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continuingthefamilyname · 2 years ago
He chuckled andhoy in. "We're gonna have to tell your dad what happened aren't we?"
Closed Jason Winchester starter for queenpinoftheeast
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Jason couldn't remember how he got here or where here even was. He remembered going to some party with Dom but the rest of the night was a blur. He was sitting in a chair, tied to it. "Of course. I'm tied up. How do I always get into this situation?..." He mumbled under his breath when someone came into the room and started asking him questions. "Look, I don't know anything. Even if I did, why would i tell you?"
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okugit · 3 years ago
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vandamac · 4 years ago
Listening to a random mix of music, Basshunter comes on and this is my mood
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ourpatrickjaneblog · 6 years ago
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ufcinformationcenter-blog · 7 years ago
🙃 If you don't support this bald lesbian cunt or her cuck crisis acting barefoot friends then you are not a real American. P.S none of these people are who they say they are. They are actors that are being used to control and influence your mind and ultimately your God given rights. They are given scripts and plot points just like any other work of fiction. This is the reality but you refuse to acknowledge your gut feeling that nothing about this seems authentic. These pieces of subhuman trash will go down In history as the lowest form of scum. CRISIS ACTORS I REPEAT CRISIS ACTORS. ~L . . . . . . * Research The Antarctic Treaty * Research Operation Fishbowl * Research Operation Dominic * Research Operation Deep Freeze * Research Operation High Jump * Research Operation Paperclip * Research Self Luminous Moon * Research Michelson Morley/Sagnac * Research Zetetic Cosmogony * Research Zetetic Astronomy * Research Bedford Level * Research The Firmament * Research Density/Buoyancy * Research United Nations logo * Research "Olber's Paradox" * Research Airy's Failure * Research NASA Hoax * Research Astrolabe * Research Jarle Andhoy * Research Tycho Brahe * Research Free Masons * Research Nikola Tesla * Research Terra Firma * Research Flat Earth . * Research Crisis Actors . #TheEarthIsFlat#ItsFlat#Liars#FlatEarth#FlatEarther#Yahusha#God#Nasa#Earth#Olympics#Satellite#NasaLies#Hoax#StarWars#NasaHoax#FE#Earth#JesusChrist#Antarctica#Gravity#Globe#Space#Firmament#mma#satellites#ufc#instafollow#WakeUp
Source: ufc
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spanky606 · 8 years ago
@Regrann from @lookingforthetruth - 🔑 Another downed "satellite". These pieces of garbage are not "orbiting" around anything. They are floating around dangling from balloons. ~L #FlatEarthProofs . . . . . * Research The Antarctic Treaty * Research Operation Fishbowl * Research Operation Dominic * Research Operation Deep Freeze * Research Operation High Jump * Research Operation Paperclip * Research Self Luminous Moon * Research Michelson Morley/Sagnac * Research Zetetic Cosmogony * Research Zetetic Astronomy * Research Bedford Level * Research The Firmament * Research Density/Buoyancy * Research United Nations logo * Research "Olber's Paradox" * Research Airy's Failure * Research NASA Hoax * Research Astrolabe * Research Jarle Andhoy * Research Tycho Brahe * Research Free Masons * Research Nikola Tesla * Research Terra Firma * Research Flat Earth . . #TheEarthIsFlat#ItsFlat#Liars#FlatEarth#FlatEarther#Yahusha#God#Nasa#Earth#Olympics#Satellite#NasaLies#Hoax#StarWars#NasaHoax#FE#Earth#Antarctica#Gravity#Globe#Space#Firmament#mma#satellites#tag4likes#ufc#instafollow#WakeUp WHOTFETW.com/blog
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kanalmalatya · 8 years ago
25 çocuk hayatını kaybetti
25 çocuk hayatını kaybetti
25 çocuk hayatını kaybetti 25 çocuk hayatını kaybetti Afganistan’ın kuzeyinde iki gündür etkili olan kar yağışı ve soğuk hava 25 çocuğun ölümüne sebep oldu. 25 çocuk hayatını kaybetti Afganistan’ın kuzeyinde iki gündür etkili olan kar yağışı ve soğuk hava 25 çocuğun ölümüne sebep oldu. Faryab Emniyet Amiri Amanullah Zafar, AA muhabirine yaptığı açıklamada, Faryab’ın Kohistan, Karamkol, Andhoy,…
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habersenden6-blog · 6 years ago
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Afganistan’da Eşzamanlı Saldırılar! #afganistan #andhoy #terororgutu #teror #terör #ortadogu #sultansancar #taliban #feryab #kurgan #bolgesel #bölgesel https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq7LzTkg17v/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=h2uyd9lrgf1d
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spanky606 · 8 years ago
@Regrann from @lookingforthetruth - 🔑 I told you that satellites aren't in "space" they are floating around on balloons traveling in circles, and from time to time they fall out of the sky. This one was found in Brazil. ~L #FlatEarthProofs . . . . . * Research The Antarctic Treaty * Research Operation Fishbowl * Research Operation Dominic * Research Operation Deep Freeze * Research Operation High Jump * Research Operation Paperclip * Research Self Luminous Moon * Research Michelson Morley/Sagnac * Research Zetetic Cosmogony * Research Zetetic Astronomy * Research Bedford Level * Research The Firmament * Research Density/Buoyancy * Research United Nations logo * Research "Olber's Paradox" * Research Airy's Failure * Research NASA Hoax * Research Astrolabe * Research Jarle Andhoy * Research Tycho Brahe * Research Free Masons * Research Nikola Tesla * Research Terra Firma * Research Flat Earth . . #TheEarthIsFlat#ItsFlat#Liars#FlatEarth#FlatEarther#Yahusha#God#Nasa#Earth#Olympics#Satellite#NasaLies#Hoax#StarWars#NasaHoax#FE#Earth#Antarctica#Gravity#Globe#Space#Firmament#mma#satellites#tag4likes#ufc#instafollow#WakeUp WHOTFETW.com/blog
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fuckyeahjarleandhoy · 10 years ago
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