#and yet in her only actual appearance she is entirely dedicated to A Guy. cmon.
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owari--hajimari · 6 months ago
oh my god i hated “let’s not keep her waiting” and “josh’d better watch out” SINCE WHEN DO THEY EVEN KNOW EACH OTHER. like hell joshua respects shiki like that and like hell shiki feels close enough to him to use a nickname when They Haven’t Had Even One Conversation. unless draco cantus or josh knocking her out right after counts. there were other more pressing things going on there than introductions lol
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caepaecaesurae · 7 years ago
> Cae + Nad : Gossip
caepaecaesurae So I'm getting better about lovwers trolljacksparrow yeah? caepaecaesurae I'm actually trying all that again A bit trolljacksparrow ooh anyone specific in mind/any takers yet, lovve?
caepaecaesurae I appear to havwe horrible taste Or At least slightly questionable trolljacksparrow ehehehehehhe cmon cmon wwho is it caepaecaesurae Oh tsk like you'vwe nevwer had that realisation about anything you'vwe wvillingly gotten yourself into ... Ringleader, twvice. trolljacksparrow ringleader??????/ ring???? leader??????? RINGLEADER????? caepaecaesurae I wvas a trickster one of those times and it turned out fine, so trolljacksparrow ring "HHuHhHHhurrrgghhhh ive never submitted to anything not even a stoplight, hurggggghhhh, i am very tough sexually everyone needs to know this" leader??? caepaecaesurae You knowv, wve're both old and lazy and get bored trolljacksparrow oh my god??? (dont misunderstand, i support you!) but oh my god! caepaecaesurae Honestly, entirely reasonable trolljacksparrow HONEY, howw is your taste so bad! ....ok but howw did it go caepaecaesurae Also your description is delightful I don't knowv, magic? trolljacksparrow ehehehehehehe caepaecaesurae Wvell, it wvent wvell enough for a second round trolljacksparrow ayyyyy/ caepaecaesurae It's purposefully a bit intermittant to avwoid getting terribly attached, but I think there'll be a third at some point trolljacksparrow (terribly attached on wwhich side?) i wwould literally nevver havve seen this coming. like. literally nevver. caepaecaesurae wvell, I'm stupid and he's prone to obsession, so either wvay, really. trolljacksparrow if someone wwas like  "dude, dude, your kismesis is gonna bang that one guy (tm)" i wwould not havve believved them pffff holy fuck man ok but honestly, good on you trolljacksparrow hell yeah highfivve caepaecaesurae haha High fivwe, chief. I havwe no idea wvhat I'm doing wvith myself, but.. it's good to get out there. And he's not all bad.  If you scoot the bad bits off the plate there's things left It's alright trolljacksparrow yeah, i actually like got along wwith him that one time after he freaked out that i wwas going to do vviolence upon him hes not all bad, surprisingly >That 'haha' kinda makes you feel bad. Should you be, like, more supportive? Or something? caepaecaesurae "I'm thinking of you naked" wvas the line that wvorked on him by the wvay. trolljacksparrow FUCK L O L caepaecaesurae He wvas surprised trolljacksparrow FANTASTIC caepaecaesurae It wvas pretty good trolljacksparrow nice!! you fuckin smooth operator hahahahaha caepaecaesurae I don't remember wvhat it wvas during the trickster thing I think it wvas something like "I'm easy and interested" I havwe no idea wvhat people consider smooth or wvhy trolljacksparrow ehehehehehe yeah honestly most of the times me neither but dude, lets celebrate, like, hell yeah broadening horizons and all that noise caepaecaesurae :) trolljacksparrow ://) !! caepaecaesurae Te amo trolljacksparrow te amo! tea ammo! all of that! trolljacksparrow (fucking ringleader. unbelievable.) trolljacksparrow (TWWELVVE FEET TALL) caepaecaesurae He's rather fond of my teeth I'm not used to getting compliments about that that don't sound like comparisons to beartraps trolljacksparrow thats a mood sexy sexy beartraps caepaecaesurae He's also remarkably considerate and careful WVith a backup just in case trolljacksparrow thats fantastic! a backup? like, threesomes? caepaecaesurae wvell I meant my extra teeth Most beartraps havwe only the one rowv trolljacksparrow OH yeah ivve nevver hunted bears, i dont knoww i thought it tied into the considerate part and like yeah that wwould be considerate but clarification wwas needed caepaecaesurae Aye, I'm not quite up to several-somes yet trolljacksparrow you can wwork up to it, it takes time to build stamina ://P caepaecaesurae Speaking of Ringleader though, do you see the post he responded to?  The one wvhere cherry shrimp spoke up trolljacksparrow ....im trying to imagine sollux vvantas on a date wwith ringleader "fucking ringleader" makara and i am FAILING MISERABLY caepaecaesurae Same It's almost majestic trolljacksparrow just. i cant picture them in the same room evven but just caepaecaesurae Nowv try to imagine his moirail's spin on this trolljacksparrow the mind cant handle that many possiblities oh my goD HAHAHAHAHA caepaecaesurae This is entirely my fault and I can't find myself minding trolljacksparrow you arrange beautiful things, sometimes caepaecaesurae The boy's a damn boxer and I think Ringleader wvould respect that trolljacksparrow he is, but hes also like i mean i dont think ringleader is immune to sollux vvantas cause NO ONE IS, APPARENTLY caepaecaesurae Sollux VWantas. trolljacksparrow JUST LOOK AT HIM AUGH sollux vvwwantas anywway i still cant fucking picture it but if it happens itll be glorious caepaecaesurae Imagine Sollux VWantas and Ringleader aiming for casual lovwers, and the moirail wvandering directly into a terrible pitch court wvith Ringleader if she isn't already spoken for in pitch trolljacksparrow i mean, hed probably find a lot of wways to piss her off, but that? wwould end in fire caepaecaesurae She'd be a brat, and his dedication to her health wvould rest entirely on her moirail's shoulders And as wve all knowv, Sollux VWantas trolljacksparrow yea wwe really do then again ringleader, wwho is apparently super blunt, might be the only person to be blunt enough for the boy wwho didnt realize wwhat pinching someones ass indicated caepaecaesurae I think Ringleader is the only responsible adult invwolvwed, and that's going to be fascinating to hear about ovwer drinks somenight trolljacksparrow ovver a lot of drinks caepaecaesurae Probably it wvon't go anywvhere caepaecaesurae But it's interesting to think about trolljacksparrow hahahaha yeah caepaecaesurae Anywvay I thought I'd keep you in the loop About Ringleader "Yes that one" Makara trolljacksparrow i appreciate it! keep me in the loop about any others, yeah? (like im fine wwith evverything i just. wwant gossip) caepaecaesurae I'll try dearest If it evwer comes to someone wvhere the secret wvould be hard but important to me to keep, wvould you rather struggle wvith it or not be technically sure? trolljacksparrow wwho could you possibly fuck that requires covvert ops, babe but like caepaecaesurae If someone has clade wvho are vwiolently opposed to highbloods for example, or wvho havwe terrible history wvith Amporas specifically ... caepaecaesurae If someone has clade wvho mistrust me specifically due to some long-ago argument If I evwer make it wvith a VWriska trolljacksparrow ok i just gotta outline that if anyone tries to mess wwith you ill hand them their spine noww that thats done wwith hhm, i dont knoww. like... i wwant to support you, yeah? but also, like, im just......i wwouldnt betray you, evver caepaecaesurae Oh surely, and I appreciate it caepaecaesurae I knowv you wvouldn't I'm just asking if you'd prefer juicy gossip, or havwing things easy not havwing to keep track of wvho knowvs wvhat trolljacksparrow im thinking about that because on one hand fuuuuck i lovve gossip but on the other hand i often havve a hard time wwith like not freaking out ovver direct lying? so its like wwhat are the odds that someone comes up to me and is like HEY ARE CAE AND X FUCKING and im unable to say 'hey. fuck you' (id do it anywway, like, despite the thing, it just might not be effectivve) so its like caepaecaesurae Higher than you'd think, hypothetically! trolljacksparrow make your best judgment of like wwhat thats just like, my clade i guess is it only hypothetically? caepaecaesurae ... There's someone else, and I do think you'd havwe an easier time of it if I'm not specific.  The one you'd be trying not to lie to is Sparks, for possibly a swveep or fivwe until a fewv things wvork out. If it lasts that long caepaecaesurae But at the same time, I lovwe and trust you. trolljacksparrow mmmm yeah. caepaecaesurae And it's important I not try to ovwer-control things trolljacksparrow okay i havve no idea wwhat that means in relation to all this but like yeah, aight like, dont tell me >Man, you're put out by this more than you anticipated. trolljacksparrow >Why can't you enjoy gossip. caepaecaesurae Te amo, dearest.  If any rough spots evwer get wvorked out so secrecy isn't an issue, or if it doesn't wvork out so it can be a past-tense secret rather than an ongoing one, I'll be sure to let you knowv first thing But.. I'm getting out there, and it's rare and precious and newv, and I havwe rather awvkwvard taste But hey, wvhat else is newv trolljacksparrow sent a GIF caepaecaesurae You and Kankri are the only ones wvho knowv about a vwisit or twvo to Ringleader And you're the only one wvho knowvs he's not the only one trolljacksparrow ! i adore you trolljacksparrow once again, anyone troubles you ill fucking delimb them, but yeah caepaecaesurae WVarm thoughts for cold evwenings trolljacksparrow oh, and by the wway trolljacksparrow you offered up a lot of scenarios back then, right caepaecaesurae Back wvhen? trolljacksparrow back wwhen i wwas like oh dude wwhat reason could you possibly havve to havve a tactical dick appointment relying on james bondery and secrecy caepaecaesurae Aye, that I did trolljacksparrow and you specifically mentioned making it wwith a vvriska... caepaecaesurae Sparks looks rather dimly on those trolljacksparrow that he does, that he does but also trolljacksparrow also wwell caepaecaesurae Unrelated sidenote, I'm trading holiday gifts wvith his VWriska nowv and again. trolljacksparrow stop interrupting my dramatic fucking revveal for fucks sake! are you a bloody ampora or wwhat! fucking unbelievvable caepaecaesurae She's dead, but her ghost is about. You're wvelcome and I am suddenly all ears trolljacksparrow thank god! okay anywway funny you should mention making it wwith a vvriska.... because i got c3<ed to one for like half a swweep. (AAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY DID FUCKING ANYONE SEE THAT COMING) caepaecaesurae Ashen? Absolutely baffled trolljacksparrow yes, topleaf! caepaecaesurae But nowv that you mention it, I can only think of one that you speak to much online... trolljacksparrow ://) caepaecaesurae WVell damn Good showv keeping that one quiet, howv havwe you managed? caepaecaesurae Keeping it off Sparks' radar alone must havwe been tricky trolljacksparrow ://)!! trolljacksparrow yeah!! theres some people that knoww but not a lot and ITS SO DIFFICULT i just wwant to openly affection at her but  i cant my beautiful sharp fighty ashenmate caepaecaesurae Side-leavwes, or is one of you the top? trolljacksparrow im the topleaf! she's a marvvel and a delight and she brightens my life and this is a god damn secret, okay angel? caepaecaesurae Swvorn and sealed trolljacksparrow i asked to tell you the moment you mentioned a vvriska because, oh my god, the opportunity, "in case i make it vwith a wvriska" "GUESS WWHAT (//: ", just, damn caepaecaesurae I wvish you the dearest of luck wvith her, Serkets are... tricky. trolljacksparrow she made a vvery elaborate threat against your wwell-being if you fuck this up belovved, it wwas practically ornate caepaecaesurae My good luck, then Thank you for not directly sharing the threat. trolljacksparrow you wwont mess this up though so no wworries! like theres nothing to mess up caepaecaesurae I wvon't be getting in her wvay trolljacksparrow oh honey its just "dont tell this to people" not "gtfo" caepaecaesurae Aye, all's wvell trolljacksparrow (i knoww that serkets arent rays of moonbeams though, so dont wworry) trolljacksparrow also im her topleaf so if she does get upset wwith you shed havve to talk it out wwith me caepaecaesurae I appreciate it Again, I wvon't be interfering or risking your quadrant. Believwe it or not I knowv my wvay around a secret or twvo trolljacksparrow you and your mystery beau ://P caepaecaesurae Eh That's days old I wvouldn't call it wvorth being proud of keeping quiet yet trolljacksparrow doesnt it givve such a rogueish air to the wwhole thing? also im gonna come bother you in person if youre not super busy caepaecaesurae <3< trolljacksparrow <3< !!! trolljacksparrow >Nadaya is definitely finding Cae and cuddling up to him and purring super contently. His. >He might look slightly :c but he tries very hard not to let it show. caepaecaesurae > ..and Cae's definitely a little distant-eyed and faintly sad, but very fond of cuddles and hanging out comfortably. trolljacksparrow >...Cae gets finpets, and Nadaya promptly hoists himself into Cae's lap, and sighs. "Look, fucking, she didnt actually make the threat she just told me to tell you that she made an elaborate threat, I'm sorry, I didn't realize, just look--" and you show him this: https://puu.sh/zihDF/5648ce76f9.png caepaecaesurae > His mouth opened and closed once as he absorbed that, fins shifting slightly, before pinning a bit and lowering.  His cheeks heated, lighting slightly, and he glanced away > He gave a small awkward shoulder pat, and a nod. trolljacksparrow > Nadaya kissed him directly on the tip of his nose. "I'm sorry beloved," and a hair ruffle, Nadaya is gonna be comfortable all over him. caepaecaesurae "...sorry, chief," he murmered back. trolljacksparrow "hey it's fine, it's okay, don't worry about it, yeah," Cae's neck gets nuzzled, purr starting up. This is fine, it's a fine way to spend time. caepaecaesurae "...You got wvorried enough to come ovwer." trolljacksparrow "i mean, you say this as if i dont love spending time with you?" Nadaya curled a hand in the fabric of Cae's shirt, a picture of peace on his kismesis. "you're stressed from unrelated reasons too, so its like... i dont want you to be sad," he finished lamely, sighing and nuzzling. ".............i wwouldnt let her. it wwas just, a lack-of-trust thing that manifested badly." caepaecaesurae > Arms gently closed around him, and Cae rested his cheek in Nadaya's hair, carefully, trying to avoid as many charms and knives as possible.  One or two was fine. "...Aye.  WVe'll see howv much she trusts or distrusts." "..I'll be myself, and wve'll see if that's enough." trolljacksparrow >Nadaya's purr intensified at that, fins fluttering. Hugs! Hell yeah! A part of him hoped Cae gets a weird imprint from the charms. "yeah - and, i'm serious, it wwont come to vviolence, swworn and sealed and all that." caepaecaesurae > He acquired a small smile, only slightly sad.  Nadaya was more reassuring than he had any right to be, though. "..I knowv my pan plays tricks on me, lovwe.  WVe'll see howv it goes."
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