spitblaze · 1 year
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Heehee hoohoo Theriandroid design :)
Ravus Industries product- Unique Frame AEBER model, serial no. XXXX1069
Status: Decommissioned. Missing, assumed deactivated or scrapped. [OUTDATED - SEE ADDENDUM FOR FURTHER DETAILS]
Model is pictured here with artificial skin removed and hair pulled back to examine eye socket after last authorized maintainence. Please note that artificial skin affixed to the neck upwards is not removable to protect sensitive sensory and motor components.
The AEBER model was constructed in secret to conduct information and asset retrieval on behalf of Ravus Industries. Purposes they have been successfully utilized for include: stealth, espionage, theft, assassination, and information gathering. The android was given highly advanced artificial intelligence with a focus on visual cognition and quick decision making in order to facilitate this purpose. Identity formation is a known result of AI tuned past a certain threshold, and as a result the unit self-identifies as 'Therion', and should be referred to with 'they/them' and 'he/him' pronouns.
Physical features include a unique lithe build and highly maneuverable joints as well as extra artificial muscle and ligaments in order to provide maximum flexibility, agility, and speed. Fingertips, palms, and the soles of the feet are padded with specially textured carbon fiber and fitted with electromagnets that the AEBER model can activate at various intensities. This is to ensure optimal grip and balance at all times. All extremities are also fitted with individual adjustable counterbalances for this purpose.
Unit was decommissioned April 301X due to disciplinary issues and obsolescence.
Addendum 1: AEBER unit, aka 'Therion', has refused a programmed assignment. The unit's ability to refuse tasks is a new development and will need further study.
Addendum 2: After reconditioning, unit is no longer refusing tasks. Unit expresses great distress when given assignments involving assassination. Due to reasonable conflicts with ethics programming, concerns can safely be ignored.
Addendum 3: Unit is refusing orders once more, reconditioning unsuccessful. Due to development of newer AEBER model ('Gareth') and conclusions of Ravus Industries Artificial Intelligence Ethics Board, 'Therion' is scheduled to be decommissioned and placed in long-term storage.
Addendum 4: AEBER unit 'Therion' has been lost after a break-in of the Ravus Industries long-term storage facility, along with several other non-intelligent assets. Unit has deactivated or damaged their internal GPS and cannot be located by satellite. Proprietary technology and the top-secret nature of this unit dictate that location and re-acquisition are a priority.
Addendum 5: Unit has been located in the Cliftlands area after checking in to a Ravus Industries authorized engineering location for repairs. Unit seems to have taken heavy cosmetic damage and lost one visual sensory component. Diagnostics indicate that they are otherwise healthy.
Addendum 6: Search of the Cliftlands has turned up no trace of 'Therion', and unit has not been seen or recorded in any locations for the past six months. Human testimony has also turned up no leads, with no sightings within the same 6-month time frame. Unit is currently listed as missing, assumed deactivated or scrapped as of August 302X.
Addendum 7: Unit has been sighted in the Riverlands as of March 303X, six years after being listed as missing. Retrieval is once again considered a priority for this unit after the loss of 'Gareth'.
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bladesandstars · 9 months
Never Have I Ever written a dance scene
Oh Have I Ever. Hahahaha I love this ask, thank you.
The longest, most ornate, completely self-indulgent dance scene I've ever written was in Tripartite (FFXV). That entire thing is self-indulgence in a can, but that scene particularly so. It's Ignis watching Ravus and Aranea dance, and realizing he's hot for them both. 💕
I also wrote a tender little scene in my first ever longfic, where Aranea shows Ignis a dance step he doesn't know. They kiss, and I have art of it. (The Dragon's Dagger) (The Art)
I've also written:
Ignyx dancing in the rain
Crownyx in a Dancer AU
Nyx hating having to go to a fancy party until he realizes Ignis is there
Claude and Lorenz dancing together secretly at a masquerade, and then having sexytimes on a balcony
Claude comforting Petra after an irritating ball
Sylvain and Raphael dancing together and confessing to some pretty and tender feelings
Android stripper Lorenz entertaining Claude in a little club in the Gamma Sector
There's more but that's a good sampling! I love when characters dance together--I love fancy outfits and music and movement and little touches. It's delicious and wonderful and I'm so glad you asked!
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honorxorder · 2 years
“This is barbaric!”
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"It's not any more barbaric then what we're currently doing, Ravus. It's better than what we're doing." It was unlike Caligo to use the other's name like that. It felt strange on his tongue, but he needed to get his point across so the High Commander didn't blow his whole operation. He'd been working on this far too long for him to put a stop to it now. 
“It's not real! It's an android. It doesn't feel anything." He could see how the scene would look distressing to an outsider though, especially since Ravus had interacted with the other before thinking it was human. There was blue blood staining all the way up his forearms while CC was lying back on a table with its entire chest cavity open. Though the android was currently in the process of returning the armored panels to their place and restoring the deactivated skin. Likely to look more presentable. "Just...listen to me alright. Give me a minute to explain this."
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stephicness · 7 years
Hello! It would be very interesting to know your headcanon about Ravus - android. And about Ardin - android, if possible, please.
Well, dear anon, if you’re talking about the headcanons I have based on the PROTOCOL writing I did for Android!Ravus, a fair portion of the headcanons originated from @chocobro-hijinks and their initial headcanon concepts for the Android!AU. I highly recommend you follow them and have a look at the headcanons they wrote for it! Because they’re the biggest inspiration for this AU and my writing for it! C:
But despite me taking a good deal of inspiration from their headcanons, I do have my own thoughts on Android!Ravus and Android!Ardyn too, especially as I was writing PROTOCOL (and potentially more to it too. I gotta find which notebook I wrote my notes in. lsejlkresj). I have thoughts on Ardyn too, but I’m not going to reveal those just yet – considering that I’ve recently spurred up the inspiration to write more within the Android!Ravus AU context, and Ardyn makes a pretty important appearance within the story that I can’t reveal yet. c:
But instead, here! Have some Android!Ravus thoughts, including a pre-story background on him and some bonus details and headcanons too~
ACCESS APPROVED – Android!Ravus Headcanons
RAV-N0X, Aeternia Build – Military Class Android, Status: DECOMMISSIONED
The History
Initially an android designed for war, the designers at Fleuret Industries wanted to create a model that far surpassed those that have come before it. Not just from FI itself, but from its competitors over at Aldercapt Corporations, for example – whom specialize in military contracted androids.
The difference between what Fleuret and Aldercapt, however, came from two things: the type of specialization for the androids and the type of intelligence used in them.
In Aldercapt’s designs, he oriented his androids around more combat technology. Able to withstand the arsenals that man could throw at it, his androids were unstoppable machines of war, frightening forces that were ultimately meant to be cannon-fodder in the end.
In Fleuret’s design, she wished to create androids that could assimilate with the general populous as spies and infiltrators. Realistic in appearance, they could extract information and use methods of mercy or ruthlessness on the enemy as needed – a valuable asset to turn the tides.
In order for Fleuret to do that, she designed a special type of intelligence for the Aeternia Build prototype, one capable of learning and adapting to the highest degree – as if they could truly pass for a human: artificial intelligence.
It was something that Aldercapt could not simulate in his war-machines, and it was a technology not seen for ages – since the retired Lucian Enterprises went out of business. One that was dangerous but desired among those within the technology world.
And so, Aldercapt attempted to steal the Aeternia Build’s AI programming for replication. During Fleuret’s first exhibition to showcase her life’s work, A;dercapt Corporations attempted to unleash a virus that would steal the AI’s information and programming.
But Fleuret had designed this AI to retaliate when it felt as if it were being hacked. She feared it would never come to it, but alas, it did. And the results of the hacking proved to be devastating.
The android lashed out, glitching and physically lashing out at Aldercapt to stop the source of the hacking while his systems shut out the virus. But seeing it as a sign of danger, authorities attempted to stop the android once and for all before it attempted to kill someone.
Backed into the corner, Fleuret’s design called for an alternative plan – should the infiltrator android ever be caught in a predicament where information could be extracted from it. So, it activated its self-destruct protocol.
Fleuret wasn’t ready to let her work destroy itself however, rushing to calm it down and override its security protocols. But alas, it was too late. The android had turned to flame, igniting its creator along with it.
Both the Aeternia Build and its creator, Sylva Nox Fleuret, had been lost that tragic day.
Because of what had happened on the day of the exhibition, Fleuret Industries lost reputation within the world of technology and was forced to discontinue its work on the Aeternia Build androids and shut down its operations with the loss of its founder. Her work was lost and destroyed with the detonation of the RAV-N0X Aeternia Build.
The only thing that remains of its legacy is a viral video, showing the monster of an android lashing out and killing its creator.
The Character of RAV-N0X
The full title for this android is the Military-Class Android RAV-N0X, Aeternia Build Prototype Concept from Fleuret Industries. However, he was programmed by his creator with a ‘name’ to grant certain people access to override his AI self-sentience. Only three people are known to have access to these commands, two of them not alive and the third being you.
When you say his name, Ravus, you’re able to command him to do almost anything, but his AI can still determine if he wants to accept the command or not. He’ll decline your commands if it puts himself into harms way or those who possess the name override.
Due an involuntary system wipe, Ravus doesn’t really remember much of his previous owners or the research facility where the Aeternia Builds were being created. He prefers to leave it that way.
Despite Ravus being seen by millions VIA the viral video of the prototype malfunctioning, the appearance of the first prototype model was far different than his current model. His secondary design allowed him to look slimmer and more handsome than the first designs.
After being repaired by you (the main character of PROTOCOL), he still possesses fairly limited functions of his left arm. Since it isn’t apart of what Fleuret Industries had, he lacks compatibility with the arm. Or so you assume. It might also be because it’s an Aldercapt-designed arm.
Due to Ravus’s highly-advanced AI system, he possesses an ability to hack into other android and technology systems and ultimately ‘command’ them. He takes full advantage of this when he spies on what you do on your computer, mostly to ensure your ‘safety.’
This hacking ability also triggers often if you and him were to argue and Cindy happened to be around. He’ll deactivate Cindy to keep her from hearing your argument before you have to shout at him to make him stop giving you more things you’d have to fix later.
His prototype design started off with a polycarbonate and metal framework, but the model you stumble upon later re-designs himself with a silicon body to replicate flesh and attire mixed with kevlar to allow even more bullet-resistance in terms of combat.
There is one one model of android that ever really saw him in use once: the LIONHEART Cor-X Model, which was a military combat android recommissioned by Fleuret to test out the RAV-N0X’s combat efficiency. The LIONHEART was able to win, but not the second time around.
Despite being an AI with the ability to learn and make its own decisions, Ravus finds it hard to do things for his own sake. Having been obeying orders from Fleuret or other scientists for most of his creation, he finds it odd that he can suddenly dictate himself as he resides with you.
Nevertheless, he attempts to fulfill his duty to you – paying you back with his service as a bodyguard and a protector while trying to do the task he was given since his creation: to assimilate to society and to learn alongside the humans.
He just has to stop frying your toasters. You’re getting tired of having to buy and replace them.
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tarnishedsilvcr · 7 years
“Do you know where you are?”
Send me “Do you know where you are?” for an AU in which my muse is a robot and yours is activating them for the first time. || @pendragonheir
The machine glitched and twitched a few times as it looked about itself.
It was. Alive. ? What does that mean? It looked to its creator. Did it know where it was? 
“This is a room. There are no windows. The walls are metal. I do not know where this room is. The proper answer is no. I do not know where I am.”
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shianhygge-imagines · 6 years
Masterlist Format 3.0
So, once a year, I try to redo my Masterlist to make it look better.
I’m doing away with the old system, though I’m still sticking with the old “NUMERICAL-ALPHABETICAL ORDER” for the fandom names. I will, however, be listing chapters in the order that they are meant to be read.
{C} = Completed      {O} = Ongoing      {H} = Hiatus        
{E} = Experimental        {A} = Abandoned        {R} = Request
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Bungou Stray Dogs 文豪ストレイドッグス
{R} Where Do Babies Come From, Mister?    |Link here|
{E} Jonquil [Kunikida/Reader] (Hanahaki Prompt)    |Link here|
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{O} Thin Line 
Choosing a Side    |Link here|
Guardian Games    |Link here|
{E} If I Had A Heart [Cayde-6/Reader]    |Link here|
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Devil May Cry
Cooking with the DMC Crew    |Link here|
Dating the DMC Boys    |Link here|
ASMR with the DMC Crew    |Link here|
Waking up with the DMC Crew    |Link here|
That Time of the Month with the Sons of Sparda    |Link here|
{R} So... You dropped the Nutella    |Link here|
{R} S/O Sacrifice    |Link here|
{R} The Kids Are Alright    |Link here|
{R} S/O Sacrifice Scramble    |Link here|
Devils Never Cry (Non-canon oneshots) All posted before March 8, 2019
Prompt 1: Vergil’s wife finds out about Nero    |Link here|
Prompt 2 Reader’s reaction to seeing Vergil again    |Link here|
Prompt 3: Reader confronts Vergil at the end of DMC5    |Link here|
{E} Devil May Cry x Among Us [Crossover Reader-centric series]
Playing the Game    |Link here|
{O}{E} Black Rose [V/GenderNeutral Reader]
The House on the Outskirts    |Link here|
{O} Silver Rose [Vergil/Fem!Reader] (Devils Never Cry, except canon accurate)
Where it All Began    |Link here|
The Power to Protect    |Link here|
Hope    |Link here|
Nothing Dies Like It    |Link here|
Sabbatical    |Link here|  
Gifts    |Link here|
Imposter    |Link here|
Doubt and Trust    |Link here|
Nero    |Link here|
The New Contract    |Link here|
Splitting Fool    |Link here|
The Demon Half    |Link here|    
The Mortal Half  {NSFW}    |Link here|
Umbral Angelo    |Link here|
Bury the Light    |Link here|   
-coming soon-
Silver Rose Related Reactions & Headcanons
{R} Habits & Catchphrase! (Vergil Reacts)    |Link here|
Silver Rose: Cafe AU    |Link here|
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Detroit: Become Human
Deviants want bad skin    |Link here|
{C} For Love [Connor/Reader]    |Link here|
{H} Reason Living [Connor/Fem!Reader]
You Chose Another Path    |Link here|
So Close Yet So Far    |Link here|
{E} Sweet Dreams [Markus/Fem!Reader]    |Link here|
{E} Invoke [Hank/Android!Reader]    |Link here|
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Diabolik Lovers
{E} VoiD [undecided/Reader]
Prologue    |Link here|
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Final Fantasy XV
Relationship w/ Chocobros (Some minor NSFW)    |Link here|
{R} Kissing the Chocobros    |Link here|
King Regis    |Link here|
Studying    |Link here|
{R} Relationship w/ Ravus    |Link here|
{R} Holiday w/ Chocobros    |Link here|
{R} When Ignis Proposes    |Link here|
Regalia Designs    |Link here|
{R} Ardyn’s Daughter    |Link here|
Afterlife    |Link here|
Starscourge Analysis    |Link here|
Character Reactions
{R} Being Fathers [Ravus & Ardyn]    |Link here|
{R} Smol Chocobo Reader [Chocobros]    |Link here|
{C} Shian’s Middlemarch (Finding Love in Unexpected Places)
{R} The Middlemarch [One-sided Noctis/Reader]    |Link here|
The Case of Cor [Mentor!Cor Leonis/Reader]    |Link here|
The Case of Ravus [Ravus/Reader]    |Link here|
{R} The Case of the Brotherhood [Chocobros/Reader]    |Link here|
{R} Middlemarch Alternate Universe [Ravus/Reader]    |Part 1|      |Part 2| 
{C} Amor Sempiternus Duology (Latin: “everlasting love”) [Ardyn/Reader]
I. Ephemeral    |Link here|
II. Eternal    |Link here|
{R} {A} Imaginary Lover Series (NSFW) [Ardyn/Reader]
Sin 1. First Interaction    |Link here|
Sin 2. Temptation    |Link here|
{C} {R} Evermore Duology (”You don’t know a good thing until it’s gone”) [Ravus/Reader]
Q.E.D    |Link here|
I Will Be    |Part 1|      |Part 2|
{C} {R} Divine Intervention (AU to “Relationship w/Ravus”)    |Link here|
{C} {R} Rinne [Ignis/Fem!Reader]    |Link here|
{H} Claymore Series [Ignis/Fem!Reader]
Prelude One    |Link here|
Prelude Two    |Link here|
Act 1    |Link here|
{C} {R} Calling [Gladio/Fem!Reader]    |Link here|
{C} {R} Home [Nyx/Reader] (Headcanon format)    |Link here|
Shian and Hikigaya’s Photo Commentary
Magical Girl Gladio    |Link here|
The Prince’s Natural Habitat    |Link here|
Shian’s Theories on Ardyn’s Backstory    |Part 1|      |Part 2|
Shian’s Thoughts on an Ardyn DLC    |Link here|
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Final Fantasy VII
{R} Dating Genesis Rhapsodos    |Link here|
{R} Dating Sephiroth    |Link here|
{R} Dating Angeal Hewley    |Link here|
{R} NSFW Sephiroth    |Link here|
Dating Rufus Shinra    |Link here|
{C} The Letter - 手紙  [???/Reader]    |Link here|  -coming soon-
{C} Divide/Together   [???/Reader]    |Link here|  -coming soon-
Sundown 勿忘草   [Reno/Reader] 
Episode 1    |Link here|
Episode 2    |Link here|
{C} Ash [Sephiroth/ReaderOC]
Act 1    |Link here|
Act 2    |Link here|
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{E} Aberrant [???/OC]
Prologue    |Link here|
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NBC’s Hannibal
{E} {Deleted} A Monster Among Monsters [Mentor!Hannibal/Reader]
Diamond Heart   
This Is The Moment   
{O} The Referral [Mentor!Hannibal/Reader]
Session 1    |Link here|
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{E} Taking A Chance [Various Countries/Reader]
Denmark    |Link here|
{E} Finding Peace (A Hetalia Haunting Story)
Voice of Reason [England]    |Link here|
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Kimetsu no Yaiba 鬼滅の刃 - Demon Slayer 
Meeting the Kamaboko Squad    |Link here|
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Kingdom Hearts
{E} Faded [Riku/Reader] (Angst)    |Link here|
{E} Enter the Darkness [Vanitas/Reader]    |Link here|
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{E} Fable [???/Reader]
Entry 1    |Link here|
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Persona 3
{E} Living with Determination [Shinjiro/Reader/Akihiko]    |Link here|
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Persona 5
Studying with the Phantom Thieves of Heart    |Link here|
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Resident Evil
{R} Shian: On Ada/Leon    |Link here|
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{E} Balance [Qrow/Reader] (Angst)    |Link here|
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Watch_Dogs 2
{R} Snuggling w/ Wrench    |Link here|
{R} Holiday w/ Josh    |Link here|
{R} Getting Mugged [Wrench/Reader]    |Link here|
{R} Sick Week [DedSec S/O]    |Link here|
{R} Sex w/ Wrench (NSFW)    |Link here|
Customer Escalations w/ DedSec    |Link here|
{R} Male!Reader/Wrench Relationship    |Link here|
{C} Project Wrench Your Heart (Wrench with a large helping of Angst)
How Close You Are (Angst)    |Part 1|      |Part 2|      |Part 3|
{R} Your First (NSFW)    |Link here|
{R} This I Promise You (Fluff)    |Link here|
{R} Don’t Leave (Fluff)    |Link here|
{R} By Your Side (Pregnancy Scare)    |Link here|
Est-ce Que Tu M’aimes?    |Link here|
Climbing the Walls    |Link here|
{R} In the Name of Love    |Part 1|      |Part 2|      |Part 3|      |Part 4|
So Far Away    |M.1|
{C} {R} Now Kiss [Wrench/Reader] (Fluff)    |Link here|
{C} {R} Lies [Wrench/Reader] (Angst)    |Link here|
{C} {R} Hardships Included [Wrench/Reader]    |Link here|
{C} {R} Unavailable [Marcus/Reader] (Comfort/Fluff)    |Link here|
{C} {R} In A World Like This [Josh/Reader] (Fluff)    |Link here|
{C} {R} Breathe [Josh/Reader] (Lime)    |Link here|
{E} {R} Busted and Blue [Wrench/Reader] (Hurt/Comfort)    |Link here|
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The Witcher [Wiedźmin]
{H} The Difference (A Witcher Story)
Prologue: I’m Too Sober    |Link here|
Chapter 1: No Room For Morals    |Link here|
Chapter 2: An Eye For An Eye    |Link here|
Chapter 3: Trouble Will Find You    |Link here|
Chapter 4: A Brief Respite    |Link here|
Chapter 5: Uma    |Link here|
Chapter 6: Geralt Has Stepped Out    |Link here|
Chapter 7: Something Mundane    |Link here|
Chapter 8: Awaken the Monster Within    |Link here|    
Chapter 9: Quest Start-The Bark of Another    |Link here| 
Chapter 10: The Burden of Living    |Link here|    -coming soon-
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薄桜鬼 〜新選組奇譚〜 Hakuouki
Dating Headcanons
Kazama Chikage    |Link here|
Saito Hajime    |Link here|
Hijikata Toshizou    |Link here|
Okita Souji    |Link here|
{R} Harada Sanosuke    |Link here|
Original Work
{E} 夜は眠れるかい?    |Link here|
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moonraccoon-exe · 6 years
Hello Coon. I hope you’ve been well. I had the most amusing thought, and wanted to share: Do you remember that ATLA episode where they went to watch a play about themselves? In an AU where no one dies or gets thrown off of trains or goes blind... Imagine that in the context of chocobros + Luna, Ravus, Aranea on their way to Zegnautus. - 💚, Amontillado
Dear Amontillado.
This idea alone made me transcend to the ninth heaven. It made my soul detach from my body and ascend to the heavens, it touched the Nirvana, and came back to my body purified and amplified.
This. Goddamn. Genius. Idea.
I had to write this. This is one of my most recent asks, but it’s just so genuinely brilliant and gloriously genius, I have this mighty necessity to write it right now aklsjdfklsgj aklsdjsklgj akljalskd ja.
The best part of this is that the main four and Ravus fit SO WELL with some of the ATLA characters, I could write parts of that episode as the script literally goes and it would fit accurately and nicely!!! Hahahahahhaha!!! I hope you’ll find the similarities! 。゚(TヮT)゚。
Anyway, a few things to note here for things to make sense,
I picture Ignis did go blind at some point but later recovered. Let’s say we’re following some sort of Verse 2 from episode Ignis but with Lunafreya not dying, lmao.
I’ve made Cor be present too like he should have always been.
Regis and Clarus too because I don’t have the heart to kill them.
Because it’s Verse 2, Ravus has been in the party from before rescuing Ignis (who…let’s suppose they rescued somewhere else prior to Zegnautus. For some…reason.)
Luna’s coming along with them, too.
If at some point you’re reading something and think “is that an Aggretsuko reference?” know that yes. It is.
I goddamn shoved some almost-established Gladnis in here because fuck me, I can’t contain myself, they’re just so genuinely canon askljddkgjdaa
Now everybody welcome to,
Final Fantasy XV, Episode 17, “The Gralea Players”.
A.K.A. a parody of ATLA’s famous already-parody episode “The Ember Island Players” adapted to our FFXV dorks plus some extra guests.
Everything starts at one of Ravus’ personal places in Gralea that he used to hide away or train. He’s training with Noct, trying to teach him how to defend himself against his lightning arm. Everyone is bored or watching or scattered across the little house.
At some point, Prompto comes in running, and as everyone’s greeting him, someone appears after him.
“Hey, dorks.”
Long story short, Prommy stumbled upon Aranea while he was out grocery shopping.
“And she has epic news! Tell them, Nea!”
Turns out Aranea found out that the local theatre prepared and will present a play about Noctis’ journey.
“Hah? Me? But we’re in the empire, why would they make a play about me?”
“Nooooooooct! We have to go! They did research across the globe to write the script, and it involves MTs, hunters, mechs, dogs, and a very knowledgeable merchant of Cup Noodles. Say yes, please, please!!”
No one is pretty convinced. They’re in enemy territory and it would be suicide to throw themselves there where people could recognize them.
But Noctis can’t say no to Prompto’s huge puppy eyes.
So in the end everyone ends up going to this play, “The King of Light.”
At least the title isn’t bad or mocking, but they still try to not get their hopes up. Knowing the Nifs, they may have done something offensive, so they’re mentally prepared for that and just curious.
Later that night, everyone of our team goes to the local Nif theatre, and the show starts.
They enter and get seats on the back as to go as unnoticed as possible.
On the front row, Noctis sits, then Prompto next to him, then Ignis.
As Gladio tries to sit next to him, Ravus unknowingly takes that seat.
“…hey. Uhm. I…wanted to sit there.”
Ravus: “(absolutely oblivious, this DORK) Just sit next to me. What’s the big deal?”
“…no, it’s not- I just wanted…okay.”
The curtain raises to show a representation of the throne room of the Citadel, where we can see the actors of king Regis on his throne, and the four chocobros.
“And so, may you part with my blessing to meet your bewedded, Lady Lunafreya.”
“Yes, your Majesty.”
So far so good. Actor Regis gives his speech and bids goodbye to the four young men.
As soon as Actor-Regis is done, Prompto grabs Noctis by the shoulder and shakes him, grinning from ear to ear and pointing at the actors, then himself and Noctis, then back at the actors, in clear excitement.
Noctis can’t help but smile as well, thinking it kind of cool to see an act about themselves.
And then going “downstairs”, actor Prompto clumsily trips and falls over in a comical way.
The audience laughs.
“What?” Prompto whispers. “That never happened!”
“Haha! My fault! I can be a little dumb!” actor Prompto talks with a slightly annoying voice. “Nocto! Help me up?”
“You, useless thing” actor Noctis says while helping him up. “You’re completely useless and not worthy of being in presence of royalty, but I take you along in this journey to fulfill my journey anyway because you’re funny.”
“The only thing I want to fill is my mouth! I’m hungry!”
The audience laughs again, but Noct and Prompto are petrified in their seats. Noctis turns to look at Prompto worriedly. Prompto later on just pouts and sink in his seat, crossing the arms.
“They make me look like an idiotic failed attempt of a joker! I’m better than that.”
Ravus is chuckling under his breath.
“I think he’s got you pegged.”
Prompto swears Ravus is lucky Ignis is sat in between them.
The actors are displayed walking away of the Citadel, where actor Regis catches up with them.
“Oh my god, he’s going to say the thing I told you, Noctis” Regis is whispering in the row behind.
So far, they depict the scene pretty accurately.
“Omg he’s going to say it.”
Then, actor Regis puts a hand on actor Noctis’ shoulder.
“Oh my god, here it comes”
And actor Regis says,
“Don’t fail, my son.”
The gang has to turn around to shush Regis because they’re supposed to not call the attention.
Regis is shrinking and cringing in his seat containing all his screaming.
The scenes go on but the gang can’t hear anything but Regis’ whispered complaints.
“I didn’t say that! I didn’t say that! Oh my god, there is a HUGE difference between Walk Tall and Don’t Fail, the context and intention are entirely different, I didn’t tell him to not fail, that implies so much pressure and it’s not support, it’s an order, I just asked him to be brave and to keep the head up, it’s entirely different from Don’t Fail. Don’t fail. He said don’t fail,what sort of awful father is he oh my god.”
They depict Actor Prompto to have ruined the Regalia by spilling soda all over the wheel in an exaggerated comical motion.
“Fantastic, Prompto! Couldn’t you just shove it in your mouth instead of throwing it all over our electronic modern car?” actor Gladio asks in a SUPER AGGRESSIVE and super deep voice.
“I’m sorry! But I guess now you can call this, Fast Food!”
There’s a drum roll and the audience laughs. Prompto just shrinks more in his seat hiding it in his hands and groaning.
The actors are trying to push the cardboard car.
Gladio stares unimpressed.
“I certainly don’t yell like that all the time.”
Ravus is chuckling louder than before, almost near a proper laugh.
“That actor’s got you right, Gladiolus. Stop complaining.”
Gladio just growls.
Actor Noctis is on the ground.
“I’ll do it later, Big Guy. I’m sleeping.”
“Hey, not true” Noctis complains. “I didn’t sleep. I rested a bit, but didn’t sleep.”
“Your most estimated superior Highness, Noctis Lucis Caelum, son of Regis, son of Mors, 114th of the name of the Lucis, prince of the kingdom of Lucis, heir to the throne” actor Ignis is saying in an overly exaggerated Tenebraean accent and exaggeratedly pompous. “I shall request, with all due respect, you get up from the place you’re attempting to sleep in and do lend a hand to us commoners, for we don’t have the strength to go on without you. My prince. My liege. My protected. My dear brother and friend.”
Ignis stares unimpressed and sort of embarrassed.
“…I certainly am not that pompous or formal. Even less with my friends.”
Ravus is chuckling again.
We see the guys through Hammerhead and Galdin Quay, through the news of the Fall of Insomnia and back to the place from where they see the destruction, etcetera; overall, Prompto is depicted as a damsel in distress, a klutz that’s always giving bad jokes and tripping over, Gladio is a giant brainless gym dude that keeps yelling, Ignis is an overly formal android, and Noctis is always asleep (even mid-battles, and usually being carried around by Ignis).
They go to meet Cor.
Actor Cor is poker-faced. The entire time. He responds mechanically and in monosyllables. When he joins the fight, he moves like a robot.
The actors go to search for the first royal weapon.
Actor Prompto keeps telling jokes and Actor Gladio keeps bullying him.
Actor Cor only reacts when obligatory.
“They make it look like I’m more dead than a corpse” Cor says. No one in the gang says anything.
…only Regis chuckles a bit after a second and this earns him a glare of embarrassment from Cor.
Inside the dungeon, actor Prompto fainted out of fear.
“Hey, I’m not that scaredy!”
Ravus is still chuckling.
When they depict Noctis getting the first royal arm, the paper prop stabs him in the chest; actor Noctis exaggeratedly shrieks out and collapses.
“Oh no! Is he dead?”
“No. He just likes to nap at 1 o’clock.”
The audience laughs, and our gang is entirely unimpressed.
“…you know, it does hurt a bit when that happens. They shouldn’t joke with that”
Actor Monica leads Actor Noct to the infiltration to open the gates with Cor.
Oh no. They remember this part! The part with the tiny annoying brat of an imperial officer. That very short guy that didn’t shut up.
Oh no. Here he comes. One annoying and tiny…
And suddenly, on stage, appears Actor Loqi….
“So you survived the Citadel! But you won’t survive what I, Loqi the Great Tummelt, have in store for you!”
“Wait a minute. Wasn’t that guy like…shorter and skinnier than me?” Prompto asks.
Cor is laughing.
He’s having so much fun staring at the scene, holy fuck, you should see him laugh and cover his eyes and mouth while watching this.
The actor chocobros are suffering at the hands of actor Loqi, whose cardboard mech keeps smashing them and tossing them around.
“Get away!” actor Cor is yelling. “This is too dangerous for you! Only I, Cor Leonis, the Immortal, Lucian Marshal, am capable of defeating him! This is a fight that belongs to us and only us! My eternal enemy! My personal opponent! My arch-nemesis! Loqi the Great Tummelt!”
Cor is still laughing so much.
“Who the fuck is that, oh my god, I don’t remember him, who spread the rumor that he was my arch-nemesis, wasn’t he like an inch tall, ahahaha!”
Skip to the travel to Lestallum.
Actress Iris phones actor Noctis.
“Oh, my celestial prince! My hero. My beloved Noctis. I am delighted and my heart is so full of hope and light now that I hear your dear voice and I know you’re alright and alive more than only in my heart. I wait for you, my dear heroic prince, in Lestallum. I shall wait for you however long it takes; the wait will be worth, so long it’s about you, my darling.”
“Wow, that actress is making it look like Iris likes me like, like-likes me, haha.”
The whole gang either stares at Noct in disbelief or just sigh because holy fuck, Iris could smack him in the face with a brick that says “I HAVE A CRUSH ON YOU” and Noctis still wouldn’t notice, this oblivious absolute DORK.
“I know the potential future princess of Lucis and only sister and dear family of Gladio just called to tell us she survived after many days with no notice of her or anyone…but what about instead of going to meet her we go to see the chocobo ranch?”
Lunafreya chuckles.
“Oh my. They really are depicting you guys as idiotic, stupid, childish immature dorks, you would never do such a thing like changing Iris and all your dear ones to go see chocobos first.”
The main four stay quiet and all try to not share any glance and they all go “uh…yeah, haha, that is…definitely right, we-didn’t do that, this- this play is so silly…”
…but Ravus chuckles again.
Ravus knows.
These dorks really did that, lmao.
There’s more about hunts and going into the dungeon in the waterfall cave and etc. Prompto keeps fainting and shrieking and making awful jokes, Gladio keeps yelling and flexing and stopping at random spots to do push-ups, Ignis keeps doing everything almost as if coreographed and on perfect timing, and Noctis keeps sleeping at random times.
There’s no actor Ardyn; no one but the bros have idea that he’s been the one helping. In the play he’s just the “Mysterious redhair hat guy”.
Redhair guy guides them to Cauthess Disc.
Actor Prompto made the tomb collapse, actor Gladio kept destroying boulders with bare hands and carrying an asleep Noctis through it, and actor Ignis just for some reason kept saying “Indubitably” at everything he heard.
For the Titan fight, they used puppets to depict the bros and the MTs and a person disguised in a Titan Kigurumi. This person ended up stumbling and falling midways through it.
They lost the Regalia and everything was fine and accurate to the story until the actor chocobros stOLE A CAR BECAUSE “THEY CAN’T GO ON THEIR FEET SORRY”.
Regis asked Noctis at least twenty times in the next 10 minutes “you really didn’t do that, right? Did you guys really steal a car? Hey Noct, I believe in you but you can tell me in all trust, okay, no worries if you did steal that car. Did you steal a car? Omg Noctis.”
They went to get Ramuh’s blessing.
In the cave, actor Prompto was kidnapped by a giant Naga, and actor Noctis had to rescue him.
Actor Gladio kept throwing giant prop boulders at the Naga and screaming “PROTEIN” while actor Ignis kept balleting around it for some reason.
“…do you ballet, Ignis?”
Ignis’ silence had been enough of an answer, but after a moment of blushing and embarrassment and staring elsewhere he just went with “…I think it’s recreative and helped greatly with developing my flexibility and my muscle weight and strength.”
“So that’s a yes.”
“Yes. What’s wrong with that?”
“Nothing. I just can’t imagine you in a leotard.”
“And you won’t imagine it, pretty boy, so stop trying.”
That’s Gladio getting a bit jealous over there. He doesn’t want Jerkvus to imagine his Iggy in his precious purple leotard, THAT’S A SIGHT HE’S NOT WORTHY OF >:’(
Actor Noctis saved actor Prompto and carried him in arms bridal style.
“Oh! My hero! I knew you would save me
“Don’t worry, Prompto. Not only did I take you along despite knowing you’re useless because you’re funny, I also took you along because I think you’re cute.”
“O-oh…Noctis-sama…(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)”
“…oh my god they’re making it lo-  no homo, bro, you know that? I mean not that I’d mind but like- no? You know?”
They try to infiltrate an imperial base to recover the Regalia, BUT, of COURSE the ALMIGHTY EMPIRE has NO FLAWS and no one can infiltrate there!
The play depicted that the chocobros HAD to use brute force and force a traitor imperial to be able to make it inside.
“Pscht. We did it on our OWN, come on >:(“
Ravus is chuckling.
“Hey, Ravus? Why are you smiling?”
“This is my favorite part.”
No one really knew what he was talking about; what was fun about the guys fighting overpowered imperials and recovering the car?
The actor chocobros recover the car. While talking in there, actor Prompto turns around.
Actor Prompto SHRIEKS OUT IN HYSTERICAL FEAR and then faints.
Actor Ignis has to take him away to protect him. Actor Noctis wakes up.
And so, Actor Ravus comes on in on stage!!!
“…oH MY GOD NO” it’s Gladio finally understanding why Ravus was chuckling and waiting for this. Ravus just laughs darkly again in his seat, satisfied with the Shield’s distress.
He doesn’t even mind that the actor is wearing the SUPER FAKE prosthetic on the wrong arm.
“It has been a very long while, Chosen One. Noctis.”
“Indeed it has, Ravus, Not Chosen.”
Gladio SNORTS and fights a lot with containing a hysterical laugh.
Damn he knows that’s Ravus MOST SORE and fragile spot, so he knows they hit him where it hurts most.
Ravus just frowns and his eyebrow twitches.
Actor Ravus gives a SUPER OMINOUS speech about Noctis not understanding his duty and being unworthy of it. Like SO OMINOUS, it’s worse than Gentiana levels of unintelligibly pompous.
Actor Noctis does complain about him serving the army that’s against Lunafreya.
“I do not serve! I command!”
Like, no throat grabbing and jerking, HE FUCKING. SLAPPED HIM. LIKE DEAD ON THE FACE.
“Hey, that didn’t happen! That looks more humiliating than what really did happen!”
Ravus is chuckling again.
Actor Gladio gets in the way.
“HEY! NO SLAPPING! YOU SLAP THE TINY DORK, YOU SLAP ME FIRST. IT’S THE AMICITIA WAY! IT’S THE AMICITIA DUTY!” he’s yelling as he’s unnecessarily flexing. “YOU FIGHT HIM ONLY AFTER YOU FIGHT ME!” and then he unnecessarily rips his shirt apart and tosses the pieces to the sides and gets ready to fight.
Clarus chuckles in the row behind them.
“That’s my son.”
“! :D YEH!”
Actor Ravus gets close to him.
“The Shield of the prince. A useless, fragile shield that protects the unworthy and the weaker.”
And, said that, actor Ravus…flicks his forehead.
Actor Ravus. He flicked actor Gladio’s forehead. Flicked it.
“…what the FUCK HE BARELY TOUCHED HIM! That’s not- that’s not what happened! Iggy! Iggy, you saw that, right? You know what really happened and it’s nothing similar to this, right!?”
Ignis hesitates.
“D: IGNIS!?”
“No! I’m sorry! No, I didn’t mean- what I mean is, it definitely wasn’t like that. You’re right.”
“…yeah…I know…:(“
Ravus snorts and properly laughs under his breath this time.
He has manners enough to contain himself and not burst laughing, but he laughs so much and contains it so much he even has to wipe away some tears of laughter.
“Ah. My favorite part. What a delight. How I wish we could replay that.”
Gladio’s really moody and upset right now, please don’t touch him.
The chocobros have to infiltrate another base, and of course they require of more dirty tricks and brute force to make their way inside.
They follow actor Caligo.
Speaking of which, it’s a young handsome man in his 30’s with Senpai face and a long, silky mane of black hair, giant blue eyes, and a gorgeous voice.
Aranea is cringing in her seat.
Caligo almost defeated them too, by the way. He was IN NO WAY captured or knocked out, he’s an imperial officer, of COURSE he won! The chocobros only won because they summoned a god and everyone knows that’s cheating and doesn’t count.
Actress Aranea comes in!
“What!? Who said that!?”
Actress Aranea comes into the scene….
Aranea bursts out laughing.
“Ahahahahahah!! I mean, I do jump very high, but that girl is FLYING! Ahahahahah!!”
Aranea is having a LOT of fun.
Mostly because actress Aranea is SLAYING THE FUCK OUT OF THE CHOCOBROS.
Actress Aranea is super skinny and wearing a pair of fake boobs, but Aranea thinks it’s cool.
And by fake boobs I mean. They’re giant. Giganormous. Anime tiddies.
“Why are my boobs so big?”
“I mean, they wrote the script based on what they heard or what people would tell them, so I guess that’s how people described you.”
“Wow, from all the things people had to look at, they remember me for giant boobs?”
“Aw :( I’m so sorry, Aranea. Women shouldn’t be sexualized like thi-”
“Because damn they’re right, I have to admit my boobs are quite nice! You ever touched them, pretty boy?”
“Hey, mister dad? Your son touched them.”
“Oh. Really?”
“Yeah, and he’s also seen them in flesh and-”
Aranea didn’t talk much because she’s entertained watching the play and actress Aranea fly around like a real dragon slaying the boys.
She’s also flirting with both actors Prompto and Ignis all along the fight.
Actor chocobros end up defeated and knocked out on the ground on a pile.
Actress Aranea stands on top of them, with her heel on actor Noctis’ face.
“I would END YOU RIGHT NOW. But you know what, I won’t.”
“Just because. See you later, guys!”
“…is that really how it happened? You could have ended them and didn’t and then you just. Joined them? Just like that?”
“Of course not! I had an interesting arc and character development, if you must know!”
“…so did you really just leave and then joined them for no reason?”
The actor chocobros are taking Iris to Caem.
Actress Iris is a VERY tall and SUPER INCREDIBLY HUNK young lady that keeps flexing and screaming PROTEIN along Gladio, and fist-pumping with him while yelling “AMICITIA! AMICITIA! AMICITIA!” like brute gorillas.
Clarus finds it a cute sight and is proud.
“Wow, look at the actress playing Iris!”
“I’m sure that’s a man.”
“Wow, look at the actor playing Iris! He makes her look all beefy and super strong and super scary!”
There’s a long silence.
“Most accurate thing so far.”
Everyone agrees.
Actor Gladio informs he will momentarily leave the party.
“….ZzZz…Oh? Ah. Yeh. Whatever. Just let me sleep.”
Actor chocobros except actor Gladio get to the ruins in the Vesperpool and they meet actress Aranea again.
“Hey guys! I know I kicked your asses last time but I think I changed my mind, mind if I join you?”
“.___.     Fine.”
“Hey, she’s very persuasive.”
(High five to myself for that disney reference *highfive*)
Episode Gladio…. Hasjdjaklf
Actor Gladio spends his time away in the gym and flexing and eating carbs before he goes into a cave to face the Evil Darklord.
(Nobody knows about Gilgamesh, okay, the writers had to make something up).
Cor accompanied him.
“You’re welcome. I’m happy to help in your self-discovery journey, what about we talk about myself?”
“That wasn’t like that.”
Gladio stays quiet and frowning and analyzing it for a bit before he turns.
“…but it was like that, we talked about just you.”
“But that’s because you asked!”
“That’s because you offered it!”
“Wha- no! Why would I talk about myself just like that? You started!”
Basically episode Gladio goes about Cor and Gladio being work-out buddies.
Actor Cor rarely shows any reaction even when he’s being hit in the face.
“Wow…they make it look like I never smile or something…”
Gladio stayed quiet again analyzing everything.
“…but you really didn’t smile.”
Cor didn’t answer.
The actor chocobros go to Altissia, and we get a skip to Lunafreya who receives the news.
“My beloved prince Noctis is coming?” everything is fine. And then- “OH!” then dramatically sobs. “That is…wonderful news! His presence means light. His presence means a savior. His presence…” she sobs and sniffs again, and then she throws herself to her knees, hands to the sky. “His presence…means HOPE! SO MUCH HOPE! Hope for the world!” she sobs louder and throws herself onto the chair. “HOPE FOR EVERYONE!” she lets herself to the floor. “Forgive me if I’m getting too emotional but…this touches my heart and fills it WITH SO MUCH HOPE!”
And so actress Lunafreya burst out into hysterical hyper dramatic tears.
Actor Ravus talks with Actress Lunafreya.
Actress Lunafreya bursts into hysterical tears.
“I can’t go on, brother! The hope! It’s dying and I can’t revive it! I’ve tried for so long to keep it alive, but it’s too much for me anymore! I’m not strong enough! Oh, the hope! You have to carry on with my duty for me, brother; let Noctis know that I love him and that I…I have HOPE IN HIM”
Actress Luna continued crying.
Luna chuckles a bit, but also hides a little behind a hand out of embarrassment.
“Sure I’m not that dramatic…”
Nobody answered.
Skip to the summit with Camelia.
Actress Camelia is far overweight and wearing far too much make-up, almost like a clown.
“You are aware, mister prince Noctis, that Accordo has been under the orders of the empire and loyally serving it for over a hundred years.”
“As servants to the empire, we’re supposed to do as they tell us; Niflheim does but look for the good of the people. Waking Leviathan will cost the lives of half Accordo and bring destruction to the world.”
“Let’s DO IT.”
Noctis is groaning in his seat while actress Camelia goes about some fake speech of how she’s betraying “the good guys” for money and etc.
“If only it had really been that easy…”
Skip to Noctis chasing after Leviathan. The imperials are depicted as the good guys that try to stop the destruction by killing Leviathan, and Noctis somehow ends up riding her and laughing like a maniac while guiding Leviathan into destroying half Accordo.
It’s beautiful and bizzarre.
Skip to episode Ignis.
Ignis is ballet-ing his way through Altissia.
He actually looks pretty badass with those pirouettes slaying MTs as he goes, look at that fine young gentleman.
Soon enough he’s joined by Ravus.
“I will destroy you, Ignis Scientia!”
Actor Caligo appears.
“I think your hair is weird!” he says to Ravus.
Actor Ravus looks at Ignis again.
“Never mind that, now I’ll join you, Ignis Scientia!”
Both kill Caligo.
Noctis: “What the fuck was that.”
Ravus: “That didn’t happen.”
Actor Ignis and Ravus slay some MTs before they stop and the atmosphere suddenly gets warm and in dim reddish lights like in a damn burdel.
Suddenly, both get a bit too close to each other.
“Oh, Ravus. I had never seen you from this close before” actor Ignis touches his lips and looks up at him. “I think you’re very attractive.”
Gladio, from his seat, flinches and goes “What?”
Actor Ravus gets some steps away.
“What? We can’t do this. We’re on enemy teams. My heart proudly belongs to the empire” (Ravus ‘pscht’s from his seat) “and rumors have it you’re already dating the Shield of the prince!”
“Gladiolus?” actor Ignis asks, and then he chuckles with some sarcasm. “Oh, Ravus. Don’t be ridiculous. I love him like a brother and just that!”
Gladio was frowning; now his expression just softens in some sort of insecurity, and he’s very attentive on the play.
“So then…you’re single?” actor Ravus asks him, and then he goes back to break the distance between them, and he hugs him with an arm, pulling him close to himself. “Ignis. The man with the beautiful eyes. I will now betray the empire and will swear loyalty to the king of Lucis and help him in his journey…for you.”
“Oh, Ravus…”
Both actors proceed to embrace each other and then they kiss.
And they go on.
And on and on.
Actor Ravus may have grabbed actor Ignis by the butt.
The play may have implied that these two slept together during the events of Altissia.
Ravus and Ignis are staring eye-widened and in shock, then they subtly look at each other, then finding the other staring, both look away in absolute embarrassment and burning red in the faces.
Gladio’s really, really upset.
The worst part is that he feels insecure, not jealous, which I think is worse.
Actor Ravus betrayed actor Ignis again and that’s how Ignis ended up kidnapped in imperial hands; then actor Ravus betrays the empire again and joins the actor chocobros to go rescue Ignis.
“I betrayed just ONCE and it was for good. They make it look like I don’t have a position in this and just betray every time things go bad for my team.”
The actor chocobros get the help of actress Aranea to go into Nif territory.
Actor chocobros end up in Gralea to rescue Ignis, who they find dead.
Apparently, Ignis died as result of wearing the ring, when trying to open the gates of the city for the chocobros.
“No! Ignis!”
Actor chocobros + actor Ravus cry for him, until actor Noct uses his magic ring.
“In the name of the moon! Healing magical power of the kings! Hi-yah!”
“…that’s not how you use the ring.”
Prompto laughs.
“They make you sound like a magical girl, dude.”
While using the ring, actor Noctis asked actor Gladio to hold Ignis for a moment.
When actor Ignis comes back alive, actor Gladio yells out
Gladio just “Pscht”s.
Actor Gladio is pushed aside by actor Ravus, who holds Ignis in an over-dramatic over-romantic way.
“Oh, Ignis…light of my new life, star of my new skies, love of my new life…you live…”
“Ravus. I fought to stay alive…for you.”
“Oh, Ignis!”
These two incoherently start making-out again in front of everyone as the actor chocobros cheer for them or throw petals on them.
This finishes with Gladio’s patience.
Gladio gets up from his seat and leaves; Prommy asks him if he can bring some gummies when he comes back.
Skip to Lunafreya staying behind somewhere “safe” instead of coming along in the journey like a damsel in distress, she cries because she’s back home in Tenebrae and that gives her so much hope.
She’s questioned about Noctis and if she doesn’t want to stop the rituals despite this wearing her out.
We get a flashback of actress Luna in Tenebrae.
Actor Ravus approaches her.
“OH RAVUS!” actress Luna is hysterically crying again.
Actress Luna went on in a rant about hope and light, crying all the time. Actor Ravus stayed still and frozen like a statue, frowning.
“Just get over that boy, Lunafreya. You’re way prettier than he deserves.”
“…he didn’t say that, Noc-”
“Yes, I did. In other words, but yes I did.”
Savage, Ravus.
“He’s never going to be worthy!”
“After you were proven unworthy, you say that about everyone!”
“Why are you yelling at me!?”
Ravus sighs in his seat.
“They make it look like I’m totally stiff and humorless, except from the times I’m with Ignis.”
Ignis chuckles. “Actually, I think that actor’s pretty spot on.”
Ravus: “How can you say that!?”
Actress Lunafreya: “I think Noctis is cute.”
Actor Ravus: “HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT!?”
Ignis just laughs.
There’s an intermission where the guys mop and complain about the things that aren’t accurate. Aranea is the only one happy with her character. Noctis tries comforting Prompto about him not being useless, Regis talks with Noctis about sleeping during important fights, etc.
“Have you guys seen Gladio?” Ignis asks after a while.
“He went for snacks ten minutes ago and I’m still waiting, bro!”
Ignis decides to go look for him.
Ravus is moping and Aranea goes see what’s wrong.
“What’s with the long face, tough boy? Not enjoying your character?”
“It’s easy for you to not be upset about this. You get a flying badass super strong heroine, but to me this is just a reminder of all the things I did wrong. From wearing the ring to having joined the empire, and things like failing to protect Ignis in Altissia…which they didn’t only rub in my face again, but also manipulated to make it seem like it was because of me that he got captured. It’s telling me how many mistakes I’ve done in my life and how it’s going nowhere. That I should have believed in Noctis since the beginning.”
“Hm. You sound pathetic, Ravus. You know, I don’t think there’s a time to be correct. It took me years before I left the empire, too, and I don’t mop for what I did in the past. I just try to get my present right for once. You should be doing the same. Besides, your sister is watching. I thought you wanted to make her proud; sitting here and mopping won’t get it. You get up and fight for the good causes now. Okay?”
Ravus smiles at her and thanks her, even when he doesn’t really like being lectured.
A random little kid that was chasing after his friend back into the theatre stops and looks at him. Like really looks; stays a while in there just staring.
“Oooh…your Ravus costume is SUPER COOL! But the fake arm goes on the other side!”
Ravus just blinks in disbelief at the child.
While the kid runs away, Aranea stops Ravus before Ravus gets to grab him by the skull, eyebrow twitching and face entirely unimpressed and soul screaming.
While the guys talk, Ignis finds Gladio at a balcony, grumpy and down in the dumps.
“Hey, Gladio? Is anything the matter?”
“This play is stupid. Everything about it is stupid and I don’t like it. Let’s just go back and get out of here.”
“Calm down, Gladio. I know it’s silly and far unrealistic, but it’s not so that you take it this personally.”
“Gods, I’m just- so angry right now…”
Ignis is quiet and doesn’t know very well what to say. More than angry, Gladio looks plain sad. Ignis tries standing next to him to at least let him know he’s there.
“Did you really mean that, Ignis?”
“What? If you could be a bit more specific…”
“Back in the play. You said- that you love me as just a brother. And I…”
“…Gladio? What do you mean?”
“Never mind. Forget it.”
Ignis stays quiet again and they say nothing for a long while. After the long pause, Gladio clearly tries saying something but seems to not know how, but after some attempts he puts the head slightly down and just lets it out.
“…did you really- kiss Ravus? Back in Altissia, I mean…”
“What?” Ignis is taken completely off-guard. But he laughs a bit. “Of course not. The writers just…took me to make me the romantic arc of the story, with the first person they saw, and built an over-dramatic romance.”
“Right, but why didn’t they take anyone else, then? Why Ravus?”
“I know you’re not exactly friends with him, but it’s not so you overreact, Gladio-”
“I just mean it was me who held you in arms after Noctis healed you! Not him! And it was me who carried you outside and looked after you until today…not him…”
“And it was…I just…thought there was maybe something going on between us. But it’s not, is it? You see me as the actor says, as just a brother. Right?”
“…Gladio, it’s just a play. I think…we could talk about us sometime else, okay? When you’re feeling better…if- you wish.”
Gladio is still down in the dumps, and can’t help it, but he knows Ignis is right about discussing this later, so he just nods.
Gladio does think about leaning in to steal a kiss from him, but he really doesn’t want to ruin it, or make a move that may upset or offend Ignis, so he resists.
Secretly, Ignis thought about holding his hand, maybe even dare to reach and kiss him, knowing it’s going to make Gladdy feel better, because yes, Ignis understands his feelings and they’re reciprocate, but he also really wants the moment of confession to be special, so he doesn’t dare make a move.
These two idiots hngh…just- kiss already AAAAHHHHH
Both head back to the play.
This time, Ignis makes sure to let Gladio sit in the seat next to Ravus, so Ignis is sat only next to Gladio.
Ignis also makes sure to throw hints at him by leaning against him and softly resting a hand on his arm across the rest of the play.
It does help Gladdy to feel better. :’3
The story follows the guys making their way through Gralea.
Ignis back then was healed but not fully and hence still blind, and the play didn’t miss that out.
Actor Ignis is going around SLAYING MTs and being a badass.
“Wow, Ignis, we thought you were blind?”
Actor Prommy is waving a hand in front of his eyes.
Actor Ignis is all smirk and then he goes.“I can see you doing that. I can still see, I see everything you see, except I don’t see like you do. I release a sonic wave from my mouth. Like this.”
Actor Ignis turned to look at the others and SCREAMED VERY  LOUDLY.
Like, SO LOUDLY. It’s a shriek. It’s a screech.
Actor Ignis is screaming so loudly, the chocobros, in the LAST row, all flinched and covered their eyes.
Everyone is staring at actor Ignis in absolute terror.
Actor Ignis is still yelling.
After like a whole minute he shuts up.
“There. I got a pretty nice look at you.”
Skip to Nox Fleuret sblings meeting again.
Actress Lunafreya went into a long rant and speech about the hope and lost love for the next ten minutes and then bursts into hysterical tears..
Actor Ravus has been still the whole time staring poker-faced.
Actor Ravus, after the heartfelt, emotional speech, turns over his heels and leaves entirely unimpressed.
“Wow, they make it look like Ravus doesn’t care about you, Luna.”
“….yeah. It…definitely didn’t happen like that….”
Ravus is too scared to look at Lunafreya right now.
….he may….or may not….really have walked away unimpressed leaving her speaking alone….
The play doesn’t offer much other than what Cor is supposed to be doing and the guys making their way through Gralea.
“Well, we’ve reached the present. Guess that’s it.”
“Wait! There’s more!”
The gang is actually pretty curious about seeing what the play theorizes will happen in a future.
The scenography shows some creepy place.
“It’s in Zegnautus! There’s the imperial keep where the throne chamber is” Aranea informs the chocobros in a whisper.
The chocobros all DAMN FREAK OUT AT HIS MENTION LIKE ZOMG THE MAN THAT’S MADE THEIR LIVES IMPOSSIBLE, they’re triggered even if they know it’s just an actor.
Actor Iedolas sits at the throne.
“My emperor!” actor Ardyn says as he bows before the emperor. “The Lucian prince and his friends have finally arrived here, in Zegnautus keep.”
“You’ve done well, Chancellor Izunia. They’re falling right in our hands, and on free will.”
“You were wise at advising we opened the doors for them. Our security is impeccable and they wouldn’t have been able to infiltrate or attack on their own.”
“You are not questioning me like that traitor of Nox Fleuret always did with my commands.”
“That’s because I have no doubts that you know what you’re doing and that you’ll be able to receive our guests as is deserved.”
Actor Prompto died at the hands of a random MT.
Prompto is pale and pretending he’s fine but you can see his soul abandoning his body in anxiety.
Actor Gladio died at the hands of Ravus because Gladio got angry at Noctis and tried to murder him and Ravus tried to save the day.
Actor Ignis died protecting Noctis from a valiant attack by the Chancellor.
Ravus couldn’t handle the loss and killed himself hugged to Ignis.
Noctis took the sword from Ravus and chased after the Chancellor alone.
Noctis arrives to the throne room.
“Emperor Iedolas! My sworn enemy!” Noctis says valiantly while swinging his sword in cool movements and pointing at the emperor. “I demand you give me back the Crystal that is by right mine! Give me back my source of power, you, greedy old man!”
“Greed? You think that what I want is the power that radiates from the Crystal?” the emperor asks him. “You, fool! I’m trying to save the world and the righteous people that live in it! You Lucians have kept the Crystal selfishly for yourselves all this time, not sharing it with anyone. We did steal it, I admit, but it’s for a greater cause! It’s for a bright and peaceful future!”
“Lies! I won’t listen to you! I don’t care about the future of the world, I only care about the future of my kingdom! Give it back!”
“You shall take it from my dead hands only.”
“So, I shall do!”
Suddenly, actor Noctis and actor Iedolas get into a frantic and pretty cool battle.
Someone in backstage is using mirrors and led lights to recreate Noctis’ armiger.
Actor Noctis is also tied by the waist to make some of his warps and big jumps.
“Fire spell! Hi, yah!”
The props are pretty decent, making a smoke bomb explode, or throwing random “snowflakes” when he uses blizzaga, etc.
Actor Noctis jumps around, armiger activated, the royal arms flying around, and Iedolas somehow manages to dodge and move away, and sometimes he counterattacks, it’s a frantic and pretty epic battle.
They reach a point where Actor Noctis stops on a side of the stage and Iedolas in the other. A prop of the Crystal “floats” in the back and in the middle.
Actor Noctis goes
“Oh, powerful Crystal that chose the Lucis two thousand years ago! Crystal that chooses the righteous and the fair, the good and the powerful, I claim your aid and ask you to finish this unworthy traitor of the gods!”
Noctis moves up in his seat, interested, and smiling all full of innocence and hope.
The “Crystal” suddenly starts gleaming.
Prompto shakes Noctis by the shoulders, as excited, and both boys watch happily.
The “Crystal” suddenly envelopes actor Noctis in its light.
The chocobros are all smiles and happiness while watching the moment, and then-
“Wh-what is happening…!? No….nooooo!!!”
Actor Noctis suddenly IS CONSUMED BY BLUE FIRE.
The light that previously surrounded him turns to blue papers that tornado around him, consuming him.
“AAAAAGHHHH!!! IT BURNS! IT BURNS! What is happening!? Why is the Crystal not giving me its power!? Why is it BURNING ME!?”
Suddenly, the previous lights go to cover and circle around actor Iedolas, who spreads the arms and looks up as if in divine realization.
While actor Noctis burns, actor Iedolas goes to give a speech.
“The Crystal…it has given me its approval!! I have been chosen as worthy!”
Actor Iedolas turns to look at actor Noctis and throws the arms of armiger at him, while actor Noctis still “burns”.
“The Lucis may have been worthy two thousand years ago…but not anymore! Their time has ended, their kingdom has fallen! They let their ego grow too much believing themselves superior only for being the safekeepers of the Crystal…but not anymore! The times change, and so does the choice of the gods, and this time, we have been chosen! We, Niflheim, are the new and righteous chosen of the Crystal, new warriors and safekeepers of it, we have been given the power that belongs to us, the superior race! And as the first emperor of the Crystal era, I have been chosen to eradicate the past, and finish the traitors of the gods, the Lucis Caelum! Your line ends here!”
There’s a whole show of lights and FIRE that comes out of nowhere and the endless armiger and dramatic music.
Actor Noctis ends up consumed and dead. The actor subtly-but-failed crawled out of the stage while actor Iedolas took the spotlight again and cheered for Niflheim.
Suddenly, the WHOLE audience goes HYSTERICAL and they break into loud clapping and cheering.
It’s a MESS of noise and “Yes!” and whistling, it’s chaos of joy in the theatre.
Except in the section where the good guys sit.
They’re all frozen and stare eye-widened at the stage.
Then, everyone simultaneously and in dead silence turns to look at Noctis.
Noctis is sat there, arms-crossed as he last was, eye wide, and face pale, and he’s whole frozen.
They spent like that like a whole minute before Noctis realizes he’s been observed.
“…I….hadn’t thought of that possibility….”
Long story short, our gang ends up exiting and leaving for their current hideout, all trying to make of this a not big deal.
“Eh, it’s not even a good script.”
“Yeah, it’s full of holes.”
“I didn’t even like it that much anyway.”
“You’re right. Absolutely pointless.”
And they never watched that play again.
*ending screen*
*credits roll*
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thekingsshield · 7 years
@nimblsouled replied to your post:  i need....... cyborg bros........ that were made 4 noct @galdinking:  i mean if he loses half his body in a fight according to canon as long as he gives it up to a daemon he can become a cyborg
    Technically, if they’re made for Noct and have a human appearance, then they would be androids. But, if they were born human and were given cybernetic augmentations, then they’d be cyborgs. And then automatons are comin’ outta left field because they have a face resembling a humans, and the rest of their body is exposed gears or circuits!
    [ravus voice] beep boop i lost my arm, got even more depressed, but now im a cyborg so that’s chill
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folightening · 7 years
First Three Sentences
Tagged by @touchedvenus
Wasn't sure how many to do, and I actually have a lot of fics I'm working on, so I'll just exclude the oneshots and give the first three sentences of multi-chapter fics I definitely want to do.
All of them are for Final Fantasy XV and involve Loqi.
Tagging: @stephicness, @gummysungshine, @th3chuckinator. I can't think of any other writers I know of to tag.
This one is a Ravus/Loqi Android and Scientist AU:
He shouted in triumph, throwing his arms up and looking to the ceiling when he saw it on the screen. Years of research, more failed attempts than he cared to admit, numerous set backs, and Loqi had finally succeeded. There, in the breast where it should be, was a black box.
One I call my Niff Road Trip, which is sort of based off a prompt on the kinkmeme. I'm just using Loqi rather than a random MT:
"Chancellor Izunia has been dismembered by the Chosen King's Armiger and requires our assistance in recovering the pieces and returning to his proper state of being."
Aranea and Loqi both simply stared at Ravus. 
"I still don't understand," Loqi said.
My Last of Us AU (sort of) featuring Cor, Loqi, and Prompto:
Loqi combed his fingers through Prompto's dirty hair and did his best to ignore the man on the other side of the room. He had joined them almost an hour ago, coming in to get out of the storm now raging outside. Barely anything had been said between them aside from an assurance that he wouldn't hurt them and Prompto deciding that they could trust him.
Arranged Marriage AU with Prince Loqi and the Fleuret siblings. Loqi is in love with Ravus, but of course has to marry Lunafreya. Thinking about some kind of a polyship, actually:
Prince Loqi Aldercapt slouched into the cushions, looking every bit like a sulky child with the way he had his arms crossed and a pout on his lips... As far as the man on the other side of the desk was concerned, he was a sulking child. 
"This marriage is our best option for keeping Tenebrae under Niflheim control."
Ravus/Loqi Fake Dating AU:
Of course the blond was asleep. Judging by the state of his desk, he had at least finished his work before deciding to nap this time. It was still inexcusable, but not something Ravus could currently worry about.
Ravus/Loqi Beauty and the Beast AU. Featuring Daemon!Ravus:
Running in the snow for hours just wasn't a good idea. But he hadn't had any choice in the matter. Not with those men chasing him.
Corqi Soul Mate/'Stuck in a Tower' AU. Basically, a mark magically appearing on their body means they have to go and rescue their true love. Cor is unamused, especially when he gets to know Loqi's situation better:
Drautos had been the one to point out the black on his wrist. After assuring the Glaive that no, he hadn't tattooed a barcode onto his wrist, Cor had been content to forget about the matter entirely. 
Then Regis wanted to meet with him.
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itshaejinju · 7 years
Pillow Talk Headcanons | FF 15 |
So I had this dream about how Noctis and Gladiolus would be badass at pillow talk. I mean Noctis spends a lot of time in bed so he's going to practice a lot with a pillow. (Prompto totally practices with a chocobo....)
Tagging: @stephicness @themissimmortal @blindbae @cupnoodle-queen @gudetamazing @neko-otaku13 @zacklover24 @stunninglyignis @mandakatt @fieryfantasy @roses-and-oceans @sweetchocobae @chocobropuffs @suzunesays @miss-scientia @misssarahdoll @mistressoli @rubyphilomela @insomniacapples @xnoctits @insomniascure @lady-asuka @alicemoonwonderland @valkyrieofardyn @shiroce @crybabyporcelain
Noctis: Noctis is really good with the whole pillow talk, when he is able to stay awake. By the time he and his s/o are in bed he's pretty tired so it's going to be short and sweet. If it's just being together in bed after a long day it's going to be calm talk about they types of fish he caught today. Or how many link strikes he did with the gang. He's going to be speaking in a really calm voice to, a sleepy punctuated with yawn tone. His s/o is going to love it like they will be wanting to have sex with him because of how arousing the sound of his calm voice is. You might get lucky and get him to have fun but most likely if he hasn't planned on it he's going to pass out. He's sleepy, let the boy sleep. Or come up with a really good technique that will surely wake him with a jolt. (*cough*bj*cough*) He will want to be facing his s/o so he can stroke their face, brushing hair out of their eyes and watch as they start to drift off. After sex pillow talk is generally about the event, how amazing that one little trick you did with your tongue or how he is so happy to find you. It's a lot of praise coming from him, he is in a post sex glow and he just wants you to know he really appreciates your very existence. A lot of kisses to the temples and rubbing of your arms.
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Prompto: His really revolves around a lot of caressing and tangling himself up in with his s/o before sleep. He loves whispering sweet nothings in their ear, like it makes his day. Mainly they speak about funny little things they say during the day what photos were taken. There is a lot of giggling from the both of them it's a wonder that they can get to sleep with all the giggling they do. His s/o really doesn't need a blanket because Prompto is their blanket as he's cuddled so close to them. A lot of people that are in the room next door would rather them be quiet because of the giggling. After sex pillow talk is really breathless so not much giggling more chuckling on occasions. He goes into a lot of care to make sure they are feeling comfy so little massages. Prompto does a lot of praising of his s/o tell them he's so glad that he has them in his life that he wouldn't know what to do without them. He really wants them to know he cares and is glad someone would love to see him naked. He loves to ghost his fingers over their skin and be the big spoon. (don't be shocked if he gets super emotional and tears up.)
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Gladiolus: With his deep voice lowered just a bit for whispering to his s/o before bed it really sends them shivering in delight. He likes to have them resting on his chest, he takes up a lot of the bed and there isn't much for his s/o in the end so he just pulled them on his chest. They really love it there (I mean I would) he rubs their back and run his fingers through their hair. They talk about the day's events just the basic stuff nothing that gets them riled up, Gladiolus does a lot of reassuring to his s/o that they are strong, caring and the most important person he has in his life. After sex pillow talk is really cuddly Gladiolus is rather clingy after sex specially if you had rough sex he will massage all the spots he was rough on, neck, shoulder, back and if you ask nicely he might even massage your feet. It's funny things he talks about after sex it can be about your sexual fun time or something that happened earlier in the day that he just remembered. Gladiolus likes to make them laugh and relax though he will sometimes ask you if you liked what you did in sex just to be sure if you are happy with it all. He loves having his s/o face him after sex forehead to forehead noses nuzzling against each other before sleep he loves playing with their hair and kissing their forehead.
Ignis: Ignis really likes to discuss what happened through the day, what should have happened or what he would have done better. It's the only way he can unwind, his s/o is his voice of reason or his voice of humor. As they will point out when he's being irrational about something. He is generally reading something while they cuddle as he tries to keep up with the news as much as possible. Ignis will even read new articles to them adding his own personal commentary to it. After sex pillow talk he's asking them how they are feeling, letting them know how fantastic they were and he likes being the big spoon curling him self snuggly around them. He also likes peppering their hair with kisses.
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Cor: Cor's s/o will call him a Koala bear in bed when they are cuddling because of how his is wrapped around them. He likes to be close as possible to them without suffocating them of course, he needs the reassurance that they are there and they are real and well. He doesn't like talking about work because it's stressing and generally something he's not allowed to share. He rather hear about his s/o day if they can talk about it, enjoying listening to them talk about I making comments about something he finds rather amusing. He really enjoys holding hands with them, stroking their hair kisses on the forehead. After sex pillow talk, he likes laying on his back and them curled up close to him, nuzzling his nose against their, holding hands feeling close to them. He really enjoys talking about little random things he learned on his last mission, little facts and such that his s/o finds interesting.
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Nyx: He really loves the playfulness of it all he doesn't always get to see his s/o because of his job with the Glaive. So when he's with them it is upbeat and cheerful as possible. He's a flirt through and through it will happen even if sex isn't going to happen. Nyx will tell them funny things about the day nothing serious at all just something to cheer them up to give them good dreams for the night. It's relaxing and calm, he likes to have them resting on his chest, listening to his heart beat as they find it relaxing. He likes wrapping his arms tightly around them rubbing hands up and down their back. He loves hearing about their day and the things that the learned. It reminds him that what he's doing for he Glaive is for you to have a peaceful life. After sex pillow talk, he's wanting you close nuzzling into your neck placing kisses there and holding you tightly, talking about sex and what you plan on doing tomorrow.
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Ravus: He's not much for pillow talk his s/o does a lot of it mainly just random things in their day and how much they appreciate him being in their life. In which he will be a bit shy about it feeling to reply but he just doesn't know what to say so sometimes he'll pretend to fall asleep quick but he doesn't he's just listening to them without too much guilt. It's not that he doesn't love it, the fact is he doesn't know how to convey himself well with people in a non-military fashion. After sex pillow talk Ravus really opens up to talking he will discuss all sorts of things about his day and his humor really comes out then sarcastic deadpan stuff. Things that make his s/o love him even more because he's not a android or a soulless deamon he's a caring innocent man. He loves facing them arm wrapped around their so he can wake up to see them right in front of him.
Lunafreya: Lunafreya really enjoys talking about neat little things she found on her travels dealing with the Astrals and being on her own she's seeing a lot of new things to her so even though they are old hat to her s/o it's new and fresh to her and they love hearing her rambling on about it. She loves being the little spoon holding their hand tightly knowing that they are their all night. After sex pillow talk, it's really sweet talking about how connected she feels with her s/o and how it feels so intense each time she just loves it. She will always praise them for treating her so well and being such a generous lover, she really loves making them feel good, she might tear up sometimes. (She just feels that connected with her s/o!)
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Cindy: She is a bit giggly and loud with pillow talk and she likes to change positions often and hug and  steam roll her s/o, she just wants to lavish them with affection even if they aren't having sex that night. They definitely don't talk about work it's a rule because Cindy will just go off for hours about cars and things she needs to do and she's not asleep at all. It's about funny things and jokes and cute stories. After sex pillow talk Cindy loves to sing little lullabies to her s/o or with her s/o depending on their mood! It's a lot of playing with the hair and snuggling close and singing softly in their ear nice and relaxing.
Aranea: She likes to share her opinions on everything and anything it's always so sarcastic though so s/o really doesn't know to take her seriously or not. (Don't) She will make up some crazy story just to see if they believe her loves being snuggled up close to them it reminds her that she is important to them. Simply enjoys the neck nuzzling giving and receiving it she just thinks it's the cutest specially when they whisper sweet nothings to her then. She's just a hopeless romantic behind that Dragoon armor! After sex pillow talk she will be serious in her talks and she will tell her s/o how much she appreciates them and how much she cares for them and she wouldn't want to loose them in her life. She can get a bit emotional, it's sweet and endearing to her s/o to see her in this light.
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spitblaze · 1 year
thinkingggggg about cyberpunk/Android Therion AU roles everyone has
I'm gonna go ahead and say now that everyone's aged up a little to make everything line up a bit more. Not by much, like 3-5 years max.
Ophilia- A Bishop with the Church of the Sacred Flame. As the church is a dual religious and medical institution, this essentially means that she's a religious figurehead with the responsibilities of a hospital director. Not enough of a public figure that everyone recognizes her, but enough that she's been on the news several times, usually giving interviews about the policies the church holds or current events. She's generally well-respected and makes a habit of stamping out corruption at its source when she finds it. That doesn't mean the church is free of corruption, mind you, just that she takes action where she can. Her storyline probably revolves around a church controversy coverup that goes deeper than anything she's ever tackled before, and pulls the others into its snare. Unsure if the OT2 people are here too but if they are, she's on good terms with Temenos.
Cyrus- A professor of antiquities and arcane sciences at Atlasdam University, moonlights as a synth musician. He has a nice comfy position with tenure, and a nice apartment that he's never in because he basically lives in his office. He has several published books on his areas of expertise (the consensus on those is that they're very accurate, if verbose) and is a frequent contributor and peer reveiwer to basically every journal of antiquities, classics, archaeology, and arcane science he can find. The man has no free time and that is by his own choice, at least until there's an explosion in the arcane sciences building that's pinned on him, despite having an alibi in the university library. If Osvald is there he's a fellow arcane science professor (also math/physics) who helps Cyrus lay low/escape.
Tressa- An entrepreneur and small-business owner. She sees things through the lens of business opportunities and profit, and had a very strong sense of customer service instilled in her at a young age. She has personal beef with Ravus Industries, the company having essentially performed a hostile takeover of her parents' business. They say that they're enjoying their retirement, they're okay with the changes Ravus has made to the business, but Tressa knows that they're just putting on brave faces about it. She's been dealing with shareholders and investors since she was practically a baby and knows how those boards and c-suite lunkheads operate, and she's ready and raring to take her issues all the way to the top.
Olberic- A war veteran who's just trying to live in peace. He enlisted straight out of high school, having fallen victim to the propaganda and not having much other option financially. He's been through multiple tours of duty, been a high-ranking marine (or the equivalent), and all he has to show for it is PTSD and some old camo fatigues. His lover Erhardt was pronounced MIA (though the body was never found) and he finds it difficult to open up to anyone else, knowing that the horrors of war are just...not something you can really drop on a civilian. Ravus is moving in to the tiny pastoral village he settled down in with militia propaganda, and that's something he just won't stand. Unsure about his story beyond this. On god we are going to get Olberic some therapy
Primrose- A singer-songwriter with a background in choreography, using the fact that she's 'on tour' to cover for her investigation. She's not big enough to host shows in massive venues, but she's known and liked enough that her performances pretty consistently sell out. She's an industry plant, sure, but it's very hard to argue that her music lacks the authenticity as so many others do. The Azelhart conglomerate was a longtime competitor to Ravus, until the entire board of investors and c-suite were found dead after a company event. Primrose has very few leads to go off of, but is patching things up with her adoptive sister Odette after their falling out so they can pursue the truth together.
Alfyn- An engineer specializing in android healthcare, but frequently takes jobs with more conventional electronics (like server farms) to keep the lights on. He studied medicine for a time, and was even an EMT for several years, but ended up burning out due to a combination of stress, compassion fatigue, horrific hours, and generally being fed up with medicine as an industry. As a further 'fuck you' to the industry, he's technically authorized by most major android manufacturers, but uses as few OEM parts as possible. He sees his current occupation as a sort of happy medium between his desired profession and his family trade (mechanics). Driving home from a job in Bolderfall one day, he finds an unusual android in a cave that's been emitting a POST code via radio. He brings the android home and repairs them (at no charge, ofc), but in doing so, unwittingly finds himself at the center of a manhunt by Ravus Industries to retrieve their precious asset.
Therion- An android designed for theft and espionage by Ravus Industries. A top-secret model made with cutting-edge tech and the ability to perform magic and arcane formulae. Did more or less what he was told for most of his life, and was attended to by scientists who treated them well. Unfortunately, the people at the top didn't, and he was decommissioned after refusing to carry out assassinations. This didn't last long, as he was 'stolen' by a thief who broke into the facility to make off with as many valuable items as they could- Darius. Therion got his help in removing his remote location and control parts and fled with him. They spent several years as partners in crime and partners more generally until Therion started refusing things again. For that, and a hefty sum from a competitor of Ravus, Darius tore his maintainence panel open, shut him off, and shoved him off a cliff into the ravine. The next thing he knew, he was immobilized on a repair table in a backwater repair shop and some scruffy engineer's hands in his 'guts'. And now Ravus is doing their damnedst to get him back, even if all he wants to do is live his life.
H'aanit- An off-the-grid homesteader who lives deep in the Woodlands. Aside from a handful of other homesteaders in the area, the closest town is a several hour drive away. And she likes it that way. In her mind, technology is nothing but a burden, and urban sprawl and technological advancement have taken a lot from her. She practices her huntsmanship and the ancient art of monster taming regularly, her teacher Z'aanta having shown her how to use a shotgun the day she was big enough to pick it up. The S'warkii tribe is on its last legs, and she is one of the few surviving members, so many other members of her clan either killed long ago in struggles against colonialism or with heritage so diluted that calling them S'warkii would be disingenuous. Not totally sure what her plot would be, maybe learning there's a chance her parents are alive. But it's VERY important that you know she's butch and also Linde is still there.
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valkyrjja-blog · 7 years
quick and dirty ffxv verse info:  2B was created by verstael besithia as a battle android. similar to magitek, but lacking the daemonic essence. she can often be found assisting leaders ( ardyn, ravus, aranea, verstael, etc. ) within the niflheim army, or following through on missions of her own. 9S was created as a support to her, as a scanner to determine information, a hacker, and to reduce the times she would need to return to the keep for repairs.
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stephicness · 7 years
PROTOCOL (Chapter 2) -- Android AU! (Ravus Nox Fleuret x Reader)
Haha, wow, I can make that title really long!
But hey! Finally moved along to part two! :D Didn’t quite introduce another important character yet, but you’ll get to meet two of them within the next chapter! Thanks for being so patient with me when I’ve been writing this. I hope to keep writing this for you more when it comes to this story!
For now, enjoy Chapter 2 of PROTOCOL! C:
Previous Chapters: CHAPTER ONE
Ringing, knocking, a chipper ‘Yoo-hoo!’ in the late morning were among the many distractions you usually blocked out of your hearing when you were focused on your repairs. As the schedule dictated, from 8 AM to about noon, you would dedicate yourself solely to doing repairs on the androids you were commissioned to repair. Noon until 1 PM was lunch, and then you were back doing repairs or mods until one of your nightly primetime dramas started.
Today was The Cor Aegis, which was one with a Cor-X model repurposed for the sci-fi action show. You had to find out if the evil prince Loqi was going to exact his revenge on the hero or rejecting his proposal to be his wife! Odd show, but you liked it.
Even so, work had to come first. Even if you just wanted to binge watch the show in your underwear again as you waited for the next episode. No amount of knocking, ringing, shouting, or greetings could disrupt you. Especially when this Roomba wasn’t going to fix itself!
You reached over with your foot, pushing open the door from the garage entrance with it and shouting into the house as loud as you could. “RAVUS, GET THE DOOR!” You caught the door again with your foot and gently shut it as you focused again.
“Ya know, it’s been real nice havin’ Rae around here with us.” Cindy held up the mechanical arm she was working on, sticking her fingers into the connection port with her eyes flickering slightly. From just the small shock she gave it, the arm began to twitch its fingers, provoking a loud ‘Aha!’ from her. “Been nice not ta be able to focus.”
“Mhm… Could use more focus though…” You carefully pulled some of the wires from the small vacuum device. You just had to make sure that the wires got back into place, and the device should be able to move again. Just some wires that got jumbled up when your client’s dog decided that it was a giant frisbee… That didn’t fly in the air. You just sort of assumed that the dog wasn’t the smartest creature in the world, unfortunately. “Just let me stick these back in, and you’ll be able to walk again, little guy.”
With your small set of pliers, you pulled the wire aside, looking for where to reconnect it. And when you found the place, you moved the wire to connect it slowly… Carefully…
You jolted from the loud noise, arms shooting up as reflect and the wire you wanted to connect pulling itself out with you. You stared at the wire for a split second before you heard the little device beginning to beep rapidly. Just before you could look down at it, the device bolted forward and into your torso before it clattered to the floor. “Son of a-!” You coughed a bit in pain before you looked down at the stupid Roomba on the floor. Well… It was moving along like it hadn’t been damaged to begin with. Just scooting along as if brand new. Your eyes narrowed at the little thing. This was the thanks that you got for trying to fix it? Asshole.
“What the heck was that?” You looked over to Cindy, who seemed more fascinated by the arm that she was tampering with than the noise you had heard. You let out a sigh, shaking your head in response. Well, at least she can get some more work done while you got investigate. Tossing your pliers onto your desk, you pushed your safety glasses up into your hair and went inside the house.
Needless to say, the man you asked to check on the door was standing there by the window nearby the front door. The way he stood there, eyes narrowed as if glaring at something intense was outside. He honestly reminded you of a cat with how often Ravus was perched at the window. If you gave him a pedestal to perch on, he probably would use it, you were sure. You squinted at the window for a moment before you cleared your throat.
No movement or response from Ravus.
Of course… When he was focused he didn’t answer you either. You seemed to have a knack for attracting androids who like to ignore you.
“Ravus?” The silver-haired man’s eyes shot over to you. Always with such an intense stare, it gave you the shivers every time. But it was always calmed down with how his expression softened whenever he noticed it was you. Well, at least he was getting used to seeing you. And getting used to not roasting your microwave. So seeing how he calmed himself, you smiled at him, even if you were shrouding a bit of annoyance from having been interrupted by work. “Was there someone at the door?”
“Yes, but I have rid them from your presence.”
You blinked rapidly and tilted your head at him. “I’m sorry, you did what?”
Ravus tilted his head at you in return. “I simply took the most appropriate course of action to combat a potentially threatening scenario. With how aggressive your neighbor was trying to assault your door, I assumed that something was wrong and would endanger you as a result.”
“Yeah, but why?”
“To ensure your safety and well-being. I simple said that should they continue their persistence in knocking, I will not hesitate to eliminate them on sight as a means of self-defense.”
“So then you slammed the door on them?”
“Correction: I told him that they were being a nuance. And then I slammed the door on them.”
“What?! Ravus, no!”
You had to rub your temples in frustration. Such conversations like these seemed to be more of a daily occurrence the longer you had the RAV-N0X prototype residing with you. As far as you can tell, it wasn’t even an official month since you repaired him, and already he seemed to be making things rather antagonistic for you in your household. From constantly replacing kitchen appliances to training the android just how to be civil of all things, it was like taking care of a dog. An overly-protective dog with a knack for making things worse than they already are.
You could deal with replacing toasters and all (especially with the discounts you get after helping to fix-up the SOPH-E Air android that usually helps run the appliance store). But you couldn’t necessarily deal with not even being able to brush your teeth without your android roommate doing something over-the-top to ‘ensure your safety and well-being.’ Your neighbor hardly deserved that. At least, you hoped they didn’t… Ravus hardly did anything to help you and your sudden paranoia about people that come to ring your doorbell.
You let out a heavy sigh. “I’m going to have to chase them down now… Did they at least say why they were here?”
“It was something along the lines of needing an audience with you about an important matter.”
“Then you should have let them in!”
“Not without verifying an appointment with me.”
“I’m pretty sure they don’t even know you’re living here!”
“Contrary, my visual recordings note that they assumed that I am an attendant of your home, referring to me as, quote: ‘Like, a boyfriend or something.’”
You were taken aback and caught off guard. Really? How could they not tell that Ravus wasn’t a human? He had a metallic purple arm for goodness sakes! But you let out a deep breath to calm down the annoyance, cheeks reddening a bit as you glanced aside. Cute though that they thought Ravus was your boyfriend. If he was human, you would kill to date someone that handsome.
“Upon further analysis of your neighbor, however, I have come to the assumption that they are – according to Urban Dictionary – a gossipy bitch.”
And this… Was probably why you wouldn’t want to date a guy like Ravus if a human version of him existed… He said some rude things. You shook your head out and moved past the android with a huff. “Gossipy bitch or not, my neighbors could also be potential clients, you know. And at this rate, I kind of need them if I wanna keep living here.” You stuffed your feet into your boots, stomping yourself into them while you took your jacket up from the wall. You opened up the front door, staring at the towering android as you gestured with your arm. “Well? Let’s go.”
“Why would I need to accompany you? As you mentioned before, your neighbors supposedly do not know I reside here.”
“You made it your point that they do know. Besides, you need to apologize to them.”
“I do not see a reason to when I was merely following protocol.”
“Well, I do! Humans don’t give people death threats for knocking on doors.”
“The knock itself was approximately 3.2 times more forceful than it should have been, indicating urgency or violence within it.”
“Well, I’ll never know if they were being violent or urgent now that you sent them away.” You let out a sigh of exasperation, clearly not getting anywhere with Ravus. You shook your head before you turned back towards the door. “You can’t predict everything bad that’s gonna happen, you know. I could get attacked as soon as I leave the house, and you wouldn’t be able to stop it.”
You were barely able to finish your thought before Ravus quickly stepped up to you, the violet replacement arm of his quickly shooting out to block you from the doorway as he stood in front of you protectively. His eyes flashed with a brief violet before fading out – just as the light on your porch surged bright then shattered itself. You jolted in surprise, instinctively gripping onto Ravus’s arm before you groaned and pushed it away. “Ravus, what the hell?!”
“If your neighbor is truly a threat, then your life may be in danger.”
“If anything, you’re going to end up scaring me to death before anything dangerous happens to me!”
“Actually, in a statistical sense-“
“It’s a figure of speech, Ravus.” At this rate, Ravus would keep you from even so much leaving the house to get your mail. And with how urgent your neighbor sounded, you had to do something to get the android to budge. Even using his name command, it was still spotty about whether he listened to you or not. It made you begin to wonder if his virtual intelligence was acting up or he was just installed with a really opinionated one. You’d have to do research on it later.
You pressed your lips together in thought. Research can come later. What mattered now was getting Ravus to move so you can see your neighbor. So you thought for a moment, a longer moment, and an even longer one before you realized that, holy Astral hell. Ravus was not budging. Even amongst the awkward silence, he just stood there, still like a barricade as you stood behind him. Really? Was there really something out there that was that dangerous? No. The most danger that you’ve had in your neighborhood was when Ravus came barreling through your window. You couldn’t help but turn around and eye the tacky green rug the covered-up the remains of black in your carpet. Yup… That was the only dangerous thing.
But you’ve had enough of this. You’d leave the house one way or another, and you’d make Ravus to apologize to your neighbor one way or another. You reached out, placing your hand on top of Ravus’s arm to get his attention. As expected, his mismatched eyes locked themselves onto you as you stared back at him. You wouldn’t take no for an answer as you began to take his hand into your own and firmly grasp it. He looked down at it, attempting to shake his hand free, but you still held on. “No. You’re going to apologize to my neighbor, whether you want to or not. That’s an order from me. Do I make myself clear, Ravus?”
This seemed to trigger something in Ravus, his eyes both flashing with a blue color as his furrowed eyebrows eased and his expression softened. It seemed that triggered his command code. You just had to be adamant with him, it seemed. But even after he registered the command, his expression turned into a grumpy frown before he turned his head away. “Understood…” He didn’t make much of an effort to fight off your hold anymore, perhaps worried about whether he would harm you as a result, but you still took what little victories you could get as you began to lead him out of your house and across the street to your neighbor’s house.
Your neighbor’s home was much nicer looking in comparison to your own, but perhaps it was because the lawn was neatly trimmed, rose bushes around the walkway gave the house a lot of life, and… Well, there wasn’t a sheet covering their window as you still tried to find someone to replace your window. It seemed proper, especially for someone living alone. It made you a little envious, considering that you couldn’t get Cindy to do the yardwork even if it was the only function her VI understood. She would much rather take apart the lawnmower rather than use it.
Maybe you can command Ravus to fix the yard. You made a mental note of that for later.
But once you got up to the front door, you let go of Ravus’s hand, looking up at him as you fixed up the sad excuse for clothing you had put him in. The old man in the house behind you was nice enough to lend you some of his old clothing from his ‘young and wild days’ to give to Ravus, but they definitely weren’t Ravus’s style. You were pretty sure floral dress shirts and brightly colored bell-bottoms weren’t even in style anymore, but they were something other than the torn-up white thing that Ravus was found in. You’d have to make a note to find him better clothes. If you could leave the house for more than five minutes without something going wrong, that is.
“Okay, so remember to be nice. You don’t have to smile when you apologize, but at least try to be sincere.”
Eyebrows furrowed in response. “How does one be sincere? Sincerity implies as if I have the capacity of caring about an apology.”
He let out a sigh in response, eyes flashing blue for a split second before he nodded. “I understand. I have conducted research, and will attempt to be ‘sincere.’”
“Thank you, Ravus. It won’t take us that long. Promise.” You pat down his collar before you rang the doorbell, stepping back next to Ravus, eying him from your peripheral vision just in case he tried to make a break for it.
You could hear a small bit of commotion from the other side of the door. Noises that seemed muffled, but audible enough to be heard as ‘A visitor! Gotta get the door!’ Exuberant in their greetings, from the sounds of it. The door jimmied itself a bit before it swung open and a bright smile greeted you. Blond-hair curled up and spiked like waves of gold that made you jealous of how healthy it looked, blue eyes staring at the two of you in awe and excitement, freckles that sparkled just like the young man’s eyes… There was something quite captivating about the young man than opened the door.
“Visitors! Welcome!”
Wait a second…
You opened your mouth to respond, but Ravus stepped forward already. “There is something that I must do before you welcome us.” He was a behemoth in comparison to the blond in the doorway, but not for long as he knelt before the young man, taking his hand into his own two as he looked up with a gentleness in his eyes.
“I wish to apologize to you… For my outburst against you and for the fear I incited within you. It was heartless of me to reject you without a second thought, and for that I wish for your forgiveness. I promise to never let you feel shut out by me – to feel as if you have to handle your endeavors alone.” He squeezed the other man’s hand tighter, bringing it to his lips before he kissed the back of it with a chaste kiss. “You may not wish to accept my apology, but please know that I am sorry, from the bottom of my heart.”
Silence was given in response to Ravus’s words.
“…Why are you not saying anything?” Ravus’s eyebrows furrowed before he turned to look up at you. “Why is he not responding? Why are you concealing your face with your hands?”
You croaked out a groan in response. “Because that’s not my neighbor.”
Ravus paused, eyes flashing violet for a split second as he looked up at the blond. He seemed to analyze the young man before him longer than anticipated to come to the realization that perhaps this wasn’t your neighbor. But both were blond, right? Both had blue eyes? Both were skinny and freckled? He always saw this young man retrieving the newspaper from the driveway, collect the mail from the box, return home with an arm full of groceries and other items. He was certain this was your neighbor.
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mooglepalooza · 7 years
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chocobro-hijinks · 7 years
Android Comapnion: RAV N0X (Aeternia build)
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(thanks for the request anon ;w; i’m in love with this au too!)
happens in the same universe as this AU (chocobros) and this continuation of it (nsfw + ravus)
The coin lands on Heads, which you’ve decided beforehand would grant him mercy:
the android that broke through your window is on your floor in a pool of it’s own inky black oil, he smells like burning wires
you approach it slowly because you’re aware of the monstrous strength and resilience in that indestructible body, you’ve seen the youtube videos
“Pitioss” you command, the universal voice command for system shut down, it works with all androids as per international law
RAV N0X twitches repeatedly and turns what’s left of it’s face towards you
the only functioning optic repeatedly switches shutter dilatation to focus on your mouth, desperate for relief
you say the word again, as many times as it takes, until the software finally registers the dictation clearly
the electricity surge that kept his ball joint cords taught turns off, the android is disarmed with a silent sigh of relief -he was not blessed with add-on speakers, apparently
you call your business partner, an Aurum model you’ve registered as Cindy, to help you pick the pieces off the floor and dump the carcass in the garage
it’s kinda creepy how this model is unfinished, it has no way to shut down; just one eternal rest mode
it stays on even when everything is offline; the one eye he has left is always open and aware
Cindy helps you dismantle the injured parts of him, and jokes that he’s covered in more slime than you on a G.ladio (Spice) repair job
 when she’s charging at night, you stay behind and work on him after commissioned repair jobs, adding in whatever he lost in the bot war that did him in
he’s been neglected since purchase, apparently, because his oil chamber was still factory sealed and most of the sockets for optional parts were full of grime and shrapnel
his wig was a dirty brown, you’re shocked to learn it was supposed to be pure white and leave it in diluted bleach for a while
his core, though, it was GORGEOUS
a beautiful vibrant pulsating purple, you decide to keep some of it exposed now that he’s yours and you’re keeping him
by the end of the month you’ve collected bits and pieces to complete him, mostly because his inner workings still used generic parts as a beta prototype
his arms were custom made and impossible to find in working condition, most generic arms don’t come with special sockets to mimic holding a fencing sword
so you give him a gundam left arm because why not, it was the same length and the artwork on the armor was too pretty to sit in the garage collecting durt
also because you’re a tech nerd who no longer gets gundam repair jobs
you brace yourself and keep Cindy behind you on the day he’s complete.
“Eos” you said clearly, the universal command to turn on, and he responds immediately
his eyes pop open wide, unlike the hibernating half-lidded glazed look he gave you every day, the new ocular sphere you got from the old gundam is purple, it matches his arm but not his other eye
yolo lmao
you didn’t even expect him to turn on let alone stand up and dust himself off
You smile at your older droid when RAV N0X looks down at himself and inspects his restored body, his bright white hair, the fluid motion of the joints on every finger in his new arm
Cindy suddenly turns off, she falls into a boneless heap behind you and goes into rest mode, she snores for comical effect
before you could react, a mechanical hand closes over your chin to turn your head up, RAV N0X looms over you and watches you with both shutters dilated
“Thank you for granting me mercy, my liege, I shall be by your side for as long as you will have me. please allow me to protect you against any and all of your foes -mechanical or not- for that is my one and only means to exist.”
now that he has a new set of speakers, his voice is crystal clear and a much lower octave than you expected, it tickles you right in the gut
the hand on your chin slips away delicately, and the stupidly tall droid bends down on one knee, putting himself at your mercy again
so it turns out the RAV N0X series weren’t just physical fighters, they had the software to hack into -and control- every other bot in the market.
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spitblaze · 1 year
Aaaaah I have so many questions for the Android Therion AU. Ravus Industries has def used Therion for Less Than Legal activities and I wonder how much of their treatment of him skirts on the rights of an android as well (honestly in a capitalist hellscape I'm surprised they have any at all as much as there's a sense of 'we made you we own you forever unless you can afford to buy yourself outright')
That aside, I am *very worried* for Alfyn's safety as Ravus Industries tries to get Therion back. Like... they don't have issues killing if they use androids for assassinations. owo;;
Well, even in a capitalist hellscape there's civil rights lawyers. How far the rights of artificial lives go is...up in the air, at this point. Can they vote? Can they own property? Are they considered citizens? Do anti-discrimination and labor laws apply to them? Unclear, and probably varies between jurisdictions. Either way, androids have at least been around long enough at this point that they're not like, a chattel slave class outright. Also not super common, maybe one out of every 50 or 100 people is an android, but enough that it's a sizeable population, enough that they cannot be considered property outside of specific circumstances, and Therion happens to fall under that legal category.
Therion (and by extension Gareth) are officially and legally, despite having just as much going on upstairs as any human being, property of Ravus Industries. The paperwork was all filed beforehand, he's made with a specific purpose in mind and 'would pose a danger to others' if not under the control of the company, or they claim that he has no true intelligence and is therefore not sentient enough to qualify as a citizen, or something. I'm not gonna pretend I know enough about civil rights law to make up what those exceptions are, but just know that Ravus either fudged most of em or paid off some politicians to let them keep the whole thing hush-hush or both.
There's probably a good few sympathetic scientists and engineers who consider him fully human but unable to really do anything about his situation without jeopardizing their own. There's clearly others, like whoever wrote his file, who look at Therion and only see a tool. One that's helped Ravus Industries take down competitors and acquire their tech and research illicitly, but in this case one of the benefits of Therion being private property is that responsibility lies on the company, not him. Legally speaking, at least. I'm sure some of the less-sympathetic caretakers threaten to reprogram or scrap or replace his parts every time there's a mistake, because he's not a person, he can't learn, he's a machine who has defective parts.
At any rate, uh...Alfyn is definitely in trouble, lol. Like luckily he's still a country boy who can handle himself (Still has swarthy carpenter genes and experience with an axe, probably has a shotgun or whatever the 31st century equivalent would be), and magic is probably still a thing in the 'sufficiently advanced science' way (still thinking about how osvald just does math so hard it makes fire. baller), but ultimately the one thing that's keeping him safest is the fact that all of Therion's remote activation and tracking parts were disabled or removed after his initial escape. That's it. Ravus wants to turn Therion into a Homing Murderbot so bad so they can just retrieve him very easy so they can make him. idk. steal whatever the Wyndhams are doing or murder union organizers or something. The Fantasy Pinkertons are absolutely on his ass.
Luckily Alf at least has his trusty repair van and mobile engineering kits, as well as his usual irresistible charm that nets them allies wherever they go. Ravus Industries is a well-known company that employs a lot of people, but, uh. So are Nestle and Apple, if you catch my drift here. And it's not like they're alone, either! Tressa knows enough about how businesses and boards of investors work to predict what Ravus is gonna try, Olberic and Cyrus together have enough practical and theoretical knowledge of tactics to make for very effective planners, H'aanit knows how to live off the grid and hide your tracks and is the only member of the party who can wield a shotgun with more precision than Alfyn. Ophilia and Prim are also there, idk what they do, Prim is better with diplomacy and has less qualms with muder than Therion and Ophilia is probably very good at finding them allies or places to lay low (what are you going to do, say no to a bishop???).
I have MANY thoughts. some of them related (Cordelia may or may not be a C-suite at Ravus and is very conflicted on what to do about the situation bc she thinks the robot is hot and should go free but knows the practical use he has to the company. either way therion doesnt like her) some of them not (prim has her own goals and possible beef with Ravus but keeps getting distracted by h'aanit who is a lethally hot butch lesbian) but. im having a lot of fun thinking about the whole thing. heehee hoohoo funny sci-fi au
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