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outhouseofhorror · 3 years ago
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The #SaturdayNightMovie #MovieMarathon #online #watchparty is all about #bloodandteeth - the featured films are... 🤠🍺🦎🛋️📺🌐🎬🎞️🔪🩸😱 3:30 PM ET 🎬 #Rogue 2007 🎞️ by #director 📣 #GregMcLean 5:20 PM ET 🎬 #BlackWaterAbyss 2020 🎞️ by dir 📣 #AndrewTraucki 7 PM ET 🎬 #Alligator 1980 🎞️ by dir 📣 #LewisTeague 8:35 PM ET 🎬 #AlligatorIITheMutation 1991 🎞️ by dir 📣 #JonHess 10:15 PM ET 🎬 #Crawl 2019 🎞️ by dir 📣 #AlexandreAja 11:45 PM ET 🎬 #Primeval 2007 🎞️ by dir 📣 #MichaelKatleman Let's 👀 at https://s.kast.live/g/b7pqcss4jaa Check out our 📆 for future events at https://www.meetup.com/Movie-Night-in-the-DMV/events/calendar/ 👀🎞️👀🐊🩸👀 #FridayNightHorrorShow #MovieNightintheDMV #ILoveHorrorMovies #MovieWatcher @Shudder #PrimeVideo (at DMV) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeXTYBSLhFd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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geekbroll · 5 years ago
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A new Crocodile movie 🐊 hits VOD August 7th 2020. Black Water Abyss. It's a sequel to the Australian movie Black Water (2007). Vudu has the Pre-Order listed at $10. Vudu and Prime Video list Black Water (2007) as not available. I'm hoping tomorrow there's a 2-movie bundle. . . Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIbRs6jwU_c . .It’s not currently on Movies Anywhere so it won’t populate to your various libraries.  . . P.S. DEEP BLUE SEA 3 is seriously awesome!!! . . #blackwaterabyss #blackwater #lakeplacid #crocodile #crocodilemovie #crocodilemovies #aligator #gator #aligator #crocodilesofinstagram #aligatorsofinstagram #crocodiles #aligators #gators #crocs #vod #vudu #primevideo #moviesanywhere #videolibrary #2020movies #movies2020 #spelunking #JessicaMcNamee #AndrewTraucki #LukeMitchell #AmaliGolden #RumiKikuchi #BenjaminHoetjes   (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDi5zvfhRrW/?igshid=8n3ys3pdme90
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patrickcrain · 7 years ago
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Now watching - The ABCs of Death (2012) #kaareandrews #angelabettis #adriángarcíabogliano #brunoforzani #hélènecattet #ernestodíazespinoza #jasoneisener #xaviergens #jorgemichelgrau #leehardcastle #noboruiguchi #thomascappelenmalling #andersmorgenthaler #yoshironishimura #bangjongpisanthanakun #simonrumley #marcelsarmiento #jonschnepp #srdjanspasojevic #timotjahjanto #andrewtraucki #nachovigalondo #jakewest #tiwest #benwheatley #adamwingard #yudaiyamaguchi (at Crain Manor)
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