @notsoshining @oblivionxd27
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blanketforcas · 2 months
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everybody go home @angelkissesdean figured it out
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angelsdean · 2 months
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tagged by @werepires thank you<3
go to pinterest and search: celebrity, outfit, shoes, makeup, aesthetic, and purse / bag and make a moodboard
(no pressure) tagging: @bloodydeanwinchester @monstermoviedean @angelkissesdean @backroadboy @limbel @aliveboydean
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destielfandomlore · 5 months
Important info for navigation/submissions
Information categories:
Cat 1a: primary source part 1 - social media posts, quotes from published articles in reputable sources, clips from cons, transcriptions of clips from cons (if original video link is included), gifs/description of a canon scene (including deleted scenes), script content, dvd commentary
Cat 1b: primary source part 2 - live transcriptions from cons/meet and greets, accounts of personal experiences, things of somewhat questionable veracity
Cat 1c: primary source part 3 - descriptions of things that happened in canon but offscreen
Cat 2: secondary source - interpretations or collections of primary source material
Cat 3: interpretation of show’s canon - Supernatural, The Winchesters, Ghostfacers web series (meta/analysis)
Cat 4: inferences/speculation/conspiracy theories (must have some level of circumstantial evidence however)
Cat X: miscellaneous
Submission guidelines
Must be one or more of the above categories (don't worry about specifying which category)
Date of origin required (retrieved date also required if possible if it is not today or for since-deleted content)
Screenshot/video/link to source required
Anti-destiel content is allowed only if from a primary source (mostly cast/crew/writers/directors/producers/network)
We reserve the right to deny content if it seems overly biased, particularly in categories 2, 3 or 4
If you hate destiel or whatever, block and move on (can't believe I have to say this in 2024)
(Also not gonna lie, def forget how submissions work so if you want to send a link or something via ask or @ us in a post that's fine too)
Important Note:
Information is presented as is; i.e. unless one of the admins (@angelkissesdean or @lavenderleahy or @nostalgicbones or @souporsaladnatural or @fandom-addict404 or @blanketforcas) specifically wrote it, the views expressed in any post do not necessarily reflect our own. Also pls let us know if you want us to write some sort of disclaimer on your post if the views presented are no longer current/accurate.
Click here for why we are doing this and what research questions we're hoping to answer
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disasterpenguin · 6 months
@angelkissesdean gave me permission to be a little bit unhinged and wants to hear about my 16 plot for spn
So in my version of supernatural s16 it's going to involve Claire a little bit more than spn ever has before (because i love her and they can try to take my funky lil lesbian from my cold dead hands)
Claire helps Sam bring Dean back, and then informs them that she has a plan to bring back Cas since she has some of his grace and somehow she and Sam fuck up the spell and get thrown back in time and instead of trying to figure out how to get back home right away she convinces Sam to stay so they can both learn to be MOL and have better ingredients for spell work
A few months go by for Sam & Clair (in the span of just a few episodes, maybe like 3 or 4?) and they learn that since Claire was Cas's vessel for such a short period of time that she doesn’t actually have enough grace to trick the Empty into thinking a vail of the Grace to replace Cas but Sam remembers that Cas had another vessel about 100 years ago and they go time hopping again which catches the attention of Jack, who is informed of Claire's plan to bring Cas back & says he'll help if he can but he doesn’t wanna interfere too much ((Dean is just stress cleaning in the future, for him it's only been a few hours, Jack pops up to tell Dean what's going on and to hangout because he misses his dad and he has to tell Dean how cool he thinks Claire is)) once Sam and Claire get back with a vail of Grace they have to figure out how to get into the Empty, Jack informs them it would be easier if they had Death to open a portal
An argument breaks out about summoning a reaper just to kill them and "haven't they done enough fucking around with the cosmos" before Claire has enough and sneaks away (Jack follows) and she summons a reaper and informs them about how if they die they'll become the next Death and the reaper agrees because "it's difficult job without a boss and Jesus please just do it and I'll open that portal free of charge for a full 24 hours when you're ready" and bada bing bada boom they have a deal and Claire goes back to tell Sam and Dean and then has to deal with their disappointed dad & uncle faces
Claire and Sam make a tracking spell/potion/ compass thing that'll lead someone to Cas's body in the Empty they just need to decide who's going and Dean declares it's going to be him or no-ones going at all, he was already dead so if he gets caught it's not like anyone will lose something that wasn't already lost, Claire's too young, Jack is god, Eileen is pregnant (because obviously she and Sam are endgame 😤😤) and Dean just "has to be the one to do this, he couldn't save Cas before but he has a chance to try now" and Claire calls the new death who opens the portal for Dean and says "you have 24 hours before the portal closes for good so make it snappy"
Dean steps through the portal and is wearing the Grace vail compass that'll lead him to cas (it gets brighter the closer to Cas he gets) and it's a few hours before he finds him and now he has to figure a way to wake Cas up, so he sits down and puts Cas's head in his lap & starts to pray to him, about how he's sorry he couldn't save him, how he regrets that he couldn't speak to Cas once he realized Cas was planning on sacrificing himself- how he felt like he couldn't breathe, how much he missed him and hearing the words "I'll watch over you" & the Grace compass starts to heat up and Dean takes it off only to realize Cas has opened his eyes and is looking at Dean in pure wonder and they just stare intensely into each others eyes before the Empty starts to shake because "why is this bitch awake again" and Dean is like "Cas we gotta go we can talk about this once we're back home but we gotta go now" and Dean grabs Cas's hand and they start running (leaving behind the Grace and Dean hopes that that'll be enough to trick the Empty) and they get back with time to spare and Jack shuts the portal and everyone gets a hug because "holy shit it worked! We did it"
Once everyone is done having celebratory hugs, instead of talking about their feelings Dean grabs Cas's face and kisses him and says "i love you never fucking do that to me again i mean it Cas you can't keep doing this to me, if this didn’t work I don't know what I would've done" and Sam who's been expecting this for fucking ages goes "you would've stayed in the empty." And they invite everyone over for a back from the dead party and Sam & Cas & Dean & Claire start up the Men of Letters and start creating a better network for all the new & old hunters and everyone gets their happily ever after
((Ps idk how to get Crowley back but like. I'll figure that out eventually))
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ididit-allofit-foryou · 3 months
i wrote a poem because i couldnt sleep, and of course its a dean pov destiel poem, what else would you expect of me?? its just over 1000 words so i'm just gonna share the ao3 link instead of pasting it here! i hope you enjoyyyy
(tag list below--let me know if you want to be added or removed!)
@notreallyaroad @cosmic0ak @adeliadrawstuff @cas-as-in-ass @thegayangeldeservedbetter @jensen-frackles @radiostranger @angelkissesdean @alfalfapie @unholyasshole @youre-only-gay-once @shyshitter r @diamond-order @beanmom @babyblue-mind @hollyspn @uh-ohspaghettio @wolfstarisswag @gayfallenangel @cas-dyke @blrblob @squirrelsarecool @asphyxiatedredherring @salchat @yrfemmehusband @iknowtheendnatural @fluffylemonaidz @letmeblued @pink-enby-in-distress @colinthrobinson @hitori-alouette @justafictionlover @scarlettmichkat @heres-to-evil-skanks @torturedpoetdean @doctorprofessorsong @november5th @deanhisnippleisout @nguyenxtrang @floral-cas @dykekingofhell @spnjohnlocked @harryshousevevo @thiscastielhasflown @dailydestieldose @fredzina @dusenkasab @one-more-offbeat-anthem @justgayangelthingz
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lavenderleahy · 2 months
Fuck it Friday
Tagged by no one I just wanted to do it. This is the first few bullet points from my completely unedited destiel wip. Again, completely unedited. We are in the beginning stages 😅
Cas and Sam are sitting at the kitchen table. Cas is drinking coffee. Sam is eating a cream cheese bagel and researching possible hunts. There aren’t very many options
Dean slides through the kitchen door with socked feet, holding his laptop. He’s got a huge, ridiculous smile on his face. “Guys. Guys. You won’t believe it.”
“Won’t believe what?” Sam asks. Cas says nothing. He does, however, put his coffee down and look at Dean expectantly.
Dean places his laptop on the table and twirls it dramatically so that both Sam and Cas can see it. He makes a “ta-da” motion with his hands. “Pizza vending machine.” There’s an article on the browser that reads “New Pizza Vending Machine Opens near Joplin, MO”
Sam looks at Dean confused. “Okay?”
Dean gives an exasperated sigh. “A vending machine. That has pizza. We have to go!!”
Sam rolls his eyes. “You care way too much about pizza.”
Cas is skeptical. “I’m unsure how a pizza vending machine would function. How do the pizzas get assembled and baked?”
Dean is still gushing with excitement. “I dunno man, who cares? It’s pizza!! In a vending machine!!”
I know it's barely Friday so these tags are completely no pressure. If you have a wip you wanna share this is your sign <3
@blanketforcas @angelkissesdean @queerdiazs @thatmexisaurusrex @edmundo-noches-buckley
@t4tvampireisms @herrmannhalsteadproduction @bloodydeanwinchester
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ididit-allofit-foryou · 3 months
hi!! i just posted another art process video of a commission i did! i tried to make it pretty relaxing ^.^ (also, my cat kindaaa takes over the video 😅) pls lmk if you check it out!!
(tag list below--let me know if you want to be added or removed!)
@notreallyaroad @cosmic0ak @adeliadrawstuff @torturedpoetemotions @cas-as-in-ass @thegayangeldeservedbetter @jensen-frackles @radiostranger @angelkissesdean @alfalfapie @unholyasshole @youre-only-gay-once @catboymishacollins @shyshitter @diamond-order @beanmom @babyblue-mind @hollyspn @uh-ohspaghettio @wolfstarisswag @gayfallenangel @cas-dyke @blrblob @squirrelsarecool @asphyxiatedredherring @salchat @yrfemmehusband @iknowtheendnatural @wishful-seeker @fluffylemonaidz @letmeblued @pink-enby-in-distress @colinthrobinson @hitori-alouette @justafictionlover @scarlettmichkat @heres-to-evil-skanks @torturedpoetdean @doctorprofessorsong @november5th @deanhisnippleisout @nguyenxtrang @floral-cas @dykekingofhell @spnjohnlocked @harryshousevevo @thiscastielhasflown @dailydestieldose @fredzina @dusenkasab
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lavenderleahy · 3 months
✨️ character tag game ✨️
rules: pick four of your favourite characters from four pieces of media and let your tumblr people decide which one most suits your vibe
I was tagged by @hermioneindisguise and @queerdiazs
Tagging some mutuals and friends (let me know if you don't want to be tagged in stuff like this!): @angelkissesdean @spnstillstudies @souporsaladnatural @fandom-addict404 @blanketforcas
@eyesofatrag3dy @canwejustgetahappilyeverafter @forestofsprites @didsomeonesaybuffet @trans-buckleyy
@evanbi-ckley @carrythatwayt @powersuitup @nelsonsmynickname @buckevantommy
I genuinely never know who to tag in stuff like this because there's always the fear of tagging too many or too few people 🙃 so if I didn't tag you but you'd like to participate consider yourself tagged 😄
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lavenderleahy · 3 months
How does Pinterest see me?
Rules: Search up fashion, pantone, mood, food, and then save the first picture that comes up.
tagged by @evanbi-ckley
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tagging some lovely mutuals if you want to play! @brazen-kenobi @canwejustgetahappilyeverafter @hermioneindisguise @eyesofatrag3dy @angelkissesdean
@forestofsprites @runandhideguys @edmundo-noches-buckley @blanketforcas
@nostalgicbones @didsomeonesaybuffet @eeveestoneson @archervale @candycatstuffs
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lavenderleahy · 2 months
🦄🐝 (for the lovely asks 😊 have a nice day!)
🐝- Tag three friends and your three favorite things about them!
@hermioneindisguise is one of my irl best friends. She has a phenomenal sense of style, always has the best character analysis (seriously, she is my go-to person for all things dean winchester), and is the reason i'm in fandom in the first place. I'm very grateful for her!
@brazen-kenobi and I have been mutuals since I joined tumblr in 2018. 💜 I actually got to meet him in person this summer!!! He's a phenomenal photographer, a supportive friend, and a good listener.
@angelkissesdean harmony... harmony is one of the many kind and wonderful people I've met on this site. She's a genuine friend, super passionate, and always has her nails done on point. 💅
🦄- List your three favorite things about yourself!
I can always trust my gut
My freckles ✨️
I can make my friends laugh
Send me lovely asks! 🥰
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