#angelica the cosmic angel
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bluebird-in-a-cagedrawing · 2 years ago
I’m gonna do this for some of my ocs...
01. Full name: Silver
02. Best friend:Nick
03. Sexuality:Straight
04. Favorite color: Green
05. Relationship status:Taken
06. Ideal mate:Ruby:The fire lady
07. Turn-ons:-
08. Favorite food:Spicy food/ sea food
09. Crushes: Ruby:The fire lady
10. Favorite music:Rapp
11. Biggest fear:Spiders
12. Biggest fantasy:Final Fantasy (games)
13. Bad habits:
14. Biggest regret:
15. Best kept secrets:Yes only 25%
16. Last thought:Pizza or french fries
17. Worst romantic experience:In school the 6 grade
18. Biggest insecurity:His hair
19. Weapon of choice:Knife
20. Role Model:Cloud the soul
01. Full name: Layla Clarence
02. Best friend:Bella the cat
03. Sexuality:Straight
04. Favorite color: Yellow
05. Relationship status:Taken
06. Ideal mate:
07. Turn-ons:-
08. Favorite food:Chinese
09. Crushes: Noone
10. Favorite music:Jazz
11. Biggest fear:Bees
12. Biggest fantasy:Witch
13. Bad habits:Practice witchcraft
14. Biggest regret:Her sister
15. Best kept secrets:Yes
16. Last thought:Why blue and not red?
17. Worst romantic experience:5 years ao
18. Biggest insecurity:Her nails
19. Weapon of choice:Sword
20. Role Model: Abigail
01. Full name: Clarisa Florince B
02. Best friend:Yoldeing the cat
03. Sexuality:Bisexual
04. Favorite color: red
05. Relationship status:Single
06. Ideal mate:Blue eyes, 1,79cm,charmin
07. Turn-ons:-
08. Favorite food:Sweets
09. Crushes:Her boss
10. Favorite music:-
11. Biggest fear:Snakes
12. Biggest fantasy:-
13. Bad habits:Eats too much spicy
14. Biggest regret:-
15. Best kept secrets:Yes
16. Last thought:I love this dress
17. Worst romantic experience: 2 days ago at the cinema
18. Biggest insecurity:-
19. Weapon of choice: Gun
20. Role Model: Miya the rightful angel
01. Full name:  Diamond/Lumina
02. Best friend:Monica
03. Sexuality:Straight
04. Favorite color: Orange
05. Relationship status:Taken
06. Ideal mate:black short hair, black-deep blue eyes
07. Turn-ons:-
08. Favorite food:cakes
09. Crushes:Her future husband
10. Favorite music:dub step
11. Biggest fear: Dogs/Snakes
12. Biggest fantasy:-
13. Bad habits:-
14. Biggest regret:-
15. Best kept secrets:Yes
16. Last thought:I love snow somuch 
17. Worst romantic experience:-
18. Biggest insecurity:-
19. Weapon of choice:Sword
20. Role Model: Monica
01. Full name: Yoldeing the cat
2. Best friend:Clarisa
03. Sexuality:Asexual/Aromantic
04. Favorite color: Brown
05. Relationship status:Single0
6. Ideal mate:
07. Turn-ons:-
08. Favorite food:Italian food
09. Crushes:No one
10. Favorite music:dub step
11. Biggest fear: Dogs
12. Biggest fantasy:-
13. Bad habits:-
14. Biggest regret:-
15. Best kept secrets:No
16. Last thought:I just broke my nails caring that bag 
17. Worst romantic experience:-
18. Biggest insecurity:-
19. Weapon of choice:Knife
20. Role Model:  Elly the snow cat
01. Full name: Abigail
02. Best friend:-
03. Sexuality:Aromantic
04. Favorite color: Red
05. Relationship status:-
06. Ideal mate:-
07. Turn-ons:-
08. Favorite food:meat
09. Crushes:-
10. Favorite music:dub step11. 
Biggest fear: Death
12. Biggest fantasy:-
13. Bad habits:Killing
14. Biggest regret:-
15. Best kept secrets:Yes
16. Last thought:I love snow somuch
 17. Worst romantic experience:-
18. Biggest insecurity:-
19. Weapon of choice:Sword
20. Role Model: -
01. Full name:  Feliciano the intoxicated cat
02. Best friend:Sweet Lime
03. Sexuality:Asexual/Aromantic
04. Favorite color: Purple
05. Relationship status:Single
06. Ideal mate:-
07. Turn-ons:-
08. Favorite food:Italian food
09. Crushes:No one
10. Favorite music:dub step
11. Biggest fear: -
12. Biggest fantasy:-
13. Bad habits:Killing
14. Biggest regret:-
15. Best kept secrets:No
16. Last thought:It is just a job for us
17. Worst romantic experience:-
18. Biggest insecurity:-
19. Weapon of choice:Sword
20. Role Model:  Clause the assassin king
01. Full name:  Phoebe the blue fox
02. Best friend:her brother
03. Sexuality:Bisexual
04. Favorite color: Pink
05. Relationship status:Single
06. Ideal mate:-
07. Turn-ons:-
08. Favorite food:-
09. Crushes:No one
10. Favorite music:Clasic music
11. Biggest fear: Sea/Ocean
12. Biggest fantasy:-
13. Bad habits:cutting herself in the kitchen
14. Biggest regret:Not being able to save her mother
15. Best kept secrets:Yes
16. Last thought:How awful... Oh no, the end of the world for a drama queen
17. Worst romantic experience:-
18. Biggest insecurity:her cat ears
9. Weapon of choice:arrows
20. Role Model: Bella the cat
01. Full name:   Angelica the cosmic angel
02. Best friend:Milky way
03. Sexuality:Asexual
04. Favorite color: yellow
05. Relationship status:Single
06. Ideal mate:-
07. Turn-ons:-
08. Favorite food:-
09. Crushes:No one
10. Favorite music:tango
11. Biggest fear: -
12. Biggest fantasy:-
13. Bad habits:-
14. Biggest regret:-
5. Best kept secrets:No
16. Last thought:This place is awful and smells terrible
17. Worst romantic experience:-
18. Biggest insecurity:-
19. Weapon of choice:Sword
20. Role Model: Miya the rightful angel
Nytrillia the forgotten doll vessel 🎊June 5🎊
Harriet the demon bunny girl 🎊June 9🎊
Claudia Clondie 🎊June 14🎊
Vulpinio the mafia cat 🎊June 22🎊
Angela the ghost bride 🎊July 9 🎊
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kowaibunn · 5 years ago
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@bluebird-in-a-cagedrawings Thanks for letting me draw your oc Angelica the cosmic angel. She is very cute and was fun to draw for practice.
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lunamagicablu · 3 years ago
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La Danza dell’Attivazione della Libellula Per prepararvi a questa attivazione, trovate un posto tranquillo per sedervi o sdraiarvi. Iniziate a respirare profondamente focalizzandovi nel Centro del vostro Cuore – inspirando ed espirando.
Focalizzate ora l’energia che va dal vostro cuore passando attraverso i piedi ed entra nella Terra, connettendovi con il suo Cuore cristallino. Respirate profondamente. Riportate l’energia nel Cuore. Respirate profondamente. Ora portate l’energia attraverso la Corona della testa in alto nel Cuore Cosmico di Dio, connettendovi con le pulsazioni della Luce e dell’Amore. Respirate profondamente. Riportare ora l’energia nel cuore e mescolate il Cielo e la Terra, respirando di nuovo profondamente.
Ora, vedendovi come il centro, proiettate un cerchio di luce intorno a voi e onorate le quattro direzioni: est, sud, ovest e nord e i Quattro Elementi, Aria, Acqua, Fuoco e Terra. Ora chiamate i vostri Spiriti Guida, Animali Totem o una Guida Angelica qualsiasi con cui desiderate lavorare.
Ora chiamate lo Spirito della Libellula.
Presto, sentirete un’energia leggera e magica e diventerete consapevoli di luminose ali di luce sospese intorno a voi. Godetevi le sensazioni.
Poi, diverrete consapevoli della danza di luce e delle tonalità cangianti man mano che Libellula danza. Potreste anche udire dei suoni che vi rammentano i canti degli angeli.
Diventate consapevoli che la Libellula vi chiede di danzare e di sognare nei Livelli Superiori di Coscienza!
Potreste sentire l’impulso ad alzarvi e a danzare con la Libellula, o potreste semplicemente permettere alla vostra immaginazione di danzare nella Luce!
Mentre danzate, vi muovete attraverso Campi di Luce e girando portate i vostri sogni, desideri e visioni nella manifestazione. Focalizzatevi su qualunque cosa vogliate manifestare nella vostra vita e danzate le sensazioni e la gratitudine nella manifestazione con Gioia! Danzate anche la Gioia, la Pace e l’Armonia nella manifestazione sulla Terra!
Ora la Libellula si posa ed è tempo di piegare le luminose ali di luce e di riposare.
Respirate profondamente e riposate.
È fatto!
Ora, ringraziate la Libellula e ritornate al Centro del vostro Cuore. Respirate profondamente e chiudete il Cerchio Sacro, ringraziando tutti coloro che hanno lavorato con voi, gli Elementi e le Quattro Direzioni.
Focalizzatevi nel Cuore. Respirate profondamente. Radicatevi di nuovo e, quando vi sentite pronti, ritornate alla realtà di veglia.
Sappiate che la vostra Danza e il vostro Sogno si manifesteranno nel momento giusto per il massimo bene di tutti.
Celia Fenn art Brian Froud ********************************* The Dance of Dragonfly Activation To prepare for this activation, find a quiet place to sit or lie down. Begin to breathe deeply by focusing in the Center of your Heart - inhaling and exhaling.
Focus now the energy that goes from your heart passing through your feet and enters the Earth, connecting you with its crystalline Heart. Breathe deeply. Bring the energy back into the Heart. Breathe deeply. Now bring the energy through the Crown of the head up into the Cosmic Heart of God, connecting with the pulsations of Light and Love. Breathe deeply. Now bring the energy back to the heart and mix Heaven and Earth, breathing deeply again.
Now, seeing yourself as the center, cast a circle of light around you and honor the four directions: east, south, west and north and the Four Elements, Air, Water, Fire and Earth. Now call your Spirit Guides, Totem Animals, or any Angelic Guide you wish to work with.
Now call the Dragonfly Spirit.
Soon, you will feel a light and magical energy and you will become aware of bright wings of light suspended around you. Enjoy the sensations.
Then, you will become aware of the dance of light and the changing hues as Dragonfly dances. You may also hear sounds that remind you of the songs of angels.
Become aware that the Dragonfly is asking you to dance and dream in the Higher Levels of Consciousness!
You may feel the urge to get up and dance with the Dragonfly, or you may simply allow your imagination to dance in the Light!
As you dance, you move through Fields of Light and as you turn you bring your dreams, wishes and visions into manifestation. Focus on whatever you want to manifest in your life and dance the feelings and gratitude into manifestation with Joy! Dance also Joy, Peace and Harmony in the manifestation on Earth!
Now the Dragonfly alights and it is time to fold the bright wings of light and rest.
Breathe deeply and rest.
It's done!
Now, thank the Dragonfly and return to your Heart Center. Breathe deeply and close the Sacred Circle, thanking all who have worked with you, the Elements and the Four Directions.
Focus in the Heart. Breathe deeply. Ground yourself again, and when you feel ready, return to waking reality.
Know that your Dance and your Dream will manifest at the right time for the greatest good of all.
Celia Fenn art Brian Froud
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graylok · 8 years ago
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Angelica Alieva, Cosmic Angel
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bluebird-in-a-cagedrawing · 4 years ago
Thank you so much! 🌹 I love it! 😊
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Requested by @bluebird-in-a-cagedrawings ♡
[Please don't REPOST TRACE STEAL my art !]
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skiyes-pensieve-blog · 8 years ago
Skiye’s Correspondences of common plants/herbs in my garden
These correspondences were found in Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kynes, which I highly recommend for new and old witches. :D If you need to know any other correspondences, let me know and I’ll try to find them for you! Hope these help!
Iris: acceptance, authority, awareness, clarity, concentration/focus, creativity, death, determination, creative energy, faith, freedom, inspiration, love, luck, angel/moon magick, messages, omens, money, patience, power, prosperity, psychic ability, purification, purity, release, wealth, willpower, wisdom
Peony: anger, anxiety, banish, business, danger, dreamwork, innocence, luck, find something hidden through magick, nightmares, opportunities, prosperity, protection, release, sorrow, success
Sage: balance, business, clairvoyance, comfort, concentration/focus, consecrate/bless, consciousness, divination, energy, fear, fertility, gratitude, grounding, guidance, harmony, healing, insight, introspection, knowledge, life, longevity, ,love, magick, memory(ies), clear the mind, money, negativity, obstacles, peace, power, prophecy, prosperity, psychic protection, psychic ability, general/ritual purification, quests, release, reversal, secrets, strength the senses, spirits, spirituality, stability, stimulation, strength, stress, truth, visions, warmth, wealth, well-being (mental), wisdom, wishes
Ivy: protection of animals, attachments, attraction, balance, divination, fertility, fidelity, friendship, growth, healing, honor, influence, knowledge, love, luck, marriage, messages/omens, negativity, problems, protection, rebirth/renewal, secrets, security, stability, transformation, witches/witchcraft
Dandelion: authority, awareness, spiritual beginnings, clairvoyance, clarity, communication, divination, dreamwork, emotions, favors, freedom, guardian, guidance, healing, messages, omens, the mind, money, needs, power, prophecy, protection, psychic ability, inner purification, skills, sleep, summon spirits, spirituality, stress, travel, wishes
Grape: abundance, charity, clarity, fertility, growth, inspiration, the mind, money, mental power, prophecy, prosperity, self-work, transformation
Lavender: anger, anxiety, attraction, awareness, emotional balance, beauty, calm (emotions/inner), challenges, clarity, communication, concentration/focus, connections, bless/consecrate, courage, creativity, divination, dreamwork, emotions, fidelity, friendship, gentleness, goals, grief, grounding, harmony, general/emotional healing, heartbreak, inspiration, intuition, loneliness, longevity, attract love, luck, lust, elf magick, manifestation, marriage, negativity, attract/inner peace, general/emotions problems, protection, psychic ability, purification (general, ritual), rebirth/renewal, relationships (peaceful) release, romance, sensitivity, sex, sexuality, sleep, spirits, stability, strength, stress, support, well-being, wishes
Spearmint: aggression, physical balance, battle/war, inner calm, concentration/focus, danger, healing, innocence, love, luck, money, mental power, protection, purification, home security, sleep, stimulation, strength, support, trust, warmth
Lilac: Adaptability, attraction, balance, banish, beauty, business, clairvoyance, community, concentration/focus, creativity, divination, dreamwork, emotions, friendship, happiness, harmony, break hexes, the home, innocence, inspiration, life, light, longevity, love, luck defensive magick, memory/memories (past life), clear the mind, peace, problems, prophecy, protection, purification, rebirth/renewal, release, security, attract/contact spirits, spirituality, well-being, youth
Chamomile: anger, anxiety, attraction, balance, beauty, blessings, calm emotions, communication, creativity, determination, dream work,energy, gentleness, grounding, growth, harmony, healing, breaking hexes, insight, introspection, intuition, justice, to attract love, luck, manifestation, money, moods, nightmares, patience, inner peace, problems, prosperity, purification, emotional security, sensitivity, sleep, stress, success, support, visions, wealth, wishes
Angelica: acceptance, attraction, balance, banish, beauty, beginnings, bind, calm, community, consecrate/bless, defense, divination, dreamwork, spiritual energy, friendship, growth, harmony, healing, breaking/protecting from hexes, insight, inspiration, introspection, longevity, angel magic, messages/omens (from angels, dreams), negativity, peace, female power, problems, divine protection, purification, security, self-work, listening (senses), sorrow, holy spirits, spirituality, stability, stimulation, strength, stress, success, support, visions, to protect from witches/witchcraft
St John’s Wort: protection of animals, banish, spiritual beginnings, blessings, courage, darkness, death, defense, divination, dreamwork, endings, energy, fear, fertility, freedom from fears, happiness, healing, justice, family luck, general/faery magick, money, nightmares, peace, power, prosperity, psychic protection, purification, release, security, sensitivity, spirits, spirituality, stimulation, strength, protect from lightning/storms/weather, mental well-being, willpower, prevent action from witches/witchcraft.
Thyme: activate/awaken the mind, adaptability, authority, awareness, calm, clairvoyance, community, confidence, bless/consecrate, courage, divination, general/psychic energy, grief, growth, happiness, healing, the home, honesty, increase, love, luck, faery magick, money, negativity, nightmares, power, general/spiritual protection, psychic ability, purification, rebirth/renewal, skills, sleep, sorrow, stimulation, strength, stress, well-being
Catnip: acceptance, anger, animals, beauty, courage, dream work, energy, fertility, friendship, happiness, harmony, the home, to attract love, to attract luck, animal magick, nightmares, peace, problems, psychic ability, sleep, spirits, strength, stress
Wormwood: The afterlife, anger, animals, anxiety, banish, bind, clairvoyance, courage, death, defense, divination, dreamwork, endings, endurance, enmity, forgiveness, guidance, healing, hexes, improvement, love sex magick, obstacles, peace (peaceful death), power, problems, protection from enchantment, psychic ability, purification, release, self-work, skills, contact/see spirits, stress, transformation, visions
Yarrow: aggression, attraction, authority, awareness, balance, banish, battle/war, beauty, beginnings, blessings, calm, challenges, change/s, clairvoyance, confidence, consecrate/bless, courage, death, defense, divination, dreamwork, emotions, energy (cosmic, spiritual), fear, fertility, fidelity, friendship, growth, guidance, happiness, healing, heartbreak, longevity, love, luck, animal/defensive magick, marriage, negativity, power, problems, general/psychic/spiritual protection, psychic ability, purification, relationships, release, skills, contact spirits, spirituality, stimulation, emotional strength, success, visions, weather, well-being, witches/witchcraft
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born-a-earth-angel · 8 years ago
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Cosmic Arrow By @born-a-earth-angel or Tierra Angelica
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bluebird-in-a-cagedrawing · 4 months ago
Ok, so i am doing a "That's not my neighbor" game short off...
I will draw 9 of my ocs and 1 or 2 of them will be the doppelganger (the enemy)
Also, if you give like/❤️ at this post in the next 7 days, you will get a badge from me as a submit!
There will be 2 rounds with different characters:
Round 1
1. Milky way
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2. My SCP Persona
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Miya the rightful angel
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Angelica the cosmic cat
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Round 2
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Felix Reddison
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Rocky flame
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This is the badge that will be given by submit after you:
Give likes/❤️ to the post/voting on the poll...
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bluebird-in-a-cagedrawing · 5 years ago
Yes please ☺️ I would love to have them...They are perfect 💕 Mieray the moon mouse (Nightmare Au) and Angelica the cosmic angel(Original Au) ☺️💕
I'm a simple person; i see 3 emoji chalrnge i send an ask 😂 lmao, aham! -> 🐭🌙🍁,🌙😇🐱,🌻🐭🔥 Thank you! 😄
I did the First and Second one-
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Please tell me if you want to keep the first them
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denisonforum · 6 years ago
Do you live in “Hauntington”?
A town has changed its name to “Hauntington” at the urging of a seven-year-old.
Second grader Angelica Dee Cunningham wrote to the town council of Huntington, New York, suggesting that they make the switch for Halloween. To her surprise, they agreed.
Their decision may be a parable for our culture today.
Americans are not unique in celebrating Halloween. Romania has a Day of Dracula; Japan stages a giant parade; children in the Philippines go door to door to ask for prayers for those in Purgatory.
Nor do we devote more time and money to Halloween than other holidays. We will spend $9 billion this year on costumes, candy, and decorations. However, our Halloween spending pales in comparison to our spending on Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Easter, and Christmas.
Nonetheless, I believe Halloween may reveal more about American culture than any other holiday. Here’s why.
How many Americans will participate in Halloween?
“Halloween” is a contraction of “All Hallows’ Eve,” the evening before All Saints’ Day. Tomorrow, the Catholic Church will focus on the saints of the Church. This tradition began in AD 609 and encourages participants to remember and emulate the heroes of the faith.
Tonight, by contrast, the focus will be strikingly different. Fifteen million American adults will dress in costumes; witches are most popular, followed by vampires, zombies, and pirates. If your neighborhood is anything like mine, you’ve been haunted by ghosts, skeletons, and dragons for weeks.
Some 69 percent of Americans plan to participate in Halloween today. Since that is three times the percentage of Catholics in America, it is clear that far more people will observe Halloween than All Saints’ Day.
What two mistakes do we make about the devil?
My point transcends popularity, however. How much time do Americans really focus on being thankful at Thanksgiving? How much attention do we really give Jesus on Christmas Day?
By contrast, fascination with the figures of Halloween is clearly on the rise in America.
Witches made national headlines when they gathered to “hex” Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. The US witch population has seen an “astronomical rise,” according to one report. Recent studies indicate that Wicca is now the fastest growing religion in America.
Satanism is growing in our culture as well. Satanist students at Clemson University recently held a “Bible torching” ceremony. A member of the so-called Satanic Temple was allowed to make an opening prayer to Lucifer at a local council meeting in Alaska.
C. S. Lewis: “There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them. They themselves are equally pleased by both errors and hail a materialist or a magician with the same delight.”
What is the lure of the occult?
Dressing our children in innocuous costumes and taking them to the neighbors to collect candy is a fun tradition. Participating in occult practices, today or any other day of the year, is both sinful and perilous.
The lure of the occult is simple: power. It is another version of Satan’s first temptation: “You will be like God” (Genesis 3:5). Horoscopes and fortune-tellers promise the ability to predict and control the future. Occult rituals claim to offer an empowering connection with spiritual forces.
The explosion of fascination with astrology and the occult is not surprising. Researchers connect such interest directly to stress, noting that we search for comfort and coherence in times of chaos and confusion. And the power and pleasure offered by occult practitioners appeal to our existentialist, consumeristic culture.
But Satan is “a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44) who “disguises himself as an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14). His resume is simple: he “comes only to steal and kill and destroy” (John 10:10). He wants to attack God but cannot (Revelation 12:9), so he attacks those God loves as “a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8).
All he offers costs far more than it pays. I’ve quoted many times the maxim, “Sin will always take you further than you wanted to go, keep you longer than you wanted to stay, and cost you more than you wanted to pay.” If you think you’re the exception, you’re being deceived.
That’s why God’s word forbids all occult practices (cf. Leviticus 19:31; 20:6; Deuteronomy 18:10; Isaiah 8:19; Micah 2:5; Revelation 21:8). And it’s why our Father calls us to “give no opportunity to the devil” (Ephesians 4:27).
What causes the devil to flee from us?
Let’s redeem Halloween by using today as an opportunity for ministry. In a time when it can be hard to know our neighbors, this is one day when they come to us. Pray about ways you can use this day to build relationships with them. A smile, a kind word, a “God bless you,” perhaps an introduction and conversation can build bridges for the gospel in months to come.
Let’s also use this day to remember that “we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness” (Ephesians 6:12).
In this battle, we have two jobs: “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). When we submit to God, only then can we resist the devil. And only then will he flee from us.
Will Satan flee from you today?
The post Do you live in “Hauntington”? appeared first on Denison Forum.
source https://www.denisonforum.org/columns/daily-article/do-you-live-in-hauntington/
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bluebird-in-a-cagedrawing · 4 years ago
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New dresses 🥰 which of my ocs will wear them? Hm, Megan the water melon, Yoldeing the cat, Venus the wolf and Mieray the moon mouse 🥰 Enjoy!
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bluebird-in-a-cagedrawing · 4 years ago
Which muses bite their nails?Which muses can’t ride a bike?
Which muses bite their nails?
Yoldeing the cat
Feliciano the intoxicated cat
Aquaria the water lady
Angelica the cosmic angel
Red the fortune teller
Which muses can't ride a bike?
Yoldeing the cat
Ruby:the fire lady
Aquaria the water lady
Elly the snow cat
Moon on fire
Luna the moon demon
Clause the assassin king
Phoebe the blue fox
Thank you for the ask! 🌹
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bluebird-in-a-cagedrawing · 5 years ago
Thank you, i love it! 🌹🥰
Hello! I come with a little request of my ocs Angelica the cosmic angel wearing a short blue dress and having a red rose in her hair, thank you! 🌹
Hi! Your oc is so cute! Also this is unfinished but I wanted to post it in case you thought the request was abandoned ^_^;
I’ll post a finished and shaded version soon! (Hopefully) | 030)
I’ve closed any more requests because school work has been getting stressful. Sorry. :(
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Also if there’s anything you want me to change pls tell me in the reblogs or dm! I’ll try my best haha
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bluebird-in-a-cagedrawing · 4 years ago
Which muse is the clumsiest? And which is the most elegant?
Which muse is the clumsiest?
I have many 😂, let's begin:
Elenora the rainbow joy
Rocky flame
Celena the trophy ice skater
Blue the fox
Martin the cat
Amber the lost angel
Bella the cat
Nishya the dream cat
Paint brush the demon
Rosa the singing starlet
Acrylia the sour candy
Which is the most elegant?
Luna the moon demon
Amstran the moon dancer
Staran the galaxy man
Elly the snow cat
Iccex D Valerius
Earl pekoe the tea connoisseur
Angelica the cosmic angel
Venus the wolf
The Phoenix cat
Vulpinio the mafia cat
Alvirey the white shadow
Hester the photo marksmen
Thank you for the ask! 🌹
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bluebird-in-a-cagedrawing · 4 years ago
Hey, quick ask! I'm still abit new so can you introduce some ocs to me so i can ask them? :0
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Here some of them, i have lot's of ocs so i made some kinda list with their names, there are:Gracella the night cat, Aremina the pure cat, Esmeral the stain cat, Iccex D Valerius, Clarisa, Nishya the dream cat, Red the fortune teller, Phoenix Cat, Vulpinio the mafia cat, Angelica the cosmic angel, Luciano the candle of secrets and many more ocs...
Thank you for the ask! 🌹
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businessfrontrunners · 3 years ago
Breathing Heart Helping Individuals Worldwide Release Trauma To Achieve Abundance & Prosperity Through Powerful, Non-Traditional Methods That Work
https://authoritypresswire.com/?p=39187 Alex Vitillo began a career in finance in London and after 15 years in the corporate world realized her passion, purpose and gifts lay elsewhere. After the tragic loss of her husband to cancer, Alex found respite in meditation, mindfulness, and energy healing. Today, Alex is a leading Shamanic Priestess of Wealth and Wellbeing and an expert at identifying and removing money blocks for her clients. Alex is Founder of well- established Breathing Heart Consultancy Ltd which empowers visionaries, high-achievers, and heart-centered entrepreneurs to become the soulful, impactful, and abundant leaders they were meant to be. Alex does this by helping them release debilitating past trauma. Alex utilizes her unique skills to guide individuals from stress and scarcity to success and prosperity. Using a magical, calming and chic delivery style Alex is a master at identifying conscious behaviors and tapping into subconscious thoughts. She is widely known to help clients reprogram their harmful, negative practices and turn them into healthy methods that suit the lifestyle and career goals that they so deeply desire. Most of her clients are unaware of how these thoughts and behaviors have such a destructive role in their lives and their businesses. Through the healing and teachings of Breathing Heart, many of Alex’s clients can move past previous traumas and find success as they smash through six-figure income ceilings while building a spiritual business. Many who have worked with Alex feel that she can cross over from the material world to the mystical world. Her mantra is “Grow Yourself, Grow Your Business,” and her mission is to help clients worldwide feel confident, safe, and empowered so that they may create remarkable life-changing businesses. Through a variety of modalities and services, Alex enables clients to eliminate a world of self-doubt and self-sabotage for one of abundance and harmony in every area of life. Some of the Breathing Heart services include:Retreats: The 2022 Sacred Land of Tuscany retreat offers a transformative experience on a 5-day retreat in magnificent Tuscany. Participants enjoy three days of immersion and two days of relaxation and integration with Alex while shifting from stressed and defeated to aligned and empowered. The purpose is to dig deep to identify damaging self-talk, limiting beliefs, and old patterns and follow up with deep healing to reconnect with one’s inner soul.��Witchuals: Cyclical events for those who would like to heighten their spiritual connection and harmonise with the power of the seasons, astrological times to live life in flow rather than being disconnected from earth/elementalsSoulful Business Mentorship: Working with Sacred Money Archetypes Alex helps high achievers and heart-centred entrepreneurs to go from financial lack and scarcity to success and prosperityTheta Healing: This practice, known for centuries, is a meditative state of the brain during which it is possible to identify limiting beliefs, energy blocks, and the cause of physical ailments. Shamanic Healing: Shamanism, known for eons, is the ability to connect through the Spirit World while reaching an altered state of consciousness. It is here that Alex is able to administer healing related to past trauma. Weekly Facebook Live Events: Spiritual teachings in the Cosmic Soul Seekers group each FridaySocial Media Platforms: Presence on YouTube LinkedIN (https://www.linkedin.com/in/alex-vitillo-gabay/  ) and Instagram.Clients of Breathing Heart share their thoughts about the magic of Alex’s insight and gifts:“My one week doing activate your wealth with Alex was amazing! I felt incredibly expansive right from the start of that week. I have increased motivation and clarity about what I’m doing. Oh, and I’ve got some clients wanting to join my new program. I’m going to continue working with Alex because if that’s what happened in only one week, I’m so excited to keep growing with Alex’s healing powers and her incredibly therapeutic training”! Gina M. Australia“Before working with Alex, I was so stuck. I had major blockages, preventing me having the love and success I craved. She cleared it all out, deeper than any other healer I have ever worked with. She gave me the ability to full integrate back with my truth- love. Alex is such a sweet, mindful, committed, and wise soul. She made me feel safe, supported, not judged, and created a sacred space for me to heal and let it all go. She is an incredible healer. I am so grateful to have connected with her. We traveled deep into my past and rewrote stories I had created when I was a child. I felt a weight lifted off my back, near my heart. Now, I feel like my body is beaming with light and my etheric angel wings are big and outstretched. I’m ready for love and success, all thanks to Alex. Investing in Alex will change your life” Angelica Rose New York###ABOUT THE INDUSTRY LEADERAlex Vitillo is a leading Shamanic Priestess of Wealth and Wellbeing and the Founder of Breathing Heart Consultancy Ltd. She holds a University Degree in Economics and an MSc in Banking and International Finance and has since retrained herself in several energy techniques. She has also developed her own methodology to help leading heart-centered coaches and consultants to increase their confidence and deepen their leadership skills to move from a scarcity mindset and one of poor income to success and abundance by tapping into conscious and subconscious levels that are at the root of the obstacle. Additionally, Alex, whose mantra is “Grow Yourself, Grow Your Business,” guides soul-driven entrepreneurs who deeply undervalue themselves to heal past traumas so they can smash through the 6-figure income ceiling while building a spiritual business and maintain a well-balanced life.Alex’s unique skills include identifying and healing traumas, releasing the hidden blocks to abundance, and rewiring scarcity programming running in the background of her clients’ personal and business lives. Her mission is to help every client feel confident, safe, and empowered to create magnificent businesses. Reach out to her through for a complimentary call.
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