#and zuko has a bit of the zuko voice which is fun too
tinakibed · 7 months
live action avatar 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
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waterfire1848 · 8 days
Sokkla living in the south pole and vacationing in Ember Island head canons?
Hello, @dangeroflove !!!
1. A year after the war, Sokka went to visit Azula in the asylum and learned about the truly horrible conditions there. Azula assumed he would do nothing except laugh, especially when he learned that she couldn’t control her firebending anymore, but he comes back with Zuko that night and Zuko is arguing with the staff until he practically loses his voice to let Azula out. Much to Azula’s shock, they do. (Azula: Why….why help me? Sokka: Because no one deserves to suffer like this). Azula doesn’t want to return to the palace because it holds too many memories for her. She stays there for a week and is constantly hearing her mother’s voice everywhere and thinks she sees Ozai every once in a while. She doesn’t say anything to Sokka or Zuko because she doesn’t want to risk being sent back to the asylum but they can tell something is wrong. Sokka, having to return to the South Pole, suggests that Azula come with him for some time away from the palace. She agrees and they head off the next week.
2. The people of the South Pole aren’t overly welcoming to the daughter of the Fire Lord. A couple people even call her the crazy princess because of stories they’re heard. (Sokka: I’m so sorry. I didn’t- Azula: In the asylum, I wouldn’t be able to move my arms and legs all day. They can call me whatever they want as long as I get to stay here.) It’s not a good mentality but it’s the one Azula has. Kanna and Hakoda are the only ones who give her a chance upon first meeting her. Kanna is very much a grandma to Azula which, since Azula never had a grandparent, is very weird to her. Azula is stiff around Hakoda and doesn’t really know what he’ll do. It takes her time to realize he won’t hit her or yell at her for failing a chore or job. Over time, she proves herself to be more and more useful. Everyone kind of assumed she’d be like the Fire Nation or Earth Kingdom nobility they’d heard of and not want to do anything, but Azula is helping fish, make igloos, make spears, hunting, etc she really is putting in the work to show the tribe that she’s not the crazy princess and it works. By the end of her first year there, Azula has been accepted by the Southern Water Tribe and, by the end of her first year there, her hallucinations have stopped.
3. Much to Sokka’s shock, Azula’s favorite chore to help with is watching the kids. Most of the kids flocked to Sokka when they first arrived because he was the one who was their main babysitter/‘trainer’ and they want to hear stories from him. They’re scared of Azula when she first arrives but after she tells them some stories of her experience in the war (Sokka: The Firelord had no chance! I raised my weapon and- Azula: Am I misremembering? Sokka: It totally happened! Azula: You got no where near my father on the Day of Black Sun. Sokka: Yeah. We fought and subdued you. Azula, barking out a laugh: Oh? That’s what happened? I remember it a bit different. Sokka, laughing: Nope. That’s exactly what happened. Little boy: What are you talking about? Azula: May I? Before you poison these children’s minds. Sokka: You’re no fun.) and, upon getting full control of her bending back, Azula shows off different shapes and styles of her bending to the kids, who are mesmerized by the light blue flames. Sokka has gone to visit Azula numerous times when she’s watching the children and she’s always having the best time. (Sokka: It’s so weird to see you with kids. Azula, shrugging: I’m good at everything. Including watching children.) It’s actually when Sokka goes to get Azula and bring her back for dinner that he asks her out on a date for the first time. News travels fast through the village that she said yes because one of the kids hears and tells everyone. (It only took a year😂)
4. Azula and Sokka’s dates quickly turn into spending almost everyday together. They grow closer and closer as a couple and start to make more and more progress within the tribe by helping them get back on their feet and advocating for the Southern Water Tribe’s place with other nations. Working together, and after many years (10 to be exact), the Southern Water Tribe is stronger than ever before. At the 8 year marker, Sokka takes Azula out one night, during the southern lights display, and asks her to marry him. Azula happily agrees but that night admits to him that she does miss home. Sokka suggests having the wedding there and Azula does agree but inside she feels like it isn’t enough to just do that. While preparing for the wedding, Azula grows sick and asks to be examined by Katara. (Katara: Good news! Azula: It’s just a bug? Katara: I wouldn’t call my future niece or nephew a bug. Azula: I…. Katara: You’re pregnant). Azula has a mini breakdown then because she knows a baby will mean remaining in one location for stability and she can’t ask Sokka to stay away from the South Pole for the next 6-7 years, especially when he’s going to be the next chief, but at the same time she doesn’t want to stay in the South Pole continuously for 6-7 years. (Katara: This would be a great conversation to have with your soon to be husband.)
5. That night, Azula does talk with Sokka about the baby and how she’s feeling. They don’t really know what to do for a while until Sokka comes to her one day with an idea. Live in the South Pole and vacation on Ember Island. Aang is in the South Pole all the time, so when he’s there they could ask him if they could borrow Appa and fly to Ember Island. That way, Azula gets a taste of home but Sokka doesn’t have to be gone for more than a week or two. (Azula: I love it). When the wedding is done and the baby(a boy) born, that’s exactly what they do. They go back and forth between the South Pole and Ember Island both with and without their son. Azula loves bringing Hakoda(their son) to Ember Island because it’s one of the few places where she and her family were last happy so being there with her new family lets her make her memories. Sokka takes the time to fall asleep under the sun (to the day he dies he says Azula let him cook one time and get a sunburn all over his body and Azula denies the whole thing). Hakoda loves the ice cream there and will always order cherry flavored to go along with his mom. Sokka gets dragged along on their quests for cherry flavored ice cream because it’s not always at certain stores and he’s a fan of chocolate so he’s fine wherever they go. Sadly though, Hakoda is a fan of the Ember Island Players so Azula and Sokka have to suffer through their plays. (Sokka: I blame your mother. Azula: You’re probably right.) When Azula gets pregnant with their second child, she ends up giving birth on the island because they mistimed when she was due. The baby girl is named Ursa because she’s born when they’re at one of the plays.
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iravaid · 1 year
(in reference to your reblog)
I would absolutely love an exhaustive breakdown of all of your decisions regarding ‘Simon Riley in Situations’
That series consumes me. Much like in the way that Simon was consumed by the desert. I have been fundamentally altered by it.
Oh my god, genuinely thank you so much for asking
This became a very long set of rambles that I have two split in two, possessed by the talk too much demons... sad! Here is the first part, the second part I'll tack on in a later reblog.
More below, I get a little bit Pepe Silvia in this, but oh well lmao
An Introduction
I’m going to preface this with stating that the comics are bad. On an artistic and writer’s standpoint, their net value is negative. I have read those six wretched issues at least seven times through and feel confident in that assertion. I have no idea why people think they’re actually good, in the face of muddy rendering and an overall displeasing art style, Americanised writing with poor panelling and pacing and dialogue, among other torture-porn related things.
That being said, there are moments of competency that shine through, past the early 2000s edge and casual sexism + racist stereotypes, which in turn irritates me because it does show there could have been a better story here. And Yet. But the comics have been a well of spiteful inspiration, first with Except You, and second with In The Desert (and perhaps more to come), and I do want to talk about that. (and I do know that the comics aren’t necessarily canon for the reboot Ghost, but like. C’mon. Work with what we’ve currently got. Even if my money is on Makarov in the reboot having something to do with Ghost’s past, considering the knowing look he and Price share upon seeing the photo.)
Simon is a character that has been doomed by the narrative since day one, and while it would not be a surprise if he survives MW3 on account of the company wanting to make money off his multiplayer counterpart, there is a certain compelling grief in knowing his fate was always going to be how it was in the original trilogy. Simon suffers: Simon dies; Ghost suffers: Ghost dies. There is no other way this story ends. And there is something about the cyclical nature of his life, and patterns to be found in a such a story, which I think are extremely fun to try and enforce, as well as emphasise. It’s this, among other things, that makes him a compelling character to me. Well – that and him being tall, built like a brick-shithouse, gravelly voice, wears a skull mask, has a strong sense of loyalty and compassion for fellow soldiers… (but that’s beside the point!!!!).
The things he went through in the comics had occasionally been so over the top that I need a moment to stand back and go ‘… really? Like. Really? After all that, you put him through more?’ after every reread. It’s not enough that his entire family was murdered but also his psychiatrist and superior officer, and so on and so on. But unfortunately, I have to reiterate that the comics have been a source of inspiration. ‘Simon Riley In Situations’ is an extension of this spiteful motivation to retell/improve upon what the comics were trying to do, as well as occasionally extrapolating on them, or even warping canon to better accommodate my own headcanons/the rebooted universe.
I love stories were a main/side character goes through an incredible change, to the point where they’re noticeably and irreparably different to how they were at the beginning of the story, for better or for worse. Examples that come to mind, currently, are Jinx from Arcane, Zuko from ATLA, Ahsoka in Clone Wars, Steve from Stranger Things. To me, the transformation of Simon into Ghost is something very compelling. The Simon Riley that’s about to fly to the states with Major Vernon is a man very, very different to the Simon Riley freshly recruited into the 141 by Shepherd. But fundamentally they’re still the same person, and that can be an important facet for a big change in a character imo.
I like using a lot of poems and songs and the occasional bible reference in my works. I know it’s fanfiction and maybe for some people that’s overdoing it, but I love it. I love how art informs and inspires itself, and I love using the inherent emotional and cultural connections attached to a specific work in order to enhance that of my own writing. I think it’s good practice, and maybe it doesn’t matter that it’s expressed in the form of fanfiction. I’m a better writer because of it, and that’s something of significance to me: I never studied English lit/creative writing at a higher level of education, so this is where it will be expressed.
Skulls, Death, and the Ghost
Skulls haunt Simon throughout the comics; in turn, Simon has been haunted by the Ghost he’s doomed to become for a very long time. Roba wears skull face-paint when torturing and attempting to brainwash Simon, Simon’s father used to wear skull face-paint when performing, Simon smeared toothpaste on his face when in recovery from Roba’s captivity and it resembled a skull, Tommy wore a skull mask to emulate his father, and Simon hallucinates skeletons/skulls at different points in the comics. Finally, when his family are killed and Simon goes on his revenge mission, he wears the same face paint as he did during Día de Los Muertos when Roba captured him. He claims that the brainwashing didn’t ‘work’ (as the comics put it), but here Simon is, wearing the same mask as his tormentors. I wanted to stretch that recurring imagery by adding the vocalist wearing the skull face-paint in chapter one of Except You. Something there about returning to form, or perhaps finally looking back to see what exactly is that thing who’s been lurking in the back of your mind. I describe the skull reoccurring as “morbidly familiar” in that this has always been Simon’s fate, and it doesn’t matter what he does to try and escape, because he will always return to it.
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It can also be stretched to symbolise his close relationship with Death. Simon has ‘died’ a lot of times in the story. At first he believes he’s dead on a subconscious level (nightmares with Roba’ saying he killed him), but then issues 3+4 happen, and that belief escalates into a conscious conviction that he died on the concrete floor in Roba’s captivity; he died out there in the desert; he died surrounded by his family’s corpses on Christmas; he died the moment he killed Roba; he died for good at the end of MW2. Roba killed Simon, and Ghost put whatever ‘Simon Riley’ once was to rest in the funeral pyre of his childhood home. Ghost has always had to everything on his own up until this point: even give himself a proper sendoff. A part of me wonders if Ghost believes himself, on some level, to be the keeper of Simon’s memory and identity. That is what a ghost is, right? The thing that lingers after a tragedy.
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It's something incredibly interesting to consider present-era Ghost. Does he still think he’s dead? Is he waiting for the rot to set in? Has he been so dissociated from himself for so long that he doesn’t know how else to function, and on some level is terrified of what might happen, should he in turn look back to face whatever is left of ‘Simon Riley’? Maybe Ghost can be interpreted as the one that came back ‘wrong’, and he’s waiting for other people to notice that there’s nothing left but a corpse. He has gotten very little help by way of therapy/counselling, and probably doesn’t have the tools nor language at his disposal to neither work through these things, nor know how to voice them in the first place. That’s one of the reasons I wrote Simon as not fully aware of the definition of ‘child abuse’ and how it related to him. He knows Nigel (his father) was a cunt and a wifebeater, but he doesn’t know those necessary psych terms to properly begin processing what happened to him both as a child and adult, because who could have taught him? He never got the chance to go to DBT or CBT, and that hazy moment of time with Dr Halloway probably wasn’t conducive to learning about things like CPTSD and trauma and abusive households. I tried to extrapolate this, with Simon’s internalised ableism also being a block to fully accepting or even processing those terms. He’s in a lot of pain, and he very, very desperately wants to move on, to return to how he used to be before all of ‘this’. Will talk later on about how the military factors in to keeping the status quo of ‘the Ghost’.
In tarot (love you tarot love symbolisms in it love when it’s used in media mwah mwah), the death card symbolises major change, rebirth, and endings and beginnings.
If anything, Simon Riley is defined by his deaths and rebirths, how he keeps forcing himself to change in order to survive a brutal narrative set for him. And Ghost, who bears a skull-face not dissimilar to the grim-reaper, perhaps wears this taboo symbol to ward off ‘evil’, or to use that fear in order to keep people at arm’s length, in response to these injustices done to him by fate and the machinations of people far crueller than Simon. He has been through a lot, and still he keeps moving, keeps completing missions and being a ‘good soldier’, because that’s all Simon knows. He’s like a shark in that way, or a well-trained dog: he was never taught, nor given the chance to learn, how to not be a soldier. This is something me and @narramin, affectionately refer to as hound-coding, which, god, really suits Simon. Will talk about it further on.
Roba Himself
Manuel Roba is certainly there. It’s honestly incredibly disappointing to see how this specific character was handled, how heavily the writers leaned into stereotypes to depict Roba – there’s a panel of him holding a burrito for fuck’s sake. This caricature of a villain is both lazily written, but also serves to reduce the impact he has on Simon. This man is supposed to be the primary antagonist, above Simon’s abusive father. He is the reason that Ghost exists, the reason the Riley family are dead, and can be considered the primary catalyst for most of the comics’ plot. And yet this man, and all that he represents in Simon’s suffering, is reduced to the fat ‘El Gordo’ with dialogue lines that are ultimately meaningless, a personal motivation that is only said in his dying breath without further exploration, and ultimately is a villain without any teeth. I think Roba has the potential to be a terrifying figure, one this kind of dark story needs in order to ensure that Simon’s suffering isn’t made a joke when compared to the one at the source of it all.
There are moments of competency and personality that shine through here and there. The pink deck chair in the sensory overload room, the ‘plant flowers over [the grave]’ line, as well as Roba choosing to make himself appear as the grim reaper himself as a way to express ultimate power over his captives’ lives (and, in turn, Simon killing Roba and choosing to don the skull-face could be seen as him taking that control back).
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There is a set of panels, one from issue 5 and another from issue 6, that piques my attention when placed together (seen below). Simon has tried so hard to convince himself and others that he is fine, that Roba’s brainwashing failed, that he is not deeply affected by the seven months of torture and humiliation and dehumanisation. But then he comes back from the dead wearing the same face-paint as Roba. He refers to himself as death, as does Roba. That man has his claws deep in Simon, and Roba knew this, and he died with a smile on his face because of it. As quoted by his final words: in the end Roba is just one man. Killing him won’t bring back the Rileys and it won’t stop the pain Ghost is in (but by god is it Ghost’s right to put that man down for what he did to him.).
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The following paragraphs will discuss the torture Simon was subjected to in Roba’s captivity and features discussion of the sexual assault he experienced, as well as being him drugged + detailed acts of dehumanisation. The section itself will be bracketed with a ‘-’, feel free to skip to the final paragraph marked of this section if you’d prefer.
In my writing I want to show a competent, terrifying Roba. He should be purposeful in how he goes about breaking these men down in order to build them up into the dutiful hounds Roba so obviously wanted. That’s part of why I think, and wrote, Roba having never touched Simon, he made sure it was his men assaulting Simon while he watched (for one reason or another). And when they were finished Roba would try to manipulate the situation into one being Simon’s fault and that Roba, and only Roba, could fix for him. Simon needed to see Roba as the one with the power to control all these awful things happening to him, and that his own obstinance is the reason he’s suffering. Roba would make an offer – if you listen to me, follow what I say, I can make this stop. I can stop them from touching you ever again. It’s purposefully and insidiously phrased, he’s trying to make all this seem like Simon’s fault for not ‘giving in’. In turn, the prolonged torture and dehumanisation would best be served as well-thought-out tactics.
I’m not a fan of how every other captive was noted as too ‘weak’ or whatever to hold out against all that Roba was doing to them, only for Vernon to say that his methods were ‘genius’ – not with a near 100% mortality rate it fucking isn’t. It would be interesting to explore a fic where Roba was actually competent enough for those aforementioned super soldiers to be a real thing (and we’ll make death proud of us touches on this very well I recommend this fic). But, regardless, I find exploring the ways Simon could have been dehumanised/tortured without succumbing to infection or shock or a sudden heart attack from the sheer amount of stress and trauma to be morbidly interesting. I’m a morbid person, so this tracks lmao (it’s regardless a matter of balance, though, because we’re trying not to fall into that Edge the comics loved so much). I also want to note that Roba rarely, if ever, called Simon by his real name. It’s always ‘English’ or ‘Mr. Death’. A name is a powerful thing to control, stripping a person of their name is a common dehumanisation tactic, one that even the military has been known to use in order to get all these individuals into acting as one mass. It’s also a sign of non-acknowledgement, in my eyes. Simon was not a person to Roba, not really, just a dog that needed moulding. In a way, Ghost referring to himself as ‘Ghost’ may also be a tactic to distance himself from Simon in order to cope with the Everything that’s happened to him.
The next point is just as important as the prior ones: what kind of effect would all this have on Simon in different stages of the comics? And what kind of inner monologue and mindset would he have in order to endure these awful, awful things? And how would he heal from it, considering how the events of the comics went down? He has no control over the situation as a whole, but I imagine that Simon is the kind of person to try and grasp for anything to have control over regardless – he’s exhausted but he still might try to lay in a way that keeps him protected or stills his roiling gut, he’ll occasionally still try to lash out against the narcos, he’ll try and joke with Sparks and Washington in order to help them cling to their humanity (as well as preserve his own identity as a protector, which I want to get into later). He especially utilises dissociation as a ‘tool’ developed from living under the same roof as Nigel Fucking Riley. It provided a very necessary reprieve, and Simon probably believes he’d been ‘broken’ by his father long before Roba ever got his hands on him. Simon at this point probably (maladaptively, in the long run) perceives his ability to dissociate from the body to be a way to control what he truly feels. He can get some kind of control over experiencing multiple instances of sexual assault, over MONTHS, by creating a clear delineation between the body and the person. I wonder if this laid the groundworks for the self-perceived split between Simon Riley and Ghost.
He’s out of that place, Roba is dead and whatever was left of the Zaragoza cartel is hopefully long gone. But where does that leave Simon, whose primary coping mechanisms are either feeling horrific, yawning numbness, or forcing all that pain and fear and humiliation into over-powering anger? All these things kept him alive then… but now what? He has been subjected to a horrific slew of experiences in seven months, over two-hundred days. How do you approach that kind of deal and unpackaging and addressing of that trauma? It’s something in and of itself would be a compelling story to tell, especially with his childhood trauma informing how he processes those experiences. Simon has been physically and psychologically changed by Roba, even if he tried to ‘resist’ – even though interrogation resistance training only lasts for so long.
Sometimes I wonder at what point did Simon realise they weren’t torturing him for information, but to make him into something that wasn’t human. At what point did he realise that there was a reason they made him crawl down the hallways on his hands and knees with a collar around his neck, or that they fed him dog food off the ground, or that he might have been kept in retrofitted dog kennels, in a long-abandoned dog fighting pit.
I wonder if there were times he wished he’d just let go and listen to Roba, and kill the people the latter wanted him to kill; just so that the pain would stop, and he could be more than this thing surviving on the concrete floor. Very interesting to consider, what with the comics implying that Sparks and potentially Washington were also drugged in order to force a dependence on them, as a way to further exert control over them. I’m not sure why Simon didn’t also experience this. Yet another Comics Cringe Moment.
Ultimately, when I see Roba I think of a Judge Holden-esque figure: an intelligent man who has taken a step back, looked at the violence of the world, and ultimately came to the conclusion that, 1.) It is in man’s nature to wage war and be violent, and 2.) It is Roba’s right to control that flow of violence. He had Simon, Sparks, and Washington, and others who came before them, tortured, brutalised, dehumanised, starved, assaulted, and vivisected with intents to brainwash them into his own personal soldiers/bodyguards. He wanted to perverse nature and control something that was never his to control, and I think a character like that should ooze calculated cruelty and a disdain for the optimistic/what he perceives as weak. It’s a dog-eat-dog world, in Roba’s eyes, and he wants to be the one holding the leash.
Dogs and Hounds
Speaking of dogs, let’s get into hound-coding. Dog/hound/wolf metaphors are used for characters in a plethora of ways: dogs and other canines are embedded deeply in a lot of cultures and that can be seen in how disparate a dog can be used in symbolism. The rabid dog that requires put down, versus the loyal-to-a-fault dog whose diligence will be its downfall. The dog that hunts you down relentlessly against the dog that protects and nurtures. Vicious and borderline obsessed, pursuing a singular goal with tunnel-vision; dangerous predator stalking you from the shadows; wholly dedicated to a sole purpose in life; kicked to the point where anger lines their teeth and they meet the world with a bite, because they’ll never let anyone hurt them again; a caregiver and teacher, sometimes even a leader that will look out for who they see as family.
With Simon Riley, I feel he is a hound, the kind that’s been kicked enough times to know to bite first and ask questions later – but can someone please be gentle? Please, can’t someone let him rest? Then the narrative slaps his muzzle and tells him the story isn’t done yet. Simon, off the coattails of escaping his childhood home as a teenager, finds purpose in the military and clings to it. So much of Simon’s identity can be tied to him being a protector, as well as a soldier; he’s proud of his achievements within the SAS, cocky, even. He is well trained in violence and well experienced, too; he’s risen above to make a reputation for himself as a tough sonofabitch within the SAS, which is pretty famously full of that type of person.
The dog can be moulded into a lot of different things in fiction, just as it has in real life. So can Simon, so can Ghost: he’s a character that has been subjected to extreme kinds of change, with some very clear distinctions between Pre-Roba Simon, During-Roba, Post-Roba, Post-Family Massacre, and Post-Jungle Raid. That’s one of the reasons why I think the dog metaphor, and its imagery, can provide very impactful parallels for Simon. What is a dog, if not loyal and loving? Didn’t we make it that way? And what is a dog, if not defined by the job it can fulfil. We made it that way. What use is Simon to the military, if he won’t do what he was trained to do. I wonder if he worries about that in between missions: losing his purpose and identity one way or another.
Ghost is a good leader; he knows how to direct a team and how to keep Soap calm during the chaos in Las Almas. I imagine he found sanctuary in the camaraderie that can be found in a military environment, compared to his chaotic homelife. He doesn’t necessarily have to be open about it, or all that externally happy. But it’s regardless a community that has provided Ghost with some form of support (ironic, again, considering it’s the military, but that is how it works). Like a pack animal, one might say.
His potential relationship with Soap, if people take it that way (I do and will be talking about it more later #peaceandlove), reminds me of the poem ‘bait dog’ among others, here's an excerpt from the end of it: “And she still flinches / When I reach to pet her / but she smiles / once I get behind the ears / you will not heal from everything / that does not mean / you will stop being loved.”, and I feel that’s a very lovely image when applied to Soapghost, y’know? Simon has been through a lot, and Soap is emotionally mature enough to recognise that and give him space, while still putting in that necessary work to bridge certain gaps. Kind of like the slow burn of getting a rescue dog to trust you, except it’s your human superior officer with CPTSD and an edgy comic book backstory. They will doubtless have issues and bumps in the road, but they’ll also have shitty jokes and a lot of patience to keep things buoyed. Love wins or WHATEVER.
Roba tried to make Simon into an attack dog, too. Treated him like one, and I imagine there was a point where Simon was starting to believe it. Then he gets buried alive and has to dig his way out. He has to drag himself through the desert (more to come on that) and survive months of recovery until he has a chance to return to the state he physically was. I imagine this time of injury was awful for Simon: he felt incompetent on top of the other churning emotions one would have after surviving so many months of All That. Simon, I imagine, has always defined himself by his ability to provide, protection or otherwise, as well as his own physical prowess. It’s what kept him and his family safe all this time. It also led to him being picked for that fateful mission. I think Simon is a man shown to be capable of that single-minded focus of a hound that’s caught the scent, especially when he spent months tracking down Roba in the jungle.
Simon is a dog constantly having to remember its teeth. There is a lot to be said about dogs that learn to bite back.
I have reached a character limit here but still have a lot to talk about, please hold (and tysm, again, for the ask)
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soopersara · 10 months
NaNoWriMo 2023
Day 18: Words written: 2110 (39831 total) Goal: 1667 (30006 total)
Milestones: Finally managed to get my shit together in order to write my Day 2 Zutara Week fic 😂 Which means that (aside from a bit more editing), I have all seven prompts ready and I can keep my brain in I&S land for the rest of the month.
Sneak peek below the cut:
Toph pushed herself back up on her hands. “Um—what’s this about not going too far away from Omashu?”
Katara shot a confused glance her way. There was an odd edge to Toph’s voice, almost like the idea of staying too close to Omashu was a problem for her. Like she was hoping to venture farther away.
Like Omashu was a little too close to Gaoling, and for some reason, she didn’t want to be too near her own home.
“Oh!” Sokka leaned forward, resting one elbow on his knee. “That’s right, you’re new. So. I assume it occurred to you before, but the whole Avatar thing doesn’t just involve the fun elements. Right?”
Toph’s expression remained stony. “I’m aware of what the Avatar is.”
“Good. So, uh—how are you gonna feel about working with a firebender? Or—probably two firebenders.”
“And I know that these two chuckleheads are going to learn how to firebend. I’m not an idiot.”
“Excellent point there, but I was talking about the guy who’s going to teach them firebending. We’re pretty sure we already know who the best option for that is gonna be, we just need to find the guy again.”
“Oh.” Toph frowned for a second, looking so uncertain that Katara was almost positive that the prospect had never crossed her mind before. Then, “Then I guess it depends. Is he cool?”
“I’m gonna level with you, Toph. I don’t think he knows the meaning of that word.”
Katara jabbed him with the stick again. “Sokka!”
He squirmed out of reach of the stick again. “What? Come on, Katara. I’m pretty sure Momo has better social skills than Zuko.”
“And I’m pretty sure that the two of you would have gotten along a lot better if you could at least pretend to have better manners than Momo.”
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why do the zutarians continue to insist so persistently that Ehaz wanted to create aBook Four and make zutara a canon, but he was simply not allowed to do so? where did these rumors come from, which of them is true? and is it true that this is an official poster from a Korean studio?
"Why do Zutarians insist on (insert random thing that would somehow "prove" they were screwed over by Bryke) being true" because they are desperate for canon validation, and cannot enjoy their ship just for the sake of enjoying it. They made this stupid ship war their entire personality, so recognizing that it is totally fanon, but a fanon that they like, is not a matter of "ship and let ship" to them, it becomes "accepting defeat and being seeing as the losing side."
As for why they latched onto Ehasz in particular it's simple:
1 - He was the head-writer, meaning he was probably the person with the most influence on Avatar (except for the showrunners and the netwoork execs of course).
2 - He DID want a book four, and had some ideas that he wanted to see explored.
He's an "authority" figure that had been planning extra content and that created plenty of the content we already watched and liked. Having that guy on their side would be HUGE for Zutara.
Too bad he's a Maiko fan, and in fact repeatedly says he's glad Mai got her happy ending with Zuko, and was very moved by the letter of a fan that related to her and was rooting for Maiko. But that's okay, Zutarians "corrected" that by literally writing a fake interview in which he confirmed Zutara was the real planned endgame but evil Bryke made them change it at the last minute - the fact that Ehasz has already said "This interview is total bullshit" many times does not at all stop them from spreading that rumor around and using it as sword and shield.
It's a cope. Plain and simple. They think that if they convince everyone Zutara was supposed to be canon, they can get some of the new material or the Netflix reboot or literally anything to break up Kataang and Maiko and add their ship in it's place.
As for that Korean poster, I have no idea if it's real or not, but even if it wasn't that would just mean that the artist either liked the ship and wanted to push it a bit or it was just a result of the ancient art of "Bait a desperate motherfucker to buy what we're selling." Not exactly the big "win" Zutarians want to pretend it was.
Hell, I ship Zuko with his own sister, something Nickelodeon would obviously NEVER allow to be canon, and if you give me five minutes I could point to everytime the voice actors (ESPECIALLY Grey Delisle), writers and Bryke have mentioned the ship throughout the years, mention all the memes people who don't even like the ship made about how strange the bedroom scene in "The Awakening" was, quote a lot of lines from the novelizations that show there's more than just hate and envy between the fire siblings, and then bring to your attention that Ehasz has repeatedly said he wanted Azula to redeem herself, that Zuko was the person she loved the most (except for Ozai), and that in his mind book four would have Auzla hit her lowest point and find Zuko there to help her get back on her feet.
Yes, all of these things happened. Does that mean Zucest is the "real" canon ship for Zuko instead of Maiko?
No. Because no matter what ideas were thrown around, be it as a joke or seriously, the path canon would follow was VERY CLEAR for a long time. The show was pushing Kataang from the very first episode and Maiko from the very first episode we met her - even the occasional "distractions" like Jet and Jin and were obviously not going to be their endgame.
Does that mean I don't get to enjoy my ship anymore, and can't be happy when it gets mentioned?
Nope. It just means I need to keep in mind that shipping is supposed to be FUN, not a goddamn fandom war, and that something being fanon doesn't make it bad, inferior, or something that is "forbidden" to like - and in fact, I have every right to prefer it to what we got in canon. I just don't get to LIE about what we actually got in canon.
If only Zutarians had chosen THAT mentality instead of "We are totally the real deal and if you point out that this is bullshit we will send you death threats", I wouldn't have made this blog, and would still be just indifferent to the ship instead of hating it.
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juniperhillpatient · 2 years
The Blind Bandit Re-Watch
TOPH!!! This episode is so much fun. I just love an iconic character introduction, & Toph absolutely gets that. I'm also just a huge fan of the "tiny delicate-looking girl takes out big muscular men easily" trope so of course I always have a blast with this episode.
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I've consistently said that earth-benders are terrifying & this episode leans into that. I loved the Earth Rumble fights, & the brief attempt Aang made to hang with the earth-bending kids at the earth-bending academy. Side note - are bending academies a common thing in the Avatar world? It seems like they are for earth bending, & probably for fire-bending too? Do the kids learn regular skills like math & language there too or just bending? Just something I was pondering with the world-building.
Katara scaring the crap out of the bully kids is hilarious, & I love the juxtaposition from *hair flip & smirk* "a girl has her ways" to *the boys trapped in ice.* That's just iconic to me. Also, I liked Sokka sliding out after Katara & saying "water tribe" in a mocking voice. So funny.
My biggest criticism of this episode is that while a lot of Sokka's comedy (obsessing over shopping & his new bag, getting too into the earth rumble) was funny by itself, it was leaned into in a way that prioritized comedy over accurate characterization. I just didn't like that Sokka didn't appear to care about finding Aang an earth-bending teacher, & didn't care when Aang & Toph were kidnapped. That doesn't feel true to the character. This critique was pointed out to me already & so I probably noticed it more haha - it's not like I was super mad about it, but it's something I noticed. Like I said, I overall enjoyed Sokka's antics, especially when it came to shopping.
I loved the dinner scene & Toph messing with Aang while acting totally innocent was hilarious. I also like that afterward, she apologizes, calls a truce, & explains a little more about herself. Something that I struggle with & don't always think I get right when writing Toph in fics is balancing her brashness with her emotional intelligence - which she does have. She didn't have to apologize & explain, but she did.
Another scene transition that I really loved in this episode was "Toph is probably terrified" *cut to Toph mocking her kidnappers.* Toph kicking the entire Earth Rumble's collective asses was iconic.
It's left a bit ambiguous whether the Gaang knows that Toph was lying about her father "having a change of heart" & I totally forget if they actually knew or not. So, I'm excited to see that play out. Sometimes having the memory of a goldfish is fun, like when you're re-watching a favorite show for the 500th time!
Speaking of bad memory, I forgot that I was doing a points thingy for Iconic Behavior™. Oh well, no one really earned any in 'Avatar Day' anyway. The points will be added for each season & for the show overall at the end of my re-watch.
Toph gets 500 for her introduction, another 500 for kicking ass in the fight at the end, & another 1 for her trickster behavior so that she could run away with the Gaang. Katara gets 500 for scaring those bullies.
Here are the rankings for Book 2 (not including anything earned in Book 1) so far:
Azula: 2000
Mai: 1000
Ty Lee: 1000
Iroh: 500
Zuko: 500
Toph: 1001
Katara: 500
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lellu · 1 year
ok atla thoughts as of episode 13, because how many ppl are watching this show for the first time in 2023
- their voices sound younger than i was expecting. which is good! theyre infants. it did surprise me though cause p much all ive seen on atla is ppls analysis and screenshots
- on that note, it sounds distinctively Old. its not like i recognize the vas or anything the whole thing just Sounds Different than stuff today
- aang is a lot more fun than i expected. reminds me a little bit of sprig tbh lol.
- katara is also more interesting than i expected. girls got problems. getting out to see the world has definitely been good for her though, i think the most obviously out of the three.
- why doesnt anyone talk about aang or katara ever like ive pretty much never seen anything on them
- sokka on the other hand ive probably heard too much about bc he is Not living up to expectations so far. hes not bad or anything but everyone else is way more interesting to me atp. thatll probably change but im waiting
- zuko is lamer than i expected but in a good way. hes never heard of patience in his life i dont think- and iroh is of course delightful
- i really liked the episode where katara gets captured on purpose to free the earthbenders. shes such a good kid and i hope she gets her necklace back soon
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miloscat · 5 months
[Review] Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2 (PS5)
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All new, all different.
After co-developing the first NASB, Fair Play Labs took over as lead developer for the sequel, with Ludosity (and several other studios) handling more minor contributions to the project. Fair Play have put a firm hand on the rudder, retooling the game in a major way while adding a substantial single player mode. But is it the better game? Well... yeah, but there's some nuance.
Load into a match and you should notice immediately that the zippy pace of NASB1 has been pulled back to more closely resemble the platform fighter that all others crib from, Smash Bros. Then examine the movesets and mechanics, and you’ll see that many of the quirks and tweaks that Ludosity had implemented have also been stripped away. We still have separate fast and strong attack buttons and aerials, but in other details, and in the game feel, NASB2 clings almost desperately to Papa Sakurai’s blueprints.
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There are some innovations. A new slime meter builds up from your actions and can be spent to power up moves, arrest your launch, or other technical tricks in addition to a Final Smash-esque super move. Hmm, actually this is a lot like Brawlout’s rage meter now that I think about it… but I think they make better use of it here, with more options available from its use.
Other big changes come in the roster. Fun choices from the first game like Toph, Sandy Cheeks, or Powdered Toast Man are gone, as well as CatDog and Oblina along with representation of their shows entirely. Unfortunately many of the new choices that replace them aren’t too exciting for me personally, apart from the excellent Angry Beavers, while Azula as a new Avatar brawler is one of a few much-needed villainous additions. Upcoming DLC will also add Zuko and Iroh, making for an oddly imbalanced preponderance of firebenders.
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It’s not just a handful of new fighters though; basically all the returning characters (of the ones I tried) feel new due to sweeping revamps to their movesets. The three that feel most similar are Garfield, Jenny, and Rocko, who were added to the original game post-launch, which points to Fair Play implementing them as part of a “lead takeover” as indicated on their website. The returning stages too have been redesigned with new layouts.
One addition that’s an unequivocal improvement is the story mode, a roguelite campaign that sees you build up perks to take into expanded “classic mode” style runs. In these, you choose paths that may have you 1v1 other fighters (unlocking them for use in this mode), bash a mob of enemy mooks drawn from the various cartoons, play minigames like break the targets pop the balloons, get powerups from shops or handouts, and finally face a boss (then repeat this three times for a complete run). There’s some variety, an addictive little loop, and a bit of fun voiced dialogue along the way, as well as more fanservice by way of NPC characters, including some of the first game’s cut fighters. It’s exactly what I wanted out of this sequel (although the actual plot is a bit Danny Phantom-heavy for my taste).
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Some of the strengths of the first game remain, of course. It still looks great, although I did notice the occasional animation error or too-frequent bit of jank. The voices are at the same high standard, with either “returning veteran” or “spot-on soundalike”, including a recast of Korra to actor of colour Jacqueline Grace Lopez, at Janet Varney’s request. Oh, they also recast Aang but that’s nothing new, this is like the tenth time it’s happened.
NASB2 leaves me with mixed feelings. It’s an extremely playable game that’s still a grand tribute to Nicktoons past, with some essential new features like the story mode… but at what cost? Fun content and a whole lot of design from the first game have been wiped away. These big shifts are interesting, in that it makes the sequel stand out significantly from its predecessor… while also validating it in a strange way. Ultimately NASB2 isn’t really replacing NASB1; by way of 2 deciding to be different, 1 stays unique and special. I think I can live with that.
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stitchlingbelle · 9 months
Watching Avatar, Part 7
I didn't realize how long it had been since we got to sit down and watch a few episodes! (My family getting invested has definitely slowed me down, since now we all have to be around to watch, but it's a lot of fun!)
11. "The Desert": This was a brilliant episode. Showing the Gaang at the lowest they've ever been, and especially the lowest Aang's ever been-- helpless to save Appa and nearly helpless to save himself or his friends, all while being severely emotionally compromised. He doesn't handle it well, which is good-- it's super realistic (especially given he's, y'know, 12) and keeps him from coming off as too perfect. If Toph deserved a medal last episode, Katara deserves one here, for putting up with this crap. Aang's freakout was scary. Another great reminder of how powerful he'll end up being. Of course I adored Iroh and his mysterious White Lotus thing, can't wait for some follow-up there. And they did NOT go the easy route and give Appa back to the Gaang at the end of this episode, which is both a good writing choice and also emotionally devastating. How dare they.
12. "The Serpent's Pass": This episode was packed and had some killer stuff in it. Love allll the callbacks and continuity stuff, that continues to be one of my favorite things on this show. Suki! Toph's rich-girl privilege! Jet, who I still don't like or trust! Sokka still dealing with emotional fallout from losing Yue! Aang still dealing with emotional fallout from losing Appa! And a great wrap-up with the baby and the wham ending with the drill.
13. "The Drill": Since on the DVD this was the second half of two-parter it's hard to judge entirely on its own. It felt more like set up than a story of its own. This was the first time a fight didn't quiiiite work for me-- it felt like there should have been a lot more effective things they could have done against the drill, so it felt more like they got nerfed than that the threat leveled up, the way it worked in "The Chase", for example. Azula and co were still great, I'm glad Zuko didn't pair up with Jet, Iroh's tea being his downfall is very on-point, I'm getting not-great vibes from this town.
14. "City of Walls and Secrets": BAD NEWS BEARS. My initial reaction was "how did we end up in a episode of Babylon 5?", which is 100% a compliment. Creepy oppressive government! Secret agents! Brainwashing! This episode was very intense. (Not sad to see Jet get arrested, even if the guy *is* technically right about Iroh and Zuko.) Where is Appa?????
15. "Tales of Ba Sing Se": (Where is Appa?????) Yes, all the vignettes were cute little character bits, whatever, we all know the main thing here was Iroh making us cry. (Both in-universe over his son and irl over his voice actor.) Just, seriously, full-on tears.
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goldrushzukka · 2 years
aidays playlist breakdown: chapter 1
hello! i am so proud of this fic and everything that's sprung up around it, but i am especially proud of the soundtrack ive built to go with it. at all times i am thinking about either the fic or the playlist, and never more than a tiny suggestion of interest away from babbling about it for hours. so. here we go.
here's the fic (there will obviously be spoilers in this post but tbh if you haven't read the fic what are you even doing here)
here's the playlist
treacherous (taylor's version) by taylor swift
this is. well. it's the theme song. it's the thesis statement. the zukka community would be nothing without treacherous and you may quote me on that. aidays obviously owes its title to treacherous but the themes and ideas of this song are woven throughout the entire fic. i find myself coming back to this song again and again for guidance.
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(ID: "Put your lips close to mine / As long as they don't touch / Out of focus, eye to eye / 'Til the gravity's too much". End ID)
zuko and sokka work so hard throughout this fic to convince themselves (and others) that there isn't really anything between them, it's just fun and easy and casual. these lines for me are about teetering on the edge of Something. they're holding themselves back from the cliff edge at the same time that they're trying to see what's at the bottom. (this is also VERY applicable to ch10 but im not gonna say anything more about that lol)
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(ID: "And I'll do anything you say / If you say it with your hands". End ID)
it's the title!!! i couldn't not include it. this was always my favourite line from treacherous even before i wrote aidays, but of course it has become even more important to me now. this is one of the horniest lines in taylor's entire discography, which makes it an obvious choice to title a fic about casual sex, but for me it's also about like. commitment and dedication. it's a willingness to do absolutely anything to keep this thing going, to make this last as long as possible. all the little not-casual things zuko and sokka do for each other because they're not quite ready to let this thing end yet. like, let me tell you about my tragic past so we can go back to making out. take this key to my apartment so you can use it as a getaway from your weird home life and also fuck me stupid.
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(ID: "I can't decide if it's a choice / Getting swept away / I hear the sound of my own voice / Asking you to stay". End ID)
this is sooooo ch1-4 vibes. very much in the way of like, not being able to tell when "casual" disappeared and became this new thing. where does one thing end and the other begin, or were they always the same thing to begin with? were the feelings always here? was this even an arrival at a point, or was it just looking around and finally seeing where they'd been the entire time? a little bit on the nose but the end of ch3/4 ("I can stay." "So stay." immortalised here by @bleekay) was definitely influenced by this.
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(ID: "Forever going with the flow / But you're friction". End ID)
this one is so. like. ok. so in ch1 it's zuko who says he doesn't want anything serious. this is because, given his history, he doesn't believe "anything serious" is an option for him. he's too broken, he's too sad, he's too much for other people. so he defaults to casual. but then there's sokka, throwing all those ideas out the window by discovering all the damaged parts of zuko that make other people discard him, and then liking him more for them.
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(ID: "Two headlights shine through the sleepless night / And I will get you a, get you alone / Your name has echoed through my mind / And I just think you should, think you should know / That nothing safe is worth the drive / And I would follow you, follow you home". End ID)
this bridge. godddddd. ok. obviously along with richard siken's you are jeff poem this bridge was a big inspiration for ch8. there's that devotion again, this kind of magnetic attraction between sokka and zuko throughout the fic that brings them to this point of like, you are the light in the dark, the sound in the silence, i will go wherever you take me. "nothing safe is worth the drive" in particular is very much like. if this were easy, if it were actually casual and no-strings-attached like it was supposed to be, these feelings wouldn't be here. there wouldn't be all this anguish and passion if they didn't feel this strongly for each other. like. the pain of losing you is nothing compared to the high of having you. nothing safe is worth the drive.
don't you go by all time low
this is the first of many songs about casual sex on this playlist (turns out there are a LOT of those). it's by no means all time low's best song, but it's RELEVANT so it goes in the playlist. (i've been a fan of all time low since i was 13 im allowed to say that)
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(ID: "Don't you go and carry on with your life / It was a one night stand till I woke up next to you/ Don't you go saying all your goodbyes / I want a one night stand, just one more time with you". End ID)
this is just what it says on the tin like truthfully what is this chorus if not just a pop punk translation of the opening lines of the fic: It’s supposed to be a one night stand. Pick up some guy at a bar, barely remember his name and never learn anything real about him, send him packing in the morning with a thanks for the ride and a cup of coffee to-go. That’s how it’s supposed to go. But then it’s the best sex Sokka has ever had, and he thinks he’ll hate himself if he never gets to have it again.
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(ID: "I got my ass kicked, but you held the ice / I was a train wreck, but you took the ride / Can we stay here, right here? / Nothing else that I want to do". End ID)
this is applicable to two scenes in aidays: ch2 when zuko tells sokka about his scar and sokka doesn't leave him, and ch6 when suki comforts sokka's broken heart with ice cream and tough love.
baby by charli xcx
absolutely crazy that charli xcx wrote all of crash (2022) about aidays. it's ALL about them. idk how she managed it but she did and i am so grateful.
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(ID: "[Chorus] / I'ma make you my—, I'ma make you my— / I'ma make you my—, I'ma make you my— (Baby)" End ID)
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(ID: "I'ma fuck you up, I'ma fuck you up / I'ma fuck you up, I'ma fuck you up (Baby)". End ID)
this song is really just about being hot and having sex so great it ruins you for anyone else, which is also what the start of aidays is about. great minds (me and charli xcx) think alike.
bloodline by ariana grande
another classic of the fuckbuddy anthem genre. personally i think thank u next deserved more critical and academic acclaim for the work it did on behalf of the hot sadgirl community but that's a different soapbox. quick shoutout to dani @marriedzukka, scholar of ariana grande zukkaism
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(ID: "Love me, love me, baby / Are you down? Can you let me know? / Love me, thank you, leave me / Put it down, then it's time to go / Get it like you love me / But you don't, boy, it's just for show". End ID)
this is so them. doing everything they can to explain away anything that doesn't fit the definition they've given their not-relationship. like idk what else to say this is just them. worshiping each other at the altar of casual.
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atlabeth · 3 years
everything happens for a reason part 3 - zuko x fem!reader
I feel so much, I get carried away
part 2 | masterlist | part 4
a/n: enjoy the fluff in this chapter bc its not gonna last
once again for reference - this chapter takes place 2 years after the last one so y/n is 11 and zuko is 12
warning(s): eating/food, but otherwise its pure fluff
wc: 3.3k
chapter title comes from carried away by madison beer!
i ran out of kid zuko gifs so i had to make my own smh if you want something done you gotta do it yourself
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The young friendship only flourished after that fateful day. Zuko and Y/N began spending almost all of their freetime together between Y/N teaching him about her culture, their usual talking in the hallways, and finding ways to hang out together outside of her schedule. She was absolutely delighted to be teaching Zuko though, so she always made sure there was time for her self proclaimed academy.
Y/N was constantly busy around the castle, so in order to hang out they had started waking up extra early — the pair had become experts at sneaking around the castle with the first rays of the sun. The gardens were a favourite because of its availability, and of course, the turtleducks. It also gave Y/N a chance to bend outside of healing, something that they began to take advantage of as they got older.
Sparring sessions became a regular between them as a way for Y/N to get some practice with martial bending, Zuko to experience fighting against a waterbender, and just another way for them to spend time together. Of course, they had to keep it as quiet as possible to avoid alerting anyone of their presence, but that became the least of their worries over time.
They each pushed each other to be better, and with Y/N’s healing skills, they were able to walk away every morning without any injuries. But after discovering a very unfair advantage that the prince held, she decided that morning sparring just wasn’t enough.
(“Firebending gets stronger in the morning,” he had told her after a particularly brutal blast resulting in some emergency bending on Y/N’s part to extinguish a tree. “My teachers always say that we rise with the sun.”
“Well,” she had said with a smile. “We rise with the moon. You just signed yourself up for some late night sparring sessions.”)
Y/N had truly started to come into her own. It had been two years since her capture, and though she had in no way made peace with her life in the Fire Nation, she was trying to take advantage of it as much as she could. Even though she despised being at the beck and call of nobles and guards, she couldn’t deny the opportunities it gave her to hone her abilities. Her healing had improved tenfold and her martial bending wasn’t too shabby either. Between all of the time spent with Zuko and practicing her bending, she was able to distract herself from her dim reality.
But the world was a cruel, cruel place, no matter how much she tried to ignore it. It didn’t treat souls like Zuko and Y/N kindly, a fact that they would soon become aware of.
In the moment though, Y/N was more focused on not getting burnt.
She twirled to the side as a small flame shot past her, just barely managing to dodge it as she bent a stream of water out from the pond and sent it at Zuko. He turned it to steam as he blocked it with his own fire, which he then sent back at her with a combination of a punch and a kick. Y/N raised her hands and bent up a large wall of water from the pond, and with a small grunt on her part, sent it flying towards Zuko. He tried to conjure up his own fire shield in an effort to extinguish the water once more, but it was too little too late and he ended up getting knocked to the ground and completely drenched.
Y/N couldn’t stop the giggle that fell from her lips as Zuko wiped water off of his face, sputtering incoherently while he pushed himself up. “Did you really have to do that?” he complained.
“You know I do.” She grinned as she walked around the pond to his side, cracking her knuckles before she began to bend the water out of his clothes. “This was in the morning, too. Admit it, I’m getting better!”
He cracked a smile of his own. “You really are. I just wish that you getting better didn’t end up in me getting soaked every time.”
She bent the water she had extracted from his clothes back into the pond and held out her hand to help him up from the ground, which he took gratefully. “That just makes it more fun.”
As she helped pull him up, Y/N found herself more than a little transfixed. The rays of the rising sun shone down on him perfectly, and the smile still on his lips made her feel flutter bats in her stomach.
Y/N didn’t know when she had started seeing Zuko in a different light than usual. When his laughs became melodious, his smile like a ray of sunshine on its own, his company coveted. While she was usually able to trade verbal jabs with him without a second thought, doing her self-assigned job of keeping him humble, something had changed in the past year.
They grew steadily closer over the years after they had met, but one event in particular all but pushed Zuko into her arms.
Ursa’s banishment.
Of course, they didn’t know that she had been banished. No one aside from Ozai knew the true nature of her disappearance — to her children and the other inhabitants of the palace, it was just that. A disappearance.
It was suspicious, yes. All in the span of a day, Princess Ursa vanished, Fire Lord Azulon mysteriously perished, and Ozai took his place, but nothing could be done. It was a somber day for every servant — Ursa showed them a kindness that couldn’t be found anywhere else in the palace, and to rub salt in the wound, a man just as cruel as Azulon had risen to the throne.
Zuko was devastated. He had always been close with his mother, and the only thing she had given him before leaving was a short goodbye and a kiss. He was angry beyond belief at the abandonment, and that anger overshadowed his grief.
Y/N tried to help him, but he lashed out at her.
“Your mother is still here and she loves you! Mine left me like I was nothing. Don’t try and say you know how I feel.”
“But my father is gone. I do know how you feel Zuko, and I want to help you, but I can’t help you if you keep pushing me away.”
“…you don’t know anything.”
It hurt, but she knew he needed space. She gave it to him, letting him brew alone and take out his anger however necessary, but let him know that the door was open when he was ready to talk.
He did — he had apologized for what he said and she accepted, and Zuko ended up spilling every emotion he had to her over the next few weeks. She listened, offered advice when she could, and made Zuko feel a little bit less alone in the scheme of it all. It was a horrible experience, but it brought them closer together, and the prince was eternally thankful that he had a friend to help him through the ordeal.
The night that he came to her room, admitting that he was hurting and asking for her help — Y/N thinks that was the moment she fell for him. She cursed herself at the time for developing feelings for her only friend in the palace, but over time she learned to cover them up. She had to remember her place.
She understood her role, but it got harder and harder to keep up with it the more time she spent with Zuko — this moment was no exception.
“Yeah, yeah. I just hold back because I don’t want to burn you.”
“Liar!” she exclaimed, hitting him playfully on the shoulder. “You forget that I can heal myself if anything goes wrong. Besides, I know you’d never burn me. I trust you.”
Zuko smiled and smoothed his clothes back down, the only sign of their sparring session now gone. “Good, because I trust you too. No matter how many times you totally drench me.”
She snorted as she started to walk back to the palace. “Like I said, that just makes it more fun. And as fun as it has been completely crushing you in combat, duty calls.”
He sighed, giving a reluctant nod as he started to follow her — then his eyes lit up, and he grabbed her arm to stop them. “Wait, how much work do you have today?”
Y/N thought for a few seconds then shrugged. “Dunno, it varies. I got stuck working with Jaysa all this morning, so that’s going to take forever, I have my usual healing lessons with Master Rika after, and then I usually just end up going around with whatever else comes my way for the rest of the day.” She grinned and lowered her voice as if the subject of the matter could somehow hear her. “I’ve been working on a dress for my mother in secret because her birthday is coming up soon, so the free time I get between my shifts that isn’t spent with you has been going towards that.”
Zuko gaped. “You’re making her a dress all on your own, with no help? How?”
She held up her hands with a proud smile. “These things are good for waterbending, sewing, and hitting best friends.”
He gave her a sideways grin at that. “I’m your best friend?”
Y/N snickered and rolled her eyes. “Yeah, dummy. You’re like, the only person that likes me in this whole nation. Of course you’re my best friend.”
“Well…” he started. “Would a best friend like to break the rules even more tonight?”
Her eyes lit up in turn, completely betraying her excitement despite her attempt to look nonchalant about it. “That depends — what d’you have in mind?”
He grinned and leaned forward, dropping his voice to a whisper as he spoke in her ear. “So, after you finish work for the night, we…”
It was a struggle to get through all of her work after the plan that she and Zuko had formulated — sure, they broke the rules all the time. The basis of their entire friendship was breaking the rules, but this was going farther than they ever had before. Y/N wasn’t thinking about the consequences though, she was thinking about the journey — that was her first mistake.
She had rushed through all of her chores with Jaysa, hardly paid attention in her healing lessons, and made quick work of the rest of her day until she was finally able to meet up with Zuko at one of the various servant entrances that she had shown him.
“You’re finally here!” he exclaimed, his body buzzing with nervous energy. “I thought you were never gonna come.”
“Some of us actually have work to get done, mister crown prince,” she joked as she bumped his shoulder with hers. “But that doesn’t matter — let’s get going before someone catches us! I don’t want it to get too dark either.”
“It’s gonna be fine,” Zuko reassured. “My dad is in war meetings all day, no one is going to catch us. Now come on!”
Zuko pushed open the door, grabbed her hand, and began to pull her along. A laugh fell from her lips as they ran, unable to stop herself from casting a cautionary glance behind them as they got farther from the palace. Y/N tried to push her worries out of her mind — like she had told Zuko earlier, she trusted him.
That was her second mistake.
It was surprisingly easy to sneak past the guards around the wall and just as quick to get through Royal Caldera, and before Y/N knew it, they had arrived in the city.
It was nothing like she had ever seen before.
The village she had grown up in was miniscule compared to anything in the Fire Nation, and she was especially awestruck upon entering the city. As home to more middle class citizens than anything, it was a bustling marketplace filled with workers and nobles alike — if she hadn’t been preoccupied with the stars in her eyes, she would’ve been able to see the way Zuko was absolutely beaming at her.
“Come on!” he exclaimed, grabbing her hand once again as he began to walk — at a much more moderate pace than their run here — down the streets. “There’s so much here that I wanna show you. Have you ever been out here?”
She shook her head, allowing herself to gawk at her surroundings while they went down the street. “We aren’t really allowed to leave the palace since we’re technically still prisoners, just… ones that work. My mother always had to give her money to one of the other servants so that when they went out to buy their things, they could pick some stuff up for us as well. This is all totally new.”
Once again, a frown found its way onto Zuko’s face, but only for a split second before he pointed at a stall opposite to them. “Oh— there’s a fruit stand! Come on, you have to try this.”
Y/N let Zuko pull her over to the stand, looking at the array of fruits on display while Zuko conversed with the merchant. A few silver pieces later and they were walking away with a basket of produce — miraculously, the prince hadn’t been recognized, so she figured he wouldn’t need a disguise. Third mistake.
“Here,” he said, offering her a mango from the basket. “You haven’t lived until you’ve tried Fire Nation mango.”
She took the fruit from him and bit into it, her eyes immediately widening as she turned on Zuko. “Tui’s gills, this is delicious! You’re telling me that you people just have this on hand but we don’t get any of it?”
He shrugged and took a fig from the basket as Y/N wiped some juice off of her chin. “There’s a reason I’ve helped you break into the kitchens so many times. Now, where do you wanna go next?”
The pair spent the next couple of hours browsing the marketplace, enjoying their day on the Fire Lord’s coin. Zuko was more than happy to show Y/N parts of his culture after all she had taught him, and she was more than happy to experience it. They had been able to buy lanterns for the upcoming Festival of Szeto, purchase their own blends of tea leaves, and of course Zuko insisted on getting fire flakes and gummies.
(Y/N thought he was insane. Why in the world would the Fire Nation want to make food that hurt them on purpose? She was going to stick with her newfound love for mangoes.)
But Zuko hadn’t even brought her to the best part yet.
“Can I open my eyes now?” She asked, her anxious tone betraying her curiosity.
“Now you can.” Y/N was met with Zuko’s grin and as she focused on the stand in front of them, she had to make a conscious effort to not gape.
Zuko had brought her to a sewing stand with all the threads, fabrics, and silks that she could dream of in all kinds of colors. She immediately rushed forward, unable to stop herself from running her hands over and through each and every piece of material — she was in a seamstress’s heaven.
“I take that as a sign you like it?” Zuko asked happily.
“Oh, definitely,” she confirmed, still completely caught up in all the choices. “This is so much better than all the material we’re given to work with!”
“That’s why I brought you here. I thought you could get some stuff for yourself, and some stuff to help with the dress you’re making for your mom. I don’t really know how sewing works, but I thought that this was one way I could help.”
“That is so sweet of you!” she gushed. “Thank you so much — you should probably get around to some of the other stalls because I… I think I’m gonna be here for a while.”
Zuko laughed and fished out of a couple of golden pieces then set them in her hand. “That’s okay. I’ll meet you over by the steps; we can watch the sunset together.”
They nodded as parting gifts and each was enveloped in their tasks; Y/N beginning to ask the merchant questions about everything at their stand and Zuko off to entertain himself for a few more minutes.
Soon enough, Y/N had her own small bundle of silks and fabrics, her mind already going off in a million different ways of how she could incorporate it into the design. She found Zuko sitting on the steps and as she took her own seat next to him, he handed her another mango.
“Did you find everything you wanted?” She nodded and hummed gratefully as she accepted the fruit, taking a bite as her eyes fell on the skyline in front of them.
“I had a really great time today, Zuko. I really can’t thank you enough for taking me out here. I… I think I forgot what it was like to feel like this.”
“Like what?”
“...happy.” She paused for a second before allowing herself to meet his eyes. “All the time I spend with you in the palace… It’s one of the only times that I really do feel happy. And being out here today, getting to walk around where I wanted and buy things and just— I feel free, Zuko. And that means everything to me.”
She felt the heat rush to her cheeks and she turned away. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to go on like that—“
Zuko gently reached out for her hand, drawing her attention back to him and the soft smile on his face.
“Well… I care about you. You’re nice to me, and you take time out of your day to help me which you don’t have to do. This is just me trying to pay you back for all you’ve done to help me. We can do this more often — whenever my dad’s busy.”
Her own smile grew on her lips and she nodded as she laced her fingers with his. “I care about you too. And.. I’d like that.”
Y/N leaned her head on his shoulder and together, they watched the sunset over the city.
There was no place either of them would rather be.
Y/N and Zuko made their way back to the palace as quickly as they could after realizing how late it had gotten. Y/N was sure that she was going to get the talking-to of her life after what she had done, but she was almost giddy after what had just happened. She could deal with any of Kura’s consequences later — right now the only thought in her mind was the feeling of Zuko’s hand in hers.
The night had been nothing short of perfect. She had felt freer than ever before out there in the city with Zuko, and knowing that he reciprocated the feelings she had for him was enough to make her heart burst. She cared for him, and he cared for her.
Of course, there was that nagging question of how they would continue now that their friendship had morphed into something more, but once again — it was something she would deal with later. Her fourth and final mistake.
But as a guard turned the corner, Y/N realized she might not get the chance. She quickly let go of Zuko’s hand and tucked it under the bundle of fabric, hoping that the gesture of affection had been missed by the man.
If he had noticed, he showed no sign of it. He stopped in front of them, a gruff voice speaking from behind the mask with words that made her heart stop.
“Prince Zuko, the Fire Lord has requested an audience with you.”
haha OOPS
perm tag list: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin @maruchan77
ehfar: @chandies-sideblog @persica27
atla: @marianne1806
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alfredolover119 · 4 years
zukka fic rec list (modern au)
howdy! i’ve been collecting zukka fics i like since uhhh june and now i am sharing my lists with the world. i’m splitting it into three posts so it hopefully wont be too long. this is the third and final one: modern au fics! the other two are canon era and post-canon. [side note!! if youd like a specific type of rec list,, i.e. soulmate au, fake dating, ambassador sokka,, hmu and i’ll post a list !!]
within this post, the fics are in word count order! also, if you’d like a soundtrack for your reading, i might recommend my zukka playlist :^) happy reading!
it’s the lack of creativity for me by @theboilingrock
-1912 words, teen
-soulmate au, humor
The point is, the concept of soulmates was simple on the surface, but the people in Sokka’s life all had special and unique stories surrounding soulmates. So of course Sokka would be the one stuck with only the word “Hi” tattooed on his arm. [In which Sokka overcompensates for his soulmate’s limited imagination in the greetings department (seriously? “Hi”?).]
We’ll play hide and seek (to turn this around) by @engagedzukka
-5502 words, general
-bakoda-centric with background zukka, fluff, meet-cute (note: i had to include this one its just too good not to!! plus the ed sheeran title spoke to me)
Sokka has a plan to ask out the cute boy at the bookstore. Hakoda is a begrudging participant until he meets the boy's beautiful older coworker.
if the shoe fits by @bisexuallsokka 
-5742, teen
-college au, director!zuko and set designer!sokka, tooth-rotting fluff, mutual pining
The stranger is still there, and he doesn’t seem in a hurry to leave. Zuko, on the other hand, is anxious to wrap up his work for the night so he can meet his uncle for dinner. “Can I help you with something?” // The man laughs. “I’m actually here for you. Short-tempered, badass scar, soft looking hair? You must be the director. I’m Sokka.” // Zuko sputters. “What? I-I don't...who described me like that?” // “Well, Jet just said short-tempered, I added the rest on my own,” Sokka shrugs. “He said you were looking for some help designing your set.”
lighthouse beam by @incorrectzukka 
-7167 words, general 
-college au, hurt/comfort, semi-deaf zuko, fluff and angst, mutual pining
Sokka’s breathtakingly beautiful and he’s smart and makes other people laugh. Zuko has a half-burnt face and a deaf ear. It’s not rocket science. // Or, Zuko falls in love with the boy in his Philosophy class.
put your lips close to mine (as long as they don’t touch) by @celestialceci
-9470 words, teen
-college roommates, summer vacation, humor
Zuko hates his home. He likes college alright, but he likes Sokka even better, his assigned roommate turned best friend. Spending the summer with Sokka will be fun, a welcome change of pace he desperately wants. It probably won't awaken anything in him... right?
always a plus one (never a groom) by @hotdamnitszuko
-13133 words, teen
-friends to lovers, humor, sharing a bed, hurt/comfort
Zuko and Sokka decide that the best way to get through the late-twenties wedding rush is to do them all together. As it turns out, being surrounded by people in love all the time will make you want to kiss your single and hot high school best friend.
swords of fate, pride of heart by @zukkababey
-13531 words, teen
-college au, online romance, zoom meet-cute, fluff, bg piandao/jeong jeong
Yeah, attending university via Zoom sucks. But it sucks a little bit less when Sokka gets to stare endlessly at the pretty boy with the cool swords and the cute cats without him ever even knowing. [Or, Sokka and Zuko "meet" in Zoom class. Flirtatious shenanigans ensue.]
earth system history by @pianjeong
-14084 words, teen
-college au, coming out, first kiss, sparring
Sometimes, you just need to sneak into the earth science lab at three in the morning with your best friend whom you are in love with. This is far more of a formative experience for Zuko and Sokka than they originally intended.
Kiss-Proof Lipstick: Fact or Fiction? by @flammable-grimm-pitch
-14171 words, teen
-sephora employee!zuko, mutual pining, idiots to lovers
Sokka gets dragged along to Sephora by his sister and Toph; Zuko provides him with a makeup education.
The Road Between Action and Inaction by @donvex​
-17548 words, teen
-road trip, slowburn, comfort, mutual pining, first kiss
Sokka does a shitty k turn in the parking lot across from the bus station, pulls up to the curb where the boy is looking determinedly at his phone, and rolls down the passenger window. “Hey! Which way were you going?” He may die, but at least his conscience will be clear. // The guy blinks at him. “Don’t.” // Oh, he’s prickly.
There Is COVID in Ba Sing Se by @koala-otter
-17783 words, teen
-quarantine au, roommates, friends to lovers, domesticity
The whole world is under lockdown, and Sokka and Zuko move in together.
Mass Times Acceleration by Haicrescendo
-19417 words, teen
-roadtrip, bed sharing, idiots to lovers, pining, underage drinking
[Zuko calls at three in the morning and says, tears in his voice and rage through his teeth, “I want to run away.” // It’s Sokka’s turn to carry the brain cell in his household but he doesn’t waste a second before he’s saying, “Tell me when and where—I’m coming too.”]
Anything for You by beersforqueers
-23616, explicit
-fake dating, breaking up/making up, fluff, angst with a happy ending, humor
In which Sokka and Zuko have broken up but Sokka hasn't told his family yet. So when Katara and Aang's wedding weekend rolls around and he doesn't want to break Gran-Gran's heart, he asks Zuko to pretend to be his boyfriend for one last weekend. Things don't go as planned.
That Midnight Sky by @zukkababey
-103016 words, teen
-college au, fake dating, strangers to lovers, slowburn, mutual pining, fluff and angst, miscommunication
In Zuko’s strict family, needing a tutor is just about the worst thing you could do. Failing a class, however, is even worse. The only rational solution? Take up Aang on his offer to find him a physics tutor and have Sokka—beautiful, smart, handsome Sokka—tutor him in secret. // When Azula’s arrival threatens to reveal Zuko’s secret, it’s up to Sokka to convince her this definitely isn’t what it looks like. See, he’s actually… Zuko’s… boyfriend? // Hmm. There’s no way this could get complicated, right?
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asciendo · 3 years
In too Deep
Your friends with benefits with Zuko was the best distraction from the upcoming battle with Ozai and Azula. 
But what happens when you slowly begin to catch feelings for Zuko but Sokka sets him up on a date?
It’s been six months since you and Zuko started your little fling. Both of you were the newest members of Team Avatar, Zuko being the redeeming Fire Prince and you being the daughter of a banished Fire Nation general who Zuko and Sokka rescued from the Boling Rock along with Sukki and Sokka’s dad. You’ve known Zuko since you were children but never interacted that much.
Both of you got on each other’s nerves at the start, both being stubborn on how to teach Aang how to fire bend. You knew deep down Zuko was meant to be Aang’s fire bending teacher but that didn’t mean your suggestions didn’t matter.
“I told you, you should teach him to learn how to flow with the energy, not just shoot fire out!” You rolled your eyes as Zuko huffed with a confused Aang stuck in a bending stance behind him.
“He has to learn how to hit his target, am I right?” Zuko marched towards you as you both continued to argue.
“Uhm, I feel like you both have good points, ha ha ha” Aang was always in the middle of your arguments and tried to defuse them, but he knew trying to control two hot heads was almost as difficult as defeating Fire Lord Ozai.
Your argument continued as Aang fell asleep, tired of waiting for his lessons to resume as you and Zuko were almost at each other’s throats, which resulted in Zuko shooting a fire ball on the tree where Sokka was sleeping. “HEY!”
“See! Look what you made me do!”
“What I made you do?! You threw that fireball all on your own!”
“If you hadn’t interrupted my training with Aang, we would be done by now!”
“If you just listened to someone else’s suggestions, Aang would be a better fire bender!” You and Zuko were literally in each other’s faces now, the only thing missing was smoke coming out of your ears as both of you were fuming at one another.
“If you weren’t such a know it all, I would never have gotten angry!”
“Well, you should learn to control your temper!” At your last outburst, both of you stormed off on your own.
“Am I ever gonna learn fire bending?” Aang sighed as he laid on the ground in defeat.
It seemed almost impossible for you two to start your fling, but one night you were practicing your bending on your own, then you suddenly heard footsteps behind you. Zuko.
“What do you want?” You rolled your eyes as Zuko approached you. “You have to let me teach Aang on my terms. I’m his teacher, not you.”
“I’m not trying to be his teacher, you’re just not teaching him everything.” you hated how he made you feel small and less capable, you knew you were a strong bender, almost beating Azula in a match once, and Zuko made you feel like your abilities weren’t good enough.
“I don’t need your help.” Zuko growled as he stepped closer to you. “What? Your ego can’t take a few suggestions, Prince Zuko?” His eyes narrowed at his title and he stepped closer to you till your back was against a tree. “Don’t call me that.” he said through gritted teeth.
“Why? What are you gonna do?” You teased and Zuko’s face turned into a scowl. Suddenly he was closer to you and your faces were almost touching. His exppression turned from anger to softness and you chucked nervously at how silent he became.
, “Zu—“ before you could finish Zuko’s lips were on yours.
You shot back in shock as you couldn’t believe what was happening. Your relationship with Zuko was more of a complicated one, filled with banter yet, deep understanding with your somewhat common past. Of course you found him attractive, with his shagy black hair, toned body and gold, piercing eyes, but you never thought anything like this would happen between the two of you. “Y/N..I-I’m so—“ this time, before he could finish, you crashed your lips on his. You didn’t know what it was but it just felt right, being with him in this way. His lips were chapped but still soft, although as the kiss went deeper you could feel the intensity in the way he grabbed your back and how you tangled your fingers in his hair.
That started your secret “fling” as you called it. Both of you didn’t want the others to know as they were just getting used to the idea of having two fire benders on Team Avatar. They didn’t suspect a thing as your bickering didn’t stop, but at night Zuko would secretly slip in your tent and you two would spend the night together. This happened every night ever since.
You noticed Zuko change a little bit towards you. He took your suggestions when he was teaching Aang seriously and on missions he’d always make sure he was near you.
There were moments when the both of you would sneak off while the gang was distracted, it was easy since you mostly camped out in the open.
You and Zuko would find an empty cave or under a tree far away and you’d get lost in each other.
Those nights when he’d have nightmares of his father, you’d be the one to comfort him. The same with you when you’d dream about your father, who you haven’t seen since you left the Fire Nation. It scared you how vulnerable the both of you were with one another.
One day, when you were bickering, Zuko went too far and made a snarky comment about your father. You looked at him with not just anger, but with fear, you were letting him in. You backed away and left the camp for a bit. He didn’t say anything that horrible, you were mean to him too. You questioned him about betraying Iroh and he replied by calling you out for not fighting hard enough to stay with your family.
It was true, you could have been in hiding with them, but you wanted to do something more for the world. You weren’t hurt by his words, but terrified how it was so easy for you to hurt each other, your fling was supposed to be something fun and to forget about the stress of trying to save the world.
You were in your tent, trying to sleep but failing. The sound of someone crawling into your tent startled you, but you already knew it was him.
“I’m sorry.” You didn’t move, you pressed your eyes shut and tried to pretend as if you didn’t hear him.
“I know you’re not asleep, Y/N.” He lowered down and was sitting next to you, “I said I was sorry alright?” his voice was low but husky and you could her traces of desperation.
“What do you want me to say, I’ll say it!”
“Shhh! Are you crazy!” You sat up and attempted to cover his mouth but he dodged your hand. “I’m sorry, okay? I was a jerk, I didn’t mean it.” he looked into your eyes and you knew he was genuine. You weren’t being fair to him, you’re not hurt by his words but scared about what you were starting to feel for him. “You just...you just rile me up so much and my temper...you know how I get and I say things I don’t mean...I shouldn’t be that way towards you, I’ll tell Aang you can teach himsometimes..” you stared at him with such confusion, he was rambling. He only rambles when he’s nervous, and he was nervous with you.
“Are you gonna stop talking or are you going to get in here?” you chuckled and motioned to the space next to you. Zuko sighed then squeezed in next to you in the sleeping bag. “I’m sorry, too.”
Zuko sighed then looked down at you. You faced up towards him expecting to feel his lips on yours, but instead, you felt his lips on your temple. That night was the first time both of you just slept, entangled in one another, and in your heart you knew you were doomed.
6 months later...
“I saw you, you know...” Katara winked at you as you both were gathering water at the nearby lake. “What?”
“I saw you.” She followed you as you continued up the stream. “I see you too?”
“No...I saw you...and Zuko.” You stopped in your tracks. “Yeah, we travel together, Katara. We see everyone every day!” laughing awkwardly you began to gather more water.
“Uh-huh.” You could hear the eye roll in her voice as she walked in front of you with her hands on her hips.
“What exactly did you see?” sighing and giving up, you knew it was useless to lie. You were caught.
“Not much, thank god but...try picking a cave not so near the apple trees next time?” Katara chuckled.
You knew exactly what she was talking about. Zuko had a hard training day with Aang and he needed to blow off some steam, which was what you were there for.
It was your turn to feed Apa so you were gathering fruits for him until you felt strong arms around you.
“Zuko, bad timing, I need to feed Appa.” You smiled, but his grip tightened. “I need you, now.” He grumbled, but you weren’t budging.
“Y/N, please.” His breath was hot on your skin and your body tingled, but you liked to tease him so you broke off from his grip and walked away. You turned towards him and you could see the desire in his eyes, the desire for you. “If I feel like it.” you said as you lifted a tiny bit of your top, revealing your toned abdomen.
Zuko growled and walked towards you and pushed you up against a tree. “I need you.” He whispered and you smirked. “Then show me.” You stared at him with longing.
Zuko chuckled then lifted you up, then you straddled him. He spotted a cave near the tree you were picking apples from and carried you towards there. He placed you on one of the rock formations and you pulled him closer with your legs.
“Show me how much you need me.”
He smirked then crashed his lips on yours. Then the two of you were lost in each other once more.
You ended up telling Katara everything, she said was surprised but also not so much. “So you had a feeling?”
“A little, not really? I mean, you guys are always at each other’s throats but he has been a little bit more... I don’t know concerned about you?” She explained how she noticed that he let you give your input on Aang’s training more, and how when they have a new mission, he made sure he’d be paired with you and she even told you how he talked to Aang about how you shouldn’t be anywhere near the line of fire when the war starts. The time when you and Toph went on a mission to figure out where Boomie was, Katara told you Zuko was pacing back and forth and cursing at how he didn’t go with you, and how it should have been basically anyone but you that went on that mission. “I never knew why, but now everything makes sense.”
You sat there for a minute then opened up to Katara about how scared you were about your growing feelings. “I don’t think you have anything to worry about, seeing how he’s acting, he probably feels the same.”
The two of you made your way back to camp and found Zuko and Sokka laughing with each other. “What’s so funny?” Katara asked.
‘Zuko just scored a date!” Your heart dropped, but you tried to keep your exterior composure calm. “ What date?” Katara asked nervously as she just heard your story and encouraged you.
“We were in town and the girl at the hat store kept following Zuko, like NON-STOP! He didn’t believe she was into him but it was SO obvious! So I forced him to ask her out and he did!” Sokka punched Zuko on the arm playfully and Zuko laughed. “You should thank me, maybe having a girlfriend will make hot head over here less moody.” Sokka plopped down on the mat next to Toph and all you could think about was torching Sokka to no end. “So, when is this date?” Toph asked boredly next to Sokka. “Tonight?” Zuko laughed, “Well you better get ready lover boy.”
“I’m gonna give some water to Apa.” You announced and Katara followed you. “I’m SO sorry, I never would have encouraged you if—“
“Katara, it’s not your fault, you didn’t know, and besides...maybe this is a sign I should call the whole thing off?” you sighed and Katara nodded slowly.
“Oh sorry...am I interrupting?” behind you was a looming Zuko, grinning sheepishly as Katara stared daggers at him. “No, I was just leaving.” Katara huffed and left you two alone. “What’s her problem...”
You continued to separate the water for Apa as you heard him approaching you. “So...I’m seeing you tonight, right?” you stopped, tonight? Wasn’t his date tonight? Your heart suddenly felt lighter as you thought he cancelled with hat store girl.
“Isn’t your date tonight?”
“I mean...after?” your heart dropped. He was still going through with it. You felt your face turn red with anger, what were you to him? An object he can go to whenever he has his needs?! A simple plaything? It started off as that but you thought you somewhat meant more to him.
“What’s wrong with you?!” You stared at him with a hurt expression, his eyes widened and he stopped in his tracks. “What do you mean what’s wrong with me?”
You grunted and he shrugged in confusion.
“Zuko...we have to talk.”
“Uhm...okay, but I kind of have to get ready—“
“We should stop.” Zuko tilted his head as if questioning what you just said, but you knew deep down he understood what you were saying. “Stop what?”
“This! Whatever we’re doing!”
“Why? Is it because if this date? I just won’t go—“
“No, it was fun while it lasted but we’re just postponing the inevitable...you should go.” you turned away to continue with what you were doing. “Postponing the inevitable? What do you even mean by that?”
“We’re just holding each other back. We know this isn’t going anywhere and we’re just delaying it. Go, have fun. It’s time.”
“You wanted this too, you know! You said it was all fun and just a distraction! No commitments, no promises, nothing! You would remind me every night—“
“Exactly! We had our fun and now it’s over!” you turned towards him and his face was full of anger. “I can go on a date, we can do whatever we want! That was our agreement!”
“It was so why don’t you just go!” you tried to control your voice so no one would hear but it was so hard, you were so angry. “I am! I just told you I was going and you snapped and said you wanted to end it!”
“Because I’m not just some play thing you can get whenever you want! I’m not disposable.” You were inches in front of his face and you could feel the anger radiating from him. “What do you want from me...” he whispered and for a moment, it seemed like he was truly asking you what you wanted him to do, and for a second, you knew he’d do it if you asked. “Nothing.”
“You’re unbelievable!” Zuko, raised his arms in exasperation. “Me?! You’re the one going on a date.”
“You said you didn’t care.”
“I don’t.” You did. You did care, too much. This all started out for fun, but, you were in too deep with Zuko, and you couldn’t let yourself fall for him. “Then why are you ending it?! I don’t understand.”
“I just told you! I’m not just something you can just take when you feel like it!”
“Then tell me what you want!” He was up in your face again, you didn’t know what you wanted. You wanted Zuko, but you weren’t allowing yourself to want him. “I want this to end, and I want you to go on your date.” You said softly, and you saw a glimmer of pain in his eyes. “You want to end this so bad? Fine, it’s DONE. You just lost me.” He said with gritted teeth and began to walk away.
“No Zuko, I didn’t...because you can’t lose something you never had.” He turned around and stared at you with wide eyes that turned to sorrow. His expression quickly turned to anger that you thought you imagined seeing the sadness in his eyes.
“I’m leaving.”
“Go!” and he did. That was it. Your “relationship” with Zuko was over, and he was off with some other girl.
The next day you were on your way to Ember Island on Appa. Zuko had a hood on as people might recognize him when they arrived. Sokka kept asking Zuko how his date went but he would just shrug. “Well sorry for trying to get you some action!” Sokka rolled his eyes and Katara hit him, “Ow! What was that for!”
When you got to Ember Island, the whole gang hit the beach. Sokka and Suki were running around, Aang was making sand castles, you and Katara were in the ocean and Zuko was left sulking on the balcony in his ancestral home.
“I used to come here with his family, you know.” You told Katara as you played in the water. “You grew up together?”
“Not really, my father was a high ranking general so we’d be in the same vicinity, but no contact whatsoever.”
“I think you should talk to him...”
“Nah, I think it’s for the best, better to cut it off while it was still early.” It hurt, being around him, knowing your whole relationship was over. Even if it was nothing from the start, you started to get your hopes up and, it came crashing down.
“I don’t know...you both seem miserable now that you guys broke up—“
“We were never together.”
“Come on, Y/N! You both obviously like each other, you just don’t COMMUNICATE!” Katara rolled her eyes which made you laugh. “I think his date or whatever was a sign...it was getting too complicated, it’ll be for the best.” Before Katara could react, you both heard Sokka’s voice.
“Hey! Some dudes invited us to a party, let’s go!” Sokka yelled and the gang agreed to go, they needed a little fun before having to deal with the larger issue at hand, defeating the Fire Lord.
They were on the way to the house on foot with Aang dancing on the way there, Katara giggling, Sokka and Suki walking hand in hand while you and Zuko walked awkwardly next to each other.
As soon as you got to the house, a guy opened the door and invited you all in. The house was filled with fire nation teenagers and you all dispersed among yourselves. Sokka and Suki were dancing, Aang was showing fire bender girls some tricks, Katara was checking out the house and Zuko was sulking in the corner.
You decided to get some punch then someone tapped you on your shoulder. “Hey, I’m Han.” A tall, tanned and muscular guy was smiling at you. “Hey I’m...” you decided not to use your real name unless someone recognized you. “I’m Hania?” You mentally kicked yourself for choosing a name so close to his. “Hmm, interesting, so close to mine.” He winked and you blushed. He was cute, and from the horrible day you had, you needed some harmless flirting.
From across the room, Zuko stared at you two by the punch bowl. “Hey, lighten up! They are a bunch of hot girls here!...but don’t tell Suki I said that.” Sokka shrugged and nudged Zuko. “Zukoooo” Sokka tried waving a hand in front of Zuko’s face but Zuko kept his eyes on you and Han. “What are you looking at?” he looked where Zuko was gazing. “Oh, Y/N’s found a boyfriend ha ha.” Sokka chuckled and walked away and left Zuko there fuming.
“So, do you come here a lot? I haven’t seen you around Ember Island before.” Han asked you as he poured you a drink. “I used to when I was a kid, haven’t been back since.”
“Oh, why not?”
“Hmm, I don’t know, things change I guess?” you looked around for your friends just to make sure they were still there, then you locked eyes with Zuko. His eyes were intense and you could tell he was angry. But you didn’t care, you were nothing, you both made the decision to stop whatever you were doing with one another and you needed a little fun. “Do you wanna go look at the moon outside?” Han nodded and you both headed out to the balcony.
Zuko’s heart dropped as he saw you two leave.
“You’re an idiot, you know that right.” Katara rolled her eyes as she leaned next to him on the wall. “What?”
“How am I an idiot?” Zuko shot up from leaning on the wall and Katara laughed. “You are so into her.”
“No I’m not!” Zuko crossed his arms and turned away from Katara. “I didn’t say her name, how do you know who I meant?” Katara kinked her eyebrow and Zuko rolled his eyes.
“You’re maybe the least happy person I know but when you were sneaking off with her, you were more tolerable for the rest of us.”
“Wa-wait what? Sneaking off—“
“Cut it out, I saw you guys.” Katara smirked and Zuko sighed in defeat. “Fine, we were fooling around. But that was it. I am NOT into her!” he started to walk away but he heard Katara giggle. “Then why have you been shooting daggers at the guy she was talking to all night?”
“B-because! He could be a spy of the Fire Nation! Her father was a recognized general you know! He could be targeting her and we’re all doomed! AND what if he’s working for Azula—“
“Stop looking at me like that! I’m not in love with her all right!” Katara’s face froze at Zuko’s last statement. “Love?!”
“Are you in love with her?!” Katara started to smile as Zuko’s face turned bright red. “I said I’m NOT in love with her! Are you deaf?!”
“Zuko, I didn’t say anything about love in the first place...you said the word first.”
“So! I just said it to make a point, got it?” He leaned back on the wall and hung his head low. “Well, do you?” Katara asked him again.
Did he love her? All the times they were fooling around, he stared at her while she was asleep. He remembered feeling a sense of peace knowing she was next to him. He started to even look forward to their conversations in her tent rather than the physical stuff. He thought of how she’d throw her head back laughing whenever he told her about Uncle Iroh’s prankster antics when he was growing up. How her eyes shined in the moonlight when they’d take walks after dark. How when it was dusk and the sun would reach her eyes just the right amount and you could tell they were actually golden brown.
Zuko thought about the nights when she’d knowingly wrap her arms around his waist when he was having a nightmare about the Agni-Kai with his father. How her eyes lit up whenever she talked about her family. He thought about how he always wanted to protect her, if they had missions he wouldn’t be able to concentrate if she wasn’t near him, or how he couldn’t keep still when she was out on a mission with Toph or Katara, anxiously waiting for her to come back...to him.
“Shit” was all he said and slumped to the floor and buried his face in hands. “I thought so.” Katara smirked then sat next him. “What did I do? Agh! Why am I so bad at this stuff?” he grumbled and Katara just laughed. “You should tell her how you feel.”
“No! She’s off with that bonehead over there! It’s too late, maybe it’s for the best.”
“Ugh! You two are exactly the same!” She rolled her eyes and Zuko shot his head up. “What do you mean we’re exactly the same?”
“You both don’t simply TALK to each other! ‘Maybe it’s for the best’ my ass!”
“Huh?” Zuko looked at Katara with such confusion that Katara scoffed at him.
“You both said the same thing!”
“About what?” Zuko had no idea what she was talking about. “When you went on that date! She said “Maybe it’s for the best” that you guys break up.”
“She cared about that?” Katara stared at Zuko with astonishment; she didn’t think Zuko was this clueless.
“Zuko,,, I know you’re not stupid, but how do you think she felt when she found out you were going on a date?!”
“I didn’t think she cared...”
“Well she did.” Katara threw her hands up in defeat. How could boys be so stupid, she thought.
“Oh...” Zuko looked down and started remembering their conversation. He noticed the hurt in her voice when she accused him of treating her like an object he can just take whenever he wanted. He felt a pit in his stomach, he didn’t mean it to come off that way. “I-I didn’t even want to go it was Sokka!” Zuko tried to defend himself but Katara gave him a knowing look and he sighed.
“Fine..I was...starting to have...feelings for her...every night—“
“Aah! I don’t wanna hear what you guys do!” Katara began to cover her ears. “Calm down.” Zuko rolled his eyes.
“Every night...she’d always talk about how what we were doing was just a distraction...how this would eventually end...how we shouldn’t commit to one another...I mean we were sneaking around after all.” Zuko looked at Katara for her input but she motioned for him to continue.
“I agreed to it at first, obviously. But over time...I-I uhm...” Katara could see how hard it was for Zuko to express his feelings. Which made her feel bad about how much he holds in especially with how hard his past was. “You fell for her.” Zuko nodded.
“I went on that date because I was...scared. I was feeling too much for her and I knew she didn’t see it going anywhere, I wanted to prove to myself it was nothing. That my feelings for her weren’t real and I could just stop whenever I wanted. But when I went on that date...no matter how much the girl threw herself at me, I knew I could have had anything I wanted with her.” Katara rolled her eyes at that statement.
“I just...couldn’t. The whole time I was thinking about Y/N and what she said to me, how it was over and why it was over, I knew I fucked up the second I asked her out.” Zuko finished. “When did you fall for her?”
It was five months into your fling. You and Zuko were tangled up in each other in her tent. You were just talking about their old lives in the Fire Nation and if they’d even be like this with each other if they both have never left. He laughed at how he would still be trying to prove his honor to Ozai and how you would probably be part of Azula’s crew with Mai and Ty Lee. Both were slowly drifting to sleep until you popped your head up and looked at him. “Zuko?”
“Your mother would be proud of you...you know, with the choices you made.” You went back to sleep but had no idea Zuko lay awake all night thinking about you said.
“AW! That’s so cute!” Katara exclaimed, “Alright, alright!” Zuko rolled his eyes. “So, what do I do?”
“You have to figure that out for yourself, lover boy.” Zuko winced at that name as he watched Katara walk away.
The moon was beautiful that night. You and Han talked about your lives with you lying about some aspects of course, but it was nice to talk to someone who had no idea who you were and was genuinely interested in you.
“I’m really happy you came tonight, you should come to Ember Island more often.”
“I’m happy I came too.” You smiled. Han was looking down at you and he started to lean in closer. You knew he was going in for a kiss but you weren’t sure if you wanted to. Your huge fight with Zuko was just the day before and at the moment, you couldn’t imagine kissing anyone else. But before you could decide on what to do, you saw a fist fly to Han’s face and he fell to the floor. Zuko.
“ZUKO!” You shouted but Zuko ignored you. Han stood up and glared at him. “What the fuck man!”
“Stay away from her.” Zuko warned but Han didn’t back down, he threw a punch at Zuko but he ducked. Han grabbed on to Zuko’s shoulders then tossed him inside the party, which caused everyone to stare.
“Stop it!” You yelled as you followed them inside. Zuko got up then speared Han unto the table. He was about to hit him once more but you stood in between him and Han.
“Y/N move.” Zuko said through gritted teeth, but you stood your ground. “No.”
“H-hey, what’s going on?” Aang asked nervously as the rest of the gang stood behind him in shock. The other party goers didn’t know what to do as well. You looked around and noticed everyone staring at you. Zuko was still glaring at Han as he struggled to get up. “What’s wrong with you?” you stormed out the front door with every intention to head back. “Y/N, wait!” Zuko ran after you.
“What’s going on?” Toph asked the rest of the gang. “Beats me...”Aang took a bite from the apple he was eating. “No idea but, let’s go see!” Sokka began to follow you guys but Suki pulled him back. “HEY!”
You were trying to get home as fast as you could. This whole night was a disaster and you just wanted to be left alone. “Y/N!” a familiar voice called but you continued walking. “Hey!”
“Y/N will you please—“
“WHAT!” you shot around at him and he froze in his steps. “I just need to talk—“
“NO! what is the matter with you?! Starting a fight?! Really?!”
“W-well if you weren’t trying to make me jealous nothing wouldn’t have happened!” Zuko shouted as he walked closer to you. “Make you jealous? I wasn’t trying to make you jealous!”
“Then what were you doing with that bonehead?!”
“I was having a conversation. Not everything is about you, Prince Zuko.” You rolled your eyes then continued on your way. “But you were about to kiss him. I saw YOU!” he shouted and ran to catch up with your pace.
“Stop following me, Zuko.”
You bended fire at his feet and he jumped. “Hey!” you continued walking but he was right behind you. “Zuko, leave me ALONE!”
“No.” you stopped and turned to him then he stopped as well.
“You had no right to hit him!”
“I don’t care.” You continued on your way home but he continued to follow you. “You can’t just hit people for no reason!”
“I had a reason.”
“And what was that?!” you rolled your eyes but refused to face him.
“You were about to kiss him.”
“So what if I was?!” you raised your hands in defeat, if you kissed him or not it shouldn’t even matter. He stayed silent but continued to watch you with those piercing eyes of his. “Whether I kissed him or not, it has nothing to do with you, Zuko.”
You tried to leave again but heard a loud noise. “AGH!” Zuko shot fire at a nearby tree, which caused you to stop.
“WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU ZUKO!” You were in his face and he was breathing heavily with his eyes locked on yours. He paused then grabbed your face then crashed his lips onto yours. You gave in a little but then quickly pulled away.
“No, you can’t do that to me.” You backed away then ran back to house.
As soon as you arrived you ran to your shared room with Toph and Katara then slammed the door. You forgot to lock it but as you were about to, Zuko was standing at the doorway.
“Zuko, will you please leave me alone!”
“What do you want from me, Zuko?!” You yelled at him. You felt so many emotions in the last two days from anger, sadness, jealousy, defeat...and all because of him.
“You. I want you.” He said, and for the first time he wasn’t yelling and his voice was calm.
Before you could speak, Zuko continued.
“Look, I-I know it doesn’t seem like...I care...about anything really...but...” he paused and you stared at him. “I do care about some things..I-mean—“
“Zuko, you don’t have to—“
“No. You need to hear this.” His voice was suddenly serious and he was staring at you with so much intensity you couldn’t speak.
“I know we both started this thing as a distraction from what’s going on. Escaping from our pasts in the Fire Nation and what might come next with this war. But...along the way...I started...to feel things towards you that I know I shouldn’t and I thought I could control it while we were together I mean...not together like that but...yeah.” he started blushing and wasn’t looking at you anymore. He was nervous and knew it. You suddenly felt your heart warm up to him but you composed yourself once more.
“I thought I could control it, but the more time we spent together, it just got harder. Then that stupid date happened...I never should have asked her out. I know it’s not an excuse but...I just got scared. I mean, hearing you talk about how it’s never gonna work out, how this is just temporary really freaked me out, so I went out with her to try to prove myself that my feelings for you were nothing but...the whole time, I just thought about you...and I instantly regretted it. So I’m sorry for asking her out...I’m sorry—“
“You didn’t do anything wrong with that we aren’t—“
“I’m sorry for acting like I could just take you whenever I wanted. I’m sorry for disrespecting you.” He finished and you knew he meant it with the way he looked at you.”
“Zuko...it’s alright.” He sighed in relief and started to smile. “I think these things had to happen to show us that our time was up. We were going too far with each other and we were just going to get hurt, I mean look at us now, look what happened tonight. We’re not good for each other, and the team might suffer for it later on.” His face dropped when you finished. You could tell he expected another answer from you.
“How can you say that?”
“Zuko, all we do is fight! We argue about everything, we hurt each other and we’re hurting the team with our bickering and disagreements! What kept us going was the physical stuff...and if we don’t have that—“
“Look me in the eyes and tell me it was all physical for you.” He was staring deep into your eyes and you paused. Why couldn’t you just say it? A few words and this could all be over. No more fights, no more drama, nothing. You and Zuko would be nothing.
“Z-Zuko I—“
“You can’t say it because you don’t mean it.” he stated and you stepped back from him. “It’s more complicated than that, you know it!” You turned away from him. “How is it complicated? Yes we do fight, so what? That’s not an enough reason for me.”
“It is for me.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“It doesn’t matter!” You tried to leave the room.
“NO! Tell me what’s so complicated!” Zuko was holding your arm so you couldn’t leave. You bit your lip trying to stop the tears from flowing down your cheeks. “We don’t know what’s going to happen after this war. If I...if you...if something happens, and you know there’s a possibility that one of us...or both of us...” you stopped, you’ve lost your family already, you had no idea where they were, they could be dead, you couldn’t lose someone close to you again. Zuko loosened his grip on your arm, understanding what you were saying. “I’ve lost my family—“
“You don’t know what.”
“I do...and if I lose another person close to me again...”
“I won’t let that happen.” He whispered and you turned to face him. “Zuko, it’s just...I already felt losing you once over this whole thing...I’m not going to do that again and not just because of what the future holds but...how are we sure of any decisions we’re making now? I mean look at us!” Zuko stepped back and just watched you.
“You left your life in the Fire Nation twice and made two different decisions after each time. I didn’t want to leave when my father was banished, then ended up following him to only leave a week later because I felt like I could do more than hide. We’re erratic and unsure of everything, we can hardly make decisions on our own, what more commit? And the fact that there wasn’t even an “us” to begin with?” you sighed but Zuko seemed unbothered by your statement.
“Y/N...I may be unsure about a lot of things. I always think about how...if I’m making the right decisions not only for me but for the Fire Nation. I’m unsure about if this is the path Uncle Iroh wanted for me, if I’m teaching Aang the right skills. I’m unsure about the future because if my father wins, would this all be for nothing. I’m unsure about a lot of things Y/N, but the one thing I’m sure about in this whole fucked up situation is that I love you.” Your eyes widened in shock and his did too. You stared at each other for a couple of seconds, both of you unable to move.
“You don’t need to say it back, I’ve told you everything. I just had to let you know.” He whispered and with that he was gone.
You stood there motionless in the room. Zuko just said he loved you. The same Zuko that drove you crazy, that made snarky comments about your bending, that tested you till you’ve reached your limits. But it was the same Zuko that would hold you at night when you had nightmares, who reassured you whenever you worried about your family’s safety, Who would make sure you were safe whenever you were on a mission, who would secretly hold your hand when you were flying on on Appa because only he knew that heights made you nervous, the same Zuko who just told you he loved you, and you let him walk away.
You broke out of your trance then rushed to his room. You barged in but he was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, you saw a figure on the terrace looking out at the ocean. You walked outside and saw Zuko facing out with his arms spread across the balcony. His muscles looked tense and his head hung low. Walking towards him, you could feel your heart beat outside of your chest. You’ve been around Zuko a hundred times but this felt different.
You slowly wrapped your arms around his waist has you felt his body jump at your touch then relax. Leaning your chin on his shoulder and pressing your face against his, “I love you, Zuko.” You whispered and you could feel the smile on his face. Zuko turned around to face you and wrapped his arms around your waist. He looked down at you and you knew he was going to kiss you.
“Wait, I’m not Han, just making sure—“
“Zuko!” you slapped his arm then he laughed. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding.” You rolled your eyes and it felt like old times again.
“I love you, and I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise.” Zuko whispered and then he finally kissed you.
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attackfish · 3 years
Hello! I'm pretty sure you have an Avatar Toph AU, but I can't seem to find it. I'd like some of that, if you please :) Hope you're doing well
Universe tag: [Link]. Bring the Sky Down to Earth: [Link].
1. Zuko and his crew hear the horrible sound of buckling and crunching metal echoing from deep within the interior of the ship, and they glance at each other in cold dread. They know that sound all too well now, and they know just how much, or, more to the point, how little, damage it would take to make the ship cave in on itself. Toph stops. Her eyes go huge. One of Zhao's crew has the forethought to push her into the water while she's distracted.
2. Zhao and Zuko's crews both rush for Zhao's ships. Sokka grabs Katara's arm, and together they run. They jump the short distance across. Red and black armored figures swirl around them, making it to the safety of Zhao's ships. Iroh lands not far from them and weaves in and out of the Fire Nation soldiers to their side. But not everybody makes it. Just as Zuko's about to jump, his ship bucks in the water, and when he lands, it's not on the deck of another ship, it's in the water. Toph is struggling, flailing in the icy water, unable to keep her head above the waves. But suddenly, an arm wraps around her middle, holding her up, and the waves around them take on a stabler shape. A strong swimmer has her, and is holding them up in the water.
3. Almost as soon as Toph has gotten used to being able to breathe again, the water falls away sickeningly as she is swung into the air. The person with the arm around her grunts, and she knows that voice. It's Prince "capturing people is a fun hobby" Zuko. If she were the one doing the holding, she would have dropped him. But she can't feel the earth, only the hammer blows of his heart. "Wh-what d-do you w-want?" He yells, teeth chattering, and at first she thinks he's asking her. But he's not. No. He's not. "Why Prince Zuko, what more could I want than your safety, and the good of the Fire Nation?"
4. There is a terrible sucking sound. They tilt and swing dizzyingly in the air. Toph screams. Her voice is joined by a handful of sailors below. Zuko's shaking grows worse. His arm, clamped around her, tightens further, until it hurts. "Wh-what was th-that?" she stammers, teeth chattering as bad as his. His answer is hollow, like he can't quite believe it, like he doesn't know what to do about it. "My sh-ship. It's g-gone."
5. They sway in the air again. "Before I bring you onboard, I need to know a lite bit about your guest, Prince Zuko. "Which elements has she mastered?" Zuko scowls. She can feel it. "J-just earth. Sh-she can b-bend a little w-water." Then, with another sickening movement, they are dragged through the air. Zuko lets go, and they start to fall. Toph screams again, but she lands almost as soon as the scream starts onto a metal deck. The smug voice asks one last question. "And the Water Tribe brats?" Zuko's heart is beating fast again, like he's about to lie. "N-nonbenders, n-nothing sp-special."
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hi! i really like your posts and recently i came across some anti kataang arguments and i would like to see your opinion on that (if you want to answer because you must be very tired of answering those lol)
“i remember perfectly aang forcing himself into katara. not only once, but a lot of times. in that talk they were having during the play it was one of the moments aang was intrusive”
“i saw people saying that katara was jealous of aang with that kids in kyoshi island, which she obviously was not. she was annoyed at them”
“kataang had no development. it feels like a ship made out of nowhere”
“aang is completely obsessed with the idea of katara being his. proof is that episode were the guru tells him he has to let go of her and he choses to break the connection. it’s like: look what i did for you, you should stay with me. aang learning to let go would have been a evolution for his character”
“making them stay together in the end just because aang is the protagonist and has to stay with the girl is boring and adds nothing to the plot”
“he spend years after a girl that never felt the same for him”
hi anon! im very flattered you like my posts 🥰💛 and you’re not wrong that sometimes it gets a lil tiring addressing anti kataang arguments, but that’s because 90% of them are the same foolish rhetoric dressed up in a different costume, lol. i finally have some free time, so i’ll take a stab at these for you!
“i remember perfectly aang forcing himself into katara. not only once, but a lot of times. in that talk they were having during the play it was one of the moments aang was intrusive”
not gonna lie, this particular “argument” made me crack up laughing because they “remember perfectly… lots of times” but can only name one instance 😂 like i am on the floor, because trying to get away with that in a formal essay would earn them nothing more than a goose egg. you need evidence to support a claim, which this “claim” has none of. i mean,, when does aang force himself onto katara?? when katara initiates every cheek kiss they share?? when they are mutual participants in several shared hugs?? don’t get me started on DOBS - the Now or Never Kiss that falls under literally requires reciprocation from both parties, lol. but regarding the ever-so-infamous EIP episode they bring up:
This post talks specifically about EIP and the play’s portrayal of Aang and Katara (and how it cannot be used to define their relationship). This post explains the true source of Katara’s conflict in turning down Aang (i.e. the war itself and the risks the war presents for both of them) and why the EIP kiss did not “ruin” Kataang’s relationship. This post explains how the EIP kiss was resolved through narrative parallels. This post explains how the EIP kiss is so often blown out of proportion. This post explains how Aang did not “threaten” Katara in EIP (with some excellent commentary in the notes, too).
the fact of the matter is that yes, aang overstepped a boundary with katara there. no one has ever contested that because to do so would be to disregard canon, and here’s the thing about kataang shippers: we love atla canon. it gave us everything we wanted and more. (imo, that’s what anti kataangers don’t understand.) the EIP episode can be interpreted as a “low point” for many reasons, but the primary “takeaway” is that the play performed was imperialist propaganda that preyed on the gaang’s insecurities and demeaned them (much to the pleasure of the Fire Nation audience), which had negative consequences, one of which was aang kissing katara largely out of desperation. no one has ever excused that! thus, what i think isn’t clicking with anti kataangers is that aang and katara’s miscommunication in EIP is not a representation of their relationship being doomed to fail. aang made a mistake and immediately backed off without question or hesitation. katara has time to make her own decision and chooses to forgive him. doesn’t it strip more of katara’s agency away to conclude that katara could never ever ever forgive her best friend for a single mistake that - comparatively - could have been a whole lot worse?
(im just saying.)
“i saw people saying that katara was jealous of aang with that kids in kyoshi island, which she obviously was not. she was annoyed at them”
honestly, i have a question for whoever came up with this jfksjdasks. okay, yes, she was annoyed. that’s a given based on her exasperated eye rolls and sighs. but why was katara annoyed with them, hmm?
here’s my thing about katara’s feelings in this ep: jealousy and annoyance are not inherently the same, it’s true. a person can be annoyed without being jealous (obviously). as such, there are essentially two possible interpretations that have validity, although one in my opinion has greater weight in canon:
1. yes, it is possible to interpret katara’s annoyance that episode as being solely related to their delays on kyoshi island. one can reasonably argue that katara’s romantic feelings for aang were not as strong so early in the series (it’s only episode 4, after all, although lbr - she was Looking at aang’s tattoos in episode 1 lmao), and therefore the primary reason she was annoyed at the fangirls is because they were one of the causes extending their stay on the island when katara felt they needed to leave. it’s a fair interpretation.
2. a different and stronger interpretation, in my opinion, is that katara’s irritation was a product of both annoyance at their extended stay and jealousy of the fangirls’ obsession with aang. because here’s the thing about jealousy: it doesn’t have to be some extreme, exaggerated emotion/reaction! when katara gets jealous of on ji in book 3, she makes a single comment about aang and on ji dancing together. when aang gets jealous of jet in book 2 (because of sokka’s teasing), he, too, makes a single comment (i.e. that it would be a bad idea for katara to kiss jet). i bring these two moments up because they explicitly demonstrate within atla canon that reactions of jealousy do not have to be dramatique and outrageous, à la zuko throwing ruon-jian across the room in book 3, lmao. jealousy can be simple! kept to oneself! as such, katara’s disgruntled manner in that episode - which, might i add, is largely if not only shown in reaction to aang with the fangirls - can certainly be interpreted as a quieter form of jealousy akin to several other moments within canon.
more than that, however, if the writers did not at all want jealousy to be an interpretation on the table… why on earth would they have bothered to mention jealousy as a possibility? here’s the relevant excerpt from the episode transcript:
Koko: [Stomps her foot in annoyance and puts her hands on her hips, while another girl happily waves at Aang; irritated.] What’s taking you so long, Aangy?
Cut back to Aang and Katara; the former enthusiastically waves back at his awaiting fangirls, while the latter raises an eyebrow at the scene.
Katara: [Slightly mocking.] Aangy…
Aang: [Enthusiastically.] Just a second, Koko!
Katara: [Sarcastic.] “Simple monk,” huh? [Annoyed.] I thought you promised me that this Avatar stuff wouldn’t go to your head.
Aang: It didn’t. You know what I think? You just don’t want to come because you’re jealous.
Katara: [Close-up; angrily.] Jealous? [More high pitched voice.] Of what?
Cut to a broader shot. Aang moves back slightly, when an irritated Katara resumes to ferociously stuff the basket with more fruits.
Aang: Jealous that we’re having so much fun without you.
Katara: [Irritated.] That’s ridiculous.
(sidebar, but can i just say that seeing “ferociously stuff” to describe putting fruits away is arguably the funniest thing i’ve ever read sjkdhsjalks)
to me, this excerpt alone all but proves katara’s irritation is a mixture of annoyance at the girls’ (and aang’s) behavior/their delayed departure and jealousy regarding how the fangirls’ fawn over aang. katara clearly demonstrates frustration at aang’s seeming lack of concern for their time crunch and how he’s letting his status get to his head (and remember, y’all: this is very early book 1 aang, he’s barely begun to truly reconcile what it means to be the avatar and the last airbender, which is understandable and a-okay! can’t have growth if he doesn’t start somewhere!). that checks out. but next thing you know, katara’s reaction proceeds to dramatically heighten when aang teases the idea of jealousy to her. again: why include this moment if jealousy was never on the table whatsoever as an interpretation for her feelings of irritation? why make katara’s response intensify so strongly if she’s not jealous even a little bit?
in sum, while i don’t think katara’s aggravation is solely fueled by jealousy, the episode itself points to jealousy as at least a part of it. simple!
“kataang had no development. it feels like a ship made out of nowhere”
this take screams willful ignorance, like did they even watch the whole show?? it’s not worth addressing over and over, ngl.
This post and this post explain how Katara’s feelings for Aang develop throughout the series. This post explains how Aang consistently supported Katara throughout the series. This post demonstrates how Kataang is literally ingrained in every episode.
“aang is completely obsessed with the idea of katara being his. proof is that episode were [sic] the guru tells him he has to let go of her and he choses [sic] to break the connection. it’s like: look what i did for you, you should stay with me. aang learning to let go would have been a evolution for his character”
“completely obsessed” h e l p i weep for the lack of brain cells 😭 it is so hard to just say “kataang isn’t my cup of tea” and go?? seriously?? i thought we were past making stuff up to support shipping agendas. lord help us. real quick:
This post explains how Aang never acted like he was “entitled” to Katara’s affections. This post explains how Katara and Aang do not “idolize” each other. This post and this post talk about Aang’s chakra being blocked and unblocked, and how it had to do with fear, not attachment. This post talks about Aang and the Avatar State, explicitly discussing “The Crossroads of Destiny” and the notion of attachment/letting Katara go.
okay, let’s take this claim one sentence at a time:
“the guru tells him [aang] he has to let go of her [katara] and he choses [sic] to break the connection.”
first of all. FIRST OF ALL. can you imagine the hellfire that would have rained down if aang hadn’t chosen to go rescue katara? here is a piece of the episode transcript:
… Right before he is able to completely open the final chakra and master the Avatar State, however, he hears a shriek from Katara and sees a vision of her in chains. At this, he jumps out of the energy sphere and runs away from the Avatar Spirit. The energy bridge that leads him there slowly vanishes behind him until it catches up and falls from underneath him, causing his image to plummet toward Earth. This cuts his connection to the Avatar State, which forces him back to reality.
Aang: Katara’s in danger! I have to go! [Prepares to exit.]
Pathik: No, Aang! By choosing attachment, you have locked the chakra! If you leave now, you won’t be able to go into the Avatar State at all!
Aang hesitates but leaves anyway, leaving Pathik concerned and disappointed.
aang chose to leave because katara was in danger. if he had chosen to stay,, dear god. the vitriol that would have been thrown around. “aang doesn’t really love katara! he chose not to save her!” “aang is so selfish and greedy! he chose power over love!” it’s literally a catch-22. damned if he does leave, damned if he doesn’t leave. #fandomlogic
anyways, yes, sure, aang chose to leave, which at the time broke the connection. he was indeed in avatar state limbo for a Hot Minute. whoop de do.
“it’s like: look what i did for you, you should stay with me.”
logical fallacy: ad hominem, hasty generalization, ∴ not worth our time 💛
“aang learning to let go would have been a [sic] evolution for his character”
i have amazing news for those who perpetuate this take. aang did let her go! he would not have been able to enter the avatar state in COD if he hadn’t! point blank, it is utterly untrue to pretend aang did not “let go” of his attachment to katara. now, im not going to get into the concept of “attachment” here and what it truly meant for aang to have “let katara go” in the book 2 finale (if it was good, bad, etc. etc.). there is a lot of material to work with there that would require like,, an entire post to dig into, if not more. the fact of the matter is that aang did let katara go, and the proof is that he successfully entered the avatar state before azula killed him. the above claim thus sits in complete contradiction to canon and is a moot point.
“making them stay together in the end just because aang is the protagonist and has to stay with the girl is boring and adds nothing to the plot”
“making them stay together” again, is it so hard for someone to just say “kataang isn’t my thing, im gonna stick to fanon pairings, but y’all have fun” i mean that really, really does not seem so difficult to me! also, “making” is a hilarious word to use just because,, atla is a work of fiction. in that respect, the writers “made” everything happen. you cannot escape their sphere of control.
anyways. that’s just funny to me lmao
but no, aang and katara did not get together in a romantic fashion just because aang was the lead male protagonist and katara was the lead female protagonist. i refer back to these posts from earlier:
This post and this post explain how Katara’s feelings for Aang develop throughout the series. This post explains how Aang consistently supported Katara throughout the series. This post demonstrates how Kataang is literally ingrained in every episode.
aang and katara got together because their relationship had been developed since episode 1, duh. reducing their relationship to “lead guy + lead girl” completely disregards the legwork done and the foundation laid for their romantic partnership. like, all someone has to do is rewatch the show 😂 and i hate to break it to whoever created that take, but to say kataang “adds nothing to the plot” again ignores how their relationship is one of the two most important in the show (the other being aang and zuko’s relationship as narrative foils). it is not a cheap coincidence that kataang embodies multiple complementary themes/motifs of atla: push and pull, yin and yang, air and water, oma and shu, etc. etc. their relationship adds emotional depth! how is that not relevant to the plot! atla is a show where just about every relationship is important in some regard (this post touches upon how aang alone transforms all of his friends - think of the bigger picture, then, and how every other dynamic weaves in a crucial thread to create the beautiful tapestry we call atla!).
my point is that kataang is relevant to the plot the way every relationship in atla is, whether or not someone ships/enjoys them. you cannot have a good show without having intimate relationships (emotionally, i mean). can you imagine if someone said zuko and iroh’s relationship wasn’t relevant to the plot?? there is a reason it is such a powerful moment when iroh and zuko reunite in the finale. similarly, there is a reason yue’s sacrifice and sokka’s consequential (and lasting) grief is so poignant. there is a reason it is so heartbreaking when katara and sokka have to leave behind their father at the beginning of tsr. to tie back to kataang, there is a reason it is so hard to watch katara dismiss aang in that same episode. there is a reason so many people are moved when katara pulls aang out of the avatar state when appa is stolen. there is a reason emotional reactions are incited during atla and it is because these relationships are so important!! i don’t care if someone thinks kataang is “boring” - that’s their opinion, they have a right to it. but to insist their relationship wasn’t relevant to the plot? to the story? when in fact it was a key component from episode 1?
are you kidding me?
“he spend years after a girl that never felt the same for him”
“years” lol doesn’t atla take place over the course of a year at most? pretty sure this person didn’t even watch the show 😂 for a third time, i refer to these posts:
This post and this post explain how Katara’s feelings for Aang develop throughout the series. This post explains how Aang consistently supported Katara throughout the series. This post demonstrates how Kataang is literally ingrained in every episode.
i hope i addressed these (nonsensical) arguments to your satisfaction, anon! a lot of them are the same tried-and-failed anti kataang arguments, smh. not to incite new discourse lmao, but it’d be nice if there was at least some variety 😂 thank you again for your kind words, my friend! 💛
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FISI’s Favourite Zutara Fics
A lil late for ZFAW’s Saturday prompt, sorry about that! Haven’t had any internet over the weekend. But better late than never!
I’m not gonna lie… a lot of these are angsty af. But I promise you they’re not gratuitous angst! They’re well written, beautiful stories that will make you feel like a better person for having read them. These are my favourite all time fics, ones I’ve read more than once and will continue to read (even though I’m taking a week break from fandom and fic).
 Multi-Chaptered Fics
The Sparrowkeet Series by audreyii_fic
To be honest, this story’s summary doesn’t do it justice so I ain’t including it. Originally a one shot, Sparrowkeet is headcanon for me now. Move over canon, this is where it’s at. Audreyii_fic’s characterisation, world building, and writing is exquisite. It’s incredible. She manages to channel the same fun and whimsical energy from the show while allowing the characters to grow and develop to places I wish they had actually been taken.
This one is a fandom Must Read and one I return to regularly.
 Clothe Me in Seasons, Dress Me in Snow by sadladybug
It is not the memorial she deserves, nor the one she would want. But it can't be helped. He owns no property in the other nations, and he needed to keep her close. Closer than she was in life, anyway.
Zuko's reflections on a life lived and a life that could have been.
This is one of the best written fics I’ve ever read. It’s tragic and deep and will hurt you in all the tender places but you would be doing yourself a favour if you read this. There’s a real bittersweet feeling to it and the love between them is just… urg, visceral.
 Lovable by LadyCharity
Zuko knew that he could not save Azula. He could only try to forgive her. Fittingly enough, those two were one in the same.
I love stories that make Zutara their centerpiece but every now but then a story like this comes along. A story where their relationship builds almost incidentally because the plot and character development straight up hijack your emotions. I got so invested in this story. Zuko is amazingly well characterised and his complicated thoughts and feelings around his father and Azula are incredibly well written!
 One Shots
Lunar Ephemerality by @formerlygoldilocks (goldilocks23)
After multiple failed attempts on his life and years of self-set expectations, Fire Lord Zuko is a shell of the man he used to be. But Katara won't turn her back on those who need her.
I really didn’t expect this to hit as hard as it did. This straight up snuck up on me, fly-kicked my feelings, and by the end I had written an 800 word comment that was too big for AO3 and I had to contact the author directly to send it to her. Awkward. I couldn’t help myself. The side to Katara we see here is so good, her empathy and love for her friends are one of the things I love seeing most in AtLA fanfic. I’m a sucker for Zuko having complete breakdowns and having to piece himself back together too. So sue me. I like it when they suffer a lil bit. The writing is absurdly good and I will be keeping an eye out for any new stories by goldilocks23!
 31 Minutes by @ifyouwereamelodymeg
It's quite astounding, really, how quickly she's learned to translate him. They've spent a grand total of zero time together outside of training, and he's hardly big on chat so she knows next to nothing about his life.
But she knows him, probably better than she knows anyone at the moment – with every tap of his fingers, every crook of his lips, every turn in his voice, he just...
He makes sense to her. It's weird.
I’m a sucker for fic writers playing with style to make the story pop and boyo does this fic deliver. This is one of the rare times that I’ve been dumbstruck at the end of a story— I just couldn’t accept the ending. Because I’m a sucker for pain, (and this story will bring The Pain) I loved it. The ease of Zuko and Katara’s growing relationship in this bowls you over, it’s absolutely beautiful and you find yourself nodding along emphatically when Zuko calls himself an idiot for waiting… “Life’s short, kids, live each moment as though it could be your last,” says this fic as it pulls my heart out and dropkicks it off a cliff.
 i count to five (and life passes by) by @markedmage
Five heartbeats.
I still haven’t forgiven Mage for this one. I think it’s the best thing she’s written to date! I mean, tragic and painful and heart-rending but holy shit is it powerful <3
 The Lake of the Dismal Swamp by @thewhiitelotus
Spook af. Spook (horror) is real hard to do well but thewhiitelotus is coming for your goosebumps and those shivers down your spine. She has a way of balancing beautiful, evocative imagery with action (in this and other stories of her) that just keeps you reading!
 Calloused by @rideboldlyride
Iroh hadn’t been able to watch. The pure horror of a man - a father- burning their child for a slight infraction... He couldn’t do anything to stop it, but he will stop his brother from destroying entirely the kind boy he knew Zuko could be.
This is a painfully underappreciated fic for how great the characterisation is. I know we in the zutara fandom tend to not read stories that aren’t Zuko/Katara centric as often but do yourself the favour of reading this (or listening to it: RideBoldlyRide has done us the gift of recording a podfic for this and it’s stupidly *good*). This story is Iroh confronting Ozai just after he burns Zuko’s face and it kicks.
 four days and three nights by @hinaoyamas (lettersfromnowhere)
Zuko discovers firsthand that nothing is more fleeting than happiness, or more enduring than memory.
Do you like reading stories with a distant, omniscient narrator? The kind that read like a myth from the ancient world? Welp, hit the hyperlink, friend, cause this one’s for you. Not only is the writing exquisite but the characterisation and painful inevitability of the plot is grade A.
 For the Fire Nation by tullyblue12
He falls in love with her for his country before he falls in love with her for himself. A Zuko/Katara AU that explores how love and duty aren’t always mutually exclusive.
There are about 40,000 exquisite lines in this story but here is just one of my favourites: “He falls in love with her for his country first. That’s what his people never understand.” This fic says a lot with so few words, which is something I really look up to! In 2,800 words, tullyblue12 does what some 100,000k fics cant: They make you feel.
 Guide Me Home by Rashaka
To sleep, perchance to dream. Katara and Zuko find a friendship they never expected in a place that seemed impossible.
This is a one shot I will forever wish for a continuation of. The setup is just… so juicy. There’s a real sorrowful innocence to this story that the unique short, dialogue only scenes really punch home. I know some people don’t like dialogue only fics but when done well like in this one, it leaves you with the impression of something deeper than a 1,185 word fic has any right to! 
 Other Favourites!
Hopeless by tullyblue12 — Kids grow up fast when a cruel world awaits them. In times of hopelessness, Katara and Zuko grow together. In times of separation, they hope to see each other again.
Speechless by goldilocks23 — Zuko has a medical condition. Or: Zuko speaks in haiku at inappropriate times.
Don’t Follow Me Down by eleventy7 — Katara is the dread queen of the underworld, ruler of the dead, destined to reign her cold kingdom alone. Until a sun god catches her eye. A Hades/Persephone retelling with incredible writing.
I Don't Speak Meow Language by @botherkupo (Boogum) — In which Zuko adopts a cat and Katara just wonders what spirits she pissed off to deserve this fate.
I have the privilege of being friends with some of these authors (they know who they are) and am in near daily awe and gratitude for the works of free fiction they provide us, the fandom. And not just any old stories: Guys... Really good ones!! Can I ask that if you go check out these fics, can you just drop a kudos or a comment their way? If you’re feeling shy just copy and paste this into the comments box anonymously: “WOW! Loved this! Thank you so much for writing it!”
I know it would mean the world to this talented bunch <3
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