#anderson retarded fans
No people don't just change their personalities like that you retard fuck sciencecat/ penguin unless they're fucking mental like you sociopathic piece of trash. As for artdept yet another burner account, how many do you have you stupid slut? You don't do anything else of your days than burner accounts and people who take your shit should slap back your ugly mug you cheap loser shit wretch, still selling the nArRaTiVE of a lying thief and a scammer what does it make you stupid fuck with zero personality, a dog ass biatch. Go back doglapping on the doormat where you belong licking the shit out of Andercon's boots, retard.
And fyi I don't think Andercon is with double douchebag or that they have children together and I couldn't care less, you stupid ass harlot, I'm not blind and retarded like you venereal crab infested trollop.
Same as lying scamming stealing ugly Trump and his trephined gormless fans.
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autisticwriterblog · 4 months
From my autistic Odin WIP. This is from Loki's POV and he's a real piece of shit here.
TW: ableist language, including the r-slur.
Putting it under the cut because of the language used.
So, yeah… Loki has seen what Odin acts like behind closed doors. And he just knows that if his fans knew this about him, they’d lose interest in wanting to fuck such a freak. And if they’re not so interested in Odin, perhaps they might actually spread that love around. Such as showing an incredible guitarist like Loki Darkens the attention he deserves. He certainly deserves it more than Odin fucking Anderson. Sometimes, Loki wishes everyone would know the truth. And as time goes by, this desire only gets stronger. A few weeks ago, Loki deliberated taking a photograph of Odin’s injured face with his Polaroid camera, but he discounted the idea. After all, if he ever showed it to anyone else and the Andersons and Balder found out, they would know exactly who took the photograph because only the other band members could get that close to a sleeping Odin. No, if he wants to inform the rest of the world about Odin being a retard, he’ll need to be much sneakier than that. There can’t be any evidence that leads it back to Loki, otherwise the Andersons would kill him (especially Tor, because he has the shortest fuse that Loki has ever seen). Eventually, he comes up with a plan. A way to anonymously inform all the ladies of the world exactly what kind of freak Odin Anderson is.
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maryflowerw · 3 years
oscar looks like gillian but has mark's eye and hair coloring. there are no duchovny genes in that boy, thank god. he doesn't have squinty eyes or a massive nose/nostrils.
But they have a mentally retarded look, just like their father Mark. And developmental retardation, just like their mother.
I was going to delete this but I want to see the kind of fans BOTH Duchovny and Anderson attract. And all this rift in the fandom is their fault.
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essiflynn · 4 years
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I can’t give you a coupon code for these but oh my goodness! If you don’t know about Hannah Anderson organic pajamas, you have got to check these out! Plus, if you’re a Disney fan she has tons of fabulous options! The two new favorites at our home right now are the baby Yoda, excuse me, I’m sorry. The Mandalorian PJ’s 😉 and the Mickey PJs! But of course at our house, my kiddo calls them the baby Yoda Christmas PJs! 😂 They are super soft and perfect for the season! And to top it all off, they have matching family PJs for many of their Disney and Star Wars options! Some of them even have matching options for your family pooch!😉 Becoming a parent jumpstarted my health journey in a way that nothing else ever did. I love these pajamas because they are not covered in fire retardant and they are made with organic cotton! Cotton that is not organic is one of The most highly treated and sprayed crops with pesticides in the USA! Another thing that I am looking to avoid. There are a few more companies out that now provide organic options for us and our kiddos but not nearly enough. So thankful for those companies! #essi #essirecommends #organic organiccotton #hannahanderson #organicpjs #organicpjsforkids #nopesticides #nopesticidesformyfamily (at Charlotte, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CH-ctANBKfA/?igshid=9pxyd5ni2s28
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ivy-miranda-2390 · 6 years
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Sad but an absolute truth. As someone with a disability, I can play that card well and say that liberals don’t care about the disabled at all and only use them for their own narratives. First for abortion and then second to appear as humanitarians.
Vikings actor, Alex Hogh Anderson (who plays a cripple in the show) came under fire twice when he used the word ‘retarded.’ First in an Instagram post and second during an interview. Both times the SJWs of Tumblr, many of them who consider themselves his devoted fans, destroyed Anderson. Calling him an ableist, a white privileged male, demanding he apologize or leaving the fandom all together.
People went as far to say that because he’s Danish and English isn’t his first language that he’s ‘not aware’ of the actual meaning and therefore must be educated. So first they turn on an actor they supposedly love and adore because he made a couple of harmless jokes and then they racially discriminate his Danish nationality by assuming he has no concept of the meaning of the word retarded.
I don’t need a liberal or anyone else standing up and accusing any person of ableism just because they may speak their mind on a certain issue. Disabled people can defend themselves and I don’t need you to use my disability for you to be woke or to pretend to be a hero. #liberal #disability #epilepsy
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ikkegoemikke · 7 years
My father Die (2016)
Summary   Deaf and mute since having his hearing knocked out at the age of 12, Asher has been training for almost two decades to avenge himself on Ivan, the man that killed his older brother, 21 years ago. And now that his nemesis is out of prison, he gets his chance. But Asher's target also happens to be his father. Genre : Action Country : USA Cast :  Joe Anderson : Asher
Gary Stretch :  Ivan Gandace Smith : Nana Director : Sean Brosnan
My opinion 
“I do know that my father was a ferocious fighter, had great potential. Mama said he could have gone all the way to the top. Said the safest place for him was in the ring.
She blamed America for sending him into the jungle.
I blame Vietnam for not bringing him home in a box.”
Raw, violent and ultra-gory. That's what "My father die", the remarkable debut of Sean Brosnan (son of the famous spy), actually has to offer in terms of content. An orgy of senseless violence. A revenge film avant la lettre. A bit like "American Muscle" where revenge was the central topic as well. The only difference is the style and look of this one compared to the previous. "American Muscle" tries to convey a seventies vibe, while "My father die" looks more stylistic. The use of black and white images in the beginning initially makes you think this is more than a typical revenge movie full of brutal scenes. Until the avenger starts his quest to put the suffering and injustice straight again.
The person who wants to take revenge is Asher (Joe Anderson). A young man who skins alligators in the backyard and who eerily looks like Kurt Cobain wearing a raccoon (I guess) headdress. In appearance anyway, because in terms of hearing this certainly isn't the case. Asher is in fact deaf, because his aggressive father Ivan (Gary Stretch) he has hit him rather harshly on his ears when he was young. And at the same time, this mentally ill brute, beats Asher's older brother Chester (Chester Rushing) to death. And this because he caught him in an intimate embrace with a local girl named Nana (Candace Smith). I suppose Ivan also had an affair with her.
Twenty years later Asher and his mother receive the news about Ivan's early release due to good behavior. That's when Asher realizes he has to carry out a major task. Look for Ivan and kill him before this madman shows up at their porch. And that's the beginning of a long chaotic and violent trip through this poor part of the U.S. The first thing that struck me in this rather pretty vacuous film, is the strong and convincing acting of the main characters. Ivan is terrifying brutal. A bully who without a blink of an eye smashes someones brain because the person got in the way. He doesn't care wether it's a cop, a gangmember or a fragile woman he's knocking down with a devastating blow. An insensible, numb and ruthless fighter. His posture and appearance is of such an extent that you step aside when he nears you. And apparently all this is the result after having fought in Vietnam.
Now, I still think Asher has inherited some of the genes of his father, because he has no compassion for those who don't want to help him find Ivan. A couple of shot off toes and wildly pounding with a shovel are the result. Because of his deafness and the fear of being called a retard when talking, Asher is deafening silent the entire movie. He doesn't say a word and he just makes use of sign language and facial expressions. Despite his sound free role, I thought it was a magnificent performance of this for me unknown actor. In addition, Candace Smith and Kevin Gage (as blood brother Tank) are certainly worth mentioning after displaying some brilliant moments.
In hindsight "My father die" isn't really a stunning film. The storyline is rather weak and the whole story looks like a hodgepodge of random events with terrible brutality not being shunned. Unfortunately, the denouement is a bit exaggerated. It looked more like a modern version of a firefight in an old cowboy movie. I'm not really a fan of this kind of exploitation films about deprived slums where futureless individuals waste their time on useless and cruel activities. And certainly not when the used violence is completely senseless, aimless and indifferent. The film surpasses "American Muscle" easily and tries to acquire a cult status as "Vanish". I didn't feel like turning it off and that's a positive sign. I am convinced that Asher's last thought contained the following sentence "It's better to burn out than to fade away".
  My rating 9/10 Links : IMDB
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Anderson fans don't want to be called retards and morally bankrupt yet they're supporting a mass murder supporter while literally harassing a poll creator because Anderson is 21 in their rankings. Retards and morally bankrupt is exactly what defines them.
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That proves nothing and people are stupid... You could empty these idiots houses right in front of their eyes just by waving a red handkerchief at 45° from their sight. I'm so glad I'm ace/dem... I don't waste my time with that. And from both sides Twatter being proved again to be a place for retards, if I'm crying about anything it's that the corrupt and these morons that believe liars have the right to vote.
Note that I don't think Duchovny and Anderson are in a relationship, even less married with children. It's not a reason to lie about other things. Anderson fans have made a dumpster out of that fandom, thanks to *her*.
(she can't even stand txf or Scully, only faking it to look good, too late for that).
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