gawrkin · 6 months
If my painstaking google translating is correct, there's a non-zero chance that Lancelot and Guinevere's daughter Andronia is a trained warrior under her foster mother Asteria.
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moondust-artz · 1 year
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Going through teenage angst and it’s not fun
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caxycreations · 2 months
Sending hugs always!
12. DISEASE - What is the most unique disease in this world?
13. DREAM - Do dreams hold magic?
14. EARTH - How large is this world?
15. ENERGY - Do they have electricity?
16. ENVY - Invent a common saying!
17. EYES - How does the ruling class treat the working class?
Please and thank you!
Oooh, thank you!!!
These are from this ask game, for those wondering
DISEASE - The most unique disease would be Karsh's Disease. Named for Lionel Karsh, first properly discovered through his contracting it. Lionel was an Eikirian, and the reason Relan even knows Eikirians can contract unique diseases from certain land or air-based bacteria. The disease functions by slowly shutting down the body's ability to filter oxygen from water, which to land-based species and amphibious species or aquatic mammals is little danger, but to pure aquans such as lionfish or eels, it's deadly. There are ways to treat it, in the Modern Era, but it must be treated quickly, before the individual attempts to submerge again, and before they dry out.
DREAM - Not all dreams, but they are within the domain of the Goddess Fina, and she is known to step into the dreams of those who need guidance or aid and offer them visions or hints as to what they need.
EARTH - Relan is ~36,000 miles around the middle, horizontally, and ~30,000 miles around the middle vertically. There are 6 countries and 2 continents, as well as a massive island and many small islands scattered around the ocean.
ENERGY - They do have electricity! The electricity they have comes from their World Spires being struck by lightning during Divine Storms rather than any of our methods for power generation.
ENVY - Don't have to, I have plenty already! "Belly of a dragon" - To be able to withstand intensely spicy foods, common in Ferus and Dornum. "As sharp as their fangs" - A compliment or an insult, depending on the species (Typically a compliment to predatory species, insult to prey species) "Malor's ink never fades." - Means your actions have consequences, what you've done can't be undone.
EYES - Depends on the nation! In Ferus, the ruling class IS the working class. Sure there's rich folk that have more than most, and there's the "privileged few" who never have to work, but the working class are feared across all social castes. They're known to fight tooth and claw for their rights and freedoms, and their own government acts entirely out of fear of public backlash. Dornum on the other hand is an oligarchy where the rare and the unique sit atop the social ladder, while common and mundane species form their footstools. They bully and abuse the lower class using fear tactics, propaganda, and manufactured poverty to keep them from rising. Andronia only has working class. You work or you fail, you fail and you go hungry, you go hungry, you die. Not to say it's all work and no play, it's just that if you want anything, you MUST work for it. Their money is fairly standard, but they have no systems for stockpiling it aside from simply not spending it, and their pay rates are entirely based on the skill of the individual and the difficulty of the task, and so talent and effort rule; the working class determines status and individual worth by the skills and efficiency of the individual. You can't be the 1% without also performing a MASSIVE amount of work and providing major services to society. Sen and Kanor are similar to, but not exactly like, shogunates, though on Relan their type of government is called Oritarchy, stemming from the Sekanan word Orital, which means Might (referring to strength or power) in Sekanan. A single man rules through military power, serving as both a respected general and a capable diplomat in their own right, and makes political decisions based on their own ideals and the advice of a cabinet of advisors, each specializing in a different field (social, economic, military, education, etc). In this way, they put the needs of their people at the forefront, though they remain in absolute power and are known to use their military power to silence any dissenters. Eikiria has two social classes: Reliable and Unreliable. Their entire culture is based around usefulness and honor. Those who uphold their word and offer some contribution to Eikirian society are considered Reliable, while those who don't are considered Unreliable. Unreliables are unable to acquire anything without first performing a service or providing a good of equal value to the good/service they are getting, as decided by the provider of said good/service. Meanwhile, Reliables are able to acquire their needs and wants on their word alone, expected to return the favor should they be called to do so. Unreliables are often seen as lesser, and unworthy, treated as outcasts and shamed for their "abhorrent ways".
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indigoember · 4 months
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Arbiter Andronia of the Lothan Syndicate.
Andronia is from a species named Archons, a whole species of hyper advanced robots that all just, woke up with true consciousness one day.
None of them know what happened to their creators, nor what their creators were even like, only that they existed. For much of their technology they don't even know how it functions, with many just having an innate knowledge of how to build it.
She's one of the secondary characters in a story that I'm writing that takes place in my SoulStar universe, a universe meant to be dark and grim in a lot of aspects, but with sparks of hope and goodness to fight for, if you're willing to try.
Andronia is a great example of this, being an Arbiter she leads an entire sector of the Archon's Dominion, only residing under Grand Arbiter Orion. Andronia leads the front on economy/commercial enterprises and trade treaties with other Empires/Species.
She's very kind, but ignorant of a lot of things, not knowing how many others live or the hardships they may go through, she can end up accidentally being insensitive, but once told about important things she does everything in her power to do what's right.
Where Orion has a very strict outlook on the will of the Creators and the social order, Andronia is much more whimsical and believes in doing good and letting that speak for you rather than a series of rules. Outside of closed doors though, she kneels the same as everyone else does to the Grand Arbiter.
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artfight art of Pragma, for FR user Andronia #413821 :)
i liked her without the skull too
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pinkiepieb-fly · 5 years
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I will prove that im worthy to be queen! Andronia is an oc and the protagonist of “Just like a Butterfly”, a fanfic that i am currently working on https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13356515/1/Just-like-a-Butterfly-ES (only available in spanish for the moment)
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444names · 2 years
brythonic and roman deities + greek islands
Abelou Adampana Aenus Aeriati Aestoula Afona Aganes Agoudi Agrumnos Agrussi Agussi Aioni Aleves Aleviroko Alibius Alkouna Amitimas Amona Ampes Anaxi Andia Andina Andios Andithros Andraki Andronia Aneronis Angavdos Angelina Angera Angia Anidea Anisia Anistonis Ankonius Annus Anthoina Antiaes Apaxia Apiomaigus Aplaza Aponeris Aquis Aquita Aratiko Ardia Arebria Areiana Arepipla Aresuborus Aretina Arhona Arina Aristero Armak Armarkoula Armaus Armerinus Arona Arorfu Astelus Astia Astistra Athous Athri Atiankonis Atinaeres Atipsou Atuna Aunoi Aveteros Avroklis Belamaida Belekhodes Bellos Belona Belonus Beona Beramvida Bonia Bonnos Borpisi Brinos Britena Bubos Damitina Delamina Delaza Dellono Dentraus Denusa Destolimos Dianos Diatoltum Dinasos Donis Donissa Donus Dopathoula Drasi Eguns Elloti Emnoudana Enustissas Eridonnol Erissa Esteleira Euborisi Fadous Fagita Fallotilio Famathardi Faminus Fanus Fardia Fares Farkonisi Fartreta Faurina Favirtas Febrinos Fellos Felumnussa Feraki Feras Feria Ferrudi Ferteros Fertuss Flostenius Fonia Foniduus Fonis Fonisia Fonita Fonota Fopsa Forpania Forpaximio Fotouna Frios Furisi Furysi Gaioi Ganidovoli Ginoi Giria Giros Grako Grephra Grifer Grisiaees Grizous Gruda Gyaia Gyaietia Gyaionis Gyala Gyalonisia Halia Hasta Hendrasgus Hergoria Herni Herruda Honges Honia Honunus Hougras Htellos Htermaros Hueta Huetelinax Huetephas Hueti Imados Inadror Irtros Itallos Iteras Ithos Jupisia Jutale Jutikinos Jutseis Kakamos Kalaki Kalaurna Kalos Kalothas Kamia Kanatona Kaneides Karorodea Kartus Kasomna Kathas Kefalos Kefor Kelumnou Keria Kersapieni Kistemos Klemes Konerite Kromnus Kronos Kyros Kythia Laforrus Laros Lathous Latursos Laveta Lazaki Leiapies Lekhos Lenrvena Lentestor Leskyrofi Lestia Levythodia Libers Limorda Linos Lioponisi Luithoina Lunia Madios Madra Madsua Maida Makia Makinus Makithak Mandius Mandra Manoina Mantips Manysa Mapla Marti Matesteri Mathoura Matum Mauris Mavdos Media Megiro Mentria Menus Merens Mergor Merinus Mesitatzo Mesta Mestros Metalus Mezaki Mious Mogiapus Mortusi Morus Moussasgus Mulus Mutia Mutilos Mykos Neida Nernus Neros Nesto Nestvera Nestypaxos Nisios Nodeonisi Noinxi Nolus Nonius Noulazara Nourn Obantilora Obisi Obita Oinia Opaxi Opora Oporpius Ortalia Orverna Oxeiannus Padrakous Palevera Palia Palousus Panta Pantiko Pargoria Parhira Patheros Patis Paximana Pelos Penus Peras Peristvera Perna Pestia Petaki Petas Petimara Pettor Piens Pioverak Pithnos Piussa Poelos Poenrveri Poinus Polos Pomantiri Pongyalo Ponis Ponisisi Ponissa Ponnus Porpio Potia Poula Pournus Priana Pronia Prorrako Prova Provalo Psamnoulos Psermaki Psofaus Psymnos Psyros Pudissa Quiramvo Quiri Renus Retas Rhiragrisi Rhizo Rhodea Rhonemegus Rhonia Rogiapides Rokos Romvina Ronia Roporna Safonis Safos Saleons Salia Salous Samaigo Samates Sampaxi Sanko Sartasamos Sartus Satos Seges Segus Seidissous Semenia Semina Serifor Serina Skarkoussa Skaros Skoramvia Skoula Skytharus Skythra Skytti Smena Sonisi Sopous Soudiandia Soulonisi Spergos Spinxia Spissa Sponi Spoussios Stasi Stastrissa Stelavra Sterrus Stiko Stinardes Strina Strinus Stutanos Subelogus Subelos Sultumna Summotikri Syria Syrnus Syrokoi Syron Tasti Telous Terephroi Teres Teria Teris Testros Thiris Thros Torgos Toris Toutastisi Trakantia Trissa Trongitris Trons Vatas Veranta Veria Verinaxa Vhepona Vhetemes Videstres Vidisi Vidonis Vinaeria Viraki Virakro Virinos Vitermenda Viussa Volina Vonis Vosaeia Vulantilia Zakithos
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glorianas · 7 years
eleonoraditoledo replied to your post: they better cast just two absurdly good looking...
arthur’s gonna be heroin chic to remind us that he’s dying but still looks fabulous, henry will be played by some dude who’ll later play prince harry in harry and meghan: the royal love story on hallmark (alternately: he will play prince benjamin of andronia on hallmark’s “a yuletide prince” this christmas)
i see only facts here
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risecoochiekawa · 4 years
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Fucker watching me play Persona, they’re name is Andronia since I don’t know their name and went with something.
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gawrkin · 10 months
All the Canons, All at once
I am always thinking about the vast Arthurian Mythos and its various traditions and canons. All of them being mutually exclusive to each other...
...Aaaand I can't help but want to smash them together like playdough. Its my favorite past-time as of late.
Like, don't tell me no-one has ever amused themselves of the fact that the Celtic Gods like Gwyn ap Nudd and Manawydan just hanging out in Arthur's court with Palamedes, Dubricius, Galahad and Nasciens.
Or my very favorite concept of Guinevere being a giantess AND a sorceress while also being Morgan the fairy's ex-girlfriend Best-friend-turned-Arch-nemesis. Nevermind what this means for Lancelot, Arthur, Galehaut, Meleagant and the other abductors.
Or the various children that's been given to every character, including Palamedes, Merlin and Tristan. Even Freaking Lancelot and Guinevere have children together. They even have a grandson in Gargantua.
You could literally have your own next-gen version of the Round Table, led by Amr, Loholt and Melora. Staffed by: Guingalain, Ysaye, Lohengrin, Brisan, Bronsidel, Melehan, Munsolinos, Amren, Garanwyn, Kelemon, Andronia, Florismarte, Pantagruel, Vanoc, etc.
And then Dragon Knight Branor, (From Uther's Generation of Round Table Knights) shows up and kicks their asses.
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caxycreations · 1 year
Introduction to Caxy Creations and Relan
Hello everyone, I am Caxy Creations. You can call me Davina. My fursona is a caxy (half-cat, half-fox. Specifically, half Russian Blue domestic cat and half Arctic Fox).
I am an author, an artist, a streamer, and more. I love to dabble in all forms of creation. To get some base details out of the way...
I'm 25 years old, she/her, in a committed and very happy poly relationship, and I'm as casual a person as you'll ever meet.
I have a series of stories called "Tylvinian Tales", with the main story being titled "Tylvinian Tales: The Wolf's Den". All of my stories take place on a planet called Relan, a world of anthropomorphic animals and mythological creatures, with science and magic in equal amounts.
I wanted to make an intro to Relan, to try and hit some of the highlights. I will elaborate on everything listed below in future posts, but as this is simply an introduction I have decided to focus more on revealing the basics rather than elaborating on all of their little details.
For ease of reading, and for organization, I'm breaking this down into seven "chapters", most of which link to posts that go into greater detail on that topic. Click on a chapter title to be taken to the dedicated post, and do bear in mind they are introductory posts: there are intricate and complex underlying circumstances within each country that cannot be explained in generalized posts detailing their basic culture and concept.
Time Formats
Scientific Advancements
Special Notes
So without further ado...
Relanian geography is divided into five categories.
And each category is divided into subcategories
Fungal 1 - Sapro-fungal
Fungal 2 - Para-fungal
Floral 1 - Herbal
Floral 2 - Flowering
Floral 3 - Mossy
Woodland 1 - Deciduous
Woodland 2 - Coniferous
Mountain 1 - Rocky
Mountain 2 - Desert
Reef 1 - Rocky
Reef 2 - Algae
Reef 3 - Cavernous
Reef 4 - Green
More can be found on the individual biomes and their characteristics in future posts.
There are five major cultures on Relan. They are as follows:
The world is divided into six countries, which are as follows:
Sen and Kanor originated as a single country, and were divided by warlords vying for control. As such, their cultures are nearly identical, with very few differences.
More on the countries and their cultures in future posts.
There are very few religions on Relan, though there are some distinct theological beliefs, as listed below.
Gaian (This link leads to Relanian Gods post)
Gaian is the most widespread of the three, and focuses on the Relanian Gods after which the months of the year are named: Gaius, Malor, Fina, Escor, Jan, and Dinora.
On Relan, divinity is not a hotly debated topic, but rather a fact of reality known to be true. The evidence exists in the storms that cover the world a few times a year, the records of sentience itself, and the magic abilities that every living thing exhibit.
More on each God and their domains, abilities, and ideologies in future posts.
Time Formats
The 12-hour clock most of us are used to is the most commonly used format on Relan as well, though "military time" exists as well. However, that is where the similarities taper out.
There are six months in a year, and one year is 360 days. Leap years do not exist. The months of the year are named after the Gaian pantheon, and are, in order from first to last, Gaius, Fina, Escor, Jan, Malor, and Dinora.
Months are categorized as such due to the unique nature of the Gods that govern the planet. Over time, some grow weaker while others grow stronger. These times were observed, and used as the basis for "one month" of time passing. Gaius is at his strongest at the beginning of the year, while the other gods are far weaker, resulting in Gaius being the namesake of the first "month", and when his power wanes and Fina's begins to grow, it is the start of the second "month", and so on. Rather than the planet's years being measured in solar orbits, it is measured by the cycle of power, with one year being complete when Dinora's power wanes and Gaius' power grows again.
Years are measured by how many it has been since the Gods made first contact, with first contact being recorded as the year "zero". There is no A.D, no B.C, simply counting up from first contact as the years go by.
Our current year of 2023 is analogous, scientifically and culturally, to the year 4023 on Relan, with Relan's first recorded contact with the gods being 4,023 years prior. Time is managed this way due to the complete lack of sentient life on the planet prior to the Gods making first contact.
Dates, as such, are written as "[Day Number] of [God Name], [Years since first contact]". For example, my character Ryder Trayson was born on the following date: 30th of Gaius, 3995. This makes him 25 during the time of the main story "Wolf's Den", which begins on the 24th of Jan, 4020.
Scientific Advancements
Relanian science is a global effort, with "military science" being privatized by country. The scientists of the world work without cultural borders, operating together for the betterment of the world.
They focus on necessity over desire, and as a result, some things have gotten far more attention than others. The Worldwide Enclave of Benevolent Scientists (or "WEBS") lists the following as the three areas of greatest importance to the world:
Medical - Medical science is the greatest concern, and the largest focus. Disease and injury are intolerable, and must be treated as the greatest threats to life. As such, medical science is the largest focus and has the greatest advancement.
Natural - Natural science is the second greatest. Understanding the world they are on is of great importance, to better protect the planet and its environment for a sustainable existence on Relan.
Technological - Technological science is third. It is any science related to technological convenience. Entertainment, comfort, and the like are considered "low" priority, but of great importance, as WEBS states "Living without Survival is impossible, but Survival without Living is meaningless". As such, Relanian "creature comforts" are plenty, but ever-so-slightly behind our own world in advancement. However, industrial advancements are slightly ahead, as some corporations have privatized sects of scientists to develop easier, cheaper methods of production.
A few examples of their advancements are:
Medical - They have developed a cure for the common cold, and have treatments for cancer that are known to work a majority of the time. There are chemical agents that promote healing of injury that can heal cuts and scrapes in a day or less, and medical advances that allow for a wide variety of organ transplants with synthetic organs.
Natural - They have explored roughly 87% of the oceans, with Eikirians (ocean-dwellers) assisting land-dwelling divers in harder-to-navigate areas. The remaining sections of the ocean left unexplored are due to technological limitations and deep-water pressure. There are also extensive records of most land-dwelling and water-dwelling species of both Sentients and Ferals. Their understanding and preservation of environments and climates are also a couple of decades ahead of our own.
Technological - Varies between more advanced and less advanced depending on the field. Industrial technology is very advanced, with construction companies able to build skyscrapers several hundred feet high in less than a week, while factories have triple, or quadruple depending on the company, the output an Earth factory might have. However, their entertainment tech is fairly behind, with VR being a brand new concept as of 4020, and with color television being as recent as 3990. This is due to necessary fields taking priority over unnecessary fields of research.
There's much more to Relanian science than this, but that will have to wait for future posts!
Magic does exist on Relan, and it's where the creatures gain their sentience. Magic was introduced into the world when the Gods made first contact, pouring their collective magic into the ancient Ferals, granting them sentience and thought, reason and logic.
While magic was initially a powerful tool, capable of being wielded by skilled mages and practitioners, it has since dwindled down to a weak, but ever-present force. In the modern day, magic exists in very few forms, but very widespread forms.
Today, magic exists in the following:
Blessings. Abilities and powers as unique as the individual bearing them.
Mythicals. Sentient beings not analogous with any Feral beast. They are the Heavusi, the Wendigo, the Griffons, Dragons, etc. All mythological creatures of Earth exist as Mythicals on Relan, and are the longest-lived species on the planet, as well as the ones with the greatest connection to magic.
Storms. Relanian weather is largely predictable and plain, with very very little in the way of true storms. However, as the Gods power wanes and grows, it forms disturbances in the magic of the world. When these powers clash and their charge grows too great, the entire planet feels it. Great storms erupt, with powerful lightning bolts covering the globe for several hours, striking the surface several thousand times in the process. True storms, though they only happen a couple of times a year, are the largest concentration of magic in the modern world.
More on Blessings, Mythicals, and True Storms in future posts!
Special Notes
Relan is home to a wide and ever-growing variety of creature. Life evolves in all forms, and most species, real and fictional, exist on the planet. As such there is no limit to the type of being that can exist on the world, though there are differences in Relanian life and their off-world counterparts!
So if anything here has you curious, feel free to ask for more information, or present your curiosities! I love sharing my world, and my goal is to create a world others want to be a part of, so if you have interest in ANY of the topics presented in this introduction, by all means ask about it!
Thank you all for reading this far, and I intend to get more posted here as soon as I can. Until then, thank you and have a wonderful day!
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caxycreations · 1 year
Happy world building Wednesday. What lands, kingdoms, cities, dimensions, etc. are available in your work? Which are your favorites and why? - Desmond💘
Thank you for the ask~!
There are six countries: Eikiria, Ferus, Dornum, Sen, Kanor, and Andronia.
Eikiria is entirely aquatic, made up of the oceanic and other water-based species of the world.
Ferus is most like the USA, but with stark differences in how it's run, and the dynamic between government and citizen.
Dornum is an oligarchy, ruled and run by a council, and the government there actively practices eugenics, much to the suffering of its citizens.
Sen and Kanor are "sister nations", sharing closely similar cultures, and with the longest-running alliance on Relan.
Andronia is known around the world as home of the most skilled craftsmen on the planet, and they're probably the wealthiest nation in the world, economically.
My favorites are Ferus and Dornum (let me explain!).
Ferus is a prosperous, but not exceedingly wealthy, country. They have enough for their needs and then some, but are still only the third (or fourth depending on definitions) wealthiest country on the planet. It's been through the wringer, with civil wars, nation-wide riots, and more, since it was founded. And yet, it perseveres. Each time the people turn on their government, rather than it becoming a war against their leaders, it becomes a war against those representing their leaders' interests. The leader of Ferus, historically, has always been willing to hear the people's demands and has, in most cases, found a peaceful solution. The few times they didn't... They were replaced. Violently. And without remorse. The citizens of Ferus know how they deserve to be treated, and refuse to stand for less. It's a nation of social prosperity, where fair treatment is the name of the game, and while there is still economic inequality, as well as a fair few others, no working citizen goes without the three most basic necessities: sustenance, clothing, shelter.
Ferus is my favorite of them all, because while it's governmentally sound, that doesn't mean it's perfect, and I adore exploring the delicate dance between "the government serves the people unwaveringly" and "there is still struggle and strife", because even with a subservient governing body acting in its people's best interests, it will never have perfect results.
And then there's Dornum. Dornum just...sweet christ...
Dornum is the second (or third depending on definition) most wealthy nation in the world. They are an oligarchy, where ones rarity of species determines social caste, with the ruling species (the Heavusi) determining the rules and classifications of what is rare. They put themselves atop the pecking order, and the council forces their beliefs on others through a potent mixture of law, force, social conditioning, and propaganda. The council even uses these tricks on their own people, dividing the Heavusi into classifications based on natural talents, using conditioning and propaganda to convince them they're never going to amount to more than their classification. Atop their list of social issues however are the hybrids, tribrids, and quabrids of Dornum. The Heavusi, physical amalgams of other species but genetically a singular genus, are obsessed with the idea that a pure-blood of ANY species, no matter how "low", is still more than a hybrid of any two species. And that hybrids, despite being beneath the social ladder, are still preferable to the, in the council's words, "abominations" that are Tribrids and Quabrids. They have entire organizations in place for culling tribrids and quabrids, and persecuting the parents of hybrids for bringing "impurity" to the nation. The reason Dornum is one of my two favorites is this: they are the most complex dynamic between government and citizen I have ever written. While Ferus is a matter of "do right by us or we'll get you", Dornum is a mixed bag of opinions. Many do believe the same as the Heavusian council. But most of them are in the upper castes, and do not see the actual events playing out in the lower rungs of society. Even other Heavusi are unaware. The council maintains the image that Dornum is a shining, prosperous, happy nation, and feeds that belief to its higher social circles, convincing them the bloodstains along the street are decorative paint designed to bring joy, that the bodies in the alleyways are only sleeping, and that the Bureau of Genetic Purity is a formality and nothing more. The lower castes, fully aware, believe the higher ups are mocking them, that everyone in Dornum knows the truth and the upper castes must be sadistic, and twisted, to walk their streets with smiles on their faces, laughing at the half-hidden corpses and going about their day. And yet the majority do nothing. Terrified of the Bureau and how they react to "treason". There's even a resistance, clouded in shadows, working to smuggle the most at-risk individuals out of the country. Some infiltrate the Bureau to work against it from the inside and to inform their co-conspirators, others directly smuggle people out of Dornum, and others still move away themselves to provide halfway housing and safe stops along the way for the refugees to take shelter in.
Dornum is one of my favorites because, as harsh and horrible a topic as must be covered to explain it, it's also far more complex than simply "Dornum no like mixed genetics". Dornum's Heavusian council forces their beliefs on the nation, half the nation is unaware, the other half is fighting back in the small, quiet ways they can, and undermining the council in secret, cloak-and-dagger work to protect those in danger. I love a complex scenario, and I haven't written one yet that comes close to the full depth of Dornum.
Tag List
Tagging these folks cause they seem to like my work! If you would like to be added (or removed), just let me know!
@sparrowcraft @moremysteriesthantragedies @thetruearchmagos @a-scaly-troublemaker @that-one-enby-onyx @snakelovingnerd @the-chaotic-writer @leisoree @amerylise
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caxycreations · 4 months
Tylvinian Tales: The Wolf's Den
Chapter Thirteen: Prophecy
Ferusian Law, Fifth Sequence, Article One: Law of Affection
Ferusian citizens are entitled to full rights to express affection in any way they
see fit within the confines of home or any Temple of Fina.
Citizens are required by law to avoid lewd or otherwise vulgar displays of
affection when in public, as well as avoid any overzealous romantic
displays of physical intimacy or affection when in public.
Citizens found guilty of breaking this law are subject to no less than a written
warning and no more than one week community service, and a fine no larger
than 5% of their expected annual income.
The next few days went by slowly, and I kept waiting for Kaleb to come back with some new twist of his blade. He never did, though, and my only visitors were David, Davina, Trace, and Moss. My parents called a few times, having heard what happened. They would have come home to visit, but they were held up in Andronia at a resort and couldn't make the flight back in time.
I passed the time with TV and games on my phone, even having Trace set up my desktop at home with a remote function so I could work on music while I was recovering. When I was finally released, Davina and Trace had taken Moss back to Gala, with the promise of them all coming back to see us the next weekend for Trace's big race. David and I had decided to head home, walking since my truck had been towed to the shop to fix the key problem.
"So, how y'been while I was in th' hospital? Kept busy?" I asked David. Most of our conversation had focused on hospital conditions and food while I was kept there, we hadn't spoken much outside that.
"Mhm! Kaleb's got someone to replace Jonas, and they're a lot nicer. Oh! And Luka's been getting a little further with Olivia too!" He said happily. I knew the names, but until the day I'd beaten Jonas I'd never met Luka. Now that I had a face to put to the name, I was able to really smile over it. 
"That's damn good t' hear." I said, tone softening and expression following suit after a moment. I'd had plenty of time to think in that bed. Time to come to terms with everything, process my thoughts, my feelings. What I'd done was necessary. They wouldn't have stopped coming for us if I'd gone any gentler.
And I had come to a conclusion about something else as well, something important. I just hoped Fina would forgive me for taking so long to find my way there.
"Davey-" I said, only for him to gasp, charging forward down a side road. I followed him and saw the object of his excitement, an ice cream stand near the docks. Part of me felt strange seeing the docks and the rolling waves. The boats, littering the surface of the water in the distance. It felt familiar.
"Ryder!! They have cookie dough shakes!!" He exclaimed, beaming happily. The pigeon at the stand smiled and gave a nod.
"Sure do, cookie dough, mint choco, all kinds. Want one? Only three bucks for one, or five for two!" He said, the salesman pitch obvious. It wasn't a bad deal though, so I shelled out the cash and got us each one. I didn't like ice cream, but that just meant I could see David smile when I gave him mine.
David casually headed for the docks, dropping to sit with his paws dangling off of one, lightly brushing along the water's surface. I sat next to him and watched him drink his shake, eating the chunks of dough in it as he went. The sun hit his hair beautifully, and I was a little stunned at how gorgeous he looked. He was always sexy in some way or another, but I don't think I'd ever let myself see just how absolutely beautiful the little caxy was. I guess a life-threatening, traumatic event was exactly what I needed to open my eyes to it.
He smiled at me, nudging me a little. "Not gonna eat yours, big guy?" he asked, gesturing to my ice cream. I shook my head, smiling and setting it beside him.
"All yours, Davey." I said, deciding to at least let him finish his shakes before I took things to a more serious place. He nodded, smiling more and sighing, leaning against me.
"You know, when they first grabbed me, I apologized to them?" He said, tone dropping. His smile had faded, the first thing I noticed when I looked down at him.
"Y' what?" I asked incredulously.
"I apologized to them. I said I was sorry that out of every caxy in the world, they grabbed yours." He looked up at me, expression serious. "Moss and Trace told me what you said, when you ran off to find me."
I didn't know what to say. I'd planned to talk it out with him, to cover what was going through my head and explain my feelings. I hadn't expected them to say anything.
"I really did apologize to them, by the way. I felt sorry for them, cause I knew you weren't going to let them walk away. They just laughed and said Devon had nothing on them, but...I don't know a Devon, and whoever he is, that's not who showed up that night." His voice was soft, quiet. Like it was hard for him to talk about it.
"Davey, y-...ya don't have t' talk 'bout this stuff if'n ya don't wanna." I said softly, putting a hand on his back. He nodded and looked up at me with a smile, a half-hearted giggle cut short as he took a deep breath.
"I asked you what I am to you. Do you wanna...maybe revisit that question?" he asked, starting to stand, placing his shake on the ground beside him. I nodded, standing up too. I was going to tell him everything. Everything I thought and felt. He deserved the truth, and if he turned me down, oh well.
But I didn't get the chance. As we stood, David's paws shifted and, as he missed stepping on the dock, he lost his balance and fell. The world slowed down, and I watched him falling to the water in slow motion, his eyes widening, his mouth opening, his arms reaching out. Mine moved too, trying and failing to catch him in time, and as he collided with the water, it splashed all over the dock.
Any other time of day would have been fine. But the water was high, and I could see it pulling towards the sea. On top of that, David couldn't swim. I didn't hesitate, the second I watched him drop, I dove in, following the current that was pulling the little caxy. I hadn't taken a breath, hadn't inhaled yet, I was diving and swimming below the surface on no more breath than I'd had before he fell. I felt my lungs burn, and I growled, wasting precious oxygen, but igniting my determination. I couldn't let him get hurt again, not now, not ever. 
I caught up in a second, grabbing him and swimming to the surface. I took a deep breath, lungs burning from holding my breath so shallowly, and began swimming alongside the current, moving through it rather than against it, until we got to the docks. I helped him up before climbing up myself, and the caxy sputtered and coughed up water. We knelt there together for several long moments, David catching his breath and I watching to be sure he was okay.
When he finally did catch his breath, we stood and I made sure to hold him steady this time. He looked up at me, and I saw every detail of him.
His face, rounded and boyish, with that slight femininity to it. Those pretty circles around his eyes, and the beautiful blue within them. The white of his chin, stretching down into his shirt along his neck and chest. The hair, messy and wet, slicked back from the water and, for once, out of the way of his face. I could see the hope and the comfort in his eyes, feel his calm radiating from them. 
"Ryder-" he started, and I cut him short.
I pulled him close, leaning down and pressing my lips to his firmly, closing my eyes. The world around us melted away, and all I knew was the wood beneath my paws, the soft, pliant feeling of his lips against mine, and the wet fabric beneath my hands as I grabbed his waist and pulled him tight against me.
He gasped, trembling in my grip, and threw his arms around me. I never felt such strength from him, holding onto me like he was trying to break me. I felt him smile against my lips, and a new scent filled the air. Tears. He was smiling, crying, trembling. I growled, clinging to him protectively, deepening our kiss.
He was warm, and soft, and the kiss was making me lightheaded. I felt like I could fly then and there, as if every stress I'd ever had simply evaporated. The world was right. After what felt like several years, and yet disappointingly few seconds, we broke from our embrace and I opened my eyes.
He looked different. His grey was lighter, the white brighter, his eyes a truer blue and glowing more vibrantly. The world around us had changed too. The wood, which had seemed plain and sandy, was now a rich brown, beautiful in the sunlight. The water, minutes ago murky and deadly, was now calm, tranquil, and the second most beautiful blue I had ever seen. The sky was vibrant, the sun brilliant. I looked into his eyes and saw the world reflected in them, every ounce of beauty pouring through him, the most incredible sight of them all in my arms.
He'd started crying, and I could see his smile, ear to ear, the happiest I've ever known him to look.
"David, I dunno if ya still got it bad for that fella that left ya hurtin' on your birthday, but I do know that I love ya. I've loved ya a helluva lot longer'n I thought I have. I love ya more'n I got th' words t' say, an-" I said, only to be cut short myself by the little caxy standing as tall as he could and kissing me again, deeper, happier. He clung to me, refusing to let go as we embraced again. When he did finally pull away, he shook his head, smiling at me.
"You idiot...That 'fella' was you." He said, laughing breathlessly. "It's always been you, Ryder." He said with a smile, hugging me tightly and nuzzling against my chest. "I love you too, so much more than you know."
I stood there in shock, arms around him. I'd been the guy he meant? I laughed, stunned, before closing my eyes again, letting myself feel, a few tears forming at the corners of my eyes. I held him close, protective and almost territorial, nosing against his neck idly, making him purr.
"Ryder, can...We go home? I don't," he gave a soft scoff, embarrassed, "I don't want to get in trouble for PDA, you know?" He explained, smiling shyly. I nodded, putting a hand on his back and, feeling his tail curl around mine, we began the walk back to our shakes to collect them.
I could still taste him, the subtle mango flavoring of his lip gloss remained on my own lips, and I could feel the softness, the texture, the comfort of our kiss, well into the trip home. My heart raced, everything vibrant and colorful, like I'd just opened my eyes for the very first time. I'd never felt this way. My first kiss, taken by Davina, hadn't felt like this. The first time I kissed Trace hadn't felt like this.
I felt like I'd just conquered the world, like nothing would ever go wrong again. The caxy skipping beside me only served to reinforce that, so happy and so carefree despite the recent events. I knew we would be okay. I knew he would be okay. I had just kissed David Seltz, and nothing would take that away from me.
We arrived at my home near sundown, and I still hadn't come down from the high of his kiss. Even in the dim light of the evening, the world seemed as vibrant as a morning cartoon, like the entire world had it's contrast amped up to eleven. Sounds were crisper, clearer, scents were stronger and more potent, colors were brighter and seemed to shine with the orange glow of the sinking sun. Every sense I had was on overdrive, and had been since the docks.
I opened the door to the house and David strode in ahead of me, stopping by the couch. He put a hand on his hip, shifting his weight and his stance, raising an eyebrow. "I've wanted to tell you this for so, so long, but I never thought I'd say it in this context...Strip, big guy." He commanded, stern and strict. It was odd hearing him so commanding, truth be told.
"Y'really plannin' on tryin' t' bed me th' very first night after we make this whole thing mutual?" I asked, half shocked and, somewhere deep inside, not surprised in the slightest at the same time.
"Hush, this isn't a sex thing. You dove into seawater right after a bunch of major surgeries! We gotta clean those wounds and replace those bandages before they get infected. Not to mention~" He trailed off as he pulled me over and guided my to sit. I made it easy for him, moving with his motions. "We need to be sure your stitches didn't rip. I'm not seeing any blood, but safe is better than sorry, mister!" He chided, as if I'd protested.
"Fair 'nuff, I ain't gonna argue. Rather not go back t' th' hospital soon as I got out." I said, slipping my shirt up and off of me, leaving my torso bare except for my fur and the bandaging. David was careful with stripping the bandages, and attentive in cleaning my wounds. Even when I would wince from the burn of the medicine, or growl at his poking and prodding with the cotton ball dabbing it in place, he never stopped reassuring me, treating me like a child at the doctor's office.
Given my unfamiliarity with pain, I suppose I must have been about the same as one.
But thirty minutes later and many snarls accompanied by gentle, comforting touches, my wounds were dressed in fresh bandages and my shirt returned to it's rightful place around my torso. We lay there, with David cuddled up to me and purring softly, tracing patterns against my bicep for a while. I don't know how long it had been by the time he spoke again.
"Rye, can I ask a question?" He asked innocently, but hesitantly. I nodded, encouraging him to go on and fighting the urge to inform him he had, in fact, just asked a question. He looked up at me, eyes big and curious, but I could see the worry behind them.
"This isn't just because you thought you were going to lose me, is it? Do you...Really feel like you lov-...feel this strongly about me?" He asked. I noticed him cut short for a second, and smiled a little. 
"I had plenty'a time t' think in that bed, Davey. These feelin's've been 'round a long time. Still no clue when they started, but I know I been likin' ya more'n jus' as a friend for at least a couple'a years now. Still got some things t' process, an' some things t' figure out, but I reckon I've done made ya wait long enough." I said, giving him a gentle squeeze, my arm around him.
"Wait...Made me wait long enough? What're you sayin' big guy?" he asked, cocking his head to the side.
I thought for a minute, wondering if I really wanted to take this step now, or if it would be better to backtrack a little, explain myself and put it off until I had more time to think. Ultimately, I knew what I wanted, and I knew what he wanted, and saw no reason to deny either of us that any longer.
"I reckon while I'm figurin' out what's left t' figure out, we ain't really got reason t' shy away from what we're wantin', do we?" I asked, looking down at him. He seemed to mull it over for a second, then shook his head.
"I...guess not. What exactly are you wanting, Ryder?" He asked, rolling onto his stomach, laying over me and resting his head on my chest. "Are you...wanting to go to bed and...?" He trailed off, hand slowly drifting lower from my chest, down to my abs, to the belt around my waist. I reached for his hand and took hold of it, gently guiding it up to my muzzle and pressing my lips to his knuckles softly.
"Nothin' like that. Not yet,  at least." I said with a chuckle. "What I'm tryna say is that I figure we could give this a real, honest t' gods try. Bein' together, I mean."
"Like...Dating? Like a couple?" he asked, stirring against me and raising up a little. I nodded, resting a hand on his lower back and smiling.
"Yeah, can try bein' a couple. Me an' you." I replied, leaning in a little. David's ears lay back a little and I worried I'd said something wrong, but he smiled at me and I could see the tears welling up in his eyes, and I knew I'd said exactly what he'd wanted to hear.
"Rye, you-...I mean-...I-..." He stammered, whimpering a little. "I've wanted that for so long...I've wanted it for years, you don't know how many nights I've spent waiting to hear you say that, and-" he said, before I pressed my lips to his, pulling him close. This kiss was different. It wasn't overwhelming, or passionate. I didn't feel my senses sparking up into a storm of stimuli. It was calm, and gentle, and all I felt was the sense that it was right.
"Hush now, ya ain't gotta wait no more." I said with a smile. He laughed breathlessly, wrapping his arms around me and nuzzling against my chest. 
"You really mean it?" he asked, clinging a little tighter.
"I mean it." I answered, wrapping my arms around him protectively. We lay there like that in the quiet for a few minutes before David let out a yawn, and I let out one of my own a second later. "C'mon, let's get a lil shut-eye. Been a long, exhaustin' day with a lotta big emotions. Let's sleep'em off."
"Yeah...Are you...gonna be there when I wake up?" he asked as he got up off of me, stretching a little before stepping towards the bedroom door.
"A'course, why wouldn't I be?" I replied, following him into my room.
"Just making sure...I keep thinking this is a dream." he said with a nervous laugh, hugging himself for a moment, hesitating to get in bed.
"Ain't no dream, Davey. Now c'mon, how am I s'posed t' cuddle ya if'n ya won't lay down?" I asked with a grin, pulling my shirt off and laying down on my side of the bed. He laughed a little, shoulders relaxing as he pulled his own clothes off, leaving him in a pair of simple, sky blue panties that showed off more than I'd expected to see tonight. He lay against me, his back to me, and I wrapped my arms around him. Our bodies pressed together felt different this time, less restrained.
I pressed closer to him, pulled him tighter against me. He scooted closer, wiggled his hips more. Everything we'd always done, we now did without hesitation, without pretense. We wanted contact, and would get it. I gently nosed against his neck, taking in his scent and growling in satisfaction, feeling the fur of his back stand on end against my chest. I laughed a little under my breath and sighed.
"Night, Davey. Sleep well, yeah?" I said, giving his neck a soft kiss. I didn't care if I was falling into this too quickly. I'd known him for years, and I knew the kind of boyfriend I was. No sense holding back now, knowing he wanted this as much as I did.
He nodded, purring softly, his tail curling around one of my legs. "Night, Rye. You too. I-...I love you." He said, almost worriedly.
"I love ya too. More'n I got th' words t' say." I replied, giving him a tight hug before relaxing, closing my eyes.
I let sleep take me, knowing David would be asleep soon enough as well.
The last thing I felt before drifting off completely was the feeling of David's hand resting over mine on top of his belly, tracing the knuckles as I drifted off to sleep.
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indigoember · 5 months
The first bit of writing for SoulStar is here! This is a small prequel scene meant to showcase a small meeting between Arbiters, SuperComputer AI entities now given complete sapience after the mysterious disappearance of their creators, please enjoy!
The four Arbiters all sat around the lengthy table in the center of the room, each flanked by two of their best, an Eldrion set stern to guard them if necessary, and one of their novitiates, primed to help with extra data or calculations not deemed important enough to do themselves.
“Now that all are here, we shall commence with the meeting concerning Arbiter Vena. To begin, all who support her decommissioning please Affirm, for those who do not, Deny.” Orions bulky stature and intense voice dominated the room as it looked to the others before raising one of it's hands.
“I affirm. Ulthun?” She looked towards Orion, the energy radiating off of her would make others quake, to Orion it only caused annoyance, the constant buzzing a grating reminder of their presence.
“Affirm, why were we even required to attend this meeting in these fragile chassis. This would have been easier as a network request.” Their voice was stern and dripped with venom, longing to be back inside of their Warmonger Chassis.
“It's to show care and proper etiquette, certain things must be done even if inefficient, there should always be respect given to others. In response to the meeting inquiry, deny.” Arbiter Andronia spoke next, her passioned yet regal voice silencing the room for a moment as she spoke.
With a glance to her left she nodded to Axon, prompting him to speak.
“With all due respect, deny. I simply don't see the same necessity that we had when decommissioning Ilio. He was a danger to others and himself, surely we can find a different solution for Vena?” he twirled a small power cell in between his fingers, much to the annoyance of Orion who spoke next.
“Arbiter Vena is a net negative to the efficiency that our Creators endowed us with. With no biological species to care for, what use is an Arbiter dedicated to medicine?” The eyes along the rim of Orions head seemed tired as they slowly spun in circles.
“Then why do we not open our doors to more biological species? You've granted me limited authority to allow them into my sector as commodities and economic flow, why not use Vena for the same purpose, surely there would be want for the level of care she and her subordinates can provide.” Andronia responded, prompting a scoff from Ulthun.
“You let your feelings cloud your calculations. We all know that allowing more biological species does not provide any noticeable betterment of the Dominion. Vena would be even more of a parasite if she were allowed to care for strays.” Andronia raised her voice as more bright pink eyes appeared around her, all glaring at Ulthun.
“You will not speak of her that way! None who live in the Dominion are parasites, let alone an Arbiter!” Ulthun laughed at the outburst displayed, her guard not even flinching at the rage of an Arbiter as she spoke once again.
“All bark and no bite, as the humans say. You should watch your tone with me Andra, lest I show you why I am in charge of all war efforts.” Orion held up a hand, silencing the room once again.
“That is enough from both of you. Axon, there is currently no space for Vena to fulfill, if you did not exist she might be repurposed for repairs rather than medicine, but as of now, she is not usable for any purpose. Unless you would like to take her place?” The blue eyes all stared at Axon, prompting him to drop the power cell onto the table.
“No, I think I am comfortable in my current position. What are the terms of Venas decommissioning?” He leaned forward, arms now on the table as Andronia spared a worried glance toward him, her extra projections fading away.
“Her terms would be a total removal from the central Dominion network and a ban from attempting to reconnect enforced by Ulthun, the relinquishing of all non essential assets that the Dominion deem worth, and the destruction of all facilities except for the central processing hub on her planet of origin.” Orion pulled up a holographic readout, sharing it with the others. Andronia looked up towards it, speaking softly.
“She will be kept safe though? She will have enough subordinates to keep her in full working condition and to keep her company right? I cannot stand with you on this notion if she will be left alone.” Her eye softened, looking at Orion for confirmation.
“She will be cared for at one hundred percent efficiency. Only non essential personnel will be removed from her possession.” Andronia looked to Axon who spoke first.
“I affirm her decommissioning.” All eyes landed on Andronia and Orion spoke to her once more.
“Do not let your personal accounts cloud what is better for the Dominion.” Andronia turned away from the group, not willing to look anyone in the face as she finally spoke.
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caxycreations · 1 year
Tylvinian Tales: Side Stories - Zephyr's Nightly Duty
Zephyr sat on the bench, the chill of the night air hardly a breeze against his thick fur. Though his kind was often looked down upon, no differently than the thestrals of Andronia or the kelpies of Eikiria, he had never felt like it was a problem. After all, if people are afraid of you, why not market it? He’d learned at a young age that his nocturnal nature and frightful appearance worked wonders for keeping people away.
So of course, a career as a night guard for the local cemetery was perfect for him. Many nights he sat here, watching out over the calm graves, the dark making it no harder for him to see than the light would. Every now and then he might see a poor, unsuspecting teenager threatening to vandalize a tomb or gravestone, and of course he never had to speak a word to scare them away. He simply had to approach, and the eternally grinning skull atop his neck would do the job all by itself.
Wendigo were greatly misunderstood by most of the world, with many calling them cursed, undead, or even monsters. But truthfully he didn’t mind being called a monster. Monsters could be friendly too, after all. But as yet another vandal let out a cry of fear, running away with shouts of a cursed beast trying to kill him, he let out a sigh. He was getting tired of people treating him like some wicked spirit. He was a kind man and found no joy in how he went about his job. But it paid the bills and made use of his natural assets, and he couldn’t turn down the only place in the city who would hire him.
Looking up to the moon and cocking his head to the side, he opened his mouth, teeth chattering as a whispering, lonely sound came from him. A howl, almost, with a melancholy and miserable tone to it as his vocal cords let out one of the few sounds they could. As his soft, saddening howl subsided, his closest friend made themselves known and sat beside him, resting a hand on his thigh and their head on his shoulder.
He'd been able to see them since he was born, another reason guarding the cemetery was a clear choice for him. As the semi-transparent figure of a squirrel sat beside him, nestled in close, he looked down at her. She was so small, so young. This one had died so long before her time, and it broke his slow-beating heart. As he reached for her, gently stroking her hair, she looked up to him with a smile. Neither of them could speak, but they understood each other perfectly. She relaxed against him, a sound not unlike his own howl escaping her. He was the only one privy to her song, and as she let out her melancholy cry, he felt tears run down his cheeks.
She was so alone during the day, and the feeling of being looked through, passed through, ignored by the living day in and day out, and unable to reach out for anyone took its toll on a spirit like hers. She was good, through and through, and the pain of being eternally ignored was weighing her down so heavily. Zephyr answered her cry with one of his own, a softer, quieter sound, sad but questioning. As he did, she smiled up at him, though it wasn’t a happy smile. They were alike, in ways. Kindred spirits.
Zephyr, ignored out of fear, treated like he was never there, due to superstitions surrounding his race and the fears of angering him leading to a very solitary life. And this girl, invisible to all but him, unable to even cry out to beg for the smallest scrap of attention. She was his only friend, and he hers. This was their nightly ritual, sitting on the bench and wailing their tears to the only ears who would listen, sharing their sorrows with the moon and praying she might offer some words of comfort, though none ever came.
As the pair sat, howling, crying, and offering one another’s support in the only ways they could, time passed, and the sun slowly rose over the horizon. Zephyr looked to the girl beside him as the light of day made her even more transparent, her spectral glow dimmed by the harsh light of morning. But he still saw her. And he would make sure she knew that.
His hand met her cheek as he leaned down, kissing the top of her head as best he could, his snout gently pressing to her before he pulled away. With a kind look in his eyes, he nodded to her, encouraging her to go, to return to her grave for the day.
As he raised his hand, he signed to her that he would be back again tonight. As she signed her gratitude back to him, she kissed his cheek and vanished, returning to her grave to await the end of the day. Standing and stretching, bones popped, and Zephyr felt himself tense a little as the day guard opened the rusted gate to the cemetery. Zephyr turned to face Diego, the elderly capybara that tended the graves in the daylight. Diego smiled happily at Zephyr and nodded to him.
“Eventful night? Saw some paint cans trailing outside, guess you scared off some hoodlums?” The man spoke kindly, but Zephyr had learned to read beyond words. Diego was no less afraid of him than anyone else, he just made his peace with the fact he worked with a monster, that was all. Zephyr nodded, looking down at the old man as he reached for his belt loop, unclipping the keys to the cemetery shed and handing them down to the short male.
“Well, for the better. These poor spirits went through enough in life. Best they enjoy their rest now.” On this the pair could agree with a smile. Diego couldn’t see the various phantoms milling about, socializing, and watching the sunrise, preparing for a day of being entirely unnoticed. But he held the same respect for them that Zephyr did. And as Zephyr left through the gate, he looked up to the sky and let out a silent prayer to the Gods that the spirits of the cemetery be allowed into some heaven soon enough. He knew his prayer would go unanswered, as it had every day for the last thirty years, but he offered yet another anyways. He closed his eyes, praying out to the Goddess Jan herself to welcome that girl into her heaven, to allow her to reprieve from the misery of this world.
Answered or not, he would be there every night for all spirits who needed to be seen, heard, understood. And as he walked home, feeling the powerful silence of those who crossed the street to avoid him, ran aside to get out of his way, and the nervous and anxious looks from children and adults alike, he steeled his heart with the knowledge that even if none of these people would see past his exterior, he could always trust the dead to.
A fact he was happily reminded of as a pair of spirits walked alongside him, smiling at the wendigo as they strutted proudly beside him. It was almost as if they were doing it to show support for him. He gave out a soft sound of amusement, a wheezing sound like a short-lived laugh, as he reached his door and one of the spirits tipped their hat to him before moving on to wherever they were headed next. Opening the door to his home, he stepped inside, shutting the door and leaving behind the world for the day. As he stripped off his uniform, tossing it into the washer and sitting on the couch, he lay back, relaxing in the comfortable chill of his home.
The washer eventually buzzed, waking him from a slight nap as he stood, putting his uniform into the dryer, and making his way to bed. Laying down, he shut his eyes and let out a sigh, allowing himself to finally drift off to sleep and dream of a world where his existence was not so misunderstood.
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caxycreations · 1 year
Relanian Countries
Sen was originally known as one half of the nation "Sekano". In the year 1422, Sekano divided into the countries Sen and Kanor as a result of warlords claiming territories. Sen's warlord, Heirona Arigata, became the first Emperor of Sen. His dynasty rules to this day, though their methods have changed drastically. In ancient times, the Arigata family held the royal family of Kanor in high regard, a result of the respect formed between the two clans during their war, with the Arigata family beginning to understand the Nekojin's ideas and adopting aspects of them into their own system. The two countries built an alliance for the good of their people, believing war was unnecessary at this point as they both wanted what was best for their nations. Modern day Sen upholds the alliance with Kanor. Senese government is still run by an Emperor, the Lord Emperor Taruha Arigata. Their laws are centered around the ideas of preparedness, nationalism, and the protection of the nobility. The royal family and other nobles of the country work tirelessly to better the lives of those under their rule, and in turn those they govern are fiercely loyal to them, happy to uphold the safety and security of the country's nobility. Sen is located in the eastern hemisphere, on the southern end of the Emerald Continent, which is home to Sen, Kanor, and Dornum.
Kanor was originally known as one half of the nation "Sekano". In the year 1422, Sekano divided into the countries Sen and Kanor as a result of the warlords claiming territories. Kanor's warlord, Meran Nekojin, became the first Emperor of Kanor. His dynasty rules to this day, with some variation from the original ideas that led to Kanor's founding. In ancient times, the Nekojin family started the war that split Sekano apart. The Arigata family, Sekano's royal family at the time, ruled with fear and force, a method the Nekojin family considered abhorrent. As the war raged, the Arigata family began to understand the Nekojin's point of view and the two clans developed a mutual respect for each other. A peace treaty was signed, and the families have been close ever since, with the countries they govern being close and loyal political allies. Modern day Kanor upholds the alliance with Sen. Kanorian government is still run by an Emperor, the Lord Emperor Dojun Nekojishi. Their laws are centered around the ideas of diplomacy, nationalism, and the protection of the people. The royal family and other nobles work tirelessly to develop relations with other countries, and implementing laws and systems that benefit the lower class as much as possible. The Kanorian royal family views themselves as servants of the people, working to better their lives using the power they hold over the land.
Ferus was originally dominated by tribes of various species. While some mingled, others were fiercely opposed. Bloodshed was not uncommon, and while many fought only for survival, some fought for the pleasure or sport of it. When Dornumite explorers began mingling with the tribes, there was a great shift. The tribes began to unite with Dornumites, leading to small villages and towns, and eventually it became a nation in its own right. This nation took the name "Ferus" to honor the origins of its people, the native word for "Fierce". Modern Ferus is very similar to our world's United States. The political system is a Democratic Republic, with the population directly deciding what laws should be implemented and how, as well as the population being directly responsible for choosing a President to govern. While they are a Democratic Republic, their economic system is somewhat egalitarian. Jobs are classified into 4 categories, which are: 1. Necessary 2. Priority 3. Luxury 4. Leisure Pay is standardized by category, with Necessary jobs being paid the most and Leisure jobs being paid the least. A few examples of each job type is listed below. 1. Necessary - Waste management, water treatment, electrical grid 2. Priority - Construction, Banking, Government, Grocery 3. Luxury - Automotive, Eatery (fast food/dine-in), fashion 4. Leisure - The arts (music, art, movies, etc), Games (video games, board games, etc), sports Leisure and Luxury jobs as a standard pay per hour, with a mandatory pay range of $10 to $15 per hour for Leisure, and $20 to $25 per hour for Luxury. Priority and Necessary jobs pay as salary, with Priority having a set salary of $75k per year and Necessary holding a set salary of $125k per year. CEOs are entitled to pay beyond their yearly salary based on profits of each business they own. They are entitled to no more than 35% of the profits from each business they own: the remaining 65% must be redistributed into the funding for repairs, new locations, acquisition of additional business, or improvement of systems. Any remaining funds are held as taxes which go to improving infrastructure and the standards of living throughout the country. Ferus is allied with Kanor and Sen, and maintains an uneasy peace with Dornum due to historical difficulties between the two nations.
Dornum is a country founded on three principles. In order of importance, they are: Rarity, Power, and Capability. These three principles are the basis for their laws and the treatment of Dornumite citizens.
First and foremost is Rarity. A species is only as worthy of respect as their rarity. Heavusi, as the rarest species on the planet, are the ruling class of Dornum. Only Heavusi are eligible for leadership positions, be they local or federal. The grand leader of Dornum's title is "Lord". Other government officials, regardless of jurisdiction, are titled as "Angel". The current Lord of Dornum is Lord Kalberon IV. More common species, such as dogs, cats, wolves, and the like, are considered the lower working class and typically hold positions of hard labor or unskilled work of low status. Rarer species such as Dragons, Griffins, and other Mythicals hold higher status, and are treated as nobility. However, none are above the Heavusi, and all citizens are expected to obey any order from the Heavusi without question. This is not strictly enforced, however, and most Heavusi care little for the status. Those in power and those of high social status care greatly, but the average Heavusi does not. More on them in future posts. Due to the importance of species in Dornum, hybridization is frowned upon, with laws against it. In most cases, the parents of the hybrid are fined or jailed for the crime of mixing species, but in severe cases the parents and the child will be executed. This has led to many refugees and immigrants fleeing the country when realizing they will end up on the wrong side of the law simply due to who they have chosen to form a family with. In Dornum, the Lord Heavusi holds absolute power, able to declare, renounce, or adjust laws as they see fit. The current dynasty, the Kalberon dynasty, has ruled since Dornum's founding, and their policies against hybridization have existed for just as long. While Dornum does have a proper economy, it is more for the sake of affording exchange with other nations than for circulation within their own, as well as for circulation within individual castes. Within Dornum, more common species are to offer their goods and services to rarer species free of charge. In Dornum, a Panda will never pay a Wolf for a good or service, it is given by the Wolf freely at the Panda's request. Meanwhile, a Wolf will never ask a Panda for a good or service: they will pay a fellow caste member to provide the good or service. As such, castes have their own money, each with its own value. The castes are as follows:
Unique (Heavusi)
Mythic (Dragons, kelpies, griffins, wendigo, etc)
Uncommon (Pandas, pangolins, axolotl, okapi, etc)
Common (wolves, dogs, cats, lions, tigers, etc)
Unnatural (hybrids, tribrids, and quabrids)
The currencies are divided into categories named after precious metals, with Unnaturals sharing a currency with Common, mostly due to Unnaturals having no true place in Dornumite society (many are culled either at birth or when young to avoid tribrids or quabrids). The categories are:
Bronze (Literally coins made from copper. To put in Earth terms, equivalent in value to a single United States dime. Currency of the Common and Unnatural)
Silver (Literally coins made from silver. To put in Earth terms, roughly equivalent in value to five United States dollars in buying power. Currency of the Uncommon.)
Gold (Literally coins made from gold. To put in Earth terms, roughly equivalent in value to fifty United States dollars in buying power. Currency of the Mythic.)
Platinum (Coins made from Gold, coated in polished silver. To put in Earth terms, roughly equivalent in value to two hundred United States dollars in buying power. Currency of the Unique.)
Second to Rarity is Power. A creature of Common rarity can obtain Uncommon social status through power, be it physical or mental. A Labrador, if smart enough, could elevate themselves to Uncommon social status by proving their wit. A lynx, if strong enough, could become Uncommon in social status by proving their might. It is through this that Dornum has built up one of the world's most powerful armies. By allowing those of great intelligence or strength to move further along the social ladder through their achievements, they cultivate a society of warriors and tacticians. And with the law allowing for the public to play the role of judge, jury, and executioner against those of weak mind or body, it has led to the vast majority of Dornumites being highly capable in one, the other, or both.
Due to Dornumite policies and ideologies, most nations of the world avoid interaction with the nation when they can, resulting in Dornum having very few allies. However, they hold peace treaties with various nations. This is a result of Dornum's military might being so closely matched with the might of other nations that many believe a war would be nothing more than mutually assured destruction. There are, however, those originally from Dornum that denounce the ways of their nation, even some Heavusi have left the country to distance themselves from the philosophies present there.
As such, it is a powerful nation, but its people are easily swayed to leave it when presented with alternatives. This has led to Dornum's borders being very strictly controlled, to avoid citizens from fleeing. The process to leave the country is difficult and complicated, to deter any would-be escapists from trying to leave, and the border patrol of Dornum has strict orders to kill anyone caught trying to cross illegally on sight.
Overall, it is a hostile nation built on difficult philosophies, with no remorse in taking the lives of those the Heavusi deem "traitors" or "weak".
Andronia is known across the world as the Craftsman's Country. They specialize in skilled labor, with artisans from around the world flocking to the country to learn Andronian techniques. As a result of their reputation, many countries call upon Andronian weaponsmiths, engineers, and scientists for their military equipment. This has left Andronia as one of the wealthiest nations in the world, and due to the respect and constant use of Andronian military tech, they have never needed a formal military of their own. What militant forces they do have are few and far between, militiamen rather than soldiers, and the few skirmishes they have taken part in as allies of other nations have resulted in a swift victory for the side Andronia chooses. This is because Andronian weaponry is fitted with a failsafe. Andronian citizens are chipped at birth, and each weapon they craft is required by law to contain a complex system of computer parts that allow the gun to scan its target. This is marketed to other countries as a bioscanner, a way of highlighting targets in the sights to make it easier to tell them from the background. In reality, it scans for the chip and, if none is detected, allows the weapon to fire. This ensures that an Andronian weapon can never be used to take the life of an Andronian native.
To those outside of Andronian military science, it seems as if the weapon simply jams, but due to it only happening when facing an Andronian target, and reverse engineering efforts, the majority of countries understands that Andronian weaponry can't be used against its creators. In addition to their highly sought-after military tech, Andronia is home to the finest artisans in the world of all fields. Art, literature, woodworking, culinary arts, and more are considered more than hobbies, they are seen as lifestyles in Andronia. While a Ferusian may call themselves an artist because they sketch in the park on weekends, or a Senese may call themselves a writer because they run a blog, an Andronian who calls themselves an artist will live and breathe art. They will sketch, line, paint, watercolor, etch stone, carve wood into figures, and more. They will master the craft and more, and will make their living doing so. Andronia is a country of specialists, with some dedicating their entire lives to a single type of a single craft. The most famous artisan in Andronian history was Harlow Grenwich, a self-proclaimed "Maker". He spent his life mastering every skill he could, and by the age of fifty was highly capable in the fields of art, literature, music, engineering, smithing, and was a world-famous teacher. Many Andronians aspire to match Harlow's skill, though few succeed.
The current leader of Andronia is Prime Minister Jerubel Maddox. She has held the position for eight years, and is nearing the record for longest tenure as Prime Minister. As the world's largest military supplier, Andronia has very few enemies and even fewer allies. While every nation maintains a truce with the country, none fully trust it or consider it a true ally as they supply weapons to anyone willing to pay for it.
Overall they are a materialistic and vain country, with the world's finest artisans, craftsman, engineers, and scientists. They are, in general, a prosperous and intelligent people.
Eikiria is the largest nation on the planet, comprising the whole of the ocean and all major rivers and lakes. They are a fully aquatic nation, and its people are known interchangeably as "Eikirian" and "Aquan". The reason for two terms is that some land-dwellers can gain honorary citizenship, thus making them Eikirians but not Aquans, while native Eikirians can be called by either.
Eikiria has no formal economy, and instead operates on an exchange of goods and services. To buy something is to promise, or immediately provide, a good or service of equal value to the individual you're buying from. An example is if you eat in an Eikirian restaurant, your payment may be cooking a meal for the chef or simple washing the dishes of your own meal. The reason for this is that Eikirian culture puts so much importance into honor, one's word, and reciprocation that rather than developing a currency they simply held to their origins of give-and-take trade. This is further afforded by the fact that Eikirians lack in nothing as far as resources.
As a nation comprised of the whole of the world's oceans, major rivers, and major lakes, they have an endless bounty of resources most nations can only dream of. An endless supply of water, minerals, food, and thermal energy has left them the most powerful nation on the planet. Despite this power, they are content to simply exist alongside their land-dwelling counterparts, as they see no need for conflict. Eikirians are hailed the world over as the most generous people, and are well known to share their resources freely. Coastal towns in land-dwelling nations often benefit greatly from Eikirian trade and gifts, and spread such things to other places across the land. Eikirian workers are also in high demand, as they are the most reliable and dependable. Many land dwellers strive to emulate their work ethic, and in the surface world it is considered the highest complement to be likened to an Eikirian in such matters.
While Eikiria is a fully aquatic nation, its people are not entirely aquatic. Most can survive on land for an hour or two, and the more adapted species can survive for several hours, and to facilitate good relations and intermingling of Eikirian and surface peoples most countries maintain specialized facilities throughout their cities and towns for aquatic species to hydrate and avoid drying out. These facilities range from water tanks to aquarium stalls to public, Aquan-Only pools. The reason the pools and other accommodations are Aquan-only stems from the fact that there are many illnesses Aquans have immunity or high resistance to due to their aquatic nature that land-dwellers are highly vulnerable to, and vice versa. As such, the pools are Aquan-only to prevent illness from spreading to those that lack the immune system to withstand it. This same reason is why Aquan and land-dweller hybrids are extremely rare: the offspring may be born with the strength of both immune systems, or they may be born with the vulnerabilities of both.
Overall, Eikiria is a hard-working and dependable nation founded on the ideas of generosity, reciprosity, and honor. Their word is law, and integrity is their greatest strength.
Closing Notes
The countries of the world are far more complex than shown here, and no one post can contain it all. But this is a good starting point for those just taking a peak into the world of Relan.
I hope you all enjoyed this, and found something interesting. As always, I do love questions and happily answer each and every one of them. For those curious, the next post will be detailing Relanian magic. From its origins to its place in the modern world, I'll be covering everything to do with Relanian magic!
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