#andrew william hutt
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9 JUNE 2012 || The Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William attended the wedding of Emily McCorquodale and James Hutt at The Church of St Andrew and St Mary in Grantham.
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1990 | Chris Isner | Charles Linder | E. Tidemann | C. Hengst | S. Scarboro | J. Locke | Rev. Marko Aaron | Presley Kennedy | 23 Degrees (band) | Nurse Margot | Brother Perkins | Jimmy Lee | Sudduth Kyra Nijinsky | Dennis Shelden | KEVIN SUDEITH | KEVIN EVENSEN | ADAM QUEST ZO’ | DIANA BARBEE | Katrin Sigurdardott | MICHAEL DAMM | MICHAEL MOORE BILL DANIEL | CHARLES GOLDMAN | J. Cline | M. Fox | BEN BUCHANAN | Robert Heckes | CHERYL MEEKER | RIGO NELSON | HENDEE | DAVID NASH | GERHARD NICHOLSON | DALE CHIHULY | TIM EVANS | RODNEY ARTILES | PATRICK TIERNEY | Clay Culbert | RICHARD LODWIG | URI TZAIG | MARLENE ZULLO | PAUL BRIDENBAUGH | Mari Andrews | Rodney Artiles | Heather Bruce | Tim Evans | Richard Haden | Douglass Kerr | Sam McAfee | John Muse | Bob Ortbal | Carla Paganelli | Stephanie Syjuco | Norma Yorba | DAVE ARDITO | GAY OUTLAW | Tal Angel | Yasmin Guri | Tuire Helena | Hamalainen | Ruti Helbetz | Yehudit Sasportas | Nati Shamia-Ophir | Nurit Tal-Goldwirth | Galya Uri | SIMON LEUNG | Pip Culbert | Permi K. Gill | Amy Berk | Paul Bridenbaugh | Castaneda/Reiman | Caroline Clerc | Ben Dean | Cirilo Domine | Paul Gasper | Neil Grimmer | Suzanne Kanatsiz | Arnold Kemp | Chris Komater | John Muse | Robert Ortbal | Hugh Pocock | William Radawec | Martha Schlitt | Stacey Vetter | Megan Wilson | Martha Benzing | Charles LaBelle | Robert Levine | PHILIP KNOLL | JSG Boggs | Orianne Stender | Ming Wei Lee | Eric Jones | Graham Gillmore | David Hunt | Jill Weinstock /Heather Sparks | Toland Grinnell | Steve Roden | Don Suggs | TILO SCHULZ | Jeremy Dickinson | Gilad Ophir | Roi Kuper | IZHAR PAKTIN | Joe Bloggs | Paul De Marini | Lewis DeSoto Gustavo | Dough Harvey | Guy Hundree | Marie Puck Broodthaer | Scott Williams | Vegar Abeslnas | Linda Sandhaus | Lesley Ruben Kunda | Alexandra Bowes | Jonthan Fung | Brandon Labelle | Ati Maier | Tom Marioni | Steve Roden Steve Peters | Heather Sparks | Adam Sinykin | Totemplow | Illana Zuckerman | Jennifer Davy | LARRY ABRAMSON | Jake Tilson | Herman de Vries | CHRIS DRURY | SAM YATES | Marcia Tanner | Castaneda/Reiman | Mary Tsongas | Orly Maiburg | Michael Shmir | Sono Osato | Miriam Cabessa | Tsibi Geva | Adam Berg | Shirley Tse | Yehudit Sasportas | CONRAD ATKINSON | MARGARET HARRISON | Anna Novakov | Zadok Ben-David | Terry Berkowitz | Adam Berg | China Blue | Paco Cao | Nicola Cipani | Michael Kessus Gedalyovitch | GARY GOLDSTEIN | Cheryl Meeker | Luisa Lambri Horea | Jim Lutes | Ken Goldberg | Matmos | KimPietrowski | Lucy Puls | Rik Ritchey | John Roloff | Tony Labat | Julia Scher | Reout Shahar | Esther Shalev-Gerz | Anita Sieff | Patricia Tavenner | Francesc Torres | Leslie Johnson | Ange Leccia | Alfredo Jaar | Marie-Ange Guilleminot | Didi Dunphy | Jason Byers | Evelyne Koeppel | Pam Davis | Alfred Spolter | Valery Grancher | FX C | Thomas Buisseret | SOL LEWITT | Margaret Crane/Jon Winet | Guy Over | Felt Herman de Cries| Desiree Holman | Shu-Min Lin | Sonya Rapoport | DAVINA GRUNSTEIN | John C. Rogers | Jay Evaristo | Batlle Alex Kahn | Slater Bradley | Andrew Bennett | Paul Kos-Linda Fleming| Madeline O’Connor | Renee Shearer | Rae Culbert | Marcy S. Freedman | Sally Elesby | Naomi St. Clar | Naomie Kremer | Alen Ozbolt | JONATHAN RUNCIO | Susannah Hayes | John Hoppin | Jonathan Hammer | Bill Fontana | Christopher O’Conner | Helen Mirren | Will Rogan | Matthew Bakkom | Douglas Ross | Elizabeth Saveri | Suzanne Stein | Julie Deamer | KIM ANNO | Keith Boadwee | Yauger Williams | Tia Factor | Katrin Feser | Harrell Fletcher | Heather Johnson | | Ted Purves | Libby Black |
Erez Golan | Rigo 01 | Matthew Higgs | Amanda Hughen | Jon Rubin | JP Villegas | Roman Signer | Hans Winkler | Paul Bridenbaugh | Pam Davis | Charles Long | H C Westermann | MEIN KAMPF MIEN KRAMPF | DJ Polywog | Lee Walton | Yori Levin | Silent Gallery | Janine Gordon | FUCKSHITUP | YORAM WOLBERGER | John Slepian | Rebecca Miller | Tommy Becker | Michael Goedecke & Eric Saks | Chris Perez | Geof Oppenheimer | Sasha Baguskas | Sarah Hughes | Douglas Argue | Ori Gersht | D3ms | Jeremy Cline | Jess | Brain Goldberg | PINO SIGNORETO | JOSEPH DELLAPE| Tony Labbat | Guido Gerlitz | Adam Gale | Sam Yates | NAT WILSON | MARCY FREDMAN | Mimi Mayer | AVI S RAVITI | Justin Charles Hoover | Tamir Karta | Elizabeth Atjay, | Alex Bargas | Camilla West | Felipe Dulzaides | Yin-Ju Chen | Ana Teresa Fernandez | Ron Hutt | Jennifer Locke | Allan Gerson | Sabina Ott | Bijan Yashar | Michelle Wasson | Shiri Mordechay | Jack Leamy | Maya Smira | Mie Hørlyck Mogensen | Sandro Chia | Elisabeth Ajtay | Ron Hutt |wexller | Salvador Dali | Menashe Kadisman | David Gerstein |
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Para o historiador John Dalberg-Acton, o 1º barão Acton, o guia da História não é Clio, uma das musas gregas inspiradoras das ciências, literatura e arte. Este papel caberia a Radamanto, um dos juízes do mundo dos mortos, carrasco dos injustos e vingador dos inocentes. Nunca este espírito foi tão necessário quanto hoje, em um mundo onde a mídia de massa distorce os fatos a serviço das mais infames agendas políticas.
Nelson Mandela, assim como muitos falecidos, goza de uma injusta reputação de herói e libertador perante a opinião pública. Seus métodos, motivação e legado, porém, são nefastos. A finalidade deste artigo é expor a verdadeira face do mais querido assassino e terrorista da História.
"Quem exalta a raça, ou o povo, ou o Estado, ou uma forma particular de Estado, ou os depositários do poder, ou qualquer outro valor fundamental da comunidade humana - por mais necessária e honrosa que seja sua função nas coisas mundanas -, quem eleva essas noções acima de seu valor padrão e as diviniza a um nível idólatra, distorcem e pervertem uma ordem do mundo planejado e criado por Deus; ele está longe da verdadeira fé em Deus e do conceito de vida que essa fé sustenta. — Pio XI, Mit Brennender Sorge
O inimigo do meu inimigo não é necessariamente meu amigo. Os infames bolcheviques de Stalin lutaram contra a cruel tirania nazista. Ao assumir o poder da Alemanha Orienttal, Stalin e seus sucessores perpetraram horrores inauditos contra seu povo. Snalogamente, Nelson Mandela lutou contra o Partido Nacionalista da África do Sul, que impunha o grotesco sistema de políticas racistas conhecido como Apartheid. Seus métodos foram diabólicos. Uma vez no poder, ele e seus sucessores espalharam o terror pelo país. E seu objetivo? O mesmo que o de Stalin.
Mandela foi um terrorista. Seu modus operandi incluía uso de minas e explosivos contra civis inocentes, assassinato de negros não alinhados à sua causa, incêndios contra negócios cujo proprietário era negro, greves e boicotes incitados através de coerção e tortura. Aterrorizava as mesmas pessoas que dizia estar libertando da tirania do Apartheid. Uma luta armada contra os membros criminosos de um Estado, e que não ceife vidas inocentes, é legítima defesa. Santo Agostinho de Hipona dizia que uma guerra justa é aquela que castiga uma injustiça:
"Aqueles que travaram guerra em obediência ao mandamento divino, ou em conformidade com Suas leis, representaram em suas pessoas a justiça pública ou a sabedoria do governo, e nessa capacidade mataram homens iníquos; essas pessoas nunca violaram o mandamento: "Não matarás"
- Cidade de Deus, livro 1, capítulo 21
Mas a doutrina de "guerra justa", derivada do pensamento de Hugo Grotius, estabelece importantes limites éticos a respeito do jus in bello (justiça na conduta da guerra). O princípio da distinção veda o emprego da violência contra não-combatentes. Mandela não observou princípio ético algum. Como disse Aida Parker, compaixão e sentimento pela condição humana não tinham papel em suas ações.
Oficialmente membro do Congresso Nacional Africano (CNA), Mandela também fazia parte do Partido Comunista da África do Sul (PCAS), embora tenha mentido sobre o fato. Era inclusive um de seus líderes. O PCAS, cujas diretivas estratégicas vinham do Kremlin, controlava o CNA. Explorava o quadro de segregação e opressão racial não para ajudar os negros, mas para levar adiante uma revolução comunista.
Até o fim da Guerra Fria, o continente africano foi palco de inúmeras "guerras por procuração" comandadas pela URSS. Nos países onde o socialismo marxista triunfou, tais como Angola, Congo, Etiópia, Moçambique, Zimbábue e Zâmbia, o resultado foi morticínio, miséria extrema e tragédias humanitárias.
Para usar um termo do cientista político R.J. Rummel, as guerras de libertação nacional promovidas pela URSS nos países subdesenvolvidos foram um "democídio" em massa. Este tenebroso quadro tem sido concretizado na África do Sul desde que Mandela assumiu o poder e vem piorando sob o governo de seus sucessores do CNA.
Mandela transformou a África do Sul em uma ditadura sem oposição comandada pela cleptocracia da aliança CNA/PCAS, que está levando o país à extrema pobreza, ao caos social e até mesmo ao genocídio. Ironicamente, a ideologia defendida por Mandela é a grande responsável por aquilo que o mundo acredita que ele combateu. O apartheid é filho do casamento profano entre a mentalidade anti-capitalista e os interesses dos grandes players políticos e corporativos.
Ricas reservas de diamantes e metais preciosos foram descobertas na África do Sul entre as décadas de 1860 e 1880. O atual território do país era dividido em províncias britânicas, estados africâneres (etnia sul-africana descendente de colonos europeus, principalmente holandeses) e territórios nativos.
A disputa pelo controle das jazidas resultou em diversos conflitos, incluindo a Primeira Guerra dos Bôeres (1880 -1881), uma luta pela independência da República do Transvaal, estado bôer (subgrupo africâner que fala holandês) rico em ouro e que havia sido anexado pelo Império Britânico. A vitória dos bôeres não durou muito. A disputa pelo ouro de Witwatersrand levou à eclosão da Segunda Guerra dos Bôeres (1899 — 1902).
A decisiva vitória britânica resultou na hegemonia imperial sobre Transvaal e Orange. Em 1910 a unificação destas e de outras duas colônias britânicas formou a União da África do Sul (1910 — 1961). O território passou do status de colônia para domínio.
Leis de segregação racial tão antigas quanto 1893 foram outorgadas para garantir o domínio de sindicatos britânicos brancos sobre essas imensas reservas.
O apartheid foi institucionalizado em 1910 pelo governo do bôer Louis Botha. Conforme demonstra o economista Herry Valentine, essa política tinha como objetivo criar uma reserva de mercado para os brancos. O apartheid introduziu políticas de discriminação salarial que decretavam a obrigatoriedade de um salário maior para os brancos. Era acompanhada de restrições ocupacionais aos negros.
O Apartheid criou o Ato da Terra de 1913, que reservava 87% da terra do país para posse dos brancos e segregava etnias negras em territórios etnicamente homogêneos e administrativamente autônomos conhecidos como Bantustões. Havia 10 deles. O resultado foi um roubo massivo da terra legítima dos negros, que ficaram também impedidos de adquirir terras.
De acordo com o economista William Hutt em seu livro "The Economics of the Colour Bar", um apartheid industrial foi imposto em 1922 por sindicatos brancos britânicos liderados por William H. Andrews, um dos chefes do PCAS (sim, o mesmo do Mandela). Seu slogan era "Brancos uni-vos e lutem por um mundo trabalhista".
Muitos negros abandonaram o país, incluindo profissionais altamente qualificados. Quando o Partido Nacional assumiu o poder, em 1948, as políticas do Apartheid foram arrochadas, levando a uma emigração ainda maior da população negra. Foi somente por volta da década de 1970 que os mecanismos de mercado conseguiram ajustar parcialmente a situação.
O acúmulo de capital que ocorre naturalmente a despeito do estado aumentou a oferta de empregos. Os empreendedores passaram a burlar as regulações do apartheid para contratar mão-de-obra negra. Some-se a isso o fato de que muitos negros entravam no país para fugir da opressão de regimes comunistas em países vizinhos, que era pior que o apartheid.
No final da década de 1980 o governo havia afrouxado a fiscalização das políticas segregacionistas e uma classe média negra com alto nível de instrução havia se formado. Havia negros empreendedores e negros milionários. Entre 1971 e 1980 a renda real da população negra havia crescido 40%. Leis como o controle de fluxo interno e as restrições ocupacionais haviam sido abolidas.
A geração de riqueza e qualidade de vida eram prejudicadas principalmente pelas políticas segregacionistas, pelos ditames estatais no setor bancário e de mineração, e pelo excesso de gastos do governo. Mandela insistiu nos mesmos erros do Apartheid
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Guest List
House of Windsor
The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall, father, and step-mother of the groom
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, brother, and sister-in-law of the groom
Prince George of Cambridge, nephew of the groom
Princess Charlotte of Cambridge, niece of the groom
Tom and Sara Parker Bowles, step-brother of the groom and his wife
Lola Parker Bowles
Freddy Parker Bowles
Laura and Harry Lopes, step-sister of the groom and her husband
Eliza Lopes
Gus Lopes
Louis Lopes
The Queen and The Duke of Edinburg, grandparents of the groom
The Princess Royal and Vice Admiral Sir Timothy Laurence, aunt and her second husband of the groom
Peter and Autumn Phillips, cousin of the groom and his wife
Isla and Savannah Phillips, first-cousin-once-removed of the bride
Zara and Mike Tindall, cousin of the groom and her husband
Mia Tindall, first-cousin-once-removed of the groom
The Duke of York, uncle of the groom
Princess Beatrice of York, cousin of the groom
Princess Eugenie of York, cousin of the groom
The Earl and Countess of Wessex, uncle, and aunt of the groom
Lady Louise Windsor, cousin of the groom
Viscount Severn, cousin of the groom
The Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon's family
The Earl and Countess of Snowdon, first-cousin-once-removed of the groom and his wife
Viscount Linley, 2nd cousin of the groom
Lady Margarita Armstrong-Jones, 2nd cousin of the groom
Lady Sarah and Daniel Chatto, first-cousin-once-removed of the groom and her husband
Samuel Chatto, 2nd cousin of the groom
Arthur Chatto, 2nd cousin of the groom
Other descendants of the Prince's great-great-grandfather King George V and their families
The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, first cousin-twice-removed of the groom and his wife
Earl and Countess of Ulster, second cousin-once-removed of the groom and his wife
Lord Culloden, 3rd cousin of the groom
Lady Cosima Windsor, 3rd cousin of the groom
Lady Davina Lewis and Gary Lewis, second cousin-once-removed of the groom and her husband
Lady Rose and George Gilman, second cousin-once-removed of the groom and her husband
The Duke and Duchess of Kent, first cousin-twice-removed of the groom and his wife
Earl and Countess of St Andrews, second cousin-once-removed of the groom and his wife
Lord Downpatrick, 3rd cousin of the groom
Lady Marina Windsor, 3rd cousin of the groom
Lady Amelia Windsor, 3rd cousin of the groom
Lady Helen Taylor and Timothy Taylor, second cousin-once-removed of the groom and her husband
Lord and Lady Nicholas Windsor, second cousin-once-removed of the groom and his wife
Princess Alexandra, Lady Ogilvy, first cousin-twice-removed of the groom
James and Julia Ogilvy, second cousin-once-removed of the groom and his wife
Maria Ogilvy, second cousin-once-removed of the groom
Prince and Princess Michael of Kent, first cousin-twice-removed of the groom and his wife
Lord and Lady Frederick Windsor, second cousin-once-removed of the groom and his wife
Lady Gabriella Windsor, second cousin-once-removed of the groom
Other Descendent of Queen Victoria
*not belonging to a reigning monarchy
Georg Friedrich, Prince of Prussia and Sophie, Princess of Prussia
Maria Vladimirovna, Grand Duchess of Russia
Grand Duke George Mikhailovich of Russia and Grand Duchess Olga Petrovna of Russia
The Margrave and Margravine of Baden
King Constantine II and Queen Anne Marie of the Hellenes
Crown Prince Pavlos and Crown Princess Marie Chantal
Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine of Yugoslavia
Peter, Hereditary Prince of Yugoslavia
Prince Philip of Yugoslavia
Prince Alexander of Yugoslavia
Princess Elizabeth of Yugoslavia
Princess Irene of Hesse, Countess of Schönburg-Glauchau
Philipp, Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg
Princess Xenia of Hohenlohe-Langenburg
The Earl and Countess of Mountbatten of Burma
Lord Romsey
Lady Alexandra Knatchbull
Lady Pamela Hicks
Spencer Family
Lady Sarah McCorquodale and Neil McCorquodale, aunt of the groom and her husband
Emily McCorquodale and James Hutt, cousin of the groom and her husband
George McCorquodale and Bianca McCorquodale, cousin of the groom and his wife
Celia McCorquodale, cousin of the groom
The Baroness and Baron Fellows, aunt of the groom and her husband
Laura Pettman, cousin of the groom
Alexander Fellowes and Alexandra Fellowes, cousin of the groom and his wife
Eleanor Fellowes, cousin of the groom
The Earl and Countess of Spencer, uncle of the groom and his wife
Lady Kitty Spencer, cousin of the groom
Lady Eliza Spencer, cousin of the groom
Lady Katya Spencer, cousin of the groom
Lady Amelia Spencer, cousin of the groom
Viscount Althorp, cousin of the groom
Edmund Spencer, cousin of the groom
Lady Lara Spencer, cousin of the groom
Lady Charlotte Spencer, cousin of the groom
The Lord and Lady Fermoy aunt of the groom and her husband
Foreign Royalty
The King and Queen of Bhutan
The Sultan and Queen of Brunei
Sheikh Sabah IV
Prince Seeiso and Princess Mabereng of Lesotho
Prince Bereng Constantine Seeiso
Princess Masentle Tabitha Seeiso
Prince Masupha David Seeiso
The Prince and Princess of Monaco
Princess Caroline and Prince Ernst August of Hanover
Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands
Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien
Princess Mabel of Orange-Nassau
The King and Queen of the Netherlands
Prince Mohamed bin Nawaf and Princess Fadwa of Saudi Arabia
The King and Queen of Jordan
The Crown Prince of Jordan
Princess Iman of Jordan
The King and Queen Sweden
The Crown Princess Victora and Prince Daniel
Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden
Princess Madeleine of Sweden and Christopher O'Neill
The Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Japan
The Queen of Denmark
The Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Denmark
Prince Joachim and Princess Marie
The King and Queen of Norway
The Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Norway
Princess Martha Louise
Disposed Foreign Royalty
Henri, Count of Paris
Princess Marie d'Orleans, Princess of Liechtenstein and Prince Gundakar of Liechtenstein
Princess Leopoldine of Liechtenstein
Princess Marie Immaculata of Liechtenstein
Prince Johann Wenzel of Liechtenstein
Princess Margarete of Liechtenstein
Prince Gabriel of Liechtenstein
Prince Jean d'Orleans, Duke of Vendôme
Prince Eudes, Duke of Angoulême
Princess Diane d'Orleans, Duchess of Württemberg and Carl, Duke of Württemberg
Duke Friedrich of Württemberg and Princess Marie of Weid
Duke Wilhelm of Württemberg
Duchess Marie-Amelie of Württemberg
Duchess Sophie-Dorothea of Württemberg
Duchess Mathilde of Württemberg, Princess of Waldburg
Countess Marie-Therese
Countess Maria Elisabeth
Countess Marie Charlotte
Countess Marie Helene
Countess Marie Gabrielle
Duke Eberhard of Württemberg
Duke Phillipp of Württemberg and Duchess Marie-Caroline in Bavaria, Duchess of Württemberg
Duchess Sophie of Württemberg
Duchess Pauline of Württemberg
Duke Carl Thedor of Württemberg
Duchess Anna of Württemberg
Duke Michael of Württemberg
Duchess Eleonore of Württemberg
Princess Claude of Orleans
Prince Aimone of Savoy-Aosta, Duke of Apulia and Princess Olga of Greece, Duchess of Apulia
Friends of the groom
Charles and Alexandra Pettifer
Tom Pettifer
Fred Pettifer
Damian West
Edward Lane Fox
Tom (Skippy) and Lara Inskip
Jamie Lowther Pinkerton
Lady Laura and James Meade
Guy and Lizzie Pelly
Jake and Zoe Warren
Susanna Warren
Alex and Claire van Straubenzee
Tom van Straubenzee
Charlie and Daisy van Straubenzee
Emilie van Cutsem
Edward and Lady Tamara van Cutsem
Hugh and Rose van Cutsem
Nicholas and Alice van Cutsem
William and Rosie van Cutsem
Sam and Isabella Branson
Lady Carolyn and John Warren
Holly Branson and Freddie Andrews
Arthur and Alessandra Landon
Thomas and Victoria McCall
Jamie and Lottie Murray Wells
Robert and Victoria Davies-Jones
Charlie and Anneke Gilkes
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28 Black Picture Books That Aren’t About Boycotts, Buses or Basketball - selected by Columbus writer and librarian, Scott Woods
Loving this list of book picks. Which are your favorites?
A boy like you by Murphy, Frank
A computer called Katherine : how Katherine Johnson helped put America on the moon by Slade, Suzanne
A splash of red : the life and art of Horace Pippin by Bryant, Jennifer
Bigmama's by Crews, Donald.
Come on, Rain! by Hesse, Karen.
Crown : an ode to the fresh cut by Barnes, Derrick D.
Daddy calls me man by Johnson, Angela
Dear dragon : a pen pal tale by Funk, Josh
Dragons eat noodles on Tuesdays by Stahl, Jon
Early Sunday morning by Millner, Denene
Freedom in Congo Square by Weatherford, Carole Boston
Fresh princess by Millner, Denene
Grace for president by DiPucchio, Kelly S.
Hair love by Cherry, Matthew A
Hank's big day : the story of a bug by Kuhlman, Evan
Happy right now by Berry, Julie
He's got the whole world in his hands by Nelson, Kadir.
Hey black child by Perkins, Useni Eugene
Hidden figures : the true story of four black women and the space race by Shetterly, Margot Lee
How many stars in the sky? by Hort, Lenny.
I am perfectly designed by Brown, Karamo
I love my hair! by Tarpley, Natasha.
I'm a big brother now by Hudson, Katura J.
I'm a pretty little black girl! by Bynum, Betty K.
Kitchen dance by Manning, Maurie.
Lily Brown's paintings by Johnson, Angela, 1961
Little Melba and her big trombone by Russell Brown, Katheryn
Lola reads to Leo by McQuinn, Anna
M is for Melanin : a celebration of the black child by Rose, Tiffany
Mae among the stars by Ahmed, Roda
Marvelous Cornelius : Hurricane Katrina and the spirit of New Orleans by Bildner, Phil
Max and the tagalong moon by Cooper, Floyd
Missing daddy by Kaba, Mariame
Monster Trouble by Fredrickson, Lane
Moon over Star by Aston, Dianna Hutts.
My family plays music by Cox, Judy
Not Norman : a goldfish story by Bennett, Kelly
Not quite Snow White by Franklin, Ashley
Parker looks up : an extraordinary moment by Curry, Parker
Peeny butter fudge by Morrison, Toni.
Power up by Fishman, Seth
Radiant child : the story of young artist JeanMichel Basquiat by Steptoe, Javaka
Reading Beauty by Underwood, Deborah
Rocket says look up! by Bryon, Nathan
Ruby finds a Worry by Percival, Tom
Ruth and the Green Book by Ramsey, Calvin A.
Saturday by Mora, Oge
Sisters : Venus and Serena Williams by Winter, Jeanette
Stop that yawn! by Levis, Caron
Sulwe by Nyong'o, Lupita
Summer sun risin' by NikolaLisa, W.
Tar Beach by Ringgold, Faith.
Tea cakes for Tosh by Lyons, Kelly Starling
The book itch : freedom, truth, & Harlem's greatest bookstore by Nelson, Vaunda Micheaux
The chickenchasing queen of Lamar County by Harrington, Janice N.
The double bass blues by Loney, Andrea J.
The ghost of SiftySifty Sam by Medearis, Angela Shelf
The quickest kid in Clarksville by Miller, Pat Zietlow
The rain stomper by Boswell, Addie K.
The ring bearer by Cooper, Floyd
Thinker : my puppy poet and me by Greenfield, Eloise
This is the rope : a story from the Great Migration by Woodson, Jacqueline
Trombone Shorty by Andrews, Troy
What if ... by Berger, Samantha
When Aidan became a brother by Lukoff, Kyle
When Grandma gives you a lemon tree by Deenihan, Jamie L. B.
When the beat was born : DJ Kool Herc and the creation of hip hop by Hill, Laban Carrick.
Yesterday I had the blues by Frame, Jeron Ashford.
Yo! Yes? by Raschka, Christopher.
Reserve them all from the Westerville Public Library.
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Basing the sketches on the history when William Wakefield first settled on the Hutt River which was located by the Hutt River. Andrews Avenue was once a forest to which we are implementing the idea of bringing people through the experience of when Wakefield first discovered the place. This leads people through this fairy tale space, a space of the unknown.
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Wellington Govt House
the principal residence and workplace of the Governor-General, currently Dame Patsy Reddy (since 2016) who lives there with her husband.
main venue where the governor-general entertains members of the public, and receives visiting heads of state and other dignitaries and the credentials of ambassadors to New Zealand.
is likewise the location of many award presentations and investitures, and where prime ministers and other ministers of the Crown are sworn in, among other ceremonial and constitutional functions.
bit of histooooraaaay:
when auckland was capital from 1840-65, an official residence for the govt-general wasn’ta priority. it was only during the period of nz’s fourth governor, george grey, that an offical property was provided.the first government house was colonel william wakefield’s villa, located where the beehive now stands. wakefield was the agent for the New Zealand Company; he built the house in 1840 but died in 1848. the residence was then used as a hospital after the 1848 marlborough earthquake. the house was a very plain regency styled building with verandahs on a hill overlooking the harbour. there’s a record of the first Government House Ball being held in it (10 February 1849) during George Grey’s first period.
grey was succeed by robert wynyard, then by thomas gore browne but it’s possible that neither of these men ever visited or resided in wellington thus the official status of the wakefield villa is uncertain. when grey became governor general again in 1861 he certainly used the wakefield house as his official wellington residence.
in 1865 the capital was made wellington. the need to provide accomodation for all the various branches of government prompted a more appropriate building rather than the plain one. in 1968 a new house began to be built, in an italianate style, probably because it was the cheaper option as opposed to a neo-Gothic style similar to the parliament buildings.
even though built of wood, the second government house was imposing, distinguished by a tower,it was one of the several mid-century houses influenced by Queen Victoria’s Osbourne House. designed by william henry clayton it was completed in 1871 and had extensive views over the city and harbour and provided a picturesque contrast with the gothic styled parliament building complex. it’s first occupant was sir george ferguson bowen in 1873.
all the succeeding governors resided in the clayton building, from sir james fergusson to lord plunkett from 1904. social climate of the late 19th century required the governor to spend parts in other parts of the country predominantly auckland, although for awhile a third govt house was maintained in christchurch. relatively little furniture and other items were provided by the government - each successive governor had to provide the household with furniture, linen, china etc. from his own pocket. today it is quite different and each new governor only provides personal items. during its 34-year career as Government House the Clayton building was redecorated and added to but it entered the 20th century largely unaltered.
following the fire in the wooden parliament buildings in 1907, the then governor general lord plunket offered the use of government house to house both houses of parliament until a replacement building could be built. in the interem the plunketts resided in palmerston north in a house now called caccia-birch. plunkett had been lobbying for a larger more up-to-date residence to be provided by the government, hopefully more distant from parliament with more private grounds. the parliament building fire nudged the government into commissioning the existing government house to be built.
Current govt house:
The current residence, in Newtown, was designed in an eclectic style in the manner of a half-timbered Tudormansion. As it was intended to evoke a large English country house, the house's rooms were designed in a range of styles—from Elizabethan to Tudor, to Georgian and Regency. Throughout the house are examples of what was considered good taste at the time: marble fireplaces, parquet floors, oak panelling, Mahogany doors, leadlight windows, bronze electric light fixtures and neo-Georgian plasterwork ceilings. Various portraits of successive governors and other significant people are displayed along with a collection of New Zealand art, some of which has been donated by previous governors. The house covers 4,200 m2(45,000 sq ft).
Many of the rooms are set aside for official state occasions—for example, two dining rooms, a ballroom, a conservatory and drawing rooms. Government House is where the governor-general confers with the leader of the New Zealand Government, hosts foreign dignitaries, and performs the functions of New Zealand's head of state, as the representative of the monarch of New Zealand. The residence is also open to the public, running free tours of the state rooms throughout the year.
2008 refurbishment:
Government House closed in October 2008 for a major NZ$44 million conservation and rebuilding project, and was reopened in March 2011.During the refurbishment the Governor General lived at Vogel House in Lower Hutt while in Wellington.
As part of the refurbishment, new carpets were provided for the public reception rooms. These are large artworks in their own right. The Carpets and rugs were designed by several New Zealand artists; Gavin Chilcott, Andrew McLeod, Tim Main and John Bevan Ford. The weaving was done by the carpet manufacturer Dilana, in association with Athfield Architects. The design of the Drawing Room carpet by Gavin Chilcott is derived from the silver fern. Of particular interest is the spectacular kowhaiwhai pattern, composed into a huge single composition 4 metres (13 ft) x without a repeat, was designed by Andrew McLeod and inspired by Theo Schoon's drawings of Māori designs. This pattern was produced in three different colour-ways and appears in several of the Reception Rooms.
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Fit Futures Academy graduates and tutor included in finalists of NZ exercise industry awards
Finalist named Scores of trainers and fitness facilities from all over New Zealand have made the finals of the annual New Zealand exercise industry awards. Fit Futures graduates Nicci Webb and Hayley Rapson, and tutor Vanessa Warren have been nominated and have made it through to the finals.
The winners of the ExerciseNZ event will be announced in Auckland on November 23. The most hotly contested categories are personal trainer of the year and supreme facility of the year awards, ExerciseNZ chief executive Richard Beddie says.
Last year’s personal trainer of the year winner was Ngarama Milner-Olsen of Wellington.
The awards next month are co-timed with the Hauora yoga conference and the FitEx fitness and exercise conference.
The awards recognise exercise professionals and facilities for helping many of the 500,000 Kiwis stay active.
This year’s award finalists are:
Facility categories
Chain / group facility of the Year – for facilities that are part of a larger chain or group:
Cityfitness Albany – Auckland
Cityfitness – Hastings
Cityfitness – Lower Hutt
YMCA Gisborne
Independent facility of the year – for facilities that are stand-alone businesses:
Arena Fitness & Boxing – Auckland
Ironhood Fitness – Christchurch
NRG Health & Fitness – Cromwell
Franchise facility of the year – for facilities that are part of a franchise:
Anytime Fitness Cashmere – Christchurch
Anytime Fitness Hornby – Christchurch
SNAP Fitness Invercargill – Invercargill
SNAP Fitness Papamoa – Bay of Plenty
Studio of the year – studios and specialist facilities:
Adapted Yoga & Pilates – Christchurch
Awhi Yoga – Wellington
Min Yoga – Auckland
Take a Breath – Whangamata
Supreme club of the year – the best of the best: Selected from the winners of the above 4 categories
Personal trainer of the year:
Carol Pirika – Upper Hutt
Ginera Linton-Ozich – Auckland
Jessee James – Christchurch
Kelly MacDonald – Auckland
Marja Captjin – Tapanui
Radley Harahap – Dunedin
Reece McCaffrey – Christchurch
Up and coming personal trainer of the year:
Angela Oliver – Christchurch
Anita Preston – Christchurch
Emma McCann – Mauku
Joshua Nicholas – Auckland
Nicci Webb – Whangarei
Small group trainer of the year:
Christine Houghton – Auckland
Claudia Massey – Auckland
Danielle Paki – Napier
Karen Hulston – Christchurch
Vanessa Warren – Christchurch
Group exercise instructor of the year:
Brent Findlay – Christchurch
Charles Lam – Auckland
Hayley Rapson – Auckland
Julie Bish – Auckland
Louise Neville- Christchurch
Molly McDowall – Auckland
Suli Tuitaupe – Christchurch
Group exercise instructor of the year:
Andrew Elliston – Wellington
Danielle Mather – Christchurch
Hilary Blackstock – Taranaki
Hilary Williams – Nelson
Michelle Cross – Christchurch
Shannon Booth – Dunedin
Mindbody teacher of the Year:
Daphne Luke – Auckland
Justine Hamill – Wellington
Mans Parsotam – Auckland
Mary McLeod-Watson – Wellington
Pooja Maddela – Auckland
Rebecca Harford – Christchurch
Zuri Brudenell – Paraparaumu
Outstanding support award:
Abiola Beckley – Auckland
Craig Maguire – Christchurch
Jermaine Robinson – Wellington
Stephanie Lim Fong – Auckland
Community contribution award:
Essentrics community class – Auckland
Gentle exercise programme at Stanmore Bay pool and leisure – Auckland
Live stronger for longer at Sport Canterbury – Christchurch
Mature and motivated class at Selwyn District Council, Canterbury
One more REP fitness community outreach – Auckland
Parkinson’s exercise class at YMCA Upper Hutt – Wellington
SNAP Fitness challenge for mental health – Nationwide
Tangata Atumotu – Christchurch
Programme excellence award:
Core Restore – Northland
Grx / green prescription at Stanmore Bay pool and leisure – Auckland
GOLDFIT at YMCA Auckland
Nordic walking marathon project – Auckland
Soulsisters fitcamp and retreat – Wellington
Tight Mummy tummy and bits – Auckland
Uniquely You – Collingwood
Innovation award:
Gisborne Harriers / Cardio Coach – Gisborne
Les Mills THE TRIP – Nationwide
MPT Body Transformations – Wellington
SNAP 6 Week Challenge – Nationwide
Educator of the year:
Harris Butt – Wellington
John Polley (JP) – Perth
Jonathon Petrohilos – Sydney
Matthew White – Auckland
Rainer Klebert – Christchurch
Shane Way – Hamilton
People’s choice award:
Andrew Wilson
Anita Preston
Christie Houghton
Gillian Halkett
Marja Captjin
Shane Way
Shannon Booth
Zuri Brudenell
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from https://fitfutures.co.nz/fit-futures-academy-graduates-and-tutor-included-in-finalists-of-nz-exercise-industry-awards/
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CC Blogger - New Arrivals @ Collectors Corner : Wednesday - 5/22/19
CC Blogger - New Arrivals @ Collectors Corner : Wednesday - 5/22/19 Complete list of items shipping to the stores, some items may be limited in availability. If you see anything you want to purchase on the list and are not a subscription member at Collectors Corner, just contact us and let us know if you want an item held at the stores. email - [email protected] Subscription Membership & Free Membership Card : Collectors Corner’s No Obligation (FREE) Membership Card or FREE (In Store) & ONLINE Subscription Membership saves you 10% Off ALL Bagged & Boarded Comic Book Back Issues, Board Games, Graphic Novels, Manga & Special Orders. Plus Never miss a comic again! Computerized and organized + you can add and cancel titles on your subscription list from home on your own time, or in the store when you pick up your comics at : Maryland’s Coolest Stores! Since 2001. 3 Convenient Locations - CC PARKVILLE HQ 7911 Harford Rd Parkville, MD 21234 CC BALTIMORE - OUTPOST 403 North Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21201 CC BEL AIR - OUTPOST 17 N. Main St. Bel Air, MD 21014 www.collectorscornermd.com NEW ARRIVALS : WEDNESDAY - 5/22/19 AFTERSHOCK COMICS Animosity #21, $3.99 Mary Shelley Monster Hunter #2, $3.99 ALBATROSS FUNNYBOOKS Goon #2 (Cover A Eric Powell), $3.99 Goon #2 (Cover B Alex Ross Cardstock Variant), $5.99 AMERICAN MYTHOLOGY PRODUCTIONS Underdog And Pals #1 (Cover A Bill Galvan Selfie Variant), $3.99 ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONS Archie's Superteens TP, $12.99 Riverdale Season 3 #3 (Cover A Thomas Pitilli), $3.99 Riverdale Season 3 #3 (Cover B Joe Eisma), $3.99 BOOM! 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King Vinyl Figure, AR Funko 5 Star Game of Thrones Tyrion Lannister Vinyl Figure, AR Funko Cuphead Cuphead Action Figure, AR Funko Cuphead Mugman Action Figure, AR Funko Cuphead The Devil Action Figure, AR Funko DC Primal Age Bizarro Action Figure, AR Game Of Thrones 144 Piece Button Display Wave 1, AR Game Of Thrones 144 Piece Button Display Wave 2, AR Game Of Thrones House Stark Backpack, AR Game Of Thrones Keychain 36 Count Assortment, AR Game Of Thrones Lannister Sigil 11 Ounce Mug, AR Game Of Thrones Targaryen Sigil 11 Ounce Mug, AR Game Of Thrones Winter Is Coming 11 Ounce Mug, AR Godzilla King Of Monsters 2 Figural Keyring 24 Piece Blind Mystery Box, AR Guardians Of The Galaxy I Am Groot Bi-Fold Wallet, AR Gundam The Origin MS-06S Zaku II Char Aznable Red Comet HG 1/144 Scale Model Kit, AR Gundam The Origin Zaku II Type C-6/R6 HG 1/144 Scale Model Kit, AR Gundam Wing Maganac HGAC 1/144 Scale Model Kit, AR Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Pewter Lapel Pin, AR Harry Potter Glass Jar Office Accessory Set With Base, AR Harry Potter Gringotts Vault Bank, AR Harry Potter Head Ceramic Mug, AR Harry Potter Hogwarts Houses Office Supply Set, AR Harry Potter Phoenix Ceramic Mug, AR Hellboy Enamel Pin Set, AR Hellboy I T-Shirt LG, AR Hellboy I T-Shirt MED, AR Hellboy I T-Shirt XL, AR Hellboy I T-Shirt XXL, AR Hellboy II T-Shirt LG, AR Hellboy II T-Shirt MED, AR Hellboy II T-Shirt SM, AR Hellboy II T-Shirt XL, AR Hellboy II T-Shirt XXL, AR It 2017 15 Inch Mega Scale Figure, AR Kingdom Hearts 3 5 Star Donald Vinyl Figure, AR Kingdom Hearts 3 5 Star Mickey Vinyl Figure, AR Kingdom Hearts 3 5 Star Sora Vinyl Figure, AR Kono Subarashii Sekai Ni Syukufuku Wo Aqua 1/7 Scale PVC Figure (30th Annivrsary Version), AR Laid-Back Camp Rin Shima Nendoroid Action Figure (Deluxe Version), AR Magic The Gathering Backpack With Organizing Pockets, AR Marvel Black Panther Mask Pewter Lapel Pin, AR Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid Tohru 1/7 Scale PVC Figure (Maid Version), AR Mobile Suit Gundam Micro Wars 10 Piece Assortement, AR My Hero Academia Age Of Heroes All Might Figure, AR My Hero Academia Enter The Hero Bakugo Figure, AR My Hero Academia Enter The Hero Midoriya Figure, AR My Hero Academia Enter The Hero Todoroki Figure, AR Mystery Minis Winnie the Pooh 12 Piece Blind Mystery Box, AR Naruto G.E.M. Series Naruto Uzumaki Senin Mode PVC Figure, AR Naruto Gals Hinata PVC Figure (Wedding Version), AR Naruto Gals Tsunade PVC Figure (Splash Version), AR Nightmare On Elm Street 3 Piece Lapel Pin Set, AR One Piece Fluffy Squeeze Sanjis Bread Chopper, AR One Piece Fluffy Squeeze Sanjis Bread Law, AR One Piece Fluffy Squeeze Sanjis Bread Luffy, AR One Piece Fluffy Squeeze Sanjis Bread Zoro, AR One Piece Portrait Of Pirates Neo DX Sakazuki PVC Figure, AR One-12 Collective Marvel Blade Action Figure, AR One-12 Collective Marvel Thor Ragnarok Thor Action Figure, AR Pocket POP Overwatch Orisa Figure Keychain, AR Pokemon Battle Figure Assortment Wave 3, AR Polynian Alvin Action Figure, AR POP Animation Simpsons S2 Homer-radioactive Man Vinyl Figure, AR POP Deluxe Game Of Thrones Tyrion On Iron Throne Vinyl Figure, AR POP Disney PIXAR Toy Story Bo Peep Vinyl Figure, AR POP Disney PIXAR Toy Story Bullseye Vinyl Figure, AR POP Disney PIXAR Toy Story Mrs Nesbit Vinyl Figure, AR POP Games Fallout 76 Mole Miner Vinyl Figure, AR POP Games Fallout 76 Radtoad Vinyl Figure, AR POP Games Fallout 76 Strength Vinyl Figure, AR POP MLB Buster Posey New Jersey Vinyl Figure, AR POP Movies Beverly Hills Cop Axel Vinyl Figure, AR POP Movies Jaws Chief Brody Vinyl Figure, AR POP Nascar Chase Elliot Vinyl Figure, AR POP Nascar Jeff Gordon Vinyl Figure, AR POP Nascar Kevin Harvick Vinyl Figure, AR POP Nascar Kyle Busch Vinyl Figure, AR POP Nascar Richard Petty Vinyl Figure, AR POP NHL Los Angeles Kings Wayne Gretzky Vinyl Figure, AR POP Overwatch Bastion 6 Inch Vinyl Figure, AR POP Premiere League Football David Luiz Vinyl Figure, AR POP Rocks BTS J Hope Vinyl Figure, AR POP Rocks BTS Jeon Jung-Kook Vinyl Figure, AR POP Rocks BTS Jin Vinyl Figure, AR POP Rocks BTS Rm Vinyl Figure, AR POP Rocks BTS Suga Vinyl Figure, AR POP Rocks BTS V Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV Big Bang Theory S2 Stuart Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV Sanford And Son S1 Fred Sanford Vinyl Figure, AR Shazam Silhouette T-Shirt LG, AR Shazam Silhouette T-Shirt MED, AR Shazam Silhouette T-Shirt SM, AR Shazam Silhouette T-Shirt XL, AR Shazam Silhouette T-Shirt XXL, AR Spider-Man Miles Morales Black And Red Previews Exclusive Neo 3930 Flexfit Cap, AR Star Wars Solo Chewbacca Mini-Bust, AR Star Wars Solo Han Solo Mini-Bust, AR Street Fighter Blanka Glow Reaction Figure, AR Street Fighter Blanka Reaction Figure, AR Street Fighter Chun Li Reaction Figure, AR Street Fighter M Bison Reaction Figure, AR Street Fighter Zangief Reaction Figure, AR Tawawa On Monday Kouhai-Chan 1/7 Scale PVC Figure, AR The Loyal Subjects X Game of Thrones Mini Figure 12 Piece Display Wave 1, AR Vynl Suicide Squad The Joker And Harley Quinn Vin Figure 2 Pack, AR Vynl Up In Smoke Cheech And Chong 2 Pack, AR Wonder Woman Empowered T-Shirt LG, AR Wonder Woman Empowered T-Shirt MED, AR Wonder Woman Empowered T-Shirt SM, AR Wonder Woman Empowered T-Shirt XL, AR Wonder Woman Empowered T-Shirt XXL, AR
0 notes
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge gives birth to Royal baby, Prince William 'very excited' - ABC News
New Post has been published on https://harryandmeghan.xyz/catherine-duchess-of-cambridge-gives-birth-to-royal-baby-prince-william-very-excited-abc-news/
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge gives birth to Royal baby, Prince William 'very excited' - ABC News
Updated April 24, 2018 09:08:42
The Duchess of Cambridge has given birth to a son at the Lindo Wing of St Mary’s hospital in London.
Key points:
The prince is now fifth-in-line to the British throne, behind his siblings, his father Prince William and grandfather Prince Charles
Bookmakers have Albert, Arthur, James and Philip as the favourite names for the prince
The Duchess left hospital seven hours after giving birth
The baby boy, who was born weighing 8lbs 7oz (about 3.8kg), is the fifth-in-line to the throne.
Kensington Palace said he was born at 11:01am (8:01pm AEST), a few hours after Catherine was admitted to hospital in labour.
The Duchess smiled at hundreds of well-wishers and assembled journalists as she left the hospital clutching her baby just seven hours after the birth.
William, who was present for the birth, later put the boy, strapped into a car seat, into a waiting car.
Photo: Princess Charlotte waves as she joins her dad and brother visiting the hospital. (Reuters: Hannah McKay)
“Thrice the worry now,” William told reporters, holding up three fingers with a smile, as he got into a car to take his wife and newborn back to Kensington Palace.
“We didn’t keep you waiting too long this time.”
External Link: Royal Family tweet: “A notice has been placed on the forecourt of Buckingham Palace following the announcement of the birth of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s third child. @KensingtonRoyal”
He told onlookers he was “very happy, very excited, thank you”.
When asked about a name for the boy, William said: “You’ll find out soon enough.”
Bookmakers have made Albert, Arthur, James and Philip the favourite names.
Princess Charlotte, 2, turned and waved to the gathered well-wishers as she joined her brother George visiting their newest family member at the hospital.
The Queen, Prince Charles and other members of the Royal family were “delighted with the news”, Kensington Palace said.
“Her Royal Highness and her child are both doing well.”
The new prince is Queen Elizabeth’s sixth great-grandchild and fifth-in-line to the throne behind siblings Prince George, 4, his two-year-old sister Princess Charlotte, their father William, and grandfather and heir Prince Charles.
A 2013 change to the law means the boy will not supplant older sister Charlotte in the line of succession.
“That would in fact be the first time that has ever happened,” royal historian Hugo Vickers said.
William’s younger brother Harry, who marries US actress Meghan Markle next month, falls to sixth on the list.
Photo: Unofficial town crier Tony Appleton announces that the Duchess of Cambridge has given birth to a baby boy. (AP: Kirsty Wigglesworth)
British Prime Minister Theresa May congratulated Prince William and the Duchess.
“I wish them great happiness for the future,” she said.
In keeping with tradition, the official announcement of the birth was made by placing a notice on an easel in the forecourt of the Queen’s London home, Buckingham Palace.
William and Kate met as students at St Andrews University in Scotland. They were married in Westminster Abbey in April 2011.
The couple now lives at Kensington Palace, and last year William gave up his day job as an air ambulance pilot to concentrate full time on Royal duties on behalf of the Queen.
He has been determined to play a hands-on role in bringing up his children while also protecting their privacy, an issue close to his heart after the death of his mother, Princess Diana, in a 1997 Paris car crash as her limousine sped away from chasing paparazzi.
Photo: Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge leave St Mary’s Hospital with their healthy baby boy. (John Stillwell/Pool photo via AP)
As in her previous pregnancies, Kate suffered from hyperemesis gravidarum, a severe form of morning sickness.
Officials announced both her previous pregnancies before the traditional 12-week mark because she was too unwell to attend public engagements.
Photo: A notice announcing the prince’s birth was placed on an easel outside Buckingham Palace. (AP)
The birth was overseen by a team of doctors including consultant obstetrician Guy Thorpe-Beeston and consultant gynaecologist Alan Farthing — who were also called in for the births of George and Charlotte — as well as the hospital’s midwives.
Television crews, journalists and royal fans had set up camp outside the hospital for the “royal baby watch” since early April in anticipation of the arrival.
Photo: Terry Hutt (left) and John Loughery (right) are royal family super fans. (Reuters: Henry Nicholls)
Topics: human-interest, royal-and-imperial-matters, children, family-and-children, united-kingdom
First posted April 23, 2018 22:11:52
Source: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-04-23/duchess-of-cambridge-royal-baby-son/9686694
0 notes
William Hutt, the late University of Cape Town economist who was an anti-apartheid voice within the academic community, wrote in his 1964 book, titled “The Economics of the Colour Bar,” that one of the supreme tragedies of the human condition is that those who have been the victims of injustices or oppression “can often be observed to be inflicting not dissimilar injustices upon other races.” In 2001, Andrew Kenny wrote an article titled “Black People Aren’t Animals — But That’s How Liberals Treat Them.” Kenny asked whether South Africa is doomed to follow the rest of Africa into oblivion. Kenny gave a “no” answer to his question, but he was not very optimistic because of the pattern seen elsewhere in sub-Saharan Africa. He argued that ordinary Africans were better off under colonialism. Colonial masters never committed anything near the murder and genocide seen under black rule in Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Nigeria, Mozambique, Somalia and other countries, where millions of blacks have been slaughtered in unspeakable ways, including being hacked to death, boiled in oil, set on fire and dismembered. Kenny said that if as many elephants, zebras and lions were as ruthlessly slaughtered, the world’s leftists would be in a tizzy.
South Africa leads in mining, food production and critical infrastructure, such as power production and railroading, in southern Africa. But it’s going the same way as Zimbabwe, spelling disaster for the entire southern part of Africa. What’s needed most right now is for South Africans to adopt some of the principles enunciated by Nelson Mandela, one of which is, “You will achieve more in this world through acts of mercy than you will through acts of retribution.”
0 notes
Former ‘Buffy’ Star Recreates Celebrity Outfits Using Stuff He Finds At Home, And Result Is Hilarious (New Pics)
Last year we wrote about Tom Lenk, a famous actor, best known for his role as Andrew Wells on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and about his witty side. Since then the 41-year-old actor became even more creative when recreating fashionable outfits of fellow celebrities.
Tom takes looks from various award shows, premieres, and photo shoots and uses them as “inspiration” for his own outfits using simple household items and stuff you can buy for a few dollars, and posts the hilarious results on Instagram.
Take a look at some of them below and vote for the best!
More info: Instagram
Tom Lenk As Lady Gaga
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Angela Sarafyan
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Victoria Beckham
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Bella Hadid
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Alyson Hannigan
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Sarah Michelle Gellar
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Celine Dion
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Nicole Kidman
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Dogo As Rose Byrne
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As model from Gucci Resort 2018
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Lena Dunham
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As cara delevingne
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Jesica Biel
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Beyonce
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Charisma Carpenter
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Kendall Jenner
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Lea Michele
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Blake Lively
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Helmut Lang Model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Kristen Stewart
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Tarzan
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Adele
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Jared Leto
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Jared Leto and felicia day as Margot Robi
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Out Magazine model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Busy Philipps
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Prince Goerge
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As kristen wiig
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Balenciaga Menswear model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Balenciaga Menswear model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Orlando Bloom
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Taylor Swift
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Ariana Grande
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Blake lively
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Natasha Lyonne
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As anna chlumsky
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As stacy london
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As michelle williams
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Thom Browne model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Heidi Klum
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Gaby Hoffman
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Sarah Paulson
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Kristen Bell
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Sarah Paulson
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Balenciaga Resort model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Bette Midler from Hocus Pocus
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Gwen Stefani
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Taylor Swift
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Kourtney Kardashian
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Amy Adams
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As mariah carey
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Lily Collins
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Sarah Jessica Parker
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Emma Stone
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Anna Kendrick
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Lily Collins
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Hailee Steinfeld
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As model from paris mens fashion week
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Emma stone
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Giuliana Rancic
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As kristen wiig
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As model from paris mens fashion week
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As model from paris mens fashion week
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As kirstin maldonado
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Cee Lo Green
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As emma roberts
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Nick Jonas
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Jessica Biel
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Heidi Klum
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Taraji P. Henson
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Sher
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As charlize theron
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Sarah Paulson
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Diane Kruger
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Hailee Steinfeld
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As michelle williams
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As stacy london
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Hailee Steinfeld
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Nicole Kidman
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Heidi Klum
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Emma Watson
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Topshop model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As rag & bone model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Balenciaga model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As out magazine model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Rosamund Pike
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As evan rachel wood
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Becca Tobin
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Mandy Moore
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Katy Perry
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Julianne Moore
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Gwendoline Christie
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Celine Dion
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Harry Potter
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Kylie Minogue
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Celine Dion
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Celine Dion
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Celine Dion
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As gucci model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Mandy Moore
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Elizabeth Olsen
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Britney Spears
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Dua Lipa
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Robert Pattinson
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Reese Witherspoon
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Sarah Paulson
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Zoey Deutch
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Acne Studios model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Rick Owens model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Celine Dion
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Acne Studios model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Amy Poehler
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Laura Carmichael
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Jabba the Hutt
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Lady Gaga
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Nicole Kidman
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Blake Lively
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Heidi Klum
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Jessica Biel
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Lily Collins
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As haider ackermann model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Priyanka Chopra
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Katy Perry
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Adele
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Jenifer Lopez
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Lady Gaga
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As leslie mann
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Vanessa Hudgens
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Celine Dion
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Rose Byrne
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Gwen Stefani
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As gucci model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Kylie Minogue
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Darren Criss
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As David Beckham
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Kylie Minogue
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As emma roberts
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Celine Dion
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Celine Dion
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Celine Dion
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Jimmy Fowlie and Tom Lenk As aubrey plaza and Elizabeth Olsen
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Kendal Jenner
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Acne Studios model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Acne Studios model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Acne Studios model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Gucci model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Acne Studios model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Alexandre Vauthier model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Elizabeth Berkley
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As tilda swinton
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Daisy Ridley
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Blake Lively
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Jenny Mollen
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Queen Elizabeth
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Balenciaga model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Kristin Chenoweth
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Bella Hadid
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Kim Kardashian
Image credits: Tom Lenk
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2yZGG06 via Viral News HQ
0 notes
Former ‘Buffy’ Star Recreates Celebrity Outfits Using Stuff He Finds At Home, And Result Is Hilarious (New Pics)
Last year we wrote about Tom Lenk, a famous actor, best known for his role as Andrew Wells on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and about his witty side. Since then the 41-year-old actor became even more creative when recreating fashionable outfits of fellow celebrities.
Tom takes looks from various award shows, premieres, and photo shoots and uses them as “inspiration” for his own outfits using simple household items and stuff you can buy for a few dollars, and posts the hilarious results on Instagram.
Take a look at some of them below and vote for the best!
More info: Instagram
Tom Lenk As Lady Gaga
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Angela Sarafyan
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Victoria Beckham
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Bella Hadid
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Alyson Hannigan
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Sarah Michelle Gellar
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Celine Dion
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Nicole Kidman
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Dogo As Rose Byrne
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As model from Gucci Resort 2018
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Lena Dunham
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As cara delevingne
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Jesica Biel
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Beyonce
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Charisma Carpenter
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Kendall Jenner
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Lea Michele
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Blake Lively
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Helmut Lang Model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Kristen Stewart
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Tarzan
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Adele
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Jared Leto
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Jared Leto and felicia day as Margot Robi
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Out Magazine model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Busy Philipps
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Prince Goerge
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As kristen wiig
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Balenciaga Menswear model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Balenciaga Menswear model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Orlando Bloom
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Taylor Swift
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Ariana Grande
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Blake lively
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Natasha Lyonne
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As anna chlumsky
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As stacy london
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As michelle williams
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Thom Browne model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Heidi Klum
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Gaby Hoffman
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Sarah Paulson
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Kristen Bell
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Sarah Paulson
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Balenciaga Resort model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Bette Midler from Hocus Pocus
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Gwen Stefani
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Taylor Swift
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Kourtney Kardashian
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Amy Adams
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As mariah carey
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Lily Collins
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Sarah Jessica Parker
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Emma Stone
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Anna Kendrick
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Lily Collins
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Hailee Steinfeld
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As model from paris mens fashion week
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Emma stone
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Giuliana Rancic
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As kristen wiig
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As model from paris mens fashion week
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As model from paris mens fashion week
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As kirstin maldonado
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Cee Lo Green
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As emma roberts
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Nick Jonas
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Jessica Biel
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Heidi Klum
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Taraji P. Henson
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Sher
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As charlize theron
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Sarah Paulson
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Diane Kruger
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Hailee Steinfeld
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As michelle williams
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As stacy london
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Hailee Steinfeld
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Nicole Kidman
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Heidi Klum
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Emma Watson
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Topshop model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As rag & bone model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Balenciaga model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As out magazine model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Rosamund Pike
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As evan rachel wood
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Becca Tobin
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Mandy Moore
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Katy Perry
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Julianne Moore
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Gwendoline Christie
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Celine Dion
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Harry Potter
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Kylie Minogue
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Celine Dion
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Celine Dion
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Celine Dion
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As gucci model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Mandy Moore
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Elizabeth Olsen
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Britney Spears
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Dua Lipa
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Robert Pattinson
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Reese Witherspoon
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Sarah Paulson
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Zoey Deutch
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Acne Studios model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Rick Owens model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Celine Dion
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Acne Studios model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Amy Poehler
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Laura Carmichael
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Jabba the Hutt
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Lady Gaga
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Nicole Kidman
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Blake Lively
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Heidi Klum
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Jessica Biel
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Lily Collins
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As haider ackermann model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Priyanka Chopra
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Katy Perry
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Adele
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Jenifer Lopez
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Lady Gaga
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As leslie mann
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Vanessa Hudgens
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Celine Dion
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Rose Byrne
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Gwen Stefani
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As gucci model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Kylie Minogue
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Darren Criss
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As David Beckham
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Kylie Minogue
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As emma roberts
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Celine Dion
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Celine Dion
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Celine Dion
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Jimmy Fowlie and Tom Lenk As aubrey plaza and Elizabeth Olsen
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Kendal Jenner
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Acne Studios model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Acne Studios model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Acne Studios model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Gucci model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Acne Studios model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Alexandre Vauthier model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Elizabeth Berkley
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As tilda swinton
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Daisy Ridley
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Blake Lively
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Jenny Mollen
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Queen Elizabeth
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Balenciaga model
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Kristin Chenoweth
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Bella Hadid
Image credits: Tom Lenk
Tom Lenk As Kim Kardashian
Image credits: Tom Lenk
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2yZGG06 via Viral News HQ
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