#anders apologist archive
Gib mir das, ich kann es halten
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by what_does_it_strittmatter
"Er war so anders als sein Kollege. Komissar Ross, eine auffallende Erscheinung hier im Dorf und wahrscheinlich auch im Büro, zündete die Zigarette an, ließ das Feuerzeug wieder in der Innentasche gleiten und wickelte den Mantel fester um sich. Adam hätte verschlossener nicht sein können, hatte nur einsilbig geantwortet, wenn überhaupt, und war ja buchstäblich geflohen." Ewa und Vincent beim Raucher-Smalltalk, kurz bevor die nächste Leiche gefunden wird.
Words: 1168, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Deutsch
Fandoms: Polizeiruf 110
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Vincent Ross, Ewa (Polizeiruf 110)
Additional Tags: Missing Scene, Canon Compliant, Episode: Abgrund, not a cop apologist but people who meet this duo are
from AO3 works tagged 'Polizeiruf 110'
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doctormage · 2 years
on the verge of tears rn anders literally gave his life to prevent the murder of uhhh pretty much the entire fucking city of kirkwall. he knows he’ll die for it, he doesn’t even question that. he’s spent all this time trying to help the people in this city and he knows that w the way things are about to go, this is the only way — and most likely his final way — to help. meredith was going to slaughter every mage in the gallows, an exalted march would have razed the city to the ground, and he said no, take me instead. there’s no way to get out of the situation with no casualties but by god he’s not going to go down without giving everyone a fighting chance. what the fuck
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Whitewashing The SS: The Attempt to Re-Write the History of Hitler’s Collaborators
By David Pugliese
Over the years some Ukrainian Canadians have staunchly defended the 14th SS Division Galicia. They have falsely claimed that Ukrainians who served in the division were conscripted, when in reality 80,000 volunteered and 13,000 were selected. Other apologists argue that the division fought only to protect Ukrainian territory. This too is false.
Then there are the claims that reports about 14th SS Division Galicia are the result of Russian disinformation or propaganda. Marcus Kolga, an Estonian activist with the right-wing Macdonald Laurier Institute in Ottawa, falsely claimed that articles linking the division to the SS and wartime criminal activity have “parroted the Kremlin’s tailored narratives.” 
But the most common method that Nazi apologists use to defend the 14th SS Division Galicia is to cite the 1986 Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals in Canada, often referred to as the Deschênes commission after its chairman, judge Jules Deschênes.
Supporters of 14th SS say the Deschênes commission cleared the division and all its members of any involvement in war crimes. “Charges of war crimes of Galicia Division have never been substantiated, either in 1950 when they were first preferred, or in 1984 when they were renewed, or before this Commission,” Deschênes concluded. “Further, in the absence of evidence of participation or knowledge of specific war crimes, mere membership in the Galicia Division is insufficient to justify prosecution.”
At the time critics labelled the commission’s report as a whitewash. The decades since have further reinforced that view as additional information about the 14th SS Division Galicia’s war crimes have emerged.
Deschênes either ignored or appeared to be unaware the Waffen SS – which the Galician Division was part of – had been declared a criminal organization by the International Military Tribunal during the Nuremberg Trials. This omission is particularly incredible as Canada participated as one of the allied nations in the prosecution of war criminals at the Nuremberg Trials and Canadian Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King actually visited the court and attended some of the trials.
Even a cursory glance at SS Galicia reveals its links to the Nazi campaign of destruction against the Jews and murder of civilians. Its commander was Oberfuhrer Fritz Freitag, a fanatical Nazi, who was directly involved in the mass murder of Jews.
Among the commanding officers of SS Galicia was Ukrainian-born SS Hauptsturmfuhrer Heinrich Wiens, who served with the Einsatzgruppen D murder squad and personally took part in mass executions of Jews. Another division officer, SS Obersturm-bannfuhrer Franz Magall, was also a seasoned killer of Jews. SS Galicia worked alongside SS-Sonderbattalion Dirlewanger, a unit that contained rapists, murders and the criminally insane and the two organizations, at times, transferred officers between each unit, noted Per Anders Rudling, a historian of Eastern European history and Associate Professor at the Department of History at Lund University, Sweden.
In addition, SS Galicia had officers and NCOs who came from the Nachtigall battalion, a Ukrainian collaboration organization that had taken part in the mass killings of Jews in the summer of 1941, added Rudling, who has extensively studied the division.
In 2003 a Polish government commission into Nazi war crimes concluded the 14th SS Galicia was responsible for the massacre of women and children in the village of Huta Pieniacka. Based on eye witness accounts, the Polish Institute of National Remembrance, pointed out that members of the 14th division, entered the village and began executing civilians.
In 2005 the Institute of History at the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences arrived at the same conclusion. The main difference between its investigation and the earlier Polish government investigation was the number of civilians murdered, added Rudling.
The Ukrainian investigation estimated around 500 people were killed. The Polish commission put the number of those murdered at 700 to 1,500.
Deschênes and his commission stayed in Canada, never travelling to Europe to interview those who suffered atrocities at the hands of 14th SS Galicia and the Nazis. Even a cursory examination of British government archives would have revealed the report the Polish underground sent to the Polish government-in-exile in London about the massacre at Huta Pieniacka. “The 14th Division of the Ukrainian SS surrounded the village Huta Pieniacka from three sides,” the report to Poland’s government- in-exile explained. “The people were gathered in the church or shot in the houses. Those gathered in the church – men, women and children – were taken outside in groups, children killed in front of their parents. Some men and women were shot in the cemetery, others were gathered in barns where they were shot.”
The 14th SS Galicia is also implicated in other atrocities in four other Polish villages, according to historians.
During part of 1944 the unit was stationed in Slovakia where it was involved in fighting partisans and took part in crushing the Slovak National Uprising. The division then moved to Slovenia in early 1945 where it continued fighting anti-Nazi partisans. These actions undercut claims by some in the Ukrainian-Canadian community that the SS Galicia Division only defended its Ukraine homeland. The division’s operations hunting down partisans, killing civilians, and burning down villages clearly show their actions were part of the greater Nazi war machine.
More concerning is the fact that Deschênes concealed a report prepared for his commission that concluded, “At least some persons who served with the Nazi-sponsored Ukrainian police/militia units that participated in killing actions (of Jews) in 1941-1943 would have found their way into the ranks of the (Galician) Division.” The commission kept that report secret and it was only years later that a heavily censored copy was released through the Access to Information law.
Some have defended Justice Deschênes, stating he was under pressure from the Canadian government to clear the division and appease the Ukrainian Canadian community.
But over the decades as Holocaust historians publish more details about the atrocities of those who served in the SS Galicia Division, it has become clear to critics that the Deschênes commission was simply a whitewash of a military unit that subscribed to and served the ideology of Adolf Hitler and SS leader Heinrich Himmler.
Deschênes died in the year 2000. But his report lives on to be used by those who want to continue to whitewash the Nazi regime’s crimes and the eager collaborators who helped in those atrocities.
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ao3feed-handers · 4 years
Maker's Breath
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3fZsxlv
by KatieBethBug
When Eda Amell left Kinloch Hold at 21, she never expected what she would fall into. Danger, Diplomacy, Love, and Loss all plagued Eda before her 22nd birthday. With all but the very beginning of the story taking place after the end of Dragon Age: Origins, follow Eda's relationship with Alistair. The pair face many hardships as they age including their quest for a child, search for a cure to the Calling, and reunite with long-lost family. The first few chapters are super short, but, trust me, they get pretty intense later on.
Words: 1778, Chapters: 5/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dragon Age (Video Games), Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Female Warden (Dragon Age), Female Amell (Dragon Age), Alistair (Dragon Age), Female Hawke (Dragon Age), Nathaniel Howe, Velanna (Dragon Age), Anders (Dragon Age), Edith Revka Amell, Eda Amell, Winnifred Hawke, Freddie Hawke
Relationships: Alistair/Female Warden (Dragon Age), Alistair/Female Amell (Dragon Age), Female Amell & Female Hawke (Dragon Age), Anders/Female Hawke, Nathaniel Howe/Velanna
Additional Tags: Infertility, Pregnancy, Not super graphic but like a little graphic birth scenes, birth scenes in later chapters, Jealousy, Miscarriage, Eda and Alistair are good Chantry folk, But they definitely acknowledge that the Chantry has done bad things, Eda is an Anders apologist (lbr she gets it and so do I), Super happy long-term established relationship, Grey Warden Alistair, Alistair takes Eda's last name, I tried to be medically accurate, but some stuff is definitely explained away with magic, Some stuff isn't exactly canon compliant because I didn't play DAI before I started writing this
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3fZsxlv
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dereliict-blog1 · 7 years
♒ Thoughts on the fandom you're currently rping in? ♢ Has anyone ever tried to steal your blog? Your headcanons? Icons? All that jazz ☀ What's your rp pet peeve?
salt baths are good for sore muscles // munday meme
♒ Thoughts on the fandom you’re currently rping in?
Just got this one but let’s have a reprise.
I find a lot of people in this fandom are extremists, one way or the other. You’ve got your Anders apologists, your Isabela shamers, your special snowflakes, your bigoted idiots. Everyone is so extreme all the time. Why can’t we just sit down and be normal people for once? Can we just live and let live for one?
♢ Has anyone ever tried to steal your blog? Your headcanons? Icons? All that jazz.
It is with great relief I can safely say that, no, I’ve never encountered someone trying to steal my blog/headcanons/ideas/whatever else. Which is surprising, considering the nature of my Garrett Hawke on @ourmight, previously @nochampions / @nochampions-archive. Or if someone did take the idea, it hasn’t crossed my path.
☀ What’s your rp pet peeve?       
One of my pet peeves is when people ghost. On my first blog for Isabela (queenofthe-easternsea) I was writing with this amazing Garrett Hawke. The mun and I were actually starting to be really good friends, we had an intricate plot going, the writing was meshing perfectly– and then they disappeared. Without a trace, or a goodbye.
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doctormage · 2 years
jumping in on the anders apologism bc now i'm feeling strongly about it too, it's also just baffling to me how people can play da2 and villainize anders. bc youre right, the game spends a lot of time showing you chantry atrocities, plus one of the most interesting things about da2 to me is the prominent theme of how oppressors control the narrative, yet so many people miss it! the framing device for the entire story is varric telling the story of how a rebellion started to a chantry seeker, recounting chantry injustices but in a dark room away from the public, where it can be suppressed. that means something, but people still call anders a terrorist or murderer and i'm just like. well that's an interesting way to refer to slave revolts, lol. kind of the entire point was that the chantry lies to justify religious persecution and villainizes anyone who resists, but i guess you somehow missed that and are doing it for them...
“the prominent theme of how oppressors control the narrative” yes!!!! fuck!!!!
it’s especially funny to me given how they kinda beat us over the head w that in DAI (which obv came out after DA2 but like, we can use it as a lens to look at previous games bc it’s been out for 8 fucking years and we’re all somehow still arguing abt its predecessor lol). even the first two I can name just off the top of my head — the shit w the seekers wrt tranquility & the shit w inquisitor ameridan — are both instances of the chantry lying about their shittiness & those lies having serious long-standing implications for the entirety of thedas, but ESPECIALLY for marginalized groups (elves, mages, tranquil) (not to mention how trespasser explores similar ideas but i don’t want to derail)
also failing to acknowledge varric’s role as the storyteller AND the situation in which he’s being forced to tell the story, like you mentioned, is some big fat beef i have w DAI. how are yall gonna constantly bring attention to the fact that DA2 isn’t a direct narrative but instead a story being told while being interrogated by not just a seeker but THE RIGHT HAND OF THE FUCKING DIVINE, then want to demonize the revolutionary YOU created so bad that you backpedal enough to be like no varric was telling the 100% pure unbridled truth actually. he has a perfect photographic memory and remembers everything exactly as it happens, and then he wrote it down as such with zero exaggeration at all. despite him literally saying on multiple occasions that he loves to lie and sensationalize. not with this tho we trust him. HUH???
and don’t even get me STARTED on how they named the mage underground as such to draw parallels to the actual fucking Underground Railroad and were then brainless enough to be like “well that’s bad actually :/” lmao????? girl (gender neutral) WHAT??
but yeah at the end of the day youre absolutely correct, people will fall for this shit even at the hands of the fantasy catholic church and refuse to see otherwise. the games can straight up tell and SHOW us that the chantry & all the organizations that report to it (the templars, the seekers, the circles) are corrupt and LIE!! outright LIE and kill people to protect those lies, and still people will be like “okay well what about the rich people huh? what about all these made up scenarios i created to make myself feel better about hating when the oppressed stand up to their oppressors?? I’m enlightened for saying all violence is bad, even when it can put an end to more violence<3” lmfao not only are they doing the brainwashing themselves, like you said, but imo a lot of them are missing the point on purpose ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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doctormage · 2 years
shit like that reads to me like those The Slap tweets that say “well what if it was an elderly woman he slapped instead and also instead of a slap he punched her with brass knuckles and then she died and he laughed about it what then” like lmfao my brother in andraste you are making up these images to eclipse the multiple canonical accounts we get of the physical, emotional, verbal, and sexual abuse that the circles perpetuate & actually, in fact, rely on! kirkwall’s least of these are in darktown and lowtown. the city is quite literally separated into “rich,” “poor,” and “poorer,” with convenient names to remind you which is which & what a surprise the chantry is in hightown.
I’m absolutely blown away by anyone who can play that game, see the destitution people in kirkwall live in, witness the abhorrent crimes of the circle and chantry, watch anders spend the better part of a decade doing LITERALLY everything in his power to help people, and still be like I pretend I do not see it. I am going to ignore the plight these people suffer at the hands of their oppressors, which we are repeatedly shown and told about, in favor of talking shit about the one person who actually did something about it. idc about poor people and mages what about those innocent rich folk. violence isn’t the answer except for when it’s used against marginalized groups, in which case it IS the answer, but if those groups fight back then they’re just as bad :/ peace n love
editing to add that obviously mages aren’t the only people killed and oppressed by the chantry, but since anders whole purpose was pointing out the circles’ abuse that’s why I used it as the primary example in this rant lol. would love for anon to tell me abt how anders actions were somehow worse than oh idk. all the exalted marches? including the one they planned for kirkwall like op mentioned? wanna talk about the dalish at all hmm?
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doctormage · 3 years
also ever since i made that post wondering why ppl treat awakening anders like a completely different character than da2 anders i cant stop noticing all his lil jokes and shit as im playing da2 this round. like yeah i registered them to some degree my first playthrough but this time its like fucking bold 48pt font loud as hell in my brain bc i dont get why people want him to be shitty and boring and “whiny” !!!!!
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doctormage · 3 years
the sheer volume of people tagging anders then acting like it’s only a super small population of ppl that dislike anders is the perfect tungle experience like no the devs actually worked pretty hard to make us not like him and it worked on....quite a lot of players
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doctormage · 2 years
also the phrasing of the question im going bonkers. “okay sorry if I’m misunderstanding hehe but do you actually support this huge awful piece of shit that did unforgivable things??? here’s 7 whole asks about it????” dear GOD
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