#angela lopez is mommy tbh
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augustvandyne · 1 year ago
heyy i was wondering of you could write abt angela lopez, we are also a detective at the station and it’s about all the times we almost got caught. if you know what i meann
i adore this
almost getting caught
When you started out as a rookie at the LAPD, you were Tim’s boot.
You’d seen Angela from afar, and had definitely heard a lot about her through one of your close friends, Jackson. You developed a girl crush on her. Angela’s ways were amazing, and you aspired to be her.
The day had come when the rookies had switched up their T.O.’s for a few days, and you’d been assigned to Angela’s shop.
Her sarcastic wit and small smirks made your girl crush turn into a crush crush.
You were actually kind of sad when you found out she would be moving to detective work, because you wouldn’t see her as much anymore.
Eventually one time after your graduated to P2, you’d been paired with her for a day because you were following a case with her.
You made a bad choice on a call you responded to, and Angela had to pull you to the side.
She angrily told you, “Never let anything cloud your judgement, much less a crush.”
She’d thought you had a crush. And not on her.
She was jealous.
“You’re right,” You shrugged. “I do have a crush.”
Curiosity got the best of her. She didn’t mean to sound so rude when trying to get to the bottom of it, but she did.
“Who?” Angela crossed her arms. “Is it Tim?”
That was the first time you almost got caught.
You hadn’t even done anything, by any means, but there was something there. You told her, “You know, you’re pretty stupid for a detective. You’re the one I have a crush on. You’re clouding my judgement, Angela. I like you. Not Tim.”
She laughed, “No you don’t,” but eventually gave in to you when your face remained serious.
She had grabbed your hand and asked you out to dinner that night when Nyla had found you to ask if you were okay.
The two of you split apart super fast, and tried to get Nyla out of there as quickly as possible, but that didn’t seem to happen. She pulled you away, and you had to look behind you and mouth yes to confirm your date for that night.
Not too long after that you’d taken the Detectives exam, and had gotten in the top three—no surprise there.
You’d gotten a spot on the LAPD’s Detective team in no time, and were Angela’s partner. At work and out of work.
The two of you had put a label on it by now, and had gone on several dates.
Tonight she took you to a nicer restaurant to celebrate your big news.
She said she was going to pay, but you definitely helped with at least paying for your dessert, because that was some money just on its own. But regardless, you helped whether she knew or not.
You were enjoying your dessert and your night with you girlfriend— who looked beautiful in her dress— when the two of you spotted John and Bailey.
Now under any other circumstance, this would’ve been fine. But how were the two of you supposed to explain why you were dressed so fancy at a nice restaurant that looked like a date?
The quick answer: you weren’t.
You turn your head opposite of the couple, when Angela says, “What’s wrong, baby?”
“Don’t look now, but John and Bailey are three tables away. To your right,” You give her a look. “Unless we want everyone to know we’re together by sunrise tomorrow, we better escape somehow.”
“Can’t we just have one nice date?” Angela sighs angrily.
“No,” You lift the napkin you had on your legs up, and throw it on the table. “But we already paid, so it wasn’t totally ruined, now was it?”
“I suppose not,” Angela smirks. “But I really was enjoying the crème brûlée.”
“We can get some somewhere else, Ange,” You smile, standing to your feet and putting your hand out for her to take.
She does, and the two of you take off towards the bathroom, when at the same time Bailey heads in the direction the two of you were heading.
“Bailey is coming this way,” Angela says urgently, gripping your side with her delicate hand.
“Okay so what—“
Suddenly Angela’s back is against the wall between the men’s and women’s bathroom. Her arm wrapped around your neck, and your hands on her hips as her lips devour yours in a hungry kiss.
Her plan was a success, because Bailey walks right past the two of you.
Another time the two of you had almost got caught was on your birthday.
You and Angela had been together at least three months by now, and she wanted to do something special tonight for your birthday.
She wasn’t sure what yet, which was why she’d approached you in the break room in the first place.
You were stirring the much needed half a pound of sugar into your coffee, when Angela had came up beside you.
“So, it’s your birthday,” She smiles sweetly at you.
“Hm,” You nod with a bored look, taking a sip of the steaming coffee. “You look amazing today with your hair down.”
“I know,” Angela squints, pressing her lips together sassily. “Now, what are we doing tonight?”
You’d told Angela before that you didn’t really like celebrating your birthday. She must’ve interpreted you wrong when you told her you don’t want to do absolutely anything.
“Nothing. I told you,” You place the cup on the table beside you. “I just want to go home,” You grab onto the collar of Angela’s blazer, pulling her closer to you, your lips ghosting hers. “And spend time with my beautiful girlfriend.”
Her lips just barely catch yours when the two of you pull away like the other had burnt them.
Lucy and Tim come strolling in, and Angela looks at you with a slightly disappointed expression, craving your lips now more than ever.
When Lucy is declared missing, you are absolutely distraught.
She was your best friend out of the station, not including Angela, and you couldn’t loose her.
Angela could see you falling apart all over the station. Several different times in several different places. At one point she saw you bawling your eyes out in the middle of the conference room.
She wanted nothing more than to pull you onto her arms, lay a kiss atop your head, and whisper sweet nothings in Spanish to you.
But she couldn’t do that because then everyone would know. And she wasn’t sure if you wanted everyone to know— and she definitely wasn’t asking you when you were in such a state.
It hurts her heart to see you like this, so much her own eyes water at one point.
When Grey delivers the news that they had found where she may be located, you all but jumped for joy. But you were back to crying when Grey confined you to his office and demanded you stay back due to your closeness of the case.
Angela offered to stay back with you, and she closes the blinds of the office after entering.
“Y/n,” Angela’s heart breaks at the sight of you.
You are sat on the couch in Grey’s office, leaning over with the palms of your hands on your eyes.
“Come on,” Angela hears her voice waver from seeing you in so much pain. She puts her arm around you to reach your left shoulder, pulling you closer into her.
You lay down so your head is in her lap.
She runs her hands through your hair, trying to calm your shaking body, and she does eventually.
You sit up at some point and lay your head on her shoulder instead of her lap. She has her arm around you and her lips are resting on your head.
When Grey comes running in, Angela has to quickly separate herself from you.
It’s safe to say she makes a mental note to talk to you about going public with your relationship. All she wants is to ask you on dates during call— not caring who’s there, go out to a nice restaurant without the worry of being caught, kiss you in the break room, and cuddle with you at work when you need it most.
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augustvandyne · 1 year ago
i’m coming up with this on my own because i’m bored and also i love angela so much like ugh so here’s this small little thing!!
anyway here’s the summary.
you’re a training officer and done for the night, but detective angela lopez definitely is not. she sees you passing out at the desk across from her and has you get up to lay on her.
falling asleep
You loved your wife but she definitely had a working problem.
As in, you could have been done for hours, and she still wouldn’t be home. She’d be sitting in that office chair.
Normally you’d go home, but tonight was date night and you didn’t want to leave her.
You didn’t get to actually go on your date, but you were okay with this being your date. You’d went and got Chinese food, and the two of you ate and tried solving the case.
Angela was talking herself through it, and you were laying you head on Nyla’s desk, which was where you were sitting.
Her voice was putting you to sleep.
You were drooling onto the desk, at this point.
Angela looks up at you just as you are put into a light sleep.
“Baby,” Angela tilts her head, but receives no response from you. “Baby.”
You groan.
“I’m sorry,” Angela flattens her lips as she comes up with an idea. “How about you come here.”
“I’m comfy,” You say, but it’s muffled by the table.
“I’m offering a more comfy position,” Angela smirks as you launch your head up off the table.
“Uh-huh,” She nods, giving you a wide smile. “It’s the least I can do after ruining our date night.”
You smile back, looking at her with all the love in your eyes.
“Are you gonna keep looking at me like that, or are you gonna come get comfortable?” Angela leans back in her chair, watching as you all but trip out of the chair in a hurry to her lap.
“Eager?” Angela says right before you smack into her, all but jumping into her lap. “Oof.”
Your head finds the crook of her neck, and you nod your head a bit to get comfortable. Her scent puts you in a sleepy state yet again.
You’re straddling her on the chair. It pinches your thighs, but you don’t care, because you’re in Angela’s arms. The woman whom you love the most.
Using her feet, she moves herself closer to the desk. Using one hand, she picks the case files back up, while using the other to caress your back softly, which she knew put you right to sleep.
You aren’t quite asleep, which Angela likes, because she wants to talk to you for a few minutes.
“You’re adorable,” Angela places a kiss on your temple.
“You know, when you were my T.O., I never would’ve thought of those words coming out of your mouth,” She feels you grin against her skin.
“I never would have let you, baby,” She says, and you lift your head so you can see her face. “What? I was too sarcastic for your liking.”
“You kind of scared me,” You sleepily laugh.
“Oh? Did I, now?” Angela drops the papers, poking your sides in an assaulting manner.
“Yes,” You wiggle on her lap, laughing. “But not anymore.”
“I sure hope I don’t,” Angela leans back in the chair, her hands resting on your hips.
“You don’t,” You put your arms around Angela and give her a kiss on the lips before laying your head back down.
She continues talking herself through the case, and soon enough, she feels (and hears) you fall asleep in her arms.
Angela places soft kisses on your hair while she works until it’s time to go, at which she wakes you up just to see your sleep face.
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augustvandyne · 1 year ago
Angela Lopez x reader
Angela is jelly because a rookie is hitting on reader rookie doesn’t realize they’re married until they have a group outing
i don’t like how this came out, so i apologize if you don’t enjoy it. also, picture whoever you want as the rookie!
She heard your laugh from across the station.
The two of you had met when you were a rookie, and she was your training officer. But now you’d became a T.O., while Angela moved up to a detective.
It annoyed her because sometimes she’d only see you an hour a day until the two of you rejoined at home.
It also annoyed her, because it seemed that your new rookie couldn’t keep his hands or eyes to himself. He also had a way with words, as in, he was a flirt.
He’d only been there a few days, as the new group of rookies just came in, so you couldn’t blame him for not knowing you were married.
You didn’t even really know he was flirting with you, you just thought he was being nice. The two of you had just found a mutual hobby when you guys pulled the shop in.
You also don’t even notice that Angela is watching or even worried about the flirting.
He touches your arm, and Angela has to force herself to keep calm and collected at her desk.
It was nearing the end of the shift, about twenty minutes left or so, and Angela was tempted to just leave early with you.
But that idea flew out the door when she remembered everyone was going out tonight to celebrate Nolan’s birthday.
She clenches her jaw and tries to keep her focus on the computer, but your voice keeps making its way to her ears, and it’s distracting her.
“Okay, what’s wrong?” Nyla looks up with a bored expression on her face.
Angela bites her lip and looks to the side, debating on whether or not to tell Nyla.
“That rookie is flirting with Y/n,” Angela slightly squints.
“Well, she is gorgeous,” Nyla tilts her head to look at the two of you. “But, you know, maybe that’s his type.”
“Well my wife is not up for grabs,” Angela goes to stand, but Nyla keeps her from standing and tells her to sit back down.
“You’ll just make matters worse if you say something in the middle of the station,” Nyla shook her head. “Shifts almost over, they can’t possibly talk that long.”
Oh, but you do. Angela changes and comes out to see the two of you still going on and on about only god knows what.
You don’t even notice her standing there, really, until she says she’ll meet you in the car.
She hears you tell him it was nice talking and then, of course, you being the person you are, you invite him along to the celebration.
He accepts, and lets you know he’ll be by soon.
You change quickly and then head out to the car where Angela is impatiently waiting for you.
She drives in silence for a few minutes until you say, “Is something wrong?”
“No,” Angela shrugs it off.
“If you’re tired, we don’t have to go tonight,” You say.
“No, it’s Nolan. We’re going,” Angela keeps her eyes on the road, and you get the feeling something is wrong.
“Okay,” You push it to the back of your mind as Angela pulls the car into the bar parking lot.
As soon as you get out of the car, Angela is at your side, her arm wrapped around your waist.
Mostly everyone, minus the rookie is there, so it’s hard to miss them in the back corner.
Angela and you stand as you order your drinks, and that’s the exact time the rookie makes his entrance.
“Can I buy you a drink?”
He tilts his head closer to you so you can hear him, and that’s what has Angela losing it.
“Listen here, asshat,” Angela steps in front of you.
“She’s married,” Angela blinks. “To me. So if you want to go after a married woman, go after someone else’s wife. She is mine, and you will stop touching, looking, and flirting with her. Have a nice night.”
Angela turns around to see you with your mouth open.
“What?” Angela has a hand on her hip, and you think it’s the hottest thing ever. “He needs to know what’s mine.”
You laugh and kiss her back when she smashes her lips into yours.
“That was hot,” Your grab her hand. “Now, let’s go celebrate Nolan’s birthday.”
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