#and/or pray for me that would be nice too
igotanidea · 2 days
Not your fucking bussiness: Jason Todd x reader (club singer AU!)
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„Where are you going?”
„Not your fucking business.”
„Oh! You are going to see her again, aren’t you?”
“Come on, Jay, don’t play dumb with me. You are going to see her!”
“And like I said it’s not your fucking business. Mind your own, Harper.”
This discussion was way beyond his level, therefore Jason just grabbed his jacket off the hanger and walked out the door.
“He is so going to go see her.” Roy crossed his arms, watching his friend leaving with a knowing smirk, nodding his head.
His little Jaybird was growing up so fast…
Two months earlier
They were tired beyond anything ever experienced before. Tired, stressed, barely walking more like dragging their feet on the ground, wanting nothing more but a shower and a bed. But – there’s always this kid in class who will ask the teacher for homework just before the end of the lesson. Or – in this case – the one Outlaw member who comes up with the idea of unwinding in the bar. 
“Come on, let’s grab some drinks, it’s been ages since we got wasted.” Roy insisted, clearly not bothered by the frowns and groans of the rest of the group.
“There’s a reason for that, Roy.” Artemis sighed, rubbing her temples “we’re too busy to-“
“We’re so busy we’re actually becoming boring.” Harper cut her off almost brutally.
“Hey! Who are you calling boring?!” The Amazon took a few steps towards the man with a fierce expression.
“When was the last time you looked in the mirror, Arti?”
“When I;m done with you I’ll—“
“Ok, okay, enough!” Kori stepped in between the two fighting friends before things escalated further “we’ve all had enough, there’s no need to add to it.”
“He’s such a jerk though!” Artemis hissed
“Yeah, sure. He and Jason both.”
“Hey!” This time Jason felt the need to intervene and object to the allegation.
“The only guy who’s actually nice in this group is Bizzaro-“ Kori continued, completely unbothered by Jason’s exclamation. 
“I’m bad.” Bizzaro grinned, clearly satisfied by the words coming from the Tamaranian.
“Yes, yes you are, big guy. So. I don’t know about you, Artemis, but I’d actually like to have a little bit of fun for a change. I think we deserve it.”
“I’m not going anywhere!” Jason exclaimed, clenching his fists. Seriously? Were those guys functioning in the same reality as him?!  Gotham was in constant danger, crime lords and criminals lurking in every corner and the Outlaws just decided to grab a drink and unwind?! The hell happened to his team?! They had so much on their heads and now – for some crazy reason – it felt like everyone was agreeing with everyone leaving his opinion as a leader of the team on the sideline.
And he did not like it.
“We are not going anywhere.” He hissed as if that was going to stop anyone.
“we are.” Roy grinned and Jason could sense the mischief in his eyes.
“we are—fuck! Put me down!”
Anyone who dared to look outside their window on that night would have been shocked to notice the infamous Outlaws casually walking the Gotham street with a very angered Red Hood being carried in the iron grip of Bizzarro, kicking and screaming like a five year old kid, very unhappy about such humiliation.
Obviously they could not just walk into the bar, dressed like their vigilantes self so the first stop was the nearest safe house, dealing with the quickest ever outfit change, patching up the most serious cuts and bruises. Only after dealing with all that, not even caring about looking presentable, the group walked down to finally grab the drink.
A plan that seemed to drag on forever.
Deep inside, Jason was hoping for a quiet night, praying that at this crazy night hour there wouldn’t be many people in that 24/7 club and he would be able to just snug in the dark corner sipping his drink and checking the surroundings for the possible threats.
And for once it seemed like his prayers were listened to.
As they entered the deserted place, eyes of the already drunk regulars landed on them, but one warning look from Jason made them stop wanting to cause any trouble.
“Oh!” Roy gasped, a little disappointed. “I was hoping that she would be here.”
“She?” Jason frowned
“You mean Y/N?” Kori smiled, “I think it’s past her shift.”
“It’s a shame though.” Artemis added “it’s been too long since we saw her-“
“We?” the frown on Jason’s face deepened. Suddenly he felt terribly left out. Who was this Y/N his friend was so clearly enamored with? And why did it feel like they were coming to see her without him?
As if adding fuel to the fire of his thoughts Bizzaro nodded.
“We no see her often.”
“Oh, right…” It seemed like his friends were leaving him behind and it hurt, but Jason would never admit it out loud, quickly covering his fears with a signature smirk and sarcastic attitude “Guess you’ll have to survive without whoever this girl is. I’ll go grab drinks, regular for you, folks?”
He already had enough, heading to the bar and ordering himself a beer, wondering if it would be rude to just take an Irish exit. His group, his friends just dispersed in the facility and to be honest, Jason has never felt more lonely. Sometimes it felt like this family he made for himself was just waiting for the moment to move on with their lives and leave him alone again. And the more he sipped his beverage, the more he worried that things would go back to the way they were. That he’d fall behind those people, who clearly had a way of finding their place in the society. Maybe they were only waiting for an opportunity to lose him.
And ironically, that thought made him want to hold on to his friends even tighter. Preventing him from leaving the club.
Jason shifted on his seat, turning towards the both his friends were occupying, his eyes scanning the place. The Outlaws might have shed the skin of the vigilantes turning into the normal humans, losing their usual vigilance, but he was not going to. If no one else, he was going to make sure those people he held dear (though if anyone asked, there would be very explicit denial and a fair amount of mean jokes on that) were safe.
For a time being, everything seemed secure, but it was Gotham after all. Things could change in a blink of an eye.
And Jason Todd was not known for letting his guard down easily.
He was always on the watch, careful, a little stand-offish.
And clearly he was right cause all of a sudden he heard the commotion coming from the side of the little club scene. His ears perked at the sound of man’s and woman’s voices, quickly catching up on the fact that he was trying to convince her to do something and she was objecting, though he could not figure out what they were talking about.
“Come on, Y/N- just this once. Just one more-“
“No way! I think I’ve had enough for one night!”
“Please… for me?”
“You want me to get a sore throat? I think I’ve already been taking in more than I can.”
Oh wow.
Jason blushed a little, wondering if maybe that was the time to stop listening to the conversation. 
“Please, Y/N, come on… there are still people here and they’d love a performance…”
Now was clearly the time to stop listening to the conversation.
And possibly to leave the place, cause it seemed like his friends just dragged him into a den that was way beyond his comfort zone.
He sighed deeply and joined his friends in the booth ready to force some reason in their heads.
“Okay, people listen up, as a leader of this team-“ he started, meeting with facial expressions ranging from amusement (Artemis) through disbelief (Bizarro) and leniency (Kori) to the open mockery (Roy).
“Not tonight, Jason.”
“Okay, you know what, by all means you stay and have fun but I’m leaving and—” he started again, hoping that his so-called friends would ask him to stay and fight a little.
“Hey, is that Y/N?” Instead, everyone’s heads snapped to the direction of the stage and then a bright smile showed on their faces as they clearly noticed a girl who was far more entertaining than Jason at the moment.
“Y/N! Hi!” Kori waved her hand at the girl “would you give us one?”
For the first time in a long, long time, Jason felt defeated, slumping onto the seat, sipping his drink, not even caring to look into the direction of the stage. He didn’t care.
“Hey Jaybird, look up or you might miss something nice to your sore eyes.”
The hell?
Oh shit…
Why was his heart picking up the pace and beating out of his chest?
 “Yep, that’s her. And you’re blushing.” Roy chuckled and sipped his drink.
To be completely honest, Jason did not even hear whatever words were coming out of Roy's mouth. She stole all his attention. Making his mind go blank and his ear deaf and his eyes focused only on her. But even in his hazy state he managed to connect the dots, figuring out that the girl he overheard talking was the one his friends were referring to. So maybe they knew her? Was there any chance that they could acquaint him with her? But—this was the girl talking about taking things in and sore throat so what exactly was her job here? Was she a-
No, no, no.
She looked so beautiful, innocent and sympathetic. Alluring but not in the way that would cause any suspicions about her profession. Not that the profession itself was something bad, but this was definitely not Y/N.
Shit, he was blushing hard and knew it, cause the heat he felt was enough of an indication.
“Hey, Todd, come back to earth.”
“I think he just short circuited!”
The mocking and teasing voices of his friends finally reached his ears, shaking him off his reverie.
“Oh, shut up…” he muttered, trying to control his pounding heart and shaking hands.
“You know I’ve never really seen you like that. Ever.”
“Shut up, Harper.”
“Nah, I don’t think I will. The fact that you are being so affected makes it all even funnier.”
“Come on, Roy. Give poor Jason a break.” Kori laughed. “Our fella here seems to be falling and he hasn't even heard her sing yet.”
“Sing?” Jason raised his head, trying to process the new information and fit it into the puzzle.
“Yeah, sing. She’s a singer here. Wait – what did you think she was doing?”
“Nothing…” he hissed, looking down, not liking the fact he was the source of entertainment and a subject of jokes of his friends.
“Me don’t have an idea” Bizzaro smiled brightly and stood up from behind the table, almost knocking all the drinks down. “Me not going to ask her to sing.”
Before anyone could stop him (not that anyone actually tried) Bizzaro trotted to the scene exchanging a few words with Y/N, pointing at Jason, who wished he had his helmet on to hide himself. No one in their sound mind would point a finger at him when in his Red hood suit. But at the moment he was just a regular guy, unable to fight his real, a little shy and too sensitive nature showing. And also trying his best to not look in her direction.
Due to his hiding state, he missed Y/N lightening up, nodding at Bizzaro, saying something with a cheerful nod and climbing up the scene, fixing her microphone.
“Uh-huh. Looks like she’s about to sing after all. Bizzaro definitely has a talent for convincing people. And Y/n seems to like our little Superman -clone.” Artemis teased, playing on the strings of Jason shaking heart.
He wanted so bad to tell her something harsh and mean, but the melody and quickly following voice made it impossible.
His head snapped towards the scene, watching her.
Definitely in her element.
Shining like a star (no offense to Starfire), feeling the song, putting emotions into the words that otherwise would sound empty and without meaning. But sung by her? Somehow, Jason found himself in a completely different reality, where threats and strategic thinking had like zero meaning. All that mattered was watching her every move. And oh- how much he wanted to just stand up and walk to the stage, seeing her from the close up, instead of being forced to keep his distance, sitting in the booth. (though to be completely honest, even if he tried to walk his shaking legs would probably give up under him).
He was in trouble.
And his friends knew it too.
He needed to see her again.
And again and again and again.
Needed to meet her, to get to know her beyond that stage.
He wanted to be able to see her walking on the stage and think that this was his girl being a star.
To assure that whatever men were cheering for her by the stage, offering her drinks and sending her flowers she would only have eyes for him.
Those pretty e/c eyes that crossed with him that fateful night when Outlaws dragged him to the club.
He hated and loved them at the same time.
Because now he turned into a putty and was on his best way to become an alcoholic, using having drinks as an excuse to see her over and over and over. Cursing himself for not having enough guts to just talk to her, settling on watching her from the back of the club like a creep, probably scaring her off.
He had no chance with someone like her.
Not with his scars and baggage and stuff. And his other life. No way. This would only bring her trouble and danger and it was safer to stay in the shadows letting her shine.
But the more he attended her performances – be it on the previously arranged club shows or the quiet nights when she was singing only to the few half-drunk regulars and just for the fun of it – his heart ached for more.
“Where are you going, Jason?”
“Let me guess you are going to the club again?”
“Seems to me like you’re turning into a real party animal.”
‘You don’t like Y/N.”  
Teasing remarks were haunting him for the last two months and at some point Jason decided it was taking too much energy to keep pretending. Every time he was leaving somewhere Roy, Kori, Artemis and Bizzaro seemed to know.
So instead of explaining himself or telling them to leave him alone, he was just grabbing his jacket and leaving without any word. Making sure to only come back when everyone was asleep so he could lay in his bed in the silence and dream.
Dream of holding her hand, of holding her, of forming a real, genuine connection.
But it was just that. A dream. Some crazy fantasy that would never come true for him, no matter how much he was praying for it.
She was standing next to him, extending her hand, and for a second he couldn’t comprehend what she wanted him to do with the fact.
“I’m Y/N.”
“I know.” He only managed to stutter.
“Oh I know you know. You’ve been coming here for the last two months, night by night. One would think you’d learn my name by now.”
“Yeah… um…”
“I’d like to learn your name though. Cause I for sure know you are friends with Biz, but not much more than that.”
“My – my name?”
“Yeah, you know, the title you’re being called on a daily basis?” she chuckled and her laugh sounded equally beautiful as her singing. “Wait, no, let me guess – is it Thomas? Or maybe Todd?”
Jason laughed despite himself.
“What? Did I guess?”
“Not the first name. Todd is actually my second name. Jason is first.”
“Nice to meet you, Jason.” She reached for his hand herself and in any other case he would just avoid physical contact at any cost. But it was different with her.
“Nice to meet you too, Y/N.”
He wanted to say so many things to her. How he liked her singing and how she made his nights magical and how pretty she was and all that mushy, touchy-feely stuff that she probably heard a million times before. Words however never came easy to him, instead sticking to his throat causing him to grunt awkwardly, mentally slapping himself for letting the silence prolong. He could almost feel her slipping from his grasp and losing the one in a million chance.
“Would you like to grab a very early breakfast with me?” he blurted, not really believing what the hell just came out of his mouth, already preparing himself for a hard no. 
“Yes! Thank god!” she looked towards the sky, putting her hands together as if to prayer. She was funny and he already liked it. “Finally someone smart enough to realize that after spending the entire day and half of the night in the bar, I’m not prone to having drinks. I’d love to grab something to eat. I’m starving.”
“A girl with an appetite?” Jason teased, feeling his heart flutter, the tension melting away.
“Yeah, I know, it looks bad, but sorry not sorry, I won’t be eating salad just to pretend to be someone I’m not. How about we grab burgers?”
It seemed like Jason was on the highway to falling in love.
The little diner was completely empty, giving them a perfect opportunity to talk and joke and tease and banter and bicker without hushing or judgment.
It turned out that they had a similar sense of humor and fairly similar interests.
Exchanging thoughts on books and their adaptations, talking about dreams and wishes and reflecting on deep stuff has never been this nice to Jason. It felt like he knew this girl for years, finding a kindred spirit in this h/c firecracker.
So only when the first rays of sunshine showed on the horizon and they were practically kicked out of the place, they left their seats going out being hit with the cold morning air. And when she shivered from the chill Jason did the unthinkable, reaching to pull her to his side and running hand up and down her spine to warm her.
And damn, it worked for both of them.
And damn she did not pull back.
And damn when he walked her home, to the door, and they just stood there for what seemed like eternity, like two awkward teenagers not sure what to do with the newfound, deep-level connection.
“You first.”
“No, no, please, you go first.”
“Um… Can I see you again?”
“Sure! I mean – “ she collected herself quickly “I hope you’ll come to my next performance.”
“Of course, but I was thinking that – um… maybe we can grab early breakfast again? Or – very late dinner, depending on the end of your work?”
“Very late dinner sounds nice…” she smiled at the ground, avoiding his eyes.
“Yeah… I mean, I told you I always get hungry after a performance. So dinner always sounds nice and – and a nice company would be an added value…”
“So I’m an added value, Y/N?” he asked, trying to sound casual but unable to hide the slight trembling of his voice due to the emotions.
“I did not say it!” she leaned to kiss his cheek, her lips lingering on his skin for a little longer than necessary. “Now go, before I call the police because I got a strange man harassing me in front of my house!”
He sneaked into the house, stepping on his tiptoes to avoid waking up any other member of the team.
Laying head on the soft pillow, ready to start dreaming again, but this time a little more reality-based fantasy –
“Hey Jason, where have you been?” Roy grinned peeking through the door.
“None of your fucking business” Jason grinned back, happier than ever.
my dear @ladychibirae! - thank you for this requests, I really hope you like it, cause I sure enjoyed writing it. I just sat down and before I realised, there was a 10 pages story in my docs. honestly, it's been a while since I wrote something so long <3
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beesspacedotorg · 1 day
bbeebeeeeebebebeeee what abt the convo we’re having rn…. a lovely wonderful date with your sweetie hybrid boyfriends linocat and binnierabbit
Hey bro happy birthday. It's still your birthday where I live, so please accept this gift. Thank you for being my friend !! I hope this year around the sun treats you well. I also hope skz comes to (redacted for privacy) so we can meet up. @cbini
There's no smut in this because uhm. Because. But there are sex jokes because I'm me.
You love your boyfriends very much. When they started living with you, everyone called you insane. They asked why you would have a cat hybrid and a rabbit hybrid at the same time. Rabbits can be messy and cats cause problems on purpose they had said. Rabbits are just cats with longer ears and curled tails they had said. You’re signing yourself up for trouble they had said. You had waved your hand in dismissal, pointing at your boys and how much they loved each other and went about your business. Looking at them now, you’re starting to wish you hadn’t brushed off their concerns.
They took you to a restaurant, a nice fancy one, to celebrate. They’d told you to get a little dressed up, so you had, and they’d shown up with their slightly dressy attire and you drooled a little and Changbin had to wipe it off your chin. They’d taken pictures with you, nice aesthetic ones in the low light of the dining area, Minho’s glass of wine temporarily acting as a prop. Minho had made a salacious joke about licking wine off of your body and Changbin had kicked him in the shin. Minho then accused him of being jealous and offered to lick wine off of his body, too. It made the younger flush and shout indignantly.
All in all, the night had gone well. Your boys were handsome and polite to the waitstaff, they’d taken turns making you flush with love and something else, and they’d both made promises about what awaited you at home. The problem only started when they’d gotten their food.
You’ve seen them eat before, you know they have slightly weird eating habits brought on by them being alive or their hybrid genes or something, but it didn’t click in your mind that they would do it at restaurants, too. It had been seconds after Changbin had gotten his plate of pasta, the waiter barely away from the table, that he flipped it over onto the table cloth and started to eat it that way. You stared at him for a minute, mouth opening and closing like a fish as you tried to come up with something to say.
“Was there something wrong with the plate?” You asked, staring at the mess he was making of the table.
“Too small. The vibes were bad,” he said simply. You blinked a couple times at him before turning your attention to Minho when you heard a choking noise.
“Oh, Jesus, this is why you need to slow down when you eat.” You hand him a water and a napkin, praying he doesn’t upchuck all over the table.
“What if it runs away?” He says, staring at you. You watch his ears twitch on his head, listening to the sounds of the waitstaff milling about and the chatter of the other customers.
“Where the fuck is it gonna go?” You point at the food he’s practically inhaled, “It’s dead.”
“You never know,” is what he gives you. You sigh, looking up towards the ceiling before hanging your head in defeat. You start to eat your own food, and outside of their initial outbursts, things seem to be going fine. That is, until Binnie’s ears stand tall above his head and his nose twitches, leg thumping under the table,
“Stop that,” he says, glaring daggers at Minho.
“Stop what? I’m not doing anything.” Minho has a shit eating smirk on his face. He is most definitely doing something.
“What’s that noise then?”
“What noise? Are you hallucinating, Changbinnie? Should we take you to see someone?” Minho fakes concern and you hear the soft little growl that comes out of Changbin.
“Two can play this game, hyung.” You’re suddenly worried for the state of the restaurant.
“What if none played this game? Wouldn’t that be nice?” Your pleas go ignored.
“And what exactly are you planning on doing?” Minho is leaning across the table now, shoving the pretty centerpiece out of the way so he can get closer to Changbin and it’s not too long after that you hear a chirp. Minho’s ears twitch and his pupils widen before he shakes his head and glares.
“Low blow, Seo Changbin.”
“And playing frequencies only I can hear isn’t?”
“You’re just a sore loser.”
“Loser? I haven’t lost anything.” You sigh when you hear Changbin’s voice start to rise, quickly calling for the tab.
“I’m so sorry,” is what you say to the waiter after he comes back, gesturing to the mess your boyfriends made of the table and the way they’re almost wrestling right now. You tip him well, it's the least you can do.
When you get your card back you stand up, grabbing your things and hauling your boyfriends out of their seats by the collars of their shirts. If you were meaner, you’d pinch their ears between your fingers for causing a ruckus, but you aren’t, so you don’t.
Changbin’s ears hang droopily when you get outside, and he hugs your arm tightly.
“Did we make you upset?” You turn your head to look at him and his eyes are as wide as the moon. You think of that tweet, I’m not arguing with a man who has pretty brown eyes. Whatever you say, beautiful. You sigh and pet the velveteen fur of his ears softly.
“A little bit, but, I’ll get over it.” Minho plasters himself to your other side, and when you turn to look at him, his ears are pinned down.
“Ah, I’m sorry, jagiya. I just wanted to have a little fun.” Changbin punches him in the shoulder and he winces.
“Like I said, I’ll get over it.” You start trying to walk to the car, but it’s easier said than done with the two of them hanging off of you like this. You see their heads move a bit out of your peripheral vision before Minho makes an affirming little hum and you’re being half-carried half-dragged down the sidewalk.
“You’ll get over it faster if you have help,” Minho says, and Changbin nods, long ears flopping around.
“Exactly. We have to apologize to our sweetie.” You squint at them. It’s never good when they both agree on something.
“What are you going to do?” Changbin opens your car door and nudges you gently until you’re all the way in.
“Have you ever been to Paris?” Minho asks, buckling himself into the backseat.
“I was thinking about seeing the Eiffel Tower,” Changbin finishes, sliding the key into the ignition. You snort at the joke, rolling your eyes.
“I think a little tourism would be nice.” Changbin smiles at you, nose scrunching slightly, and rests a hand on your thigh.
“Good. We were thinking the same thing.”
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ringsreforged · 2 days
Season 2, Episode 6 - Nat's Rambles
Okay – SO – Paulina is still on holiday, and I’m obviously DYING OVER HERE (Natalie, in case you hadn’t guessed) so TUMBLR. I HAVE RETURNED.
Truly though, I don’t think I’ve done this since S4 of The 100 which probably aired 100 years ago at this point…what has this show done to me…
ANYWAY. My immediate thoughts on Season 2, Episode 6: WHERE IS HE???????
Paulina Voice: All opinions herein have nothing to do with me, so only judge Natalie for them.
Important Note: I have only watched once, in a haze of stress and emotion, so I reserve the right to delete all of this later if I change my mind on any of it.
Arondir – Hello! Nice to see you! Glad you’re joining us for the battle!
I did like the detail of confirming that not all the orcs are on board with Adar’s war, but I was mostly laughing that ‘running through the trees’ is how the show has reminded us a character exists for two weeks in a row.
Rhun – I think this was the first episode where I was like GO AWAY, RHUN, NOT NOW. Though, I want to stress that I am super excited to see the conclusion of this, probably in episode 8. The Dark Wizard, the Gaudrim, the fate of the Stoors (honestly, I’m assuming they’re all going to be massacred tbh…which…the optics…but we’ll worry about that later…). In today’s episode, it just felt a bit like ‘hey, these characters still exist.’
I did love the little snippet of Tom and the Stranger, though I felt like it could have just been included in their previous scenes. He is 1000% Gandalf, and I stand by my opinion that this isn’t supposed to be a twist or a surprise. It’s just the narrative telling the story. Destiny or friend is super intriguing to me. It’s very Luke and Yoda from Empire, but I do wonder if his destiny IS to choose his friend…and in so doing, THAT is how he finds his staff…
Nori talking with the Gund was very sweet, and her willingness to give herself up to protect everyone was super in character. Poppy and Merimac were cute (I pray to all the gods that THIS was the kiss Morfydd teased but I doubt it very much…), and Poppy wanting to fight for the Stranger made me pretty emotional. However, I have some bad news…
Guys…I think I’m adding Poppy to DEATH WATCH. And I HATE IT. BUT I CAN’T UNTHINK IT.
Moving on…
Numenor – This continues to be the choppiest of storylines this season, but I do think the broad elements are super on point. And, actually, where we end up makes the Eagle sequence make more sense in retrospect. Pharazon didn’t have things locked down, Miriel is very much still a player on the board, and Mr. Eyebrows is THE BIGGEST HYPOCRIT.
Then again, if you told me I’d see Halbrand in the Palantir I’d probably touch it too…
Ahem. Loved that detail by the way! Part of the reason I felt like Halbrand would be his Numenor form was the small scene he shared with Pharazon back in S1, while Galadriel was taking out the guards. A connection was formed then – perhaps his eyes even bored a hole – and if Halbrand rocks up as an enemy of the elves, that’ll only make him more appealing.
Everything with Miriel and Elendil was absolutely stunning. He was willing to give his life for her, she was willing to give hers for his. WHAT ABOUT MY HEART. Honestly, from the way Owen and Cynthia talked about this season, I felt like they weren’t going to get anything at all romance coded. But I’m just starting to think people in TV only see active kissing as romance, because HELLO?? THAT’S THE SCRIPT????? THAT IS ABSOLUTELY ROMANCE????
I’m very excited to watch the sequence with the sea worm again, and to really let it wash over me (heh), because I was starting to get time anxious at that point in the episode (my brain starts panicking ‘don’t end, don’t end.’ Honestly, my brain SUCKS). But it was incredible, the implications were wonderful, Elendil’s relief was beautiful, and so was Pharazon’s rage. Also, the whole sequence was UTTERLY STUNNING, WOW.
Note for the show overall, or maybe just for myself, though – PLEASE stop spoiling so much of the season through promotional material. My biggest gripe with this episode is that I felt like I’d already seen/put together 90% of it.
Anyway, I’ve left Earien until last because this was a MUCH better episode for her (though, not letting her have any reaction to Valandil’s death was CRIMINAL). To the point that I’m now reforging (heh) my thoughts on last week – who directed her to have such bratty energy last week? Weird.
Anyway, we saw much more of her conflict and fluidity in this episode. She isn’t Faithful, she believes the new order is the way to go, but she’s also struggling massively with it. Her desperate hug with her father broke my heart, I had instant tears in my eyes, but then I also cheered when she brought Miriel in! What a great surprise that was! I’m REALLY interested to see where she goes from here…I’m assuming in the finale? I was sure she was locked onto a super dark path, but she witnessed Miriel survive the Valar’s judgement…will that sway her back around?
I’m going to finish this section with something that’s maybe a bit controversial…Elendil sucks as Earien’s father!!! Now, I’m willing to put this on pacing/editing issues, because I don’t think the show really wants us to feel this way. But good god, man. HAVE A CONVERSATION WITH YOUR DAUGHTER. I really enjoyed their cell scene, but sweet lord baby jesus, these two needed a deep conversation in episode 3. Watching him turn to go when Miriel walked in, and just forget Earien was even there hurt me man…even though I enjoy the Miriel aspect VERY much…
Like, I know you’re mad at her, but you’re all she’s got left…and your pride might mean she watches you die…can you be a little kinder to her???
Dwarves being dwarves, AKA perfect – Flawless. No notes.
The initial sequence with the Durin’s and Annatar was PERFECT. Annatar being rejected (that Balrog glimpse was SO EVIL), and Baby Durin’s flicker of hope. But then the reveal that Daddy Durin is deep in the shit because he’s really just being greedy. My gooooodnesssssss. The show has done SUCH A GOOD JOB setting this up, because we know Daddy Durin isn’t this way! We feel Baby Durin’s pain!
Then Daddy Durin has his IT’S MINE moment with the ring and swats his son away. Anguish. And the anguish only anguished harder when we cut to Durin and Disa. Disa talking about her love for her father-in-law, and her own father, and then DURIN’S TEARS. UGH. UGH. UGH. I was weeping, honestly.
I feel like Durin being suss of the rings this early on is a pretty big change (don’t quote me on this) but I’m for it. Watching Disa turn back Narvi and the others (poor Narvi) was beautiful and then that I LOVE YOU. UGH. UGH. UGH. PERFECT, I SAY.
I doubt Disa has anymore bats to summon, though, so IDK how the heck they stop what’s coming next. Is Durin going to get drawn away by his desire to help Elrond, leaving Disa alone and vulnerable?
Adar and Galadriel – I wish we’d gotten more, especially because they released a clip yesterday that I obviously couldn’t resist watching, but what we got was JUICY.
I felt that Adar knew Halbrand was Sauron back in the premiere, or at least suspected it. Getting that confirmation paints their scene with the talk of the wine, the tears, and the kneeling in such a different light. TASTY.
I’ve seen people question this, because why did Adar not try and kill him there and then? To my mind, that’s pretty straightforward. He killed him once and it didn’t stick. And last time he had the element of surprise. He knows that Sauron is powerful enough to get out of his chains/to not get caught by orcs, which means he’s here for a reason. If Adar tries to kill him, best case scenario Sauron is off the board for another few centuries, but he’ll likely take down some orcs with him on the way out. And for what? For him to just come back again?
I think Adar decided to play the long game. I think talk of Eregion and Galadriel let him know that something more was going on, and he was biding his time to act.
So, Sauron promised Adar children. Honestly, the Adar/Sauron/Galadriel dynamic that played across this episode was the stuff of my dreams. Adar is holding his own relationship with the fella up against hers, and there’s so much subtext for both dynamics. Was there romance between both? Was it solely manipulation for both? Is Adar what Galadriel might become if she succumbs?
Galadriel definitely wasn’t being entirely truthful with Adar when she mentioned that Sauron promised an army, because that was more what she thought she could get out of Halbrand. And yes, sure, Sauron might have nudged her that way. But Sauron’s true offer came later on the raft, after the army had been delivered. Adar even acknowledges that she’s not being truthful, that she needs to let go of her pride. I feel like we’ll see that play out over the last two episodes for sure…
The line that really stuck with me from a Hal&Gal perspective was Galadriel finishing Adar’s line about the world with Sauron being full of colour, and without him it’s a dull grey. It fits with how Galadriel has come across to me this season. Since Elrond shut her out, she hadn’t had anybody to open up to, and she’s certainly not being fully honest with herself yet. That dull grey speaks to how she’s mostly been…quite contained? The only moments where she’s truly come alive were with Nenya, and when she was fighting.
Later in the episode, she DOES put aside her pride. She calls Adar Uruk!!! She opens up and sees the possibility of an alliance. And I think this goes back to Sauron too. She’s had a taste of darkness and the temptation of it, she knows she’s not secure from succumbing, and so her perspective of Adar – who was once an elf – has massively shifted. However, when he asks if he and his children will be able to return to their home…we all know the answer to that.
I actually never stopped to consider that Adar would be the one manipulating/tricking Galadriel, which is silly in retrospect. Because this much better explains how she ends up in a cage facing the elves (sorry guys, I don’t think she’s bait for Sauron…she’s facing the wrong way…). I’m looking forward to watching this bit again, as I feel it was a bit rushed on first watch. I would have liked to see these two chat for a good two scenes more, honestly.
Adar is falling into the trap, which is pretty devastating, and Galadriel is the one seeing through it. Honestly, I really don’t know how things roll out in the finale. I flip from it making no sense for it to be a S1 rehash, to being sure she’ll defiantly resist, to being sure the show is setting her up to not be able to. I JUST DON’T KNOW. I wish I’d never seen those stupid leak spoilers…the promo makes me think they are real, but then we MUST be missing full context.
Adar is still on DEATH WATCH but like…a little bit less than before, honestly? Mostly because I don’t see how we have time to get ALL the confrontations into the last two episodes. When Adar goes out – and he will – he deserves the biggest death.
Random aside: I am pondering sharing something of a Haladriel ramble/rant but I’m also like…IDK if I want the hassle, so we’ll see.
Celebrimbor and Annatar
Oh, Brimby. My heart aches. The sequence with him forgetting Mirdania’s name was so heartbreaking and watching Annatar isolate him so completely was chilling. First, by taking away the other smiths, then with the illusion.
I actually don’t think I have a lot to say on this section, because it’s been rumbling along all season and we’re just about to reach the climax. Sauron is Sauron’ing his hardest in this episode.
I am now quite convinced that Mirdania is not Celebrian (I already didn’t really believe it, but it’s firmer now) and I do think she’ll die. I think she’ll either be killed by Sauron himself, or she’ll be caught in the crossfire of the siege, and as she dies she’ll make eye contact with him and he’ll just coldly leave her. I feel like there has to be some sort of climax to the whole…you look like Galadriel thing, but I’m not really sure what that could be?? I don’t think there’s going to be a lot of time next episode, so maybe that really was a one and done so the viewer understood he’s thinking about her…
Celebrimbor trying to snap on Annatar, and that flash of true rage in Annatar’s face…oh god, next week is going to be soul destroying. I honestly can’t wait and dread it at the same time. Celebrimbor has fought so hard but then comes the illusion, then comes the lure – more talk of the Valar, of his work, of Feanor and the Silmarils. CELEBRIMBOR. GET OUT, PLEASE. GET OUT.
Sauron was then absolutely buzzing at the end there, as war came, and I wonder if there are more twists to come or if things play out fairly straightforward from here. We know the elves will charge the orcs. Does that happen straight away? Is there any communication? Because it’s complicated, isn’t it? On one hand, let Adar and the orcs try to take our Sauron…but then, you know innocents are being killed. You have to save them, surely?
And that’s that, I think? PHEW.
I must say, it’s harder to get through this season being in fandom because I KNOW SO MUCH MORE and I WANT SO MUCH MORE and people STRESS ME OUT. But, at the same time, it feels nice to love something this hard again?
Let’s get episode 7 and [redacted] out of the way fast, though, yeah?
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hibiscusseaart · 2 days
family headcanons! really leaning onto Hatake side
Thinking about how out of all the kids Motoko who is the most Uchiha looking, Uchiha jutsu, future clan head, acts A LOT like Hatake. She'd devour a steak with blood, as a kid she'd bite everyone.
Many people thought that she gets it from Madara, cuz he looks like he's fucked up in the head ( i mean they are correct but he didn't bite ppl and doesn't like blood and raw meat in his food). But no, it's actually Hatake blood from Tobirama.
Nari would be quite the Hatake too cuz she'd be like "I need to challenge every single authority to make sure they have the right to boss me around"
Akemori, even if he looks the most Hatake, he has more Senju temper and behaviour. But he did bite, cuz that's how they do that in the family. But actually if you let any child to bite without consequences and even encouraging it, they would.
Tobirama would be "ah the normal child behaviour". He'd gently bite all of his kids and ofc Madara too. He's a mate now after all.
Sometimes Tobirama even playfights his pups. For Uchiha it'd quite a culture shock, cuz they got used to ethereal, calm and graceful clan head's spouse. To see him goofing around with his kids and throwing them in the dirt and sometimes biting them. Who does that?!
Madara is perfectly okay with that, even though he had to get used to a child regularly nibbling his arms or neck. Izuna, unexpectedly, took it well. He'd bite his nephew and nieces out of spite, cuz how DARE they.
Also Nari looks a lot like Tobirama and Izuna's daughter. Plus when she grows up she'd also wear a ponytail. Madara is torn cuz he loves his brother very much, but also it's HIS daughter.
also idk if Izuna would marry and have his own kids. he's too busy suspecting Tobirama and spoiling his nieces and nephew.
Oh, I forgot to talk about their senses! All the kids are quite good sensors, cuz, Tobirama is one, Madara too, so it's only logical. In the future Uchiha would actually possess a nice line of sensors in the main branch.
So from best to worst: Tobirama. Akemori, Nari, Madara, Motoko.
Motoko isn't the best sensor, but she inherited Hatake's nose! She hates spicy food bc of it and actually bland food. It's her very not-Uchiha trait, that made her a nightmare to feed when she was a child. Uchiha like their food really seasoned*.
Motoko's fav food is steak with blood and sashimi.
** interesting thought occured to me, Senju probably grow many plants, food and spices as well. It was probably a tradition that came around when not only Hashirama was the Mokuton wilder but many in the clan. I believe it was hard to keep Mokuton babies alive bc or the violent nature of it. Imagine how actually happier Uchiha became when they could buy spices SO much cheaper than to import it from somewhere else. Plus of course it's much more cheaper to buy food from close by Senju and then in the village. One of the reasons not to be against peace :)
Ofc the minute Tobirama's aunt - the Hatake clan head - hears that he has his own pup, she'd get the whole clan to go to Konoha for a visit!
Uchiha, and other clans are terrified. Hatake don't have a nice reputation and now the whole clan wants to visit??? With kids (which they're very possessive and protective) and huge wolves??? And the Hokage lets them cuz the clan head is his aunt???? No wonder Senju are so weird sometimes.
While the Hatake visit, every clan prays that it's just a visit and that they would leave (lmao no). Not only cuz they're freaky, but also of their continuous reputation of adopting any stray children.
Clans clam up and don't let their kids out of their sight.
Uchiha are especially fucked cuz the Hatake plan to visit them especially. Fucking "thank you", Tobirama, what the fuck.
And Tobirama is entirely calm about it. He treats like the usual thing ever. So when good portion of the clan goes through gates, they just SWARM Tobirama and little Motoko (she's probably a year old at this point), scenting them and trying to take a good look at the baby. Ofc they bear gifts. Meat, furs, weaponry. Maybe even wolf pup for the baby!
Though maybe at first the clan head didn't really want to acknowledge Motoko (like with Hashirama*), cuz she has really Uchiha coloring and face, so she's not really a Hatake. But Motoko started her little growls and yips and anxiously biting Tobirama cuz of many new people and smells and Tobirama's aunt was like "Oh, okay, she's one of us"
** I like the idea of Hatake clan head, who doesn't really think Hashirama is a Hatake and he's heartbroken by it. But, I think it's not because of the coloring or how he acts. I think it's mostly cuz she HATES Butsuma and when they meet for the first time Hashirama was really hero worshipping his father and it ticked Hatake off. So she probably never actually try to connect with Hashirama again cuz she's still sure that Hashirama is the same as Butsuma.
Maybe Butsuma took her sister as a bride in a marriage hunt and Hatake were pissed, but accepted it, cuz Senju are much stronger and have more ppl. If they'd angered Senju they'd be destroyed.
Because of it, Tobirama never actually considered to make Madara his husband this way. Plus I think for this to work the way he wanted (to infiltrate Uchiha) he needed to be the one who marries in the clan and if he'd try to do that with Madara it would work the other way around.
(i adopted many of @oh-no-its-bird hcs about Hatake clan if you can tell)
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brown-little-robin · 2 years
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rosylamb · 3 months
I thought I’d speak a little more about my father today as I feel ok enough to do so, and I’m ready to talk more now.
Simply put : my father has Parkinson’s disease. He’s had it since I was small — I haven’t known him without it honestly.
Parkinson’s is a neurodegenerative disease that affects dopamine-producing neurons. It gets progressively worse with time until you eventually lose the ability to walk, talk, and perform most basic functions.
Parkinson’s patient brains also produce ‘Lewy bodies’ which are unusual clumps of protein alpha-synuclein. This leads to ‘Lewy Body Dementia’ which my father has as well.
I have always known this is how it would be. It has been a long time watching him get worse, and it accelerated quickly the past year.
I really can’t say how awful this disease is.
This is why he has in hospice as I mentioned before.
He’s never complained in all the years though. He’s suffered greatly, and still remained kind, gentle, uplifting and full of faith in God. Always grateful even on his most painful days.
(This is how he has always been. I’m so proud he’s my father — I hope I’m even half the person he is someday)
I had a difficult discussion with his nurses recently. It’s been hard to process. I think my mother is struggling, and doing poorly with the news so I will speak little on it. (It was hard to write this as well) but I wanted to be up front about things.
Because there are some truly kind people here, and I would not wish anyone to feel hurt or worry by my quietness ♡
If you’ve prayed, wished me or my father well, or shared kindness I appreciate it sincerely, give a warm hug, and thank the Lord for it!
You are not being ignored — I have just been distracting myself here or often do not have the energy or mind to speak. I hope you understand ♡
Thank you again for all the warmth and caring I’ve received; even if I don’t say anything please know it still lifts my spirits and means much to me! Wishing love and comfort to you today ~ please take care, sweet friends ♡
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souenkun · 3 months
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Maybe manifesting for your favorite character to appear in the gacha game you've been addicted by writing them in a fanfic actually works! 🤯
Excerpt taken from "the home that awaits us".
#can you tell that i am still reeling from how we finally got kabu in pokemas. and that he's voiced by THE kazuhiko inoue 😭😭😭#i flung kabu into my hbslv pasio series fic because (1) he's my favorite galar ossan (2) it's just for funsies#I DID NAWTTTT MEAN TO MANIFEST HIM INTO THE GAME but in the end... it's good for me (and my pasio fic series) lmaoooo 😭🤚#i wished we could've seen how kabu would react with the kids he taught too :( my heart melted when i saw that he guided lillie and gladion!!#all the reason for me to make a kabu cameo in my future hbslv fic 👍 one parental figure (lance) isn't enough i need to add kabu ojisan too!#i'm still pretty stressed and i think that's causing my writing block too but like. in the mean time? (writes down my kabu fic ideas)#mayhaps a training day for their fire-type mons would be nice... or hbslv bumping into kabu in a hoenn specialty restaurant 🥺❤️‍🔥#anyway WAUGHHHHH i am *not* gonna waste this lore i made!!! i love making connecting fics so i WILL commit to the lore i've made!!!#also if you've read this far: please pray for me because kabu's banner drops during my birthday 😭 i have kinda enough gems for him 😭#i feel like pokemas picking kazuhiko inoue to voice kabu is an attack to me. they just made this fiery ossan 1000x hotter with that voice 😭#gym leader kabu#rival silver#trainer ethan#pokemon#pokemas#pokemon masters ex#pmex#pokemon masters ex spoilers#pmex spoilers#pokemas spoilers#galar#johto#preciousmetalshipping#huntershipping#ethan x silver
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firstroseofspring · 2 days
thinking pondering to me john torres is like. what if u met a woman. with confidence and dignity and a strong moral backbone. you meet and she makes a distinct impression with her honesty and her frankness and she seems like she's always sure of what she wants and what she needs and she's so different from anyone else you know and thats exciting and she's exciting and she likes you specifically you. and you don't think much of you but it feels good to be liked by someone like that. you love her of course. you marry her. of course!
#diary#miral of course miral this post as all other posts on my blog is about miral. head in my hands#john torres and his projected insecurities and shitty behavior you will always be infamous.#im so deeply rooted in my headcanons for them i have au's . girl the universe isnt even that well established ?#call me b'elanna torres the way i'm turning miral and john over in my head to figure out what the heck happened#in my head john and miral are like. john voice she's never stuttered in her life she always knows what to do she's very serious strong head#on her shoulders. my kind of woman.#meanwhile miral is like. act first pray on it later was that a mistake? well what is a mistake really this is my path now#and i'll have to see how to handle what has been done. seeing as now it can't be changed shrugs. the honorable thing to do.#i also think they see a lot of their flaws as like-#consequences of their cultures and not like personal flaws which can sometimes be true but also sometimes they are very much flaws in the#person.#miral is a little too sure of herself bordering on arrogance and likes control. john is like ahh klingons and their surefootedness :)#<- a little correct but also very wrong.#john is very like. at his worst a cold shoulder bad at personal confrontation kind of a pushover quick to resent but usually just seems#serious and occasionally quiet . normally social tho! so miral is like. a consequence of his upbringing that can't be changed. i will#take him as he is.#which is a nice sentiment and would normally be applied well unless you are these two specifically.#what happens when its 10 or even just five years later and you're getting tired of the cowardice? what happens when its five years later and#you can't go a day without arguing? what happens then.#did you confuse her arrogance for poise for assertiveness? did you confuse her recklessness with courage? whos wrong her or you?#miral voice is he a fool does he not care? he's content to just stand by? cower?#i think from the klingon pov a man who isn't willing to fight for you and your relationship must be devastatinggggg#not literally of course here but also literally. lol#but yeah what does it do to you when the person you love won't even argue with you anymore just totally pulls away? leaves. head in my hands#who do you think fell first. idk but i know who fell harder! :) <- tears in my eyes#i really like pathways where they made miral like a chatty woman and had her offer to host parties for b'elanna and her friends it was so#sweet i should read it again.#i like her to be a little crazy though <3 :)
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tsukasalover · 13 days
(credits to ssruis)
This song is the only thing keeping me going I do not play about mr showtime 😞 nothing ruined me (made my life better) the way this song did
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(Sendn. Me songs to do this with in my ask box… sniffle…)
#circuses? heh.. yeah.. im familiar… jesters? oh#even better…. rellakinoko? now hold on this is already gonna be good… tsukasa tenma? im sold. the fish has been captured. im followinf the#sirens into the deepest parts of the sea and wont be coming back. Unfortunately i had gotten t1k (t571) on ensekai for phoenix and am still#bitter about it. Emu and nene came home but the ugly blonde didnt. This is why we’re having problems tsukasa#i have a mr showtime themed custom profile that needs to be finished aand i gotta work on my one for#tsukasa4#ill be more prepared for that one im certain of it#knocking on wood#PRAYING.#t500 would have been nice you know… unfortunately i ran out of resources.#i think the amount of time and love ive poured into making everything abt this event makes up for this though. Also this is gonna sound#obnoxious but i feel like one of the five people who actually. You know. Get the event. Like its importance which ill elaborate on in a#future post. Everybody wants to talk about this event but nobody wants to read the story#and the side stories Guysss ur missing out its so good when youre not forcing urself to think tsukasa has an ed and dont even know a single#thing abt acting yet believe one google search can prove that method acting is Absolutely Totally Going To Ruin His Life#i dont think fasting was alright it was pretty stupid but what he did doesnt make him have an ed or this or that#I do think you should be very. Very careful with method acting by the way. That can mess you up. But i dont think thats where theyll be#taking tsukasa in the future. Yes itd be nice to show the risks and get a You know be careful but its not as dark and This is gonna ruin hi#😞😨My poor baby!! As people think#omg i got sidetracked LET ME TALK ABT THE BINGO???1?1? Easily distracted ass#Uhm. Where do i begin. Nvm i dont wanna write too much more but this song truly does mean the world to me#And rella’s art is so goood my eyes are always glued to it. For some reason i keep having trouble fcing the expert chart for it on ensekai#ut was just fine on jpsekai. Frowny face. I could listen to the song all day though#Those instrumentals are popping offff i tell you#hidden circus#wonderlands x showtime#wxs#wansho#commissioned song#prsk
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autistic-shaiapouf · 2 months
Also hoping things at work pan out the way they're looking bc it's so surreal to know I'll be in a position where people are gonna be looking up to me
#much is brewing.. also recently got a pay raise so that's pretty nice#my old manager got to see me have a rough time starting out and is now seeing the staff say that they really want me to work#with them and they'd love to see me in a leadership position bc they said they can see it in me#and when they said all that i actually felt like i could believe it! they said good things and i was actually taking it in#anyways pray for me bc i wanna get certified to give vaccines and we're gonna be approaching the holiday season#when all my certifications are complete l m a o; you're supposed to get over the whole poking ppl with needles thing pretty quickly#iirc i have to practice by injecting saline into a pharmacist or smthn so there's that too#the pay raises from all this will be great bc lemme tell you. gabriel cosplay process is not gonna come cheap 😭#i still have to plan out how I'm doing this 😭 planning to make the spear as well; the swords are cooler and more important#but this outfit is gonna be a lot of firsts and the swords might just be a little too much next to the full body armour djfjkf#I'm gonna leave the helmet alone for a while and I'll probably regret it but I'm not strong enough to deal with that yet lmao#though. i could do the helmet and then take silly full body pics in cute outfits with it bc that's funny#i need at least one pic in full armour while holding the body pillow. debating bringing the pillow to the con I'm doing this for#bc that would also be really funny; would be kind of a pain to carry around with me but hear me out: it would be really funny#i have digressed wildly from the point of this post#shai speaks
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kulliare · 4 months
realizing now how uncomfortable i am looking at myself in photos is both because of the trans thing but also general appearance issues
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sluttyten · 1 year
In addition to just not wanting to get up and go to work today I have a headache and feel like I didn’t get any sleep last night
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
#ok. so the guy from school i visited emailed me today like: good news! we unanimously voted to extend u an offer here#so expect the formal offer in the next week. and im like uuuugh i wanna say yes so bad#bc in the us i would have more flexibility in the program than i would in the uk#and my options in the us r either to b a big fish in a small pond at this schoolor a little fish in a big pond at the other#bc this school is underfunded and a bit isolated out in the mountains but the staff r pretty great and big egos dont seem like a big issue#but if i go to the other school its like a big well funded school. the application was like 75 dollars. fuck u and really annoying#and i mean id have to live in new jersey. so in the city with city driving and prob a more high pressure school environment#and more of a chance of dealing with big egos. but like career wise im sure it would b good. assuming i don't mentally collapse#but i mean that doesnt seem as fun as spending 5 years out in the rocky mountains#like thry have fucking moose and bears! there were deer and turkeys in town!#and my dad just sent me a video of all the spring peepers singing back home and im like 😭 bc froggies and he was like i bet u could find#frogs out in [redacted city] and im like 😭 ur right. it just seems like the better choice for my poor overtaxed brain and the project is#so cool too. i want to get the cyano species as my computer background asap. and the guy is nice and apparently super supportive#and i could probably walk to hiking trails. god. i mean i have to say yes to that. i wanna say yes so bad. send me the formal offer bro#ill fucking take it before i even hear back from the other schools lol. ugh. i hate making choices#oof i am so excited to kno where im going and plan my departure. its gonna b such a pain moving tho i pray that my mum or dad can drive#with me bc otherwise the 20hr drive by myself might kill me. thats almost as bad as my initial move out here lol. the us is so big#ugh. again choices. is this the right choice? probably one of the biggest decisions of my life. the project feels so right. cyanobacteria#my algal group of choice. and hot springs. how tf do u say to no to that? i mean. id b doing that in new jersey too but with red algae#ugh. put me out of this misery lol. also as an aside. shout out to my fucking disaster brain for not being able to focus on a single thing#my boss in a meeting: so glad to have students and staff so excited to b working on this project!! me: lady i hate that im on this project#bc im just sitting in until they can get an actual student. i just do what im told but appreciate the enthusiasm lol#ay. im so tired. i wanna see the snow and mountains. and fix my head. and get outta the desert. and listen to frogs 🐸 😌#unrelated
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loverboydotcom · 1 year
autistic boys when they realise the egg theyre eating feels like Egg
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daincrediblegg · 1 year
Universe really keeps answering my pleas for just something to be like. Fine? For FIVE MINUTES with “MURPHY’S LAW!!! RATIO!!!”
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darabeatha · 1 year
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nothing to smile about in my life.png
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