#angel: half fae. very cute. witch. she/her. trans probably. fond of explosives. little sister.
chomesuke · 3 years
2, 6, 13 and 22 for the oc asks !! (also idk any of your ocs and i feel like thats a crime. . .pls talk about whomever you wish me to know about i would love that so much<3)
okie I'll mostly talk abt the protag of my current main project!!! (which is a fantasy and should be an rpg but I'm only one person and also a writer not a game dev)
2. Can they take care of a plant? What about a pet? What about a child? crow can absolutely take care of all of those, much to the shock of everyone and also himself. he's kinda adopted a kid named angel as his little sister and he's her sole caregiver (until her father gets un-statue-ified anyway). he's rly good with her and she's also the main reason he gets out of his former life of major crime and.. into a different life of crime! angel's also a witch and has a little shapeshifting cat familiar named rune and maybe crow isn't in charge of them but he's perfectly capable of catsitting. rune also likes curling up in the hood of his coat! and with plants, he'd like to have a herb garden if he ever settles down but. that might be never.
6. Who will they take advice from, no matter what it is? Who won’t they take advice from, no matter what it is? crow will always listen to his best friend dahlia, the lesbian vampire who is very wise and all knowing and actually only like 5 years older than him. he's right to. I was thinking he might not listen to julien (changeling doctor and maybe ex) bc julien is an annoying bastard but he's also often right abt things. so hmm. he def wouldn't listen to iris actually but as she's the evil mastermind, who would?
13. Name one thing their parents taught them. LOL. the majority of the characters in this project know next to nothing abt their pasts! half of them don't even have pasts. supposedly. bc they're artificially created sorta superhuman ish ppl? so there's rly just angel the witch who was taught many things by her father (before he became a statue) who was a master craftsman whose skills were coveted even by the fae. she mostly uses his crafty knowhow to make bombs.
22. Do they like being called pet names? Do they call other people pet names? What’s their go-to? oh my god. i've never considered this. umm. crow is not rly big on petnames i think. esp not the cuter lovey dovey ones. but... he might call rook his love sometimes.
oc asks that reveal more than you think
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