#andre coleman
breckstonevailskier · 11 months
Cole Miners know that Cameron Coleman is the most reliable news pundit to ever grace America's airwaves. 😉
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And he is right: Cate Dunlap and Sam Riordan are the real heroes. 😂 Congrats to Miss Dunlap and Mr. Riordan on saving Godolkin's student body from those EVIL Supe terrorists Andre Anderson, Emma Meyer, Marie Moreau and Jordan Li! 😁😁 They should receive medals of honor for their actions. 😂
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kafkaspestcontrol · 4 months
I got the soul and the spirit of the wrath of Kahn
Kick back and write just like the Holy Quran
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girlactionfigure · 5 months
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The 44 House members who voted to provide cover for Jew haters:
 Reps. Becca Balint (D-VT)
Don Beyer (D-VA)
Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR)
Jamaal Bowman (D-NY)
Cori Bush (D-MO)
Andre Carson (D-IN)
Greg Casar (D-TX)
Judy Chu (D-CA)
Yvette Clarke (D-NY)
Danny Davis (D-IL)
Mark DeSaulnier (D-CA)
Debbie Dingell (D-MI)
Veronica Escobar (D-TX)
Valerie Foushee (D-NC)
Maxwell Frost (D-FL)
Chuy Garcia (D-TX)
Robert Garcia (D-CA)
Al Green (D-TX)
Jared Huffman (D-CA)
Jonathan Jackson (D-IL)
Sara Jacobs (D-CA)
Pramila Jayapal (D-WA)
Hank Johnson (D-GA)
Sydney Kamlager-Dove (D-CA)
Barbara Lee (D-CA)
Summer Lee (D-PA)
Jim McGovern (D-MA)
Gwen Moore (D-WI)
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)
Ilhan Omar (D-MN)
Chellie Pingree (D-ME)
Mark Pocan (D-WI)
Katie Porter (D-CA)
Ayanna Pressley (D-MA)
Delia Ramirez (D-IL)
Jan Schakowsky (D-IL)
Rahsida Tlaib (D-MI)
Jill Tokuda (D-HI)
Lauren Underwood (D-IL)
Nydia Velazquez (D-NY)
Maxine Waters (D-CA) 
Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-NJ)
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perpetualproductions · 5 months
Never Be The Same - Chapter 1:
Me and My Friends Are Lonely
- It's been a couple days since shit went down at Godolkin. The four lay low in one of Andres many properties in the city. What now?
(Title song: Me and My Friends Are Lonely by Matt Maeson)
3.4k words
CW: (small) mention of smoking/drug use. The normal amount of swearing. They make out, but nothing explicit.
Masterlist | Next->
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“Godolkin University. Oh, how the mighty fall. The once prestigious number one supe school in America, brought down by radical supes and a Dean with a hidden agenda. Indira Shetty, former behavioral scientist and the last Dean of Godolkin, who turned out to be an anti-supe and anti-vought radicalist. Using her prior scientific knowledge and position of power over students, she groomed and manipulated these supes to kill their own kind. Lives of both humans and supes were lost in the tragic conquest of the foreign terrorist that is Indira Shetty. But do not fear, as our very own homelander had flown in and saved the day, taking down the terrorists and escorting all of the remaining students and faculty to safety. It will take some time to rebuild Godolkin and restore it to its former glory due to the aftermath of the incident, But worry not, for with the help of Vought, young supes all over the country can now attend colleges up to the most prestigious levels. Supe students are able to study any major, including supe specific majors such as crime fighting and more! Vought, once again, doing the right thing and making sure our kids stay educated. And with that, I’m Cameron Coleman coming at you from Vought News. Goodnight Amer-”
The television shuts off once the news story comes to an end. Jordan tosses the remote back onto the couch, letting out a huff as they run their hands through their hair, messing up the perfect curls of their bob as they do. They resume pacing back and forth behind the couch where Marie and Emma currently sit. Andre sits in the armchair situated on the left side of the room and stares at the dark tv screen, still trying to process everything that has been going on the past few days. They are all currently in one of Andre’s Dad’s many Apartments in New York. Apparently they didn’t use this one very often, being not nearly as extravagant as some of his other penthouses over on the upper-east side, but it was perfect for the four of them to lie low in while they dealt with all that transpired over the last couple of days. Andre had offered the idea of staying at one of his places when Marie mentioned that they had nowhere to go now that Godolkin is no more. She definitely didn't want to go back to Red River, where they'd probably send her straight to Elmira. Emma said that she could stay with her, but Emma wasn't too excited to go back home herself. Jordan had also decided to take up Andre's offer for similar reasons.
So there they were. Sitting around the living room in silence, not sure what to say to each other after watching that broadcast. Empty pizza boxes and soda cans littered the coffee table in front of them. Since the Andersons rarely used this place, the fridge was empty, so they decided to order food for the time being. No one was comfortable enough to go grocery shopping yet. They've all basically isolated themselves inside the apartment for the last four days, the shock and trauma of past events holding them in place. But they all spent the time comforting each other. They all went through the same thing so it only made sense. They've talked separately and as a group, confiding in each other for the time being. The uncertainty of the future weighing heavy on them all.
“That's it. I need a smoke.” Andre pushes himself up and goes searching through the drawers in the adjacent kitchen.
Jordan shakes their head as they yell back to Andre, “No. We need to talk first. I'd appreciate it if you were at least a bit fucking sober for this conversation.”
“Plus, there are no cigarettes left…I already checked.” Jordan mumbles that last part.
“Dammit. Fine.” Andre begrudgingly walks over and plops back into his previous spot. “But you owe me a pack when we're done.”
Jordan shakes their head before walking around the couch and standing in front of the TV. They take a breath, but Emma begins to speak before Jordan gets the chance.
“Well, looks like Vought blamed all that shit on Shetty. And sure it's not 100% accurate, but it's better than nothing, right?” Emma looks between the three of them for a response.
Marie sighs, turning left to face Emma. “I don't know, They still got away with it. Nobody knows about the woods or the virus-”
“-And not a single fucking mention of Cate or Sam.” Jordan jumps in, hatred clear in their voice as they say the name of their ex-friend.
Everyone in the room pauses for a second at the mention of their names. They still had no idea what happened to them before they were escorted off campus. Marie had tried to tell Homelander about what Cate had done, but he just stared at her with his cold dead eyes, quickly flashing red before huffing and flying away. If Marie didn't know better, she was almost certain that was a threat on her life. And if all those people hadn’t been there, then she'd be a pile of ash by now. Further solidifying the whole ‘nothing is as it seems’ revelation.
“Yeah… but, on the bright side, it looks like we're in the clear. None of our names were mentioned either. We at least don't have to hide anymore.” Emma's words grow more uncertain as she continues, the last words being mumbled.
“You're right.” Jordan shifts to their male form, gaining a few inches in height and crosses their arms. “But we still need to be careful. If Vought knows that we knew about the fucking woods, then we could still have targets on our backs. They could be watching us. Watching our every fucking move to make sure we don't spill anything.”
“But wouldn't they have done something by now? I mean sure, they might not expect an apartment in the middle of Brooklyn, but it's Vought. If they wanted to find us, don't you think they would have by now?” Andre retorts. Emma was right. They didn't even mention any wanted supes or anything. So they should be fine.
Jordan sighs as they shake their head, “I don't-”
“No.” Marie interrupts. “No, they're right, Jordan. I agree that we should still be careful, but it's almost been a week and we can't stay locked up here forever. If Vought wanted to find us, they would. And it's not like we could fucking stop them either. Definitely not if we stay in New York. But you heard the news report, we have a second chance. A second fucking chance to go to school and finish our education so we can actually do something with our lives. And I don't know about you but second chances don't come by often for me. I need to go to college and get a degree if I want a chance at a life that doesn't include being locked up for the foreseeable future. I can't do any good from here. We can't do any good if we stay here.”
Marie takes a breath.
“If we want to make a change and help people, then we need to go out and do it.” She stares directly into Jordan's eyes as she says this. Jordan wasn't planning to fight Marie on this anyway, but they were done for the second their eyes locked. Those beautiful damn eyes. They're not quite sure how they feel about the effect she has on them yet, but they hope they have time to find out.
“Fine.” Is all Jordan can manage to say as they tear their eyes away from Marie's. Jordan checks the time on the wall clock, “It's late. We can continue tomorrow. I'm going to bed.” Jordan speaks in a flat tone, walking off to their temporary bedroom, leaving the three of them in the living room.
Marie waits a couple minutes before getting up from the couch. “I'm gonna-”
“Oh my God just go comfort your themfriend already!” Emma exclaims as she shoves Marie in the direction of the hall that leads to the bedroom. Marie can't help but laugh as she's being pushed by Emma playfully.
“Have fun~!” Andre says in a sing-songy voice as Marie walks past them, flipping them off.
Once Marie left, Andre and Emma looked at each other for a moment before breaking out into laughter.
Jordan stands in the dark of their small, temporary bedroom. Their arms are crossed as they watch intently out the window, eyes peering through the blinds. The view isn't much to admire. Just the end of a shitty, dark alleyway leading out to a dimly lit street corner. Jordan watches as people wander the dark, cold streets of Brooklyn. What the hell they're doing out this late, no one knows, and Jordan doesn't necessarily care either. Still, they watch vigilantly, waiting for something to happen, someone who looks out of place, eyes that might stare back. But behind those focused, observant eyes, are a million thoughts spiraling around their head, all focused around one person. Marie. The last few days Jordan hadn't been able to think a single thought that didn't connect to Marie in some way, shape, or form. Hell, if they're being honest, all they've thought about for the last month has revolved around Marie.
Marie Moreau…
She came in like a fucking heart attack. Suddenly, out of the blue, taking their breath away, and letting them know they'll have to make some life changes to accommodate. For the past week or so Marie had been their safe place. A warm comfort that kept them grounded while the world crumbled around them. The one good thing in the middle of so much fucking bad. But with the warmth, comfort, and steadiness that Marie brought them, came something unexpected. Fear.
They were afraid. Afraid of losing her. They almost lost her the day Cate went on her crazy ass rampage. They had just got her, and the thought of now losing her at any moment? The thought of Vought taking Marie and doing God knows what to her? It terrified them. Made them feel powerless. And they hate feeling powerless.
A soft knock on the door drew Jordan out of their thoughts, back into the
“Jordan? Can I come in?”
Marie's soft, muffled voice still managed to bring some sense of calm to Jordan, even with the storm of thoughts berating their brain. Jordan gives a soft “yeah”, just loud enough for Marie to hear, as Jordan continues their vigilant search out the window.
Marie enters the room, slowly pushing the door close behind her, not wanting to make too much noise this late. She looks at Jordan, admiring their masculine figure, sharp edges softly painted by moonlight as they look out the bedroom window. Marie slowly makes her way across the room to Jordan. Once at their side, she places a hand on their arm and places the other on their back, slowly rubbing soft circles while enjoying the feeling of their soft, cotton, long sleeve shirt. Jordan leans into their touch, eyes threatening to close and succumb to the comfort.
“Hey.” She whispers softly, looking up at them and noticing the stern look on their face, their jaw tense and brows furrowed.
“Hey.” Jordan mutters as they attempt to maintain their focus on the two strangers standing on the street corner. Doesn't seem like they're doing much, just talking, but Jordan watched their every move regardless.
Marie realizes what they're doing, taking the time to observe out the window herself. “See anything interesting?”
Jordan huffs, “Don't tease, Marie. This is serious.”
“I'm not teasing.” She remarks in a serious, reassuring tone as she looks back up at them. “It's just… you can't stand here all night and expect something to happen. And you can't will it into existence if you stare hard enough.”
Jordan decides to remain silent, knowing that she's right. Which really shouldn't be a surprise at this point. Marie takes this opportunity to move her hand to their chest and lead them back towards the bed, which is only a couple steps back from the window. Jordan lets her lead them to the bed, dropping their head into their hands as they're sat down by Marie.
“You're right.” Their hands gripping their hair, hoping that would release the tension in their head.
“I know.” Marie replies with a hint of humor in her voice. She stands in front of them, putting her hands on theirs and uncurling their fingers from their hair. Jordan eases their grip as she does.
Jordan lets out a soft chuckle as they bring their head back up to face Marie. They take a moment to admire her, the moonlight framing her in a graceful light. Beautiful is the only word that comes to Jordan's mind. The word itself doesn't even do her justice. They bring their left hand up to cup her face, gently brushing their thumb on her cheek. Marie places her hand on top of theirs as she leans into their touch, quickly turning her head to kiss their hand.
“I'm scared…” The words just fall out of Jordan's mouth, barely audible as Jordan wrestles with their feelings. Something about Marie disarms them, makes them feel vulnerable as all hell. But they know they can trust her. They're safe with her.
Marie looks into their eyes, an understanding look on her face, and nods. “I know. I'm scared too. Like, really fucking scared. But we aren't alone in this, Jordan. We have each other. We have Emma, and Andre-”
“I know… it's just-” Jordan takes Marie's hand and moves it down. Marie moves to sit down next to them, letting their hands fall on to Jordan's lap. Jordan takes a shaky, deep breath before continuing. “This is the first time I'm worried about someone who isn't just me.”
“You don't have to worry about me.” Marie says with a reassuring smile.
“Well, yeah. I know more than anyone that you can take care of yourself any fucking day, but I can't help it. You just mean so much to me. You have no fucking clue how much you matter to me, Marie. You are one of the only people in this fucked up world who has cared about me in this capacity, who has accepted me completely. I can't lose that. I can't lose you.”
Marie does her best to fight back the tears threatening to fall. She places her free hand on top of their clasped hands, giving it a squeeze. “You mean a lot to me too. More than you can imagine. And of course I'm worried about losing you too, but I have to believe that there's a way out of this. Staying locked up inside all day, afraid for our lives, always being on guard? We can't live like that forever. We have to trust in each other to get out of this shit together. You don't have to do this alone, Jordan. We have each other. And I'm not going anywhere, okay?”
Jordan nods, “okay.”
Marie places a hand on the side of Jordan's face. They stare into each other's deep, brown eyes for what feels like an eternity before Jordan leans in and closes the gap. Lips lock, as they desperately hold on to each other, refusing to let the other go. The kiss, deep and passionate. A moment imprinted into their minds as they meld, moving seamlessly against each other, savoring every sensation.
Jordan switches to their smaller form as they move to straddle Marie, holding her head in their hands as they desperately taste every single corner of Marie's mouth. They let out a moan as Marie tangles her hands into their longer hair giving it gentle tug. Jordan moves their lips to Marie's neck, revisiting every crevice and curve they've had the pleasure of getting to know. Marie's moans only fuel Jordan, as they push her to lay back on the bed, hands running their way up and down Marie's sides. Marie goes to flip them over, moving them up the bed till their head lands on the pillows. Jordan shifts again, strong hands moving up Marie's body, making their way under her sweater. But before they can do anything else, Marie pulls away, gently removing Jordan's hands from her sweater. Jordan lets out a small whine at the sudden loss of contact, throwing Marie a questioning look.
“Is everything alright?” they asked, slightly worried they went too far.
“It's late Jordan. And as much as I would love to continue this,” she runs her finger up Jordan's chest, eventually resting on their shoulder. “We could really use some sleep. There's a lot to do tomorrow, and we haven't slept as much as we probably should have over the last couple nights.” Marie says, a small smile tugging at her lips.
Jordan sighs, hands resting on Marie's thighs, thumbs brushing back and forth as they contemplate. “Why did I have to fall for someone so responsible?”
“Who else is gonna make sure you take care of yourself?” Marie says playful as she gets off of Jordan, pulling the covers of the bed down and draping them over Jordan.
“I can take care of myself just fine, thank you.” Jordan says, switching back to their female form, as they take their pants off and readjust the covers.
“Oh really? So, you've never stayed up for a whole week studying for exams, forgetting to do simple things like eat or shower?” Marie saunters over to the other side of the bed, taking her hoodie off, leaving her in a loose t-shirt and pajama pants.
Jordan turns onto their side, propping their head up with their arm as they watch Marie intently. “Those were necessary sacrifices for success.”
Marie laughs, shaking her head at Jordan. “Contrary to your popular belief, you do need to eat more than once a week to survive” Marie pulls back the covers and shuffles into bed.
“I bet I can last longer.” Jordan chuckles as Marie playfully slaps their arm. She gets on her side to face them, taking a second to adore their playful smile.
“You know what I mean. Admit it, you'd be helpless without me.”
Jordan shifts to their male form as they pull Marie into them, nestling their head in the crook of her neck. “I'd be helpless without you.” There's an undeniable sincerity to their muffled words that Marie holds on to, knowing that they'll always be there when they need each other the most.
Jordan pulls back and places a kiss on her lips, kissing her as if they're sealing a promise, before pulling away. They both lay there, holding each other, getting lost in the depths of each other's eyes. Marie brings a hand up and starts running her fingers through Jordan's soft curls, relishing in the sound they make as they close their eyes in bliss.
“You're so pretty.” Marie whispers out.
Jordan's eyes flutter open, a small smile tugging on their lips as they switch back to their female form. “No, you.”
Marie softly giggles as she brings Jordan's head forward and kisses their forehead, leaning her forehead on theirs after pulling back.
The two begin to drift off to sleep, holding each other tightly, heartbeats falling into the same steady rhythm.
“Goodnight.” Marie breathes out as she feels herself being pulled into slumber.
“Goodnight… I love you.”
It takes a minute, but Jordan's eyes shoot open, finally registering the words that so effortlessly flowed out of their mouth. They expected to be met with that same shocked expression they are currently wearing, but they aren't. In fact, Marie just looks at them smiling fondly as she responds, “I love you too.”
“You… you do?” Jordan's face softens as a mix of relief, surprise and a bit of uncertainty rests on their face.
Marie lets out a short, breathy laugh, looking at Jordan as if they just said the most ridiculous thing. “Why wouldn't I?”
“I- I don't know,” Jordan nervously stutters out.
They steady as Marie holds their face firmly in her hands, looking right into their eyes with unmistakable certainty. “I love you, Jordan Li. completely and honestly.”
Jordan smiles. Genuine joy spreading across their face. “I love you too. completely and honestly.”
They kiss deeply and lovingly, solidifying their growing connection. Jordan situates themself under Marie's arm, head resting on her chest as their arms wrap around her waist. Marie holds them back, kissing the top of their head before they both finally drift off to sleep.
That's the first chapter of NBTS! Again, I wrote this back in January and it was the first thing I've written in a while. But yeah, thanks so much for reading. I shall be releasing chapter 2 NEXT Saturday. Probably gonna release chapters weekly just so I can stay ahead with the rest of it. Again, this is gonna be a long fic, (I'm currently on chapter 8 and I'm just getting started). Speaking of, MASSIVE thanks to @paperdoll201 for beta reading this. She's been the victim of many of my thought dumps and rambles, as well as reading through the fic and giving suggestions, and advice. So yeah, please check her out. She's great. (And also a better writer so go read her stuff too 💜).
Much love 😎👍❤️
[p.s. each chapter is titled after a song, all which will be on a playlist made for this fic. I'm still working on organizing it, but I'll drop it once it is. Promise.]
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may the best bait win! propaganda under the cut:
alec and ellie:
They're your classic workplace enemies to lovers. Alec takes the job that Ellie was meant for, they're forced to work together on a devastating murder case, they bond. Over three series Alec becomes more human and lets his walls down around Ellie, and she begins to respect and trust him as a colleague and as a friend. Its a Big Deal when they hug. In most cases, especially when it's an m/f detective duo, they would end up together. But yet. Thee David Tennant and Olivia Coleman did not even have an aborted kiss or feelings confession. Neither of them end up with anyone else but they don't hint at anything at the end either. Queer Ally of all time David Tennant does straightbait ironically.
oscar and andre:
Okay, so this might sound kind of weird but bear with me because I really think they should count. Oscar was afab but her father gave her a boy's name and raised her as a boy (by 18th century standards) because sexism and he had 5 daughters and decided she was going to be a son because they were a noble family and he wanted a son to become a high ranking military official because they're rich so they can just do that. Oscar joins the army and becomes Marie-Antoinette's personal guard. Her and childhood best friend Andre are very close through out the series (he supports her throughout the many scandals that she has to deal with because she works for the royal family) and at the end of the series it is revealed that they are in love, but they are both killed in the war before they can actually get together. The dying before they can be together might fall into the buried straights category but they relationship also has really queer energy because throughout the series it becomes apparent that Oscar usually Does Not Vibe with only the gender she assigned at birth. She sometimes refers to herself as a woman, sometimes refers to herself as a man, but her attitude is usually basically 'I'm a man, I'm a woman, I'm both, I'm neither, stop asking'. So I think they should count as straightbait because we find out that Oscar is nonbinary and Andre loves her no matter what her gender is (and then they die before they can get together).
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dickfuckk · 1 year
A list of season 2 cast and crew members, confirmed and speculated
I will try and keep this updated
Not counting the obvious ones
Please note that this is a list of both cast and crew members, so PAs and such are also included and not just actors
Also if you're interested: on my bts instagram I only follow people who have worked on season 1, and people I suspect worked on season 2. So feel free to go through the list of people I follow if you're into that
Aaron Morton (Camera) - he’s listed on the very last picture as the camera-man
Adam Stein(Writer)
Alan F. (English solider)
Alexandria S.
Alison Telford (Casting)
Alistair Gregory - from this tweet so uncertain, but followed me back on my bts instagram account so seems to have some interest in ofmd
Amy Barber (Sound department)
Amy Tunnicliffe
Amanda Grace Leo
Amanda M. (Wedding guest)
Andrea Basile (Costume)
Andres Gomez Zamora (Visual effects)
Andrew DeYoung (Director) - I don’t remember if there was any other reason than the fact that he was in Aotearoa during filming
Andy McLaren (senior art director)
Andy Rydzewksi (Cinematographer)
Angelina Faulkner (Sound department)
Blair Nicholson (Camera)
Blair Teesdale (Camera)
Brad Coleman (Visual effects)
Brad McLeod (Special effects)
Brian Badie (Hairstylist)
Bronson Pinchot (“Torturer”)
Bryn Seager - I don’t remember why but I follow him
Bryony Matthew (Food stylist)
Caleb Staines (Camera)
Chantel Partamian (Visual effects)
Colin Elms (Art department)
Colin Rogers (Sound department)
Cora Montalban (Makeup and/or hairstylist) - I believe she was tagged in an instagram story once, and she’s followed by a ton of cast and crew members
Corrin Ellingford (Sound department)
Corey Moana (Camera)
Corry Greig (Art department)
Coti Herrera (Prosthetics/Makeup)
Damian Del Borrello (Sound department)
Daniel Fernandez (Spanish priest)
Danica Duan (Assistan accountant)
David Boden (production manager)
David G. (Stand in)
David Rowell (Financial controller)
David Van Dyke (Visual effects)
Dennis Bailey (Hairstylist)- Leslie revealed that he’s there.
Dion Anderson (Rescue diver)
Don A. (Swampy Town folk)
Donna Pearman (Assistant accountant)
Donna Marinkovich (set decorator)
Doug McFarlene (Pirate)
Duncan Nairn (Visual effects)
Eliza Cossio (Writer)
Erroll Shand (Prince Ricky)
Esther Mitchell (Camera)
Fernando Frias (Director)
Gareth Van Niekerk (Sound department)
Gary Archer (dental prosthetics)
Gemma Campbell (Visual effects)
Grant Lobban
Greg Sager (Safety manager)
Gregor Harris (Camera)
Gregory J. Pawlik Jr. (AD)
Gypsy Taylor (Costume designer)
Haroun Barazanchi (Set designer)
Harry Ashby (AD)
Helene Wong (Voice work)
Jacob Tomuri (Stunts)
Jaden McLeod
James Crosthwaite (Set decorator)
Jamie Couper (Camera)
Jason Samoa, possibly spotted on location
Jemaine Clement, pretty sure this is only based on his friendship with Rhys and Taika tbh
Jes Tom (Writer)
Jessica Lee Hunt (Makeup artist) - followed by a ton of crew and cast members and I believe she’s been tagged in instagram stories and such
John Mahone (Writer)
Jonathan Bruce (Sound department)
Jono Capel-Baker (Groom)
Jonno Roberts didn’t get the role from his audition, but could still have gotten a different role - hung out with Ruibo
Judah Getz (Sound department)
Julia Huberman (Sound department)
Julia Thompson (Costume)
Justin Benn (Republic of Pirates Town)
Karl L. (Action extra)
Kate Fu
Kate Leonard (Casting)
Kathleen Zyka Smith (“Red Flag”)
Kosuke Iijima (Fabricator/Sculptor?) - due to interaction on this post
Kris Gillan (Fabricator/Sculptor)
Kura Forrester - followed by quite a few cast and crew members, but I don’t remember if there was anything else to it
Laura Stables (SFX makeup artist)
Leanne Evans (Art department)
Lee Tuson
Leslie Jones (Spanish Jackie) - she’s spoiled this so many times, but gjfhdks
Leyla - followed by a lot of cast and crew members, don’t remember if there was more to it than that
Lindsey Cantrell (Set decorator)
Louis Flavell Birch (Blue coat)
Luke V. (Stand in)
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palmviewfm · 2 months
hi! looking to join soon :) could i have a little list of most wanted faces??
hello  hello  !  we'd  love  to  have  you  join  us  around  here  !  there's  a  ton  of  opened  faceclaims  that  we'd  love  to  see,  so  i'll  put  it  under  a  read  more  for  you !
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madison  bailey,  chase  stokes,  rudy  pankow,  carlacia  grant,  abigail  cowen,  danny  griffin,  sadie  soverall,  kat  mcnamara,  zoe  colletti,  zhao  lusi,  leo  woodall,  noah  lalonde,  chris  briney,  cierra  ramirez,  maia  mitchell,  herman  tommeraas,  simone  baldasseroni,  kathryn  bernardo,  kathryn  newton,  camila  mendes,  madelaine  petsch,  charles  melton,  lili  reinhart,  meg  donnelly,  tanner  buchanan,  mary  mouser,  peyton  list,  antonia  gentry,  katie  douglas,  chelsea  clark,  sara  waisglass,  felix  mellard,  froy  guiterrez,  josh  o'connor,  olivia  holt,  corey  fogelmanis,  savannah  lee  smith,  chandler  kinney,  jack  mulhern,  whitney  peak,  keiynan  lonsdale,  nick  robinson,  ross  lynch,  jane  de  leon,  samantha  logan,  daniel  ezra,  cody  christian,  danielle  rose  rusell,  kaylee  kaneshiro,  oliver  jackson-cohen,  kenny  boyd,  danielle  campbell,  evan  mock,  emilio  sakraya,  gabrielle  wilde,  humberly  gonzalez,  lucien  laviscount,  indiana  evans,  odeya  rush,  kaia  gerber,  jessie  mei  lei,  jordan  fisher,  courtney  eaton,  auli'i  cravalho,  lana  condor,  alisha  boe,  ashley  moore,  zendaya  coleman,  tom  holland,  gabriel  guevara,  maxence  danet-fauvel,  zion  moreno,  bailee  madison,  zaria  simone,  malia  pyles,  jordan  gonzalez,  damian  hardung,  liz  gillies,  avan  jogia,  algee  smith,  aria  shahghasemi,  chay  suede,  diego  boneta,  sarah  catherine  cook,  diego  tinoco,  berk  atan,  brandon  perea,  matthew  noszka,  lucy  hale,  hannah  kepple,  daisy  edgar  jones,  hero  tiennes  tiffin,  josephine  langford,  nikki  rodriguez,  imani  lewis,  olivia  rodrigo,  sofia  carson,  ella  purnell,  tom  blyth,  rachel  zegler,  hunter  schafer,  maia  reficco,  natalie  alyn  lind,  carson  boatman,  melis  sezen,  raven  bowens,  victoria  konefal,  olivia  rose  keegan,  elizabeth  lail,  camryn  grimes,  phoebe  dyvenor,  rege  jean-page,  renee  rapp,  laura  harrier,  bebe  wood,  angourie  rice,  mackenzie  foy,  anna  lambe,  harris  dickinson,  blu  hunt,  aj  saudin,  brianne  tju,  nicole  wallace,  carlson  young,  alycia  debnam  carey,  brenna  d'amico,  brec  bassinger,  bianca  santos,  skyler  samuels,  david  corenswet,  logan  lerman,  aubrey  joseph,  jabari  banks,  brittany  o'grady,  halle  bailey,  bailey  bass,  freya  allan,  josie  totah,  luca  hollestelle,  andre  lamoglia,  maitreyi  ramakrishnan,  minnie  mills,  milly  alcock,  annalisa  cochrane,  adeline  rudolph,  tati  gabrielle,  alva  bratt,  aisha  dee,  charlotte  jordan,  adria  arjona,  sophie  turner,  suki  waterhouse,  amanda  arcuri,  joe  keery,  eli  brown,  sasha  pieterse,  josh  hutcherson,  sam  claflin,  josha  stradowski,  logan  shroyer,  leo  howard,  anya  taylor  joy,  florence  pugh,  alexxis  lemire,  skyler  gisondo,   alia  bhatt,  amber  midthunder,  devery  jacobs,  anya  chalotra,  ayo  edibiri,  becky  gomez,  jaz  sinclair,  simone  ashley,  and  charithra  chandran.
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Black Character Tournament: Left Side!
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adding a post break to make this more rebloggable
Chidi Anagonye | The Good Place vs Bow | She-Ra & the Princesses of Power
Marina Ida | Splatoon vs Youngblood Ra | Roleslaying with Roman
Barret Wallace | Final Fantasy VII vs Lunella Lafayette/Moon Girl | Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur
Lucas Sinclair | Stranger Things vs Gus Porte | The Owl House
Carole Stanley | Carole and Tuesday vs Garnet | Steven Universe
Aisha/Layla | Winx Club vs Carter Kane and Sadie Kane | The Kane Chronicles
Martha Jones | Doctor Who vs Death | Sandman (TV)
Finn | Star Wars vs Oluwande Boodhari | Our Flag Means Death
Leshawna | Total Drama vs Sonic the Hedgehog | Sonic the Hedgehog
Jodie Landon | Daria vs Helen Brand | Glass Onion
Wolf | Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts vs Benson | Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
Mike Hanlon | IT (Steven King) vs Burton Guster | Psych
Flow | Roleslaying With Roman vs Nasuada | Inheritance Cycle/Eragon Trilogy
Jordan Hennessey | Dreamer Trilogy vs Ava Coleman | Abbott Elementary
Duke Thomas | DC Comics vs Mel Medarda | Arcane
Molly Blyndeff | Epithet Erased vs Michael Burnham | Star Trek Discovery
Neena Thurman (Domino) | Marvel comics / Deadpool 2 vs Nyota Uhura | Star Trek The Original Series
Gregory Eddie | Abbott Elementary vs Kipo Oak | Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
Elena Amamiya | Star Twinkle Precure vs Simon Aumar | Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
Karli Morgenthau | MCU: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier vs Enfys Nest | Star Wars: A Solo Story
Connor Hawke/Green Arrow | DC Comics vs Myla | One Last Stop
Winston Bishop | New Girl vs Khalil Harris | The Hate U Give
T'Challa | Black Panther vs Dr. Charlotte | Falsettos (Revival)
Gigi Thompson | Inside Job vs Isaiah | One Last Stop
Ivan Taylor | The Wilds vs Nathan Byrne | The Bastard Son & the Devil Himself
Miranda Bailey | Grey's Anatomy vs Essun | Broken Earth Trilogy
Agent 355 | Y : The Last Man vs Audacious Opportunity (A.O.) Rooke | Friends at the Table (Partizan)
OJ Haywood | Nope 2022 vs Nubia | Wonder Woman
Mr Nancy | American Gods vs Storm | X Men
Ambrose Spellman | Chilling Adventures of Sabrina vs Louis | The Walking Dead Game
Angela Moore | Boy Meets World vs Hilary Banks | The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
Junko Saotome | Nana vs Wes Gibbins | How to Get Away with Murder
Turk | Scrubs vs Wallace Fennel | Veronica Mars
Frozone | The Incredibles vs Kendra Young | Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Joelle Brooks | Dear White People vs Sans | Undertale
Anissa Pierce/Thunder | Black Lightning vs Koriand'r/Starfire | Titans (DC TV show)
Andre Harris | Victorious vs Sara | Over the Garden Wall
Samol | Friends at the Table vs Taion | Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Emerald Haywood | Nope (2022) vs Genly Ai | The Left Hand of Darkness
Sarah Miller | The Last of Us (TV) vs Pinkie Pie | My Little Pony
Muhammed Avdol | Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure vs Dr Foreman | House MD
Efi Oladele | Overwatch vs Jason Hauer | We only find them when they are dead
Bram Greenfeld | Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda / Love, Simon vs Zélie Adebola | Children of Blood and Bone
Nick Fury | Marvel vs Sam Wilson | MCU
Uniqua | The Backyardigans vs Alexx Woods | CSI Miami
Rue | Euphoria vs Bill Potts | Doctor Who
Nadine Ross | Uncharted series vs Jalil Sherman | Everworld
Baal (Valentine) | The Wicked + the Divine vs Jamal Saturday | Locke and Key (comics)
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theultimateflix · 11 months
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Gen V is an American superhero television series, developed by Craig Rosenberg, Evan Goldberg, and Eric Kripke, serving as a spin-off of The Boys by Kripke, and based on The Boys comic book story arc "We Gotta Go Now" by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson. The series serves as the third entry in The Boys franchise.
The series, set concurrently with the fourth season of The Boys, premiered on Amazon Prime Video on September 29, 2023. In October 2023, less than a month after its premiere, the series was renewed for a second season.
Young adult superheroes, or "supes", are tested in battle royal challenges at the Godolkin University School of Crimefighting founded by Patrick Godolkin run by Vought International.
Jaz Sinclair as Marie Moreau, a hemokinetic (the ability to psychically manipulate blood) Supe with a tragic past.
Jaeda LeBlanc portrays a young Marie.
Chance Perdomo as Andre Anderson, a popular student and Luke's best friend with magnetic manipulation capabilities.
Lizze Broadway as Emma Meyer / Little Cricket, a Supe with the ability to alter her size by "purging" or eating.
Maddie Phillips as Cate Dunlap, a Supe with telepathic abilities, primarily in the form of tactile mind control, and Luke's longtime girlfriend.
Violet Marino portrays a young Cate.
London Thor and Derek Luh as Jordan Li, a Supe gender-shifter. Thor portrays Jordan's feminine form who can fire energy blasts and Luh portrays Jordan's masculine form who has superhuman durability.
Asa Germann as Sam Riordan, a young Supe with superhuman strength and durability.
Cameron Nicoll portrays a young Sam.
Shelley Conn as Indira Shetty, the dean of Godolkin University and former behavioral therapist who does not have superpowers.
Patrick Schwarzenegger as Luke Riordan / Golden Boy, Sam's older brother and a popular student with pyrokinesis and superhuman strength.
Maia Jae Bastidas as Justine Garcia, a Supe influencer attending the Crimson Countess School of Performing Arts
Daniel Beirne as Social Media Jeff, the social media manager for Godolkin University.
Sean Patrick Thomas as Polarity, Andre's dad and a famous superhero who is a trustee at Godolkin University.
Alexander Calvert as Rufus, a psychic student at Godolkin University who possesses telepathy, astral projection, and clairvoyance.
Marco Pigossi as Dr. Edison Cardosa, a therapist at "The Woods".
Ty Barnett as Malcolm Moreau, Marie's father
Miata Ada Lebile as Jackie Moreau, Marie's mother
Robert Bazzocchi as Liam, a classmate of Emma's
Alex Castillo as Vanessa Haycraft III
Clancy Brown as Richard "Rich Brink" Brinkerhoff, a renowned professor at Godolkin University and Chairman of the Lamplighter School of Crimefighting.
Warren Scherer as The Incredible Steve, a student with a healing factor sufficient to reattach lost body parts.
Jessica Clement as Harper, a rat-tailed student at Godolkin University.
Siddharth Sharma as Tyler Oppenheimer, a student with intangibility.
P.J. Byrne as Adam Bourke
Jackie Tohn as Courtenay Fortney
Matthew Edison as Cameron Coleman
Laura Kai Chen as Kayla Li, Jordan's mother.
Peter Kim as Paul Li, Jordan's father who disapproves of their gender-shifting ability.
Derek Wilson as Robert Vernon / Tek Knight, a former supe turned true-crime TV host who uses his show to cover up scandals for Vought.
Jason Ritter as himself via Sam's hallucinations of an episode of the educational TV series Avenue V.
Andy Walken as Dusty, a Supe resembling a teenager whose body ages slowly.
Special guests
Elisabeth Shue as Madelyn Stillwell
Jessie T. Usher as Reggie Franklin / A-Train
Colby Minifie as Ashley Barrett
Chace Crawford as Kevin Moskowitz / The Deep
Jensen Ackles as "Soldier Boyfriend", Cate's childhood imaginary friend who is based on the films of Soldier Boy
Claudia Doumit as Victoria Neuman
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nightsidewrestling · 1 year
M.L.B Bios: DJ Deja / Deja Imani Dickson
M.L.B'S Disk Jockey Deja (Jan 1989)
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The DJ of the M.L.B (Mega Level Bitches), Deja, is the only member of the group born in Compton, she's also the only member born in California. As a native of Compton, she is used to the criminality and chaos of the neighbourhood. Deja met Aza and Hutch in high school, and then met Kris and Lola when they both moved (separately) moved onto the street.
"He said he wanted to record a song with us."
Full Legal Name: Deja Imani Dickson
First Name: Deja
Meaning: Means 'Already' from the 'Déjà Vu' meaning 'Already Seen'
Pronunciation: DAY-zha
Origin: African-American
Middle Name: Imani
Meaning: Means 'Faith' in Swahili, ultimately of Arabic origin.
Pronunciation: ee-MAH-nee
Origin: Eastern African, Swahili, African-American
Surname: Dickson
Meaning: Means 'Son of Dick' (Dick being a medieval diminutive of 'Richard', which means 'Brave Ruler', derived from the Old German elements 'Rih' 'Ruler, King' and 'Hart' 'Hard, Firm, Brave, Hardy')
Pronunciation: DIK-son
Origin: English
Alias: DJ Deja
Reason: Stage name
Nicknames: Day, Dej, Mani
Titles: Miss
Age: (As of Jan 1988) 19
Gender: Female. She/Her Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: African-American
Birth Date: October 7th 1969
Sexuality: Bisexual
Religion: Christian
Native Language: English
Spoken Languages: English, Spanish
Relationship Status: Single
Astrological Sign: Libra
Voice Actor: Doja Cat
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Compton, Los Angeles County, California, USA
Current Location: Compton, Los Angeles County, California, USA / On Tour
Hometown: Compton, Los Angeles County, California, USA
Height: 5'4" / 162 cm
Weight: 127 lbs / 57 kg
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Black
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Tattoos: (As of Jan 1989) 0
Piercings: Double Ear Lobe (Both)
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: (Underage) Social Drinker
Illnesses/Disorders: None Diagnosed
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Friends: Azahar Gutiérrez, Dolores Park, Esther Hutchinson, Kristine Cobb, Nālani Kekoa
Colleagues: Azahar Gutiérrez, Dolores Park, Esther Hutchinson, Kristine Cobb, Jessica Henderson, Michael Coleman, Luis Perez, Nālani Kekoa
'Rivals': Andre Young, Antoine Carraby, Eric Wright, Lorenzo Patterson, O'Shea Jackson
Closest Confidant: Aisha Dickson
Mentor: Darnell Dickson
Significant Other: None
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Darnell Dickson (52, Father), Aisha Dickson (53, Mother, Née Ross)
Parents-In-Law: None
Siblings: Jamal Dickson (31, Brother), Zaire Dickson (28, Brother), Marquis Dickson (25, Brother), Taniqua Jenkins (22, Sister, Née Dickson)
Siblings-In-Law: Kenya Dickson (32, Jamal's Wife, Née Barnes), Naya Dickson (29, Zaire's Wife, Née Wood), Quanna Dickson (26, Marquis' Wife, Née Bennett), Daquan Jenkins (23, Taniqua's Husband)
Nieces & Nephews: Aniyah Dickson (11, Niece), Darrell Dickson (8, Nephew), Nia Dickson (5, Niece), Davon Dickson (2, Nephew), Shanika Dickson (8, Niece), Jalen Dickson (5, Nephew), Taniya Dickson (2, Niece), Tyrik Dickson (5, Nephew), Tyra Dickson (2, Niece), LeBron Jenkins (2, Nephew)
Children: None
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Music Career
Debut: 1988
Retired: N/A
Genre: Rap / Hip-Hop
(Fictional) Records, Albums & Singles: 'Mega Level = Major Label' (Album, October 1988), Untitled Work in Progress (Due to Be Released Late 1989)
Songs (Record/Album/Single - Song Title - Track Length): 'Mega Level = Major Label' - 'Fighting Words' - 2:52 'Mega Level = Major Label' - 'In My Feelings' - 2:24 Mega Level = Major Label' - 'Twins' - 3:32 Mega Level = Major Label' - 'Strong Female Leader' - 3:05 Mega Level = Major Label' - 'Use Your Voice' - 3:58 Mega Level = Major Label' - 'Booty' - 3:22 Mega Level = Major Label' - 'Silence, Please' - 2:27 Mega Level = Major Label' - 'Go Away (Come Back)' - 3:18 Mega Level = Major Label' - 'Broken Dreams' - 4:20 Mega Level = Major Label' - 'Touching You' - 3:20 Mega Level = Major Label' - 'No Other' - 3:48 Mega Level = Major Label' - 'My Man' - 2:50 Mega Level = Major Label' - 'Mind Melting' - 3:28 Mega Level = Major Label' - 'Go My Way' - 3:32
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godshippies · 6 months
List of the Living
Sister Arianna Abdul
Sister Tiara Alysse
Sister Courtney Antalek
Sister Diana Avel
Sister Loren Beech
Sister Madison Beer
Sister Renee Bellerive
Brother Andre Benjamin
Sister Luciana Beraj
Sister Hailey Bieber
Brother Justin Bieber
Sister Rowan Blanchard
Sister Lindsay Brewer
Sister Phoebe Broadhead
Sister Victoria Brono
Sister Alla Bruletova
Sister Alissa Butler
Sister Deva Cassel
Sister Frida Chiabra
Sister Zendaya Coleman
Sister Paola Cossentino
Sister Heather Crockett
Sister Lily Crosland
Sister Miley Cyrus
Sister Ash Daniels
Sister Angelina Dimova
Sister Amala Dlamini
Sister Olivia Dunne
Sister Calystabelle Erickson
Sister Robyn Fenty
Sister Megan Fox
Sister Madelyn Francesca
Sister Kaia Gerber
Sister Neelam Gill
Sister Selena Gomez
Sister Ariana Grande
Sister Kristina Gulina
Sister Bella Hadid
Sister Melanie Hamrick
Sister Morgan Hart
Sister Eve Helling
Sister Paris Hilton
Sister Sarah Holden
Sister Davika Hoorne
Brother Tyler Hubbard
Sister Olivia Jade
Brother Deveraux Jagger
Brother Michael Jagger
Sister Shyla Jah
Sister Kendall Jenner
Brother Joe Jonas
Brother Nick Jonas
Sister Maria Kalinina
Sister Than Kambridge
Sister Elizabeth Kapran
Sister Kimberly Kardashian
Brother Brian Kelley
Brother Khaled Khaled
Sister Cindy Kimberly
Sister Beyonce Knowles-Carter
Sister Veronika Kostei
Sister Bec Lauder
Sister Avril Lavigne
Sister Sophia Levi
Sister Alisa Levina
Sister Margaret Lindemann
Sister Dua Lipa
Sister Jennifer Lopez
Sister Nazanin Mandi
Sister Carolina Marie
Sister Karina Marikova
Sister Lucy Markovic
Sister Julia Mas
Sister Stella Maxwell
Sister Clarissa May
Brother Rakim Mayers
Sister Gracie McKenna
Sister Jessie Mesa
Sister Kang Min
Sister Eva Mosevich
Sister Jasmin Murabet
Sister Inna Nord
Sister Billie O’Connell
Sister Gabby O’Reilly
Sister Jenna Ortega
Sister Avery Ovard
Sister Hannah Palmer
Sister Ananya Panday
Brother Antwan Patton
Sister Anastasia Pellegrino
Brother Miguel Pimentel
Sister Lani Pliopa
Brother Chris Pratt
Sister Mailani Romo
Sister Valeria Shashenok
Sister Kieran Shipka
Sister Emilia Silberg
Sister Blanca Soler
Sister Amanda Steele
Sister Taylor Swift
Sister Tabitha Templer
Brother Abel Tesfaye
Sister Bella Thorne
Sister Carrie Underwood
Brother Keith Urban
Sister Olivia Wardlow
Brother Brian Warner
Sister Daniela Washington
Sister Minna Weber
Sister Asya Yavuzecetin
Sister Sab Zada
Sister Madison Ziegler
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hotnew-pt · 27 days
Vítima de explosão de pneu Delta teve que ser identificada por meio de tatuagens, diz filho #ÚltimasNotícias
Hot News Um dos funcionários da Delta Airlines que morreu em uma explosão de pneu em Atlanta sofreu ferimentos tão catastróficos que seu corpo ficou “irreconhecível” — e sua família teve que identificá-lo por meio de suas tatuagens, de acordo com seu filho enlutado. Andre Coleman disse que sua família ajudou a identificar seu pai, Mirko Marweg, 58, como um dos dois funcionários da companhia…
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labelleperfumery · 28 days
Dead Delta Worker Unrecognizable After Tire Explosion in Atlanta, Son Says
Mirko Marweg, one of 2 workers to perish in a plane-tire explosion at a Delta Air Lines maintenance facility at Atlanta’s international airport Tuesday, was unrecognizable after the blast … his son, Andre Coleman, has revealed. Following the… from TMZ.com https://www.tmz.com/2024/08/28/delta-worker-unrecognizable-after-tire-explosion/
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sa7abnews · 2 months
US men's 4x100m relay team disqualified after botched handoff in final at Paris Olympics
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/09/us-mens-4x100m-relay-team-disqualified-after-botched-handoff-in-final-at-paris-olympics/
US men's 4x100m relay team disqualified after botched handoff in final at Paris Olympics
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There’s no way to tell if the rainy weather or the absence of American track star Noah Lyles contributed to the U.S.’ disappointing finish in the men’s 4×100-meter relay, but it’s certainly something to consider. Team USA on Friday extended its medal drought in the men’s event to 20 years after a botched handoff in the first leg of the race led to a disqualification for the Americans. The team of Christian Coleman, Kenneth Bednarek, Kyree King and Fred Kerley finished the race in seventh place, but were later disqualified after it was found that Coleman handed off the baton to two-time silver medalist Bednarek outside the exchange zone.CLICK HERE FOR MORE SPORTS COVERAGE ON FOXNEWS.COMBednarek appeared to start too early or too quick and nearly came to a halt in order to receive the baton from Coleman, but the damage was done. “It’s a little disappointing, especially for America, because we wanted to bring it home,” Coleman said after. “We knew we had the speed to do it… but we are human beings, too. We’ve been through ups and downs in life. This is just another one of those times where we’ve just got to keep our head down and just keep pushing.”The only time the U.S. has captured a medal over the last two decades was in 2012, but that was later stripped due to a doping violation.OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALIST LETSILE TEBOGO TAKES SUBTLE DIG AT ‘ARROGANT’ AND ‘LOUD’ NOAH LYLES AFTER 200M FINALNotably absent from the final — and possibly a game-changer if he competed — was 100-meter gold medalist Noah Lyles. Lyles said after picking up a bronze medal in the 200-meter final on Thursday that he had contracted COVID earlier in the week, ending his journey in Paris.Canada stunned the field on Friday to win gold behind seven-time Olympic medalist Andre De Grasse. South Africa finished second, followed by Great Britain. The women’s 4x100m relay final was a different story for the Americans. Sha’Carri Richardson continued to shine in her Olympic debut, earning gold as the anchor leg in the women’s relay. Friday’s win marked 12 gold medals for the U.S. women in that event. The Associated Press contributed to this report.Follow Fox News Digital’s sports coverage on X, and subscribe to the Fox News Sports Huddle newsletter.  
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
Chris is the top brain who just wants to party, Mitch is the 15-year-old college wiz kid. Supposedly hard at work on a lab project with a mysterious deadline, they still find time to use their genius to discover new ways to have fun. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Chris Knight: Val Kilmer Mitch Taylor: Gabriel Jarret Jordan: Michelle Meyrink Professor Hathaway: William Atherton Kent: Robert Prescott Major Carnagle: Louis Giambalvo Lazlo Hollyfeld: Jon Gries CIA Man Decker: Ed Lauter Shuttle Pilot: Stacy Peralta Laser Ray Victim: Daniel Ades Bartender: Andres Aybar Air Force General: Charles Shull George: Beau Billingslea Larry: Charles Parks Boy at Science Fair: Sean Frye Girl at Science Fair: JoAnn Willette Old Lady: Ina Gould Student at Science Fair: Nadine Vix Mr. Taylor: Paul Tulley Mrs. Taylor: Joanne Baron Darlington Recruiter: Harry Johnson Sherry Nugil: Patti D’Arbanville Dr. Dodd: Monte Landis Mrs. Meredith: Sandy Martin Dr. Meredith: Severn Darden Cornell: Randy Lowell Carter: John Shepherd Reid Bodie: Tommy Swerdlow ‘Ick’ Ikagami: Mark Kamiyama Math Professor: Martin Gundersen Carpet Man: Brett Miller Milton: Dean Devlin Fenton: Yuji Okumoto Chris’ Girl at Party: Lynda Wiesmeier Ick’s Girl at Party: Penny Baker Cornell’s Girl at Party: Marcia Karr Girl at Party: Isabelle Walker Girl at Party: Marii Mak Girl at Party: Cheri Wells Girl at Party: Catherine MacNamara Student: Johnny Vasily TV Makeup Man: Ed Garrabrandt TV Stage Manager: Isabel Cooley Waitress: Robin Stober Susan: Deborah Foreman Student in Hall: David Marvit Air Force Gate Guard: Michael Crabtree Air Force Gate Guard: Charles Sweigart Air Force Gate Guard: Peter Parros Computer Technician: Ronald Taylor Air Force Major: James Carrington Air Force Controller: Michael Backes Air Force Sergeant: Corki Grazer Laser Technician: Jeanne Mori Engineer: David Ursin Congressman: Joe Dorsey Laser Specialist: Will Knox Air Force Technician: Kevin Hurley Girl in Popcorn (uncredited): Kimberly Spak Film Crew: Director: Martha Coolidge Set Decoration: Phil Abramson Camera Operator: John J. Connor Producer: Brian Grazer Casting: Jane Jenkins Production Design: Josan F. Russo Hairstylist: Edie Panda Visual Effects Supervisor: Richard L. Bennett Casting: Janet Hirshenson Screenplay: Neal Israel Screenplay: Pat Proft Editor: Richard Chew Makeup Artist: Zoltan Elek Original Music Composer: Thomas Newman Art Direction: Jack G. Taylor Jr. Special Effects Coordinator: Phil Cory Executive Producer: Robert Daley Director of Photography: Vilmos Zsigmond Screenplay: PJ Torokvei Associate Producer: Sam Crespi-Horowitz Music Supervisor: Becky Mancuso-Winding Music Supervisor: Michael Papale Supervising Sound Editor: Julia Evershade Sound Designer: George Budd Music Editor: Ted Whitfield Costume Supervisor: Marla Denise Schlom Costumer: Joseph Roveto Costumer: Michael F. Hamer Visual Effects Supervisor: David Stipes Stunts: Kenny Alexander Stunts: Shane Dixon Stunts: Kenny Ferrugiaro Stunts: Linda Lee Franklin Stunts: Allan Graf Stunts: Marian Green Stunts: Debby Porter Stunts: Bernie Pock Stunts: Spiro Razatos Stunts: Edward J. Ulrich Stunts: David M. Graves Unit Production Manager: Billy Ray Smith First Assistant Director: Stephen McEveety Second Assistant Director: Joseph P. Moore Set Designer: Erin M. Cummings Set Designer: Steven Wolff Other: Alex Tavoularis First Assistant Camera: Ken Nishino Second Assistant Camera: Robert Samuels Second Unit Director of Photography: Frederick Elmes Key Grip: Richard W. Deats Grip: Jerry D. Deats Best Boy Electric: Robert Jason Additional Editing: Arthur Coburn First Assistant Editor: Albert Coleman Other: Alexandra Leviloff Other: Deborah Cichocki Other: Bill Wilner Sound Editor: Anna Boorstin Sound Editor: Virginia Cook-McGowan Sound Editor: Cari Lewis Sound Editor: Marshall Winn Sound Editor: Roxanne Jones McCarthy Supervising ADR Editor: Beth Bergeron ADR Editor: Lauren Palmer Assistant Sound Editor: Paul C. Warschilka Assistant Sound Editor: Christy Richmond Sound Effects: John P. Fasal Sound Effects: Doug Hemp...
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rop24 · 2 months
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Who would win the 100m men's if the athletes have to carry a cup of water and they would get 0.1 second penalties for every centiliter of water they spill?
If the 100m men's race at the Paris 2024 Olympics required athletes to balance a cup of water while running, and every centiliter (cl) of water spilled resulted in a 0.1-second penalty, the race would test not only speed but also balance and precision. Considering these factors, the winner would likely be an athlete who combines excellent sprinting ability with superior coordination and balance.
Here's a speculative prediction of the results, factoring in potential penalties for water spillage:
Trayvon Bromell (USA)
Base Time: 9.76 seconds
Estimated Spillage: 5 cl (0.5 seconds penalty)
Total Time: 10.26 seconds
Fred Kerley (USA)
Base Time: 9.78 seconds
Estimated Spillage: 6 cl (0.6 seconds penalty)
Total Time: 10.38 seconds
Noah Lyles (USA)
Base Time: 9.80 seconds
Estimated Spillage: 5 cl (0.5 seconds penalty)
Total Time: 10.30 seconds
Marcell Jacobs (Italy)
Base Time: 9.84 seconds
Estimated Spillage: 4 cl (0.4 seconds penalty)
Total Time: 10.24 seconds
Andre De Grasse (Canada)
Base Time: 9.85 seconds
Estimated Spillage: 6 cl (0.6 seconds penalty)
Total Time: 10.45 seconds
Akani Simbine (South Africa)
Base Time: 9.87 seconds
Estimated Spillage: 5 cl (0.5 seconds penalty)
Total Time: 10.37 seconds
Ronnie Baker (USA)
Base Time: 9.88 seconds
Estimated Spillage: 7 cl (0.7 seconds penalty)
Total Time: 10.58 seconds
Christian Coleman (USA)
Base Time: 9.90 seconds
Estimated Spillage: 6 cl (0.6 seconds penalty)
Total Time: 10.50 seconds
Winner: Marcell Jacobs (Italy)
Total Time: 10.24 seconds
Marcell Jacobs, with his ability to maintain balance and coordination, could potentially handle the additional challenge of balancing a cup of water better than his competitors, leading to fewer penalties and securing the win despite a slightly slower base running time.
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