#and you've had a horrible no good very bad week so when you ask Childe for hugs he goes '!!!!!!!!!' and immediately gives
assigning all your characters to their expeditions, sending them to domains to farm, telling them what commissions to do- you're their Player, their User, and they all love you in their own ways, even more so now that you're here in person. but to be honest, this week hasn't been kind to you. it's just been one thing after another- small things, things that really shouldn't even matter- but they just pile up and up and up until you're left with a mountain of troubles that leave you exhausted and disheartened. still, you try to put on a mask of cheerfulness so your Characters don't worry- some of them fret an awful lot- and begin to assign their daily tasks. a few to collect supplies, another team to farm materials, a couple for each commission here and there, and finally you shoo your strongest off to fight bosses. except… "Not you, Childe. There's… something else I want you to do" Childe blinks curiously but turns and follows you, eager to find out what you have planned for him today. "So, what's the rush comrade? Is there something important I need to fight for you?" but you shake your head and pull him into your teapot, standing awkwardly before him and fiddling with your fingers. his smile fades, replaced with a look of concern when he sees the expression on your face, like you're holding back tears. "Sorry… you're not fighting anything today, just… can you hold me for a bit? life has been hard, and-" you're cut off when Childe sweeps you into a hug, running a hand through your hair and tracing your spine with the other. with a sniffle you cling to him, hands holding his shirt in a vice grip as you cry. wiping away your tears, you look up, and he looks back down at you, eyes soft and full of care. "Can you do the thing I like…?" with a small smile and a crackle of painless electro he transforms into Foul Legacy, moving to bump his face against your cheek with a purr and a lick. it draws a watery laugh from you, and he rumbles affectionately at the sound, claws returning to your hair and back. for the rest of the day Foul Legacy spends time with you, carrying you in his arms and gazing with a look of pure adoration in his crystalline eye. he's with you for whatever you'd like to do, whether it be cooking or gardening or stepping outside for some fresh air- all are met with a resounding purr from Foul Legacy as he holds your small hands in his larger talons and dips his mask down as an imitation of a kiss, even if all you want to do in the end is curl up with him and take a nap. sure, it wasn't battle or sparring. but it made you smile again, which was all the more worth it.
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t3a-tan · 10 months
Failed Meeting - The Talk
A heart to heart.
Continuation of this!
Oliver was pretty upset with James when the human told him what had just transpired. James apologised profusely, but he knew that didn't make it right. Oliver told him not to push it, and he did exactly that…all because he was being selfish.
Oliver left immediately after, presumably taking Sammy back to his home to calm down after James had messed up so badly.
People could be cruel, but it genuinely sickened James to think of who could do such horrible things to not just a child, but a child the size of a finger. All he did for the rest of the day was go over what he had seen and what he had heard, spiralling with thoughts of what might have happened to her.
He was starting to understand why borrowers were raised to be so scared of humans. It was a miracle that Oliver was so calm and patient with him.
Oliver didn't come back for a week, and when he did he made sure to scold James properly.
"I told you that you would meet when she was ready..! I understand that you are happy about her returning to me, and I understand you want to help, but all you've done is made her more scared..!" He began, hands on his hips. Oliver was upset at James, though he did understand the human didn't have bad intentions.
"She's been having nightmares again, nonstop, and not only is that terrifying for her to experience but it hurts me having to watch her go through that. You hurt me by deliberately ignoring my warnings. Do you understand that?" He questioned, letting the hurt seep into his tone to drive home how severe James's actions were.
James kept his head lowered in shame, averting his gaze. He felt awful about it. He knew that if Oliver had gone behind his back and tried to meet his daughter before James was ready he would've been upset too…
"Is…is she okay..?" He asked, unsure if that was pushing it or not. Oliver stopped his rant, hands lowering to his sides. It was hard to stay mad at him— Oliver wasn't someone who held grudges easily, and he really cared about their friendship.
As much as he wanted to continue to vent his frustrations, doing so wouldn't help. He could see by the way James was sitting and how his voice was so meek that the human understood he had made a mistake.
"Other than nightmares, yes. They've been calming down now, which is why I was able to come here and speak with you." He explained, returning to a calmer disposition since yelling wasn't very productive.
James nodded slowly.
"I don't want to be scary. I fucking hate it, Oliver— I-I don't think I'm a bad human, but you're the only borrower who can even tolerate me apparently, and it's just… I don't know. I'm letting you down…" James spoke with an air of sadness and frustration, bouncing his knee anxiously.
Oliver bristled a little at those words. He hadn't really thought about James's perspective in this situation. Oliver was used to being the voice of reason, and used to being trusted, not feared. He hadn't been addressing James's feelings over other borrowers, because he had been focused on trying to prevent another incident.
He supposed some blame should be shouldered by him thanks to that; his pressure to not make a mistake again may have pushed James to want to prove himself more.
"Lean closer." Oliver directed, gesturing for James to lean in. The human finally met his gaze again with confusion, but leaned in nonetheless. Oliver could tell that his eyes were slightly watery, but he didn't mention anything about it, instead walking closer. Oliver placed his hands on either side of James's face, looking into his eyes with a serious expression.
"You do not need to impress me, alright? I am your friend. I will always be your friend, because as much as other borrowers struggle to see it, I can see you are trying so very hard to do the right thing." His gaze softened. "You are a good human, and I am not friends with you because you're perfect— I'm friends with you because I enjoy your company."
Oliver tilted his head.
"You do not have to be some human ambassador for borrower-kind. You don't even have to be an example… I like being your friend because you are funny and intelligent and caring— even though I may struggle to pick up on your humour." He offered a reassuring smile. "I'm not going anywhere. You don't have to be frightened."
James blinked, wondering how on Earth Oliver had picked up on all that from what he had said. He felt denial on the tip of his tongue— he wasn't scared, he was scary. Oliver had it wrong, clearly…
His eyes stung but he wouldn't allow himself to show any weakness.
"Okay." He responded, feeling embarrassed to have his feelings so expertly picked apart. He leaned a little closer, moving his hands to surround Oliver as he ducked his head down, closing his eyes, leaning into the borrower's touch. His words were slightly muffled thanks to his head being down. "Thank you, mate…"
Oliver gently patted James's forehead, thankful that his words had gotten through as intended.
He was determined to make this work.
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blingblong55 · 1 year
Hello! I hope you've had a good day or night, I have a request. Been having a bad week thanks to anxiety (fuck you) and was wondering what the 141 boys + könig's reaction would be if a member of the team, named SunBun, who has social anxiety but is usually very chatty and full of energy stopped being themselves, was closed off, didn't talk as much, wasn't constantly showing everyone funny videos, etc. After a bit they find out the new member of the team was a complete Asshole to SunBun and told them to shut and that he didn't wanna talk to the "most useless member of the team". If this makes you uncomfortable you don't have to do it. Have a good day/night
Fourth of July- 141+ König
First of all, I hope you are doing great now, so here's so a little something to help ease ya.
A/N: please ignore the title...I might change it but for now its..well..that.
R/n is the human embodiment of golden retriever energy. She is everywhere, always spreading their kindness around the base. By now everyone has gotten used to this. She is always there when you feel low she's there. She has social anxiety, making friends back home wasn't easy. But here, she tries her best to as social as possible. Always talking the ears off of her team and any soldier that's near her. She has an amazing memory, and everyday she lets her tongue roll, filling her boys with useless information. "A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out" she says while sitting on the counter top of the bases small kitchen. "read it in a book back in 4th grade."
After training and meetings you'd show the boys videos that you would find funny. They adored how you laughed so loud it made your stomach hurt, your smile and laughter was contagious, and in their line of work this was the one escape they had.
SunBun had become your new name around base, but only your boys were allowed to call you that. The name started when you had told the team how back home you have a farm, all day you could show pictures of your bunnies, and quite frankly you reminded them of a bunny, so soft to touch, tiny and fast as one too. You had quickly become their ray of sunshine on missions. That was the origin of SunBun.
However the pasty 2 weeks were different. No one had heard you tell your jokes or useless facts, or random bursts of giggles. All day today you sat and stayed quiet. Only talked when needed, no jokes or a single smile. Soap even missed his daily bear hugs from you. Ghost needed your random bursts of energy. You went from your room to the kitchen and to the meeting room, and when no one needed your help you'd be back in your room. Even some rookies missed how you'd teach the about different flowers and how they can be preserved.
Price knew you always recharged your social battery at night, you'd go to bed at 9 and he knew you needed to be alone. But a week? That was too much. When asking around Gaz found out the new team member had treated you so horribly. His nickname was Steel, he was a good soldier and a recommendation from some of Price's old buddies.
Gaz had heard from some rookies that he had called you "the useless member of 141". They had reported seeing you greet him with a handshake and your classical smile. But after you explained your roll in the team he said "SunBun? what a shit name," he chuckled "oh. um" you went silent immediately. "And your role here is useless...you give us nothing to use...you just run around like a child...seriously grow up." his voice sounded so cocky. You just stared at the ground, tears threatening leave your eyes. "I better get going" you said and walked away. Ever since that encounter you have completely shut down.
This is how each one of them reacted:
Cpt. Price:
He looked for you everywhere, all your favorite spots, but soon found you in your room, reading some book
"Steel called you useless?" "yes. and maybe he is right"
He walked up to you and cupped your face in his hands.
"You my dear are not useless, think of how much you have helped us at base and in missions. How much your kind heart has made ours feel warm."
You started to cry and he wiped every tear, he would sometimes kiss your eyes and pretend your tears were very salty and make funny faces.
You giggled and hugged him.
He caressed your hair and whispered sweet nothings.
"I will always protect you from assholes like him, because nobody hurts my SunBun."
He kisses your forehead multiple times. As well as your hands and cheeks.
Once you have calmed down he lays you in your bed.
He lays with you and tells you stories of his past and lets you fall asleep in his arms.
The next day, steel is called to his office. where price lets him know he has been reassigned to a new team.
But before he left, Price wanted to spar with him.
Safe to say he let out all of his anger on him. Nobody stopped him.
He missed his ray of sun, your random noises while trying to do an activity on the field.
His way of love is like “Since we’re alone” by Niall Horan (if you don’t like Niall…we can’t be friends tbh he’s my Irish lover)
Sgt. Gaz:
the moment he found out why you had been acting so different he walked up to Steel, he confronted him.
with help of soap, steel received what I call "military discipline" (a lot of punching and a lot of bleeding (from steel ofc)).
He then ran to your room, covered in some blood he poorly tried to wipe off.
There he found you, laying in your bed reading a book.
"SunBun?" his voiced softened once his eyes met yours.
You knew why he was there and soon your eyes watered
you told him everything he had said.
He held you in his arms as you cried a little.
He took his phone out and showed you videos of ducks in ponds, or highland cows.
He saw how your frown had disappeared.
"I will always keep you safe from this cruel world my sweet darlin'" he whispered as he kissed your forehead.
He spent all day making paper flowers with you!
"you aren't what he said you were...to me you're the most intelligent, kind, brave, generous, funniest, loyal and most sincere person I've met."
"if you only knew how much I admire your happiness"
God did he miss you. Although you were around base he missed the feeling of excitement you brought him.
That night he let you talk his ears off!
I want to srsly hug Gaz…i just know he gives the most warmest of hugs
He gives me “Lover” by Taylor swift vibes
Sgt. Soap:
You can't convince me this man wouldn't try to unlike steel
he would punch the living shit out of him and then guilt trip him to think he got that from an enemy at a mission
he'd make sure he would never hurt you again
"say it..and y'better mean it"
Steel *: "I'm sorry r/n, I'm sorry that I called you useless...I'm the one who is useless"
Soap would then take you to the kitchen and cook your favorite meal.
"Only for my sweet SunBun" he'd said as he serves your food
After you'd finish your food he'd take you to your room and read a book to ya.
You'd be cuddled against his chest, when he would feel your tears fall on his shirt.
He'd stop reading and just rub your back while giving you constant forehead kisses.
"Y'are smart. Y'are kind and y'are beautiful"
You'd cry even more
"Don't cry my angel...please don't cry"
He would tell you all about his family back in Scotland, how much they'd love you if they would meet you.
He would pull a blanket over you and make sure you stay warm and comfortable.
"If another person calls you 'useless' you tell me and I'll take care of it...because liars deserve punishment"
That night he stayed up with you, listening to you and those fascinating stories
I know for a fact this man would play Hozier’s “would that i” just to set a calm mood.
L.t. Ghost:
this man would have to be stopped before he kills steel.
he leaves him with cuts on his face, a bloody nose and so much more
he'd go and look for you, his anger would leave the moment he saw you. Like no joke he’d go soft the second his eyes found you.
His voice would go from harsh and loud to sweet and soft, as if he spoke any louder he’d hurt you
I know people say he is like emotionless but you’re the exception. You have him wrapped around your finger
He gives me cottage core vibes when he’s with you, (please tell me you get this)
When he approaches you he is slow, as if you’re a ticking bomb
Once he wrapped his arms around you, you lost it. Your tears fell on his shirt and he’d make remarks like: “such a shame..i liked this shirt” “can always buy a new one…so wipe that runny nose of yours”
God this man would be such a softie, he’d hold you close to him, and would wait for you to calm down,
He would listen to you all night and would say: “SunBun, you are the starts to my night sky, never underestimate your power, useless is the one who can’t be kind…and you my love are more than kind.”
When in his arms he’d rock you two, until you fell asleep.
He knows you are comfortable in his arms so he wouldn’t move all night.
While asleep, he’d also tell you sweet nothings.
He would probably cry a little, because how can human, as kind, beautiful, and so goddamn annoying (sarcasm babes), think they are useless?
Often while looking at you sleep, he would probably thank anything for bring you in his life.
Because of you this man knows what an angel looks like. He gives me “Take me to church” vibes yk?
This man is already feared by everyone because of his height, so when he heard who was the reason for you acting so ‘off’ he immediately thought of two things
1. He had to find you, he knows how bad your social anxiety can get, he knows from first hand how that feels like, so when steel made you feel so little, he had to hug it out of your system
2. Had to find Steel, he wanted that man to pay for what they did to his “liebling”,
Price had to intervine and had steel taken to the infirmary for major damage
Gosh, the power you have over this man is insane, one second he is so close to killing another soldier and the next one he is on his knees, looking up at you
“König, get up, the floors cold” you said, still staring at some random book.
“I know what happened r/n,” his hands met your knees
“You are more than enough for this team…you aren’t childish liebling”
You started to cry, your sniffles filled the room.
”Please don’t cry” he cupped your face in his much bigger hands. He wiped your tears and proceeded to plant soft kisses on your face
You giggled a little, his heart stopped for a little. That giggle of yours drove this man crazy.
He for sure laid you down on your bed and after much hesitation laid on top of you.
He is like the best weighted blanket one could ask for.
He has always given me gentle giant vibes. Like everyone is afraid of him because of his height but not you, because you know all this man needs is a hug at the end of the day and of course a social battery recharge.
He for sure waited ‘til you feel asleep so he could get up and help you clean your room.
I know for a fact he brought some snacks and waited to you woke up.
He softly whispered “morning SunBun. I brought us your favorite” with his cute little Austrian-German accent poking through.
He make my heart melt because since he knows how bully and social anxiety do to one person, he makes sure for months on end to always be near you, always assuring you, you’re his best person (he can’t put his love for you into words…clearly)
He gives me “Fire away” By Niall horan…if you disagree..fight me babes bc i know for sure he is just..the sweetest.
I sure hope you enjoyed this!!
Tags: @g4y-gr3ml1n
Requests are open!!
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septembersghost · 11 months
I know you've become a celebrity news blog kind of against your will lol so you don't have to answer this, but I was thinking about the main pop girl stories this year & how it's escalated and it putting TS' situation into perspective helpfully. Because it's like: woman loses the man she thought she'd marry, acts petty, has a lil menty b, dates hideous rebound for four weeks, dips. MH's disgusting comments and behaviour aren't her fault, and they're fling is over now, she's distances herself. Her history of being a lovely human being is so long that a bad choice with a nasty man is forgivable. Then AG's affair. It's gross and distasteful, horrible for his wife and child, she and the sponge should be mocked until the end of time, but you mentioned how it's not that unusual. It's shitty but people do this, and Hollywood has a ton of these stories. It didn't ruin Angelina, and everyone involved in that was WAY more famous. Why is it our business who everybody's sleeping with if we're here for the art? Maybe it's because I don't care that much about AG, but she has the bad relationship track record that people think TS has. This isn't that off brand for her and doesn't really change my opinion. Wicked will be good or bad separate from them. But then there's Lizzo. Building a brand on acceptance and lifting ppl up only to be exposed as emotionally manipulative, abusive, literal sexual harassment (or is it assault?), mistreating people who work for you. That's low and despicable. That I can't forgive because that speaks to the heart of the art itself as hollow. All three of them earned their careers but I don't fuck w someone who shames and traumatises others. You know? Personal mistakes with fuckboys and causing harm to your workers are hugely different topics but sometimes online stans don't seem to get that.
Thanks for listening, I think you get alot of these messages because you don't answer them as only snarky gossip, so it's good to vent to someone who'll understand ❤
remember when my asks were mostly fictional character meta, but then i was unhappy with how the stories unfolded and for various reasons had to distance myself from the respective fandoms, and now we're here. 😳 i opened the door to discussion though, it's okay! if/when i'm not comfortable with something, i don't feel pressured about it anymore, i answer what i can.
so there's a lot to unpack here, and i'm not even sure where to begin with the layers of it, but want to preface this by saying anything i reply is not directed at *you*, but rather a general sort of observation.
these stories are all very different and require different responses, so it's a little tricky that they're being compared at all, even though i get it because they all involve very famous women in music. i think one of the first issues to reflect on here is, in fact, the way we approach and discuss things involving successful women and the almost ravenous hunger to take them down a peg the moment they show a flaw or make a bad choice. while i don't condone the things that man has said and done, it's curious to me how quickly it turned into a conversation of taylor being tainted by him forever, an odd melding of shaming and blaming that went beyond the careful concern regarding awareness and accountability. it was upsetting for many fans, myself included, but thankfully brief, and the intentional distancing made moving on the healthier choice. with ariana, infidelity is terrible and the story has several "juicy" angles that are easy to glom onto and laugh about, and the situation is ongoing, but ultimately is it our business? it's not a positive reflection on her character, but is it something that changes her overall abilities? obviously i am far more familiar with taylor's person and history than i am with ariana (or lizzo, but we'll get there), so i know how taylor is always reported to have treated people, to have shown her character, and her consistent graciousness has the most weight to me. i don't know exactly what ari's overall reputation is in that sense. but the concept of...forgivableness...regarding private mistakes or bad choices is difficult to parse. i've talked about the necessity for willingness to extend grace and allow for growth a lot, but of course everyone decides individually where/when/how they can offer that, especially to artists they admire but don't know. i feel like romantic missteps are less our purview than open bigotry or criminal actions, if that makes sense. one scandal doesn't equal another. do fans have the right to expect an apology? with ari, is that even fair to ask when the only person/people who really deserves that is his wife (and his child) and possibly her husband? where is that line between the personal and the public?
you mentioned angelina, and i've seen others bring up the debbie reynolds/eddie fisher/elizabeth taylor affair, but there are a lot of differences there considering in both of those cases, all the people involved were very famous. lilly is not a public figure, and ethan was not particularly known before this (even as a broadway fan, i'd somehow never heard of him). and yet, despite debbie being america's sweetheart, and elizabeth's reputation with lovers, neither of them were colored by that forever (though carrie worked it hilariously into her writing and show), debbie even forgave liz later in life and they made up, which was her choice. i never associate liz with her scandalous accounts because she was so much greater than that alone, but i've mentioned before that unfortunately i couldn't be a fan of anyone from old hollywood if messy romantic entanglements were deal breakers, so, again, that's in however one individually chooses to approach it.
then there's lizzo. i liked her, but only casually knew a little about her. the allegations are horrendous, and i'm not going to sugarcoat that, but at the same time, the idea of it being unforgivable and permanently destroying gives me pause only because of the tone of the conversation. granted, they've never done anything abusive like this, but taylor and ariana are both thin white women from privileged backgrounds (upper middle class and very upper class respectively). there's a little too much glee from some in canceling a plus size black woman who represented a lot of positivity for many in her audience, and for people who are underrepresented, in reveling in the fact that she's been "revealed" as nasty. the concept of what's "unforgivable" concerns me slightly. it's disappointing (and disturbing) behavior, no doubt. yet so many far worse people, especially men, have gotten total passes for heinous actions. it doesn't mean she should be given free reign to mistreat people with impunity, she absolutely should not. i fully support her dancers in speaking out, and anyone who's been mistreated working for her, it's awful, and they deserve better and were right to file the suit. i hope they get reparation and support through this. but do we destroy and write off lizzo forever, or do we hope there's some room for her to learn and change? when men guilty of criminal abuse are still thriving? is there a way for her to even make amends? what does it mean if there isn't? and i truly don't know the answers.
this is all rhetorical, but i do...stop and wonder if sometimes online commentary is fervent for comeuppance aimed at successful women, and even if the discussion is deserved and begins reasonably, it gets taken really far - it starts casting them as permanently stained, sinful [insert slur here], divas, armchair diagnosing them with personality disorders (i have seen malignant narcissism and BPD invoked way too often, and not only is that crossing a line, it also increases stigma against people really dealing with those diagnoses), shaming their bodies, their sexuality, their writing, their fundamental existences beyond what the core of the story is, and i feel like some caution is warranted in that regard.
all that said, i totally get where you're coming from on seeing the levels of seriousness here. and there are markedly disparate personalities, circumstances, behaviors, and reactions involved in each of these stories, and different levels of upset and emotion too. maybe amends can be made and maybe they can't, and sometimes we can healthily move on, and sometimes something is too serious and requires further consequence. harmful bigotry/isms and abuse deserve whatever vitriol they get, like criminal actions require adjudication, but do poor choices about bedfellows? we certainly can't solve any of it, our only power is in response, and the one thing i try my best to do is remember that we're talking about real human beings, and however that can be handled appropriately and within reason for each individual.
sorry this is so long and rambly, but i appreciate you all being willing to discuss with and trust me. <3
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chasingpj · 3 years
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬
pairing: percy jackson x child of zeus!reader and jason x older sibling!reader
requested: yes!
warning: two curse words, mentions of stealing, death of a parent, and i believe that is it!
category: headcanons, fluff
a/n: i may have gotten too carried away but... i had a lot of fun writing this haha. i hope you guys like it!
Tumblr media
you and percy invented the phrase power couple but coming together took a while
your relationship dynamic would be very similar to thalia and percy's at first
you're both natural-born leaders, so you guys butt heads very often
you're more calculated and organized when it comes to things and percy being impulsive really annoyed you
he's lucky that even though he is impulsive, things somehow always work out in the end
if it wasn't for annabeth urging you guys to get along, you probably would still be at each other's neck
how did she get you guys to get along, you may ask?
she locked you guys in a storage closet :)
and said figure it out ♡
this happened after a friendly sparring practice turned into a full-on fight with your powers
annabeth insisted she wouldn't let you guys out until you declared to be friends
at the time, you were like, percy will never be my friend, ew
percy was just as annoyed
after a good hour of bickering and resisting your urge to choke him out
you guys found that you had a lot in common, actually?
huh, who would have known?
apparently annabeth
you guys talked about your life outside of camp and bonded over the worst teachers you've ever had
turns out, percy wasn't that bad
you'd never admit that out loud though
after a while, you started to feel things
were percy's eyes always that pretty?
yes, they've always been
oh look, those freckles over his nose? adorable
did you just call Percy adorable? yeah, you did… gross
you tried to deny your attraction to him
you were pretty sure this was a cruel joke from aphrodite (it was… more for your dad's than for you guys, though)
then you started noticing changes in his behavior too
now you guys were sharing blankets at the campfire when it got chilly
he even shared the blue cookies his mother sent him too
that's when you should have known he was down bad
both of you have awful sleep schedules
you hated sleeping in cabin 1
it was clearly built not to be slept in, and every few days, you found yourself having late-night conversations with percy at the docks
once the harpies snuck up on you and percy told you to get in the water with him
you didn't know how to swim, and you were kinda horrified of open water
you wanted to refuse, but you were cornered on the docks
you either jumped or got eaten
the last thing you said was that you couldn't swim before percy didn't give you a choice
he grabbed your hand and jumped in
his arm wrapped around your waist to keep you in the air bubble he had made around you guys
at first, you didn't focus on it
too busy trying to defend yourself from his teasing
he continued to mimic the way you screamed when he dragged you into the water
"wow, you can fly, but you can't swim?"
you rolled your eyes, trying to defend yourself
you called him annoying, and he playfully threatened to let you drown
you guys joked and laughed, staying a little too long underwater
after your laughter ceased, you found yourself looking into his eyes
the both of you became quiet
suddenly his arm around your waist, the way your chests were pressed against each other made you horribly flustered
and you're not sure what you were thinking
actually, you weren't thinking at all, but you leaned in and kissed him
like really kissed him, it was a proper kiss
probably would have kissed him longer if the water nymphs didn't giggle, exposing their little audience
once you pulled away, they scattered, ready to gossip about what they saw
the news made it to atlantis pretty fast
after the kiss, things were so awkward
you avoided him for days, and he avoided you
annabeth felt the tension, and she was upset because just when you guys were getting along, suddenly, you guys were avoiding each other
the battle of manhattan was approaching soon and the last thing anyone wanted was for you guys not to get along
you both avoided annabeth’s questions, not ready to confess what you guys had shared
eventually, annabeth kept pressing you about what happened
you blew up and admitted that you made out with percy in the water
annabeth was speechless before she burst into laughter
you didn't understand why it was so funny at first
but then you did
the both of you laughed until annabeth said that she wasn't surprised at all
the battle of manhattan comes around, and in the urgency of the moment, you guys were able to rise to the occasion
your movements, thoughts, commands were completely coordinated
you guys were an extension of each other, kicking ass
at the end, you were both offered immortality
the offer took you back to a conversation you guys had where you spoke about how you'd never want to be immortal
the both of you exchanged looks before you simultaneously denied the gift
zeus was offended x2
after that, you guys returned to camp half-blood
the both of you were upset at the campers you've lost and trying to recover from the adrenaline of battle
you and annabeth sang percy happy birthday and the three of you sat together and ate blue cake in a comfortable silence
weeks passed, and one day, you're met with annabeth barging into your cabin asking when you and percy are going to talk about your kiss
it was the last day of camp, and she was insistent on you talking to him
you reluctantly agreed, mainly because annabeth threatened to lock you in a storage closet again
you guys sat on the dunes in silence for a while
the both of you wanted to confess, but neither knew how to do it
after some silence, the both of you spoke at the same time
you stuttered over each other and then began bickering back and forth on who should go first until you blurted out that you like him
you cringed and looked away as percy froze in his spot
it was silent for a moment before percy whispered, "I like you too."
cue your second kiss
your teeth slightly bumping with his since the both of you were smiling so much
and you swore you heard thunder in the distance even though there were clear skies
you lived in a foster home on the other side of manhattan, so you guys saw each other every weekend
you guys went on movie dates, long drives, and you would sleep over pretty often
for the spooky season, you went to haunted houses and carved pumpkins
you watched horror movies together, teasing each other when one of you jumped and tried to cover your face during the scary parts
you went to his place for Thanksgiving and you arrived early so that the both of you could help sally cook all day
you and percy put blue food coloring on the mashed potatoes
for the first time ever, you felt like you were apart of a family since sally had welcomed you with open arms
everything was going great but then december came around
the last time you saw percy, you guys were christmas shopping for his mom
your last day of school ended a few days after his, so you planned to meet at CHB
but when you got there, you found out he never arrived
you called his home from the payphone in the big house
sally was relieved to hear from you, a part of her hoping he was with you
but you both found out that neither of you had heard from him in a few days
meeting jason
you and annabeth tried everything to find him
then you got a dream from hera that the answer to where percy is was with the guy with one shoe
you arrive and you find this blonde kid and not your boyfriend; you were kinda actually very annoyed
but this blonde kid felt familiar
you weren't sure what it was, and then you heard his name — Jason Grace
surely, it was a coincidence that he shared the name of your missing brother
you were too young to remember his disappearance
the only remembrance you had of him was a picture of the both of you as toddlers sitting happily beside thalia
you always wondered who was the little boy in the photo and it wasn't until a few years ago did thalia tell you about him disappearing
you were a bit wary of him at first, especially since he had no memory of where he came from
it wasn't until he conjured lightning with his sword, did you have no doubt in your mind that he was your brother
the first night you guys spent in the cabin together was awkward
you couldn't really catch up since he didn't remember anything, so you told him what thalia told you about him and your mother
you didn't reveal him everything, not wanting to overwhelm him and you had decided to call it a night before you went into detail
you explained the rest of the story after he came back from his quest
you tried to ask him questions hoping he’d remember more, but his memory wasn't coming back fast enough
both you and jason were growing frustrated, so one day you iris messaged thalia
the both of you came up with an idea to jog jason's memory by showing him things that he enjoyed as a toddler
jason was pretty sure it wouldn't work, but he went along with it
thalia recalled that the two of you really liked watching the flintstones as babies
so you and jason sat down and watched every season available on dvd
and well, it didn't work...
thalia also mentioned you both really liked sweets, so you tried to jog his memory with candy bars
you had to convince jason to sneak out of camp with you
he thought it was such a bad idea, but you reassured him he'd be fine
after reluctantly agreeing, jason and you escaped at night to buy actually steal candy bars from the closest gas station
jason panicked as he watches you shove candy bars in your sweatshirt
"we're gonna get caught"
"if you keep looking that scared, we just might," you replied a little too calmly
he tried to relax, but he just looked like he saw a ghost the entire time
on your way back, you may have electrocuted a harpy and fought a couple cyclops and all the fighting and running made you lose one of your snicker bars
you were upset, to say the least
unfortunately, after stuffing him with chocolate, that didn't work either
then you tried to show him the few pictures you were able to salvage before you were taken to the foster home after the death of your mother
jason sat in front of you on the floor as you pulled the box from under your bed
you smiled, finding an old picture of your mother, and you put it up to his face, taking in the similarities between the two
"yep, you look just like her," you confirmed as you smiled sadly
even though jason didn't know her, he felt a sense of pride when you had told him so
every time a memory would come back, you were the first person he told
when his memories with lupa came back, you were shook
and then you teased him, saying that he's basically a dog
once you threw a twig and told him to go fetch
he didn't find it as funny as you and leo did, but oh well
you also asked if he howled at full moons, and you were met with the straightest face you've ever seen on jason
it was the funniest thing ever to you
every week you guys kicked ass in capture the flag
you guys were more alike than you thought
it was guaranteed that whichever team you were on would win
in the months when the argo II was being built, you had a lot of times to bond with jason
your dynamic was really fun as you were a bit more rebellious and silly while he was a lot more responsible and mature
after the argo II departed
you reuniting with percy was something you thought about for months
you were so excited when the argo II was officially ready to fly over to camp jupiter
your pulse was thumping in your ears when you saw percy in the crowd
after months of worrying about where he was and if he was still alive, it was almost surreal to see him right in front of you
you lunged into him so hard, he stumbled back as you kissed him
just like your second kiss, the both of you were smiling so hard your teeth kept bumping against his
"i love your new look," you commented on his toga, and he snorted,
"oh yeah, it's kinda hot."
the both of you laughed, content to be in each other's arms again
after getting on the argo II, you were the reason jason and percy formed some sort of a friendship
you were the mutual ground for the both of them since they had a soft spot for you
the tension between the two was something you couldn't disregard and you hated how weird it was at the beginning
if they butted heads, you tried to mend the problem
you understood both of them well enough to understand where they came from
at some point, you and annabeth thought it would be funny to lock them in a storage closet
so you did
they kept complaining to be let out but eventually, they gave in
little did they know that you were standing near the door and listening to their conversation
jason told him how you helped him a lot and all the ridiculous things you made him do
and percy shared stories of you from quests and at camp
the both of them laughed and bonded over having someone as amazing as you in their lives
"y/n is pretty great," percy smiles
"yeah, they are," jason agreed
needless to say, your heart warmed at the praise from your two favorite boys
masterlists taglist: @xxyrr @nct127bee @mochabreezeee @minamisulemisa @yanfeisluvr @Slytherclaw-kitten @-thatgirloverthere- @passionswift @nanskidoodle @idk-bye-no @ilikefluffygingercats @all-hailreyna @autmngirlworld @Sunkissedskin1328 @Hermioneswifeee @quteez @hajigayy @aleksanderwh0r3 @drayshadow @tonyedwardstarkk @londoncherry @ashookykooky @lotusnegra666 @loverstyless
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Cassius being a jerk to Keefe, but from Cassius's point of view. Maybe Keefe starts to cry at some point idk
You've written tons of Keefe angst, correct?
Well, I challenge you, Cassius scolding Keefe.
From Cassius's point of view.
Good day.
Wow. Y’all just really want to suffer, huh?
Well. Jeez. 
Okay then I guess. Y’all picked your poison. 
Read tags before clicking.
Cassius Sencen was pissed. Pissed as hell. 
Although, you must understand, Cassius Sencen was nearly always pissed. Especially when it came to his son. 
That child was a demon from hell. 
How Gisela had ever given birth to such a horrible thing was beyond Cassius. He shoved it down, managed to keep it under control around others. It took a lot of effort not to slap the kid at the slightest infraction.  He was proud of that.
No, he was enthralled with that aspect of himself. It showed great restraint, great maturity, that he didn’t just treat the little devil like he wanted to. He didn’t know how the kid didn’t come home with black eyes from his teachers, the little thing was so awful. 
Cassius couldn’t stand to be around his kid more than he had to. So, he left him alone. Left the thing to himself, to draw his stupid art on the walls, like the idiot he was, and then crack his pencils into bits and make him scrub down the messy scribbles that ruined the perfectly good walls. 
Cassius always had to rule over his son with an iron fist. The kid simply wouldn’t listen to reason. Or warnings. Or gentle reprimands. If anything, being gentle with the kid made him worse. It made him more intolerable, more whiny, more annoying. He’d ask for things, never be satisfied with what he got. He was always more clingy, too. Cassius avoided anything that would make that little boy clingy. The kid was already disgustingly clingy enough. 
Once, when the kid was five, he’d crawled into Cassius’s lap without so much as a warning, and Cassius had been so affronted that he’d shoved the kid onto the floor without a second thought. Big, ugly tears had welled up in his son’s eyes, but he hadn’t been able to make himself care. With a sharp command to “Stop sniveling like a baby,” and a reminder that, “Boys don’t cry, only babies cry,” the kid had left in a rush to try and get his endless tears under control. 
That was one thing Cassius was proud of. The kid had learned really quickly that crying in front of him would not, under any circumstances, be tolerated. A night or two alone in a closet had done the trick. And Keefe was getting better at it, Cassius supposed. Slowly but surely. And now the kid was sixteen. Admittedly, the demon’s control over his emotions was about as strong as a three-year-old’s, but it was most definitely an improvement. Not a huge one, but an improvement. Not that Cassius would ever tell the kid that. The thing didn’t need more bloated compliments feeding his ego. He already got enough undeserved appreciation from other people.
Every single one of his little friends adored him. Cassius found it disgusting. Couldn’t they see that there was nothing good about his son? Even he could see it, and he was blinded by parental bias. His son was a wreck, and a useless wreck at that. There were very few things Keefe was good for. Maybe he could be used as a bad example for that Vacker kid. The good one. The one Cassius would have taken over Keefe any day of the week. What was his name? Ah, yes. Fitz. Cassius would have taken Fitz over Keefe at any time of day. 
Cassius was sure that if Keefe weren’t himself, and were Fitz instead, every single problem would simply be solved. 
The thought had only solidified in his mind as he watched his son flounder in every situation that the Vacker boy excelled. The Vacker boy did better than his son in everything, and Cassius looked at the spitting image of himself, cast in flesh and blood and wanted to spit on him. Honestly, he did. If he were his own son, he thought, he’d never have been such a disappointment. 
Maybe Cassius would have liked his kid a bit better if the demon ever bothered to put any effort into himself, if he tried to be proper, if he tried to be smart, if he tried to be put together. Instead, all Cassius saw were shortcomings. All Cassius ever saw were flaws. The bed wasn’t made, and if it was, the idiot’s shirt wasn’t ironed. The dishes weren’t done, and if they were, a cup had gotten cracked. His grades were horrendous, and if they weren’t, he didn’t get better grades than that Vacker kid. His kid always spoke derisively and insolently, and if he didn’t, he sounded weak and whiny. The idiot never stood up straight, and if he did, he wouldn’t quit fidgeting. 
So he never stopped demanding of Keefe. He couldn’t, logically. He needed to make his waste of a child understand everything that he was doing wrong. Honestly, Cassius thought at times, what was the point of having kids if they couldn’t do a single thing right? And so, as the years passed, the stakes grew higher. Logically, as you get older, the stakes do get higher. Things get more important. 
Cassius dragged his sixteen year old son away from his friends, spitting obscenities, telling him exactly what he thought of his foolish behavior. “What are you,” he hissed, and the kid winced, as though words could actually hurt him.
Cassius shook his arm, and the kid jolted, pulling away a little, but Cassius tightened his grip, his eyes glaring at the kid. 
Second-hand emotions flooded over him. Sorrow, anger, pain, disgust-- there it was. The only thing Keefe ever learned from. Fear. Cassius smirked at his kid, triumph flooding over him, knowing he had the little brat’s whole attention. “Well?” he asked, his voice all knives. “What are you?”
The kid didn’t say anything for a long moment. “Is that a rhetorical question or--”
“How stupid are you, idiot? When I ask you a question, I want an answer.”
The teenager blinked. “Coulda’ fooled me,” he said. 
Cassius jerked the kid’s arm instead of hauling off and slapping the kid in the face for his insolence. He was proud of the fact that he didn’t customarily hit his kid. It was a rather decent achievement on his part, that took a great deal of self control. “What are you, you little jerk?”
The blond menace sighed, deeply. “Cassius Keefe Sencen,” the kid had the absolute gall to grin at him. “At your service.”
“That’s right,” he hissed. “You’re a Sencen, and you carry my name. You take my name and with every stupid action like this, you make me want to leave you on a street corner and let you die.”
The kid rolled his eyes. “You can’t,” he said. “That’s against the law. You’re stuck with me and every stupid action I do. That’s just how the world works. You couldn’t get rid of me, even if you tried.”
“I could always accuse you of some crime,” he snapped, “Stars know you’ve committed enough to send you to the center of the earth and get your mind broken a hundred times over.”
The kid shifted from one foot to the other. “I’m a hero,” he said, softly.
“Who did you save,” Cassius snapped, his rage burning. “You couldn’t even save your mother, and she’s off fighting for some crazed pyromaniacs.”
The boy kept his eyes fixed on the ground.
“You’re just her legacy,” Cassius said, bringing up something that always made his kid listen. This was the only thing that worked on the thing, and it was the only thing anyone in their right mind would do. “You exist to carry on her plans and drag our family name through the mud.”
“Stars, Dad!” Keefe said, his eyes flashing, “It was just a stupid prank!”
“Oh, that’s all it ever is,” He snapped, pretending like the kid hadn’t been inches from getting kicked out of school and disgracing everything Cassius had worked so hard to build. He had fought and bled for this family, put in hours of sweat and time to get where he was, and now, the one thing that should have loved him more than anything else, his own son, lived to disgust him. “You’re so close to the place you came from that I wonder if you’ll ever wake up and realize that one day this will all come back to haunt you.”
“Like hell it will,” his kid spat, and Cassius was three inches away from throwing hands. The nerve of this kid, the sass and the backtalk, the sheer disrespect and insolence stored in the mind of this child was enough to send any self respecting Lord of the Lost Cities to an early grave. “I--”
“Shut up,” Cassius snapped. “You’re a disgrace to this family name, and a disgrace to me. You don’t even deserve to be here.”
The kid went very still, and Cassius grinned. There it is, he thought, that’s the reaction I wanted.
“You’re a monster from hell,” he hissed, and the kid winced, again, like words could hurt like blows could. What a pathetic little thing. Cassius couldn’t believe this creature was half-built out of his DNA. “You’re a genetic freak, an experiment.”
The kid shut his eyes tight, like he wanted to cover his ears, but couldn’t so he shut his eyes instead. “It’s not my fault--”
“Of course it is,” snapped Cassius, “You were born, after all.”
The kid had tears on his eyelashes. Cassius wanted to laugh. This was pathetic. This kid had heard all of these things, these true, accurate things, a million times in a million different ways, and he still couldn’t control his own emotions. He was able to let his own father wound him. It was ridiculous. Cassius was glad he’d never been as weak as his own son, to cry over a single insult that hit too close to home. “What,” Cassius demanded. “Are you going to cry?”
Keefe shook his head, fiercely. “I’m not crying,” he said, but his voice was clogged. 
“You’re crying.” He rolled his eyes. “That’s the most disgraceful thing I’ve seen all day. Imagine, a fully grown adult, crying because his dad hurt his feelings.” 
The kid’s tears pooled faster. “I don’t want to be crying--”
“And yet you still are. Stars, you’re so worthless it makes me sick to look at you.” Cassius turned away from the wreck of a kid. He honestly did not much care to see a smaller version of his own face corrupted in emotional pain. There was a reason Cassius never cried. He wholly blamed how disturbing and disgusting it was to see his own face emblazoned on his kid crunch into awful looking tears. He’d never cry again if that’s what he looked like. 
The kid sniffled, a little, and Cassius scoffed. “You’re a man,” he snapped. “Men don’t cry. Have you ever seen me cry, Cassius?”
Keefe winced at the use of his full name as though Cassius had brandished a whip in his face. It was oddly satisfying. Good to know the kid still hated it as much as Cassius hated him. “No, sir,” Keefe answered, his voice still clogged and gross. 
“Then why did you think I’d want to see you cry. It’s disrespectful.”
The kid winced. Such a weak little thing. “It’s not like I’m trying to--”
“I don’t care.”
The kid shut his mouth with a click. 
“Are you going to apologize for your disgusting behavior or are you going to take your punishment?”
The demon snorted, even though his eyes were red, as if he’d dragged himself up from hell, just to stare at Cassius until Cassius threw holy water at him and made him blister and burn. He had tried that once. Like, truly, tried to get his son exorcised. Clearly, it hadn’t worked. “Like I’d apologize for something as stupid as a prank. It didn’t even affect you--”
Cassius dragged the kid to the light leaper, and when they got home to Candleshade, he shoved the kid in his bedroom. It didn’t take much muscle power, the kid didn’t fight. Years of Cassius having to tug him around because he’d never listen to words had made him unresistant. It was one benefit of the kid. He’d learned that it was worse to fight back.
Keefe stood in his room, staring at his dad. “How long til I can come out?”
“Doesn’t matter, does it? You don’t deserve to look the world in the eyes for weeks on account of your behavior.”
And with that, Cassius left, slamming and locking the door behind him. 
Ro glared at him as though he’d cut her arm off and fed it to a snake. “What?” he asked. “How else do you suggest I teach him a lesson?”
Ro didn’t say anything, just glared. 
He shrugged. “Don’t let him out unless there’s an emergency. I’ll get him a new bodyguard if you don’t.”
Ro didn’t say anything. 
Cassius took it as an affirmative, and walked away. 
He had better, more important things to do.
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stxleslyds · 3 years
What do you think about the theories that Jason was sexually abused as a child? Or even possibly while he was comatose after his resurrection?
Implications of this theory include his conversation with Mia (Speedy) and Bruce's message (Battle for the Cowl). In addition, when he was Robin he expressed what was then considered uncharacteristic rage towards the perpetrators of sex crimes.
Garzonas - unrepentant rapist who got no consequences
When a woman killed her sister's rapist and murderer (because Batman's evidence was not admissible in court), Batman said that she went too far with murder. Jason's disagreed with "Good riddance". Good for you, Jason.
His recklessness when dealing with a child sex trafficking ring.
I highly doubt that DC would ever confirm this theory. I would rather they leave it ambiguous because I don't trust them to not botch Jason... much less respectfully address the subject matter.
I have read so many thoughts on Jason that they're starting to blend together. So I apologize if you've already answered this before.
Hello friend! Aside from the fact that I took way too much time to answer your ask, this was also a hard question to come up with an answer to, I wanted to remain respectful of the subjects at hand even though I don’t second this headcanon. But before we keep going, let me put some trigger warnings in this post.
trigger warning: mentions of sexual abuse, child abuse, rape.
First, I would like to bring up these two concepts because I oftentimes mix them up when talking about these “ideas”.
Theory: a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something; an idea used to account for a situation or justify a course of action.
Headcanon: Headcanon generally refers to ideas held by fans of series that are not explicitly supported by sanctioned text or other media. Fans maintain the ideas in their heads, outside of the accepted canon.
I think the idea of Jason having been sexually abused at any point in his lifetime is a mix between a theory and a headcanon. Why I am saying this? Because as you have put in the ask, there has been instances where fandom has found pieces of information that they have considered the base of this idea.
So, if we say that there is a piece of text that might support that idea and they build from that to justify a course of action we would be looking at a theory. In this case Jason having been abused would the reason as to why he acts in that strong and violent way towards cases of sexual abuse/harassment.
In the other hand those pieces of text might not support that idea so fandom headcanons that idea in order to build another layer to a character, in this case Jason having been abused would also justify his actions towards certain criminals.
The “text” (panels, issues, mentions) are most of the time ambiguous, which makes readers have different perspectives in what is being written and what then is made into a theory or headcanon.
Personally, I don’t like this theory or headcanon for various reasons (which I will explain later in the post), and I have read and understood those moments mentioned as Jason just having survived Crime Alley as something general, I don’t think he suffered that kind of abuse but I think he was made aware of that type of behaviour every day that he spent alone in the streets and that why we saw Jason in Batman #408 saying that he had “graduated a long time ago from the streets of crime alley”.
Having said that, I do understand that some of the moments mentioned can be seen as ambiguous and that’s what leads people to theorize/headcanon that idea, because of that I would like to show the panels mentioned in your ask so everyone can read them and make up their own conclusions and then I will talk about the reasons why I don’t like this particular theory/headcanon.
As Robin:
Batman (1940) #422
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In these panels we can see Jason as Robin jumping in to defend a woman that was being attacked by a man. There I only see Jason acting like a vigilante would, maybe he was hitting too hard or whatever but Batman has hit people as much as Jason was doing it this time around, plus I, personally, don’t see any kind of problem with Jason beating a man that was harassing and threatening a woman with death.
Right beside we have Jason being on the side of the woman that killed her sister’s attacker. He didn’t see any problem with that woman seeking justice for her sister on her own when the police, Batman and himself couldn’t get the job done.
Here I see Jason having a big problem with authorities and justice system, which is not something new, in Batman #408, Jason says very clearly that he doesn’t trust the system in Gotham (the police, social workers and such), and he was also shown in that comic talking very fondly about his mother and about how much he cared for her when she was at her worst. Let’s remember that Jason loved his mother, he took care of her and resented his father for being abusive towards her and even introducing her to drugs.
Instead understanding these panels as Jason having been abused himself, I see it more as Jason having a humongous understanding of how much women and others suffer in Gotham due to the justice system’s lack of action. I also see Jason as the kind of boy that respected all women and could not sit and do nothing when people were hitting and abusing women just like his father did to his mother.
Batman (1940) #424
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This issue starts by saying that Jason jumps into action as soon as he hears someone scream but that he wasn’t going to be prepared to see what was happening. This is the issue where all of us meet Felipe Garzonas, the abuser and rapist of many women. At first Jason doesn’t know what Felipe was doing but after he and Batman “defeat” Felipe, he goes to the room where he finds Gloria in a bed badly hurt and scared. Jason is shocked when he first finds her and after hearing her story in the police station, he becomes more and more happy about the fact that by having caught Felipe, he and Batman would be able to offer some peace and justice to Gloria after he goes to jail, but that doesn’t happen.
They had all the evidence to put Felipe in jail and the police could easily see that Gloria was the victim but because Felipe had someone to back his made-up story up, he was able to not be arrested and jailed.
Jason once again is baffled at the lack of action by the police or simply justice not being able to be made in favour of the true victim. Batman even says that he has noticed that Jason “had become to emotionally invested with the case” which could favour either idea (Jason having suffered sexual abuse or not), in my case I see this once again as Jason not being able to remain calm after doing everything to keep that woman safe and the justice system not being able to do it themselves in a more permanent way (jail time, or whatever).
But that’s not all because Jason being too emotional with that case was brought up as a way to show that Jason couldn’t see that Felipe had been under the influence of drugs, which is something that Jason can see in people very well (do to experience with his mother and his training with Batman). So, Felipe is now a rapist, an abuser, he does drugs and he also has a market for it.
Because Felipe was allowed to go back to his “normal” life he had Gloria be killed, and he kept abusing drugs and women, when Jason finds Gloria’s dead body and that Batman still seems to abide the justice system he snaps. He goes alone to see Felipe and that’s were this iconic panel comes from. The moments before Jason made his first kill and felt no remorse about it. I know this is kinda soft topic because Jason was a teenager, but good for him, kill that bitch. Gotham doesn’t need more people like him.
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Batman (1940) #226
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This is the issue where Jason attacks the men that were involved with some very nasty stuff involving children. Batman narrates and says that him and Jason had been working on this case for three weeks. Jason jumps into action suddenly and “recklessly” even though Batman considered their investigation wasn’t over, he also says that he thinks that Jason had been “acting oddly” and that he was very “moody, resentful and reckless” and that that attitude could “get him killed”.
This could be used as to add more proof of the abuse idea but I actually see it as build up to Jason’s death, that happened two issues later. Let’s remember that Jason found out of his birth mother and was desperate to find and save her from Joker, because he was a good son but also because he didn’t feel like Bruce loved, cared or appreciated him anymore. Ever since Jason made it clear that he didn’t see the world and justice in the same way that Batman did back in issue #422, Jason and Bruce’s relationship suffered, they just couldn’t see eye to eye on some subjects and Bruce’s neglect or lack of care for what Jason believed in drove Jason to act the way he did in the case involving his mother and the Joker.
Jason obviously has major issues with kids being abused and put in dangerous situations, he as the Red Hood (Winick’s Red Hood) is the same, he really wants kids to be taken far away from drugs so they cannot be manipulated, used and abused by Gotham’s Drug Lords. Here I can see some of the same thing, Jason being protective of those kids and getting fed up with how much time he and Batman had to wait to do anything about the subject, along side it I bet Jason wasn’t seeing the police or the justice system doing anything about the whole thing so that could have probably fuelled his desperate attack of those horrible people.
As Batman/Red Hood:
Batman: Battle for the Cowl #3
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Battle for the Cowl… yeah I am going to be brutally honest about this, if anyone thinks that this is someway or somehow proof that Jason had been abused in the past then I think we have very different ways of thinking how survivors must be treated or written in comics and other media.
This to me is pure bad writing, this is some of the worst things I have seen being written in comics. Whether or not this implies Jason being abused or not, Bruce’s message is absolutely disgusting and not at all helpful, it is even worse when you realise that Dick, a canon sexual assault survivor, is the one playing the message to Jason even though Jason explicitly said that he didn’t want to hear it again. That Book, issue, page and panel are extremely badly written and is one of the most terrible Jason and Dick characterizations ever.
So, I don’t really care if this panel is supposed to offer support to that theory or headcanon, I really dislike that speech and if it is actually referencing Jason as being a survivor of child abuse, then Tony S. Daniel needs to make an apology from today to the day he dies.
“Of all my failures, you have been my biggest” “You were broken and I thought I could put the pieces back together. I thought I could do for you what could never be done for me. Make you whole” “What happened to you as a child… the terror, the pain, the horrors” “You needed repair and instead I gave you an outlet to act out on”
Absolute garbage writing. Me, as Bruce is number one hater, know that that speech is even out of character for Bruce. Listen, if Jason had been a victim of sexual assault or just being a kid living alone in Crime Alley, no one should leave a message like that, telling a victim that they were broken and needed fixing, what the hell? No, thank you, this issue proves nothing except that Battle for the Cowl was a mistake as a whole.
Green Arrow (2001) #72
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Judd Winick is clever I will always say that, and while I do see why people think that Jason is making the “child abuse idea” canon I still think that the way that he talks is still fairly ambiguous if not just him playing mind games with Mia.
I know it sounds wrong, but hear me out, Winick, in this arc makes Batman say that Jason distracted him and Oliver just to take Mia as a “hostage” because that was Jason’s way to mess with him. This arc happens right after UtRH and Jason is a bit more unhinged than ever. But he doesn’t harm Mia, he just talks to her, he tries to make her see why he acts the way he does and to do that he talks about how much he sees of himself in her. Do I believe that Jason suffered the same things Mia did? No. Do I think that their past is similar? Yes.
But Jason doesn’t only use the fact that they have similar pasts to make Mia rebel against her “no killing ways” and Oliver like he did with Bruce, but he also brings up the fact that their past is incredibly different to the lives of Bruce and Oliver, and that those differences are of importance.
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Maybe it’s just me, but I didn’t see Jason bringing Mia’s past for anything other than manipulating her and kinda make her see Oliver in a negative light the way that he does Batman and Bruce. Jason was at a point in his life where all he wanted to do was deliver the same pain that he had gone through but he didn’t do it by physically harming anyone (Mia was left unscratched), he was just out there trying to play mind games so he could break more havoc in Batman’s name.
Mia’s past is just way too different to whatever we have seen in canon from Jason’s past. Maybe I am wrong, after all, I only read about Mia in that arc.
With all that having been said I think it’s pretty obvious that I just don’t think that Jason’ having been sexually abused as a child actually happened, and I also don’t like to think about his past in that way. His canon suffering could have made him act that violently against criminals involved with sexual attacks and drug-related crimes, but I also think that’s just how Jason was, he really disliked the justice system in Gotham and saw how much it failed to protect victims, so now that he had the training to help those who couldn’t do it for themselves, he tried his best to bring criminals to justice.
And when that didn’t work, he grew more and more frustrated with Batman’s methods which led him to be more unforgiving and violent.
I also don’t like the theory/headcanon as a whole because I think its one of those things that Fandom comes up with just for that extra angst factor in their favourite character’s story so they can make him suffer more and because of that no other Robin or character as a whole can ever understand his pain or whatever. In this fandom there is a lot of “competitive trauma” going on and I honestly dislike it a lot.
About Jason having been assaulted while he was in a coma, I don't really know, he was at a hospital for what I believe were six moths, maybe that idea comes from real life happenings but I have never thought of that happening in Jason's life and I would rather not give it much more thought.
Also, I believe that DC just like fandom would have never been able to handle the subject of Jason having been a sexual assault survivor with the respect and care that it actually needs. We have seen DC treat sexual harassment and abuse as nothing but a side plot or bringing it up in an extremely disturbing way. In Fandom some (very few) people end up glamorising or romanticising these subjects so, I don’t believe the comic world was or is ready to treat a backstory like this with the respect it needs.
Maybe I haven’t even treated the subject with the respect and care that it needs and if that’s the case then I am truly sorry.
I had never answered a question regarding this subject before and I really appreciate all the questions you send my way; they do make my brain happy. I am really sorry it took me this long to write an answer to you but I hope the post is good enough for all the time I made you wait!
I hope you have an amazing week!
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Feanorian Week Day Four: Morifinwe
1382 YT
Layers of Life.
Not the finest of my works. But yet it’s a hit. I don’t get how. It’s ugly, the words don’t flow and overall it’s written horribly.
I was young, naive and immeasurably horrific. What a time. And to think this was written 174 years ago. Varda it's bad. So so bad.
“Will you stop fretting, your book is amazing,”
Mori has no idea how bad this book is. It's so bad it's horrendous.
“Not this one. This one is the worst in my opinion,”
It's so much worse. I could not have done more inadequate. It's a miracle I don't make grandfather put out a decree stating that book has been declared illegal. Or something along those lines. Who knows maybe I will talk with grandfather about it.
“Then why did you write it?”
Why? Oh, dear sweet Morifinwe Carinstar Feanorian. Why did I write Layers of Life? Hell if I know. I wrote it because I wanted to and because I could. That's why.
Now I'd very much like to burn each copy until they are not but ash. Ash in the wind as Manwe carries their ruin away from me and my pretentious name.
“I was young and trying to live up to the name Nyarre,” Still try to sometimes. Storyteller. Valar, what was Eonwe thinking.
“Lord Eonwe had his reasons for giving you that name. It’s best to leave that book behind,”
If only he knew. This past week I've had too many people ask me to sign their copy of Layers of Life. One is too many but twelve? Far too many people. My mountain elf short story is far superior than Layers of Life. And I wrote that on the way to Valmar.
I stare at Mori and frown.
“Mori I’ve had not one, not two not even three but twelve people come up to me in the last week asking if I’d sign their copy,”
Mori frowns at his book, then up at me. He doesn't like the attention. Never has. Not with his needlework. He's more into showing off his work in public. When the attention is on someone else. Not him. "Oh,"
“Ya oh.” _____
"That loop is too loose," Mori points out. He puts down his knitting and points at a loop I made less than a minute ago.
He takes my needles and yarn from me and undies all the loops to where my mistake was. He hands it back and has me continue under his watchful eye.
Now I feel like a child. And I have 111 years on him.
“Not bad, but not great,” My brother mutters. I assume it’s the speed, rather the lack of. I take my time and still make mistakes. Like a beginner.
"Hey, I'm still new to this,"
"No your not, you've been at this for a year,"
"…shut up,"
“I tire of your scrutinous eye, let’s go riding,” I drop my knitting into the basket by my feet.
I grab Mori and pull. He makes an effort to stay put but relents.
In the stables, we pass Ambarussa untacking their horses. They tell us rain is about to befall Tirion. We tell them a little rain never hurt anyone.
“We won’t melt. We’re not ice cubes,”
“Or the witch from your story,” Telvo snickers. Ambarussa grins ear to ear. They remember that? Well good on them. That was told well over 18 years ago. I was putting them to bed and they wanted a story. They are 26 now.
“Hurry up Dana,”
“Coming,” I holler at Mori.
I finish tacking up and hoist myself onto my horse. Outside the stables, Mori watches the clear sky. It’s hard to believe it’s going to rain. But if Ambarussa says it’s going rain. It’s going to rain.
I nudge Mori’s boot. He jumps in his saddle and flares his nostrils at me. I nod my chin at the distance. “Race you to the forest,”
“You're on.”
I urge my horse to pick up speed. Wind tugs my hair loose from its once secure braid. Mori lets out a whoop of excitement. Something he does only in my company. An excited Mori is a delight.
When he was a child he would get so excited he would have to sit and calm down. Now he has that under control…for the most part. He still gets like that. Face flushes bright red, a grin and giddiness.
Outside the forest, we keep along the forest line. Not quite entering. We discussed if we wanted to go in or not. We opted for not. Maybe another day.
I wonder if I can get his beloved's name out of him. I'd love to meet her. Plus I want to know if she is worthy of him. Mori is particular. As am I but he is more so.
“So are you ever going to tell me who she is?”
“No,” Mori states and makes his horse trot faster. He pulls away from the forest and races for the pelori mountains.
Oh, it’s on. It's on Morifinwe, it's on. I will find out who she is.
Mori calls over his shoulder and yells no you won't not today. All I can do is shake my head. I will and he won't have a say in the matter.
A deep rumble bellows overhead. "And so it begins,"
The heavens open up and rain slips out.
Mori and I urge our horses to gallop back to the manor.
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tastyykpop · 4 years
𝐶𝑟𝑎𝑧𝑦 𝑖𝑛 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒-Part 1
Pairings: yandere mafia leader!baekhyun x reader
Genre: suggestive, smut in later chapters, angst probs, fluff here and there but its very lowkey
《teaser next》
Warnings: kidnapping, drug use, alcohol consumption, baeks kinda crazy, pet names, master kink, spanking (he literally spanks her once), choking (not in a kinky way), mentions of blood and murder
Word count: 4.9k
Tag list: @wooya1224 @geniusloey tell me if you want to be tagged!!
⚠️ this is purely fictional and not how I imagine baekhyun to actually act. If you feel like you're in a situation like this please run and report it. I do not support this behavior.
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How long has it been? 3 or 5 days? Maybe even a week. You didnt know nor did you care. But why would you? You've gave up caring ever since your boyfriend, Sungho was murdered right in front of you, but you couldn't even see who the murderer was which drove you insane.
Tears and blood stained your pretty skin that night, so much agony and rage ran through your veins. All you wanted to do was curl up into a ball and scream until you passed out. But its been days since you've gotten a proper good night's sleep and it was eating you away ever so slowly. Everytime you closed your eyes, you remembered that dreadful day, Sungho's screams, the terror on his beautiful face, his lifeless bloody body. What did he do to deserve death? Why did it have to be him?
"Y/n! Y/n, its been four days please come out of your room!" It was the familiar voice of your mother and her knocking that brought you back to reality. She was almost begging, she hasn't seen you since you locked yourself away that night so you couldnt blame her for being worried, but you were fine. "I'm coming in."
She pushed your door open to see you cuddling your blanket with no emotion on your face. You looked at her with barely any care and rolled over, facing away from her.
She sighed and sat on the edge of the bed, "You know y/n, we'll get to the bottom of this and have them put behind bars. It's gonna be ok-"
"No its not," you rasped from not using your voice in so long, "I dont even know what the murderer looked like, how can we put them behind bars!?" There was a small pause, she knew finding them wasnt likely which hurt you like hell, but she was still trying her best to comfort you.
"...At least come out of your room, everyone's worried." Your mother pleaded and though you really didnt want to move, you didnt want to upset or worry anyone any further so you got up.
With a smile, she did the same and led you downstairs to where you dad and sister were. They tensed when they saw you, but nonetheless smiled sadly, thanking the heavens you were okay.
"You look horrible..." your sister, Haeun, commented making you cringe. It wasnt like she was wrong, you spent four days not taking a shower and sitting in the same clothes so of course you looked bad, who wouldn't.
You excused yourself and went into the kitchen grabbing the first thing you saw, a bottle of vodka. Now it wasnt the best drink you could've had, but you decided to drink away your pain and suffering since you couldnt take the heart ache any longer.
"Shes doing it again." Your mother whispered but you heard her clear as day. "Shouldnt we stop her?"
"What for? She won't listen and she's traumatized. There's nothing much we could do right now." Your dad spoke with sadness watching as you took a quick swig from the substance.
Normally, you're not one to drink vodka but now it felt good, maybe too good. The more you drank it, the less pain you were in. It could last forever, you thought, but nothing lasts forever.
As you poured yourself another drink, you started wondering about Sungho again. If there were an afterlife, was he happy there? Would he be watching over you, making sure you were happy and healthy?If only it were that simple.
Though you and him were starting to drift off a bit, you still cared and loved him and now you're starting to take everything you guys went through for granted. Its what you get.
Standing up, you left the kitchen a bit dizzy from only drinking alcohol and having nothing else in your system and went back upstairs to take a shower. You decided after drinking, you wanted to go to the club you always go to. Normally, you didnt go on a Thursday, but you thought since you haven't been out in a while that it would be good to leave and breathe in the fresh air.
You took a fairly quick shower and your hair and makeup didnt take long either. Finally stopping to look at yourself in the mirror, your saw how pale and tired you were. Almost lifeless. You figured that once you finally have a good time, it would all go away and you'd be happy again.
"Where are you going?" You jumped at the voice of Haeun who appeared out of nowhere.
"To the club." You stated nonchalantly,
Haeun frowned, "Thats not a good idea, all you'll do is drink until you pass out. And there's always weirdos waiting for their turn with someone vulnerable like that."
A smile formed on your face trying to lighten up the mood a bit, "Ill be fine. I promise nothing bad will happen."
Haeun sighed, almost sounding like a bratty child who didn't get their way because she knew she wouldn't change your mind no matter how hard she tried. It sucked to have a stubborn sibling like yourself.
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Sehun rolled his eyes at the sight of Baekhyuns scheduled flirting session. The girl was dressed in barely anything and he could tell she was probably Baekhyuns new toy for the night as he started getting handsy with her. But Sehun could see how Baekhyuns eyes weren't always looking at her. Instead, they sometimes searched passed the girl in hopes to find something else. He knew what, actually who he was searching for so he never asked or mentioned it.
He remembered you perfectly. Your calm and sleeping figure laying peacefully on your boyfriends chest. It was a shame he had to wake you up while he killed the man. And it was a shame to see such a pretty girl cry and scream with such fright in her eyes.
But Sehun didn't feel that bad, he did what he was supposed to do with only a little remorse.
"Sehun," Baekhyun called, the younger lifted his head waiting for him to continue, "Are you sure you didn't hurt my little toy the other day?"
Sehun scoffed, "If I did, I'd be dead by now, hyung."
The man chuckled sadistically , "She hasn't been here in a while," Baekhyun looked up from the girl and turned to Sehun, "Its only safe to ask."
"Hyung, I told you before that shes probably scared." Sehun face palmed when Baekhyun glared at him.
"A little red shouldnt effect someone that bad."
"I kil-" Sehun stopped what he was about to say, forgetting about the girl straddling Baekhyuns lap and cleared his throat, "Shes not used to stuff like that, Baek."
He didn't care about what Sehun said and ignored the youngests pointless blabbering, returning his attention back the girl only for a short amount of time until something caught his attention.
You walked in his club with confidence and beauty not giving any staring man the time of day and took your usual seat at the bar. After ordering your drink, you put your head in your arms and Baekhyun grinned.
Now was his chance, there's no way anyone will get in his way and there was no way he'd let this chance go.
"Stay here." Baekhyun said to Sehun, pushing the girl off him as he stood up. She almost pulled him back but he gave her such a terrifying death glare that made her stop.
"Theres no way youre actually gonna go talk to her...right?" Sehun questioned a bit shocked that Baekhyun was actually going to you after so long.
"Of course I am, I'll be back." With that, Baekhyun walked away from the two with only one thing on his mind: you.
He waltzed with a smirk of pure evil. What would he do? Only God knew, but he couldnt help himself when he saw your pretty face.
All eyes watched Baekhyun stop next to you, astonished that he went to talk to a girl and not the other way around, "Excuse me sweetheart," You popped your head up in the direction Baekhyun spoke, he took a seat next to you with an almost comforting smile when he saw your red cheeks, "But are you okay."
You wanted to spill everything that happened so bad because you needed to get it out, but you didnt know the man and neither did he know you so all you could do was nod, "Im fine."
Baekhyun knew behind your lying eyes was someone in pain and searching for a person to hold, but he couldnt do anything just yet and tried loosening you up to him so he could do what he wanted to do in the first place.
"C'mon sweetheart, you can tell me anything." He smiled that charismatic smile of his, "I'm easy to talk to."
It was believable for the most part and you laughed a bit, the first laugh you actually had since that tragic night, "You seem like a sweet talker," you smirked causing Baekhyun to chuckle, "Whats the catch?"
"There is no catch, I just wanted to know if youre okay. And besides, I could tell you've been crying." He pointed to your tear stained cheeks and you mentally cursed yourself for unintentionally crying just a few moments ago.
"Dont worry," He chuckled, "Whatever it is im sure you'll get over it." Baekhyun almost failed to hide his sinful smug as you frowned and covered it quickly with a swig of your drink.
But something inside was eating you away about what happened, you needed to let out your emotions and you started caring less and less that he was a stranger. Then again, what if you scared him away? What will happen next?
"At least tell me your name first," You blushed and shyly looked over at him who had an expecting glint in his eyes, "Then maybe ill tell you why I'm so upset."
Baekhyun stretched his hand out in front of him and you gently shook it. Damn he had a strong grip, "My names Byun Baekhyun and you?" He asked as if he didnt know who you were.
"Y/n L/n." You beamed, wondering why his name was so familiar. "So uh- my story..." Fumbling with the drink in your hands, you sighed heavily, "Long story short, my boyfriend was...murdered in front of me." You mumbled the last bit, but you didnt need to repeat yourself as Baekhyun already knew every single detail of that night thanks to Sehun.
Placing a soft hand on your shoulder he whispered with fake sympathy, "I understand now why you're so upset," Liar, "I feel terrible," No he doesn't.
He wiped a stray tear that had slipped down your cheeks and sent you a solemn look.
"I-its in the past i guess." You muttered, "I can't change a thing about it."
Damn right you couldnt. Even if there were some form of time travel, Baekhyun wouldn't dare let you try and change the past because that would mean you weren't entirely his. But since there isn't anything like that, Baekhyun has nothing to worry about except figuring out how to bring you back with him.
"Would you like a glass of water, y/n?" Baekhyun asked quickly as a thought popped into his head. You nodded your head slowly and Baekhyun called over the bartender. You werent really paying attention to him ordering the water and just let your mind slip to the sound of the music and looked around the room, tapping your fingers to the beat, but you stopped when you felt a pair of sharp eyes watching you from somewhere. You looked here and there before stopping on a man that was a about a few inches taller than Baekhyun. He had a eerie grin on his face when you noticed him, then he winked.
Chills went down your spine and you spun yourself around in your chair facing forwards causing Baekhyun to raise an eyebrow but he didnt question it.
"Heres the water." He handed the drink over and you thanked him before taking a sip. It tasted a bit weird but not all water tasted the same, though it was slightly dry for water.
"So tell me about yourself, y/n." Baekhyun checked his watch, all he needed was fifteen minutes then you were all his. "You seem like an interesting person." He looked up and smiled.
"Well," You thought about what was possibly interesting enough to tell him, "Im in my second year of college!" A smile crossed your lips.
"Oh really? Where do you go?" Baekhyun did seem interested to know some parts of your life. Somehow, you caught his attention like that. Thats why Sehun was a surprised when he finally made his move with you.
"Seoul of Performing Arts." You beamed. It was the happiest moment in your life when you got accepted and all of your family members, extended and close, celebrated your acceptance, "My boyfriend, Sungho, went there too."
He just about rolled his eyes but replaced it with a nod and a fake warm smile. If you knew him better, you'd know that smile was only him clenching his jaw in anger.
"How cute." The glint in his eyes proved he was lying and maybe you were too stupid or innocent to notice when you took another sip of water.
He watched and wished his plan could go faster, he was excited to have fun with his pretty little toy and he couldnt wait any longer.
"What about you?" You raised a brow. There was still something in your gut that made you feel like you knew him. And you still wondered why. Was he someone famous in the city? Maybe you've heard your friends mention him here and there? What was it about him that was so familiar?
"You'll know soon enough kitten." You frowned at the pet name as he pat your head like you were a small child yet you chose to ignore it.
It was a bit outlandish and made you more skeptical to know who he was.
"Thats not very reassuring, Baekhyun." Your quirked.
"Why tell you when I can just show you?" He leaned in, mocking your now pouty lips and chuckled, "The drugs should be setting in by now."
You lifted your head up with wide eyes, "Wait what?" Did you hear him right? Did he say what you thought he said? "What do you mean drugs!?" You said with awestruck as your heart raced in fear. You hoped to god he was just joking
The man before you smirked that unpleasant smirk of his, almost like the guy you saw before and you started panicking more, knowing he wasn't kidding. You tried to get up and run but you felt so woozy in a matter of seconds. Not to mention the sudden pain in your stomach that made you want to throw up. What was Baekhyuns plan? Why did he do this!? You thought at least one thing could go right tonight and maybe you could have fun, but you were wrong. So so wrong.
Trying to leave the club building, you knew you wouldn't make it but you still wanted to attempt an escape. It didn't have to be like this. Each step made it harder to move and your eyes started drooping. It was too late for you.
Already collapsed on the ground, people gasped and stared at your almost lifeless body as Baekhyun tilted his head to the side, "She tried, ill give her that." He walked over and crouched down next to you, moving the hair out of your pale face, "But not hard enough."
In an instant, your body was thrown over the man's shoulder. No one commented on anything that happened in fear that they could be next. It was impossible to say that they felt bad either, they were just glad it didn't happen to themselves.
"Sehun," He called out to the younger male but Sehun was already ahead of him, "You drive." He tossed him the keys.
With a nod they both walked out, you on Baekyuns shoulder as he took you to the expensive car. Gently, he placed you down in backseat, putting your seatbelt on for you, and climbed in on the other side to sit next to you.
"All this just for a girl." Sehun shook his head but needless to say he still smirked, "Youre loosing yourself, hyung." The car sparked and drove off into the night, no cops came searching. They knew better. And neither was there news of your kidnapping, the city stayed quiet.
Sure once your parents realized you were gone they'd start freaking out, but would they dare mess with Baekhyun? Would anyone actually try to mess with him? The mafia could easily answer that with an optimistic no. Remember, Baekhyun had power. No one is going to stop him.
"How long will she be out for?" Sehun asked.
Baekhyun shrugged, "Like an hour or two." He was excited for your life with him now, he knew you were finally his after a year of watching you come and go in his club, plus the small stalking he did when he wanted to see you, and he could only smile. No one can get in between him and your love anymore. "Shes gonna love it when she gets home!"
Sehun chuckled at Baekhyuns almost child like enthusiam and started, "She seems a bit innocent," he paused, looking back at your passed out body in the mirror before returning back to the road, "Normally women don't look off into space when someone's buying them a drink."
"Maybe she's a bit slow, but she wouldn't be here with me if that didn't happen."
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The candle flickered in the dark as you awoke on a strange bed. You're head was pounding a bit as you tried looking around at your unfamiliar surroundings. What happened? Was your first thought and you started questioning where you were too. You knew something wasn't right but you couldn't understand why.
You tried getting up only to be locked in place by restraints on your wrists. They were only silk but they were tied tight enough to keep you still. Tilting your head in confusion, you heard foot steps coming towards the door and stopping for a mere few seconds before the door handle twisted.
You anticipated what was going to happen, you didnt even know what was going on in the first place, but you remembered the man standing in front of you.
"Hey, kitten." That sinister smile was plastered on his face. You were sure it held more meanings then just one.
"Where a-am i?"
He almost cooed at your curiosity but composed himself, "At my mansion, where you'll be staying from now on."
There was a moment where you had to think, interestingly enough what Baekhyun said didnt even frighten you in the slightest, but then again you were high off the drug.
"C-Can you u-untie my hands please?" Your voice was soft and quiet, Baekhyun noticed you werent fully aware of your surroundings and complied, untying the silk from your wrists.
Your eyes were a little dilated when you looked at him. He was gorgeous, you had to give him that, though you wanted to remember why something wasn't sitting right with him. "Baekhyun?"
He looked up with a hum.
"Who...are y-you to me?" You squinted your eyes at the man who sat on the bed next to you, drawing small shapes on your thigh in a sort of loving manner.
"Your boyfriend, y/n."
Boyfriend? You have a boyfriend?
"I have a boyfriend..?" You muttered and asked more to yourself than to him, but he snickered, knowing way more than you did.
"Kitten you drank too much, go back to sleep." He lied and pushed your shoulders down so you were flat against the mattress.
"I-i did?" You whined when Baekhyun kissed your cheek. He always wanted to kiss more than your cheek, he couldnt bring himself to do that unless you were fully conscious for him.
"Yes baby girl, so get some sleep."
You grumbled, "I-Im not t-tired."
Baekhyun sighed, "Then what would the pretty girl like to do?"
You perked up on the mattress and grinned, "Im hungry!"
"Youre hungry?" Baekhyun repeated with a smile at your small childlike energy and you nodded back, "I can ask someone to make you something if you'd like."
He stood up, waiting for you to do the same but since you weren't very awake, you stumbled a bit.
Baekhyun settled with carrying you to the mansions kitchen, awing at your cuteness the whole time. It was a bit of a walk but luckily you were light.
Sitting you down, Baekhyun walked off, finding someone to cook for you. In your state, you felt a bit lonely, only knowing Baekhyun and not your surroundings, it made you feel a bit lost. It shocked you too how you didnt remember Baekhyun being your boyfriend, you started question the relationship between the two of you more.
"Princess i got you your favorite dish!" He walked in with a plate of jjajangmyeon and set it down in front of you.
Your mouth was watering and you were ready to dig in before wondering, "H-How do you know m-my favorite dish?"
Baekhyun hesitated at the question before clearing his throat and spoke with a raised brow, "We're dating y/n, why wouldn't I know what you like?"
"Uh yeah..right...." you dug in, your mind was starting to clear up a bit, not enough for you to fully remember anything though. But the more you thought, the more consciousness you regained.
Baekhyun watched as you gobbled down the meal with full satisfaction. This wouldn't be the first time he's watched you and neither would it be the last. He liked knowing you were eating well and were healthy so he was proud.
"I-im done!"
"Good girl. Now wait for me to come back so we can go to bed, okay?" You nodded and sat patiently as he took your plate and waited for your boyfriend to come back.
A few moments later, Baekhyun still was no where to be seen and your mind was slowly coming back, "N-no...wait." mumbling to yourself, you figured it out in just mere seconds and remembered that your boyfriend was brutally murdered four days ago in front of you. After four days you went to the bar to drink away the anguish and met someone, that someone was Byun Baekhyun. After thirty or so minutes of talking to him, you were drugged when you werent paying attention and passed out minutes later. Now you were here at Baekhyuns mansion, lied to and kidnapped. "Oh fuck."
The chair scraped against the floor and you wasted no time running to your hopeful freedom.
But you weren't a lucky person. Oh no you weren't. You were tossed and pushed against the door you were about to open by someone much bigger. He was the same guy you saw at the bar and his smirk was nothing different. Cynical and frightening.
The man stepped closer to you before putting one hand next to your head and whispered, "Are you playing a cat and mouse game with hyung now? How cute." Standing tall, he grabbed you by the hair and dragged you back to where you came. You groaned and tried fighting back, but there was no use, he wasn't going to let go until after he practically threw you into Baekhyuns arms.
You were about to scream at Baekhyun and the no name man until Baekhyun covered your mouth with his hand, "Say something and you'll regret it." He growled into your ear as you shook and fought.
You hummed against him and tried biting his hand and punching his side, but he was like a man of steel and let it happen, only raising his brow like he wanted to hurt you, but didnt.
"Sehun, tell Chanyeol to lock all the doors for the next week or so 'til she learns how to behave."
The man nodded and ran off leaving you two alone. Fear was one way to describe it and the look Baekhyun gave you didnt help.
"Now kitten why would you go and do some shit like that? Are you asking to be punished?" He took his hand off your mouth to let you speak. Baekhyuns aura was much different than earlier. The nice guy was gone and you were left with a man who could kill you with just one look.
You stopped hitting him and screamed viciously, "Fuck you! You're fucking insane!"
"Now now princess," he pressed a hand to your throat, wrapping it tighter and tighter until you felt the oxygen leave your lungs, "It seems as if you're asking for a punishment."
"I-if you...s-so dare to-touch..any other p-part of my body, i-ill....kill you..." You whimpered, grabbing his wrist in attempts to pull him off but Baekhyun was relentless, keeping his grasp tight and painful.
"Stop struggling, you're only making this harder for yourself."
There were two options now, either listen to Baekhyun or fight until you passed out again.
"Princess." His voice held a warning tone and you hesitantly stopped and moments later he loosened his grip, you knew there would be marks by tomorrow, "We are going to bed now. Don't try to run, I have this place guarded up and if you do somehow make it out, be prepared because I will find you and beat your ass until you can't sit for a month. Understand?"
Your stomach did flips and not in a good way, you were scared, "Y-yes."
"Can you say 'yes master'?" His voice went higher as he said the last part to mimic yours.
You sighed, positive if you didnt comply then you'd be here all night, "Yes m-master..."
"Good girl." He kissed your cheek and you almost smacked him in disgust but tried not to act aggressive towards him. You wanted to leave, not be punished by whatever he had in mind. "Call me that from now on."
Baekhyun grabbed your hand and led you to the room you were just in, now that you took a good look, it was a pretty room. There was a red sofa against the wall and some other matching chairs plus a huge flat screen TV hanging on the wall facing the bed. You had to admit, he had good taste but he was still insane.
As you sat down on the bed, Baekhyun reached into his draw to pull out a t-shirt and handed it to you with a wide smile, but you raised a brow at the fabric.
"No pants?" You asked.
Baekhyun chuckled, "What for?"
"Because of creeps like you." You grumbled and snatched the shirt that dangled in front of your face before storming off into the connected bathroom. Inside, you could hear Baekhyuns annoying laugh and ignored it, changing into the surprisingly very oversized shirt that went down to your mid thigh.
Taking the clothes you wore earlier, you went back into the room where Baekhyun laid peacefully on the bed, waiting for you.
He only had his boxers on which made you groan in anger and decided to not lay on the bed and instead on the couch near it.
"Princess, what are you doing?" He perched himself on his elbows, watching you throw your clothes on the ground then take the folded blanket on the couch and wrap yourself with it as you laid down.
"Going to sleep, master." You stated coldly with a glare.
Baekhyun rolled his eyes, "Get over here." He said, voice low and laced with dominance but you remained still, closing your eyes and pretending as if you were asleep. "Y/n." He warned but there was no reply.
"Thats it." You heard him get up and march to where you laid. Baekhyun picked you up and you yelped at the sudden intrusion and were thrown over his shoulder.
Smacking his back got you nowhere as he threw you down on the bed, pinning both your hands down and hovered over you with a killing look, "Next time you don't listen, ill bend you over my knee."
"Youre all talk, no action." In an instant you were flipped over and a hand landed straight on your bare ass, leaving you shocked and mouth agape.
"Are you sure, kitten? Would you like me to spank you again?"
"No what?"
"N-no master.."
Baekhyun slowly let you go and laid beside you, still a bit irrated. "Now go to sleep."
You couldnt. Not with the lingering fear of what could happen next. Plus, not with his arm wrapped around your waist with a somewhat tight hold. You were just too scared to let your gaurd down. Why shouldn't you be scared though? What if he took advantage of your sleeping body and did something terrible.
There was no way you could get rest now. You could now count this as your fifth day without proper sleep.
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yamithediaperdork · 2 years
Super baby training (dc)
It had been a pleasant surprise for Kon when he'd been invited over to Kal's and Lois's for a Sunday dinner, but they hadn't even been halfway though the horrible pot roast that Lois had made (Leading Kon to assume his big brother Kal was only able to survive dinners with his wife due to his invurinbily) when it became clear that there was a purpose for his invite, and the reason sat in the room like a 700 pound gorilla. (and we all know how Kon felt about monkey's)
"So..Does anyone tell me what's going on here or do I need to ask M'gann to come over and start reading minds?" Kon asked, looking from Kal to Lois.
"First of all, Rude!" Lois scolded, then blushed a little. "and secondly..well ..er..You know I'm pregnant.."
"Gasp! and here I thought you were hiding a cake under your shirt!" Kon joked, getting a snort from Kal though Lois glared first at him, then at Kal who found something interesting to look at on the wall.
"You've been hanging out with Wally too much." She huffed. "ANYWAYS! well, with me and Clark expecting.. well.. One of us could use some experience with child care..and I might need some as well when it comes to super babies.." Lois said, turning very red and looking at the same spot as Kal as she trailed off.
Suddenly Kon had a bad feeling in his tummy and it wasn't just from Lois's bad cooking.
"Uh..Wow! Look at the time! I think I better get back to mount justice, you know red tornado has us on a STRICT curfew an-" Kon was cut off by his big brother of sorts Kal at that point.
"I already called ahead and cleared it with both him and Batman. you're good to stay here for a week unless the team needs you." He said, giving a smile.
"..Now while hanging out with my big bro SOUNDS awesome on paper..I have to point out that it kinda sorta sounds like what you two want is a practice super baby for a week and Uh.." Kon blushed big time. "I'm not really big on rocking huggies."
Kal smiled and winked, getting up and coming over and patting Kon on the back.
"Not yet you aren't."
One heated discussion later and a deal of sorts was hit. Kon would be Kal's to look after for 5 days, with Lois handling the last two of the week. He'd be in diapers (and using them) for the whole week and would be expected to baby talk and babble for the most part, and try and get Kal to figure out what it was he wanted without just letting him know.
For Lois it would be more strait forward with just getting used to Krytotian poops and the struggles of burping one, and he'd be able to talk normally and the like.
His payment for all of this, as long as he did the full week? Getting Superman's legion of superhero's flight ring and giving Kon flying lessons.
Since it was a sore spot for the clone that he couldn't fly, this soothed over most of his misgiving about the whole deal, though while Kal was out and getting the supplies (Having stashed them away from the apartment so Kon wouldn't accidentally find them before hand) Lois had made a mini add on request to Kon, with a wicked look on her face.
"Sooo I know this is a little bit evil.. But well..think you could ham up the brattyness and make Kal suffer a little? I just wanna see the look on his face when you pee on him." She snickered.
"..You sure your not a member of the light? and heh.. We'll see what happens." Kon said and gave the classic superman wink.
Clark Kent to some, Kal-el to his closet friends and superman to all was known for many things. his belief in truth and justice, His power set, his never ending battle with the forces of evil.
But one thing he wasn't known for and for good reason was his diapering skills, as would become apparent as Kon laid on his back naked from the waist down with his butt on a teddy bear changing mat, waiting on Kal who just looked unsure as he had a diaper in one hand and a container of baby powder in the other.
"..Anytime now." Kon muttered, squirming and blushing, oddly feeling a urge to suck on his thumb as his bare sex was on display. A bare sex that had brought up a interesting question from Lois.
"Huh, so you shave down there?" Lois had asked, sounding amused.
"H-Huh? no..I..I just assumed krytotians didn't get pubes.." Kon had squeaked out.
"Lois honey, your embarrassing him." Kal had said, not that now Kal himself wasn't doing much better.
"I'm uh, just trying to-" Kal said sheepishly, setting the baby powder down and rubbing the back of his head.
"For the love of..this isn't something you need to be a Luthor or Brannic to solve Clark, unfold the diaper and get it under his butt." Lois snapped.
Kal started to move into action as Kon snickered.
"I guess we know who wears the cape and who wears the pants around here." he teased.
"Your suppose to be using only baby talk right now." Kal huffed as he lifted up Kon's butt and got the diaper under it.
"..ba do dee da." Kon said one hand pointing at Kal and the other making a waving motion for a cape. "ba da goo!" and then pointing over at Lois, more to the point her pants.
"-snk- Such a clever little guy we have!" Lois said, trying not to break out laughing.
"heh, I do have to give credit where it's due. he manged it in baby talk." Kal admitted and then lifted up Kon's t-shirt, tickling his tummy. "Who's a clever big baby? who's my clever little brother?" He coo'ed, making Kon giggle and squirm.
It also did something that Lois wanted but Kon hadn't planned on doing yet, both him and Kal shocked as a stream sprayed out and soaked the front of the man of steels white dress shirt.
"..Really?" Kal asked, looking less then embarrassed while Kon turned red as a tomato, looking away.
"Hey, don't blame him..everyone knows you always finish diapering a baby before accidents happen. that one is on you~" Lois chuckled.
'This is gonna be a long week' thought both the man and the boy of steel.
With the boy of steel in a nice thick diaper (Actually two of them since Kal didn't wanna get peed on again) Clark followed up the outfit with a blue and red onesie that naturally had the S shield on the front (and the butt) of it and smirked as the forever teen squirmed and blushed.
"Gosh, you just look so cute! Lois, get the camera!" he called out, turning his head to say it and taking a near by stuffed animal to the side of the head. "Er..on second thought never mind."
Kon smirked and giggled then eeped as Kal gave him a stern look, a muffled fear poot escaping into the seat of his diapers.
"For the record little man. every dog..well puppy in your case but anyways, gets one bite. that was yours." He said smirking and pushing his glasses up.
"ah ba da bu bum bum?" Kon whined, hands going behind him and trying to cover his well padded butt.
"heh, that's right. I'll spank that butt if you do it again litt-"
"CLARK KENT!" Came Lois's voice, and they both turned to see her with her hands on her hips. "you will do no such thing! he's just a BABY!" She scolded then added. "Don't MAKE me call your mother!"
Kon giggled madly as Kal who could tank a nuclear missile, go toe to toe with doomsday and move moons out of their orbits got a scared look on his face.
"I can't even say you wouldn't." Kal sulked. "Fine, no spanking but he will get a hand slap."
"Hmm..I suppose I'll allow that. Now..Perry called me in for a breaking story..actually he wanted you smallville but told him you were busy. so you boys have fun." Lois said and winked, then walked out the door.
"..Did she just use you babying me to scoop you?" Kon asked, figuring since Lois was the one who wanted the baby talk it was safe to talk normal now.
"Some habits never die." Kal remarked dryly.
With Lois gone and Kal clearly alright with Kon using his big boy words, Kon tried to ease his way out of some of the more embarrassing asscepts of babyhood.. though Kal wasn't budging.
"Come on, who's gonna know if I take a dump in the potty vs. the diapers?" Kon whined.
he didn't even have to go yet, but still wasn't looking forward to it.
"I'll know. and besides, you gave your word to do everything in the pampers. and if you wanna be superman someday, you need to live up to your word..it's all part of BEING superman." Kal said, pulling the fussy teenager in for a big hug.
"Ngggh..you know that speech would of been more inspirational if it wasn't about me baking brownies in a pair of huggies." Kon muttered and huffed.
"...Clearly being a wordsmith runs in the family." Kal teased. "Baking brownies? never heard that."
"Well I'm not shocked..how many people do you think wanna talk about pooping and slang terms for it around the man of steel?" Kon giggled then paused, a BIG silly grin on his face. "wait, is that part of what you do in the watchtower? sit around and talk about the potty habits of the different members?!"
"heh.. well Not really though.." and Kal gave Kon a impish grin and wagged his eyebrows, tugging the big little guy into his lap. "We DID have to talk over what the sewer system was gonna need to handle all the different aliens. Flash was sure I had to fly up to like the moon or Mar's to take a poop since he didn't think earth potties could handle me. Naturally J'ohn was less then happy, asking if Flash thought his world was just a public toilet for the rest of the solar system."
Kon broke out in massive giggles over that, even as without thinking about it he nuzzled into the man of steel and popped his thumb in his mouth, sucking away for 3 seconds and only becoming aware it was in his mouth when Kal gently pulled it back out.
"ah ah ah, no thumb sucking little guy. little boys hands are covered in germs." Kal lightly scolded, though they both knew any germ that could affect even a half krytoain would of already put Lois in the ICU.
Taking out a large pacifier with of course, a red and blue mouth guard and a S shield on it, it was popped into the boy of steel's mouth and he suckled hard and fast, blushing and nuzzling into Kal even tighter, shutting his eyes.
"heh..I think somebodies wanted cuddles for awhile huh?" He asked gently, but even as he spoke he knew he'd get no answer.
Kon's breathing had fallen into a pattern and his body had relaxed.. the toddler of steel had conked out in da-da's lap.
Kal of course could of gone and put Kon to bed in the makeshift crib they had gotten (really a bed with rails added to the sides) but found himself reluctant to put the little guy down and instead floated up and over to the leather couch him and Lois had and gently set them down, laying down on his back with Kon cuddling into him and getting drool on Kal's shirt. Considering what Kon had already gotten on him however it wasn't exactly a big deal.
'He just looks so peaceful and happy..Maybe I should of been giving him cuddles long before this.' He mused, picturing how mad and angry he had been when he'd first come out of cadmas.'Then again, i doubt he would of just let me give him all the hugs, let alone put him in some bulky diapers.'
Of course there was every chance, Kal admitted to himself that part of Kon's anger and frustration was because he had just needed the hugs. It was one of his bigger regrets that he'd handled Kon's existence so poorly when he'd first found out he was cloned and truth be told, as he warmed up to him he couldn't help but feel he had blown his chance. He had wanted to ask to be Kon's father figure if not outright dad but knew he had missed his chance and just gone with brothers instead..though he had a inkling if he revisited the subject now Kon would agree to let Kal be his daddy.
'Of course with a baby on the way, who knows how that would work out.' Kal thought, brooding a little and finding himself getting a little tired. 'It's something to bring up with Lois later when she gets back.'
For now the Man and toddler of steel shared a nap on the couch, one of them pooting softly and mumbling behind his pacifier.
Lois was in less then a good mood as she came back. the story Perry had called Clark for had actually been a fluff piece and boring, and she was convinced that Perry had known in advance that Lois would poach the story and set her up for a safer assignment what with her having a bun in the oven.
Opening the door and walking into the living room however all of her frustration and anger was gone as she had to bite down on her tongue to keep from squealing at the sight in front of her.
Baby and daddy cuddling on the couch and at some point Kon who had been sucking on a pacifier (which was now on the floor) had gotten a hold of Clark's hand and was *gush* sucking on Clark's thumb!
Lois wasn't stupid and knew that Clark regretted how he'd handled the whole Kon thing and wanted to adopt him..and she also knew that someone who had trained himself in use of his powers as well as Clark had all these years didn't actually need daddy training.
All of this had been for the goal of getting Kon some TLC and hopefully getting them both to see they'd be happier as daddy and son then big and little brothers.
as she toyed with whether or not to snap a few pictures, Martha and Johnathan would of LOVED to see this, a loud brassy fart filled the room and then Kon was making small grunting noises.
Before she could debate whether or not to wake Kon up or Kal up, the back of the diaper started to expand out though the Onesie didn't snap open has it was actually made of a materiel meant to expand, same with the disposable diapers. (Alien tech put to it's best use)
The smell, while far from pleasant wasn't as horrible as she'd been worried about and after waiting for Kon to finish up, and to see if either of them would wake up on their own, she had her answer: Kon once he was finished loading the seat of his huggies which had ballooned out nicely just gurgled and nuzzled into Clark even more and Clark *Squeal* had just smiled in his sleep and reached down, Patting the boys filled padding.
As much as she wanted to just leave them alone, they WERE in a apartment and that stink was gonna spread, so before they started having the neighbors complain she came over and gently shook Clark's shoulder.
"Hey..hey come on smallville. wakey wakey." She said softly, trying not to wake up Kon.
"Hmm..Oh hey honey. what u-" Clark started to say, then sniffed and looked down, smirking a little
"Yeah, somebody needs a diaper change." Lois said and then, because she was a hopeless ham at time's couldn't help herself. "And THAT, Looks like a job for Superman."
"Wrong, This looks like a job for Super daddy." Clark said, and Lois could tell that there was going to be more then one baby stinking up their apartment soon.
'Look's like we better start looking into getting a house with a big yard.' She giggled to herself as Clark carried Kon over to the changing pad.
The end
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sleepysnk · 4 years
hello guys! this wasn't a request, but it is a small gift for @kwnblack ! i decided to make a third and final part for the two previous Zeke scenarios i wrote! i hope you enjoy :).
Zeke x Fem!Reader: I Promise
Warnings: slight manga spoilers and slight angst
Part 1 Part 2
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It had been about a month or so since Zeke had his last encounter with (Y/N). After that night, he left the island, and (Y/N) had no idea. She woke up the next morning, and notice he was gone. It confused her that day. Where the hell did he go?
She spent that whole day after searching for him. She went around Marley, but she never found him.
As the weeks went on, (Y/N) began to not feel like herself. She felt sick all the time, and she was very tired. She always blamed it on stress, but a few of her friends were concerned with her behavior. They didn't like the way she was acting. (Y/N) never looked good either.
After some arguments with friends, she decided to just finally go see the doctor. She explained to the doctor about her symptoms, he was concerned with how sick she was, and how she was fatigued most of the time.
"I'm going to run a few tests (Y/N), we should figure out what's going on" he said.
(Y/N) had multiple tests run on her, and what the doctor told her was shocking.
"Congratulations! Your expecting a baby"
Those words made her whole world stop.
She was pregnant? She never imagined in her entire life she would get pregnant, even with how young she was. (Y/N) knew who the dad was, it was Zeke for sure. She was the only man she was intimate with, but where was he?
The doctor explained her options. He explained that if she wanted to terminate it he could, but she insisted that she wanted to keep the baby. (Y/N) didn't want to let the opportunity slide, so she decided to keep it.
Her friends were extremely supportive of her and the baby. Thing was, they weren't exactly happy with who the dad was. They all shamed Zeke for leaving, in a way, her friends made it seem like Zeke only wanted to have sex with her. Nothing more than a one-night stand.
This made (Y/N) extremely emotional.
Many questions ran through her head during that month. Did Zeke only want her for one thing and one thing only? Did he lie about how he felt about her? So many questions with little answers.
Zeke on the other hand, had no idea she was pregnant. The time that they met fell at an unfortunate time, he had to head back to Paradis to obtain Eren. (Y/N) had no idea about these plans, and it sort of slipped Zeke's mind. His intention was to never leave her like that, he didn't have a choice.
She had some support from her best friend Mia (random name). Mia helped a lot with anything that she needed, and (Y/N) was extremely grateful for her. Without Mia, (Y/N) probably would have been so lonely.
"Imagine if it's a girl (Y/N)! A little you running around" Mia said.
Mia had been more excited than (Y/N) was for this baby. She dreamt about her best friend having a baby, and becoming an aunt or a God-parent.
As much as (Y/N) was excited, she couldn't help but feel those dark thoughts sometimes. She always thinks about Zeke, and she feels so much sadness run through her whenever she does.
"Are you thinking about him again?" Mia asked and looked at her.
(Y/N) nodded. "No! I'm fine, I just feel really moody right now. This pregnancy has made my hormones go all over the place" she replied and tried to seem convincing.
Mia had to deal with so much when it came to her best friend being pregnant. The mood swings, cravings, constantly peeing, and constant sleep. (Y/N) was thankful though, without Mia, she would have been stressed out to the max.
"I'll rip his damn head off (Y/N). You know I'm capable of that" she said and looked at her friend.
(Y/N) chuckled. "You won't need to do that. I think I want to nap being honest, so you can go if you'd like" she said and smiled.
Mia stood up. "Alright, well you know where I'm at if you need me" she said and made her way towards the door.
She watched as Mia exited. (Y/N) felt a sad wave hit her all at once, the emotions she felt were the usual. She felt tears fall down her cheeks as she thought about Zeke again. Was she really just a one-night stand to him? A woman who he got in bed just for one night?
(Y/N) went to her bed and began to sob. Her emotions running wild, and coming out once again. She's had countless days where she'd cry about it, who could blame her? The woman was pregnant and all she had was her friends.
All she had was the memory of him.
As the weeks went on, she began to feel a bit better. She actually put on a genuine smile, and she wasn't faking it. Her friends told her to not stress, it wasn't good for the baby. She had to take that in. (Y/N) was feeling better about herself, she went out with Mia and looked at different baby items that would be needed.
She had gotten a few items. (Y/N) was quite prepared for her baby, and she was very careful. Even being only about 2 or 3 months along.
But she was in for quite the situation.
(Y/N) stood looking outside her window. It was a warm and sunny day, she missed the summer breeze. It always reminded her of how beautiful the world was. She noticed some people beginning to run in the same direction.
"They're back!"
"Do you think they got him?"
(Y/N) was confused as to who was being talked about. She began to follow the people, and she noticed a pretty large crowd formed.
She noticed Mia was there. "What's going on?" (Y/N) asked.
She looked back at her. "I'm not sure... I'm just as curious as you are" Mia replied.
That's when she felt time stop.
Zeke was standing there with Reiner badly wounded. What the hell happened? As much as she wanted to run up to him, she knew she couldn't. Reiner and Zeke looked horrible.
"Where is Eren!?"
"Yeah! You promised to bring back the founding titan!"
Zeke just stood there quiet. The mission was a failure. Bertholdt was dead, and Paradis now had his power.
His eyes scanned the area as he noticed a familiar (h/c) haired girl standing there. (Y/N). Zeke noticed how upset she looked, he wasn't sure why, but he wanted to know.
"Let's go (Y/N)" Mia said and grabbed her arm.
She lead her away from the crowd. "Mia, what the hell happened? Who is Eren? What do they want with him?" she asked.
Mia sighed. "Couldn't tell you, all I heard was that they went with each other" she replied. "I guess we know where Zeke went after all this time..." she added.
(Y/N) looked down and stood by her friend. She didn't want to face him right now, it would be too much for her.
Zeke had been taken to the infirmary along with Reiner. Both were injured and needed to be checked on.
"Your injuries are minor, but it'll take you awhile to heal.." the nurse said and looked at Zeke.
He nodded. "May I request a visitor?" he asked.
The nurse furrowed her brows. "Are you sure about that? I can get someone to do that" she asked.
Zeke ran a hand through his hair. "Yes I'm sure, please get me (Y/N) (L/N) please" he replied.
She nodded. "Very well, I'll be right back" she said and exited the room.
Zeke waited as his heart began to race, he wanted to explain everything to her about the mission. She never knew about it, he didn't want her to worry that day, so he kept what he was doing out of it.
"Zeke?" The nurse said and entered the room.
He looked up and noticed she wasn't with the nurse. "Where is she?" he asked.
She sighed. "I'm not sure why but (Y/N) refused to see you. I can't force her, I'm sorry" she replied.
What the hell was up with her? She was avoiding him now? He knew leaving her so fast was kind of not a good idea. Zeke needed to talk to her as soon as possible.
Three days had gone by, and he hadn't seen (Y/N) around Marley. She had been a ghost. He wasn't sure where she could be, but he wanted to know.
(Y/N) did her best to avoid him. She did her shopping at odd hours, or she would make Mia do things for her. Mia completely understood, but she didn't want her to run away forever.
Mia sat in a bar by herself. She wanted (Y/N) to come for some company, but she was having morning sickness, so that was a huge no.
She noticed Pieck enter the bar. She had her crutch with her, since she spent so much time in her titan form, she forgot how to actually walk like a human.
"You look like you've seen better days" Pieck said and sat next to her.
Mia looked over. "Same to you" she replied and took a sip of her drink.
Pieck never knew Mia well. "Well.. when your mission becomes a total failure, you feel like shit so" she said and shrugged.
Mia laughed a little. "Hm... it can't be as bad as your best friend being a pregnant hormonal mess" she said.
The dark haired girl nodded. "Ah pregnancy huh? Why bring a child into this world" she said and leaned against the table.
"Not sure but it happened, (Y/N) deserves better though" Mia said and shrugged.
Pieck stopped. (Y/N)? She had heard Zeke talking about her during the mission, and pretty recently. Was that the girl he was trying to speak to? She heard his constant rant about this woman ignoring him.
"Excuse me.. I need to leave" Pieck said and began to make her way to find Zeke.
Mia found it odd how quickly the girl left. She shrugged and kept drinking. Pieck rushed as quickly as she could to find him.
"Zeke!" she yelled as she saw him talking with Reiner.
He furrowed his brows noticing her quick pace. "Something wrong Pieck?" he asked.
She looked at him. "Do you know (Y/N)?" she asked.
Zeke looked at Reiner and back at Pieck. "Yes... why?" he asked.
She nodded. "Did you know she was pregnant?" she asked.
His mind totally stopped when those words came out of Pieck. She was pregnant!? Maybe that's why she was avoiding him.
"I had no idea... excuse me, I need to go" Zeke said and began to make his way to her house.
(Y/N) sat in her home exhausted. Her morning sickness was horrible, so she spent most of the day in her bed and napping. She heard a knock at her front door. She assumed that it was Mia.
"Mia I-" she opened the door and saw Zeke standing there.
She stood there for a moment in shock. "(Y/N)... can we talk please?" he asked.
She sighed. "Come in.." she replied and moved so he could come in.
Zeke entered her home and watched as she shut the door. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked.
She furrowed her brows. "About what? What is there to talk about!?" she asked.
He rolled his eyes. "That you're pregnant!? What else?!" he replied.
Silence flooded the room between the two. "So you do know.." she said and sat down on her couch.
"I don't understand why you never told me. I've been here for days" he said.
She felt anger rushing through her. "Tell you? Why would I? You left me that day. You left me after we had SEX Zeke! You know how that made me feel? You made me feel like I was a one-night stand. I never knew you were going to leave like that" she yelled.
Zeke looked at her. "I'm sorry (Y/N). I should have told you that I had to go, I didn't want to worry you. Everything was at the wrong time" he replied.
She crossed her arms and shook her head. "You worried me 10x more when you left me that day, again" she said.
He felt horrible in the moment. "I know... I wanted to tell you" he said.
(Y/N) ran a hand down to her belly which was slowly getting bigger. "So why are you here?" she asked.
He looked up confused. "What? That's a stupid question. I'm here because I know I got you pregnant, who the fuck do you think I am (Y/N)? Some guy who bangs a girl, gets them pregnant, and then leaves? I care about you that's why I'm here. I want to be here for OUR child. If I didn't give a shit, I wouldn't have bothered showing up here" he replied.
She fell silent as he spoke, she didn't know what to say. "I'm about 3 months.." she said and looked down.
Zeke nodded and stood up. "I'm sorry for leaving you that day. Please forgive me" he said and held her hand.
She bit her lip and looked around. "I can forgive you Zeke, but how do I know you're gonna leave again?" she asked.
"I'll be more honest with you. This mission came fast and there wasn't much I could do to stop it" he replied.
(Y/N) nodded. "I see..." she said and looked at him.
He ran his hand down to her belly. "May I?" he asked.
She shook her head. "Yes" she replied and lifted her shirt a bit.
Zeke looked at how big her belly had gotten, it wasn't huge, but it was noticeable that she was bigger. He lied his head on her belly, and pulled her hips closer to him. The sight alone made her heart flutter. She ran her fingers through his hair.
"I can't wait to meet them, I don't have much time left" he said and looked down.
She nodded. "What do you mean?" she asked and furrowed her brows.
Zeke felt a bit emotional in the moment. "Curse of Ymir remember? I don't have much time left (Y/N).. I want to make it worth it for you and them" he said and stood up.
She noticed the tears in his eyes. "Zeke.. don't worry. I'll make sure it's worth it for you and the baby" she said and smiled a bit.
He wiped his eyes a bit. "I'd love that (Y/N), I promise I won't leave you ever again" he replied and hugged her.
She put her head on his chest. "Promise?" she asked.
He smiled. "I promise" he replied.
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I'm sorry to hear you've had a bad day. I hope this makes you feel a bit better 💜
Part 20 of Jimercury Kid series
‘I’m going to die.’ Freddie whined dramatically from the sofa, arching his back as Jim walked through the door with a tray of tea and biscuits, carefully setting it on the coffee table in front of the singer. ‘I’m not sure how much more of this pain I can take, darling.’
‘I know, love.’ Jim replied softly, placing another pillow under Freddie’s head. ‘But that’s what happens when you decide to do acrobatics on stage when there are wires lying around.’
‘It was entirely Roger’s fault.’ Freddie huffed. ‘He could have warned me that his drumkit was a danger zone.’
Jim chuckled and kissed his husband’s forehead. ‘The doctor said you’ll be right as rain in a few weeks, so long as you get plenty of rest and keep up the physio.’
The Persian grumbled, ‘I hate rest.’ Then he looked up at Jim with an accusatory glare. ‘And I can’t believe you’re abandoning me to galivant off and cut people’s hair! The audacity.’
Freddie hadn’t been all that pleased when Jim announced that he had accepted a weekend job at the barber shop down the road. The Irishman had befriended the owner, Carl Pritchard, in a bar a few months ago and while he had declined the offer of a full-time job (he still had the garden to think about and Khaleel to look after when Freddie was at the studio,) he was more than happy to lend Carl a hand every Saturday, when the shop was at its busiest.
Khaleel hadn’t been too happy about it either; he was used to Jim being around 24/7 and the sudden change of routine caused him a great amount of stress. Jim was almost late on his first day of the job because his son had cried and refused to let go of his leg. But eventually, the boy begrudgingly accepted it and Jim was able to pacify his separation anxiety with the promise of bringing home a treat when he was finished at work.
‘You’re just saying that because you’re jealous.’ Jim teased, dodging as Freddie attempted to swat his backside. ‘You think I’m going to fall head over heels for Carl’s dashing good looks and run off into the sunset with him.’
Freddie pouted like a child and crossed his arms. ‘So, you do think he’s good looking.’
Jim chuckled and dropped a kiss into his husband’s dark head of hair. ‘I’m old enough to be his dad, sweetheart. Besides, he’s really not my type.’
‘I wasn’t your type either and you still went for me.’
‘Well, how could I possibly resist? Have you seenyour arse?’
He roared with laughter as Freddie attempted to swat him again, but this time the singer grabbed his hand and pulled him down to kiss his lips.
‘Do you love me?’ he whispered once they had parted, brown eyes staring into Jim’s own almost fearfully. They had been together for almost ten years now, and yet he still needed that reassurance.
‘To the moon and back.’ Jim replied, leaning down for a much deeper kiss. He could have stayed like that all day, but a quick glance at his watch told him that he was already pushing it for time.
‘I’ll be back about six.’ He placed one final kiss against Freddie’s forehead before heading to the hallway to grab his coat. ‘I’ve left the shop’s number by the phone in case there’s an emergency. Try not to have too much fun without me.’
‘Very funny.’ Freddie sniggered as Jim blew him a kiss and turned the keys in the door. ‘Have a good day, darling. Don’t snip any ears off.’
The last thing he heard was Jim shouting goodbye to Khaleel up the stairs – which was quickly followed with a cheerful, ‘bye Daddy!’ – before the door was pulled shut. Freddie sighed and stretched his sore back, wishing he could at least hobble over to the piano and belt out a few show tunes to take his mind off the pain. He hated being alone; Phoebe was in town with friends and Khaleel had been colouring upstairs for most of the afternoon. He knew that colouring was one of the ways his bijou coped with Jim’s absence, so he didn’t want to disturb him.
Well, since he was bedbound (or in this case, sofa bound) he might as well catch forty winks. After finishing his tea and munching on a biscuit, he plumped up his pillows, propped his feet up on the armrest and did his best to ignore the constant throbbing in his lower back as he slowly drifted off to sleep.
Freddie was awoken by the sound of the phone ringing in the hallway, and he groggily rose from the sofa to go and answer it.
‘It’s Bernie, Bernie Morris.’ Said the voice on the other end of the line. ‘I know you usually have your physio on Sundays, but my 2 o’clock just cancelled and I don’t have any other appointments today. Would you like to take the slot?’
‘Oh darling, that would be wonderful.’ Freddie sighed in relief, rubbing his back as he spoke. ‘It’s really acting up today. I could use your magic hands.’
Bernie chucked jovially. ‘Alright then, see you in twenty.’
Bernard Morris was a tall, broad, cheerful man, recommended to Freddie by Doctor Atkinson after he had his accident. The vocalist had been apprehensive at first, thinking he could simply deal with the pain on his own; but he eventually relented when it became unbearable and had agreed to six weeks’ worth of sessions, so long as he could do it in the comfort of his own home. So far, Bernie’s methods had proved remarkably effective; Freddie’s back still hurt like hell, but he always felt slightly more relieved once he had been stretched and bent over a few times by a handsome looking man.
‘Thank you so much for this, darling.’ Said Freddie, as Bernie laid the exercise mat out on the floor and shifted the coffee table over to give them more space. ‘I was doing well for a couple of days but last night it started hurting like a bastard. I made the mistake of lifting Khaleel up too quickly during playtime.’
‘It’s no bother at all.’ Replied Bernie. ‘How’s the family? I still have yet to meet your little man.’
‘He’s very shy, our Kenny.’ Freddie chuckled fondly. ‘He’s been a bit clingy lately because of this new job Jim has taken up. He’s not used to him being away and he’s finding it hard to understand.’
‘Poor thing.’ Said Bernie sympathetically. ‘My little girl was the same when I started working full-time. But they get used to it eventually. Now,’ he cracked his knuckles, ‘shall we get started?’
‘Abso-fucking-lutely.’ Freddie said with a laugh and carefully laid himself down on the mat.
Khaleel let out a soft yawn as he finally finished colouring in Goliath’s bright yellow eyes and carefully added the picture to the pile of cat drawings he had been working on all afternoon. He didn’t like it when Daddy went to work; he was used to Baba being away, even though he missed him, but Daddy was always there and suddenly not having him around all day made Khaleel confused and scared.
His tummy began to rumble, so he hopped off his bed and carefully climbed down the staircases to tell his Baba that he would like a snack. But when he reached the bottom of the stairs, he heard a strange noise coming from the lounge. The door was open a crack, so Khaleel peeped through curiously.
Baba was lying on the floor and a strange man was sitting on top of him, pulling on his leg. Baba was moaning in pain, his arm flying up to cover his eyes as the strange man continued to push on his leg until his knee reached his chest, before stopping and doing the same with the other one. Baba started to cry a little, and the man said something, though Khaleel couldn’t hear what it was. The boy felt his tiny heart racing. There was a strange man in the house, and he was hurting his Baba. Daddy and Uncle Phoebe weren’t here to protect them. He wanted to run into the lounge and jump on the horrible man, but his feet were frozen to the floor, unable to move.
Then he remembered the phone. Daddy and Baba had taught him how to use it, though he was only supposed to use it in emergencies, and he was never to call 999 unless he really needed to. Daddy had left his work number beside the telephone in the hall, so Khaleel quickly hurried to it and stood up on his tiptoes to grab the handset. He stared hard at the numbers on the little piece of paper and slowly began pressing the buttons. (1/2)
Jim had to admit that it felt good cutting hair again.
Pritchard & Sons was nothing like the Savoy; it was small and intimate, with a far more welcoming atmosphere and friendly regulars who were always happy to make conversation. He instantly felt at home in the place and found himself actually looking forward to working on a Saturday; despite his full-time commitment to the garden, he had been longing for a change of scenery as of late, and this job offer was exactly what he needed.
He was busy brushing away the stray hairs from the shop floor when the telephone at the front desk began to ring. Carl was nowhere to be seen and his two co-workers, Simon and Neil, were busy with clients, so he set his broom against the wall and crossed over to the desk, picking up the handset before it could ring off.
‘Pritchard & Sons, how can I help you?’
‘Daddy?’ Came a small voice from the other end of the line.
Jim was taken back a second, as if he was hearing things. ‘Kenny? Is that you? Kenny, you shouldn’t be calling Daddy at work, he’s very busy.’
‘Daddy, I need help.’ The little boy whimpered in response.
‘Sweetheart, if you need help with something, ask your Baba-’
‘There’s a strange man in the house.’ Khaleel started to sob, his voice a terrified whisper, as if he was worried about being heard. ‘There’s a strange man and he’s hurting Baba.’
Jim felt his blood run cold. ‘W-what do you mean? Where’s Baba, Kenny?’
‘In the lounge. The man is on top of him, and Baba is crying.’
Oh Jesus. Jim began to shake, sweat beading his forehead as a million images flashed before his eyes. He knew he couldn’t let Khaleel hear the fear in his voice, otherwise it would just panic the little boy further. ‘Sweetheart, listen to me. I need you to go upstairs into your bedroom and hide under your bed, okay? Daddy’s coming, everything’s going to be okay.’
Khaleel continued to sob. ‘Daddy, please hurry.’‘
‘Please, Kenny, do as I say. Hang up the phone and go upstairs as quietly as you can. I promise I’ll be home soon.’
There was a loud sniff, before Khaleel mumbled, ‘hurry, Daddy,’ and the line went dead.
‘Tell Carl there’s been an emergency!’ Jim yelled over the counter to Simon, as he raced to the hat stand and grabbed his coat, racing through the door before he even got a response. He cursed as he fumbled with his car keys, almost dropping them into the gutter as his hands trembled violently; as soon as he was in the driver’s seat, he slammed his foot on the accelerator and sped down the road.
As soon as he reached Garden Lodge, Jim immediately went around the back entrance, not wanting to alert the intruder by ringing the bell. As soon as he had turned the key in the back door, he immediately called for Freddie, feeling his heart sink when he didn’t receive a response. He slowly walked down the hallway, glancing into every room in case someone leapt out and attacked him, until he reached the kitchen and quickly armed himself with a large knife that had been left sitting on the counter. He prayed that he wouldn’t have to use it.
‘Freddie!’ he cried out again, almost in tears, the hand holding the knife shaking so hard it was a miracle he didn’t drop it.
The kitchen door suddenly swung open behind him, and he yelled in surprise, whipping round, knife clasped in both hands and pointed straight at his would-be assailant.
There was a high-pitched shriek and a crash, and only then did Jim realise it was Freddie, clad in one of his silk kimonos and surrounded by broken teacups. They both stood there, frozen, as Jim looked his husband up and down; Freddie appeared unhurt, though shell-shocked, the tray he had been carrying now lying at his feet amongst shards of china.
‘Jim!’ Freddie screamed, once he had overcome his initial shock. ‘What the bloody hell are you doing?!’
Jim didn’t respond. He dropped the knife immediately, letting it clatter against the kitchen tiles as he ran to Freddie and scooped him into his arms, hugging him fiercely. His husband let out a surprised squeak as he was suddenly lifted off the floor and he quickly wound his legs around Jim’s hips before the younger man dropped him on his arse. It felt like Jim stood there forever, holding onto Freddie tightly, swaying back and forth like he did when soothing Khaleel to sleep.
‘Darling?’ Freddie finally whispered into Jim’s flushed ear. ‘Darling, what’s going on? What was all that about?’
Jim finally released his husband, brushing away the tears that had fallen down his cheeks as he cupped Freddie’s face and looked desperately into his eyes. ‘Are you alright? Are you hurt?’
Freddie looked baffled. ‘Hurt? Of course not! Why would I be hurt? And what are you even doing here? I thought you didn’t finish work until six.’
The Irishman’s heart finally began to relax as he took a moment to process this information. ‘Khaleel called the shop. He said there was a man in here and he was hurting you. I got here as fast as I could.’
Freddie stared at him with wide eyes, looking like a deer in headlights. ‘Oh my God…Jim, that was Bernie. Bernie Morris, my physiotherapist. He’s in the conservatory, I was just about to make us some more tea.’
Jim looked like he was about to collapse to the floor. He leaned back against the counter, colour finally returning to his face as he realised that Freddie and Khaleel had never been in any danger. All the horrifying scenarios that had been playing in his mind finally ceased to be.
‘Oh God…’ he covered his eyes with his hands, taking deep, uneven breaths, ‘I thought some psycho had broken in, I thought…’ He cut off, not wanting to even consider what could have happened.
Freddie carefully stepped over the mess on the floor, careful not to cut his bare feet as he approached him and put his arms around Jim’s neck, gently kissing his forehead. ‘You really would have killed a man just to protect me?’
Jim removed his hands from his eyes and replied without any hesitation. ‘Absolutely. The bastard wouldn’t have known what hit him.’
Freddie chucked softly, ‘my knight in shining armour.’ Then suddenly his eyes went wide. ‘Kenny! Where’s Kenny?’
‘I told him to go upstairs and hide under his bed.’ Replied Jim. ‘Come on, let’s go and get him. He’s scared out of his wits.’
It had taken a while to coax Khaleel out from underneath his bed. But his parents eventually managed to convince him that the mean man downstairs was actually a very nice man, who was helping Baba get better, and the only reason Baba had been crying in the lounge was because his back hurt so much. They praised him for being such a brave boy and using the phone to call for help when he thought it was needed. Khaleel eventually crawled out and let Freddie carry him downstairs.
He hid in face in Freddie’s shoulder when he saw Bernie, his body trembling in fear. But he gradually looked up when Bernie started chatting to him, realising this strange man wasn’t really that scary up close. By the time Phoebe arrived home from town, Kenny was sitting on Bernie’s lap, giggling as the man held one of his soft toys, pretending to make it talk in a deep gruff voice.
‘What happened here?’ Phoebe asked as he walked into the kitchen to see Jim sweeping up the broken china into a dustpan.
‘Long story.’ Was all the Irishman said in reply. (2/2)
Aww an extra long update! I loved it😊 It was exactly what I needed after the exhausting day I've had, thank you for making me smile with this part (and all your stories everyday).
I was happy to see Jim take up a part time job of a hairdresser. I've often wondered about that in Freddie!lives scenarios. I think one of the reasons why Jim took up the job of the gardener at GL is to be close to Freddie who had received his diagnosis by that time, if I'm not wrong.
And aww, baby Khaleel being so smart and calling up his father when he saw that his baba was in danger. And ofc, Jim being ready to do absolutely anything to keep his family safe... my heart.
And lol, I can see Phoebe rolling his eyes in the kitchen like, "I take one day off..."
(More drabbles by writer anon)
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jimjamthehorrorman · 4 years
Unconditional Love
This was the first time you let the big man in the mask around your dog. You were anxious because she was jumpy and you don't know how HE will react to HER.
You bought a beautiful Husky three years ago, prior to your move to Texas. You wanted a "guard dog" but you ended up with a sassy, lazy dog who steals crackers from the counter when you aren't looking. She's absolutely a sweetheart to everyone she meets in your little town, but she is afraid of masks and intimidating people. Halloween is her least favorite time of year and everyone knows because while you're handing out candy to the few kids around, there's a deep bellowing bark coming from the windows on your porch.
You met the Sawyers when you picked up a side job at their gas and barbeque shack about thirteen miles down the way. Drayton was a blessing, overly polite and insistent upon you working as little as possible.
"Y/N, you oughta head on home now and get you some rest you're looking awful weak."
"No, I'm alright! I've only got about an hour left and I wanted to lock up with you-" you felt as weak as he thinks you look. You'd been sick all day, lightheaded and spiraling. "-It's fine, I'm fine!"
Drayton looked you up and down.
"Alright. Just don't come crying to me when I catch you sleeping on the job!" He chuckled as he started taking the meat off of the hooks inside the glass case.
"Taking it home to the family?" He never talked about his family and you were curious. You could not keep yourself from asking. Everything was such a mystery, hell, you didn't even know the man who sat outside washing the cars that came for gas.
He stuttered, holding the back of his neck like a child caught in a lie. "H-Ha! I've got to feed grandpa and my brothers. They usually go hunting for their meat but no one can resist my barbeque! It's the best meat-" He smiled coyly. "-Anyhow, you need to head on home young m/w. I've got my brother coming up to pick up some firewood from behind the shack. He's a skittish fella and not real good at talkin so I don't want to embarrass him. Now head on out! Tomorrow we'll make a big jar of Sun Tea to sell and I'll save some for us. It's gonna be hot as hell out!"
He nearly shoved you out the door. It's obvious either you looked like you were DYING or he had a BIG SECRET to hide.
"Alright, I'll head out. Tell the boys I said hello!"
He smiled and shut the door behind you. You started to hop in your truck and realized your keys were still inside.
You tried to slide in the backdoor before Drayton saw you were there, but getting back out of the truck you felt awful dizzy and fell to the ground on the way in. You felt yourself falling in and out of consciousness and the as you finally start to lose the battle, you hear a rattling.
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You lose the fight and the next thing you remember is waking to the face of a dissapointed and fuzzy Drayton helping you out of your own truck with a man with a very deformed face, but maybe it was just your eyes.
The deformed man was incredibly tall and squealed like a child as he sat you on the porch swing. He patted your face to try to fully wake you. A man with a strange mark on his face drove Drayton's truck all the way here.
"What a fall huh?! Rough fall, hard fall. You must be tired or something. He/Her/They must be dying. Looks sick, pale like Grandpa."
"Nubbins, you and Bubba help Y/N into the house. They're my best employee so you better not screw this one up! If you drop them I'll beat the tar out of you fools!"
You could tell Drayton was serious. Who knew he appreciated you that much.
Barking eminated from the house. A horrible screech. You knew that sound.
"What?" Drayton looked confused.
"I'll go in on my own. I'll go lay down don't worry about me. Thanks boys I really appreciate the help but you can't come in. I've got a dog that might eat you alive!" You hurriedly told them, finding your way to the door in the dark. "I'll see you tomorrow Drayton! I'll see you boys again sometime soon!"
They all stood in disbelief on the porch as you slammed the door and turned the light on so they could get to the truck safely. Your dog met you at the door and she was PISSED. Not only did you keep her from seeing guests, but you're late and she's hungry.
"Sorry -pet name-, I'll get you some food."
You poured the bag of kibble quickly and clumsily, half of it on the floor. She could tell you were off and after she ate she climbed up on the couch and laid beside you. It was a long night for you both.
It had been two weeks since the incident, Drayton laughs it off that he went through all the trouble to take you home and make sure you were safe. Perhaps he had invested interest in your health, perhaps he had no friends but you and the gas guy. Either way he appreciated you. A lot.
"Y/N, I'm making dinner tonight do you want to back here this evenin'? Now you don't have to come, and you don't have to feel pressured to come over but I wanted to have you over. Just remember to feed your vicious pup before you come!" He chuckled, clearly nervous.
Shit, does Drayton like you?
"Now don't you worry this isn't a romantic thing, no, my brothers and I wanted you over to be sure you're eating good. You living there alone, you ought to have you a good meal!"
He wants you to come back to the gas station for dinner? What's wrong with his house? Doesn't matter, you won't turn down homemade food. You've been living off of cheap pot pies and snack foods. Your stomach rumbles at the thought of fresh steak and vegetables.
"I'll be here! Don't you worry." As the words escape your lips he gives you a huge smile and waves you off.
You feed your pup, give her a good pet and head out the door.
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The sound of sizzling comes from the kitchen, but Drayton is sitting beside you.
"Who's our chef tonight, Drayton?"
He looks at you smiling ear to ear.
"My youngest brother Bubba wanted to make sure you eat well. He felt so bad about you being sick and all that he made you something special."
The boy with the strange birthmark comes out of the back room smiling. He's so strange and erratic that it's almost comedic.
"Bubba makes good food! Normally Drayton is 'The Cook' but tonight me and Bubba made some good meat! Not quite headcheese or anything real tasty but we got some good uh.. some good steaks! Yeah steaks!"
You laugh. Drayton makes a face at him real fast thinking you didn't see. You did.
Your stomach growls, the smell from the tiny kitchen is alluring. Savory, like good meat with flavorful spices.
"Nubbins go tell your brother our guest is getting hungry! I knew I shoulda made dinner you two bafoons!"
Nubbins blows a raspberry at Drayton and runs into the kitchen, he yells at Bubba and you hear a grumble.
Nubbins returns a moment later with a bunch of full plates. Steaks, potatoes, greens, hell even a pan of brownies. As you're perusing the food, a large man in a painted mask and suit comes walking out of the kitchen, barely clearing the door frame.
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He's looking you over and honestly you aren't sure if you're frightened or bashful. A tall and burly man just made you dinner and yet you sit in silence trying to make out the face behind the mask. When he sits down across from you, you can barely see facial hair poking out of the side of his mask.
You bet he's cute under there, you're practically sure of it. When he looks back at you, you smile sheepishly and start eating.
Wow, he has some beautiful eyes behind that.
"I love your mask, Bubba." You were nervous. Flirting with a literal mystery, also your boss's brother.
Bubba hid his face in his hands and made little noises. Drayton chuckled.
"You made his day Y/N, he damn well may never take that thing off!"
Dinner last night was great, and you shared some eye contact with a presumably handsome masked man.
Drayton picked up on this, as your face was as red as the lips on his mask. You entered work with a smile on your face, until Drayton smiled back. Your heart sank nervously. What if you lose your job? What if he hates you for it? He grabs your hand.
"I think my brother may like you. He's not a talker and he's not too keen on people, but you're different. Anyone else woulda looked at his mask and said 'oh hell what a freak' but you were very kind to him. He'd been bothering me all night and morning to ask if you'd have him over to see your dog. See we've only had pigs and chickens and cows. Poor boy has never seen a pet type'a animal."
Oh god this is moving fast. You aren't sure how that's gonna go.
"I don't know Drayton, she's not good around strangers... especially ones who have such a... strange look."
Drayton frowns. You feel sick to your stomach. Not like the night you forgot to eat and passed out, but like guilt was building up inside and about to explode.
"Okay okay... I'll try to get her to work with me. Can you bring him over this afternoon? I know we close early today so that would work,...right?" You feel yourself pulling at the edges of your shirt. You're nervous she might hurt him and then Drayton would absolutely KILL you.
"I'll bring him up and take him around to the back porch, you just have him home after dark. People don't take kindly to a giant with two faces." He smiles.
You are in a panic. Your dog is already stirred up, she can sense the fear and is acting up in rebuttal. You hear a knock at the back door.
Oh god it's them.
They're here.
The dog.
You put her on a leash and keep her inside, meeting the giant man outside.
"Hey Bubba! How are yo-" he lifts you into a tight hug when you close the door behind you. He is squealing and laughing in joy. He's wearing his suit and mask from the other night. The one you said you liked. "-ou! Wow you're strong big guy! The pup is inside and she's a little wild today.. I'll bring her out here. No one should see us in the side yard. Okay? Just stay right here!"
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You can tell he's as nervous as you are. When he sat you down he gave you a look that said "I'm alright!" But.. You weren't so sure.
When she barked coming out the door he held his ears. You tried to quiet her down but relentlessly she barked and howled in the sight of this massive man.
He didn't know anything else to do so he began to whistle and coo at her.
She quieted down, practically crawling up to him. He held his hand out and she snapped like she was trying to bite and instead of jumping back he just cooed louder. Eventually she started to smell him, walking around him in circles.
Please don't hurt one another. That's all you want is for them to be civil.
Then it happened.
She PULLED until you couldn't hold her leash and you screamed. You closed your eyes and waited for the worst.
Once your heart had slowed to near silence, you heard chuckling and the sound of your dog panting.
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"Bubba! I think she likes you!" You yelled with a shaky voice. You were still nervous but he was having a great time and so was she. He was petting her and she didn't even care he had a mask on. Hell, she even licked him! You were in the clear, and you had never felt so relieved in your life.
This big man was petting your dog and having a blast, and just watching and hearing him laugh... You were too.
Damn. He's pretty cute.
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(This is my first time trying to write a fic so I apologise for it's length and content 😂😂😂)
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ma-gic-gay · 4 years
So this is a new one of these and the other one is probably over so yeah
It's a weird Christmas.
It marks a year since anyone last saw Sonny, a year since Julian's death, and a year full of drama, as one would expect.
Michael and Willow had had another child, a girl this time. Her name was Ophelia and Wiley loved being a big brother to her. The pair had also burned their annulment papers when they'd realized she was pregnant and finally admitted their feelings for each other. Watching them together had probably been the highlight of the year for their family.
Sam had started hooking up with Dante much to the chagrin of, well, everyone. It had started as a few random hookups but changed quickly into an actual relationship, testing several familial bonds.
Luckily, that disaster on wheels had been halted when Lulu had woken up from her coma. Lulu and Dante got back together and fell in love, again.
Sasha and Brando had formed a relationship as well, which was quite a surprise at first glance but made sense after a few weeks.
"Carly? You okay?" Jason asks. Surprisingly enough, she hadn't completely broke down yet, or ran away. The furthest she'd ran was the island and even then, it was only a few hours no one knew where she was, since he couldn't teleport and it took that long to get to the island.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking," she responds, faking a smile.
"Tell that to the tears in your eyes and obviously fake smile," he says to her. "What are you thinking about?"
"It's been a year since any of us have heard from Sonny. For all we know, he's dead. Hell, he probably is. I know I should give up and just agree to a funeral, but it feels wrong to do that without a body," Carly sighs, head in her hands in an effort to hide her tears. "It feels wrong for him to not be here. Last Christmas, we were convinced he'd be home by now and now it's like we've all resigned ourselves to him being dead."
"If it doesn't feel right to have a funeral, don't have one. I've known you for a long time, and your instincts are right a lot of the time. Just because Sonny's not confirmed dead doesn't mean he's not," Jason frowns, putting his arm around her and rubbing circles along her back.
Sonny's "death" meant he had to step up in more ways than one. This had marked the year of Jason running the mob, which he'd practically been doing before but was actually doing now. He'd also had to become sort of a surrogate husband to Carly to the point he practically lives there by now. The kids hadn't questioned it; they'd asked a few times if there was anything going on there but after getting a firm no there hadn't been anything else from them in forms of questioning their relationship status. It was what it was and that was the same friendship they'd always had.
There had been times even Danny had questioned why they were at that house so much, to the point he once asked Carly if they were together or not.
You know it's reaching an odd point when a twelve year old is asking if you're in love with your best friend.
Of course, they didn't take into consideration the fact the whole town thought they were together. Again. Everyone had assumed, based off of how much time they'd been spending together- surprisingly more than normal- and the fact that he'd all but moved into the house that they were together.
That was a fun one to realize when he'd gotten shot and everyone had assured her that her boyfriend would be fine.
It just wasn't happening, they were friends. Anything more could complicate it and complicated almost always meant that there would be fights they couldn't go to each other to uncomplicate.
"I know that, but I just don't want to live knowing that there's a chance he could be alive somewhere and he's been kidnapped or forgotten his name or something. It's like I'm stuck in this neverending circle where there's barely any hope but I can't pretend there's none either. Sometimes, I wish that the police would show up with a body and I would have to confirm that yes, he is dead, just so that I could get out of this loop," Carly sobs. "And then I feel terrible for wishing he was dead because I love him, you know, but then at the same time, I can't help but feel like I need closure."
"That's not a bad thing, to need closure. None of us get any closure when it comes to this, Carly. You're not a bad person for wanting some," he reminds her. "You've been grieving for a year a man you don't even know for sure is dead. It doesn't make you bad to want to have something definite."
"But wanting my husband dead? That's dark," she argues with him.
"You want to know if he's dead or alive, something to confirm what's happened to him. I hate to break it to you but you don't qualify as a terrible person," Jason chuckles. "You've never killed someone, never hurt a kid."
"I shot a dude in open court, I almost killed AJ. I've done a lot of questionable things in my life, Jason," Carly fights back.
She's not wrong, persay, but she's not right. "That stuff doesn't make you a bad person. Morally grey? Yes. Bad? No. You do what you think is best and you're impulsive. If something's not going your way, you'll tip the scales. It's just how you are. None of that makes you a bad person. Some people might not like it, but you've never killed someone or hurt a kid, so in my book you're a good person."
Carly's head comes out of her hands for a minute and he smiles, wiping away the tears. "Well you're not a bad person either. You'd never hurt a kid and you only kill in self defense or if the person's really bad and threatening someone you care about. It's not like you wake up and go kill someone for shits and giggles. You mourn the people you kill and feel bad about it. Only a purely horrible person wouldn't feel bad about their murders."
"Neither of us are bad people, let's just agree on that at least."
"Fine," she relents finally. That only took a year. "I miss Sonny. Especially this time of year. Last year, he read Donna and Avery the Grinch and he had the world's worst Grinch voice. I practically begged him to read another book because of how bad it was. But this year, I wish he would be able to read it to them."
"I miss him too," Jason admits. "It's been a hell of a year without him."
"That it has. So much has changed," she agrees with him, shifting her position on the couch so she's lying her head on his lap.
That's probably why the kids thought they were dating.
He plays with her hair as she laughs, remembering some obscure detail about his telling of the Grinch and decorating for Christmas.
Scratch that, this is definitely why everyone thinks they're together.
"Hey Mom, Jason," Joss greets them, coming in from the kitchen. "I'm going to Trina's. Donna's with Ophelia at the Quartermaine's and Avery's with Ava."
"Alright sweetie, have fun," Carly bids her daughter goodbye, sighing. "Why is she so adult now? I mean, I can remember when she was born and it feels like yesterday. Hell, Michael's birth feels like yesterday. And they're both so grown up."
"Time flies when you're having fun," he answers.
"Where'd you get that? A throw pillow or some advice of my mother's?"
"A card someone sent me back when I was in the hospital. Needless to say, that card got tossed in the trash as soon as you'd let me stand up to go to the trash."
"Who the hell sent that to you of all people?"
"No clue. It didn't have a name attached."
"Huh. Well, it's a terrible expression. Too throw pillow. The real answer would be that we're aging, sadly," Carly sighs again, equally as dramatic. "Granted, I still look like I'm 27, but somehow I've aged."
"Age is but a number."
"You sound like a Hallmark card."
"You do!"
"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I'm aging as well. You're not in this whole getting old thing alone. Provided, of course, that you agree to age," he smirks.
"I don't have anything better to do, sadly, so I suppose I'll agree to getting older. But I refuse to have a gray hair."
"Then go to the salon when you notice one and dye your hair."
"I plan on it," the blonde smiles at him before changing the topic. "Do you think we're weird?"
"That came out of nowhere."
"Answer the question."
"That sounded like a question."
"Carly, how am I supposed to answer this one? I don't know, maybe?" Jason says, though most of it comes out as a question.
"Well, I mean, think of it. Sonny's been presumed dead for a year. You've been in charge of the business and been there for all of us in more ways than I can count. Seriously, I think Donna sees you as a father," Carly chuckles. "And you've listened to me crying and losing it. Hell, you spent a month and a half at the island just so I wouldn't be alone."
"Hey, you're family. I was happy to do all of those things. Besides, you wouldn't leave my side when I got shot. Or for a very long month after that," he jokes.
"I know but you didn't have to do that. You didn't have to step up and parent the kids. You already had Danny and Scout and the breakup with Sam to deal with, that's a lot at once. Not to mention, taking over the business and grieving Sonny. And dealing with me. All at the same time," she smiles. "Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful, but you had no obligation to do any of that."
"Carly, do you think I'd be here right now if I didn't want to? You know me better than that. I love you and the kids and want to be there for all of you. So far, I've only gotten shot once and that was unrelated, so I'd consider this a pretty good experience."
The blonde scoffs at him and he chuckles. "Not funny. You could've died."
Rolling his eyes, he reminds her, "I didn't."
"Well you're not allowed to get shot for a long time."
"I'll take getting shot off of my to do list."
"Don't you dare joke about this!"
"Alright. Look at me. I'm not going to die anytime soon. I promise. It takes a lot more than a measly bullet to kill me, after all. Not even Russian madmen could do it," he says seriously.
"Good. Because if you do that to me again, I'll have no choice but to resign myself to a life in either prison or Ferncliff," she says half seriously, getting a laugh out of Jason.
It's not entirely unrealistic she'd end up in one of those positions, especially given that it's already happened. Repeatedly.
Maybe there's a sign she should stop doing dangerous things.
Almost as though she's being told to by something inside her, Carly connects her lips with his.
to be continued
why do i get myself into these things smh
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jacobseedvaas35 · 5 years
A Love Like No Other
Jacob Seed X OC Ana Pearce
Warnings: Violence, Smut, Mention of abuse
Warnings for this chapter: Violence & Mention of abuse
Word Count: 1707
Chapter Four
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One week went by, Jacob had hid himself away from Ana, closing his phone and not leaving his Veterans Centre. He knew she would text or call him. She didn't know where he lived, so he also knew that she wouldn't be paying him visits.
Ana day in her room, feeling down and trying to think about what she has done to upset Jacob. She's been trying to get in contact with him for two weeks now and was not successful once. She sighed as she looked down at her phone, only to put it away. Maybe it was time to give up or maybe it was time to pay his brother a visit. She convinced Blake to take her to Joseph's church, a little hope that maybe Jacob would be there too.
As they arrived to the church, Ana saw Joseph sending a few of his people away. Joseph saw the two siblings arrive and knew that Ana had come for answers.
"My children. Welcome" Joseph greeted them as they jumped out off the car.
"Hello Father. Sorry to just pop in like this" Ana said as she approached him.
"That's fine my child. Come on in" Joseph escorted them into his church. "How can I help?".
"Is Jacob ok? I've been trying to get in contact with him for weeks now" Ana asked.
Joseph knew this was going to happen one day. Ana arriving to his compound, questioning him about Jacob's sudden disappearance. Joseph was not someone that liked lying and he had no intentions on doing so with Ana. He grabbed her hand and looked right into her eyes.
"How can I say this without breaking your heart. Jacob informed us that he wanted to keep his distance from you" Joseph explained.
"What? Why? Did I do or say something wrong?" Ana asked.
"Not at all my child. You've known each other for a short time and anyone would think that they are crazy if.. you know, they end up falling for the other person" Joseph responded.
"Wait? Jacob likes me?" Ana became curious.
"Well I'd say love. He has feelings for you and wants to help you with your abusive parents" Joseph informed her.
“I...I don’t know what to say. It’s way too soon” Ana said, standing up and walking up and down. “I didn’t know he felt like that about me”.
“He couldn’t admit this to you. He knew it would scare you away” Joseph admitted to her. “How about you think about it first? Before you turn Jacob down. Maybe somewhere inside you, that very similar feeling is floating around”.
“I will” Ana agreed to Joseph’s suggestion.
Later that day, Ana was relaxing on her bed, thinking about Jacob and everything that Joseph and told her. She still couldn’t believe that, in a short timeframe, Jacob had grown feelings for her that much. Maybe she did feel the same as well. He did make her smile a lot and she did always feel safe around him. No, she was absolutely sure that she felt the same way.
“ANA!” Tim called out from the kitchen.
Ana rolled her eyes and walked out off her bedroom. “What?”.
Tim raised his eyebrows at her, in disappointment. “Is that how you speak with your father? “What?” How disrespectful”
“Sorry” Ana responded back but it wasn’t good enough for her father.
“Now you listen her little Miss. You’ve become quite a little smart ass since we’ve moved to Hope County and I’m not impressed. What’s worse, people have been telling me that you’ve been hanging out with a guy, twice your age” Tim said. “Are you sleeping with this man?”.
“What? Of course I’m not. We’ve just been hanging out as friends” Ana explained to her father.
At that moment her father raised his arm into the air and slapped her across the face. “You disgusting little slut” he barked and slapped her again. This time making Ana fall onto the ground. She begged her father to stop but he didn’t. He found the opportunity to take his belt off, wrapping it around his hand and using it on her.
Ana screamed the house down. The pain was sharp and burnt her skin. The amount of force he used on that belt to hit her, was sure to leave marks all over her body for weeks or even months. All Ana could do was scream and cry, hoping that he’d stop but he wasn’t going to.
He put the belt on the kitchen counter, grabbed Ana by the shoulder and stood her up. She thought it was finally over but he laid two punches into her face. The first punch landing on her eye and the other on her cheek. Another punch to her face and her mouth and nose started bleeding. She cried more when she saw the blood on her hand.
Suddenly the door opened and Tim froze. Ana looked at the door and saw her brother and sisters standing there, furious the hell with what they had just witnessed. Tim immediately became frightened. He had never seen Blake that angry and red before.
Blake slowly walked into the house, slamming the door shut behind him. He looked down at his little sister who was not only still hysterically crying but bleeding. “Hannah, Haley. Take Ana to the room and get her cleaned up. Don’t leave the bedroom until I say it’s ok to do so”.
All three girls immediately followed their brothers order and helped Ana to her bedroom.
“Ana. Sweetie calm down” Haley tried to comfort her little sister but Ana was in so much pain.
“It..hurts...so much” Ana said in between each cry.
“I know it does but we have to get you cleaned up” Hannah said. She took out a tissue and gently dabbed it onto her bleeding mouth.
“It hurts” Ana cried again. Her whole body was shaking.
Haley gently took Ana’s shirt off and couldn’t believe her eyes. The scars from the belt, had left her back all red and some parts, bleeding. Haley couldn’t help herself but cry. Tim had gotten into her so badly and she hoped that Blake was doing twice as worse to their father.
“I..I want Jacob” Ana cried. “Take...me.. to Jacob”.
Hannah and Haley looked at each other and agreed. It was a good idea. They wanted to take Ana away from this house. Possibly go to Joseph’s church, where they could call Jacob to come to Ana’s aid.
Haley stood up and walked out to the kitchen. Blake was leaning against the fridge, out of breath and still with a lot of anger in his system. She looked down at her father and saw how badly Blake had gotten into him.
“I thought I told you to stay in the room” Blake softly said.
“I think we should take Ana to Joseph’s church. She wants Jacob” Haley explained to her brother.
“I think that’s a damn good idea. Take her” Blake looked at his sister and nodded.
Ana had slightly settled down with her crying, as the three sisters drove to Joseph’s compound. Haley pulled the car over and jumped out of the car. “I’ll get help” she said to Hannah and ran into Joseph’s church.
Not too long later, John, Joseph, Faith and Haley came rushing out off the church and to the car. As soon as they saw the state of Ana, Faith couldn’t hold herself and started to cry.
“Oh dear god. What has he done to her?” John asked. He helped Ana out of the car and carried her into Joseph’s house. He laid her down on the couch and backed away, letting Faith take over.
“I’ll get her cleaned. Give her some painkillers and get her some rest” Faith said.
“I want Jacob. Please” Ana whispered. “Call him please”.
“I will do that right now my child” Joseph said, grabbing his phone and walking into the kitchen.
The phone rang for a short moment, when finally Jacob answered. “Jacob, you need to come down to my house immediately”.
“Not today Joseph. I’m busy” Jacob responded back.
“You have too” Joseph demanded.
“Why?” Jacob asked.
“Because....” Joseph paused for a short moment, looking at Ana. “Because Ana was badly beaten up by her father. Her sisters just bought her over to my place”.
“It’s horrible Jacob. The poor girl is bleeding from her mouth, nose and cheek. Her eye is already swollen and her back is full of scars from the belt he used on her” Joseph explained.
“I’m on my way” Jacob said and hung the phone up.
Joseph walked back into the living room and informed everyone that Jacob was on his way. Faith Rook Ana upstairs to help clean her. While John organised for a doctor. Hannah and Haley explained the whole story to Joseph, telling them that Blake had punished their father for his bad doing.
An hour later, Blake and Jacob arrived to Joseph’s house. Jacob was furious but impatient. He wanted to see Ana. Hold her and comfort her during this terrible ordeal.
“Where is she?” Jacob asked as he walked through the door.
“Upstairs. Faith is getting her cleaned up” Joseph told him.
Shortly after, Ana made her way downstairs after hearing Jacob’s voice. She froze on the third last step when she saw him. Jacob turned his head and couldn’t believe what he was seeing. The girl he loved was in very bad shape. He didn’t know whether he should drive down to her house and beat her father up as well or to look after her, until she was better.
Ana started crying and ran down the stair and into Jacob’s arms. He hugged her tightly, allowing her to cry in his chest. Her body was still shaking. He pressed his lips against the top of her head and then cupped her cheeks.
“I’ve missed you” Ana whispered to him. Wanting to smile but just couldn’t.
“I’m so sorry Ana” Jacob said and pulled her back for another hug.
“Don’t leave me like that again” she giggled slightly.
“I’ll never leave you again” Jacob responded back.
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automatismoateo · 4 years
My Ex-Catholic wife recently had an existential moment. It hurt her, and hurt me to watch. I think it's time to tell another de-conversion story. Stop me if you've heard this one before. via /r/atheism
Submitted February 19, 2020 at 04:08AM by anon_guy_2468 (Via reddit https://ift.tt/39K4iE0) My Ex-Catholic wife recently had an existential moment. It hurt her, and hurt me to watch. I think it's time to tell another de-conversion story. Stop me if you've heard this one before.
First, I often deplore long stories on Atheism, and I often do not read them. With that said I completely understand if people don't read this. I wont be hurt.
However, I'm starting to understand why they exist. Sometimes we need to know that someone else has been through something before, just to know we're not alone. So i'm going to tell my wife's story today, through my eyes, starting when I met her and concluding last week. Don't worry, her story isn't over, she isn't dead, the story is just going to end there for today.
Who should be reading this? Besides the obvious of "Whoever wants to", I'm intending this to be read by two groups of people. Atheist Spouses married to a believer, and anyone who was raised religious but wants to hear another side of things.
By the term Atheist Spouses i'm referring to people like me. I (An atheist since ~12) fell in love with a catholic woman who said she would never give up her faith. She demanded that I let her raise the kids in Catholic values, and asked me repeatedly to join her in her faith. Her family did too. WARNING, WARNING, WARNING! Every bit of advice will tell you that I should've walked away. Don't get married, don't have kids, don't don't don't. It cannot end well. But I was in love. I wanted it to work out, and I was willing to let her have whatever she wanted.
But i'm getting ahead of myself. I was 23, working a dead end retail job in a city I hated. I got a promotion to store manager and suddenly had a crew working under me. One of them had two jobs, he worked for me and he also worked at a store across the hall. Unbeknownst to me, he knew a girl and thought she would be perfect for me. So they arranged a meeting. They brought her into my store under a false pretense, paraded her around in front of me asking questions about something she didn't care about. It worked, holy hell it worked. Love at first sight. Still to this day I have no idea why.
Within weeks we were arranging our breaks together, going for lunches, and less than 5 weeks in we were off on our first real date. Why did it take 5 weeks to have our first date? Well, that's where WARNING number one should have had me questioning my decisions. She had a (kid). The father was absent and she was raising (it) alone. Didn't matter, I was in love. But because she had an added responsibility this meant that she needed to take things seriously. She made it clear that she wasn't just "dating" for the sake of dating. Because of this I met her family early. They were catholic. VERY Catholic.
First was a lunch with her mother. She'd already asked her daughter if I was catholic, to which she was told that I was not. Then again during lunch she made sure to ask again if I was catholic. I said no. The following day I met the grandmother and the mother made sure to let HER know, in front of me, that I was indeed not Catholic. It came up often. I remember a conversation with her father some time later that sounded similar. None of them ever knew that I was an Atheist, they all just knew that I wasn't catholic. That was bad enough.
Flash forward a bit. 5 months into the relationship I've already proposed. We need to meet the Priest. He wants to interview us separately. Nigerian guy, worked his way to Canada on a religious visa, has to remain a priest to stay in the country. To my surprise he couldn't care less about my religion. He asks me some questions, asks if I will let my wife raise the kids Catholic... I honestly don't remember it much. It was pretty chill. Then comes the kicker. If we want to be married in his church, we have to take Catholic Marriage Classes. Lets be clear, this is the church my wife-to-be has been attending for a VERY long time. I'm willing to do what it takes...almost.
We live below the poverty line at this point. Times are tough, and we've got a (kid) to think about as well. These classes they want us to take are monday to wednesday, in a city about 150km (90miles) away. We're not commuting 3 hours a day, AFTER taking 3 days off work. This isn't going to work. She suggests we consider another church. I make absolutely sure she's okay not being married in HER church. She's not happy with it, but willing to do it. We've been telling people this whole time that my family is part of the United Church (technically not a lie, we are, we just haven't gone in like 10+ years) So we tell her parents that we're going to move the ceremony to a United Church. They are not happy, but grit their teeth.
That Sunday at the end of service they tell the priest that the wedding is being moved to another church. Moments later he literally gets in his car and follows her parents home! They're walking into their house and he's already in the driveway! It's a big thing. Him losing "another young catholic" isn't something he's willing to do. He bends over backwards, finds and arranges for us to take evening classes at a local church. This is the first flexibility I've ever seen in the Catholic Church, and i'm amazed.
These classes, in hindsight, probably should have made me walk away. The brainwashing my fiance had lived through became very evident. She was defensive when she didn't need to be, and even broke into tears a couple times. I still remember two of those times. One time she tearfully told me she was afraid she would live a lifetime with me, then get to heaven and find that I wasn't there. Another time she cried, begging me, "why can't you just believe?". She wasn't being manipulative, not at all. She was genuinely afraid. It hurt. It hurt not because of what she was saying, but it hurt because I realized she was soo deep into this all that she saw faith as fact. It was scary. But I did what I needed, and I agreed to let her raise the kids catholic. That part wasn't negotiable. I was not converting, that part was also non-negotiable.
The wedding goes...okay. This was in the early 2000's, so the priest who I've spoken about is already gone. They're moving them around a LOT right now. Boston just happened a couple years ago and priests are staying in small churches no more than 9-12 months right now. They cant risk anyone being in a church long enough to develop relationships with children. So our wedding is done by a new young priest who botches it completely. He even forgets the first kiss. My wife and I just take a moment to face the crowd, and lay a good 15 second one on each other to give everyone a chance to grab their cameras and capture the moment. The priest doesn't even notice! Oh well.
Soon into our marriage we move away from her hometown. Our jobs are both dead end, and we both wanna live somewhere bigger. My wife finds a new catholic church which she pledges to attend weekly, but that quickly starts to fade. In less than a year she's become a holiday catholic. She still prays, she teaches our (kid) about Jesus, and makes sure to let her family know that she's still living as a Catholic (minus church). Christmas every year has our kid getting a ton of religious gifts. It's kinda sick. Jesus books, Jesus art, Jesus toys. They really know how to make money off this guy.
(Quick Note: Her child is now our child, I always refer to that kid as our first/oldest, the word step dad is never used. We are about to have two children, and that nomenclature never fades)
Our second child is born, and I ain't seen NOTHING yet. The family goes ALL OUT trying to make sure they're not gonna lose this one. Jesus figures, more jesus art, and books that will never be read. But that's nothing compared to the litany of questions and promises that this child will also be raised catholic. The Christening is booked quickly (and don't you dare accidentally call it a baptism).
We move around a couple more times during the years, following jobs here and there. Both the kids go through Catechism classes at different times in different cities, and once again i'm exposed to some real horror. They really beat this "satan" stuff into the kids. If they don't do what they're told satan is gonna get them and burn them. It's scary shit.
But the church that does Catechism with our second child screws up. They screw up big time. During the classes my wife is told that she needs to attend weekly Mass, or they're not letting Kid#2 attend. After the classes are over my wife stops going. Not long after, we get a box in the mail. It's a box of 52, pre adressed and dated weekly tithing envelopes. It's the seed I've been waiting for. We've been married 8 years now, and I've been waiting for this. The church is greedy, and she's seen it.
But i'm not touching it. It's not my intent to make the church look bad. I'm not going to take my wife away from the church. That's dangerous ground. VERY dangerous. I need it to be her decision. So I don't mention it again. I do however start to teach my wife about financial scams. She gets lesson 101 in Nigerian Prince scams, tax scams, phishing scams. I teach her about cold reading, psychics, and I even slip in financial scams like prosperity gospel. All manner of charlatans who want your money, she learned about them. The base was there. She was starting to put it together.
But I really think the end came a couple years after that, all on its own. Her grandfather died. Pretty horrible time. He'd been sick a long time, and one day his heart just stopped. No word of a lie he was in his den watching Matlock, like any good codger should be. He had one leg up on his ottoman, a hand on the remote. When the episode was over he didn't come down for tea, and Grandma went up to check on him. He was gone.
And the fucking priest passed a collection plate at his funeral.....
Sorry, the language probably isn't necessary, but that part still makes me mad. As mad as it made me, the family was even more broken. My wife is completely done. She hasn't attended more than a few times since. Not even christmas is a guarantee anymore. She doesn't make the kids go. She doesn't give it a second thought. And i still don't say a thing. By now I'd call my wife a christian, hedging on deist. She still wants to believe in a god of some sort, but she's really leaning away from the catholic propaganda. She's done a little research on jesus, and knows that he probably didn't exist. She's definitely not catholic anymore, although she still tells people she is when asked.
But after allll of that, it's her mother who screws things up. It's not all at once either, it comes as a one-two punch.
One night she's putting some of her other grandchildren (our niece/nephew) to bed, and tells them a story about demons, and how demons can come for you in your dreams. Well naturally the kids both have nightmares that night. Grandma's right there to say "SEE! That's why we pray, we need to keep the demons out!" The fight is legendary. The nibblings parents are in a RAGE! And they have the right to be. Not long later we get the cliffnotes version. We decide to restrict our kids time alone with the grandparents
Flash forward another couple years. My wife and I book a trip to Vegas and her mother agrees to sit with the kids for the time we're gone. I know what I said earlier, but we didn't have a choice. Talked with the kids about their rights, and how Grandma has some pretty strong beliefs. It's like an innoculation. We head to VEGAS BABY! Out of the hotel I have very limited connection on my phone, only get data if I pass an open wifi network. We're walking around Freemont street Saturday night and I get a message from my oldest. "Dad, grandma wants to make us go to church tomorrow, but we don't want to. She's making us, what should I do?". I reply the only way I know how. Calmly. "I'm too far away to do anything, and if I call her she will know you contacted me and might think you went behind her back. Tell her you don't want to, it's your decision. If she throws a fit just go, it's only an hour in church and it wont hurt you". It's well past midnight before I get another wifi connection, the message goes through, I don't get another reply.
A few days later we get back home and I drive to pick up the eldest from school. I ask how the church thing went. The story is awesome. "We told her we didn't want to go. She wasn't happy. She cried, bribed us with lunch at a restaurant, even tried a guilt trip saying that she wouldn't go alone so it was OUR fault she wasn't going to church.. We stood our ground and didn't go. She wasn't happy. After all that she still took us out for lunch anyway."
That was 5 months ago. Last week my wife and I are doing dishes. She turns to me and says something along the lines of "I'm kinda sad. I realize now that when this life is over, that's it, it's over. There's nothing else after."
She's having an existential crisis. She's given up on the eternal reward, and it hurts her inside. I try a couple things that come quickly to mind, I mention the fact that death is like the time before she was born. She's not interested. She doesn't need it. She's okay with it. She's not entirely settled, but she's okay.
She's not religious anymore. At all.....
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