#and yes you may reblog the other post (it only mentions a specific muse like once??)
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timesonata · 1 year ago
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This is an independent blog for Sorceress Ultimecia from Final Fantasy VIII. I am private and selective, but personal blogs and non-mutuals may still send in asks, like posts, and reblog art. Note that mun does not reflect muse, and 18+ content will be present on this blog.
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ⴵ I will always read your rules before I follow. The same curtesy is appreciated. I do try to pay attention to what should be tagged, but if I should fail in some aspect, give me a poke and I'll correct the error.
ⴵ I typically write multi para responses. Occasionally a single sentence may be appropriate, but otherwise I will try to match length with my mutuals.
ⴵ I am OC friendly. But please have a place where I can read up on your muse. Friendly reminder that I am learning of a new character and it helps me know how our muses can be thrown together.
ⴵ Consistently posting many things at once can become a little overwhelming after a time. It can affect who I follow/unfollow. This is purely for my own comfort.
ⴵ Please do not reblog any of my headcanons.
ⴵ We are adults here with responsibilities outside rp, and as such, there are times where we can be snails together. This does not diminish my desire and interest writing with my mutuals. Though I may be excited for replies, I'm pretty chill and patient. Take your time~
ⴵ I do rp on discord. At times it's easier for me writing there than here, especially when I'm not home. This is naturally a good place to chat and plot, as well. If we're mutuals and you're interested, shoot me a message.
ⴵ I'm currently undecided if shipping is an option for Ulti. There is a lot of hate and little compassion. However I'll mention my normal ship rules just in case.
ⴵ I do multi single ships- meaning I will only ship with one portrayal of a canon muse.
ⴵ I won't force a ship, and I'll likely never be the one to initially ask because I am terribly shy about such. Yes, our muses need some chemistry, but I ask for mutual writing chemistry with the other mun, as well. Being able to speak comfortably with each other ooc is something I want in a shipping partner.
ⴵ Toxic relationships are accepted. Mun loves villains and Ulti will be toxic.
ⴵ Please be respectful. I don't request it to be tagged because I don't see it as a writing point as far as rp goes, but note that abortion/miscarriage is a very sensitive subject due to personal experience.
ⴵ Real world politics is something I don't want to see on the dash. I just want to have fun with friends. If it cannot be avoided, please tag it.
ⴵ Sexually nsfw will be tagged nsfw| dark skin shed and threads of the matter will be placed under the cut.
ⴵ I am willing to write dark topics. Although there are elements that are most certainly real, this is fiction. I will appropriately tag/hide things appropriately with '_____ cw' for those that do not wish to see.
ⴵ Now if there is something you specifically don't want me to see, tag it "era don't look"
ⴵ Icons from dresspheres ⴵ Graphics from rysingdawn
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0 notes
mothohive-real · 2 years ago
are you okay with writing nsfw/do you plan to? [No, we don't plan to do nsfw. And we aren't okay with it on this blog. (please don't fuck the moth.)]
do you/how do you tag your triggers? so people can block them. [we do #tw(example trigger)]
do you plan to post a lot of ooc? if so, is there a certain tag you will use that partners can filter? [#ooc moth, we might post a bit of ooc stuff, but not much]
are you okay with writing toxic relationships and similar triggers? [No]
does your muse’s backstory contain triggers that may be mentioned a lot? [Not really, but if there is we'll be sure to tag it]
will you be posting discourse? how will you tag it? [Not planning to, but if we do, the tag will be #mothdiscourse]
will you reblog callouts? if so, will you tag them? [#mothcallouts]
will you post vagues or other drama? how will you tag them? [#mothdrama #mothvague]
any common triggers that your blog will likely contain? [Likely weapons, fighting, caps (seeing as large creatures tend to be loud)]
can personals follow you? if they can, can they reblog/like threads? will you block them on sight? what if they’re your friends? if their rp blog is a sideblog of their personal, should they message you first to let you know, or assume that you will check it out/message them? [Personals can follow, but we'd like to be informed if they have an RP sideblog. We don't normally message first.]
are you bothered by people posting a lot of ooc? is it okay as long as they tag it (so you can filter it?) [We don't mind a lot of ooc]
do you send in passwords to show you’ve read rules? does your rules page have a password? [we don't have a password, but if your blog does we'll send it in]
do you like to be reminded to respond to a thread? if so, how should they? (PM, inbox, discord, etc.) [PM works if you don't have our disc, but we might not see it. If you have our discord, please use it.]
do you expect to be notified if a thread is dropped? do you drop threads? how long will it take for you to drop a thread or ship for inactivity? [A notification would be nice, yes. We'll try to notify if we drop your thread.]
do you tend to use the block button liberally? what are some reasons for you blocking? [We block for impromptu NSFW, or general harrassment.]
about interacting/rping with you:
are you a multimuse or singlemuse? [Singlemuse]
are you mutuals only? [Not exclusively, but if you try to interact with us we'd at least like a follow.]
will you roleplay crossovers, or only in-fandom? [Crossovers are great! We plan to do crossovers! In-fandom is cool too, but I haven't seen that many RP blogs for the IRIS universe.]
will you write with duplicates? will you follow duplicates? or will you block on sight, or merely not interact? [I mean, if there ARE any, we will be following them, but I don't know about a roleplay with them.]
will you write with multimuses? with personals? [Of course!]
are there types of ships (or if you writing a canon muse, specific ships) you won’t write? such as large age gaps (recommend putting a number), etc. [We won't be doing ships for this blog at all.]
do you expect fast/slow replies? [We don't mind either kind, really.]
should they match your length? [It doesn't matter.]
do you prefer long/short replies? [It doesn't matter.]
do you care if your partner has fancy graphics/themes? [Not at all! Get as fancy as you want.]
do you expect your partner to use icons? [It's not expected, but if you want to that's fine.]
should your partner use formatting? (especially if you have eyesight problems; many people are willing to accommodate and not use formatting for threads they have with you) [No, it's fine!]
how active are you? [It depends on our schedule, but normally semi-active.]
how long will it take for you to unfollow someone for inactivity? does this change if they have a hiatus notice? [We don't unfollow for inactivity]
are you open to shipping? [No.]
if you’re writing a canon muse: are you selective with ocs? will you write with ocs that are related to a canon character/your muse? is your muse canon divergent in important ways? if your muse is canonly in a relationship with someone, is it okay for a person with your muse’s canon partner to assume a ship with you? [We don't do ships, but we will gladly interact with OCs]
do you like plotting? if so, should they have an idea for a plot before they message you? [Plotting is okay, but it's not necessary. ]
how busy are you with out-of-rp life? [Not very busy.]
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bluesunsdusk · 4 years ago
--// Let me also be That Bitch™, and remind people that connections are sometimes (often) necessary to create a well-rounded, grounded in the source material, interesting, and logical original character. 
How are you going to look at a Blackwatch oc, and not expect them to have some manner of history with canon blackwatch members? How are you going to look at a Junker oc, and not expect them to at least know of Junkrat’s antics? How will you have an Overwatch doctor, and expect them to not know Ana and Mercy to some degree? 
Roland, for example. How will one look at him, an Overwatch roboticist with a father specialized in AI security, and not expect him to have worked with or at least known Dr. Liao, an Overwatch roboticist? Naturally, he would look up to her, seeing as she does the work he wants to get into. How would Roland, a man who wanted to actively push for a drone soldier program not know Jack and Gabriel? He’d have to okay the project with them. He would at least know them from writing. How would he not know about Tracer and want to find a way to incorporate the tech Wonston made for her into his own work? How would he not know Winston? 
Najma, as well. How would a personal unit belonging to a Lucheng Interstellar neurologist who wished to study the neural development of the specimens within Horizon One not know Harold Winston? He looked to be the face of the program. How would they not know him? They were stolen into Talon from a high security containment facility to be one of their many projects. How would they not know Reaper to some degree? How would they be sent on missions and know nobody in Talon? Could I make up more OCs to fill some roles? Certainly. Should I have to? No.
It works the other way around, too. Do you really think it makes sense for Moira to be Sigma’s doctor? Do you really? She is one of the leaders in Talon, and also works on Reaper. Do you really think she has the time? Do you really think she wouldn’t delegate someone else to certain tasks so she can focus on her research, of which Sigma is not a part? He would have someone else watching him and tracking his progress, not her. Does that mean I basically needed to make an OC to fill this role? Yes. Yes, it does. I had to make an OC to fill that role for Najma as well. Sigma is not going to get special treatment. Does that mean I think all Sigmas have an assistant like Dr. Janssens? No.
My characters are not best buds or anything with yours, but when interacting with a character that is not yours, I have my canon to adhere to.
Like, it would leave a character feeling so alien to a setting, so disconnected from the world, that they seem weaker for it. 
Trying to force OCs to not have some manner of logical/cool and fleshed out connection with canon muses just because you fear them trying to force the connection on you is hurting the ability of OC blog muns to write a fully fleshed out character belonging to the world they’re supposed to be a part of.
I know it can be grating if someone imagined characters as very closely connected in some manner and you so happen to not agree, but sometimes it just is the thing that makes sense or is the most interesting. It doesn’t mean the OC is not cool on their own merit, it just means that’s a thing.
If a muse is a part of an organization, it stands to reason that they would know its members. To deny this is just idiocy.
To clarify: This is not about the no pre-established relationships rule. This is about people whining because an OC is hc as friends with someone the person whining doesn’t even write. It’s bad if someone forces a dynamic onto you, but if they are not, then let them be. ))
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serabellymrph · 3 years ago
RpThreadTracker - A TLDR Guide
So, since my xKit Rewritten tldr guide went pretty well, I'm opting to do a little guide on something else that's really helped me keep track of threads, which is rpthreadtracker. This will just be a one-post psa/guide on how to use it and why I highly recommend it over other tracking methods. It works really well on mobile, too--hooray mobile users! I have done methods myself such as filling out a form every time I start a new thread, keeping a google doc, all that thing, and they all suffer from one key issue: I FORGET TO UPDATE WHEN I GET A REPLY OR NOTIFICATION.
What rpthreadtracker does is it takes out the middleman when it comes to Tumblr: notifications. No more relying on Tumblr's notifications/your replies getting lost in notifications. You will still have to be diligent for @ mentions for starters or the like, or threads you haven't added yet to the tracker; however, that is the ONLY time you will have to worry about it. Once you make your first reply, the tracker does all the work for you.
But wait--I run multiple blogs across multiple accounts! That's too many thread tracker accounts to track!
Well--in RPThreadTracker's case, sideblogs and main blogs are treated all the same. You make an account, and that's just your hub. This works for both multimuse and single-muse blogs, and can work if you have a mixture of both.
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It's pretty simple to add characters. The character's full name goes in the first, you won't ever have to change the platform as it only works for Tumblr, and the character url identifier is your blog name.
Adding threads is just as simple:
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You select the character from the dropdown (identified by both character name and blog name) to link that thread to that specific character. The title's just for you, I often pick memorable titles for it, usually something to do with the prompt if it was an ask, or the theme of it.
Post ID is where it gets a little more complex. When someone has answered your sent ask, this number needs to be the post ID of YOUR reply, not theirs. This is sort of where it gets a little hinky; you'll have to either draft that ask right away, or reply to it right away. I recommend drafting it, then filling out everything except the post ID in this section. What this will do is mark it as "awaiting starter" in your tracker (you can also do this for asks you've been sent and are in your drafts--just add all the necessary content minus the Post ID, and you'll know which ones you owe) and you can still track it until you update it.
Partner URL Identifier just allows you to filter away any notifications that are not of the partner you're writing with. For multi-person threads, this won't be useful, but if you find people tend to reblog your RP posts (or you don't care if they do), then you'll want to fill this out. This means that it'll only track when THAT partner reblogs your post, and no one else. This can be great if you post an open starter and a few people reply off the same post; you can have multiple tracks for different muns, and keep up with each interaction without having to have separate threads for them (you may want to, though).
Description and Tags are self-explanatory. I sometimes like to tag mine with the different memes, or when I start archiving threads, I'll mark them as Completed or Dropped so I can sort my archived threads (as I archive threads for a few months before untracking them in case the mun returns and does want to continue--I just no longer consider them 'active' threads).
Now--your dashboard:
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This is a great, at-a-glance view of where you're sitting threadwise. This can tell you whether maybe you need to slow down on your threads, or whether you're doing okay. Yes, mine shows me at 95 active threads (with a few I need to add), but I only owe 6, so I know I've made pretty good headway on those. If you're someone who runs replies off the queue, that's also there too--I don't, so mine says 0, but sometimes I will use the "queued" function for drafts I know I have finished but just haven't posted yet, as I kind of enjoy spamming the dash with replies.
Not sure where to start on your replies? There's a function for that!
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It picks from your reply list for you. You can just do that if you don't want to work through in any particular order, but just want to get a few out and don't know where to start. I personally don't use it because it's not my style, but for the indecisive, it can be great!
Finally, the sorting:
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There are so many options for sorting, it's crazy. These options are available on the all threads, your turn, their turn, archived, and queued sections. You can sort by all of your characters, whoever posted last, the last date posted, and what partner's being tracked.
You can also look at your characters at a glance to see how much is going on with them, set certain characters to inactive, or see which of your characters is most popular:
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As you can see, my Weiss and Salem are my most popular muses/have the most threads... but I've probably had them the longest in the most active verse of all my muses.
There are other things you can play with too, such as the public views tool, but that's an advanced tool that I'm not really going to cover. But hopefully, this will be helpful to yall!
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moved-to-void-kissed · 3 years ago
Split of Twin Flowers
After being rescued from the realm of darkness, Aria seeks a way to give Ves a chance at living her own life, while also continuing to survive in her own right. Aqua brings her to the scientists at Radiant Garden to see if they have a solution, and for Aria to explain her situation, but the only option available may carry some worrying implications.. (3937 words)
Takes place after the ending of KH3. Content warning for mentions of battle scars, talk of a character being possessed, an event comparable to an exorcism (it’s kind of hard to explain in non-series-specific terms, sorry), and rather a lot of self-insert-focused exposition.
(Comments on and reblogs of my work are always okay, and appreciated, but are by no means required. I recommend reading this piece on the original document, but if that doesn't work, a transcript has been copied and pasted under the readmore.)
tag list: @thatslikesometaldude | @garchompp | @beeon | @tex-treasures | @catake | @tartaglialovemail | @catcao | @lilacslovers | @kissofthemoonrabbit | @vilehusband | @dragonsmooch | @childrenofmeyneth | @kalliopi-ships | @blackbirdcrime | @strawberryshipz (to be tagged in what I make, please click here!)
This is a piece I have been working on for a long time, and am very proud of, so I really appreciate anyone who takes the time to read it. I hope it isn’t quite as heavy as the content warnings may possibly indicate. I’m also using it as my post for the twenty-ninth day of sapphic September; there’s just one more to go!
Document transcript:
The door to the laboratory opened halfway, and a young woman tentatively poked her head around it. Upon seeing that she was not interrupting anything, she smiled and emerged more properly, brushing a lock of blue hair from her face.
“Oh, Master Aqua!” The lone scientist in the room smiled warmly as he noticed her. “Thank you for coming. I’m glad to see you’re alright.”
“Thank you, Ienzo.” Aqua replied, even if she did still in fact look rather tired. The long battle to defeat Master Xehanort and the true Organisation still felt fresh in her mind, and although it was a fight that the light had eventually won, it had still taken quite a toll on her. Not only that, but she hadn’t had the same chance to rest as the others - though thoughts of locating Sora still weighed on everyone’s minds, Aqua had been more concerned with finding a way back into the realm of darkness in order to rescue Aria, her partner who she had so unwillingly abandoned..
Now that Aria was finally free as well, Aqua could let herself relax a bit more, and with that lowering of her guard came much contemplation of everything she had gone through.
“Um.. Master Aqua?”
She’d been staring off into space again, judging by Ienzo’s worried expression half-visible under his hair.
“Is everything alright?”
“Yes, don’t worry!” she replied, slightly embarrassed at her lapse in concentration. The young scientist did not look entirely convinced, but he seemed content enough to continue.
“I’m the only one here at the moment, but I should still be able to help with what we talked about over the Gummiphone. Did you happen to bring Aria with you?”
At this, the half-open door Aqua had come through continued to swing open as if of its own accord, only to reveal another young woman entering the laboratory with a somewhat nervous expression. She had clearly been through a lot, and the realm of darkness she had reportedly been trapped in for aeons had definitely left its mark on her; several large patches of darkness could be seen spanning her face and body, with one reaching down her left eye like a melting wound.
“Yes, I’m here..”
Her catlike eyes flickered nervously around the room, and it soon became apparent that what Ienzo had thought was a cape were in fact a pair of black feathered wings, both subconsciously curling around her shoulders. It was only upon recognising that Ienzo was the only one present, and that his initial reaction to seeing her was not as negative as she was expecting, that she was able to relax slightly and explain herself from behind a now-steeled facade.
“My name is Aria.” she said, looking up at the scientist from under her messy blonde hair. “Aqua said you might be able to help me achieve something. Has she already.. told you about, well-”
“We’ve already spoken a little bit using the Gummiphone I was given before, but he said it was best for us to come and talk in person to try and get everything clear.” Aqua stepped in after sensing Aria’s hesitation and took her hand to support her partner. “It’s alright - you can trust him,” she whispered close to her ear.
Trusting only in her love’s reassurance, Aria started to explain her intentions to Ienzo, who seemed content to listen even considering the clear presence of darkness she had; this silent gesture of tolerance was greatly appreciated. She appeared hesitant to reveal much of her true nature as a Heartless, but she did what she could to inquire whether the young scientist knew any way for a heart to be released from its current body and inhabit a different one, allowing the dormant self within the original body to reawaken. Unfortunately, Ienzo remained pensive, even after she had said her part.
“So, you’re looking for a way for a heart to enter a new body? I’m sorry, but.. I’m not sure we’ll be able to help you. Any of the resources we could have used - which is to say, the replicas, they would have been perfect for this - were taken by Roxas, Xion, and Naminé’s hearts.”
“Oh. So, there is nothing you can do?” Aria persisted, but Ienzo shook his head.
Then came a flash of hesitant inspiration.
“Unless..” He trailed off and turned to look down one of the corridors leading away from the main lab space. “Could you two come with me, please?”
“Of course!” said Aqua brightly, as Aria nodded in assent.
The three left the main hub of the laboratory to walk down the corridor, which felt as though it was turning downwards into a basement level of sorts. Once there, they came to a tall door which Ienzo unlocked with some sort of biometric scanner, and this opened out into yet another laboratory space with a similar layout to the first - however, this one seemed in a less presentable condition than the other, and its lack of windows seemed to be what was giving it a more foreboding presence. There was a distinct sense that something bad had happened here, once upon a time.
“After you and the other Guardians of Light helped to defeat Master Xehanort,” Ienzo was saying to Aqua, “we went back to the Keyblade Graveyard to see if there was anything to salvage from the battlefield, and we were able to bring this back with us.”
He gestured to a container at the far wall, in which the two Keyblade wielders could now see a strange white figure suspended inside, resembling a featureless mannequin. It appeared to be dressed in some kind of dark robes, of a dull purple colour inlaid with sharp red motifs, worn over pieces of tarnished metal armour. A number of scuffs and dents littered the otherwise-smooth surface, and Aria could sense traces of a dark presence seeping from the container, despite the blank nature of the figure itself.
“What is this..?”
“This is one of the replicas that Even created, back when he was still Vexen, and a member of the first Organisation.” Ienzo explained. “The first twelve were prototypes, initially abandoned as failures, since they were made before his assistant provided the data needed to perfect them, but.. From what I understand, the real Organisation - which Vexen was also a part of at the beginning - repurposed those twelve into vessels for Xehanort’s heart, as backups in case the people they brought through time fell in battle again.”
“That’s right, I remember fighting these now.” muttered Aqua. “But, didn’t they fuse into one form, eventually?”
“That’s what I thought, too, from your accounts of the situation.” replied the scientist. “I’m not sure if Sora defeating the replicas in battle made them all separate out again, since they weren’t really designed to be fused, or if this one was already too damaged to combine with the others in the first place. Regardless, it was the only one we recovered.”
He now turned to face the blank figure with a concerned expression. “We’ve been running some experiments to see whether it can be repurposed for anything, but.. There’s a lot of darkness still lingering within it, so it wouldn’t be safe for a heart of light to inhabit without risking it also being afflicted by that darkness. And we haven’t found a good way of destroying that darkness without compromising the replica, either.”
“I could sense the dark power when I saw it, so corruption would seem a likely outcome.” Aria mused. “This would also be darkness from Xehanort, so.. it isn’t that surprising that some part of it stuck around. Persistence did seem to be his only worthwhile trait.”
She had crossed her arms in contempt at this last part, but seemed satisfied enough to relax after studying the replica further. “It shouldn’t matter any more than he did in the long run, though.”
“Hmm..” Aqua seemed concerned about the prospect, but was trying to keep an open mind. “What do you make of it, Aria?”
“Well..” She took a moment to examine the figure with an unchanging expression. “The replica body itself has sustained some damage from the fight, but I don’t see why that would affect my ability to inhabit it - it’s just possible that those injuries would reflect in my new appearance, which is.. nothing I’m not accustomed to. And, if the heart within a replica determines its appearance, then maybe what’s left of my heart - or, I suppose, the heart that I once was - would be able to smooth over those gaps. Though, if it’s the latter, that could mean my appearance ends up changing, which.. is not what I want.”
Aqua tentatively nodded, but Ienzo seemed more visibly confused.
“I’m sorry to interject, but- what do you mean by “the heart that you once were”? You’re saying that that’s different to your heart, somehow?”
“..In a sense, yes. How do I explain this..?” There was a slight pause as Aria tried to gather her thoughts, and it was clear she was still trying to think by the hesitant nature of her words that followed. She had seen right through to the heart of the man standing before her, which glowed with a newly-restored lustre. It was a heart that sought to help people, and sought knowledge in order to do that, though there were visible flickers of a long-seated regret present as well. Still, it was a heart that she judged would not judge her, so she decided to provide it with the truth she hoped would sate it.
“Though I look mostly human to you, this- isn’t technically my body, however much I treated it as such. If I were to let go of this vessel, or be driven out from her, you would see me as I really am - a Heartless, a flowering thing. However, Heartless are created when a heart is consumed by darkness, so.. surely the appearance I would take if I were to possess a blank replica would be that of the person this heart - my heart - used to belong to. Only, I don’t- I don’t really see myself as him, or as Ves. I am different, I am my own- well, person, if I can even call myself that. Yet, when I imagine my appearance outside of this vessel, I can only see myself as a Heartless. Does that make any sense?”
“I think I follow..” the scientist mumbled, though his still-furrowed brow seemed to indicate otherwise. “So, you kept your memories of who you were, even after turning into a Heartless? Kairi had implied that the same thing happened to Sora, but.. I’d just attributed that to him turning the Keyblade of heart on himself to free her, so it wouldn’t have happened to anyone else.”
This claim caused Aria to shake her head. “To my knowledge, the method is irrelevant; what matters is the intention. The more willingly a person opens their heart to the darkness, the more of their mind they keep when their heart is consumed, and they become a Heartless. I believe this is what happened with Ansem, though he actively sought after darkness so strongly that he retained a human appearance as well as mind. The emblem on his chest was the only way an onlooker could tell his true nature. When it comes to my original self, he was a Keyblade wielder, very similar to what I know of Sora, but… though he certainly did not willingly or deliberately let his heart be consumed, he was able to accept his fate in his final moments, and that is what allowed the Heartless formed at his demise - so, in other words, me - to retain some semblance of mind and self. Just.. not as much of it.”
“Oh. Yes, I think that makes more sense now. Thank you for the clarification.” said Ienzo. He was writing something furiously in a book that seemed to appear out of nowhere, then became startled when he realised his blunder. In an instant, he opened his mouth to ask something, but closed it with relief when Aria’s expression reassured him she did not mind him making notes about her.
It was Aqua’s turn to speak up now. “It’s so interesting to hear about this from you, Aria - but, I can’t say I’ve seen that kind of behaviour in any of the Heartless I’ve fought before. Had you noticed it at any point while we were in the realm of darkness?”
“Not that I can recall.” she replied. “It isn't exactly that common of an occurrence, considering most people’s disdain for the darkness. And, not only that, but..” She turned away from the other two here, and her next words came much more reluctantly again.
“Before I took over Ves, I remember feeling that I was losing myself - all I was driven by was this desire to be complete again, to be human again, but that was fading away over time. Then, when I found her, I didn’t necessarily feel more human, but what sense of humanity I did have was no longer fading away. So, if I hadn’t found her or someone like her in time, I probably would have lost my sense of self completely, and become just as mindless as most other Heartless are. It’s only thanks to the type of Heartless I became that I was even able to possess her in the first place, and.. I didn’t start to truly feel more like a person until I met other Keyblade wielders, and they interacted with me.”
“I see, I see.. So you’re saying that, in those Heartless that retain a sense of who they were before becoming Heartless, the remnants of normal heart behaviour - of humanity, if you will - have to be nurtured by others in order to be sustained, and will just be lost to the darkness if not actively encouraged?”
Ienzo paused to finish hastily scribbling this knowledge down in his notebook, then lifted his head in realisation once he had had some time to think. “I think I might remember something of that from the old Organisation, actually.. Though, the memory is very hazy..”
To stop his mind from wandering as it wanted to, he returned to address the matter at hand.
“From what you’ve said, Aria, it does sound like you’d be able to make use of this replica - and you may well be the only one who could. I don’t think there’s any other solution here for you, and.. I say there’s no better way to find out than by experimenting. Give me a moment to get everything ready, and then we’ll be set to see if it works!”
Aria nodded, content with the proposal, but Aqua reached out to take her hand with a worried expression.
“Aria, are you sure you want to do this..?”
“Of course I am, Aqua. This is why I came here.” she replied. Then she hesitated again. “..Why, is there something wrong?”
“Well, no, it’s just-” Aqua took a moment to settle her whirling thoughts, holding both of Aria’s hands in her own now. “I don’t know what’s going to happen when I use my Keyblade on you. I don’t want to hurt you, or even destroy you. And, if something happened with the darkness infecting the replica, then..”
Aria couldn’t bring herself to meet Aqua’s gaze, but it was clear she appreciated the consideration, and did her best to reassure her love. “If I could leave of my own accord, I would have done so by now, but.. we’ve become too intertwined for me to do that myself. And Ves is not quite strong enough to drive me out from within - it’s enough of an effort for her to stay existing in the first place. So.. an outside force seems to be the only way to separate us. And there isn’t anyone I’d trust to wield that force, other than you.”
Despite herself, Aqua couldn’t help but smile at the last admission, and she felt her normal confidence returning. “..Alright then. If you’re sure about this, then.. I’m happy to be able to help.”
The two embraced for a moment, then there was a pause of silence as Aria took a few steps back to stand in the middle of the room. Once Ienzo had brought the replica out of its container, he carried it around to the other end of the laboratory, closer to the other two. Aqua summoned her Brightcrest Keyblade, then slowly raised its tip to be level with the X on Aria’s outfit. She took a deep breath, then pointed the Keyblade directly at her partner, echoing the movement used to open the paths to new worlds.
Aria instinctively flinched when a thin beam of bright light shot forward from the tip of Aqua’s Keyblade, striking her directly in the chest. She was then forced down into a kneel as an aura of pink-tinted darkness began to escape from her body. Her expression was grim, as if she was in pain, but Aqua caught sight of a hint of a smile before the darkness now emanating much more rapidly from her form started rising up to create something above her. It almost completely engulfed her body as if to pull it upwards too, seeming particularly concentrated around her head and wings, before disconnecting entirely to drop a drained figure to the floor. This left a dense collection of dark pink wisps, amalgamating in the air.
Ienzo was now well off to the side, looking rather alarmed, but his expression was replaced with complete surprise when the amorphous cluster of darkness coalesced, giving way to what looked like a floating mass of pink petals. Eventually, it turned around to reveal a large jagged mouth and piercing yellow eyes, staring with an expression he found difficult to interpret. The Heartless stayed floating in place for a moment, as if disoriented, then suddenly appeared to notice Aqua, staring at her curiously.
Her tentative call was clearly recognised by the flowering monster, which began to float cautiously towards her. She still had her Keyblade summoned, and her hand was trembling ever-so-slightly - whether with nervousness, uncertainty, or something else entirely, it was impossible to tell. Then, Ienzo stepped between the two and lifted up the replica body, hoping that Aria still remembered the plan.
It seemed the Heartless remained aware, as she moved forwards more purposefully after this, and collided directly with the empty vessel’s centre. A few petals scattered from the force, but it took only a few moments for the Heartless’ form to disappear entirely, appearing to be absorbed into the replica body. This caused another aura of darkness to manifest, enveloping the blank surface of the replica and making Ienzo recoil from the body - but it caught itself as it fell from his grasp to end up kneeling on all fours. A few more moments passed, as the darkness engulfed the entire body in a shell, before gradually dissipating after a few gold sparks were seen being forced out of the system.
The figure that stood up was slightly smaller than the replica had looked in the container, with catlike ears now poking upwards from a fluffy head of golden blonde hair. As she lifted her head, a cluster of cute freckles were seen scattered across her face, though in what Aqua thought was a slightly different arrangement than before. There were other little differences here and there, as well - the shape of her face, the way her hair fell at the back, how she stood dressed in the unfamiliar clothes from the replica in the middle of the silent laboratory.
But all of Aqua’s worries disappeared when the girl standing before her opened her eyes. Neither the bright, empty yellow of the lesser, mindless Heartless, nor a piercing orange like the seeker of darkness, nor even the harsh cold shade between the two that Aria’s eyes had been before, but a warm and resolute amber was the colour that met Aqua’s gaze, and regarded her with a renewed sense of gratitude and love.
The Keyblade Master ran across the room towards her partner and nearly knocked her over with the energy of her emotions. Aria was nervous, but comfortably allowed herself to melt into Aqua’s embrace, now able to feel the connection between the pair even more strongly than before. Something felt so much more tangible about her presence now, and the relief coursing through her new body was enough to bring tears to her eyes.
“Aqua, it really worked..!” she smiled, speaking in a quiet voice filled with gratitude.
“I’m so glad you’re alright!” exclaimed Aqua, who also had a few tears in her eyes. “How do you feel? Is everything okay?”
“Yes, it’s all fine, I promise.” she asserted. “The replica’s darkness was not organised; it was just remnants that my presence has removed. I feel.. different, but in the best possible way. I could never have done this without you here with me - thank you, so much, for being here..”
She trailed off, still smiling at her partner, and another wonderful moment came and went. Then, a movement from behind Aqua caused Aria’s expression to take on a slightly fearful quality, and she turned her head to see what was happening. The cause of this movement was the figure left behind when Aqua set Aria free, who was slowly trying to get to her feet, her heart’s light flickering nervously. A bright green eye could be seen darting anxiously around the room from under her hair, but she was too weak to properly move, and quickly fell back to the ground again. Ienzo stepped in to support her, and his assistance was clearly welcomed as she was just about able to stand.
“Please take her somewhere she can recover.” Aria requested hurriedly. “After everything I put her through, she needs every opportunity she can to rest and adjust to being herself again..”
“Don’t worry. We have good facilities here.” Ienzo assured her. “Everything will be fine.”
This did little to ease Aria’s guilt, but the gesture was nevertheless appreciated. “Thank you, Ienzo.”
The scientist nodded, and then slowly helped the girl walk to the corridor. She appeared to be very shaken, and was glancing at everything with apprehension and unfamiliarity, but as she turned the corner of the corridor, she looked back at the couple still standing side-by-side, and met the eyes of both her saviour and her prison.
(For all that you have done to me, I know why you do not deserve forgiveness.
But, this is not the first time we have seen each other face-to-face since that day, thanks to that mirror you found in the darkness.
And ever since that moment, you have sought a way to free yourself from me. To let me live the life you once denied me. To break the hold that any other being you’d call your kind would do everything to strengthen.
You calculated the risks, but you still took them - the risk you would lose everything and the one person you cared for, for the sake of me getting to “get rid of you”.
So, who am I to judge a person - the person you have become - by the actions of the creature you once were..?)
A ghost of a smile flickered over her face, and the long-held vessel finally free again spoke of her own accord for the first time since the age of ancient fairytales.
“Thank you, Aria..”
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rpbetter · 4 years ago
PSA - Positivity
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Yes, positivity is important. No, not all positivity is the same, and when we talk about “positivity” in the RPC, we need to be aware of that.
I know it’s a hard pill to swallow, but a lot of the “positivity” around is performative positivity, passive positivity. It’s neither helpful nor all that positive. It’s just yelling about and pressuring for positivity, while expending no personal effort to give meaningful acts of any such thing. If you really give a shit about “spreading positivity,” uplifting mutuals and the community, you won’t balk at this. You’ll assess your behavior and try to do better.
Examples of some passive/performative positivity:
reblogging statements like “we NEED to get back into the habit of POSITIVITY” and adding tags or direct statements on the reblog that you “better see everyone reblogging this” and stopping there, with a demanding threat of, at least, shaming
copy-paste, especially anonymous, positivity chain messages (that frequently cite things contrary to the mun and/or muse’s characteristics/personality/writing)
reblogging the “I actually enjoy seeing this user on my dash” and/or “I actually like following this user” etc. style posts - it’s honestly not positive, you’re implying that you don’t like seeing, following, or interacting with some, and the overall tone of the post and action is once again shaming and demanding (not to mention, everyone else’s dash is nothing but this shit while 10+ mutuals wank over each other in this manner)
reblogging PSA’s about how to spread meaningful positivity, then doing none of it
sending an emoji meme in that denotes extremely simplistic ideas of what you like about the poster, leaving it at that
random posts of how much you love everyone, citing exactly nothing or the same handful of easy to throw out, applies to a large amount of people (or it doesn’t, but we all know everyone wants to feel like they write well, have interesting muses, etc. and it plays into this) - you sound like that drunken person every bar has that goes off about how much they LOVE EVERYONE SO MUCH, not like you’re actually encouraging anyone specifically
blowing smoke up people’s asses/using requests for concrit to do nothing but give useless ass-pats about how infinitely great they are in all areas of writing and portrayal
Examples of some meaningful positivity:
engaging with partners and mutuals on their posts - liking headcanons, commenting on answered memes, liking/commenting on OOC posts
getting specific about what you enjoy in their writing, their muse portrayals, threads, headcanons, instead of the copy-paste or emoji route
appreciating mutuals and partners in visible ways (like those stated above, sending ask memes, paying attention to what they post and their muses, showing them respect and interest as real human beings) regularly, without prompting or being guilted and shamed into it
being honest, but polite and respectful, when a mutual posts a meme requesting concrit/asking what you like about the muse or writing and what you’d encourage growth with
when sending an emoji meme in about why you follow, what you like, why you stayed etc. add something to it that is specific about why
responding to replies OOC (where applicable, not all partners mesh well enough for this or desire much OOC conversation), telling them not only that you got it and liked it, but what you specifically enjoyed the most in the reply
seriously, be specific when giving positivity, your partners and mutuals are individuals and deserve to be treated as such with receiving specific-to-them comments on their writing
generally, being respectful of others - the whole environment is far more positive when you read and respect rules, boundaries, and muses, even if that means respecting that you and another mun might not work out together
It’s a minimal effort to actually bother with paying attention to the people you interact with, to take the attention you’ve paid and apply it to meaningful, individual commentary and actions. If you cannot handle this, you have too many people to deal with in a respectful, adult way they deserve...or you may want to reassess whether you have the time, attention span, motivation, and are at the right mental space in your life to be in a hobby that requires interaction with other people.
Giving people lazy “positivity” so that you feel you’ve done what you need to in order to be A Good RPer isn’t positive. It’s kind of insulting, actually. If, IRL, someone told you and the five people nearest to you identical compliments, would overhearing this make you feel good about yourself? Positive? Visible as a person? It wouldn’t, no. So, don’t do it here.
Legitimate positivity doesn’t mean constantly forcing yourself out of your comfort zone OOC, either. Your social anxiety and social deficits aren’t a sufficient excuse; you and every other person here has these complications. I have those complications!
If you find yourself still vehemently pissed at me for saying that, may want to rant back at me about how ableist this is, here’s some things I, a person with social limitations, high distraction, and serious anxiety do:
commenting on comment-appropriate posts something specific ( “the freckle on your cat’s foot is so cute!” “I love how you addressed x in that headcanon” etc.) when I am in a good space to do so
liking posts - OOC posts, meme answers and muse questionnaires that were great whether I’m tagged/sent in the ask or not, PSA’s and resources I think are good
reblogging PSA’s, resources, and other things I know are important to the mun to have shared that I agree with
sending in ask memes, sometimes even just on anon to mutuals I don’t write with - everyone wants to be sent something, this is a great way to allow others to respond to questions no one else might ask them
anonymous, positive comments on their muse, writing, blog that are, again, specific in detail
trying to note when a mutual, even one I don’t interact with really, is clearly needing a boost in confidence or interest, being sure to send a meme or something else in to them when I can
being aware of my partners and mutuals so that I can send them, when the opportunity is present with memes or requests for asks, questions on topics I think they’d like an excuse to discuss (someone keeps posting images or commentary in tags about a muse’s pet, clothing interests, hobbies, mental health, whatever, but no one is biting, for example)
The majority of the above can be done without direct, consistent OOC conversation, and much of it can be done on anon. Sometimes, it makes people feel extra good to feel like they have a secret admirer, a mysterious mutual or partner who is paying attention and valuing their posts. It sounds ridiculous, but it’s true. Especially because so many of us have trouble with random, long, or consistent OOC discussions; sending them on anon means that the receiver doesn’t feel obligated to contact and converse with you.
Positivity’s point isn’t that it be done out of obligation, guilt, or shame. Neither is it to be done out of performative, passive, often enough even vaguely virtue-signaling, or clique-like, circular gushing about each other for an hour repetitively. It isn’t to make you feel like A Good Person, or to show the RPC that you are a model RPer, you care so deeply about the RPC that you...can’t be bothered to expend the personalized effort and pay attention to those on your dash.
If you really care about positivity in the RPC, you need to stop doing it in hollow, meaningless ways.
You need to stop demanding, threatening, and shaming others into performative actions with you. It’s not enough to say you care and do something lethargic to show it, you need to actually be bothered to be specific. And if someone doesn’t feel positive, isn’t interested in playing the reblog or chain letter or tag game, leave them the hell alone. They’re not being “negative,” and don’t need to be assaulted with pseudo-positivity. And you know what? Maybe they are being “negative” because it makes them feel positive, and if that’s the case, remove yourself if it bothers you!
Everyone has a right to be themselves and to do what works for them here, that is part of an overall air of positivity in the RPC.
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swiftgronmasterpost · 4 years ago
Late Stage Swiftgron Part 1
Update from November 2021 - I really don’t believe much of this is meaningful at all.  I don’t think they’re sitting around referencing one another on social media or anything but some of Dianna’s interactions with Karlie are interesting Dianna shows up explicitly in Taylor’s life a couple more times so I’m leaving these sections here.;
From here on out everything but the 2014 AMAs and Dianna’s somewhat shocking appearance at Taylor’s 2019 SNL performance are just odd social media shenanigans (or subtweets) between the two, and Taylor appearing to release at least one more song about Dianna (Babe in 2018) (and let’s be honest you can make a strong argument for The 1 being about Dianna as well other post 1989 songs.)
Some of this might be complete crack or coincidence but as you all know I want this to be the most thorough Swiftgron document possible.  
If anything it proves they both certainly still have similar interests and they really do seem to be in touch.
There are some interactions claimed by others to be Swiftgron related that I’m not going to include because they’re just a bit too reachy for me (though I completely support the theorizing!) but in general, if I personally can see the hint of a Swiftgron connection, I’m going to include it here. Draw your own conclusions and take everything, particularly the alleged subtweets/social media shenanigans, with a grain of salt.
And yes there’s tons of Kaylor and other Gaylor/Gaygron content that will be left out of this segment because this masterpost is focused on Swiftgron.  Someday it would be cool to make a giant masterpost/timeline that documents all of it, but for now it’s just going to be Swiftgron stuff. August 26, 2014 - Dianna tweets, and then deletes “Withdrawals, clearly…we had fun.” 
There’s no screen shot of this tweet but some retweets/responses of it remain:
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If Dianna is indeed referencing the song Clean (in which their relationship is compared to an addiction hence, “withdrawals” from it) then Taylor would have had to give her advanced knowledge of the song since 1989 did not come out until October 2014.
Taylor did claim she ran 1989 by the muse that inspired it and they were both in LA in late August 2014. Maybe this is when.
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November 1, 2014 - Taylor posts about Clean
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November 19, 2014 - The 2014 AMAs Kaylorgron Explosion Extravaganza:
Taylor, Karlie, and Dianna are at the event.  Taylor and Karlie are clearly on a date and Dianna is there to present Sam Smith’s performance of I’m not the only one.  Dianna seems a bit out of her element/gloomy when interviewed on the red carpet and Taylor flexes Karlie hard, dancing with her throughout the night and even sitting on her lap during an interview.
Click here for photos, video, gifs, and a live L chat reaction to the night.
December 28, 2014 - The writer for the tv show The Originals, Carina Mackenzie, tweeted that 1989 was about Dianna:
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It’s of course notable that someone in the industry is “confirming” Swiftgron on main (particularly before gaylor went mainstream with Kaylor being so obvious in 2015/2016) however what’s even more interesting and notable about this tweet is that an actor named Michael Trevino was on the show The Originals and he dated Jenna Ushkowitz from 2011-2014.
Not only that but Michael was at Dianna’s 26th birthday when Taylor was in attendance as well.
It’s possible that Michael witnessed Swiftgron in real life and spilled a bit to the writer of the TV show he was on.
January 5, 2015 - Taylor likes a Swiftgron related post on Tumblr of Dianna saying she’d go on the road with Taylor and carry her bags at the Giffoni Film Festival in 2012:
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February 9, 2015 - Style is released as a single
February 13, 2015 - The Kaylor “Best Friends” on a road trip Vogue Spread comes out.  You’re probably familiar with it but if you aren’t google it.  It’s incredibly romantic and pda filled.
The Style music video is released on this day as well.
We don’t have to go through the whole video but one egg I just have to note is the cave pictured in the MV is in Morocco the same country Dianna seemed to flee to after Swiftgron was outed:
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February 14, 2015 - Dianna tweets 143 remember those days (for some reason it has not been deleted) seemingly in response to the Kaylor vogue shoot:
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143 is a code that means “I love you” that originated from Mister Rogers.  Both Taylor and Dianna have publicly shown that they are fans of his.  Taylor has even made certain songs 3 minutes and 41 seconds long seemingly referring to this number and wore a Mister Rogers pin on a jacket for a photoshoot once.
Here’s a bit more in depth analysis on the significance of the 143 post.
This tweet is how we know that it is 100% in Dianna’s character to occasionally subtweet Taylor and why a lot of this social media analysis has been done.  
February 16, 2015 - Just two days later Dianna attends a fashion show in which Karlie walks and is noted to “have kept a smirk on her face” during.  Dianna doesn’t clap at the end of the show and looks miserable in photos of the event:
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February 17, 2015 - Taylor releases Wonderland
I’m going to pause here and discuss the song Wonderland for a brief moment because it is some of the most incredibly airtight evidence for Swiftgron available.
Dianna’s favorite book of all time is Alice in Wonderland.  She brought it up in interviews all the time, tweeted about it, auctioned off a signed copy of it for charity, her private Tumblr and instagram account are called whosirmesir which is a reference to it, her private Tumblr is filled with reblogs about Alice, and her public Tumblr was called fell down the rabbit hole.
So the fact that Taylor writes an entire song describing a relationship through the lens of and packing full of references to Alice in Wonderland is incredibly interesting.
Let’s take a look at some of these lyrics:
Flashing lights and we, took a wrong turn and we Fell down the rabbit hole (literally Dianna’s tumblr name and url)
Didn't you flash your green eyes at me (Dianna is famous for her beautiful almost hypnotic green eyes and yes they are green)
Haven't you heard what becomes of curious minds (queer coded)
Too in love to think straight (queer coded)
But there were strangers watching And whispers turned to talking And talking turned to screams (seems to reference when they were outed) You searched the world for something else (Dianna very publicly went travelling around the world right after April 2013 when they seem to break up)
Taylor literally put Dianna’s Tumblr URL in the song.  Frankly I’m kind of shocked she released this song at all it is so obviously and clearly about Dianna.  Truly a Swiftgron anthem!
Back to the timeline...
March 8, 2015 - Taylor posts Flamingos for her dad’s birthday:
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The caption was “Happy Birthday, Dad. Thanks for all the unconditional love, sarcastic comments, and interesting Christmas presents.”
May 1, 2015 - Dianna posts a flamingo for her birthday (post is now deleted):
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The caption was “This is 29. Spoiled rotten. Funny enough, at work they were painting the hallways white and the roses (hallway doors) red, then I actually went to Wonderland (@AliceUnderLdn) and came home to a surprise flamingo. Here we go. Another year around the sun…feeling lucky and loved and loved and lucky.”
Taylor also gave Emily, another rumored ex, a flamingo bandana for her birthday.  i also think it’s odd that Dianna mentions Wonderland specifically in the post.
January 15, 2016 - Dianna’s engagement to Winston is announced and Kaylors notice Taylor is liking sad posts on Tumblr including several posts related to Clean:
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November 7, 2016 - Lorde’s birthday party where Kaylor is together in public for the last time for 20 months.
January 5, 2017 - Claire (who is still very close with Taylor) comments on one of Dianna’s Instagram posts):
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March 2, 2017 - Dianna posts her James Dean inStyle UK photo to Instagram:
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This is actually the second time she has posted this as a throwback photo.  She also posted it on February 4, 2016 with simply the caption “TBT” and did not include the “rebel without a clue” bit which is a reference to James Dean (Rebel Without a Cause). She’s never posted the same TBT photo twice before or after this (as of the writing of this post in October 2020).
It I may be permitted to go real far out on a limb here it’s almost as if she wanted people to connect that photo of her in the UK InStyle magazine to James Dean.  James Dean is of course the way Taylor describes her lover in the song Style.  
At any rate it’s very odd that it’s the only photo she’s posted twice whether it’s related to Taylor or not.
April 25, 2017 - Fans notice Dianna is having her script tattoo removed:
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This is significant because a part of the tattoo was dedicated to Alice in Wonderland - it said “We’re all mad here” 
Tattoo removal is a years long process:
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So it’s possible she started getting it removed around the time that Wonderland came out.
It’s also possible part of the tattoo was dedicated to Lea (the part that said “here I am”) so this whole removal situation is very interesting.
In 2019 she was still getting it removed and commented this at a Cafe Carlyle session:
"i was like i don't know i wanna explain all my tattoos or the one that i'm getting removed on my side...you know you're like...WHATEVER we're stopping we're moving on"
February 13, 2018 - Dianna attends the Carolina Herrera fashion show, so does Karlie. Dianna is introduced to Karlie by Derek Blasberg and very audibly calls Karlie “gorgeoouusss” as they meet. 
Kayda play “Gorgeous” by Taylor Swift.
Click here to keep reading!
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amachja-moved · 4 years ago
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SHIPPING INFO // answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog. REPOST. don’t reblog.
WHAT’S YOUR OTP FOR YOUR MUSE?: I don’t typically tend to have OTPs that are not canon; I don’t spontaneously ship characters on a show that are not an actual canon pairing, even less so when there is no sign of them being the possibility of a pairing. I would say there are fandom-made ships whose aesthetics and possible dynamics I gravitate towards, or that I can see making sense, more than proper OTPs (because part of me also appreciates seeing platonic relationships, blame my lil aroace heart that doesn’t see enough well-developed, important friendships, for instance - doesn’t stop me from loving fanarts and pairings I stumble upon or am introduced to, like Mikasasha or Berusasha!). For Sasha specifically, Sasha & Niccolo is the main one, precisely because it is canon and makes complete sense - there really is no better match for Sasha than a cook, and the fact that he is a Marleyan doubles down on the Braus’ themes of tolerance and open-mindedness.  And of course, I have my ultimate BROTPs, namely the trio Sasha & Connie & Jean, and Mikasa & Sasha & Historia. Bffs and roommates Sasha & Mikasa. And since the train track episode, Sasha & Armin. 
WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO RP WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING?: Pretty much anything goes! Except non-consensual stuff, abuse, things such as incest, paedophilia etc - nobody can ever convince me to include that in any ship whatsoever. I rp to have a good time and be full of feels, I love me a good angst, but those things I would not consider good angst. What I’m willing to rp includes pretty much anything else: fluffy ships, angsty ships, soft ships, tragedy, fun stuff, evolution from friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, and all and any nuance that we can think of. I like variety in my ships! And I like to go deep into the development, so the upside is, if you choose to ship with me, you will always have a partner willing to discuss the relationship at length and imagine all the details of it all, and start ten different threads (note that this goes with platonic ships too - friendships, family, etc). The possible downside you may find, depending on your own preferences, is that it takes me a little while to find my footing, and I like to put in the time to find the right tone so that the ship doesn’t just... jump out of the blue, if that makes sense? And sometimes I wonder if it may deter people or make them think I’m not as enthusiastic or involved in the ship, when in reality it’s the opposite. Shipping on tumblr also feels very different from my experience of shipping on a forum, where it’s all about long-term development  and commitment, and where I’ve had the same three ship partners for three years now, so maybe I need to adjust to the more ephemeral format of tumblr too. (what do you mean I completely derailed from the original question?)
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE?: I absolutely will not rp a ship where one character is a minor and the other is not. When it comes to AoT, I also will not ship Sasha with anyone who is already an adult when she is still a Cadet, including post-timeskip - for instance, I will not ship Sasha with a Levi, even when she is an adult. It just doesn’t sit right with me. 
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING?: Aye I am. I’ve never shipped a lot (I’m pretty sure this blog is where I’ve shipped the most, ever), partly due to being selective, partly due to not necessarily being very good at understanding the tumblr shipping etiquette because I’m a wee bit of a simpleton. But basically, I will not ship unless I have talked ooc with the mun of the other muse, and we’ve had a few interactions pointing towards compatibility of writing styles and personalities. I just want to get along with the people I ship with and enjoy their writing, and hopefully that they enjoy my writing too and want to interact regularly too! (what’s the point in shipping, otherwise) (or interacting at all, for that matter!)
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY’RE CONSIDERED NS.FW?: Eeeeeeh clothes go off and/or mentions are made of what happens below the belt?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ time to whip out that nsfw tag. WHO ARE OTHER MUSES YOU SHIP YOUR MUSE WITH?: As of the writing of this post, Sasha is shipped with free-us​‘s Niccolo, gerichteter​‘s Bertholdt, and libartes​‘ Porco (you should check out their blogs, they’re awesome muns and muses). All three are very different ships in nature, which is always my main concern when shipping with multiple muses, so I am very grateful to them for writing those stories with me, building these relationships, and exploring very different dynamics that I find super compelling to write! DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU?: Yes please, though I believe this has become common standard in the rp community, so, yay!  HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP?: I love shipping, but I would rather have fewer ships that I have the chance to explore and develop in depth, through ooc talk and ic interactions and threads, than have many ships and not get to write them or very little. The interest of a ship, for me, lies in development. I also need balance with other kinds of ships (friendships etc), so all of you out there writing intricate friendships and other relationships with me, know that you have my love and gratitude and that you keep this blog going and my heart happy. ARE YOU SHIP OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE-OR-LESS?: See answer above. I don’t know that I’m ship-obsessed, but I would say I’m ship-committed (good lord I hope I’m not scaring anyone away with this). And that goes for all kinds of relationships, not just romance! I’m always happy to trade headcanons and tailor our muses’ relationships, regardless of nature, so that it feels unique and can develop over time. Or just gush about our characters because if we’re threading/interacting, it means that I love them. (also platonic ships are awesome) ARE YOU MULTISHIP?: Yessir I am - though I do tend to ship with only one iteration of any given muse, because of my preference for variety I already touched upon. I don’t know that I would be interested in shipping with another Bertholdt as long as I’m shipping with Lani’s, for instance. Just a preference on my end, that absolutely does not constitute a requirement for my shipping partners - unless of course we decide to be exclusives, but that’s a different matter of etiquette. 
WHAT IS ( ARE ) YOUR FAVORITE SHIP(S) IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM?: Aaaaahfgdh Sasha & Niccolo, Reiner & Bertholdt (yeah, remember what I said about not shipping pairings that are not official? They’re the exception), Annie & Armin.  Also Reiner & a good therapist, this man needs help. 
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU?: Write with me, see if you like what you read, and shoot me a message so that we can discuss it :)
TAGGED BY: a friend on a different platform! TAGGING: if you want to do it, say I tagged you!
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spnsoulsarchive · 4 years ago
   This is going to be a long post, and I apologise for that. However I do not apologise for putting my boundaries as clear as possible, and will not apologise for doing so. All of the rules below exist for a reason, and I have them for my own comfort.
It is okay if you don’t agree with them BUT IT’S NOT OKAY TO IGNORE THEM. If you think you cannot follow the posted rules, then do not follow this blog. Thank you !!
 These are the basics, a re-hash of rules that almost everyone has but that I like to cover anyway just in case!
Read ALL important pages: rules, disclaimer, muse list & info for the muse(s) you want to interact with
Use proper punctuation and spellings to the best of your abilities
Mark clearly whether an ask is IC or OOC
No godmodding
No maiming, killing, etc. of my muses without my permission
No choosing of thoughts or big actions of my muses without my permission
Hate, anon or otherwise, will be reported and deleted. Users will be blocked.
There may be an occasional mention that I do this if there’s some kind of repeat, but I will not place the content itself on the dash.
Asks and IMs are always welcome!!
More in the < Asks & Memes & Messaging > section
tracked tag is SOULSBREATHED and is the best chance of getting me to see a post. @’ing me will also work, but please be sure to use my url tag on top that! please also put somewhere which of my muse(s) the post is for.
These are some of the rules that have been established over time for my own sake, and to make everyone’s time on here a lot easier!
Your age must be listed somewhere I can easily find it! I’m not comfortable writing some content with muns or muses who are under 18
If I cannot find that information I am unlikely to follow, and I will not write that content with you, as it’s safer to err on the side of caution.
It takes time for me to check through all my followers, so please don’t ask if I haven’t followed back right away or unfollow, unless I post very specifically about dumblr fucking things up.
There’s any number of reasons I may do either, but the more we happily interact and talk the more likely I am to follow or re-follow.
With rare exception, I will not interact with any blogs that contain digits in them.
Please, please, use regularly accepted punctuation within threads.
Do NOT spam-reblog from me, which is reblogging 3+ posts in rapid succession. It messes up my notifications and I lose other things.
Mark clearly between IC/OOC, and which muse or npc a message is for.
unless I can tell with a glance that there are RP sideblogs attached to them
I love my ships and will not stop writing them for someone else’s sake. I tag all visual content, but if there’s a short tag or something to be added, give me a quick little heads-up and I’ll happily tack it on. Everyone wins!
If I cannot easily navigate a blog for information, I will not follow back
easy navigation includes:
rules page
disclaimer/ooc page of some kind
tagging system
cut posts
this little section is for what to expect from me and my writing preferences, but it is a flexible section!
I do both regular capitalization and zero capitalization for threads, depending on partner and length of the thread
memes and asks will be done in whichever I’m feeling
I do small text ONCE for aesthetic, but will leave text regular size if asked
Headlines will be done in subtext size, again mostly for aesthetic
Parentheses and brackets will be BOLDED and italicized, on the whole
I will @ the url of the person who sent the ask or is part of the thread
thread partner urls may also have their muse’s name listed after a slash for further clarity
I occasionally use icons, but mostly for asks, dash commentary, or silly things
all icons are 100x100
I enjoy using bold, italics, and strikethrough, but that’s about the extent of my text formatting and I try not to overdo them too much
Asks & Memes & Messaging
Asks are open to everyone!
IMs are ooc and mutuals only.
If a meme is shippy or nsfw, it is mutuals only and will require previous interaction.
All others are freebies!!
for the time being I’m putting a graphic in the direct reply to an ask, adding a blockquote for tagging the sender, additional commentary, and the source meme if there is one
Any reply to an ask MUST be in a new post. Reblogged asks will be ignored.
Any messages saying ‘wanna rp?’ or asking for an IM will be deleted. I’m far more receptive to being approached with ideas to work with
While not explicitly reblog karma, I am not a meme source and will talk to you if you always take memes from me but never send anything in or talk to me. Sometimes a meme doesn’t work and that’s fine, but there’s no excuse to never interact with me.
I often have a mix of platonic, general, and nsfw/shippy memes at my disposal, but feel free to improv something from the gist or edit sentences to suit our muses better!! Creative fun is why we’re here <3
OCS & Sideblogs & MuMus & Second-Gens
Information must be easy to navigate and read, same as for canons/single muse blogs!
Sideblogs, please list somewhere OBVIOUS what the main blog is called so I know what to look out for.
Mumus, I love you and your dedication, but I am most selective with you. Yes, even as a mumu myself.
The more fandoms covered and more muses included, the less likely I am to hop on board mostly because I prefer a clean dash.
If we’re close friends ooc I’ll likely be far more lenient
OCs with a main spn-canon faceclaim will not be accepted unless the muse has been around longer than the canon being cast or if they look/act markedly different than the canon ( Karen Gillan with all her hair vs as Nebula, for example ).
more in the < canons & fcs > section
Unless plotted otherwise, they will not know my muses, but they can know OF my muses
Second-Gens ( kids of the original set(s) of main canons ) make me uncomfortable for a number of reasons, and so will be interacted with on a case-by-case basis.
I am unlikely to follow unless we know each other very well ooc
Canons & FCs
Again, OCs with main spn-canon faceclaims will not be interacted with unless they meet at least one of the two criteria listed above.
However, if I pick a FC for someone related to this blog that isn’t canon, it’ll likely be shrugged off as uncanny lookalike, or we can otherwise plot around it.
Animated FCs are welcome, but I’ll admit that specifically anime blogs are unlikely to be interacted with. Sorry
If a canon has an alternate faceclaim: cool! Just have it listed somewhere obvious, please
FCs I will NOT interact with: Mark Sheppard, Selena Gomez, Mads Mikkelsen, Miley Cyrus, Justin Beiber, Sara Bareilles, Andrew Scott, Zooey Deschanel, Natalie Dormer. The list may be periodically updated; yes, it is okay to ask me about specific names and why these ones are listed.
There will be a good deal of F/F, F/M, and M/M on this blog both in visual and text.
May ( read: probably will ) include three+somes.
Implication and mention to graphically clear are likely, and will be tagged.
Brady/Sam is not a ship I expect but Brady (the demon) is at least borderline obsessed with Sam even if he doesn’t actively seek the other out 
Wi.nce.st will very likely be present on this blog. If this is content that makes you uncomfortable please do not follow me.
By default, ALL my muses are single unless plotted otherwise.
Please don’t assume there will be a ship between your muse and mine without plotting first, positively or negatively !!
I WILL NOT be ship-exclusive with any blogs
I will have mains but it’s on unofficial terms
For all my writing partners: I will happily plot ships, and details! But I won’t have an assumed prior romantic/sexual history between our muses.
Again, I know this bit is particularly long !! But it’s very necessary for my comfort and yours as a baseline of whether we might get along or not. Thank you again for pulling through all the reading; if you’re staying, awesome !! If you’re not, I’m sorry to see you go but I hope you find the writing happiness you want <3
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rp guidelines.
Mun is Ash. She/Her. 21+. Ruthless Drama King keeps me prisoner. 
This blog is 21+ Nsfw/smut will not be written with those under 21 years old. I will not write with minors. 
I know there are a lot of rules here now but incidents, past stuff in rp scene kind of made it mandatory for myself to put down. Common sense lacks in some too so sorry it’s so long but ya know. Gotta do what we rpers gotta do. <3
tw: potential for triggering content & subject matter due to crime scene investigations/forensic profiling. strong language expected. he is simply a problematic aggressive character in most verses.
no godmodding. unspoken rule but please do not control my character under any circumstances. if you continue to break this rule however I may have to cancel our thread. only in extreme cases.
Don’t have personal triggers but I will not write my muse forcing themselves on any other muse.
any personal triggers you are uncomfortable with I will not write and vice versa.
multiverse/oc friendly. au friendly: discussion on AU’s are love. same char different mun friendly. duplicates are always welcome. personally I love OC’s and this boy cannot get enough interaction from them ever. just so you know. 
Do not screenshot my posts: ooc, threads etc. It is MY content. I should not have to add this but yes this has happened without my knowledge - at first. 
Unfollowing: If there is something you disagree with, do not favor about my writing, portrayal, muse(s) or views the button is always there. Please soft block to unfollow. I will do the same and quietly if it calls for it. 
PSA: Don’t call 60 Connor. He is not Connor. He is his own person. This sort of trumps the significance I have built for him as an individual entity in my characterization/ headcanons/ personal iteration in a fandom where he is overlooked. Also if you do refer to him as such verbally to his face you consent to the wrath and animosity he will bestow upon you be it verbal or potentially physical. Trust me 60 is not fond of being mistaken for his predecessor. (It’s a pet peeve and I’m sorry lol but they’re two separate people. I mean I write Connor too so bear with me.)
plots are love. let's discuss story, char relationships, just anything really. down for plotted, random prompts and memes. my dm’s are always open. if I don’t respond straight away I’m either not on at the moment or I’m just swamped in drafts. I still want you to drop in tho.
replies may take a bit. this is a hobby. if I take a while it doesn’t mean I don’t want to rp. sometimes I forget, tumblr eats my notifs or I haven’t thought up a decent reply as of yet. please be patient. I always offer the same to my rp partners. also I do get swamped in drafts and asks so this does contribute to my reply speed. TLDR: I am slow af but I want to write with you.
want to drop a thread? we all lose muse, get too busy, overwhelmed at times. it is perfectly OK. when I do thread purges I will always post an update and @ those I am keeping threads with. the number of follows I have it is just easier for me to do it this way.
shipping: will ship with chars but there are some I may turn down depending on personal preference. typically ships with another RK800/RK900 are a no. sibling, platonic, enemies is where I go. some exceptions may apply depending on verse type but his exclusive and only RK800 ship is with @rob0badge . 60 also would like platonic, friend and enemy ships to counter his romantic ships. any and all are appreciated. 
open to smut threads. 21+ very explicit at times depending on verse. 60 is ruthless. fair warning. also smut is not a requirement for romantic ships. if you’re not down for that then 60 is all about the respect of his partner’s wishes.
multiship friendly: winning rk800-60's affection is not easy in the long run. remember he is not easy to get along with. 
Shipping Additions: I WILL NOT ship cross unless it is plotted mutually between all parties. even then I will be selective about it. please respect this. multiverse is a thing and that is what my blog is. it will just be ignored. 
Content Trigger: 60 is very much ruthless despite his fall into deviancy. if you are uncomfortable with intense personalities this may not be the rp blog for you. certain themes will be highly thematic, problematic and even controversial at times. all of these will be tagged accordingly and put under read more for my followers/mutuals. he will be aggressive and hateful depending on circumstances. he is not very nice. however, the mun does not reflect this characterization and is extremely nice to followers. 60 may not share that affinity but the mun has no malicious intent. Only this ruthless boy does.
threads containing 18/21+ material always go under read more. please adhere to all warnings. some subject matter may be unsettling. remember any dark or triggering themes are NOT condoned by me irl. it just needs to be said.
Interactions: non-rp blogs, personals or those not part of current threads: DO NOT REBLOG. this is becoming a problem lately and I really don’t want to be that person but please follow this rule.If you continue to do so you will be BLOCKED. You can like my posts just fine however. In fact it’s welcome! I like to see others enjoying what I write for the ruthless king.
DBH VERSE REQUIRED: It just works better to be able to write adequately and since my muse is from this universe it’s a given. I rarely do crossovers as I feel some just do not work or fit my muse. If I do they are with main mutuals depending on fandom or personal preference.
Mutual Exclusive/RP Blogs Only: This blog is now private. If you follow me and I do the same back it means I want to interact. Otherwise assume I won’t be following back if I haven’t in a week. I have had some odd things come 60′s way and it is why this blog is locked down now.
Follows: If I follow back it means I want to interact with you. If you're a mutual and you still have not interacted with me after several weeks I WILL unfollow. This is nothing against anyone or meant to be unfair/mean spirited. The blog is an rp blog so of course I want to interact with you all. Also I do not just give free follows since this is not a personal blog. 
I would love to follow back depending but if I see no rules or somewhere that states 21 and above for the mun on your blog I won’t. I interact solely with those 21+. I myself am 28 years old. Respect this and don’t lie about your age to me. I have had people lie to me in the past and they’ve been dropped faster then you can shout “Deviant Spotted!”
I reserve the right to unfollow anyone for whatever reason including but not limited to rp politics. Ya gurl not here for rp snobbery or assumptions made. If I become uncomfortable I will soft block to unfollow quietly. I also practice block back. Meaning if I’m hardblocked (which is in anyone’s right who is uncomfortable with my content) I will hardblock back. It’s only fair and honestly it’s a lovely page taken out of one of my waifu’s books.
OOC: If you post a crap ton of ooc posts (I mean plz it’s your blog and your content is yours so go for it) I may unfollow if I cannot blacklist them properly. I mean things that aren’t rp related. This is only in extreme cases. My blog has overwhelmed me so the dash being flooded is something I want to clean up.
Replies: As I have stated in updates on this blog I am super busy and backed up. My reply speed is slower due to lots of drafts and asks. You can remind me but please don’t come at me or try to push me. Muse can be fickle. Some days I have it for a specific verse, others I have it for shorter convos or text threads. I aim to reply to everyone but keep in mind running this blog is not easy and I want it be fun for me. It’s a hobby.  When I have to worry and hide from people this is no longer that. If it continues I will drop the thread completely. Only in extreme cases. 
Pressuring: Do not come into my inbox on anon passive aggressively asking when I will reply to threads. If you honestly want to remind me like a normal person my dms are open to mutuals only. Do not guilt me into rping. If you pressure and attempt manipulating me you will be blocked. This has happened and I will not put up with it. 
Please reblog any memes/prompts from the source and not this blog. I am not an rp source or creator of these. If you continue to do this and just harvest my blog for memes without even interacting I will unfollow/block. If you reblog send me one then. If not well do not do it. non-mutuals do not reblog anything at all from this blog. Also I  have to mention some people have used me as a source WITHOUT reblogging from me. Meaning they see the meme and reblog it for themselves as a means of bypassing sending in anything. If we’re mutuals why are you doing this? It will just make me think you do not want to interact.
Asks: Do not reblog asks. Please if you wish to continue make a new post and link back to ask. It just makes my dash a little cleaner and I want to avoid extra asks in the inbox continuing it when we can turn them into convo threads. So please don’t keep sending asks to continue a plot line. Thread it.
IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT HATE & ASSUMPTIONS: If I discover you sending hate on anon to anybody you’re gone. If you send hate to people about what they ship, especially to female muns/muses, you’re gone. I will not tolerate hate of any kind and if I see you talking negatively about any female muse I will soft block you quietly. I just do not want to interact with you. People who assume generalized posts are about them when I follow you will be softblocked as well. Honestly it’s a given that if I’m following it’s not directed at you. I will not put up with assumptions or continue to view it on my dash. Unfollow me, softblock me, etc. It’s not difficult. My comfort levels are important to me as well as yours should be.
I will not  interact with egoists. If I see anything that wigs me out I will just softblock quietly. Elitists go home. I don’t want you here. 
I will never rush or be pushy at my partners. I’m so chill about threads. please take your time. let’s never take the fun out of it. never think you’re taking too long or bothering me. DM’s are open to my mutuals only.
I do not do passwords or send messages of any kind. If I am following you rest assured that I have read your rules. I do this automatically when someone follows me and vice versa since I expect the same. If I’m liking update posts you can consider that me seeing it as well. 
unfollowing/refollowing: Don’t do it on my blog. If you follow and then unfollow but for some reason come back to follow you get blocked from my side. I don’t need the bs or the attention seeking.
Duplicates are amazing but I will be selective who I follow back and interact with. Nothing personal but I have been the victim of theft in the past. It’s an unfortunate thing but my characterization and headcanons for 60 are my own. I have been writing this boy forever even long before I made this blog. I’m highly protective of my ruthless king. He is my baby after all.
softblocks: I remove people by doing this. It could be for any reason to be honest. We never interact, you keep dropping our stuff, show no interest, I don’t see us interacting after all or any number of reasons to make my dash more comfortable. Do not ask me why I did it. That’s my comfort. No hard feelings. Just move on. I don’t have to cater to you. If you don’t like my methods use the unfollow button and leave my blog. Simple enough.
hardbocking/blacklisting: Yes I have done it. Am I going to blatantly broadcast it for all to see? Nope. I am not obligated to explain why I blocked you. Most times you have broken my rules despite me reminding to read them. Other times there are people I just do not want to see and that is my right not to see them. Same goes for you. Block me if you do not like what you see. I will not censor myself, my writing or who I interact with.
ostracizing people in the rpc: If you don’t like who I am interacting with use your blacklist function. NEVER tell me not to interact with them. If I find out you practice this exclusion tactic on others in the rpc I will purge you off my blog no questions or explanation needed. I totally get it. There are people I don’t like. No one is going to like everyone but do you see me telling others NOT to write with them? Hell no because I know for a fact they have done it to me and others love to listen without all sides to a story.
I also drop people who vague in public servers because it’s straight up childish behavior. I also will not follow or interact with anyone who guilt trips, suicide baits or lies with a pity party song and dance. When you’re found out to be lying or telling other people not to interact with somebody in this RPC I want nothing to do with you. Move on. That’s it. 
Drop a like if you made it this far. Whew! No passwords needed. Even if you don’t drop a like it won’t prevent me interacting it’s just nice to see. 
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shieldedsouls · 5 years ago
    This is going to be a long post, and I apologise for that. However I do not apologise for putting my boundaries as clear as possible, and will not apologise for doing so. All of the rules below exist for a reason, and I have them for my own comfort. 
It is okay if you don’t agree with them but it’s not okay to ignore them. If you think you cannot follow the posted rules, then do not follow this blog. Thank you !!
  These are the basics, a re-hash of rules that almost everyone has but that I like to cover anyway just in case!
Read ALL important pages: rules, disclaimer, muse list & info for the muse(s) you want to interact with
Use proper punctuation and spellings to the best of your abilities
Mark clearly whether an ask is IC or OOC
No godmodding
No maiming, killing, etc. of my muses without my permission
No choosing of thoughts or big actions of my muses without my permission
Hate, anon or otherwise, will be reported and deleted. Users will be blocked. 
There may be an occasional mention that I do this if there’s some kind of repeat, but I will not place the content itself on the dash.
Asks and IMs are always welcome!!
More in the < Asks & Memes & Messaging > section
tracked tag is SHIELDEDSOULS and is the best chance of getting me to see a post. @’ing me will also work, but please be sure to use my url tag on top that! please also put somewhere which of my muse(s) the post is for.
These are some of the rules that have been established over time for my own sake, and to make everyone’s time on here a lot easier!
Your age must be listed somewhere I can easily find it! I’m not comfortable writing some content with muns or muses who are under 18
If I cannot find that information I am unlikely to follow, and I will not write that content with you, as it’s safer to err on the side of caution.
If you are not comfortable with discussion and usage of DID ( dissociative identity disorder ) please do not follow as it ties heavily into my portrayal of Bucky Barnes and James ( the Winter Soldier ).  
It takes time for me to check through all my followers, so please don’t ask if I haven’t followed back right away or unfollow, unless I post very specifically about dumblr fucking things up.
There’s any number of reasons I may do either, but the more we happily interact and talk the more likely I am to follow or re-follow.
With rare exception, I will not interact with any blogs that contain digits in them.
Please, please, use regularly accepted punctuation within threads.
Do not spam-reblog from me, which is reblogging 3+ posts in rapid succession. It messes up my notifications and I lose other things.
Mark clearly between IC/OOC, and which muse or npc a message is for.
unless I can tell with a glance that there are RP sideblogs attached to them
I love my ships and will not stop writing them for someone else’s sake. I tag all visual content, but if there’s a short tag or something to be added, give me a quick little heads-up and I’ll happily tack it on. Everyone wins!
If I cannot easily navigate a blog for information, I will not follow back
easy navigation includes:
rules page
disclaimer/ooc page of some kind
tagging system
cut posts
this little section is for what to expect from me and my writing preferences, but it is a flexible section!
I do both regular capitalization and zero capitalization for threads, depending on partner and length of the thread
memes and asks will be done in whichever I’m feeling
I do small text ONCE for aesthetic, but will leave text regular size if asked
Headlines will be done in subtext size, again mostly for aesthetic
Parentheses and brackets will be bolded and italicized, on the whole
I will @ the url of the person who sent the ask or is part of the thread
thread partner urls will also have their muse’s name listed after a slash for further clarity
I occasionally use icons, but mostly for asks, dash commentary, or silly things
all icons are 100x100
I enjoy using bold, italics, and strikethrough, but that’s about the extent of my text formatting and I try not to overdo them too much
Asks & Memes & Messaging
Asks are open to everyone!
IMs are ooc and mutuals only.
If a meme is shippy or nsfw, it is mutuals only and will require previous interaction. 
All others are freebies!!
due to asks being fucked for formatting: i will tag the url of the sender on a new post, have a header to show which muse is answering, and tag the user within the post. i will also link it and privately answer the original ask where possible, to help ensure responses are seen.
for the time being I’m putting a graphic in the direct reply to an ask, adding a blockquote for tagging the sender, additional commentary, and the source meme if there is one
Any reply to an ask must be in a new post. Reblogged asks will be ignored.
Any messages saying ‘wanna rp?’ or asking for an IM will be deleted. I’m far more receptive to being approached with ideas to work with
Any messages that do no specify a muse will be deleted.
While not explicitly reblog karma, I am not a meme source and will talk to you if you always take memes from me but never send anything in or talk to me. Sometimes a meme doesn’t work and that’s fine, but there’s no excuse to never interact with me.
I often have a mix of platonic, general, and nsfw/shippy memes at my disposal, but feel free to improv something from the gist or edit sentences to suit our muses better!! Creative fun is why we’re here <3
OCS & Sideblogs & MuMus & Second-Gens
Information must be easy to navigate and read, same as for canons/single muse blogs!
Sideblogs, please list somewhere OBVIOUS what the main blog is called so I know what to look out for.
Mumus, I love you and your dedication, but I am most selective with you. Yes, even as a mumu myself.
The more fandoms covered and more muses included, the less likely I am to hop on board mostly because I prefer a clean dash.
If we’re close friends ooc I’ll likely be far more lenient
OCs with an mcu-canon faceclaim will not be accepted unless the muse has been around longer than the canon being cast or if they look markedly different than the canon ( Karen Gillan with all her hair vs as Nebula, for example ).
more in the < canons & fcs > section
Unless plotted otherwise, they will not know my muses, but they can know of my muses
Second-Gens ( kids of the original set(s) of main canons ) make me uncomfortable for a number of reasons, and so will be interacted with on a case-by-case basis.
I am unlikely to follow unless we know each other very well ooc
Canons & FCs
Again, OCs with mcu-canon faceclaims will not be interacted with unless they meet at least one of the two criteria listed above.
However, if I pick a FC for someone related to this blog that isn’t canon, it’ll likely be shrugged off as uncanny lookalike, or we can otherwise plot around it. 
Animated FCs are welcome, but I’ll admit that specifically anime blogs are unlikely to be interacted with. Sorry
If a canon has an alternate faceclaim: cool! Just have it listed somewhere obvious, please
FCs I will not interact with: Mark Sheppard, Selena Gomez, Mads Mikkelsen, Miley Cyrus, Justin Beiber, Sara Bareilles, Andrew Scott, Zooey Deschanel, Natalie Dormer. The list may be periodically updated; yes, it is okay to ask me about specific names and why these ones are listed.
There will be a good deal of F/F, F/M, and M/M on this blog both in visual and text. 
May ( read: probably will ) include three+somes. 
Implication and mention to graphically clear are likely, and will be tagged.
By default, ALL my muses are single, with the noted exceptions of Frigga ( until Odin chooses to pass ) Dugan and Peggy if it’s circa 1952-after, and Sam who is widowed and single post-2012, unless plotted otherwise.
Please don’t assume there will be a ship between your muse and mine without plotting first, positively or negatively !!
Specific to Peggys: don’t be alarmed by my above warning, Dugan/Peg is my muses only and not something I expect to be followed. I will also not expect a ship with Steve.
specific to Steves: I will not expect a ship with Peggy, Bucky, or Sharon
However, Bucky loves Steve, bordering on obsessively. Whether it’s platonic, romantic, or completely one-sided pining is up to plotting and muse chemistry.
if we are writing stucky, Bucky is the one who will be in it first.
James is incredibly anxious about dealing with Steve for many reasons, and more anxious about the possibility of infringing on Bucky’s territory.
It is one of few ships that will require Bucky’s active participation if you want James involved, because James will refuse Steve otherwise.
if we are writing steggy, it will not be eg-canon compliant
Specific to Peppers: Tony cares ( depending on point in time, deeply ) for her, but I will not expect a ship and it must be plotted out. 
They could be exes, almosts, currently dating, platonically attached, whatever we would like! But it must be plotted.
specifically for Janes: I do not automatically lead with fosterson! My default is somewhere between slow burn infatuation or mutual, friendly separation. Thor adores her in any type of relationship though, and supports her endeavors and enthusiasms
For Bucky and James, dating one of them does not mean you have to be dating the other.
It would be marginally easier depending on time and verse tho
Specifically for Natashas: I include the generality of James being at the Red Room, but we must plot about including the affair or not. It is not my default canon.
if we are defaulting to winterwidow, James is the one most familiar with her, not Bucky. James was the fronting personality when they originally met, and Bucky’s recollection of events will be hazy if present at all.
If you want to ship Nat with Bucky, it must be plotted and must account for the prior/continuing relationship with James
For Sharon, she has no romantic interest in men ( yes including Steve ).
if she ends up with a comics-inclined verse this may change but will still require heavy plotting.
I will not be ship-exclusive with any blogs
I will have mains but it’s on unofficial terms
For all my writing partners: I will happily plot ships, and details! But I won’t have an assumed prior romantic/sexual history between our muses.
Again, I know this bit is particularly long !! But it’s very necessary for my comfort and yours as a baseline of whether we might get along or not. Thank you again for pulling through all the reading; if you’re staying, awesome !! If you’re not, I’m sorry to see you go but I hope you find the writing happiness you want <3
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xangelsxdevilsx-archived · 5 years ago
🌸 Codes 🌸
Mun: Yo guys! My name is Seth(they/them/theirs) and I am from Brazil! I’ve been roleplaying for about 4 years on tumblr and some time on other platforms. I’m so fucking shy but also friendly/nerdy. So if you need to contact, please feel free!
Tumblr media
[munfaceclaim: Wrench//Watch Dogs 2 ]
Please read the codes, bio, and verses before interaction.
My muses may have certain triggers themes. Like: violence, religious terms, sexual mentions, drugs, murder, and death. If any of these topics disturb you, please don’t follow me or send hate anon. I just ask for a little civility here. Block me or avoid contact instead.
I am not native. So my English is a work in progress. Besides, I can RP in Portuguese as well.
Mun is not very good at interactions. So please forgive and let me know if I offended you in any way.
I don’t have problems RP with any fandom, OC, Multi-muses or duplicates. However, please have an about page. It gets tricky if it’s a fandom I don’t know or that I’m not used to interacting with.
I’ll not follow and unfollow: Personal blogs -  Rp blogs there are no about page and rules - Too many untrimmed posts - Too many OOC posts. (When I refer OOC posts, there is NOT vent or some specific post about the mun. I’m just trying to keep my dash as clean as possible.)
Personal blogs don’t follow me and if you follow I’ll block. I apologize for this, but I ended up having problems with some. I prefer that this doesn’t happen again. Unless, of course, you have a rp side-blog. But please, let me know as soon as you follow.
Also, don’t reblog my posts and headcanons, please! I don’t have this sort of karma reblog, but I’m not reblogging meme either. Please reblog from the source.
I’m highly selective and mutuals only. So please respect if I decline any ask, starter or even if I don’t follow back.
Yes, I have Discord. But please don’t ask me. I prefer to leave Discord to friends and some mutuals I’m interacting with a lot. But remember if you don’t have my account doesn’t mean that you are less mutual or friend, or that you are not enough. Please! It’s just because there is my comfort zone and I want to keep it a bit restricted, just that ok?
No godmoding, please.
I have a limit on how many threads can be accepted. So ask first before tagged or do some random starter. Please!
Because of the mercenary lifestyle I have, unfortunately, I’ll not be able to accept magic anons. Sorry about that.
Life is busy as hell so slow-activity here. Don’t annoy me about replying. Please be patient and wait to be answered. But if it happens to take a long time, ask me politely.
Don’t force relationships with my muses. I’ll ship x with chemistry. Pre-established relationships can be accepted, but it needs to be discussed first, please!
I’m an adult and I’ll not roleplay anything considered inappropriate with lower ages. ( Even in character!) You must be 18+ years and please don’t insist!
For smut threads, I’ll reply by a side-blog or discord. I’m fine with fade to black as well. Remember that, smut is not my priority here. It may happen but I prefer other types as well. Besides, smut threads just with mutuals that I’ve known for a long time. With new mutuals, it will take some time for this to happen. Muses and mun need to be totally comfortable for such a thing.  Even if the muses already have a pre-established relationship. Sorry about that. And of course, it’s necessary that both muns have good OOC communication.
Please tag your NSFW posts. I have a blacklist, but it does not help if you don’t tag your posts properly.
Don’t make dramas. If you have any problem, talk to mun in private. Don’t send anon hates or start a post in public. Respect and don’t be childish. Try solves the problem. If you insist, block without notice.
I’ll not accept hate anons.
If you have any triggers talk to me, please.
These rules are not absolute. There might be changes, updates or something removed at any moment.
Thanks for your time and I hope you have fun!
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beyondthetemples · 5 years ago
{{ “Be Honest” mun meme
{{ Questions list taken from here:
What would prevent you from following someone? Not trigger-tagging, or not using cuts for ns//fw scenes. (I have really intense emet*phobia, so if you don't tag for that, or won't tag for it upon request, I absolutely cannot follow. Savior catches most posts for me, even if they're not tagged, but there are just So Many Euphemisms and Various Ways to Describe It that it only works 75% of the time.)
Are aesthetics important to you? If they are, why? As far as blog theme, not really-- I just like fiddling around to find something that evokes their General Vibe, and seeing what themes other muns like! I won't judge by them though. When it comes to thread aesthetics, I actually prefer to leave them utterly unformatted and plain-text as possible. I have ADHD and Fancy Unicode and Symbols and All That makes it really hard for me to focus on what's going on in the thread, not to mention I don't have the attention span to match another mun's Styling like that. (Also, fun fact: I always have my Tumblr Dash at 75% zoom, and Dove’s theme already has text at a Very Readable Size, so nothing ever needs to be Smallified for me.)
What current rp trend do you hate? I don't think there are any I "hate", though I get confused on all the Different Verses that everyone has. (In all my years of writing fanfic, I've only ever written Exactly One (1) AU, and I never read them outside of rp. AUs just aren't my thing.)
How do you explain rp to someone in the real world? "Taking turns writing what the characters are doing." Everyone afk has been pretty supportive. (They all know I'm a writer, so like... it's Nothing New.)
Do you prefer interacting with male muses or female more? Why? I genuinely don't care either way! Guy, gal, nonbinary pal: as long as they're fun to write with, I don't mind a bit. (And Dove has no preference, either.)
Do you prefer writing male muses or female more? Why? Statistically, I have 3 female muses (4 if we count Evangeline as her own person and not just A Part of Dove Manifested)... and only 1 male. (And technically, both Srentha and Leyla are genderqueer, so it's really only Dove and Kary that are cis women.) But that's not intentional? Evangeline is feminine because Dove is feminine, and Kary was originally my girlfriend's-- if she was a male I still would've hardcore adopted him. It just kind of worked out that way. I just enjoy writing people, not gender roles.
Name any three things about the rpc that bother you. 1.) The aforementioned Verse Thing. (It doesn't really bother me, I'm just easily confused by Similar-Except-Vaguely-Different Things due to the ADHD.) 2.) Some people still don't know that godmodding isn't okay. 3.) The distaste for OCs??? I guess that doesn't exactly "bother" me either, because people are allowed to have preferences... but, I mean, I spent several years active in, and then Actually Running, a group of 1300 members on dA completely DEDICATED to OCs, and it was a blast, so I just don't understand why people don't like rping with them as much as canon characters. I personally find OCs more satisfying to explore, more surprising in every thread because you just don't know what to expect, and you have a LOT more freedom for plotting and reactions! Like! You can Shed the Constraints of Canon and Revel in your Newfound OC-Based Freedom!! Truly Become your Character's GOD!!!
What is your opinion on exclusivity? Do you practice it? Why / why not? Nah, I love the variety different muns can bring to the same muse! Other people can stay exclusive if they like. Being an OC mun, it doesn't exactly affect me. 8F
Have you ever had a bad experience with commissions? As either someone who makes them or as someone who buys them? (I don't really know how this pertains to RP?) But there was one time when someone gave me a really vague commission request, out of the blue, for a fandom I know absolutely nothing about, and just kept saying things like "Whatever you think they'd do!" when I asked for plot, characterization, or preference details... I never finished it because I Didn't Even Know how to START.
What do you know now about rp that you wish you knew when you first started? The reply doesn't have to be perfect. Or dramatic, even. Not every reply is going to shatter someone's heart or absolutely make their day. And that's perfectly okay!
Have you been involved in drama? Do you regret it? Nnnnot on Tumblr. (There was a LOT of drama amongst admins of the dA group, which strongly attributed to the decline of me RPing on dA, but I definitely do not regret standing up for myself. I do wish I'd been able to foresee it, though, and brought someone else on staff who was actually going to, you know, do the job they applied for?)
Have you ever thought about leaving rp? What caused it? What changed your mind? Never! Well not on Tumblr anyways. There was a period where my favorite partners were all going inactive, and I couldn't find anyone who wanted to interact with Dove, so of course I was despairing, wondering if I'd ever get to explore what I wanted to explore with her. But then I decided, you know what, so what if I can't find any canon Titans to advance her Tumblr timeline? I'll just fill in the blanks with fanfic canon, and work from there! Making that decision was so freeing.
Do you think rp has had a positive or negative affect on your life or you as a person? Oh, positive, absolutely. I may be too busy to really attend to it much nowadays, but my writing style has improved DRAMATICALLY, I've made so many friends, and I've learned things about Dove that I never would've discovered in the stories alone. (Or at least, it might've been discovered on a ten-year delay. 8F)
How has rp changed you personally? I was able to find fast friends, make connections with people over common interests, and my very first experience with leadership happened because I hung around a TTOC dA chatroom (because, specifically, I’d gotten ADDICTED to rp), came to love the people and characters, and decided, when the current admins had to step down, I would like to step up.
If you could change one thing about rp on tumblr, what would it be? Why? I'd like tags to stop breaking, that'd be nice. (But that’s an issue with Tumblr itself, not the rps.)
Have you ever sent a message to yourself on anon? Why? Pff, no. Mostly because if I really want something to happen, I'll either post an open, OR I'll do what I'm doing here, and just answer the questions myself. 8F I have a lot of fun doing this with headcanon question lists.
Have you ever sent hate to yourself on anon? Why? No, but that's because I'm all about learning (+spreading) positive self-talk, de-escalation, and avoiding drama. Drama doesn't serve anyone.
Do you delete anon hate or post and address it? Why? I address it and then block the sender, because I want everyone to know I don't stand for that. And I have this stubborn streak about standing up for myself, so, you know... Gotta Address It First. (And I've defended Dove from Mary Sue accusations since I started posting about her in 2006, so it doesn't bother me, but I love pointing out all the reasons that, Jack Rider voice: You Are Wrong!)
Have you ever felt pressured to write something you weren’t comfortable with? Nope, but that's because if I can't or don't want to, I'm open and transparent about it. (Not on Tumblr, anyways. There was one particular person in the dA chats that kept trying to make RPs All About His Muse, but we shut that down too.)
Have you ever followed someone because you felt like you had to, not because you wanted to? Hell no! I've never Automatically Followed Back, and it's right there in my rules, I need a little communication before I start interacting.
What would make you block someone? Anon hate, reblogging/replying to rps that don't involve them, starting their own rps on my posts, Bad Takes in the Tags, shipping something I genuinely can't stand... I use the block button pretty liberally. I just don't need that stuff in my life, in my tags, or on my dash.
Have you ever stolen something from someone else? Well I have adopted a couple of headcanons re: Canon Characters from the teentitansheadcanons blog. (Like hc that, one time, Beast Boy was a bug and someone almost squished him, so now they put all the bugs outside, just in case. I love that for some reason, so I adopted it.) And every now and again I'll see something in fanfic I like: Azarath Has Two Suns, I saw that in a fanfic and it just felt so RIGHT, so I adopted that too. But, I mean, rping as an OC, there's really not a lot I can steal. 8F
Have you ever had something stolen from you? If so, how did you handle it? Not on Tumblr, but somebody once stole a picture of Srentha from dA and used it in a random webs-page blog about their dreams? ??? I have no idea why they used him, or how they even fOUND him, but I kinda just shrugged and let it go.
Are you open to duplicates? Why / why not? (Isn't this basically the same question as "are you exclusive"? Because I have the same answer. I am, because I like seeing other muns' interpretations of the same character.)
How do you feel about vague posting? Use your own judgement for your own blog, but it's not something I do myself. If I have to vaguepost to vent something, I'll usually go on a more private blog, or at least stick it under a Read More.
Do you follow people even if they don’t follow you back? Yes! I like reading rps almost as much as I like writing them.
Do you read people’s rules before following or interacting? Always.
What is your opinion on “reblog karma” and do you practice it? I try to! Sometimes I can't figure out what to send in for the blog I get in from, but most of the time, I'll send something any time I reblog something. I really appreciate it when people send something in before reblogging from me, personally. c: (I get it if you can’t or don’t want to. But it sure is nice!)
How have you responded to popular slang used on tumblr? Do you use it in every day life? Do you use it at all? Not really, but I rarely use slang at all. Unless I'm actually talking about rp, muses, muns, etc, then I'll use those words.
Is there something you don’t know the meaning of but you haven’t asked anyone because you think it’s supposed to be general knowledge? Was there ever something you had to ask someone to explain? I'm that Ravenclaw who always asks questions as soon as I encounter I don't know, and I don't use words without knowing what they mean. Kinda defeats the purpose of words that way.
Have you ever experienced discrimination? Well, Dove has, since people have that "I don't like OCs" mindset. Or "she's related to a canon character, so she's automatically a Mary Sue". It's not as big of a Discrimination as sexism or racism, don't get me wrong! But it HAS limited our scope of interaction, and I personally think it’s a little unfair to make judgments like that.
How do you feel about personal blogs following your rp blog? Go for it.
Have you ever cried while writing a reply? Mmmmaybe once? More often my heartrate just raises a little in an exciting moment, or I write out a ten-paragraph response in a one-hour fit of delighted manic wordsmithing, but I've definitely been touched. (I'm just... not very good at crying when I'm focused on writing. 8F)
Do you read other people’s threads or do you only read your own? There's definitely a bias towards my own! (Before my EHD died, I had about a hundred and fifty rps saved as word documents.) But I also enjoy reading others' threads.
What’s one thing that other people seem to hate that doesn’t bother you? Hmm...Spelling and grammatical errors. When I was copying chat rps to word docs, I started editing the replies for readability, and that habit kinda transferred to Tumblr, so when I'm not in a hurry, or I have an Unusually Long Attention Span, when I copy the replies, sometimes I'll just edit them, but I'm not mad about it. Just got into that habit.
How do you feel about tagging triggers? Do you tag them? How do you determine what is triggering content and what isn’t? It is absolutely ESSENTIAL for me to have triggers tagged for ME, so of course I extend the same courtesy to others. I don't presume to know what triggers people; I've made it very clear that if anyone needs something tagged, they just have to ask, and I'll tag it. No questions asked. (Though if they want to vent about it, I'm open to that too.)
What advice would you give to someone new to rp? Just GO for it! I know it can be scary and intimidating and overwhelming to see a great writer and think, "Gosh I want to interact with them So Much".. .and you know what, sometimes you will get rejected. Sometimes you just won't mesh with muns. Sometimes your characters don't have a very exciting dynamic. But you'll never find those Goldmine RP Partners if you don't at least ASK.
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unkindrewind · 5 years ago
* Charlie, his setting, and plot were all developed and conceived by myself and Bunny @gcrefxed / @killerxquccn. While we’re totally fine with others adding their characters into the setting / plot, it must be discussed first by either Bunny or myself. Theft will not be tolerated and WILL be called out.
* Unless it's something applicable to our muses collectively, Please reblog memes or posts in general from the source. I'm not a resource blog and if treated as one, especially by blogs who never interact, I will soft block.
* I will NOT interact with blogs that use youtubers, social media influencers, or anime / drawn characters for their Fcs. Nothing against you, it’s just not my thing.
* I will BLOCK personal blogs that reblog, like, or follow, as I like to keep interactions here between fellow rp mutuals. If you have an rp side-blog, let me know beforehand so I dont mistake you for a non -rp personal.
* I WILL NOT interact with minors. Given the content on this blog and the fact I’m an oldie, I just feel more comfortable writing with people of age, not to mention feel more comfortable exploring the darker / horror themes of this blog with adult mutuals.
* As stated I am MUTUALS ONLY,   meaning i will only write with mutuals. While I do greatly appreciate people following and showing interest, if i dont follow back there’s genuinely no hard feelings. Its not a slight against you or in any way me thinking less of your character or taking some weird high and mighty attitude but : 1. I just get very overwhelmed with an overly busy dash and need to be a bit selective to prevent my anxiety from going nuts 2. At the time, I'm not seeing a way or know how our characters could interact. You’re more than welcome to unfollow. Alternatively please dont feel obligated to follow back if I follow first, aside from understanding this blogs content might not be for everyone, i don't believe in follow for follow. So if you're not genuinely interested in writing, I'd prefer a soft block.  If you want to interact but don't follow me, chances are I’ll say no as I take following as a sign of interest. I may take a while to follow back as my notifications on here are the worst. If I don’t follow back within a weeks time, feel free to unfollow. .
T H R E A D S  /   P L O T T I N G
*  I love plotting. If given my way I'd be plot exclusive but I know that's not everyone's cup of tea. If you're ever interested in plotting, know I am already onboard.
*  If you want to turn a meme or ask into a thread, I’d prefer to be asked before hand. Simply because sometimes its nice to have memes just be stand alone things or for fun.              
  -   Additionally I take the memes I send in to others as just memes for memes sake as well, so if you want a thread to continue off one you'll have to let me know , otherwise I'm clueless.
S H I P P I N G   /   D Y N A M I C S
As of 8/14/20 Charlie is no longer open to romantic ships with female muses specifically, and will ship only with Bunny’s female muses: Irene @gcrefxed and Sarah @killerxquccn  , with her characters being detrimental in Charlie's story and to his character. Sarah specifically has always been the love of Charlie's life with the likelihood of anyone (beyond Irene) able to come close slim to none. This in no way means I will not interact with female muses or am being exclusionary  from this point; I always want to explore the multitude of subtleties in dynamics between Charlie and muses of every gender - even female muses having feelings for charlie, flirting with him etc - but dynamics with those female leaning will not result in anything romantic. Male muses, however,  are still open to the possibility of such a dynamic as that aspect to Charlies sexuality and character hasnt been delved into and I would find really interesting to explore. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! But please respect this decision and don't try to pressure or force me to change my mind as that will result in an automatic block. I ship based on chemistry between muses, but Im also very okay with pre-established dynamics (whether that be romantic, friends with benefits, enemies, platonic, familial, whatever!) Considering that can be a bit easier thread wise for some people instead of starting from the very beginning.  As with most things, I like to talk through it beforehand. If you have anything in mind, you're more than welcome to approach me! But I also reserve the right to respectfully turn things down or offer alternate options if things don't mesh.
While I, and my muse, are of age, I’m not entirely comfortable writing smut unless it’s with a mun 1.) I know well and 2.) Is of age. So for the most part any if it all suggestive scenes will lead to a fade to black, time skip, etc.
My muse being horror related there may be some triggers here. There will be mentions, and maybe -though rarely- the occasional image, of : Blood,  Violence , Murder , Serial Killers . Knives / Bladed weapons. I will ABSOLUTELY tag NSFW material [ with the tag nsfw > ] and triggers where applicable, though if you would like me to tag something specific to your needs or if there’s something I missed, don’t hesitate to let me know and I will do so right away!
* I write under the alias Nox! ( She/Her ) and I am of age
* i am a-okay with questions, especially about my muse! if you have any about anything at all i will be more than happy to answer them the best i can! 
* Also totally fine with random IMs! despite being spacy as hell sometimes, I love talking to people. Even if we havent talked or interacted  before, doors always open. I also have discord which I'll hand out to those I chat with and ask for it.
* I am very forgetful and easily distracted! Its the ADHD / Anxiety in me, added in with my irl stuff going on. Sometimes I forget to respond to IMs, but I promise it's not me ignoring you or a sign of disinterest [if we're mutuals, Im interested]. Dont be afraid to give me a poke if i take too long.     
    - Adding onto that I also have Depression . Which tends to put me in a bad headspace not only fairly often but fairly easily and makes me a bit tentative about trying to start things with others, based on bad past experience and my own mind being a bastard and thinking most people don't want to interact with me. So I promise, if we're mutuals, even if Im not sending things, I want to interact but probably being a clown and just afraid to while admiring you from afar until I can make a move. If you want to go ahead and go for it, I highly encourage it! Your best bet would be to approach me first.
* You can also find me on my other blogs:
@rapturcd // Bioshock OC
@fullcfwoe // CAOS OCs
@synthend // Cyberpunk OC
@sxnned // Demon  OC
@disowncd // Dylan Massett from Bates Motel
@clovcn // Lucifer from CAOS
R E S P O N S E T I M E / A C T I V I T Y
As it is i have a hard time keeping muse, just the way i am sadly. i know this is something a lot of people, myself included, can find frustrating (especially when you’re really into a thread) but a fair amount of the time i may take a while to respond. as much as i love this, aside from being a hobby, i have a chronic illness that makes me exhausted most days or just not in the mood to write and not in any kind of state to type out a response you lovely people would deserve. though i will always try to quickly reply when i can.
Yes. please. send as many as you want, as often as you want. Even if we haven’t interacted, you’re free to send one my way; They can be a great place to start things off.
P O S T L E N G T H  /  F O R M A T T I N G
 * I tend to use icons and small - but not super tiny-  text,  and usually some form of para, multi-para , or novella, but it really depends on my mood etc. Though all these things can vary : If you dont use icons, I can do iconless threads. If my formatting is too small, obnoxious, or hard to read, let me know! And I'll change to whatevers easiest to read. Want something short and sweet, mostly dialogue based? I can do that too. I go with the flow
* You don’t have to match my length in posts! sometimes i can write far too much when i get really into writing (and alternatively not write enough), so don’t feel obligated or pressured to follow suit by any means! whatever you are comfortable with is totally okay! it’s not a contest, this is all for fun.
G R A P H I C S / C R E D I T
* all icons and graphics are created by me unless stated otherwise
* icon psd by plutocommissions
* border by venuscomissions
Thank you sm for taking the time to read!
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kotofvi · 5 years ago
Mobile Rules
Important Notes
My mini-muse navigation on the main bagel has links to individual bios! I did this so you can get a preview on my fucks and see if you're interested, if so then you can check out their full bio! Please note the trigger warning tags before the bios. Though not all of them will have them and some will have more than others, I make it a point to put these warnings above whatever bio needs them so you have ample warning before reading them. The links in the mobile version of the bagel are for mobile bound users! I try to make my bagels as accessible as possible!
Please specify what muse you want. If you're not sure or are indecisive, that's alright! Just please tell me "Random" and I will give you a random muse! However, if you don't tell me what muse you want or tell me to give you a random one, I get anxious because I'm not sure which one of my fucks you'd like to write with and worry if I'm writing up something for the wrong muse. So please, please, specify a muse or "Random" so we can avoid all that mess.
Since I've had this problem several times before across all my other bagels: If I've written you multiple starters and you haven't responded to a single one of them, I will not write you anymore. That is just.. Unreasonable. I will legitimately write you a starter for every single muse and you can pick and choose which ones you want to reply to, so to reply to none and then ask for another one? It just really gets under my skin and makes me question whether or not its my writing or if you just have no interest. I will rewrite a starter for you if you didn't like the one you got, no problem! So please, instead of leaving me on read, tell me if you want a different muse or a new starter. I really don't mind at all. But do not just ghost me and not tell me anything then expect me to write you more. That's just rude af, mate.
Tagging system: N.SFW = Kettledrums // (I tag everything with ___ //) If you need anything specific tagged and I don't tag it, please let me know and I'll mark it down to tag in the future!
Since I’ve had some troubles in the past about non-mutual starlings still liking starter calls or the like, I feel its necessary to address this issue first.
My lovely starlings, I will always adore you and I will come into your inbox all the time. I will send you Nonnies and HC questions. I appreciate and adore you very much! However, if I didn’t follow you back its likely because of very few reasons: 
★ I want to keep my dash neat and organized and I can’t follow you (in good conscious because I will likely unfollow you soon after) if the content spread of your bagel is a bunch of varying things that I personally wouldn’t want on my dash or have no use for. 
★  Your character is wonderful but I don’t think they could really interact well with my muse in a sense of actually interacting and not in a sense of different fandoms or the like. No, our muses don’t have to get along for us to interact but if your muse isn’t my cup of tea– Well I can’t see us interacting. 
★ Our writing won’t work well together. I read a handful of threads when I go to check out your bagel and if I feel our writing won’t work well together, I can’t follow you because I don’t want to be the asshole who follows you then never interacts with you.
★  If I have no interest in writing with your muse I won’t follow you because, again, I really don’t want to be that asshole who follows but never interacts.  
None of this is personal, okay? I love all you beautiful starlings and I really do appreciate you so much! You’re not too OOC (may I direct you to my constant bagel situation? Look at all that endless OOC.) You’re not a bad writer. You’re not anything bad at all! These are just my preferences! 
This doesn’t mean we can never talk or interact, though! But here’s the rule of thumb:
★  Please do not send me asks or the like with Memes that aren’t relative to drabbles or HCs. Please do not send me asks or the like with inquiry to thread! I don’t want to have to tell you no, I’m really really bad at saying no, okay? And when I don’t say no, but I want to say no, I end up dropping threads and then no one feels good. Which is really not okay because I don’t want either of us not havin’ a good time!
I take great measures to check your bagel out! I’ll read your writing, check all your pages and I’ll basically stalk your bagel for a bit before I decide on following you or not. 
Please note though: Sometimes I can take a while to get to checking you out! This is because tumblr doesn’t notify me, I’m too busy working or I didn’t see the number change concerning my followers! Typically I’ll post when I’m checking new starlings out though! 
If you’re going to follow me, please note that I do tag everything as extensively as possible. If you need something tagged with a custom tag, please let me know! I’ll take care of it! 
Tagging in general: I always tag all forms of NSFW (Nudity, Violence, etc) as “Kettledrums //“  and I always tag Water, Blades, Eye contact, Scars and other things as “water //” etc.
If I unfollow you, don’t come at me asking why. Don’t come at me interrogating me for reasons as to why I unfollowed you. If we’re close friends or if we’ve always been following each other and suddenly I’m not following you, then yes, please IM me because I’m p sure that tumblr fucked up somewhere there.
But if not? Don’t come at me with that please. I am a very anxious person and I really don’t want to have to deal with that. 
The same goes for you unfollowing me though! I won’t come at you for it! Its your decision who you follow, not mine! I understand completely and you do you sugar! 
My threads vary in length but generally they tend to get long all on their own. Even if it starts off with just a sentence or something, it usually evolves into paragraphs within a few replies. 
I don’t mind length matching. You don’t have to match my length and you definitely don’t have to try to make it longer just to keep up. I want you to have fun writing and if you can only give me two paras on a three or four para reply, that’s fine. However, if I’ve given you six paragraphs and you only give me one, I’m likely to lose interest in the thread unless I’m told that you’re having writer’s block or something.
The reason for that is because when the reply length drops that dramatically, it makes me feel as though you have no interest in it. If I think you don’t have any interest in it, I’m not going to make you continue it. If you want to drop a thread with me, let me know! We can always have a thousand threads and only ever really do two of them. I mean, it happens a lot pfft. 
The point is: Relax. Threads are meant to be fun after all! 
PLEASE DO NOT EQUATE ME TO MY MUSE. However, whatever similarities may arise between us: I AM NOT MY MUSE. Anything they may do or say is not necessarily supported by me. 
I am multi-ship but I ship on chemistry. We can talk about shipping our muses all day long though! If you wanna ship with me, let me know! Just kick my inbox door down and say “HEY FUCKFACE LETS SHIP” and I will be down for discussing it! 
Shipping is not just Romantics here either. Platonic ships such as Familial, Best friends, etc. Hateful ships too. There’s various ways to ship, romanticism isn’t the only way. 
If you drop your ship with me, that is perfectly alright and I understand completely. Sometimes things change somewhere along the line and the ship doesn’t work anymore! 
Please note: ANY UNDERAGE MUSE / MUN WILL NOT BE INCLUDED IN ANY NSFW / SMUT WRITING. I will not write it with my underage muses and I definitely will not with underage muns, I do not wanna go to jail, thank you.
Don’t come here with any Anti bullshit. If you follow me and you’re an Anti, I’ve probably already blocked you. I don’t allow unneeded drama and bullshit here and I will protect anyone who follows me from it by keeping that shit off my bagel.
If you send me anon hate or anti ask bullshit, I will report and block you. NO ANTIS ALLOWED HERE. I’m not down with that life and this is a NO DRAMA ZONE. You bring it here, you’re INSTANTLY BLOCKED. I won’t answer you, I won’t respond nor react– I’ll just delete it, block you, report you and move on. Ain’t no one got time for that.  Beyond that: I welcome you with open arms!
The general Do(s)
★  Message me if you are interested in my muse! 
★  Send me memes when I reblogged them! 
★  Tag / Mention me in anything! 
★  Ship with me! If there’s chemistry, I am down! Even if it’s unrequited or anything of that sort! I mean, dang, ship in platonics! Do the thing my friend!
★ Ask me anything your little heart desires, even if it’s just some help or advice you need! 
★ Like/Reblog my roleplays if you are involved in it!
★  Send headcanons or drabble prompts! I’d love to hear them and hell, will probably accept them! 
★  Interact with me even if you’re from another fandom! 
★  Interact with me even if you’re an OC! 
★  Interact with me even if you’re a multiblog!
★  Interact with me! Just do it friend! I do not bite!!
The general Don’t(s)
★ Attempt to write smut with me if you are underaged. Mun is above 18 and would really rather not go to jail!
★  Expect me to follow you back once you followed me! Truly, I usually do follow back, but I also take the time to read every page on someone’s blog to see if I’m interested! It wouldn’t be fair to anyone if I just followed them back and never interacted with them due to lack of interest! Not to say that your muse(s) aren’t great, they’re just not my cup of tea!
★  Expect me to be my muse.
★  Expect me to solve every problem on my own. If we’re interacting with each other and run into a problem, I want to be able to communicate with you and solve it together! While I am an agile problem solver, I can’t do it on my own because it risks upsetting you by accident if I do something wrong! 
★  Assume I’ll ship with you just because I’m Multiship. I am multiship, but I ship upon chemistry! 
★  Guilt trip me into replies! I do them as quickly as I can and I try my very best! Please do poke at me if you feel I’ve missed it, but don’t give me hell for it, okay?
★  Message me and corner me into doing something I’m uncomfortable with. While I’m pretty laid back and am up for just about anything, if I express that I’m uncomfortable, please respect that! 
★  Bring me unneeded drama! I’m here to have fun, not bitch at people over the net, y'know?
★ Bring your “Anti” bullshit here. I’m not about that life.
Main images on this bagel by by Len-Yan.
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rapturcd · 6 years ago
- DISCLAIMER: This blog is SUPER glitchy for me. Why? Who can say other than this place is a hellsite. I might at some point have to try out moving to a new account depending on how bad it gets. I have a lot of issues with my notifications and follower count, so there might be a very good chance I might miss something or miss you following me, though I do try to check where Tumblr will actually allow me. If that’s the case, please don’t be afraid to send me a nudge through IMs! 
- I’m on the fence as to whether I’ll include other non-Bioshock related verses.  Considering the rpc for the game is nearly non-existent on here, probably be the smarter choice, but currently, it’s a no. Nick’s story is so heavily intertwined with that of the first two Bioshock games, I cant picture his character being in other verses and it having as much impact.  This could change in the future or if something is heavily plotted out.  Overall if you want to interact, it will have to be within the world of Rapture.  But - you are more than welcome to hmu or approach me with something if you have an idea.
- Reblog memes and the like from the source please. My notifications are already wonky
- I will NOT interact with blogs that use youtubers, social media influencers, or anime / drawn characters for their Fcs. Nothing against you, it’s just not my thing.
- I will BLOCK personal blogs that reblog or follow, as I like to keep interactions here between fellow rp mutuals.
- As stated this blog is SELECTIVE, meaning i will only write with mutuals. if i dont follow back there’s genuinely no hard feelings, I just get very overwhelmed with an overly busy dash and need to be a bit selective to prevent my anxiety from going nuts. you’re more than welcome to unfollow. though its very much a mutual thing; if you want to interact but dont follow me, chances are I’ll say no as I take following as a sign of interest. I may take a while to follow back as my notifications on here are the worst. If I don’t follow back within a weeks time, feel free to unfollow.
S M U T:
-  While I, and my muse, are of age, I’m not entirely comfortable writing smut unless it’s with a mun 1.) I know well and 2.) Is of age. Nick lies more on the romantic spectrum than outright sexual. So for the most part any if it all suggestive scenes will lead to a fade to black.
T R I G G E R S:
- The world of Bioshock is horrific and in many ways gross, and Nicks story is no cake walk. There will be mentions, and maybe the occasional image, of : Blood, Violence , Medical related subjects, Imprisonment,   Torture, Needles / Injections , Mutation , Mental Illness , Child Abuse , Terrorism , & Riots / Civil War. I will ABSOLUTELY tag NSFW material  and triggers where applicable, though if you would like me to tag something specific to your needs or if there’s something I missed, don’t hesitate to let me know and I will do so right away!
M U N:
- I write under the alias Nox! ( She/Her ) and I am of age.
- i am a-okay with questions, especially about my muse! if you have any about anything at all i will be more than happy to answer them the best i can! Also totally fine with random IMs even if we havent talked before so hmu.
- usually, i dont drop threads, but if for whatever the reason i do, i will always let you know beforehand and would hope that courtesy would extend to me as well if you decide to drop one.
- if you want to turn a meme or ask into a thread, I’d prefer to be asked before hand. simply because sometimes its nice to have memes just be memes for the fun of it you get me.
R E S P O N S E  T I M E / A C T I V I T Y:
- As it is i have a hard time keeping muse, just the way i am sadly. i know this is something a lot of people, myself included, can find frustrating (especially when you’re really into a thread) but a fair amount of the time i may take a while to respond. as much as i love this, aside from being a hobby, i have a chronic illness that makes me exhausted most days or just not in the mood to write and not in any kind of state to type out a response you lovely people would deserve. though i will always try to quickly reply when i can.
M E M E S:
- Yes. please. send as many as you want, as often as you want. Even if we haven’t interacted, you’re free to send one my way; They can be a great place to start things off.
P O S T  L E N G T H:
- You don’t have to match my length in posts! sometimes i can write far too much when i get really into writing (and alternatively not write enough), so don’t feel obligated or pressured to follow suit by any means! whatever you are comfortable with is totally okay! it’s not a contest, this is all for fun.
G R A P H I C S  /  C R E D I T:
- all icons and graphics are created by me unless stated otherwise
- psd (heavily edited) originally by kingsleigh
- icon border ( edited) originally by jaynedits
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