anti-oneirocritic · 8 months
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Visited my grandparents recently and they asked if I've still been writing poetry which yes I very much have, unfortunately it's all about roadkill? so I told them they probably don't want to see it lol
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oscarjamesleigh · 3 years
I can analyze your handwriting too if you want
Trouble me not, spectre!
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meaningfall · 4 years
Tagged by @andyetwefall. Thanks (I’ve been loving your poems).
Write 10 of your favorite quotes from books, movies, etc, and then tag a few of your friends. Here we go, in no particular order:
“Even when I’m dead, I’ll swim through the earth like a mermaid of the soil, just to be next to your bones.” (The Splinter Factory by Jeffrey McDaniel)
“Sometimes the only way to go is to just go on.” (Unbreakable Kimmy Shmidtt)
“People say they love you, but what they really mean is that they love how loving you makes them feel or what they can take from you.” (To the Bone)
“They’re sharing a drink they call loneliness, but it’s better than drinking alone.” (Piano Man by Billy Joel)
“If you look at people, they’re pretty sad creatures. They’re weak and lonely and they’re vulnerable, but every now and then, you realize that those people can have a really noble spirit, deep down inside them.” (The Waltons)
"Life may or may not be about finding true love, but it's sure as hell not about begging for it from someone" (Flannel by The Cardboard Swords)
“Hope is for presidents, and dreams are for people who are sleeping.” (People ii2 by AJJ)
“If you always expect to feel the same kind of love as you felt when you first met someone, you will always be looking for new people to love.” (I wrote this for you and only you by Ian S. Thomas)
“The clock always ticks. There are times that you don’t hear it. And there are times that you do.” (Every Day by David Levithan)
“Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself. I am large, I contain multitudes.” (Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman)
HM. “The problem with being sober is you can’t have drunken sex” (The Splinter Factory by Jeffrey McDaniel)
These are just the first to come to mind or the ones I could find and source easily. I probably have many more that might be better, but I do really love these.
Tags: @altaafpillay @ameliajsheff @linesinthewind @novemberfae @daydreamodyssey (only if you want to. I just think these are fun)
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capt-sparrow · 4 years
hinnonneeeo anhinillpeyhinkoryill
illhinsstee hinpey ryhinunis, amsspeynulnonumill
nulhininpeyhinssis illinhinkokoneeun
@alienalgae @messr-moony @andyetwefall @themothatethebutterfly @screechingnightchild @socks-can-wear-socks-too-ya-know
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themadmarauders · 4 years
Captain sparrow and the Zidiphan
It's been a few days since they've been back in space, captain sparrow had needed this. She had missed the wide-open space, the bright stars, the peace of knowing it's just you, your crew and the universe. This was freedom.
On deck, the crew was working away. It was first mate Finley's turn to steer the ship, giving the captain some much needed time off. Finley was in her element, ordering the crew around, long hair billowing around her thanks to the fan they had put up to give it the feel of being on the ocean.
Lady Kay was up in the sparrows' nest sketching away on the new tablet Finley had gotten her as a gift. She had been glued to it since she got it.
Talon was stood next to Unkruk, the Zauterian operator, trying to get Unkruk to teach them the Zauterian language. The captain chuckled at how annoyed the poor Zauterian was looking.
Lastly, there was Reed, the newest member. The universe was a big place, and it was impossible for one person to know all its languages, so the captain had employed a second translator.
Reed was rather quiet, stood off to the side by the railings, looking out at the star-filled sky. Which is fair, because as far as the captain knew this was their first time in open space.
They've only been on board for three days, so the captain decided its time to get to know them a bit better.
The captain walked over and leaned on the railing next to Reed.
"so, first impression of deep space?" the captain asks, smiling.
"it's dark," they answer in a deadpan tone.
the captain throws her head back and laughs," valid, it is pretty dark."
A slight smile had appeared on Reed's face, they seem to have relaxed a bit.
Then the captains' eyes widened, and a blinding smile appeared on her face. "look," she said, pointing behind Reed. Reed spun around looking for what could have possibly gotten that reaction from the pirate, and gasped.
There, in front of them was a group of gigantic whale-like creatures swimming through open space. They were coloured bright blue with multiple fins that propelled the enormous creature forward.
"wow," Reed breathed, mesmerized.
"I know," the captain said knowingly. She remembered her first time seeing the Zidiphan. It was years ago back when she had first started travelling the universe. She had been in awe, still was. They were majestic at least ten times the size of the ship.
"deep space is, uh, pretty cool," reeds mumbled, eyes still glued to the giant creatures. The captain could only laugh.
@alienalgae @messr-moony @andyetwefall @themothatethebutterfly
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anti-oneirocritic · 1 month
It’s August and I’m sitting at the table in the kitchen, sipping Pepsi that tastes like every other soda. I keep reaching for my coffee but the mug is empty. I reach for my coffee but someone drank it already. No mourners, it says in big letters. I’ve been a mourner lately, a grief-filled complainer, and I’m not the same kid I was ten years ago but it still leaves the taste of Dramamine in my mouth. You never complain on the long drives. You never complain. Sorry Mom. I’ve become a complainer. You told me don’t ever become a rebellious teenager and I said I won’t. Sorry Mom, sorry for ghosting you for a week three years ago. Sorry for running away.
I’m sitting at the circle table in the kitchen in the city I ran away to, sixteen hours out. I’ve become a complainer, Mom, I walk for an hour and a half and I wake up the next day saying I’m in pain, I sit in the kitchen and say how soon can I take another painkiller? Sorry Mom, I know it’s nothing beside you.
The answer is 4-6 hours, by the way. How often do you have to take your Oxy? I take my pain meds even on days when I wake up and feel okay. The routine, you know. You know. The routine and the just-in-case.
I’m hurting, Mom. I’m hurting and it doesn’t stop. It’s nothing beside you but I am, and I’m sorry Mom, I’m sorry for complaining. I break my promises to you sometimes.
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anti-oneirocritic · 2 months
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anti-oneirocritic · 2 months
Twice now I’ve left this city and ended up back here, where I started, feeling like I’m being eaten alive.
This city, you know, it’s so innocuous— we’re known for apples and our yearly spring festival.
It’s not like I hate it. I’m not saying that.
What I’m saying is some days the animal is insatiable.
What I’m saying is some days I leap to clear the road and I get a chunk ripped out of me.
Here I go again, the sound bursting from me like bird-song.
I am in my car going 60 down a backroad and if I see a chunk of something on the road I do swerve around it.
It sits in me though, claws a space for itself in my gut. It comes out later like bird-song.
People say “third time’s the charm.”
I hope they’re right. I can’t keep being eaten alive and leaving chunks of myself sitting in the road.
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anti-oneirocritic · 4 months
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anti-oneirocritic · 5 months
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anti-oneirocritic · 12 days
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anti-oneirocritic · 12 days
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anti-oneirocritic · 13 days
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anti-oneirocritic · 9 months
“If you could be any animal, what would you be?”
You know the answer.
“I do. It’s too easy.”
Make it harder then. Give me a catch. Any animal, except for… xyz.
“All right. If you could be any animal, except for ones with wings, what would you be?”
There it is. Maybe I’d be a deer.
“There’s nothing special about deer. They’re nobody’s favorite animal. Why pick that?”
Why pick anything? I don’t feel one way or another about deer. The ambivalence is important. It exists in contrast to the other option. To point it out.
“The other option?”
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anti-oneirocritic · 2 months
Viciously, it eats at me—the guilt, the guilt.
It twists in my stomach, makes me feel sick. But
Vivia, looking at you I can’t regret a thing.
I can’t wish away the past three years, and I wouldn’t—
All of it was worth it. Today’s grief does not outweigh three years of joy.
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