#and you were fully dedicated to roleplaying as kanato
Very fitting of me to still have my kanato pfp in this situation
PFFF YEAH I'M SORRY. it's worse because when I click on it. it switches to a cutthroat pfp. instead of what you changed it to today
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derangedsilence · 5 years
Laito Sakamaki
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Shipping?  Yes, but extremely difficult if you’re aiming for something more than physical.  I will not count “physical relationships” as a genuine ship, so Laito will wander around and be with whomever he wishes until/unless he settles on a particular person, Yui or otherwise.  Singleship per verse with limited verses.  Please note - as stated on the rules page, orientation is typically listed as what the muses think they are.
Duplicates? Multiple ‘Yuis’?  What about character that aren’t on the dedicated castmates list?  Yes.  You can thrust Laito at Laito.  There’s also no issue with duplicates of canon, crossover, etc. characters that Laito is already interacting with.  You want it, you got it.   To prevent destroying the validity of duplicate muses, I will sometimes think of things as ‘A Kanato did this’ instead of ‘Kanato did this’, which is a very subtle difference but prevents another muse from having to deal with the blame of an event they were not responsible for.  This will only be differentiated as necessary within writing.  I repeat: all duplicate muses will be treated with respect, not as ‘fakes’.  Any Sakamaki brother is a brother of his, regardless of how many Kanatos there are (for example).  We’re just going to, uh, slide past that as often as possible (and occasionally make jokes).
Multiple Laitos will be treated as though they’d somehow wandered into one’s world or the other via some enchanted, strange object or doorway in the Sakamaki household.  This allows them to interact, but prevents the concept that one is a ‘true’ Laito over the other.  I do not necessarily recommend having two of them meet if there’s a Yui present.  Ideas may arise.  You have been warned.
Fighting?  A-Okay, but Laito will probably run away, avoid, escape, etc. unless there’s a real need.  He prefers nonviolent confrontations.  I’ve done a lot of fighting roleplay but it was in the past and I’m way more interested in the storytelling of it.  It’s better that we discuss the end result beforehand for smoother sailing, but we can improv it as well.
Harming? A-Okay!  Just be aware that this muse may harm or kill yours in turn!
Killing? A-Okay!  Please be aware, however, that should the need or desire to continue the verse arise, the death scene will be considered a what-if.  In addition, it is very difficult to kill this muse due to the pureblood resurrection abilities.
Can we send shippy memes / etc.? Sure, we can still explore what-ifs, drabbles and oneshot threads, but the main focus will be on the storyline here!
Can we know Yui has Cordelia’s heart, is possibly turning into a vampire, is surrounded by vampires, etc. and reference this to Laito? On a case-by-case basis.  It should be discovered organically if it’s not something your character would be able to know already.  There’s plenty of situations where this would make sense.
Can we know about Laito’s past before interacting?  No, not unless you have genuine reasons for it like being one of his brothers.
Can we have characters comment on the events of the timeline? Yes, if they “catch sight of”, “overhear a rumor”, “a familiar saw X”, or any other sensible reason, then characters can be aware of and comment on events.  I wholly encourage characters participate in Laito’s life!  Please tell the story with me!
Can we rescue Yui Komori from the Sakamaki household? Unlikely.  At best, if you succeed in the first place, it’s entirely likely that they will find you, they will take Yui back, and they will kill one or both of you for this.  Or the Mukamis might take advantage of the situation!  Obviously, the exception here is the Mukamis, who are entirely expected to attempt this from time to time.
Can we reference interactions we’ve had with your Kanato, etc. to Laito?  I mean...sure?  If you want?  I’m fine with using my muses for plot and timeline advancements for myself and those I interact with (within limits) but I’d also prefer to not be my Kanato’s Laito and vice versa, so this would probably be limited.  You can still act like what’s happened has happened, though.
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Biography / Stats
FULL NAME. Laito Sakamaki ALIAS. Pervert (Ayato), Laito-kun (Yui) AGE. Appears 17-18 || Actually significantly older BIRTHDAY. March 20 GENDER & PRONOUNS. Male, he/him ORIENTATION. Yes  SPECIES. Vampire OCCUPATION. High school student of the night school known as Ryoutei Academy. 2nd year in HDB, 3rd year if assuming time has passed. RESIDENCE. Sakamaki residence, Japan
HAIR. Red EYES. Green BUILD. Fit HEIGHT. 5'8'' (174cm) TATTOOS. None PIERCINGS. Two, both in his left ear. ADDITIONAL MARKINGS.  Mole on the right side of his chin. OTHER. Right-handed
ZODIAC. Pisces (Pisces/Aries cusp) ALIGNMENT. Chaotic horny POSITIVE TRAITS. cheerful, playful, friendly NEGATIVE TRAITS. sadistic, masochistic, controlling
BIRTH PLACE. Japan NATIONALITY. Japanese PARENTS. Karlheinz (Alive?), Cordelia (Deceased / Haunting) SIBLINGS. Full Siblings - Ayato, Kanato. Half-siblings (shared father): Shuu, Reiji, and Subaru EXTENDED FAMILY. Karlheinz's other wives, Beatrix and Christa. Richter (Uncle). EDUCATION. High school (likely several times over) SPECIES. Vampire NOTABLE SKILLS. Piano, singing, crossword puzzles, reach, flexibility. LANGUAGES. Japanese, JSL, English, French, Russian FAVORITE FOOD. Macaron
PUREBLOOD. Inhuman strength, increased speed, vision, hearing, and smell. Fast healing & healing saliva. TELEPORTATION. Can teleport instantaneously. FLYING. He can fly, but only during a full moon. SWORDSMANSHIP. C OTHER. Can control and summon familiars. Notably, turns the souls of failed sacrificial brides into familiars. WEAKNESSES. Truly holy objects weaken him, but not by much. DISLIKES.  Bugs, creepy crawlies
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[*Credit: Appearance section pulled directly from the Dialovers Wiki.]
Laito has shoulder-length reddish-brown hair, with lighter blondish color to the tips, a mole on the right side of his chin and green eyes just like his triplet brother Ayato.  He has fair skin and is usually seen in a pose where he holds the tip of his hat as it looks like he is trying to pull it down.  He has a slender figure and is often seen smirking.  He has two piercings on his left ear.
In HAUNTED DARK BRIDAL, Laito’s casual wear is usually an unzipped blue hoodie with white cuffed sleeves over a striped sweater with sleeves that almost cover his hands and a white dress shirt with a red tie.  He wears it with brown pants along with his hat that has a red ribbon around it.
In MORE, BLOOD, Laito wears a dress shirt with a grey vest and two scarves, one white and one black.  He wears this with black pants and his signature fedora hat.  
His uniform consists of the black uniform jacket over a red jacket that has fur bordering the hood.  Under that is a white dress shirt with a skinny black tie.  He wears black pants that go only to his knees and his signature hat.
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Infamously, Laito is perverted.  He’s been suspended from school multiple times over his perverse behavior.  Despite his masochistic-seeming tendencies, Laito is a ‘Do-S’ and extreme sadist like all his brothers.  Though his methods may, at a glance, seem far softer than some of his brothers, he is extremely sexually aggressive and manipulates the mindset of others’ based on his whims.  If he distresses someone too much and picks up on it, he may either fully break the individual or turn soft for their next engagement, ensuring the person is clinging to the nicer, lovelier moments together.
Cheerful, playful and friendly, Laito adores teasing and messing with others, especially Yui.  He enjoys others watching him tease an individual.  He enjoys watching other people bite and mess with Yui, but ultimately turns possessive and jealous over it.
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CHILDHOOD. The oldest triplet by birth order, the triplets consider each others’ ages via an old tradition where the last one to be born in a multiple birth is the oldest.  Thus, Laito is treated as the youngest triplet and, in addition, the fifth son of the Sakamakis.  When Laito was a child, Cordelia had no purpose for him and ignored him even more than Kanato, whose voice she at least appreciated.  Though he tended to be a softer, more sensitive boy, he would often play with the louder Ayato and the temperamental Kanato when the opportunity arose.  More often than not, he was left to his own devices and felt truly unloved and neglected.
Once he was “old enough” (by Cordelia’s standards apparently), Cordelia began an incestuous relationship between them.  This went on for quite some time until Karlheinz found out about it and tossed Laito into the dungeon.  When Cordelia went to see him, Laito thought he was someone precious to her and that she wanted to rescue him.  Instead, she showed him her “love” for Richter while he watched, forcing Laito to see that he was never special to her among all the other men in her life.  Unfortunately, their “relationship” continued even after he was freed and Laito was unable to see her actions as anything but cheating on him.  He frequently murdered her lovers but was forced to promise that he would not kill Richter.  The ongoing stress of being forced into sexual situations (witnessing his mother’s acts with others, etc.) that he did not necessarily desire and his mother’s inconsistent behavior towards him led to Laito growing into a pervert with a very warped understanding of “love”.  
Eventually, Cordelia was attacked by Ayato and came to Laito for help.  Rather than harm Ayato or allow Cordelia her wish to be killed “by the only man she loved” (his father), he pushed her off the balcony so that he could keep her to himself for eternity.
NEAR CURRENT.  Karlheinz manipulated circumstances to keep tossing experimental sacrificial brides at his children.  None could endure the blood loss, physical and emotional torment.  The sacrificial brides were too fragile and the Sakamakis broke their toys.  
CURRENT. A single sacrificial bride is surviving and enduring: Yui Komori.  Whichever brother obtains her will become the Sakamaki heir.  Without directly entering into a “relationship” with any of the Sakamakis, she endures her stay there.
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Brief summaries of the verses for Laito along with potential links for those less familiar with Diabolik Lovers but still want to interact with him.  For the sake of keeping things clean, encouraging community-wide and cooperative storytelling in roleplay, and not letting things get too crazy, verses will be limited.  More may be made over time as needed.
| DL Anime | DL More Blood Anime | Haunted Dark Bridal | More Blood | (Coming Soon)
*This verse will be typically be the default, 'main verse'. In this, it is assumed that Yui Komori is staying at the Sakamaki household with some version of the first game having taken place. If the second game is included, it's with the idea that Yui stayed with the Sakamakis. Whether Laito or one of his brothers winds up obtaining the Sacrificial Bride, Laito’s life continues.
If for some reason it's absolutely necessary to differentiate between the verse above and a verse where More Blood has certainly occured, but Yui did not (at least initially) stay with the Sakamakis and instead is currently living with the Mukamis or was, until recently, still living with the Mukamis.  Rivalry abounds and attempts to procure Yui are likely.
Verse Details | Tag: #V; LAITO; MORE BLOOD
Posts that could take place in the Sakamaki or Mukami verses but involve duplicates (whether Yui or others) in the same scene in a manner that would be hard to pass off as typical flow for those verses.  Also includes nearly ANY time fellow characters are staying at the mansion, otherwise we’d end up with verses of 20+ additional characters hanging out in the Sakamaki villa.  
Verse Details | Tag:#V; LAITO; MISC
Posts that can easily be assumed to have occured in either the Sakamaki or Mukami verses, typically answering asks, etc. that aren’t directly related to events unique to their timelines.
Likely reserved for one-off threads exploring a “what if”, a romantic meme that would otherwise be inappropriate, etc.  If a meme doesn’t quite fit with one of the existing timelines, it’ll get one of these.
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THREAD / WRITING TAG: #echoes in the halls; laito
HEADCANONS:  #hc; dialovers; laito
IMAGES: #itt // laito sakamaki
MUSIC:  #music; dialovers; laito
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