#and. uh. asking *cough* harassing *cough* elf healers to learn more about elf pregnancy and childbirth
lloydfrontera · 2 days
when theo and sylvia have their first child rakiel spends the entire pregnancy suggesting silly names, getting more and more ridiculous as time goes on and as he tries to take their minds off any complications that could come up from a child being born from two different species that aren't always biologically compatible. he's pretty sure he loses any naming rights he ever had for the rest of his life some time around the sixth or seventh month but it's worth it when he gets a soft snort from his brother or an amused eye roll from sylvia.
he is not prepared when theo carefully puts into his arms a tiny bundle of blankets wrapped around an even tinier baby and tells him his name is Adrian.
he will spent the next couple decades holding a grudge over the fact no one warned him beforehand and he therefore spent his first ever meeting with his nephew ugly crying the entire time. there went his chance of being the cool uncle >:c
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