#andromache lover
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gingermintpepper · 3 months ago
I would love to hear you talk about Kassandra???
So, what can I say about Kassandra.
Well, firstly, I've been thinking about how I want to answer this question since I got it however many months ago and I figured I wanted to speak about my own interpretation of things rather than formal stuff - half because I don't want to cite anything since going through Iliad based papers brings me little joy and half because I figure I could treat it a bit more casually this way. So here's like, a very brief selection of thoughts I have about Kassandra, Saintess of Troy.
I view her tale as a microcosm of the wider tale of the Fall of Troy from Apollo's perspective. A human is given a choice and, of their own free-will, they make the most destructive decision ignorant of the way they're sealing their own fate and no matter how much their patron will want to save and help them, they will be unable to so much as lift a meaningful finger because the choice made is one that is sealed in Fate and powers far beyond any one god. The themes of doomed love are also shared; Kassandra loved Apollo just as Apollo loved her but she couldn't be what he wanted of her. She couldn't accept what it was he was offering, no matter how much power, honour and love he tried to tempt her with and in a lot of ways, I think of her devastating visions of doom and death(tm) as a physical parallel to the feelings Helen must be tormented with knowing that she will be cited as the reason of such mass death, destruction and violence. Likewise, I see Apollo's inability to save Kassandra up until the end as representative of his wider inability to save Troy. All his love and blessing were not enough, even though all she had to do was take his hand, it simply wasn't meant to be and so I imagine that must be a fresh hurt for him with each beloved mortal he loses during the campaign.
Kassandra is genuinely so interesting? Both as a character and as a narrative idea; she sits almost in the center of so many fascinating parallels and foils that it gets me so excited whenever she comes up in conversation! I've mentioned it briefly before but she forms a very neat triad with Iphigenia and Troilus which runs parallel to the three dominant male powers in Iliad - Agamemnon, Achilles and Apollo. They're what I somewhat refer to as the sacrifice trio, innocents who must ultimately be abandoned and stripped away for the sake of the desire of their sacrificer, in turn revealing something intrinsic about the nature of the man. For Iphigenia, she reveals that Agamemnon truly values his ambition over all, that his image and status as a leader is more meaningful to him than the love of his family (which, of course, dooms him in the end). Likewise, for Achilles, Troilus' sacrifice reveals that no matter the glamour or glory that crowns Achilles' head, his rage is ultimately his most powerful feeling and it burns bright and hot no matter the circumstance, opponent or arena. For Apollo, Kassandra's sacrifice (which is much more symbolic as he is a god and therefore need not actually physically kill her) reveals his position as the 'loser', one who will be scorned and reviled and lose all the things he loves no matter how closely he cherishes or adorns them. He can't protect the mortals he's blessed, he can't protect his children - he can't even save one woman. She also has that aforementioned triad with Helen and Andromache - the sequestered women; doomed to wait and pray but each, in their own ways working to save and support their own in the conflict. They're all haunted by the promise of what awaits them - Andromache's hopes and future lies with Hector and with her son yet she is the embodiment of a war-wife, solid and stoic in her support when Hector returns but suffering deeply knowing each fight could be his last. Helen, of course, carries with her both the suffering of the greek women and the hatred of their men - if Andromache fears death taking the breath from her beloved fighters then Helen bears the weight of death upon her shoulders, all grief and scorn is bore like a crown upon her head and she must bear it. It is her duty to bear it. Kassandra then becomes the suffering of the young women - they who are surrounding on all sides by throngs of death and do not know why it has come, they whose screams intermix with that of the dead upon them. There is no avatar for Kassandra to experience the war through, no reason for her to be stoic or strong or upright. She tears her hair, hysterical at the suffering that is poured into her mind day in and day out, wild and unrestrained where her elders must hold their grief and tame it. In this way, she gives voice to the voiceless, she screams for those who cannot and is reviled for it - a young woman surrounded by death yet ordered not to speak a word of its stench or horror. There's many more things I can talk about too such as the whole Kassandra as Apollo's living Palladium thing or the Kassandra-Electra-Clytemnestra trio or even Chryseis as a reflection of Kassandra and how the taking of a priest's daughter could be seen as tantamount to trying to steal away Kassandra (and how this eventually wraps back around to the actual incident of Kassandra being stolen away and ending up right back under Agamemnon's care just as Chryseis before her) but like, we would be here all day.
Y'all maybe this is a hot take but scorned woman Kassandra is like, the most boring interpretation of her ever. She has so much life and passion in her, so much joy, so much despair, so much love - making her jaded and cynical towards both her fate and her god is such a slap in the face to me of what her character could and generally does seem to stand for. Kassandra never stopped loving Apollo - likewise, Apollo (at least to me) never abandoned her. All in Troy suffer heavy, cursed fates - Kassandra is one of the few who at least had some awareness of how hers would turn out. I like that she's a fighter. I like that she screams and cries and spits and is expressive and ugly in her torment and grief when so many of the women around her cannot afford to be. I like that she said no and despite how much she suffered for it, she never begged for her yolk to be taken from her because she knew that the choice she made was the right one for her. She's raw, she's vivid, she's human and more than anything, that's what I love so much about her.
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jegulily-stuff · 1 year ago
on the classical mythology note dorlene are more achilles and patroclus than any of the boys are
marlene 'eurydice' mckinnon and dorcas 'orpheus' meadowes
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 1 month ago
been getting into time travel recently and also copollo so: how do you think Commodus would react if he (somehow) ended up in Ancient Greece and met Apollo? Idk if this would be Apollo pre or post Trojan war but I feel like that would be really interesting to see
Pre-Trojan War Apollo, in my opinion was a LOT more active in the mortal world, because I think the Trojan War was when the No Interference Policy really cracked down in godly interference.
This has interesting implications, especially concerning Commodus. Unlike Roman Era Apollo, this Apollo is not bound by such a law (or not completely so), and therefore is MUCH more available (physically and emotionally) than his Roman Era self (though he still has those kinds of issues because. Apollo. lol)
Honestly? I think the healthiest Apollo was (until post-Toa) was in this era of Ancient Greece. He’s present for his lovers and kids, so this Apollo may actually have the means to rip Commodus a new one over his VERY toxic behaviors.
If not…well, being attracted to red flags isn’t something Apollo just woke up one day and decided upon lmao
POST-Trojan War…this is interesting too. I feel like this Apollo is a lot less emotionally stable, what with the murders of Tenes and Troilus, the loss of Hector, and the destruction of his beloved city of Troy (not to mention Prism and Astyanax’s deaths, Andromache and Helenus’s enslavement, and most particularly…Cassandra’s enslavement and murder).
I feel like he might be emotionally detached from everything for a while. Which…does not spell anything good for a potential meeting with Commodus, who would no doubt take delight in worsening his mood.
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nikethestatue · 7 months ago
But what do you mean 'SjM doesn't write this or that or this'?
I legitimately don't understand? SJM writes EVERYTHING. Some of her great romances, for example, are the ones people claim she doesn't write?
SJM doesn't write forbidden romance!
I am sorry, what? LOA and Helion, that you all seem to be gagging over, is a forbidden romance. Jesminda and Lucien is forbidden romance. Mor and Andromache. Aidas and Theia. The greatest and most heartbreaking romance that SJM ever wrote--Asterin and her Hunter --is a forbidden romance.
SJM writes literally every trope:
Enemies to Lovers: Rowaelin
Fake Dating: Elorcan!
Friends to Lovers: Quinlar
Love triangle: Feysand/Tamlin
Opposites Attract: Nessian, Amren and Varian, Dorian and Manon
Fated Mates: Feysand
Chosen Mates: Quinlar
Reluctant Mates: Nessian
Rescue Romance: Elriel
Secret romance: Danika and Bastian, Ruhn and Lidia.
Need I go on?
The only thing that SJM herself stated and does not write is the virginity trope and women fighting over a man. That's it.
And no, she really doesn't only write 'fated mates'! She writes everything from obsession (Tamlin and Amarantha), to devotion (Manon and Abraxos), to loss (too many to mention), to obligation (Rhys's parents), and everything else.
Not everyone is going to be a Main Character, but it doesn't mean that there aren't powerful, often incredible side stories that SJM writes which might be considered even more emotional than the MMC. SJM has written something like 16 books at this point--I think she's covered all the basis by now.
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xjulixred45x · 8 months ago
Do you know something that honestly bothers me? that when they want to make retellings of Greek stories, they almost always go for the figures that really do not deserve their own story.
Circe, for example, from this woman (who turned out to be quite controversial) Madeline, they try to sell you Circe's story as a "feminist" retelling and normally there would be nothing wrong with that.
The issue is that Circe (in the myths and from what I understand in the book) is not at all feminist.
I mean, she is a morally gray woman, I respect that, but is it really a good idea to use as an example of a "feminist" a woman who 1- killed a man who did not want to be unfaithful to his wife with her, 2- converted an innocent nymph in a MONSTER (Scylla) only for an unrequited love (again) and 3- in Telogony, after Odysseus dies (her supposed "lover" who in some versión she ENCHANTED, at the hands of the son they had together) she marries HIS ANOTHER SON.
Since when did a woman who tramples on men or hurts other women for her own benefit become a "feminist" or "girlboss"??
other examples? let's see:
MEDUSA (old classic, a great allegory that still works today about how SA victims are re-victimized and blamed by the people who should be protecting them/they don't get justice because their attacker is more "relevant" and powerful than them). (Even if it's the Roman versión, You can't Say that a myth that reflects the reality of THOUSANDS of women and give streng to the víctims its not "feminist")
PENTHESILEA(Amazon queen who fought in the Trojan War, which she attended because she was depressed after having accidentally killed her sisters, but she did not leave without killing dozens of Trojans and fighting with Achilles himself. IMAGINE A BOOK ABOUT HER) .
THE AMAZONS IN GENERAL (Tribes of warlike women, daughters of Ares, whom he loved very much, who had a matriarchal system that existed without men, without competition, with a great sense of sisterhood and who participated in many velic encounters in mythology) .
HERMIONE OF SPARTA AND ANDROMACHA (the daughter of Helen of Troy and Menelaus and the wife of Hector of Troy respectively. Both were married against their wills to Neoptolemus, the son of Achilles, who was abusive (quite graphically) and they hated him. Imagine a story where the two become friends and team up to kill Neo, Hermione takes control of Sparta and Andromache is her second in command).
ATALANTA (The only woman of the Argonauts who, when the magical boar of Calidon appeared, was the one who managed to hurt him first and kept the home trophy (but FOR SOME REASON later there are myths that kill her in the stupidest way possible, thanks Aphrodite) )
In conclusion, let's give the spotlight to Greek women who genuinely deserve to be known about them❤️ (without trowing Hate to Circe, she DESERVES TO BE KNOWN, but not as a feminist story).
¿saben algo que sinceramente me molesta? que cuando se quieren jacer retelings de las historias griegas, casi siempre van por las figuras que realmente no se merecen una historia propia.
Circe, por ejemplo, de esta mujer(que resulto ser bastante polemica) Madeline, tratan de venderte la historia de Circe como un reteling "feminista" y eso normalmente no tendria nada de malo.
el tema es que Circe(en los mitos y por lo que tengo entendido en el libro) no tiene nada de feminista.
digo, es una mujer moralmente gris, eso lo respeto, pero ¿realmente es buena idea usar de ejemplo de "feminista" a una mujer que 1- mato a un hombre que no queria serle infiel a su esposa con ella, 2- convirtio a una ninfa inocente en un MONSTRUO(escilla) solo por un amor no correspondido (otra vez) y 3- en Telogony, después de que Odiseo muere(su supuesto "enamorado", a manos del hijo que tuvieron juntos) ella se casa CON SU OTRO HIJO.
¿¿desde cuando una mujer que pisotea a los hombres o hace daño a otras mujeres por beneficio propio paso a ser "feminista" o "girlboss"??
"PeRo jUlIx ¿¿QuE oTrO eJeMpLo QuIeReS qUe UsEn?? Circe Es sUpEr cOnOcIdA, OBVIamente es mas facil ir por ella"
¿otros ejemplos? veamos:
MEDUSA(viejo clasico, una gran alegoria que sigue funcionando hasta hoy sobre como las victimas de SA son re-victimizadas y culpadas por la gente que deberia protegerlas/no obtienen justicia porque su agresor es mas "relevante" y poderoso que ellas).
PENTESILEA (Reina amazona que peleo en la guerra de Troya, a la cual asistio por estar deprimida al haber matado accidentalmente a sus hermanas, pero no se fue sin matar a decenas de troyanos y pelear con el propio Aquiles. IMAGÍNENSE UN LIBRO SOBRE ELLA).
LAS AMAZONAS EN GENERAL (Tribus de mujeres guerraras hijas de Ares, a las cuales el amaba mucho, que tenian un sistema matriarcal que existia sin hombres, sin competencia, con un gran sentido de hermandad y que participaron en muchos encuentros velicos en la mitología).
HERMÍONE DE ESPARTA Y ANDROMACA(la hija de Helena de Troya y Menelao y la esposa ee Hector de troya respectivamente. ambas se casaron en contra de sus voluntades con Neoptolemo, el hijo de Aquiles, que era abusivo(bastante gráficamente) y lo odiaban. imaginense una historia donde ambas se hacen amigas y se alian para matar a Neo, Hermíone toma el control de Esparta y Andromaca es su segunda al mando).
ATALANTA(La unica mujer de los argonautas que cuando aparecio el jabali magico de calidon fue quien logro lastimarlo primero y se quedo con el trofeo de casa(pero POR ALGUNA RAZON después hay mitos que la matan de la forma mas estupida posible, gracias Afrodita))
en conclusión, demosle el reflector a mujeres griegas que genuinamente merecen que se sepa de ellas❤️(sin titarle Hate a Circe, MERECE SER CONOCIDA, pero no como historia feminista).
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astrothii · 10 months ago
I love Odysseus, don’t get me wrong. I am probably in the top three percent of Odysseus lovers.
…but if Andromache had the chance to push him off a wall as he did her son, I know where my loyalties would lie.
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safaiagem · 1 month ago
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In honor of The Old Guard 2 finally has a release date, here is my contribution to this fandom. I've had at least two other fics in my head for a while, but I keep putting off writing them.
Title: Needs of the Many Word Count: 81,026 Rating: M Characters/Pairings: Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani/Nicky | Nicolò di Genova, Andy | Andromache of Scythia/Quynh | Noriko, Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani, Nicky | Nicolò di Genova, Andy | Andromache of Scythia, Nile Freeman, Booker | Sebastien le Livre, Original Characters, Quynh | Noriko, Keane, Steven Merrick, Dr. Meta Kozak, James Copley Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Violence, not historically accurate, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Language, NaNoWriMo, NaNoWriMo 2020, Torture, Angst, Blood and Injury, Blood and Gore, no beta we die like the old guard, Eventual Happy Ending, Temporary Character Death, Internalized period-typical homophobia, Canonical Character Death, Minor Character Death Summary: “A fine justification. I’ve heard it so many times before” were the words Nicky spoke, and they were words he had heard so many times. From Kings claiming that the world would be better if they ruled to murders justifying the mass slaughter of people, evil will use the concept of the greater good as justification for their own horrific actions. While The Old Guard had seen that play out throughout history, this wasn't even the first time someone justified hurting them in the name of the greater good. [5 times someone used changing the world or the greater good as a justification to hurt The Old Guard]
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pain-is-too-tired · 7 months ago
One thing I don't think is talked enough about when it comes to a lot of the antagonist in the series, it's how a lot of them tend to dehumanize/see the demigods as much lesser than.
Not to say the gods don't, but not in the same way the antagonist do I feel like.
Khione(and her brothers) I think is one the most obvious examples to this, freezing and keeping the demigods as living statues is literally discussed hdgdg
Even with Midas, he literally keeps living golden statutes including his own daughter.
At least one of the Giants brings up keeping one of the demigods after they win iirc.
Being seen more like a possession or piece on a board is very common throughout the series. It's definitely obvious with Jason, who's seen as Juno's and Rome's. In a way both Jason and Leo are treated like attack dogs to both Hera and Gaea, it's just Jason's the one Hera could get to heel.
Yet Hera still let's them make connections and walk freely. And she cares enough to grieve when Jason dies. I mean the bar is in Tarturus at this point but hsgdg
Idk. Something is just a lot more unsettling with how the antagonist(like the giants and Khione) talk about the demigods. I think it because they pretty much are claiming demigods like war prises. Which goes back around to something I'm pretty sure I've mentioned before, but the comparison between old versus new. Because, yeah, the gods still stuck in many places, but there's certain aspects most of them had changed in.
For all the demigods that exist, most of them came from genuine connection between the god and mortal parent. There's multiple examples of gods even returning to have another kid with said mortal parent. Many gods seem to think fondly of the mortals they've been with(Aphrodite is outright concerned for Piper's father mental health if he found out about her. )
Not to say that didn't happen in the classics, but there seems to be more of that. Though could be because Rick didn't want to have anything too close to the other subjects in the books. But then he also has antagonist talk about keeping demigods in collections and literally human trafficking so gdgdg
But yeah, there seems to be less kids sired from less then healthy situations. And that also could be because Rick just didn't want to make modern versions of stuff like Achilles' orgins where Zeus had a guy wrestle Thetis down and marry her so her son wouldn't be too powerful. Or any of Zeus' children's origins really.
But the gods tend to have closer connections to mortals and demigods, both hades and Poseidon offer solace in their home to mortal lovers, and don't force it when they decline. Their interactions with mortals/ demigods are down to earth, they only appear to them in full form on Olympus with the other gods or in their realms.
The exception is probably Zeus, who hardly ever comes down from Olympus to talk to anyone.
But he's Zeus, so.
The antagonist however very much address the demigods in a way less down to earth. Making it much more known how powerful they are. Anytime they meet Khione outside her father's place? She's showing off her powers.
The Titans are always large, towering over the demigods. Kronos cares so little about demigods he doesn't even bat an eye when he knocks over his own off the bridge in tlo.
And as I mentioned, many times is idea of keeping demigods as war prises brought up. And that's not new in relation to Greek classics.
The Trojan War was a whole mess of taking women as war prises. Not just Helen being kidnapped but Chryseis,Briseis,Andromache-(honestly, any woman Agamemnon interacted with oh my gods-)
Even men were taken as slaves. It was a normality in war(at least Trojan War wise). If you weren't killed you were taken. Change is important point in each book, how much modern times views being a hero and finding yourself differ from before. How they can mend broken ties and be better then those before them. How they fight for others rather then themselves and pride.
Why the worst antagonist often fight for power, they manipulate and take. They want to be at the top of the world, to be noticed/worshipped. And they do anything to get there.
They see the war as gloryful and a way to reach the top. The demigods see it as trying to live another day. To protect those around them, even desperately trying to save others on the other side.
Idk why, just the whole thing interest me. I think it's also fun idea to explore in a sense.i mean I'm sure there's plenty of Kronos/Giants wins aus, but something about delving into the way that'll effect the survivors intriguing to me.
I think it kinda can be used as a metaphor? At least being looked down on. Feeling like you're being told to dance and entertain sometimes comes with being Neurodivergent. I mean heck, Jason is a walking example of learning to mask so hard you forget who you were underneath. Being dehumanized by those around you.
So something about the heroes fighting help others belong why the villains fight to possess and control everything to their liking feels about right for a series focused on those with disabilities
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quidam-sirenae · 8 months ago
Thinking about epic the musical and how I would do an iliad version. Anyway:
1st the actors are double cast with gods in my version. Hera is double cast with briseis. Agamemnon is double cast with ares. Phoenix is Vulcan (I can’t spell the Greek name). Telamonian Ajax is Zeus. Chryses is apollo. Andromache is Athena. Helen, Patroclus, Achilles, Odysseus, Hector, Paris and Aphrodite don’t have double casts because they show up enough. The other warriors are the chorus.
2. Briseis never talks. In the first song when Agamemnon is taking her back to his tent she weeps, but Achilles speaks for her the entire time- he physically stands in front of her the entire time. Even if she tries to talk, he speaks over her. He IS her voice.
3. There is a catalogue of ships- it serves both as a prologue outlining the entire story but the chorus is a list of Greece cities chanting. Like
This ten year war (boeoitians, phoceans)
The ship has sailed (laconians, messenians)
You can’t go back (cephalenians, Cretans)
We must not fail (rhodians, athenians)
You can die on the field and your kleos will cover your grave.
You can live on a farm and be never remembered again.
(Argives, peraebi, magnetes, hellenes, Achaeans)
(Epians, arcadians, laconians, mycaeneans, enienes!)
(To thetis) The war has begun, mourn your son for he will not return.
(To Agamemnon) Put passion away , you must listen to what the gods say.
5. Hector: Patroclus.
You’d take our city, our women, our gold, and our lives for your men.
But I am their keeper in battle, in year number ten.
I am the best of the Trojans, the kings eldest son
And I am the winged death that pounces on those that would run.
(Slower softer)
Tell me what he said.
Patroclus spits at Hector.
I’ll make you food for dogs and birds, a creature dead but not interred, your body drying out in Trojan soil.
Your lover gave you naught, for he sent you out to rot, and Patroclus I’ll take what’s rightly mine.
He sat within his tent, and he gave his garb for rent, but Achilles isn’t here to share your death.
He stabs Patroclus.
Anything to say?
Patroclus, struggling:
Say what you want to me,
My soul is flying free,
And you never killed me, that was Zeus.
Apollo the arrowsmith removed my god given gift, he threw Achilles helmet in the dirt.
Euphorbus had second go, his javelin digging deep and low you came in third at best if we’re to count.
And think of this
Your own short death
She stands behind
And rattles breath
She’ll be here soon
You can’t delay
The hour has come
What can you say?
Spoken. You’re going to die under the sword of Peleus’s. Perfect. Son.
4. The musical ends with hectors body going up on a HUGE funeral pyre. The lights all go out and the pyres still burning and keeps burning until the theater lights go up and the curtains close. Then they do the bows in front of the curtain.
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meekmedea · 1 month ago
I'm curious, how did Hector(and subsequently his dynamic with Max) and Cleopatra came to be? When did you get the idea for them?
Have a god day!! ^^
Ahh I've been waiting to sit down to type this out all day.
Ooh I believe he was created for the time travelling Clemmie AU, where she wakes up at age 8 again after surviving the second rebellion. While plotting this AU, Max was a difficult character to use and have Clemensia interact with, particularly when our protagonist is a young child. So to work around that, Hector entered the picture. Sort of to set a parallel of Hector & Max to Clemensia & Felix being friends.
Clemensia was meant to be this reminder of Hector, as granddaughter and grandfather share some traits with one another, both physical and personality wise. Though Hector is more outspoken about his beliefs. Nevertheless, his presence (in the narrative of that specific universe) was to partly nudge Max into reconsidering his stance on the games.
Dynamic-wise without attaching this to any specific AU, I first saw them as a charming, ball of sunshine, very outspoken guy (Hector), stoic + ready to commit war crimes (Max). He first started off as a good friend, and just one of the many people Max has lost to the Districts over the years. Somewhere down the line, it became: this guy was deeply in love with his best friend, and his early death is one that Max still mourns.
Maybe the romance aspect came in because of this one line I gave Volumnia in a post as a joke -> "Had Hector been a woman, you’d have married him the moment we graduated and have had a dozen Ravinstill children by now."
In most universes, Max & Hector have a huge fight over allocating more resources to the Districts - it's their last conversation because Hector then goes to 11, and he dies from an illness that could have easily been treated had he been in the Capitol. Then it becomes: if I had agreed, would he have lived?
But yeah, Hector was always going to be a Dovecote, as in a previous universe, I had explored an idea with Clemmie's maternal side of the family (Beauchamp) and wanted to do something for the paternal side of her family (Dovecote).
Some of his traits came directly from Clemmie since I needed her to be a reminder of him to Max for the AU he'd been initially created for. (ie. strawberry allergy, the smile). Other traits were more general ones I'd previously imagined for the Dovecotes (ie. Dovecote charm)
Outside of all this, he's modelled heavily after Hector of Troy. Beloved, early death. You could say that Hector of Troy dies fighting a war out of duty and our Hector Dovecote dies doing his duty (as a doctor to his patients).
Regarding Cleopatra, she was created a bit after Hector. The thing with the Dovecotes is that I work backwards, starting at Clemensia and moving up one generation at a time. So I had her parents, then Hector's name. I like to give a naming scheme within families - sometimes for the fun of it, or just to indicate family dynamics.
With Endymion and Hector having the common theme of being named for royalty from mythology, I wanted Cleopatra's name to reflect that, and also be from Greek mythology. Despite that being where her name comes from, her life takes a bit more inspiration from the more well-known Egyptian queen.
Cleopatra Dovecote née Herz was well known for the unfortunate accidents that befalled her spouses / lovers. Some of which weren't her fault. And I think I thought it'd be interesting to make her a reason for the crime allegations with the Dovecote name. Blaise Zabini's mother from Harry Potter was a bit of inspo here too haha. As was Andromache of the myths.
And like Andromache (of the myths) and Cleopatra (the queen), our Cleopatra was always meant to outlive her beloved. Also I think I started with Clemensia's parents having this love story, and it spilled over to giving the Dovecotes in general having this reputation of love matches / grand love stories.
She does find love again after Hector's death, but he still occupies a great part of her heart. Ultimately, her love for him sort of leads to her death. This happens quite early on in the first rebellion, so unlike Hector, she gets to meet Clemensia. But had she not returned home that day for his wedding ring, she wouldn't have died when her building collapsed.
I think I've made jokes about Hector attracting a type: tall, dark, and a little murderous (+ musical in that both Cleo and Max play piano)
But despite Cleopatra and Max being similar, they differ in that Cleopatra is able to accept that the Districts is part of him. She understands that he will travel between the Capitol and the Districts. A more recent thought I've added to Cleopatra, is that she took the time to learn about 11's wedding tradition when she tried to propose (making a grass woven ring).
Meanwhile, Max is kind of in love with a version of Hector that he sees. If they were in a relationship, he would support Hector in theory, but it's more so words than actions.
Thanks for the ask!! This was really fun to think about :)
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Sword gays showdown, round 2, bracket two
For Zagreus:
- He uses different weapons, but his first one is Stygius, blade of the underworld
- His weapons can take different forms based on past & future wielders, one of these forms is Excalibur
- Uses said sword to escape the underworld
- Defeats the furies, Theseus, the bull of Minos, and Hades himself with it
- Relentless determination, every time he dies he just starts again without hesitation
- CANONICALLY bisexual and polyamorous, he can be with Megaera the Fury and Thanatos and if you choose both there is open communication about polyamory
- Also canonically qpps with Dusa, who is canonically acearo and disabled
- childhood friends to exes to enemies to lovers with Meg, they regularly fight to the death but since their deaths aren't permanent it's no biggie
- Zagreus will drop everything during an escape attempt to go fishing which isn't relevant to the poll but it's important for you to know
Unhinged and iconic 
For Andy:
she is master of weapons, and also just a queen in general. also also, she’s highkey the pinnacle of gay pining (girlfriend trapped in a cycle of death/rebirth at the bottom of the ocean, and andy spent centuries looking for her to rescue her)
Has been a sword (or more commonly a labrys, or improvised weapon) gay for thousands of years
She's an unknowably old immortal and unspeakably skilled in any/all forms of combat. She typically uses her signature axe but per the other characters, "she's forgotten more ways to kill than entire armies will ever learn." Until recently, an unkillable gay (at least not permanently). She's bitter, she's badass, she's even bisexual. Peace and love on planet Earth.
Andromache is super tough, strong, and can beat anyone in a fight. She can also beat the bury the gays allegations as she can die but does not stay dead. She has been alive since est. 4700 BCE and has been protecting humanity with her blade skills for over 6000 years. She has been the leaders of various communities and worshiped as a goddess in several cultures. Andy is the founding member of the Old Guard, where she fights side-by-side with her life long love Quyuh (or Noriko as she is known in the comics, who is also a badass warrior and archer). Andy knows countless languages and is an expert in all weapons but her main weapon of choice is her labrys (a very lesbian blade weapon, so I hope it can be excused that it is not a sword). She has forgotten more ways to kill a man than any person/army will ever know in their lives. And yet even with this ferocious and tough skill-set, she is still so kindhearted, caring, passionate, selfless and protective of her found family and will do anything for them and for her love (even during the present complicated situation which i will not outline bc spoilers for The Old Guard). Please vote for Andy, she is a lesbian and wlw icon <3
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buffy-vanserra · 3 months ago
Okay ACOTAR fans who also like pop music — here's a list I put together of which main pop girls I think various characters would listen to!
Lucien  - Taylor Swift
I submit for your consideration: Lucien the Swiftie. This just makes sense to me; maybe it’s because he’s secure in his masculinity and knows how to devote himself to a woman? When it comes to Taylor lore he plays it casual, but we all know Lucien’s a gossip at heart. He. Knows. Everything. His favorite era is a toss-up between Red and Lover.
Elain - Lana Del Rey
A longtime fan who helped popularize the flower crown trend back in the day, Elain just really connects with moody ballads. Lana’s dark-fantasy-meets-old-Hollywood-glamour aesthetic syncs up so well with Elain’s post-cauldron image as the sweet, beautiful, and kind of creepy Archeron sister.
Cassian - Sabrina Carpenter
He’s working late…'cause he’s a general. Okay, this one is mostly because I just love the mental image of Cassian training to bubblegum pop. But it also feels true to character? Also, once you start listening to Please Please Please from the perspective of early-ACOSF-Cassian thinking about Nesta, you can't go back.
Nesta - Billie Eilish
When she’s not fangirling to K-pop with Gwyn and Emerie, Nesta is absolutely connecting with her inner sad girl by listening to Billie while she works through her trauma. With so many songs exploring themes of self-deprecation and existential angst, Billie’s music is giving Nesta the catharsis she needs.
Rhys - Dua Lipa
Because like Rhys, Dua always looks like she belongs on a luxury yacht in the Mediterranean. She’s cool, she’s detached, she’s drinking top shelf liquor that you can’t pronounce the name of. Rhys doesn’t listen to a lot of pop music, but he’ll go on about the production value and genre significance of Future Nostalgia.
Feyre - Lorde
Okay, I struggled with this one. Mostly because Feyre strikes me as someone who wouldn’t 1) listen to pop music or 2) have super current music tastes. If anything, she’s into Hozier and Noah Kahan. That said, back when she was human, she’d listen to Pure Heroine on repeat while hunting for dinner in the woods.
Tamlin - Olivia Rodrigo
Self-loathing and angry, Olivia’s lyrics really hit for Tamlin when he’s in his post-breakup feels and/or preparing for his next crash out. He definitely listened to Good 4 U to hype himself up before the High Lord meeting. (Also, he wishes he could go back in time to tell Rhys’s mom that her son sucks.)
Eris - Ariana Grande
Listen, Ariana is that diva, and so is Eris. Songs like Yes, And? and Thank U, Next really speak to Eris’s hyper-confident and dismissive persona, while lyrics like “I'll play the villain if you need me to” may as well be direct quotes of his. Plus, they both know a thing or two about dealing with bad press. Unapologetic and bold, Ari and Eris are cut from the same cloth.
Morrigan - Chappell Roan
I don’t care if this is too on the nose; high femme sapphic Mor is the one who taught the IC the HOT TO GO! dance. (Well, she successfully taught Cassian.) I just know she’s singing along to Good Luck, Babe thinking about her former mortal lover Andromache who left her for a man after the first war with Hybern. Meanwhile — I say this with love — given her messy track record, she's got exes all over Prythian thinking of her when they hear this song.
Azriel - Charli XCX
Azriel is brat. It doesn’t matter what season it is, he’s living that 365 party girl lifestyle. Who needs sleep anyway? Not Azriel. His shadows are everywhere — so Julia. Sympathy is a knife (called Truth Teller). I’m sure this one comes as no surprise; after that CC bonus chapter it's practically canon that Azriel would be very active on the hyperpop scene if it existed in Prythian.
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sophsicle · 1 year ago
i've come here to talk to you about my undying love for hektor because i think you would both appreciate and understand me....
like he is so special and so charming and so so so "gentle" in the midst of so many terrible things. obviously he is a killer but he has such humanity, like im reading multiple translations of the iliad for my grad class and i cant believe how that kindness is carried over in so many of the translations they don't leave it out, ever
AND ANDROMACHE! when she says "you've been a father to me and my mother and my brother because they all have been killed" i FEEL SO BROKEN
Yeah I am very obsessed with Hector I am actually obsessed in general with the way that the iliad does not follow the narrative structure that the western novel later develops, i would argue that is at least partially due to the influence of Christianity and the desire to have cut and dry "good" and "bad" characters
the Trojans are not the bad guys in the iliad, even tho technically it is being written from the greek perspective, arguably Agamemnon is the bad guy, or at least the least likeable character, imo, so it is not a case of good guys v. bad guys.
and achilles is our hero, and patroclus is his humanity, and is beloved by everyone, and Hector. Hector who is not a bad guy. Hector who is a very good man, actually. very loyal, decent, honourable, hector kills him. which is like. ugh. brutal. and patroclus is achillles' everything. and he is torn apart by grief and so are you, as the reader, and you want revenge but like, on who? on who? because hector is not a bad guy. he was not even in the wrong for killing patroclus (whomst he thought was achilles) but he did kill him. he did. and that hurts.
so you get the climatic fight scene. but that fight scene is not between the good guy and the bad guy like we're used to seeing today. it is between a very good guy. and a very heart broken guy. and you feel for them both. you understand them both. you root for them both.
and so achilles kills hector. and it isn't really satisfying. or heroic. it is shameful actually. and it doesn't make him feel any better. and it doesn't bring patroclus back.
in fact the real peace, comes not from the battle, from the killing, but from Priam. Hector's father. who comes to Achilles, alone, and unarmed and begs for his son. and the two bond over their shared grief.
it is so human, right? like, there are no heroes or villains in this story. there are just people, fighting a war, not a war for good or evil, just a war for land. and power. and hearts are broken and lives are ruined and there is no real purpose.
but the story bleeds.
it bleeds with the love of sons. and fathers. and brothers. and lovers. and it just-
i love that hector is such a likeable guy, because it would be so much less beautiful a story if he wasn't. it would be too easy and too simple.
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nikethestatue · 5 months ago
do you think Az and Mor could be mates? Since he wanted to invoke the blood duel against Eris.
I've been asked this many times and my answer always remained a firm 'no'.
I think generally, this is a theory that is heavily anti Elriel coloured, because antis like to point out that Mor would always be the number one choice and Elain is just a rebound and if Azriel had his way he'd be with Mor.
So I am not into this idea in general, but I think that conceptually, it makes no sense.
I don't see how a gay person could be mated with a straight person, and vice versa. Even with an imperfect Cauldron and the potential for 'strong babies' it's still very icky and I don't think SJM would go there.
It's like giving Thesan a female mate, while his captain, lover and companion is standing on the side, looking on. That just doesn't work.
By definition, a mate bond is a highly sexual thing--to go into a frenzy, they might commit crimes in order to get to their mate. So say Azriel would be a less controlled man--then what, he's be raping Mor? Because she is not willing to have ongoing sex with him? That makes no sense.
I think the mystery there is around Eris and Mor, not Mor and Azriel. And I think that there are people who know about Mor's sexuality--among them Amren, for sure, and Feyre, obviously, and probably some people in Rita's. Andromache knew. But I also think that Eris knows. And that's why Mor is so freaked out around him--I think she is scared that he is going to reveal her secret. And frankly, I think Azriel also knows, but he keeps it on the DL and doesn't show it.
If Eris is potentially a bloodhound, he might have scented something in her. Something, that she might not have realized herself yet. But he left her there, and she still doesn't or didn't know back then that he knew her secret. He might have known even before she fully understood.
But no, I don't think that Az and Mor are mates. I think BD is just an Autumn tradition. But not exclusive to mates.
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smallraindrops-blog · 6 months ago
Across The River
A ‘Wake me From This Dreaming’ interlude
Word count: 3.5k
Summary: A river flowed onward, heedless of the shades.
Warnings: no beta, angst, mentions of violence, rape, child death, implied suicide and ideations ( in a way)
notes: part of WMFTD. I am still working on the core part of the story but I hope this will help tide over in the meantime. Thank everyone for waiting.
The Masterlist
In the solemn peace, River Lethe flowed through Elysium. Its pale mist looked soft, inviting like clouds of a childish dream. If one stood close enough, there might be something in there in the waters, calling to them. 
Perhaps it would be a lover’s face, peering up under the fan of lashes. The gentle smile of an exhausted mother as she reached out. A father’s deep voice calling for his children.
Hector of Troy saw only the cloudy waters, the Lethe had nothing to offer him. Yet.
Not for the first time, he allowed his fingers to dip in. It was refreshing, like the cold water that came from the mountains, water so clean it would almost taste sweet. 
It would be so easy to lean down for a sip.
“Hector.” His wife called out, her voice pitched in the way it often did when she saw him near the river. His son was blabbering in those sweet baby noises of his.
With a smile, Hector stood, turning to go over to Andromache and little Astyanax. His son let out a squeal when he saw Hector, his chubby legs kicking. Hector took him, tickling the fat fold under his neck to get a laugh.
Andromache smiled as she watched, shifting her shawl tighter around her shoulders. 
Once Hector had tossed Astyanax into the air as he often did before but Andromeda had screamed in horror when she saw Astyanax mid-air, running over to a surprised Hector and yanking their crying son out of Hector’s arms, shaking with tears.
She had apologized afterwards, her beautiful eyes red and puffy. 
Hector had never done it again.
“Are you behaving for your mama?” Hector asked his baby, grinning at the nonsensical sounds he got in return. 
“He discovered that grass is edible today.” Andromache sighed, looking at Astyanax with a fond smile. Hector liked seeing her like this. His Andromache had always been a gentle soul and being a mother suited her well.
“I can’t say I blame him, it is delicious.” Hector teased, his grin widening at the cool glare his wife gave him. “What? Our son clearly agrees with me.”
Astyanax squealed, bringing both parents’ eyes toward him. With a cheeky smirk, Hector bounced their son in his arms. “See?”
Andromache gave them both an unimpressed look, but there was a hidden smile in those dark eyes of hers.
Hector didn’t like to think himself a bitter man. 
When he drew breath, he wasn’t. He had his duties, many that he detested but he was never one to sulk for long unlike stormy and bold Cassandra or his entitled brother Paris. 
But when his son was asleep on his chest, his downy hair brushing Hector’s skin, acid would grow in his guts. 
His son was punished for actions he never took, for crimes committed by others. When he had learned it was Achilles’ son that had killed his son and his father. The brutal way he did…
Hector only felt a dark visceral satisfaction that he at least took the person Achilles had held most dear. Sometimes, Hector thought about how he would have prolonged that man’s suffering, both Achilles’ and Patroclus’ if he had only known what was to come.
Sometime Hector wished that he had killed Achilles’ other son, the one that loomed over almost everyone else.  
There was a chance once, if Hector had allowed his spear to fly, shining in the sunlight. His aim would have landed true, that he was sure of. 
But he felt it was wrong to kill a son in front of a father, even one foul as Achilles so he stayed his hand and took someone else’s life. He took a stranger’s son instead.
Other times, Hector wished that he had tossed aside his damn pride, his own thirst for glory and taken Andromache and their son far away, the gleaming city of Troy nothing but a speck in the distance.
It was the flash of red that caught his eye, bright and fiery in the gentle lights of Elysium.
He watched her stumbled toward the river leate, her copper rich hair spilling down her back like a waterfall. She was so tall, her flesh so golden one could have mistaken her as a goddess.
Maybe he should say something but what could he say? To tell her that she shouldn’t try to feel the heat of a summer sun on her upturned face once more, to never have the ocean white foam rush over her bare feet?
but she was his sister and he couldn’t bear the idea of her existence being eased. 
Not her. 
Hector was yelling out, running down the path toward the river. He was too far away for her to hear.
She fell to her knees, staring down at the river. Hector realized she was crying. However even in all of her pain, she held herself with a grace only a born queen could have.  
He screamed out again, running and running. He felt as if he was standing still.
Cassandra looked up, right at him. Her mouth twisted in pain. 
She took one lingering glance at him, her eyes divinely made and doomed by the treads of fate. Hector thought she mouthed something but he couldn’t be sure.
Then, she turned away, the pain was an iron spear deep in his throat, sharpened to a deadly point. 
Cassandra leaned down, her chest heaving as she tenderly skimmed her fingers on the surface. Her copper fire hair was a simmering veil, hiding her expression from Hector but he swore that it appeared she gave the gentle waters a kiss.
For a breathless moment, Hector didn’t exist, he was back in Troy with her small hand in his as they hurried down the hallways, golden light coming through the windows and they were laughing. 
They were happy.
Then graceful as a swan, his little sister slipped in and under the waters, not a single ripple breaking the surface.
He collapsed onto his belly when he reached it, his arms in the river as if she would still be in reach. The cool water flowed gently around his biceps, his panting causing faint ripples to appear. 
There was nothing there. Not anymore. It was all just a mist now. A dream.
Hector of Troy pulled away and knelt on his knees, uncaring of the water damping his tunic. His cheeks were wet as well, his eyes burning.
He watched the river for a long time after that, but the river flowed onward, the delicate fog dancing over the soft grassy plains. 
It didn’t quite settle in that his baby will never grow until he saw the fine grays in his beloved Andromache’s dark hair. The lines around her smile.
They never spoke of what happened to her after the war. The idea of it left a bad taste on Hector’s mouth. The thought of men touching Andromache had made Hector want to pick up his spear and go hunting.
If Andromache had wanted it, if they had been kind and gentle to her, courted her with the respect she was due then maybe Hector could have lived with it but they didn’t.
They never did.
In a hush, broken whisper, she had warned him that Astyanax had brothers. From that monster. Her slim fingers trembling as she let it out, her cheek flushed, damp with tears as she recalled the shameful acts placed upon her. 
In a cruel twist of the fates, Astyanax was bound to his own murderer by his mother’s womb.
It hurt. 
That the fates had allowed Pyrrhus’ sons to live when Hector’s didn’t.
He didn't remember much after he left, his spear in a trembling fist and white hot rage blinding his sight. He had prayed he would find one of them. Achilles, Pyrrhus or his three sons, Y/N or Patroclus although neither of the last two had committed those sins against Hector.
It would hurt Achilles, soul deep like it did Hector and that would have been enough.
When Hector returned, burnt like a candle on both ends, his form crumbling like the walls of his city, he had buried his head in Andromache’s lap. His hands desperately fisting in her fine skirts like a fool clinging to a deathless goddess for supplication, for her forgiveness.
“Hector.” Andromache whispered, her hands tangling in his dark locks. “Hector, it is okay now. They can’t touch us here.”
He wept like a newborn babe, fat tears rolling down into his beard. She murmured gentle words, comforting him with her gentle touch, when Hector should have been the one to comfort her.
How? How could he tell her that it wasn’t right? 
Astyanax should have grown up. 
The warm sun on his back, the salty spray of ocean waters on his cheeks, his eyes closed in pleasure of a perfect summer day.
His own dark curls should have shone with olive oil like his mother’s. He should have grown strong and broad like Hector. He should have been able to smile at Hector with his own cheeky grin. He never got a chance to listen to his grandfather’s stories.
He should have been able to learn his numbers, to learn of the heroes before him. He never tasted the sweetness of pomegranates, the rich bloom of a red wine on his tongue.
Astyanax should have a chance to fall in love, to make his own mark in Time’s sands. 
So many should haves that it would be impossible to list. Those invaders from the seas had their children grow. It felt like they had stolen the sands from Astyanax’s hourglass for themselves.
Did she cry out for him in the end? For him to rise from the dead to save them all? 
He didn’t ask. It would have been too cruel to them both, to remind her of her darkest moments and for him to know for sure.
One fact remained among the ruins of his soul.
Hector of Troy had failed. 
He had failed as a son, as a husband, as a warrior but most importantly, he had failed as a Father.
They never spoke of it again.
He had once seen Patroclus in the markets although the man didn’t spot him, pointing at an open scroll with his son leaning over his shoulder, his bulky arms crossed over his chest. 
It looked as if this was something they did regularly, a father and son shopping trip.
The noise of the crowd had been drowned out by the blood rushing to his ears. His skin had gone cold.
What could Hector say? 
That he was sorry, Patroclus was a needless casualty? That Hector wanted to kill Achilles, to settle the matter once and for all? That a part of him wished he had made Patroclus’ death more bloody, that he had killed Y/N as well, just to make the hurt all the worst?
Hector had turned around and left as his bitterness and rage tried to soak into him like poison. 
Hector was staring at the flowing river again. 
The boatman was coming by, new shades in his boats. He won’t stop here, Hector saw there were no warriors on this boat. 
Most of them looked like commoners. They had likely spent their days under the sun, hands in the earth, or selling merchandise in the open air markets. A child was crying, so faint but it was like a lion roar in his ears.
The babe’s mother shushed them, her own tiny form curled around them protectively. There was no man with them, trying to help comfort the child and woman.
Andromache joined him, with Hector helping her sit next to him. They sat there, looking over the cliff. Little Astyanax was dozing in the bassinet they made for him, contentedly gumming on his fist in his sleep.
“My brooding husband.” Andromache sighed. She took his hand between her two delicate ones, her skin so much more softer than his. Hector glanced down, choosing to admire his wife over the river. 
She was paler than he was, often tucked away from the sun to do her weaving on the loom or tend to her duties as Lady of the house. 
The contrast of her hands around his large one, her skin fine as petals while his skin was calloused, deepened by the years in the sunlight and hard work.
Hector covered her hand on top with his, running his thumb on her soft skin.
“Yes, my love?” Hector teased with a playful kiss on her cheek. She flushed a rosy pink, just like she had dozens of times before, like she had done when they wedded in his family’s gardens. 
Andromache smiled at first but then it faded. Her dark eyes glanced at the river, and Hector followed her line of sight. 
They didn’t speak for a long time. 
Quietly, as she was admitting a sin, she whispered. “It isn’t fair.”
”No.” Hector agreed, bitterness growing in his voice. He couldn’t hide if he tried.
They both knew they were speaking of. For themselves and for their son. The river looked so peaceful, so quiet.
Would it be like going to sleep, only to wake up as someone else?
When something wet landed on Hector’s knuckles, he realized that Andromache was crying. Hector pulled her into a tight embrace, cupping the back of her head, letting her cry into his chest and pressing gentle kisses on top of her curls.
“He won’t remember us.” Andromache weeped. “I won’t remember him. Or you.” 
Hector shushed her even as she spoke the truth. 
“I hate them all.” She snarled like a wild thing, pulling away to stare into his eyes. “I hate them all, Hector. They killed him-“ 
Her voice cracked, sobbing once more. “My baby-“
Hector held her as she sobbed, his own tears falling down his face. He held his heartbroken wife as the river flowed onwards, carrying countless mortals’ memories in its gentle waters.
When Pyrrhus had stolen away the gentle god of sleep from the House of Hades then his downfall into Tartarus itself, the stories grew like wildfire. It had even reached Hector and Andromache, hidden as they were. 
Hector couldn’t find himself to be sorry about it. He only felt a hard satisfaction that the gods had finally punished the monster of their own making. 
“Let the furies’ righteous hands deal with him. They know a worm when they see one.” He told his wife who had been oddly quiet since the news arrived.
Andromache nodded, fixing Astyanax’s messy hair with a gentle hand. Her expression was distant, her mouth in a tight frown. Hector wanted to call for her, to bring that shining light back to her dark eyes.
Then she began crying, covering her mouth with her hand as her shoulders shook. Astyanax blinked up at her, his little mouth parted in confusion. He reached up to her, his little hand on her chin. He frowned at Hector like he was responsible.
"My love?” Hector fell to her side, his hands on her arms as he tried to understand why the news would make her weep so. She took a deep breath, trying to pull herself back together. 
She gave Astyanax a weak smile, kissing his hand before she sighed. “I- I’m happy.”
Andromache laughed brokenly, looking at him. Her dark eyes gleamed like the night skies, full of stars. “It won’t take back what he did but I can rest now. We can rest now. I won’t have to fear waking up to see him looming by my bedside-”
She began crying again. “Thank the gods, thank gods we never will see him again.” and Hector just held her. 
It was all he could do now. 
Maybe now some of the healing for his family could actually begin. 
Eventually, it was Andromache who suggested the idea. And they had been arguing non-stop for hours now, going in circles at this point.
”Well, what else is there for him then?” His patient wife snapped. “We both agree he deserves a chance to grow up too.”
Hector stared at her in muted shock even though he knew she wasn't wrong. He had the same thoughts countless times but he never dared to say it outloud. 
She jutted her chin out stubbornly, her slim hands folded in her lap. Their son was playing with a wooden horse toy that he had found on the ground.
Andromache had allowed him to keep it, claiming that she wouldn't let the Greeks take that small joy from them as well.
”It is a good idea.” Andromache said. “Surely this god of sleep will hear our plea. Especially after meeting that monster. We cannot be the first family who wished to stay together.”
Hector pitched his brow and sighed. “You know of his relationship with them? Right?”
There was no need between husband and wife to clarify about whom they were speaking of. It came out after Pyrrhus had stolen away the sleep god that he had taken Achilles’ other son as a lover.
It was said that the brothers were fighting out of petty jealousy the whole time. Hector had only rolled his eyes when he heard. The more things changed, the more they stayed the same.
“He can help us find the pool of memories.” Andromache coaxed, her expression hopeful. “I know he will help us. I just do.”
Hector sighed again, looking at both of them. Astyanax was biting down on the horse’ head, meeting Hector’s eyes with a gummy smile.
“Fine.” Hector agreed, even though his guts twisted at the thought of being near those people again. “Once the House allows outsiders again, we will go and plead our case.”
Andromache beamed at him, hurrying over to hug him. Hector returned the hug, burying his face in his wife’s hair. 
He prayed this was the right decision.
It was Andromache's concerned voice that had Hector grabbing his spear as he joined his family outside the home. His wife was frowning at something far away and over the cliff, bending down to pick up Astyanax.
Hector didn’t hear any sound of fighting nor any screaming. But with how Andromache was acting, it was enough to scare her.
Elysium’s gentle lights should have made it easier to see any danger but... Maybe it was just Hector, but it seemed dimmer than normal, darker. It was wrong somehow.
“What is it?” He asked once he was close enough. Andromache nodded toward the river. “Look at it.”
Since Hector’s arrival to Elysium, the river Lethe had been a constant. The river moved so slowly that it appeared still, the beauty hiding the dangerous undercurrent under the fine mist.
Something had changed.
The lethe was racing down the land, the once peaceful waters had turned to rapids, white foamy waves spilling over the grounds. The fogs had grown heavier and grayer as well, thick as rain clouds. 
“What in the Hades?” Hector swore, tightening his hand on his spear. He wasn’t the only one. He saw a few of the amazons on the opposing cliff side of him, watching the river with the same worried expression. 
Their queen arrived, golden in her glory. Hector rarely spoke to her, her own sunlight locks had always reminded him too much of Achilles. She glanced toward Hector with a questioning frown and all he gave a shrug. 
A few of the warriors who must have been fighting near the river had abandoned their battle for now, stepping away from the river as they watched it grow more and more chaotic.
”Hector? Have you ever seen this before?” Andromache tightened her hold on Astyanax. She was looking toward him for an answer, for safety. He shook his head, hating that he had fallen short once more.
”No.” he said, not daring to look away. 
Was this Asphodel all over again? Was the river going to devour everyone in the area, like the blasted river Phlegethon? Hector and his family were high up but who knew how far this river would travel.
They weren’t ready yet. They still needed to find the pool of memories- they needed to go the House-
Then it stopped. The river went utterly, unnaturally still, quiet as a grave.
No one moved.
Hector heard it, the faint rushing of water and he tore his eyes away from the river and toward the tallest cliffside, the only one blocked away from shades, the one with a handful of poppies on the edge.
For a breathless moment, there was nothing. 
Then it came, rushing over the mountains and down on the land like an impossible avalanche of cloudy water. So huge that one could look from miles away and never see the sheer mass of it all. 
Screams of those too close were swallowed up in moments, now stolen away forever. 
”RUN!” The booming roar of the Amazon Queen broke over the sound of the oncoming doom, “Run for your lives!”
He immediately abandoned his spear, grabbing and lifting up his loved ones in his arms. 
Andromache screamed out, curling her body around Astyanax. 
He ran.
Hector ran, faster and harder than he ever had before. 
Only Achilles in his insanity had inspired such speed from Hector, but this time his family was in his arms, and he would not fail them again.
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helpmeimblorboing · 7 months ago
So, I was thinking - it seems unfair that I just keep all info on my projects to myself up until release day, right ?
But also I can’t exactly start posting about all of them. That would be chaos
So here’s what I’m going to do. I’m gonna make a poll - where y’all can vote on which project I talk about first, or most
If there are any specific topics from my projects you would like to see info on, my inbox is open - plus, you can comment it below this post
And for those who don’t know, these are my projects -
1) Crimson Redux - a fully original story about a world where supernatural forces, dictated by the influences of three godlike (and mostly unknown) entities - Alexithymia, Dysthymia and Dysphoria. Follow James Barker, the son of a serial killer, as he tries his best to navigate his way through this world, dealing with love, loss and action as he does
2) Lion’s Mane (WIP title) - This is just a retelling of the story of Alexander the Great and his lover Hephaestion
3) Take My Heart - A modern AU, and supremely angsty Patrochilles fanfic where Achilles is the heir to a massive corporation dissatisfied with his life, and Patroclus is the indie musical artist whose videos he comes across one day
This is actually an excerpt from it
4) Tearing Tides - The story of an immortal, once Andromache, the wife of Hector of Troy, blessed with immortality by the Gods, following him through the years as he meets with ancient historical figures and fellow demigods alike, until he makes his way to modern day. Technically a PJO fanfic
5) Avatar Crew - An AU of The Magnus Archives where Slaughter Avatar Melanie King, Spiral Avatar Michael Distortion, Desolation Avatar Tim Stoker, Eye Avatar Jonathan Sims, and Web Avatar Annabelle Cane all get together to form the one big Avatar family, each member helping the others to feed, with occasional intercessions from a similarly symbiotic Hunt Avatar Daisy Tonner and Flesh Avatar Jared Hopworth.
At least, right up until Jon has a change of heart and leaves the Crew for less bloodstained pastures, rooming with Lonely Avatar Martin Blackwood
6) Sunlit Prince (WIP title) - A VERY barebones project, but basically a retelling of the Iliad and the stories preceding it from the perspective of Hector of Troy
7) Vine-wrapped Gold (WIP title) - equally barebones project, but basically a retelling of the Epic of Gilgamesh
8) Silver-sheen Traitor (WIP title) - perhaps the most barebones out of them all, but a slightly modernized (and very gay) retelling of the Bible from Judas’ perspective
Now, I can’t in good faith offer to post about the last three projects (mostly because I’m still trying to figure out what to do with them, and if I should even try) so please don’t comment about them
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