#and you coud hear clearly it was about something bad and weird happening but this time when the girl asked about it
zaza-expert · 1 year
I always have the most intense nap dreams
#just got woken up from one where my friend was showing me music videos and in the beginning of the first song on that album#there was a little animation#and it was this little girl laying in bed and her mom or her guardian or someone was sitting next to her on her phone#there was a little drinking bird thing there too on the nightstand or something#but the focus was on the little girl#and the whole thing had this really muffled dreamlike quality and you could hear talking in the background but not what it was saying#and the little girl asked whoever was sitting with her what the talking meant and the lady responded in a really sweet and gentle way#but just brushed off whatever was being said#and then the album kicked in#and then at the end of the last song on the album there was another clip#of the same scene but this one was live action and the tone was a lot harsher#so it was the same little girl laying in bed but this time you could hear the dreamy talking was like a news report#from the other persons phone#and you coud hear clearly it was about something bad and weird happening but this time when the girl asked about it#the other lady was really harsh about how she shut it down and just was not nice#it was really weird#there was some weird explanation about how they had had the same conversation across many different universes#and that apparently the older one had been trying to contact the younger one through different universes a ton of times#but she wasnt allowed to just say exactly what she was trying to#but before i figured all that out ny brother came in and woke me up#it was really fucking eerie and intense
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Wind in the Wilderness (2/?)
“So can you tell me anything about where you last saw your friends?”
Wind tried to remember, he really did. But they’d shifted worlds pretty much right before they were caught in the storm, so it was hard to recall specific details, especially since world-switching could be so. . .disorienting. 
“No, not really anything specific. Sorry. . .” he admitted, rather sheepishly. 
“That’s fine. We’ll find them eventually,’ Wild shrugged nonchalantly, which surprised Wind. Not only was Hyrule huge, but what if they switched worlds? How would he explain that, when he hadn’t even explained the whole reincarnation thing?
“Are you sure?”
He certainly wasn’t one of many words, Wind reflected dully. But the young hero didn’t want to push him to talk when he clearly wasn’t comfortable with it. So he resigned to walking in silence, keeping his senses alert. A group of seven heroes-and sometimes, a wolf- couldn’t be that hard to find, right?
“Wind!” Warrior shouted uselessly at the top of his lungs as he approached their campsite. How could they have lost him? They’d all stuck together, hadn’t they? Damn you, Hylia.
Time had been rather quiet since they noticed Wind’s absence, occasionally sharing pointed looks with Twilight. “Shame Wolfie isn’t here. I bet he could track down Wind in no time,” he sighed, running a hand through his hair. “And the hero of this land, if there is one,” he added, glancing directly at Twilight, who avoided his gaze. But as they traveled this Hyrule, it seemed more and more and more like there was no hero. There’d been so many ruins everywhere, and they’d yet to see a populated civilization. The vast plains seemed empty except for monsters and decaying, frozen-in-time machinery.
“Yeah, it’s too bad,” Sky murmured. The cheerful hero seemed a lot older when he was upset like this, and was disorienting that he of all of them couldn’t even hold a smile. But in this strange, unfamiliar Hyrule, who knew what monsters lurked about, and while nobody said it out loud, they all had similar thoughts about what could have happened to Wind.
Twilight prodded the dying fire with a stick. They didn’t usually camp in one place for more than a single night, but it was almost dusk and they’d spent the whole day searching, each of them returning reluctantly to the camp after hours of no sign at all.
He grunted, stretching his arms as he heaved himself to his feet. Wordlessly, the Hero of Twilight retreated into the forest, heading the same way Warrior had come from, glaring ever so slightly in Time’s direction. Nobody made any move to acknowledge his leaving.
 Hopefully he’d find Wind soon. He absolutely hated leaving his fellow heroes behind like this, but what could he do? Leave Wind out there by himself? He remembered the lynels and guardians, even though the latter seemed to have deactivated. 
Once he could no longer hear the quiet tidbits of conversation glumly passed around, Twilight shifted into a wolf. Sniffing furiously, he pressed his nose to the ground. But he knew that he wouldn’t have  much luck, if any. A storm like that would have washed away any and all scents. Still, he retraced their steps through the field, steering clear of ruins and the tower. He remembered his protege trying to climb that specific tower. Regardless of whether or not the guardians were no longer working, it still made him uneasy.
At last! In a meadow within the sight of yet again more ruins, Twilight caught the vaguest whiff of Wind. He couldn’t detect anything else, which most likely meant that he’d ran away from their group and collapsed. Lifting his head, he strained his ears, and could faintly hear what sounded like people? He broke into a run, following the sound until  he found a well-traveled trail, following it past some large, crumbling stone building. The Coliseum! He remembered that foul place. Now he knew exactly where he was. Rounding around said ruins, he spotted the familiar building of a stable and some people milling about. He caught a whiff of not one, but two familiar scents. Well, that certainly made things easier. At least they wouldn’t have to spend time searching for the hero. 
Sticking to the thin stretch of woodland, the wolf followed the scent, and realized that they had quite the lead on him. He increased his pace to a full-on sprint. Now that he knew where he was, he wasn’t quite so worried about lynels. This area was peaceful. He knew that. But he also knew his apprentice had a tendency to do stupid, reckless things. Thankfully, dusk fell slowly, but he could tell he’d be away from camp at least over night, perhaps longer.
“So from here we’ll make our way to Rito Village,” Wild murmured. He still hadn’t revealed his Shiekah Slate, and was in no hurry to, thanking Hylia that he’d knew the general map of Hyrule like the back of his hand. How would you explain something like that to some innocent kid, one who probably had no idea of the dangers of Hyrule, the Calamity, and so on? 
Wind nearly stopped in his tracks. There were Rito? He felt a sharp pang of longing. He hadn’t seen Medli in a long time, since way before he’d been roped in with his other reincarnations. But he squeezed his eyes shut, focusing on the matter at hand. 
“Sound good?”
“Y-yep, sounds fine,” Wind grinned. If anything, it’d at least be exiting to see what this Village looked like. He didn’t know if this was before or after his era, but perhaps it wouldn’t be too different. 
“Oh, and let me know if you want to stop for the night.”
“I’m good.”
Wind found it hard to keep any sort of conversation going. Any time one of them said something, Wild would only say, in a startlingly quiet voice, a few words or just a sentence. He seemed to only speak when he absolutely had to, and while Wind respected that, he was starting to feel like he was going to explode with curiosity. He had so, so many questions, but he couldn’t very well ask them outright, could he? Perhaps he could find a way to be subtle about it. 
He was brought back to reality when sound made by their footsteps changed from the thumping on grass to pattering wood and stone. Just ahead to the right, a horse-shaped statue reared up, eternally captured in its glory. He ran over to the railing, stumbling at the sudden drop. A gasp escaped the young hero at the view before him. “Woah! What is this place?”
Wild approached slowly, placing one hand ever-so-gently on the railing. When Wind glanced up at him, a small, sad smile was etched onto his face, and he stared off into the distance, eyes unfocused.
“Sanadin Park. Or rather-the ruins of it.”
 When he spoke, his voice was so soft, so quiet, that Wind almost didn’t hear him. Even when he did realize what he was saying, the Hero had to strain his ears to hear. But as soft as voice was, there was no mistaking the raw grief laced through.
Not quite sure how to respond, Wind turned his gaze back to the land before him, and said, somewhat stupidly, very much awkwardly, “It’s very pretty.”
A hum of agreement was all he got in reply as his companion turned away, cloak fluttering. For the briefest of moments, Wind caught a glimpse of a glowing device of sorts. He bit down on his tongue on his tongue, wincing at the metallic taste of blood. Not the time for questions.
He really wanted to ask what that box was, but he also didn't think Wild would take kindly to it.
Noticing how his companion was already ahead of him Wind scampered to catch up. Too bad Sky or even Twilight weren't here. They'd certainly know how to comfort him, because Wind himself didn't know how.
Wind panted at the now-brisk pace his companion set, struggling to keep up, and when he looked behind him, he coud just make out the shape of the rearing horse statue in the gloom.
"Hey-er, Link? Can we stop?" It felt weird calling someone else by that name, and perhaps it always would. He certainly didn't want to stop, but he was relieved when Wild uttered out a mere yes.
Wind leaned against a tree near the foot of the mountain they were at. He watched curiously as Wild began making a fire. Just then, his stomach made the sound of a dying bear, causing the young hero to blush furiously in embarrassment as Wild turned to look at him, mirth dancing in his eyes.
"Don't worry, kid. Once I get this fire going, I'll make some food."
Despite how excited he was that he'd gotten some proper words from the cloaked hero, Wind wanted to groan in protest. If he was anything like the other Links, than he would have no idea how to cook anything decent.
Sliding down the tree, he watched quietly as Wild jabbed a couple of sticks at an angle in the ground, spearing some meat on them. A heavenly smell rose into the air, much better than anything Hyrule had tried to make.
With deft, experienced hands, Wild rubbed some ground rock salt on the skewered meat. He wordlessly passed a stick to Wind, who, perhaps a bit too eagerly, accepted it. "Thank you, " he chirped, practically inhaling the skewer. He couldn't remember the last time he'd had actually edible food.
Out of the corner of his eye, Wild watched him with a mixture of amusement of curiosity. The kid ate like it was his last meal, and, now that he thought about it, spoke a little differently than any of the residents at any of the civilizations he'd been to.
They sat like that well into the night, leaning against the tree with a reasonable amount of space between them. Eventually, though, Wind could feel his eyes start to close, and as sleep took him, he realized that he hadn't even minded Wild calling him 'kid. '
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evalocity · 8 years
The whining of the heart, a Cole Sprouse x Reader Fanfic (Part 2/4)
Part 1 here
Summary : You’ve been chosen as the actress playing Jellybean Jones in the second season of Riverdale so welcome ! As you get along with the rest of the cast, the tension is rising when you discover that you might be stuck in the middle of a love triangle between the boy playing your brother and the girl playing his girlfriend..
Warnings : Making out, alcohol, I wasn’t a good girl when I wrote this but there’s no smut so here we go.
Note from the author : Alright so turns out Jell is a ten years old girl even tough there clearly was not an age gap of 5 years in the picture of Jughead and his sister. Soo what we are going to do is being oblivious to this while we read this fanfic alright ? ;)
Number of words : 1188
Y/N : Your name 
L/N : Last name
Tiny taglist stikes again : @under-dah-sea @riverdalexoxo @forever604
@addcolortomysky girl I made this fanfic so now you can be Jellybean’s actress and date Cole. I love you too ;)
You had spent the first part of the night casually eating with the rest of the cast at a pub, before you would all go to Cole’s place. It was fun, you were sitting between Kj and Cole and in front of Camila and Lili, simply being happy that you already had friends in this city and this country that you didn’t know. 
“So, Y/N, do you like Vancouver ?” Camila asked before taking a sip of her red wine. 
“I didn’t really have much time to explore the city yet..” You answered shyly. 
“You should totally come with Cole and I sometimes then” Lili added, smiling. “The city is so great in daylight” 
You saw Cole wink at Lili and the girl blush, making you uncomfortable. 
“Oh come on Y/N” you thought.“You barely know the man and you expected that the wink this morning would be a special thing between you two ? Stop dreaming...”
Wait. Did you think the last part ? Or did you hear it..?
“Y/N ? Stop dreaming girl and come back to us” The voice of Kj said. 
“Hmm..what ?” You asked vaguely, coming back to earth. 
“The waitress wants you to pay” Kj replied with an amused look. 
“Oh. Oh, yeah sure” You said, looking embarrassed as the girl handed you the bill. 
64$ ? Yikes. Life in Vancouver wasn’t for free.  
“Do you daydream often ?” Cole asked, his piercing blue eyes looking directly at you as you gave the waitress the cash. 
“To my shame, quite a lot” You admitted. 
The five of you left, Camila, Kj and Lili giggling in front of Cole and yourself. 
“You’re coming with us to my place ?” The boy asked. 
“Sure” You answered. “What are we going to do there ?”  
“Get wasted of course !” Camila exclaimed, turning around to look at you, a smile lighting up her whole face. 
This girl was definitely pretty and so was Lili. 
You felt a bit out of place. You always considered yourself as average-looking and the two girls in front of you looked like damned models. 
Swallowing the bitter taste of your thoughts, you cleared your mind and focused on casually talking to your new friends while Kj was driving you all to Cole’s apartment... 
“Let’s play Never have I ever !” Camila said after taking her third shot of Vodka. 
“Yass gurl I’m with you !” Lili replied, her smile stretching her cheeks. 
And so, you all formed a circle in the middle of Cole’s living room, and Camila took a mighty tone. 
“Alright easy one. Never have I ever kissed someone of the same sex” 
Camila, Lili and Kj took a shooter and you were looking at them, giggling as you were getting a bit tipsy. 
“Really KJ ?” Lili asked with a wink. 
“He was damn hot” The guy answered, making all of you laugh. 
“Alright” Cole said. “My turn. Never have I ever fallen in love at first sight” 
“Awn Cole” Lili said as they both looked at each other. “You’re such a romantic”
The guy shook his head with a smirk on his lips as he and you took a shooter. 
You were so quick to fall in love...wasn’t it the case right now ? 
“My tuurn now !” Kj announced. “Never have I ever....wanted to hook up with someone here.”
KJ and Camila had their jaw almost falling off as Cole, Lili and yourself took a shooter, making the three of you red. 
“Wow.” Camila said, most likely drunk at this point. “Alright how about we play some Truth or Dare ?” 
“Sounds good” answered Lili, looking at you with a weird expression on her face. 
“Okay..Y/N Truth or Dare ?” Cole asked, looking at you with his own weird expression on the face. 
It was so confusing ! Were you the only one on this earth not being able to read people like an open book ? 
“Truth” you whispered softly, feeling a bit more drunk. 
“Okay, hum describe your first kiss”
Wow. embarrassing. how to describe something that never happened ? 
“I--I never had a..a first kiss” you mumbled, embarrassed. 
Great. Now you felt like a twelve years old girl in a world of adults. 
“Excuse me ?!” Camila said, shocked. 
“Oh..” Cole said, looking even more embarrassed than you, that is if it was possible at that point. “Sorry, I didn’t want to make this awkward” 
“Good job Cole” KJ said with a nervous laugh. 
“Hey Y/N, it’s your turn” Lili said, saving the situation as you thanked her with a single look. 
“Yeah, hum, KJ. Truth or Dare ?” 
“Exchange your shirt with the person on your left” 
Camila and KJ looked at each other with a smirk on their lips as they got up and went to the bathroom, leaving Lili, Cole and you alone. 
“So” Cole said, clearing his throat. “How come you’ve never kissed anyone before ?” 
“I’m an average-looking girl from Texas” You answered. “Boys could have way better around.” 
“That’s not true” Lili gently replied. 
“You’re really cute, don’t worry” Cole said as he lighted up a cigarette. 
You could see Lili through the smoke, looking sad as she starred at the ground. 
Was it because Cole said that you were cute ? You couldn’t think about it for much longer as KJ and Camila came out of the bathroom, the raven haired girl wearing a shirt way too big and the handsome boy wearing a tight top. 
“Sexy dude” Cole said as KJ smiled. 
“Alright who’s turn is it ?” Camila asked. 
“I think it’s mine” Lili said as she looked at Cole right after taking a shot of rhum. 
“Cole. Truth or Dare ?” 
“Okay, I dare you to kiss the person here that you want to hook up with” 
Cole looked with round eyes at the blonde haired girl.                                         
You missed a heartbeat when the boy leaned on to kiss you.
You coud now tell that kissing someone felt really good. Or maybe Cole was just an awesome kisser. But anyways, you felt like in heaven for a minute there.
“Damn dude.” KJ said, breaking the moment. “You’ve known her for less than 24 hours and you already have a crush on her ?” 
Cole didn’t answer and instead took a shot of rhum. 
“It’s getting awkward, I think we should just call a taxi” Camila said as she got up. “Who’s coming ?” 
Lili and KJ both got up too and left after telling Cole and you goodbye. 
“I’ll take another taxi” you told the boy, embarrassed as you were alone now in the apartment. 
“I’m sorry” he said, deeply looking at you. “I hope this first kiss wasn’t too bad” 
You could feel the alcohol boiling in your blood as you took with both of your hands Cole’s face and kissed him again. The guy took your thighs and put you on a table, his lips never letting yours go. 
You suddenly felt dizzy as everything became blurry and you closed your eyes..
“Woah, Y/N ? Girl stay with me...” 
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