#android studio golang
aistechnolab · 2 years
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As a renowned golang android development company or android studio golang, Our expert team provides comprehensive Golang Android development services to create powerful and reliable apps for your business needs.
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nelsonseo567 · 2 years
Best Golang Android Development Company - AIS Technolabs
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As a renowned golang android development company or android studio golang, AIS Technolabs provides cost-effective solutions using advanced technology. Our experts can turn your ideas into amazing experiences that will set you apart from the crowd. Get a Quote Now!
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aisappdevelopment · 2 years
Reputed Golang Android Development Company - AIS Technolabs
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As a renowned golang android development company or android studio golang, AIS Technolabs provides cost-effective solutions using advanced technology. Our experts can turn your ideas into amazing experiences that will set you apart from the crowd. Get a Quote Now!
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evgenevru · 1 month
Все курсы программирования на 2024 год
1С-Битрикс  1С-программирование  ASP.NET Android  Android Studio  Angular Ansible Apache Kafka Apache Spark Arduino Backend-разработчик  Bash Bootstrap Bubble C#  C++ CI/CD Dart  Data Science  DevOps 
DevSecOps Django  Docker  Elasticsearch  Flask  Flutter  Frontend-разработка Fullstack разработчик GIT  Golang  HTML/CSS  IoT  Java  Javascript Kotlin Kubernetes  Laravel  MS SQL  Machine learning  Node.js PHP  Pentest PostgreSQL PyTorch  Python  Автоматизация QA React Ruby  Ruby on Rails  Rust программирование Selenium  Solidity  Spring  WordPress  XML  iOS  Администрирование системы Windows  Алгоритмы программирования Архитектор ПО   Блокчейн  Веб-разработка  Визуализация данных  Информационная безопасность Кибербезопасность Компьютерная грамотность Компьютерное зрение Математический анализ  Микросервисная архитектура Мобильная разработка  Нагрузочное тестирование  Нейронные сети  Программирование на Swift  Разработка игр  Робототехника  Сетевой инженер  Системное администрирование  Создание сайтов  Тестировщик игр  Управление и программирование дронов 
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thecodernet · 5 years
Programming languages in 2020 Programming languages in 2020 : Hello friends, there is a high demand for programming languages in today's time and it will be increased in the future, so programming jobs are getting a good salary at today's time average position. In the tech world, knowledge of any one programming language increases the value of your resumé.  If you are new to the profession of software development, the most challenging part of learning programming is choosing where to start. There are hundreds of programming languages ​​in large-scale use, each with its own complexities and unknowns.  The good news is that as you start your journey as a software developer, you will start to know which programming language will be best satisfied for you, your concerns and career purposes.  These programming languages are accepted in every sector. For example, financial and enterprise systems require programming languages like Java and C # to perform many complex functions and to be highly organized. Media and design-related webpages and software want powerful, varied or operative languages such as Ruby, PHP, JavaScript, and Objective-C. Best Programming Languages in 2020:  Python Programming Language:   Python is a high-level, server-side scripting language for websites and mobile apps.  Python It is recognized as an easy language for newcomers due to its readability and compressed syntax, Meaning developers can describe the concept by using only several lines of code. These web apps control, such as Instagram, Pinterest, and Rdio. Google it, Yahoo! And NASA also uses. The programming language presents a great starting point for newcomers. Talking about people who are looking for a better job, you should definitely learn Python! A lot of Startups are using Python as their basic backend stack and therefore, this opens up a large opportunity for full-stack Python developers. Learn Python from Here:  1. Udemy  2.Coding Ninjas. Java Programming Language:  Java is a class-based, object-oriented programming language that Sun Microsystems discovered in the 1990s. Java It is one of the most demanding programming languages, which is also used in business software, web-based content, games and mobile apps, and the Android operating system.  Java is also generally used in Android App development. Almost any industry today needs Android applications due to the fact that there are billions of Android users now. This opens up a huge opportunity for Java developers, given the fact that Google has built an excellent Java-based Android development framework - Android Studio. Java has been designed in such a way that you can apply it in multiple software platforms. For example, a program designed for Mac OS X can also be applied in Windows. Learn JAVA from here: 1.Udemy  2.W3school C++ Programming Language:  C ++ is an intermediate-level language with object-oriented programming features that are originally designed and support C language.  C ++ major software alike Firefox powers Winamp and Adobe programs. It is used to improve systems software, application software, high-performance servers, client applications, and video games. C ++ also allows something called STL - Standard Template Library. STL is a supply of ready-to-use libraries for different data structures, arithmetic operations, and algorithms. Library support and language speed make it a popular choice in the high-frequency trading community as well. Learn C++ from here: 1.Learncpp  2.Codecademy also read: What is Programming Language and Machine Language? JavaScript Programming Language:   JavaScript is a customer and server-side scripting language that Netscape has created. Most of its syntax is obtained from C.  It can be used on various web browsers and it can be used to develop animated web functions.  It is also used in making game development and desktop applications. JavaScript editors are used in Google's Chrome extensions, Apple's Safari extensions, Adobe Acrobat and Reader, and Adobe's Creative Suite. There are also several libraries and FRAMEWORKS to make JavaScript development more accessible. Some of the most popular frameworks include Angular, React, Vue, Ember, and jQuery. A JavaScript developer will require experience with one or more of these.  Learn JavaScript from here: 1.W3School 2.Codecademy. Go Programming Language:  Go, also known as Golang, is a programming language designed by Google.  Go gives superior support for multithreading and therefore, it is being used by a lot of businesses that rely massively on distributed systems.  Go is generally used in startups in Silicon Valley. However, it is yet to be used by Indian companies/startups. Those who want to join a valley-based startup practicing in core systems should understand Golang. Learn GO from here:  1.Golang 2.guru99 R Programming Language:   R programming language is one of the most generally used programming languages ​​for data analysis and machine learning.  R gives excellent frameworks and built-in libraries to develop powerful machine learning algorithms.  R is used for common statistical computing as well as graphics. R is well used by enterprises. Those who want to join the "analytics" team of a large organization must definitely learn R. Learn R from here:   1.Codecademy.  2.Guru99 Swift Programming Language:   Swift is the programming language used to develop iOS applications.  iOS-based devices are becoming frequently popular. For example, the Apple iPhone has captured a significant market share and is giving a tough competition to Android.  Therefore, those who want to serve this community can master Swift programming. Learn Swift from here:  1.Tutorialspoint. PHP Programming Language: PHP (Hypertext Processor) is a free, server-side scripting language created for powerful websites and app development.  It can be quickly embedded as an HTML source document without building any external file, which is why it is a famous programming language for web developers.  PHP controls more than 200 million websites, such as WordPress, Digg, and Facebook. Those who want to join a very prosperous older organization as back-end developers should try to learn Php programming. Learn PHP from here:  1.W3school  2.Codecademy  also read: Database Management System - Everything about DBMS-MySQL C# Programming Language:  It is pronounced as "C-sharp," C # is a multi-paradigm language that Microsoft has created and is a part of the .NET initiative.  It combines the principles of C and C ++, C # is a general-purpose language to develop software for Microsoft and Windows platforms. Are done. C # is a general-purpose programming language developed by Microsoft. C # is popularly used to build the back-end of Windows Phone applications. Learn C# from here:   1. Codecademy  2.Javapoint SQL Programming Language:  Structured Query Language (SQL) is a special-purpose language used in database management systems to handle data.  It is usually used for the "Query" function, which searches informational databases. SQL was standardized in the 1980s by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Learn SQL from here:   1. Khanacademy  2. Guru99  Conclusion: These are all very best points about which you can create Programming languages in 2020. Let us tell you that on all these Best Points you can create both videos and text content.   If you have any doubts about this article or you want that there should be some improvement in it, then for this you can write the below comments. If you liked this post on Programming languages in 2020 or got to learn something, then please share this post on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites. Wait wait wait ................👀👀 Here a meme for You Funny top 10 programming languages of the future, top 10 programming languages 2020, most in-demand programming languages 2020, most popular programming languages,, the best programming language for software development top trending programming languages
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mariakwallace · 3 years
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educationtech · 4 years
The 9 Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2020 - Arya College
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Top Programming Languages
In today’s competitive world, programming is likely to become the most significant part of basic literacy. However, students of top engineering colleges in India get never satisfied by learning one type of engineering. Some languages are more widespread but no language answers all communication needs like programming. Every language has its own uses and sphere of application.
The most significant skill to learn today is to know how to write a computer program. Also, the computers have entered almost every industry like the digital speedometer in your bike, autopilot in an aircraft, or computers in various forms surround us. Computers are useful for every organization.
The developer and programming communities are emerging at a faster rate than ever before. With the advent of time, different new programming languages are available for different categories of developers, including beginners, intermediate, and experts for different use cases like a web application, mobile applications, game development, distributed system, etc. Beginners of top engineering colleges confused about the type of programming language they should choose. There are some of the best programming languages to learn in 2020 for better future prospects:
1. Python Programming Language
Python is the most popular programming language. The Language widely accepted as the best programming language to learn for the students of computer science engineering at Top B Tech Colleges. It is easy-to-use, fast, and easy-to-deploy programming language. It is further used to develop scalable web applications. There are some platforms that contain built-in programming languages like YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, SurveyMonkey.
Python provides excellent library support with a large developer community. The programming language provides a great starting point for beginners of engineering college. If you are looking for a better job, you should definitely learn Python. As a primary back-end stack, lots of startups are using Python. In addition, it opens up a huge opportunity for full-stack Python developers.
2. Java
Java is also a popular choice in large organizations. Also widely used for building enterprise-scale web applications. This programming language is extremely stable and many large enterprises have adopted it. Java is the language that students of the Best Engineering College learn in 2020 if you are looking for a development based job at a large organization. Also, it widely used in Android App Development.
Today, almost every business needs an Android Application owing to the fact that there are billions of Android users. This opens up huge opportunities for Java developers. Nobody can deny from the fact that Google has created an excellent Java-based Android development framework which is also popular as Android Studio. Java is easy to moderate and learn.
3. C/C++
C/C++ seems bread and butter of programming. Almost all low-level systems like file systems, operating systems, etc are written in C/C++. If students of Computer Science Engineering at Best B Tech College wish to be a system-level programmer, C/C++ is the language for them to learn. Also, widely used by competitive programmers owing to the fact that extremely fast and stable. C++ provides something called STL or Standard Template Library. In addition, STL is a pool of ready-to-use libraries for various data structures, arithmetic operations, and algorithms. The speed and library support of the language make it a popular choice in the High-frequency trading community as well.
4. JavaScript
JavaScript is the “frontend” type of programming language. It is used widely in order to design interactive front-end applications. For instance, if you click on a button which opens up a popup, the logic is implemented via JavaScript.
In today’s time, most of the organizations, especially startups, are using NodeJS which is a JavaScript-based run-time environment. Node.js allows developers of top engineering colleges to use JavaScript for server-side scripting and run scripts server-side to produce dynamic web page content before sending the page to the web browser of the user. Hence in this way, you can use a single programming language for server-side and client-side scripts. Also, if you are looking for a cool technology job at your favorite startup, you should consider learning JavaScript.
5. Go programming language
The programming language “Go” also known as Golang, built by Google. It provides excellent support for multi-threading. Therefore, Go used by a lot of companies that rely heavily on distributed systems. Also, Go widely used in startups in Silicon Valley. However, it is yet to be adopted by Indian startups or companies. Candidates who wish to join a Valley-based startup specializing in core systems should master Golang from top engineering college in Rajasthan.
6. R
R programming language – The most commonly used programming language for both machine learning and Data Analysis. It provides an excellent framework and built-in libraries in order to develop powerful Machine Learning algorithms. Also, R used for general statistical computing along with the graphics. This language has been well adopted by enterprises or big companies. Students who wish to join the “Analytics” team of a large organization should definitely learn R at Top B Tech College in Rajasthan.
7. Swift
Swift – the programming language used to develop iOS applications. IOS-based devices are becoming increasingly popular with time. For instance, Apple iPhone has captured an important market share and providing tough competition to Android. Therefore, students who wish to serve this community can learn Swift programming.
8. PHP Programming Language
PHP is one of the most popular back-end programming languages. Though PHP is facing tough competition from JavaScript and Python, the market still requires a large number of PHP developers. Students who wish to join a reasonably well old organization as a back-end developer should aim to learn PHP programming from Best Engineering College in Rajasthan.
Thanks for Read our blog, you can check out full blog on official Page Arya College, Arya is one of the Best Engineering College In Jaipur Rajasthan. In This College Many Branches for Engineering you can make great future with us. Arya 1st Old Campus Provides Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering & Electronics Engineering’s Branch for our Engineering students with top companies placements in campus.
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thaithanhbinh · 5 years
Laptop Pixel vẫn cứ đắt đỏ, kém tính năng và cầm chắc thất bại, vậy tại sao Google vẫn cứ ngoan cố theo đuổi?
Nếu phải chọn ra một số trong những mẫu sản phẩm khó hiểu nhất của thị trường công nghệ hiện tại thì đó chắc chắn phải là những chiếc tablet/laptop mang thương hiệu Pixel của Google. Khởi đầu bằng chiếc ChromeBook Pixel giá 1500 USD và hiện tại đã trở về với kiểu dáng laptop qua Pixelbook Go, Google đến giờ vẫn theo đuổi một chiến lược không ai hiểu: bán phần cứng giá đắt chạy nền tảng sử dụng “què cụt” Chrome OS, vốn có thể coi là bản mở rộng của trình duyệt Chrome.
Ngay cả Pixelbook Go dù “mềm” hơn các đàn anh nhưng cũng vẫn đắt ở mức khó chấp nhận: 650 USD. Ở mức giá này, người sử dụng chỉ cần thêm 100 USD là đã có thể sở hữu Surface Pro 7. Hoặc, giá của Pixelbook Go cũng có thể dùng để mua 2 chiếc Surface Go. Nhờ có nền tảng sử dụng Windows đầy đủ, số lượng ứng dụng được Surface hỗ trợ rõ ràng là nhiều hơn Pixelbook. Dĩ nhiên, Surface cũng có thể dùng để chạy Chrome – và nhờ đó sở hữu toàn bộ tính năng của Pixelbook.
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Dù là dòng laptop Pixel giá rẻ nhất từ trước đến nay, Pixelbook Go vẫn khởi điểm ở mức 650 USD, tức ngang ngửa Surface Pro.
Không cần các sản phẩm Pixel, ChromeBook (giá rẻ) vẫn cứ bán tốt. Mức giá và tính năng của Pixelbook chỉ có thể mang đến thất bại về mặt doanh số. Vậy thì, lý do gì khiến Google vẫn cứ “cố đấm ăn xôi” ra mắt ChromeBook đắt tiền?
Danh dự của Google
Để đi tìm lời giải đáp, hãy quay lại năm 2013, khi Google chưa có laptop. Mặc dù Android lúc này đã xác lập vị thế thống trị, Google vẫn thiếu mảnh ghép quan trọng để làm được một hệ sinh thái đầy đủ khi sánh bư��c cùng 2 gã to lớn còn lại nằm trong lĩnh vực nền tảng sử dụng là Microsoft và Apple. Chiếc ChromeBook Pixel đắt đỏ năm 2013 chính là lời giải đáp trực diện đầu tiên của Google dành cho MacBook và Surface. Tuy đắt đỏ và có lẽ là… chẳng bán được cho ai, ChromeBook Pixel vẫn là điều mà Google cần. Nếu ai đó yêu Google, họ nay đã có thể sở hữu một hệ sinh thái Google đầy đủ, một bộ sưu tầm phần cứng tập trung quanh hình thức dịch vụ Internet của Google.
Hiển nhiên, điều này đưa chúng ta quay trở về câu hỏi: ai là người thực sự cần một hệ sinh thái phần cứng và phần mềm Google đầy đủ, trong khi hình thức dịch vụ Google vốn đã luôn có mặt đầy đủ trên Surface và iPhone? Đáp án là, chính Google. Trong lúc này, bạn chỉ cần lên trang hướng dẫn chính thức của Android Studio (bộ phần mềm dùng để phát triển ứng dụng Android). Google vẫn đang dùng macOS để hướng dẫn lập trình viên của mình có thể phát triển ứng dụng cho Android.
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Google cần loại bỏ dần phần cứng của đối thủ ra khỏi tương lai của mình.
Là Google, bạn có muốn sự thật tréo ngoe này tiếp tục trong khoảng thời gian dài? Đường đường là ông chủ của nền tảng sử dụng phổ biến nhất thế giới, Google lại phải đi nhờ cậy đến nền tảng của hãng khác để tiếp tục nuôi sống nền tảng của mình? Dù chưa đầy đủ tính năng như Android Studio trên Mac hay Windows, hiện tại Android Studio trên Chrome OS vẫn đang được đẩy mạnh phát triển. Sẽ có lúc, Google có thể loại bỏ các đối thủ ra khỏi hệ sinh thái của mình.
Và dĩ nhiên, tham vọng cũng Không chỉ dừng lại cùng Android. Sau khi thu hút được Spotify lên Google Cloud Platform, Google đang mang tham vọng trở thành đối thủ ngang tầm Amazon và Microsoft trong cuộc chiến đám mây. Nền tảng sử dụng Fuchsia đang trên đà tăng trưởng, hứa hẹn một khả năng thay thế cả Chrome OS lẫn Android. Các ngôn ngữ mới như Dart hay Golang, các thư viện/công cụ như Firebase hay Flutter… tất cả đều mở ra một tương lai quan trọng, nơi Google là một đế chế nền tảng thực thụ, đứng ngang hàng Amazon, Microsoft hay Apple. Liệu đế chế này nên được xây dựng trên máy Mac, máy tính Windows hay là trên phần cứng mang trọn vẹn tầm nhìn của Google?
Văn phòng trên mây
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Sống nhờ trên Windows và macOS sẽ khiến chỉ số cạnh tranh của Gmail hay Google Docs bị ảnh hưởng.
Vấn đề của Google cũng không gói gọn trong giới công nghệ. Sự tồn tại của ChromeBook vốn đã là minh chứng quan trọng cho thấy các giải pháp Google có thể tạo ra một cuộc sống số, một “sự nghiệp số” hoàn hảo, nơi trình duyệt là công cụ làm việc duy nhất cần có. Gmail, Google Docs, Google Drive… bắt đầu tạo thành một mối nguy cơ thực sự tới Office và Outlook. Chỉ với trình duyệt, Google có thể tạo ra những doanh nghiệp trên mây thực thụ, hất cẳng Microsoft ra khỏi khối thị trường tiềm năng này. Thực tế, đây là điều đang xảy ra nằm trong lĩnh vực giáo dục. Các doanh nghiệp nhỏ và vừa cũng rất có thể nghĩ đến chuyện từ bỏ tất cả các ứng dụng Microsoft để “sống” duy nhất trên đám mây Google, bằng những chiếc máy ChromeBook giá rẻ.
Nhưng một số doanh nghiệp sẽ cần nhiều hơn là trình duyệt. Một bệnh viện sẽ cần phần mềm để chạy hình ảnh. Một trường đại học sẽ cần ứng dụng dựng model. Và, như chúng ta đã nhắc tới ở bên trên, chính các kỹ sư Google cũng không thể làm việc nếu chỉ có Chrome. Chrome OS phải tiến hóa từ một nền tảng sử dụng hướng-trình duyệt thành một nền tảng sử dụng đầy đủ. Muốn mục tiêu ấy thành hiện thực, Google không thể giữ cho ChromeBook tiếp tục bị gói trong phân khúc giá rẻ, bị trói vào chip ARM hay Celeron (theo cái cách HP, Acer đang làm).
Quan trọng hơn, nếu Google còn phải sống nhờ trên MacBook hay Surface, khách hàng của Google sẽ còn tiếp tục tìm đến Office và các giải pháp Windows khác thay vì tìm cách “đám mây hóa” cùng Google.
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Những chiếc laptop Pixel là nỗ lực nhằm phát triển Chrome OS ra ngoài giới hạn của Chrome.
Vai trò của ChromeBook Pixel và Pixelbook là đây. Chắc chắn, khi bán ra laptop với giá gấp đôi, gấp ba đối thủ, Google sẽ không mang hy vọng có thể đạt đến tầm doanh số của MacBook hay Surface. Sức mạnh của những con chip Core i5 hay Core i7 cũng đang bị bỏ phí trên các phiên bản Pixelbook Go đắt tiền.
Nhưng Google không thể làm điều ngược lại: phần cứng phải đi trước phần mềm, phải có những chiếc ChromeBook “tử tế” thì kỹ sư Google mới có thể nghĩ đến chuyện tạo ra các phần mềm phát triển chất lượng cho Chrome OS. Từ đó, tham vọng về một tương lai chỉ-có-Google mới có thể thành hiện thực.
“Ma thuật” của camera trên Pixel 4: Cực kỳ hoang đường, cực kỳ thực tế
Nguồn: genk
Bài viết Laptop Pixel vẫn cứ đắt đỏ, kém tính năng và cầm chắc thất bại, vậy tại sao Google vẫn cứ ngoan cố theo đuổi? đã xuất hiện đầu tiên vào ngày Đồ Chơi Công Nghệ.
source https://dochoicongnghe.com.vn/laptop-pixel-van-cu-dat-do-kem-tinh-nang-va-cam-chac-that-bai-vay-tai-sao-google-van-cu-ngoan-co-theo-duoi-6803.html
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buitanan · 5 years
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Mất một khoản thời gian khá lâu để tự học, cuối cùng cũng làm chủ được công nghệ. Mời quý bạn và các anh chị vào website để tải app thử, mới chỉ có phiên bản Android, tại website : https://buitanan.me. 🛸Công nghệ: 📜 #Website: - Front-end: #Typescript, #Angular 7, #Bootstrap, #Firebase #hosting - IDE: PHP Storm của #JetBrains 🎁 #App - #Flutter #code #Dart lang - IDE: #Android #Studio ⚙ Back-end - Mình chưa kịp viết, có vài ý tưởng mà chưa kịp làm. Mình muốn làm với golang mà không có host nên dự kiến làm trên #Nodejs Firebase function. - feature là nhận tin nhắn, gửi tin nhắn, share location #realtime. 😎 Tiện thể nhờ các bạn hack thử xem có sập hoặc đổi nội dung website của em được ko? Ai hack thành công em mời trà sữa, bất kể bạn ở đâu trên VN cũng mời được, giao lưu học hỏi 😍 #AnIT @buitanan https://www.instagram.com/buitanan/p/BwBgOqvHtIS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qk15frgkdkfl
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maicaljhon-blog · 4 years
Golang Android Development | Android Studio Golang
Looking for golang android development company ? We at AIS technolabs provide the best android studio golang for building world-class enterprise apps at affordable rate.
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webtechdevsoft · 4 years
Looking for Golang Android Development Company? We at AIS technolabs provide the best android studio golang for building world-class enterprise apps at affordable rate.
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aisappdevelopment · 2 years
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aisappdevelopment · 2 years
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educationtech · 4 years
8 Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2020 | Arya College
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Top Programming Languages
In today’s competitive world, programming is likely to become the most significant part of basic literacy. However, students of top engineering colleges in India get never satisfied by learning one type of engineering. Some languages are more widespread but no language answers all communication needs like programming. Every language has its own uses and sphere of application.
The most significant skill to learn today is to know how to write a computer program. Also, the computers have entered almost every industry like the digital speedometer in your bike, autopilot in an aircraft, or computers in various forms surround us. Computers are useful for every organization.
The developer and programming communities are emerging at a faster rate than ever before. With the advent of time, different new programming languages are available for different categories of developers, including beginners, intermediate, and experts for different use cases like a web application, mobile applications, game development, distributed system, etc. Beginners of top engineering colleges confused about the type of programming language they should choose. There are some of the best programming languages to learn in 2020 for better future prospects:
1. Python Programming Language
Python is the most popular programming language. The Language widely accepted as the best programming language to learn for the students of computer science engineering at Top B Tech Colleges. It is easy-to-use, fast, and easy-to-deploy programming language. It is further used to develop scalable web applications. There are some platforms that contain built-in programming languages like YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, SurveyMonkey.
Python provides excellent library support with a large developer community. The programming language provides a great starting point for beginners of engineering college. If you are looking for a better job, you should definitely learn Python. As a primary back-end stack, lots of startups are using Python. In addition, it opens up a huge opportunity for full-stack Python developers.
2. Java
Java is also a popular choice in large organizations. Also widely used for building enterprise-scale web applications. This programming language is extremely stable and many large enterprises have adopted it. Java is the language that students of the Best Engineering College learn in 2020 if you are looking for a development based job at a large organization. Also, it widely used in Android App Development.
Today, almost every business needs an Android Application owing to the fact that there are billions of Android users. This opens up huge opportunities for Java developers. Nobody can deny from the fact that Google has created an excellent Java-based Android development framework which is also popular as Android Studio. Java is easy to moderate and learn.
3. C/C++
C/C++ seems bread and butter of programming. Almost all low-level systems like file systems, operating systems, etc are written in C/C++. If students of Computer Science Engineering at Best B Tech College wish to be a system-level programmer, C/C++ is the language for them to learn. Also, widely used by competitive programmers owing to the fact that extremely fast and stable. C++ provides something called STL or Standard Template Library. In addition, STL is a pool of ready-to-use libraries for various data structures, arithmetic operations, and algorithms. The speed and library support of the language make it a popular choice in the High-frequency trading community as well.
4. JavaScript
JavaScript is the “frontend” type of programming language. It is used widely in order to design interactive front-end applications. For instance, if you click on a button which opens up a popup, the logic is implemented via JavaScript.
In today’s time, most of the organizations, especially startups, are using NodeJS which is a JavaScript-based run-time environment. Node.js allows developers of top engineering colleges to use JavaScript for server-side scripting and run scripts server-side to produce dynamic web page content before sending the page to the web browser of the user. Hence in this way, you can use a single programming language for server-side and client-side scripts. Also, if you are looking for a cool technology job at your favorite startup, you should consider learning JavaScript.
5. Go programming language
The programming language “Go” also known as Golang, built by Google. It provides excellent support for multi-threading. Therefore, Go used by a lot of companies that rely heavily on distributed systems. Also, Go widely used in startups in Silicon Valley. However, it is yet to be adopted by Indian startups or companies. Candidates who wish to join a Valley-based startup specializing in core systems should master Golang from top engineering college in Rajasthan.
6. R
R programming language – The most commonly used programming language for both machine learning and Data Analysis. It provides an excellent framework and built-in libraries in order to develop powerful Machine Learning algorithms. Also, R used for general statistical computing along with the graphics. This language has been well adopted by enterprises or big companies. Students who wish to join the “Analytics” team of a large organization should definitely learn R at Top B Tech College in Rajasthan.
7. Swift
Swift – the programming language used to develop iOS applications. IOS-based devices are becoming increasingly popular with time. For instance, Apple iPhone has captured an important market share and providing tough competition to Android. Therefore, students who wish to serve this community can learn Swift programming.
8. PHP Programming Language
PHP is one of the most popular back-end programming languages. Though PHP is facing tough competition from JavaScript and Python, the market still requires a large number of PHP developers. Students who wish to join a reasonably well old organization as a back-end developer should aim to learn PHP programming from Best Engineering College in Rajasthan.
Thanks for Read our blog, you can check out full blog on official Page Arya College, Arya College is one of the Best Engineering College In Jaipur Rajasthan. In This College Many Branches for Engineering you can make great future with us. Arya College Provides Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering & Electronics Engineering’s Branch for our Engineering students with top companies placements in campus.
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