#and yet. when his husband admits to messing up. 'i hate to say i told you so'. no you dont you BITCH
a-hazbin-reader · 7 months
Hey did you get my ask/request of Alastor and Wife!reader having an argument and Alastor says something horrible to her leaving him to have to make up for it?
I did, I just have a lot of stuff in my inbox
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Alastor being in the DOGHOUSE
Description: ☝️⬆️
Alastor doesn't mind fighting, likes to bicker with and irritate those around him as some strange show of dominance
But his wife is an exception, he hates fighting with his wife and goes to great lengths to avoid it
Despite his efforts, you two do still fight from time to time and he hates it, he tries so hard to reign in that cruel part of him
He doesn't really even remember what started the fight, probably something dangerous he did that upset you
Something like the Adam stunt
And he probably tried to brush it off, his pride not letting him admit that your fears were warranted
You were understandably getting worked up over his dismissal, and he was getting irritated that you wouldn't just drop it
Everyone else in the hotel had scattered and hidden the moment you two started to uncharacteristically raise your voices at each other
Angel had to grab Niffy to stop her from watching the entire argument play out
He just doesn't want to scare you with the idea of losing him, he wants to be your strong, invincible husband
It makes him uncomfortable that you see beyond the powerful overlord demon and instead zero in on the man beneath it all
"Darling, I would understand your fears if I hadn't come back to you in one piece, but I'm here. With you. Perfectly fine."
You could rip your hair out due to frustration, almost in tears, how could he not understand how you felt?
"Alastor! That's not the point! You can't be so reckless! It's not just you that you have to worry about anymore! You have a wife! You have to live and be safe for me!"
He fears a pang of anger over being told what to do, rage and irritation over the unintentional reminder of his failure to win
Which makes his mind wander to his deal, his fucking leash
The words are out of his mouth before he even realizes what he's saying
"If I knew that everything I do had to be approved by you then, I would've rethought this whole marriage ordeal."
Alastor regrets the words as soon as they leave his mouth, his ears folding back at the sight of your hurt expression
Your eyes have tears in them but you're doing your best to hold them in, turning on your heel to leave the room
"Wait-Darling, I didn't-"
"Just...give me some space, Alastor."
He regrets it so much, watching you walk away from him when he should be begging for forgiveness
He hates seeing you so upset but he hates being the reason for it even more
Alastor tries to give you the space you asked for, but it's difficult when all he wants to do is make up with you already
But he also doesn't want to actually talk about what happened
So he breaks fairly easily when he sees you again, coming up behind you and hugging you
Only to be shrugged off when he goes for a small kiss, left with a sinking feeling in his stomach
"I said to give me space, I'm not ready to talk to you yet."
Normally, Alastor loves it when you're cruel and cold, finds it a little hot, but when it's aimed at him? He hates it so fucking much
Literally looks like a kicked puppy when you walk away from him again, Charlie and Vaggie looking at anything but him
"You know what, Charlie? I do see that crack in the wall!"
He tries again later, sitting next to you and trying to wrap an arm around your shoulders while the radio bursts to life with a love song
Only to be rewarded with an ill hidden sniffle and you immediately getting up to walk away from him
"If you're not going to apologize and have a genuine conversation with me then don't even bother."
It's driving Alastor crazy not being able to be with you, to not be able to properly make up with you
But he still doesn't want to admit he messed up or have that uncomfortable conversation with you
So he tries lavish gifts and other romantic gestures that all get rejected or given to Niffty to do whatever she wants with them
"Yay!! I'm going to poison these and give them to the mother bugs!!"
Okay...maybe Angel should have these...
Alastor is starting to understand that he can't just gloss over this one
He understands it a little more later that night when you go to bed without him, and he's left too nervous to follow after you
Several hours into the night, the guilt eats at him and he breaks, sneaking into the bedroom
You're awake, your eyes red rimmed from crying but you manage to give him a glare before turning your back to him
"Darling, I believe I owe you an apology..."
The way your tense body relaxes is all he needs, crawling into bed with you and pulling you to his chest
It's a difficult pill for him to swallow, so it's easier for him to have these conversations with you like this
He doesn't want you to see his weakness even when he's laying it out for you
Luckily, Alastor is good with his words and you're willing to listen now that an apology is on the table
It's a long conversation that leaves you both sleepless and emotional in each other's arms
But things are settled and Alastor is forgiven, happy to be back in your good graces
He tried to be strong and hold himself back, he really did... but being without the warmth of your love was torture for him
It was a rough couple of hours for him
"Angel, shut the fuck up before you get yourself killed!"
He's extra clingy and romantic with you for DAYS afterwards, making everyone else at the hotel practically nauseous
Except for Charlie, of course, she loves it
He's just so relieved that you've forgiven him, still disgusted with himself for even saying what he said
Asks you for yet another kiss that morning before Husk finally walks away, annoyed by Alastor's neediness
You don't mind your husband's clingy antics, enjoying the extra attention he's giving you
You should get mad at him more often
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ars0nism · 2 years
something about writing a couple who loathe each other as much as they still love each other. something tore them apart years ago and they havent healed, how could they, they were apart the whole time, but then they reenter each other's lives and they want to fix it, they really do, but every attempt at fixing it just makes it worse, every "maybe this time we can get back together" ends in a fight and its over, really, but maybe its not. sometimes while fixing something you end up cutting yourself on the pieces or whatever
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hello-nichya-here · 29 days
Hi. What do you think about Lisa and Michael's marriage? I mean... they had a complex relationship. Do you think he made mistakes in some of his actions? Do you think both were immature?
The best way to describe Michael Jackson is "Surprisingly well-adjusted for someone who was abused his entire life" and the best way to describe Lisa is "Surprisingly well-adjusted for someone who was literally being exploited in a cult."
I love Michael with all my heart, but he would disappear for weeks after fights with his wife, and told her, to her face, that if she didn't give him children, he was gonna get someone else (who was supposedly just a friend) pregnant, and then he did and went on to marry her. "Made mistakes" is quite the understatement. This is on the level of "Do you WANT to make this woman hate you?"
Not to mention the simple fact that being married to someone who has an addiction is quite the emotional turmoil - especially when they're addicted to the same thing that killed one of your parents and full on told you they feared they'd die the same way. It really isn't hard to understand why Lisa Marie asked for a divorce, and then also gave up on the "affair" they had during his second marriage (well, """"marriage"""" if we're going to be honest here).
But that's not to say Lisa was perfect. She wasn't. She full on said "He had a sad childhood, but who didn't?" to kind of dismiss the whole Peter Pan thing he had of compensating for the time of his life - which is an INSANE thing to say. There's "My childhood wasn't that fun" and there's being a survivor of abuse.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Lisa was some heartless monster (if anything, to me that sounds more like her being very much in denial about how traumatic her own childhood was and not liking that Michael was indirectly/accidentally reminding her "No, what happened to you wasn't normal, you need help too") but obviously it'd hurt to open up about something like that and have your own wife act like you're being dramatic. Dude was the definition of "Just 'cause you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get you" after all, of course he would take that to heart.
Lisa also full on admited that, looking back, she had not truly appreciated how much Michael had genuinely tried to make things work for a long time. That it truly had been a HUGE step in the right direction for someone as traumatized him to open up to her the way he did, to share his life with someone, to let everyone see him in love. She full on said that it took him dying for her to finally understand that he loved her.
I think Lisa also set herself up for disappointment to some extent.
She married the man that called himself Peter Pan and lived in Neverland, then was suprised that he was goofing off during interviews instead of trying to act more "adult" to prove their marriage was real. She didn't want her marriage to be turned into a spectacle, yet her husband was literally Michael Jackson (and he had just been accused of abusing little boys, OF COURSE he'd be reminding everyone that he was very much a straight man). She literally said in an interview that she thought she could save him - she looked at that trainwreck of a life that left this man badly damaged, emotionally stunted, paranoid and depressed, then went "I can fix him!" when she was equally messed up. Just terrible idea after terrible idea.
They both went through A LOT of tragedy from a very young age, and it messed them up. On good days, that made them a great match because they could relate to, and find comfort in, each other. But on the bad days? It was a VERY toxic relationship - and not because one or both of them were terrible people, but because, to put it bluntly, it's hard to have a normal, healthy relationship when you never experienced it, or even seen it, your whole life. Of course they didn't know how to make it work.
Add in the fact that a lot of people, including Lisa's mother, seemed to be actively rooting for them to fail, and openly questioning if their marriage was even real, and it becomes a truly unbearable situation. Lisa gets a lot of shit from some MJ fans for being the one who ended things (twice), but in all honesty, sooner or later Michael would have said "enough is enough" too.
And it really is a shame, because considering how genuinely happy they seemed through a lot of their marriage, how they showed support to each other through hard times after spliting up, how they couldn't keep their hands off each other for five freaking years after their divorce, how Michael's nephew was defending Lisa from slanders in public because he had only ever heard his uncle say good things about her, and how much Lisa was grieving after Michael's death, it's clear that they loved each other A LOT.
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silurisanguine · 6 months
WIP Whenever & Sunday Snippet
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thanks to @vorchagirl for the tagging of the first and various Coemancer Crew for the second tag. Here is something a little different from a future chapter of Emerging Shadow, my Thief/Dishonored OC centred fic.
Glancing at the mirror across the way she looked at herself and knew what she had to do. Her soaking wet hair which fell to her chest and often got in her way had to go, so she grabbed the scissors next to the basin and began snipping at the length, pulling it straight with the comb as she went. She’d once asked her mother if she could cut her hair shorter years ago but the request had been refused.  A young lady will not attract a suitable husband with boyish hair her mother had remarked. But Kiara had kept at it till the point her mother had told her if she wanted short hair, she could cut it herself. So she did. It had been a terrible mess and dismayed her mother so much, she had taken her to a barbers to at least fix it. That poor man had been watched like a hawk to make sure she had not been given too much of a boyish cut, but Kiara had watched his technique closely and after that with the help of two mirrors she was able to cut her own hair. Problem was there was only one mirror on the table. "Hope you’re going clean that up." Garrett stood behind Kiara, making her spin around to his voice. She hadn’t heard him come in which wasn’t surprising in the slightest. He was holding a large bulging sack and slung it down to his side as he stared at her. She gestured to her half done hair cut and the one big mirror behind her. "I will but, you don’t happen to have another mirror do you? I need to get the back of my head and I need another mirror for that.” "Not too fond of mirrors…wait." Garrett fished inside the sack and pulled out an large ornate hand mirror, something he’d swiped just before coming back. "This do?" "Yeah that’s perfect, but um I’ll need you to hold it as I need both hands to cut my hair. If you like I can trim yours after… if you want. A way of paying you for your generosity in giving me a chance." Garrett huffed in mild annoyance but went and stood in front of Kiara, holding the mirror up, so that the larger one was behind her and she could see both the front and back of her hair. She smiled in thanks and took up the scissors and comb again. Soon enough with the help of the razor as well, she had her hair cropped into a short shaggy cut that wouldn’t get in the way under a hood. Garrett watched in silence and had kept the mirror perfectly still. He seemed fascinated by what she was doing as if he’d never witnessed it before. He had to admit he hadn’t had chance to get at his hair and it was getting unkempt and annoying. When Kiara finished, he put down the mirror and examined her new style. "That will work. So you can cut hair too huh. I wont say no to something for free.” Kiara ran her hand through her new hair, feeling some loose strands fall to her shoulders. She brushed them off to join the pile on the floor and scratched at her skin that reacted to a strand that touched her neck. "I’d recommend taking off the top half of your gear…or if you have something else to wear you don’t mind getting hair on, don’t want loose hair irritating you on a job later…” Garrett nodded in agreement. He hated anything itchy but tilted his head at Kiara wondering if she expected him to partially undress in front of her.  Kiara blushed and quickly turned around to clean up the fallen hair off the floor and allow Garrett some privacy. When she turned back around again Garrett stood bare chested, the top half of his gear lying on the nearby bed. He stood stock still, his fingers twitching and she had to wonder if he was considering this a bad idea yet for some reason trusted her enough with this. She also couldn’t help but see a few more scars on his skin that looked old as if caused a long time ago. One looked like an arrow wound in his left shoulder, the other a shallow slash from a sword or knife across his chest. Garrett couldn’t help but notice the woman stare, her eyes fixed on the old scars of old mistakes. "Hard lessons learnt fast.”
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khalixascorner · 2 years
Say it Loud(er) Pt 6
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Summary: When Tony goes before the Senate to protest an inhumane amendment to the Superhero Accountability Act, he doesn't mean to admit he loves Spider-Man on live CSPAN. Rather than recant his statement, Tony rolls with the punches and declares them married too. Now he just has to let Peter know before the press gets their hands on him.
Tags: Accidental Marriage, Public Confessions, no literally, it's mostly fluff with a little bit of spice right at the end.
Fill for Marvel Trumps Hate 2022
Read on AO3 Here Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Peter sighed as he sunk down onto the couch, finally showered and back in comfortable clothing. Tony had yet to show his face and Peter couldn’t ignore the pit in his stomach. He hadn’t meant to say all of that out loud, but a part of him couldn’t regret it either. 
“Peter, boss would like me to let you know that food is in the kitchen, so please help yourself,” Friday said suddenly.
“Alright, thanks, Fri,” Peter replied, feeling his heart sink further. He wasn’t particularly hungry, but he still wandered over to the kitchen. Tony had gone to the trouble of getting him food, and his enhanced metabolism would be unhappy if he skipped another meal today.
He made a plate and ate slowly, hoping Tony would eventually come to get his own food, but the man never showed. 
“Friday, would Tony like me to bring him a plate or something?” Peter asked, hoping that maybe he’d at least be able to see the man.
“Boss says don’t worry about it, Peter, he won’t be eating for awhile yet,” Friday replied. “He also said Spiderlings need their rest and should head to bed.”
Peter packed up the leftovers and headed for his room, his brain already imagining the articles that would be published after they officially broke up.
Fanboy too much as husband? 10 reasons why celebrities marrying fans is a bad idea or maybe Whirlwind romance over just as fast as Stark leaves young husband. 
He’d made such a fool of himself, and he was far too realistic to ever think that those same journalists wouldn’t throw his words back in his face when the divorce papers went through. 
Peter knew, he had always known, that his love for his mentor and friend would never go anywhere, and yet, the thought of signing divorce papers even for their fake marriage was beyond painful. It was selfish, but he didn’t want to give that claim Tony away. Of course, he was assuming that he hadn’t just destroyed their relationship as a whole. The older man had stood by him and forgiven so many mistakes over the years but Peter couldn’t help but wonder if he’d finally found the mistake Tony couldn’t forgive. 
“Peter, you appear to be distressed,” Friday said, startling Peter. 
“What? No, I’m fine,” Peter said, quickly wiping at his face when he realized there were tears running down his face. “It’s just a stress reaction. Long day and all, you know? I’m fine.”
“Are you sure? I can inform Boss-”
“No! Don’t bother him,” Peter said quickly. “I’m fine. Just- when he’s done with everything for the day, can you let him know that I’m sorry? About today, that is. I know I messed up the press thing.”
“I don’t think you have anything to apologize for, Peter,” Friday said gently. 
“Just- just tell him, please, Friday,” Peter said quietly. “Tell him I’m sorry about this whole mess, and I know he didn’t ask for that. I don’t expect anything- I just. Fuck, just tell him I’m sorry.”
“Very well, Peter,” Friday said after a pause. “I’ll let the boss know when he’s done for the night.”
If Peter didn’t know better, he’d say it was pity in her synthetic voice, but he quickly pushed the thought away. He was projecting, that was all.
Peter crawled into bed expecting to spend the night tossing and turning. Instead, he crashed quickly, the wear of the day taking its toll.
Tony just needed a few minutes to process. That was what he told himself as he grabbed a shower and retreated to his office to make some calls. That was also what he told himself when he headed to the lab. It wasn’t unreasonable to need a minute to take it in when your fake husband confessed his undying love at a press conference without having the decency to warn you in advance. 
Each time Friday notified him of the time or of Peter eating and going to bed, he brushed it off. He couldn’t face the kid feeling like his whole world had been shaken up and tossed on the floor.
Tony entertained the idea that Peter was just a good actor but in his heart of hearts, he knew following that thinking would just push him into denial. That would only hurt both of them and he didn't want that. Plus, the kid was a terrible actor.
The look on Peter's face, the way he stared down the reporters and the way his voice shook with more emotion than Tony had ever heard from him. No, Peter had been telling the truth.
This wonderful boy– no, he was a man now- was truly and completely in love with him.
That being said, how did Tony feel about that? Peter would need a response or reassurances or something. And Tony didn’t know what to give him. What he could give him.
“Boss, it is nearly 4AM and per the Sleep is for Normal Humans Too protocol, I will be shutting down the lab in the next 15 minutes,” Friday said primly. The disapproval was especially strong and Tony frowned. It was the perfect distraction though so he pushed aside his thoughts for now.
“What’s with the attitude, Fri?” Tony asked, though he saved and closed his projects just in case. The AI could be vicious when she got a random spark in her circuits. 
“If you’re finished for the night?” Friday asked, ignoring Tony’s questions and causing him to look at the nearest camera seriously.
“Yeah, Fri, I’m done. Now, what’s got your servers in a twist?” Tony asked.
“Mr. Parker requested that I pass along a message when you were done for the night,” Friday said, and she immediately played the recording. Peter’s voice floats across the speakers.
“No! Don’t bother him. I’m fine. Just- when he’s done with everything for the day, can you let him know that I’m sorry? About today, that is. I know I messed up the press thing.”
Tony frowned at how thick Peter’s voice was, like he’d been crying. His heart ached at the sorrow he heard in his mentee’s voice when he apologized. 
“I don’t think you have anything to apologize for, Peter,” Friday responded gently in the recording, and Tony nodded in agreement. The kid hadn’t done anything wrong.
“Just- just tell him, please, Friday,” Peter said quietly. “Tell him I’m sorry about this whole mess, and I know he didn’t ask for that. I don’t expect anything- I just. Fuck, just tell him I’m sorry.”
Tony sighed and ran his hand over his face as he groaned. 
“Great, now I made the kid feel like shit too,” Tony grumbled. He’d really just wanted a minute, though if he was honest, the hundreds of minutes he’d taken hadn’t seemed to help.
Friday was silent but Tony could feel her judgment. She might have been an AI but she absolutely had favorites, and this just cemented that Peter was definitely her top person. 
“Is Peter awake, Fri?” Tony asked, heading for the elevator. 
“He appears to be sleeping, though it is very restless,” Friday responded so quickly that Tony did another double take.
“Fri, were you tracking his vitals?” Tony asked.
“Mr. Parker was distressed before bed and per the Night Light protocol, you wanted to be notified of any nightmares when he stays here,” Friday said matter of factly. “There is a high correlation between distress immediately before sleep and the presence of nightmares, so I have been keeping a close watch to ensure I am able to identify them quickly.”
“Laying it on a bit thick there, Fri?” Tony asked dryly. 
“I don’t know what you mean, Boss,” Friday replied innocently. “I’m just performing my duties as programmed. By you, I might add.”
“Betrayal, Fri, betrayal of the highest order,” Tony complained, though he didn’t bother hiding the grin on his face. His AIs were like his children and he loved seeing them grow. 
“If you say so, Boss,” Friday replied, having picked up her predecessor’s need to have the final word. 
Tony would have said more but the elevator opened and he saw a note sitting on the counter.
Made a plate for you before putting the leftovers away. It’s in the fridge so you can just heat it up whenever you’re ready to eat. If you don’t want it, that’s ok too. I’ll finish it tomorrow.
Tony sighed as it really hit him. He had run away after a trying day, leaving Peter to work through his own aftermath without any support. That wasn’t how a mentor was supposed to act, let alone a friend or husband. And that was the crux of it, Tony realized. 
When he had called Peter someone he loved at the Senate hearing, he had meant it. Maybe not in the way Peter meant it, but the kid meant a lot to him. And sure, he had told the others he said husband because it was more defensible, but honestly, it was also what had first come to mind when he thought about his love for Peter.
Maybe it was because Peter had been so young when they had first met, but Tony had always been careful not to examine his feelings for the younger man too closely as they grew over the years. Peter always just fell in the box of those he considered his. But the one time he went with his instinctive response, it had been to lay claim to Peter. Not as a brother or a son, but as something so much more. The justifications for it came well after the decision to make the claim.
Peter had offered up all of himself to Tony, had placed his heart on a vibranium platter and said it was his. And damn if that did make Tony’s heart beat harder and his chest feel warm even as it felt tight and hard to breathe because somehow, without him realizing it, Peter had stolen his heart in return. He had become essential to Tony’s very existence and Tony could only pray to a higher power he didn’t even believe in that he could somehow convince the kid to a change of plans. Convince him that maybe a divorce shouldn't be in the works. Maybe they could actually be something and it could be real both on paper and off.
A small voice wondered if Peter would still want to try after Tony hurt him though. The younger man had confessed his love to Tony in front of the world and Tony had run away, freaking out without freaking out. Peter's love was surely made of stronger stuff but Tony couldn't take it for granted. He had to find out if the kid was willing to go for it and actually be with Tony and all his possible fuckups. Because the alternative was a reality Tony didn’t want to live in. 
With that in mind, he started towards Peter’s room, determination writ in every step.
Peter wasn’t sure what had woken him at first. He only knew that his spidey sense wasn’t going off but that something had pulled him from his slumber.
“Hey kid, you coherent yet?” Tony’s voice asked, sounding amused even as a hand ran through his curls.
He grumbled and almost turned over to go back to sleep, but then the previous day’s events flashed through his mind.
“T’ny?” he mumbled, rolling towards the man instead. “S’mth’n wrong?”
“Yeah, yeah, there is,” Tony said softly, and Peter jolted up, worried there was an attack or something.
“Should I grab my suit?” Peter asked, already reaching for his phone even as Tony chuckled and waved him off.
“Sorry, Pete, not that kind of trouble, promise,” the older man said, giving Peter a gentle smile. “I just realized I owe you an apology. It was a crazy day, and I did what I normally do instead of making sure you were ok.”
“What? No,” Peter tried to marshal his thoughts while still shaking off the last remnants of sleep. “I’m the one that has to say sorry. I didn’t mean to just dump all of that on you, especially in front of everyone like that. And I know- I know you didn’t ask for this or anything, but I just want you to know I wasn’t lying. I-I love you, but that’s not your problem-”
Peter found himself cut off by a pair of warm hands on his face and lips pressing gently onto his own. His whole body lit up with warmth, and he was sure his face looked dopey as Tony pulled back.
“Gotta say, I thought I was the dramatic one, but you definitely one upped me there, Peter-Pie,” Tony said, his husky voice making Peter shiver. “You got one thing wrong though.”
Peter let out a strangled sound that Tony thankfully managed to interpret as a question.
“You’re the better half of this marriage,” Tony said, drawing Peter in for another soft kiss. “The best of all of us.”
“Does that mean we don’t have to get a divorce?” Peter asked, his heart pounding in his chest as his hands clutched at his blankets.
“No, no divorce,” Tony chuckled. “I actually put together a powerpoint about why we wouldn’t, so glad you’re agreeing without me needing to give the presentation.”
Peter let out a choked sound, not sure if he wanted to laugh or cry. 
“You mean it, right? You’re not lying?” Peter asked, needing to confirm it one more time.
“Promise, Pete, you’ve got me,” Tony said gently, reaching out to cup Peter’s cheek. “I know I hurt you by running away, and I’m so so sorry for that. But I promise I’ll do better. I’ll make it up to you somehow.”
“I-it wasn’t ok, but I forgive you,” Peter said softly. 
“How can I make it up to you?” Tony asked as he placed a gentle kiss on Peter’s nose. “I’d offer to tell the world, but we kind of already did that part.”
Peter snorted and rolled his eyes at the older man. 
“How about that date then?” Tony asked, his voice serious. 
“I thought you were worried about TMZ and stuff” Peter said with a mischievous look. He smiled brightly when Tony rolled his eyes before yanking him in for another kiss.
“Screw them. What do you think? Paris? Tokyo? Gotta start with a bang,” Tony said and Peter just shook his head.
“How about something a little closer to home?” He countered. “That way we can relax.”
“Star Wars and pizza night it is,” Tony replied, and this time Peter pulled Tony in for a soft kiss.
“Add in some lab time, and it sounds like the perfect day,” Peter whispered softly.
“That’s practically every day,” Tony retorted.
“Dates are supposed to be special,” Tony argued, though he didn’t seem particularly put out so much as confused. “You know, show you a good time, all that jazz. How am I supposed to woo you if you don’t want wooing?”
“You don’t need to woo me, Tony,” Peter said with a laugh. “I’m already madly in love with you. We just need to actually live together and do the other stuff to make sure we’re compatible.”
“Lies, no one is ever ok with just the boring stuff,” Tony said, and Peter sat up all the way, pulling Tony’s hands into his own.
“Tony, nothing is ever boring with you,” Peter said earnestly. “I love the lab and the bots, but I also love movie nights and when we finally have down time to just relax. I don’t need fancy dates or flashy things in order to stay. I just want you.”
“Ok, no, stop, you’re giving me heart problems,” Tony said, even as he pulled Peter in for a tight hug. “I’m at my quota for like the decade because you’re too much. What am I supposed to say to that? There’s no handbook on this.”
“You could just say ‘I love you too’ or something like that,” Peter teased. “Only if you’re ready though. Otherwise-”
“I definitely love you too,” Tony interrupted. “Pretty sure I admitted that on C SPAN by accident.”
“Then everything’s going to work out just fine,” Peter said confidently, enjoying the warmth of Tony’s body against his.
They stayed like that for a few minutes, neither trying to pull away as they soaked up each other’s presence.
“Stay with me tonight?” Peter asked softly. He felt Tony stiffen and quickly added, “Just to sleep. I’m still tired but I don’t want to let you go. Don’t want to wake up and realize it was just a dream.”
“Ok, kid, I can do that,” Tony said, dropping a kiss onto Peter’s head. “Just let me go get something more comfortable for sleeping on.”
Peter waited as Tony left, then returned a few minutes later in a worn shirt and comfortable pajama pants.
“Budge over,” Tony demanded, and Peter smiled as he made room. The older man wasted no time in drawing Peter back into his arms.
Peter relaxed into Tony’s warm arms, listening to the older man’s breathing grow more steady and his heart beat reassuringly. He drank in the view of Tony’s relaxed face, still in shock that he was getting his chance at a fairytale ending. Stardust reunited at last.
“Goodnight, Mr. Stark,” Peter said softly as he curled closer to his husband.
“Goodnight, Mr. Parker-Stark,” Tony replied, tightening his hold. Peter soaked in the affection before replying one last time.
“Just Stark. It’s better.”
“Bossy, I like it,” Tony replied with a yawn. “Fri, get on it.”
“Per the Normal Humans Need Sleep Too protocol, no new work may be added to the queue until you have slept for at least 5 hours,” Friday said, pointedly closing the shades and lowering the lights to 0%. “Peter is welcome to place the request though.”
“Please, Fri,” Peter asked with a chuckle. “Take care of it for me.”
“Of course, Peter,” Friday said smugly. “I’ll be happy to correct the oversight.”
"Betrayal, Friday," Tony whispered but clearly, it wasn’t a problem because he only snuggled Peter closer, undisturbed. Peter smiled and settled in and in moments, he fell asleep, warm and content, in his husband's arms.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
154 of 2023
Random Secrets from Others 2! [True or False]
Created by joybucket
I have a lot of fun making these. These are random people's secrets that I have found online. Put an X next to the secrets that you share, and elaborate if you wish. Have fun! :)
Everyone around me is religious, but I'm an atheist, and no one knows. My friend told me he has cancer and will likely die within a year. ....and he told me not to tell anyone about it. I absolutely loved being pregnant and would gladly carry someone else's child. 🤰 I'm jealous of women who have a happy experience while pregnant. 🤰 I feel like I'm so far behind when it comes to dating that I never really had the courage to ask anyone out. I was raised super religious, and I started losing my faith when I was 23. (earlier) My first two years of college were the best two years of my life so far, and I wish I could go back and re-live them again. I've relapsed with my anorexia. ...I know I've relapsed. I know this could kill me. But it's not enough for me to overcome the messed up part of my brain that says "at least you'll die thinner." I've been dealing with an eating disorder for over a decade now, and it's not an easy battle. My parents don't know I'm gay. If they found out I'd end up homeless. My family doesn't know I walked out on my job nearly four weeks ago, and I'm too embarrassed to tell them, because I don't want any more financial help from them. My depression hasn't actually gotten any better and if anything, it has gotten worse. But I feel so guilty every time I talk to my friends about it, so I stopped talking about it, and now everyone thinks I'm doing better. I don't know what to do. My life isn't perfect. In fact, it's far from it. I just found out I'm pregnant. I haven't let anyone take a photo of me in years, because I gained weight. I haven't been able to feel genuine happiness for a long time now; I've only been able to feel stress, sadness, and anger. It's driving me crazy. I'm soon to be homeless. My high school best friend was gay. ....and he was in a leadership position in the local church. ....even when he was married to a woman, while at the same time sleeping with a man. I just graduated from college, and now I'm really depressed. I don't feel an emotional connection to any of my friends or family. Despite being really happy and satisfied in my current relationship, I still have feelings for my ex. I'm in love with my best friend. One of my biggest fears is losing touch with reality. I've been hallucinating, and I'm scared to tell anyone. I have a chronic illness and I'm making it worse by staying in the workforce, but I get so much of my identity from my career that I just can't leave it yet. I was sexually assaulted as a high schooler, and I still blame myself. I like drinking more than I have a desire to stop, and I'm not sure where that's going to lead me. I've had people wonder dumbfounded at how I'm still single. I'm bulimic. Only my wife knows, and not to the fullest extent. My grades have dropped dramatically since I went to college, and I'm too ashamed to tell my parents. I had feelings for a man that was older than my dad. I don't feel motivated enough to go back to college, but I'm afraid to tell anyone that, because they'll probably just brush it off by saying I'm lazy. I'm sleeping with my coworker. (he’s my husband lol) I have a boyfriend in another city. I weigh more than I care to admit. I don't love him. I just lust after him. I am sleeping with him for his money. I hate his new girlfriend, but I smile when she is around. I'm terrified of having children. I was raped. My best friend saved my life. I'm bisexual. ....and I feel alone at church because of it. I've stuffed my bra. I used to be a Christian, but I'm not sure I would call myself one anymore. I joined a sports team so I could see everyone naked. COVID taught me who my real friends are. George Floyd's death taught me who the true racists are. Technology today makes me feel like an alien. 💻👽 Gambling destroyed my last marriage. The problem with getting to know people is that once you know them, you might not want to know them anymore. I plan to end it all soon. Finally. I am asexual. ....and I don't know where I fit in! Most of the time I feel like a complete loser and failure. I'll never give up. I smoke pot, and I'm afraid I'm smoking away my future. My local public library played a crucial role in my recovery from severe depression. 📚 I am proving to my childhood self that I'm exactly who I promised who I would be. I'm really proud of that. I wish I had spent more time just being a kid. I think most adults are kind of boring...but they don't have to be. Honestly, I'm glad the weddings I had for 2020 were canceled. My friends' weddings were getting EXPENSIVE! 💒 Now that we are forced to be distant, I finally realized I am ready to be close to someone again. My ring is fake. I'm THAT lonely and THAT pathetic. 💍 I want to have ceiling stars in my bedroom even when I'm married with kids of my own. ✨ I feel helpless watching your mental illness destroy you. I'm cheating in my college classes. I'm trying real hard not to panic. Just for once, I'd like to be the pretty girl. It is so hard to make friends in college. College was easy for making friends, even for an introvert like me. It's the "real" adult world that shrinks your friend base. My dad used to spank my mom in front of us. I'm terrified that this might end with you killing me. Never once did I imagine that love might be so hard to find. Maybe it only happens to others. Some people plan vacations; I plan my divorce. I wasted so many years. I really want to be famous, but only so I can meet other famous people. My porn addiction made me unable to feel real love. I am starting to like myself fully for the first time. I've stalked my crushes on social media. My work friends are my only friends. I'm thinking of getting back together with my ex, so I won't have to spend the festive season alone. 🎄 I married a man I didn't love to wound the one who meant the world to me. I'd never known joy until I started traveling alone. Everyone envies that I'm traveling the world, when what I want most is for you to ask me to stay. My personality is dependent on coffee. ☕️ All signs point to God. But I don't WANT them to! I have a chronic disease that is slowly killing me. I'm mad at myself for taking so long to figure out it was rape. I've finally stopped trying to be perfect. I've never been happier. Now that I look the way I always wanted to look, I'm less happy than before. Words cannot describe how thankful I am that your suicide attempt failed. Being gay is much less fun now that we've forced them to accept us. 🏳️‍🌈 My life looks much better on social media. Truth is, I'm miserable. I want another child so badly.
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luna-writes-stuff · 3 years
Day 23: Needy, Fili Durin
Song link
Fanfic, female! reader
Fluff, very steamy, everyone lives! AU
Word count: 2327
Tw: mentions of insecurities (not descriptive) and bullying. Spreading of rumors and secrets. Stress of fitting into a society. Gets a bit steamy, but no smut (thin fucking ice though). Mentions of hickeys being made. Some touching. Again, gets steamy. Shirtless Fili, cry about it. One (1) mention of rolling your hips against his.
Summary: Upon reclaiming the mountain, the inhabitant begin gossiping and spreading rumors about you, causing you to feel unsafe. One evening, you accidentally reveal those doubts and thoughts to Fili, but force him not to do anything about it, as you should be the one to handle it. As middle ground, Fili intends to show you how much he exactly loves you.
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"If you take to long to hit me back, I can't promise you how I'll react. But all I can say, is at least I'll wait for you."
You and Fili had been courting long before the travel to Erebor, and the two of you had always been close. During the journey, you were practically attached to the hip. Even more than he and his brother had been.
But as the mountain finally got reclaimed, and the royal duties he had been preparing himself for his entire life ultimately came to test him, the dwarf grew distant. You would see him lesser than usual. And even though you had expected it, it still bothered you.
The first few days you had assumed he had been so incredibly busy, because it had practically been the start of an old kingdom, but after weeks, you began to realize that this was merely how it would always be. And you did not like it. Not one bit.
Of course, you could not blame Fili. He tried his best to divide his duties and his time with you, but it grew difficult. But you would wait for him. You always would. Even as the time without your future husband began to bother you.
"Lately, I've been on a roller coaster. Tryna get a hold of my emotions. But all that I know is I need you close."
Yet, the reclaiming of the mountain had not only taken its toll on the blonde dwarf; it had also taken its toll on you. As more dwarves would inhabit the kingdom, whispers about you began traveling. Some mere rumors, other personal secrets. And both of them would get you sick.
You had tried to ignore it, you truly did, but if the entire kingdom begins talking about the prince’s consort, the attention will never fade from it.
You would spend hours in your room, before scanning the halls to make sure you could leave in peace, without all those judging looks. The maidens in specific would take it upon themselves to point out any form of flaw they could find on you. Out loud. Things you had never once been insecure about were now making you hate yourself. Even when you told yourself to be bigger than them.
And the worst part is, that Fili somehow did not know. And you could not tell him. Perhaps he would lash out or do something rash. And that might only make the whole ordeal worse.
So you kept quiet, waiting the entire day to be back I to his arms.
"And I'ma scream and shout for what I love. Passionate, but I don't give no fucks. I admit that I'm a lil' messed up. But I can hide it when I'm all dressed up."
“Hello, amrâlime.” Fili mumbled as he stumbled into the room, his eyes sunken and his hair disheveled. It was a sight you had gotten used to after all these weeks. It hurt you to see him like that, but you could merely hope for it to be over soon.
You did not say anything. You did not need to. You only had to open his arms for him and he would walk into them, melting into your embrace. And that was exactly what you did.
“Busy day?” You whispered, running your fingers through his hair, making Fili him in agreement, his chin now resting on your shoulder as he felt himself relax under your touch.
“The most terrible meeting.” He explained quietly. “Nearly fell asleep.”
You chuckled at his words, lifting your head slightly to place a kiss on top of his.
“But now I’m here again.” He sighed, his hands squeezing your hips in affection, drawing you even closer to him.
“‘N I don’t want to hear another word about it.” Fili resumed, slurring his words as if sleep had already gotten hold of him.
"I'm obsessive and I love too hard. Good at overthinking with my heart. How you even think it got this far? This far."
You let out a tiny smile at his words, gently leading him to the bed as you kept holding onto him. When the back of his feet hit the edges, he turned his head to look at you.
“I don’t want to go to sleep yet.” He whined softly. “I want to spend time with my beautiful gem.”
You shook your head at him, helping him sit down as your hands found his hair once again. And just like that, he melted again; his head now leaning into your hand as he closed his eyes in bliss.
“You need sleep.” You pushed. “You need your energy for another day.”
“My love, I only want time with you.” Fili mumbled, opening his eyes again as he looked at your face. “It’s been months since we did something other than discuss the fare of my day.”
You shrugged at him, not nonchalantly per say, but in casual agreement.
“Why do we never discuss your day?” He pointed out, to which you frowned.
“I don’t really do much.” You tried to soothe.
“Neither do I. I only sit in boring meeting and speak a word every once in a while. Thorin does most of the speeches.��� Fili defended, kicking his shoes off, before letting himself fall onto the bed, placing his head in your lap.
“Tell me about your day.”
"And I can be needy, way too damn needy. I can be needy, tell me how good it feels to be needed."
You looked into his eyes, before letting out a heavy sigh, your hand falling to his cheek as it absentmindedly scratched his beard.
“I stayed in my room. Reading a nice book.” You began to play off.
“You should come out more.” Fili now interrupted, taking hold of your hand. “People complain about not seeing you.”
“That’s not the only thing they complain about.” You mumbled quietly, but Fili had heard it.
“What do you mean?” He wondered, furrowing his eyebrows at your statement.
You swallowed thickly. You had let your mind run free, and you should definitely not have. You could not lie to him. He was the prince and whatever you were about to say, he was going to believe you and speak to others about it. If you would make something up, people would be spoken to about things they might not even know or mind.
"I can be needy, so hard to please me. I know it feels so good to be needed."
“They seem to hate me.” You finally spoke, dropping your worries.
Fili’s head now shot up, his body sitting up in record time as he listened to your words attentively.
“I hear them talk, I feel their eyes. They don’t like me. And I did not even do anything yet.” You sighed defeated.
“What do they say?” Fili tried to push, but you were quick to shut him off.
“Fili, I do not want you to do anything about it.” You admitted. “It will only become worse. It is my problem and I will deal with it.”
And that conflicted him. Because ever since the day he met you, he had promised himself to always help out if he could, not matter the circumstances. He’d be there to make you feel better. To make you feel comfortable. He would sacrifice his own duties if it meant for you to be at peace.
And now you specifically told him not to do that. And he could brush it off and keep to his vow, but then he would be dejecting your wishes and he also did not want that to happen.
"Sorry if I'm up and down a lot. Sorry that I think I'm not enough. And sorry if I say sorry way too much."
“But I want to help.” He confessed, pushing himself closer to your until your knees were touching.
“You already do.” You assured, risking a smile his way. “They might not like me, but you do. And I wish my words rang true when I tell you I only care what you think, but that unfortunately isn’t the case. But it does matter to me more than what strangers think.”
Fili grinned at that, before extending his arms, pushing his feet from under him as he gently launched himself at you, forcing you down on the bed as his weight smothered you.
“Then I think you should know that you are, by far, the most magnificent thing inside this entire mountain.” He whispered in your ear, before planting a kiss on your neck.
“Far more beautiful than any of the jewels decorating the throne room. Far more perfect than the gold that shines across the halls.” He continued, his kisses trailing all over your collarbone.
“And the most breathtaking sight my eyes ever beheld.”
You can go ahead and call me selfish. But after all this damage I can't help it. But what you can trust, is I need your touch."
His hands now traveled to your hips, pulling you up into him slightly, one of his legs finding its way between yours to support his weight. His face was still buried in your neck, his mouth trailing sloppy kisses all over as the cold beads of his mustache touched the sensitive skin every so often.
“Thank you.” You rasped out, holding the back of his head with one hand as the other reached under his shirt, tracing the soft skin of his stomach.
Fili’s dared to risk more aggressive kisses, his mouth now latching onto your neck, sucking hickeys that you knew would be visible the next day. His teeth occasionally scraped past the new bruises, making you let out a satisfied groan, urging him to continue.
Yet, you were also set on teasing him for the night. Only a little bit.
“But I do think you are the most precious thing inside the mountain.”
"I'ma scream and shout for what I love. Passionate but I don't give no fucks. I admit that I'm a lil' messed up. But I can hide it when I'm all dressed up."
Fili’s head slowly lifted as his eyes drilled into yours, giving you a teasing look. One you had known all to well.
“Do you now?” He whispered, raising an eyebrow at you.
“Aye.” You nodded, before giving a slight tug on his hair, forcing his lips to meet with yours.
Fili returned the gesture all too eager, his obvious excitement showing through his kisses, his hold on your hips tightening ever so lightly, making you grin in happiness.
Perhaps this had been exactly what you needed after a particularly rough day. Someone to be there for you and remind you of just exactly how much they loved you. Someone who would never even try to let you forget.
"I'm obsessive and I love too hard. Good at overthinking with my heart. How you even think it got this far? This far."
Fili’s hands now slowly, nearly unnoticeably, began trailing upwards. It wasn’t until you felt the cold metal of his rings on your sides that you knew what he was doing.
“Eager, are we?” You joked, your lips parting from his as Fili stared deep into your eyes, showing nothing but pure love and affection. And truth be told, it made your heart swell.
His expression had been so genuine and so sweet, that you could quite easily feel those ‘first-love butterflies’ all over again. And they felt so good to hold once more. There were so familiar, yet so foreign, but the feeling was not unwelcome. Not ever. And he knew it.
“How can I not be with a lover as beautiful as mine?” He wondered, leaning down again to grant you another kiss.
But instead of the hungry kisses he had shared earlier, this one was fueled by passion and love. A tender kiss; one that made the breath leave your lungs and would leave you speechless for a while.
"And I can be needy, way too damn needy. I can be needy, tell me how good it feels to be needed."
You sighed into the kiss, holding onto the ends of his shirt as you started to lift them. But the gesture did not go as easily as you thought it would have. He had been wearing about three layers of clothing, for the obvious cold inside the mountain, but they restricted you from getting the shirt off.
You groaned in frustration against his lips, causing Fili to chuckle into the kiss before parting, sitting up as he removed the top two layers. All while your eyes were on him.
“Last one is for you.” He offered, holding his hands out for you as a gesture for you to sit up.
You gratefully accepted his offer, rising onto your knees as your hands found the bottom of his shirt again. This time, the fabric left his body swiftly, leaving the top half of him bare to you.
You grinned at the sight, crawling over to him as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“My handsome prince.” You whispered, before moving your legs on both sides of his, now straddling him.
“My beautiful love.” He returned, crashing his lips onto yours in a needy manner.
"I can be needy, so hard to please me."
You now held onto his shoulders, rolling your hips against him once before pushing him down, looming over him, your lips not once breaking contact with his.
Fili let out a breathy groan into your mouth, his hands finding their way under your shirt, stroking your back lovingly as he held you close on top of him.
“Screw what others think.” Fili mumbled against your lips, now pulling you down completely in order for you to lose your hold over him.
He flipped you over before you could even bring your self to recover, caving you between his arms.
“I’ll let you know exactly what I think of you, if that it what truly matters to you.” He reassured, pushing the hair out of your face.
He loomed over you for a short while, simply admiring his sight, before pushing himself down again, intending on letting you know exactly how much you meant to him. And he would remind you the entire night.
"I know it feels so good to be needed."
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"Why me of all people?"
Characters: Shinichiro Sano x F!Reader
Word Count: 1277
A/N: Enjoy this quick writing I made. It was just to get my brain started before I continue on writing my Tokyo Revengers fan fiction. Requests are open, feel free to leave requests but make sure to read my pinned post first. Thank you!
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There was no doubt that Shinichiro Sano was a woman's dream man. So, you instantly knew you had no chance with him. He was popular, respected by many people, a family man, humble, kind, and of course, he was the most attractive guy you've met so far.
And, as for you? Well, let's just say you were a problem child. Yes, you have good grades and are talented in a lot of aspects. But, at the same time, you were the type of person who sneaks out at 10 P.M. and doesn't know how to properly dress herself. In short, everyone was intimidated by your unpredictable nature.
One day, you were fixing the mess in your locker since you stocked up a lot of things for your extracurricular activities. As you closed your locker door, you were startled to see Shinichiro reading the school newspaper while leaning on the locker beside yours.
"What do you need?" You irritatingly asked since you had your monthly visit at that time. "Uhm, wanna go out sometime?" He focused his attention on you as he closed the newspaper. "Excuse me, what? From all I know, we're the total opposites. Are you sure you’re asking the right person? I’m Y/N L/N." You rolled your eyes at him and started to walk away while you hugged your textbooks. He followed you and started talking, “I wouldn’t follow you if I wasn’t sure, right?” You stopped walking from what he said. You looked at him with disinterest in your face. “I’m sorry, but no. You might be everyone’s dream man, but I heard you’re a womanizer. So, goodbye, and have a nice day. Don’t bother me anymore.”
When you got home, you realized that you just turned down someone way out of your league. And, you didn’t have a clue why he was so interested in you. You were wearing plain blue denim jeans and a white shirt. Overall, you were just a plain girl. But, you heard stories of countless girls crying over Shinichiro.
But, that day, you thought he would stop.
He would follow you around in the hallway and try to talk to you. He would have his friends force you to go to where he was. He and his gang once went to your house and serenaded you, which made your mother push you to him. For 2 months, he never stopped doing this. No matter how many times you rejected him. The two of you had a class together, and in that class, while you were busy taking down notes, someone threw a piece of crumpled paper in your head. When you turned around, his friend, Takeomi, told me to open it. Of course, there was a question in the paper “Go out with me?” And the only two options were yes or a BIG YES. You threw the paper right back at him. What you did was you put another box below the word “or” and that’s what you shaded. Takeomi gasped in disbelief and the teacher was distracted. You turned to look at Shinichiro with a victorious smile, yet he wasn’t looking back with a playful smile. He looked really upset.
Days have passed by, and Shinichiro has stopped bothering you. But, it felt like something was missing. You saw him and his friends on the school parking lot on their motorcycle, ready to go. But, when your eyes met him, your heart started to beat faster than normal. And, that’s when you had the urge to call him. But, to your shock, he ignored you. This is when you came to a conclusion that he might really like you and his feelings were genuine. Heck, you admitted to yourself that you like him too. No gossip had been spread ever since he started to go after you. Which only means that he wasn’t playing with your feelings after all.
You were getting miserable, really. You didn’t realize that all his peskiness made you drawn to him even more. Every day, you’d think, “what kind of facade would he do now?”
And, you just found yourself to be in his garage, waiting for him. It was raining and you didn’t bring an umbrella. You just waited until he came back. When your surroundings got a little darker, you noticed someone was shielding you from the rain. And, when you looked up, you saw Shinichiro.
“Hey! It’s raining, why are you here?” Suddenly, along with the rain, your tears were falling. You were thankful for the rain for hiding your emotions. But, he seemed to notice. He eventually sat with you in the rain. “You never believed I like you, huh?” You nodded your head since you were unable to speak. He sighed before he started speaking, “Y/N, you were amazing. Yes, I’ll admit, it started as some kind of bet between me and my friends that I can make you fall in love. But, slowly, I realized you were like no other girl I’ve met before. Through the times you try to ignore me, I am observing you. And, that’s when I knew I messed up, but in a good way. Because I was so whipped for this girl I’ll never have a chance with. I eventually gave up on the idea that you’ll agree to go out with me. But, that’s fine.” He looked down on the ground. “You know Shinichiro, you’re a pain in the ass. You were the cause of my headache. And, I didn’t have a clue why you would even pursue a nobody like me. The question I have in my mind is why me of all people?” You slightly raised your voice. He looked at you as he gave you a painful smile. “Because even if you saw me as an enemy, I saw you as an angel. The only reason I agreed to that bet was that I already had my eyes on you for the longest time. I know you won’t believe me, but Y/N, I didn’t choose you because you were interesting to me. I chose you, or rather my heart chose you because you’re everything I want in a person.” Your eyes widened in surprise. For the first time, you smiled at him and said, “Well, even if you annoy me most of the time, I can’t help but fall for you.” He slowly looked at you, almost like he was scared. But, that expression soon became him jumping in the puddle of rain, and the water splashing on you. He helped you get up as he carried you. He spun you around which made the drops of rain hit your faces harder. “Trust me, I’ll make you the happiest girl.”
“And, that’s how my story with your father began.” You said as your daughter started to yawn. But, your son still wanted more stories. On the door, Shinichiro, your first and last, and the love of your life, was standing in the door who seemed to hear everything you told your children. “Yeah, your mom is more stubborn than ever. I realized I was up for a challenge when she became my girlfriend. But, you two are the product of our love.” He gently said as he caressed the hair of your son.
It was his turn to tell his story while you were cuddled up in his arms. You never imagined this is what your life would be like. But, with Shinichiro, he makes every day a perfect day. And, now, even after hating him, you’re happily married to him and you’re still so damn in love with your husband.
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harry-writings · 3 years
We’ll Be Alright
The one where Harry and Y/n have a hard time coping without one another, and Harry finally understands what it means to be a husband
Part 1
Part 2
How to support me <333
Y/n knows she’s hit rock bottom when she pours her fifth glass of whiskey at three in the morning, lighting up her seventh cigarette on her bedroom balcony, as if furthering herself away from her right state of mind will somehow bring her closer to all the answers she had been looking for.
She doesn’t even smoke.
The last time she came this close to a cigarette was five months before she found out she was pregnant with Topher. It was the third time Harry didn’t show up to marriage counseling, and Y/n was so upset and so angry and so hurt that she couldn’t stop shaking, couldn’t stop crying until it was in her hands.
This time, though, the shaking and the crying don’t stop.
She’s sitting on one of the balcony chairs, her elbows propped up on her knees, one hand resting at the roots of her hair and the other holding her glass in her palm and her cigarette between her fingers. Her leg is bouncing and her eyes are wet, zoning herself out from the rest of the world, trying to get as far away from herself as possible.
She hasn’t seen Harry in thirteen days.
Not only has she not seen Harry, but she also hasn’t talked to Harry or had any ties left to Harry for nearly two weeks now and Y/n can barely hold herself together anymore. She’s surprised she’s even gotten this far without him.
They aren’t divorced — the papers were left on the courtroom table practically untouched, and though she hates to admit it to herself, Y/n was the first to leave them behind — but they might as well have been.
He wasn’t even the one to pick up Topher today. And she didn’t realize how much she’d miss their traditions — even the ones they’ve made while being separated — until she saw Mitch standing at the other side of her door and watched as he buckled her son into the same carseat Harry once had in his car.
It was at that moment that she knew that even though they weren’t divorced, they really were over, and it was enough to push her over the edge.
Now she’s so drunk she can barely remember where she is. The skyline and the buildings look familiar, but everything is so out of touch she can’t find the same peace and comfort in it as she once used to.
Everything has faded to nothing.
And whether it’s from the alcohol, or the revisitation of bad habits, or if it’s from grieving the loss of somebody still alive, but everything to her feels numb. All that’s left is pain and sadness and the fear of living the rest of her life exactly like this — lost, hopeless, and alone.
She thinks back to the day she slept with Harry — as she does, she throws the last bit of whiskey down her throat and swallows it down without a flinch — and how that day was forever going to be the last day she had ever held him, had ever kissed him, had ever told him that she loved him.  
If she had known — really, really known — it was going to be her last chance to do any of those things, she wouldn’t have pushed him away. She would have done all the things Harry wanted — would have spent the rest of their day in bed, drinking wine, celebrating all that once was and what always could be.
Because that’s what she wanted, too. That’s what she’s wanted since the beginning of this mess they’ve made of themselves, she just didn’t ever want to admit it.
This feeling that burns in her stomach at the thought of not being with Harry makes her want to scream. She can’t escape it, even as the alcohol seeps into her bloodstream and takes away every other feeling in her body.
She sobs, her chin tucking into her chest and her palms pressing to her forehead, agonizing and inhumane cries falling past her lips.
Her Harry is no longer hers.
She squeezes her eyes shut, a puddle of tears falling down her cheeks as she does so, her hand dropping the whiskey glass, her cigarette left sparked on the balcony floor as her fingers twist and pull at her hair. She hunches over her knees, trying so desperately to put herself back together again.
But it’s impossible. She knows it’s impossible because it’s him that makes her whole — him that holds her and keeps her together, even when everything else around her is falling apart.
She’d do anything to feel his arms around her now.
And it’s all she can think about — how lonely and cold and frigid it feels without the feel of his touch, and how loud the silence is without the sound of his voice in her ear, telling her how in love with her he is, giggling at her blush.
And she’s had so much to drink she can trick her mind into believing that he’s here, if she thinks about it hard enough. She mistakes the wind for the feel of him walking past her, smells his cologne in the liquor, but it’s still too quiet for her to really, truly believe it.
And she just wants to believe it. For once, she wants to pretend that he’s here with her, loving her, wanting her the way he always used to. Even if it’s the wrong thing to do.
Her hand shakingly reaches for her phone.
“‘Ello, this is Harry! I’m sorry I couldn’t make it to your call, but I promise to return to you whenever I’m next available. Thank you, talk soon! Bye.”
And oh, how good it feels to hear his voice again.
It brings her back to all the times she’d call Harry while he was away on tour and how every phone call lasted at least two hours. Whether it was to check up on him, or to wish him goodnight, or to have phone sex, he never failed to make every second they were spending apart feel so worth it.
She calls him six more times just to hear his voicemail.
By the seventh and last phone call, Y/n is so low she’s tempted to just finish it off — down the pack of cigarettes and the bottle of whiskey that have kept her more company than her husband. Maybe filling her void with vices will be enough to last her until the blackout, where she will finally be free.
But what will she have left if she does?
The loneliness and the sadness and the hopelessness will all still be there. She will still wake up to a cold bed, in an empty home, with nobody to share her life with. She will still have this sick and twisted feeling that happiness doesn’t exist outside of her Harry — that happiness doesn’t exist within these walls, miles away from him, with only herself to hold.
She can’t keep waking up without him anymore. She can hardly keep living.
So, she does the first and only thing that comes to her mind.
She calls Mitch.
The clock nearly at four in the morning doesn’t seem to strike her as her drunken fingers struggle to tap on his contact name, knowing that this is the only way.
“Mitch.” Y/n hiccups when he answers her call, watching as everything around her starts to spin out of her control, instinctively reaching her hand beside her to hold onto Harry’s — the way she always did whenever she got too drunk. Her heart hurts even worse than before when she’s met with nothing but the ache of what once was. “Come get me, please.”
Something in the air shifts around Mitch.
He has known Y/n for years now, yet he can barely recognize that it’s her voice on the phone. He has to look down at the name on his phone twice before pressing the speaker to his ear, his heart nearly still as he wonders the reason behind such a disturbing and unexpected request.
“Y/n… is everything alright?” He asks tentatively, carefully, because she’s never awake this late at night and has never sounded so hurt. “What’s happened, love?”
She wipes her nose with the back of her hand, sniffling, almost angrily.
“My husband’s been ignoring me for the past two weeks and I’m not —” She stops, sucking in a broken breath, not even believing the words she just spoke because she never believed he’d leave her all alone for so long. “I’m not taking it so well, obviously.”
Mitch sighs.
He should have known, from the second he saw the look on her face earlier that evening, that her night was going to end like this. The love she and Harry share is a kind he’s never seen before — something so far from ordinary, something he couldn’t even understand despite the love for his own girlfriend, who lays beside him so peacefully now.
Their love is more than love. It’s deeper, more soulful, as if they have found each other in every past life and every after life. They truly are, in the most unexplainable of ways, made for one another eternally. Forever, they are theirs.
It’s both a blessing and a curse — their preexisting connection— because they are everything together, but absolutely nothing apart.
“Y/n, love... he’s not ignoring you. He wouldn’t dream of it.”
Oh, how she wishes it was true.
“He didn’t even want to see me tonight. He sees me two days out of the week and he didn’t even want that. There was a time he’d do anything just to look at me for even a second.”
He wishes he knew what to say.
It’s not that Harry doesn’t want to see her — all he does is cry and whine and sulk about how he hasn’t — he just believes leaving Y/n alone is truly what’s best for her right now.
She has barely had any time away from him. Surely, she did have the weekdays to herself and Topher, but she still had to see him every weekend — still had to face him at her doorway; still had to be around him, even on her worst days; still had to be reminded of everything that had gone wrong.
Being around him confuses her. He knows that now, and so does Mitch. But Mitch always knew. Y/n has always been too in deep with Harry. One proper look at him would be enough to send her to her knees.
He’s her greatest weakness.
She needs to be alone.
Or, so he once thought.
“Have you been drinking?”
Y/n laughs in an almost sarcastic way, the side of her wrist pulling at the corner of her eye as she wipes away at her tears.
“Drinking, frying my brain with nicotine, crying my fucking eyes out.” Her lips tremble as she stuffles away a cry. “All of the above.”
Mitch frowns.
This behavior isn’t unusual for her — it hasn’t been since her marriage with Harry started to turmoil — but it never gets easier to witness.
It’s when she’s in the depths of her own hell that she depends on the intoxication to get her by, as if it numbed her from all the pain she’d be living with without it. And as hard as it is for him to admit it, she only ever feels this way whenever it comes to Harry.
This side of her never existed until she met him.
“You want to see him, don’t you?”
To see him. To touch him. To talk to him. To hold him. She wants it all, everywhere, for the rest of the night — for the rest of her life if he were to let her.
But she can’t get ahead of herself. She won’t be able to survive it if she does.
“Even if it’s just for a second.”
His heart falls.
“Will it get you to put down the drugs and alcohol?”
Her eyes linger at the nearly empty bottle of whiskey, and though it still calls for her just as strongly, she knows it’s not what she truly wants.
She can hear him smile softly through the phone.
“Then hang tight, love. I’m on my way.”
Harry hasn’t been able to sleep all night.
And if he wanted to get technical, he supposes he hasn’t been able to sleep since he and Y/n nearly signed their marriage away, but tonight is far, far worse than anything else he’s ever felt.
His body senses his good days. The sun somehow brighter, the rain lighter, the clouds thinner — he sees it all so differently on the days he goes to see Y/n. He’s used to the routine, he looks forward to it all week, even if it is just to see her for a couple minutes at her doorway.
So to say his body feels the loss of her is an understatement.
He caught himself reaching his hand over to her side of the bed one too many times, only to shiver and whine when met with the emptiness of it. His fingers would squeeze at her pillowcase, hugging it closer to him, fantasizing about her smell and her feel as he tried to drift into his dreamland — that only, of course, consisted of her.
But it was helpless.
He moves to the living room couch, where he finds himself flipping through the photo album of their wedding day — the same one he claimed he had thrown out when Y/n asked if she could keep it, moments before she was about to move out after he had brought the divorce papers home.
Of course he hadn’t thrown it out, but he could never tell Y/n about the lies he only told to make himself feel better about his decision.
He was angry and he was hurt, both of which consumed him in the scariest and most dangerous of ways, leading him to sink his teeth in a lie and spitting it in her face just to make her feel all those things, too. Though he’s sure she already did.
But as he flips through the pages now, reliving that day torturously in his head, remembering how beautiful she looked and how in love he was, he can’t help but feel like these moments weren’t his to take.
He had kept their home — had kept the furniture they bought together when they first moved in, kept all the movies and cd’s they’d play together each night, kept all the pictures she had chosen for the walls and tables he hadn’t had a clue on how to decorate.
He stayed so perfectly in their past while she was forced to move on, away from him, when she wasn’t even the one who wanted to leave.
He had truly taken everything from her — her love, her trust, her marriage, her home — and he didn’t even have the decency to give her the one and only thing she had asked for before she left.
That day was hers, it always has been and it always will be. She never once gave up on it the way he once had, always holding it so close to her, always cherishing its moments.
This simply doesn’t belong to him.
He presses his forehead down to a picture of Y/n wildly smiling at the camera, her hair styled up, makeup slightly smudged, as if holding her to him. And he rubs his thumb along the laminate, right against her cheek, in the same way she always liked.
“I’m so sorry.” He sobs out before he can try to reason that it’s not her, that she can’t hear him, that she can’t feel the way he’s holding and touching her right now, that he looks like a lovesick idiot for thinking this is anything close to the real thing.
None of that matters to him right now, though, as he holds the picture to him and realizes this is the closest he has been to her in so long. And she needs to know.
She just needs to know.
“I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.”
Harry must have cried himself to sleep because the next thing he knows, his front door slams open against the foyer wall, julting him off of the photo album and leaving him with dry and confused eyes.
Without much of a second thought, he throws the photo album off his lap and stands frantically from the couch, his head twisting around in an attempt to follow the footsteps scurrying towards the living room.
He knows it’s her just from that sound alone.
“Y/n?” He calls out in question, still delusional from his sleeping state, wondering if he had even woken up at all.
But it’s when he sees her stumbling toward him with soaken and beaten eyes that he knows this isn’t just a dream — that she really is here, back in their home, with him at last. And he would be happy, would be so goddamn happy to have her in front of him again, if she didn’t look so broken.
He can’t stand the sight of her like this.
“Y/n?” He asks again, devastated.
But she doesn’t answer him. Rather, she does the one and only thing her mind can make sense of now that he’s in front of her again.
Her trembling hands cradle the back of his neck before pulling her to him, their lips meeting for a sloppy, drunken, frenzied kiss — one that nearly has Harry falling to his knees before her.
She pushes him onto the couch, barely giving him any time to compose himself before she sits herself down on his lap and kisses him again, hard — harder than before and harder than she ever has, she thinks.
Teeth clattering, tongues battling, mouths opening, lips smothering. It’s desperate and messy and sloppy, but she doesn’t want it any other way.
She knows this feeling. She wants this feeling. It’s what she keeps going back to because it’s safe and warm and familiar. She could be in the middle of nowhere, lost with no direction or any sense of belonging, yet the feel of his lips on hers would somehow make her feel at home, just the way she is.
She moans against him, her hands splayed on the back of his head and neck as if to keep him there — on her, with her.
His hands, however, don’t know where to go. They switch between her arms and her thighs, setting boundaries for himself because he’d give into her in a heartbeat if he were to touch her just right. And he’s already doing so much he shouldn’t, he’d ruin himself if he were to go any further.
So as a subtle way to slow it down, he drags his lips down to her chin before leaving open-mouthed kisses along the shape of her neck — devouring her taste, savoring the sweetness.
He’s missed this. He’s missed her, so much so he can’t even remember the reason he let it all go. Right now, in this moment, nothing seems worth it enough to ever give this up.
He can hardly think straight.
“Y/n, please don’t do this to me…” Harry whines against her collarbone, her touch and smell and feel overwhelming him beyond all forms of comprehension. “This isn’t you. We’ve been here before and —”
“And I want to make it right this time.”
He nearly cries.
He bites down gently on the base of her throat, nibbling at it, a strangled whine falling from his lips as his hands slither to her back, pushing his body up against hers as if to bring her closer. And he growls silently to himself as she starts grinding herself against him.
“Y/n —”
“Stop calling me that!”
“Baby…” He tries again, to which she giggles and smiles as she nibbles on the lobe of his ear. He gets lost in it for a moment — to hear her laugh, to feel her hands rub along his chest and up his neck, to have her so close, like nothing ever happened — but he snaps himself out of it just as quickly as he fell into it. “You’re drunk.”
He tries to reason, to make her see that he does want this, more than anything else in the world, but he can’t. Because if it were to happen again, he wants it to be real. He wants her to mean it, to need it, to be all in it with him the way he’s all in it with her.
He wants her to stay.
“I’m only drunk because I miss you so much.” She confesses breathlessly to him, to which he groans and throws his head back, as if he were in pain. “So give me what I want and nothing else will matter.”
His hands find purchase to her hips, his fingers squeezing at the flesh of them as he tries to steady the movement of her groin against his, desperate to hold himself together. But she makes it so hard when she knows exactly where and how to touch him — when she knows that he can never resist her all over him, begging for more.
His eyes are pinched forward and closed, his head still hanging off the edge of the couch, words seeming to fail him as she moans against his shoulder, sinking her teeth into the flesh of it as she works herself harder against him.
“Fuck, you know I want to.” He croaks out, his hands giving into their urge to wander every dip and curve and inch of her, even the places he shouldn’t. “You know I do.”
Good, she thinks. I want you to want it. I need you to want it. I want you to want it so bad you give it to me all night, all morning, all day. I need you to want me.
She lifts her head up from his shoulder so that she can look at him with a winning smirk, both of her hands fisting at the collar of his t-shirt to steady herself upon his lap, her movements now smooth and effortless, giving him everything he needs to give in.
He lets out a proper moan at this, allowing himself a moment of weakness to feed his undying greed.
His mouth hangs open and practically drools as he touches her in ways he’s been aching to, rubbing himself against her, allowing her lips to wander anywhere and everywhere they craved.
It all feels so good and all so right, he wishes it was enough to make things work, but he knows in his heart that it isn’t.
Not now, at least.
“But I can't — I can’t take advantage of you. I — oh, fuck!” He yelps from below her when her arm sneaks between them so her fingers can scratch at the skin of his upper inner thigh, mercilessly giving him everything that has ever made him feel good.  
And it’s all too much.
One more right touch in the right place and he’s done for, as pathetic and weak as that makes him. But it’s only for her. Only for her does he find himself shuddering and moaning and creeping on the edge for, one push away from falling off, waiting to be caught by her.
After all this time, after all they had been through — all the fighting, all the tears, all the downs and lows they’ve lost themselves in — she still consumes him whole. She still is and forever will be the only person he’ll ever love like this.
There is nothing and nobody else. There is only her.
Which is why he can’t let himself do it. He can’t let her do it.
So right before he reaches the end, his hands frantically grab onto hers and pin them down against each side of his legs, her forehead meeting his shoulder, her body collapsing onto his.
“No!” He bites through clenched teeth and shut eyes, his hands squeezing hers as his body ricochets back to reality, yet still holding her close. “No, no, fuck. No.”
And whatever remained of Y/n’s heart burns to a crisp at that one godforsaken word.
Harry never denies her.
Even at their lowest and darkest moments, her simple touch made him powerless. He succumbed to her even when he told himself he wouldn’t, gave into her touch like a drug he couldn’t get off of no matter how hard he tried, drowned in her love even when he swore he no longer craved it.
It’s the very reason Y/n found herself pregnant in the midst of their downfall. Harry never stopped wanting her.
She should have known that everything was different now, but she never expected it to be like this.
“Oh.” Y/n’s lips tremble, her eyes wide with woe, glossy with burning tears as she looks at him through slow blinks. “I get it, I —”
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have — I shouldn’t have come. I’m sorry.”
She’s nearly sobbing now, her breaths heavy and frantic as she pushes herself away from him, practically falling off of his lap. And if his head wasn’t so clouded from what had just happened between them, he wouldn’t have let her go.
She’s a mess, a kind he’s never seen in her before and it breaks him in two when he sees her face soaked in tears, her hands trembling as they push her hair back, her eyes looking at everything but him.
He is just so sick of her looking away from him, and so tired of watching her cry.
He never wanted this.
“Wait, wait, wait.” Harry speaks softly, his hand reaching out to grab ahold of hers before she has the chance to walk out on him again. And the shock of his touch is enough to bring her right back to him. “Baby, this is your home more than it is mine. Your son is here, I am here, don’t ever think you have to be sorry for wanting to come home.”
She’s silent for a moment, trying to make sense of his words and what they mean. But it’s so hard to focus on anything other than how good it feels to be holding his hand, and how that’s all it took to get the room to stop spinning around her.
She trusts him.
Whatever he wants out of this and whatever he’s thinking, she trusts. Her body wouldn’t be so reliant on him if she didn’t. And it’s been years since she’s felt this feeling she feels so fiercely now, but she could never mistake it. It was once the most familiar feeling in the world to her.
He rubs at her knuckles, patiently waiting for her to respond. But she doesn’t, her gaze just drunkenly fixated at their intertwined fingers, a hint of longing in her eye.
Even when he’s right here, holding her, convincing her to stay… she still feels as though he isn’t all hers. She wants more of him, as if she hasn’t seen and touched and loved every inch of his body and claimed every last beat of his heart.
She is the only one and yet she feels as though she’ll never be enough for him, after all this time, after all these years spent together. It makes him feel like the worst person in the world.
He lifts her hand up to his lips, as delicate and gentle as possible, just the way she likes.
“And as for kissing me.” He adds, eyes looking up fondly at her as he kisses at her knuckles one by one. “You’re my wife, it’s what I want. I just don’t want us to make the same mistakes we once did.”
He settles her fingers against his mouth for a moment longer before pulling her closer to where he sits, looking insistently in her hopeful eyes.
“If we sleep together… it’ll only drive us more apart, just like it did the last time. And I swear to god —” he hangs his head off the edge of the couch again, his fingers pinching at the bridge of his nose, trying to fathom the idea of it. “If I have to go another day without seeing you, I’m going to fucking lose it. I’m fucking miserable.”
She knows it’s true. Whether she wanted to hear it or not, sleeping together without speaking to one another would only bring them back to the same dark, numbing cycle they’ve been through for far too long now.
But she wants to milk it — wants him to do whatever he can to get her to stay because she needs to know he really wants it, needs to know he really wants her, before it’s too late.
And when Harry lifts his head back up to look at her, his heart nearly explodes from within him.
“Come here.” He tugs softly on her hand, a small smile playing on his lips when he sees Y/n pouting down at him with furrowed brows — the same face she used to make whenever she wanted to be angry with him, but couldn’t. It brings him back to all their happiest times. “Come here!”
He pulls her down to him until she lands on his lap, both of them laughing as she nearly trips over her own two feet.
The moment stills when their eyes meet, however, the giggling dying down and their smiles falling as they captivate each other with just a single look.
His fingers move her hair out of her face, his palm resting on the side of her cheek, his thumb rubbing along the skin of her blush as he admires just how beautiful she’s gotten since the last time he had seen her.
And she does the same to him — her fingers pulling at his hair, dancing along his scalp, humming in admiration as her eyes wander every dip and curve of his face. He is just so perfect, it endlessly mesmerizes her.
“I’ve missed you.” She confesses softly, her gaze trained on his lips, her tongue poking out to lick her own.
“I’ve missed you so much more, my love.”
And they meet for a kiss — a real kiss this time. Not the hungry, desperate, fevered kisses they’ve been sharing since their separation. It’s slow, their lips just settling against each other’s, refusing to move, only leaning in deeper when desired.
It’s how he kissed her on their wedding day.
She remembers how different it was, now, as she feels it again — full of vows and promises, hopes and dreams, a hint of sorrow for all the times he had let her down, and how he’d never wish to do it again.
Quite truthfully, she never wants it to end. She could stay pressed against his lips like this all night and never once get tired of it — would probably beg for more if it ever came down to it. But she doesn’t have to anymore, she knows that now.
They both pull away together, dopey and loopy smiles painted on their faces. And it doesn’t get better than this.
“Can I show you something?” He whispers to her, his thumb pets at her temple, circles and circles. “And know that when I give it to you, it’s me trying to make this right again? No matter how much it hurts?”
His breath falters when her lips press gently against his wrist, humming a small “mhm” against the skin of it.
She always did that whenever she could. Whether he be holding her cheek, or rubbing at her head, or running his fingers through her hair, her lips would seek just the smallest bit more of him. And it always warmed him to feel it. It reminded him that yes, she did in fact love him and want him and need him with the same burning he has for her.
It always felt too good to be true.
And to know that she’s feeling it all over again makes every worry in the world collapse around him, leaving him with nothing but the life he had always desired with her, and the hope that it only gets better from here.
He smiles in endearment, his own lips seeking the sole of her cheek before he turns his body to the fallen photo album, his fingers shaking as he reaches for it.
She gasps before he even has the chance to sit up fully.
“Is that —” she stops before she finishes, her hand flying over her suddenly trembling lips because it is.
He looks at her with eyes full of regret as he holds the photo album out for her to take, but she’s in too much shock. All she can process is that it’s here, still alive in the home they once shared, not shredded and burned and broken like she always thought it was.
And it just doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter that over a year ago, he told her a lie that ripped her apart from the inside out every day since he’d spoken it. It doesn’t matter that all she had left of their wedding were the moments captured in her memory, to which she went back to every night before bed.
It just doesn’t matter because she’s just so happy to see it again — so, so, so fucking happy that she can’t help but sob into her palm, admiring it, somehow at peace with the idea of reuniting with it with her husband right beside her, shedding the same tears as she is.
All she has ever wanted is happening all at once, and she couldn’t ask for more.
“Can we look through it?” She sniffles, her fingers graciously running along the cover of it.
He pulls her in closer, his head nodding, a breathy laugh of euphoria falling from his lips.
As if she even had to ask.
It was the next morning that Harry decided he couldn’t do it anymore.
Upon waking up to an empty bed, there wasn’t this overwhelming sense of sadness rippling through him, or loneliness drowning him to his duvets, refusing to set him free. It felt… right, and warm, and safe, and like it had always meant to be this way.
He was weightless as he carried his naked body over to his dresser, where he slipped on a new pair of briefs and one of his plain white t-shirts. He even found himself humming a tune he only ever sang to on good mornings.
And it was when he made his way downstairs that he started to hear his company.
He found Y/n in his day old t-shirt, holding Topher at her hip, flipping pancakes at the stovetop, humming and bouncing to the beat of a song they played during their wedding ceremony.
Her hair was unbrushed, her nail polish chipped, one of her socks pulled too high and the other too low, in her most hungover state. And the world stopped turning then, it seemed. Because it was the most simple and most casual sight to see, yet something he was once so blinded to.
He finally felt at home.
And it was as if nothing else had ever really, truly mattered. His world simply revolved around the two littles ones in his kitchen, getting their hands messy with pancake batter, giggling with every other step they took.
And he knew he couldn’t do it anymore.
Which is exactly how he ended up here — seven hours later, standing on one knee in front of his wife, whose hand fits so perfectly in his.
She sits cross-legged upon the kitchen chair, her plate half empty and on her second glass of her mocktail. And if he had more preparation, he would have taken her out instead of settling for her favorite home cooked meal. But something about doing this here, in the home they once shared together, at their happiest hour, feels much more real to him.
“H? What are you doing?” Y/n asks with wide eyes, looking down at their intertwined hands, squeezing onto his tighter.
“I know we’re already married, but I needed to do this anyway.”
He sucks in a breath as the pad of his thumb passes through her knuckles, slightly flicking her engagement ring in the process.
“When I left earlier, it wasn’t for work. I mean, it was for work but not — but not in the way you may think.”
Y/n tilts her head down at him, her eyebrows furrowed. Her heart races with all the endless possibilities, the pit in her stomach falling with it. And she really does try to not seem worried, but she can’t help but let it crash over her.
She had just gotten her husband back. Finally, she’s his and he’s hers and that’s all she ever wanted. That’s all she ever needed, so how is she expected to say goodbye so soon?
How would she ever survive it?
“I terminated the contract.”
Her heart stops beating.
Her body sits frozen still as Harry bites at his bottom lip, where he hides a smile.
This truly is it — the beginning of their forever, the start to the life they always wanted to share alone, with no distractions, no obligations, no anything besides each other and their child — and he doesn’t want it any other way.
“I’m done with having a career that takes me away from you. And I’m so sick and tired of pretending like this is the life I wanted to have with you. It wasn’t, baby. It isn’t.”
But she just can’t believe what she’s hearing.
The words had translated yet somehow, she can’t make sense of them. She can’t make sense of anything as her mind twists and turns around what they could mean and what it could mean for them as a couple.
“You — you terminated the contract? I don’t — I don’t understand. I —”
"If it were ever to come down to you or my music, I’d choose you in a heartbeat.” The fingers of his free hand twist at her wedding band, hypnotizing her. “I did it all for you — the writing, the touring, the traveling. My future with you was all I ever cared about and yet, I had somehow convinced myself that my music meant more to me, when it never really did.”
Her breaths get deeper and deeper, completely and utterly overwhelmed. And if it weren’t for the tears of happiness leaking from her eyes, Harry wouldn’t know what she’s truly feeling inside.
But he knows. Oh, how he knows.
“I choose you, Y/n. And I choose Topher and I choose our Alaskan home everyday for the rest of our lives. That’s what I choose. That’s what I will always choose.”
It’s those words that make her really start to lose it.
How long she had been waiting for this moment, she can’t even remember anymore. So much time has passed and yet everyday, she dreamed and hoped and prayed and died to hear him say that to her.
She had been waiting for so long, she once believed them to be impossible.
But here he is on one knee again, sacrificing his entire life and heart and soul just to make their marriage right. He wants to leave the music behind rather than leaving her to be all alone. He wants to move away from the life he had built for himself and rather spend the rest of it with her.
He wants her, for the first time in what feels like centuries, he finally wants her.
“But — but you — how? How did you — what did you do?”
“Don’t worry about the how, okay? What matters is that I made it work and I have more than enough to last our family a lifetime. I promise you that.”
One of her hands reaches forward to cup at his cheek, pulling herself closer to him because she needs to feel him, all of him — needs to feel the heat of his skin, the beat of his heart, the warmth of his breath.
She needs it all, all around her, until she drowns in it.
“Don’t care about the money, just — just want to make sure you’re okay.”
His wife is reaching for him, pulling him in, wanting and loving him despite everything he put her through… how could he not be okay?
He’s on top of the world right now.
“Baby, I’m so much more than okay. I have you, don’t I?” She nods her head as she wipes her tears away, sniffling with trembling lips and shaking hands. “Then that’s all I need.”
She sobs against him, her face tucked in his shoulder as he holds her hands between them, kissing at her head.
And sometime in the near future — when Harry and Y/n have found everything they had lost, have grown to be better together than ever spent apart, and have become the best parents they could ever be to their son — he’ll rent out a small venue in the outskirts of town and renew his wedding vows to his wife, whom he plans to never be parted from, even in death.
“So, Y/n, baby love.” They both giggle at the pet name, her head lifting from his shoulder and meeting his eye halfway. “Will you please do the honors of being my lawfully wedded wife, and the mother of our disgustingly perfect child, in our home in Alaska? Forever?”
She nods her head, her thoughts clouded by euphoria, her hand still in her husband’s.
As if he even had to ask.
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redphlox · 3 years
How Touya can be Saved
I’ve talked before about why I think Shouto will save Touya, and now I want to talk about how. No doubt saving the eldest Todoroki child will be a combined family effort, but I want to specifically talk about Shouto’s role in this because it will be the culmination of his character arc. I also want to tie in how Dabi can make himself seen and understood by crying tears of blood in front of his family. Finally receiving validation after desperately needing it his entire life will be the key to his salvation.
As of chapter 298, Shouto already empathizes with Touya; he feels Touya’s hate and even recognizes Dabi is the person Shouto himself was before the Sports Festival. Shouto is extending his empathy and understanding to his brother the same way he reacted to Iida during the Stain arc in chapter 53, “Todoroki to Iida.”
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Having empathy for Dabi’s resentment is only the first step in reaching him, though. That shared rage doesn’t completely validate Dabi’s pain as an abuse victim, which is something Shouto has yet to recognize about himself. Shouto’s anger has always been about how Endeavor abused Rei to the point she had to be institutionalized and not how Endeavor isolated him, physically abused him, and robbed him of his childhood. Shouto probably hadn’t stopped to think about how the other Todorokis perceived their family situation because, like most families in this situation, no one talked about the abuse - Shouto even expresses surprise and agreement in 192 when Natsuo confronts Endeavor with the entire family’s pain. Shouto thinks back to the memory of wanting to play with his siblings and realizes that specific day didn't only stay with him but that his siblings remember it and were impacted by it, too.
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Like Natsuo, Dabi knows the root cause of their family’s dysfunction was Endeavor, and while he had a problem with what he perceived as each individual member’s blindness to their abuse, he ultimately doesn’t blame the victims and instead assigns all the blame onto Endeavor. Even 10 years later, he still calls Rei ‘okaasan’, Fuyumi ‘Fuyumi-chan’, and Natsuo ‘Natsu-kun’ because he still cares about them and recognizes all of them as victims of a corrupt hero who never set out to be a husband and a father and only used them.
However, Touya's own victimhood has never been validated - in 301 and 302, it was seen that he was the scapegoat for his family, and no matter how much he tried to earn back his father’s approval or call his father out on his unfair treatment, no one was ever on Touya’s side. His mother told him to look away from his father as an example instead of standing up to Endeavor for herself and her children, and Fuyumi and Natsuo were too young to understand and couldn't relate to what Touya went through as Endeavor's prized heir. Touya needs validation that he was abused and neglected. He always has. He still does.
The person in the perfect position to understand what it’s like to be on the receiving end of Endeavor’s impossibly high standards, obsession with surpassing All Might, and quirk training is Shouto. But in order to fully empathize with Dabi and show his brother that he can relate, Shouto needs to acknowledge that he too was a victim. In 292, Dabi basically asks Shouto to validate the pain and suffering Dabi had just exposed in the battlefield, but his question still stands unanswered.
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To reach Touya, Shouto also has to show Dabi what kind of person he is - as in, Shouto has to separate himself from Endeavor’s shadow and establish that he too has been holding Endeavor accountable for his actions. We as readers know that Shouto’s entire character arc has been about asking himself, “Who am I?” Often, children who grow up in abusive households struggle with their identity and Shouto is a perfect example of this. This is why he chose his hero name to be his name: Shouto. He’s learning who he is after years of trying so hard to not be his father and becoming exactly like him - cold, distant, tunnel visioned, hateful. It wasn't until he met Inasa that he realized this and wanted to right his wrongs.
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Like Inasa, Dabi doesn’t know Shouto at all. Both Inasa and Dabi knew Endeavor and assumed Shouto would be just like him. Inasa had a valid reason to think this of Shouto of course, because Shouto was standoffish and dismissive during the UA entrance exams, but at the time of the provisional license exam Inasa hadn’t learned that Shouto had recognized this toxic side of himself and had begun working towards the kind of person he wants to be. Shouto had to show Inasa the real him, and in a similar way, he will have to prove this to Dabi. Dabi hasn’t seen Shouto struggle with his identity like we the readers have; Dabi only sees his usurper making headlines and willingly interning with Endeavor. He probably assumes Shouto is proudly training to carry their father’s legacy. Dabi isn’t privy to the nuanced relationship Shouto or their siblings have with their father. All Dabi knows is that Endeavor is seeing and paying attention to Shouto and Shouto seemingly submitting. Dabi has no idea THIS is how it really is:
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Showing others who he is is a way for Shouto to process his own trauma and establish his identity. As the son of the #2 hero, Shouto has always had to prove himself to others - that he’s not his father. He’s even had to prove this to himself by accepting his fire side and making it his own in spite of his father repeatedly calling him a creation or a masterpiece. Not being like his father is such a defining trait for Shouto that he feels compelled to tell kindergarteners during the re-licensing exam his life story and his trauma. He literally bore his heart out to these kids because he knew he wouldn’t get through to them unless he was genuine. I think he’ll apply this concept to Touya, too.
The thing about Shouto is that, while he hasn’t reconciled with his own status as an abuse victim, he sees himself as a survivor. He sees himself as someone who managed through a difficult situation and wants to help others get through their struggles too. That's why getting through to these kids was so important to him, why he took it so seriously. These were problematic kids, and instead of calling them brats or trying to intimidate or manipulate them, he tries to get down to their level and relate. Notice he emphasizes how much he struggled in school at first, how his relationship with his father is strained - in his mind, it's something these kids may be able to relate to.
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Shouto is someone who sets out to understand and make others feel seen and understood. It's what makes him kind. Shouto probably understands why his father abused the entire family - Endeavor's reasons don't excuse him or earn his children's forgiveness, but it's a reason that humanizes him to Shouto. He himself was a cold, bitter person who now believes people can change if given the right opportunity and self-awareness because this is a lesson he's learned from Midoriya and Inasa. This is also something Shouto can grant Touya: understanding, a listening ear, space to be wrong, and a chance to be seen.
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Touya wanted and still craves to be seen, and he has to see in return. He has to realize Shouto isn't his father's puppet. He has to relate to Shouto much like Shouto is relating to him. Shouto will have to pull the same move he pulled on those kindergarteners and tell Dabi his struggles, and then show him he’s making his own path different from their father’s and that the family isn’t blindly following Endeavor anymore or letting him do what he wants. Natsuo has stood up to him, Rei has stood up to him, Fuyumi has admitted to herself she had been trying to play a happy family instead of fixing the internal mess - they as a family will have to show Dabi all of this, and he’ll have to wrap his head around it. He has to realize that his family is different from how they were 10 years ago. This is what I mean by allowing Touya space to be wrong - it’s okay for him to be wrong in assuming all these things about Shouto. Shouto won’t judge him for it.
I've talked before about how the narrative framing as of chapter 309 has set up that a person must express their feelings in a socially acceptable manner before they can be a candidate for saving, and that means crying. As soon as Midoriya saw a glimpse of little Tenko crying, he switched his mentality from "I'll never forgive you" to "I want to save that crying boy." When Toga ran away from Ochako crying, Ochako became concerned and curious. Following this pattern, it makes sense that Dabi also has to show his emotions, but it’s complicated because he can’t cry due to his burnt tear ducts. Every time we’ve seen him cry tears of blood, he’s been alone - he’ll have to cry in front of Shouto and the family for it to sink in that all of Dabi’s destruction and hate stems from deep-seated sorrow and feelings of abandonment. The family does not yet know how the fire that killed Touya started, and they have no idea that Touya’s emotions are linked to his fire and that he died because he was feeling overwhelmingly forsaken and sad. Once they find out, however, they’ll fully understand Touya (hopefully) and recognize they haven’t been understanding him at all. Saving Touya will be difficult because he has to be vulnerable and that's not something he's done as Dabi, but that's where the Todoroki family arc is headed: healing as a family.
As a side note: I’m not saying that the message the manga is giving is the correct one (how you express yourself shouldn’t be a determinant of the help you receive) but it’s what we have to work with. I also think saving Touya will be more complicated than this and will also involve Natsuo, but that’s a meta for another day! ;]
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
The Best Life ~ HJS [Request]
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GENRE: arranged marriage AU, toxic family, 
PAIRING: Jisung x Reader
A/N: I am far from the Angst queen but I hope you enjoy this sweetie
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All your life things had been planned out for you, from the moment you could walk everything was set in stone by your family and you weren't in control of anything around you. From the way, you wore your hair your clothes, when you could speak and what you could do with your life. There was no control for you, the only control you had was when you could go to the bathroom and even that was timed sometimes by your family members. It seemed as though everyone else was in charge of your life while you sat there and watched everything happening around you like some kind of television show so when it came to an arranged marriage there were no surprises to you. It was only a matter of time until your family decided who you would marry and now it was that time, they'd arranged for you to marry someone called Han Jisung and that was all you knew about him, well that was all your family thought you knew about him but you'd done your research and snooped around as much as you could.
Apart from being one of the richest families in Seoul, there wasn't much to Han Jisung besides a few stories about who he was sleeping with, going to parties with and who he was friends with. It seemed as though he led a free life, something you were jealous of but if marrying him meant you even got half as much as his freedom you would take him in a heartbeat. 
"Are you sure this is the one?" Your sister's nasal-toned voice asked as you stood in the dressing room, the day before your wedding and you were trying on a brand new dress because the first one wasn't "right". Meaning that because you had been the one to pick it that it wasn't good at all. It was the way it always worked. 
"I'm sure of it, I picked it out myself." Your mother said proudly as you looked at yourself in the mirror, it was a beautiful gown but you were never going to admit to liking it. Liking it meant that they would take it away from you, you weren't allowed to have the things you liked in life. 
"Come out Y/n, not all of us have all day." Your mother barked as you glanced over your shoulder at the lady who had helped you get dressed that day she looked just as worried as you did about your mother but this was nothing new to you. Having her decide your every thought and action was nothing new so the fact that she was deciding your wedding dress was acceptable. Taking one last look at yourself you ran your hand down the ballgown and smiled to yourself.  It was a strapless bodice with a plunging necklace, tulle covering everything that needed to be cover and the top looked as though it was a corset. It had white and ivory beading around it to make it look more detailed and the fabrics were a mixture of lazy tulle and Royal organza. Thin layers of lace ranged from the bodice and extended of your hips and sides of the wedding gown, it was ultra-lightweight which meant it was going to be easy for you to walk down the aisle in. Tripping was one less thing you had to worry about. 
Stepping out from the curtain you kept your expression blank and your mouth shut as you stepped in front of your mother and sister waiting for them to say something. In your life, it was spoken when spoken to and never say something unless they've asked for you to say something first. 
"Turn," Your sister barked at you following in her mother's footsteps of giving you orders, you did a small and slow turn waiting for their input before you hear a sniffle coming from your mum. You glanced at her without saying a word knowing that if you even so much as tried to ask what was wrong the blame would be passed onto you.
"It's the perfect gown," She blew her nose into tissue as your sister hugged her from the side, the two of them crying together. 
"She does look beautiful," Your whole body tensed as you heard the bridal worker mention that you were beautiful or even acknowledge that you were the one in the gown, you stared at her with your eyes widened in fear but not for yourself, for her.
"You should be the one in the dress mum, not her but tomorrow will be perfect I promise," You let out a sigh of relief as your sister and mother seemed to ignore the worker's comment. The wedding wasn't about you, it was never going to be about you, it was about your mother and what her wedding should have been. It was the reason the venue had changed almost six times, why your dress was changed around twenty and why the groom was someone your mother picked. It was all about her, never about you. 
"Change. We have the rehearsal dinner in an hour." Your mother snapped as she looked up at you, your stomach growled at the mere thought of food. She'd had you on this crazy diet regime since she found out when the wedding was going to be, she wanted you to look the best of the best.
"Don't even think about it. You'll be having a salad and a drink, that's all you're allowed!" Without another word you walked back behind the curtain waiting for the worker to come and undo the buttons at the back of the dress.
"She seems strict," She whispered to you as soon as the curtain was pulled closed, your eyes stared up into hers in the mirror debating if you could speak without your mother hearing you but you just nodded at her before staring down at the floor. It was better safe than sorry.
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Jisung stared at you as he watched you staring down at the plate in front of you, you hadn't said a word to him since arriving at the restaurant and it was beginning to bug him. Normally the girl he was seeing would be talking his ear off trying to get to know every little thing about him and his family but you didn't seem to care.
"I heard you got another wedding dress today, is this one finally "the one"?" Your father in law was just trying to make some light-hearted conversation but Jisung rolled his eyes at the mention of yet another dress. It wasn't your family's money that you were wasting trying on all the different dresses and playing dress-up with all he could think about was how you were using them for his money. Glancing to your mother to see if you had permission to speak you smiled weakly, 
"Yes, the perfect dress for tomorrow.” It wasn’t a lie, it truly was the perfect dress something you would have picked out for yourself given you had the choice in your life. 
“Better be, for the price of it,” Jisung grumbled loud enough for only you to hear, you glanced at him wondering what had gotten his panties in a bunch but he shot you a glare. There was no secret that Jisung had a strong disliking for you but from what your family put him through you didn't blame him, constantly spending his money, changing everything around the wedding and hardly speaking when he was around.
“What’s the point in buying all of the different dresses if none of them was right for you?” He questioned as soon his father began talking with your mother about church arrangements, you looked down at the glass of water in front of you it wasn't like he would understand if you told him or even believe you. 
“A girl has to be sure," You lied speaking in just below a whisper just in case your mother had started paying attention, she'd made a rule of not speaking until she gave you permission. As soon as you and Jisung were married you could do whatever it was you wanted, speak whenever you wanted since having a divorce wasn't going to be an option. She didn't care if you messed things up after the wedding, it was before that she cared about. The wedding was for them, they needed the money and you out of their hair, it was all a convenience for them. Your heart sank inside of you as you caught your sister watching you from across the table, her husband mumbled something about you speaking without permission, it appeared everyone was included in giving you orders. You stared down at the table and began sipping on the water, poking at the salad in front of you and waiting for the whole evening to be over but it seemed to be dragging on. 
"Have you written your own vows or are you going to read the originals?" Jisung's mother questioned when she noticed how awkward things seemed to be between you and her son but you looked at your mother before speaking. 
"We're going to be writing our own," Your head snapped to your mother as well as Jisung's, neither of you knew one another well enough to write your own vows so you were just as shocked as he each other upon hearing your mother say that. 
"We are?" You stumbled out without thinking, silencing yourself as soon as you saw a death glare come in your direction,
"It's a tradition in our family," Your mother said through gritted teeth, taking your hand in hers and squeezing so tightly you thought it was cutting off the circulation to your fingers which didn't go unnoticed by Jisung. His eyes stared down at your hand as he frowned to himself wondering why your mother was the one taking charge of everything, why you would look at her before speaking there was something that didn't add up for him. 
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Lingering behind after the rehearsal dinner Jisung took you from behind dragging you over to the toilets and it didn't go unnoticed by your mother who was beginning to panic on the inside that something was going on.
"Do you even want this?" The sudden question made you stare up at Jisung, he was red in the face from walking over to you and it looked as though he was angry about something. 
"Yes, of course," You knew you were going to have to say everything you could to make him stay, if he tried to leave now everything would be blown. You would rather take your chances in a marriage where you don't truly love someone than staying with a toxic family that hated your guts. 
"Why? You don't know me, I don't know you." Your heart was beginning to pump faster, so fast you could practically feel the blood running through your veins as you stared up at him with worry clear on your face.
"We know each other, I know everything about you." It wasn't a lie, you knew everything there was to know about him from the internet but he knew nothing about you, not the real you. He only knew the version your family perceived you to be and that was far from who you really were. 
"You're so sheltered," He sighed as he looked at you, glancing to your mother when he noticed how uneasy you seemed to become without her around. 
"We should take Y/n home, it's a big day for you both tomorrow." The fake sincerity in your sister's tone sent shivers down your spine but you flinched as she touched you, moving away from her so you wouldn't have to deal with her cold touch. Within seconds you were being dragged over to your mother who began dragging you out of the restaurant and towards her car, lecturing you about wandering off unattended.
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The next day was supposed to be the best day of your life and yet you were sitting in your wedding dress in your changing room trying not to cry. You'd been woken up early and pushed around from stylist to stylist before finally arriving at the old church your mother had picked out. The altar was decorated to perfection which of course, lead to the comments about how you were never going to match something so perfect and the church outdid everything you were trying to do.
"It's not right," Your mother hissed at you as you raised to your feet waiting for her to nitpick at every detail about that day, your makeup was done the way she wanted, your hair was styled the way she had chosen everything was the way she wanted except for one important thing. It wasn't her getting married. It wasn't her that was going to stand up there in front of everyone and have the wedding of her dreams it was you.
"She won't be our problem in a few hours, we won't have to deal with her." Your father spoke as though you weren't even in the room, the way they always did. It was demeaning and made you feel as though you were nothing but something they had stepped in. That was the one thought getting you through the whole thing, the one thought that was going to keep you strong as you walked down that aisle and into a whole new life. Into your freedom. You'd decided the night before that once you were married you would tell Jisung the truth about everything, about why you were so quiet and what your parents were really like and pray that the two of you could at least be friends. You didn't need a husband and it was clear he did not want a wife.
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Organs began to play inside the double doors and you knew it was time to start walking, your father linked his arm with yours as he glanced down at you. 
"You better not trip, this wedding is everything." While normal daughters would exchange fond words with their father yours reminded you that you were imperfect and that he couldn't wait to get rid of you. 
"Head up, back straight, don't slouch," He mumbled before the doors opened but it wasn't the reaction you were hoping to get, a room filled with people and yet they were all whispering and gasping to one another. Your eyes wandered over everyone as you slowly walked up the aisle until you realised what was so shocking to them all. Jisung was nowhere to be seen. His father was seen mumbling to your mother about something before storming out of the church and your father left you standing at the altar to be gawked at as though you were some kind of animal in a zoo. Your sister smirked from the sidelines as she saw your eyes beginning to well up at the thought of being stood up on your own wedding day. 
"We appreciate everyone coming out today," Your father stood in front of you as he began addressing the full church, everyone exchanging comments about what they thought could have possibly happened between you and Jisung for you to be stood up but you were wondering the same thing. 
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"Did you say something?!" Your mother screamed as soon as the church was empty everyone had left one by one but not before gawking some more as you stood at the top of the altar, forced to watch as your freedom slowly seeped away from you. Your parents had been yelling accusations at you since the moment the guests all left, you didn't know what to do. Your only means of escape were gone and you had nothing left to loose, you were already a shell of a person. 
"God knows what you said to him last night, something that humiliated us no doubt!" Your father snapped as he threw his hands up into the air, Jisung stopped just outside the door as he heard the yells coming from inside. He had come to speak to you alone thinking your parents would leave you alone for a while but all he could hear was yells. 
"It's your fault he left, you know! You're nothing but a no-good piece of trash!" Jisung flinched for you as he heard your father scream once again he felt his heart sink as he realised why you had been so insistent on the married,
"I did everything to make this perfect for you! I did everything! Everything was perfect except for you!" Their words began to build up and build up until you felt as though you were going to burst with anger. 
"What did I do that made you hate me so much?! What is so wrong with me?" You finally yelled out, staring back at them as they gave you a look of shared shock.
"We took you in! We loved and raised you!" Your mother scoffed at you, 
"Love?! That's what you call love?! Training me never to speak unless spoken to, punishing me whenever I expressed myself!" Everything was finally bursting out of you and you were no longer able to control your feelings.
"I have no freedom! You've kept me in a cage my entire life!" Jisung's hand rested on the door as he waited to see if he should come in, he was impressed to hear that you were standing up for yourself. 
"You should be grateful that we even dealt with you for so long! you're ungrateful," The door opened and you stared at Jisung in fear that he had heard everything that was going on, 
"After everything we've done for you, this is how you show us you're grateful!" You said nothing in response to your mother but Jisung did, he began walking down the aisle and took you by the hand.
"Kids don't need to be grateful! They need to be loved and shown how to live in a world," Your father stepped forward to say something but Jisung slowly tucked you behind his body. 
"You have no idea what-"
"Don't raise your voice at me, Y/n and I are leaving." You frowned as Jisung began to walk you down towards the exit of the church, 
"Together?" You whispered just as confused as everyone else in the room seemed to be around you both,
"Blood is not thicker than peace of mind. Cut toxic family members out of your life," He wasn't speaking to everyone in the room he was speaking to you as he locked eyes with you, he could see how confused you were so he sent you a reassuring smile.
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"I'm taking you away from them." He whispered as he began pulling you out of the church and into the parking lot, you didn't know where to start with the questions or if you ever wanted to question him. 
"Get in," He smiled opening the car door and glancing at you as he waited, the dress you were wearing was hiked up to your knees and you climbed inside, looking forward to whatever your life had planned for you with your new freedom. 
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"Freedom looks good on you," Jisung chuckled as you laid on the beach, it had been months since your almost wedding and you'd never had to look back on your old family again. Jisung was your family now and he treated you better than anyone else in your life had before.
"It feels good on me too," You whispered turning to lay your head on his chest and look up at him, 
"You're happy, right?" You nodded at his question and he smiled again kissing your lips softly. The two of you began dating not long after leaving your family behind, he was happy to get to know the real you and you fell head over heels in love with one another from the moment you began running away together. He was taking you everywhere you'd ever wanted to go, looking after you the best that he could, making your life together the best it could possibly be.
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Tagline: @taestannie​ @sw33tnight​ @acciocriativity​ @mwitsmejk​ @minholuvs​ @anxiousbobatea​ 
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amethystpath-writes · 3 years
Monsters and Legends
Don’t worry, it’s fluff :)
Villain and hero need to stop a bigger villain by somehow acting as a couple, only for them to share a single room and a single bed (im grinning so hard rn) I giggled when I read this request:
The phone rang once, twice, three times.
“Why are you calling me?” Hero’s voice was a groan, one annoyed and filled with malice- or was it anxiousness?
Villain understood he was probably the last person Hero would want to hear from. Why would the bad guy of the city be calling her anyways, and how’d he find her number? Those were questions which Hero could ask later. For now- “I need your help,” Villain pleaded right away.
“You need my help?” Hero laughed brittlely on the other end of the line. That’s how Villain heard it, at least. “What makes you think I would ever help y-”
The line went silent as the horror of such a simple name settled in. It wouldn’t matter to Hero how Supervillain’s name still existed- why it was still being muttered, unforgotten. All that meant was that Supervillain was still prevalent, which further meant something needed to be done.
“Is he still alive?”
Well, I suppose that’s a question I can answer for now. “Yes, that’s why I need you. I can’t vanquish him on my own, Hero.”
Yeah? What was Hero supposed to do about it? She wasn’t capable of fighting Supervillain, even if she fought him alongside Villain. The two of them together were still no match for such a beast, a mistake made by nature. Supervillain wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for his ill intentions.
“We beat him before, Hero,” Villain said after another long silence. “We can do it again.”
Hero said, “If we beat him before, then why is he back?” This wasn’t the first time Hero felt hopeless. Even before Supervillain, she had days where she was convinced Villain was unbeatable. She got past that part of her depression, obviously, but it didn’t mean that anxiety didn’t exist elsewhere- such as when it came to Supervillain. “Villain, I quit this business after the first round. I can’t…I can’t do it again.”
“I know.” Villain nodded, even knowing Hero wouldn’t see it on the phone pressed against her ear. “I know, and I get it.”
“If you did, you wouldn’t have called.”
Villain sighed. Maybe she was right, but… “You’re the only one I know who can pull this off.”
“Pull what off, Villain? What plan have you made up that you think might actually be enough? We killed Supervillain. We killed him, and yet you’re telling me that he’s alive? We can’t beat him.”
How could Villain say this? How did he portray this compliment without it sounding like an insult? “Where you lack in strength, you lead in intelligence. You- you’re able to think things out in a moment, whereas it takes me ages. You are so much more capable than you think you are and, believe it or not, I have always admired you.”
Right. Hero wasn’t so certain Villain was telling the truth. Sure, she was smart, and she could even admit that, but…intelligence couldn’t defeat an undead man. Even if it did, what made Villain say something kind to her? He would never spare a compliment to someone as poor as Hero; he wouldn’t spare an insult either. And anyways, who would admire an anxious mess? Not a villain, not by any means, right?
“Why do you need me? What has made you turn to a last resort?” Last resort, meaning asking anyone for help when Villain preferred to work alone.
Villain’s palms were sweating, his phone nearly sliding out of his hand the longer he remained on the line. “He wants my allegiance. Rejecting him would be a death sentence, and you know it. I don’t want to die. Not now. Not just yet. At the same time, I am not going to work for or with this guy.”
Hero was still failing to understand. “How do I fit into this,” she rephrased, “beyond you needing my intelligence?”
“Supervillain never knew you. He doesn’t know your face, your name, your priorities.”
“And I told him I have a wife who insists on working with me.”
No. No, no, no. No. But she didn’t say this. “So, you are asking me to jeopardize my own life by appearing at your side as a fake wife who doesn’t know how to properly defend herself.”
“I could teach you, Hero. I’m trained. Strength means nothing if your opponent has technique. I can teach you,” Villain repeated, hands heating impossibly more. “Do this for me and I’ll- I’ll…”
Precisely. “There is nothing you can offer me, Villain.”
“If you don’t do this,” Villain returned, gripping his phone with white knuckles, and curled toes which dug into his carpeted floor, “everyone else will suffer for it. Yourself, included. I don’t know about you, but I think you’ve suffered enough.”
You don’t mean that, Hero wanted to say. You don’t mean anything nice that you’re saying. You’re just desperate. You know that I’ll do anything if it means someone will tell me they’re proud of me at the end of the day. She thought this of everyone- even herself, only she knew someone else was more likely to say they were proud of her than herself.
How did anyone ever call her a hero when she couldn’t even save her own mind from destroying itself?
She was a villain to herself, and a hero to others.
“How do I know he’s alive? Am I supposed to take your word for it?”
Villain almost said yes, but he knew Hero would require proof. She didn’t trust herself, let alone anyone else in the world. “There is no evidence of him, but if you’d like to handcuff me every moment we are alone, then I suppose I will hand that to you as your security.”
Hero’s eyes widened. She didn’t have handcuffs; she was no officer, but for Villain to say that, and with such a serious tone…he wouldn’t say something so disadvantageous to him if he didn’t mean it- if it weren’t necessary to gain Hero’s assistance.
“What will it mean,” Hero asked, “to be your wife?”
“Supervillain paid for our room.”
Our room? Hero blinked hard before glancing around the hotel lobby. Well, it was beautiful, but Hero hardly had the brain capacity to think about that. “You said our room,” she commented, lips thin and an eyebrow quirked.
“We’re husband and wife.”
“We’re pretending to be husband and wife,” Hero said in a hush-hush tone, hand squeezing Villain’s for umph.
Even as she said it quietly, Villain scolded her lightly, “Lower your voice if you’re going to say things like that.” Villain began his trek to the elevator, arm extending behind him as Hero followed, hand still in his. As much as she hated this act, she sure did like to hold his hand, it seemed. Maybe it was her anxiety which told her any hand was a good hand, even if it were stained in life after life of blood and tears.
“I don’t want to share a room with you,” Hero whispered, so low that Villain wouldn’t have heard her fully had he not turned his ear towards her as they walked down the hall of the seventh floor. “How will I know you won’t take advantage of me?”
Right. No handcuffs. “You think I’d try to kill you after I called you and begged for your help?”
“It could be a trap,” Hero said, tugging her hand out of Villain’s, stopping in the middle of the hall.
“Maybe. But imagine if it isn’t a trap. Imagine you back out now, and the world goes extinct. What regrets would you have then? Surely, they wouldn’t be as bad as committing yourself to a trap, causing only yourself harm instead of billions.”
His tone wasn’t condescending, but it held such magnificence that Hero couldn’t help but cast her eyes downward and nod in silent guilt. Guilt because why couldn’t she have thought of such a scenario on her own? Was she selfish for being so afraid of Villain?
“You’re right.” Hero nodded. “You’re right and I’m sorry.”
Villain took her hand in his own again, softly, with fragile care. “You don’t need to apologize. Your nerves aren’t without reason. I’ll admit I’m not the most trustworthy man. I get it. Remember you are not jeopardizing yourself for me. You’re doing it for the world.”
The bed was comfortable- even with Villain laying by Hero’s side. Actually, Villain being by her side might have been what made it so comfortable. The blanket which the hotel provided was too warm, but the body heat which Villain radiated was just comfortable enough that Hero struggled to keep her distrusting eyes open.
“I don’t believe this,” Hero whispered in the dark of the room, expecting Villain to be fast asleep. Apparently, he slept as little as she did.
Villain rolled flat against the mattress before turning on his other side to face Hero, earning a light gasp of surprise from her. “About Supervillain?” he asked- suggesting that Supervillain was still alive.
After regaining a state of sanity, Hero mumbled that, yes, Supervillain being alive seemed unreal, but that wasn’t what she meant. She meant that she was laying next to a man who she both despised and was deathly frightened of, and yet she was comfortable with it- comfortable with his heat. It shouldn’t have meant much; it was only science at play, but it still irked her. Of course, Hero didn’t say any of this.
“It isn’t so bad sharing a bed, is it?” Villain yawned and did a little stretch with his arms, groaning as the skin and muscles of his torso stretched. “You have your side. I have mine.”
“Not so bad,” she agreed.
There was still a danger to it, Hero acknowledged. She was still side-by-side with a villain, still frightened by the thought of Villain silently reaching over the moment he heard Hero’s breathing slowing, pushing a knife against her sleeping body, and shiv her through without a thought. It was possible, and it was likely, wasn’t it?
“Have you thought about what you’ll do tomorrow?” Villain asked.
“Me?” Hero swallowed. “I…no, I haven’t thought about it.”
“That’s unlike you.”
Hero turned her head over her shoulder, finding Villain’s moonlight glinting eyes. “Asking someone for help is unlike you. What made you do it?”
“I couldn’t do it alone. I told you-”
“That’s not the truth. Well, it is, but it’s not the full truth.” Hero paused. “When have you ever admitted that you aren’t enough to accomplish a goal? You sought me out for my intelligence, but what else? You don’t ask for help, Villain. It’s not who you are.”
Silence followed, giving hero enough time to gather the courage it took to roll over, to face Villain with her whole body like he did with her before yawning.
“I’m scared,” Villain said, matter-of-factly. “I’m scared that when it is all over, then history will forget me for all the terrible things I’ve done.”
Confused, Hero asked, “Wasn’t the reason you chose the dark side because your crimes would be so extravagantly memorable?” This conversation wasn’t aiding Hero’s underlying fear of lying in bed with Villain. Still, she wanted answers.
“I realized I was wrong. If I don’t do something good for once, I’ll be remembered as a monster, and you see, I want to be remembered as a legend.” Villain drew in a deep breath, turning his head slightly away from Hero before exhaling. “There’s a difference between monsters and legends, I realized. Honour is legendary; Fear is monstrous. Having said that, there’s no fear in honour, so what’s the point in all those criminal activities except mindlessness and naivety? It’s not as fun or rewarding as I thought it’d be.”
“You stay awake and think at night like I do, don’t you?”
Villain nodded. Hero nodded.
Hero’s hand slid across the sheets until her fingertips touched Villain’s. Holding his hand was comforting when she considered they would be meeting Supervillain tomorrow- that Villain’s face would be the only familiar one, the only one she could trust even though she hardly even trusted it at all.
Hearing what Villain said now, in the deepest stage of the night…maybe he was worth trusting.
Maybe there was a good reason she was holding his hand.
And maybe there was a good reason she enjoyed the warmth that rolled off her body.
Maybe there was a reason beyond anxiousness and fear that made Hero’s heart beat a little faster than usual.
“Do you think we could both be legends?” Hero asked, to which Villain responded, with a tight squeeze of Hero’s hand:
“I do.”
It wasn’t the only time he would utter those words. Next time, Hero would be wearing a white gown, and Villain, a tux.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 3 years
fic title: the girl with flowers in her bones
Izumi learns she has a Quirk age six when the weird bump on her shoulder is inspected by a doctor who cuts it open to reveal a pretty flower.
Said flower quickly changed and becomes deadly, nearly killing a nurse before it’s destroyed.
No one knows how it got there but now people know about it. At first Izumi is happy. She has a Quirk.
Then she isn’t.
“It’s a useless Quirk!” Kacchan taunts her. “Perfect for a useless girl like you! Flowers under the skin! Pathetic!”
Kacchan burns her shoulder and she goes home crying.
Later a flower develops where she’s been burned and after some quiet conversation with Inko about how her husband had left because of Izumi’s Quirkless status and Izumi had heard it, they figured it out.
The flowers bloom when someone hurts her. They bloom and the doctors do a scan revealing many more flowers all over her- some were small and no one could see them. Little hurts the doctors theorized.
They still had to be removed. Izumi has been getting slower, becoming more exhausted each day. It’s the flowers.
Izumi numbly lets it happen.
But it happens again. And again.
Flowers bloom because people keep hurting her. They turn deadly when exposed to the air.
“Freak, monster, liar-“ it’s all shouted at her by her class. Kacchan leads the charge.
His flowers are always an orange lily. Hatred.
Izumi wonders if it means him or her who hates the other. When it becomes a sweet pea, she has a feeling she knows why she is receiving a goodbye.
She stops growing flowers for him. Because she knows she will only get pain from him, because he is no longer one she believes to be a friend.
“The flowers are signs of betrayal,” she changes the classification. “I can only be hurt by those I do not think would hurt me, those I trust. Once I stop trusting or believing they will not hurt me the flowers stop.”
Her mother sobs upon hearing it. Inko then goes and terrifies the Bakugou family, promising that unless Kacchan leaves her alone Inko would go after them.
Kacchan doesn’t listen.
So Inko slaps them with a lawsuit she wins. It’s enough for Izumi to go to a new school where she sits quietly and doesn’t talk.
There people whisper still but it’s sad whispers.
“Her Quirk hurts her.”
“No, it’s people hurting her which sets off her Quirk.”
“She’s so quiet.”
Izumi just works. The only one she trusts is her mother. Inko who tries so hard not to hurt her, who is honest and open. Who gives her books on flowers and smiles.
When Inko hurts Izumi she leaves violets and lavender. And they’re always small, so small. Small hurts, being too honest with her daughter.
Izumi loves her mother for it.
Izumi grows and soon she finds herself applying for UA. She wants to be a hero and her mother frets and admits she isn’t sure if Izumi can do but the two have researched and researched and well, they think they can figure a way out. Sports festival- she just needs to beat all the other students.
She thinks she can. The money they won from the lawsuit had helped Izumi not only get into a new school but also got her into a martial arts studio. Her mother insisted.
Probably was upset with how many flowers Izumi grew from cuts and burns and bruises. Those were the bigger ones, when they were left on purpose. They pushed against the skin, looked strange.
Funny, Izumi noticed that she didn’t gain flowers sparring.
“It’s probably based on intention. When you gain flowers from bruises or cuts and they’re from people doing it to hurt you and betray you, they come as flowers. But when it’s done as a fight or a spar it’s on purpose still but it’s not a betrayal of yourself.” Her Quirk therapist theorizes.
It makes sense.
Izumi goes to UA after failing the entrance exam and ends up in 1C where she finds herself meeting a boy who is like her. Sharp and broken and hurt.
Shinsou is a friend and she finds herself chuckling at his comments.
Their friendship only blooms truly though when she meets Kacchan again. He sees her and attacks, screaming. She fights back. Shinsou speaks and stops Kacchan and Izumi looks at him, seeing something similar back.
The situation ends with Izumi in the principal’s office telling her story. She looks him in the eyes tiredly.
Kacchan is removed from UA- apparently, the lawsuit hadn’t been included in his application.
“It was when he was ten!” His mother tries.
“It still happened and you lied,” Nezu tells her. Izumi isn’t supposed to be there but she went to the office to pick up some papers.
She thinks her homeroom teacher arranged it.
“The papers are supposed to show us if we need to watch out students for anything. You lied on the application.”
Izumi doesn’t know what to think as she slides away. She hasn’t seen Kacchan in years. Hasn’t spoken to him.
Yet he still tried to attack her. He hasn’t learned anything.
Izumi has left him behind. The pain he caused ended any relationship between them.
He is a child. He can learn, if he wishes.
She feels as if she is choking when she runs into someone.
“Ah,” the person says and she blinks at a girl with red and white hair. It’s long and in a braid as she stares at Izumi. There’s a burn scar on her face and as Izumi looks into her eyes she sees the same sort of pain Izumi has.
The girl nods and leaves and Izumi stares after her in confusion.
Then she has to head to class and Shinsou and it’s a mess.
A flower blooms under her cheek as she speaks and she wonders if it’s from the shock someone attacked her at UA or it’s because she always hoped Kacchan would change the longer she left him.
“It’s not the same.” She tells Shinsou. “I was in hell until I was ten and then just isolated after.”
“It’s close,” Shinsou tells her. He touches her cheek and she closes her eyes. “It’s growing?”
“Yeah. It used to be orange lilies. It might be the same now.”
It is. It’s removed by Recovery Girl and Izumi breathes and doesn’t try to think.
She doesn’t know what to think about anything.
She thinks in a way that expelling him was to much. She understands that they lied, that they removed the evidence of the trial. But did they truly know that it counted?
Kacchan is a child and needs to learn things.
At the same time, he tried to attack her.
Her mind feels muddled and confused and Shinsou tries to help but it’s different for him. His bullies were cruel and never stopped and yet he never expected it either to stop.
You can only be betrayed by a friend.
He tries but they fight and eventually he yells that she’s worthless if she wishes to let a boy who hurts her back into UA.
She flinches and he does too.
Shinsou reaches for her but she leaves, feeling sick.
Izumi wanders UA campus after that- a week after the Kacchan incident- a week after the USJ got invaded. With Kacchan in the office the class hadn’t gone to USJ, something all of them expresses relief about.
Izumi wanders and then runs into the red and white girl again. She’s training in the gym that all students are allowed to Izumi wandered to it out of habit. Usually she and Shinsou train- Shinsou finally accepting that he needs to train his body.
He’s not with her though, and she feels her shoulder ache.
Shinsou didn’t mean it, he was angry and didn’t understand. Izumi gets it.
But it still was a hurt.
“... are you okay?” The girl asks and Izumi blinks, realizing she’s been standing in the gym staring off into space.
“I’m fine.” She says. “I got into a fight with my friend.” The girl looks at her and Izumi sighs.
“My Quirk lets me know when I’ve been hurt,” Izumi explains. “The hurts become flowers under my skin. Ever hurt, physical, emotional, mental, minor or major.” Izumi sighs.
“... you were the one Bakugou attacked, the reason we did not go to the USJ.,” The girl says calmly.
“We were friends once. He hurt me badly, and we stopped. He tried again, my mom sued him and his family and they didn’t put the trial in his transcripts. So he’s been expelled and I just… I feel bad for him. He’s hurt me but I cared for him once and is it fair that he was a child when this happened and he’s still himself a child?” Izumi sighs. “Sorry. I-“
“I have similar feelings to my brother and mother.” The girl offers. Her face is slightly blank. She looks at Izumi, cocking her head slightly. “My father is not a nice man and he’s only stopped hurting us due to blackmail my eldest brother has given. I’m under the custody of my second eldest brother. My other siblings were deemed unsuited and my mother is in a mental health institute.”
“Oh!” Izumi blinks. “You didn’t-“
“You told me.” The girl shrugs. “I’m Todoroki Shouto.”
“Midoriya Izumi.”
It’s the start of something.
From the hurt Shinsou dealt jasmine is dug from Izumi’s skin and he apologizes over and over again. She tells him it’s not okay but she understands he didn’t truly mean it.
It makes her sad still.
She and Todoroki meet from time to time in the gym, speaking. Sometimes Shinsou joins them, sometimes not. He wishes to keep his Quirk private, wishing to get into the hero course like Izumi wishes.
Todoroki is kind, Izumi finds. She’s standoffish and blunt but she’s kind.
Her story is a sad one, told over gym meetings. Her father is Endeavour and he wished to overcome All Might. He had children to force it, and the abuse he placed his family through broke her mother.
Todoroki loves her mother. She loves her dearly but cannot face her.
“I used to blame myself, thinking it might be my fault she burned me. Natsuo, my brother, he got me into therapy and I’ve learned it wasn’t. I was a child, it was not on me. And yet my mother is ill.” Todoroki explains. “I care deeply for her but… I can’t face her right now. Because I have learned it is not my fault what she did and I have to adjust.”
Her brother, her eldest brother Touya, is a different story.
“He blamed me for the abuse. Said it was all my fault, hated the fact I was a girl too. Kept going on I was a screw-up, that I was disgusting. He’s in therapy to now but… I don’t talk to him. Ever if I can help it. Natsuo says he’s getting better but he won’t make me do anything. My sister keeps trying to get us to forgive our dad. We don’t want to.” Todoroki tells her. “It’s a mess.”
Todoroki doesn’t know what to do herself. Her brother was young when he became angry, and her mother ill. Neither were fully at fault, and yet she struggles.
It’s nice to talk to someone who understands.
Their friendship grows and Izumi wonders why it feels different then from her and Shinsou.
Yet as she watches Todoroki smile, she thinks she knows.
At the sports festival, Izumi and Shinsou manage to get to the tournament. They manage to claw their way to the semi-finals, determining who will go on to compete for first.
Shinsou insults her, curses her. And then he confesses.
Izumi keeps her mouth shut and shoved him out, even as she feels the flowers begin to bloom.
She does tell him she doesn’t feel the same.
“I know,” Shinsou tells her. “It’s Todoroki. You two smile all the time around each other, you laugh and have fun.” He shrugs sadly. “I just wanted to be honest.
Izumi accepts it, and later she finds the flowers to be yellow tulips.
One-sided love.
Yet first comes the finals, where Izumi screams at Todoroki to use her fire, even as the girl refuses to use it.
“I won’t use his power!” She yells.
“It’s not his! It’s yours!” Izumi cries back.
It’s chaos and destruction and in the end, Izumi has a silver medal.
And she has a smile she treasures.
It’s not love, not yet. But it has a chance to be.
A chance they cultivate, a chance they find becoming stronger and stronger as time goes on. As she and Shinsou enter the hero course, as she fights to protect a boy she barely knows on the streets of Hosu, protecting her hero mentor as well.
It’s a chance she takes, kissing Todoroki after the final exams. Todoroki accidentally burns her in shock and feels horrible.
Izumi treasures the fact a red rose blooms under her skin.
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blackinn-n · 3 years
Blackinnon headcanons (because @marlymckitten’s lovely ones got me to write a bit again <3 go check on hers!!!!)
Yes. It’s sappy. But I love sappy Blackinnon. I can’t bear angst any longer so enjoy!
Sirius fell in love with her before she fell in love with him. Actually, he fell in love with Marlene before James fell in love with Lily, even if he took longer to realize it. He unconsciously developed a crush on her during their first year and recognize his messy feelings as love when he was a bit older. Anyway, he liked to say to her that he had loved her since he was a kid and Marlene used to roll her eyes and call him a sappy liar — but Sirius was not lying. Not even a bit.
I personally hc that they didn’t start dating at Hogwarts. Sirius was, emotionally, too much of a mess to actually sort out what he felt. It was not that he wasn’t sure of her — he knew he loved Marlene. He was certain of that. He was just scared to hurt her in any way possible, and though less of himself — he though he wasn’t able to make her happy, and he could not bear it.
It was Marlene who made the first move. One night, she just kissed him. They were alone in London, laughing, smoking and chatting at 1 AM while the rest of the gang had already went home. She just did it. She cupped his face in her hands and kissed him. Hard, passionately. It took him out of breath.
As their relationship became solid, it was clear to both of them that what was happening was that.. they were settling. To Sirius, the word has seem horrendous till she had told him what she felt for him. But he was happier that he had ever been with her and was actually pretty content with the perspective of being hers for the rest of his life.
They weren’t too much into PDA. Sirius resting a hand on her tights, or holding hands was ok — but they couldn’t stand couples who made out constantly while they were out with friends. It was totally different when they were drunk: in that occasions they could not take their hands off each other and used to disappear so as to shag in some bathroom or to go home (to shag. Yes, they did it nonstop)
They had a matching tattoo. They had gone out one evening in March, just the two of them. It was supposed to be a romantic dinner but it had naturally lead to a drunk night in some club in London. After that, they had found some weird (and probably too dirty to be trusted) tattoo shop which was still opened at night and decided to go for it. They were too tipsy to be taken seriously, but managed to explain to the tattooer what they wanted. At the end, Sirius got the written “star of the sky” in Marlene’s handwriting, and she had “star of the sea” in his, on their pelvis. It was sappy, they knew it, but it was them.
Marlene absolutely adored Sirius. She thought he was breathtaking. That’s true, a lot of people thought that — Sirius was indeed a very handsome man, but to Marlene, Sirius was much more than that. Marlene loved everything about him. She loved stroking his hair and caressing the side of his face. She loved when he took her hands into his. She loved kissing his full lips and holding his gaze, despite it made her blush most of the time. She loved feeling his weight on her when he fell asleep while cuddling. She loved feeling him inside of her, it made her feel a sense of fullness and connection she had never felt with someone before.
James was so happy when they got together. He wasn’t even the slightest angry or upset at them, though they knew he would have killed them both if they hurt each other.
Lily was ecstatic when they started dating, too. Perhaps even more than her husband, considering she was the first person Sirius admitted he was in love with Marlene to. It happened during their seventh year at Hogwarts. Lily was looking for Marls — she knew the Astronomy Tower was her and Sirius’ spot and expected to find her there, but only him was present that evening. They talked quite a lot and at one point he just slipped it out. It felt so scaring, but so, so good. Lily promised not to tell a soul, not even to James and Sirius trusted her. She also advised him to tell her, but he knew he needed more time.
He desired a family with her but was scared to bring the topic up — he didn’t really think he would have really been much of a father material with the upbringing he had. His worse nightmare was perhaps inflicting on his children the same pain he had had to endure during his childhood — the idea scared him shitless. But one day, they talked about it. They approached the subject shyly, as if having different perspectives would have risked to break what they had. When Sirius told her it would have be nice, to have kids one day, Marlene could not suppress the wide, genuine smile that appeared on her face. “You’d really want them?” “Yes. With you, I would want them. I think I would be a shit father, but with you to balance I think they’d turn up nice” “That’s bullshit. You will be a wonderful dad.” “I will be? Not “would”?” “Yep. You will. I think we should talk about it… having kids, one day.” Sirius had never been happier.
Marlene’s family was fond of Sirius. Her parents and brother especially. And of course Euphemia and Fleamont loved Marlene — she was James’ first friend ever. Euphemia confessed them once that she had been planning their wedding since fifth year (James laughed a bit to much for Marlene’s liking after hearing that).
Marlene once had called Walburga Black a “fucking cow”. She hadn’t just called her that, she had YELLED it on the platform before taking Sirius hand and making him follow her on the train. She had heard a sneaky comment from her: it was the usual babbling about Sirius being a shame, a failure for being how he was, for hanging out with dirty mudbloods and staying at the Potters. She could not take it. Although her mother (who had intercepted her daughter’s furious expression) had tried to stop her, she had just walked over and yelled at Walburga Black, a witch from a noble and ancient family in the Magical Community, that she was a fucking cow. Around lots, lots of people. Sirius thought he had never loved her more.
Once Sirius told her he wanted to shave his beard, and she screamed, horrified and threatened not to have sex with him for a month if he really did it.
For his 23rd birthday, Marlene gifted him a handful of Polaroids of her nudes, along with his real present. Sirius remained in total awe for a few seconds and then looked at her like a puppy who has received the best toy ever. He really was a simple man, not needing much to be happy.
Sirius couldn’t cook for shit. He could barely prepare a toast without burning something. And most of the time, when he was hungry, he forgot he could use magic. That meant he was not able to surprise her with breakfast in bed or some thing like that — okay, he knew how to make coffee or how to spread jam on bread, he was not that dumb. Anyway, Marlene used to tease him by saying he would starve if she refused to cook for the rest of his days. “I can always eat you, you know” “You are incredible, Black”
7th year’s St Valentine’s Day was perhaps the worst one Marlene had spent in her seventeen years on the Earth. Not that she had ever celebrated it (she hated St Valentine’s Day, the sappy promises, the fake couples who put on a good face during the trip to Hogsmeade so as to show off even if half school knew one of them was shagging someone else. She just couldn’t bear it), but that year every. single. one of her friends had a date. Lily went with James, Remus had gone to Hogsmeade with a bloke he had met in the summer, Alice went with Frank, Mary had been asked by a quite good looking boy who was part of the same club as hers, Emmeline and Dorcas went together (their first public trip after their coming out) and even Peter had managed to set up a date with a really nice girl he had had a crush on since fifth year. And Sirius… well, she supposed he was shagging three or four girls at the same time. Marlene spent most of her time in the library, catching up with her homework, and after a rather depressing lunch alone she hid herself in the Common Room who was occupied only by first and second years who could not go to the village yet. She read a book until she heard someone calling her name. She didn’t even had to turn around to know who it was. Nobody called her Lene. They walked through the empty corridors and corners of the school, perfectly comfortable with one another. He asked her what she had done that day, but she didn’t ask him back. She didn’t want to know if he had gone to Hogsmeade with someone. What she didn’t know was that, yes, he had gone to the village… to buy her flowers. They following morning, when she woke up, she found a beautiful bouquet of tulips — her favorites — of all colors. The was no card attached and it took Lily twenty minutes to convince Marlene that they really were for her.
Marlene’s dream had always been to visit Paris. When she was ten, she promised herself that she would only have gone with the love of her life — Marlene pretended to be nauseated by romance, but the truth was that she was a hopeless romantic herself. She kept the promise. One year or so into their relationship, Sirius and Marlene stayed in Paris for a week. One night they went to a bar and returned to the apartment quite intoxicated and extremely horny, so the usual. They shagged everywhere, on the couch, on the bed, on the floor, by the fucking window, not caring who could see them. Once they were finished, they were laying on the couch, naked, only covered by a thin blanket to protect them from the chilly air, their bodies entangled. She told him about her promise. He just looked at her, his eyes full of pure love. And he told her. And it was not scary, quite the contrary, actually. “I love you” he simply said. “I love you so much, Marls” She tried to reply, but her voice was thick with emotion. He understood anyway and gently kissed her, thinking he had finally found something worth living for. And it was love, it had always been love.
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127-mile · 3 years
Let’s pretend we’re in love.
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Pairing: Doyoung x gender neutral reader.
Genre: Fake dating, unrequited love, bff to strangers | Angst.
Warnings: strong language.
Plot: Doyoung is beautiful, he is also kind, attentive, affectionate, smart and funny. He is charismatic, and well-spoken. His voice could be mistaken with that of an angel, whether he is speaking, or singing. Doyoung is everyone's dream, the one person you would never hesitate to introduce to your parent. Doyoung is also...mean. Doyoung has the face and the voice of an angel, in the body of a demon.
Doyoung tells his mother he is dating you after lying about his relationship. Doyoung knows about your feelings, but he doesn’t care.
Word count: +4.2k.
A/n: this is part of the Mad about the boy collab hosted by @slightlymore​.
Doyoung is beautiful, he is also kind, attentive, affectionate, smart and funny. He is charismatic, and well-spoken. His voice could be mistaken with that one of an angel, whether he is speaking, or singing. Doyoung is everyone's dream, the one person you would never hesitate to introduce to your parents. Doyoung is also..
"Y/n are you listening to me?" you are pulled away from your thoughts when Doyoung nudges you. He has been talking for over five minutes now, but all you could think about was how perfect he is. Yes, you saw his lips move, but you did not hear a sound that come out of his mouth. Now that you think about it, Doyoung does have pretty lips, and you wonder how it would feel to kiss him.
"Oh, what is wrong with you today?" he stops and grabs your wrist when you are about to run into a pole. "Are you alright? Are you sick? Do you need me to drive you back home? I can call my parents, and tell them I'll be late, it's fine. You look awfully lost today." you have a long sigh, why is he like this, always so caring.
"I'm fine Doyoung, don't worry about me, I guess I'm just a bit tired." you answer, and he does not look convinced but he shrugs. "Are you sure? My parents will not be mad if you decide to skip dinner." you shake your head as you start walking again, pulling Doyoung with you as he was still holding your wrist. "It's fine. What were you saying?"
"I was talking about my parents, and the reason they invited us." well, technically, they invited Doyoung to eat with them, but Doyoung answered one of your calls, and upon hearing your name, his parents decided to invite you too. A free meal in a nice restaurant is always pleasant, so you had to say yes. Maybe you shouldn't have, with how hard it is for you to focus on anything else than Doyoung's face.
"This weekend is the weekend where the whole family gets together in our grandparents' country house. I told them I would not come because of work, so they are going to try and convince me to join them." this time, you are the one stopping in your tracks. "If you knew what they were going to talk about, why did pretty much beg me to come? I do not want to be in the middle of an argument with your parents."
You met Doyoung when him and his family moved in the neighoroud, you were still young, so you have known each other for a very long time, and he got into the habit of having you by his side during arguments, because you are what he calls a neutral zone, or whatever is reasoning is. "Oh come on, you know they can't refuse me anything when you are here!"
"Doyoung, you are 25 year old! You should know how to settle an argument with your parents, you should know how to make them listen to you and accept whatever you have to say." he tilts his head to the side, and his eyes meet yours. It's enough for your heart to skip a beat, or two. Stupid heart. "Please?"
"Why don't you want to go by the way? The house is really cool, there is a lake, and your family is really sweet. Don't you miss them?" he looks around, and he notices how close he is from the restaurant. If he tries hard enough, he is pretty sure he can see his parents near a bay window, laughing together. "Because, I may have told my mother I had a partner, and she expects me to bring them."
"You are a dumbass, Kim Doyoung." you say in a sigh. "Why would you tell her that? If you do not have time to brush your hair, you definitely do not have time to date someone." he looks offended, but then he remembers the mess on his head, and he decides to stay quiet on the subject. "I don't know! My mom's been on my back about finding someone for months now, I guess I got tired of hearing her and I decided to lie."
"Why don't you find someone? Don't you have a cute coworker you wanted to ask on a date once? Ask them to play your partner." you hate how bright his smile becomes when you mention said coworker. You try not to think about what they have, that you do not have. This is not the time to mope. You'll cry about it later. "That's a great idea! You are the best."
Yes, yes, you are.
Doyoung crosses the road, and he pushes open the door to the restaurant. "After you." he says, and you step inside, smiling at the sudden warmth that invades your body. "Good evening, do you have a reservation?" the young man asks, and Doyoung nods. "My parents are waiting for us, they made a reservation under the name of Kim."
"Yes!" he exclaims, and he walks you to the table. The couple stands up when they see you, and you let Doyoung's mother embrace you for a second. "Y/n, it's been a while, how are you doing sweetheart?" she asks, and you sit down in front of her. "I am doing just fine, how are you?"
"Same old, same old." she starts, head tilted to the side. "we are trying to organize the family weekend, and as usual, it's stressful." you understand. You participated in a few of these gathering, and you know how stressfull everything is. You never regretted anything more than the time you offered to help.
"Yes, Doyoung told me, I'm sure it's going to be amazing, and you'll have a wonderful time with your family." the woman smiles warmly, and she puts her hand on Doyoung's. "Tell me baby, did you ask your partner to come with you?" you nibble on your lower lip, you are excited to hear his arguments.
"Mom, I told you, I have too much work, I can't come." she shakes her head, and you share a look with his father. He knows he is lying, but he keeps his mouth shut, he knows better than to intervene. "Come on Doyoung, don't be silly, I'm sure whatever you have to do can wait for the weekend to be over."
Before he can open his mouth, she raises her hand to shut him up. "I have an idea. Why don't you take your work with you, and I'll give you a couple of hours to work in your grandfather's office, how does that sound?" Doyoung's mother is tenacious, she knows what she wants, and she is ready to do everything in order to get it.
"You know, my darling, that I'm not getting younger by the day, and my dream is to meet the person who makes you so so happy." oh, she went there, you think. Doyoung looks at you, and you smirk, you are not going to help him. "I have something to tell you first."
"I'm listening." but before Doyoung can say anything, the waitress gives you the menu, and comes back to take the orders. And when she leaves, Doyoung's mother prompts him to speak. "Go on, my love, is something wrong?"
"Everything is fine, mother." he plays with his fingers, and you wonder what he is going to say. His mouth opens, and closes for a second, you wonder if he said anything, or if you blacked out because of what he said. All you hear is his mother squeal with delight, and when you look up, she is absolutely beaming.
"Oh my god! I told you it would happen eventually!" she says, hitting her husband on the shoulder. "You did say that." he mumbles, rubbing the aching spot. "I am so happy! And the family loves you, they are going to be thrilled to hear that!"
The rest of the dinner is a blur, you hear and say things, but your brain can't quite process whatever is happening. You must look odd to the Kim's eyes, but you can't even find it in yourself to care.
"See you on Saturday sweetheart." Doyoung's mother says, cupping your cheeks to kiss your forehead. "Yes, Saturday."
When the car disappears from your sight, you turn on your heels to face Doyoung. At least he has the decency to look ashamed, and he doesn't say anything when you hit him in the chest. "What the fuck, Doyoung?" you yell, and he knows people are looking at the scene, even if it's already dark outside.
"I'm sorry, I panicked." he answers, and you shake your head. "Couldn't you admit that you lied, instead of luring me into your lies without asking first!" he takes your hand, and he sighs. "I know, I know. But you were there, and my mom was so excited, I don't know what happened. And look how happy she was when I said it."
"Imagine how sad she is going to be when she'll learn it was a lie, Doyoung!" he knows he should have thought before opening his mouth in the restaurant, but it was his only solution, or so you thought. "She doesn't have to know it was a lit, we can just... I don't know, break up?"
This is a bad idea, you think. For you, who have been madly in love with Doyoung ever since you were kids, it's going to hurt. Because you know Doyoung does not reciprocate your feelings, and never will, and he will play the perfect boyfriend you wish you had.
The break up is going to hurt like a bitch, even if it's fake, and yet, you open your mouth. "We are breaking up at the end of the weekend."
"We need to get the details right, when did we become official?"
Doyoung sits on the edge of the bed as you put your clothes in the dresser. "I don't know Doyoung. You are the one who brought me into this mess, so you should be the one thinking about it." he mumbles something you don't understand, and you turn on your heels to face him. "You are telling me that you did not think about the details at all?"
You did think about everything, of course you did. Not because you were excited about this situation, but because it is something you thought about a lot these past few years.
"I was busy!" he exclaims, and you sigh. "If you want it to be believable, you need to think. Right now. Because your family will be there in a few minutes." you are glad you arrived before everything else, it gives you the time to settle down, and to think about the things you could have talked about in the car.
"We can't tell them it's been a few months, because my mom will bet mad that I did not tell her sooner. So maybe two or three weeks?" you nod. "Yeah, okay. Who confessed?" Doyoung seems to think about it, and when he opens his mouth to answer, you wish you never asked the question. "You, you did it. It what you would have done if it really happened, uh?"
You do not say anything, you do not like the way he said it, like he knows something. He probably does to be honest, you are not the best at hiding your feelings.
"Kids, come say hello!" saved by the bells.
You get out of your bedroom, and you go down the stairs. A few of Doyoung's cousins just entered the house, and they smile when they see you both. "Oh, Y/n, I didn't know you would be here!" Jungwoo says and he puts you into a bone-crushing hug. "Yeah, last minute decision." you answer.
You greet the other members of the family, and before you can understand what is happening, someone grabs your hand to pull you into the living room. "Guys, you all know Y/n, right? Well, I would like to officially introduce Y/n as my partner!"
You try not to look uncomfortable when they all cooe, but you can't smile either. Doyoung is just dropping the bomb, when you thought he would tell the news to some members of the family if they ever asked about his love life. Well, you agreed to be here, so you have to go with the flow. Or rather with Doyoung's decisions.
"I never thought I would see the day where you would finally confess your feelings for our dear cousin." Jungwoo says, and you laugh but god do you want to punch him square in the face. He is the only one in the family to know about your true feelings, so with the little announcement, he feels allowed to say everything he knows.
"Yes, I was wondering if Y/n was ever going to do it. About time." Doyoung answers, and you roll your eyes, but fortunately, his mother calls everyone in the garden. She wants to celebrate the beginning of what she thinks will be a memorable weekend.
"They are gone, you can let go of my hand." you mumble, and he shakes his head. "We have to play the perfect little couple, so might as well do it fully." what is the point of playing when no one is around to see you, if not play with your heart. "You always wanted it, so don't be like that. Come on, let's not make them wait."
He leads you to the garden, and when he finally lets go of your hand to grab two glasses of wine, you feel yourself breathing again. Of course, you spent the last couple of days thinking about the weekend, and how it would turn out, but you thought it would be nice, you know, to be closer to your long-time crush, but no, it's unberable and it's been less than an hour.
"I would like to thank everyone for making the trip for the weekend, I am really glad to see you all, because I have to be honest with you, this year was not easy, and I missed each and every one of you. I am also really grateful to have Y/n with us, I always knew Y/n would be the one to make our sweet boy happy."
Doyoung looks proud, and he is beaming under the attention when you want nothing more than to burry yourself in the ground. "Thank you for accepting me." you say when you hear nothing but silence and feel way too many pairs of eyes on you. "Of course, my love. You were always part of the family, so it is even more normal to have you here with us today."
That's sweet, but what is not is the way Doyoung chuckles under his breath.
"Oh, here you are!" Jungwoo sits down next to you on the couch, and he puts his head on your shoulder. "I've been looking for you everywhere. You know the grandfather's office is off limit?" you shrug, eyes still closed. "I don't care, I needed some alone time."
Jungwoo straightens up, and he does what he does best, he pouts. "What's going on? Are you not happy to be here with us?" you heave a long sigh, opening your eyes to look at him. "I am. I'm always happy to see all of you, especially you Woo, but I don't know. I guess it's overwhelming this time."
"I bet it is. Everyone is all over you, asking you questions. I would dip too if I were you." he answers, and you stay quiet for a couple of minutes. "You and Doyoung, it's an hoax right?" you do not know if you like or hate the fact that Jungwoo is always quick to catch on. "It's that obvious?"
"Not really," he starts, standing up to stretch his long legs. "but you've been in love with him for ever, so seeing you here, when you should be glued to him is weird." that's definitely what you would be doing if Doyoung was not acting so.. you do not even know how to describe it. "I don't know Woo, Doyoung has been acting weird since we arrived."
"What do you mean?" you take the time to think about it, because Jungwoo is still Doyoung's cousin, and you do not want to upset him. "He is the one who told his parents that we were dating, without asking me first, and yet, he is acting like an asshole."
"He throws little comments about my feelings, my real feelings, each chance he gets, and every time, he has that nasty smile on his face." you explain, and Jungwoo hums. "I know it's been only a few hours, and he is probably acting out of nervousness, but it's like.. did he just trick me into coming here just to humiliate me in front of everyone?"
You expect Jungwoo to tell you that you are wrong, that you are imagining everything, but no. "I would not be surprise, to be honest with you." you narrow your eyes, and you don't know what to expect now. "We went on vacation last year, remember? And there, he met this person. It was obvious that they caught feelings for him, and he just played with them."
"He is not stupid, and he understood pretty quickly, but instead of being flattered or to let them down gently, he just decided to be an asshole about it." if Doyoung was not acting like that today, you would never have believed a word of what he said. This is not the Doyoung you know. "But why would he do that? He is not like that on the daily."
"Everyone things he is perfect, but I guess perfection does not extist, and he is the proof." you don't really know how to feel right now. You want to leave, because you are mad. You are mad at yourself, and you are mad at him. "But why me? I'm here to help him, and I'm his best friend, not some kind of summer fling. I never did anything to wrong him or anything, I don't understand."
"I wish I knew Y/n." he answers, putting his hand on your shoulder. "I know how much you love him, and I am sorry he is playing with you." you sigh, you are at loss for words right now. You want to leave but you can't, not this early. Maybe you can find an excuse to leave? No, you can't. Doyoung is the one who drove you here.
"Keep me from hurting him if he decides to act up again today." you say, and Jungwoo nods with a smile. "You know, I am not that strong, so if I can't hold you for long enough, and that you end up actually hurting him, I'm sorry." he winds, and he opens the door to let your out first.
"Well, that was a nice day!" Doyoung says as he lets himself fall on the bed. You have to move your arm to avoid it being stuck under his body. "Good for you." you answer, and he turns on his side to look at you, frowning. "Is something wrong?"
"Are you really asking me that?" you don't know if you should tell him everything you have in mind, or keep quiet and wait until you leave, but you are not sure you can hold for another day. All you know is that you don't want to snap in front of the entire family.
"I have a question, why are you such an asshole with me?" he straightens up, back against the bedframe and he crosses his arms against his chest. "What are you talking about? Wa barely talked today!" you scoff. "And for a reason. Every time we talked, you just made me look like an idiot."
"Why are you doing this? What was the point of asking me to come, if you were planning on being mean?" he bites the inside of his cheek. If you try to remain calm, it seems hard for him too. He has a lot to say, but everyone is asleep, and he knows how quick he gets angry, and he doesn't want anyone to eavesdrop.
"So we are really doing this, uh?" you don't know what he is referring to, but you nod either way. "I'm tired Y/n. I'm tired of you being in love with me." well, that's not what you were expecting, but you are not surprised, if this taught you anything is that you can't expect anything when it comes to Doyoung anymore.
"Hear me out. I know you love me, I always knew, and the attention is nice, but I never mentionned it because you are my best friend, and I never wanted our relationship to change. But I met someone." oh.
"It's my coworker, the one I wanted to ask of a date. Well, I did, last year, and we've been dating ever since. But they can't stand the way you look at me, and it weight a lot on our relationship." you shake your head. "Then why did you bring me? Why didn't you introduce them to your parents instead?"
"How do I say that.. I needed a reason for you to hate me. Not as your friend, but as a potential lover. I needed something to calm your feelings, because as much as I love you, as a friend, my relationship with them is way more important." it feels like someone is squeezing your heart, and you wouldn't be surprised if it came out of your ribcage, in pieces.
"They hate how you look at me, and I understand, I am to the point where I hate it too." you open your eyes wide, and you look up. You refuse to cry. Not in front of Doyoung, he does not deserve it. "So your only option was to break my heart, in front of your entire family? You could have told me the truth, I would have understood you know, I might be in love with you, but I am not stupid!"
"You say you love me as a friend, and yet, you are doing this. You decided to play with my heart to hurt me. And for what?" your voice is shaking, and it sounds a lot like a sob that escapes your pressed lips. "I'm sorry." he whispers, and you laugh as you get out of bed.
"You are not sorry, Doyoung. This is not your first time doing something like this. Is this what gets you going? Breaking people's hearts? Are you planning on doing the same with your current partner?" he shakes his head, and of course, he would never do something like that. Sweet sweet Doyoung.
"You know what? You don't have to worry about me looking at you some type of way, because starting from tomorrow, you will not have to see me again. It'll be so much easier for you." you grab your suitcase, and you stuff your clothes inside. "What are you doing?" Doyoung stands up and he follows you every move.
"I'm going to sleep on the couch, and I'll go home first thing in the morning. Don't worry about driving me back, you can stay here, enjoy and explain to your mother why she will never see me again. Maybe you should also tell her why her son is such a fucking asshole, I'm sure she's going to love it."
"Come on, don't be like that." he says in a sigh, and you open the bedroom door. "Don't be like what? Don't be like a fucking human being with feelings? Well I'm sorry, but I am!" if the family was not around you, you would have sloed the door hard enough for the sound to echoes against the walls, but instead, you close it softly.
Doyoung is beautiful, he is also kind, attentive, affectionate, smart and funny. He is charismatic, and well-spoken. His voice could be mistaken with that of an angel, whether he is speaking or singing. Doyoung is everyone's dream, the one person you would never hesitate to introduce to your parents. Doyoung is also mean.
Doyoung has the face and the voice of an angel, in the body of a demon.
So yes, you are mad about the boy, but you are also mad about yourself.
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A/N: Ohohohoho word vomit, Toshi was really nagging in the back of my brain. So here it is... along with Mr. Hey Hey Hey Kotaro. I don't really know whether I've gotten better at writing. Still, I hope you enjoy though.
Wakatoshi Ushijima
It’s rare for Ushijima to be silent whenever he really has something to say. He’s always been upfront. He always says what’s on his mind even if you may or may not like it. Of course, honesty and being genuine really helped you all through out your relationship. Yet, it’s different this time. He’s awfully quiet (like really, really, really quiet). He’s not even sparing you a glance across the living room. It looked like something’s brewing inside him and you can’t figure out what.
“Love, come on. Talk.”, you told him while standing on the doorway. You are wearing your work clothes except for the doctor’s coat that’s on your arm. Your shift’s about to start in two hours but you need to be at the hospital an hour before for the endorsements and other stuffs. “Babe…” you pleaded once more as you try to coax him to say something. But no avail. He just shifted on his seat, his eyes focusing on the tv screen. You sighed.
“Toshi, I’m really sorry about this. I didn’t know this would happen, that I would replace another doctor’s shift—” you mumbled on his neck as you hugged him in his seat. "Because you forgot to block your schedule for the next day." He said, cutting you off. It felt like cold water was splashed down on you. You can’t help but sigh in resignation. “I’m sorry.” That’s all you can say because it really is your fault this time.
Wakatoshi told you to clear your schedule a week ago before you shuffle shifts for the week. He knew that a doctor’s working schedule is erratic. That there some days and nights that you’re not going to be home and you’ll rarely see each other. There are some days that you and Toshi can spend more time together. He knew, that is why he asked you beforehand. “Yeah, sure babe.”, you agreed. You saw his rare boyish grin. However, you had a busy day at work and it slipped your mind.
“I’m really sorry, babe. I promise I’ll be there. I’ll really, really try hard to be there tomorrow. But I got to go. Love you.” You reassured him one last time then gave him a chaste kiss on his cheek. You rushed out the door. As much as you hate to leave your sulking husband, you have to. You pledge to do everything with chosen profession. Honestly, you felt terrible but you know better than to bring personal problems at work. Wakatoshi heard the door closed as you went out. He doesn’t know if he’s disappointed or frustrated. He’s really looking forward that Sunday brunch because your parents are going to be there.
You arrived at work but your mind seems to fling back to the look you last saw on Ushijima. You can’t help but internally berate yourself for absolutely forgetting. You shrugged the thoughts off as you finished reading/studying the patient’s chart. You’ll make your morning rounds in a few hours and you’re starting to get dizzy from all the hospital buzz. You found it unusual so you decided to get it checked.
Your shift ended 30 minutes before the brunch so you just texted Toshi that you’ll just meet him there and that the both of you have things to discuss. He just replied “ok”. O-K, two letters. As much as it frustrates you, you cannot do anything about it since you’re kind of at fault here. Now you got to make it up to him and you just know the perfect thing to do.
You arrived at the venue, both of your parents and Toshi are already there. You went to place a chaste kiss to your husband and greeted your parents after. In the middle of the small gathering, your parents pointed out that both you look awkward and seems to be having a problem. There is no point denying it since your parents already saw it through. They gave you guidance and advices, as you admit that it was your mistake. To make it up for everyone especially Toshi, you handed them white envelops.
Your lips pursed in anticipation and preventing a grin. You witnessed how their reactions changed from confusion to surprised to elation. Your mother was crying. Both of your dads are teary eyed. Your darling husband, oh the man’s got stuck on his seat, his left hand tightly holding the paper.
“Are you serious?” he asked you, still trying to wrap the information in his head. “Oh, so you know how to talk?” you teased him which earned you a grunt from him. “Of course! Laboratory tests results don’t lie. I was thinking of using peed on tests but I figured laboratory tests would be more reliable plus it’s free since I work there.” You quickly supplied as you gobble up the fruits on your plate.
Wakatoshi pulled you for a kiss and a hug along with the murmurs of ‘I love you’ and ‘I’m gonna be a dad.’.
Indeed, it was a great make up gift to your then disappointed husband.
Kotaru Bokuto
All through out your relationship with Bokuto is nothing but perfect. Perfect in a sense that you are equal in everything, he has been a reliable and responsible partner to you as you are to him. You balance out each other. Since the beginning of your relationship—when you first met and become acquainted—to the whole marriage and building a home with you, he has been a stable partner despite his ‘antics’. Bokuto has his tendency to mess up but he always gets back up. He has these weaknesses (per Akaashi) but he always comes around to make up for it. You know all these things about him and you love him no less.
There is no perfect relationship and couple fights are not uncommon especially to the two of you. The only catch is that the both of you are willing not to sleep on it until you’ve come up to a resolution. The biggest fight you had is when Bokuto tried to act up because your schedules didn’t permit you to see him before he left for a game—this way back before you had your first child. You almost call everything off. You were just so overwhelmed with the marriage, the pregnancy (which Kou didn’t know about yet), and work. So, it ended in a huge fight that was resolved three days later. Since then, the both of you are trying to not make disagreements into arguments. But not this time…
You just arrived from the business trip. You had a long day and receiving the news from the teacher that Bokuto didn’t show up for the meeting just makes you want to pull your hair out in frustration. Bokuto met up with you in the doorway and tried to kiss you but you moved away. You went to your bedroom and changed. Bokuto followed you with a pout.
“Not now, Kou. I’m not happy with you right now.” you said as you do your nightly routine. “Baby why? Did I do something? You just got back from work. I took care of the house and our son. What did I do wrong?” Bokuto was utterly confused.
“Really now, Kou?” you spat, crossing your hands on your chest. “No, baby, I really have no idea.” Bokuto insisted calmly.
“Kou! You told me you’d attend the teacher’s meeting today but you didn’t! I found because the teacher texted me and I have to freaking call her just to apologize and to be informed what went on with the meeting. Ugh…! You… I just can’t with you right now.” you groaned in frustration. You recalled the moment you read the teacher’s message as you drive your way home. It turns out that that meeting was for the parents of the kids that’s going to finish the school term with special distinction and your husband was no show. You also recalled how tight you gripped the steering wheel that your knuckles turned white.
Kou’s expression changed like he remembered something he forgot about which fueled your anger more.
“You forgot?! You freaking forgot?! What the crap!” your voice went an octave higher and scoffed in disbelief. “Kou, I can’t believe you!” you said before Kotarou could retort because at the moment he’s at loss for words. He indeed forgot.
You are fuming. Despite how busy you were, you reminded him and he still forgot. You just controlled your urge to throw the lotion bottle at him. You groaned in frustration, a bit calmer now. Your husband sat down on your bed, head bowed down like a little kid being reprimanded.
“The meeting was that important, Kou. The teacher said that the attendees of that meeting are the parents of the children who has a special distinction this end of the school term. Our son was one of them.” Bokuto looked at you, eyes shone with pride but that was only for a brief moment the second you glared at him. “And you missed it.” You continued. Bokuto knew he can never argue with you on this, clearly, he’s at fault. “Babe, I’m very sorry.” He mumbled. You sigh. It already happened. You already forgave him before he apologized but it doesn’t mean you’re gonna let him go that easily. “Whatever, Kou. I’m sleeping.”
This was the last conversation you have, days ago. Until today you still ignored Bokuto not because you’re still mad at him—you already forgave him the morning after when he made you breakfast, but you like to see him grovel. The thing is, you want Bokuto to understand that there are responsibilities that goes beyond than providing comfort and stuffs for the family and sometimes he forgets that.
“Baby owl, look at our son. I can’t believe he’s up going up there to receive his first award in kindergarten.” He whispered, still a little wary, because you still haven’t talked to him properly. You hummed in answer. Bokuto looked at you with pleading eyes, “Babe, please. You haven’t talked to me properly in days. I miss you.” You looked at him, one brow raised. “I promise to be better. I promise not to forget things anymore especially if it concerns our son, just forgive me and talk to me.” He continued, with a subtle pout. You want to laugh, his expressions never changed. “Yes, Kou. I already forgave you.” Just as you finished saying those words and before Kou could answer, your son appeared in front of you. “Mommy forgive dada? Mommy kiss dada now?” You and Bokuto looked at each other and then laughed. “Yes, yes, yes, little owl. Mommy forgave me. Dada can kiss her now.” Your husband answer while winking at your son. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” your son gleefully cheered.
Kou kissed the top of your head while whispering 'I love you'. Kou then whispered praises to your son as you walked out of the venue hand in hand, off to your home where you’re going to celebrate all the milestones in life.
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